#neo dream traveler
my-names-kris · 1 year
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based off that one dialogue in gen'ei ap.
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flapjackoctolover · 1 year
*Sorry, my writing isn’t concise or easy to understand (my thoughts aren’t organized and I almost failed English, even as a native speaker). If you can make out what I’m trying to say, you deserve a paid vacation for how badly this post has fried your brain.*
If other cultures have used lucid dreaming and/or astral projection to speak with Deities or perform other tasks associated with their beliefs, doesn’t that mean that lucid dreaming and astral projection (for similar purposes) would be cultural appropriation as well? I’m asking because I’ve seen people use it (outside of the original cultures) to speak with Deities or perform tasks associated with their beliefs, but nobody has said anything.
I just don’t know if I should say something or if I’m reaching. I understand that people are working with different Deities from the original practice, and maybe they believe they were being original with this, but wouldn’t it still be cultural appropriation?
Sorry for coming here of all places. I just can’t find anything on this.
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hereforthehitsbaby · 25 days
Now Connecting... Cooper Adams/Abbott x F!Reader
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Synopsis: Maybe the mysterious stranger next door isn't as grumpy, or shy as you thought.
Warnings: Smut, Mutual Masturbation, Sex Toys, Language, Angst, Shy/Grumpy Cooper at First,
Rating: M
Author's Note: Hey, what’s that over there? *runs away*
Word Count: 3K
Tagging: @rubyfruitjungle @cherryinterlude @lilly3434 @amethystblackkchaos @rosaleelovesdilfs @babygorewhore @dirtylittlefairytales @redpillbluepill @strangererotica
If you would like to be tagged for my fics, please fill this out
Vacations are suppose to be things of relaxation, not worrying about the mundane day to day. A time where you can let loose and be who you are, without judgement or differences. No one knows you, in fact you're almost like a ghost - here one day and gone the next It's fun, really fun to be that way - seeing people that you'll never see again. There is a rush being so close to strangers you have no idea what they will do, or what they will think - seeing you as a regular walker of life. Maybe the licks of confidence could be from the establishment where you were staying, or it could be from the mysterious people who wandered the halls like zombies. Suits, dresses, cases upon cases travelled up and down those carpeted halls - the echo's of business and pleasure radiating all around. There is no telling in where life will lead you all but, for some reason you are in this exact moment together - experiencing the same ticks and tricks with one another, though you may be rooms apart. Behind those closed doors, no one understands what each other are capable of - no how could they when it is all a mystery in the end? Business may be what brings them but, was it always as cracked up as it seemed? Was it really the type of business that you thought? No, of course not, it never was and it never would be in hindsight. But at the end of the day it was never your business, just move on and go forth with your time.
Getting the down time to take this vacation was the equivalent of pulling teeth. Your employer did not want to do anything in their power to let their best asset go for a period of time, then proceeded to get mad when you did not use your vacation time. It was a shit time all around - no matter what you had done it was like there was no pleasing the higher ups in a way. Not wanting to pay you out at the end of the year but still wanting you to take it - left you more confused and let down most days. Alas everything happens for a reason - right? It is possible to imagine the happiness and smirk on their face when you decided to take some well needed time off - leaving you to the suffices of the mortal realm rather than the hell hole you were about to crawl out of. For once it felt so nice to be free from all constraints of your job and be one with reality, not having to see the numbers or statistics of the bunch haunting your dreams like a demonic entity was enticing, calling your name further and further down in the end. You felt so relieved knowing you could walk away with no strings attached; No bosses weighing you down with out of work problems, or even being on call when jackass Todd wants to call out for another sporting event, (fuck you Todd!) This was your time now, one where you can remain vigilant and carefree; A life you have been destined to have. Your paradise was going to be in the shape of the United States. Specifically, Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia wasn't your top fifteen choices but, if you didn't visit your college roommate then she would've murdered you. Ever since the two of you graduated from your master’s program it was like the tides shifted per say; She had a new swanky job working as a full time pharmacist whilst you were working a 9-5 software job - building and breaking code - essentially being like Neo, but without sentient program agents trying to kill you. All of the excitement she thought this would be for you, she wanted to hear - in typical Marianna fashion after all. You agreed of course, and yet when you did you never anticipated the fact that she could get sick - especially for this day and age. It would be okay though, in hindsight it kind of needed to be per-say.
 The Embassy Suites would be your home for the next few weeks but that would be okay - everything was going to work out - it had to. In the back of your uber you watched as the blue skies molded into beauty with the sheer clouds - light speckles of greys and coal lacing the plush scenery; It would either snow or rain, a perfect lazy day in.
Disembarking from the car you waved your driver off, making sure to check out your ride whilst walking back to the hotel. Between the valet greeting you and the the concierge, you felt important, special in the eyes of strangers, a feeling so foreign to you. Out of the corner as you waltzed to the elevator's you could see the outline of a broad man; Chestnut hair in color, straight and slicked back, his jawline could cut glass. His autumn-colored sweater and mustard yellow jacket was something so basic, yet so enticing; Damn he could pull it off – he could make anything look good. Pads of boots could be heard striking the linoleum right in tandem with yours, causing your heart to race. For a moment you wished it was that mystery man residing at the check in desk with his suitcase - but then again you felt as if you were going to be too shy in the matter. Clicking the up button for the elevator you waited patiently, tucking your arms around your chest as you hum quietly. The footsteps stopped directly beside you, a pale skin form taking the same space up. Pulling your lip into a small smirk you swayed softly to this man's side, tilting your chin up to his tall form; "It's a good color on you," you spoke with sincerity, looking up at his gorgeous hazelnut eyes - wanting to dive into the journey of exploring them. Fuck, the fact that he had these little lines around his eyes when he smiled was so special - pulling you in closer as he flashes his toothy grin, the cutest gap sitting between. Nudging your shoulder with his upper arm, he spoke with conviction; "Thank you. Not as good as that blue though." The mystery man had a wink cascading over his form as the elevator doors open, his eyes once flicking to your exposed cleavage.
Following suit with his steps you pushed yourself into the metallic box after him - pressing yourself against the back corner as one does. Looking up at the numbered buttons you could see every single detail of this man's very large hands, causing you to swallow that pool of lust in your mouth; How would it feel to have his hands wrapped around your throat, or buried deep within you? Shaking those thoughts from your mind, you felt his intense gaze shine upon you - sending a warmth down your spine, noticing he was waiting for your floor number. "Uh, 15 please." You managed to choke out, not realizing how out of break you suddenly sounded. The man laughed as he nodded, clicking only the floor 15 button. "Well, looks like we are neighbors then. I'm Cooper." Holding his hand out for you, instantly you took it with a gentle grasp - shaking his hand up and down like a normal civilian, reciting your name for himself. Dropping it out of your own grasp softly, you giggled as you focused forward again, trying to keep your cool. "It is lovely to meet you, Cooper." Before he could respond, the double doors opened wide to reveal the plethora of rows where the elevators stood. Cream and burgundy colored carpeting stretched right up to the ends of every hallway, the soft material against your feet feeling like utter magic. It was a quickened shift when Cooper exited the elevator, nudging his head for you to follow.
"What room is yours?" It came out so naturally and free-falling, there was no pressure to shoo him away or even be weary of his intentions. Biting the inside of your lip you motioned to the left side of the hall, pointing to the 1500-1530 bracket, which caused Cooper to laugh. "Me too, room 1528." Your heart stopped in that moment, this had to be a fucking coincidence. "1527; Damn good job universe." It was a naturalized laugh that slipped from the mouth of Cooper, not forced or awkward in any way. It was nice to see a genuine human being after so many months of fake people coming through the wood works. The one thing that you did not like about this trek was that it was too short; Cooper and you came to your respected rooms far quicker than you anticipated. This was for certain that you would see him again - there wasn't a day in hell where you were going to let this man slip on by. Sliding your keycard over the tap screen, you sent Cooper a wink and closed the door, hearing his remain closed for a moment. There was a hefty sigh that was accompanied by thick words - ones that shot a spiral of heat into your aching sex; "Nice one Adams, way to ruin it with that cutie," Biting your lip at the phrase you pushed the deadbolt back into place, sighing out as you tossed yourself onto the bed. Staring up at the popcorned ceiling your mind could not help but wander at the thought of your next door neighbor; Those thick fingers so skilled and precise. His dialect so particular and pointed, the sways of his tongue with every syllable he annunciates. The small sweat breaking out on your forehead was enough proof that this man had taken over your mind, body and soul within minutes. The essences leaking from your clothed slit was not aiding in the fantasies.
Rolling over to your undone suitcase, you grabbed out your newest toy you managed to snag through TSA - smiling at how easy it was to conceal. You had always heard amazing things about the Satisfyer but now, getting to test it out, good lord you were excited. The enjoyment was bubbling more due to how this was app controlled - meaning anyone across the world could help make you cum. Turning on the device easily, you waited until the double buzz came to light before watching it connect - seeing the plethora of horny people piling in through your friend request. There was one specific name that caught your eye, one that really made your curious in the whole bunch. CA. The name itself was basic enough but, could it possibly be him? Curiosity piqued your interest when the message bubble came up quick after only a minute of accepting his request. Placing the air pulse hole directly onto your clit - you took deep breaths to calm yourself down, the excitement too much to handle. "Call?" The message read, causing your fingers to shake. With these apps you never really know who is behind the screen so to secure your identity, you hid your camera and mic - only planning to use it when you were so close to coming undone. Hitting that white button up top you waited and waited three rings, wondering if he would actually answer. "So, come here often?" the voice rang out, causing your cunt to become slick. It was YOUR Cooper. The smirk radiating through your mouth was enough to make a grown woman blush - devious in nature. Quickly you forked over the control of your vibe - only for it to be cancelled. It was just then that you were having the invite of mutual control, the equivalent of coming at the same time. Once you hit accept, it was over.
The slow buzzing of the vibration mixed with the soft punches of the air pulse caused your mouth to slightly hang open, accidentally unmuting yourself in the process. A softened whimper slipped through the phone as you upped the vibration a slight bit, hearing a guttural groan coming not from your phone, but next door. "Fuck sweetheart, you're so good. Faster, f-fuck faster please." The raw natured begging had you hitting another wave of arousal in no time at all, moving the device up an inch in the pink and blue - watching the gorgeous gradients melt into one another. It's when you slid your finger up to do so that you got see the camera angle of what he was seeing - his thickened cock slick with his own spit, the flesh light sliding up and down in waves onto his length. His cock was a bit darker than his skin tone but good god, you felt yourself almost coming undone just at that picture alone. "Aw, come on Cooper - be a good boy for me." You had no idea where that came from, something else possessing you in the moment. For a moment Cooper stopped moving the flesh light and flipped the camera to face him - obsidian eyes and a snarl lining the sight as you flicked your own camera on - showing him how your nipples were like rocks against the sheen of your tank top. Quickly you flipped the image to show you soaking wet cunt, dribbling onto the bed as he fucked with the vibrations quickly. "I should've known - Princess. You fucking knew how hard you made me on that elevator."
Something evil glinted in your eye as you focused on his face - how his face pulled up into an orgasmic stance, ready to blow his load. Seeing him so vulnerable and soft for you, it caused your whole body to tense. "Mhm, wish you pressed me against the walls and fucked me. Would've been screaming Cooper all day long." Toying with Cooper like this made you feel so fucking good, it was having the power over a man who was the epitome of sex in shoes that made you feel immaculate. Pressing Cooper’s flesh light up to the highest vibration and air pulse setting, you could see how his balls pulled up against his body - threatening to spill his load within the toy itself. You were not too far behind at this rate - your clit was being beaten like a drum and vibrating beyond belief. The white hot pleasure burned deep within the roots of your veins and you felt like you were going to fly. It took Cooper four good pumps before he was snarling, growling out at you - aiding you in your own release. With a quick few circular movements of your vibe - both of you were screaming in ecstasy. It felt as if a freight train hit the two of you, rocking your cores to the max level they could even ponder. Both of you were tossed from your own bodies, streaks of glistening lights flew around you in circles; Cooper’s cum shot so deep into his toy that it started to seep out around the edges. As for you, it was a quick work of drenching the bedsheets below you - thighs quivering with every passing second that you left the vibrator on your clit.
When the vibrations died down, all that could be heard across both of your rooms was panting - breathless motions as you tried to come back down from your highs. To say you both felt alive was an understatement - an outer body experience of this caliber was needed for two worry warts. Cooper was the first to break the panting silence, gulping down to alleviate the dryness in his throat. "That was...holy shit," Cooper let out with a small laugh, moaning as he straightened his back out against the memory foam mattress. You nodded in agreement due to your lack of being able to speak. The more Cooper exposed his neck and clamped his eyes shut - the more you wanted him, to feel him pulse between your legs, to ravish you for all that you are worth. So, as one does, you coaxed him forward with a proposal. Standing up from your mattress with only a tank top on, you started to glide straight towards the hotel room door, playing around with the deadbolt to catch Cooper’s attention. Like a puppy his head tilted and ears perked up, a sly smirk falling onto the corner of his mouth; "What do you think you're doing?" Cooper stated as he leaned onto his elbows, taking in the lighting against your complexion. Opening your door you quickly ran over to room 1528, knocking on the door with a grin - watching how Cooper scrambled to open the door. Upon arrival, Cooper quickly whisked you away inside - tossing your phone to the floor. Your arms came to wrap around his neck as his came to encircle your waist - not letting you go. "You ready for round two?" With that, you slotted your mouth against Cooper’s letting the door slam from behind you.
It was a fact that you would not be able to walk straight for the next four days, but boy would it be worth it. But what you failed to realize was the bug in your phone, the screensharing mode always active during your app usage. Your flight miraculously did not have anyone on it except you. Meeting Cooper wasn’t a chance, hell he lived in Philadelphia. No, it was calculated – it was meant to be. That’s because Cooper Adams didn’t just meet you – he has been watching you for months; Controlling your narrative of why you wanted to go to Philly. Your friend wasn’t sick, she didn’t even live in Pennsylvania…anymore. She wasn’t even alive at all. Just a pretty face in her camera roll, he knew you were the one for him.
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gx-gameon · 6 months
Yugi raises Jaden.
A retelling of yugioh Gx were Yugi adopted Jaden when he was four and raised him. Includes but not limited to: rivalshipping (Yugi/Seto) and alive Atem
The original idea
Official story!!
Expanding Yugi meeting Jaden
Expanding Yugi adopting Jaden, Seto in the afterlife, Joey finding out.
Rough draft: part 3 Joey meet Jaden and finding out about Seto’s trip to the afterlife
Rough draft: part 4 Yugi’s deck and Jaden’s card
Rough draft: part 5 met Mokuba, Yugi goes after Seto
Rough draft: part 6 finding Kaiba, reuniting with Atem
Poll: how to get Atem back
Rough draft: part 7 adventures in the afterlife
Rough draft: part 8 Joey vs Jaden, beginning rivalshipping
Rough draft: part 9 rivalshipping duel.
Rough draft: part 10 checking in with Joey and Jaden
Rough draft: part 11 Jaden’s dreams
Young Jaden Masterlist
Season 1 Masterlist
Crack idea
Aknamkanon helping out at Duel academy. The idea that Atem’s father and others are helping from the after life
Ask: the idea that started it all
Ask: What if Jaden had a shrine to Aknamkanon and that’s how he helps the kids?
Ask: more about Aknamkanon and the rest of the court helping Jaden
Jaden the King of the Colosseum
Ask: What happens to Tanya Colosseum after Jaden wins it via combat
Ask: Passing on the title of the King of the Colosseum
Ask: BBT the three Kings: Games, Colosseum, and Satellite
Ask: More about the king of the colosseum
Season 2
Ask: Season 2 Aster vs Jaden and the return of the Neo-spacians
Season 2’s trip to Domino City
Ask: what about the Ra duel?
Ask: more about the trip to Domino
Ask: Jaden’s rematch with Aster and the new elemental hero support
Ask: Jaden dueling Aster with Kuribohs only
Season 3
Ask: where is Jesse from?
Ask: What about Spiritshipping
Ask: DM crew’s reactions to Jesse
Ask: what happens when the DM crew arrives to find a missing academy?
Ask: what happens once Jaden and the school returns?
Ask: what about the dark world?
Suggested Dark world ideas
Ask: what about blending some of the dark world ideas together?
Ask: how does the DM cast react to finding out about the Supreme King (either in the Dark world or after the fact)
Ask: how does the DM cast respond to Jaden fusing with Yubel
Season 4
Ask: how are you going to do Jaden vs Yugi at the end of season 4
Ask: will Jaden and Yugi duel at the end of season 4
Post season 4
Ask: when it’s time to fire people how do the Kaiba bros do it?
Ask: Who’s getting fired at duel academy
Ask: Time to overhaul the school. Who’s staying?
Ask: How crowler finds out about Jaden being the Prince of Games
Zigfried’s return.
Ask: who else besides Jesse knows about Jaden’s family
Ask: when does the Gx cast find out about Jaden’s family?
Ask: when the Gx cast knows do they tease Jaden
Post cannon tournament arc
Ask: how does Chazz find out (start of the arc idea)
Ask: Chazz becoming part of the Muto family/the main plot of the arc
Ask: Seto being over protective of Jaden feat. Spiritshipping
Spiritshipping traveling together and finding new spirits (the Gem Knights)
Ask: Thoughts on Crystal protector and Crystal master
Ask: more about Jesse and the Crystal Protrctor
Ask: what would Seto do if Yugi or Jaden were ever Kidnapped.
Ask: how does Jaden respond to Yugi getting hurt?
Ask: Yugi or Seto getting hurt and Jaden calling for them
Bonds beyond time
Ask: What about bonds beyond time?
Ask: spiritshipping does Jesse join Jaden on his travels and what is his role in BBT
Jaden in Yugioh 5Ds
After the bonds beyond time movie Jaden and Yusei return to the future. Yusei’s future. Jaden is stuck there and while looking for a way home bonds with the 5Ds crew. But all is not well when the Arcadia Movement finds him.
The original idea
Ask: what effects does Jaden traveling to the future have on the world/how does Jaden react to Reverse Zero/Satellite/Dark Signers
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theresattrpgforthat · 5 months
Hello! I’m sorry if you’ve answered this already, but do you have any recs (or anything you want to say for fun) about games with multiple GMs?
Theme: Multiple GMs
Hello friend, I may have recommended games similar to this but I don't know if I've actually fulfilled this prompt before! I'll do my best to show you some interesting games, and you can check out previous posts at the bottom in case there's something there that fits your tastes more.
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Questlandia: Second Edition, by Turtlebun.
In Questlandia, you and your friends will invent a world from scratch. It might be fantastic or bizarre, from a remembered past or imagined future.You’ll paint a picture of your society and its people, their laws and customs, how they live and how they dream.
But your society is failing. As you play, your characters will attempt to find beauty and purpose amidst the chaos of a changing world.
Questlandia is a tabletop roleplaying game that creates fantastical worlds in states of change. It may be medieval fantasy in a ghost-haunted kingdom, neo-noir in a roboticized undercity, or microscopic slipstream suburbia in a puddle. The possible settings are boundless, but will always come from the interests of those at the table. Bring in real-world themes that intrigue you, references that inspire you, worldbuilding that follows your curiosity.
Questlandia uses dice and cards to help you create a society, as well as your character’s role in that society. I think this is a good example of a game where every person is a character, but every player is also a GM. You’ll roll against each-other to determine whether or not your society will be able to overcome their troubles. Overall, I think Questlandia is great for telling a story that spans a number of factions or nations.
Pantheon, by harpoon_gun.
4-6 GMs, who are distant Gods with their own desires and needs, and up to 3 players, champions of the Gods who are being forced to do their chores. Take turns toying with the champions, screwing over the other Gods, and building relationships of both the positive and negative variety. 
All I know about this game is what I can divine from the description, but I would hazard a guess that much of this gameplay is going to feel a little bit like PvP. The gods that your GMs are embodying will have conflicting goals and desires, so expect to run into a lot of backbiting and backstabbing. The game itself was designed for the Bad TTRPGS Jam, which encouraged designers to fuck around with rules and see where it got them. So no guarantees for a balanced game here - but maybe an interesting experiment!
Fool’s Errand, by Myles Wirth.
You are a group of questants, pledged to a seemingly-impossible task. You must set out alone into the world, each following your own path by which the quest might be fulfilled. They will be long and difficult journeys, with no guarantee of success.
Inspired by legends and travelogues, Fool's Errand is a single-page tabletop game about perseverance in the face of uncertainty and the joy of worldbuilding together. It is prepless, gm-less, setting-agnostic, and can be played on its own or as a setup or interlude for another game. Rather than flattening Player-GM distinctions entirely, it inverts the traditional balance of a ttrpg table; players take turns as "seekers", individual characters traversing the world in search of an impossible goal, while the rest of the table forms the "Chorus", building and refining the world around the seeker as they explore it.
Fools’ Errand asks you to make some travellers and give them a quest that they cannot achieve. The game occurs over a series of turns; on your turn you’ll control your Seeker and declare what you want to do. The rest of the table becomes the Chorus, and build the Location that Seeker is in. The Seeker may then attempt to convince the Chorus that the way in which they will attempt to solve the problem is something they would be good at; and then rolls 3d6. Your result may grant you a Boon or a Burden, which may draw you closer to or pull you farther from your character’s goal. Your characters also have a Resolve pool, which will diminish over the course of play.
I think success is still technically possible in this game, but it’s highly unlikely. What is more likely is that characters will slowly give up on their quest, and join the Chorus in telling the story of who remains.
Bleak Spirit, by potatocubed.
Bleak Spirit is a storytelling game where you and your friends create a brooding, cryptic tale about a stranger in a strange land. Everything is falling apart, crumbling, corrupted, and the wanderer carries the potential for a return to past glories – or the power to sweep away all that remains.
Everyone contributes to the tale, sharing the sense of mystery that comes from no-one knowing the entire truth of what's going on. Everyone takes turns being the world for a scene, introducing lore which hints at the history of the setting. After every scene everyone leaps to conclusions based on the lore which has been revealed – and these conclusions affect the sorts of lore they will introduce when it's their turn to be the world.
Bleak Spirit is meant to replicate the narrative beats of Dark Souls, Hollow Knight, and Bloodborne. It gives everyone at the table a chance to play the Wanderer, a chance to play the World - and a chance to sit as part of the Chorus. The game is very structured, which I think helps the table keep on track, since everyone is going to have a chance to contribute to the story. The Wanderer dictates the character’s actions, but never their internal thought or feelings. The World creates Areas and Locations that the Wanderer will visit. The Chorus will introduce themes, descriptions, and motifs that are meant to make the world full of grandeur, mystique and decay.
This is a game that you might be interested if you like melancholic tones, large gaps in historical knowledge, and collaborative world building. The creator has also created a Cat version of this game, called Cat Spirit!
Two Weeks One Summer, by Rick Cockram.
In Two Weeks One Summer the players take the role of a family visiting a rambling old house in the woods during a summer holiday. The game focusses on the activities of the children of the family as they explore the house, it's grounds and the surrounding woodland. It is a game about finding things to do, creating your own excitement and exploring an unfamiliar environment.
This game divides the participants into two roles: the Children and the Grown-Ups. Over the course of the game, each of these roles will contribute different things to the description of the house, and the events that happen as you stay here. I think this works well for a slice-of life game, but it also might be an interesting source of inspiration for telling stories that are more dramatic or fantastical.
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choco-pudding · 6 months
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Space Channel 5 Part 2: Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book p. 190-199 (Translation by @lavoszero and myself. Edits and typesetting by myself)
Second part of the character profiles.
Imgur link to all of the Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book translations we’ve done thus far.
Plain text below
p. 190
022: Heart Woman Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge A Profile: She’s a master of disguise, capable of fitting into any setting, through her training at the private investigation company “Superior Secret Agents." She’s ridiculously proficient at information gathering, even government agencies request her by name for investigations behind the scenes. Always calm and composed. Note, Item: One of two people involved in receiving the Ear of Corn item.
023: Nice Middle Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Space Art Dealer. He cares not of a piece’s authenticity so long as it’s beautiful. He’s formerly the curator of a famous museum, but he recently went independent. Rather than setting up a specific gallery, he’s constantly traveling the galaxy with just a single bag. It works far better in theory than in practice. Note, Secret Input: Information for a secret input in Report 1 (see 111).
024: Neo Space Astronaut 1 Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Inside the airtight spacesuit is a tall, kind father who lives with his wife and three children. He works at the post office in the Central Sector. Adores ninjitsu; on his days off, he indulges in reading books related to it, and sometimes he even practices it with his family. He’s living the dream. Note, Item: One of four people involved in receiving the Lantern item.
Sweet! 187
p. 191
025: Neo Space Astronaut 2 Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Wife of Neo-Japan Astronaut 1. Knowledgeable about Space Naginata blades, Space Rakugo comedy, and Traditional Space Dancing. She always moves with a steady form, making it difficult for others to find any openings. She’s also an established sculptor. Note, Item: One of four people involved in receiving the Lantern item.
026: Neo Space Astronaut 3 Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Child of Neo Space Astronaut 1 and 2. He's the eldest of the three siblings. Has a striking resemblance to his mother. He's strong, which is hard to imagine considering his kind nature, demeanor, and body type. Joins in Judo Club and invented the "Full-Moon Galactic Throw." Note, Item: One of four people involved in receiving the Lantern item.
027: Neo Space Astronaut 4 Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Child of Neo Japan Space Astronaut 1 and 2. The middle child of the three siblings. Really a stay at home kind of guy. He's kind of a loner, with a devotion to surprising anyone who passes him by as a daily goal. For some reason, he's currently obsessed about making karakuri puppets. Note, Item: One of four people involved in receiving the Lantern item.
Sweet! 186
p. 192
028: Neo Space Astronaut 5 Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Child of Neo Space Astronaut 1 and 2. Youngest of the three brothers and the calmest one in the family. Sometimes, everyone's strange behavior is to difficult for him to understand. Likes collecting lanterns. Notes, Item Received: After clearing Report 1, if you check his profile, then profiles 027, 026, 025, and 024—in that order—then speak to Neo Space Astronaut 5 again, he will give you the Lantern item.
029: Big Momma Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: A famous culinary heavyweight known across the galaxy. Best consultant in the biz; offers her advice on a variety of topics ranging like raw ingredient procurement, menu development, restaurant designs, to even management policies. She's always on the lookout for that undiscovered dish. And when she has the time, she's hunting down undiscovered places. Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 if no mistakes are made.
030: Afro Dude Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: A chair designer. He's a man that uses new plastic materials to create series of colorful and playful works of art. His most famous work is the "Leaf Fall Sofa." He's also responsible for the mass-produced product. About 250,000 sets have been distributed throughout the galaxy. Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 if no mistakes are made.
Sweet! 187
p. 193
031: Chef (green) Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge A Profile: He's the winner of the 255th Space Cooking Battle, in which 684,200 contestants participated in. He specializes in dishes using space konnyaku. Now, he's putting his ever-changing cooking skills to the test in order to satisfy his customers. He's a fanatic of high-tech cooking utensils. Note, Item Received: Appears in World 2, Report 1. Gives you the ​​King of Frypans item if you check his profile after rescuing him.
032: Cook (aqua) Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: A cook who uses the "Legendary Egg Beater," a whisk made from an unknown mineral excavated from ancient ruins. His whipping skills with the whisk is nothing short of amazing! The whole process is mesmerizing, even though it's impossible to see with the naked eye. He has a remarkable fascination with vanilla beans. Note, Item Received: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 if no mistakes are made. Gives you the ​​Legendary Egg Beater item if you check his profile after rescuing him.
033: Chef (yellow) Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: He's a strong man who's capable of using the "Super Ladle," which has a sturdiness of 8.3 billion dice, and is said to be one of only three in the galaxy. He's searching for a pot with the same sturdiness of the ladle, dreaming of the moment he'll become a cooking king. He's well studied and knows how to use over 640,000 kinds of spices, so his cooking is always exciting. Note, Item Received: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 if no mistakes are made. Gives you the ​Super Ladle item if you check his profile after rescuing him.
Sweet! 188
p. 194
034: Bartender Girl Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge A Profile: A professional bartender who works in the lounge of the Space Symphony ship. Always chooses the right drink to fit the customer’s tastes and lend those in woe an ear—mostly to satiate her own curiosity. She uses her exclusive insight gathered on the clock in her columns for a space women’s magazine. Note: Appears in World 2, Report 1.
035: Boozer Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: A waiter on the Space Symphony. Though this 57 year old boasts the ability to carry 36 beer mugs simultaneously, there aren’t too many opportunities to show such skills, much to his dismay. Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 if no mistakes are made.
036: Space Music Primary Schooler 1 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: An enigmatic boy, who cries out "X, X, X!!!!!!!" He’s an expert at imitating various instruments with his voice. When you save him, he hums a special melody! Note, Secret Input: Information for a secret input in Report 2 (see page 112).
[[translator's note: Bartender Girl's note and profile contain an error, stating she appear in Space Symphony · Lounge B rather than A]]
Sweet! 189
p. 195
037: Space Music Primary Schooler 2 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: A primary schooler with the skill to imitate instruments with her voice. She’s so skilled you’d swear you’re hearing a real instrument. When you save her she hums a special recorder melody! Note:
038: Space Music Primary Schooler 3 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: A rather proud primary schooler who’s a whiz at imitating instruments with his voice. He never preforms at a place unless he's completely prepared; it has to be the right place and the right time. When you save him, you’ll hear a special accordion melody. Note:
039: Space Music Primary Schooler 4 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: A real showgirl of a primary school kid who does drum imitations with her voice that are powerful enough to move the spirit. She's serious about hoping to heal people with her art. When you save her, she begins to hum a drum melody. Determined to get into a middle school specializing in music. Note:
Sweet! 190
p. 196
040: Glockenspiel Primary Schooler Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: Former child prodigy keyboardist. She was so famous that she was asked to appear on a special music program at Channel 5. But one day she was suddenly inspired by the soothing sounds of the glockenspiel. She's presently mastering the finer points of the 'spiel at an extraordinary speed. Note, Item: First person involved in receiving the Lollipop item. She will hand you a piece after clearing Report 2.
041: Recorder Primary Schooler Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: This primary schooler had a snake-charmer as a teacher. He learned and expanded upon the entrancing power of the recorder beyond snakes to control any small-sized creatures. He enjoys collecting ammonite fossils, but far from his hobby. Note, Item: Second person involved in receiving the Lollipop item. He will hand you a piece after clearing Report 2.
042: Accordion Primary Schooler Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: A gentle flower-loving accordion girl. She believes that the music of the accordion nourishes the plants, helping their leaves, roots, and stems grow healthily. Her dream is to become a Space Reporter; she’s even started training in secret! Note, Item: Third person involved in receiving the Lollipop item. She will hand you a piece after clearing Report 2.
Perfect! 191
Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Toyota Toyota Toyota
p. 197
043: Drum Primary Schooler Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: Drum it up! A young student who went head-over-heels for the entrancing sounds of ancient drums. Once he gets hold of a pair of drum-sticks, you’ll be guaranteed at least a six-hour smashfest. He drums away while en route to school, making him quite the lil’ celebrity in the shopping district he passes. He can even play while doing a flip! His playing always rakes in the tips. Note, Item Received: Fourth person involved in receiving the Lollipop item. He will hand you a piece after clearing Report 2. After getting all four pieces, you will receive the Lollipop item.
044: Mr. Nervous Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower B Profile: A nervous man known for his knee-knocking. He came to Space Park to supervise the students competing in the Space Music Festival. He got into a big mess with a man-eating plant, but Ulala saved him from melting into plant food just in time. He's quite fond of small retro game consoles. He sometimes trades games with students. Note, Secret Input: Information for a secret input in Report 2 (see page 112).
045: Class President Nervous Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower B Profile: The fashion-conscious primary school class president. He puts a tremendous amount of effort into his hair, spending unreasonably long hours in front of the mirror each morning. Not so great at skipping, apparently his right hand and leg always raise in tandem. Note, Secret Input: Gives you the Folding Fan item if you check his profile after clearing Report 2.
Perfect! 192
Toyota toyota toyota toyota toyota toyota toyota
p. 198
046: Space Bird Mistress Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: An ageless beauty with a lovely singing voice that has the power to control all types of birds. Due to the heavy weight (58 kg) of the remote-controlled Power Wings attached to her back, she always suffers from back pain. Note, Item: One of two people needed to obtain the Ice Cream Cone item.
047: Birdman 1 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: The first of the Birdmen, guys who are weird about weird birds. He uses all five of his senses—taste included—to show his love for any and all birds. Their high tech binoculars can spot Magellanic Clouds (available at Galaxy Gifts and Gadgets). Note:
048: Birdman 2 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: The second of the Birdmen, who are mad for birds like you’re mad for this game. With the help of his myriad of bird friends, he sometimes takes on the offenders of nature in battle. He can travel about eight kilometers in less than 40 seconds by jumping from vine to vine, not once touching the ground. Note, Secret Input: Information for a secret input in Report 2 (see 112).
Perfect! 193
Toyota toyota toyota toyota toyota right left
p. 199
049: Birdman 3 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: The third of the up for it bird-lovers, whose binoculars hide his guise from morning to night. He even walks with them on, leading to embarrassing—and frequent—falls into ditches and ponds. Kookaw! Kookaw! Note:
050: Birdman 4 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: The fourth of the cuckoo bird lovers. Actually, a girl. She’s so infatuated with birds that she speaks to them in her sleep, “Birdy, birdy, where are you?" By the by, she dresses like a boy for her own reasons and anyone who tries to reveal her secret will be taken away by men in black… Note, Item: One of two people needed to obtain the Ice Cream Cone item.
051: Birdman 5 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: The fifth of the legendary bird fiends. Studied with inhuman intensity to take the arduous Birdman Exam. After passing with flying colors, he became the latest addition to the Birdmen. Note:
Perfect! 194
Right left right left right left right left right left right left toyota toyota toyota
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jeweledstone · 2 months
The Labyrinth-verse aka In which my Peppino plush goes through a several dream long character arc that has a lotta bizarre and kinda disturbing implications
Okay, for context, here’s a pic of the boi, he exists, I bought him off of Fangamer a few whiles back, look at him.
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He didn’t have the ribbon on his hat during the events of these dreams tho, that’s a more recent edition.
Now onto the dreams and stuff.
This…”series” takes place over 4 or 5 different dreams and takes place in a universe I’ve come to call “The Labyrinthverse”, named after a backrooms like area that was in said verse called The Labyrinth. There were many entrances to The Labyrinth hidden in multiple locations around that specific part of the universe I was in, the first of which was found in a fancy restaurant I went to with my dad in the first dream (which was the only Labyrinth dream that didn’t have Pep in it, mostly cause I didn’t have him yet at that time.)
The Labyrinth itself was made up of many levels full of these zombie-like people who would try to attack you if they found you, with said zombies becoming more dangerous the deeper in you got. Luckily, you could also find various weapons and resources in The Labyrinth that could help you survive, and maybe even escape.
For some reason a lotta people in that verse would actively seek out the entrances to it for reasons I still am not sure of. Maybe they believe some sort of treasure or reward laid in its depths, or perhaps they just did it for the thrill of it all.
Anyway, going back to the plot summary bullshit. A few months or something after this first dream when my Peppino plush was still new to my plushie hoard (as well as the whole traveling with me to other universes via my dreams thing, which he was at first a little reluctant towards but soon warmed up to). This was when I found another entrance to The Labyrinth inside a dying mall. I remember Pep being extremely anxious about being in The Labyrinth and wanting to leave as soon as possible. I remember there were these unreasonably complex puzzles that were blocking our only way out and having to use my reality warping powers to solve them. (Would’ve taken hours to finish them the “vanilla” way and ain’t nobody got time for that)
It was around then when we encountered these two women who turned out to be the kinda-sorta “final bosses” of the Labyrinth who basically controlled the entire place. I guess something about me “solving” the puzzle so quickly got there attention, cause usually you can only find the controllers at the very depths of the Labyrinth, which looks like a combination of a theatre and Hell itself.
And to make a long story short, this ritual of sorts ended up happening that created these fucked up clones of me and my Peppino plush called Bent!Neo and Bent!Peppino who ended up becoming the new “rulers” of The Labyrinth.
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Idk why or what my reasoning it was for it, but for the rest of the Labyrinth Arc my goal was basically to find my way back to the very bottom of the Labyrinth and kill Bent!Neo. I think it was cause I thought doing that would destroy the Labyrinth, thus freeing anyone trapped in it but I’m not quite sure.
I remember that a few dreams later in the series, my Peppino plush’s soul ended up getting “stuck” inside the Labyrinthverse and I ended up having to go back to sleep to retrieve him. During this dream, Bent!Peppino started helping me behind Bent!Neo’s back, telling me where my Pepp was and helping me find him so he could “go home” so to speak. The reason for this was because while the Bent versions of us were in control of the Labyrinth, Bent!Pepp began to remember things.
Things that definitely weren’t from the Pizza Tower verse.
Things… from a past life in the verse The Labyrinth is in.
Turns out that (according to the dreams I had) before my Peppino plush existed, his… soul? Consciousness? Existed as the spirit of this guy who lived in the Labyrinthverse and ended up dying and eventually “possessing” the plush, thus giving Pepp sentience. Apparently the reason Bent!Pepp was able to learn this before the regular Pepp did was because his former self’s SON, named Benny ended up in the Labyrinth, where I guess they somehow crossed paths, thus causing him to remember his past life.
Bent!Peppino insisted on helping me defeat Bent!Neo as long as I promised to help my Peppino remember who he used to be and also make sure Benny would make it out of the Labyrinth alive.
It all reached a climax when I ended up teaming up with Benny and basically defeating Bent!Neo once and for all. Because of this, the Labyrinth was put into a dormant state of sorts, regular Peppino finally remembers his past life, and blah blah blah happy ending, you get it. For some reason, even though Bent!Neo and the Labyrinth were gone, Bent!Peppino was still around, and ended up deciding to stay in that verse with his kid.
For a while, that seemed to be the end of The Labyrinth arc and my journeys in it, until a more recent dream where I ended up back in that verse. Turned out, Bent!Neo wasn’t completely destroyed in that final battle, but instead was now left as an unstable blob of sorts, hellbent on getting their revenge against me. Luckily for me, I haven’t seen anything of him or that verse since then, so I guess that’s all she wrote so to speak.
But yeah, that’s all I have to say. I procrastinated on finishing the draft of this post WAY TOO HARD so it’s now been months since this arc of my dreams has ended. Hopefully y’all still enjoyed it nonetheless! :)
I have a bit more dream lore stuff to catch y’all up on, so be sure to stay tuned for more of this in the future if you enjoyed this little rambling
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midnightsilverchelly · 3 months
Going toss my Cookie Run OC if they were in the beast ancients au created by cuppajj
Angel Cake Cookie - Deceased ('Saved' by Saint Vanilla Cookie)
Angel Cake Cookie left the Creme Republic to help Saint Vanilla with his mission to save the whole cookiekind and free everyone from their sin. She went to a village to plant flowers and simply waited for the beast to arrive. ... Once the beast did arrive; she stood under the tree and watch everything unfold then approached the beast; asking to be free from her sin as well which Saint Vanilla agreed.
Cinnamon Coffee Cookie - Alive (Outside of Dark Cacao Kingdom's border.)
With the Dark Cacao Kingdom becoming more dangerous; Cinnamon Coffee made the decision to move their group to a different location in hopes they don't get caught in any conflict. They have become more hostile and will attack anyone whom they deem as a threat regardless if they poor or a child; not wanting to take any risk because of the beasts.
Têtu Têtu Cookie + their mirror - Alive (Traveling around.)
Têtu Têtu Cookie is currently traveling around Crispa, looking for safety, whilst trying to avoid all the beasts especially after a encounter with Saint Vanilla which lead to the death of her greatest enemy; Carac Cookie. They are thinking of either heading to Parfaedia or Creme Republic. (Although they would also be happy to join the old beasts, mainly Shadow Milk Cookie if it meant getting knowledge out of it due to them craving knowledge.)
Carac Cookie - Deceased ('Saved' by Saint Vanilla Cookie)
Carac was fighting Têtu Têtu Cookie (trying to purge them) when Saint Vanilla appeared before both of them as they were both fighting in a field which had his flowers. Realizing the danger; the pair split up and ran into different direction although unlike Têtu Têtu who manage to get away from Saint Vanilla; Carac ended up being caught by Saint Vanilla which lead to her death.
Betta Fish Cookie - Alive (Currently in Creme Republic.)
Betta Fish Cookie is currently in Creme Republic and doing anything he can help to help the Creme Republic. He no longer travels around the world to seek thrill and danger due to the threats roaming across the land. He has change his act all together, as he is determined to make everything right as in the past; he didn't care for his own life and used to not take everything seriously.
Mistletoe Cookie - Alive (Serving Dragonberry Cookie)
Mistletoe Cookie serves in Dragonberry's army as a Archer. She will follow any order provided by the Beast and will eliminate any threat to the kingdom regardless how dangerous it is. She doesn't care what other cookies think; all that matter is serving Dragonberry Cookie and fulfilling her will out even if it leads to her death in the end.
Cranberry Milkshake Cookie - Deceased (Became trapped in his nightmares.)
The odd one out due to his circumstances; Cranberry Milk Cookie messed with dark magic before the rise of the Neo Beasts which came at a price as the magic was slowly consuming his dreams; leading him to scarlet path which he knew if he followed would trap him forever. However when the Neo Beasts rose up and Earthbread became dangerous; the stress of everything got to Cranberry Milk Cookie which resulted in the mage to finally follow the path despite knowing it would lead to his death. As he didn't want to die at the hand of any of the Beasts or any other cookies.
Raspberry Lemon Cookie - Unknown (Last spotted in Hollyberry Kingdom)
Unknown what has happened to her; last spotted in the Hollyberry Kingdom. It's believe that she left the kingdom and trying to reach Parfaedia or the Creme Republic for safety.
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xyoonx · 6 months
Everburning ♡
List of traits: Eden Ayn
If you have any other suggestions, or things to add, please mention in the notes or comments.
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The Chief of the elite NEOS team in Eden named The Order.
He has the power to conjure fire.
However, there's a price to pay for his skill: he gets a burn every time he tries to light up a fire.
He keeps a stoic and calm exterior. But, despite his cold impression, he is rather sweet and innocent.
Once, before a battle, MC and Ayn were having a chat when they eavesdropped on a couple of mercenaries making out. Ayn was confused as he never experienced such a thing before, while MC went ballistic and teased him about it.
Made a contract with MC; that every pain they feel shall be mutually perceived.
Melted O'Connor's gun when he tried to assassinate Ayn from the back.
Kept a Toy Piano for emotional support.
He found the toy piano at a store, inside a broken display after robbers had done raiding the area.
Learnt music via books and such.
He once encountered a dying traveller in the desert; Ayn played his music to the dying man, and received compliments from him afterwards. Before dying, the man told Ayn to take away his belongings: which contained three books about music and composing. [I find it funny how a traveller going through a dangerous desert only kept books about music with him lol.]
He grew up in the black market.
He was caged up; while other children cried and wailed, Ayn was unusually quiet – it was hard to deduce whether he was alive or dead.
Best trapper of that black market manager.
It dawned upon Ayn that the manager of the black market trapped children, let them die, and then collected their gemstones. Ayn, the strongest one of them, had tried to escape the desert with one of his peers, who then died in the desert, and Ayn had to bring their gemstone to the manager again. Thus, starting to understand the cruel ways of the world, and tainting his mind.
Suicidal tendencies.
He tried to push himself against his limits during a mission in the desert.
He also attempted to jump off a building, turning into a damn Molotov and wreaking havoc on the ground full of The Fallen below, turning Eden in a purgatory for the night.
Bookworm of Philosophical shit like God of Fire.
He often experiences dreams of his past when he had to take the lives of many. He also mentions how his name has become synonymous with "Death".
Planted bird of paradise saplings at the gates of Eden as a tribute to his fallen comrades.
Bird of Paradise flowers symbolise freedom, paradise, excitement and faithfulness <3.
He is well-respected among his companions. When he was about to die in the desert, the mercenaries had to go through a ritual to save their Chief from a terrible death.
Has his dinner served with sweet wine.
He preferred to drink Warrior's Spirit, a drink made by the bartender of the Meeting Place, but then changed to sweet wine after the little painter had introduced him to it.
Ayn and his team was the first to venture out in the desert to find its end.
The border was turned into a port afterwards to connect Eden to the rest of the world.
He wrote letters to the little painter while being away in the desert. At first, his letters barely crossed half a page as he kept them concise.
Terrible at showing his emotions. MC had to give him "Language Training" to make him convey his emotions better.
He then got a bit better at it lol.
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sonic-fankid-showdown · 5 months
Poll 27, Round 1.
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About Pacífica: (by @saku0115) Pacifica the cat is a 15 years old teenager, she grew up in a safe city being raised only by her mother, she only hears from her father through the letters he regularly sends her at home, even though she has never physically met her father and he lost the genetic lottery, she is the spitting image of him in both good and bad ways. she dreams of going around the world like her father does, but she doesn't because she loves her mother too much to leave her alone and she knows that she doesn't want him to become her father, although she doesn't know why. She has the ability to change shapes at will and practices magic. with these two abilities she occasionally goes on adventures pretending to be someone else, clearly nothing bad could happen.
About Midnight: (by @kristhesheep) Neo supposedly created Midnight to be a powerful and worthy successor, despite caring for them like one would a normal child. Shadow, truthfully, wasn't an active party in their creation. Midnight is a very formidable foe, between the Chaos manipulation abilities from Shadow's biodata and the technology copied from Neo's own body, including the shape shifting. Midnight is known to be surprisingly polite despite their intense stare. They rarely start fights, though they'll finish them quickly when provoked. They're very protective of those they're close to and very curious. Neo sometimes brought them stargazing when they were very new, so they have a nostalgic appreciation for astronomy. When they get more independence, they eventually become a habitual traveler. They always stay close with their extended family, though. They rarely talk to strangers, having a quiet and distant nature, but they will sometimes watch people from afar, also being very curious. So the general populace thinks of them like a cryptid.
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my-names-kris · 1 year
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どうして君はそこに居るの / Why are you there?
夜明けが来るよ / Daybreak will come
本当に何にも僕のことを知らない / You really don’t know anything about me
ずっと遠い君に話してる / I am talking to you, who are far, far away
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highpriestessaset · 11 months
Pick an image: allow your intuition to guide you in your selection.
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NEO 🕶️
Patient, sees the bigger picture or different perspectives, inquisitive, hard-working, looks to long term goals or delayed gratification, adaptable
[How to use:]
These skills help you to see eye to eye with other individuals and species. I see someone who is caring and eager to understand how another maneuvers throughout their life. Where many would be fearful or judgmental, instead, you are curious.
You may be interested in marine biology, veterinary duties, care giving, or anything that allows you to study, interact, care for, or capture the beauty of life- whether it be plants, animals, humans, etc.
It seems like a dream you may have is put on hold due to financial concerns. It feels that a fixed mindset may be at the root of the issue. The message for you says that utilizing a growth mindset will bring you a lot closer to achievement.
(Click here for resource.)
Leader, has a good sense of direction, bold, initiative, innovative, independent, free-spirited, energetic, playful/fun, light-hearted, innocent
[How to use:]
These skills help you to travel or maneuver around situations that may be difficult. It seems like you have your own level of inner peace you are able to maintain by knowing when and how to go at things alone.
You are fully capable of capturing some sort of entrepreneurship or self employment opportunities. There may be some confusion amongst yourself or from outside voices with opinions about what you should do.
The message for you is to release the expectations of others and any you have placed on yourself that limit your options. This may look like going along with a loved one’s vision for you that you may not be passionate about. Whatever those expectations are, in releasing them, you give yourself permission to take a risk on your own idea that can make YOU happy and provide financial security.
Let go of the fear of failure, let go of the “what will they think”, let go of the thoughts that keep you from making any moves at all. Life is a journey of discovery- discovering what we like or don’t like. Even when we discover things we don’t like, that is information that brings us closer to knowing ourselves. Use your superpower of maintaining your inner peace to step away from negativity and simply discover yourself.
Intuitive, intelligent, thoughtful, truth seeking, assertive, advocate, wise, private or reflective (introverted), health conscious
[How to use:]
I see someone fit to be some sort of an educator, speaker, writer, influencer or advocate for a cause. The Star card shows me that you are passionate about freedom and peace.
Someone specific here may be interested in justice/law by advocating for people wrongly incarcerated.
Another specific person here may be interested in advocating for body acceptance and/or health related topics. Sharing your story can be powerful.
The truth speaks for itself. When you communicate, it is important to remove the ego. We can speak on what is true for us but, we cannot force anyone to believe anything. If what you say resonates with another, they will be interested in hearing more from you.
The message here says it is important to remove the ego because at times, it makes it hard for others to listen. Your messages may be powerful but they can only impact those who hear AND receive them. Let go of the need for others to hear and receive your messages WHEN and HOW you want them to. Remember, the truth speaks for itself.
*Readings are for entertainment purposes only.*
-// Blessings 🌺
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The Contestants!
Names below:
1: Link - The Legend of Zelda
2: Chell - Portal
3: Red - Pokemon
4: Sunny - OMORI
5: Gordon Freeman - Half Life
6: Stanley - The Stanley Parable
7: Steve - Minecraft
8: Madotsuki - Yume Nikki
9: The Knight - Hollow Knight
10: Kris - Deltarune
11: Frisk - Undertale
12: Ferb - Phineas and Ferb
13: Kirby.
14: The Chosen One - Animator vs Animation
15: Byleth - Fire Emblem
16: V1 - Ultrakill
17: Ness - Earthbound
18: Six - Little Nightmares
19: Joker - Persona 5
20: Hearthstone - Magnus Chase
21: Simon Belmont - Castlevania
22: Perry the Platypus - Phineas and Ferb
23: Cassandra Cain - DC Comics
24: General Amara - The Dragon Prince
25: Flower Kid - Smile For Me
26: Teardrop - Battle for Dream Island
27: Nicolas Brown - Gangsta.
28: Beatrix LeBeau - Slime Rancher
29: Quote - Cave Story
30: The Traveler - Genshin Impact
31: The Journalist - Bugsnax
32: Agent 8 - Splatoon
33: Classic Sonic the Hedgehog
34 Neo - RWBY
35: Totoro - My Neighbour Totoro
37: Inumaki Toge - Jujutsu Kaisen
38: Chewbacca - Star Wars
39: Mono - Little Nightmares
40: Eve - WALL-E
41: Cat - Stray
42: Shoko Nishimiya - A Silent Voice
43: The Janitor - Willy’s Wonderland
44: Doomguy - DOOM
45: Mono - Castle Swimmer
46: Charon - Hades
47: Boyfriend - Friday Night Funkin’
48: Moth - Sky: Children of the Light
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moonsidesong · 6 months
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realized i didn't have any splatoon cds and went AH!!!! I NEED FUNNY SPLATOON MUSIC!!!! and now we're here. also ft neo dream traveler who hitched a ride because i also wanted that album
(splatoon 1's album is the squid sisters cause it has alternative sleeve art you can use! the others opt for a booklet of the other art instead)
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mymoodwriting · 1 year
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6.7k, yandere, sci-fi, inter dimensional travel, time travel, manipulation, drugs, sedatives, restraints, nausea (@starillusion13) (@peanutpinet)
(Prev//First Part)
“Where do we start?”
The problem with following a schematic for a cross dimensional travel device was that it didn’t come with a manual. It appeared to be functioning properly, and looked similar to what they had all seen before, but they had no way of knowing how to actually use it.
“Jungwoo, you take it.” Jaehyun suggested.
“What? Why me?”
“You were the one who originally built this in secret, and actually knew how to use it.”
“That wasn’t me!”
“But maybe the memories are still there.” Doyoung said. “You should at least try.”
“Everything about that is hazy, like a dream.”
Jungwoo picked up the two bracelets they had made. They looked like the transporters they had come across before, but that was as far as their knowledge went. The only information from the schematics they had was how to activate them and connect them to an external device to access the higher functions. Now Jungwoo was just holding a tablet and staring at a bunch of settings and information he could barely understand. Although he had to admit there was a sense of familiarity. He carefully checked the different settings, a faded sense of knowledge tickling the back of his mind.
The more he explored the more things just seemed to click in his head. Even if it was still a blur in his memory, he felt confident with what he had. Of course everyone was still weary. This technology was beyond them, but it was their only way back to you. Jungwoo wore one of the bracelets, making sure it was mapping him out properly, and it gave everyone else confidence. It seemed like they were all set to use the transporters, although there were some other concerns that came to mind. If they traveled across dimensions, they didn’t really know what their landing spot was going to be. Someone could get stuck in something, or worse, another living being.
Strangely enough Jungwoo knew how to take all that into account, and made sure that the settings would keep them safe from such dangers. The only other thing is that they couldn’t go empty handed. Last time they faced their doppelgangers they found them to be very hostile, and if they were going to wind up at their base, then they needed to be prepared for a fight. Everyone grabbed something to use as a weapon, making sure they had everything together before taking the next step. They were all going to go together, so Jungwoo enlarged the size of the other bracelet and everyone grabbed on.
“Alright… here we go…”
Everyone closed their eyes, and even Jungwoo did after he hit the button. They felt a weird tingle, and then there was the urge to vomit. Some just swallowed it back down, but others found something to throw up in. Regardless, they all soon became aware that they were in the lab, but not theirs. Here it was dark, the only source of light coming from the window. It was night time, just as it had been back at their place.
“The Neos aren’t here anymore.” Mark stated.
“Good.” Yuta added. “Makes it easier for us.”
Jungwoo went over to the nearest computer, figuring out a way to turn it on. From there he could see the time and date, but he was more focused on searching the web. He typed your name in and news articles popped up about you with the Neos. There was all this talk about peace, and the end of the rebellion.
“Look at her.” Taeyong scowled. “All happy with those fakes… what did they do to her…”
“We know the transporters work.” Johnny commented. “We should go back before we attract attention. Just cause this place is abandoned doesn’t mean the Neos won’t know we’re here.”
They did what they came for, which was to make sure the transporters worked. In order to figure out their next steps it would be best to do so back home. Together they returned to their dimension, needing a moment to recover from the nausea. This victory was cause for celebration, it was one step closer to bringing you home. Although they’d soon discover it to be short lived.
“Guys… I think we have a problem.”
Doyoung had gone straight to his laptop once he had recovered. Before they all left to the other dimension he synced up two timers, one on his smartwatch and the other on his laptop. He wanted to see if there was any sort of time difference when it came to traveling dimensions, but his results now were concerning. He explained to the others what he had done.
“So what’s the problem?” Yuta questioned.
“I figured there might be a time difference in seconds or milliseconds when we traveled dimensions, but here it shows a difference in minutes.”
“I still don’t…”
“We’d need to run some more tests but… we were in the other dimension for a few minutes, perhaps the exact amount of time that is shown to be off here.” Doyoung mumbled. “I think… I think we came back to the exact moment we left. As if time never moved forward here.”
“Okay… I’m still tryna wrap my head around that.” Jaehyun said. “But I’m not seeing an issue here.”
“Let’s run more tests first. Then it might be easier to understand.”
The boys trusted each other, so they followed along with what Doyoung asked of them. What they were doing was measuring time. Doyoung synced up two timers again, and had another person note what time it was the second before they jumped. Upon landing back in the Neo world one of them pushed past the sickness and went to the computer, checking the time.
“What the…”
“What’s the time, Haechan?” Doyoung asked.
“Half an hour into the past.”
“What?” Jungwoo got up and went over to the computer. “It’s the same… when we came here last I turned on the computer and saw the time. It’s the same time now as before… like we’ve gone back in time.”
“Johnny, how long have we been here so far?” Taeyong questioned.
“As of now… a little over a minute…”
“Let’s go back. Now.”
They all gathered together and returned to their dimension. They hadn’t had much time to recover from the first jump, so the sickness felt worse, yet that wasn’t the concern right now. Doyoung went over to his laptop and called Johnny over. Although when he compared the timer on his watch to one on his laptop he saw that they were completely off. Then he noticed the actual time laptop, Johnny noticed too.
“We… it’s the same time from the Neo world… we’ve traveled back in time here too.” Johnny looked around. “There. I had a cup of coffee earlier and put the cup down by my computer, it’s not there anymore but back by the coffee pot.”
“My notes.” Haechan stumbled over to his computer, grabbing a notepad. “I wrote somethings down before we left in case we didn’t make it back. When we did return I threw them in the thrash… but they’re back over here now…”
“How did we travel back in time?” Mark questioned. “That doesn’t make any sense…”
“We’re stuck.” Yuta realized. “We must be stuck between those two points in time… no matter how much time passes here or there. So whenever we travel to that dimension we’ll always land at that exact same time, and when we come back here it will also be the same time.”
“This must have been the exact time we left our world the first time, and arrived at the other.” Jungwoo added. “For some reason these transporters aren’t just fixed on the coordinates, but the time as well.”
“Then change it.” Jaehyun said. “So time continues to move forward.”
“I’m not sure I can…”
“When the Neo version of me created and used these transporters they were only meant for a one way trip. Not to mention we also came back to our dimension via other means.”
“So we’re stuck…” Doyoung added. “Back to square one…”
“Not necessarily.” Mark stated. “We kinda have all the time in the world now, don’t we?”
“What do you mean?”
“We’re somewhat traveling in time but we aren’t forgetting anything from the future. We can use that to our advantage.”
“I’m still not following.”
“We can go to the Neo world and plot out what happens over the next few days, figure out where y/n is and find the best time to rescue her. Then we come back here and gather whatever we need and go back. We’d be in the past but we’d know the future, we can’t lose.”
“It’s a waste of time.” Taeyong said. 
“Let’s say we do that. Recon. What if the best time to strike is in three weeks? We have to relive those three weeks. All that time together equals a month in a half. We’ve spent longer just getting the transporter to work.”
“Not to mention the Neo world is completely foreign to us.” Jungwoo added. “We don’t know how to navigate it. The rebellion is also dead, and our faces wouldn’t make it easy to blend in the crowds. The only thing we’d have going for us is the element of surprise, but we wouldn’t even know what we’re doing. We’re completely on our own.”
“You’re also forgetting that’s not our y/n.” Yuta continued. “Those Neos messed with her head. Besides getting her physically back to us, we don’t even know how to put our y/n back into her body.”
Johnny scoffed. “We really don’t know what we’re doing… all this time we’ve been focused on the transporters as if it was the answer, but it’s barely a step in the right direction. We’re still so far away from getting y/n back…”
The morale in the room plummeted so fast. The transporters worked but they weren’t really any closer to getting you back. There were still so many variables to consider, many that were so obvious they hadn’t even thought about them until now.
“Maybe… maybe I can fix this…” Jungwoo mumbled.
“There has to be a way to make sure we’re not stuck between two fixed points of time.”
“That doesn’t solve the other problems.” Jaehyun reminded. “Actually getting to y/n seems impossible…”
“But we could solve everything all at once.”
“This whole mess does prove one thing… these transporters can travel through time. If I can figure out how to input time with the coordinates… we could go back to before y/n was taken from us… and make sure we don’t lose her in the first place.”
“Is that… is that even possible?”
“We’ve already traveled dimensions, and done a bit of time travel, so why not give that a shot.”
“Do you really think you can do it?” Doyoung asked.
“Yeah. As long as I succeed, then no time would really be wasted.”
Even if things had fallen apart for the moment, they found a way to put themselves back together. Jungwoo and Doyoung focused on the transporters, trying to unlock its time travel potential. The others needed to focus on something else so they don’t go mad waiting. With the idea of going back in time to save you, they needed to figure out what the best time would be. They had to keep in mind all the things that had happened to you, and when the Neos actually started to mess with their world. All this kept them going, kept hope alive, and a few days later it all came to fruition.
“It moves…”
“Look.” Jungwoo showed everyone the tablet. “These are coordinates to the Neo world. They’re meant to be set numbers but look at these at the end, they’re moving on their own now, which they weren’t before.”
“So we can travel dimensions without getting stuck at certain points in time.”
“I believe so, but we still need to test things out.”
The first thing they needed to do was confirm they weren’t stuck anymore. So they all went to the Neo world together, seeing that the time and date were different, matching the present time from their world. When they returned they saw that time had passed, relieved to know they were no longer stuck, but moving forward. Now was the more difficult part of figuring out how to actually travel through time. It would involve running more tests, and of course they’d do this all together. Messing with time in any way was dangerous, and they didn’t want to lose each other along the way.
Jungwoo knew of a way to make the numbers at the end freeze, so they needed to figure out how those numbers correlated with time. It was a lot of data they needed to jot down, and a lot of jumping around within their own world, but eventually they figured out how to measure time. They tested it by seeing if they could jump to specific points in time, and they succeeded in their endeavors. Now they could travel through time, they could actually see you again. Of course now they needed to get back to their other data, figuring out exactly what point of time to return to.
“Alright. So this was the date that other Jungwoo gave y/n the necklace.” Johnny explained. “From there the Neos began messing with her head so we need to go further back from that point.”
“I lost track of time when I received that video message.” Jungwoo commented. “And that was like two weeks before I gave that necklace to y/n.”
“The Neos also admitted to having been watching our world for months before they even tried anything.” Jaehyun stated. “So we have to go back even more.”
“At this rate we seem to be going back a whole year.” Haechan said. “Can we really do that and not mess up our future?”
“Not losing y/n would change our future dramatically.” Yuta reminded. “And that’s the whole point of this. As long as we get her back, we can figure out our future together.”
“What about our past selves?” Mark asked. “We might run into them. Or do we just take their place?”
“We’ve been jumping back into time in little pieces.” Doyoung said. “And we haven’t run into our past selves. So I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”
“There’s only one way to find out.” Taeyong stated. “We know roughly what time to return to. So can anyone remember when we were all in the lab, without y/n or anyone else of course. That way we don’t have to worry about others or our possible past selves.”
It took a little bit, but Haechan remembered a time they had all been gathered in the lab by themselves working on the robot for the competition. He managed to point out an exact date and time to go back to. Everyone was on board, so now it was time for what was hypothetically their last jump. Together they gathered and counted down, traveling far into the past. By now they were used to the feeling, so they didn’t really get sick. They took in the lab around them, seeing how it had changed to an old yet familiar scene. Doyoung checked the time, and they were exactly when they meant to be. There was also no sign of another version of them, so they had taken their own places in the past.
“We did it…” Jungwoo mumbled. “We actually…”
“So how does this even work?” Haechan wondered. “Did we like split the timeline or-”
“I brought snacks!”
Your voice made them all freeze. It felt like everything was moving in slow motion as they turned around to see you entering the lab. A huge smile was on your face, and you looked at them with such joy. You held up bags filled with treats for them, and it felt like such a dream. They all had the same idea though, and ran over to embrace you in a big hug.
“Woah, woah, woah, what’s the occasion? Did you guys make a big breakthrough with the robot or something?”
“Or something.” Johnny said. “We should go out to celebrate.”
“Don’t you have homework?”
“We can do that later.” Taeyong commented. “Let’s go. I feel like we don’t see each other often enough.”
“I come by everyday.”
“Still not enough. Let’s go spend the evening together.”
“Alright. Sounds like fun.”
The rest of the day was spent getting food together, and drinks, and some karaoke, doing all kinds of things to make up for lost time. It was one of the best nights of your life. The whole night was nostalgic, reminding you of the days of your youth, and how you all spent it together. You also realized how much you had been missing them and how grateful you were to still have them in your life. Come early morning you were exhausted, and none of them could get you back to your dorm since it was strictly forbidden for boys to enter. So they wound up letting you crash in their lab, up on the little balcony they had.
“We have to protect her.” Yuta said. “The Neos could still make a move in the future. We can’t take her for granted, but she can’t be in the lab too often.”
“What if Jungwoo gets possessed again?” Jaehyun asked. “What then?”
“It was cause of that video.” Jungwoo explained. “So I’ll avoid any weird emails this time around. We all should.”
“Doesn’t mean one of us won’t get tricked.” Mark added. “We need to figure out a way to make sure we’re actually us.”
“Perhaps if we can record our brain waves.” Doyoung suggested. “Surely they’d be different if someone else was in our body.”
“We’ll work on that.” Taeyong said. “Along with readjusting to this time and getting our assignments done.”
“Ugh.” Haechan whined. “We have to build that robot again.”
“At least we know how to make it work.” Johnny reminded. “So it’ll be easy to redo. Let’s build it better this time.”
“That’s a great idea!”
It was difficult to adjust to the past. They knew they were reliving these days again, which meant repeating things, and it was frustrating. Still, the days were the same and different. They all gave you more attention, never allowing you to be alone when in the lab, and never putting you off to the side. You were right there with them as they built their robot, and designed this brain scanner. They couldn’t really explain it, but just said it was a fun side project. You were more than happy to help where you could, picking up a few things in the lab and being able to work alongside them like a proper team member.
Even if it was great to have you around, they all knew it wasn’t a good idea to have you in the lab for too long. For the most part they’d pair off and entertain you in other ways, taking you out and engaging with your major as well. A part of themselves also hated how they neglected you before, missing out on all these things with you. Although once they had their device built, and had a record of their brain waves, and yours as well, it put them at ease with having you in the lab. It was a place for their science, but they had a special place for you if you ever wanted to paint.
“Oh, let me do it!”
You eagerly took the device from Johnny, walking up to Mark and Haechan. It looked like something to check your temperature with, but as the boys had told you, it was for scanning brain waves. This was part of some on going person project they had, and it was important to check everyone’s brain waves every day. Haechan smiled brightly and leaned forward. After a moment the device chimed and showed a green light. The same result for Mark.
“Have you been scanned today?” Haechan teased. “Or can I do it for you?”
“Hm… I don’t remember.”
“Then allow me.”
Haechan took the device from you and checked your brain waves, as expected they were normal. He playfully pet your head.
“You guys are collecting a lot of data for this project.”
“The more the better. Thank you for all your help.”
“No problem.”
You felt more welcomed in the lab, so you spent more time there than before. It was a safe and relaxing space. One day as you were working on a research paper on your laptop you got a message from one of the boys. It was a simple message that asked for your favorite color. You figured it was for a surprise, so you answered without asking why. They thanked you and told you to come by the lab later that night for a present. You looked around the room, trying to hide your smile and excitement.
At night, once everyone was gone, you returned to the lab. You turned on the lights and looked around, wondering if anyone was there. They couldn’t really hide, so you figured you were alone, and then you saw it. There was a present on the table, wrapped up in your favorite color. You picked it up and shaked it gently, removing the top. There was a note you grabbed, and then you saw two bracelets in the box. You thought they were cute and decided to read the note first.
“We made these special for you. As long as you wear them you’ll be safe and we’ll always be able to find you.”
The note made you smile, and you grabbed the bracelets. You slipped them onto your wrists, admiring them for a moment. They were cute, but then they suddenly gripped you tightly. It startled you, and you tried to get them off, but you couldn’t get your finger under them. The more you tried to get it off the tighter it got. You screamed, and then started to feel a tingling sensation. This wasn’t good, and you had to do something. You pushed the pain to the side and tried to focus. You needed help, and you weren’t gonna get it here.
You tried to leave the lab, but as you reached for the doorknob your hands started to shake. You couldn’t even get a good grip on the door, and when you tried to get your phone it fell out of your hands. You were practically trapped in this room, and it was so late that screaming probably wouldn’t help you either. You needed to come up with another plan, and as you paced around the room you started to get this dizzy feeling. If this was some kind of prank, or experiment, it wasn’t funny. You went over to the table and looked at the note, but you didn’t see anything that could help you.
Something was very wrong here, and you felt like you were running out of time. Then it hit you, the fire alarm. That would be the fastest way to get attention. You made your way over to it, managing to pull the switch only for nothing to happen. The panic was starting to settle in, and you could barely think straight. Then you remembered the lab had its own alarm, something that would notify the guys directly. You had to search your brain for a moment before remembering the button was located under Taeyong’s desk. You managed to get to it before collapsing, your legs giving out.
You felt your world spinning, and you could barely keep your eyes open. You didn’t know how much time passed, but you vaguely heard the sounds of a door opening. Someone called your name, but you weren’t able to answer. Although you soon felt someone grabbing you and pulling you into their embrace. It took a moment to realize who was holding you, but you managed a smile when you saw Johnny’s face. He seemed concerned, but you were just happy that you weren’t alone anymore.
“It’s okay, everything’s going to be okay. Just relax.”
“Johnny… I’m scared…”
“Sh, don’t worry.”
“What happened!” Jungwoo and Yuta came into the room, rushing over to your side. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know, but she seems okay.” Johnny explained.
“The bracelets.” Yuta realized, trying to take them off. “Fuck. They won’t budge.”
“A certain charge should be able to fry them and not hurt her.” Jungwoo said. “Give me a second.”
Jungwoo went over to his desk, looking around for a battery and some wires. As he found what he was looking for Johnny was suddenly in his face, taking the items from his hands and throwing them across the room.
“Johnny what are you-”
“You’re not gonna interfere.”
“What are you…” Jungwoo’s eyes went wide. “You’re not Johnny.”
Yuta suddenly jumped on Johnny, wrapping an arm around his throat and trying to choke him. The two struggled, but Yuta was determined to hold on.
“Jungwoo! The bracelets!”
Jungwoo rushed over to find the items he had gathered before, quickly returning to your side. He could tell you were out of it but his priority was getting the bracelets off. 
“Stay with me, y/n. Stay awake.”
The door suddenly opened and a few others came in. They had many questions about the sight before them but Jungwoo and Yuta quickly got their attention on something else.
“That’s not Johnny!”
Everyone else put their focus on taking down their former friend, while Jungwoo kept his focus on you. He managed to overcharge the bracelets and get them off you, gently massaging your wrists. The others managed to take down Johnny and tie him up, gagging him in the process as well. Jaehyun had gone over to you, pulling you into his arms. You were barely conscious, but you were okay nonetheless.
“How could this happen?” Doyoung wondered. “We did everything right…”
“Let’s double check that.”
Mark grabbed the scanner and went over to Johnny. The device made an error noise and lit up red. This was their confirmation that the Johnny before them wasn’t the one they knew.
“The question is what happened to Johnny.” Yuta said. “We all knew to be careful.”
“But why?” Jaehyun asked. “Why are they still coming after her?”
“There’s only one way to find out.”
Taeyong let out a yell of frustration then went over to Johnny. He stared at the boy, seeing a stranger in those eyes. He so badly wanted to hit him, but he knew that wouldn’t solve the problem. The stranger watched him curiously.
“Alright. Let’s just cut to the chase.” Taeyong sighed. “I’m sure you must have questions, but I’ll make this simple. We know who you are, and about your world. All the tech advancements you have, and that you were trying to take y/n away from us, but that’s not gonna happen. Now tell me why are you even trying!”
Taeyong held himself back again and removed the gag on Johnny. The boy took a deep breath and looked around the room, his eyes landing on you.
“She’s pretty.” Johnny chuckled. “You were the first world we found, and it seemed like it would be easy to take her. We almost succeeded after all, yet you were strangely prepared for us. I’m curious about that myself.”
“Get out of Johnny’s body.” Taeyong ordered. “I want to speak to your Taeyong. I know none of you will come here, but your technology is advanced enough to communicate without body snatching!”
“True. This was fun while it lasted. Even if it was only for a few hours.”
Johnny took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Then it seemed like he fell asleep. After a moment Taeyong grabbed the scanner, and this time it lit up green. Just to be safe they also had a record of their brain waves when unconscious, so they could be certain their Johnny would be the one to wake up. Doyoung and Jungwoo untied their friend, and now it was a matter of waiting. It wasn’t long before every screen in the room came to life. At first there was static, and then a familiar face appeared on every screen.
“I’ve underestimated you. Then again, that’s not the case is it? We’ve met before, haven’t we?”
“Yes. And we won’t let you have your way.”
“Not again I presume.” Taeyong chuckled. “Do me a favor and amuse me, how have we crossed paths before? I don’t think I’d easily forget such a face, unless… you’ve traveled through time, haven’t you?”
“Very impressive. Although you aren’t advanced enough, so explain.”
“It’s simple. We used your tech. I guess you don’t even know what you’re capable of.”
“Oh you mean the transporters. Yes. The coordinates can lock in on time as well, we just don’t use that feature.”
“If you’ve been capable of time travel yourselves how come you’ve never used it? You could be with your own y/n instead of becoming enemies and losing her.”
“You speak of time travel as if it’s so easy. In case you forgot I am on top in this world. Why would I change the past? Besides, if anyone knew what our technology could do then the peace we’ve built would crumble.”
“No one has to know.”
“What are you talking about?” Doyoung questioned.
“I agree.” Taeyong got serious. “Care to share your thoughts?”
“We mimicked your technology in order to get y/n back, and used it to travel through time. The transporters we built are made with our own technology, therefore they belong to our world, not yours. There would be no trace for you to find of any of your tech bending the rules of time and space. Therefore neither Taemin or Boa would know what you’re up to.”
“And you really think this is that easy?”
“Either I help you with this so you can leave our y/n alone, or you can go bother another dimension.” Taeyong spat. “And even then, things can end just like this again. It’s your choice.”
Things were quiet, but you were starting to get some clarity back. You weren’t entirely sure what was going on, but seeing Taeyong on all the screens, and Taeyong also standing to the side, you were very confused.
“Don’t worry about it.” Haechan cooed. “Everything’s gonna be ok.”
“Let’s talk.” Taeyong said. “Face to face.”
“No way!” Jungwoo yelled. “That’s a trap!”
“Not gonna happen!” Yuta added.
“Taeyong, you can’t-”
“I’ll take up your offer.” Taeyong’s double cut in. 
“Really? How come?”
“You made good points. Along with using your own technology and all the other variables it’s the best solution, and I lose nothing either way.”
“Fine then. I’ll meet you.”
Taeyong grabbed the bracelets that had been gifted to you, putting them on. The others were quickly on him, trying to stop him. They didn’t like this idea, nor did they understand what Taeyong was doing, but he asked them all to trust him.
“What if something happens?” Jaehyun questioned.
“I’ll be fine.”
“You’ll be fine too.”
“Taeyong…” You mumbled. “What’s going on…”
“I won’t be gone long.” Taeyong pet your head. “Don’t worry.”
Despite the protests, everyone put their trust in Taeyong. He reconnected the bracelets that had been sent as a gift to you, and took the ones he and his team had created. It was dangerous to go alone, but it was easier if he only had to worry about himself. He double checked the coordinates before closing his eyes and hitting the activation button. There was that uneasy feeling in his stomach, but nothing he wasn’t used to. When he opened his eyes he saw that he was in the lab, but not the one of his world. The Neos all gave him shady looks, none of them really happy to see him, especially Johnny.
“Don’t mind them.” Taeyong said. “This is between us right now. Let’s talk outside.”
Taeyong led his doppelganger outside. The sun was setting so there was still some light in the sky. It was quite beautiful.
“We can skip the formalities.”  Taeyong stated. “Neither of our people are happy with us, but we’re seeing the bigger picture here. So, what’s the plan?”
“Simple. We change the past.”
“And how exactly are we going to do that?”
“We go back to the key moment, where things changed, the science fair.”
“The science fair? You want to go that far back?”
“It’s the only place to go. Any other point can’t be guaranteed to make a difference.” 
“Alright. Let’s see what you got.”
Of course this wasn’t going to be easy. Taeyong had returned the bracelets that weren’t from his world, and used his own. Of course he needed his doppelganger to enter the coordinates and time, as things were different in this world. Taeyong made a note of the time as well, knowing things had to work out in order to keep you safe. He did have a plan, but he still needed to execute it to make sure it worked out, or that it could work. Once everything was set the two made the jump. It was kind of surprising to both of them how the other didn’t get sick, but it was a testament to how often they had been using such technology.
The two maintained a low profile and made it to the science fair. It was quite surreal to be in such a place. Their memory only contained pieces of it, and for Taeyong some things were different. After a bit of looking around they spotted your table, seeing your little mushroom project, and right next to you were familiar faces. It was odd for Taeyong to see a younger version of himself and his brothers while also knowing that’s not actually him. More so knowing that the young version of you wasn’t the one he had back home. There was a strange feeling in his chest. The little girl with the mushrooms would grow up to be a revolutionary, fight against those right next to her, and die by the hands of her allies. He saw to change all that, but he wasn’t really grasping how much of this world, of her fate, he’d change.
“So what’s your plan here?” The doppelganger asked. “How do we change the future without messing up?”
“It’s simple, we play matchmaker.”
Taeyong managed to find a pen and paper, writing something down. He asked a girl nearby if she could pass a note along to you. Then he did the same and had a note sent over to Taeyong and the rest of his group.
“Is that seriously gonna work?” Taeyong asked. “What did you even write down?”
“Y/n always had feelings for us, even though we were too blind to notice. It’s probably the same here, so if she believes you’re interested in her perhaps that’s all the courage she needs to be more than friends with you.”
“And the note you sent to my younger self?”
“Wouldn’t you want to show off and engage with a girl who’s crushing on you?”
“Manipulation? I didn’t think you’d play in my field.”
“It’s not manipulation. I’m just letting both sides know there are mutual feelings.”
“I guess you can spin it however you like.”
The two kept their distance and watched the two tables. When things got quiet you started asking the Neos about their project, and how they had come up with it. They offered you a chance to try it, and you wound up talking about your own project. The mushrooms had their own way of creating connections and communicating. As living beings it was an organic connection whereas their technology could do the same, making it an artificial connection. It was in its infancy but already showing so much potential in what they could do. The conversation shifted to comparing notes from both projects.
“Huh… we never talked like that before…” Taeyong commented. “Guess things are already changing.”
“Your projects have a lot more in common than you originally thought.”
“It seems so.”
Eventually the judges went around to see all the projects presented. The two already knew the outcome, nothing could really change that. After the announcement of the winner the boys were swarmed by people, and happily engaging with them about future opportunities. They could see how you were pushed away, and how you stepped back too. Without realizing Taeyong took a step forward, but was held back.
“We can’t interfere.”
Taeyong could tell his counterpart was tense, but it wasn’t a good idea to mess with things directly. After the big commotion people were cleaning up and putting things away. You were about to be on your way when the younger version of Taeyong approached you, holding out his phone and asking for your number. He promised to call you, wanting to talk more about your research and his own.
“If things work out, your memories should slowly change.” Taeyong said. “Any difference?”
“There’s only one way to find out. We go home.”
With their mission seeming to be a success the two returned to the present time, and remained outside the Neo lab. Taeyong stared at the lab, able to see movement but unsure if you were in there.
“I hope we don’t cross paths again.” Taeyong mentioned. “Cause I won’t be so nice.”
“Nice?” The doppelganger chuckled. “What you’ve done is far from nice, but I’ll let you go. Take care of y/n, you wouldn’t want to lose her again.”
“I was about to say the same thing to you.”
Taeyong had made a note of when he had originally left his world, and made sure to return moments after he had disappeared. He didn’t need the others worrying about him for too long. So for them it felt instantaneous.
Everyone was glad to see him, but more than anything he was happy to see you. When he returned you got up to hug him tight, sniffling a bit. Taeyong wrapped his arms around you, gently rocking you and trying to calm you.
“It’s okay, everything’s going to be okay now.”
“I don’t know what happened… but please don’t leave again…”
“I won’t, I promise. This was all just a bad dream, okay? Everyone’s okay, so you don’t have to worry.”
Since you were so out of it from everything that had happened, it was kind of easy to push the narrative that it was all a dream. Jaehyun got you a drink and slipped a sedative into it, letting you get some sleep. They double checked to make sure you didn’t have any other tech on you. Hopefully the wouldn’t cross paths with their doppelgangers again, but for now they still had to remain alert. They had you sleeping in the lab again, Yuta by your side, gently holding your hand.
“Did you do it?” Jungwoo asked.
“You threw Sticker under the bus to protect y/n, you realize that right?”
“They wanted our y/n, and the only way to stop them was to give them what they wanted. It was just a matter of fixing their mistake.”
“But you didn’t just change something from their past, or one singular life.” Johnny added. “The history of their world has changed because-”
“That doesn’t matter to us. If changing that world means our y/n is safe, then I’d do it again. We never should have been involved with another dimension to begin with. We didn’t start this whole mess, so whatever we did to get things back to normal here is worth it. Don’t burden yourselves too much. It was my idea, and I executed it alone.”
“I guess we ended up like them.” Haechan remarked. “Traveling dimensions and messing with other worlds for the sake of the one we love… we are twins after all…”
“Let’s just focus on the present.” Doyoung said. “And our future. Like Taeyong said, we are back to where we are supposed to be, just better.”
“We’ve got y/n back.” Johnny added. “We’ll take care of her.”
“And we’ll do it right this time.”
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メルティランドナイトメア (Melty Land Nightmare) • コバルトメモリーズ (Cobalt Memories) • セブンティーナ (Seventina) • 八月のレイニー (Hachigatsu No Rainy) • アスター (Aster) • フロムヴォイジャー (From Voyager) • スチールワンダー (Steel Wonder) • きっと夢の中ね (Kitto Yume No Nakkane) • Dreaming Gate • ドリームレス・ドリームス (Dreamless Dreams) • グッドナイトフォール (Goodnight Fall) • アンサー (Answer) • 世界が終わるのよ (Sekaiga Owarunoyo) • 地球をあげる (Chikyo Wo Ageru) • セブンティーナ (Seventina (Self Cover))
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