#neo crystal tokyo
maggieswann · 2 years
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shieracosplay · 1 year
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Neo Queen Serenity from Sailor Moon 90s anime.
Ukraine, Kyiv, 2023.
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alevolpe · 6 months
How do you feel about Usagi becoming Neo Queen Serenity? Do you like it or do you think it would be better if she didn`t? Do you think she would be a good ruler?
Crystal Tokyo is not my “happily ever after” ending and it’s not my go to for sure. I feel like it can work, but it has to be in the right circumstances. First of all, it’s not a “good ending” and I would not try to frame it a s such.
The ideal “good ending” in my mind is the girls being free from their burden of being senshi, but in my AU, that’s not really possible without a “hard reset” to say. It’s loosely based on a hc I’ve talked about briefly here, but the girls don’t get to just choose to stop transforming and live regular lives. The ultimate goal of the sailor crystals is to have their hosts live as senshi and actually use the powers that form provides, if they choose to live as humans, then what is the point.
Crystal Tokyo can work in the context of “destiny is inevitable, but let’s try to do the best with what we have”. It’s a bitter sweet ending, but again, I feel like it could work.
Here’s my conditions:
Crystal Tokyo is NOT the capital of the world! That is just ridiculous and that’s where I kind of draw the line tbh. Doesn’t matter how omniscient Serenity is, she cannot govern the whole world without it being a genuinely and utter disturbing reality to the level of ‘I have no mouth and I must scream’. CT is a city-state, much like the Vatican is. It has minor influences in politics and the area around them, but for the most part they kind of just stand as an independent city-state and do their own thing.
As stated prior, it’s not a “happy ending” and it would never be framed as such. The future is a terrifying perspective and if everything around them is pushing them to think that CT is the one and only safe option for them then they’ll take it.
No one is “immortal” or has extended lifespans. Usagi and the senshi do, but that comes with the “perks” of being a senshi, it’s not a gift given by the Silver Crystal. (Sorry Mamo..)
Usagi will eventually loose herself in the Silver Crystal and the role of Neo Queen Serenity. It’s something she feels coming and knows will be an inevitability, almost like her mother before her, so she makes sure to evenly split her power among her 4 guardians to ensure a “checks and balances system”. They keep each other sane and the future safe from repeating hard mistakes of the past.
Haruka and Michiru are NOT a part of CT. They refuse and instead opt to live a normal life (due to some hcs revolving them and Pluto, they have the choice to live as regular people, unlike the inners). Usagi has granted them and the others a choice, there’s no animosity between them and Usagi, not so much among the inners toward them tho, to varying degrees. Hotaru gets taken in and adopted by the inners instead, since she doesn’t have a choice about becoming a senshi.
The public opinion toward Crystal Tokyo is not all positive. Doesn’t matter how much love and work the senshi put into their image, decisions and rulings, the public will never be cool with what are basically non-humans to them installing an empire within their planet. Conspiracy theories and attempts at revolutions are rampant among CT, that is why is very rare for the senshi and even less the Queen to leave the Palace.
I do feel like Usagi would try her absolute best at being a great and benevolent leader, but unfortunately the world doesn’t work like that. Most everyone starts with good intentions, but failed diplomatic attempt, after failed diplomatic attempt after attempted assassination, the girls’ heart and will turns ever so bitter and cynical, not Usagi tho, til her last moment of consciousness she strives to remain the best person she could be, she’s just aware she can’t openly be so anymore or she’ll risk her own life. Choosing to live her later life mostly in the quiet of the palace, the senshi being her voice that will be heard to the outside.
There’s a certain feel of ‘doomed destiny’ with CT, this is them accepting that the “moon monarchy’’ is inevitable and is meant to happen. It’s basically a defeat on their part, they lose their individuality and dreams for the future and surrender to this cycle that was meant to be all along.
All the girls have grown out of the more cheerful and optimistic selves, having witnessed the inescapable reality of their own destiny and have been hardened by the crueler aspects of humanity. It’s a bit of a bummer, but it’s not all the “everything is terrible ending”. The girls still have each other, they are still themselves, even if hardened by their surroundings. They still love each other and they basically live for each other at this point, aspects of each other leaving permanent stains that remind themselves of the goods of the world and what they are striving to achieve. There’s still good in the world, it’s just sometimes harder to find.
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Stop saying Usagi can still be Queen of Earth when you don't have her marrying or loving Mamoru!
Seriously people!
The way I see it, the reason the Great Freeze or whatever other disaster(s) that resulted in Crystal Tokyo, because something else might cause it in different timelines, comes about is because when Usa and Mamo marry with love binding them, not obligation or fate telling them so, it causes a knock-on effect. The two willingly coming together for so powerful a reason causes some form of upset in the universe/cosmos, kind of like how hurricanes are formed, and when all is said and done it causes them to become King and Queen once everything has been 'fixed'; because it's their love for one another and what they know each-other cares for combined that helps them 'fix' whatever had been broken. But! What I'm talking about is when people don't want to pair her with Mamoru and she still becomes Queen of Earth, either because 'that's her fate' or because she still marries Mamoru but loves someone else. I am of the opinion that if Usa and/or Mamo don't love one another when they get married, or simply not get married at all because they want to be with someone else, (because I have no doubts whatsoever that Setsuna would let either be unhappy if they didn't have to, especially when she can just as easily tell them that it's their true and pure love for one another that brings it about, if not in so many words) then whatever caused CT is just not going to happen. Like, at all. And regarding those few who make her Queen of Earth despite not marrying Mamoru at all, well I find that annoying. Why? Because she's the Lunarian Princess becoming Queen of Earth without having married the Terran Prince, who actually has proper claim to the Planetary Throne as said by Helios to become King. Like, unless the guy's dead and he's given instructions to Helios that he is bequeathing his Throne to Usagi/Serenity and/or her Line until his reincarnation's rebirth, to which can be a kinda Sword in the Stone scenario by using the Golden Crystal, there's no way she'd take over as Queen without being called a Usurper or Pretender to the Throne, especially when she doesn't have to. The only other example I'd accept, which one would think implausible since there is Helios unless he has Rules to follow not unlike Pluto with the Gate of Time, is when they don't even know about Mamo being the reincarnated Prince because that specific reveal hadn't happened for whatever reason, like what happens in "Even Miracles take a little time" by Queen Risa over on FFN. "But what about ChibiUsa!" I hear you cry. What about her? I'm not saying she's not important, as much as I've always hated her in general, some of the things they'd been through only happened because of her presence, but I'm also not saying she'll be killed off or become non-existent. She started to disappear in the 90's anime when the possibility that Mamoru, her Papa's past self, would be forever under Nehelania's spell and Usagi, her Mama's past self, killed off was a thing, right? But! Hear me out. What if she was disappearing not because she wasn't going to be born but because she was now in a past she couldn't be in as an impossibility? It hurt her so much, not because she was becoming unborn but because Time itself was trying to forcefully put her where she's a possibility and she was fighting to stay right where she was, a past that wouldn't result in her conception or birth. And she returned because she'd been fighting to stay when she 'disappeared' that Time had no choice but to put her back when she became a possibility again.
Again, if Usa and Mamo don't marry out of love, but out of obligation or 'for ChibiUsa', then whatever disaster that resulted in CT's formation isn't going to happen. As such, she cannot, should not, be called Queen of Earth.
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dailytuxedomask · 1 year
Neo Queen Serenity faking an illness is something that I would expect,but the King 😭
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bittybirds · 2 years
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♡ usagi being the prettiest girl ♡
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tsukinomask · 2 years
one thing, we moonies, don't talk that much that we definitely SHOULD! is the fact that mamoru's surname probably changed when they were crowned, bc their society in crystal tokyo is a MATRIARCHY!! which means his name is mamoru TSUKINO!! HE'S KING ENDYMION TSUKINO!!!! THEY ARE THE TSUKINO ROYAL FAMILY!!! 🥰
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C x H Week Day 1: Sweet
“What’s a six-letter word for ‘Sweet?”
Neo Queen Serenity looked up from her bowel of fruit loops to her husband, who was currently gazing at the open pages of the morning paper, taping a navy-blue pencil on the table top.
King Endymion gestured at his paper with his pencil.
“The crossword. I need a six-letter word for sweet.”
“Are there any letters already filled in?”
The queen pursed her lips, trying to recall her rather bumpy experiences in Middle School English Classes.
“That’s five letters.”
The queen pursed her lips in a pout.
“I’m making a law about crosswords,” she said, returning to her breakfast.
“Morning everyone.”
The royal princess, her bubblegum tresses a tangle, stepped into the kitchen still half asleep and in her Minky Momo pajamas. Chibiusa retrieved a bowl from the cabinet and took a seat at the table beside her mother.
“Morning, pumpkin,” the king greeted as his daughter poured herself some breakfast, “did you sleep well?”
“Pretty good,” Chibiusa said, "how are you today."
"Fine," her father replied, "just can't find a six-letter word for sweet."
Chibiusa yawned, sleep still in her system.
“Helios," she said tiredly.
The king paused, looking up from his paper to his daughter, who was currently staring at him with wide as she realized just what it was she had said. Meanwhile, The queen counted on her fingers.
“It fits,” she said.
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tiskycat · 8 months
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Thinking about how absolutely insane it is that as Queen of The World (Solar System), Usagi not only encases her royal palace in a giant impenetrable crystal, not only puts it at the cruising altitude of a 747, not only puts it on top of another mini-mountain of more crystal, but also
surrounded it with a moat. You know. For security.
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master-ray5 · 2 years
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I hate to see in fanfics when Usagi still becomes the Queen of the Earth without Mamoru's help. Their powers come together and they are able to become King and Queen becomes of it. It's that simple!
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sailormoonandme · 1 year
Summary: Unbeknownst to anyone else, Serenity and Endymion arrange a secret rendezvous on the beach. Manga Canon. Written for Usamamo Week 2023 Day 4 Free Day.
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48920521
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14261462/1/Year-of-the-Rabbit-UsaMamo-Week-2023
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Author: AlEvans26
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom(s): Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga)
Relationships: Chiba Mamoru/Tsukino Usagi, Prince Endymion/Princess Serenity, King Endymion/Neo-Queen Serenity, Helios/Tsukino Chibiusa, Neo-Queen Serenity & Tsukino Chibiusa, King Endymion & Tsukino Chibiusa
**Characters:**Tsukino Usagi, Chiba Mamoru, Princess Serenity, Prince Endymion, Neo-Queen Serenity, King Endymion, Tsukino Chibiusa, Helios (Sailor Moon)
Genre/Tags: Canon Compliant, Canon - Manga, UsaMamo Week 2023, Love, Romance, Roleplay, Love Letters, Forbidden Love, Parenthood, Children, New Year's Eve, Fireworks,Wings, Crystals, Crystal Tokyo Era, Silver Millennium Era, Royalty, One Shot, Short, Short & Sweet, Short One Shot
Words: 846
Just to let you know I am involved in a discord called 'Moonlight Legends' which is dedicated to sharing all sorts of Sailor Moon fanworks, including other fanfics. If you would like to join so you can share your own work, get help with your current projects or just connect to other fan creators shoot me a PM and I'll send you an invite. All are welcome!
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mhanevision · 1 year
Mother's Love
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Day two of @usamamoweek2023 : Royalty
"In this (lovely!) Crystal Tokyo exclusive of Sailor Moon Magazine, we're having a lovely feature on Neo Queen Serenity - about balancing her royal duties and motherhood. Also, we're catching up with the pretty Small Lady! Grab this special issue in your local bookstores and newsstands for php 80 ($1.5)!"
If you're asking for King Endymion's whereabouts, he's currently on a secret state visit in Manila and Singapore (according to reliable sources). Oh, and watch out for his solo cover soon!
Background story: This very prompt reminded me to repost my art challenge piece for a small local art group I've belonged to. In that art challenge, we were asked to make a faux magazine cover depicting an anime mother of choice. And you know what, the first person that came to mind is Neo Queen Serenity, aka the future Usagi. I even included Small Lady in the mix, too!
(Originally made on 21 May 2022, but process video has posted on Instagram and Tiktok on June 2023)
Materials used: alcohol markers (Copic and Zig Kuretake), Tachikawa spoon nib, Copic multiliners, and Sakura gelly roll in white on Deleter Type B paper
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shieracosplay · 1 year
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Neo Queen Serenity from Sailor Moon 90s anime.
Ukraine, Kyiv, 2022.
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sailoreddy · 7 months
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cerenemuxse · 2 years
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Neo Queen Serenity from SMC and the original Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon manga. I love her design. This was done with chalk pastels and markers.
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dailytuxedomask · 1 year
Sailor moon crystal low quality shots - (season 2) episode 25 and 26
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