#neo magnets
mpcomagnetics · 1 day
Magnet Manufacturing Process: From Raw Material to Finished Magnet
Magnet Manufacturing Process: From Raw Material to Finished Magnet In today’s technology, magnets are in everything from refrigerator magnets/advertising magnets to speakers and sophisticated medical devices. But how are these powerful metals made? Today we explain how magnets are made step by step. Step 1: Choosing materials The choice of suitable material is the first step in the manufacture of…
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thisisrealy2kok · 3 months
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yukako hihara creates 'anti-gravity' shoes using repelling magnets (2019)
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segacity · 1 year
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Bonus Bouncing 'Super Magnetic Neo' SEGA Dreamcast
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block-moss · 1 year
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Monarch- a connection from the dead to the living
Swallowtail- the free nature of the ineffable human soul
(HAPPY BIRTHDAY @pierroettie <333 ILYSM !!!!)
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scrumptiousstuffs · 1 year
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“But Top, you are an asshole! I’ve been doing my best to care for my Mew. You have him now, why are you not doing your best??” Ray
“What? What have I done that you are pathetically whining now? Mew doesn’t love you. He loves me!” Top
“You know what you did! But nobody here wants to tell the truth. So I have to!” Ray
Only Friends, episode 6
😭😭😭 gawd.., such a terrible scene for everyone. The sheer heartbreak in Ray’s eyes (despite him being drunk), the uneasiness in Mew’s solemn face (and he actually doesn’t look happy even before Ray started his ramble mess) to Sand hurt and shocked face (when essentially being accused as a gold digger by Ray) to Ton/Nick and Top’s faces all showing different degrees of guilt and wariness….
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psychdiarys · 1 year
realising that atom being in the ofts intro presumably means that he's gonna have a significant role (at least bigger than gap & daddy dan bc they're not in the intro) & it scares me as a bostonnick stan!
like I get that daddy dan's involvement in bostonnicks story might just be a catalyst to make boston jealous & realise he wants nick.
but what is ATOMS purpose? i was hoping that fucking him would make boston realise that it isn't the same & nick is the One for him.
but if he's in the intro, that can't be all. like he's gonna be more involved in boston's life than we think?
i want boston to realise he's in love with nick FAST but atom being in the picture means that it's gonna be more complicated than that.
plus, he was crying in the trailer & that's definitely got something to do with boston, right?
i don't think he'd cry after a one night stand w boston cause he literally has a gf & it seemed as if he just wants to explore his sexuality through boston?
is it more complex than that? is he in LOVE with boston? I NEED ANSWERS
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【AGITO.swf / Pinkie Base】
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Time to talk about another one of these official flash files , this one is a personal favorite of mine since it's actually letting us see their base from the outside too and not just from the inside like in the game cutscenes , there's also a couple of new things revealed here so i'll try going in order (and like always my translations might not be 100% accurate so i apologize for any mistakes ) .
There's 9 things you can hover your cursor over in the first image : The pinkie gang themselves , the table , the cushions , Pinkie's baby bottle , teru teru bear , scheduler , the sign above it , the tv and the stereo next to it (Important thing to mention , a lot of these descriptions for the objects are either being told by Pinkie or Yasu , why is this important? While in the english version of the game this is not shown at all , Yasu has a speech quirk , at the end of almost every sentence he uses his own name to end it . I'm unsure if Pinkie has one too but Gasu does , though it can't be seen here since he doesn't talk in this one)
1 . Hovering your cursor over any of the members will show you a speech bubble "Do you want to know more about us? If so , try pressing Pinki's baby bottle!" (-Yasu) pressing the baby bottle leads you to the games (dead ) website
2. Hovering over the table will show the text "The desk where we hold our strategy meetings . It feels good. " (-Yasu)
3. Hovering over the cushions you're greeted by a speech bubble from Pinki , calling them " Boo Boo Cushions " (`Būbūkusshon') followed by what seems to be her humorously mimicking the sound that they' make , essentially they're whoopee cushions .
4. Hovering over the bear will reveal the text " This is the Teru Teru Bear. Press it and you can see the house from the outside." (-Pinki)
5. Hovering the cursor over the scheduler reveals the text " Well, it's the so-called "schedule" thing." (-Yasu)
6. Hovering over the sign above reveals the text " What do you think about Pinko-san's handwritten company motto?" (-Yasu) on the sign the words "Love Hate " are written on it . Similarly to how their Pinkie Bot has the words "Good , Evil" written on its forehead
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7. Hovering over the tv reveals the text "This is the rumored 'four-dimensional TV' , a specially modified product. It's not sold anywhere else " (-Pinki) alongside the stereo (which has the word 'super' written on it) '' The 'Super Woofer' exclusive for the four-dimensional TV. It's super powerful '' (-Yasu)
The second image revealing the base in all it's glory, on the left there seems to be some sort of watch tower for the main trio while on the right is where their electronics store is located, that's right , they run an electronics store! (ran by Pinkie herself , Yasu being in charge of providing the products and Gasu .. well i have no idea what he's doing )
Hovering your cursor over the base (not the store for some reason ?) reveals the text '' This is our hideout. 'Pinki Electronics' offers the latest items cheaper and faster than anywhere else. Just kidding." On the store's sign the words " Pinki Electronics " are written on it , and on the yellow flags the word "Personal computer" (or i guess PC)
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sociallyawkwardsociety · 11 months
"Everything Happens for A Reason" My take on what is going on and what this has always gone on!
This is my crazy or not so crazy take on what’s going and what has gone on for time and it's the most logical explanation that works for me.
We are having a Polar shift; hence the earth is getting hotter, no climate change as we know it, this is a natural occurrence where the Earth’s Magnetic field weakens, sometimes completely flips. This in turns means Earth and everything on it is subject to harmful Cosmic Rays, hence why radiation medicine is being developed, energy weapons, Atlantis type monopolises are being built in Saudi and China, Psychedelic’s are being synthetically altered to help people cope with the coming changes. I will be adding to the listed categories to back up and look deeper into each concept. I ask myself why and where did this epiphany come from so much that I feel a sense of exploring and sharing my views.
The famous Triangle, a triangle of three - Elon Musk (Alien)Space X. Elon and the non vaxed are off to hang out in the Atmosphere, like Noah, he takes all living organisms and genetic coding of h all the creatures that we need to balance the ecosystem, drip feeding it but by bit to Earth when it is safe to inhabit again, he is the alien “god”, or really a former citizen of the previous Polar Shits…… stay with me!
The Bloomsburg bunch, our friends and nemesis’, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos & Mark Zukerberg, are off to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where #NEOM, Saudi's Super Town project is being constructed. This has a time scale to be completed by 2039 ( wow I’ll be 60 years young then). Why in the desert? Well because Sand has properties that can protect from Cosmic radiation. Ol’ Bill Gates bailed out Alwaleed, a Saudi Arabian billionaire businessman, investor, philanthropist and Royal from being a prisoner of the state and now is basically Gates' monkey. This is of course an in route for the Psychopaths to build a 75-mile-long mirror-encased Line skyscraper, with a cost of $1 TRILLON DOLLAR. This futuristic city with tropical rainforest and an abundance of luxuries is designed to see this community see out the cosmic storms and until we have a fully protective magnetic field again.
Let’s not forget the Chineses /Mongolians ( maybe Russians and Trump) and the modern Ming Dynasty, they will settle in the “ghost” cities in China, these construction were built for a purpose, with American money?? Well that doesn't make sense!
This is all about survival of the fittest, the Higher Archy it has been their legacy, to live in such a" bubble" in their cities of Atlantis, with the Outlaws AKA you and me, destroying each other as resources run out and desperation to survive takes over…human instinct, animal instinct, each and every living organism’s instinct!!!
Every part of the East /West / Alien triangle are storing food, medicine, salt, water, fuels etc, so each entity can survive the cosmic radiation for 300-1000 years until the protective magnetic force across the world restores.
However, good old Elon and the Space X (are from the future) are they are the time travellers? This sequence hasn’t happened once in time, it's in and been a continuous cycle hence why knowledge isn’t lost and energy never dies. We dream in the past and the future, babies dream how come? This is all extending from a week of time I had alone to truly think and tap into what is the point in life and what is actually going on?
The great Pyramids, I believe, were used as a protective hang out when the ancient civilisations had to see out the Polar Shift back then. The Mayans elite of that time, but Space X has always been, as they will always be one stage ahead and I don't know about quantum Physics but this element is along those lines, and I will be looking into this brain expanding concept and gain a better understanding and write about this, I don’t even feel mad, just yet.
This brings me onto Weather Control. This need to control weather is because of everyone having to live in a contained environment to see out the 300-1000 years of lock down. Weather is needed and although it’s developed by the ‘Elites for their Utopias ’  it will be one of the only things that will benefit the Cave men who have burrowed into the depths of Caves ..
Wind is needed - Sandstorms, did you know sand can protect from cosmic rays! It will keep the air moving in the coming volatile climate. Rain of course because water would run out and also to dampen down the radioactive dust in the atmosphere.
Keeping the cycle going, genetic coding and primal instincts, once we die we die, but every cell that is reproduced from us, our parents, children for generation is our real identity and binary code so that’s why it will always be what it will always be, if that makes Sense and whatever we go through is leading us to the next cycle for infinity.
I haven’t got a clue if this is anywhere near how it is, but this makes sense to me, and that is healing in itself. I don’t feel any animosity in my life as it really is all so insignificant in the great circle of life and that’s the only thing that is round. We are all just trying to survive, and everything does happen for a reason ...we may not have been here as physical beings before but us like our muscle memory that lives in cells so does brain and emotional and characteristic genetic memory. I’m quite excited to see if we get to live like outlaws Mad Max style or it’s a big load of bollocks but by the goose bumps that resonated from drawing a conclusion then I’d love to think I have a grasp of the bigger picture.
Please read through my other articles and send any comments or requests on what you would like to read about me via the contact link. 
Be safe, be lucky and blessed… keep it real, we aren’t physically here for a longtime.
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sonicfangamebot · 2 years
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Sonic: Isle Of Magnetic Artifacts' by Neo Team Kyukyoku (Hack) Features Blossom Gardens Zone, the resting area of the isolated, star-god worshipping Kuratranos tribe. https://shc.zone/entries/contest2022/707
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stachebracket · 2 years
rooting mostly for dr neo cortex, steven magnet, kevin ayuso, murro morton, landorus, and mung daal!
probably best to have multiple blorbos to root for in a bracket this big. here's hoping they go far!
oh and speaking of landorus, i'll mention that i decided on using the therian forms for landorus, thundurus, and tornadus so that their staches are a bit more unique from each other's. otherwise it's kinda the same stache three times
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aishavass · 11 months
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segacity · 1 year
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Egypt World 'Super Magnetic Neo' SEGA Dreamcast
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adroit--2022 · 1 year
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maryharrisk5 · 2 years
The research report on ‘global permanent magnets market’, studies the current status and forecast of the market at local as well as global level, and classifies the global permanent magnets market based on market value and volume.
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evonnebaker · 2 years
The global permanent magnet market is rising with rapid growth over the forecast period reaching nearly USD 36.44 billion by 2025
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