#nerd jewelry
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natureintheory · 2 years ago
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A collection of wearable 3D art inspired by science:
✦ NEW: Wave-Particle Duality Pendant ✦ The Wave-Particle Duality Rings ✦ A Candle in the Dark: Lantern Earrings
Available now on Shapeways!
✦ Shapeways.com/shops/nature-in-theory ✦ Linktr.ee/NatureInTheory
Original designs © Olena Shmahalo / Nature in Theory
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optimysticals · 1 year ago
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Embrace the magic of the enduring Apogee Solstice with our enchanting *No Rocks Between Us* 14k gold ring! 💖 Immerse yourself in the love story inspired by Imogen & Laudna's journey in C3. This unique piece features 2 intertwined snakes holding a 1mm ruby between their mouths. Size-inclusive (4-14) at the same price, because love knows no bounds. Order by 11/30 for Critmas delivery!
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kassaandor · 9 months ago
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If you guys love nerdy jewelry can I please, please recommend @rocklovejewelry (RockLove) to y’all? It’s a small, woman-owned business and I’ve been shopping with Allison for years and I have never gotten a piece that was anything less than perfection. I have Star Wars, Arcane, Pokémon, and Marvel pieces (and my mom has a Stargate ring) and they are all so beautiful.
She’s a little pricey but I promise you — as someone with severe metal allergies — all of her nickel-free silver pieces are worth every penny.
(And this new Grogu ring is freaking adorable?!)
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vibrantestvixen · 11 months ago
This is why it's hard to release material attachments.
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16th century ring that unfolds into an astronomical sphere
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phantomcherub6 · 23 days ago
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Now that I finally have most of my crafting beads in one space, it's bracelet making time! I'm making bracelets that go with each of the series I'm cosplaying at my next convention. See if you can guess which Digital Circus character I'm going as.
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wigglybunfish · 6 months ago
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Been rereading Little Women recently... or technically, properly reading it for the first time. The last time I touched this book was when I was ten, and the book I touched was a shortened chinese edition (or was it just the first half? anyway) Here are the sisters in 21 century post covid and I think Beth would've loved the groundbreaking invention that is the Hoodie
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lovertm · 1 year ago
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food earrings by chlosoup
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alphajocklover · 5 months ago
Hello, I'm a skinny guy and I'm tired of getting bullied. I hope that my shy nerd brother can become a big buff muscular bouncer who always protects me and loves me. Do you think it's possible?
This is a tough one. The problem with your request isn’t that you want your brother to be transformed into a jock – though to be honest transforming your own brother into a different person against his will for your own benefit is pretty horrible, even for the world of transformation. Ignoring the moral issues, the real issue is that you want him to protect you. You don’t just want him to be a jock, you want him to be a jock who is loyal to you. You want him to be a jock who protects you, a self admitted nerd. I don’t think I have to tell you that most jocks don’t protect nerds, even their brothers. 
Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of nice jocks out there, plenty of athletes who are decent guys. But most of the methods I’ve mentioned up until now don’t turn their victims into realistic, real life jocks, they turn them into stereotypes. Himbos, douchebags, dumb jocks. With how complex people are, transformation methods often have to use stereotypes, since it's easier to change a person into a stereotypical archetype than it is to turn a person into an entirely different and complex person bit by bit. So, most people who are transformed into jocks are stereotypical jocks, and stereotypical jocks hate nerds. Even if he stayed a generally nice guy, there's no guarantee he’ll protect you against his new jock friends. What you need is a way to ensure loyalty, a way to instill loyalty as part of the transformation. Lucky for you I happen to have something perfect for that. As much as I hate to use EB Jewelry products now that they’ve started actively trying to stop me from reporting on them, their dog tags might be the best way to get what you want.
The concept behind the dog tags is pretty interesting, even for the transformation community. Unlike most things EB Jewelry sells, these only come in pairs, and If someone puts one of these Dog Tags on, they’ll be transformed into a dumb, buff, stereotypical jock, but they’ll also become completely loyal to whoever is wearing the other dog tag. Both have to be put on at around the same time to make the connection though, or for any transformation to happen. 
The dog tags are a very powerful transformation artifact, so powerful that EB Jewelry doesn’t actually sell them, and instead keeps them just for the executives. But my Uncle was able to get his hands on a few pairs, and I’m willing to part with one. Kind of.
See, well I’m usually willing to help people with their transformation questions, I try to avoid helping someone transform someone against their will. And transforming your own brother against his will? That’s really not cool in my book. But I don’t know everything about your situation, and I might be wrong. So I’m giving you a chance.
Here's the deal: I’m going to send you the dogtags. But I’m not going to tell you which one is which. When you put on the dog tags, there will be an equal chance that you’ll get the jock bodyguard brother you’re dreaming of, or that you’ll be the one that gets transformed into your brother's loyal jock bodyguard. If you’re so willing to change your brother, you should be willing to get changed too. This way it’s fair. This way, you’re both taking a risk.
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Even I don’t know which of the dog tags you’ll get, but either way one of you is getting a loyal, loving jock brother, and either way those bullies are going to think twice before they mess with your family again.
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exercise-of-trust · 5 months ago
Hello, your art style is so beautiful!! Could I request a Finrod? And if you’re feeling like a indulging a more specific request, him working on a carving on a wall or something in Nargothrond? I’ve been rotating his carving so much lately.
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right so i know you said "carving" but also "caving" is only one letter off and i was endlessly charmed by the idea of finrod's first visit to nargothrond being wet and messy and chaotic. he has rope and climbing chalk and like 20 cool rocks in his bag and he's having a great time!
(requests open through the end of the month)
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natureintheory · 1 year ago
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Ready-to-print items only — not for custom orders
No code. Automatic 15% off original prices store-wide until December 1, 2023
UPDATE: On top of my own sale, Shapeways is doing Cyber Monday:
15% OFF ORDERS $50-$199: 15CYBER2023
20% OFF ORDERS $200+: 20CYBER2023
A collection of wearable 3D art inspired by science:
✦ Wave-Particle Duality Pendant
✦ The Wave-Particle Duality Rings
✦ A Candle in the Dark: Lantern Earrings
✦ Infinity Knot Ring
Available now on Shapeways! ↓
✦ Shapeways.com/shops/nature-in-theory
✦ Linktr.ee/NatureInTheory
Original designs © Olena Shmahalo / Nature in Theory
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the-merry-otter · 3 months ago
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Posy Rings
With the rise of courtly love in the late medieval period came a range of different tokens to demonstrate such love. Jewellery was a popular choice - as it still is now!
Posy rings are a ring for the finger, sometimes plain, sometimes with a jewel, that contains a phrase of devotion or love as an inscription. These were sometimes in Latin, but most often in French, which was considered the language of courtly love, and was pretty widely spoken in the upper classes.
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(Left: pense de moy - “think of me�� c. 1400-50)
(Right: de tout mon coer - “with all my heart” c. 1400)
Love inscriptions were often repeated, indicating there were “stock phrases” for jewellers to use.
ANYWAY so I was explaining this to my boyfriend bc I enjoy infodumping (you may have noticed), and he promptly decided to kill me by going “oh like the one ring from Lord of the Rings 😁”.
Like, sure I GUESS
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 1 month ago
Remember these newlywed theatre nerds: Jamie and Megan
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Today their Christmas video popped up & it is delightful so I'm sharing it here along with two (2) of their theatrical videos. I hope Royal watchers will enjoy their Sandringham footage & commentary.
Trigger warning for the haters: you'll be disappointed to hear eye witness accounts of Wills & Kate out TOGETHER at their local pub prior to their travels as a couple for the annual Middleton Christmas vacation.
Check your heart: Marriage is hard enough without the evil machinations of wicked people. How black is the heart of one who wishes for the demise of this solid marriage.
Well done, Wills & Kate. Ignore the haters. Invest in seeking God, loving one another, loving your families & serving your country. We are with you! 💙
Spare the Musical: The Book of POOR Man
Harry & Meghan the Netflix Musical
Theatre Nerds at Sandringham with the Royals
Prince of Wales seen chatting to pub patrons in the ladies loo. 😳🤭
Royal Jewels:
Diana said she selected the massive blue sapphire and diamond engagement ring because it was the biggest ring on the tray. Based on photographs and film, Diana quickly discovered that the BIGGEST rock is also the most impractical.
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My favorite gift from Wills to Kate is her (allegedly) "custom" silver-coloured stainless steel Cartier Ballon Bleu watch which pairs perfectly with Kate's sapphire and diamond engagement ring. Kate was known for grocery shopping in Angelsy wearing only her gold wedding band.
Now we see that Will's has upgraded his bride's finger candy to include a more practical yet beautiful, sapphire & diamond eternity band. Kate's watch perfectly complements William's omega seamaster watch which allegedly could have been a gift from his mother, Princess Dianna. As Catherine said: "[Wills] is a true romantic, there's a real romantic in there."💗
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Thanks to @world-of-wales @ladydianaphotos @kingwilliamv @theroyalsandi and every BRF tumblr blog that catalogues these timeless images.
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helloimcornelius · 3 months ago
So this is my Baldwin iv inspired jewelry
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The mask is half cause it’s phantom but it gives the same vibes honestly , the Jerusalem cross obviously and the rose another nod to phantom but also I feel Baldwin IV too
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dutchesscapybara · 11 months ago
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I made this really cool IDIC earing and necklace set for a con I went to recently. I'm really happy with how they turned out, they're only 2 mm at their farthest points.
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dicedungeons-and-dragons · 1 year ago
New Chainmaille Earrings
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Vaxleth and Perc'ahlia chainmaille dice earrings available now!
Snag a pair here before they're gone!
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bunnymajo · 2 years ago
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Historians will say they're really good friends
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