Bee Official 🐝
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official-bee-posts · 20 hours ago
Official bee post! 🐝
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But also big chunky fluffy bee. All at once
Its the middle of winter but its finally cool enough some flowers are blooming and so the bees are bumbling around (literally, they just fly and bump off things) and its so CUUUUTE
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official-bee-posts · 2 days ago
Official Fish Post!
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news is good sometimes.
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official-bee-posts · 3 days ago
Official bee poem!! 🐝🐝
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official-bee-posts · 4 days ago
Official treasure trove of bee facts post!!
Ok so contrary to popular belief most bees don’t have hives, they are solitary, but there's different levels of solitary that are comparable to different levels of housing. The first level is just “solitary’’, this level means that they emerge from usually burrows, go out, mate, and make a burrow of their own (female) or just die (male). The female will gather all the required material and lay the eggs and then seal it shut. This is equivalent of (from a females pov) building a whole-ass house from scratch, filling it with food and baby stuff, with no help at all. The second kind is as aggregation. Aggregations are formed when several fully solitary bees nest in one area, its unknown why they do this, but it’s speculated that it has to do with protection (neighborhood watch basically) and a good nesting opportunity. This one is like a neighborhood where everyone makes their own house but still lives close together. The next level/type is called semisocial. Semisocial bees basically have an apartment where everyone contributes. Unlike honeybees and other eusocial bees they still fit the description of “solitary” as the mothers never meet their kids, the colonies only last for one generation. These colonies have jobs that are usually based on the size of the bee, larger bees stay behind, lay eggs, and take care of the babies, while smaller bees go out and forage. Theres also a version called “quasisocial’, meaning semi social, but I don’t know enough about it to accurately describe it. I can however say that its most commonly noticed in orchid bees living in central and south America. The last type is the most well-known type, eusocial, meaning true social, notably characterized by the mothers actually meeting their children without dying off first. The two most common species (not the right word but it gets the point across) known in this group are honeybees and bumblebees, however kinds of sweat bees are included in this. The thing with honeybees is that they are considered highly eusocial compared to the others which are considered primitively eusocial. This is because of many factors, such as the fact that they have MUCH larger colonies (several hundred vs 50-100 vs less than a dozen) and the fact that honeybee queens are so different from the workers, with honeybees and sweatbees only having a size difference to distinguish them and being fully independent before the making of the hive. And going back to honeybees, most bees do not leave their stinger in the body. From what I remember honeybees have to do that in order to cause more pain because their hives make larger targets compared to others. To do this they have barbed stingers, most have smooth, which gets caught in rubbery skin and pull out the venom gland and some intestines which is why they die shortly after. Another fact about the stingers is that they are modified ovipositors which is why males can't sting, please use your imagination and context clues to figure out how the male bees in the bee movie sting. It's not fun. I'll probably update this with more bee facts later. Anyway, here's my bee rant @justyouraveragebird
((also tagging @bees-official and @that-weird-bee, please feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong))
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official-bee-posts · 5 days ago
Official bee propaganda post
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Bee grateful for such variety!
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official-bee-posts · 6 days ago
Official bee poll!!
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official-bee-posts · 7 days ago
Official bee post! @bees-official taking your word for it, no fact-checking required!
we've had enough major historical events happen in the last few years that i feel like another major historical event is going to be the only thing that can fix it
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official-bee-posts · 8 days ago
Official honorary bee post!
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Aside from bees and butterflies, bats are one of the most important pollinators on the planet - especially in tropical and desert regions. 
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official-bee-posts · 9 days ago
Official bee post!
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@clarisse-owo submitted: these are some cute brazilian native bees. they are known in some places by building their colonies in not so optimal places like inside walls, and in this case, near my house's power supply cables.
that in the background is a "trap" my dad made so that we could try to move them if they end up finding the trap cozy enough to move in.
I don't remember the species's name, but i love them.
I love them too! I hope they don't cause too much trouble for you. But smart to make a trap to move them if necessary. There are literally over a hundred species of lil stingless bees in Brazil, so I'd need to see one very close up to ID it.
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official-bee-posts · 10 days ago
Official bee post 🐝
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everyone shut up and look at this fat bee
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official-bee-posts · 11 days ago
Official bee post!!
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official-bee-posts · 12 days ago
Official bee post! 🐝
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official-bee-posts · 13 days ago
Official Bee Butt Post!!
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official-bee-posts · 14 days ago
Official bee post!!!
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Albee Bee
Ko-fi / Instagram
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official-bee-posts · 15 days ago
Official Valentine's beekeeper post!!
And a very happy Valentine's day to all happily married/engaged epileptic beekeepers prone to fainting spells, may you be kept safe from the plague!
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official-bee-posts · 15 days ago
Official bee butt post
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HI :) I just wanted to share these pics I took this summer!!!!!! I love ur acc I love bugs so much
AWWW.. BEE BUTT!!!!! thanks so much!!!!!
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official-bee-posts · 16 days ago
Official bee post!!!
In summer, the Hitokotonushi Shrine in Ibaraki sets up on oasis for bees where they can safely collect water
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