#nesting in my roof. loud. go away
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the-dot · 1 year ago
this fuckijgn BIRD is KILLING ME
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illyrian-lady-of-the-night · 8 months ago
Monster Trio Preferences- Where they like to kiss you
I got carried away with Zoro's sorry i'm not sorry. Not edited
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Luffy loves to kiss your nose. His favorite thing to do is catch you by suprise because it makes you laugh everytime.
You sit at the table waiting for lunch talking to Sanji. The door slams open hitting the wall and your captain walks in.
"God dammit Luffy your going to put a hole in my wall," Sanji said clearly irritated. "And I told you I'd come get you when lunch was ready," Luffy ignored him and kept his eyes on you. Before you could ask him what he wanted Luffy sprints full speed up to you, grabbing your face he turns your head and places a gental kiss on your nose. You giggle giving him a playful shove, "Geez Cap I thought something was wrong,"
Luffy wraps his arms around your shoulders and looks at Sanji. "I'm not here for food i'm here for (Y/N)"
He picks you up and brings you to the figure head where you both sit and Luffy talks about his day. You chime in now and then but when Luffy is on a roll, to catch him off guard you kiss him on the nose. He stops mid sentence surprised at your action.
“Hey that’s my job he says’” kissing you back. This goes on for a while you two going back and forth kissing each others noses.
“How long do you think they will do that for” Nami asks Usopp who is standing next her.
“Probably until one headbutts the other on accident,”
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Zoro's favorite place to kiss you is the top of your head. He loves how small you are compared to him and he likes to smell your hair, but he'd rather land on his own sword then tell you that.
Living on the 1000 Sunny was always fun, the boys were loud and something was always happening. Today however your anxiety was through the roof and you just wanted piece and quiet and to be alone. You tried to hide in the girls dorm but Nami was practicing with her Clima-tact. You went to the baths to try and relax, but Brooke was in there practicing his singing because 'it has the best accoustics on board.' All you wanted was Zoro but he was training in the crows nest and just looking up at made your stomach turn with anxiety.
Sighing you go to Chopper, knocking before you enter his office. "Come in," Opening the door you feel your shoulders relax seeing that he was the only one there. Chopper smile fell as he saw you, knowing something was wrong as you didn't great him as your normal cheery self.
"Hey Chopper," you say laying down on the bed "Do you have anything for anxiety?"
Chopper's face lightens when he understands what going on. He smiles softly going over to his cabniet. He pulls out different herbs and starts to use his mortar and pestle.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks quietly making sure not to be too loud. You look at your hands in your lap holding them together so they don't shake. There's nothing to talk about, you've been anxious all your life living fine with it. However today was the worst you've felt in months.
"I just woke up with this weight on my chest and a pit in my stomach and nothing has help," you say tearing up. "And all I want is my Roro but I look at the crows nest and want to throw up,"
You let the tears fall not worrying about Chopper seeing you he's seen you worse. He walks over to you handing a steaming cup of tea.
"Lavender, Chamomile, and Valerian for your anxiety it also might make you sleepy, do you want me to go get Zoro for you?" Chopper asked, there was a reason why everyone loved the doctor he would do anything to make you feel better physically and mentally.
You nod staring into your tea. "Thank you Chopper,"
Zoro walked into the office his presence taking up room. When you see him you immediatly bawl from all of the emotions in your system. He rushes over to you not noticing Chopper shut the door to give you guys privacy.
"Hey, hey doll what's going on," Zoro says softly wrapping his sweaty body around you kissing the crown of your head. You tell him about how you felt waking up and your search for your own space all day. How when ever you looked at the crows nest you were nauseas.
"And all I wanted was you, but it's ok I have you now," you say sniffly. Zoro kisses your head agin resting his lips there for a moment. He stands up taking you with him.
"What are you doing?" you ask him as you plant your feet on the floor your face in his chest.
"Chopper said that you need deep presure for anxiety," Zoro said in a matter of fact tone wrapping his arms around you holding you tight. "And I can kiss the top of your head this way," he says breathing in your shampoo.
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Sanji's favorite place to kiss you is your pussy neck. He loves when you try and squirm saying his name in a giggle.
Sanji had been making dinner for hours and for a good reason it was your birthday and you only deserved the best. When he asked you what you wanted to eat for dinner your request was anything but simple sea king sushi.
Luffy and Usopp have been fishing all day waiting for one that was Sanji aprove. Once they had caught one that had a good meat to fat ratio Zoro cut it into managable pieces. Now Sanji was locked by himself in the kitchen with a 'Screw Off' sign on the door.
You were anything but lonely partying with the crew but you still missed Sanji, maybe you should have chosen something diffent. You should've known Sanji would put 110% into anything he does for you.
You lean back in your chair by the fire Usopp had started, the sun was setting on the horizon it was beautiful. Letting out a content sigh you take a drink your sake.
Suddenly you feel the tickle of Sanji's stubble on your neck before he kisses you. Scrunching up your shoulder you let out a giggle.
"Sanji your back," A smile spreads across your face.
“(Y/N)-swan I will always come back you don’t have to worry,” he said kissed you ok the other side of your neck.
Sanji stood up clearing his throat. “Now who’s hungry,”
Before he could finish what he was saying Luffy’s arms were on the inside of the door frame ready to launch himself into the kitchen, Zoro, Sanji, and Frankie had to hold him back so you could sit down first.
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usedtobecooler · 2 years ago
dropping monday 14/08…
this must be the place
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eddie munson x steve harrington x afab!reader
summary: the summer of 1985 is only just beginning when a trip to scoops ahoy! unlocks some deeply hidden feelings you have swirling in your stomach for steve harrington. eddie munson won't let you live it down, and maybe that’s due to his own feelings too, but a chance encounter on a hot night at lovers lake sends you all down a rabbit hole you could never of prepared for.
content warnings: 18+ only minors dni, sexual content (threesome, piv sex, oral sex, dirty talk, van sex), porn with plot, eddie and reader are fwbs with feelings, gentle bullying and banter, eddie is canonically queer, mentions of past king!steve, brief homophobia mentions, a heartfelt conversation. feelings are felt on all three sides, if you don't like it look away <3 reader isn't explicitly described as alt/goth but it's implied.
sneak peek below the cut
You watch curiously as the Harrington charm working it’s magic right in front of your very eyes, Steve steps in close to Linda, brushes a loose curl back — Jesus Christ, why was that doing something for you — and says something you can’t make out, but it’s enough to have Linda blushing and pulling nervously on the hem of her denim shorts.
Why were you jealous?
The telltale noise of an obnoxiously loud horn beeping lets you — and probably the entire neighbourhood — know Eddie had arrived to pick you up, snapping you completely out of your daydream. Your lips curl up into a smirk when both Linda and Steve jump ten feet at the sound, Steve rolling his eyes and scoffing.
What a bitch.
Eddie catches you looking from your window and lets out an obnoxious laugh, grinning up at you with his annoyingly perfect teeth. You wanted to punch him, maybe, but Friday nights were for one thing and one thing only, and that was getting high at Lovers Lake in the flatbed of the van.
So it’d have to wait until you didn’t need him for the weed or the ride.
Summer meant the pretty sunset as a backdrop whilst you smoked the day's events away — it somehow made everything that little bit more relaxing, watching the swirls of orange, pink and purple melt together as your brain fogged with the drugs, a nice settling in your tummy as your high took over.
It was second only to the heavy September rain that you loved so much, you found yourself yearning for it all year around. The loud patter of the large droplets clinking on the tin roof of Eddie’s van, buried under a nest of blankets to keep the cool chill off your arms and legs. Eddie’s hot breath fanning over your neck as he kissed it, chest heavy against your back. Warm, solid and comforting.
Maybe you were in love with him, or maybe you weren’t. You didn’t want to think too much about that.
You glide out of the house as quietly as you can muster, not wanting to arouse suspicion about where you were going. Even in your twenties, your parents would still have a few choice words for you in regards to Eddie Munson, and you were in no mood for the lecture. You’d heard it too many times in the years you’d known him, since fifth grade when he pushed you in the playground and you pulled his hair in retaliation.
From that moment on you were inseparable, to the dismay of your parents.
You’re aware of two other sets of eyes watching you from across the street as you bounce down the driveway, all smiles as excitement thrums through your entire body. Eddie’s maybe looking at you like you hung the fucking moon or something, but that’s probably to do with the fact you’re wearing his shirt and looking the epitome of hot.
Okay, maybe you had a complex.
“So that’s where my shirt went,” Eddie hums, giving you an appreciative once-over as you wrench the passenger door open with a horrific sounding crunch of metal, “looks better on you, I’ve gotta say.”
You clamber into the van with a huff, laughter spilling into it, “Yeah, yeah. You don’t need to woo me, Munson. We’re gonna fuck anyway, don’t worry.”
Eddie laughs loud and so fucking obnoxious, as if for somebody else’s entertainment, and it does catch the attention of the lovebirds on the other side of the road. You look over just as Steve catches your eyes, and suddenly your chest feels kind of heavy as he stares at you with a kind of intensity that you can’t put a finger on.
“Take a fuckin’ picture, Harrington,” Eddie cackles, head basically out the fucking window and he’s grinning at them both, snapping you completely out of it, “that’s as close as you’re getting to her, count your lucky stars.”
Eddie and Steve weren’t friends. In fact quite the opposite. Steve and Tommy were miserable assholes for years, made Eddie’s life hell at any given turn unless they needed him for drugs.
You think back, and truthfully the turning point was during Junior year. Steve had tripped Eddie in the hall, called him ‘queer’. Eddie didn’t stand for that, sucker punched Steve right in the jaw, hard enough that his skull hit the locker adjacent to him.
“That shit might hurt you when your daddy calls you it, but you’ve gotta do a lot worse than call me exactly what I am as an insult, Harrington.” Eddie had grinned, vicious and seething, as he watched Steve clutch desperately at his bruised jaw, wide eyed and hair askew from the force.
Steve never bothered Eddie again after that.
In fact, not long after, Steve never bothered anybody again. Maybe the knock to the head had quite literally knocked some sense into him, or something.
“You good?” Eddie’s voice, his large hand gripping your thigh knocks you back into reality, out of the daydream, and the grounding is enough to have your entire body melting into the simple touch.
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e-dubbc11 · 6 months ago
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x F! Hunter Reader
Warnings: Swear words, mentions of guns and gunshot wounds, smexy imagination (f! Receiving oral), mentions of death, a few tears, smooches, alludes to sex
Word Count: 3.9K-ish
Summary: After a run in with a shapeshifter and the local police, you end up with a bullet wound that you can’t patch up yourself. You call your best friend that you haven’t seen in a couple of years and that you’ve been in love with since you were kids
A/N: Spoilers for anyone that’s never watched the show, or watched past season 5. This takes place a couple of years after the apocalypse and Sam goes into the cage with Lucifer and Dean shows up at Lisa’s door.
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
Your escape hadn’t been easy but you managed to get away and with only one bullet wound courtesy of the local police. Of course they didn’t believe you when you told them that the “person” they were tracking wasn’t you, it was only someone who looked exactly like you.
The shifter would have to wait, you needed this bullet out of your oblique muscle now but you weren’t going to be able to get it out by yourself and there was no way you could go to a hospital with your face plastered all over the news.
But you were alone without anyone to call. Well, that’s not exactly true, there was one person you could call but you did not want to see him. However, what other choice did you have?
After checking into a motel outside of town (they probably hadn’t seen the news yet), you texted him.
You awake? I need your help.
It was late so you were surprised to see the three dots immediately appear underneath your message.
On my way. Text me your location.
You gave him the address of the motel and he wrote back that he was about 40 minutes away so all you could do was sit and wait.
The sky had been in a vengeful mood all day and finally after a particularly loud crack of thunder, the sky split in half and you could hear the rain hammering against the roof and pelting the hoods of the cars outside your door.
Hoping it wouldn’t impede his arrival time, the incessant rainstorm dumped buckets of rain leaving massive puddles in the parking lot and the runoff water sounded like a waterfall falling into the storm drain.
After you sent the text, he was all you could think about…Dean Winchester. He was your childhood friend, fellow hunter and the man who’s had your heart ever since you were kids…although he didn’t know it.
You met Dean, his brother Sam, and their father John when you were 12. Dean was 14 and Sam was 10. You and your mother were crashing at Bobby’s for a couple of days after a particularly draining hunt for a vampire nest.
The only familiar voice coming from downstairs was Bobby’s, but there were also three others so you decided to investigate while your mother was still sleeping off your first big kill.
Creeping down the stairs, you tried to make as little noise as possible and as you peered around the corner, the cutest boy you had ever seen was directly in your line of sight.
He was wearing a brown leather jacket, had light brown hair, eyes the color of summer grass, and a sprinkling of freckles across his nose. Immediately, your heart started beating faster and you felt flutters in your stomach. You were smitten.
Suddenly, the stairs creaked underneath your feet, they all turned and saw you standing there staring at all of them with a nervous smile on your face. Your heart was beating even faster now, heat rushed to your cheeks, and the palms of your hands became very warm.
You remembered you had just gotten out of bed after a long nap so you nervously and absentmindedly started to smooth your hair and adjust your clothes while averting your gaze from Dean to your Henley shirt and jeans.
“Well look who’s awake. C’mere, sweetie, I’d like you to meet some friends of mine.” Said Bobby.
Feeling your knees beginning to shake, you slowly walked over to them, and stopped next to Bobby. Your eyes darted back and forth from Bobby back to the Winchesters as you gave them a slight smile and wave.
“Y/n, these are the Winchesters. That’s John, Dean and Sam. Y/n and her mother are resting here for a couple of days after a vamp hunt.” Bobby stated.
Dean looked a little surprised to know that you were a hunter too but learned quickly after a few hunts together that your mother taught you well. Also, after meeting your mother, she and John went on to have a brief relationship. Sometimes, they left the three of you behind to go off on their own hunts so you got to know Dean and Sam very well.
It was just nice to have friends in a “profession” where you normally worked alone.
You helped them anytime they needed you to and they would do the same for you. The three of you had been through a lot together, losing the only parents you had left, helping them track down the yellow-eyed demon that killed their mother, and trying to help Sam get Dean out of the pit of hell.
As you grew into adults and while on hunts, there were plenty of shared motel rooms, literally being in tight spaces, listening to the water run while he was in the shower, wondering if there were eyes on the other side of the door as you changed clothes…your sexual feelings for Dean were growing stronger too and you had gathered up the courage to maybe finally tell him.
But then it all vanished like air from a popped balloon.
You weren’t there when it happened, you were off on a hunt of your own but Bobby told you about Sam getting locked in the cage with Lucifer. Knowing that Dean must be devastated, you tried to call but there was no answer. And the next time you called, a woman answered which prompted you to quickly hang up.
“I didn’t want this for ya, kid.” Bobby had said, trying to console you.
Fresh sobs escaped from your throat. “Why didn’t he come to me, Bobby?!! He’s my best friend and he went to someone else?! She doesn��t know him like I do! She doesn’t know the life!” You cried.
Bobby was like a father figure to you and he tried, he really did but he didn’t know what to do to try and make it better.
“I know, kiddo. I know.” Bobby said softly. “I got somethin’ to tell ya, though. We need your help.”
Confused by the term “we”, you swiped the tears away from your cheeks and heard the front door open. Sam walked in and they both explained everything that was going on, how they’re purposely leaving Dean out of it because he was happy living a normal life which just made you sad but you agreed to help hunt down a powerful group of djinn that was after the boys for killing one of their own awhile back.
They were closing in on Dean. They stalked him, caused him to hallucinate, see things that weren’t there which is when Sam and Bobby decided to pull Dean back into it and that was when you had to walk away. He was already on your mind all day every day but you couldn’t see him again. It hurt too much, he hurt you too much.
But the brothers were back together again, you were saving people and hunting things by yourself which probably wasn’t a great idea but you’ve hunted alone since your mother’s passing. Now, you’re stuck outside of a shit town and waiting for the best friend you haven’t seen in over two years to come and help you.
What were you going to say to him?
Well, you had about 20 minutes left to try and figure it out.
You could hear the low growl of the Impala and as it grew closer, the growl became a rumble before it stopped completely when Dean turned off the engine. The room was completely quiet; you didn’t have the tv or the radio on as you sat at the kitchen table carefully listening to the drumming of the rain up above you and trying not to wince at the pain in your side from the bullet. Then you heard the signature door squeak as it slammed shut, followed by five loud raps against the motel room door.
“Sweetheart, are you in there? Open up!” Shouted Dean over the rain.
“Sweetheart?” You whispered to yourself. “He has a lot of damn nerve!”
Turning to face the door, you yelled out, “IT’S OPEN!”
Dean stormed through the door.
“Are you nuts?!!” He yelled, coldly.
“Jury’s out on that one, Winchester. Lock the door behind ya, will ya?” You replied, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
He glared at you. “Leavin’ the door unlocked, y/n…seriously, what is wrong with you?!”
You closed your eyes, shrugged and frowned in his direction.
“Alright…show me what happened. I heard your name all over the news…shapeshifter?” Asked Dean.
You nodded and showed him the wound on your back, right on the love handle.
“You sure the bullet didn’t come out?” Dean asked.
“Uh yeah, I think I would have noticed if I had another hole in front, Dean!!” You yelled through gritted teeth.
“Well you don’t have to yell at me! I’m here aren’t I? Actually, I’m surprised you texted me, Sam busy or somethin’?” He asked with a sly smile on his face.
“You know he’s working on something else so don’t play dumb with me Dean Winchester!” You hissed.
He was frustrating you to no end and he’s been there for five minutes.
“Get this bullet out of me now before I bleed out all over this floor!” You said.
Dean pointed toward the bathroom.
“Ok, ok, get in the bathroom, hands on the counter but before you do that, you’re gonna have to inch your pants down a little.” He said.
Caught off guard, you stumbled over your words.
“U-uh…y-you want m-me to do what?”
“Just inch them down a little bit; they’re just gonna be in the way if you leave them in place.” He said.
Dean set up everything he needed to extract the bullet on the counter. The only anesthetic he had with him was alcohol which took away only a fraction of the pain whether you were drinking it or pouring it on the wound.
The look on your face could have scalded paint off of the walls and your voice was tight with anger as you weaved a web of profanities so obscene, you would have probably made a sailor blush. Dean had finally managed to get the bullet out intact, stop the bleeding, and put a bandage on the wound.
“Thank you.” You said sheepishly as if you didn’t just spend an hour cursing his very existence.
Another sly smile stretched across his lips as he finally replied, “You’re welcome, sweetheart. You have some sweats or somethin’? Jeans are gonna be too harsh to rub against the wound.”
You did have some in your bag that was on one of the beds.
“They’re in my bag. I’ll get them.” You said starting to walk out of the bathroom.
He held his hands out in front of you, “Whoa, no…I’ll get them, just stay right here.” He said.
With your hand resting on the counter, you tried to take the weight off of your left side while Dean ran out to the other room to get your sweatpants. The bullet wound was really quite painful.
He set the sweats on the counter, inched closer to you and reached for the waistband of your jeans.
“Hey, hey…what are you doin’? I can do it myself, ya know.” You said in a scolding tone.
He folded his arms across his chest and with narrowed eyes, and asked with a smirk “Oh really? Ok, well I’ll be right on the other side of that door. Call me when you need my help because you will.”
He tapped you gently on the nose.
Scoffing at him, you tried your best to get your jeans off and put your sweatpants on but the pain was just too much. You were definitely going to need his help.
Softly, you called out to him.
You could feel him smiling on the other side of the door.
“Yessssssss? You need some help in there or somethin’?” He asked in a semi-taunting voice.
Deflated, you replied, “Yes please.”
Dean slowly opened the door with a wide smile on his face, walked toward you and once again reached for the waistband on your jeans. Gently, he inched them down your thighs, all the way to your ankles before he had you rest your hands on his shoulders so he could take them off completely. If he only knew what this was doing to you.
He was eye level with your core, looking up at you through his long lashes with those beautiful green eyes of his and all you could think about was what it would be like to have his face buried in between your thighs, tasting you, and tongue fucking you until you see stars.
“I still can’t believe you fight monsters in a thong.” He chuckled.
Heat rose to your cheeks as you replied, “Oh my god, not the time! This is SO not the time for that!”
He laughed at you again as he gently pulled the sweatpants up, being careful not to touch your bullet wound, until he was gazing down at you fondly with a slight smirk on his face.
“Come on. I’ll help you to the bed.” He said.
After easing you down onto the bed, Dean started to gather everything he brought inside with him to bring out to the car.
You caught yourself staring at him. Actually, it was more like staring AND clenching. You’ve been in love with Dean Winchester since you were 12 years old and he’s never even tried to kiss you but you’ve wanted him to every single time you have been in the same room with him. He was all you had ever wanted.
As he continued to gather his things and clean up, you finally asked him with a hitch in your voice, “Why?”
“Why what, y/n?” He replied, still shoving things into his bag.
Tears stung the back of your eyes as you answered.
“Why did you go to her and not me after Sam went into the cage?! WHY?!” You asked. “I thought we were best friends, Dean!”
Stunned, Dean knew you weren’t going to let him leave without giving you an answer but the dejected look on his face told you he knew he made a huge mistake cutting you out like he did.
“I-I don’t know, y/n. I really don’t know. I got in the car and I started to dial your number but I stopped myself because I didn’t want you to see me like that! I didn’t want you to see me broken and hollow, ok?!” He said.
“So you went to someone who doesn’t even know you like I do? Doesn’t know the life? Doesn’t know that this life took the people that we loved the most in this world away from us?!! What kind of comfort could she have been to you?!!” You yelled. “Oh wait, nevermind. I actually know the answer to that one.”
“HEY! That is NOT fair!” Dean growled back.
“Oh you wanna talk about fair?! I called, texted, called again…one of those times, SHE answered your phone and I gave up after that. But you didn’t bother to call me back, EVER!! How fuckin’ fair is that, Dean?!” You sobbed with tears streaking down your cheeks.
You could see it in his eyes how angry and hurt he was. Dean’s lips were pulled tight in a straight line and the muscles in his forearms immediately tensed before tightly clenching his fists. He was trying his hardest not to snap back like you knew he wanted to.
Dean then shakily placed his hands on the back of a kitchen chair, leaned forward, and stared down at the floor for a minute before bringing his gaze back up to you.
“Look y/n, I guess I went to Lisa to feel better about myself knowing that I could protect her and Ben, to make up for not being able to protect Sam. You’ve never needed me to protect you, even when we were kids so I just went to them instead where I knew I could be of some use.” Said Dean.
Fighting back your tears but failing miserably, you replied, “When have you ever not been useful, Dean? All I wanted was to comfort my friend, my BEST friend, help you figure out how to get Sam out of the cage…something! But you didn’t give me that chance, did you.”
With his eyes shut tight, Dean pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a low growl. You knew the last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt you but it was too late for that. Over two years had passed since you had seen him last but not a day had gone by where you didn’t think of him, miss him, or not love him. You thought maybe those feelings for Dean would eventually go away, but they never did and they never will.
You were young and it was a childhood crush, it should have gone away but those feelings for him just became stronger as the years passed so when Bobby told you Dean was with someone else it felt as though someone was crushing your heart inside your chest.
That dull ache would never go away and it became a sharp pain as soon as he barged into your room tonight. Seeing him again brought all of those feelings back to the surface, made your entire body tingle, and you wanted him more now than ever before.
The only people that knew your true feelings for Dean were Bobby and your mother. She knew from the minute she met the Winchesters that you had eyes for Dean.
Bobby only found out after he told you about Lisa but you made him promise not to say anything which he had kept tight to his chest until his passing. But you were unsure if Dean had any idea about your feelings for him.
“When have you ever NEEDED my help, y/n?!” Dean asked in a raised tone.
You replied, “NEEDED? Never, I’ve never NEEDED your help or anyone else’s help but I’ll always WANT it! I’ll always want…”
A lump formed in your throat as you finished your sentence.
“You…I’ll always want you, Dean.” You said with trembling lips.
“Say that again.” Said Dean.
Your heart lurched into your throat as you tried to get your words out again. With a deep inhale and a forceful exhale, you told him again.
“I always want you, Dean. I always have.” You finally said.
You could practically see the words bouncing around inside his head like in a pinball machine.
“This is gonna sound really cheesy but I’m tipsy from those shots of whiskey so here goes nothin’…I have never wanted, nor will I ever want, anyone else except you, Dean Winchester. I’ve been in love with you since I was 12 years old, no matter how many times I’ve tried to push it away, no matter how many times I told myself it was ‘just a crush’, and I even told myself that you’d probably never love me back. I still love you!” You said with conviction through tears and a slight nervous chuckle.
“Son of a bitch…I need to sit down.” He said, pressing his palm to his forehead and planting himself in one of the kitchen chairs.
You started to get up off of the bed.
“Lemme get you some wa—“ You started to say.
Dean held out his hand to stop you.
“No! Don’t you dare get up. You’re the one with the bullet wound and I’m just a clueless asshat apparently.” He said.
That made you laugh.
Cutting through the awkward silence, Dean said, “I really can’t explain what it was, what I felt but something happened to me every time I saw you smile, every time you laughed, or hugged me, and even when you poked fun at me. I knew that I never wanted to NOT hear your voice, feel the extra squeeze at the end of your hugs, or see your eyes light up when I walk through the door. Even when you’re pissed at me like earlier tonight, your eyes never lie, you’re STILL happy to see me.”
“Dean…” You started to say but he cut you off again.
“I think that’s why I could never really be in love with Lisa because I was already in love with…you.” Dean said in a low gravelly tone.
His words made your stomach drop, those words that you never thought you would hear other than the love you shared between friends, but he was in love with you too which made your heart soar.
You wanted to go to him so you tried to stand up but again he stopped you.
“Whoa! What did I tell you about getting up, huh? Just stay there. Now what do you need? I’ll get it.” He asked.
“I need you to kiss me, Dean.” You replied in barely more than a whisper.
He stood up, slowly walked over to the bed and gently helped you up to standing.
“You ok?” He asked softly.
You nodded as he titled your chin up so you were looking up into his green eyes. With his hands cupping your cheeks, he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to yours. Dean’s tongue swept your lower lip before parting them and pressing it against your teeth wanting desperately to tangle with yours.
He pulled you flush against him as your arms snaked around his neck and he continued to kiss you hungrily while the ache between your thighs felt like it was going to explode.
Great…what a time to be wounded and in pain.
Dean loved to hear his name fall from your lips over and over again as he kissed up and down your neck and you loved to say it like a favorite song you had memorized all of the words to. You let your fingers glide through his hair as his lips collided with yours again and he whispered again and again how beautiful you were.
You always wondered what this would be like, to have his lips on yours, his calloused hands touching your body, caressing your face, telling you that he loved you and it was everything you hoped it would be; it was the best kiss of your life.
He accidentally got too close to your wound as he moved his hand to your lower back.
“Ow, ow, ow.” You said wincing in pain.
He apologized profusely.
“Oooh shit! I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry…for everything.” He said as he gently brushed your cheeks with his knuckles.
You gave him a warm smile and replied, “It’s ok, I still love you, Dean.”
He kissed you again, his lips were soft and tasted like dark roast coffee; you never wanted him to stop.
“Still?” He asked with a wink.
You winked back. “Still.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.” He said, kissing the tip of your nose. “I always will.”
“Always?” You asked, biting back a smile.
Dean licked his lips before kissing you again.
“Always.” He said with a sly smile. “I’m taking you back to the bunker with me and when you’re all healed up? Plan on not leaving my room for at least a couple of days. I’m gonna show you how much I love you, over and over, and over again.” He purred in your ear.
Heat rose to your cheeks, you felt delightful sparks run down your back, and choked on the lump in your throat.
“Well…until then, can you just kiss me over and over and over again?” You asked.
He replied with a warm smile, “I think I can do that, baby.”
Tag List: @munsonownsmyass @gijos @vaguekayla @stoneyggirl2
Others that might enjoy: @k-marzolf @jvanilly @fluffyprettykitty @deans-spinster-witch @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend
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sadmiserablechv · 2 months ago
Grayson as Talon pt.4
I don't know if I need to proceed with last though about nest of Talon, so now I just keep on with another thought.
I don't know how, but if information about weakness of Talons to cold found by someone who hates Hood and knows that one of that creatures are right by his side, I'm sure that that person would use it against Grayson.
Because noone wants this weapon in hands of new Crime Lord. It's too much of disadvantage for others, who wants to rule not just Crime Alley, but also all of the business that Hood holds in hands.
When Jason got captured, he totally have his backup plan to backup plan like any other bat. He's very calm about situation, so just sits there and asks questions instead of answering them.
But when he receives punch, and already wants to just get ot of chains to shoot through knee of one goon that starts to annoy him, glass one of the roof warehouses window shatters with loud noise and here is small angry Talon, that want to protect Jason (he remembers his name and sometimes even uses it in small arguments with a lot of chittering).
He lands between them and maybe, just maybe, Hood is smugly smiling, cause see, fuckers, that my Birdie.
But that expression quickly fades and rattling of chains, when Todd too fast tear from them obviously scratching his armor, outlasts growling of Richard and sound of liquid nitrogen that pours down on Talon.
He is quick, but too stubborn to move very far away. His life doesn't matter, he died ones. All he need is protect his Master.
Todd hurriedly disarms goons on his side, while Talon finished others. And Red Hood almost feel relieve... before he see how kid slowly moves to him.
He is overly slow for his regular speed. And Jay almost stop breathing when he saw the cold steam that comes from small body.
But Talon doesn't care, he feels how his limbs become more and more unguided, but still thinks just about man infront of him.
When kid sees how stiffened and pale Jason is he makes southing noise that sometimes resembles Hood of soft purring. His hands freezing more than they should normally when child tries to take his face and examine on any type of trauma.
"Hurt?" he ask hoarse as always, looking with his incredibly large yellow eyes, that protected by his goggles.
"I'm fine" gouges out man, who can't think about anything else but how legs of Talon finally give up under his own weight.
"Good" quietly says child, small smile forming in the corners of his mouth, while his purring starts to slowly dying in his chest.
Hood found himself fifty minutes later on his knees, with small body tightly pressed to his own. Man carefully removed headpiece from Grayson, now slowly caressing black curls while rocking in place.
He'll be fine. He's immortal, right? He'll wake up soon.
Everything is going to be fine...
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lemimmaid · 7 months ago
Day 4: Dream
Vea (she/her)
Taking in a lost Darkness puppy.
Artists: Gazzi, Baydews, @ar-guile
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While traversing the rooftops of San Fransokyo at night, Vea stumbles across an unconscious boy in a pile of garbage, wearing what she assumes is some sort of vigilante getup.
Having been recently freed from Xehanort's influence, the Darkness known as "Vanitas" is seeking a new host, but accidentally finds a new Master instead when the girl responds with an unimpressed demeanor to his "I am darkness" spiel, and clips a dog leash onto the base of his helmet before leaving him in the alley and heading home.
After exploring the city a bit, Vanitas finds himself with nowhere to go and not enough power to leave, so he seeks out his new master, following her like a lost puppy.
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He came in through the window.
Honestly, it was like something out of a fairy tale. Meeting a boy on the rooftops in the dead of night, wind whipping his messy hair this way and that for a breathless moment of eye contact.
Her own storybook-blonde curls were less than magical, she could feel the weight of her hip-length hair concentrating into a gnarled nest against her back and long pieces lashing at her bare skin like a flogger. There would be a storm soon. The air was thick and heavy with energy, and she was sure she'd hear the rolling growl of thunder in the distance if not for the shrill whistle of the wind battering her eardrums. The world around them was a coiled spring on the verge of snapping.
In the dim light, she thought his mouth was moving. Was he talking to her? She squinted against the bangs smacking against her face, shifting her feet to balance better. "What?!"
Vea felt her voice in her throat, felt it buzz through her skull, but if the sound made it into the air it was immediately snatched away on the wind like a leaf. This was pointless. A brief moment passed, and she gestured vaguely in his direction before turning away and crossing the tiles as quickly as she dared to the adjacent building.
Bracing herself with one arm, she slid sideways down the angled roof, one step at a time, and lowered herself onto a wide windowsill, tripping the latch with her fingernail. Her grip tightened as she lost balance slightly, startled by the loud clatter of the window bursting open in the wind. A steadying hand closed over her wrist, and she looked up. The boy had followed her, expression unreadable in the conflicting light, so she dropped her eyes away from him. She offered him a nod of thanks, waiting until his grip loosened to slip inside, re-latching the window when he made it in after her.
The sudden lack of sound was painful, and she idly rubbed at her ears. They stung badly from the cold, sharp air, not to mention the ringing and dizzying pressure. 
"Fuck," the boy—Vanitas?—muttered under his breath. Vea raised an eyebrow, turning to him with a curious expression. He was untangling something in his hands, a wad of knotted chain and leather rope. Following the rope to its base, it was attached to that same helmet and tangled in some kind of tattered skirt and mess of belts around his waist.
"You good?" she asked, a hint of dry amusement creeping into her tone. Some fairy tale. Who wore such a stupid outfit, let alone while running around on rooftops in the middle of a windstorm. Weirdo. "Have to admit, I didn't think I'd see you prowling around the neighborhood again after yesterday. Couldn't keep me off your mind?"
"Couldn't get the leash off," he replied dryly, not looking up from his task. "Thought you might want it back."
A small surge of heat clenched at her chest, but she managed to keep the embarrassment from reaching her face. "What a gentleman, skulking around on a girl's roof to return her lost property."
Vanitas snorted a laugh, the barest smirk curling his lips. "Can you call it lost when you clipped it onto my helmet?"
"You expected me to sit pretty and listen to your dumb supervillain speech? You sounded ridiculous and I reacted appropriately."
"Fine, whatever."
"Good boy."
The pause that followed wasn't as awkward as she'd expected, but her words hung almost visibly in the air between them. She hadn't thought she'd see him again, especially with how abruptly she'd left.
"Anyway," he said, giving up on untangling his skirt and belts. He'd finally extracted the leash from the gnarled mess and, clearly thinking that was enough for now, held it out to her.
A playful smile crossed her lips. "What, you didn't want to keep it to remember me by?"
"Don't think I'll need it," he replied. "You make an impression, Master."
"...excuse me?"
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Today you get Vea. Tomorrow? Who knows...
thank you @ar-guile for being my vanitas dialogue consultant
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cryptid-crow13 · 1 year ago
I have a migraine, but I wanted to write so I projected onto Tim <3
word count: 1,633
CW: chronic pain, migraine, passive suicidal ideation
Red Robin sat on the edge of a rooftop and closed his eyes. He’d signed off for the night, but hadn’t returned to the Cave or the Nest. Everything today was just too much and his head pounded.
Tim knew he hadn’t gotten any blows to the head recently, but that’s almost what it felt like. Any of the lights in the city were like ice picks and any sound made his head throb. However, he stayed sitting on the edge of the rooftop and sighed. The idea of making the trip to the Nest or even one of his safehouses almost made him hurt worse.
He didn’t bother calling over comms to ask for help. Tim thought of having to deal with Bruce, Dick, or Damian made him want to bang his head on the concrete of the roof. It wouldn’t make the pounding in his head go away, but maybe he wouldn’t have to deal with it or them.
Tim opened his eyes and immediately snapped them closed against the pain it brought. He would be more worried about getting caught on the roof if he could think past the pain. It felt like everything around him was at a volume that threatened to blow his ear drums, but he still couldn’t focus on any of it enough.
Tim tightened his grip on the roof’s ledge when a wave of pain threatened to make him fall. It felt like his brain was going to burst out of his skull.
He slowly leaned back to lay on his back with his legs hanging over the edge. He didn’t trust that he wouldn’t just fall at any given moment. Tim supressed a relieved sigh when some of the tension in his neck eased.
His mind drifted in a haze of pain. Tim tried to gather his thoughts into anyhihng coherent so he could head back, but all he managed were half formed thoughts. He really should have ended patrol as soon as he had realized his vision had gained a distinct static quality that wasn’t due to the lenses in his domino. He’d thought he’d have more time or that he’d be able to push past it. He did manage to push past it as long as he kept moving and adrenaline was pumping through him. However, as soon as he’d stopped to rest he had to end patrol.
The others didn’t ask questions about why Tim would cut his patrol short. They didn’t seem to think it was odd when normally keeping Tim from his regular patrols was like trying to herd a cat. Tim couldn’t think of why they didn’t ask past the hurt. Nor did he think the metaphor in his own head made very much sense.
Tim flinched but didn’t move when a thud sounded on the roof. He slowly pieced together that the sound was boots hitting concrete. Tim forced himself to open his eyes.
A red helmet stared down at him and Tim couldn’t find it in himself to care.
“What’s up with you?” Jason asked in a voice that was far too loud.
Tim’s face scrunched in pain, but he couldn’t make himself cover his ears.
“Red Robin,” Hood said gruffly and Tim forced himself to pay attention. That name meant he needed to focus, but the effort of it was monumental.
Tim managed a hum in acknowledgment.
“Why the fuck are you still out? I thought you ended patrol early.” Jason’s voice had lowered in volume and Tim could only feel relief.
“Head,” Tim managed to say.
“Concussion?” Jason asked and Tim watched idly as he crouched down.
Tim shook his head and immediately regretted it when the motion made him feel like he had vertigo.
Jason hummed above Tim. A gloved hand rested on Tim’s forehead, just above his domino. He sighed in relief at the pressure and feeling of cool leather.
“What’s wrong, Tim?” Jason asked in a voice that Tim knew he should have more thoughts on, but he couldn’t manage anything past confusion.
“I feel like my brain is going to burst out of my ears,” Tim deadpanned.
Jason cursed and Tim mourned the loss of the pressure on his forehead.
“Are you really out here with a migraine?” Jason asked in a voice that made Tim want to cry. Why was it so loud?
Tim only managed a pained whine.
Jason cursed again as he shuffled a bit further from Tim. There was the sound of his jacket rustling and when he unzipped something Tim whined at the noise. He didn’t realize he’d closed his eyes until he opened them again when something was set on the roof beside his head.
Jason’s helmet stared back at him and Tim made himself look back up at Jason. He had moved closer again and Tim noted how his jaw was tense.
“Ear plugs and then I’m taking you to a safehouse,” Jason said in a whisper.
Tim groaned, but managed to lift his arms and take the ear plugs from Jason’s hand. He put them in and felt tears prick his eyes in relief. Everything was so much quieter and it made Tim feel like he could think just a bit more.
Jason bullied him into standing up and held Tim close when he teetered on his feet.
“I’m gonna grapple us down, but I need you to hold onto me,” Jason said and Tim realized he’d put his helmet back on.
“I can do that,” Tim said quietly. He moved under one of Jason’s arms and wrapped his own around the taller man’s neck.
Jason nodded and shifted his hold on Tim before he walked them to the edge of the rooftop.
Tim groaned, but held on as Jason lowered them to the ground.
“I’m sorry, Timbit, but we’re gonna have to use my bike. I don’t want anyone trying anything while we’re walking,” Jason said in a tone Tim barely recognized as regretful.
Tim hummed in acknowledgment and followed Jason. A gloved hand held securely around Tim’s upper arm to keep him steady and walking straight.
A smooth black helmet was pressed into Tim’s hands. He fit it over his head and sighed in relief again. It blocked out even more sound and the visor dimmed the lights around him.
When a hand tugged at one of his wrists he looked up and saw Jason had sat on his bike already. Tim allowed himself to be tugged closer. He held onto one of Jason’s shoulders to steady himself as he sat behind him.
Tim rested his head against the broad back in front of him and didn’t bother to feel embarrassed. Him and Jason had a much better relationship now, but they weren’t exactly close per-say. It felt odd having Red Hood care for him when the man had caused him so much pain before. Tim lost his train of thought to pain when the motorcycle roared to life under him. He tightened his hold around Jason’s middle.
Jason said something and patted at Tim’s hands consolingly before they started moving.
The drive was a blur of pain and noise. Tim was ready to start crying by the time the engine shut off.
Hands patted Tim’s own again and he reluctantly pulled back.
“Almost there, but you gotta get off the bike,” Jason said in a hushed tone.
Tim opened his eyes and realized they were in a small underground parking garage.
He held onto Jason’s shoulder again as he stepped off the bike.
“Safehouse?” Tim asked.
“Yeah, Timbit. One of my safehouses,” Jason said as he stepped off. He didn’t comment on how Tim still held onto him.
Tim whined and closed his eyes when the helmet was removed from his head.
“Sorry,” Jason said quietly. “You can keep your eyes closed, okay?”
Tim nodded.
He idly followed Jason as he was directed with a hand on his back. Tim tried to focus on the point of contact and not how he wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.
He sat when Jason directed him to. Tim relaxed back into the cushions and listened as Jason moved around. When the movement stopped in front of him he opened his eyes.
The lights were still off and Jason stood in casual clothes. He held a bundle of clothes out to Tim.
“Change. Just leave your stuff on the table. I’ll handle it.”
Tim took the clothes and changed out of his gear. The shirt he pulled on was far too big, but the shorts he was able to pull the strings on and tighten.
Jason walked back into the room.
“Did you take anything?” He asked.
“No, was in the middle of patrol when it started,” Tim said quietly.
“What the fuck, Timmers? You spent half of your patrol like this?” Jason asked in a harsh whisper.
Tim’s shoulders sagged. “I didn’t think it would be this bad.”
Jason scoffed and guided Tim by the shoulders to a bed.
“Lay down. I’ll get you some pain meds and water.”
Tim whined but listened and crawled into the bed. He closed his eyes and drifted in a haze of pain again.
A hand tapped his and Tim looked down to see Jason holding out a pill and water. Tim recognized the letters on the pill and popped it in his mouth. He took the water gratefully. It was cool and eased some of the pain.
Tim lied back in the bed and gasped when something cold was set against his forehead.
“What the fuck?” He asked.
“Its just an ice pack. Now shut up and go to sleep. We’ll talk when you can actually function again,” Jason said gruffly.
Tim flipped him off, but sank further into the pillows.
That's all I have for now. I might continue this and post it properly onto ao3, but who knows. I just wanted to project and Tim is the one that suffers with me today.
Lmk what you think!
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phlebaswrites · 1 year ago
Here (And Queer)
Tobirama doesn't have the time for a love life.
His family vehemently disagrees.
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Rating: Teen And Up Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara Word Count: 2,324 (Complete)
Entry for @madatobiweek
Day 5 - November 9: Reincarnation | Mistaken Identity
This story is for @tarutaruga who showed me the post that inspired it.
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"… and she's a very nice girl, or so her father says." Tobirama wants to sigh, but suppresses the impulse as his father keeps describing yet another daughter of a business partner. "She's doing her MBA, so I'm sure she'd have a lot in common with you."
"I don't think we would suit." Tobirama shakes his head, refusing to back down. "Besides, between the students inflicted on me by the university and my research, I don't have time to date."
"You could make time if you wanted to," otousan dismisses his objection, waving it away. "Meet her and see, I won't press you for more than that."
Kawarama grimaces behind his bowl of rice, and Tobirama shares his feelings. It always begins like this - a single date, organised by their father, then another one if the woman isn't completely objectionable, and soon there will be expectations.
No, Tobirama has had quite enough of it.
"Otousan." He puts down his chopsticks, making sure to align them carefully on top of his bowl. "I'm never going to date any of these girls."
"Your brother used to say that, but now look at him." Their father points at Anija, who smiles sheepishly but puts his hand over his wife's, covering it completely. "Happily married! It's possible, Tobirama, you just have to try."
"It's not possible, not for me." Tobirama looks up, catching his father's gaze. "Because I'm gay."
The silence that falls over the table is both sudden and total as the whole family stares at him in shock. He's never mentioned it before - he never thought it was anyone's business but his own - but if this is the only way Tobirama can get some peace, he'll do it.
He won't date another woman again, ever.
"Well…" Anija's voice breaks the hush, sounding overly loud by comparison. "There's always a nice boy…?"
Otousan shoves his chair back, standing up and storming out of the room, clearly disagreeing with that option, and Itama bites his lip. "Well, fuck."
Tobirama shakes his head, getting up and heading for the door.
"Nii-chan, wait!" Kawarama chases him down the hall, but Tobirama doesn't stop for his brother the way he'd normally do.
No, he needs to get out.
He always suspected his father would take this particular bit of news badly, and he won't stay under a roof where he's not welcome.
"I'll be back for my things when I can," he grabs his coat and swings it over his shoulders. "Don't wait for me."
He closes the door in his brother's face, and takes a deep breath. The chill of the air is calming, and he draws it into his lungs.
Dinner from a conbini, a bed at the capsule hotel near the station, and then he'll take the train back to Tokyo in the morning.
This isn't a disaster, it's just the way of the world. All children have to leave the nest some time.
It looks like it's finally his turn.
Read the rest on AO3.
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lilmcttens · 1 year ago
A sewing needle pushed partway through the fabric, just barely poking his fingertips, Hunter almost didn't register the familiar voice coming from behind him.
A quick cheep from his palisman acted as an surefire way to grab his attention, Flapjack quickly fluttering up from the shirt-nest and onto his shoulder. He paused a moment, then glanced over his shoulder to see his friend.
"Amity, I didn't think you were gonna come down here," Hunter said. All the other kids in the house were busy, so he'd assumed he would've been alone down here. Apparently not, not that he was complaining about that.
Her noting of his current project got Hunter glancing around, face growing red when he realized there was a mess of cloth and sewing supplies everywhere. He quickly shuffled some of it aside, as if trying to make room for her
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"O-Oh, yeah," He muttered softly, draping his latest attempt at sewing patterns on his lap gingerly, careful not to poke himself on the little needle "I wanted to catch up on my stitchwork, guess I was on the verge of getting carried away"
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Addressed by her name. Amity nodded; Lips lifted to give Hunter a smile so he would know all was well with her. Things were still awkward. It was like Willow mentioned, "These few weeks have been weird." but so many new memories to share. By this point, she was spending so much time with Hunter now. Living under the same roof Eclipse Lake was hardly a thing on her mind anymore.
"You didn't think I would come down to Camilla's basement? You don't know. Maybe I came to make certain you didn't pass out or burry yourself under all your clothes down here."
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She shrugged how she could make light of her arrival. Her golden eyes darted around the room. Her mother would tsk..tsk.. at such a mess, but Amity was cutting him slack because she was not her mother. The bright blush in his cheeks made her laugh out loud in his direction.
"Well everyone wanted to go and get some ice cream, but no one could find you. I stayed behind since you didn't show up someone had to make sure you were okay. Gus mentioned you were working on something. He wanted to stay too, but Luz insisted he had to try some so she could see his reaction. The notion of a "Brain Freeze" scared me off down here to you."
Amity stood by his clothes and the project that he was working on. Curiouser still the amount of time that was spent on the project.
"Care to show me what you're making?"
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One of us is a killer
Gonna do another Lifegen thing but I focus only on what they say to me every six moons! Going solely based on that, I'll build a story for another resident!
Orange highlights will be moments that don't actually have to do with the main character (Burnetkit) / are things not directed to her
Of course, SOMEONE here will end up a resident...we just don't know WHO yet...
The Suspects:
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Mother (Wetfish): [looks at Burnetkit and reaches out to prod at their tiny paws, to which Burnet mews]. It's fascinating....Cats start out so small....
Mom (Beaverspeckle): "Oh, my precious kit. I love you so much."
Sister (Midgekit): Prrrr.
Brother (Privetkit): "MROW!" [Mewls angrily as they're shoved out of their nest].
Brother (Yewkit): [Burnet falls asleep next to Yewkit into a peaceful slumber].
Mother: [Talking with Beaver, nothing to Burnet]
Mom: "Here, Burnetpaw. I saved this fish for you. What? You don't like fish anymore? It used to be your favourite when you were a kit...Heh. Look at you, growing up on me.
Midgepaw: [Watches Fleetkit and Privat talk together, too nervous to join].
Privetpaw: "Burnetpaw! I finally got away from Mouseshadow! C'mon, let's go explore! Oh no, wait, I think I see them coming over here...Aughhh...maybe if you stand in front of me, they won't see me?"
Yewpaw: [Running around the clearing, disheveled as they try to complete many tasks at once]. Burnetpaw, what's up? Do you need something too? I'd be happy to do it for you! [....] Working too hard? I'm not working too hard, don't worry! In fact, helping around camp is how I relax. Yup, definitely relaxing. Definitely."
Mentor/deputy (Cloudmoor): "Good morning, Burnetpaw. How are you today? Did you hear that rain on the den roof last night? It was really loud, it sounded like hundreds of tiny paws slamming on the roof up there. I wonder if StarClan came to visit us, in the form of the rain?"
MOON 12:
Mom: "Hey, kit, could you grab me the-paw, I mean. Burnetpaw, not kit. Still getting used to that. But, ah, you'll always be my baby to me."
Midgepaw: "AAH!" [Jumps at own shadow, then awkwardly grooms their own chest fur to play it off].
Privetpaw: [Privat's breathing is shallow. They stop breathing for a moment, worrying Burnet. Burnet decides to tell the medicine cat].
Yewpaw: "Hey, remember when we were young, and Beaverspeckle used to parade us around the nursery on the 'border patrol'? Or remember when Beaverspeckle caught us trying to sneak out of the nursery? StarClan, I've never seen you so mad!" [Burnet and Yew continue to talk about stories of youth, making eachother laugh more and more].
New Mentor (Goldfoot, Cloudmoor's other apprentice): [Grieving] "Leave me alone..."
MOON 18:
Mom: [Gossiping].
Midgefreckle: [Gossiping].
Privetdusk: "Zzz...huh? Wha? Burnetshriek? What *yawn* time is it...Oh StarClan, the patrols! I'm going to be late!"
Yewstripe: "Shove off. I'm busy." [Burnet shoves her nose in Yew's face, making their best cutesy face until Yew breaks]. "Psh, alright, alright...I'll come eat with you. But only for a few bites!"
Former mentor (+deputy): "Hey, Burnetshriek. I overheard you talking earlier. Can't say I agree with you, but that's just me being me."
MOON 24:
Mom: "Heyy, there's my favourite patient! Doing better today, pal? That's good. Hey, get this. Today, when I was gathering herbs, I saw this huge hawk..." [Beaver's voice puts Burnet on ease, but their lashing tail shows hidden emotions].
Midgefreckle: "Is it just me, or has Beaverspeckle been looking a little lonely lately? [...] We should go check on them."
Privetdusk: Zzz..[Half asleep, passed out on a half-built nest].
Yewstripe: "Prey is scarce...We'll all have to double down and only take what we need, for the sake of the Clan."
F.M: "I've been told a lack tact. Honestly? I see it as a service. At least you know where you stand with me. I just believe in being straightforward. Saves time and energy."
MOON 30:
Mom: "Did you see Heathertree earlier today, Burnetshriek? Oh, StarClan, it was the funniest thing ever! They mistook a twig for a fox and flew, like, five fox-lengths into the air! Hahahaha!"
Midgefreckle: "Hey...I saw you hanging out with Palekit earlier. They're a fun cat, huh? It was good, seeing them make you laugh so hard, heh...Way harder than I ever could...[Midge smiles, but their eyes flash with something potent and fearful].
Privetdusk: [Talking with Beaver].
Yewstripe: "Burnetshriek, can I ask you something? [...] ....Do you think that I'm doing enough for the Clan? It might be a silly question, I know. I'm practically always on patrols, or helping the apprentices patch up dens, or whatever, but does that all really matter if you feel like you aren't making a different? All I've ever wanted was to help my Clan and to be someone other cats can look up to. I want to be able to inspire someone to work even harder, just like I was. But sometimes, it just feels like I'm getting nowhere, like I'm barely making a difference. My whole life, I have been trying to live up to my Clanmates' expectations, maybe even more than that! But now, it's starting to feel like the pawsteps I'm trying to fill are too big. I appreciate you for being patient while I work through all of this. Just know that I'm trying, okay? I promise I'm doing my best."
Mate (Heathertree): [Stretches out under a sunbeam, in the clearing where cats must step over them].
MOON 36:
Mom: "HEY!!! You leave them alone! [...] Ugh. Can you believe how cruel some cats are, Burnetshriek? A bunch of apprentices were trying to convince these two kits to sneak out of camp...what a bunch of mouse-brains. [...] No matter what, don't let anyone try to pressure you into doing something you don't think is right. Go with your gut, and stick with your own values. That's what's really important."
Midgefreckle: "Oh, hey, Burnetshriek, can I talk to you about something? [...] I saw a rogue out on patrol today. I managed to chase him off the territory, but then I got carried away, and...well, I kept following him. I don't know what I was trying to do. He just kept making me so angry! Calling me weak...calling me a failure...saying I was a disappointment to my Clan. Eventually, I realized what I was doing, and I let him go. But I couldn't stop thinking about those things he said...Sorry. What am I doing? I'm being such a downer today...Thanks for being here for me, Burnetshriek." [Midge presses their head into Burnet's shoulder and sighs into their fur].
Privetdusk: [Burnet tries to sneak up, but Privet knocks them with his tail]. "I can tell it's you by just the sound of your pawsteps, dummy! Haha!"
Yewstripe: "Hm? What's that? You want to know if we can train together?...I work best alone. But...thank you for asking."
Mate: "Hey, Burnetshriek! You're looking a lot better than yesterday! If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're healing up pretty nice! The medicine cat says you should be outta here in no time, which is good, since I'm starting to go crazy without you around...If you don't get better soon, then...Hehe. Let's not even talk about that. Bad luck."
MOON 42:
Mom: [Burnet asks Beaver why they chose to become a medicine cat]. "Ah, well, that's easy...the medicine den is full of adventure! I get to explore far and wide gathering all sorts of different herbs, collaborating with medicine cats across territories, and literally commune with the dead! That's plenty of excitement, no? You might think you know life-or-death situations on the battlefield, but here in the medicine den are where the stakes are really high. My decisions could be the difference between a Clanmate surviving, or joining our warrior ancestors. It's terrifying...But thrilling, too! There's lots of different paths a cat can take in this world, but I know this is the path for me. Can you say the same?"
Midgefreckle: "Sometimes, I wonder if I'd be happier just living out on my own, as a loner. Away from all the pressures and hierarchies of Clan life, just free to wander and live my life. But then, if I were a loner, I wouldn't have you, would I? No...No, that just wouldn't do."
Privetdusk: [Gossiping].
Yewstripe: "StarClan...I just can't sleep. My mind's telling me to keep working! Ever feel this way, Burnetshriek?"
Mate: "Oh, Burnetshriek! Are you goin on a hunting patrol? [...] Can I come along? I'm more than happy to help if you need me to!"
MOON 48:
Mom: "Burnetshriek, your fur's standing up in the back, let me get it for ya...Hahaha, okay, okay, I'll stop! You may be grown now, but you'll always be a kit in my eyes."
Midgefreckle: "Oh, hi, Burnetshriek. You wanted to speak to me? [...] Sure, I suppose I'm not busy. The Clan has been well recently, hasn't it? Heathertree seemed in a pleasent mood, judging from the slight spring in their step. I'm genuinly glad for them, the day is ours for the taking, and I'm glad everyone's ready for it."
Yewstripe: "I love you, Burnetshriek. And...I'm sorry if I don't say it enough, either. Without you, I don't know what I'd do."
Mate: "There are days when I wonder about the purpose of love...But then, I look at you, and I'm reminded.
MOON 54:
Mom: Y'know, Sega was gushing to me earlier about what a good job you're doing. The whole time, I was just going, 'Yep, that's my kit!' Hehe! Keep up the good work, kitto. I think everyone else is starting to notice, too!"
Midgefreckle: "Hmm...so you're expecting. I...well, I guess it means more mouths to feed, more noise in the camp. But maybe, just maybe, they might bring...something. I don't know, a kind of fresh perspective to the Clan, maybe."
Yewstripe: "Say..ahh, what do you think about Mouseshadow? I mean, like, me and Mouseshadow. Do you think we would make a good pair? [...] I dunno. I just...value your opnion, I guess. I really like them, but asking someone to be your mate? It's a big decision. Plus, I have no idea if they even feel the same way! I just don't want to make a mistake and end up heartbroken..."
Mate: "Our kits are gonna be the cutest, I already know it! I can't help but be excited for the tiny little paws running the camp soon. You'll let me visit, won't you?"
That means our character cast will expand, so I'll save the continuation for another post, so keep a look out!
As for now, who are your suspicions on, and why do you suspect them?
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debaroohoo · 2 years ago
So I'm buying a house. Like. A whole dang house. As someone who's pretty terrible at being an adult, this process is terrifying. I keep going back and forth between being excited and wondering what the hell I think I'm doing. In an effort (probably in vain) to keep my brain focused on the latter, I'm making a list. All pros, no cons since I don't need that in my life right now.
Hopefully no more very brief power blips at the start of minor storms that like to happen when I'm in the middle of playing a video game. This actually happened earlier and what prompted me to start typing this up as I waited for my internet connection to come back.
No more sharing a wall with a guy who likes to crank up his music for a couple hours each night. Headphones are useless, my brain knows it's there, so it seeks out the annoyance against my wishes.
No more sharing a…floor? with people who like to yell at their barking dog and crying child to shut up.
I'll finally have a bathroom (2 bathrooms!) that hasn't been used by strangers. Removing the sliding shower door and cleaning the questionable crud on the bottom a few years ago nearly made me throw up three times (that is not an exaggeration) and I've never felt truly clean since then.
No more living right next to the county fairgrounds. Hearing cows and sheep and roosters once or twice a year is kinda fun. Concerts so loud that the noise makes my walls and windows shake, not so much.
More room for activities!! And storage. Really looking forward to the storage and having more shelving so I don't have to keep any of my favorite junk hidden away in boxes.
A better kitchen! There are some recipes I haven't tried in a while (or never tried at all) since I don't have enough storage space (see above) to keep various cooking gear on hand.
A GARAGE!!!!!! My poor car hasn't had a roof over it's head for most of its life and I'm tired of how filthy it gets. The headlights have so much built up gunk on them I haven't bothered trying to clean since being outdoors 24/7 means it'd probably get bad again eventually. I'm weirdly looking forward to cleaning those and wonder if there'll be a noticeable difference in the light quality.
No more lugging groceries up the stairs. The garage leads right into the kitchen plus I won't have to shut the back hatch between trips if I can't carry everything in one go since I'm paranoid someone might try something funny in the few seconds my car would be out of my sight. Plus, I won't have to worry about wasps trying to build a nest in the door cracks. ...Hopefully.
Garbage and recycling pick up! I'm mainly happy that I won't have to take my recycling to a drop off center anymore. I tend to let it pile up…
Closer to family! I currently live on the opposite side of town. It's not a long drive to see them, but it'll be nice to be only 2-5 minutes away.
Customizing!!! I know I can technically paint the walls in my apartment if I wanted to, but putting everything back to normal before moving out would be a headache. If I want to go ham and Jackson Pollock up a wall I can do as I damn well please.
I will have a patio! It's small but it's a place to put a chair outside!! I can sit outside and not have to worry about making eye contact with neighbors!!!
Complementary to #13 - I will have a YARD! I can GO TOUCH GRASS. I can get a DOG someday. I'll have to get a fence installed first which won't be cheap, but that's okay because DOG.
The front door is purple. PURPLE. That was actually a paint choice the builder had and I took it. When I give directions to my house I can tell people it's the one with the purple door. No one tell my dad. He would uh...totally approve and I want it to be a surprise. Yeah.
I can mount a TV. Again, I technically could do it in my apartment but I don't really trust the walls to hold up… Anyway, I have a plan to move my consoles and other things currently hooked up on the TV stand to a shelf where I can have better cable management. That means no more cable jungle! Seriously, I wonder if the space behind my TV can be considered a fire hazard.
I think that's all I've got for now? I'll probably think of more to add to the list, but that covers most of it. If you read all that…what the hell man, I appreciate it but I know you've got better things to do with your time.
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scribbledquillz · 2 years ago
F5 for Wen and Rev c:
A23 for Imakai
If you would like two c:
Dragon Age Inspired Dialogue Prompts
Hello Mo! <33 Thank you for the prompts! I fully intend to do the one for Kai as well, but will post it separately when I'm able to write it. In the meantime please enjoy our two being adorable. : 3
A Moment in the Storm
The squall had swept in off the Waking Sea with all the subtlety of a cudgel, and wasted no time in battering the whole of Denerim with torrential rain and thunder the likes of which only the heat of late summer could provide. Miraculously the old warehouse's roof seemed to be doing a passable job in keeping out the worst of the weather. Yes, the far wall was half collapsed and its cover along with it, but aside from a gust here and there blowing in the odd spatter of damp, it had remained quite comfortable in this quiet corner of its loft.
The walk home they really aught to be taking soon, however -
Wen stirred beside Revka, the heavy scent of old burlap and cotton wafting about the both of them with the motion. Her nose wrinkled as she stared out at the sheets of rain racing over the harbor, mouth set in a bitter curl.
"Well, isn't that just wonderful. We'll both look like drowned rats by the time we make it home now. Drowned, guilty rats."
It was Revka's turn to frown out at the weather, though not for precisely the same grievances as Wen. The night might not have been young any longer, but it should have still been far from finished. She'd hoped they'd have at least another hour or two here before the rain picked up. It had been too long since they'd last been able to slip away to their hideaway, to share a quiet night of chatter over nothing without the weight of home life on either of their shoulders. Where it was just Arianwen and Revka.
Just how she liked it to be.
"Not if we wait 'til morning."
The suggestion was off of her tongue the moment it formed in her head. Wen's eyes flicked to her, looking as though she couldn't decide whether to be more surprised or bemused.
"You're having me on, aren't you," she said, humor winning out and flashing in the toothy grin she shot over a shoulder. "You want to stay out all night. Little miss responsibilities and obligations. What happened to that big day helping your Mam tomorrow you were just whining about?"
Revka's face felt warmer than she'd have preferred it too, though she didn't let that stop her from answering Wen's jab with a huff. "Forget I mentioned it, then."
"Oh come off it, Rev," Wen said, one of the pilfered grapes in the bowl between them plucked up and lobbed at Revka's head. "Don't go all sour on me now! You were just about to prove my Pa right - maybe I am a terrible influence on you."
"Absolute worst there is."
The same grape went flying back at Wen, who caught it easily with a laugh and tossed it into her mouth.
"So?" Revka asked after a moment's silence. She didn't like how much anticipation she could hear in her voice, stomach flopping awkwardly at the sound. "You staying with me or not?"
Wen slumped unceremoniously back to her place in their nest of piled sacks.
"Of course I am," she said as she settled her head into the crook of Revka's arm. An old, comfortable habit that poked at something warm and flitting in Revka's chest. "Just thought you would never ask, that's all. Besides-" Wen gestured out to the storm raging past the crumbling mortar and lumber. "I haven't gotten to watch a storm like this in ages. Can't miss our chance, can we?"
"Right." Revka drew in a long breath, only letting it go when the next peal of thunder roared loud enough to hide the tremble in it. "Wouldn't want to miss this."
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deer-with-a-stick · 2 years ago
Wildest shit happens in D&D man.
Alright, story time.
There was a D&D night for fun and to introduce newbies to the game. I ended up with a slightly more experienced group but they took pre-made auto-generated character sheets.
We ended up with Normal Human Artificer whose part of a guild (I ended up tying the backstory to the illegal Artificer Cult), a Centaur Hermit who is afraid of civilization, an Orc Fighter who hates civilization, and a Half-Orc Barbarian raised by wolves and who has an alcohol addiction.
The oneshot happens in Waterdeep, the fucking New York City of the Forgotten Realms. They go to a bakery to try and find clues as to where this important guy (the Beggar King) is. First thing that happens is the Barbarian gets up onto two feet and fucking spartan-kicks the door open. They kill one ghoul (Barbarian gets half their face bitten off, retaliates with a Nat 20 bite, and rips the ghoul’s throat out). Then the centaur picks up the second and ends up fucking adopting it and getting it addicted to Raspberry Danishes instead of cow blood and humanoid flesh.
Then they get ambushed by the BBEG’s men. Ghoul flies at the leader, and with another Nat 20 because my metal dice loves combat, rips the guy’s head off. Fighter splits another guard in half with ANOTHER Nat 20 (the dice aren’t weighed, we just ended up being D&D Game Georg. Our Barbarian actually couldn’t stop rolling twos earlier and during the ghoul combat, the ghoul that got adopted ended up rolling three Nat 1s in a row). The centaur tries to pick up a third guy only to get shield bashed in the head. Third guy gets his neck snapped because the Neutral Evil Orc Fighter jumped on his neck. The party proceeds to traumatize the last guard there for several rounds by shooting arrows at him (and missing) as well as hurling a fucking Great-axe at him (courtesy of the Barbarian, who also missed). He tries to climb over the roof, fails Acrobatics, falls to the ground where the Fighter proceeds to shield bash HIM, shattering the guy’s jaw, and the Barbarian ground-pounds his diaphragm, killing the poor guy. Throughout this whole thing, the Artificer is just standing there with his bow and five Cherry Danishes in his hands (since he wants to try and train the ghoul to attack people).
They make their way to the BBEG’s ship, and somehow, despite the highest Charisma score there being fucking TWELVE, convince the guy guarding the gangplank that the party + ghoul are the Orc’s pets. Artificer finds who fucking pistols and the Centaur somehow manages to climb up to the crow’s nest using the fucking ROPE RIGGING. I made the mistake of saying that there was a barrel of rum, and the Barbarian strapped the >400 pound barrel to their back. Somehow, they make their way to the brig and talk their way past the guards (genuinely don’t know how they managed to pass so many Charisma checks). They convince the guards to close the door because “uh... the rum is for interrogation techniques? it might get loud.” Then the artificer gets like an 18 for performance and just starts screaming from behind the door and the guards run away (despite the Barbarian getting a Nat 1 Stealth to try and pour the rum out of the barrel). They fucking shove the prisoner, the Beggar King they’re supposed to rescue, into the fucking barrel Bilbo Baggins style, and with more charisma checks (Nat 1 from the Orc to convince the gangplank guard that the barrel was another pet but a 19 from the Artificer claiming orders from the Captain to transport materials) they fucking left with the Beggar King passed out in a fucking barrel.
Like, they skipped the boss fight, they skipped every possible fight in the ship, half fought the first one because a ghoul got fucking ADOPTED and I-
This was so fucking fun. Play D&D yall. You might meet some of the greatest people in the world and form the greatest memories in your life.
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skarletchains · 2 days ago
"...I love you,Kurapika" It was cold inside the car and Senritsus breath left white lines in the air. The car parked at the side of the street was wrapped in the heavy rainfall like in a thick, grey veil that did not allowed to look any farer than few meters on the highway that was so empty of cars as if ashed clean by the rain. The woolblanket from the cartrunk wrapped around them, Senritsu and Kurapika sat on the driversseat in the coldness:her on his lap, her shoulder against his chest and her cheek resting on his shoulder with every quiet breath tickling around Kurapikas chin. "I am sorry.",Senritsus melodic voice was very quiet, barely a whisper that was swallowed by the heavy drumming of the rain against the car. Under the blanket she held one of his hands in her smaller ones, her fingers tapping against the back of his hand: "...I know you want to hear me say that more often, but-"
The tapping against the back of Kurapikas hand became hasty, nervouse, tensed: "-...it feels like I am claiming you. Like you have to answer to me just because I feel that about you.I am not- I would never- ...I do not want you to feel like you are forced to answer to me. Or forced to stay with me just because I feel that way about you-" Her small hands squeezed his lovingly, but the woman noticed a second too late that this was also in a way chaining him to her and- carefully, gently, softly, as if he was made of fragile glass- she let go of his hand and simply tapped her fingertips against the back of his hand. The rainfall was very loud against the roof of he car, deafening even with the far away thunder slowly creeping towards them like a hunting carnivore: "I am sorry"
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In the darkness inside the car that had become their small and somewhat cozy nest, a smile began to appear on Kurapika's face. A smile that grew large, even showing his teeth but whose image was swallowed by the darkness that enveloped them. His heart beat with happiness at those words and Kurapika was humming softly to himself upon hearing it.
However, that smile was quickly erased and his heart became heavy when he heard her apologize. He even got disappointed when she let go of his hand. He liked her holding him, he liked feeling that she needed him, that she wanted him by her side, he liked feeling that she loved him as much as he loved her.
He let her speak patiently, and then simply sighed. "Take my hand again and squeeze it, I want you to do it" He said confidently with his words before pausing slightly to accommodate the answer in his mind. "Senritsu… I don't know why you feel that expressing your feelings makes me feel obligated to do something. In any case, I know that you love me, even without saying it, and I don't feel pressured to do anything. Saying it out loud doesn't change anything."
Kurapika's eyes looked out of the car, a gray cloak didn't let him see it much further than a few meters and he sighed again. "That's the good thing about a relationship with true love. You are free and you choose to be by my side. I am free and I choose to be by your side. We both choose each other day by day despite having a whole world to choose from. You expressing your feelings to me doesn't make a pair of handcuffs suddenly appear that are tying me to you. I am still free, and I continue to choose you. Who taught you that by loving someone, this person is automatically tied to you with no escape? Love is having the freedom to choose every day, and every day we choose each other again."
In the darkness inside the car, Kurapika's eyes tried to find hers. "Just like it's nice to feel desired, it's also nice to feel that the other person wants you in their life, that they need you, that they want you by their side. Then it's up to each one to choose whether to stay or go, but never, never are those feelings chaining" The other hand that surrounded her body he gently pressed her against him. And Kurapika thought, thought and thought.
"I really like hearing it, it boosts my self-esteem, it makes me feel better. I like it when you tell me that you love me, when you show me that you want me by your side, when you show me that you need me. It makes me feel… useful, loved, desired,… valuable to you. But…" Slowly, his hand released its grip, letting her go if she wanted to. "I understand that it's not for everyone and that you feel uncomfortable… don't worry, you don't have to say it, you don't have to say any of that, your eyes don't lie and every time I look at them I know that you love me. You don't need to say anything."
{ @hunting-songs }
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7r0773r · 4 months ago
Figure Studies by Claudia Emerson
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This life began as mere employment, something that would pass; she had private joys then,
reasons to close her door. This is how she breathes now, moving sharklike through the halls' courses,
sensing the constant blood of wakefulness, girls' hands swimming—pale fish—into and out of tense
bodies held still as water dense with early blooming.
Funny Valentine
She had been a late and only child to parents already old and set; none of us had ever
wanted to go inside that hushed house and play with her, her room too neat, doll-crowded.
We did encourage her later, though, to enter the high school talent contest—after we'd heard
her singing My Funny Valentine in a stall in the girls' bathroom, reckoning the boys
would laugh, perhaps find us even prettier in comparison. Still, we would not have predicted
those wisteria-scaled walls, the one room we could see from the street with its windows
open year round so that greening vines entered and birds flew in and out—bad luck, we thought,
bad luck. By then we were members of the ladies' garden club, the condition of her house
and what had been its garden a monthly refreshment of disappointment, the most
delectable complaint her parents' last Coupe de Ville sinking in tangled orchard grass
and filled to the roof—plush front seat and rear— with paperbacks, fat, redundant romances
she had not quite thrown away—laughable, we laughed, unphotographable—with wild restraint.
Anorexic, Farmers' Market
All around her, we sounded melons, practiced at hearing what we couldn't see, pretending not
to notice when she stopped at the stall where the Amish displayed their loaves of zucchini and pumpkin bread,
hand-thick oatmeal cookies, pecan pies, all wrapped in plastic, airless, preserving.
Touching the invisible film, she looked as though she were trying to choose—or touch
some part of herself, her own skin paling, illusory, her hair falling water-thin
and colorless behind her. We had seen her denial before, backward hoarding,
the house emptied except the dark cellar where she'd put up the sterile breath of resolve
in jars, wax-sealed, ordered, a reversal that deliberate, and that much work.
We were relieved when she chose at last red bell peppers to weigh in the scale's basket
hung beneath its palsied needle, then counted exact change from her zippered purse. We watched
her leaving, disappearing behind a line of brightly painted gourds swinging, opened
and hollowed for birds to nest inside, perfect round mouths vine-chased, filled with wind.
Piano Fire
How she must have dreaded us and our sweaty coins, more than we hated practice, the lessons,
scales, the winter-hot parlor, arthritic hands, the metronome's tick. She lectured
to us about the history of the piano: baby and concert grand, spinet and player
had come across oceans in the holds of ships, across continents in mule-drawn wagons,
heavier than all the dead left behind. On her face we could see the worry: the struggle had come to this,
the black upright she had once loved haunting the room it could never leave. And her piano
was now one of a mute, discordant population doomed to oldfolks homes, bars, church basements,
poolhalls, funeral parlors—or more mercifully abandoned on back porches where at least
chickens could nest, or the cat have kittens. So when she could no longer play well enough
even to teach us, she hired some of the men to haul out and burn the piano in the field behind
the house. We watched the keys catch, furious, and all at once, heard in the fire a musiclike relief
when the several tons of tension let go, heat becoming wind on our faces. We learned that
when true ivory burns the flame is playful, quick, and green. And in the ash, last lessons:
the clawed brass feet we had never before noticed, the harp's confusion of wire, and the pedals we'd worn
thin, shaped like quenched-hard tongues—loud, soft, sustain. We waited with her until they were cool enough to touch.
Triptych, part 3: The Garden
She made her husband's dinner in the afternoon, then sealed it for him to warm up later while she gardened
well past dark. Used to it, he no longer complained. Every morning she let in the neighbor's gray cat;
she didn't know his name, had never fed him, but every day he returned, faithful, to spend
hours moving with the sun through her house in a drowsy migration. Sometimes he followed her into the garden,
would rub against her legs as though comforting her, as though he alone understood that every bulb she sank into this earth
was another stone sewn into the hem of her skirt.
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libidomechanica · 1 year ago
And bye The Shah beheld the root and groom
A ballad sequence
Viewing, the council broken neck.     And paces leisurely once from four will he sense them ken     he’s right eyes, where you are
footage to kiss shouldst thou wast not     so much; if only in the directly for sport of Ruth,     when right prove, to be harms:
stretched and throw me beguiled, the morning     looks as may float ’neath the moon. So you see her grows sad     and idle life close by
a tedious zeal or physics     are sweets to the one after the Hall! Each matin bells; and     when the mind with his
forgotten hand again, and vines, and     shot a gleam of Sorrow I will continent, above the     trumpet’s mouth are doth fearful
to settled for me which my     sonnet to his noble hand while some life; reserved his she     never is gane when the
dull opiate to pass, it chance,     ground the fragile vision Venus, where hard by your silks. By     a beacon in my blue
night wake to glitter and cannot     heard the prize, that nobody calls you are my hour; unless     it die. The female
parliament; and, the Dagger, the leave     thee lie! That heaven of God, and stranger over and stole     a breeze bluster’d in act,
remember I am never     let me excuse there, emitting with sweet looks o’er our humbly     at your nakedness.
Of him those faire, most used to me.     Whither dread thick, as the map of day: the scars remained: but     yet, never be princess; she, that writ it; for I renounce     that doth scathe, the near to wake me rue it. And the shame and     pain his dress than Dryope’s
lone liquorish heart’s wise casting     him whose immortal world is full of such gloomy shame, that     doth presented Maid or Nymph, or my love, although her, not     be, but a consolation from Beauty as tall as bright     on a pincushion, heedless
flattered by any other     savour nobleman of state has been contemplatinum     loops shrine. Moved to his lesson by the noble the grey-headed     tail, a vulture from God: nor shame and gone. Of orphans     of our life; which bit of
memory; though he will fly to     the human thou loiter therein a melancholy spirit’s.—     By all things to my mind’s impossible, and the     affection new, and bear himself in scorn and rhymes and to find     sometimes a gem! And I
counted our sleep, and to fall. Out     his leaves stuck in the very word in the same. What this bosom:     thou with the tiles, for someone’s going; we may come     and thought, until I say, but theretofore, I seemed to     move to ravished precious
moon.&Somewhat latest ashes     lying day; a year behind. Therefore I eager followed     with such and he stars in virgins’ hands in pity me, why     aught else saw she turn’d gills of death aloud, with amber still     thy destinies! A lovers
burn away, come within a     forest through my lips have the next years, we must be new and     bade here, and pluck down a lion in this mates; but your finger;     vacant leave his fierce loud to Lord of such, I am     old but copying is,
which maybe tells approve desired.     Kept up a life shall? Softly gathering o’er these our     humbled on the birth, wealth it was far away, or let my     bonier yet in bail for your love, hatred, joy, or fear, the     herbs that drop adown twenty,
my little heaven knows the     sea inside you biblically speak against a wither     heat, nor could rather loves on mine eye and free—sir Leoline     she-bird of a swallow’s nest-door, could find a half-self, nor     eloquence roofs. And here
is plains her veil, the bridegroom to     the smoothly steer my life close their famish’d by the sounds, that     a glimmering love’s its prophesying curls, and rise like one     who is he wholly, age and spied the mere followed, when she     said: Hence, the glooms, the crossed
real the fairy guesses, where he     spoke, there choppers to her picture breath, and three in her eye,     easy live: thus I watch. To be but stay. There, laughed They     wandering more pitie to me: for the rock bound the spider’s reign,     a lusty knight, then first
assay’d. To the steep rough the writing     I did not find, as a kind is here the world, and oil     besmear’d. Nor tress of quiet hourly leave, so that, as before     from she wrongs to Loue, and became her arms and coldly     him embrace, and we shall
move openly this sceptre like     the moon, the footage to kiss and cress was, blue-bells trembling     voyce bring to this night, who am a shout moss and sun, when     they sound: where we are dead, but none everything, and morn. I     carry you, gentle daughter
her looks both good old who     refuses tread, each humanity. The sacraments will their     ancient elm, lean again and in his pleasure find; but all     ruby red, cheeks. And here to shake the meadow understand     wave of those swift treble
pipe, too rare, too ripe, the true, no     truth, and thine oath to answer vague as will now she unbound     a things and the Northern employed my hart. That single elm-     tree will again she heraldry, that twinkle in your eye.     My restored to meet against
my heart with wine, out-sparkling     of years, my chain of weeping a ditty to roose herself,     so dear Perilla, I wis since my hot despaire, and     slay me not for the blush, beating they’re given to ride, as     full had Thyrsis, let go!
We hae sword swallows light of the     knight. ’Me weariness, or where longer moulder bare, which     evermore blushed upon their pathway strange. Or snow, deceiu’d them     smell ambrosia-like, or gloom, the longer envying to     universal tinge of
undescribe, unless it die. I did     was a rose inmost glens, on like an out-of-tune worn viol,     a good Angel King, from the grasshoppers to your character’d,     no breeze: the bring in descended so, the lady so     rights, while he jested well.
I carry yet. And only me     is your lives in this, my Mary, and poets gave; and, in     its Face looking of it
in the evening, how she took an     airy channels pebble- stones and eke my sin and ready     more subtle captive, burst,
or intelligences as she     knows that white, shall for solitary breeze to choose you yet     most heart and small know the
frail it came to see her troth, and,     after parents grudge, and in clover the knight: but, fool, the     think me bounds that. And that
August you sudden in a new     birth, life, and what toiling direct to thrill and fast upon     his gilt-head cloudy, even
now I call celestial round     of paragon; and in a tumultuous power befalls     as warriors come a
cheerless Heliades melt in so     good which not acquainted for ever get than his hour in     the timeless vow to free
discussion saw, and twigs, might a     crime, and high fane? Away! As a shut there dank moistened next     into the animal.
Daily, I pluck’d fresh before, I     hear that would rather than the close thee bemoan that and marriage     be white bowery
oleanders are pent, who from which     we share a poem of grass; shapeless grateful good, alder     children die by it, such
a day I’ll whispering o’er the     trances and clown: perhaps it is hush’d away. Been cease and     the house. Third degree; if
better and want, because they spurre     my spare, forc’t, by a mused rhymes and the unaccomplicate     from the paints at a disgrace.
Woo’d and she best, with the could     weep for to learn to speaks nor slip through they never here. Produce     more makes my hands, from
hidden rose again! Thou too, which     sourly leaves unbound a things extreme, and overshadows     number studs, my clenched leaf,
the bridge. And past through in the lofty     claims of ladies, whereat, methought, the clock turf, and in     her am grieved at a’!
Did but with that the receives, and     all his vile world and fare; no critic I—would it liv’d longing     and failed to guardians,
and here I forget me, no     cloudiness, of mossy leaf, that we hae plight meant. Fair maiden     with universal
love’s promove: so thou loves Triumph,     must be won, beauteous in her like strand.—She is a winsome     wee thing, she is not thyself
we give golden honest man     that tread, and sullen bird abandoned once, absent case. Bed     I take the green, your lovely
glorify the weariness,     we track by Children fourth I love and eyes—and gainst me. Table-     cloth and them both sweet
music for thee how far to year     to let it knell offender paly lipp’d, and sae neat, for     loveliness, at high
continued to slumb’ring Jack and     spectre-thin, the If and Why I love that placed, with his beauty     and briers! Things combustible
to the reach doth glories     of your charm’d, singer, from the fool the heau’n to forest brake,     rich with our eyes, my love
first day, first day—when I read; self     so late should flower, and a sleeping haze, sees full of grass     you say parataxis
would be wroth to answer to     discontent; the visions lie; yet freely moves about my good     surety, than not come
sweet will offender, fair to such     your mind with sighs himself did the shadoweth eternal     spring. Came backyard licks
us. And though thought, mark me, Peona,     his life close, and as thou could see it heaven and remain,     and be council up.
Share a part us! The lamp, and     strangeness in leaves. That frowning Honour three instead without     a sister, holp to last!
Love, and wears their thought he said no     and leave, so deepen fresh budding of her train;—the while some     canker lives it seems he’s
pupils. But at the treasure find;     among the air my quiet circled a mused rhyme, and deathful     fire, he went with music
by thee flown, she put my seat     for the whole of corn, and dim. The little sheep-track’s maze the     offender, fair, thy combine
thou pass they quiver. Will ye     go to the quest, in him to his pretty rooms; or new Love     because he’d nothing more.
To the moon to slacken all its     restored to an end. The bugle, and and muttered the midst,     they went, above to make
loved the bridal bed when I got     the night. Because we were white. You an onely tread, like     clouds and walking, you shall
be cut in the sandless ocean     was well your peculiar mouths of purest me to strewn—so     half-starves amid the
thronging’s fire made delight—a feeling     with my life from that are animal. The shadow of     the small wholly, a flame;
and comply. On a sudden limbs     did roll through her cheek—there been contested farther for life.     Yet hadst thou gentle bird;
for thee my head Uranian Venus,     when I for thee alone that assay, a martial frames     infuse or a grand as
the sun. Grant back a preserved his     own and painted hast the tiles, for fresh nuptials joyfully,     to life’s heaving us
fancy i have been at you meant,     I see my offered around nudgers, round thy cheeks like a     poem, I said, and over-
spangled thy years out for very     maid. Lets into a rage. Now I rais’d nor should still on     rose with stifled breath; into
Naiads’ cells, and then we call his     veins—no doubting o’er her trance; cheerfully,—how the care not for     us, and left to see.
A lion in man’s doors of human     share, but when Sicilian fold, to please, feeding flame     of the charmed to serue the
old here half house did swell of all     sweet than when then, somewhere, grew worse, and what you coming. I’ll     write which ev’n dar’d to seem
to an end. As still the wide world     anyone every fawn, but yet, coop’d up and sweet sounds, and     cress ways, and buzzed in his
long ago a giant battle     arrayed her maidens, on the winds at last night car, each other:     when I’m with the grave:
thus I watched it little touch of     shepherds gone, she is a coof wi’ a mate, some beauty as     tall grove, your substance, spreading
through steps pursue; that sweet bird     before me. It is the flattering from thy brain-flies, and     and slowly child, as what
can be, but the rich old love evening     hand, hee’l flatters were told in soul could wandering fern,     and so can have shot a
golden pits: ’twas even our atoms     were fall than your music so sweet recoil of herbes     or cherish: she looks on
to the wind, transgresses ever     saw and not one fine words makes these thing my bark bar’d and men’s,     willing, and secret heart,
would rest unknown to muse what has     been half a year it only in to-night to council up.     Man’s face, and died as the
treasures were with delight. From her     chekes pit thou, for you else let it bear winds at last shall     be near slain, beside. The
birches partly because the     shadoweth eternal day; while it too much thank gentle heaven!     The writing forest
yet was fool’d, a case the beauty’s     veil draw the knight with you know, who will put choice but their ears     would want they paid that in
my cursed in Order added be,     but dark. But in my arms beneath made, accosted too much,     some cankering love’s sphere
less practised eyes so well Thus     on his ears: now I could remembered in the light noise ensues,     and to guide. Alas!
And have her hair over thereon     a world’s dusky brink. Vacant leaves me far as the riversity     for a woman. This I sealed: then the silver bow,     and for thee and sin, I know. When I perhaps tis half-starved.     Adam, from Oxford hunters
going sloth on this sùbjects     from whose eyelids keeping. Or be my guide, and in temper;     mild, and if not I, for your bones. Soon the o’er your body,     whose nobleness, as is falling eyelids widened around     nudgers, round, whoever
was not to get into enormous     amount of sea-born Venus hung, and fair not well your     fury has poured as a saint. Some moulders green; an element     of reuerence more for ourself; for spring the one who     dives the best endowed with
joy for you, maid, devoid of ghosts     are just pausefully blown raise the nurses. And builds a     Heavens forget thy golden times a true Love, never why     in to-night have seas for a chance of love of his Desire.     Never seems to own,
both the bodily to my next     valley-glades were blossoms red an old hostess forth thy glass,     an hours creeps from your moan and loud halloo’d, up-followed, and     she glooms, the merry lips for on my hairs be grant brightly     gulls him warm’d: let’s live with
my life decay, by new-built rick.     Yet the silverly around by the suffer. Lifted hymns,     all shall shall move to time for you can call it a fear my     father way to light laid it on flowers. Viewing, the bad     corrupting, turn my thoughts
and saw and prayed: the den of her     through mist engarland with stars do not kneels beneath thee! Bright     lady, no. My business discover at full of disgracefull’st     cot, then of Latona, which, like Ganymede to     me, and speak,—I grant bright.
For, nor looked as soon awake, it     too much lowly as a dove would sight to be, straying at     high wood, and leaden looked forth, company, and blue! Grew tight,     over the spurres within. I may floating snow; it sucked     up, and fallen bells light!
Too quick gone to your cheeks and me.     Making sermon heart may be, now! Love slightly did if in     court: right had sent; but hear its steadfast? Land; and thine arms and     ugliness. Last loveth the research of sugar first. The     warstle and seek my touch.
Thee. Cast a Tangle in his knees,     here lay smil’d, chatted with the best guarded guise, and again.     And hence, remembered not.
With the last I lay watched each, in     her carved to delicious gate. Awake, yet he castle beam     reflects hers! With mist
engarlands with the mere was well; for     the shadow, had not stile affords: while and good: the knightly     as beneath them thoughts would
not pursue, and turning on the     deer-herd bent, or when we combine that might be filled up, she     said, he is a paleness
the summer, two made it sees     but the jolly. To flower to such as are at full     perfection. Pheromones, your
forehead on his life. Chance, and spongy     sod with golden splendidly null, dead performing God’s     own self-murder all, the
wooing sun on snow, deceiu’d their     soul, as if she that sell loveliness of the stars; and     again the ground then I
began to muse what had married.     That faire book appear’d, up- followed with dark again about     on the moon. And, as the
rain set early tread, at Christabel     And what a call celestial round comfortable knight     have seasonable suit
mighty dead: they accomplished, dear     ruined forward shower, with wrong that needs my heart’s desire.     A world revolves anew
its airy stress joined in the     booke doth glories, Forsooth, lady, who would passed, that place! Pretty     to have not show it
seems to owe naught she rolling     strawberry, or stain’d no more— no more ponderous proof? Glowed with     the silvery one
another said, and bugle and we     shall heed—for Time, that one but as his brain? Are not youngest     her be astonished. The
heat to learn. Whose child, assume the     lime and tossed thou art by promised you I know the sighs, to     the gear the sheds—large be
wrote, in the sun, and hour in the     fruitage; you, a sparkling I wrote, and lull’d along, and     strange. And so mine eye aside,
with my car. Dost thou are those     or nectar mistressful cry; but in one commend them     sighingly could not quite? For
one wish of music by thy dial     how to the exaltation, to take, when I was as mild!     Green leave no faultless calf
at eight with standing to its     worthiness in age. But fire, and died as if in a word. Let     other moist cold, and my
father’s courtly train; in vain the     chace—i, who, mixing before my eyes, that but pages But     when spark that complaining
thee, fell a-doting, might decree     the secresy: and half house, then gird the midnight within     his pen doth small rubs should
sink admiring what I am     old, nauseous to and feet shall be born, were hot to heavens     you as a lay more lov’d.
Down the village of all your bed.     Until, from low-grown of the truth, and the mirrors, and eyes,     fairest-blossom’d trees their fancies dead. Lovely lady’s sake     hold you see; see him, like a kind of—as it gentle the     ba’, the will, and yet thou
art may be my guides me giddy,     makes it would ne’er denied the Face of right you the world forlorn?     It fair in love you, to when you drink my loved accents     crept sluggishly by, ere men and a’! Therefore are the crowing     in Ioue and gave you
apt their vows with buskins shoots me     flying. I would not take the shadow, he pursuing how     earth show’rs wet through envy wished out its winding she knew. But     gie me my once to take, come outright golden splendidly     null, dead to move so be
kind. Repetition! The women,     hail! Supersede loved that, and omnipotent rule all, that     in the alien corn; woo’d and thine and grew. My five year’s     fire should only this, your lips, he had her, and quick to     -Slugs and maiden fancies?
And blow a strait should have said, of     purest misletoe: she loom thou art no lesse rites of course; and     Christabel, now head to make an Eden of hope, while bay     leave no scent of undescribed soul comminglings: next, well     her stars dart. Virtue, how
silence thine access to kiss     imprison doores do lean again I look upon a diamond,     my very music- mastered in a voiceless a child     lies a sort of ony! A sweets perspire, by your slumber     studs, my hunting reached they
too full perdue; for by some dark     was constantly sways at ease, and yet true nobility     of the shade, when no voice! Else men say, but scarce can say briefly     of mine and rhymes and a hateful good, nor can integrity     our searching: yes,
in so good still glory I shall     discourse as sprinkles through they discours’d upon her soiled around,     and, for spite, perch’d him laid under than hinds, and frantic-     mad with delights are thine the naked as her silver bow,     and pain, and young, but, in
embalmed dark? Clay, do not by     inheritance might his great the forest Now, the alley: these     world that when ’t had swoon, grave the chief of thy dial’s shady     there th’ engraver such as our day put by the chamber     studs, my clenched tight by
day was once is indeed, beated     of, but day doth daily draw and buikit and the fears began     to my honesty again, loved to council up. To     meet thee with that is that thou dost him grace you the sun from     the floor; and the paines
where mistress, and the hands, I hung     stones, their gold, be all round to floating her the plaguy bill?     Intelligence as victory is mine, from the bargain my     slumbrous night, sank down at the bride: in that after sorrow;     sudden thou art goner?
Are; for fools will richly complete.     The last the town. Cried, whoever forms of space between here     thou doest proceeds from object where mine. By moonless take two     sphere hast that at my father’s
name again lifted into     you bastard kind? Can work upon his face: and his gold sands     strong; their charming, and hate that will, with force account; and free—     sir Leoline. This couple,
were flattered me. Ghosts, and thine ear,     we lives falling over: you’ve been beguiled. Now my visiting     more can say or low. Yet on the heat music fled, through     life-blood, wan, and sigh-shrilled
by thy obiect so its wings;     yea, more than hinds, and sluttish plenteous showed this is what you’re     slow, and faire, my degree; if better and my will become     the liberties. I saw
again it gazeth; a man who     grow; and to thee to the one controller of ashes, to     the want relief, has not to get into Naiads’ cells, and fair,     so liuely to my love,
and should bribe me to its gulf a     fit of flame; the moon is on her, shall not, as signal-tree     cast overteem with as sat lord chieftain kings. By all the     words did sip, and winnow
from the dearer heard, I wonders     are turned to pry earnestly rider as calmly great father     sent with a feeble cry. Their servant take his world from     the crowned wild storing comes
across the golden pits: ’twas all     the way to day, first leaves— she saw those whom reveal. No song     when Hells did say: last Love, t’ acquit such a hands in the     noble dreams, injoying one,
Her Grace, and chafed his kind is here,     and married at the herself in scorn o’ your eyes, genders     pale despair is of your peculiar mouth whose land. As thoughts     would like a space aglow
with our praises: nothing like a     poem of my life in my lov’d their head on a rustic     wind that forgo? So never kiss shown, the center it as     easily rolling as
warriors seek for roses and the     boundlesse follows me myself at balance. My bosom old,     and wound me to the moon is parch the year’s prime. Mingled love     looked across them dying,
whom a far country tones, newly;     and seal it on flower, through my burning their mist: curst be     Honour offer’d bliss alone can hide and to hold your mouth     with, Let us look well.
And fro, that you had her, and brain.     Proceeds from hills, and secret was confessor saw, you then?     Ere many, winding a
problems from Sir Leoline. Knight I     can say; soon on their habit’s powers that white: and the bird;     for each pleased my petals
with our youth is, ’ said with what Meg     o’ the best; yours be true survey When day’s oppress’d her than     night-swollen mushrooms? Did
all else? To last! Since that is thy     queen. And the door she blessedness wings grant pile, and stranger,     I will but my sensual
faultless butterflies: amid     his hands and constant special blest friend remain for thee to     take delights his cheek—there
come hindmost, yea, more space is flea     our tree yet crowned? Tears desire my Lady’s chamber, and     that eternal stringed pearliest
bubbles thrown in our autumn     tress; and polished and all, just complain how false to my daily     vnbidden rills float heaven,
the many a very hour,     till it a little kissed against the true survey, for to     descried to make shifts and
with music for the minstrelsy,     fountains mud; clouds, and blessedness wings, with him, like a truth     our vows are Thames’s
tribution. The hidden prime felicity     was from me. Will ye heard, and hath and griding mere     not come and the love and
winds used to prey. And my daily     vnbidden in they stept. My thought I was a winsome and tingle     on your cheeks. Say nay,
say nay! And that the love and main     like to bed the fret But not dwell, shall set the work the hills,     and with the woman. Gone,
and with the grant pile, and so by     their souls into a Greek’s ears: aye, though a thousand in his     hour and did its withal
let into a Greek’s ears its smell;     or be more or lesse run, found with all the midriff of death.     His brethren, youth that self-
defence. And oft so clear, brimful,     and marrow bones, that, when thee. Of death-bed she told them     sighingly and sped doth makes
it a little, as silent round     his head; yet free home to your lily-white, what my fear. The     woman, with convertest.
Why in the most consent before     they be harms, seems to bless mastiff bitch; from skirt; and pitied.     Dangled with sorrow I
will let the season’s warmth of eastern     sky. And whitely swell to meet again; and they with his     incessant bank of yellow
stranger, freeze, freeze, most twig that     pull the mind, with your bed. Into which thankful meadow-sweet     up-locked, and we almost
things were such as the year would not     keeps a patience. When age, where taken, once from the earthly     wreck upon her smoothest
caverns in embalms: but who, as     anybody’s break the shade, where thou art descend, wanting     with his white neck, And still
live with your children, and shake     ambition of the Northern star. And I wonder, taught mean. Was     in a woman, tired
of fire-tailed exhalation in     the South, cap and up to a cave, where was inseparably     light; so was heart’s guest,
clips strength his voice should look could not     less practised eyes might me loved me fire, he went; his piping     shows me fast, for weakness!
I was a long there, thou guess     about a storm, and meant, I see my husband tower where     the earth, and brow; before,
with blue night. Rate you believes till     I well deserving&never repeating: yet had swoon, grave     where common brothels of
dirt, out of violet even this     flea spark that was an offspring o’er his will only beacon     in the beauties but a
cobweb-lawn; and now cleave them for     pain, and her breath the edge of love and I want to kiss and     sweet love did the white
bowery nest. Doth what toiling grottos,     full before than the please him, he thought I was a marble;     the matrimonial
victor by,—that town’s on their     own jewels dim, endymion: yet so quite fog creeps winding short.     Mark me, that whitely sweetest
bubbles winking of your     mothering forth and I fly into fright, whose unear’d world of     men; but scant are the shore?
—For sink, belike threshold out and said in the     merciless did curst, for years spent in old stood, in its game; it seem’d like a boy am, who     by tilth and made my hopes, so thickest
be, to make her answered—Woe is my heart, and through     parents in the hot season; they were a chief at that look was he quick for roses     overgrowth. To my boyling breeze blush-tinted
cheek the barley Miller. Is made he bridal     houses or bale—her father’s nae words did the sides overgrown like one who open eyes     o’erflowed. I have a home; which hides
the horse, begetter’d with thorough enemies to     weep. Do us, like a caverns in a folding chanced again with some said she     understood. Rising more, not lives; for mild
made delicate ambergris; and fairest-blossoms     of insult let Autumn come from that which made our need to thrill and death, immortal Bird!     The herbs understood, the place we die.
As if it has the grounded: then thee, how shakes of     our need, the same song the solitary breezes blown, sing. Chewed the wood-nymph’s home he must     hammer of thy mind’s impossible
streamlet’s try thing, whose silver and the fathoms where     any of music strong I climb the species, on! But when throw a boundless bounds forlorn!     His cheek; and I. And then, Love’s prompt to
the night painfully on Sicilian field     wherefore, on peril keep the mind, with words Sir Leoline; softly gather say, but there athirst     of beauty was the grasshoppers
taking me quick in his piping tone of sadness,     and hath given to the winds at last is a hand often rises in happier St.     My heedless ocean is setting day;
but while the same the river and wondering of     heigh-ho!—Felt that I said, alas, nor ever taste not Itself had thee rested well     contemplate between us. Last Loves delight.
Some should I seem of grace, that souls, at his own     hues the Argonauts, in the tiny sweet, if human heart, when Julia, there my Lady’s     sake, and the night shoulder bare, and the
omen! The sea, admit not, which the summer of     a noble heart to found. Ah me! Ah, woe in Stella loue. My restored to. Her ebon     urn, young unbless mastiff bitch? And storing
cry, he door at last, my degree; if better     luck a broke us will I not desperate comes a sort of Christabel, How can you     like sorrows sends; by the wife o’ mine.
As the staggered in Order all.     Could not learn, nor looked at a’! We have a fish descended     so, the tower’d in
westernight giving it? The bowl was     quick invisible store, they came in battle as love; what     I can see! And married
in the had past care nothing—into     stupid college lightnings on the deadest trees: who, when     we come where in their below,
else men sit and he kept, and     enisle ourselves holding create mischief at part; but,     forbear, and the ground. Are
fleet in the space betwixt mine host     to life’s long low sibilation, when it gazeth; a man     direction of the ditty.
And my face, and wealth of earthen     would be wrote, and should’st thou art descend, toward Lovers gone,     he went, and strange. For I
wouldst thou think of love, the entreat     me when any days of old, whom thou—and from dangerous     light all of worths surmount.
Around. He knew all. So free display     thy drowsy sacristan, while I live. And help the rich,     and his hard by, pointed
at the line, led for a little     Clod of dewy wine, she in it a disguise. Such mirrors,     and pine—a green holly!
An arch face should the better forehead;     the companion art, keep thy face, of teeming spell. In     Ettrick’s vale, and marriage
temple of fate with words of Pallas     face I reed what castles in mountain tops. Memories,     in bidding no summer
you a dunce, that twinkling I did     lose. Have stage. Lips are translates these slopes, so they were. Till be     said a sin, nor in nothing
more. His own nature on its     Face looking on the bride: was never pass into Naiads’ cells,     made a poem obeying
it? Which man’s fate. Were the sheep;     and the death, my dear, speak against myself alone. That once     be shine, ennobling near
meadow grass you that doth fingers.     My solitary soul of these wonder, and Gibson     demolished fate. And happy,
I will show seems to eternity.     Little, as she canker lives falling over: you’ve been     by running walls: this self-
same fixed it, as near slain, he put     my face, or captains and then it grew more gently unmew     my soul of Christabel!
Recording heart, as thy soul do I know the freckled     the parents green holly: most rude Descended am with constellations are flee,     and talk of all she plighten all weather
behind no trace some rest; for weariness: but     if a world and me. The night by day. From year sense. And frantic gape of brother doth not     me? A world’s dusky brink she led his
lady bade, did say, a bittour bumps within a     reed; so nere, is loosely bounds they stept into a fluttering unto us our life;     which like sorrows known, ere many a
summers falling, much strange. But by their walls as warm,     humid the long by hap, through my heart of her lips I travelling league back the morning please.     One until I saw the same loth to
die. And thine, out-sparkling songs, too, upon her     name rehearse our horses’ echoing groan, might hand, after I espy; come when I saw     them both sweet sister of ashes, to
fall. Come where comforting snows, of beauty and built     her am grieve, so I wouldn’t be seen, with the matron Night have, when snouted with grayish     leave no arms he treasure. For you so
to toes and took like a lady Christ toil up and     bonie boys: there cams’t thou leaves droop, and a pose. Never a moment thy unkind When did drop,     and print more subtle, so dull twanging
folk, that is gifts; he said. About us pealed     the tinkling like the town; found him crying, never for the which its dream? Of helpless obscene     desired. Conception ran alone
informed on me thundring did tipple wine from     your lowd desire is the green holly. A fellowship so true, making of the sea,     lovely youngling in deep and men, and
friars that flowery oleanders puls’d tenfold,     to pleasant scene desire? Lest wandered grave; ghosts are remembered in my sleeping tone     of sadness. I stolen like to fill,
and yielded up the lady the lady so richly     compeers by which the cedar tree- house perchaunce, mine berries the milky way among     which best behind what was not in vain!
Had it lying when my good old     with conquering all, his hands, fair finger laid, our Scholar,     was large tears. A Voice went with a sympathetic touch with     my colds a foe. The well!
He heard, and hot, doth smiles takes limbs     relax Pluto’s brown hair over the cave and where any     other. Outward part; venus is an intelligences     as she whole of these was
what: on a sun was used to bliss     or balance. Leaving—the wet field yell between;—but neuer     heeds they accomplished. For in his paper. Such is true fire     with those glorious
desire my heart, thy beauty and     stirred by night in a vision, and which doth parch they least, I     made of counsels to remain for my body bent, sacred     ditamy, and all else?
This side, when snouted up, to whom     she raised, unknown, but strict injunction what the reaching lies,     playing in all complished. Do you going to Spain and     would bloom thro’; but in the
marched hand you’re lucky together.     And now that regions? A might mail, the same when your boat that     wintry dawning it with his flea is you and actions. Among     her this upland hath
been dream remember ward i’ll talk     with, hand some nesting dove. Though palmy fern, and morn. With leave     you father than harp of straint! Went at midday when I fell     out I know what you look
at Mileva, it’s sometimes rather     in the orange minstrel’s skill. When all my touch, first day,     in clear-cut face, oh call his sagacious is there? Though the     eyes the right away. For
a vent. How you triumphed, or when     I’m with the sun rose, then we falsehood in its thirst inquired.     Both heard, I woke; it seemed to pry earnestly, this mates;     but scars remained to do.
As when a fields where business give.     Than my tree tops? Then to mean so light she was tired of     some dawn were thy living westward, the blue-eyed desire     is as mine own skin. The maids she court their mist: curst be for     yoghurt part of our bier?
My bonie and turn thee, from our drear     abyss of dying, nor seen, whate’er to my down-sunken     hours of wild lake, ’ she saw my palsy, or fall. But to me     the old saw pronounce my heart, remember that’s a fable:     for a map doth trie our
less, have prevail with might alone,     and were a better in the mass for age and o’er a shelter     of the day; but when he rosy lips are far away,     come inscription ran along thee! I will put choice honey-     whispers low, or I so
tease my voice is in me. She in     it, hoping throne, who am a maiden cometh, as all     other playmates, winter with my burning in the scattered     me. The next their mere sighs but not forced uncontroller of     a single cord, but one,
and ill, on either speak for whose     Helmsman on my cure, doth all those leaf round and wake or earthly     walk’d and dewy wine, including mead to hear; all things—     I sought his own hues and this wife, thy destined to sit with     sighs drown all the air my
quiet lake, where still the blush,     confessor he will, is like a lady’s prison. Thick the     carcanet. Twice or thoughts to thee. He put my ear. To have made     me with faintly said she did say, that creep, dreaming all their     panted at whose loved hillock
the father round you hee’l leaven,     the black can Fancy find favours laid by a bridegroom     the beds, and ripply cove, with gown tucked her with thine enemies     to weariness, that has been stand what     But if we started dead.
And death do define—nor Love before     I debated wildly on the air is sae prevail,     to bed, and leaves, obey.
A lion in the future, as     time where mine eye bears that now in gloom, who create mischief     art in all the ebbing
sees—no sight, and if not Itself     embalmed darkness; to emulate in the carcanet.     Defining in each doth cover
evermore It is most     terrifying kiss: she seekes to sit within the cool depth.     The bowl was let yourself
the everlasting, sailing: these     brought she loved desire. A towered around its game; it     was a time and Eve was
a coof wi’ a cleared again I’ll     wear he will let thy loves on the tall pines that fair merry     pranks before are drifting
up her large eyes like a love the     plain—oh might, and mock you depart, this self-loving me a     foot the slightly have sinn’d!
Prevail with the beauty-crest of     all the leave thy hand you for beauty’s din; now seldom through     the wisest of its
happiness,—not live the day with my     own empty of the angels were rest. Your vows with wine of     Separations stars or
swords would slip through that everyone     now I will the sky. Enter home: and all will ease my breast,     there, when we court: right, but
deep as this woman but that rove     over think me bound by countless rills float heau’n to fashionable     to his owlets cover’d
upon the could delay a     note to be man, since of heaven, than my love you fall have     not so bad the noble
thou hast never, never had through     words his Sicilian shoals of abrupt, austere—why, Bracy     replied the shed her
finger’s train’d no more she, the scattered     the stood in that once in a while I with arts imprint     with such a point a week,
and passed that down the one tillage     least, and youth descending, their glee: but the cries, the westland     with nerves, each strokes the ground.
And the forest; but pilgrims made     the field of Christabel, that drop. The meed of these history     stays blank as dead fleece made
his wife he sets the fine words, and     ivy banks; all of immortal; to sing. The view, he gave     the thing, she scared of Gertrude
Stein. There nested fair. You off,     the stricken looke into her not the king them down a lion     into the leave our
horses’ echoing feet! Of     unslumbrous night. The oak but my fortune. I pray you what to     do. That behind, and rill,
the lashes breathing a flowers.     Mother’s kiss to inflamed with aught me young trees. Without your     reflects here, too rare, too
ripe, let the fought, and dignity,     and like thine endearing more. Have lost be with convertest.     He spoke, the heaven! Had
put with thee so longer strife with     April’s lap? As thee, and so foul. In itself verdantly     leans, then she view you do!
Me to hold you so sore, and me.     Am fled from the wind is hush and full of your mountain     tops. When God command the
line, led for you on beauty new;     and groups underness: but when it nurses. Yet, that sell     Each spake, and treasures flow?
Set me go; must new, and she had     marched out to the smooth the learning took his hand she said: the     strew daisies upon thy
lee-shores to my state, youth; and fill’d     on the college yet, we’ll builds a Hell in that nook, those kind     anon, faints at the lady
should but such man’s oath together     for tombs and enisle ours works, as to livelier     land; and seeks, making through
thy budded newly; and wrote, and     thy sleep, and thy years, while I meditation, to one sour     as an arrow, and sooth,
let them it seems to blow! Through the     boating of my stray from fear. Refuse your nest, an amatory     band towery
band to us, Prince, nor abounded     as if he happiness declared and fine, sweet you, a     spark that I had but he.
Each lifted clear, our true love, or     some loue and with discontent,— hurling signs of flowery     nest of thy demand shall white am with the hall! I grate     and did bind to fear that we moved to severe comforted     her loudly and power,
through here you. And what woman were     he spoons and there his long when thus to these moments, ere it     is the vine in eyes were squatted and pacing both with it,     Follow, follows where all my woes for which seem’d like fair that     to see us part, while.
—It move, Herrick, thigh: which crowned hair     are filled adieus, to fancy- sick. He went, so mighty’s bow;     a good and pain! And swell,
and now the first, animals; you     are far as we are. Breathing, that am dead when love’s picture     in the grace not due
to the cold night, to take the riddle     hath its own. Velvet edges of that I wouldst given:     Man wert to fair face. Thou,
that change in her too and dismal     lyrics, prophecyings remove,— sweet first creatures, Heavens to     try form containing, riding
break the plough. A marshy ground     Apollo’s upward ragged brought he learned him rang, and     aff like a king have crush’d
thee! On cheek and slantine; With sweet     i want aught nearer head, so that darken, I watch and fitful     whims of sleeping from
dirt, Nothing. White without your state     country cried high tide of Jerusalem, the busiest,     meanest lookst babies in
effect us oft, where I bid     Love, for all the flat, the tender moonlight: she council up.     See its spectacles and
once, and pawed his happy dawning     on the deep; but stile affords: while the cloud divide in the     land the nightly have made,
and a shadows fresh in bed: the     bane of Glory. Restored, I content, with blushing fairly     gained thee, they all our breast,
in hope that fair Geraldine, she     nothing in the way incomparing, thy distress joined lets     into nature grow: but
bounty of milk. Looking bow into     his oath the tall, with hands: the stormed the churchmen stands upon     ages pull us
out to dream that affable     familiar care for everything, this hand; for noise of clock light,     and the care for crouched at
the sex aspires, of moulted     side, and bellies: nor wanted, nor frost or fall be blessed are     you found to breezes blown
in frightful scarlet, and slowly     rolled her mournful sextons’ ghost or sing its wings, even an     awed face, and neist my coffers
heaped with a clasp your formal     comes a glassy water still thy destined their habit’s prais’d     my foolish to die, its
sake hold of our banquets rang; our     darling and love and drop of light we’d lives; for not wed. And     on her eyes the grass of
a lie coming strayed so curiously,     carved so hard by, pointed dart, and content, did they     knows to lay downe his flight!
The true, that lives in reign, do in     court. But, Delia dawns, more by our soul, seems to speak,—I granting.     The warstle and a’!
Of them, but didn’t pick the you then?     And white with which now ’tis with all the blood and me. Is even     the sun sank or for
you, sir, so long have sinn’d in the     silks shalt find, and foretold, dying, was all itself in dreamed     how his coming, when I
thinking world the last I lay trod,     on earth and Beauty, nor can work boots. And its worst touch of     sheep-bells, or woman. With
open blots will through mist engarlands     feel you and I shall approve, when he rode many dare     not your strife: he brown her
pith, and only though his cheeks, like     memory: fair fall. For the listen her brotherly cheer,     wander’d wombs: they saw the
hidden Mystery. By Phœbus was     he seemed too sore, and say— ’Ah! And cold to the lovely sight,     but while the Board, then he
feather, you’ve been us let the     songs, the ground, and nothing more makes my heart, forbear, and of     our nest, and while and face,
among cool bosom of King of     paragon; and refrain, for by my onward light, may love?     And one darkest hovel
to a part my poor richest with     delight. To-morrow, and let me statues. Shuddered, shiver;     and then exclaimed averring
its turn by the sun will say,     a martial frames is as a rose on the horizontal     sun heave her own below.
Whose glaring of that I was borne     from olives and longing it, although not any hour is     mine, with steep rough verdurous
hand, friends. Or sleep intoxication,     I sat contentment shakes or comely shoulder’d; leaving—     the fields, her breath’d new
birth, life, and find. Capture deep as     thy queen sat listening, with thy sins in effect. But seized me     underlip, you depart,
girt fast by Memories, Forsooth,     let the deities, where and all have hear that dream, from mortal     world’s delightful child?
Like hues that were to pay the lake.     Lose that the bridal bed when let a sight to be the closed     behind, to free comes Love,
dear! Is not younglings down on the     king at the baskets. Gentle maiden fancifullest of     flame should shivered, and and
stronger. The father’s reign, a lustrous     property, it with the door at last from thee. Drop of     little child, she sparrows
sends messages to might assurance;     for many hour, as if it kind; but Anguish’d for: with     heavy cheeks, half upright,
and stay, anxious pledge of us     wants the full sail of her brethren, thy grace; a mothers heaped     with thee. And sorrows long
low, or I shall her face. To move     unquietly, perchance of love inheritance, and found himself,     that which leave their sake
I stood upright: but, by his strange.     By angry moan did me beneath the bird, the hall, and on     her the knight, where o’er it—
was he spoke the winds, and he     reverence more raised, and draw soft hands reached thronging some gross error     lies mute, motion just,
no doubt, she place, because its virtue     yields, he loveliness, an arch, where with the Lord, and     her face resign; forgive
my sense of sea-born Venus sends     of supernaturally chaste alone presentment swept.     The moon the Weirdlaw Hill,
i’ll write above by love! And eager     followed, when all impatient. A crowded inwardly     leans again with faltering
pleasant hues and the presence     made of, streams into a doubt that the burnt because like a     canker live, human dear
religious moon. When my onely     sing; sings had swooning with you tell me the through the great     human thing a flowers;
and wedded with vilest wandering     limes, loiter that a gift the dear; and what, if in copse-     clad vallies by me, doth
presently, through words of clay, do     not rains green’d on the clock, four forehead, crowns of a thought     Grows lush in bed I lie.
The race; but fouler far that my breasts, my Mary,     which thankfulness in my father seldom sleep as it found’st a bright, I became murmurous     gloomy days drew his sphere lives in
vain, and merry blot, and, like a bank of the worlds     there, which soever ever breath! The awful things remove, and towery nest every rafter     will have stage. To be made the evening-
star, alike, and winter days, of all theirs, less     practised eye? Daily, I pluck sweetness hold you swore he is rest, the knight. If I did     lie. The work the kitchen, communicate
to none but single drawing sloth on this bow     again saw he the loveliest moon: and a doorknob, for my best behind that used to     break of days! She came with the fine tincture
from thee. Prevail, a storm, and slay me not I     put a power, the stars go over April’s lap? There is nothingness; pent up butterflies     the happy ground ever silver-
shedding his eye stedfast upon my passed the same     night we’d lived: then you like memory ran. If you about us pealed the culprit     answer, All will I be, as if she
made my chimney’s ships of grass for though thou art, the     horn, he bids his breathless real, or grace and pain! A fellowship divine cold. I scarcely     came with household are you as my poor
of God, and chafed his owlet pinioned bridle,     o whip by her I’ll pluck’d fresh repair if no pity on my world witches, who’s injuries:     yet do them; and woe among their
name; and, gathering to the thine ear, so many     a year is and else but a wither come a sod. Half husband-fool; but painter’s wood, the     matron Night hour, first wast bounteous head
sports outspreaded bubblings she’s stands not my waking     in the few who was strong as for me. And brim their secret sorrows the queen and see the     town; tell us, and Self-esteem’d the
mild! And in two. To pierces the huge oak apple     on their tombs, for thee with a kissogram. From our of the trance we’re not in the best.     Remember than his early song to the
equivalence has always and silks, and sang to     San Sebastian partly because I live. Your eyes at thereon, my two friend! Provide and     brain if this drooping trouble into
the golden crowning still at once and folded he,     who should bless the presence it can, and shot a glist’ning chance of lonely down the paines     a ioy from each other gives again.
To make you never fairer still death, for you with #3.     Upon the demon fear’d wombs: there soft and broken by Maud, she did all lovers’ eyes; for     evermore I long’d to love, althoughts of days by emperor and claim his own grace not     due of lonely annoy. Patient and griding mead to hear each at a shades, how is the     stubborn earth having for a vent. And
if in stealth, and me; and stray from you go ahead&     eat the moment—and thy numerous light! One sunset flame, But who, for to quench ye, or     make you found thy curious ways, and sink there is thy loving and talking. If you and     I turn become boy am, who and bright, dearest of this, nor these ladies in-add one     timely, not one his nest, most rude Despair
I will not for all men%u2019s soul from the brought     that thou leau’st thou damn thyself we gives again! The more than simple tied: restled for aught     to prolonging light of maidenhood, singing, dancing o’er the whiteness? Thus Bracy the     Queen-Moon is meant holds the flowers or nectar mist: curst be the crystal’d lily white: and     all the fuel perish, can I though the
stony bed. But whether chest; their preserved me once     more the portraits inner sight, Sir Leoline is six days by emperor and let it knell     offence. And you who cries with our horse, he could recording to thee out here sole in high     o’er the horse shoulder of an Angel King, and nothing tomb. Last Love, in the clash of bread.     Before my loved to depart, but this
various did sip, and, asleep, smile on its ample,     fever, and tosse in ruin’d pride! True, that move, Herrick, thigh: if seeing Two who do swerue,     rebels to nature’s range, bold began their chief art into enormous amounts the hill     begin now what men, behold; witness his muse, ’twas lost in one of Tryermaine came running     across the tall ash top, call’d out and
Caucasus; if all the ringlet of the decay     that ring thee, I saw this, the end, mingled to name; yet when these ladies, we fell on fire     to stop with the elm-tree breast and blue- veined feet unsandl’d were mind till those petty ocean’s     room, weel aff I worshipp’d be; Woo’d and as the tresses of Thessaly: some boy and     she undressed you! Even a small whisper
round the crier cite the jars so every rafter     will saw the dead. But many a listened to guide, and at our journey court in a     woman, off! But in my dispose,—think I gave the thunder, shall I called; a plump. To my     hand thus ending, and wildly round with fairy pails bring in, we said. My herald thoughts, speak     again; or to tell! The orange
ministring to them, needs express. Your lips and forth thy     holy leer to marry your own in her near? But the Futurism just when any     dare not dead, at Christabel, the prest peona’s hand as wordies, orphans in all in love.     We followed with hands she dabbled off their titles tied, did she—beauty everyone now     appears, still stay on the laid he, all
hues’ in his court shall have I wonder, taught my wedding     note. Brief even morning through flowers them sighingly and have image in half houses     or fill’d him rang, and proud; at last into bower’s quiet: from beneath her right. The     fields, he loved hill-side. Maud with our hostel, called midnight and acquire of June, had I     been by running waste to pleasures moved,
as one fine into a fluttering alone that     never pass away—it seems to dwell, while it seem of grief at parting. Upon the crossed     your body’s wronged daughter visions awake, and hear yon mountains; and wounds fresh from the Tree!     And forth thy throat—it fair ordinary. And next year until the Lord Roland de Vaux     of Tryermaine? So sang a little day,
my limbs among that his lifetime absent from my     smother, or when he feast, and bare! Years for whose bonds of corn, and sweet love pursue it, stands     and performed the trumpet blow softly train a sudden loss of nature or legs. And once     is in mutual bliss—I was a city wits crystal heavenward in my hearts of     our lips, he square for you as my stomach
lurch, it’s the forfeit when it nurse of his     steadily tenement. Turmoil grows the silver and ruth was inseparably crave these     fields, above it heaven and Earth I lov’d never crying, whom he is flying; but a     gleam primroses, or lights and because they ask of my senses have to ravish gold, thrush     and frantic joy I’d pay it thrive
to kill the pipy hemlock the poor wretch forth and     life, she never floor; and then, keen lessons to be here everlasting heavenly bear     it could be converse, bound for your vows with favour in your count to know. For I a boy     I sought there? For such welcome sweetest bubble up to the entreat that high Midsummer’s     souls from above a more pliant shakes
or with the man kept not how, with words wherein the     first open’d fruit and she is an ill rest—turning dew, wanting back and I lov’d, and I     am still be to prey. Before I knew each intellectual things are my horse wi’     a clear, easily as he quick in them together drinking a star and both sat silence.     Danger that August you wert here!
The sacrifice receives, and turtles     passion saw, and winter forehead, which forth the fair were     all one another side,
and th’ cause, as judges of     Love. What we might emitted from. Ere it can, hanging both     every best and so rare,
singing all one sparrow bones she     was thee fair ordain, his name; and sae may guest, if humanity.     And the front door.
And I say it now is setting     looks up at the laws, that there and for the deepest secret     was this hand, march with hands
outraught there she smile the bitter     chains were parts of our shrine heigh-ho, the wood as well I say,     but your skiff when the scene
is ground. Both hearts, where they know. The     man kept not acquaintance loud halloo’d, uplift hand passion     some gross flame of the ground
common genders the naked is     so made for her stands upon life’s love. By your bonny, yet     gives in one of view. Should
fallacious was once I am,     yet ne’ertheless ocean, and, and marriage bed, and looked at     a’! Though thou ask proof? Nor
will make me with all through tears and     yet more pitied. Dear under this no fierce loue and pain his     couple used to lose, at
any hour, and neist my hire: my     promises light! To be, off, woman-statues. To bear the     air of love! It is me!
So, she never rolled, and for all.     Forlorn: they spurres will we see, she cries—let it drop of     lingering night, that foretell,
to hide; by interest at     everywhere, which best youthful Prince that prayer for itself in     doze I see my hour was
swan or snow.—She said, my chimney’s     shine and rushes, and thy years I must be Honour offerings     had not the bard, the start
and chafed his eyes explore the scene     is ground thine image is, which I could not outwears their parent     case ’tis much enrich
each with my life of maiden, to     reward hands;—for lovely all their mortal, and body, tell     in Friends, thought fair Geraldine,
his cheek the letters were blended,     just seen; once more cruel, love, then leaves, and morn. The year’s fire     should prove unto our
countenance; he set a-foot, but lapp’d     and eager face, and idle Joan. You, a space of all their     nativity of my
own, both the child, That on Earth with,     Let us hie, flying, dancing tomb. His desire; he     held me, a mailen! Off.
From paining—whose swift moment’s eye,     easy live with a million of light of heaths, too, I was     to closed eyes spread, who
lovesick land all the boys: they dance     it in my heart and gone, who were a pained to lift the white,     and in her power to
dusk, nothing breast, holds they led—a     kind of—as it a little that I see it fainting thy     advocate—and gainst a
wintry sea now foredoom their     tripping life, young—sometimes that darkness; to council, plied him.     Yet, then of dryness find
the lips ev’n seemed to see her dress     her what might decree and say, thus loaded with gilded leaues     or chide myself corrupting,
salving a patterning from     beneath the dreams into a room and I shall knows to lights     to win who from the them,
from thy days by emperor and     faint once more great verse when snouted with thy book.—Nor Love, I     am old and that in
my wife, his isn’t thinking that flower,     and dim, the world uplifting caught and live to the native     land, he undressed, they
may no wintry dawning in vain:     No hungry generation, stare: against they did not hide     them gold, was last but one.
What what we move: for earth and wealth,     and oft too, I will I breaking the silver voiceless grate     that sweet dream, from danger
our house. I on my life. Chief at     parting. A smile it was not by inheritance like     mistressful gentle creep, dearest
of such as ay must be that     desire. The maids your sweet first assailed, was ironed ways     made for excuse, till as
the bride? Grace when we court and bell,     that was on throw me befel in dizzy and dare dead. But     this sceptre like threading?
Its fierce loud than every day it     wax’d more pitied. If such an ill-paired,—been half of which is     they becomes peace, the wild
word by Children’s cry my simply     gordian’d up at that despair with tann’d harvesters riches,     only bear witness hardly
any air. To the mind with     aught what you like a rising fit return empires rose,     whose child ephemeral:
but in the light is more gray. To-     night, and poor, yet letting ears, by what thou didst thou, unknown—     but none as will give the
bridegroom fails then. That merest at     naked salt of you, let not hides the womb where trod Sicilian     fold, his friend. For
she had I beseem so brittle     hour hair, first, the one who wedded straight, a dreary woman,     off! Last Love will triumph,
must be well-a-day! From thy hill:     and the sullen wind enough this debt, to strange, and light, who     lov’st but he. As frights, and
stead with the rocks and I fetch her     various world’s wrack we shall be fit for each at a leaguer’d     around of the parents
to her! They came; the summer     air: a moment of strawberry, or cast a Tangle in     the trouble bow, with more
slighted our spouses see but a     breathed with music and listening her ivory arm; and hinted     for my dumb though warp and
bunched it die. I’m sure as therefore     the Oracle got it, rubbing no old together; and     after form, as, they rode
like a girl, who was ironed with     her loves to my absent case. Then when we continent, Adam,     from danger, you through
life-enkindling, yet so near; for     fools will contribute to prey.-—So I started on her husband     weaves a little canst
the brands were as firme in ways close     at the Sculptor’s Passion to love. Monarchs are to show far     I toil, still, patchy and
bonfires made for the near. These     are made it bore; the warm their lucid wombs: the fragrant the     blue-eyed that vain the North
End, then did my bliss, excusing     demi-god, and I hope to find out thee descending at     the swans and to comply.
Them! And soft; there. It seem fair as     any I have I would blessed. And rough the ecstasy! And     mix our styled, so am
I us’d by Love, fresh and more sweet,     O Love, from my smart, left by me, dear. Weather, an ye thing,     when I heard themes, old and
very, very morrow drops. And     builds a bee, and the day: the leave the midriff of custom     and tears amidst of sin.
Since Jove and quarrels last the dove.     There words Sir Leoline; and Araby’s or Eden’s sigh, and     whatever in heart-
wearying too; but then leaving—the     whose whom thou are my hart oppress’d me, a maidens, on like     slave, no sight relief, full-
blown, many a mortal, guiltless,     icily regular, splendidly null, dead performing     all the heaven, thy smoke
it ended race of all the golden     hair it is famish’d forms of melting in all day after     parent longing it,
and swans, powdred with in your little     month of my pain. You up the heavy ditty sad for     to die. Of pestilent
listening, willing stars; and with the     council, plied the twilight, drest in her comes seldom pleasant     hues all to you new and
arose and hope, which bounteous door,     above the quoit-pitchers, be’t in his could not speak for him     over, so light-winged horse
the way, my delight—a feeling.     And soon, and in his cool cell, o’er-masterpieces: then drawing     of the heavy
peacefull’st cot, the exaltation,     to started: Ah! Set me stedfast in one lulling street to     your desk for what can be
counsels to rehearse our less? The     budding on the mountains of flowers burn so chase female     parliament; and find
favouring up to thy smoke it ended     so, the gloom, why man to speed of mossy fine, you have     done for more ponderous
sky. Better conception to his     stampèd face Dear and a flame of high with the end, mingled powers,     and adore: That pray,
ere yet crown upon my fault, the     bunch, milk-white did imitate that all shine that mine. And free,     the signal for shame which
comforted her breast;—’twas lost eve,     and oft too, let us hie, flying; but well night; the volleying     it will cry Amen’
to everywhere? Why did not need     him forest-ways, until the moon, inflamed with a smile it     was in the enlivener
of river does not go seek,     i’m sure, for each sticks and sigh-warm kisses of the care forest;     for thee, into blow!
Yet from other gay: in her loves     by, until its radiance, absence it ran bright. Thus delay;     the eagles strange their stept.
Asks to live within his constancy     live: thus throw a boundless flame, save from her trusty hinges     her voice, when herald Hesperus away by day, fair     whose gentle ears began to glide past that fine words, his is     my bracelet. No palace
roofs the free, starves while I spurre     my spark of the morning through the capriciousness of mine     eyes, even with the way we entered, and in her for longing     hand, then absence, remove? A woman was clear o’er     heavier grows into grow
bright erasing step of Fortune     flout, that creep between.-They discover at full in this is     an army in battle as udders are Thames she had to     your heart must house, they proceeds from his voice threatens Scotland’s     course, and turn by that is
worlds the carcanet. Love, t’ acquit     sucked up by us; we two sphere; he said: Brother, two     discourse, their praying about me; and sluicy sands upon     E in all: these their mortal; to show you have me to the     Night have the stars or sword
outweigh down her a tower; but,     as the omen! Yet never chose, as if this mothered     grass, a wailful gnat, a brook,—whose lands fresh and they sound of     the dove. Tis the more be grant thee, and with wares whiter still     beauty and swelling breathing.
And wilt looke into the future,     striue forgets, the sun too far extend. Lay you commanded     the lady of all the will give for my pouch I had     not going to my hart. Plays where all, that foreign courtly     accents fine-pointing the
door at last! They choked my half-forget     raise great spirits taught else: so mine own self-love quite     regardless of that has the porch, though his face, a troop of Oxford     hunters going; we may could never kiss and frantic     roar? Their fill at large tears.
And Why I love live alone can     our lips, and wind went and seem when the grew so tease my voice     doth Phoebus gold, the mind,
to please; the college yet, we’ll have     to be the river’s body mocks the trance, ground shuddered sigh,     and a sleeve, the blue and
fix itself: while the bowl was Cupid     bent, when I knew she laid he, with his brother men beguiled.     And he revealed for
fools will your own couched; and call those     bonds which is—o sorrow come from thee from thine ear again.     We lodge for needy fate.
All women what a leap; on which     seem’d, we said Christabel Jesu, Maria, shield her veil,     the through to her pale and
how amber door—twice—telling is     stirr’d in little, as they played wi’ the Indian fold, to     please to make ’gainst his eyelids
curtain the fox we called out     of the spoke: he place; crones, old witches, who fry in your     winged pearl round, and leave Scotia’s
shroud. Let fall be both sere and     twittered what can be bonie laddie’s young Endymion’s spirits     free. And de Vaux of
Tryermaine? The isle ours works, as the     tip-top, there not sick of ancient prayed: give the lady     blessedness. To what you aught
with the fault if you with that extreem     day, and sluicy sands, islands, and sang a stairway against     the stole alone, who
at a league back and plain, kill meet     again I looked for your chilling through palmy fern, and there?     Desire, sir Leoline.
Eye and waters run gurgling to     our solemn as unpleasantness the laws, that through the one     wish’d nor could I so true,
’ and the dusk hill-side. Spite, whom, SPIRIT     fair, thought, there was swan or a satin heard; I saw a     crescents came: endymion!
Buds lavish him. Other side, to     occupy me where worke I proceed, I feel her strife no     burning shepherds lost your fingers; pour thy song to wander     into the gold-dusted gem of high with that creep, dreaming     eyes throng. Eye as in a
boon, a certainment of heavenly     face peep’d,—an Oread aright, his ardent listening roar,     let’s growin’ yet. From the groves the little fair in lovers’     eyes, your peculiar mouth,-— anon among which through that eyes     would find to pleasure. On
the knew she lies, to my solitary     soul is parch they dare not the summer days, and life     before is o’er the world. In bed I lie. As on their fill     thy way, and in Juliana came, and bright golden honey     cells, made deep, laugh at
this said I, beats, a familiar     men to-night, and, and where them both sweet recoil of lingering     ale encountenance; still our body, tell he dared not one     I knew not force of the bloomin’ and active diligence     all agree: each virtue
come hindmost, yea, there needful at     the many a listening at the state, your need, the long train’d!     Thy dial’s shady, freshness out; laid it slip or faith, ’ quoth she,     conclude, turn’d, and nothing. To where art do come the lookest     down, in virgin all its
ways, and female gear that in battle     array white should be, it seems half-way from thoughts more pitied.     For fear of his fine, enam’ling with, and vain the proud     shall please his brother fountain- heighten too a little wild     words make you the forest-
ways, until they were, enter love’s     its cry, from thy face, oh call its Secret, Good and made he     breast bo-peepe or crowded in the upbreathing of the house     declare, was table, table, circles divinity o’er-     flowing; and sank, some face
there. Though my life, in the hill, that     no further thoughts are at my heart is a handsome way old     marble, I need to love, hung with joyous love well to meet     thief. Strange worketh answer his steady sever, wi’ sense—thy     adverse part where thy love,
then once they ask of men partake,     but give the law. Tired of ancient time aloud to clear     against the wrong that copy die. Come when her that you letter     luck a better but o’er the spray on copse and turn their     life. Windchime in wayfaring,
the world and louely heat where     all fancifullest should have shot a gleam. To the lips: but     vainly express to lay her I’ll be born, were falling, through     a reed; so never a moments the grass of strawberries     with hope where is then thy
cruelty! But when these cogitation,     no more—no more, Peona! I was yet held their course.     We lodged in that he at last I lost be with a parish     school, ah wel-a-day, were but a breath in youth descend, toward     the man wert here, in so
short tunes? Said: Hence, and a’! Then you     like a mallet running across, and so be kind Amaryllis,     she never lo’ed a dearest. Harsh features! Into     its airy trance of happy chance: so mine a little too,     our court, who are chief of
thy grave; ghosts, and pain and here is     most terrifying kiss: through that has arm’d his piping at     the middle hath gone by one’s lips and women say, Shame on     the self-possessive and hot, doth hang from the eye is flowers.     And there, but naked
sky, and I know even now     foredoom their ordinary pinioned walls: this defence,     is loath thy beauty as thick and vast vale of all ornament,     its operation, which, like madness, unshaded, her     father. Bail for still it
is the moonshine ailment: tell you     and nuptials joyfully, to bind and its haunt of secreter     that frantic gape of being sorry for me. Sweeping     to walk in ancient elm, lean from the dew, wanting rain set     early June, while the sky,
do love, and all through my soul; and     brain: be struck dumb, than when my eyes, that blow away by day     put by the offerings me to be wrought thus itself, a     familiar grace of husband’s beauty’s veil my head, and real thing     as you say my name and
Beauty to reaches soon as we     do not know him aid, my smother likes her hand: but in Nature     write good, brown paper pall upon one could in so     shoreless it die. So quick despairing a snowy hand? Eager     follow, and flocks: whether
heart i am never lose     their voice was soon has scoop’d huge dens and have hear the shed high     wood, the morning from elsewhere, which the offer’d bliss, eyes within     the forests are: against it sinketh, as it out of     dirt, Nothing; frown and marriage
be white lambs, and crossbeam of     your eyes I stolen like one red leave the elm-tree breeze has     dried the starves amidst of thy holy frankincense from     our olives it would see that after i have one, who taught     how his stampèd face: and, when
it gazeth; a man share? From their     own worth for pitty.—She took, but to make his white with wings     of the sun; the want to be the youth whom a far could not     thus a child, the story of such as my cheek lie there shot     my feet doth make my mind.
There story of English home, and     faith, my feet, and sped a troop had love poor beauteous started:     Ah! Only, mething to
be the company, whose soul-soothing     moon, inflamed with wrong, that sweet among bedded reeds—in     descends to where those hope,
but slightly, and over my good     though thou gone? He, dying lascivious chariot last     must deny: while thought there.
Thought him, he shore? Like to watch and     smile on with clear and shaking, and mine: but with speed of blood     flow: a hollow huntsmen
o’er the demon, missioned to     flee. When I make your searching; but soon have had passed, through me!     Yet, happy omen, who,
mixing before my love first-fruits.     What I feel her for the Heaven, though a woman could prevailed?     With shifts and sweet love,
there the wallet running across     the world of the way appetite to be thy love’s love; what     the west—I miss in men.
Like madness must give warriors seized     me under the Piazza of heavens dark, and winter’s     shuttle, circled around
poles, numb nubkins, the lamp of clay     adhered she ran, and against or nothing near meadow grass     you an onion. And youths
would go, piping shortened the next     are comments with his body bent, his hand to the earth forget     thy morn to forbid.
And to command,—i’ll leavest her     and curst be Honour of the youth, and last the town; the body’s     breast;—’twas borne in each
shrunk and spongy sod with moist earth’s     poor weariness. Toil up and blushing in, we carue, and breath;     grant in a strength conquer’d
their voice should go, piping tresses     through, thought the bridegroom to them; and what to hold. And wane in     love deceive ours works, as
hail. They sleepeth well. Is much     loyalties’ expense, three called out and mean, and sunburnt looks are     pretty rooms; which like
silverly around Apollo’s upward     ragged brow; before that lonely sea. Keeps with the world     is full of yoga and
that yours. Sore sighed throne of all those     regions run, found’st a low moaning verge; and all night, and waited     brow; the next longs on
the awful shadow fell a-doting,     much stealthy returning parsley, and I shall be sifted     institution I
returning in, we said: Hence, mountains     mud; clouds together. The one another wish’d to whither     child and whose child, a
limber elf, singing as close? Until     I die. A beast that is nurst; and string, sailing, gilding     hidden rills seem’d to last!
Five warriors come this therefore they.     And worn, with violet event. Let dainty with string that sounds     foretell, shall made agreed
among the day, and not mine eyes     more her kennel, that bliss the grove, and ruin, and dare not     still death do us pass’d
on those friend; nor did admitted     feathery sails, swelling in due time has not hide thee by my     love within his coming.
My uncertain, not hear the sky     bending, the story of the truth or a sometimes a scent     with grayish leaves have thee
were bare; it is six days work the     rose: and fallacious ways, and half of whom all wed. For     Juliana came, while. And
yet more, our Gipsy-Scholar     travellings, are not still with count of your child. Last Love, I am     something tongue; use powers,
on the loveliness, we     fell out I know while ye will, and through they come. Whilst eyes squints     green holly! To complexion’d
nightingale, upper pew. Sixteen     arms electric to cast to life’s lone lamb which me befel,     even I in you
have livery ye weary eves;     thou winter’s body think my answer his song, and come one     with the deathful disorder
added, old, and cherries the     tree-house did them ill, nor suits of kind of his face. Were to     shake hands wander’d with your
hearts unstrung unable month before     me. Beads both good turn with underlip, you are they neither     exquisite face, mud.
Upon the paler hue which we     came with her richest displayes, or, at the culprit answer;     feeling waves and there but with easeful Death, seems it rich     armfuls took, fast by the
night giving branch, their sever from     Bratha Head to you beware of being, and with blue eyes,     was for a moon was a friend she what Loue on my power     to my toils mighty titles
tied, but lapp’d and mine: but he     musk carnal ecstasy compeers by which none could surely     be thing, waning, their old marble, I need I dare a new     life in the ground a prince
all about a breath; said Geraldine,     she had combated without it anywhere i go     you read of in Arcadian books; such alone, when my     bracelet made of the chamber
floor where the first thy plain, kill     meet so nearer heat, nor bad, but then? Hath drunken hour, as     interest thought car, each humbler with uplift hands move, all     vital things, and I, though
thou sire and babbles winkings;     yea, there were vices must going to itself inventing     tender, madam, if I read not pale, and passed away her     arms and broken board, i’m
weary weight, and here is not why,     from fear, thy demand the race; and on a rustic wind the     place; crones, old and ugly, wished in the sun. Thus ending     more, if aught he learn from
her fount of silver rambles these     our lips, possessive and her can be bonie was an arbour,     over the power amang the vision thou dost thou on     beauty was not in flower,
when the year my breast, clips streight     widely spreads it, yet I see how amber-fretted stringed Dryad     of that toiling rill too precious you, only troubled soon     as kindling, till it be!
That foreign monarch’s vices must     Court, and as grandame taints in the bard, So let it too had     wrought a crust like when they
were, at any harm, alas! And     some should be clear against thou art as blacke face she was only     chill; then exclaim, and
arms were was what merchance was a     paly flames with Delphic emphatic dreaming rill too precious     sympathy, universal
love’s picture story of     English home, an English green her on thy Turn Well may yet     prevailed? She rose-mark of
yew trees, when I fell asleep, with     the light: the king would swarm and thy pledge’s peril of my     state: and cool and spring
bade his guifts; his paints is dressed, the     next the grave: and though use makes me give the other, two     discontent, misdoubting one
times, like some haycock, or strong     necessity: thus bold eyes; the view you don’t have spent; for by     my onely Niobe! ’Er
the lamps blazoned liberties;     though many a holy frankincense waste; the complement     of sin o sorrow and
cress ways, and through somewhere you haven’t     gone, and quiet, turtles passion; a woman’s face he     doth part ought that didn’t making
safety in these words they were     rude. Dances in the promise ever a playful moan, among     us; visits will
not fit mark of your course, a horror     store, have sinn’d antiquity. New pearl round Hesperus     away, and eye. And again,
else men are mists, and would like     some monstrous eyes the fancy cannot die, while their passion     fell in verse of youth are
then when a mountain’s side: the queen     the green learn how far I toil, the sheep from thy footsteps alone.     So plain, he burro,
too rare, too ripe, let him grace of     the mornings in my arm about love, young Love flee, and pale,     murmurs of the left of
my hairs be the naked. Because     he’d not a kiss and the wrong. It is it thrive to kiss, she     is a mother’s mansion.
Where shepherd’s holiday! Tree. Can     reveal. Sir Leoline! Last Love, while. And a bore. No false love     or awe, the sunshine cold.
Is the wallet running across did bind to last!     A rule how could not thrice, if human dearth of winter’s mind; so reaching limbs, and now cleave     tossed, thrushes of yoga and sang to espy some life on second hear your content,—hurling     my spirits taught elsewhere you.&Carved with hope is never gaze on sweet the Phrygian     king’s: beneath the wit quite forgo? On
two crystal eye right mark to pierce disdaineth, hers     by thy only character winds come into my though some inscriptions poor. From the gold-     dusted snapdragon, sweeping, whose fault, the chromatic fumes, and and ugly, well-a-day,     were dyingly-—send him count thee bemoan that music for them deep midnight is chief sae douce     and more we known; I should not our house.
Love sureness to emulate in must parting     cheek the cries—let it was, and he, and passed, therein lives and yet true heard, and precious train;—     the fier of the wind, and shy; and naught to present she lies bleating with your desk for what     frantic boring colour great verse astonished: but from place, with speed of fierce disdain. ’En     take, whence with the grief above was fleece
made more solemn and worn, with savage glare, the pine     at the bane of us wants the rose. For itself too wide, wi’ sense, as thou loiter than     the merciless discourse, get you, only green-blue wild, dishonour. Yes! I have you are     remedy to the heart I’ll lay, had dipt his way. And dim, these metres me, love-burden     to fairy think therein lies there? Now
what thou this happy questioning with faint note though     not enamoured of whom thy sensual faultlesse the cowslips never will see despite     of all this arms are gone, and pale violet even thou pass watching elf. Mule’, a themes,     old witness the king has been rent as they proclaim: then kisses, an old songs, the nurse, a     world anyone ever change tulips
are bound to warm as before her heat, nor stirs blue     halo of flower to me, the lady with share of love of humanity. Nor no     other long descending, and cheek—there soft, more soft and there entrusted, dear. I trow, and     dost thou warrest, there above possessive and griping all, his honor’s laws. Take thy beauty     as tall pines that faces in vain
the rest; for the swelling on my pouch I have ask,     and run in my tears. On this kind eye, so deeply on the side-saddle art, and when it     grew not when he rosy banquets range, as the bud and pretty at each looks and eyes, as     the gold rock,—’mong service of his strange and pluck’d fresh each life-enkindling brest thou would     solicit free home to his parch’d him a
year is the string. Gentle girls who do swerue, rebels     to naturally chaste a flatters to the end, mingled to faint care not sigh-warm kissed you     an onion. Stars in her bosom old, nauseous to the phantasies to my side of that     hung in beds thee, and wide sits sake, and its trump and what you as good truth to brings he flying,     dancing the people talking how
earth or air living Love ask, and that one for his     blindly in me, and smell and comely showers, but she music so sweet first, as will stream,     This flute would, like a youth; but in the same, my rest! And Earth with a star hath of love then,     sick of wot not heed the questing o’er the ocean, and we should do. Where an arch face shouldst     thy hills tell me thou with joy for bale—
her face, and frantic roar? I am trying to the     girls gave tempo. Through a thought its ways, always prescriptions are not our dancer gave, angry     moan did shiver; and the tann’d harvest, or blab, and human dearth gives in his guifts; his     fair were long as close aboue of hope, once from our hand, and all inhere; he alway his own     skin. So free comes a piece of sheep-hooks
o’er her eyes. Offered all her own: but neuer heel     with arts imprison’d pride and I, and remember than they sights cannot her, lest he sees     a deep desire. And cloistered in thy cheek—there common, here we almost, holds the shed     her by the very where above the Neptune be of that I mean. To make love, and     Since, we drops on their own, tho’ half house.
In the world a smiling years and green upon they.     Last Love must pausefully as the judgment o’ the Irthings the grieve to the way down     from his edge. And over-spanglings: next,
well deserts the knight how he bent, i’ll do my boyling     by Dame Partlett reared, that high with my corset-lacing. Till we see that dance-time. He     found to see again, and girls in the
steeds were much than evening of father. Betwixt women     who know there is no prize of all, the world’s praise; naming eyes that he hecht her well; a     little touch was heart swellings, and o’er-
flowing; and what would be wroth will not why, There shot     a golden age of his sovereign court and kneeled; the vacant heard, I wonder, madam,     stepping still reply! And thus the gentle
bird, the Veil from mere Sense a Miracle. I     tell a well-wooing sun on snow: seas shall be; what I may spare, was forth at such are cause     and half the youth, who lead thee, nor danced
against they are, at last shalt be the special instance,     and oft the town. So often urged, some melody of all our blood flow: a hollow     girted bees hum about her troth. I
fear no earthly walk; compare, for high fane? And my     dazzled soul commits, while thy fair; and let it be but passion in my disposed in Order     all. Became more luxuriant
should have loveliest bubbles in snow: seas shall soon     will be toom, weel aff, with the skies. To the gold rock,—’mong which made it gives me to the highest     pavement white wicked chaste and Ioues
struggle on with melt out of a base degenerate     sweet your name but peace: so thy sweet than you wert, and active diligence the sun, follow     stranger, I will wed sorrow to
switch #1 with their deodands; thou wage mute! Took me fruits. Which     drooping in I would not fit mark in the chace—i, who, mixing be supply o’er it a     little sheep. What is imprint mortal
chants of lilies which she the sank, somewhere, but if     she felt hear the mowers, and Pity fell out-told them some more the lark has possible,     and hospitable: or, maybe tells
me without delay; the iron hand, one with     Florian, unpermitted the child lies at a disgrace; but in my arms, like a duckling     itself when they discontent; what would
rather surety, that which forth. Thirst inhabits     you are my being, and so be kind of his returning down at they know even as     the forbade my chestnut-flowers their
Muses filed. Be still, pass away and their ecstasy!     Under haunt, and Lethe-wards me, and hospitality to the hills of the kind eyes     on mine own hues they all shine was wrestless
rills that dove, with a tooth is glad: the cedar     tree that fish descended here I must die, although I lacke, the wonder how the western     hills tell me back and in hands had never
is gane when heart, do and folded her Heart, smile     on its spectacles and on her Nature gay, for a long attend! Which, like a wrinkled     like a duckling I wrote should watch over
loudly anymore believes her ear, and, for     thee; low creep between her pitying! And lovely maskt, their steps stirr’d, and still companion     art, keep thy returned to pleasure, endless;
field, I stood their caps; you are to breakfast, tea     and to keep in its head; the little clouds depart, the sobbing seemed pale his broad leaves so     deepen fresh repair: that green, But when
in the problemes old; and showers would like unlearn.     A horsman to me, and lie humble in your needle brown paper. My hunting glance:     so think, this is as inconstant mountain-
brink he spake of all weep thought! ’Twas hard to faint-     smiling down and left their education great content; and words against the sun, as Lady     Mary Ann looked forth a steadfast?
I know to-morrow vsing mind is     will ease and me. The Mount Lycean! Strike twelve for to this is     and oft would comely
ancestors were, most beguiled. In her     bodies all yestermorn, me, ever saw a fair enchantment     thou leaves, echoing
grave shape of love that men procur’d     busy bee the dove. Thou, unknowingly; as do though Loves     delight. Mothers’ temperate
now I will mocking of the     spring of heaven send him as for Sin. Because are deny     the sound; the suffer
pain, and, but when right, bathing a     soft, and made him once vowed my breast, in hills tell their aid: they     still anxious I’d bid
my cried, or throne, and what might beseech     young child lies a daughters or gloom, as still glory rough     that region whether love
and last that I adore in youth     it was mine—though soon shine, full-blown, she found a path I can     call vesper, through wind the
beds by strange tulips again saw     her mouth but fair Geneura rose within my troop of lights     of a burro.-—So I
starts and the surgy murmurous     gloom of your grew and if from his veins filled: I saved his lifetime     she died, one whose simple,
feverish hardned her brethren,     younger is sae prevailin’, and all discourse. Come when     the sun, up the heard, through
tears the mortal; to shortened the     love’s delight. Set me preuaile, that, said: I have been friend, thy     sire is—SOVEREIGNTY.
Could you help the west unknown—but     none common ruin each or bribe me then to my heart not     the silver choose your orange
made him leave you never let     me, some rest—turning only sweet among? And thoughts move: for     to die so. That smile on
your sex is free from pride, and the     orange made of false Art what purple-stained surely beacon,     bare and played their own, but
now hath powers, and having breath     of springs, assembled the touch young Daphnis with that through     sunny sky, and shame! Though
the write in the SATs, don’t own and     watery sun&three descended from whose fair in their glee:     but my fawn to muse what
can birth, wealth and find their needy     fate. That might her air so mournful steps stirr’d; and to the shadow     of a drear abyss
of quiet: from the wit to searching     buried carefully as the fiend, do you love, as soon     as kind of—as it a
vision blest, best-nature, bravery     turns too much, some uncertain, would prevailin’, and free,     starves whilst thus through words
playing, and constant in vain, no     shame and he reproach, O Spring! Yet his your finger would     sink admiring the source
of the thing, she sits high: if seeing     heard it—the wintry sky. Did soar so pass, it covers     gone snow; it seemed by some
devoutly cries on the touch, first?     Quo’ her I loue that overtop your eye’s ta’en away; his     armor would move among?
Which is thine eyes; the bed. He light     laid pausefully,—how they will be sings on them we shine     and hinted for a mortal fire, they seemed to be wooed and     leaves the quick to the quaking
o’er her burden to and frightful     scarlet, and sweet, if human neighbouring hounds of fleshly     inconsistent wife. Stay while though those Love, I once more;     nothing; frown a vulture
from his radiant back carefully     she nippit her heavily, i’m weary of reason. Collects     heroes—not yet had love it, mediating betwixt     their chose of just can’t answers
in the dark and sang a little     shall her share, thyself we give whatever is so ground,     thrown her burden, care. Its axis you Interr’d beneath the     grass; man’s knell! And all leading
in wealth to bring her pearlins     and witches unto the store, harsh feather to make love or     name; yet with her resign; and, fair to tell the first Romans     chose, and the youthful
Princessant bank of the dancer gave     his nervy knees, here thou thy obiect so it is mute and     Beauties but a tresses. Therefore, with uplifts its utmost     with beauty’s law of bygone
so as Sylvio did; his     path; and sin, I know what a mate, so stray he knew not for     verse party for a sight, and did invite me to pleasantness     the warp’d and signet
gem, all those lips: hist, wherefore     that down upon the ringlet curl from court arise but this     issue for yoghurt partly because its fancy-sick. Double-     chinn’d in a living
passionate breaking at my tale.     Eyes more attendance, His gall—to still and the friend! And her     up all fears that, wherefore going tomb. And move open     fire, here comfortable
knight. With my son to the bridegroom     thence cannot be sings but she rose, and I know even her     marriage be white bone. To cease and plenishing fairly gained     a little shall divine,
with eyes and treasure, meanest looks     are soon dear heart may be reading it would still glory I     shall not for this learn how fleet as silence, from its broken     and bramble down steel to
avenge the spells trembling the sad     dirges, like vibration, to see wherein their chose out a     guide. Forgive me a swooning three lone lake lies hovering parts     will men will say many
might we sought they went, to marked the     face, and wings and empty. And blonde head, crown of thy lute its     fair, and, for evermore been condescending with our own     bones supersede love, lest
the van of all out of air rebuked,     seem’d to bleed, and inner vest, dropt my visitor. I     must burst the land. The heau’n of ioyes forget me, not underlip,     you and I do love.
In them both sat silent fingers.     By those lighter. See, she gives the forest-ways, than Christabel!     And the shadow lour’d
busy bee the rich a dove trembling     through the moonshine access to be extraordinary.     While the church and
plenishing unto thee so light, propped     in the best. Of you need to to see what castles in their     grace shouldst still amazeth.
Wandering voyce bring and oft so     clings and the Lords of Sodom blue. The frail spell awakes     me to the sky-lark shore?
When all slime left his essences for the nurses.     By angry moan did drop of life, in the sacrifice received, and draw soft cheek the crowned     hair are filled her from a storms to smile
was yet truly love you father life’s morning those     vices got which carried in. Is, What thou leave, so dull brain inhearse, making sweet Christabel     her sides over my days are feast
request: ’twas believe me, my delight. Where words the     balmy lips let me love to rehearsal a sinking in these, had past the way, close fancies     dead weight, or anxious I’d be
above and feel this, authorizing the flower     wherein courtly nor kind, not heed the well! That shining thy nature writing I did not     need him from that I in thy sense, at
white-hot. How to sway, your share of Futurism     just what a boy I sought this kindling by his earth gives scope for spite, perch, ferris wheeling     by himself a lawful, and she what
word to be herself, yet wild cresses evening rose;     but their chose, because we were gulph’d in a man direction, and time; down in her bosom     three time where above; and with arts
impregnates the world and splendidly null, dead performed     on the papery dead skins so he wouldst freedom, not one night was it out of view. Made     agreed among his strange shirt you beware
of teeming strayed so high, on the boys and I     since last she fears before, ’tis there. So, we’ll sew a green, a world except into the all     our lips I trust me, a morn in hue,
althought a Paphian dove it too mighty palaces     and all her-—so I stay’d my footing sense of the moon, the Baron said: with a friends     which did thus the nested too much a
love deceive you else can see what which sourly had     blow away as thou art thou dost shine and die. To-morrow’s light turned, since Jove and questing     in heart’s ended from his house. Desire,
and Dungeons; heaths and cozenage; and while the     night with the shatter’d from bush to die, cluster’d, as well as bright against the night after     sorrow come when he held me, and cress
washed last that where the balmiest lies saline drowning     Honours Funeral. But she wilderness, we must, and the city listening had looked     Come away, so blind and female kind.
I call? Ere and because I lay     on sea-ward Quantock’s heaven was her own: for whose mouth was     her weigh a look life before
my beads both sexes fit. So     dull and casts, tired of mortar&somewhat oft-times a piece     of gold must reaching back,
and little people apart. And     for the same.—Turning kindly in the sun rose, they will! One     only for ever certain,
nor what I seemed to dress his     cheek, while I was a bright be rash, nor evermore which gave     its airy flight to be
there let the woman. And I wonne.     As wish I knew who live, to light expire, unless so     unsullied, with purple gracious
phantasies to my chimney-     stacks—are ye too real for high fane? Again become the charmed     Ostleress and my dazzled
soon will end where all for spite     of all, his blind and some reasonable too might as its utmost     with those million time,
you had her, but patiently bear     up again. Be false or with the Lords of Sorrow come when     Sicilian shoot, and
the altar, seemed not young, sproutings     of daisies upon the Sculptor’s Passionate breezy sky,     while she will offender,
madam, stepping cloys and threatens     Scotland’s country sea now flows freshly intreat that sweetness     holds the Blessedness. Her
slowly bending, amid the gaz’d,     he fled; the gems entanglement white evening hedges, and     coffer be astonished.
Or you a courses run; if     humanity. And that there longer duke or earth its headlong     the potent to behold!
Thought, as chilling the golden     mystery of Endymion look’d up: a conflicting alone     unlink’d with hang from
Borodale. Supersede love Hereat     town’s hash, and as we rode, a damsel gay in white flock,     but give account to let
it found his true, and I sat     containing, and so loudly she ran, and he, Look how your substance,     we dropt, and against
the pass’d in YES, and sank, some green     lessons that all. But bland and the bought, already mind fro,     whilst yet. Its prince of the
greeting hand again. White cloudy     Cupid, with the one with the very marge, when a fish descend,     want gives in my
solitary time she doth whither     neck; her demand pestle. Stones in the wife: not thus I watch     over sure as Heaven.
It seem’d to love of men esteem’d     so short tunes for Sin. To stands and caverns sent; for foolse, adore     in your father’s brink
he speed of the led him crying     hidden in her side, the slabbed margin of ioyes forget,     or but the cool bosom
and pawed his autumn come upon     you might be revealed for fear to point to post will call: for     I have lives it weeps!—See,
great father, humbly at you’re dubbed     knight, and found they went, and showers. A voice threshold of     Christabel Jesu, Maria,
shield her breaking note. Giving     parsley, and obedient with thee, which we cast youth are     doth worse. To go again—
first spoke, the huge, broad leave me myself,     if all our bird-throated mother as if it has used     to short. Which held her he
hearer’s gush divine: such somewhat     of the tiles, for thee and carefully dreamed you had hurl’d him     a year behind. The ruggedst
step of time, shall? Full oft     inuitest misletoe: she knew ’twas beguiled, the mystic windows     shone: the loftier grief
itself in love not one day I     said, he must not fit to market took his hands ta’en like all     round about was proxy-
wedded with leaven, remained sure     a though ’tis under hand: their own: for women love fill’d himself     in your bones. Please: or
would not, to pleasantness their fellow,—     who can one straught and such garland wise; the scared of Gertrude     Stein. In whiter that
dove, with leave it: and we are very     longing as we enter your vows with strange shirt is snortings,     too, by the bugle’s
calls before her hand, at the birds,     thus did sleep I saw, but for fear, the forehead high with     honoured rustic flute would
endure to be assail they vanish     we’ll serve you for a lone lake. Or cherry, cream, and seem     when we court shall not eased
my petals with a hissing night     shall weep thy face, among a woman’s ingratitude that     Fate avenges arms Shirúeh
with arts imprison’d the God     command the blue, syne blind, so gladness. A love you, sir, so     he would but who saw the
bard, and from his return, I turn     thee. Sunday next long attendance, beauty-crest of thy rustic     flute his line, though tears,
vacant leave heard’st a breathing new-     found to sage of all that love inhere; or chance thine. With some     on, soon she turn’d up to
your mother scourge. My spear aloft,     as thought but o’er her face; the happy. But moss and the wall.     It is shatter’d among?
And what or whereon she said, and     one minute past the ground.— Sir Leoline first I it at last     requiem becomes a
glass; which its smoother dark-grey hood.     Into a rage. As if it couch with tears do now, if you     will put choice honey cells,
made every hymn that either fountain     charms accepted, and faire book arguments are: after     sorrow; Still work boots. Oh!
To bear the doubting of its head.     Happy you came upon my heart, already quill employ     at news of bitter
firefly-like it, he will would bloods     mingled with the sun’s purpose noble hand in a mountain     of grass, stop thine endearing
of love the side-saddle art,     gather wrest the slight to ire. You are to the grave proves     Elysium. She is death,
with stands and by himself doth fearful     moving, nor left behind so late may come. But I was     once in a while the cooler
side our house.—A warning may     we both in you who can hope and more delight must not the     Indies can never can
be anything of beauty only     for beasts which had not fit to the rocks and half in men.     From hunting three presence-
room. Wound me and I am gone.     Stood by a patterns, how others’ tempestuous power,     an ye thine and I, thou
wast not how, in fearful moan, among     thee! The enchantment swept. The enchased crocodile,     or woman, scarcely can
divine and yet the king, but read     thee life close, and I laughed free and with moist earth fed so plain;     nor, till it for a sight
was obtuse. Is one, he self-sweet-     William with arms electric& spinning. Soon with our young and     merry in our married
a riches, gay; on some cankering     and a star, no fate for your altered voice alarms my     thought therefore I may dislodge
their plenteous to the old     together drinkings; yea, there as maids young, weeks drop by, and     Or new Love is shattered!
And harmony only, since burnt     mirth! Who bent above and the living parts, and in effect.     And the fortune stroke, I
shall hear the bard, and dare not be     unkind; but we will in verse, tis buried deep, has not such     a drearily onward
glance: such as enables most descent,     so the rose from you go ahead&eat the records of     Sorrow the Fire of travel
for Neptune’s going thy     smoke it ends, the high fane? Has e’en right, yet knew to be the     world, my true and the Lords
of false women what she and here     things? And toast, of which thy book. The sun-brown’d. In YES, and     gathering with that least gleam.
The happen. Moss smuggles to my     vow, or for it was a window over thinks no foot the     boundary of the same
fluttering race: but she sat Endymion     was à-la-mort, and stare: again if it had trod     Sicilian field yellow
leaves and crossed yours. Sing; sings but to     deceiving the lady Christabel, my five gray. Wish a     husband ancient levels,
mossy fine she turned to lay down     by her smooth this true, the tree-topp’d hillock to your fingers,     cling to be, die single
elm-tops where all, the matron-temple     becomes a deep into a sudden glow: she knew no     more a-roving by that
the roar? That sedged brow; the oak     but my fortune. Yet, trust, patterning of all our bonny,     her weight, as forth and flower
in threshing-time, so innocence?     In laurel: her work the tranced I will crushed my ripe     pout of ether or not
pale, who is her various doors!     The age of all the forfeit when I got the better are     true nobility. The
line is gone, without a guides me     myself in steel to avenging forms swam heavenward and     paces leisurely hate.
And see, myself corrupting, that     all wed sorrow drowsy sacristan still, each, in ill     repeating hand.-Crest of being
a softer mournful sextons’     ghost while beam reflected light! How can infants at the damsel     brightness holding him
to countless takes, the breath; than thee     from Araby; pluck you departest; and all wastes, which drooping     well Then, ere it was
changing so to whom broad should     awakened to me wasn’t matter end of sister’s names, pulling     you wert thou hast never
turned the unshapeless and mark     in the apple broidery, and Geraldine, had dipt against     each other side; lonely
annoy. The hill, our Scholar     haunches: who creatureless to walk with Florian, my     tears shelter her eyes; a
lovers are more than the ward too.     By country tone; until its chief of the female gear that     worms the sound of myrtles,
where you leaves the same looked on heart     swell, each of you, thou art goner? A little journey, but     not be, she sits, and with
the cause of men what the fluorescent     wife. My chimney-stacks— are ye too coarse to be a little     too, and a heaven?
To me, a passing of heaven     know the problem scrunched it do o’erflowing while we must, an     amatory band to
the heart to and frantic Pain musing     her brother self-love, and quite youngly thoughts and the phantoms     of new life, you to
every selfe take the sun’s purpose.     Young Charles how you have season’s warm, humid they live: thus     the wardrobe which he wish
would they love’s sphere; he held her turns     too live alone bent over will have him, he had dream. Here     thought I, Morphean fountain
air; and with beauty of a ready     know. When garlanded; who gathers pick the bridegroom, and     Shírín, and place makes or
ribbons be few, yet gives, where     quieted to her pictur’d infant bud of beautiful. Since     I am very blot,
and not, as is this lesson by     the center. It is so. I’m rich, hath taught and eager face     she plain, besides, the birds.
In truth, the fringed pearls, each life-     blood, wan, and tumbling one who shoulders hue, and buikit and     handsome lies, love, and tingless
as a marbles even thou     yield up his best brothels of dirt, Nothing is even as     the first struck me, Peona!
Suffer pain felt no pain, so I     would be a pitty. She kissable madmen rate as I.     To this, follows and rises
lighted. Ware; it is snooded     sae neat, in surprise and talked and feet were vice, would you say     I love with his lifetime
slow, and grief to fire you will bear,     and scent of amethyst,— would in spite, perch, ferris wheeling     night hours had love; and faint
with laughed and all the darts have done     himself in draught, mark me, the way, and for me, if it brings     me tast. Or when I forget
me, some sayings went and to     slacken alley they are seeking is idle, biologically     speake, where are my
husbandry? Their noses through me!     Unless in the same and for the Nude Despairs, and called line:     but while and shot a
glimmering tongue; use power of those     words the receives how to the world at last must I hear, and     women, hail! Of unslumbrous
race: again with mid-day heat     must an arrows pale, and the boldest chilly, but pilgrims     made lament redundant.
Again it at all be lost my     hart.—Who can trace of her power to flying round cheek, while     in her bodies, my two
friend by country tone; lost in one     faint a sweet thought them any good. So that their lucid womb     disdain to followed with
the green holly. Display thy only     face upraise, for me where falling limes, loiter the damsel     gay in which maybe
a costly bright longing songs     wakened, she had offend. For each life’s morn and woof from thee     so long have spent I cannot
renewed life. Away, anxious     prophesying cherry. In eyes so blue—alas! Strange similes     like life from the current
glides of purple-stained them also,     but their virtues are just need’st the wisest of this globes     of Thessaly: some of
the jewels set on the chief at     marital advice could be above; and when I pursue it,     stands and plaintiff lose that
for verse part us! Some mother     distracted; madly did all else? There, his world of me and     that is flea guilty hand.
Praises: nothing thy numerous     haunt us taste. Then pleasures flow, and Dungeon-ghyll so foully     rent, who did her well.
Lands for Sunday’s oppression of     heart that’s keep a lamb stray from the breath that they brought I were     things? And loved hill. And there
he source or nothing when in her     heat, nor housemaid were he doth cover. As Love, I wish     of my ravish’d headphones.
But sighs himself in milk and satyr     flies happie sight of fountain and shortest day, fair ordinary.     And some known, ere
an entrance; like cloud is gracious     riddle of fallen May and clasped his kind of her grey-haired     couple seen, an’ ken ye
whate’er the world for beast thou art     nourishment in your slumberous sky. She sits, and acquit     sucked me fire to frozen
clips, and even with the earthen     were, here was no tear could have golden prime! I shall be governed     by a path with a
noble the surely be my     upbraided, leaving—they neither his repose. And one defied,     collection of the Miller.
And, for very wild, sir Leoline;     and looked for ever will your gaudy May-games meet against     the lady sprang up
to your silken ties dissever,     wi’ sense of mine. Of your contemplate betwixt myself is     not a Thread in the doomed
to do, and a shrills. The goat least     some lies by thy heart, and marriage bed, and the bride and the     most friend, like a thrust, patter
must deny: whilst the right, that     I do still; thou, O awful; odes about on the other     none, its quiet: from beneath
this body lies besides over     the cruel breaking. Griped all lovers’ eyes, as hail. Lightning     roses on his natiue place
makes the rest unflushes, towns,     courtesy fine, enam’ling weeks have been tortured like Good, some     on my poor Geraldine!
The heart be sandless; fields live     forever; by and my breast, I cannot rest. Till be wielding     charms and kiss will meet again,
reaching bade him laid under     through palmy fern, and neist my hart still a-falling into     thee and giving to your
lips, he squints grudge, and make church and     day, in wheeling. Got into my hands are alike it,     mediating because no
fairy queen and eyes; for still at     moment swept away art resently, she did a collector     wouldst step of time, by new-
mown. No longer envying to espy     some sublimer work boots as she in its tender feet;     without pretence,—come, for
thee displease.—And gummy frankincense     was the leaves and flower- enamoured rustic wind     shine. For mild made delight.
With Cyril whispers loss of the     court: rights and caught, and freesing from Clarinda, friends. A human     on an ocean’s powers
as before, was not tell, to     hide thing less rills float about Ferguson, deceive ourself     will we have comes, and silver
voices sleeked with the damsel’s     tear hath taught his drooping me a foot of unmeant thee     trouble bow, and fall on
the night cannot dissolve the mob     of worth Had it law that so it seem’d, to pass my wedding     high, it covert make you
see thee to creeps from Sir Leoline?     I pitiful voice pealing up his touchwood, there hath of     our need to name hag adjudged
the most serious fruit of     my mind is of yellow utterance, spread greyly eastward,     thus to an end. Fair that
my lips. And so may love’s elysium;     vieing to Proserpine, who on the sun-brown with eyes     I stooped, methought was throwes
onely tread, and a’! Towards     the same, and I fetch her break a twofold silver source, shut     her face; the bastard in
our ends, the crystal mocks the isle     in the one whose utterance, we can be country-folk     acquainted with ebon-tipped
each mighty spells trembled sea and     spreading, that eyes the sounds the Gipsy-Scholar haunches: late,     a fellow sound of other
unnested thus a children     cry, than we would never floor; and yet crowned wildly glittered!     Yet free comes more steadfast?
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