travelersspark · 1 year
Cybertronian!reader(gn)x bumblebee who has a Wall-e and eve relationship 👀👀 yk the reader acts like eve doesn't really talk and bumblebee being a total sweetheart, like the first time where eve said wall-e's name for the first time and he's like awww🥺 yeah thats them
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I love this ! I'm not sure which version to go with but imma do TFP post season 3 for setup ♡
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𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝑯𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚
TFP!Bumblebee x GN!Cybertronian Reader.
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A light whirl of the nightly life on Iacon sounds in your ears as you stroll down the walkways of the city. Cybertron. Your home. The place you always loved and never want to leave. Iacon being your home residence and workplace. As well as being a high inscriber your duties are simple. Nothing much to truly say. Hence why you enjoyed your job. You never really had to voice your opinions and ideas , you just had to transcribe.
Write any information presented to you and do diligence for the order of cybertron. You were complacent about your role and never questioned much about it. Moatly since no kind of threat seemed to be at large. Luckily you seemed to have some free time to yourself finding you optics set on a small rest spot near a open residence. The sound of communication drowns out the silence of the starry sky above. ❝ Y/N ? ❞ a voice called out as you turn to find where such voice came from.
Your optics set on a tall yellow and black cladded bot not to far off in the distance , passing through a crowd of other bots seeming to be in some sort of hurry. A faint hint of confusion spreads across your face plate as he approaches. His voicebox sounding hoarse and tired. ❝ I've been looking for you ! Finally got time off from patrol so... ❞ Servos planted on his hip plates as he spoke a bit of hesitancy in his voice as you watch. ❝ I was um. Wandering if you be free to go with me to that um- scrap. ❞ He mutters under his breath as he claps his servos and sighs. Optics pointed to the sky as a light blushing glaze comes across his faceplate.
To you , Bumblebee was like a close friend. Close enough to kind of be the real you. Yet you still never really understood him. Yet you enjoy his company in a way. A light laugh escapes your lips as you watch him uncomfortably fidget. Soon his gaze meets yours as his faceplate shows signs of amazement and confusion.
❝ Did you just.. laugh ? ❞ He exclaimed as your optics dart away and you turn flustered. Bee wasn't having it. He laughs quietly to himself as he moves close. ❝ You laughed ! I knew your voicebox wasn't broken ! ❞ He teased as you profusely shake your head , trying to hush his excitement. He cheered for a moment before you hastily covered his mouth with your servos as the gap between you two closed. After a second you back off quickly , akwardly. Bee sighs as he rubbed his neckplate as he grunts clearing his voicebox. ❝ There's a bar not to far from the central area. Probably about maybe a couple of paces down from here. I was thinking... maybe we could go and have a drink ? My treat by the way. ❞ He mutters the last bits as you blankly watched him. His optics narrow trying figure out your next move.
“ Yes.. ” your voicebox called out as Bee backs up in awe. A slight chuckled comes from you as you begin to walk waving him along. Bee's backplate wings flutter before he follows behind. His optics and mouth slack-jawed open during the whole walk. Your definitely gonna have alot of explaining to do...
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There ya go! Kind of short but sweet and cute at the same time ! ♡
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valve3nthusiast · 10 months
Someone expressed interest in a robotiddy version of my crystal plating idea.... I am so deranged for transformers in pretty crystal corsets and bras. Fuck I wish I could draw...
I think transformers tiddy should glow softly because the energon wells are backlit by the spark, so a crystal chestplate would have this scattered warm light to it that would look stunning, in my opinion
But you know what would be even more beautiful? Crystal carved more in the shape of a bra, with delicate faceted designs illuminated by sparklight. Boobs gently cupped in the pretty crystal, just a teeny bit of a window between the neckplate and the top of the bra so you get a peek of bare tiddy, soft and bouncy... hrnggg
✨️roboobies and glowy sparkly lingerie✨️
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therealandian · 3 months
“So who finally found you on Aldara, then? And if you tell me it was Marius, I swear I’m going to run him through the next time I see him.” He thought for a moment. “Honestly, I might just do that anyways.” Elias set his cup down, undrank. “I…somehow feel you’re going to like my actual answer even less.” He glanced nervously over at the painting still laying on the floor, and massaged the flesh around his neckplate. “It’s something I very much don’t want Jonah Knowing about.” “I really couldn’t give less of a fuck if he finds out about the Mechanisms.” Martin gestured at Elias. “You Knew about them, and it hardly did you any good.” Sweat was beginning to bead his forehead. “Yes, well, I…didn’t know about this particular Mechanism. And given that I travelled primarily alone with him for roughly two-and-a-half centuries, I don’t think you do, either.” “What the hell are you on about?” Elias gulped. “Um…it’s- erm…” “Spit it out!” “It’s Jon!” he gasped. “He- he saved me centuries ago—g-gave me a chance to prove myself!” Silence fell. Elias gripped the counter like he was afraid he might faint. Martin gripped the counter to keep from tearing Elias’s neckplate from his throat and watching him bleed to death. “What.”
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Alright, I rediscovered that snippet that anon was asking about with Herrah tending to a gravid Pale King (as a twist on the common interpretation of the Deepnest Deal- in this one, Herrah is trans), and I added a bit more polish. It's still kind of rough, but eh, that's why its a snippet.
TW for mentions of breeding seasons, dysphoria around childbearing (Herrah), and hints to past child death (also Herrah). There's also some observations of weight gain (PK), but it's due to hormone shifts and a healthier feeding schedule, so it's depicted in a positive light.
Faint movement along the edges of the nest, blankets shifting without giving any indication of the wyrm within. Then, muffled slightly by the sheets, came a deep, rattling hiss, the high-toned snarl buzzing uncomfortably over the low, nearly inaudible undertones. It was a sound unlike the cry of any bug or beast, strong enough to vibrate the weaving below her, strong enough to force her to a standstill in her own home. 
She'd bred this. She’d pinned this monster down against her bed and she’d bred him until they both knew that her seed would take, that he would grow heavy with her child. She knew, under the mire of instinct, that the creature under the blankets did not currently desire any harm to her. She knew that the person possessing such a death-rattle was likely still half asleep and territorial because of it, and would spent the next hour after eating curled up in a mortified ball with his tailfin flipped over his head, all because he’d dared to act like the animal he was inside a den of beasts. 
Still, it took her a bit longer than she’d like to unstick her claws from the floor and walk forward, humming a low warning tone to let him know she was coming. The hissing stopped, likely in recognition of her voice, and yet the muzzle that peeped out from under the thick cover layers was curled in a clear grimace of disapproval, wicked sharp fangs gleaming with the soft glow of the kingslight. Still wild, still just as ready to tear her to bits, though the growling was beginning to peter out into a low, irritated buzz. 
"I brought dinner," she said softly, and held up the dirtcarver to the nest; she did not want to speak too loudly, for she knew that his headaches had grown worse, despite him pretending otherwise. For an apex, immortal predator, he was awfully fond of hiding his discomfort. "Fresh as it can get without still trying to bite my claws off. Come, eat."
The muzzle withdrew, then reappeared on the other side of the nest, along with the entire rest of the Pale King. His jaws were clamped shut, head angled in the perfect picture of bruised dignity, but she could see the way that the faint film of his third eyelid flicked up over his eyes, the slight bristling hunch to his shoulders that indicated he felt unwell as he slipped off of the bed, murmuring a near-intelligible word of thanks. She watched him closely as he meandered to the table, keeping an eye out for any dizziness, but he remained steady even as he curled up onto his favorite chair, pressing his frontmost fists to his eyes in a display of weakness that she doubted he would have shown her three weeks earlier. Sharing a heat and the fears of what was to come next took some fangs out of the jaws of hatred she’d held for him before, and despite his stance as a literal deity, the holier-than-thou arrogance in his voice had greatly diminished the longer they shared a den. 
She plopped the dirtcarver down before him, catching the way his fangs flexed at its scent, then set about preparing her own relatively modest meal of roasted mushrooms, salted meats, and sweet tea with honey. By now, she knew better than to stare him down as he dug into his meal, but her nerves wouldn't let her do otherwise, anticipation and worry knotting up in her gut even as his neckplates began to undergo their warning puff, the spines on the back of each plate going from a low ridge on the back of his neck to a formidable hook. It was partially instinct that drove her, yes- but there was some lingering paranoia from before her widowhood that demanded she watch closely as he ate, to ensure that he got what he needed to feed both him and the eggs. Her old mate-
Well. At least they didn't have to worry much about morning sickness. He had begrudgingly admitted to some nausea, after Midwife had threatened him with the various dangers of not being upfront with her while gravid, but his body did not seem to be willing to give up on whatever nutrients that were available to him. Indeed, he had grown notably stockier since he had come to her in the midst of his heat, body and tail filled out more in muscle and fat. She did not know if he had been underweight before, or if it was common for all egg-bearing wyrms to be so bulky (well, she supposed that he had told her that the closest approximation for 'female' in a wyrm's language was 'largest deathbringer', which gave her some idea of the answer to that, she supposed), but she knew for certain that he hadn't been wasting any of the meat she'd been feeding him. His tail alone had nearly doubled in width, going from a wiry whip of scales to something that looked like it could punch a hole in her wall with little effort, and though he rarely let her touch her outside of mandatory examinations, she knew that the swelling around his broodpouch wasn’t because of the eggs, as he was far too squishy for that to be the case. It was just fat- fat, and a little bit of muscle, put there by a steady diet of dirtcarver and garpede larvae as well as the apparent physical exertion required for building a nest. She’d certainly gotten a taste of his strength when she’d had to drag him out from behind the scrollshelf, and he had sunk his claws into the wall to prevent her from pulling him away from what his mind had apparently decided was the perfect spot to hide their young. He’d spent the next day and a half nursing his injured pride, while she’d slapped some fresh silk over the tears and set about gathering newer, heavier blankets to pile on him to prevent a recurrence. 
(She also knew that his mate was quite pleased with the transformation, though she wasn't quite sure if it was because of his healthier bulk, or the fact that he was currently carrying her young. The White Lady, she knew, had been aching to breed her husband for centuries, a casual fact that she had mentioned over tea, and she did not seem to care about the fact that she wasn't the one who had left him in such a state, as long as she got frequent updates about his health.)
(Herrah herself found this most agreeable, and yet part of her envied the casualness and ease of the Pale Gods. To them, the conception of a child was as easy as breathing, rather than the nightmarish war that she had struggled with for years. Granted, the Pale King was far touchier about the subject than his wife, but there was still a dismissiveness to the whole bargain that had only started to fade quite recently, as if he had thought of himself as merely renting out his body instead of cultivating new life within himself. It was only now that the headaches had started that some of that detachment had started to disperse, as if the reality of the situation was only now starting to sink in.)
(She could relate. This whole political mess was something she still almost couldn’t believe was happening, were it not for the wyrm in her bed and the return of her desperate, aching desire to be a mother. And the end of his smarmy griping abou tit.) 
Speaking of which. "How's your headache? I've got some brews with painkiller properties that Midwife claims to be safe enough for now, if it starts to be too much. I can make it a concentrated slurry or put it in a tea, if you’d like"
He raised his head from the belly of the dirtcarver, mandibles dripping blue, and fixed her with a gaze that could either translate to a tired, hostile glare, or a stare of wary relief. From what she was starting to know of him, it was likely to be the latter, though he had recently started to get irritable enough for it to be the former. "I am fine. I have experienced worse, and this phase does not seem to be permanent. I will sleep it off soon enough."
That was the answer she expected, but not one that she was hoping for. She let out a tired sigh, crossing her foreclaws together, and leaned closer to him, keeping her voice low and calm. The tips of his wings rose slightly, but he did not snap at her, like he would have before they forged their alliance. "There's a difference between bearing a pain you cannot alleviate and forcing yourself through something unnecessary, Wyrm. For the sake of our clutch, I would prefer their father to not be dealing with anything that might obscure his reading of their health. Nor do I want to report to his wife that he has been suffering needlessly, when we have solutions to that suffering readily available."
A slow blink, alien membranes clouding those pure black eyes before they were fixed upon her again, revealing nothing. Though his face remained impassive, she caught the slight shifting of his robe, the way his lower arms wrapped protectively around his abdomen. He was not far enough along to show yet, not really, but it had her heart racing with giddy glee all the same- it was real, it was real, she was to be a mother and it was real. "I have tolerated far worse, and sense that it is only a symptom of my...condition. I do not see the benefit of treating a pain that holds no danger to the body, much less when it will fade away given enough time."
"You're missing the point, Wyrm. The point is that neither of us want you to suffer." She sighed, took a sip of tea, and pointed at him over the table with one skewered mushroom. His expression had changed, now to one of slight disbelief; reading him was so much easier now, with him dwelling within her den. "We may have been enemies once, but we are allies now, and you are currently in the process of building my children. You're still insufferable, yes, but I don't enjoy watching you shuffle around my home squinting miserably because your hormones are going on a rampage. Nor do I want to lose my hand to you snapping at me, especially since I have told you many times before that only I am authorized to enter these rooms while you are gravid. Even Midwife must get past me to get to you, and she is more of an expert on this than either of us combined. Don't make an ass of yourself when you don't need to, and don't make me get the White Lady."
Now the surprise had faded to chagrin. He picked up his own cup of tea and took a long, deep drink, looking everywhere in the den but directly at her. There was still a piece of dirtcarver intestine clinging to his mandibles, somewhat ruining the aura of nobility that he was likely trying his damned best to give off."...I shall consider it."
She sighed in response, but decided to take whatever little victory she could get. Just a few more months before he was due to lay, and then she’d be free to kick him out of the den to focus on her eggs. She would be a mother again, weaving the silk for their first cloaks while she waited for them to pip out of their eggsack. It had been so long, and yet her body knew exactly what to do, phantom instincts urging her forth even though she had been born lacking the ability to carry them herself. 
She could only hope that these would last longer than the first.
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medievalsnippets · 6 months
Armour of the English Knight: 1440 - 1450
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Source: Armour of the English Knight 1400-1450
Great Bascinet: Neckplates now quite closely shaped to the chin and throat, more closely resembling a bevor.
Cuirass: Skirts continue to shorten after 1440, especially with the introduction of the new Italianate tasset form. The english variation of the style usually includes sidetassets often of the same size as the front tassets. Hind-tasset design uncertain, but probably similar to those observed on Iberian and Italian export armour of the same period. Because of the shorter skirt, more of the mail skirt is visible, and is generally shown to be drawn down into long dags at the front, back and sides.
Pauldrons: Asymmetric fluted designs introduced, the right having either a large or small cut-out or "mouth" to accomodate couched weapons, the left fully covering the shoulder and upper arm, offering greater protection especially at the front. Arming points and underarm straps assumed to be present, although not depicted on the effegies.
Vambraces: The side-wings now take on a deeply fluted, shell-like form. Upper cannons closed with straps, lower cannons perhaps with loose-pin hinges or straps.
Gauntlets: Older hourglass form illustrated coexists with the newer type having an extended metacarpal plate.
Leg Armour: Introduction of diagonal flutes on the thigh-plates, new side-wing design to match the vambraces, and cusped uppermost poleyn lane and demi-greave.
Sabaton: Articulation lanes starting to be drawn out into points along the top of the foot. Continued and consistent use of downward lapping construction indicating use of internal leathers.
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retrofret · 2 years
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Just arrived a 1965 Candy Apple Red Fender Jaguar in its original black tolex hard shell case! 🍎🏎 - Link in our profile. - This is a nice all original example and generally nicely preserved. It has the expected 1965 features, with the added bonus of a Pre-CBS style "green" nitrocellulose pickguard, something the Jaguar held onto longer than some other Fenders but still a late fitting to find on a mid-'65 guitar. Other period details include an unbound rosewood fingerboard with pearl dot inlay and a transitional gold logo on the matching headstock. The finish is a beautiful deep Candy Apple Red lacquer. The neckplate carries a late "L" series number, The neck is stamped June '65 and the pots are dated to the 19th week of that year. This guitar is an excellent player and complete except the flip-up mute plate is present but not functional-the foam is long since turned to stone. (at Retrofret Vintage Guitars) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkBgh45O9qJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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homeoftone · 1 year
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My collab with the talented Indra Guitars, my Home of Tone ‘UFO’ neckplate, this particular one being the light aged aluminium version
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indracustom · 2 years
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Fist neckplate in aged brass. www.indraguitars.com (at Indra Custom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpSsnVwsUIF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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highendphasers · 2 years
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guitarheadsnet · 4 years
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We have been getting asked daily to bring back our EVH Neck Plates. These will not be available on our site, and through custom order BY REQUEST ONLY. If you need one for your tribute project, send us a message! 🎸 #guitarheads #neckplate #guitar #guitarneckplate #photoetched #engraved #custom #evh #eddievanhalen #vanhalen #5150 #frankenstrat #guitars #guitarupgrade #guitargear #guitarporn #guitarnerd #guitarplayer #guitarist https://www.instagram.com/p/CHi132SHVvc/?igshid=1dqumdwyriecp
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scottgailor · 3 years
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This was way overdue. This is the @greeramps #neckplate on my @deanguitars #nashvegas #guitar Just in-time for the live stream. https://www.instagram.com/p/CT_RbJIssj6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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resetthewifi · 7 years
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beesus & snacks, chillin on the jag
(thanks to my friend who bought the sticker and made the neckplate, the value of my guitar has now increased by a million sentiment)
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bradtraweek · 7 years
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Loving the Skyburst Metallic finish on this Mod Shop Jazzmaster! USA folks, check out Mod Shop here: https://shop.fender.com/en-US/mod-shop #fendermodshop #jazzmaster #neckplate #chrome #skyburstmetallic #fender #fenderguitar
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
after some time the pieces are cool enough for me to hold and this is so deeply reassuring.  this is the feeling for which I started this project.
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laidbacktyrant · 4 years
“Stop trying to pet Flopsy. She is not some one-note soft thing to be snuggled, unlike certain organisms.Flopsy is an attack rabbit, a warrior. She can shatter all but the thickest of platemail with her mighty kicks. Her-”
A pair of gray ears appear between Mordekaiser’s horns, followed by a twitching nose. It appears that Flopsy has climbed up the back of his armor, lodged her forepaws in the plates of metal from which his cape hangs, and rested her chin upon his dread helm.
“Flopsy recognizes the tactical advantages of the high ground.”
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haldenlith · 2 years
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Since I did Ardwynn, I had to do the “canon” timeline with my Guardian, Hal. Mr. Stoney-resting-bitch-face McGee.
Also, I have a different coloration on Ghost, but the actual coloration doesn’t show up very well on the background. So back to the old shader I had.
I think I’ve cracked the code on iridescent metals, though. Did that little neckplate thing in less than five minutes.
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