dr-anadeep-chandi · 8 months
Can Sleep Disturbance effect your fertility?
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
Writing about it more in my diary but all three of my parents were the first or second generation to get out of like "half your siblings die of malnutrition and nobody can afford shoes" poverty and the Family Lore was people got out by being unusually clever & cunning & having exceptionally charming, smooth, code-switching social skills, & a lot of the shit that got projected onto me & ~done to me~ was anxiety that my very evident slowness/special-ed-level intellectual disability/poor social skills would result in a kind of backslide toward subsistence poverty because I wouldn't get into college or be able to hack it in the white-collar world. I couldn't for a long time and haven't but my life is fine. I wish they'd read Kropotkin and try to build relationships with other people. Idk
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selfdiscoverymedia · 3 months
YH24-28. Karin Sauren, on Down Syndrome Health
Your Health is Your Choice with Sara Troy and her guest Karin Sauren-Bakkers, on air from July 9th When our son Wesley was born with Down Syndrome, we were quickly informed about all the possible health challenges he could face. In my journey I have been searching for natural ways to optimize his health and wellness and not take the health issues for granted as being part of Down Syndrome. I…
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lisablack000 · 2 years
Depression, Resilience & the Hope Molecule.
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thechronicpaingame · 3 months
It is so frustrating having appointments not come in. I saw neuro 2 years ago, he said he'd see me again after 3 months. I saw cardio in February, he said he'd see me again in 3 months (and my GP won't start my POTS medication because my endocrine team haven't even responded to whether I can take the medication they want me on (fludrocortisone) - like, surely they can at least try and communicate with each other. One email. So now I'm going to have to ring endocrine nurses (I do feel like I need another synacthen test anyway) and find out whether I can take fludro, and then either try and get my GP to start based on that OR chase up cardio. Why is having ill health a full time job?
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malikselfindulgence · 11 months
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QUICKDROP YOUR BNHA SONA WHILE BLAZE ISNT LOOKINGC!!!!! Dating Shinso because imsuch a loser 4 shinso and in a qpr with Mina and Kirishima :3
She can manipulate neuro-transmitters by touch- whether in neurons, controlling the nervous system, or in cell membranes, controlling the endocrine system :3 with drawbacks ofc!
His. Hero name is Neuro because she asked for suggestions nd Mina went "well it's gotta be neuro related right? So maybe-" and Rose [not fucking listening] went "Oh Neuro ? OK that's my hero Name Now . Thank yoy Mina 👍"
HWHBHE I JUST REALISED HE CAN MAKE HER OWN HRT?? Lmao Shinso goes to Rose's dorm every sunday night for his weekly T-shot
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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Hidden deep within your brain the pineal gland is regulating daily and seasonal rhythms in response to sunlight. Unfortunately, accumulating neurotoxicity, inflammation, and calcification, is silently crushing this critical gland.
Pineal Purpose
The pineal-body is a pea-size pinecone-shaped endocrine gland weighing just 0.1g and floating in its own pool of cerebrospinal fluid, above the roof of your mouth. It contains photoreceptive cells that switch on, and off, hormone and neurotransmitter production on or off in response to sunlight.
Seeds, greens, avocados, and burro bananas - make sure you fuel pineal production. Dr. Sebi taught us that “Real Soul food is food that enhances the Soul, our central Sun, our carbon. Fruits, vegetables, grains, this is REAL food.”
Master Conductor
The pineal gland controls other endocrine glands, interlinking the brain with the body via hormones and neurotransmitters. Acting like a biological-clock, the pineal gland coordinates our interaction with the sun:
Rhythms: sleep and wake cycles, seasonal responses.
Reproduction: fertility levels and sex hormone production.
Regulation: growth, body temperature, and blood pressure.
Immune: activation, tumor suppression, cell rejuvenation.
Neurotoxins and Calcification
Toxins cause inflammation, reduce mental efficiency, and deregulate hormone production. Sleep disorders, depression, and neurodegeneration (e.g. Alzheimer’s) are all associated with calcification of the pineal gland.
Deposits of chalky calcium restrict the gland, reduce its size, and impede the production of neuro-endocrine substances. The pattern of pineal calcification is similar to teeth-enamel, and fluoridation (water and toothpaste) is linked to the destruction of this enigmatic gland.
Detoxification, Relaxation, and Nutrition
Chronic inflammation causes calcification. Reducing exposure to inflammatory neurotoxins begins to restore the correct mineral balance, and decalcify the pineal gland:
Fluoride: highest concentration in the body found in calcified tissue in the pineal gland.
Chlorine: public water is bleached with chlorine, associated with neurological birth defects.
Aluminum: leaches from pots, pans, and foil, associated with plaques seen in Alzheimer’s.
Sugar & chemical sweeteners: over-stimulate and damage neurons, reduce dopamine.
MSG & derivatives: confusingly labeled, many processed foods include this neurotoxin.
Endotoxins: bad bacteria in the gut produce toxins that inflame the gut and brain.
Stress: prolonged fear is toxic, causes the amygdala to shrink, and emotional fatigue.
The next step is supporting the brain to clear the waste and rejuvenate:
Sleep: at night the brain is ‘washed’ clean, detoxified, and replenished with nutrients.
Hydration: to bathe the brain and pineal gland you need to keep fluids flowing.
Meditation: like exercise for the brain, rewires, and strengthens your emotional health.
Berries (except cranberry): reduce free radical damage and nourish with flavonoids.
Coconut oil: alternative fuel for the brain which produces less oxidative damage.
Apples, seeded grapes & prunes: are high in boron which naturally displaces fluoride.
Tamarind: increases fluoride output in urine, helps retain zinc and magnesium. Fresh organic tamarind pulp or paste is easily mixed with water into a sweet and sour flavored drink, add a little agave if the taste is too lip-puckering!
•Dr. Sebi
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Excerpt from this story from Grist:
Demand for steel is on the rise globally, driven by population growth and the expanding economies in developing nations. The material will also be important to the green energy transition, forming the backbone of infrastructure like wind turbines, solar panels, and hydroelectric dams. Every part of the steel supply chain is heavily polluting, and the places in the U.S. where the steel industry is concentrated are disproportionately low-income and nonwhite, highlighting yet another instance in which the promises of development and climate solutions come at a steeper cost for some communities. What’s more, the country’s steel production is dominated by just two companies: U.S. Steel and Cleveland Cliffs. 
For both companies, much of their production begins with taconite, a low-grade iron ore mined in the northeast Minnesota’s Mesabi Iron Range, which is processed into pellets that get shipped to the steel mills of Gary, Indiana. The extraction of the ore from taconite rock releases a slew of toxic pollutants into the air, including mercury, lead, and dioxins. In this region, the most concerning of these emissions is mercury. 
Studies have connected mercury to a litany of negative health effects. It’s a neurotoxin that can interfere with brain development in unborn children and an endocrine disruptor that can weaken the immune system. Scientists have yet to determine a quantity of mercury that is safe for human consumption. One recent study found that there is “no evidence” for a threshold “below which neuro-developmental effects do not occur.” And while the taconite industry releases less than a ton of mercury into the atmosphere every year, the metal is toxic in extremely small quantities: A fraction of a teaspoon can contaminate a 20-acre lake. 
The nation’s six taconite plants, all in this region of Minnesota, are owned by U.S. Steel and Cleveland Cliffs. In May 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency proposed a regulation that would require the companies to cut their mercury emissions by around 30 percent. In order to meet that standard, the companies would have to install equipment that would inject carbon atoms into their industrial chimneys so that the carbon would attach itself to the mercury atoms, making the pollution particles bigger and allowing them to get trapped in a filter before they would be released into the atmosphere. The agency estimates that its regulation would cost the industry $106 million in capital costs and $68 million per year thereafter. 
Last month, when the standards were finalized, both companies sued. They argue that the regulation would pose “irreparable harm” to the industry, because of the steep costs of implementation. They also argue that the EPA’s proposed method for reducing mercury pollution would actually be worse for public health, causing a 13 percent increase in the amount of the toxic metal deposited in the local environment. 
Jim Pew, a lawyer at Earthjustice who has litigated multiple lawsuits against the EPA for its failure to curb pollution from the taconite industry, pointed out that the costs of implementing the required equipment would be a tiny fraction of the companies’ annual sales, which totaled $40 billion in 2023. Pew noted that U.S. Steel recently initiated a $500 million stock buyback program, the mark of a healthy income revenue stream. As for the companies’ claim that the technology would increase mercury pollution, Pew called it “meritless.” The companies are “relying on a premise they know to be false” — that taconite plants would add the carbon technology without also improving their filtration system. 
“I find this reprehensible and shameful,” Pew said. “While it’s claiming that it can’t spend money to clean up historic pollution, U.S. Steel is just handing out money to its shareholders.” 
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Cet examen est réalisé pour diagnostiquer certaines tumeurs neuro-endocrines bien différenciées et de préciser leur extension.
Elles sont situées le plus souvent au niveau du tube digestif ou du pancréas et sécrètent des hormones spécifiques.
Comment prendre OCTREOSCAN :
Adulte et population âgée
Pour la tomoscintigraphie monophotonique (TEMP), l'activité à injecter dépend de l'équipement dont on dispose. En général pour un adulte de 70 kg, une activité de 110 à 220 MBq administrée en une seule injection intraveineuse est suffisante. D'autres activités peuvent être injectées si justifié.
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stuckinapril · 2 years
Med school and residency shove a lot of information at you at once. From the friends I have currently going through the process, it’s a battle to keep your ability to think outside of the box.
If you have a patient with a complicated case that didn’t just WebMD possibilities over the weekend, but their potential causes don’t fit the “textbook diagnosis,” it might be worth looking into their suggested diagnosis.
I was told for four years that “there was no way I lost any endocrine function because I didn’t lose consciousness from my TBI. It only happens in severe cases.”
Four years without the estrogen necessary to keep my heart and reproductive organs healthy. Four years without the testosterone to build muscle, damaging my joints because I “just needed to exercise to feel better.” Four years without proper thyroid replacement, because endocrinologists only focus on thyroid treatment/diabetes or sex hormones, never both.
An osteopath finally got my hormones and my ability to function somewhat normally back because she listened. She considered that the area in front of my pituitary gland had taken the brunt of the force, so it was totally possible for a structural issue with the stalk to create signaling problems a normal MRI wouldn’t be able to find. She examined how I passed out for, essentially, two days straight, and had no memory of the next three months to conclude my injury was more severe than the ER wrote in their report. That wasn’t a shocker—the ER Resident had to have the nurse do the neuro exam because he couldn’t remember what questions to ask and which reflexes he had to test.
Long story short: if you get a patient with some kind of chronic or complex issue, and they’ve been trying to heal for a while, you may be able to help them avoid needless suffering by listening to what they have to say and using your own critical thinking skills to consider diagnoses outside of the norm.
my jaw literally dropped reading this. thank you so much for this ask. i'll definitely carry this story with me as i progress through my medical journey.
out of curiosity, are you also in the medical field, or just know friends who are?
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truepdf · 2 years
Working with Kundalini: An Experiential Guide to the Process of Awakening
Description: A guide to moving gracefully through the 3-phase process of Kundalini awakening
• Explains the three phases of Kundalini awakening, the effects of pre-Kundalini and neuro-Kundalini, and Kundalini’s connection to the chakras and the spiritual heart
• Describes the physical, emotional, and spiritual effects of Kundalini energy, including the rerouting of digestive fire, which can lead to food allergies and sensitivities
• Explores supportive dietary and alternative health modalities, including fasting, paleo, keto, vegetarian, and mono diets, herbal allies, and meditation
Kundalini awakenings can have profound physical, emotional, and mental effects, making it difficult to cope with everyday life, yet these powerful awakenings can also allow you to release past trauma, see past the illusions of the false self, and awaken your spiritual heart, enabling you to recognize the divine self.
In this step-by-step guide to the 3-phase process of Kundalini awakening, Mary Shutan delivers practical information on how to deal with such a spiritual emergence in our modern world. Starting with her own story, she describes the nature of Kundalini energy, the reasons for the energy rising, and the connection to the chakra system. Debunking the myths associated with Kundalini awakening, she explains how the first phase of Kundalini rising involves a surging up of fire–the fire of purification. It releases the past, liberates you from past bondages and beliefs, and disrupts the neuro-endocrine systems of the body. The second phase involves expansive experiences of ecstasy, peace, bliss, and emptiness states as the upper chakras open, greater perspective on life comes in, and you connect with cosmic consciousness. The third phase, the opening of the spiritual heart, is a shift from upward-flowing energy to a downward flow of grace into the heart center, leading to compassion, re-anchoring in the world, and the embodiment of light.
Exploring how Kundalini profoundly rewires the physical body and the mind, the author describes the rerouting of digestive fire during the rising of Kundalini energy. She explores the relationship between Kundalini and food allergies and sensitivities as well as supportive dietary and alternative health modalities, including fasting; paleo, keto, vegetarian, vegan, and mono diets; herbal allies; and mineral supplements. She also explores sexual practices that may help or hinder the process and meditation techniques to facilitate Kundalini awakening during each phase.
Providing detailed guidance for each phase of Kundalini awakening, this experiential guide supports you as you transform not only emotionally and spiritually but also physically and socially into your divine self.
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twiainsurancegroup · 6 months
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latestgovtjobnews · 9 months
Sanjay Gandhi Institute, Lucknow seeks faculty; Indian applicants only. Apply by January 22, 2024, for multiple departments.
New Post has been published on https://www.jobsarkari.in/sanjay-gandhi-institute-lucknow-seeks-faculty-indian-applicants-only-apply-by-january-22-2024-for-multiple-departments/
Sanjay Gandhi Institute, Lucknow seeks faculty; Indian applicants only. Apply by January 22, 2024, for multiple departments.
The Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences in Lucknow is accepting applications from Indian citizens for faculty positions. The available positions include Professor, Additional Professors, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors in various departments. The last date to submit a hard copy of the application is January 22, 2024. The web link to view the detailed advertisement is www.sgpgims.org.in. The positions offer different pay levels ranging from Rs.101,500 to Rs.220,400. There are vacancies in departments such as Obs & Gynae, Endocrine Surgery, Anesthesiology, Oto-Rhino Laryngology, Clinical Immunology, Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology, Plastic Surgery & Burns, Pulmonary Medicine, Pathology, Microbiology, Urology, Radio-diagnosis, Radiotherapy, Hospital Administration, Hematology, and Hepatobiliary Diseases & Liver Transplant Unit. Candidates who have previously applied for positions in the department of Hepatobiliary Diseases & Liver Transplant Unit need not apply again.
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences is inviting applications for various faculty positions.
The last date for receipt of hard copy of applications is 22.01.2024.
The institute is looking to fill positions in different departments and specialties.
The salary range for the positions varies from Rs. 101,500 to Rs. 220,400.
Candidates who have already applied for certain positions need not apply again.
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences is hiring Indian citizens for faculty positions
Application deadline: January 22, 2024
Positions Available
Additional Professors
Associate Professors
Assistant Professors
Application Deadline
Last date for receipt of hard copy of application: January 22, 2024
Departments and Specialties
Obs & Gynae (ATC)
Endocrine Surgery
Emergency Medicine
Oto-Rhino Laryngology (ATC)
Clinical Immunology
Critical Care Medicine
Nuclear Medicine
Departments and Specialties (cont.)
Neurology (Neuro-Chemistry)
Nephrology (Transplant Immuno-Genectics)
Plastic Surgery & Burns
Pulmonary Medicine
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Departments and Specialties (cont.)
Pediatric Surgical Super Specialties
Biostatics & Health Informatics
Molecular Medicine & Biotechnology
Maternal & Reproductive Health
Medical Gastroenterology
Medical Genetics
Departments and Specialties (cont.)
Urology (Renal Transplant)
Hospital Administration
Hematology (Clinical)
Hepatobiliary Diseases & Liver Transplant Unit (Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery)
Salary Range
Level-12: Rs. 101,500/-
Level-13A-1: Rs. 138,300/-
Level-13A-2: Rs. 148,200/-
Level-14 A: Rs. 168,900/- to Rs. 167,400/-
Level-15: Rs. 209,200/- to Rs. 211,400/-
Level-16: Rs. 220,400/-
Reminder for Certain Candidates
Candidates who have already applied for certain positions need not apply again
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences is hiring faculty members
Application deadline: January 22, 2024
Various departments and specialties available
Salary range from Rs. 101,500 to Rs. 220,400
Apply Now!
Submit your application before January 22, 2024
Join Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences and contribute to medical education and research
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yoladabrowskii · 10 months
Chiropractic Care for Golfers- Enhancing Your Swing and Game
In the picturesque landscapes of Northern California, where rolling greens meet clear blue skies, golfers find solace in the challenging yet serene sport of golf. A golfer's journey towards mastering the game is often a quest for perfection, where every swing and putt holds the promise of improvement. In this age of fitness and wellness, golfers are increasingly turning to chiropractic care to elevate their performance on the course.
Yola Dabrowski
Meet Yola Dabrowski, a chiropractic expert with a unique background in healthcare consulting, whose holistic approach has been transforming the game for golfers.
Based in Northern California, Yola Dabrowski's journey into the world of chiropractic care is one marked by dedication and a commitment to holistic well-being. Her career began as a chiropractic associate at a San Jose practice, where she spent seven years honing her skills in the art of healing through holistic modalities. Dr. Dabrowski's comprehensive care encompassed spinal adjustments, physical therapy modalities, and neuromuscular rehabilitation, offering patients a well-rounded approach to recovery and well-being.
What sets Dr. Dabrowski apart is her deep understanding of the interconnectedness of health and how it impacts performance. She worked closely with her patients, not only to alleviate pain but also to enhance their lifestyles through improved nutrition and exercise. In her quest to provide the best care possible, she delved into the intricacies of health and wellness, earning a biology degree magna cum laude from the University of Michigan and subsequently obtaining her chiropractic degree from the esteemed Palmer College of Chiropractic West.
To further expand her knowledge and expertise, Yola Dabrowski embarked on a journey of continuous learning. Through Apex Seminars, she completed extensive coursework that delved into the fundamentals of brain and blood chemistry, as well as the aging and development of the brain. Her areas of focus extended to environmental triggers of the neuro-immuno-endocrine system, thyroid function, and issues related to food sensitivities. This comprehensive understanding of the body's intricate systems has allowed her to provide a level of care that goes beyond the ordinary, helping her patients achieve not only physical well-being but also peak performance.
Beyond her professional life, Dr. Dabrowski possesses a lifelong passion for music, having played the oboe, piano, and violin in the Detroit Youth Symphony Orchestra. This appreciation for harmony and precision in music has seamlessly transcended into her chiropractic practice. Just as a well-composed symphony relies on the precise arrangement of notes, a golfer's swing relies on the precise alignment of their body. Dr. Dabrowski's unique perspective from her musical background allows her to fine-tune a golfer's body, helping them achieve a swing that is not only powerful but also fluid and effortless.
Reflecting her family roots, Dr. Dabrowski also has a strong interest in folklore and other aspects of Polish culture. This cultural connection adds another layer of depth to her approach, as she incorporates elements of tradition and wisdom into her practice.
So, how can chiropractic care benefit golfers, and how can you work with a chiropractor like Yola Dabrowski to improve your overall game?
Enhanced Flexibility and Range of Motion. Golf is a sport that demands flexibility and a full range of motion in the joints and muscles. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help golfers maintain their flexibility, preventing injuries and ensuring a smoother, more fluid swing.
Improved Posture. Proper posture is essential for a consistent and powerful golf swing. Chiropractors can identify and correct any postural issues, ensuring that golfers maintain the right stance and alignment throughout their game.
Pain Management. Golfers often suffer from back, neck, and shoulder pain due to the repetitive nature of the sport. Chiropractic care can alleviate these issues, allowing golfers to play pain-free and focus on their game.
Optimal Nervous System Function. Chiropractic adjustments promote optimal nervous system function, which is crucial for coordination and muscle control. This can lead to improved accuracy and control in your golf game.
Customized Rehabilitation Programs. Chiropractors like Dr. Dabrowski can create personalized rehabilitation programs to address specific issues or injuries. These programs may include exercises, stretches, and nutritional guidance to support your overall well-being.
Mental Clarity and Focus. Chiropractic care is not just about physical adjustments. It also promotes mental clarity and focus. Golfers who receive chiropractic care often report improved concentration and a better ability to stay in the zone during their rounds.
Now, let's explore how you can work with a chiropractor like Dr. Dabrowski to improve your golf game.
Schedule Regular Check-Ups. Just as you have a golf instructor to fine-tune your swing, consider a chiropractor as your body's instructor. Regular check-ups can help you maintain your physical condition and address any issues before they become serious.
Communicate Your Goals. When you consult with a chiropractor, be sure to communicate your golfing goals. Whether it's improving your swing, reducing pain, or increasing your stamina, a chiropractor can tailor their care to align with your objectives.
Follow the Recommended Plan. Chiropractors often provide a treatment plan that includes adjustments, exercises, and lifestyle recommendations. It's essential to follow this plan diligently to see the best results.
Seek Preventive Care. Don't wait until you're in pain to see a chiropractor. Regular preventive care can help you avoid injuries and maintain peak performance.
Combine Chiropractic Care with Other Wellness Practices. Chiropractic care is just one piece of the puzzle. Combine it with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and mental training to optimize your golf game further.
The journey to becoming a better golfer involves more than just perfecting your swing on the course. It's about taking care of your body and mind, ensuring that you are in the best possible shape to tackle the challenges of the game. Chiropractic care, especially when guided by experts like Yola Dabrowski, offers golfers a holistic approach to improving their game.
By addressing physical and mental aspects, golfers can experience a transformation in their performance that goes beyond the fairways and greens of Northern California, unlocking their true potential as athletes. So, don't just chase the ball; chase your best self on the golf course with the help of chiropractic care.
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malikselfindulgence · 11 months
Oh i just remembered!!I'm also a Bnha selfshipper :3 My romantic f/os are Dabi,Fuyumi,Natsuo,Jin,Rumi and Taishiro,my familial f/os are Momo,Toshinori and Eri and platonic f/os are Mina,Jirou,Lock Rock,Moe and Kirishima!!My s/i is Makoto Yaoyorozu,Momo's 24/25 year old older sibling who has the quirk 'Lightdrop' that gives him the ability to control light but only the natural kind(so no lightbulbs or anything)and his hero name is Beam!!He's a pastel tomboy,a gamer and weirdboygirl who's super kind,bubbly and a little shit sometimes who's a team parent!I'll send a picrew of him in a sec :3
HOW ARE YOU ALWAYS SO REAL WITH YOUR SELF INSERTS gathering the todorokis all into a giant basket. I love being an older sibling to my favs that is so real of you <3 I HEART WEIRDBOYGIRLS MAKOTO YOU DESERVE THE WORLLDD!!!! AND AAGHCH THE QUIRK IS SOO FUCKIN COOL??? does that mean he can create illusions ?? Does he control the wavelength of light ?? PONDERS .....
my bnha self insert I need to revamp them Tbh . But his quirk was controlling neuro-transmitters so she could control the nervous system or the endocrine system but working on neurons could make her own mess up a lot so xe was always rlly Twitchy .... and if he keeps it up too long her own body starts mistaking sending the signals to another's body to his Own so it starts affecting him too :3 IM GONNA DOODLE XEM RLLY QUICK TO REPLY TO YOUR OTHER ASK IF THATS OK!!! I FUCKIN LOVE SELF INSERTS ARRGRGRG
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bianca-alexander88 · 11 months
Psychoneuroimmunology: Your thoughts and feelings (psycho) influence your brain (neuro) which influences the endocrine hormones that affect your disease-fight immune system (immuno). This subfield of behavioural medicine is the study of (ology) those interactions. 
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