#neural oscillations
anftherapy · 7 months
🧠 Dive into the fascinating world of neural oscillations! Neurons aren’t just cells; they’re the rhythmic pulse of our body, creating frequencies that resonate through every tissue, organ, and gland.
With billions of unique neuronal types, the diversity in neural activity is astonishing. But what happens when these crucial oscillations are disrupted?
From disorders to immune response impairments, the balance of our physiological functions hangs in the balance. That’s where ANF Therapy® comes in, employing cutting-edge device technology to fine-tune these neural frequencies and restore our body’s harmony.
🔬 Discover how ANF Therapy® targets everything from chronic inflammation to pain relief, employing a range of devices, each fine-tuned to different neuronal frequencies. It’s not just therapy; it’s a revolution in understanding and harnessing our body’s own neural network.
Experience immediate results, from optimized organ function to pain reduction, all thanks to the normalization of neural oscillations. Ready to see the science in action?
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strikeanothermatch · 1 year
Mild social shame works, unfortunately! The other week someone at a party was like "oh wow is that actually a juul" and now I'm quitting for real
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geejaysmith · 2 years
“Are you saying you’ve programmed a way to modify gamma waves?”
“Right, which means we’ll have a much faster virtualization.”
Hey I know you two are just doing technobabble to fill time, but I do hope you were referring to the pattern of neural activity and not like, gamma rays. Because I can see how gamma rays would help with breaking down your atoms to turn you into data, but the implications of a bunch of 13/14-year-olds doing that to themselves on a regular basis is very. Hm. Hmmmm.
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covid-safer-hotties · 25 days
Alzheimer's-like brain changes found in long COVID patients - Published Sept 2, 2024
New research from the University of Kentucky's Sanders-Brown Center on Aging shows compelling evidence that the cognitive impairments observed in long COVID patients share striking similarities with those seen in Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
The study, published in Alzheimer's & Dementia, highlights a potential commonality in brain disorders across these conditions that could pave the way for new avenues in research and treatment.
The study was a global effort, and brought together experts from various fields of neuroscience. Researchers at the UK College of Medicine led the study, including Yang Jiang, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Behavioral Science; Chris Norris, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences; and Bob Sompol, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences. Their work focuses on electrophysiology, neuroinflammation, astrocytes and synaptic functions.
"This project benefited greatly from interdisciplinary collaboration," Jiang said. "We had input from experts, associated with the Alzheimer's Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART), across six countries, including the U.S., Turkey, Ireland, Italy, Argentina and Chile."
Jiang and the collaborative team focused their work on understanding the "brain fog" that many COVID-19 survivors experience, even months after recovering from the virus. This fog includes memory problems, confusion and difficulty concentrating. According to Jiang, "The slowing and abnormality of intrinsic brain activity in COVID-19 patients resemble those seen in Alzheimer's and related dementias."
This research sheds light on the connection between the two conditions, suggesting that they may share underlying biological mechanisms. Both long COVID and Alzheimer's disease involve neuroinflammation, the activation of brain support cells known as astrocytes and abnormal brain activity. These factors can lead to significant cognitive impairments, making it difficult for patients to think clearly or remember information.
The idea that COVID-19 could lead to Alzheimer's-like brain changes is a significant development.
"People don't usually connect COVID-19 with Alzheimer's disease," Jiang said. "But our review of emerging evidence suggests otherwise."
The research reveals that the cognitive issues caused by COVID-19 reflect similar underlying brain changes as those in dementia. The study's insights emphasize the importance of regular brain function check-ups for these populations, particularly through the use of affordable and accessible tools like electroencephalography (EEG).
The study not only highlights the shared traits between long COVID and Alzheimer's, but also points to the importance of further research.
"The new insight opens avenues for future research and clinical practice, particularly in studying brain oscillations related to neural biomarkers of mild cognitive impairment in people with long COVID," said Jiang.
One of the key findings is the role of astrocytes—support cells in the brain that have not been as thoroughly studied as neurons. The research suggests that damage or activation of these cells by COVID-19 can cause synaptic dysfunctions, leading to the abnormal brain activity observed in both conditions. This discovery is significant because it may help explain why EEG patterns in COVID-19 patients resemble those seen in the early stages of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.
Researchers believe this work could have a direct impact on patient care. They are advocating for routine EEG exams to detect early brain changes in both COVID-19 survivors and those at risk for cognitive decline.
"EEG patterns in COVID-19 patients resemble those seen in early neurodegenerative diseases," said Norris.
"These similarities may be due to shared issues such as brain inflammation, astrocyte activity, low oxygen levels and blood vessel damage," said Sompol.
By detecting these changes early, health care providers could potentially identify at-risk individuals sooner and implement interventions to prevent or slow the progression of cognitive decline.
As research continues, the team is particularly interested in how EEG monitoring can predict long-term outcomes in COVID-19 patients and assess the effectiveness of treatments aimed at preventing cognitive decline.
More information: Yang Jiang et al, Parallel electrophysiological abnormalities due to COVID‐19 infection and to Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, Alzheimer's & Dementia (2024). DOI: 10.1002/alz.14089
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definitely-not-a-wasp · 6 months
One of the things I want to be explored more is Max's general inability to connect with people outside of her immediate circle. Not in the "I'm so socially awkward" way or even "I grew up feral" way, but in the way of Max having spent the first 14 years of her life having everyone she interacted with divided into family or enemies.
Like, this isn't even fully psychology at this point, it's neurology. When her neural pathways were at their infancy all the way up to when her prefrontal cortex was mostly developed, she had the flock that she would die for, and everyone else who wanted to hurt her. That's it. It's no fucking wonder that she felt like Dr. Martinez and Ella were practically family after three days, and that's because her brain has no reference for making friends or casual acquaintances. They were nice to her, and that means they're not enemies, and there's only one other slot in her brain for them to into. It's no wonder that she felt disjointed in Virginia's private school, even when she was trying to make friends, because she's attempting to do something that she has no frame of reference for. Of course Jeb kept wildly oscillating between "my dad who was misguided but tried his best" and "the worst person alive", because he was one of her enemies until age 10 and then immediately made a switch to her caretaker, and that only enforced the dichotomy in her head.
She cannot relate to other people outside of these two scopes. The closest she gets is the romance, and even that has the undercurrent of family because even with all her options (and she had several), she always circled back to Fang. The romance is just an extension of a dynamic that's written into her brain.
And I think there's something genuinely sad about that. How it stunts her ability to interact with other people, how it creates an inability for nuance in her mind. And, ultimately, how it's something she never learns to outgrow.
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cowboysandcannolis · 10 days
Ties that Bond-Chapter I
An afternoon that was meant to be spent on a blind date turns into a tryst, and perhaps more, with fellow sorcerer Kento Nanami…
“Trust me, Y/N. He’s a hell of a catch and he needs someone. Handsome, courteous, he’s exactly your type.”
Your pen twirled easily between your fingers as you sat beneath the shade of the awning at your local cafe, the summer sun searing the sidewalk a mere few feet away. Your other hand had a death grip on the cup filled with your iced latte, which threatened to slosh over the edge of the glass with each of your anxious movements.
Humming nervously, tapping your shoe upon the shaded concrete “I’m not so sure, Kara. You know my life is—complicated.” You winced as the words fell from your lips ineloquently. Your life was an injustice to the meaning of the word complicated.
“You always say that and yet I don’t know what’s so complicated about selling makeup, hell you travel for a living, what’s so difficult about that?”
Shit. That’s the latest in a long string of lies that you told your friend.
Kara had been a wonderful friend to you until the end of middle school. When you had disappeared entirely from your previous school without a trace, enrolled in another school, started a new life. It wasn’t until approximately five years later that you stood on a street corner when she grabbed you by the wrist and insisted you explain to her where you had just up and disappeared to. And she never let go.
Kara was one of the most stubborn people you knew, but that’s why she was one of your only friends that you spoke to regularly that didn’t share your lifestyle. She insisted on being apart of your life, no matter how much it irked you some days. You could easily put a stop to this, make her forget that you ever crossed paths and yet, you never did.
“Listen, you don’t need to explain it to me, okay? Just give this a chance. Since I’ve gone to the trouble of arranging it. I swear I’ve arranged a date for the most stubborn person on earth. If I didn’t care for you I would have saved myself the trouble.”
“Right-you’re right…thank you.”
Just as she began to prattle on about the suitor that she had arranged for you your ears perked up, drawn to something unseen. Down the street, through the alley.
“Kara, I have to-“
“Oh, is he there? Okay. Have fun, be good! Tell me everything later!”
The phone fell silent as you rose from your seat, chair scraping the concrete behind you. You closed your eyes to concentrate. The din of minds, all in different states, some were upset, some were angry, some were thrilled, it was a never ending sea in all directions, hitting you like a tidal wave. Concentration dwindled that sea to a lake, a pool, a stream…a trickle until you found the solitary source that you were seeking.
A curse. One that moved with its own thoughts, its own constitution.
You moved like a sleepwalker, in a trance like state, fixated on your target. Eyes closed to hide the milky, emerald haze that overcame them with the activation of your technique, eyes did nothing for you anyway. Just as you would be about to bump against one passerby on the street, your feet would redirect with a jolt, bouncing off the cloud of their neural oscillation just in the nick of time. Like a pinball you make your way towards your target.
When your eyes opened once more, the green film fading away as you took stock of your surroundings, viscous purple liquid painted every surface in a ten foot radius, including your once shiny and pristine patent leather shoes. For all the wonders of your technique you could never count on cleanliness, curse brains would splatter without discretion.
Even a few pinpricks of purple managed to fleck your skirt, you pinched the bridge of your nose, sighing.
“I didn’t think a soiled pair of Mary Jane’s was enough to get you down, Y/N.” A familiar voice called from further down the alley, followed by the tell tale click clack of expensive loafers on cobblestones.
“Easy for you to say while wearing freshly polished loafers, Nanami.” As annoyed as you were about the state of your clothes you couldn’t be all too annoyed when in the presence of your favorite fellow sorcerer.
You turned on your heel, a particulate of curse brain squelching beneath your shoe in an unsettling manner, nonetheless you found yourself brushing your hair away from your face and offering a soft smile.
Peering at you over his green tinted glasses, hazel eyes glimmered with amusement at the spectacle you caused, liquidating what was once a level two curse.
“I see you have everything well under control here.”
“Did you think otherwise?” You scoffed, feigning hurt.
“Never. I simply couldn’t pass up on the chance to greet the one and only tolerable co-worker that I have.”
“Likewise. Shall we?”
In practiced form he offered you an arm, clad in his fine tan suit, you wove your arm with his and let him lead you out of the alleyway. It was a rare treat the two of you were in the same place at once, usually it occurred whilst your two schools were at odds, with very little time to catch up.
“Were you sent here on assignment? I wasn’t made aware that the curse was in the area.”
“Not at all, I am supposed to be free for the day but, alas, duty calls. You would think the signature would be a drop in the ocean in such a crowded place but…” You signed heavily, leaning on your fellow sorcerer just a tad, feeling deflated “Here I am, shoes soaked in goo.”
Nanami chuckled “Well if you are free for the day then no need pouting over a pair of ruined shoes, not like you have anywhere to be.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. Kara set me up to meet someone and now I am going to have to stand him up, poor thing. I was just going to be polite, but now there isn’t much I can do to explain to a non-sorcerer why I’m covered in purple goo.”
All at once the thick bicep that your hand laid upon tensed, a wave of intense emotions rolling off of him and crashing over you, a dizzying, intense feeling.
Lips suddenly hovered just above your ear startling you, still stricken by the sudden change.
“You say hell to all that and spend that afternoon with me and I’ll buy you a hundred pairs of shoes.”
The intensity of his voice and warm breath tickling your ear caused a shiver to run up your spine, your body betraying your mind before he even finished his proposition.
This would be far from the first tryst with Nanami Kento. Countless times over the years your paths would cross and you’d wind up falling into his bed, chanting his name like a ritual. It was animalistic, it was powerful and it made your mutual cursed energy spike off the charts.
The best part about Nanami that was after the deed was done, a time or two, he’d make you lunch, or dinner or whatever meal was appropriate at that time of day. He’d worship you, wait on you hand and foot if you’d let him and if you decided to stay for a day, a week, or forever. He’d let you. The wonderful, charming bastard.
The problem with infatuation was that it was addictive. Every time you’d stay longer, finding it increasingly difficult to leave each time. Domestic bliss was never an option for someone in your profession, much less two people in your profession. Someone would die, someone would leave. And yet, your mind was betrayed by your naive heart. You were as madly in love with this man as you were with the blonde boy at the rival school all those years ago.
“Kento…” You whispered, sounding so helpless as your skin grew oh so warm. The tone of your voice was enough permission for the blonde man to kiss your ear, and then your neck.
Green clouded over your vision as you gasped wildly to fill your lungs with enough oxygen to fuel the blazing fire within you. Your hands were bound over your head by Nanami’s spotted tie, wound expertly round one of the bed posts.
“Oh, Ken, oh Ken—!!” You cried out as the blond man’s head bobbed rhythmically between your thighs.
You let out a shuttering cry of pleasure, tears rolling down your face, as you neared your peak the electricity between you two surged, your feelings of all time pleasure forcing themselves onto him as well, causing him to whimper against your clit.
Your breasts heaved and skin cooled, letting your head roll back against the pillows as you stared lazily at the bonds above your head through an emerald haze. You felt incredible, unstoppable perhaps. Let any curse try its luck in this moment and see what happens.
A moment later large hands began to untie your bindings, you let your hands fall limp once they were free, closing your eyes and blindly nuzzling against his warm body.
“Let me draw you a bath, goddess.” Nanami whispered, pressing a kiss against your mused hair as he moved to do so.
“No, please. Just give me a moment to enjoy this…” He stilled, allowing you to nuzzle into the crook of his neck, just enjoying his scent, lulling you off to sleep.
You woke some time later to the smell of food cooking, a quick swipe of a hand over the sheets was enough to confirm that Nanami was gone and had been for some time. And yet, the blankets were tucked around you with such thought and care, your lips to quirked into a fond smile. Throwing on only your dress, with no additional undergarment, you padded out of the bedroom.
The blonde man was just pulling a meat thermometer from the oven, turning to wash it off in the sink as he caught your visage, a tiny smirk appearing on his lips.
“You’re awake. I was going to wake you in a few minutes when the cordon bleu was finished.” Nanami busied himself pouring a glass of wine, a favorite Cabernet of yours, you noticed by the label. He either had it on hand with you in mind or made a trip out to get it while you were asleep. Incredibly thoughtful, either way.
He placed the delicate glass of ruby liquid between your fingers, meeting your smoldering gaze with his hazel eyes, studying your expression. Honey brown most of the way around with green streaks throughout both eyes. A little detail that you always kept catalogued in your mind.
The hint was taken and he met your lips in a slow, open mouthed kiss, your hand that was not preoccupied with the glass slinging around his neck.
As his kitchen timer chimed from beside the oven Nanami pulled away, breathlessly, running a hand through his blonde locks. You had riled him up in a way that he wasn’t anticipating. “Y/N, the food is going to burn if you keep this up.”
Grasping the blonde’s sharp chin, forcing him to look down at you, a rare wide eyed, startled expression on his face.
“Let. It.” You commanded, kissing his lips once more, leaving a sharp, lingering bite of his bottom lip before pulling away.
The uncertainty in his face was gone in a millisecond, replaced with a predatory look. You loved it.
Strong arms encircled each of your thighs, lifting you up onto the cold marble counter. You were quick to carelessly discard your wine glass, sliding it across the surface so you could meet his fervent kisses with even more enthusiasm, grasping his face, pulling at his hair, tearing at his shirt.
“Ohhh, you are so bad.” Nanami hissed as you undoubtedly left deep, perhaps even bleeding, scratches with your fingernails on his back through his undershirt.
Nanami was quick to discard his trousers, as quick as he could be with you grabbing and kissing all over him like a bitch in heat.
Once freed from his trousers his cock bobbed intently, head a deep pink and marked with a bead of precum. You make a show of licking your lips like the cock-hungry vixen you were in that moment.
“Ohh no, I don’t trust you not to eat me alive right now with that look you’re giving me. Ass on the edge of the counter. Now.” The commanding tone caused you to smile, sliding right to the edge of the counter, pliant as he slid between your thighs, your knees on either side of his hips. You were quick to turn on him and lock your legs together behind his back, forcing the angle of entry that he was lining up to be sharper, undoubtedly deeper.
Nanami huffed in frustration but let your form of punishment be selfevident, pressing himself inside of you harshly with little warning. You hissed, wincing as he pushed relentlessly inside of you.
“That wouldn’t have happened if you let me do things my way.” He scolded, though he smirked and his tone softened, starting a slower, softer rhythm. “If you just do things my way, pet, I’ll treat you nice. You know I love to treat you nice.”
And you did like when Nanami was soft and worshipped you. However, on this night you were just too full of mischievous energy and just too dead set on challenging him. It had been awhile, you craved the blonde sorcerer putting you in your place.
You let Kento continue his ‘nice’ pace, head and torso lying back upon the cold countertop as he thrusted into you, he was clearly very content.
“See, pet?” The blonde soothed in a soft tone “When you don’t fight me things are so much-“ His hand traveled to caress your cheek and you took your opportunity to be naughty, biting at his thick index finger. Never enough to harm him but enough to give him a shock.
In a second his hand was encircling your throat, squeezing hard enough to cause bloodflow to slow and your mind to become hazy in the most lovely way. And the way he stared down at you so intently caused you to gush, you were sure he felt it.
“What did I just say?!” He boomed, putting more pressure on your throat and you fought back a grin.
“That’s it. If you can’t be good then I’ll treat you as such.”
At that he exited you, pulling hard on your hair, forcing you to arch your back uncomfortably, knees scraping the counter top as he forced you down onto the counter, stomach and breasts pressing against the cool material. He kept his menacing grip on your hair as he suddenly shoved himself inside you, moving at a punishing pace. You moaned, cheek squished against the counter as he used you punishingly.
As soon as he finished inside of you the harsh grip on your hair was released as he sighed breathlessly, pressing a kiss against the small of your back and rubbing a soothing circle with his big, warm palm.
“I’m sorry. But you ask for it.” His menacing tone long gone, play was over. You smiled, raising yourself up to look back at him. “Indeed I did.”
Just as Nanami began to clean up the utter mess you had made of the kitchen there came a heavy, frantic knocking at the front door of his apartment. Your eyes met his hazel ones, sharing a worried look before you hopped off the counter and fled into his bedroom.
“Break it up, break it up! Animals. You two are animals!”
The ohhh so familiar voice of Satoru Gojo echoed through Nanami’s apartment, causing you to groan from your place in the bedroom, rummaging through Nanami’s dresser to find something suitable to wear. You ended up with a white T shirt that was long enough to be sensible dress, though being careful to cover your breasts with crossed arms.
“Getting it on like National Geographic in here!”
Padding out of the bedroom in your makeshift nightgown, arms crossed in front of your chest, showing your dissatisfaction clearly. The white haired sorcerer was turned away from you, gesturing wildly at the spilled glass of red wine on the counter and the smoke rising from the oven that Nanami was frantically attending to. This may have been funny if you weren’t so angry at the interruption.
As your soft footfalls echoed on the floors Gojo whirled around, pointing an accusatory finger at you. Though by the quirk of his lip this was all fun and games for him.
“You! What do you think you’re doing to poor Nanami, killing him?!”
Letting out a heavy, irritated sigh you rubbed your tired eyes “Gojo, what are you doing here and why is what we’re doing of any consequence to you?”
“He’s being a pervert!” Nanami snapped from behind the oven, placing the baking sheet with its well done meal on top of the oven. A blue oven mitt incased his hand, which was rather adorable, you decided.
“No!!” Gojo shot back, making a dramatic show of crossing his long arms over his chest, pouting “I am highly offended that you would say such a thing!”
“Fine, then tell me you didn’t just hear and or see everything that just happened!”
“Here I am just trying to visit my old buddy Nanami and-“
“Ughh, Gojo!” You cried in irritation, eyes flashed a deep, pupil-less green as your irritation grew, the bickering men became silent abruptly, the air growing thick. Being a level one sorcerer you probably couldn’t succeed in popping Satoru Gojo’s head, not without a solid connection to each of his temples and his infinity off, but man, would he hate for you to attempt to do so.
“Okay, no need to go there. Got it. Put your angry eyes away, Y/N.” Gojo added hastily, pale palms raised high in surrender.
“I’m here to brief Nanami on a mission but hey, I’m no cockblocker-“
“-you literally were just being a cockblocker-“
“-So! I will graciously take this mission off of your hands because you are enjoying the company of a lady friend this weekend and I am not. Since that’s never happened in the history of the world before. Can I get a rousing round of ‘Thank you, Gojo!’?”
The white haired man threw out a hand towards his audience, your eyes slid over to Nanami, his to yours, sharing a look, absolutely unimpressed.
In the silence you even threw out a soft, fake cough that echoed off the walls of the apartment, Nanami’s lips twitched, fighting a laugh. Gojo’s shit eating smile came crashing down, a sight that warmed your heart.
“You’re both so mean. Honestly, you’re perfect for each other. Fine. Make the mission your little date. Don’t say I never tried to do anything for you!”
Gojo threw the manilla folder that contained the notes for the assignment onto the coffee table as he headed for the door.
“One more thing! Don’t forget to wrap it up. I tell my students that safe sex is very-“
With each word out of his mouth your eyes glowed a more intense shade of green and Gojo would swear he felt the slightest stirrings of a headache coming on, even with his Infinity.
“Yeah, okay, bye!” The door slammed shut behind him and you shook your head.
“He’s such an idiot. I don’t know how you survived attending the same high school.”
Scooping up the folder you flipped through the pages, sitting on the sofa to take it in. Nanami joined you a few moments later with a fresh glass of wine and a plate of only slightly singed food, setting both on the coffee table in front of you.
“What are we dealing with here?”
“Abandoned ritualistic site, estimated to be multiple grade one and two curses….Close to a popular footpath for tourists….On Okinawa. They’ve allotted five days on the island to eliminate the curses….”
“So what you’re implying is…we wipe out the site in one day and spend the remainder of the week on a paid vacation?….” Nanami proposed as you crawled into his lap, tossing the folded back onto the coffee table, a devious smile on your face.
“I love how you think.”
Surprise, the next chapter is a (paid) vacation trip. What else would suit our sweet Nanami?
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Clocks and Metronomes in Hannibal
``Hannibal counted the beats of the metronome against those of the clock. They went in and out of phase``
?????? Clocks???! speaking of this, I found out something really cool. I was researching trying to find some kind of connection or UN-connection between clocks and metronomes and what they might mean here, and I found this very interesting journal, which references and builds off of some of Christiaan Huygens' discoveries and work.
Let's list out a couple of things:
Arguably, Hannibal's favorite book is Treatise of Light, by none other than Christiaan Huygens.
``Among Mr. Jakov’s books was a copy bound in leather of Christiaan Huyghens’ Treatise on Light, and Hannibal was fascinated with it, with following the movement of Huyghens’ mind, feeling him moving toward discovery. He associated the Treatise on Light with the glare of the snow and the rainbow distortions in the old windowpanes. The elegance of Huyghens’ thought was like the clean and simplified lines of winter, the structure under the leaves. A box opening with a click and inside, a principle that works every time. It was a dependable thrill, and he had been feeling it since he could read.``
I skimmed a bit of the book- and it does include an explanations of the calculations Hannibal used to determine the height of the towers in his castle- which he was doing before he read the book. Bro is a literal genius.
``Also in the year Hannibal was six, Count Lecter found his son determining the height of the castle towers by the length of their shadows, following instructions which he said came directly from Euclid himself. Count Lecter improved his tutors then—within six weeks arrived Mr. Jakov, a penniless scholar from Leipzig.``
The journal I previously mentioned is, in very simple terms, about how pendulums and clocks synchronize. We can very reliably assume Hannibal is a fan of Christiaan Huygens, it’s very possible he could later have read Horologium oscillatorium, where he discusses these discoveries. Unfortunately, I can not dig too deep into the original text because the only copy I could find is in Latin, and I really don’t want to translate all that. But I CAN use the information provided in the journal. It’s also reasonable to assume Hannibal would know a lot of the information presented in the journal, because although Christiaan Huygens’ books are from the 1600s, Hannibal is not, and discoveries have been made! Science has advanced! Yippee!
In the journal, It is stated that “Synchronization occurs in diverse physical, biological, and chemical systems. Examples include the synchronous flashing of fireflies, the chorusing of crickets, the rhythmic applause of concert audiences, the coordinated beating of cardiac pacemaker cells, the pathological neural synchrony associated with epileptic seizures, and the coherent voltage oscillations of superconducting Josephson junction arrays.”
It all sounds very artistic. It is beautiful and connected. Right up Hannibal's alley, for sure. But- whats that near the end?? “ the pathological neural synchrony associated with epileptic seizures”. Epileptic seizures. Let’s put that away for later. 
The synchronisation of pendulums (pendulum clocks, metronomes) placed on the same (wooden) surface even if started at antiphase will eventually become in phase with eachother BUT: synchonizing in phase causes the pendulums in the clocks to slow down, so they lose time (multiple seconds an hour) but- they way they synchronize is dependent on several things(mechanisms in the clock, length and thickness of the surface they're on,etc etc.) but basically- with a SMALL amount of damping (loss of energy in an oscillating system) the clocks with synchronize in phase, with a large amount of it they will be antiphase. clocks synchronizing in antiphase has been called sympathetic motion or the sympathy of clocks (not empathy). 
Synchronization in itself is a pretty artistic thing, beautiful and connected. It shows up everywhere- including something called neural synchrony. neural synchrony is basically when two people interact or communicate, their brain rythms/waves synchronize, couple, create matching patterns. You understand eachother. this is seen a lot more in romantic couples or people who are close together, child-parent relationships(especially as infants) and the such. Not usually seen in strangers. the brain to brain synchronization happens in the  temporal-parietal part of the brain. The way will makes himself think like killers- to the point sometimes he feels like he becomes them- is definitely neural synchrony. Why he can do that so easily with strangers, who may have never even met? Who knows; but at least we know all kills leave behind a part of the killer, a part of their psyche, and not always just a message.  Basically, Will's whole metronome thing is symbolic of him synchronizing mentally(and neurologically! Very cool) with the killers. This may have been way too much work for something that is a bit obvious, but it’s very interesting to unravel.
I’m not sure how I started with picking apart clocks and metronomes in relation to Hannibal (in the book), and ended up with a conclusion about Will (in the show), but I did! I can’t say much more on this for now as I haven’t finished the book, and Will has yet to show up. 
Now, that thing we put away for later.
Neural synchrony is also associated with epileptic seizures. Neuron firing tends to become synchronous/hypersynchronous in the middle of a seizure.
I wanted to go more into Will's encephalitis and seizures related to this- but those are only a thing in the TV show, so I cant connect it quite as well. I can share the things I did find out, though, so if anyone is interested to see that please let me know! But right now, I'm too researched out to put it all together, and that's mainly why I'm not including it here now. All in all- we all know Hannibal knows all that psychiatry stuff and is crazy smart and crazy insane, so here is a bit of the science of it and how it all loosely connects to the books. And, of course as someone who values beauty and art, he would become obsessed with Will upon seeing how effortlessly he can achieve that synchronicity with others- especially those who think similarly to him. Honorable mention to Eldon Stammets.
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compneuropapers · 1 year
Interesting Papers for Week 30, 2023
Adult-born neurons inhibit developmentally-born neurons during spatial learning. Ash, A. M., Regele-Blasco, E., Seib, D. R., Chahley, E., Skelton, P. D., Luikart, B. W., & Snyder, J. S. (2023). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 198, 107710.
Behavioral origin of sound-evoked activity in mouse visual cortex. Bimbard, C., Sit, T. P. H., Lebedeva, A., Reddy, C. B., Harris, K. D., & Carandini, M. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 251–258.
Exploration patterns shape cognitive map learning. Brunec, I. K., Nantais, M. M., Sutton, J. E., Epstein, R. A., & Newcombe, N. S. (2023). Cognition, 233, 105360.
Distinct contributions of ventral CA1/amygdala co-activation to the induction and maintenance of synaptic plasticity. Chong, Y. S., Wong, L.-W., Gaunt, J., Lee, Y. J., Goh, C. S., Morris, R. G. M., … Sajikumar, S. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(3), 676–690.
 An intrinsic oscillator underlies visual navigation in ants. Clement, L., Schwarz, S., & Wystrach, A. (2023). Current Biology, 33(3), 411-422.e5.
Not so optimal: The evolution of mutual information in potassium voltage-gated channels. Duran-Urriago, A., & Marzen, S. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0264424.
Successor-like representation guides the prediction of future events in human visual cortex and hippocampus. Ekman, M., Kusch, S., & de Lange, F. P. (2023). eLife, 12, e78904.
Residual dynamics resolves recurrent contributions to neural computation. Galgali, A. R., Sahani, M., & Mante, V. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 326–338.
Dorsal attention network activity during perceptual organization is distinct in schizophrenia and predictive of cognitive disorganization. Keane, B. P., Krekelberg, B., Mill, R. D., Silverstein, S. M., Thompson, J. L., Serody, M. R., … Cole, M. W. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 57(3), 458–478.
A striatal circuit balances learned fear in the presence and absence of sensory cues. Kintscher, M., Kochubey, O., & Schneggenburger, R. (2023). eLife, 12, e75703.
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Neocortical synaptic engrams for remote contextual memories. Lee, J.-H., Kim, W. Bin, Park, E. H., & Cho, J.-H. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 259–273.
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The geometry of cortical representations of touch in rodents. Nogueira, R., Rodgers, C. C., Bruno, R. M., & Fusi, S. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 239–250.
Contextual and pure time coding for self and other in the hippocampus. Omer, D. B., Las, L., & Ulanovsky, N. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 285–294.
Reshaping the full body illusion through visuo-electro-tactile sensations. Preatoni, G., Dell’Eva, F., Valle, G., Pedrocchi, A., & Raspopovic, S. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0280628.
Experiencing sweet taste is associated with an increase in prosocial behavior. Schaefer, M., Kühnel, A., Schweitzer, F., Rumpel, F., & Gärtner, M. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 1954.
Cortical encoding of rhythmic kinematic structures in biological motion. Shen, L., Lu, X., Yuan, X., Hu, R., Wang, Y., & Jiang, Y. (2023). NeuroImage, 268, 119893.
Mindful self-focus–an interaction affecting Theory of Mind? Wundrack, R., & Specht, J. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0279544.
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
One of the unsettled questions in the field of neuroscience is what primarily drives these rhythmic signals. The researchers, whose findings appear in the journal Neuron, specifically focused on what are known as theta oscillations, which emerge in the brain’s hippocampus region during activities like exploration, navigation, and sleep. The hippocampus plays a crucial role in the brain’s ability to remember the past. Prior to this study, it was believed that the external environment played a more important role in driving theta oscillations, says Arne Ekstrom, professor of cognition and neural systems in the University of Arizona psychology department and senior author of the study. But Ekstrom and his collaborators found that memory generated in the brain is the main driver of theta activity. “Surprisingly, we found that theta oscillations in humans are more prevalent when someone is just remembering things, compared to experiencing events directly,” says lead study author Sarah Seger, a graduate student in the neuroscience department.
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quitepossiblyknot · 20 days
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Where physics and engineer meet art and neuroscience
Where memories are collected
A point, one-dimensional, existing in a sphere, becoming 3-dimensional, emitter, the signal from infra colliculi
A line, the base, a plane that exists, at the basilar artery
V for volume is the equivalent to the sentence that made the point, what exists in the sphere is an angle, the mention of becoming is an aspect, in this trifecta of subject matter exists an energy, frequency, and vibration
The 2nd dimension is the line, what extends outwardly, where that extent reaches is b
B with an arrow pointing back is the remembering of 2D, I being induction, the quantum mechanics*** of that act on the parahippocampal gyrus**, recalling*
Induction to C is angular momentum with parietal lobe of recollecting I with the arrow under b, the magnetic field density, Volume to C is the current to the circuit within
The last 3 sentences are a trisynaptic circuit from a current, from Ic, Ie being the trisynaptic loop and Ve being episodic memory
(C) tuned into a frequency
(E) tapped into a vibration
(B) put out a particular energy
Collector at p is the higher plane of what gathered angular momentum
Base at n is where is the emission was neutralized at length to distribute a wave form
Emitter at p is the lower plane of radiating what made active a line, the comingling of what emitted in time for linear expansion to a frequency modification and amplitude modulation
Vb, the base for the basal ganglia to behave in a manner that corresponds with angular gyrus****(angular acceleration amplifying a brain wave), as the angles that met amplitude were particles to the amplified modulus, the voluminous flux from descriptions that modified within the frequencies of the axes that orbitted as potential for 3d to be the proportion what became a shape, thus, thought form inducing a state to describe what signaled a blood circuit to crystallize a circulation where Ve is the volume of the energy to encapsulate linearity of encoded information to dispere across channels, the ion to what came to be ionic Vc, the vacuum that coordinated to aspecting the collapse of the wave function, therein, Vce < 0, the entorhinal cortex sensing the postsynaptic axon terminal ending the point, the extending of a nerve to the paraterminal gyrus to begin signaling the beginning*** of Vbe* to a brain function***** what be that as an oscillation amplified is where it is now a wavelength Vbe<0
A neural connection based on a neural current, the vein and insulat cortex from brain stem and emission expressed, from a medium spiky neuron at nucleus accumbens and the pineal gland from astroglial cells
Clearer than before and continually clearing the way
Inner engineering relative to metaphysics, the art of learning and observing
The knot quite possibly tied it all together[indefinitely]
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foundationhq · 8 months
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EMPLOYEE ID 8421-9315-6; №2 𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿.
𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 Miyeong Michelle Park 𝐀𝐠𝐞 36 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫/𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 cis woman, she/her 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 Greta Lee. 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 retired
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Frank and ardent, [№2 𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿]’s sheer determination and no-nonsense demeanor garnered them the nickname “Full-tilt Inquisitor.” Perhaps their humble beginnings fueled the need to prove themself to the Foundation. In any case, it is a testament to their hard work that they eventually landed under the well-regarded wing of [𝑅𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑅𝑆𝐸 𝐸𝑁𝐺𝐼𝑁𝐸𝐸𝑅] during the formative period of their career. And although [№2 𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿]’s internship didn’t offer them the same success as their research partner [𝐹𝐿𝐼𝑀𝐹𝐿𝐴𝑀], any recruit that caught the eye of [𝑅𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑅𝑆𝐸 𝐸𝑁𝐺𝐼𝑁𝐸𝐸𝑅] surely has untapped potential the Foundation should continue to invest in. In that regard, the way [№2 𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿] has slowly but surely moved up the ranks from field assistant to researcher is a good sign. And despite comments about their brusque personality from their peers, in the Foundation’s endeavors, sociability is a distant second to results. [№2 𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿]’s talents will undoubtedly prove vital to MTF Chi-00’s operations, especially when it comes to finely assessing the failures of other sites and Mobile Task Forces. — Internal Memo from the Ethics Committee.
JR.  RESEARCHER;  Site-17,  Department  of  Surrealistics,  in  a  scientific  experiment  ending  in  failure  leading  to  minor  injuries.  Cleared  medical  and  psychiatric  evaluations.
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𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅. You’re still not sure what to think about your new commander. Higher-ups rarely take you seriously, and you know your personality doesn’t net you a large circle of friends. But they actually listen, and care? Is that even a thing nowadays? You won’t question it for now, especially if it lets you bypass your unauthorized, self-appointed manager 𝑉𝐸𝐿𝑉𝐸𝑇 𝐺𝐿𝑂𝑉𝐸.
𝐻𝐼𝐺𝐻 𝐹𝐼𝐷𝐸𝐿𝐼𝑇𝑌. You’re not sure why you’re drawn to them. You suppose you’re hoping to find an ally and they seemed like a kindred spirit. However, while you initially thought of them as a respectable colleague — or at least more respectable than some of the others assigned to MTF Chi-00 — you’re becoming more and more concerned by your fellow researcher’s interest in bizarre experimental pontificating.
𝑉𝐸𝐿𝑉𝐸𝑇 𝐺𝐿𝑂𝑉𝐸. While you can, on paper, understand the value of this teammate, it doesn’t mean you have to like it. Or them. And if your bluntness ruffles feathers during the course of the job, that’s not your problem. After all, the Ethics Committee didn’t create The Broken Scales of Themis so the members could rub shoulders. You’re more than happy to keep 𝑉𝐸𝐿𝑉𝐸𝑇 𝐺𝐿𝑂𝑉𝐸 at an arms’ length, and you wish they’d be willing to do the same.
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Before the MARCH 30th mission, the medical staff at Site-φ noticed a strange chart reading in [№2 𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿]'s neural oscillations. Other symptoms included unusual and prolonged bouts of fatigue, which the operative did not remember experiencing. Doctors diagnosed and declared [№2 𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿] unable to serve in field missions, as her current status would be a risk for herself as well as the team. For the time being until she passes medical clearance, the operative is to remain at the main building's hospital ward, as doctors are unsure if the helicopter ride out of Site-φ could be disastrous for her health. While [№2 𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿] is stationed at Site-φ, she has been temporarily taken off MTF Chi-00 until further notice. — Internal Memo from the Ethics Committee.
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kindasleepycryptid · 5 months
I keep obsessing over the neural oscillation technology the twins used in the street fighting quest,
Like???? so much potential???
The amount of ideas it gives me for fics is INSANE
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akshaybal · 6 months
In the silence of detachment, the quest for essence begins
Life, in all its complexity, has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me, oscillating between joy and sorrow across various aspects such as family, finances, and social interactions. This journey has led to a profound realization: the ephemeral nature of these experiences. Recognizing that what once seemed insurmountable is, in reality, minor, has shifted my perspective. It's as if my mind, akin to a biased neural network, has historically misallocated significance to different events. This awareness has nudged me towards a desire to detach from the relentless sway of emotions, acknowledging their transient essence. Whether it's the grief of loss, the joy of achievement, or the fleeting highs of indulgence, their temporary state has become apparent. This logical discernment has encouraged a detachment from the constant, often overwhelming, emotional noise. In the quietude that follows, a deeper inquiry into existence begins. Stepping back from my emotions has sparked a rigorous internal dialogue, filled with existential contemplations about identity and purpose. While my silence might be misconstrued as intoversion by others, it's actually a reflection of an intense inner exploration, a quest for understanding the very essence of being.
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academiawho · 6 months
130 Day Productivity Challenge!
28 March '24 - Day 97
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I revised some topics for the test today including Thermodynamics, Equilibrium,Rotational Motion and Plant Growth. I noted down formulae from Equilibrium.
I revised the numerical figures from Circulation, Breathing and Excretion.
I'm scoring 670/720 which is less than I expected and worked for, but I will improve.
I read through the NCERT for Locomotion, Neural and Chemical Coordination. I revised Mole Concept, Atomic Structure, Redox using formulae and my notes. I briefly revised Thermal Properties, Thermodynamics, KTG, Oscillations and Waves from my notes.
Hope you had a good day💛
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covid-safer-hotties · 29 days
UK researchers find Alzheimer’s-like brain changes in long COVID patients - Published Aug 30, 2024
LEXINGTON, Ky (Aug. 30, 2024) — New research from the University of Kentucky’s Sanders-Brown Center on Aging shows compelling evidence that the cognitive impairments observed in long COVID patients share striking similarities with those seen in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
The study, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, highlights a potential commonality in brain disorders across these conditions that could pave the way for new avenues in research and treatment.
The study was a global effort, funded by a multitude of grants from the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the Alzheimer’s Association and international organizations. The project also brought together experts from various fields of neuroscience.
Researchers at the UK College of Medicine led the study, including Yang Jiang, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Behavioral Science; Chris Norris, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences; and Bob Sompol, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences. Their work focuses on electrophysiology, neuroinflammation, astrocytes and synaptic functions.
“This project benefited greatly from interdisciplinary collaboration,” Jiang said. “We had input from experts, associated with the Alzheimer’s Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART), across six countries, including the U.S., Turkey, Ireland, Italy, Argentina and Chile.”
Jiang and the collaborative team focused their work on understanding the “brain fog” that many COVID-19 survivors experience, even months after recovering from the virus. This fog includes memory problems, confusion and difficulty concentrating. According to Jiang, “the slowing and abnormality of intrinsic brain activity in COVID-19 patients resemble those seen in Alzheimer’s and related dementias.”
This research sheds light on the connection between the two conditions, suggesting that they may share underlying biological mechanisms. Both long COVID and Alzheimer’s disease involve neuroinflammation, the activation of brain support cells known as astrocytes and abnormal brain activity. These factors can lead to significant cognitive impairments, making it difficult for patients to think clearly or remember information.
The idea that COVID-19 could lead to Alzheimer’s-like brain changes is a significant development.
“People don’t usually connect COVID-19 with Alzheimer’s disease,” Jiang said, “but our review of emerging evidence suggests otherwise.”
The publication in Alzheimer’s & Dementia reveals that the cognitive issues caused by COVID-19 reflect similar underlying brain changes as those in dementia.
The study’s insights emphasize the importance of regular brain function check-ups for these populations, particularly through the use of affordable and accessible tools like electroencephalography (EEG).
The study not only highlights the shared traits between long COVID and Alzheimer’s, but also points to the importance of further research.
“The new insight opens avenues for future research and clinical practice, particularly in studying brain oscillations related to neural biomarkers of mild cognitive impairment in people with long COVID,” said Jiang.
One of the key findings is the role of astrocytes — support cells in the brain that have not been as thoroughly studied as neurons. The research suggests that damage or activation of these cells by COVID-19 can cause synaptic dysfunctions, leading to the abnormal brain activity observed in both conditions. This discovery is significant because it may help explain why EEG patterns in COVID-19 patients resemble those seen in the early stages of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Researchers believe this work could have a direct impact on patient care. They are advocating for routine EEG exams to detect early brain changes in both COVID-19 survivors and those at risk for cognitive decline.
“EEG patterns in COVID-19 patients resemble those seen in early neurodegenerative diseases,” said Norris.
“These similarities may be due to shared issues such as brain inflammation, astrocyte activity, low oxygen levels and blood vessel damage,” said Sompol.
By detecting these changes early, health care providers could potentially identify at-risk individuals sooner and implement interventions to prevent or slow the progression of cognitive decline.
As research continues, the team is particularly interested in how EEG monitoring can predict long-term outcomes in COVID-19 patients and assess the effectiveness of treatments aimed at preventing cognitive decline.
Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health under Award Numbers P30AG072946, P01AG078116 and R56AG060608. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Link to study: alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alz.14089
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Going down an emotion rabbit hold on Wikipedia and-
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*starts chanting: Theta in the wild, Theta in the wild, THETA MENTION IN THE WILD*
(ID under cut)
Image ID: a sideways image of a computer screen, on the Wikipedia web page for the Papez Circuit. The words "Theta waves" are in underlined blue, showing it to be a link, and when hovered over a text box about Theta waves appears. The text box reads as follows:
"Theta waves generate the theta rhythm, a neural oscillation in the brain that underlies various aspects of cognition and behavior, including learning, memory, and spatial navigation in many animals. It can be recorded using various electrophysiological methods, such as electroencephalogram"
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