#nerf walkie talkies
smartnerf · 9 months
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definitelynuwonhere · 10 months
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*Places my first chip on the card*
Who Would Win In A Snowball Fight Feat. The SHAW Pack
Ok so I couldn't do it without elaborating and ofc with a group as chaoticallyGOOD as them, there ain't gonna be a clean cut answer soooooo:
Asher: "CHARGE"
The beta yelled, holding a beanie filled with snowballs he's preparing to throw as the three VERY CONFUSED men turn their heads
David: "Oh for the love.."
Milo: "Oh hell no-
Sam: "Wha-"
Angel, Baabe, and Sweetheart soon appear behind him, hauling wagons filled to the brim with snowballs as they spread across the field, staring at them like hunters hunting for prey.
Asher then takes out a walkie-talkie and makes a fucked up bird noise, causing a VERY loud reaction out of Darlin' from uphill.
ANGEL: "HE WAS BOUND TO FUCK IT UP JUST GO" They said, screaming into their own walkie-talkie as they proceeded to throw snowballs the three mens way.
Darlin then shoots down from uphill, on a sled at full speed, aiming a dog ball Nerf blaster, filled with snowballs right at the three very scared and confused men.
Milo, David, Sam: "Ah shit."
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What do each of the bats get in their easter baskets? Wrong answers only
(They celebrate Passover ofc but Dick really wanted an easter basket when he was little and Bruce hadn't yet learned how to say no to that face)
Alfred: Tactical Combat Casualty Care and Wound Treatment, Ceylon cinnamon sticks, John Wayne Legacy Collection
Bruce: Computers for Seniors for Dummies, a stress ball shaped like the Superman shield, dinosaur socks
Dick: Balloons for making balloon animals, Meditation for Beginners, Hot Tamale scented markers
Barbara: Pepsi x Peeps soda, Cthulhu Phantom Labyrinth Cube, an air horn
Jason: Electric carving knife, High School Musical 3-movie collection, Neapolitan Oreos
Cass: Smencils, Giant Gummy Rattlesnake Candy, Oversized Easter Bunny Sweatshirt, glow in the dark juggling balls
Steph: Glitter gel pens, sweatshirt that just says “I’m Cold” on the front, Koala stuffed animal plushie
Tim: Nerf Dungeons & Dragons Themberchaud Dart Crossbow, Teen Titans Coloring Book, 12” chocolate bunny
Duke: Solar powered flashlight with USB phone charger, Birthday Cake KitKats, long range walkie talkies
Damian: 30” Foam Pirate Sword, “Most Likely to Bring Home a Cat” sweatshirt, Nerds Very Berry Gummy Clusters
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 8 months
For your 3000 celebration
Now that they’ve been living their happily ever after, have Burnin’ Up firefighter Chris and his police officer love had any new developments? Any chance of a baby for two people who would be the best parents?
Thank you 💝
Thank you so much!!!
Firefighter!Chris and his love have definitely had some new developments, a couple of which I am keeping close to my chest for now, but I will say Family in all forms is a major theme in Burnin’ Up and I definitely want to expand on that in a couple extensions oneshots 🥰
These two will almost definitely have kids and will be the best parents ever and this is definitely how I see them being:
They have 3 kids in total, 2 Boys and a Girl
Both boys are momma’s boys just like their father
And the girl is definitely Daddy’s little princess, even if she takes after her mother and her stubbornness 😂
Both Chris and Y/N initially struggle balancing work and being parents as having children add a whole new level of danger to their jobs
But they work really hard to keep the balance and get the best of both worlds, learning from the mistakes their parents made
Even though they would let their kids grow up to be whatever they wanted to be, they would gently steer them away from the emergency services
As the kids got older they would 100% be a family that communicated via walkie talkie, calling the kids down for dinner etc
Everyone would have their own code name, with Chris and Y/N having their own secret codes for when they want a few minutes alone 😉😉
Their favourite game to play as a family is Nerf wars, and believe me they all take it super seriously. Y/Ns team is the reigning champion due to her firearms training
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sesamestreep · 2 years
Taylor Swift prompts: Jyn/Cassian, 35
35. love me like I’m brand new (from this prompt list) Note: completely independent of Zainab's prompt fill from this week expanding her sambucky teachers AU, I was busy writing her a teachers AU for this prompt! Same hat, as usual! I meant to get it finished and published by our friendiversary (this past tuesday) but that didn't quite work out. Still, within a week ain't bad. Cross posted to AO3, if that's more your jam.
“Okay, I’m proposing a new drinking game,” Jyn’s voice crackles over the walkie-talkie. “Drink every time the DJ plays a song Cassian doesn’t know.”
Cassian whips his head around, looking for her but doesn’t see her anywhere in the crowded room. It is dark, though. And full of high schoolers who are mostly taller than her. She could be anywhere.
“Where are you?” he asks, into his own walkie-talkie. “I don’t even see you.”
“I am the night,” she replies, in her best Batman impression, which is not very good, honestly.
“We can’t play that drinking game,” Bodhi interjects. “We’ll be dead in under an hour.”
“No drinking at prom,” Baze replies, bored.
“Wait, when did we make that rule?” Jyn asks.
“You better be joking.”
“I am, don’t worry. I take the safety and security of this event very seriously,” she says. “And I can’t think of anything worse than being drunk around high schoolers.”
“Drunk in front of your parents?” Bodhi suggests.
“That’s me every Christmas, baby!”
“Is this what we’re supposed to be using the walkie-talkies for?” Cassian asks.
“Wow, did you just tattle on me?”
“Chirrut, we’re gonna need a ruling,” Bodhi interjects.
“Ten-four,” Chirrut replies. “Definitely tattling.”
Jyn blows a raspberry directly into her walkie, and Cassian sighs. “I think he meant about the proper use of the radios, Chirrut.”
“Oh, then yes, this is exactly how I envisioned us using them,” he says.
“Best prom ever,” Bodhi says, dryly.
“Speaking of which, who’s in the lead in the flask count?”
“That would be my beloved, with a grand total of 12 so far,” Chirrut says, and Baze makes a point of groaning into the radio because he hates when Chirrut calls him pet names at work. “Followed by Cassian, with 8, and Jyn with 5. Bodhi and I are tied for last with 2 apiece.”
“Actually, Kay is in last place, with negative four thousand because he’s a little bitch who called out sick from chaperone duty at the last minute,” Jyn replies.
“Yes, let the record show Kay is in last place forever,” Chirrut says.
“Amen,” Cassian replies. “What are you doing with all these flasks, anyway?”
“Jyn, don’t you dare say Jungle Juice,” Bodhi says, immediately.
“JUNGLE J—hey!”
“Jungle Juice is never the solution to any problem!”
“You’re right about that,” she says. “Jungle juice is, at best, always just a neat way to go from having one problem to two problems.”
“To actually answer Cassian’s question, we generally just give them over to the central office,” Baze says. “With our report for the night. The administrative team decides what to do with that information afterwards.”
“We’re not really going to nerf these kids for getting rowdy at prom, are we?” Jyn asks. “We’re not even on school grounds.”
“I didn’t realize you were so tender-hearted, Erso.”
“Bite me, Andor! Just for that, I’m taking your second place spot in the Flask Olympics.”
“Flask-Off,” Chirrut replies.
“The Flasked Singer,” Bodhi suggests.
“Flask and you shall receive,” Jyn adds.
“Everyone shut the flask up and get off the walkies,” Baze interrupts. “You’re all giving me a migraine.”
Cassian tucks the radio back in his pocket and returns to his actual job of chaperoning. The students are all dancing to a song that he absolutely does not recognize, though it would require advanced forms of torture to get him to ever admit that to Jyn now. In the middle of the crowd, he spots Rey and Finn, still wearing their cheap plastic crowns from the prom court ceremony and doing some dance that involves windmilling their arms a lot. He shakes his head, and continues his sweep of the room, spotting Bodhi in a far corner and giving him a salute, which Bodhi returns.
“Flask-athalon,” Jyn says, at his elbow and he nearly jumps out of his skin. 
“Where the fuck did you come from?” he asks, not sure how she managed to sneak up on him.
“Bathroom,” she says. “Did you hear my flask joke? I thought of it on the way over, but I don’t want to get on Baze’s bad side.”
“So you chose to instead inflict it on me? What did I ever do?”
“Mean,” she says. “You’re so mean. And now you’re on my bad side. Was it worth it?”
“I’m not scared of your bad side,” he says, and it comes out all stupid and tender by accident. There was meant to be some bravado in there somewhere but he forgot, or he misplaced it, or something.
“They all say that,” Jyn replies, crossing her arms. Hers comes out tender too, probably also by accident. There’s a not-so-hidden but they don’t really mean it at the center of it. He means it, though.
“Everything alright?” he asks, and she frowns, confused. “On your patrol,” he clarifies.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah. Just had to comfort Rose Tico in the ladies’ room.”
“Poor Rose,” Cassian says. She had been in his office a handful of times last semester. Her sister is away at college this year, and she was having trouble adjusting. It seemed like she’d been doing better lately, though. “Nothing serious, I hope?”
“Well, Finn asked her to prom ages ago, as friends, but now he and Rey are kind of an item, but he still honored his promise to go with her and then he and Rey got voted prom king and queen and Rose had a meltdown that he only went with her as his date out of pity and that he’d rather be here with Rey and…it was a whole thing. Then, Jannah and Kaydel showed up to check on her and I gave them some space to work it all out.”
As if on cue, Rose re-enters the room at that moment, with Jannah grasping one hand and Kaydel holding the other. Cassian watches as they rejoin everyone on the dance floor and as Rey shrieks in delight at seeing them and throws her arms around Rose’s neck. Rose returns the hug, letting go of the other girls, and they sway like that, fully out of time with the music, for a good thirty seconds. Over their shoulders, Jannah and Finn are doing the robot while Kaydel pretends not to know any of them.
“Looks like they smoothed things over,” Cassian says, and Jyn nods, looking pleased.
“Every day. Every single day, I am so glad to not be a teenager anymore,” she says, while surveying the room.
“You’re preaching to the choir,” he replies. “I was such a pain in the ass back then.”
“You’re still a pain in the ass.”
Cassian laughs. “I was a different kind of pain in the ass, then. The worst kind.”
“I find that hard to believe,” she says, softly.
“Good,” he says, smiling. “That means I grew up into the sort of man my mother wanted me to be.”
Jyn doesn’t say anything to that, just watches the crowd of students with an inscrutable expression on her face. It was probably a weird thing to say, here, at prom, but it had just jumped out. She has that effect on him, strangely enough. He has this very stupid urge to be honest with her all the time, to just spit out whatever he’s thinking and feeling and pray that she finds it interesting or at least that it doesn’t scare her away. He’s still not sure what to do with that instinct.
Before he can decide, Bodhi’s voice crackles over the walkie-talkies, in stereo, since Jyn and Cassian are standing next to one another. “‘Look on my works, ye mighty and despair,’ suckers,” he says. “Chirrut, please bring my flask count up to four!”
“Four?” Jyn replies, unbelievably quick on the draw with her radio. “You got two off of one kid?!”
“I’m coming for your spot, baby!”
“Oh, it’s on now,” Jyn says, exclusively to Cassian. “I cannot let this kind of insult stand.”
Cassian pulls out his walkie-talkie. “Chirrut, does he get extra points for quoting Percy Shelley while confiscating flasks? Because I feel like maybe he should.”
“Traitor,” Jyn whispers, and then, into her radio, adds, “That’s not in the rules!”
“Agreed. This is purely a numbers game,” Baze replies.
“And Percy Shelley sucks!” Jyn says.
“Hey! Don’t make me come over there!”
“Bodhi doesn’t get extra points for style,” Chirrut interjects, over the radio, “but I am contemplating adding a ‘Best in Show’ category, with this in mind.”
“Wow,” Cassian says, mildly, to Jyn. “Now you can lose twice!”
“That invitation to bite me still stands, you know.”
“Oh, believe me, I do.”
Jyn stretches her arms out wide. “I should be on the move. I’m never going to take Baze’s spot if I stand here fucking around with you.”
“You’ll have to take mine first.”
“Oh, honey,” she says, patronizingly. “That won’t be a problem.”
“Y’all,” Bodhi’s voice crackles over the radio again, “I swear these kids are just drinking paint thinner.”
“Ew, did you try the flask?” Jyn asks into her walkie immediately. “If Bodhi gets to drink, we all do.”
“No, you absolute child, I just sniffed it.”
“And I think it’s the last thing I’ll ever smell.”
Jyn sticks her tongue out at Cassian in disgust, making him laugh. “Easily half of mine have just been Fireball Whiskey,” he says, to the group.
“Ah, to be young,” Baze says, wistfully.
“You couldn’t pay me to drink that now,” Jyn says, just to him. “Actually, who am I kidding? I’m a public school teacher with student loans. You could pay me to do just about anything.”
“That is good to know,” Cassian says, raising an eyebrow at her suggestively, and she smacks his arm. “What? I have this fence at my place that needs painting and I–”
“First, Percy Shelley and now Mark Twain? Can’t I get a goddamn break around here?”
That is, of course, the moment two students choose to approach them and, naturally, they’re both on his caseload. They laugh nervously at hearing one of the teachers swear, but ultimately just ask Cassian if it’s okay for them to take a photo with him.
“Of course,” he says, straightening his jacket a little awkwardly. 
“I’ll take it, if you like,” Jyn offers, holding out a hand. “I can work wonders with an iPhone.”
The two girls hand over their phones, and Jyn diligently takes a few shots with each of them. After a moment, she says, “Last chance to give Mr. Andor devil horns or bunny ears. Going once…”
“Okay, I think we’re good,” he says, stepping back to let the girls collect their phones from Jyn.
“Thanks, Mr. Andor,” one of them, Leida, says, brightly. “And you, Ms. Erso.”
“No problem,” Jyn says, looking amused.
“I really like your dress, by the way,” the other girl, Maia, adds.
“Oh, thank you,” Jyn replies, looking down at it self-consciously, as they head off. She returns her gaze to Cassian, looking ready to pounce. “What’s it like to have such ardent admirers?”
“Oh, shut up,” he says, rolling his eyes, even though he can feel his face warming up at her teasing. “Both of them are going off to ivy league schools with my help. That’s all it is.”
“Yeah, I’m sure it has nothing to do with how handsome you are.”
“You think I’m handsome?” he asks, delighted. “Jyn, I had no idea!”
“Then you’re as blind as Chirrut,” she grumbles, holding her radio up to her mouth. Before he can ask any follow-up questions, she presses the button and asks the group, “Are we tracking how many photos with students we take? Because I hate to admit this, but Cassian might be in the lead.”
“No way,” Bodhi responds. “I’ve taken so many!”
“Were we counting those?” Baze asks. “Chirrut, as master of ceremonies…”
“They’re going to have to start paying me extra to keep track of all these different competitions!” 
“I was kidding!” Jyn exclaims. “Your students have seriously been asking for photos all night?” 
There’s overlapping sounds of agreement from everyone, making Jyn frown. 
“Those bastards,” she grumbles. “I let them eat lunch in my classroom so they don’t get bullied and they don’t even want a photo with me?”
“You see, this is where being a guidance counselor pays off,” Cassian says. “Sure, you need an advanced degree and you don’t make any more money, and you mostly deal with kids having breakdowns about FAFSA in your office all day, but sometimes, at prom, students will ask for a photo with you. That’s why Baze and I are crushing it.”
Jyn snorts. “Yeah, because I never deal with kids crying in the art room,” she says. “And besides, Bodhi is a teacher, just like me, and everyone likes him!”
“He’s an English teacher,” Cassian points out. “He pulls that Dead Poets Society crap with them and lets them recite poems while standing on their desks, or whatever. Of course they like him.”
“And I just teach them how to express themselves through art! Boring!”
“So boring,” he says, even though he sometimes thinks Jyn has the hardest teaching job in the whole school. She’s a photographer by training, but she has to teach every artistic discipline that the school can afford the supplies for. He’s been to her classroom when she’s doing her Senior Project Seminar, which functions like an independent study for the students to choose what they want to make for the semester, and she’ll be critiquing photos with one student, while helping another with a sculpture, and ordering supplies for the kids drawing with charcoal and pastels or painting with oils and watercolors. It makes his head spin just to watch.
“It’s not the dress, is it?” she suddenly asks, anxiously. “I know Maia said it was cute, but she wasn’t being sarcastic, right?”
“No, she—the dress is fine. You look nice.”
Jyn blinks at him, a little surprised, and really, it’s not like he never compliments her. Of course, caught wrong-footed like that, he immediately tries to backtrack. “I mean, it’s a little 90s, but that’s in again, apparently, so you’re good.”
“90s?” she asks, looking slightly insulted. “How is it 90s?”
“I don’t know, it’s just…black and plain. The neckline is kind of…you know…”
“I clearly do not! Didn’t you just say it was fine?”
“It is! There’s nothing wrong with the 90s! It’s not your actual prom dress, is it?”
Jyn gives him a withering look. “No, Cassian, it is not. I didn’t go to prom in the 90s, for one thing. I was in high school in the 2000s.”
“Close enough.”
“And I didn’t go to prom at all for what it’s worth.”
“You didn’t go to prom?”
She rolls her eyes, but doesn’t look at him. “Does that really surprise you?”
“Did no one ask you?”
She turns on him then. “Why is that your first thought?!”
“Because you said—I meant, because that would surprise me!”
“I’m serious. I would be shocked, if that was the reason.”
“The reason was I thought dances were stupid and my uncle would have told me it was stupid and my boyfriend was older, so—”
“Ah, makes sense.”
“Don’t—it wasn’t like that.”
“Sounds like it was exactly like that.”
“It wasn’t—he was a nice guy. He would have gone, if I’d asked.”
“But you wanted to smoke weed and pretend to like the movie Fight Club in his basement instead.”
Jyn rolls her eyes again, but he can see she’s also fighting off a smile. “Something like that. Anyway, that was junior year and then…well, I dropped out, so I obviously couldn’t go to my senior prom.”
“I didn’t know that,” Cassian says. “You got your GED instead?”
“Yeah, after a year or two of fucking around and doing nothing with my life, I decided having a high school diploma and maybe a college education might be useful.”
“And boy were you wrong.”
She laughs. “Don’t tell the kids.”
“It’s part of my oath as their guidance counselor, don’t worry.”
“What about you? Did you do the whole prom thing when you were in school?”
Cassian shifts uncomfortably, checking to make sure none of their students are in earshot. “Uh, yeah, you could say that,” he says, once he’s satisfied they won’t be overheard. “I had kind of the typical prom experience, I guess.”
“I genuinely have no idea what that means.”
“It means, I was eighteen when I went to my prom, so I did the whole ‘rent a hotel room afterwards and get laid’ thing with my…girlfriend.”
Jyn covers her mouth with her hands, clearly hiding a laugh. “You did not!”
“I did,” he replies, cringing. “I’m not proud.”
“Is that where the healthy pause before ‘girlfriend’ came from? Shame?”
“It’s…we…” Cassian laughs. It’s been almost twenty years and he still doesn’t know how to explain his relationship with Bix to other people. It would almost be easier if they weren’t still friends, because then he could call her an ex and be done with it. He’s glad they’re still friends, for what it’s worth, it’s just so much more complicated to explain. “She wasn’t exactly my girlfriend.”
“Oh, no…”
“She was my best friend. She still is—one of them, at least.”
“We went to prom together because, well, no one else asked either of us. And we decided to get a hotel room after because we were eighteen and no one could stop us and we wanted to…”
“Yeah, uh, I know what you wanted to do,” Jyn says, amused.
“It was one of those ‘let’s just get it over with, together’ kind of deals,” he says, feeling hot with embarrassment over his younger self’s antics. Everything feels so urgent and intense when you’re young, but that somehow fades with age. And he admits that even as an adult who’s still frequently urgent and intense. “It seemed like the best way to handle it, at the time.”
“So, you’re telling me that this was…your first time?”
Cassian nods.
“At prom?!”
“After prom! It’s not as bad!”
“By a very slim margin,” Jyn says, clearly taking pity on him. After a moment, she adds, “You said you and this girl are still close?”
“Yeah, we’re still friends. We tried to date afterwards, because it turned out we liked hooking up, but it wasn’t—we worked better as friends, ultimately. We’re still friends. I went to her wedding last year. I mean, I was in it, but that’s because I know her husband too.”
“Wait, Brasso’s wedding?” Jyn asks. He’d shown her and some of the staff pictures after he came back, he’s just now remembering. “You dated Brasso’s wife in high school?!”
“It was obviously before they knew each other. I mean, I introduced them, so…”
“That’s so weird.”
“It’s not that weird.”
“I just don’t have any exes I’m close with still,” she says, shaking her head. “Not close enough to be in their wedding. I mean, goddamn.”
“Bix is barely an ex-girlfriend, at this point. She’s like family.”
“I’m guessing things didn’t end well with Fight Club guy?” Cassian asks.
“Technically, I think I was the Fight Club guy in that relationship,” she says, with a laugh. “And no, things didn’t end well.”
“Not something you like talking about, I gather.”
“Not really,” she says, looking far-off and sad. It’s possible there are tears in her eyes, or maybe it’s just a trick of the strobing lights coming from the DJ’s booth. “Not at prom, at least,” she adds, with a weak smile.
He smiles back. “Well, I’d offer to dance with you, to help give you the prom experience you never had, but all of these kids have cell phones and a video of us would for sure end up on the internet, which we should probably avoid.”
“Scared of going viral on TikTok with me?” she asks.
“Deeply, deeply scared, yes,” he says, putting his hand on his heart. “My worst nightmare is ending up on Good Morning America being interviewed about a heartwarming video of me that I didn’t know was being taken.”
“But maybe if we got famous, random people would buy supplies for our classrooms,” Jyn says, her enthusiasm clearly faked if the devilish glint in her eye is any indication.
“I’m a guidance counselor,” he says. “I don’t need supplies. I need someone to burn the College Board to the ground.”
“With enough followers on TikTok, we could probably make that happen.”
“Sounds like someone really wants to dance with me,” he quips.
“Well, it might be my last chance.”
The song changes then, to a chorus of coos from a group of students at the edge of the dance floor nearby, and Jyn laughs. Cassian, meanwhile, is sweating. He suspected that a few people knew he was interviewing at another school, but he didn’t want to bring it up to anyone until he was sure of his plans, one way or another. But, apparently, Jyn knows.
“Tell me you at least know who this is,” she says, pointing up to indicate she means the song that’s playing.
“I’ve never heard this song in my life,” he admits, a little breathlessly.
“But you recognize the singer?” she asks. Cassian shakes his head, and she laughs again. “How do you work in a high school and not know who Taylor Swift is?”
“I know who she is,” he objects. “I just don’t recognize her singing voice immediately, I guess.”
“I forgot. You sit in your windowless office and listen to Creed all day.”
“You caught me listening to Creed one time! It is not a habit.”
“Well,” Jyn starts to say, before pausing abruptly as two students pass in front of them. “Hold on, was that—?”
“Hey, guys,” Cassian calls, immediately, and the two boys stop in their tracks. “You’re not allowed to have that here. Hand it over.”
The students clearly take a moment to debate the merits of complying with this order, before one of them reaches into his jacket pocket and produces a flask. He hands it to Cassian with a mumbled apology, which he accepts with a nod and waves them back to the dance. Cassian flips the top open, and tips it in Jyn’s direction.
She sniffs it. “Peach schnapps,” she says. “Classic.”
Cassian retrieves his walkie-talkie. “Got another flask for the count,” he says. “Not sure if it goes to me or Jyn, though.”
“A group effort?” Bodhi asks. “Unheard of.”
“Half a point each?” Jyn suggests.
“I’ll give you each a full point for it,” Chirrut replies. “But please know your spirit of bipartisanship disgusts me to my core.”
“Noted,” Jyn says into her radio. To him, she says, “We should probably spread out. For actual security reasons, but mostly because I refuse to share a medal with you at the end of this thing.”
“Firstly, it’s a secondhand karate trophy for the top prize—”
“Okay, well, now I want it even more, so…”
“Secondly, you’re never going to tie me, let alone beat me—”
“Your confidence will be your downfall, Andor.”
“And lastly, who, uh…who told you I was interviewing for another job?”
She pauses at that, and looks him over. “Mon let it slip,” she says, after much consideration. “It was an accident, she didn’t mean to—”
Cassian waves away her explanation. “I’m sure,” he says. “I’m not upset.”
“She was ranting to me and Bodhi about something to do with the school board and—”
“So, you and Bodhi both know?”
Jyn winces. “Uh, yeah.”
“And Baze knows because I thought it was only fair that I told him I was looking for other jobs…”
“Which means Chirrut knows,” she says, and he laughs. “And I’m sure you told Kay.”
“Yeah, so that….is a lot of people,” Cassian says, weakly.
“It’s not like we’re going to judge you if you don’t get it.”
“I—why would you assume I won’t get the job?”
She blinks, caught off guard. “I don’t! That’s not what I meant. You probably will, but on the off chance you don’t.”
“They made me an offer,” he admits, and watches her deflate.
“Oh,” she says. “Well, then, congratulations?”
“I haven’t accepted yet,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck in a nervous tic. “They’re going to call me on Monday, so I have until then to decide.”
“Do you know what you’re going to say?”
“Not yet. I’m still…thinking.”
“That’s not like you,” she says, crossing her arms. “You usually have your mind made up on stuff right away. You’re not a ‘last minute’ kind of guy.”
“Well, I’m glad you know what kind of guy I am,” he replies, feeling oddly adversarial. She doesn’t mean anything by it, but still. He doesn’t like hearing himself described as though he’s so predictable.
“Okay,” Jyn says, putting her hands up in surrender. “You don’t want to talk about it. That’s fine.”
“I’m just saying, you don’t know me like that.”
She blinks for a moment at that before she schools her expression into something more neutral. “You’re right,” she says. “I don’t know you. I don’t know what you’re going to do, and you probably won’t even tell me once you decide. You’ll let Mon, or Baze, or whoever, do that, instead.”
“That’s not—!”
“You don’t owe me an explanation,” she says. “I’m just your co-worker, not your friend, I guess.”
“We need to split up, cover more ground.”
He thinks about trying to stop her, but then it would just be a big scene involving two chaperones at prom, which the students would find endlessly intriguing. He doesn’t want to draw that kind of attention, so he nods, solemnly, like this is all very important, and lets her go. Still, he can’t help it that he spends the rest of the night trying to spot her in the crowd as much as he does any actual chaperoning.
“The winner of the 3rd Annual Yavin High Senior Prom Flask-athalon–”
“I knew that would catch on,” Jyn interrupts, smugly.
“It’s the only choice,” Bodhi says, grinning.
“Please shut up so we can all go home,” Baze grumbles.
“Yes, listen to your undefeated flask hunting champion, Baze Malbus!” Chirrut announces, with great flair, as he hands over the trophy, which, even in the dim lighting of the parking lot, Cassian can clearly read that the inscription says 'Under 12 Judo Champion'. “Congratulations, my dear!”
“Thank you so much,” Baze says, drily, as he accepts his prize unenthusiastically.
“This is so rigged,” Jyn puts in from the other side of the group. “Baze wins every year.”
“Baze is good at catching teens drinking illegally, I don’t know what to tell you!”
“It’s true,” Baze adds. “It’s on my resume.”
“You know, that would be so weird for any other job,” Bodhi replies. 
“Well, I wish I could give you all trophies for your hard work this evening, but then you wouldn’t learn any important lessons about teamwork or whatever it is that conservatives get mad about when the topic of participation trophies comes up,” Chirrut says, mildly.
“Kids these days,” Jyn says, mockingly shaking her fist. “Not enough of them hate themselves!”
“It’s important to experience as much crushing disappointment and embarrassment as possible before you get out into the real world,” Cassian agrees.
“And experience even more disappointment and embarrassment!” Bodhi adds. “While also paying taxes!”
“Also, there are only so many leftover trophies I can steal from the dojo before they’d notice and fire me,” Chirrut says. 
“On that bright note,” Baze interjects, “let’s all go home. It’s been a long night and absolutely none of us are getting paid any extra to spend more time together.”
“Beautiful sentiment as always, Baze,” Jyn says.
“Thank you again for all your hard work!” Chirrut says, even as Baze grabs him by the elbow and starts gently towing him away in the direction of their car. “Our students are very lucky to have such dedicated teachers and counselors!”
“Thank you, Chirrut!” Bodhi calls after them.
“Drive safe, everybody!” Baze calls over his shoulder once Chirrut stops fighting him and laces their fingers together instead for the short walk.
“Night, guys,” Bodhi says to Jyn and Cassian before he starts to head off towards his own car. 
“Goodnight, Bodhi,” Jyn replies, while Cassian waves him off.
The parking lot is empty except for their cars at this hour. They’d all met at the school and made the ride to the venue together, that way no one could call out of chaperone duty with car trouble or anything last minute like that. Probably there was some team-building aspect, too, but Cassian suspects the former was the primary motivation. Now, it’s creeping up to midnight and all the students have moved on to their afterparties and bonfires and whatever else, while the venue staff has streamers to clean up and tables to clear, and the chaperones are all heading home after a very long day. 
It had rained briefly while the prom was going on, though it had thankfully waited until everyone was already at the venue to do so, which means no one’s photos or hair was likely ruined by it. The hazy humidity that had hung around all day was now replaced by a damp chill and a light breeze. The condensation glitters like jewels on the few cars in the lot and their dewy windows glow green as the streetlights reflect off of them. The wet ground blares with streaks of red light as Baze’s car starts up and his brake lights come on. 
“Where’d you park?” Cassian asks Jyn, who’s still standing there, rooting around in her bag for her car keys.
“Oh,” she says, as if she wasn’t expecting him to address her. “Over there, by the auditorium.”
“Me too,” he says, nodding. “I’ll walk you.”
Having successfully retrieved her keys, Jyn brushes this off. “You don’t have to.”
“It’ll give me a chance to apologize.”
“It’s not that long of a walk.”
“I’ll talk fast,” Cassian replies, and holds out his arm as if to say, after you.
Jyn takes the hint and starts walking, allowing him to fall into step next to her.
“I’m sorry about what I said before, about you not knowing me very well. I didn’t mean to imply we aren’t friends, or that I don’t value your opinions, or anything like that,” he says, letting it all go like an exhale, because otherwise he won’t get the words out at all. “The problem is that I think you know me a little too well sometimes, and it honestly freaks me out. And tonight, you said the exact thing I was already worried about out loud, so I just panicked and tried to push you away.”
“The thing I said about waiting until the last minute really upset you that much?” Jyn asks, arms crossed over her chest. It takes him a second to realize it’s probably because she’s cold, and not because she’s mad at him. He starts to take off his suit jacket, but she stops him with a glare. “God, don’t.”
“You look cold.”
“I am cold, but my car is twenty yards away. I’ll live.”
“Answer my question.”
Cassian stuffs his hands in his pockets just to have something to do with them. “Yes, it did upset me to hear that. I’ve been annoyed with myself about the same thing and I hated that it was obvious to you too.”
“Well, then, I guess I’m sorry too,” she says, earnestly. “I wasn’t judging you or anything, and I wasn’t trying to make you upset.”
“I know that. And thank you. I just—I can’t make up my mind what I want to do, and it’s very frustrating.”
“Do you think talking about it would help?”
“I’m not sure. The logical part of my brain is telling me to go, to take the new job. It’s more money, I’d be the head of the department in a better funded school. And while I love it here, unless Baze retires—”
“Which he won’t. At least, not for a long time.”
“Exactly, but still, that’s the only way I can move up and make more money. Unless I go to another school.”
“I get it,” Jyn says, and it sounds like she means it. “Those are valid considerations.”
“But I really do love it here,” Cassian objects. “I love the students, and I love the staff. I love working with all of you.”
“Yeah, and I bet all the teachers at that new school fucking suck,” she adds, with a malicious glint in her eye.
“I mean, what are the chances they do a yearly Flask-athalon at their prom?”
“It’s extremely unlikely,” Jyn says, somber now, “and if they do, they owe me and Chirrut royalties.”
“So, you see my dilemma?”
“I do. And I accept your apology, for what it’s worth. I didn’t know I’d be bringing up such a fraught subject for you. I would have been more careful, if I’d known.”
They arrive at Jyn’s car then and Cassian has to laugh at finding it parked one spot away from his own. The parking lot had been full when he got here, with a lot of underclassmen still around for extracurriculars and team practices and faculty staying late to do work, so he just picked the first spot he found. He hadn’t even noticed her car there, because someone had been parked between them. Now there’s just an empty space, where they stop to finish their conversation.
“It’s really fine,” he says, as he looks over at her. “I overreacted.”
Jyn shrugs one shoulder up to her ear, still looking cold in a way he finds provoking. He really wishes she’d just take his jacket. “It’s a big decision.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“You know you won’t get rid of us just by going to another school, right?”
“Yes, but we’ll all see each other a lot less,” he says. “And you know how these things go. We’ll promise to stay in touch, or to get drinks, or just to see each other regularly, but we won’t. We’ll drift apart, sooner or later.”
“So, don’t take the job,” Jyn says, watching him carefully.
“What about all that other stuff–the money and the promotion and everything?”
“Who cares?” she says and he laughs, hopelessly. “I’m serious! If you were actually that motivated by money, you wouldn’t work in a public school. You wouldn’t have even gone to school for counseling, for that matter. So, turn it down.”
“But doesn’t that make me…kind of…?”
“Kind of what?”
“I don’t know! Ridiculous? Sentimental? Turning down more money to stay with my friends?”
“Again, I ask you: who cares?”
“Well, I fancy myself a very cool, detached person.”
Jyn snorts. “You?”
He frowns at her. “Yes, me! You don’t think I’m cool and detached?”
“No,” she says, “not at all. Are you crazy? You’re the least cool person I know!”
“Wow, thank you.”
“I mean, not that you’re not cool like—I’m saying you’re not too cool for anything, you know? Like, you care so much about everything! Even dumb bullshit that no one else can be bothered to even pay attention to, you care about it! I don’t know how you do it. I’m an art teacher, I’m supposed to be all passionate all the time, and I still feel like a robot compared to you. It must be exhausting to care so much.”
“That’s your impression of me?” Cassian asks, a little bowled over.
“I meant all of that as a compliment,” Jyn says, looking nervous. “And I didn’t mean to go on and on about it, I just—you assume everyone is like you, that they’re as good as you and they care as much, and I sometimes think you don’t see that you’re special. It’s the best thing about you, how much you care.”
“And I thought the best thing about me was my eyes,” he responds, weakly.
“Well, you do have nice eyes, that’s true,” she says, looking down at her shoes.
“I do have another reason—a selfish one—for thinking of accepting the new job.”
“What’s that?”
“I think that if there was someone here—someone on the faculty here, I mean—that I maybe wanted to date, it would possibly be less weird for us if I worked at a different school,” he answers, with his heart in his throat.
“Oh,” Jyn says, still not meeting his eye. Her foot scuffs back and forth on the pavement anxiously. “I guess, in that case, you would probably want to be sure that this person is actually interested in you before you make any huge life decisions with her—I mean, them—in mind.”
“I’m pretty sure she is interested in me too.”
“How do you know?”
“She just told me I have nice eyes,” he says. 
Jyn looks at him then, her gaze lifting to his face suddenly as she narrows her eyes. “Seriously? How long have you—?”
It doesn’t take much effort—two steps, really—to get close enough to draw her into his arms and kiss her like he’s been wanting to basically since the day she started at the school. She makes a surprised noise that’s immediately muffled by their mouths coming together and then it’s just them kissing. Finally. And it’s every bit as good as he imagined it would be, with her kissing back with as much intensity as he’d expect from the person who loves to give him hell on a daily basis. Her arms come to wrap around his neck, dragging him down to her level, and his clasp around her lower back, desperately trying to afford them some stability in this position.
“The others are gone, right?” she asks, more or less against his mouth. 
“Uh…” He turns his head, peering across the parking lot, which gives Jyn access to his jaw and his neck and he’s not mad about it, though it does make thinking straight more difficult than usual. He doesn’t see any other cars left. “I think it’s just us.”
“Good,” Jyn says, and pulls him with her by his shirt until her back hits the side of her car. Once settled there, she leans up for another kiss, and he has to brace himself against the door to stay standing. The condensation from the window wets his palm and makes him shiver, which makes Jyn laugh. He doesn’t bother explaining, since he’s not sure he could convince her that it has nothing to do with kissing her.
They make out like idiots, in the parking lot of the school they work at, where anyone could see them, for an inadvisably long time. By the time they come up for air, he has thoroughly ruined Jyn’s hair, the straps of her dress are hanging loosely off her shoulders, and anyone who looked at her would know she’d been doing some very serious kissing. Cassian is sure he’s looking equally disarrayed. Despite them being pressed closely together, he can feel the goosebumps rising on her skin and chafes her arms with his hands to warm them.
“How long?” she asks, softly, wearing an amused smile that might be at his attempt at gallantry or something else entirely. When he gives her a questioning look in response, she adds. “How long have you wanted to do that?”
Cassian pretends to think about it. “How long have you worked here?”
“Two years.”
“There’s your answer.”
“Really?” Jyn asks, astonished somehow. “I thought you hated me when we first met.”
“You made me nervous,” he says, still caressing her arms. “You still make me nervous.”
She loops her arms around his middle now, pressing them together in a way that feels very dangerous in a school parking lot. He clears his throat in the most obvious fashion imaginable and she gives him a knowing smile.
“That’s not the only thing you make me, for what it’s worth,” he points out.
“I gathered as much,” she says, pleased with herself. 
He raises a hand to cup her cheek, drawing his thumb gently over the corner of her mouth. “You know, a nice person would say something about how I make them feel, at this point in the conversation.”
“You already got a whole speech about how passionate and sexy you are,” she objects. “Don’t be greedy.”
“I don’t think the word ‘sexy’ came up in that little speech of yours, actually. Could you maybe elaborate on that?”
Jyn shakes her head before she leans in to kiss him again, this time trading their earlier desperation for a slower pace. “Not here,” she says, once she’s drawn him in again. “Not to be corny, but my place or yours?”
“Whichever’s closer,” he says, immediately.
She laughs and bites her lip to try to hide it, which is very distracting. “Good answer. I think that’s me, then.”
“I’ll follow you,” Cassian replies, with a nod towards his own car.
“You don’t want to just ride over with me?”
“I don’t want to park here overnight, and I do not trust myself in a car alone with you right now.”
“It’s a five minute drive,” she says, unimpressed.
“I could get into a lot of trouble in five minutes.”
“Okay, then,” she says, with a gusty sigh. “You might have to put your money where your mouth is on that one.”
“Don’t worry. I’m willing to put my mouth lots of places.”
“Idiot,” she laughs, swatting his arm. “Let’s go, then. I’m freezing and I’m wet.”
“You’re—well, that’s—oh, from the car! And the condensation…from the rain.”
“Wow,” Jyn says. “That was so smooth.”
Cassian laughs, and hangs his head. “In my defense, I—”
He looks down at her, looking a little flushed and mussed up and still utterly defiant and perfect. “I just can’t believe it took me this long to get here,” he admits, even though it’s a stupid and besotted thing to say. 
Jyn gives him an endearingly sweet smile. “And I can’t believe I’m going to hook up with you after prom. I mean, what a cliché!”
“I did offer to give you the prom experience you never had,” he says, with a laugh. “Besides, some things are cliché for a reason.”
“Oh, yeah?” she asks, gazing up at him. “Why’s that?”
He thinks about all the stories he’s heard about love at first sight. He thinks about all the couples he’s heard say they’re in love with their best friend. He thinks about everyone who’s said that, when you’re with The One, you just know. He thinks about every piece of dating advice that told him to find someone who makes him laugh. And he thinks about happily ever after.
“Because they seem stupid until they happen to you,” he says, simply.
Jyn doesn’t bother saying she agrees. She just pulls him in for another kiss.
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artz16 · 1 year
Part of MM Takaaki story:
Takaaki:*Finding all the remnants* You have one choice, you come quietly or you’ll come quietly because of your ripped out vocal cords
Remnant Kazuichi: Pfft-! Hahah! And we should believe the pathetic moral compass’s father? Please. You’re probably as weak as he was
Takaaki:…One, my son isn’t weak. Two, well…I’ll just show you where he got his determination from…
Remnant Kazuichi: Pfft-! I’m not scared-!…..Is that a shotgun?
Takaaki: Yep*Picks up his walkie talkie* Take the shots
Takemichi:*In a high place with a nerf gun with tranq darts* Heheh! On it
*Takaaki proceeded to literally kick the despair outta the remnants….all of them*
(From @brainfilehasstoppedworking AU)
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iloveubee · 1 year
Ok so ive made a list of things a wanna do with my gf and i Will show It to you guys
Going to the
the arcade
Making Heart shape pizza togheter
Lighting up a paper lanter togheter and making It fly
Playing Just dance togheter
Going only the two of us to a water park
Doing graffiti togheter
Laying down togheter in a massive flower field
Going to a Carnival and winking a plushie for her
Doing weird funny shit home alone
Get matching underwears
Going around with my shopping carta doting stupid shit
Exploring abbandoned places togheter
Dancing under the Rain
Going to see and art gallery
Preparing out confort food for eatchothers
Trying to do her makeup
Watching the Firework togheter
Playing the PlayStation eating Chips togheter
Taking pictures in a photo both togheter
Baking and decorationg a cake togheter
Collection cute flowers and leaves on a notebooks togheter
Going on a shopping spree togheter
Doing our nails togheter at the nail sailoon
Going to the cinema togheter
Make hot chai and going to relax on the sofà
Making a challenge togheter
Trying to win a plushie for her at the claw macchine
Going on a ferris wheel
Going to see a teather play
Have a romantic bubble bath togheter with candles
Building a lego set togheter
Going geocatching
Preparing a treasure Hunt for her
Playing chess in the park
Going togheter to paintball
Swimming pool date
Water gun fight
Building a there house togheter
Building a pillow Fort
Playing co-ops games togheter
Doing crochet togheter
Doing her hair
Playing d&d togheter
Going to look for Sea glass at the beach togheter
Going to gokart
Visit an art gallery togheter
Do an album and print all of our pictures in it
Do cute pictures togheter
Create particular dates with a special event
Create a relationship time capsule
The disposable camera photo challenge
Special intrest challenge
Start a collection togheter
Getting matching crocs
Collection cool shit we find on the ground Like crows
Get matching funky socks for eatchothers
Play on the swings togheter
Hooping on a random buss exploring the city
Reacreating scenes form out favourite cartoons
Do art and the ground with chalk
Silly string fight
Nerf gun war
Trying to talk One day in another language
Creating a story togheter
Make a PowerPoint presentation night
Get walkie talkie and talk to eatchothers
Chapstick challenge
Climbing trees togheter
Get aroun the Mall in One of those Kids Cars
Build myself and my gfa as legos and the build a lego house togheter
Making coffee for her
Making crown of flowers togheter
Get ourselfs maching kugurumi
Create out secret alphabet
Wrighting poeatry for eatch others
Going to the circus
Going togheter in a flower shop
Going togheter in a Mary go round
Sleeping togheter in a hamack
Go togheter in a hydromassage pool
Going to see a drag show togheter
Baking her a cake for her
Creating a fake city Just for fun togheter
Have a Nacho night while watching a film
Going to the Mall separetly and getting things for eatch others but with a theme
Making a guanti Sand Castle at the beach
Buying two PLUSHIES togheter and bringing them everywhere with us and making photos of them
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cheeriofluff · 2 years
OMORI FANFIC: Backyard Shenanigans.
First fanfiction lets go!! Its a silly cute one for now so sit back, relax make some Coffee/Tea and enjoy! also it's my first one so it may be sloppy lol.
It's mainly just wholesome fun so nothing too serious.
Also sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes
It's been quite the boring day for everyone, with the power out and with it being cloudy out basil has no idea what to do with his friends.
"Sorry you came all this way just to sit down and not do anything sunny..." Basil says frowning, he was hoping sunny would have a good time with them, especially since it takes a while for him to get there when visiting
"Its cool." He simply replied with a straight face as Aubrey groans
Kel laughs like an idiot "Ooohhh Aubrey said a baad woorrddd" he says teasingly
"You're on the list" She replies smirking at kel.
Kel sweating Intensely says "Basil what does she mean??? What list??? BASIL"
Basil stays silent and awkwardly chuckles "uhhh...i don't know actually...maybe she means list of friendship!" he replies
"Oh phew, ok good." Kel replied
"OH i just remembered something we used to do when we were younger you guys! Come follow me!" Basil runs out to his backyard. Shrugging Aubrey decides there's nothing else she can do and follows basil to the backyard.
"Basil? What is out here that you Wanted us to follow you so badly for?"
"Aubrey....we're at war with the sky" basil says as he holds up a nerf gun
"!!" Aubrey Got hit with a wave of nostalgia remembering some fun Roleplays she had with basil sunny and kel whenever it gets rainy.
"Heh...The sky ain't gonna win and you know it, For i, General Aubrey Will Destroy the evil cloud monsters AND END THIS WAR" Aubrey says Holding a squirt gun she found on the ground.
"Hehehe, ahhh like old times right Aubrey?" Basil says smiling at her as he points the toy gun to the sky "hehe Do your worst cloud people!"
Just then, the unthinkable just happened.
A rain drop landed on basil's shoulder, Basil dropped his gun and clenched his shoulder in "Pain"
"AAAAUUGHHH i've been hit!! NOOOOOO" basil says on the ground like a lump
"BASIL?!? YOU BASTARDS, THAT WAS SO UNFAIR, WAIT UNTIL I-" *raindrop lands on Aubrey's Arm*
She falls to the ground
More rain comes softly sprinkling down, sometimes hitting their legs, sometimes their backs.
"Aubrey....im not gonna make it.....uugghhh....go on...with out me aaauuughh" Basil says in a overdramatic tone
"IM NOT LEAVING YOU MAN, YOU'RE NOT DYIN ON MY WATCH BASIL." Aubrey says Furiously shaking basil as he goes "EHWAHEAHQA" Every shake she gives him.
"SUNNY KEL, WE NEED BACKUP QUICK!" Aubrey yells at them, still relaxing in the house.
"I'll get the wagon." Sunny says calmly
"KSHHH This is kel to Aubrey, Kel to Aubrey do you read me over? KSHHH" Kel says Imitating a Walkie talkie.
"KSHHH no can do, you didn't say over. Over KSHHH" Kel says smugly looking at Aubrey
"KSHHH YOU ARE ON THE 2ND LIST OVER KSHHH" She yells over at kel.
"Aubrey....i see the light..." basil says doing dramatic Gasping
"DON'T GO INTO THE LIGHT PLEASE, THERE'S NO CHUCK E CHEESE IN HELL" Aubrey says still shaking him furiously.
"I am going to throw up if you keep shaking me and i'll die twice." Basil says half jokingly
Just then, The fence door just got kicked open Looks like back up has arrived!
*Sunny slowly and calmly walks towards the two with a wagon*
"Sup." Sunny says with a straight face.
"Ooohhhh woe is meeee" basil says doing dramatic death poses looking like an absolute fool.
"Ok." He says as he grabs basil's arms, Aubrey grabs basil's legs and they both lift him up and throw him on the wagon
"OW GUYS, PLEASE" He yells in pain, he then adds "i hit my funny bone :("
"Oh grow up you big baby." Aubrey says smiling and messing with his hair
Just then, an unexpected Plot twist Happened. Kel squirts Aubrey with a Water gun
Kel yells as he is seen wearing floaties with a cloud pattern on them.
"Oh boy..." sunny says covering his face trying not to laugh
"That's it...You messed with the WRONG AUBREY YOU JERK!" Aubrey walks towards him Cracking her knuckles
Kel replies with a simple "HA, YOU WISH. YOU CAN'T EVEN HANDLE MY TRUE POWER"
While the two are bickering over who is stronger Sunny looks over at basil and says "Is your funny bone ok baby man?" Teasing him.
Basil blushes and replies with "D-Don't call me baby man..." pouting at him.
Just then, hero opens the door
"What the hell are you dorks doing out in the rain yelling like Psychopaths???" He says giggling to himself
Silence fills the area, everyone is staring at hero and after about 5 seconds Aubrey replies with a simple Shrug saying "i dunno."
Hero laughs At this and says "oh you nerds, come on inside. It's too cold for you out, plus i made some hot cocoa for everyone"
Instantly kel runs in yelling "GIVE ME THE MOST WHIP CREAM"
Everyone then excitedly gets up and walks inside to enjoy their cocoa and the rest of the evening.
Maybe today wasn't so boring after all.
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a-moment-captured · 2 years
Any advice on what to get a little boy who’s 6 for Christmas 😭 my little brother had no idea what he wants and I was just wondering what did you get your kids?
I will say a safe bet for any kid is legos! Doesn’t matter if they are 6 or 10! And I have yet to meet a boy that doesn’t like hot wheels! They have hot wheel garages from $10 on up!
My son is hard to buy for! Always has been! He has such unique interest so I have to piggyback off that. So he got a telescope, microscope, another hot wheel garage to attach to his Super Ultimate Garage, iPad, lots and lots of hot wheels, remote control truck,
My nephew is 5 and will be 6 in May. Anything Spider-Man, walkie talkies, blocks or legos or anything to build something with, hot wheel garage.
Walmart and Target both have sets to make your own slime.
Nerf guns! I’ve yet to see a kid not like one lol. 
This is a good list to get ideas too:
I hope this helps! If not, let me know!
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toyutopiausa · 1 year
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anewswire · 1 year
Unleash Your Inner Spy: Toy Weapons & Gadgets for Fun and Play
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Unleash Your Inner Spy: Toy Weapons & Gadgets for Fun and Play As kids, many of us dreamed of being a spy, sneaking around in the shadows and saving the day with our gadgets and weapons. While we may have grown up, that sense of adventure and excitement doesn't have to fade away. With toy weapons and gadgets, we can relive those childhood dreams and have fun with friends and family. Toy weapons and gadgets come in all shapes and sizes, from classic toy guns to high-tech spy gadgets. Let's explore some of the best options out there for unleashing your inner spy. Nerf Guns Nerf guns have been a staple of childhood play for decades, and for good reason. These foam-based weapons are safe and fun, allowing you to engage in mock battles with friends and family. Nerf guns come in a variety of styles, from simple pistols to complex rifles that can fire multiple rounds at once. Spy Gear Spy gear has come a long way since the days of the plastic magnifying glass. Today's spy gadgets include everything from night vision goggles to motion detectors, allowing you to become a true master of espionage. Whether you're sneaking around your house or spying on your friends, spy gear is sure to add a sense of excitement to your playtime. Laser Tag Laser tag is a classic game that's been enjoyed by kids and adults alike for years. With laser tag guns and vests, you can engage in mock battles with friends and family, testing your skills and agility. Laser tag arenas are also becoming more popular, allowing you to experience the thrill of the game in a more immersive setting. Water Guns Water guns are a fun and refreshing way to beat the heat and engage in mock battles with friends and family. From simple squirt guns to high-powered water blasters, there's a water gun out there for everyone. And when you're done playing, you can cool off with a refreshing splash of water. Spy Pens Spy pens are a fun and discreet way to engage in espionage. These pens can record audio and video, allowing you to capture conversations and events without anyone being the wiser. Whether you're using them for fun or for a practical purpose, spy pens are a unique and interesting gadget. Rubber Band Guns Rubber band guns are classic toys that have been enjoyed for generations. These simple guns allow you to shoot rubber bands at targets or friends, providing a fun and engaging way to pass the time. And because they're made of wood or plastic, they have a classic and timeless feel that never goes out of style. Walkie Talkies Walkie-talkies are fun and practical gadgets for kids and adults alike. Whether you're playing spy games with friends or coordinating a hike with the family, walkie-talkies can help you stay in touch and communicate over long distances. And with modern walkie-talkies, you can enjoy features like built-in GPS and weather alerts. Airsoft Guns Airsoft guns are a more advanced form of toy weapon, using compressed air to fire small plastic pellets. While they may look like real guns, they're designed for safe and fun play, with rules and regulations in place to ensure that everyone stays safe. Airsoft guns are popular among hobbyists and enthusiasts, providing a challenging and engaging form of play. Whether you're a kid or a kid at heart, toy weapons and gadgets can provide hours of fun and entertainment. From classic toys like Nerf guns and rubber band guns to high-tech spy gadgets and airsoft guns, there's a toy out there for everyone. So why not unleash your inner spy and have some fun today? In conclusion, toy weapons and gadgets can be a fun and exciting way to unleash your inner spy and engage in imaginative play. From spy kits to laser tag sets to Nerf guns, there are plenty of options available for kids and adults alike. Not only do these toys provide entertainment, but they can also improve skills such as strategic thinking, hand-eye coordination, and teamwork. So why not grab your favorite toy weapon or gadget and let your inner spy take over for a while? You may just discover a new hobby or passion in the process. FAQs: Are toy weapons and gadgets safe for children to play with? Yes, as long as they are used properly and age-appropriate. Parents should always supervise their children during playtime and ensure that they follow safety guidelines. Can playing with toy weapons and gadgets promote violence? No, playing with toy weapons and gadgets does not necessarily promote violence. However, it is important for parents to teach their children the difference between fantasy and reality and to instill values such as respect, empathy, and kindness. Are there any educational benefits to playing with toy weapons and gadgets? Yes, playing with toy weapons and gadgets can improve skills such as hand-eye coordination, strategic thinking, and teamwork. It can also promote creativity and imaginative play. Can adults also enjoy playing with toy weapons and gadgets? Absolutely! Toy weapons and gadgets can be enjoyed by people of all ages, and can even be used as a stress reliever or team-building activity in the workplace. What should I consider when choosing a toy weapon or gadget? It is important to consider factors such as age-appropriateness, safety, durability, and the type of play experience you are looking for. It can also be helpful to read reviews and ask for recommendations from other parents or toy experts. Read the full article
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yang-innie · 2 years
i usually like to draw people and characters, fanart and OCs alike! i also like drawing backgrounds, like landscapes and scenery. but it's mostly just people. i like more cartoon-y styles
also i saw that it was your son's birthday pretty recently? i hope you had a good day with him!
- 🦄 anon
I'm so sorry! I looked at this the other day and went "I'll answer when I'm on my computer" and then forgot. 😭😭😭 I'm very bad about this. I'm so so sorry.
Anyways, I would love to see some of your work sometime! Do you have a favorite OC that you've created so far?? What are they like??
Yes!! My youngest song's birthday is actually today. He is turning 10 but we had a huge Nerf-themed party last week where they all had walkie-talkies and googles and there were zombie targets everywhere. Then they decorated "badges" which were sugar cookies shaped like badges. lol. It was a lot of fun!!!
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i-merani · 4 years
Were you the weird little girl who wanted all the cool "boys" toys like nerf guns swords walkie talkies ect or are you not politcally active now
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angstintensifer · 2 years
Camp fam incorrect quotes 💞
Darius : She was poetry, but he couldn't read.
Kenji: His name was Jared he's 19.
Sammy : When his parents built a very strange machine.
Brooklynn, singing: Watch that scene, digging the dancing queen.
Ben, singing: Eyyyy, Macarena!
Yaz: Horrible job everyone.
Sammy : The floor is lava!
Darius: *helps Brooklynn onto the counter*
Ben : *kicks Kenji off the sofa*
Yaz: *lays on the floor*
Sammy : ...Are you okay?
Yaz: No.
One late night at the camp:
Yaz: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?
Yaz: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies.
Kenji: Socks are Feetie Heaties.
Sammy : Defibrillators are Heartie Starties.
Ben: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies.
Darius : Stamps are Lickie Stickies.
Brooklynn: I hate you guys so much.
Ben: Between Sammy , Yaz, Kenji, and Brooklynn -- if you had to -- who would you punch?
Darius : No one! They're my friends. I wouldn't punch any of them.
Ben: Kenji?
Darius : Yeah, but I don't know why.
Kenji: A butterfly! Hey, little guy, gal or nonbinary pal!
Brooklynn: Can a butterfly be nonbinary?
Kenji: I mean, maybe? I don't judge.
Sammy , staring dreamily out of the window: Ah, have you ever imagine having butterfly wings? Then-
Ben: Then it would be inconvenient as fuck. Your wings would smack every doorframe and your clothes would have to have holes in the back.
Yaz : Also, your wing's paper thin, so even a six year old aimed a NERF gun at it would... Yeah...
Darius : *sips coffee* According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a-
Sammy : No, nononono. You fuckers have already shattered my dream, you don't get the fucking privilege to make that reference.
Brooklynn: Also, it's about a butterfly, not a bee... Why would you make that reference?
Kenji: You clearly have not lived with them long enough.
*The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one*
Darius : I will not let you down.
Brooklynn: Sounds fun.
Ben: K.
Yaz: No, I'm fucking not.
Sammy : Do I have to be?
Kenji: Please god, I am so tired.
Ben : Rules were made to be broken.
Darius : They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Brooklynn: Uh, piñatas.
Sammy: Glow sticks.
Kenji : Karate boards.
Yaz: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Ben : Rules.
Darius :
Ben: So, did everyone learn their lesson?
Yaz: No.
Darius : I did not.
Kenji : I may have actually forgotten one.
Brooklynn : Also no.
Ben: Oh good, neither did I.
Sammy: *Exhausted sigh*
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
I’m not the anon for this incredibleness, but now I’m thinking about other ways the Party can take petty revenge on Neil.
Random Calls at 3am asking for someone named Chris, and being very insistent that they speak to Chris NOW, when they know Susan is staying at Joyce’s for a wine night
Filling his mailbox with underground lgbt+ zines
Max putting clear nail polish on his bar of soap
Joyce sells him alcohol bottles that have been replaced with flat soda and resealed (this is also a subtle way to protect Max and Susan 🤫)
placing old eggs under his back seats and pouring milk on the carpets of his truck
They get him several subscriptions to hardcore gay porn magazines
They follow him as he’s leaving the grocery store and slip items into his bags to get him caught for shoplifting (which then Hop makes a big deal of bringing him to the station and shuffling around all day while he’s in the holding cell)
They hide their walkie talkies in his closet of under his bed and start yelling through them in the middle of the night (also when Susan isn’t home)
Nerf bullets
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residentevilbeast · 2 years
Almost have everything I need for my Travis cosplay... found an old nerf gun I’m going to spray paint.
Still have to make the patches and pins, but those seem fairy easy. I’ve been practicing my sewing the past month.
I want to be as accurate as possible and am trying to find a walkie talkie/ radio combo that will get here within the next two months.
My hair is at Dylan’s length too so that’ll have to be chopped.
I’m super excited about this one guys, my friend is supposed to help me and she’s a professional photographer and cosplayer.
I’ll add more as it happens. Stay tuned.
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