#net income
pottlewealth · 5 months
India is becoming the next great economic powerhouse.
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manishco · 9 months
Understanding Net Income
Introduction of Net Income In the realm of finance, “net income” stands as a fundamental measure of an entity’s economic performance. Whether you are a person managing non-public funds or an enterprise proprietor steering a company, grasping internet earnings is pivotal. This information breaks down the concept, explores its significance, and offers a step-by-step clarification of how to…
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womaneng · 1 year
Salary Ranges and Regional Disparities
Coding income can vary significantly based on geographical location and regional economic factors. For instance, tech hubs like Silicon Valley in the United States tend to offer higher salaries due to the concentration of tech companies and intense competition for top talent. However, the rise of remote work and the gig economy has opened doors for programmers worldwide to access high-income opportunities, regardless of where they are based.
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digitalfilipina · 2 years
BDO net income reaches ₱57.1 billion in 2022
BDO Unibank, Inc.’s (BDO) net income increased to P57.1 billion for the full year 2022 vs. P42.8 billion in 2021, driven by robust growth across its core businesses. This led to Return on Average Common Equity (ROCE) of 13.0% for the year improving to 15.3% for the fourth quarter, from 10.5% in 2021 and 12.8% in pre-COVID pandemic 2019.  Gross customer loans went up by 9% year-on-year on…
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calcbench · 2 years
Earnings Quality Monitor
Earlier today, Bloomberg published an article citing UBS research, that effectively stated that earnings quality as measured by the comparison of cashflow from operations versus net income is growing and, thus, deteriorating.  This work is near and dear to our hearts at Calcbench as some of us cut our teeth by following the work of Richard Sloan on this topic!  
So, we set out to show people just how efficiently you can build models like this using Calcbench. It also illustrates the importance of having a strategy to obtain fundamental financial data. 
Without further ado, here is a link to a spreadsheet that does an exercise similar to that in the Bloomberg article.  In short, we collected Net Income, Cashflow from Operations and Depreciation & Amortization from our database using our Excel Add-In.  Next, we subtracted Depreciation from Net Income and then compared that to Cashflow from Operations.  
We summarized our work in two charts. In both cases, the universe is the S&P500 ex financials. 
It confirms the UBS work (phew).  In the chart below, for 2022, the 11.2% of our firms, had Net Income greater than Cashflow from Operations. In the lower chart, notice that the green bars ( CFO minus Net Income) are above zero for every year since 2016.  Our study included more firms because we used data that became available through yesterday (February 28, 2023).  
The link to our spreadsheet is here.  Please note that the spreadsheet comes with embedded Calcbench formulae and will not work without a subscription.  For a Calcbench trial subscription, please visit   https://www.calcbench.com/join  
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enbycrip · 1 month
Big thing I’ve got from my study of disability in the early modern period in Britain, including dissertation research?
Poor relief that gives money out to the poorest people is probably the most benefit per amount of money, but it’s *massively*, *massively* resented by wealthier people. Not only because it’s redistribution of wealth, given it was usually raised by local taxation, but because it takes both control and opportunities to benefit from them.
The big thing money gives is options, choice, and freedom. Wealthier people value having that and massively resent poorer people having it. They much prefer giving charity to paying their taxes because a) giving charity lets them keep control of the money, even at a remove, and b) they usually find a way to benefit more directly from it.
This is basically why we have the current social security systems we have, where so much more is spent on control and policing of the behaviour of poor and disabled people than actually helping. Universal benefits were popular when the systems were set up for a variety of reasons, including reducing resentment by wealthier people, but largely because means-testing is *more expensive* and *less efficient*than universal benefits.
Wealthier people screaming for more means-testing are doing so because they prefer to have more money spent on tormenting people who are struggling with the conditions that those wealthier people create and maintain because it benefits them than that money actually reaching them.
That’s not how they parse it in their heads, I’m sure, but it *is* the reality of the situation.
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mymainstreamblog · 4 months
We should thank socialism for bringing us so many niche finnish indie games
No finnish gamedev has to live in fear of homelessness while juggling 3 jobs, and that is the real reason these games are so good on top of existing. Theyre not like that just because finnish people are "weird and sadistic"
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savageboar · 4 months
i can't stop thinking about how insidious it is, these advertisers demanding the censorship of even uttering the word suicide. like. as someone who suffers from suicidal ideation you know what kept me from opening up about it and my depression and seeking medical help for so long? people treating it like a forbidden taboo subject you're not supposed to ever talk about. all this will do is actually cause more people to suffer and die. we gotta kill capitalism.
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lol someone on the 65k post blocked me for saying that having an investment portfolio with a valuation high enough to live off the dividends would make someone rich even if their dividend payouts only amount to $65k a year
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radkindoffeminist · 9 months
Today in idiots I argue with on TikTok’s comments section: on a video in which someone was discussing the financial hardships which come with being LGBT+ (such as having lower wages overall, less likely to have a support system, more expensive to have children due to IVF/adoption, etc), a man was arguing that LGBT+ people are hyper consumerist (not just more likely to spend money but specifically that they hyper consume).
When asked for evidence, he stated that it was obvious because without children all they do is spend money on wasteful stuff (ignoring that many same-sex couples have children) and provided one study based from 9 years ago on data which is 10 years old which says that LGBT+ households spend 10% more than non-LGBT+ households (and I didn’t even bring up the fact that all you had to do to qualify as an LGBT+ household was have one person who identifies as LGBT+ which itself would hardly give results representative to LGBT+ people themselves) and doesn’t like the fact that I pointed out that this is a very old study, didn’t give the sample size used, hardly supports his point (spending 10% more, especially when based on monetary value rather than amount of products purchased, than straight people is not evidence of hyper-consumerism) but apparently it’s ’easy to Google’ this fact and I’m unwilling to search for it… despite the fact that I did search up what he was claiming and even the claims from the study provided to see if there were similar replications but found literally nothing else to suggest anything similar.
Unable to provide further evidence, this dude increased his homophobia to talk about how I must be a hyper consumerist because of my sexuality (specifically, I stated sarcastically that I must be one for saving like 1/3 of my income, paying for my car, and buying myself food and small luxuries every month which he said that he thought I was lying and that I’m probably a hyper consumerist), gay people have hyper consumerist lifestyles (clubbing and constantly partying were mentioned), and specifically that gay men are hyper consumerists because they take PrEP in order to continue fucking men from Grindr (yes, Grindr was mentioned but the fucking was implied) and that gay people have higher rates of STIs which obviously means hyper consumerist lifestyles?
So anyways, whenever you see people who are actually hyper consuming products, like anyone who does monthly fast fashion hauls or people who have two dozen Stanley cups for no reason or people who consistently over-buy food and let it go to waste, just remember that these people are obviously gay people since all gay people are hyperconsumerists who spend all their money uncontrollably!
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jazzums · 2 months
i just did the long and arduous task of applying for food stamps. could be a waste of time bc i am on the cusp of making too much money for a single person in my state
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boyenthusiast · 5 months
when i get paid the same day im getting a tattoo
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mothalaalee · 2 months
gonna be off grid for a while because this app is funny as fuck but i need to concentrate on my life.
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nyxitycatboy · 3 months
paladins is nyext patch making changes to seris that im rlly excited fur but a little sad about seris currently has 1 talent thats probably one of the best in the game: Soul Catcher, that gives you 24% maximum health and damage after using her q to detonate 12 stacks, and you get percentage based healing off of those stacks too :3 agony and mortal reach are both kinda trash compared to that, even though both have uniqueish effects
But in the nyext patch, mortal reach is being replaced with Forsake, which fixes her biggest issue by making her 1.5s channel heal .5s (though higher cooldown), which is fucking massive in a game where antiheal exists and also lets her spam shots more, and agony is being replaced with a fcuking 20% damage vulnerability applied to people after you stun with four stack det fsdjknfjkds im sad abt this though,,, bcuz forsake is very clearly better fur healing than the other two meaning when im in 1x support scenarios i probably have to run it instead of 24% higher health and damage fur hiting 12 shots ;w;
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Are you millionaire?
lord I wish
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nando161mando · 5 months
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Why doesn't the government tax net worth instead of income??
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