#neir thoughts
littleneir · 2 months
Um, little intro i guess...
Please read
Name's Neir, a very shy little. Typically falling between 4-7 in littlespace. Don't be fooled though, i still like wearing diapers and indulging in other more infantile comforts :)
I’d describe myself as a DL & Little if that makes sense :) I've been a loooong time lurker in the ABDL/CGL communities on practically every social media there is. I'm just too shy to interact. Make no mistake, i will by no means be regularly active. I just thought I could drop some pictures or thoughts or ideas here sometimes and maybe interact a little bit with (Especially with some of the people I really like to see on here!) Step outside of my comfort zone!! Feel free to ask questions, not that I expect many to be asked. DM’s are open if you’re respectful. Just be nice please :).
Ladies pleaseee interact!!! My sapphic little heart crumbles for you <3 ilysm
My personal photos #me Asks #ask neir
Random thoughts and feelings, often unprompted #neir thoughts
Polls #neir polls
Anybody dm’ing me unsolicited images of ANY sort will be blocked immediately.
‘Can I see you?’
Yes. Look at my blog. That’s what you get to see. I will not send you pictures personally or reveal my face.
‘How old are you?’
Read my bio. It’s up there and that’s all you’re getting.
‘Do you have telegram?’
No, I don’t. I won’t get it either.
‘Do you have a daddy or boyfriend?’
No, I don’t. I won’t get one either.
‘Where are you located?’
The US. That’s all you need to know
‘What got you into diapers?’
Go read my asks.
‘Do you sell content?’
No, I don’t.
‘Diaper check?’
Do NOT ask for one in my dms unless I know you and have given express permission for you to do so.
If you followed me 3 hours ago and your first message is ‘diaper check’ I will not respond and I will block you so fast.
If you ask me these questions. I will respond with these answers. Do not be surprised.
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trans-estinien · 1 year
Zerowol agenda begins immediately
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troythecatfish · 3 months
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pleasantkingtiger · 7 months
Rick and Morty Universe A-7135, Same old same but Summer doesn't tuck and Morty slowly changes his name to "A-7/Aseven" or "Ace" for short and neir pronouns to Ne/Neir/Ners and rick is almost suspiciously cool with it, immediately correcting his speech to fit Ace's new pronouns and his rants flawlessly changed to "Rick and Ace forever a million years Aseven and Rick"
also summer tells aseven how she came out when ne was young and ace admits to vaugely remembering a different sibling before summer showing up one day and they laugh bc that /was/ summer
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mistress-lou · 8 months
Neir Automata charachters react to meeting a human (you)
Requested by me self indulgent writing :)
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Let's be honest the first time you two meet he probably shrieks
And not a small one like a really high pitched excited bird screech
After your ears were finished ringing and you could finally hear him he bombards you with questions and at first you answer them politely to the best of your ability
"So is it true humans don't rust?"
"Well no but we go through something similar called 'aging' pretty much our bones become more and more fragile over time our skin begins to sag and we have trouble moving around and we usually have little to no energy by the time we reach our 40's."
"Wow you guys have it rough! But can't you all avoid the effects of 'aging' by doing routine maintenance and replacing all of your the parts of you that are irreparably damaged?"
You have to explain that while yes keeping up to date with your body to keep it healthy and doing your best to get rid of all of the impurites inside your body can help you can never really stop the effects of aging
He doesn't really get it but is both surprised and happy to know that your body can heal minor injuries on it's own. But still keeps a close eye on you anyway
Reads all the codex that he can find on humans no matter how small it may seem he doesn't want to risk it especially after knowing you can't just replace all your broken and corrupted parts like other androids can
Starts to carry a small notebook around with him where he writes your conversations, your personal interests, allergies, eating habits, sleeping schedule, and even your bathroom breaks (yes gross ik but he wants to know when him and 2b should take a break from adventuring so you can relax)
Definitely likes to gossip with you about other YoRHa members and especially how much of a pain their commander is (which is often quickly silenced by 2b)
Ask about 2b and he'll talk for hoooours
Like he won't shut up about her goddamn you'd think he'd at least have filter and stay a bit more quiet when she's only like 5 feet away
Poor guy obviously has big crush on 2b
Although he does sometimes make some flirty comments to his operator too so maybe that's just how he is?? Or maybe he just likes those two in particular because he's close to them
Although he never really talks to you that way but that's fine though!
And 2b never says anything about it so maybe she's just not paying attention or maybe she likes it.....? Your not sure androids are hard to read especially 2b even though you guys are relatively close now
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Just no
The moment she saw you she literally turned on her heel and walked the other way
9s had to grab her and literally beg for her to hear you out because she just wanted none of it
After a few minutes of convincing she agreed to listen to you she thought you were a runaway android at first so she wanted to leave before she might've recieved any orders to bring you back or (slight spoilers) execute you but she decided to hear you out for 9s's sake
Was very surprised when you told her you were a human she didn't believe you at first but after telling her what year you were from, details of the day machines attacked, and a confirmation from YoRHa, she finally decided to beileve your story
Was very annoyed when her new mission was to escourt and protect you while she there on earth completing her main mission
Most likely only kept you around because of 9s and 6O's begging
Very quiet anytime you ask her questions she gives very curt short answers
"So...how are you doing today 2b?"
"All my diagnostics and sensory functions are all green."
"Err..okay how about mentally are you okay?-"
"I don't get tired and all my core and brain functionality are working fine."
"O-oh okay well how about-"
"Machines ahead get back with 9s!"
"But they're like 100 ft away we can just go the other way- wait!!"
Everytime you complain to 9s that you think 2b just hates you he just constantly reassures you that 2b is just like that and to just give her a little more time to warm up to you
And after travelling with her for a bit it seems like she was starting to warm up to you
For instance any time you tell her she's going to fast she'll slow down, and if your hungry she'll go fishing or go hunt a boar, if your sleepy she'll turn around and head back to the resistance camp.
If you bring it up she'll say she needed some more supplies or she needed some repairs
Won't admit it but she likes having you around because you make 9s smile so much. She loves overhearing your guy's conversations where you guys just laugh and talk (lmao mommy 2b)
Although she hates when you both gang up on her and beg her for a break or to go fishing (totally not an excuse so you and 9s can go play in the water)
She always agrees though (she's a softie and she can't say no to you two)
If you ask her to carry you she will mostly because she knows how much less durable your body is than hers
9s will most likely get jealous and ask for one too and she has no problem with it she'll just pick both of you up and walk off to the resistance camp for rest (although she does find your guy's constant giggling annoying)
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If you thought 2b was bad A2 is something else
The moment she saw you she thought you were a member of YoRHa and tried to take your head off you were lucky and somehow managed avoid her attack by a hair
You frantically explained that you had no idea who YoRHa was and that you weren't an android but a human
She of course didn't beileve you and turned around and left you there ignoring your pleas for help and explanation of what was happening and what happened to earth
Although something was telling her to stick around and watch to see if were telling the truth
So she did she tailed you watching as you scurried away from machines and hid from androids because according to what she heard you say "they're both the same all gears and metal."
Which did secretly tick her off because: How dare you compare us (androids) to those machines!!
After a while of watching you she couldn't tell if you were just reallly dedicated to your role or if you were actually telling the truth
But your luck had to run out eventually
You tripped while running away from three small stubby machines and a goliath biped it was because you were extremely underfed and dehydrated mostly because you could barely find any places to fish or get any fresh water without their being an android or machines watching it and you could never rest more than thirty minutes because you could always hear the loud shuffling and bangs from the machines walking around
So as the goliath raised his arm for the final blow you closed your eyes finally relieved that your days of scavenging and living in constant fear was over
However the end never came you heard a loud thud and whoosh of wind around you as if something had blocked the attack from the biped
Who would have the power to do such a thing?
You heard a series of more loud bangs and slashes and then eventually you heard 4 loud thuds and then silence except for footsteps walking towards you and stopping a few feet next to you
You kept your eyes closed and played dead in the hopes for whatever killed them wasn't very bright and thought it killed you too
"Hey I know your not dead I can see your eyes twitching get up or do you want me to leave you here for more of those things to come?
"Then get up"
You did as you were told and followed her back to an abandoned building in the forest close to where you first met her and she was surprisingly kind and told you to rest while she kept watch over you maybe it was her seeing how exhausted you looked (or maybe how slowly you were lagging behind her on the way here gave you away)
But you took her offer gratefully and quickly fell asleep
After waking up the next day with what felt like the best sleep of your life you saw a2 standing over you with a make shift plate made out of bark with moose and boar meat and a cup of water in the other
You gratefully accepted them eating your food rather quickly (choking a bit a few times) and left with A2
After a bit of questioning she explained why she attacked you and (eventually) that she had been following you and you in return told her how you woke up and then accidently ran into her
Your journey with A2 was quiet but fufilling in a way...?
You guys avoided YoRHa members and she taught you how to look for traces of life and where to find running water (sorry but i see her being kind've like a nomad she has to get water somewhere right?) and you told her all about your life in the human world before machines
Like 9s and 2b she keeps a close eye on you and makes sure that your always well fed and well rested so you won't accidently hit anything to hard or cut yourself then fall over and die
And while you explained to her you dont die that easily she'll still make sure you where away from anything sharp and dangerous
Mosst of the time she just grabbed you by the back of your clothes slinging you over her shoulder and just walking around that way
oh how romantic!! 💓 (your pretty sure you say this to cope with idea that she might see you as baggage or worse a pet but you do you)
Operator 6O
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Let's be honest the only reason you'd end up in operator 6O's care was if 2b couldn't handle you anymore and decided to kick you out and send you to the bunker
Which says a lot because she never fails a mission (wth did you do???)
But it's not all bad if anything you have it a lot easier you don't have to walk and walk till your feet feel like they'll fall off, you don't have sleep on the cold hard floor (if you were too far from the resistance camp), and no more life and death battles with the machines
Well not you, you just stood there and watched as 2b and 9s did all the work but you where a great source of emotional support :)
But the bunker was pretty nice if you liked being swarmed and bombarded with questions from all the YoRHa members in the bunker and maybe sometimes subtly touched and groped by them
Thankfully 6O is a little more calm than the others and she'll always ask for your permission before she touches you
But like 9s and the rest of the androids she'll still ask you a ton of questions
Her favorite things to talk about are flowers, animals, fashion, makeup, and skincare
If you know a lot about these topics than hallelujah!! You guys are going to be the best of friends!!
Pretty much a girly girl and if she was born in our modern world she would most likely be a very popular influencer or makeup artist and with her bubbly personality she'd probably have a few thousand if not million followers
She's really good company and she even teaches you how she does her job and you even help around when the other operators are compromised or sick (undergoing repairs) at the moment
Plus androids hearing your voice helps boost morale so it's a win-win
2b is also a favorite subject of 6O's because she considers her to be one of her closest and dearest friends (even more so after she sent her a picture of the desert rose and she does talk about that a lot) so complaining to her about 2b wouldn't do anything she'll probably do the same thing as 9s or just change the subject
And while operator 6O and you were talking another operator came over and gave something to 6O something about a 'gift from 2b'
And inside was a small pouch of makeup!! Goodie
A few 100 years old but hey it's still there!
While she was excited for the gift she didn't know how to use it so of course she looked over at you and gave you the saddest most desperate puppy eyes you'd ever seen
"Hey Y/N can you help me put this on please??"
"Err i'd love you too but i don't think that's safe it expired- well a few hundred years ago.."
"It's okay I'm sure it'll be fine our skin is really durable so it's fine!!!"
"That's not point-"
"Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease please-"
Doesn't matter if you have a lot of experience or no experience with makeup she still wants your help
But don't purposely make her look bad please it'll break her heart :(
And after your done helping her apply her makeup (which looks pretty good) she is absolutely ecstatic she loves it and then she insists that it's your turn to do your make up
You do your best to try and explain that your skin wasn't like hers and that it could probably cause a lot of damage to you if not kill you
She'll be really disappointed but understand and she'll just sadly put it away
After a few more days of seeing her eye her makeup and then your face you eventually decide to give in and let her put makeup on your face but only if she helps take care of you if things go wrong and she happily agrees
She did really good actually but you only keep it on for about thirty minutes before you feel your face getting extremingly itchty and take it off to see it gave you a really bad rash (but thankfully that's all it did)
She kept her promise though and she had managed to make some rash cream after finding a recipe in the YoRHa database
And even better the cream was really effiective your rash disappeared in about a week but you told her you'll never be putting on century old makeup again and she wholeheartedly agreed this time
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lunarsilkscreen · 8 months
FF/Nier/PSO/DR. WHO/DRAKEN GUARD/Chrono Trigger--Connection
The ultimate theory of everygame.
I got this idea from watching an FFXIII stream where they were killing shoopuffs from FFX (Tortoises)
Which links those two worlds together via shoopuff.
In FFXIII, the humans are living in/on an artificial planet called cocoon. Which could be thought of as a moon to the inhabitants of Gaia. Which there aren't any until they come down from the moon to escape persecution.
Because life was good in cocoon, why leave. The "Gods here" protect and feed us. (kind of an artificial Eden.)
But what's interesting is that, a second uninhabited planet isn't a foreign concept to the FF series. In FFIX they call it the "Red Moon". And "artificial humans" reside in it. They look like Saiyans, without the super technically they can go super Saiyan, but the regular humans can do it too. So I don't know if there's a difference like in DBZ.
There's a lot of lore connecting the Red Planet and Gaia, non as much as in the movie "Spirits Within" which said that the inhabitants of the red planet (which were monstrous in comparison to humans) were actually human souls from earth. And the whole plot of the movie is a war between the humans and the red planet.
Except for the main character "Aki Ross". Who has constant dreams about the red planet. Except there's a sort of "minority report" thing going on where they monitor your dreams, just in case you're being "mind controlled " by the moon people.
So she understandably erases the records of her dreams, and starts pursuing a "reunification route". Which was just allowing those human souls to return to earth, and to not continue hostilities, which were kind of started by earth as a form of self-defense.
To which she also becomes a villain in her own home, but the real villain is the General Hein. Who ends up trying to blow up the entire red planet. And pursues this with hyperfixation, because he doesn't believe there can be another way with a being he can't communicate with.
In Neir 1, the humans are affected with the "black scrawl" (the flood from Dr. Who on Mars) and humans try to figure out a way to save the affected humans, while also trying to create a kind quarantine for the infected individuals)
In Neir:A we learn that the humans were sent away to the moon. And the Androids believe this to be the actual moon. But the robots, and the Androids continually keep being infected with a kind of virus said to come from the black scrawl itself. Which is why the Android Team keeps creating new Androids as a replacement. Because if they can all be infected, then they'll all infect the human population when they eventually return too.
But it turns out, in the game, the "virus" is built into the Androids core (their black boxes, which they share with the machines)
Here's the Theory; the "Moon" they were sent to was to the "Red Planet". And the humans didn't leave that info behind so that anything left on the planet wouldn't know.
Now I connected Dr. who in here, somehow. (So maybe it's just a coincidence) but what about the other stuff? Well we already know the black scrawl comes from drakenguard. That's the premise of Nier 1.
And the black scrawl infects both humans AND machines. Just like the villain from PSO: Dark Falz (Fals? Falls? False?) (Wait. Does DFV stand for Dark False Value? Like, a null value? Or like a bit that can switch from false? Like viruses and malware tend to do?)
What does that also sound similar too? Demise and The switch Zelda Games Gannon? Are the chosen ones *also* robots?
But here's the thing, The FFXIII earthlings aren't *actually* from Cocoon. They were from earth, they were put into stasis from *before*. Something that happened to a lot of humans left stranded in Nier one. And the waking up of humans to reunite their bodies with their *souls* created replicants. Or cloned humans with their own souls, memories, and consciousness.
A big portion of the ending was accepting that for humanity to continue, was to let the replicants, to continue to exist. Because trying to revive themselves, trying to live forever just meant them fighting against their "replicants" or rather "humanity's children".
But a visitor from Drakenguard, an Android, Accord, undoes the choice Nier made, because Kaine couldn't let him go. (If you get the "good" ending, your save file gets erased. But then you unlock a secret bonus game from the Nier:Replicant remake which undoes that decision.
Because neither could live in a world without the other.)
This is why I'm Nier:A Emil is left alone without anybody. (His head kinda looks like the Moon from Majora's Mask, doesn't it?)
So now there's this cocoon that travels to the dark reaches of the galaxy and isn't always visible to the telescoped eye on earth, and that planets name in the Phantasm Star Series? RykRos.
What other cataclysmic event forces humanity to this moon?
Lavos, deemed an "alien parasite" responsible for all the evil in the world. And responsible for the end of the world, per the future timeline in Chrono cross.
What else exists in Chrono Trigger? Time gates. Where did these time gates come from? They were created by the Goddess Etro which is explained during the events of FFXIII-2, and used by Hope with the "hopes" of reuniting with Lightning (his mentor and mother figure on FFXIII-1.)
What ends up happening is a null timeline is created, which Lighting ends up herding all the leftover souls from that timeline, to a new one which is possibly earth, thanks to Lightning cutting a deal with Louis Vuitton as spokesperson and model. But I'm not so sure about that.
PSO2 is a video game in the Earth that the heros travel to which is supposed to represent the "real world" as well. And in our real world, both PSO2 AND Lightning are not *real* places and people. As far as I know.
So it must be an alternate earth, and who's to say they aren't connected?
Who's to say their souls weren't trapped into some giant computer that simulates earth? The main *not villain* of that particular PSO2 chapter is a being called "Mother". And the only other time we see a "Mother" is the "Mother Brain" both present in PS2 and Super Metroid.
Lightning in "Lightning Returns" was shown to have a personal battle herself, being split into two characters; Her logical side, controlled by Bhunivelze, who wants to scrap humanity, and her emotional side, influenced by the Goddess Etro, who wants to save humanity as it is.
What if; Lightning was separated in twain by the Black scrawl, and that's why her counterpart "Lumina" is distinct. What if, Lumina is a Replicant, and Lightning is what's left of her logical soul.
Just like Nier in Nier 1.
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abimee · 3 months
i know we are in email correspondence but i wanted to express to you again how thankful i am to have found your art and how much of an impact it has had on me for the better, its always such a delight receiving updates from you and seeing you post the other things you've done (i know nothing about neir but i always get excited seeing your drawings for it). i hope you're having a wonderful night and that art continues to bring you even half as much joy as its brought me over the year or so I've followed along with it :]
i really wanted to draw something to express my thanks for such a kind ask but ended up just staying up until 2 am doing nothing and thought id think of something in the morning but instead got really into cleaning my room so im sorry i dont have anything to respond eith besides this photo of one of the billboards in my town that made me laugh!!
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i cherish every time someone tells me my art means anything to them and im super greatful for it every time!!!!! and for all the kindness and patience you give me when commissioning me i really enjoy drawing your characters and im happy youre so pleased with the outcome! :'''''-------------------------) i love drawing so it makes me full of joy to know others like what i make and that it has any impact on them so again thank you so much!!!
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Bracket H Round 1
Poll 3
NERF (@nen-kaii) vs. Bruce the Just (@bruce-stan)
453. NERF (@nen-kaii)
he/him or ne/ner/neir
He has a zipper that exposes his skull because he thought it was silly, he drinks led water, ne blows stuff up with neir rocket launcher for funsies, and ne makes cookies for neir friends. He's so silly it borders on stupid. Gonna squisch him. Squinch.
4'11" little guy, with a shaved head that's split open by a zipper to expose his skull. Sometimes wears a mint-colored helmet with googly eyes pasted on.
454. Bruce the Just (@bruce-stan)
     Bruce is a were-shark Barbarian from a pathfinder campaign im in. he is my precious baby boi and the sole reason I'm on tumblr is to shill for him in this bracket. He was abandoned as a child due to his family thinking him a monster and fending for himself till one day while trying to rob a family for food, he goes too far and kills the dad. Stricken with the weight of his actions he seeks to save as many people as possible to make up for his terrible deed.
     He is the definition of a himbo. The kindest of beans and loves nature especially the water. He is allo-aro as he loves everyone as his ever growing number friends but just can't hold romance in his heart, but still is distracted by boobs; can your really blame him boobs bouncy. He is autistic coded and has PTSD from his past actions, hating loud sounds as they remind him of the child and mothers wails of grief at what he did. He is self sacrificing to a fault and will no hesitate to throw himself into any danger for any reason.
     This is reflected in his weapon "Penance". which he spells (penents). A metal shark tooth macuahuitl with one half cold iron and the other half adamantine. It is enchanted to deal extra dmg at the cost of backlash upon himself, which has been the cause of his many scars across his body. Bruce doesn't care however as his weapon is just as much penance for himself as for his enemies.
     He serves as both the heart and big guy for our groups five man band. While he is obviously the dumb muscle, he is the emotional core of our group that makes a cold-hearted assassin, a conniving theif, a vengeance possesed psychopath, a shadowfell raised Dryder, and an apathetic druid, all want to be better people because of his unrelenting love and kindness.
    He hates killing and will even in battle go out of his way to avoid it and violence in general as much as possible. Their is but a single exception to this rule and that is to put any of his new found family in danger. That makes a woman by the name of Valentina a dead girl walking, as she callously murdered his dear friend Ms. S. An ex school teacher who would hand out gold stars to the party. He still has the stars on his macuahuitl as a reminder of his late friend and debt to settle.
     His caring nature has gotten the party into many adventures as he is always willing to help anyone. From hauling wood, to hunting fish for a starving child, to collecting cat skeletons for a friendly necromancer, to even facing down a 40ft tall face stealing monstrosity, all one must do is ask.
     Now a list of my favorite Bruce quotes:
" I got my info from a trustworthy source....... ya know a crab from that creek over there".
"NO STEALING! I will buy you the shiny".
"I would never kill him, just break a few ribs".
"I've fought plenty of trees and I only lost twice".
"You can be gay just don't do crimes........ok maybe a little crime since he's was mean".
"BRUCE IS INDOMITABLE" ( after holding back a bullete from his unconscious friends.)
"violence doesn't just break a man's nose, it breaks his spirit.............I've seen how terrible that truly is."
     I could go on for days about my precious lad, so if anyone wants to hear more hmu. That being said though reckless, naive, and certainly buried in his own sins; his unyielding sense of kindness and do-goodery make no one more fitting of the name Bruce The Just.
Taylor Lautner from twilight as to add to the shark meme since he also played sharkboy.
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cannibalcaprine · 28 days
thoughts on neir
isn't that L's weird little albino clone from The Death Note
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Fell Xenologue rewrite part 3 (F!Alear side)
Chapter 2 - Cries meddled with deep sea
Alear's though : "it's so dark...."
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Young Alear : "Mother ?"
??? : " I can't let Alear live like this.... This night, we will flee together... far from Sombron... I... I should have know that he doesn't love me... that he just wanted to make more soldiers...why... why can't he just uses those creatures he makes and have to rely on us and our children ?? Why ??"
???? : AHHHHHHH !!! The.. Corrupted...
Young Alear : Moth--
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Young Alear : -er...
Sombron : Why did you asked ?
Young Alear : It's father.
Sombron : The Corrupted are dead bodies. Eventually, they'll rot away; they might not even be able to last one battle. Even getting rid of those defects eats their life energy and lead them to disappear. And the process to make them drains my magic as well. Those pawns however, they can last... as long as they don't act like defects.
Young Alear :...
Sombron : You thought that you could run away like that ? But worry not. That precious child of yours can survive... as long as they are not defective...
Young Alear :...a defect...if... If I prove my worth... I won't end up like Mother... I won't be feed to the Corrupted... if I am not a defect.... defectdefectdefectdefectdefectdefectdefectdefectdefectdefectdefectdefect
??? : Alear ?
Past Alear : !
Eboris : .... what is that ? Are you crying ?
Past Alear : This... is nothing. I had a bad dream.
Eboris : You seems to have a lot of those lately.
Past Alear : That's... not true.
Eboris : ....
Blanche : It's time for our next mission.
Neir : We have to get to the Ring of the Caring Princess.
Ebene : Our next destination is Firene's castle. We have to go through a village to get to the castle.
Blanche : And father.... requested for bodies...to make Corrupted
Alear's though : !
Past Alear : ...
Blanche : I... I know what you think...but... those are Father's order. We must not leave a single one person alive.
Past Alear : If we do... will we be labeled as defect ?
Neir : You know the answer.
Past Alear.... in that case, let's go.
Ebene : Sister wait.
Past Alear : What is it brother ?
Ebene : You were crying weren't you... Eboris told me you had a nightmare...
Past Alear : I did not. I am not a defect. Now let's go. (leaves)
Ebene :... If you say so...Why did I asked her that ? It's not like me to have such thoughts.
(later, as the group decided to split way to arrive to the village)
Ebene : It seems I arrived first. The village is right there.
Little girl : sobs, sobs
Ebene : A human ?
Little girl : sniff, Ma...
Ebene : It's a child... how strange. Even though we are dragons, children of humans and our younger selves aren't that different.
Little girl : Mama!
Ebene : !
Little girl : Where are you Mama ? sniff
Ebene : Is this child... looking for her mother ?
Little girl : Mama !!
Ebene : ... Ch... Child !
Little girl : Huh ?
Ebene : Are you ... looking for you mother ?
Little girl : Yes... I was having a walk with my Mama but I let go of her hand and then... she wasn't there anymore sniff !
Ebene: ... *sight* So; it's not only in appearance that we are alike to the child of men. But in heart as well huh ? I should not do this but... Child. I'll help you find her.
Little girl : Really ? Thank you Sir !! Hm ? There is a big fire over there !!
Ebene : Did the other started the attack ?
Little girl : Oh no... it's my home !! What if Mama and Papa were there ?!
Ebene : Come, well see this.
map 2 - Objective rout the Enemy or escort the little girl to her home
Defeat : one of the units or the little girl is dead.
WARNING : The thieves will send some zones on fire so watch out.
If you choose to help the little girl be careful on which house you visit. Some villagers will refuse to open their door.
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Ebene arrives and joins the group.)
Neir : Brother !
Ebene : What is this ? Did you started the attack ?
Eboris : We did not. When we arrived, a bunch of human thieves were already wreaking bloody havoc on this village.
Ebene : I see. I have a small request to ask of you. Will you accept to .. help me save this village.
Blanche : What are you saying ?! Father requested we bring him other corpse to make Corrupted !!
Past Alear : What... is... this... in... your arms ?
Ebene.... this child of men... she is ... looking for her mother.
Eboris : !
Ebene : If we can at least spare her family... please...
Neir : I know how you feel but Father as been clear...
Past Alear : If we help this girl, we will be seen as defect. However... she cries. I don't want to do that... I am having thoughts I should not have...
Blanche : You aren't the only one....
Eboris : Fine. We'll help her. And... we will find another way to bring bodies to father. After all, those thieves might be helpful.
Neir : That's right. If we defeat enough thieves, we might still have Corrupted to bring to Father.
Past Alear : If we do this... we won't be defect. So I accept. As long as we bring corpse to father we obeyed.
Dialogue battle between Alear and the Siblings.
Ebene and Alear
Past Alear : Brother ? What did you do that ?
Ebene : What ? Do you mean, helping this child of men ?
Past Alear : Yes.
Ebene : When I saw her crying,... I though that she looked like us, fell children. I thought that.. she looked like me
Past Alear : You ?
Ebene : When I lost my mother. She...killed herself.
Past Alear :....
Ebene : Blanche and Neir weren't the only one to share a mother. I did too. With another of our sibling. You were too young at the time, but .. they died during a battle. Mother was so desesperated. She ended up killing herself. I ... could not do a thing.
Past Alear : ...
Ebene : I ... miss her terribly. At night, I always am scared about tomorow... what if I died in a battle, what if I displeased Father and he disposed of me ? And in those moments... I wish she was there... as if she could protect me from Father. What a foolish thought! No one can save us from him.
Past Alear : ...
Ebene : Sister, your cheeks are drenched.
Past Alear : ... that's not true. I am not a defect. Only defect cries. I am not. (leaves)
Ebene : ... Only defects cries ? If that is the case... does this child of men crying for her mother is defective ? ... Father would defintely think so.
Eboris and Alear
Past Alear : Sister ?
Eboris : What is it ?
Past Alear : Why did you accepted to help this little human ? Even though you know that father will call us defect ?
Eboris : ... I don't know. Seeing this child cry, hanging onto Ebene's sleeves... reminded me of me...
Past Alear : You ?
Eboris : We Fell children, are often robbed of our mother at a young age. Sometimes, because of humans killing them. Sometimes, because we die before they do. Or sometimes, when Father dispose of them.
Past Alear :...
Eboris : You know that my weakness is fire magic ? I am scared of it. Mother tried to run away with me, fearing that I might die like all of our siblings. Father learned about it. He used a fire spell and burnt her right in front of me. Ever since...
Past Alear : You feared to suffer the same fate...
Eboris: ...Indeed. Father scares me... he terrifies me... but at the same time... I can't help but hate him for all of this... for all that he did to us, and our mother... But I can't defy him. No one can. Yet here we are, openly defying his orders...
Past Alear : But if we bring him the corpses of those thives, we won't be defying him...
Eboris : I do think so. Father hates humans but there is no reason for him to care about whether those bodies comes from villager or thieves.
Past Alear : Is there a difference between a dead villager and a dead thief ?
Eboris : The fact that you ask the question is an answer in itself.
Neir and Alear.
Past Alear : Neir.
Neir : Yes.
Past Alear : How do you feel about this plan ?
Neir : I... don't know. It's the first time we are disobeying's father order in a way.
Past Alear : Do you think he'll... dispose of us ?
Neir : Only if we fail.
Past Alear : But why would we help humans... when we can be at risk ?
Neir : I guess it's like me and Blanche.
Past Alear : ?
Neir : We might have lost our mother, but Blanche is my sister. And my twin at that. She is weak, so as a big brother, I just felt that I have to protect her.
Past Alear : That's... how I feel about you as well.
Neir : Really ?
Past Alear : Yes. When I think of Father disposing of you. My heart aches. And it makes me sad. But I won't show it. Only defects are showing their sadness.
Neir : We aren't even allowed to shed tears huh ?
Blanche and Alear.
Blanche : Sister ?
Past Alear : Yes ?
Blanche : You... unlike me and Neir... you knew your Mama right ? How... how did she died ?
Past Alear : .... She wanted to leave ... leave with me. But Father did not wanted. So...he had the Corrupted kill her.
Blanche : Is that why you hate them ?
Past Alear : No. It's not only that... they killed many of our siblings. Right in front of me. Tearing them to shreads....
Blanche :... is that... why you were crying in your sleep ?
Past Alear : I hate sleeping. When I do, all I have are bad images of the past. Bad memories. Of mother... of our siblings getting killed... of the Corrupted... I fear that if I feel asleep, they might eat me too...
Blanche : Sister... I am maybe weak but, I wish I could do what Neir do with me and protect you all.
Past Alear : I wish so too. I ... don't want Father to dispose of you.
Alear and the Little Girl
Little Girl : Pretty...
Past Alear : ?
Little Girl : Oh !
Past Alear : Were you looking at me, little human ?
Little Girl : Yes ! Your red hair and red eyes ... they are so pretty !
Past Alear : ... really... you like them ? I.. am the only one of my family to have them. None of the other fell dragon have those. Nor my siblings, nor my father, nor my mother..
Little girl : How is your mama ?
Past Alear : She died long ago...oh
Little girl : sniff
Past Alear : Why are you... ?
Little girl : Sadd!! This is sooo sad !!!
Past Alear : ... are you sad for me ?... you should not. Or you will be called a defect.
Little girl : Defect ? What does that means ?
Past Alear : I... I ... am not sure myself.
Victory dialogue (you either rout the enemy or help the little girl sucessfully)
Ebene : here you go, Child
Little girl : Thanks mister !!
Ebene : Watch out !
Thief : AHHH !!!
(As he fight the thief that attacked the girl, Ebene dropped something)
Little girl : Mama !!
Past Alear : She reunited with her mother...
Eboris : We should head back to the temple now.
Neir : Yes.
Past Alear :... she looks happy...
Blanche : Sister, do you come ?
Past Alear : Yes.
Alear's though : I recall this moment. When I saw that little girl smile, my heart felt warmer.. however, I have ... a omnious feeling...
??? : That's... the ring of the Holy Knight !! What is it doing there ?
Little girl : oh that's Mister's ring !!
??? : Mister.
Little girl's mother : A group of 4 strangers helped our village and one of them have dropped this ring.
???? : They helped you ? They weren't the one who attacked you ?
Little Girl : Of course not ! Mister helped me find mama. And there was one with pretty red hair !!
???? : ... red hair ?
Soldier : Lady Lumera ! We managed to extinguish the fire and helped the survivors. Healer are proviving healing for them.
Lumera : Good. Let's make sure that all the people who were injuired are now in a safe place.
Soldier : Yes ! (leaves)
Lumera :... The bearer of this ring had to be a child of the Fell dragon... but why would they help a human village ? And this child ? This doesn't make sense. Fell dragons are the one who started this war and plunged the world into chaos... and killed so many of my friends and family... so... why on earth ?
(In Gradlon's temple)
Sombron : So ... you came back.
Past Alear : Yes Father.
Eboris : we brought you the corpse you requested.
Sombron : I see... I'll take care of this later. ?
Past Alear : What is it ?
Sombron : I fail to sense an Emblem presence...
Past Alear : !
Alear's though : I remember ... not;.. not that...
Sombron : Summon your Emblem this instant !!
Eboris : But Father...
Sombron : NOW !!
Past Alear : Sh--Shine on Emblem of Beginings
Eboris : Sweep across, Emblem of Blazing
Neir : Free us, Emblem of Genealogy
Blanche : Heal us, Emblem of Dawn.
Ebene : Provide for us, Emblem of the Holy War.....
All : !
Sombron : Ebene... where is the ring of the Holy Knight ?
Ebene : I... Father I....
Sombron : ANSWER !
Ebene : I... don't know...
Sombron : ... I see.
Eboris : Father.. please... we can get it back
Sombron : Silence.
Eboris :...
Alear's though : No, please.. I don't want to see that !! Not again !
Sombron : You disappointed me. And you know what happens ?
And then..my older brother got drowned.
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doevademe · 2 years
Now I just gotta ask (and I bet you saw it coming) a drabble of Percy's proposal to Nico ✨️🙏please?
Everything was going according to plan.
Things were going great, perfect, even. He knew better than to hide the ring inside food or do something Nico would hate like pop the question in public. It was just going to be a nice walk in the park under the moonlight, and then proposing by Orpheus's entrance to the Underworld.
(It was romantic, okay? It was a place that they visited together, and the entrance itself only existed because of Orpheus being too in love with his wife to let her go.)
The only thing Percy failed to take into account, was the demigod factor.
Also known as the 'neither the gods nor monsters will ever let you be' factor.
"I don't remember anything about Orthrus being this resistant," Nico panted as he evaded another swipe of the two-head dog's gigantic paws. "Did we do something to it?"
"I mean, we technically killed its master," Percy said, remembering Geryon.
"That was almost twelve years ago!" Nico protested. "Where was it when you pierced his three hearts with an arrow?"
Apparently it was the wrong thing to say, as the dog snarled and used its whole body to pin Nico to the ground. His boyfriend squirmed to get away from the two maws trying to bite his face off.
"Get off him, you two-headed freak!" Percy yelled, stabbing him with Riptide. The dog yowled and swiped at him, giving Nico enough room to roll away.
"Percy!" Nico gasped at the new wound on his arm. He turned to glare at Orthrus. "That's enough!"
He raised his arm and started chanting, opening the earth for skeleton hands to hold the monster down.
However, Orthrus was smarter than either of them thought, as he used his second head to bite Nico's outstretched hand, making Nico scream.
"Nico!" He said, but before he could say or do anything more, a large shadow jumped over him.
Percy barely had time to raise his sword up as the shadow went past him and attacked Orthrus.
Snarling dangerously as she attached herself to the monster's neck, Mrs. O'Leary bit and thrashed violently, while Orthrus could do nothing with the skeletal hands holding him down.
"Good girl," both of them said at the same time. Nico smiled at him, but it came more as a wince as he struggled to keep the skeletons on Orthrus.
"I'll finish this," Percy said, approaching and whistling for Mrs. O'Leary to retreat. Orthrus had only half a second of respite before Percy plunged Riptide right on his wound, driving the sword up and taking off both heads at once.
The body thrashed as the skeletons kept dragging it down as it slowly turned to dust.
"Maybe when it reforms Eurytion can train him better," Percy commented, only to drop the sword at Nico hissing in pain. "You okay?"
Nico's hand was all bloody, with prominent bite marks on his wrist. Percy looked at it in worry.
"Nothing some ambrosia can't fix," Nico said, chuckling weakly. "Sorry I ruined the night."
"Don't say that," Percy said as he helped him up. It would take them a while to reach their apartment in Queens, where they kept their stash of ambrosia, unless... "Hey girl, think you can give us a lift?"
Mrs. O'Leary barked happily and knelt down.
"Sorry," Nico repeated. "You even said tonight was special and all, and I wasn't careful enough."
"I just wanted you to dress nice," Percy said gently, helping him up their dog's back. "It's more important that you are okay. Let's go home," he said both to him and to Mrs. O'Leary, whose ears turned back as she ran into a tree's shadow.
They appeared in the alleyway neir their building. Percy petted behind the dog's ears and promised her the biggest steak he could buy soon, making her slobber all over them.
"Even if it's not my fault, I'm still sorry your plan didn't pan out," Nico said, looking at his hand and frowning.
"Nico, nothing is ruined," Percy said. He looked around, was he really going to do this on a dingy alleyway by their building, with their giant hellhound as their witness and covered in dog slobber? "In fact, if tonight reminded me of something, is that we can't take each day for granted."
Yes, he was.
He knelt down and gave his best smile. Nico's eyes widened.
"Nico di Angelo, you are the most amazing person I have ever met," Percy said trying to remember the speech he had prepared. Most of it had references to Orpheus and Eurydice, though, so that was out. "I don't ever want to lose you like... like it could have happened today."
"Y-you're freaking out over me getting injured," Nico reasoned. "You don't even have—"
Percy pulled out the ring box, his smile turning sheepish.
"That's why tonight was special," he said. "So, what do you say? Will you marry me?"
Nico frowned and looked down to his side. Percy felt a slight surge of panic.
"My hand is fucked up right now," he muttered. Percy frowned, not understanding where Nico was going. "You can't put the ring on."
Percy's eyes widened before laughing. Leave it to Nico to worry over such a thing.
"Is that a yes?"
"Did you ever believe I would say no?" Nico asked back. "I have loved you ever since I met you."
His fiance sighed.
"Yes, Percy Jackson, I will marry you," he said. He used his healthy hand to scrub at his face before any tears could spill. "Keep the ring until after I have this healed, though. I want you to put it on me."
"So traditional," Percy teased. Mrs. O'Leary barked happily.
"And that's why you're marrying me," Nico shot back.
"That, and a million other reasons."
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shibe-myths · 1 year
Stealing this from another blog paraphrasing cause I couldn’t find it.
What if our MC, which has been feeling numb for a long time. At some point look into the eyes of the RO and say something like “When I’m with you I feel alive. Did you do that?".
What will be the reaction of the ROs? Apprentice too cause she’s a cutie!
Awww, anon that ask is so cute! Please tell me where you saw that! I wanna read their stuff.
As for your ask:
Apprentice: The reverse of this ask is actually a spoiler. But I assume if the MC asked the Apprentice this she would be:
Crying from joy and guilt. She has no words.
Lady B: She looks as if the air has been taken from her lungs, wide eyed and lost. She brings the MC close and cries. A rarity for the ex-Sultana.
"I did no such thing. It is you who brought me to life."
Bernie: There is a moment where Bernie stares at the MC, shocked, before the full brunt of their weight is rammed into the MC. Crying and laughing. They whisper:
"You make me feel alive too."
Laz: Shock consumes them. For once they have no words. No quips. Only questions left unanswered. Did they?
"I... I don't know... is that a good thing?"
Amyntas: Disbelief consumes his features, mouth agape and lost. Flies would surely make a home within if he isn't careful. He has tried to KILL you and yet, you feel alive with him? What the fuck is wrong with them?
"You are a strange one."
Bishop: For once the usually silent man falls to his knees and laughs. And laughs. If not for his immortality, one might think he'd die from it.
"By the blood of us all, I did no such thing."
Indigo: The noise that leaves her lips is unholy. High pitched and LOUD, she brings the MC into her chest- no matter the difference in height and sings-
"If I am the one who brings you to life- you are the one who has brought me from the brink."
Perierat: There is only a smug all-knowing aura that invades the air. As if the question even needed to be asked. Perierat pulls the MC forward, enveloping them in neir grasp. The webs in their antlers shivering from the titan's glee.
"One day you will know just how much you mean to me."
Asha: Tears flood her eyes as she rounds the table, rough hands reaching out to cup the MC's face as she peppers them in kisses.
"I really doubt that darl' but just know, I love ya too. No matta' what."
Lace: For a moment the man thinks that the MC is joking, surely HE isn't that imp- but the look on their face breaks that thought and it's as if the world suddenly has focus. Past the smog of perfume and Cinis. Another thought floods their mind as they fall... hard.
'Well... shit.'
Ribbon: For once the ghost shows something beyond the blur of mild contempt. It is small, the twitch of her lips, the glow of her eyes being just THAT much brighter. But as she shifts in the air, just that much closer, the words flood into the MC's mind.
'Me too.'
Stranger: It's hard to know what the Stranger is thinking from beyond that mask, but as he moves to stand, something like a broken gasp eeks out before he vanishes back into the comfort of invisibility.
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scotianostra · 1 year
Another one where dates vary a wee bit, but January 8th in the year  678 is the most likely day St Nachlan, also known as Nathalan, died.
Nachlan was a native of Deeside and as some would have it he was of noble birth from within one of the local Pictish tribes. It is thought he is almost certainly the same as Nechtan Neir, found in Irish calendars and in the Annals of Ulster. He appears in the Aberdeen Breviary on January 8th (same date as Nechtan in the Irish calendars), but he is on January 12th in the Martyrology of Aberdeen. Two churches one at(Tullich another at Bethelnie and one in Cowie have Nathalan as patron. In the Scottish calendars, unlike the Irish, he is consistently a bishop.
St Nathalan or St Nachlan, is reputed to have built the first small chapel at Cowie on this windswept clifftop sometime during the 7th century. Legends abound regarding this Scottish saint, who also built churches at Coull and Tullich on Deeside.
In addition to preaching the gospil, St Nathalan taught his people to cultivate the land and grow crops. He died around 678 AD and is believed to have been buried at Tullich. There is a tradition that he owned great treasure which was wrapped in a bull’s hide, tied with a ropeand buried in the area now occupied by the extension of the kirkyard. A well known Cowie rhyme tell us:
“Between the kirk and the kirk ford,
there lies Saint Nachlan’s hoard.”
The pics are of the Chapel of St Mary & St Nathalan, which is perched on the cliffs next to Stonehaven Golf course. The kirk was later dedicated to St Mary of the Storms. but originally dedicated to St.Nathalan AD678
There is much more interesting facts here http://www.cushnieent.force9.co.uk/CelticEra/Saints/saints_nachlan.htm
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hakucho-art · 1 year
HAKUUUUUUUUUU seeing ur reblogs+reweets of neir automata is Driving me insane, u should know. man! I barely even Know shit about neir! but 2B9S got me like??????????
Yuki istg you have to inform me when you change your name cause I legit thought "okay stranger, do we??? Know eachother?? This is a bit sudden and really familiar", I only recognized you by your usual blog description hsvdhwbdb
(Realising rn that you could gaslight your followers so hard by just completely changing your entire blog overnight)
ALSO THATS THE WHOLE PLAN, holding out the stick with the carrot so you can perfectly smell it, but never reach it >:) I hope you dont look or read too much of the more spoilery stuff... I shall try to avoid reblogging these for now
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Coming out as a fictionkin and new start
Hi Iam have not been active on here for ages and so I decided to make this post as way share awareness and hopefully find other people who are as one and as new start for me on here. What say may sound crazy to some people and please don’t bully for who Iam and if you do I will block you.
Here a bit at me.
I go by the name Fyra but I also go by my current shift name please(I explained more later the post and I put my current shift’s name as my username )
I am transgender girl who has ADHD and autism.
My pronouns are she/her/them/they
I am fictionkin.
I have been part of the otherkin and fictionkin community for about just over 3 years.
I have strong believe in the supernatural and I believe I reincarnated several times in many different realities.
I am also psychic I can sense supernatural beings,entires and Interdimensional beings.
I also can sense someone personality before they even talk me and I can see peoples aura.
I am very creative person I love drawing, love cosplaying
I am love anime and manga and I very like video games.
When I was little I always felt different and I never truly felt human.
When I diagnosed with Autism I thought that possibly part of the reason I few that.
But I then hear about otherkins about for a interview with otherkins video I few years got me thinking.
That I could be otherkin but I don’t think more about after that.
About around the middle of 2020 I decided to start looking into otherkins and I then discovered fictionkins. Then I realised I was fictionkin as I started awakening my first kin Alissa and it when on for their.
I then decided join a few different otherkin and fictionkin Animos originally out curiosity and to see if I could find anyone who could help me discover if who I was and then over time I awaken more kins.
As I learned more and discovered that I am fictionkin.
I as started awakening my kins and more find about myself.
I started feeling more complicated and happy.
I hope to meet more people who have similar beliefs and possible even kin for the same canon as me.
I hope make some freinds and discover more myself.
I made this post as way of make awareness of otherkin and fictionkins and please feel to ask any questions even in comments or in pms.
I am planning making more posts about my experiences and memories I have of pastlifes.
Anyway I am going on.
Here my My kin list
Sarvente from FNF mod Sarvente’s mid-fight masses
The Girlfriend from Friday night Funkin(possibly the version from Hipno’s lullaby mob)
Alissa (my true self)
Bela Dmittrescu from Resident evil village
Alternate version Lady Dmittrescu from Resident evil village
Donna Beneviento and Angie from Resident evil village
The creepypasa Clockwork
Queen Juno from Grand summoners epic event Story called Knights of Blood: zero.
Ryuko Matoi and Nui Harime from kill la kill
Raphtalia and Filo from rise of the shield hero
dragon kin link to miss kobayashi's dragon maid
Kumoko from I am an spider so what?
Albedo, Shalltear Bloodfallen and Entoma Vasilissa Zeta () from overlord
The Hooked Doll from spooky’s jumpscare Mansion DLC Spookys Dollhouse
18 Reaper nurse from Dark deception chapter 4 Torment therapy
Poppy,Mommy long Legs(aka Experiment 1222/Marie Payne and not canon version similar to version of her show in the gametoons animations),Catbee from Poppy’s playtime
2B,A2 and Simone from NeiR: Automata
Alia the Explorer that live an in reality similar to the world of minecraft and who infected by sculk
Demon that is member of the Superd tribe from mushoku tensei jobless reincarnation
Someone possibly kitsune or angel from supernatural (or just a kitsune in General)
The darkness/Amara from supernatural (not 100% confirmed her as a kin yet but I more confident I do)
Yuira the dullahan
Roxanne Wolf(my soul possessed her Endoskeleton and I was child called Emelia)from Five nights at Freddy’s security beach
Glamrock Mangle from fnaf sb
All the witches of sin(Satella the witch of Envy, Daphne the witch of Gluttony, Minerva the witch of wrath, Echidna the witch of greed, Typhon the witch of pride, Sekment the witch of sloth and Camilla the witch of Lust) and Rem from Re:zero
Fio from NieR:Reincarnation(not 100% sure I kin or possibly Lavania but I feel the connection to him taken her form)
Zero, One, Two, Three, Four and Five from Drakengraud 3(Not fully confirmed One,Two,Three,Four and Five as kins yet but I confident I kin them all not 100% yet)
Kainè from NieR
Paimon , Amber , Sandrone as known as The Puppet and Greater Lord Rukkhadevata(just confirmed her for an unexpected way) and Nilou(basically me to almost to a T) from Genshin Impact
Dust from Re ZombieGirl S sisters(very confusing shifts)
Clara Maria and Esther Winchester(not 100% confirmed as kin yet) from Cuphead(just confirm her as kin)
Sally from Nightmare before Christmas
Emily from Tim Burton The Corpse Bride
Twisted Alice/Alice Angel/Suise Campbell from Bendy and the ink machine/Bendy and the ink machine dark revival. Audrey Drew from Bendy and the Dark Revival (newest conformed kin and I have not 100% confirmed her yet.)
Nikusa from FNF:entity mod and meet Nikusa mod
The Mourning Flowers Witch Natasha from Memento Moir
Monika and Natsuki from Doki Doki Literature Club I have not yet fully confirmed them as kins still kinsinding them as kins)
I will make a post for each of my kins and the experiences and memories I had related to them.
Well see you all in my next post bye for now.
(sorry if this post seems all over the place I edited this post for my Fictionkin Animo bio and I did rush it a bit.)
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Takanashi Kiara Appreciation Post
Well, now that I remembered my tumblr password, time for some word vomit!
Takanashi Kiara is my kami oshi. She wasn’t the first vtuber I saw, but she was the first corporate one. I’ll be honest, I came in during the infamous Uno stream, during the baby voice round. I legitimately thought that was how she naturally spoke, and because I wasn’t aware of whose name or model belonged to which voice, I just assumed that Kiara’s first language was Japanese and was still learning English.
Boy was I wrong.
I got curious about all of them in that collab (Ina, Calli, Gura) and went to check out their channels. I really thought I would like Calli the most. She had the deepest voice there, she was swearing up a storm, she was caustic and loud and pretty fun from what I saw. But her streams didn’t grab my attention. I went through the rest and somehow Kiara stuck out. I don’t remember what it was about her, if there was a specific stream. But I decided to keep her on my radar.
Fast forward a bit and I’m listening to her streams as background noise. She was playing Neir: Automata at the time, and hearing her rage was very entertaining. Because I was watching so much of her, YouTube decided to recommend some clips of her. 
That’s what really hooked me onto Kiara.
Specifically clips from the channel KowKarrot. He makes fantastic clip compilations that can range from 5 minutes to over an hour, which was great for catching up with Kiara’s escapades. His “Phoenixton” video about Kiara reviving a villiage in Minecraft in particular really drew me in. I remember rewatching it many times because it was just so goddamn funny! It really highlighted the aspects of Kiara that I enjoyed: her humor, her joy at succeeding at the game, her anger and rage when creepers ruined her plans, her commitment to seeing it through. Overall it made me cheer for her and realize that she was something special.
It’s now been over 2 years since that Uno stream, and my love and admiration has only grown. Kiara is a phenomenal streamer, a great saleswoman, and generally a wise and charismatic person. My life has improved just by watching her and listening to her many, many tangents. 
To be clear, I admire her the way I admired the people in the grade above me. I know she has no idea who I am, but just hearing about the things she went through and overcame gives me the strength and hope to overcome my own struggles. As a proud KFP member, I will continue to support this strong phoenix for as long as I can. 
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