#nearby gold loan
sahibandhu094 · 11 months
Instant gold loan approval, doorstep services and flexibles repayments. Read the blog to know why you should get a gold loan from SahiBandhu.
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axelsagewrites · 8 months
Felix Catton*Best Gift Ever
Pairing: felix x working class!reader
Word count: 1241
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Warnings: money struggles, insecurity, rich people
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You and Felix had been going out for around few months now and it had been amazing. You could tell his friends were defiantly shocked. You were from a different background to put it politely.  Aka he was absolutely filthy rich, and you were your average broke uni student.
This was your first Valentine’s day together and Felix had been going on for the past week about how much you were going to love what he had planned. All you knew was that it involved dinner and likely some kind of gift that was way nicer than anything else you owned.
Being surrounded by so many rich people though had a tendency to make you doubt yourself especially since one of Felix’s ex flings told you that she had bought him a gold necklace for valentines last year. Felix had assured you he’d gotten rid of it ages ago and thought it looked tacky as hell, but you couldn’t help the pit in your stomach.
You were essentially just waiting for your student loan to come in to get him something but by the time it came in and you paid for all your essentials, you were left with 100 quid for the month. Which considering Felix and his friends liked to go eat and drink out all the time and he always wanted you to come meant it wouldn’t last very long. it didn’t help that whenever Felix would buy you a drink you’d inevitably get comments from one of the jealous rich girls in the group about it.
After writing down your months budget you felt like you were going to cry. You only had a spare tenner to get him something. How the hell does money go away so fast? You tried looking around the local shops for something but there was another issue about going to oxford; everything nearby was designer or name brand.
Your options were essentially a sample size of cologne or one tenth of a bracelet. Eventually you decided to suck it up and just try make something.
There you were on valentines waiting for Felix to arrive at your dorm while you finished wrapping up his present. You had bought a blank CD and spend hours curating the perfect playlist and illegally burning it onto the disc. You’d also diy’d a bunch of kiss notes by writing a small note, kissing the back of it, cutting it out and sealing the whole note in sticky tape so it didn’t smudge.
It had actually turned out pretty cute however when you opened the door and saw Felix holding a huge bouquet of flowers and 2 wrapped presents you felt your heart sink but you tried not to show it, “Roses for my flower,” he grinned, leaning down to give you a quick kiss before pressing the bouquet into your hand, “Happy valentines baby,”
“Happy valentines,” you said, opening the door so he could come in without a care in the world while you internally freaked out.
Felix instantly went to sit on the bed, sitting one of the gifts down and holding the other one out to you, “Cmon open it. I cannot wait to see your reaction,” he said, bouncing up and down like a kid on Christmas.
“Okay okay,” you laughed, taking the gift and starting to carefully unwrap it. Felix reached a hand out, pulling you by your hip to sit on his leg while you opened it. “Wow Felix I can’t accept this,” you gasped as you opened the jewellery box revealing a gorgeous pink pearl necklace.
“Don’t be silly of course you can,” he said, taking the box from your hand, “You deserve it. can you?” he said, nodding at your hair. You moved it out the way while he clasped the necklace around your neck, “and done. Almost as beautiful as you,”
You found yourself melting into his smile. Before you could say anything else however his eyes landed on the gifts you’d just finished wrapping. “Oh, are these for me?” he asked, grinning even wider as you nodded and he reached for the gifts.
You bit your lip as he tore into the first present. The CD. Suddenly it looked so cheap, and you felt your heart break as he flipped it over. you closed your eyes, expecting him to get annoyed but instead you felt him wrap his arm around you as he read the back, “This is so wicked thanks babe,” he said as he laughed at some of the songs you had listed on the back, “We should listen to it tonight. I’ve never had someone make me a CD,”
“Theres the envelope too,” you mumbled, and he lit up all over again as he gently sit the CD down and picked up the envelope.
As he pulled out the kisses his eyebrows knitted in confusion but when he flipped them over, you’d never seen as big a smile on his face, “Did you make these? These are so fucking cute oh my god you’re amazing,” he said, sitting them down so he could wrap his arms so tightly around you, you wondered if you may snap.
“I didn’t expect you to like them so much,” you laughed as Felix finally let you go enough to breathe again, “Sorry it’s not much,” you said, smile dropping slightly when you saw your gifts laid side by side.
“Hey,” Felix said, reaching up a finger to your chin, turning your head to face him, “I love them. Why do you look so sad?” he said, his smile dropping.
“I just don’t want you to think I’m some cheap skate. I wanted to get you something good and- “
Felix practically picked you up and turned you to face him while straddling his lap, “No. don’t feel bad about any of this. I love them. You have no idea how much this means to me. I mean the time and effort you put into this,” he said, looking down at the gifts. “The money doesn’t matter to me. It never has. But you,” he said, moving to hold your hands, “you mean way more than any dumb bit of jewellery,”
“I’m sorry,”
“Don’t you apologise,” he said, wrapping his arms around you for a tight hug which you quickly reciprocated. You stayed like that for a solid minute before Felix pulled away, “Now, you need to get ready or we’re going to be late,” he said with that dopey smile back on his face. He was never one to linger on the sadness after all, “Speaking of open it,” he said pulling the last gift over.
You laughed as you tore into the present, Felix getting a kick out how you didn’t try save the wrapping paper like last time. you gasped, yet again at the sight. “And don’t even think of trying to refuse it. seeing you in that is a gift for me too you know,” he joked making you slap his chest before you went to pull the gorgeous red dress out the box. “Now c’mon,” he said, pushing you out his lap before slapping your ass.
“Cmon get dressed,” he said, leaning back in the bed.
“Aren’t you gonna leave?” you teased, holding the dress up to yourself.
“Nope,” he said, popping the p, “I think I’ll stay right where I am,”
“You’re lucky you’re cute,”
“No. I’m lucky I have you,”
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holyratrimony · 1 year
Summer Love at Bighorn Ranch
Pairing: John Marston x Fem!Reader
Summary: After his divorce from Abigail, John Marston is a mess. A series of rash decisions lead to John purchasing a rundown piece of land called Bighorn Ranch. As the ranch grows, so does the need for extra hands. When you show up, ready for your new job, John is immediately taken with you. When you get caught in a thunderstorm and show up on his doorstep, soaking wet, will he be able to keep his feelings to himself, or will he confess everything? 
Word count: 9.7k (how does this keep happening?)
Warnings: minors dni, 18+ only, I’ll kick you in the knees I s2g, do not read this,  dry humping, premature ejaculation, coming in pants, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, p in v sex, creampie, older man/younger woman
A/N: This takes place during the 90s, John’s in his forties, R is like mid-20s, Jack is like 10 in this, hedgehogs are not rodents but John doesn’t need to know that, also R wears John’s clothes at one point (as someone who's plus size I think John would own pretty baggy clothes), John is mega horny in this (in like a very pathetic way), how’d angst get in here? (it's just a lil bit), John thinks he is in charge but R has him wrapped around her finger, no physical descriptions of reader, no use of y/n, not beta read
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To say John wasn’t doing well would be an understatement. After the divorce with Abigail, he’d hit a bit of a midlife crisis. The first step was moving out and subsequently crashing in Dutch and Hosea’s guest room. The two older men were patient with him, lending him some much-needed emotional support as he processed his feelings. After about a month, one drastic haircut, and a new earring, John finally was ready to move out to a place of his own.
He’d decided to return to his roots, taking out a rather large loan and purchasing a run-down ranch on a large piece of land in the middle of nowhere called Bighorn Ranch. The land was green and vast with a mix of plains and forests. It only took three days of him trying to lay the foundations for the house alone before giving in and calling Charles and Javier for help. The two men had come to his aid quickly, and with three hands they were able to get the ranch house built within just a few months. Then the barn, stables, and coup went up, followed by a half dozen small cabins about a mile from the main house. Both Javier and Charles opted to live in the cabins despite John’s protests, stating that they wanted to give him his space in the house. Ranching made sense to John. It was something he was good at. Whether it was keeping up with all the chores or breaking in the wild mare Charles found wandering the plains. As the ranch grew, so did the need for more hands. Javier had been tasked with taking the truck into the nearby towns, the closest being 30 minutes away, and hanging up help-wanted posters. The new ranchers would live on the property in the remaining cabins and would be responsible for a mix of construction, maintenance, and handling of the animals. Within a few weeks, four new hands had joined the ranch. The hands were set to arrive on a sunny spring afternoon. John was waiting on the porch with Charles and Javier, a lit cigarette dangling from his fingers. His hair was still growing back since the regrettable impulse cut, the ends reaching his ears. His beard was short, little more than stubble. The scars he’d gotten from a neighborhood dog when he was growing up cut through the dark hairs. He’d kept the small gold hoop in his ear despite the light teasing from Charles and Javier. The three men were discussing the horse show that was coming up next month when the sound of a car cut them off. The red and white Dodge Ram 2500 rumbled up the dirt drive, kicking up a small cloud behind it. The truck pulled up in front of the house, stopping next to John’s teal and silver Ford F-150. Three men in their twenties piled out of the truck, each sending a friendly smile and wave toward the older ranchers. John, Charles, and Javier made their way down the porch steps, John stubbing out his cigarette on the railing. The new hands introduced themselves, apparently all childhood friends which explained why they arrived together, shaking hands and giving names. After introductions, John showed the men around the main part of the ranch. Showing them the stables, the coup, and the different paddocks for the sheep, goats, and cows took up the better part of an hour. As they headed back towards the house John let them know that that was probably enough for right now. Once they were on the porch he explained the basic amenities in each cabin. They’d have electricity, a small kitchen, a bathroom, a bed, and a landline. John handed them each a slip of paper with the number for his line, letting them know that if they needed Charles or Javier they’d be living right next door. Charles offered to take the boys down to the cabins and Javier offered to join, citing that he needed to change out of his dusty work clothes. The boys hopped in their truck and followed after Javier and Charles, the cloud of dust slowly getting further and further away. John took a seat on one of the chairs on the porch, looking down over the property. There was still one new hand that was supposed to be arriving, likely within the next hour. John pulled another cigarette from his pocket, cupping his hand around his lighter as he flicked it, protecting the flame from the wind. Heady smoke filled his lungs as he leaned back. The three boys seemed nice. All were well-mannered and friendly. One of them, Riley, John thought his name was, said he’d worked at the MacFarlane’s ranch for a few years, dealing mainly with the horses. The other two mentioned they’d worked doing construction for the last few years. Apparently, they wanted more exciting work and while the MacFarlane’s didn’t have any more jobs available, they knew Bighorn was hiring and sent the boys in John’s direction. Javier had handled the applications, of which there were few. He was typically in charge of the business end of things despite the ranch belonging to John. Javier had a charm and refinement that was perfect for dealing with people and local businesses that John seemed to lack. John’s mind began to drift, as it often did when he was alone, to Abigail and Jack. He had Jack for a few days each month. The last time Jack came to visit, John had shown him how to ride. The two of them didn’t talk a whole lot but the time they spent together always felt special. Jack had a room in the ranch house, filled with his medieval fantasy books, a couple of his toys, and a small gaming setup with a sega genesis and little box tv. Jack had tried to teach John how to play Sonic but John was hopeless. His fingers were too big for the little buttons and he just couldn’t get the hang of moving that damn rodent around. He missed Jack, every damn day. Abigail too, but that was getting easier. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of tires on the dirt road. A grey and blue Chevy Silverado pulled up the drive. John stood up, a slight groan leaving his lips. He was only in his forties but his years of hard living seemed to be catching up to him. He moved down the steps, his eyes trained on his boots until the sound of a car door slamming shut had him looking up. John’s heart stopped. Or he couldn’t breathe. Or he died. He wasn’t sure. All he could tell was that the woman in front of him was like a dream. The late afternoon sun shone on your form, bathing you in a golden glow. Your eyes were covered by sunglasses, a black shirt adored your torso while your legs were covered by a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of brown work boots on your feet. Your smile was easygoing as you raised a hand in greeting. Your voice was kind and warm as you greeted him. “Hi! I’m one of the new ranch hands. Are you Javier?” John let out a laugh at that, trying to compose himself.   “No, no, I’m John. John Marston. I uhh… I own Bighorn.” He was trying not to let his eyes drag over your body but he couldn’t help himself. “Jav-Javier’s in charge of the business side of things, you’ll meet him later.” “Nice to meet you, Sir,” A spike of heat seemed to pierce through John at the title. The smile etched on your face was radiant as you gave him your name. God, you were pretty. John cleared his throat as he attempted to avoid looking directly at you. “The other hands got here bout an hour ago. They’re down at the cabins right now. Ya wanna join them or do ya wanna tour of the ranch?” His hand rubbed the back of his neck almost sheepishly. He couldn’t help but wishing you’d take the tour. Selfishly hoping to get some one on one time with you before introducing you to the other men. He finally mustered the courage to look up at your face. Your smile seemed almost shy as you replied, stepping towards him slightly, “I think I’d like to see the ranch, Sir.” He was fucked. ~~~~~~ Having extra hands on the farm proved to be endlessly helpful as spring turned to summer. The animals that had been born only a few weeks after you and the boys arrived were growing bigger and bigger. The four of you also helped John and Charles bring some of the horses to a show in one of the neighboring towns, bringing in a pretty sum of cash. John was beginning to feel a little more at peace. The loans for the ranch were beginning to get smaller and smaller as he paid them off. The stress on his shoulders seemed to be lessening as the weeks went by. His self-deprecating thoughts being replaced with thoughts of you. To say John was enamored would be putting it lightly. To start with you were a good worker. Often working longer hours than necessary, going until you felt the job was complete. At the end of the day, you’d slump onto the steps of the porch, your shirt sticking to your chest, your skin glowing, a blissed-out smile on your face. John would come out and offer you a beer. There would normally be only five minutes where you were alone before the rest of the men joined the two of you. John tried not to resent it, knowing he had no claim over you, but god he wished he did. John found himself staring at you as you moved around the ranch. Whether you were carrying bales of hay to the stables, pounding in nails on the fence you were fixing, or helping break one of the new horses. John would let his gaze drag up and down your body before catching himself. He would reprimand himself. Reminding himself that you were a. Almost twenty years his junior, b. Likey dating one of the younger hands (a thought that had made him prone to snapping at the young men without much prompting), and c. wouldn’t want a broken man like him. He’d scold himself, telling himself he was a pervert for looking at you like that, for wanting to take you, claim you. But he couldn’t seem to stop the thoughts from creeping in late at night. When his rough hands fisted his cock and he’d think about you on your knees for him, your lips and tongue running up and down his length as you looked up at him with those pretty eyes. Or how you’d feel wrapped around him. What you’d sound like as he took you from every position imaginable. How you’d react if he pinched your nipples, if he spanked you. Despite being alone in that big house he’d bite his fist as he came, moaning out your name as the drag of his hand became too much. When the lust had passed and his cock softened, cum drying on his stomach, and reality set in, he’d mutter to himself, “You’re a fool, Marston.” The sentiment never seemed to stick because he’d see you bend over in that pair of jeans the next morning and would be stuck fighting the arousal that seemed to surge through him for the rest of the day. He was jacking off like a teenager, seemingly unable to control himself. When he spoke to you he’d stumble over his words, never being able to fully articulate his thoughts before getting lost in your eyes or your smile. Charles and Javier had picked up on his infatuation. Relentlessly teasing him when it was just the three of them. There was one day you were going to run errands in town. You’d stopped by the house to ask if the men needed anything else picked up while you were there. The day was already blazing hot despite it only being midmorning and you’d opted for a sundress. The fabric was light and airy around your thighs, the neckline cutting down to show more of your chest than was strictly necessary. John, Charles, and Javier had been in the kitchen, waiting for the coffee to brew, when you knocked, letting yourself in through the front door. “Hello?” Your sweet voice echoed through the house. “In the kitchen,” Charles called back. When you entered the kitchen it took everything in John not to drop the mug he’d just grabbed from the cabinet. The flush on his cheeks was immediate. He could feel his jeans getting tighter as he took in your form. He could feel his mouth hanging open slightly. He was only drawn out of his trance by Charles’ gentle elbow in his side. Luckily it seemed like you missed the small interaction. “Mornin’ y’all.” you nodded to Charles and Javier before turning to John. “I’m heading into town and was wondering if there’s anything you need me to pick up, Sir.” John could barely manage to shake his head. “T-that’s very nice of you but I think we’re all set sweetheart.” The endearment slipped out of his mouth before he could stop himself. You nodded as you slipped your sunglasses onto your face. “Alright, I’ll see y’all, later.” You shot a dazzling smile towards the men as you turned, exiting the kitchen. John was able to stew in his slight mortification until the sound of the front door shutting echoed through the house. As the latch clicked John felt his friend's knowing gazes on him. Charles was the first to speak. “I’m not gonna lie to you, that was hard to watch. ‘Sweetheart’? Really?” The teasing lilt to his voice almost had John hiding his face in embarrassment. Javier clasped a hand on John’s shoulder, giving him what could only be described as a shit-eating grin. “Oh, you’ve got it bad, brother.” John let out a long groan, debating adding a bit of whiskey to his morning coffee. He was gonna need it if he had to put up with these two for the rest of the day. That night he came in the shower, fantasizing about fucking you dumb as you bent over in that pretty little dress for him. Then again later in his bed at the idea of your legs wrapped around his head, calling him sir as he ate you out until you cried. ~~~~~~ The storm that overtook the skies a few weeks later came out of nowhere. The dark and heavy purple clouds seemingly materialized out of the clear blue sky. Lightning and thunder breaking up the peaceful feeling of the ranch. John was in the house when the rain began to fall. The drops pounding against the roof creating an unrelenting din. He walked away from the window he was looking out to the phone in the hallway. He should probably call Charles and Javier. They’d taken the truck into town and were probably still at the mechanic seeing as the owner was an old friend. He dialed the number for the garage but was only met with static. One of the phone lines must have been knocked down in the storm. He’d have to check around the property whenever Charles and Javier returned with the truck, likely tomorrow at the earliest. John’s mind flashed to you, as it often did. He hoped you were back at your cabin, safe from the torrential rains. You’d been up at the ranch this morning but probably headed back with the boys earlier in the afternoon. He was pulled out of his thoughts by a frantic pounding, different from that of the raindrops. Someone was knocking on the door. He crossed the room, hand twisting the door open to reveal your drenched form. You were dripping wet. Your jeans were several shades darker than they had been earlier, your white t-shirt was essentially translucent. John tried to not stare at the black outline of your bra showing through the shirt or at the way the fabric clung to your skin, showing off your form perfectly. His gaze was brought back to your lips as you spoke. “I’m sorry to barge in like this, Sir. I-I was with the horses when the storm started and the thunder spooked some of them. I had to round them up.” He shook his head at your words. “Come on inside darlin’, you must be freezing.” You nodded, stepping in off the porch and onto the mat inside the doorway as he stepped back, making room for you, letting the door shut behind you. “Let me go grab you a towel.” He grabbed his favorite towel from the bathroom, trying to ignore the little voice in his head that was unhelpfully pointing out that the soft fabric would soon be running over your body. As John came back out into the hallway he took in your form once again. You looked miserable and cold, trembling slightly. He handed you the towel, ignoring the spike of heat he felt as your hands brushed his. “Do you have your truck?” His raspy voice was gentler than usual. You shook your head. “Wanted to enjoy the walk this morning,” you chuckled slightly. “Well, I think that means you’re gonna be stuck here for a bit. The phones are down, the boys are at the cabins, and Charles and Javier are in town with the truck. ‘N I’m not risking you walkin’ back in this weather.” You nodded again, a small smile gracing your features at his concern. John was still trying his best not to stare at your chest, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to hide the growing outline of his cock for much longer. “You’re welcome to the shower if ya’d like. And I’ll bring you a change of clothes too.” As you toed off your boots you let out a sweet “thank you”. John showed you to the bathroom, before running to his room to grab a shirt and sweatpants. He placed them on the shelf in the bathroom before turning back to you. “The extra room is yours for tonight. If you need anythin’ just holler.” Your voice stopped him on the way out of the room. “Thank you, Sir. You’re very kind.” He chuckled lightly, “I’m just tryna help. ‘N you can jus call me John, sweetheart.” Your smile broadened a bit, “Well, thank you, John.” He nodded, barely finding the strength to close the door behind him. God, that was worse. His name falling from your lush lips. His mind grabbed onto the sound, playing with it, twisting it until he was imagining you calling it out from underneath him. As the latch clicked shut he leaned back onto the hallway walls, pressing the heel of his palm into his growing erection. “Get it together, Marston,” he muttered. He moved to the kitchen, trying to forget the shape of your body, the way the tops of your tits were visible through the wet fabric. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and a glass from the cupboards, pouring himself a generous amount. He quickly drank the amber liquid, hardly registering the burn in the back of his throat. He poured another glass, just taking a sip from it this time. He could hear the water from the showerhead, even in the kitchen, and was trying to not get distracted by the thought of your body in the shower. He wished he could walk in there, wrapping his arms around you as you rinsed the day off. He’d trail soft kisses over your neck as he lathered soap over your form. He could imagine the noises you’d make as he kneaded your shoulders, the little groans that would leave your perfect lips. He shook his head, he needed to distract himself. His eyes caught on the clock across the room, it was getting late, and the both of you would probably be hungry soon. He opened the fridge and glanced over the contents. The mostly empty shelves seemed to glare back at him. He dropped his head into his hands, frustrated at himself. You were in his home and he couldn’t even make you a proper meal. He was so distracted by his perceived downfall that he didn’t hear the shower turning off, nor the click of the bathroom door and the footsteps that followed. “Sir?” Your gentle voice pulled his eyes up. You were standing in the entrance to the kitchen, his shirt hanging off your shoulders, his sweatpants hugging your hips. His gaze dragged up and down your body. You weren’t wearing a bra. Your nipples were hardened from the cold, the outline of them visible through the worn material. His voice was gruffer than usual as he forced it out around the lump in his throat, making his eyes meet yours. “I thought I told you to call me John, darlin’.” You nodded sweetly. “Alright, John.” His name sounded so sweet on your lips. He needed some sort of distraction. He grabbed the whiskey bottle from the counter, raising it for you to look at. “D’ya want a glass?” “I’d very much like that, thank you.” “How was your shower,” His full focus was on pouring a glass for you and topping off his own. Looking at you was almost too much. “It was really nice. Your water pressure is amazing!” your exclamation had John stiffening in his jeans once again. The idea of you in the shower, groaning as the water hit your shoulders, running in rivulets down your chest. He put the bottle back on the counter a little harder than he meant to, turning around to hand you your glass. The amber liquid on his tongue was a necessity for this situation. “I’d uh, I’d offer ya dinner but ‘m not much of a cook.” He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck at the admission, his cheeks tinted red. He was a grown man and the majority of his meals came frozen or from a can. “I could make something for us,” your voice was kind, soothing almost. John shook his head almost immediately. “I’m not gonna make you do that darlin’. Don’t want you to have to take care of my ass.” “I really don’t mind it, John. Plus I’d like to eat at some point.” Your tone was lighthearted as you grinned at him. After a little more back and forth he conceded, allowing you to take over the kitchen. You shooed him out of the room, telling him it’d be ready soon. John settled in the living room, flipping on the tv to try and drown out the thoughts of you. He couldn’t seem to stop. The whiskey wasn’t doing much to help. He’d occasionally flip between channels, but nothing was quite able to grab his attention. The idea of you in his house, in his kitchen, in his clothes was so domestic. The idea of walking up behind you while you cooked, wrapping his arms around you, kissing your neck, it was intoxicating to him. But he couldn’t lie and say his thoughts were completely innocent. Images of you in various compromising positions kept flashing through his mind, now accompanied by the sound of you whining his name. About half an hour later you emerged from the kitchen with two steaming plates of spaghetti, setting them down on the dining room table. When John walked over to join you the smell hit him. It was heavenly. How you’d pulled together something like this out of the pathetic ingredients he had available was incredible. As the two of you ate dinner you made idle conversation. John had talked to you a few times since you came to the ranch but he could never seem to hold a conversation. Too overwhelmed by your presence when you were close to him. Now he didn’t have much of a choice. He learned a little bit more about your life before you came to work at Bighorn. When you’d both finished eating, John offered to clean the dishes. You didn’t argue, letting him gather the dirty plates. “It's still pretty early so if you want to put on a movie while I clean up, you're more than welcome to.” You agreed and he told you where to find the tape collection. As he washed the plates in the kitchen he scolded himself. You’re too old for her, Marston. Pretty young things like her aren't interested in broken men. You’re an old fool. Once the dishes were cleaned he took a moment to lean against the counter, holding his head in his hands. He had to get it together. As far as he should be concerned you're just his employee and he should treat you as such. Seeing as he’d finished his whiskey before you had brought out dinner, he grabbed a cold beer from the fridge. He called your name towards the living room, asking if you wanted one too. You shouted back a yes. He uncapped the two beers and walked back to the living room. You were curled up on the right side of the couch, your legs tucked up off the floor, a blanket from the chest near the window wrapped around you. You looked warm and comfortable. John pointedly ignored the pang of affection that shot through his chest as he handed you your beer. The couch was small but he still tried to give you space. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. But even with his hip pressed against the arm of the couch, your legs still brushed against his thigh. He had to keep his breath steady as he could feel the warmth from your body. He recognized the movie you picked as Jurassic Park, one of Jack’s favorites. You were only at the part where the scientists were on their way to the island. “‘S a good choice,” he gestured at the tv. “The movie I mean.” “It’s one of my favorites!” God your smile was cute. He wanted to make you smile all the time. As the movie continued, the two of you sat in comfortable silence. However, John was very aware of your presence next to him. Of the press of your legs against his. In trying to ignore the heat in his stomach and the feeling of you right next to him, he was staring very hard at the tv. When Ellie jumped off the ride to go look at the stegosaurus, you shifted towards him, moving your legs to the other side of you, your torso almost pressing into his side. “I still can’t believe how real it looks! It's crazy!” The excitement in your voice made a smile form on John’s face. Subconsciously, he moved his arm to the back of the couch, giving you room to move in, to lean against him if you so desired. He didn’t even register he had done it until he felt your body press against his, tucking yourself under his arm. He couldn’t stop the small hitch in his breath at the realization that you were willingly cuddling up to him. He was sure you could probably hear his heartbeat from your new position. He tried to keep his eyes on the movie but it was hopeless, his gaze focused intently on you. When you raised your head to look at him he wasn’t quick enough. You’d caught him. He was caught off guard by your hand pressing into his chest as you pushed yourself up. You were still close to him, but you were now upright, your chest turned towards him. Your gaze was calculating as your tongue traced along your bottom lip. He couldn’t help but stare at the movement. The indecision seemed to leave your eyes as you noticed what he was staring at. You leaned towards him slightly. “John,” your voice was soft as he finally was able to drag his gaze to meet yours. Your eyes were dark, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip. “Kiss me.” His brain stopped. Or his heart stopped. He wasn’t sure. Maybe both. All he could manage was a small nod. His hand moved to grasp the nape of your neck, bringing your lips to his. The kiss was passionate, a mess of tongues and lips, of gasping breaths. John ignored every part of his brain that was telling him to stop. That you were too young for him, that you were his employee, all of the reasons that he shouldn’t let this happen. The feeling of you drowned out everything else. When he nibbled on your bottom lip, you let out a small moan. The sound sent blood rushing to his cock. All he wanted to do was draw those noises out of you. To hear every little sound you’d make in the throes of pleasure. Your kisses were as greedy as his, seemingly trying to savor every second of your embrace. He was able to pull himself away for a moment, pressing his forehead to yours as his hands came to cradle your head in his large hands. “Darlin’,” his voice was rougher than usual. “Are you sure you want this? Are you sure you want an ol’ man like me?” The glare you gave him was more chiding than actually frustrated. “First of all, you're not old. Second, I’ve wanted this since I started working here. Wanted you since that first day.” Your confession sent a shiver through John. “Really,” he couldn’t stop the slightly desperate tone that laced his voice. You nodded, smiling at him. “How could I not?” Your answer was simple but it sent a swirl of affection and mild pride through him. He moved a hand to your waist, you seemed to take it as an invitation to move onto his lap. Swinging your body so your legs rested on either side of his thighs. In this position, John allowed his hands to roam over your body. Tracing up your back, trailing down your sides, he let them come to rest on your ass, grabbing the flesh and pulling you against him slightly. The movement caused your hips to press against his hardness. You gasped loudly. His first reaction was worry that he’d done something wrong, but that thought left his mind when you rolled your hips against his again. He was painfully hard, his cock pressing against the confines of his jeans. He could feel the small wet spot forming in his underwear, his tip leaking precum. Each move of your hips felt like heaven. The feeling of you, in his lap, wearing his clothes, making those desperate little sounds as you ground yourself against him, was better than any of the fantasies he’d had. He was meeting your movements, thrusting up. The feeling was overwhelming, and when you attached your lips to his neck he keened. He let his hands slip under the hem of your shirt, just trailing them along the soft skin of your hips at first. When you didn’t make any move to stop him, he began to trace higher and higher. Fingertips brushing over your sides, your ribs, and then your tits. God, they were so soft. He let his hands pinch your nipples experimentally. You had to move your mouth from his neck when you let out a high-pitched moan. “Do that again,” your voice was tantalizingly desperate. “Please, John.” He complied, unable to deny you anything you asked for. His fingers twisted and pulled at your sensitive buds, rewarding him with your gasps and breathy moans. He pushed you back slightly in his lap, moving you so you were sat upright. He looked up at you as he brought his face to your chest, wrapping his lips around one nipple while continuing his ministrations on the other. The look on your face was the prettiest thing John had ever seen. Your lips were parted, your eyes squeezed shut from the pleasure, your fingers digging into his shoulders as you held on. You’d paused your hips when he moved you, allowing his pleasure to subside. When your eyes opened, your pupils were blown wide and lust practically dripping from your gaze, he couldn’t help himself from thrusting his hips to yours. His hands moved back to your waist, his eyes never leaving yours as he rolled his hips again, the pressure from your body providing him the slightest bit of relief. He’d been able to calm himself for a little bit, but with his hips humping against you and the look in your eyes, he was driving himself toward the edge again. He couldn’t help it. Couldn’t bother to be embarrassed about the needy moans leaving his mouth. It was almost without warning that he felt the pleasure in him swell as his balls drew up. The stimulation of your warm body rubbing against him sending him over the edge. His cock pulsed in his jeans, releasing spurt after spurt of hot cum. He came with a harsh gasp followed by an embarrassing whine of your name, his hands clutching you tightly as he kept humping you, drawing out the sensations. When his high began to subside he was overtaken with embarrassment. He’d finally gotten a chance with you and he’d cum in his pants like a goddamn teenager.   Your voice was small. “Um…John. Did you…did you just cum.” All he could do was nod as he buried his head in your shoulder, unable to fully look at you. Your hands buried into his hair, holding him sweetly. “It’s okay, John. It happens.” He couldn’t bring himself to look you in the eye. He’d ruined his chance. “I-I’m so sorry.” he managed to get out. You let out a soft coo as your hands moved to cradle his face. “You’ve got nothing’ to be sorry for. I promise.” He tilted his head up, his gaze meeting yours. There was nothing in your eyes to indicate disgust or displeasure, just kindness. He nodded dumbly as he took you in. “Wanted this to be good for you, sweetheart. Been thinking of this for ages and I fucked it up.” You shook your head. “What makes you think you won’t be able to make it up to me?” your smile was teasing as you tilted his chin upwards. Hope sparked in his chest at your words. “Like right now?” desperation leaked into his voice. You nodded sweetly. “If that’s okay with you.” John couldn’t stop his overenthusiastic nod. “Well in that case I think I owe you somethin’” He shifted you off his lap, allowing you to stand. “My bedrooms, the door on your right, down that hallway there. I'll be there in just a moment.” As he stood you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, bringing your lips to his once again. You then leaned in, allowing your lips to brush the shell of his ear. “You better, or I’ll be left with no choice but to take care of myself,” you pushed away from him, a sly grin on your face as you shot him a wink and started in the direction of his room. John watched you leave, letting his eyes drag over your form, his thoughts notably absent of the guilt that would plague him whenever he’d looked at you before. When you were out of sight, he went into the bathroom, quickly cleaning himself up. As he walked towards his room he felt what could only be described as butterflies in his stomach. You were far too good for him, in every single way, but you were here, you wanted to be with him, to have him touch you. He couldn’t help the dopey smile that broke out across his face. He pushed open the bedroom door to find you standing in the middle of the room, seemingly taking in your surroundings. At the sound of his footsteps, you turned to face him. “You ready to make it up to me, Mr. Marston?” Your teasing voice was cut off as he closed the space between the two of you and pulled your body into his. His lips crashed into yours, his hand coming to rest on your jaw. His tongue swept across your bottom lip, almost asking permission, which you granted. You tasted like the whiskey from earlier. He began to walk you backward, your steps hesitant until the backs of your legs hit the edge of his bed and you fell onto your back. You looked so beautiful below him. You scooted yourself toward the headboard as he dropped his knees onto the mattress. He moved up until he was settled between your legs, his body pressed to the bed as his hands came to rest on your thighs. “I wanna taste you darlin’,” his fingers brushed against the exposed bit of skin that was visible between your shirt and the band of your sweatpants. “Would that be alright with you?” When he lifted his eyes to meet yours, your pupils had swallowed your irises. Your gaze was heavy with lust, your teeth sunk into your lower lip as you nodded. “Please, John. Need you.” His hands hooked over the band of your sweatpants, pulling them down over the tops of your thighs. He couldn’t look away as more and more of you was revealed. As soon as the sweatpants had slipped off your feet, his mouth met your inner thigh. His hands moved to the insides of your knees, gently pushing you apart for him. He traded between kisses and gentle nips as his mouth trailed over the sensitive skin. “Take off your shirt for me sweetheart.” his voice was low, filled with desire. You quickly obeyed, tossing the fabric to the floor and settling back against the bed. John couldn’t believe that he was here, between your thighs. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d thought about this, in this same bed as he fucked his hand. And now it was happening, it was real. He felt his cock jump slightly, blood beginning to return to it. You were whimpering under him, clearly frustrated at the lack of attention being paid to your dripping cunt. He could see the small wet patch forming on the cotton that covered you and his mouth watered. He couldn’t resist dragging a finger over your clothed slit as his mouth continued along your thigh. You let out a high-pitched moan when his finger ghosted over your clit. God, he wanted to draw more of those noises from your sweet lips. “Don’t be impatient now, sweetheart. I’m gonna take my time with you.” His voice was even raspier than usual, dripping with lust. You thrust your hips slightly at his words, trying to get more from him. He pressed your hips back to the bed with one hand, holding you still, tutting his tongue at you. He dragged his mouth higher, his lips pressing against the cotton of your panties. He smirked slightly before grabbing the hem of them between his teeth and dragging them down your hips. When you were rid of them, he couldn’t help but take you in. “John,” your voice was sweet with want. With need. His hands moved back to your inner knees, pushing your legs apart for him. Your cunt glistened with slick, the insides of your thighs shining with it as well. He couldn’t wait to taste you. He was laying between your legs again, his face only inches from your heat. This was better than anything he’d imagined. You were a dream and he wanted to show you how much he wanted this, wanted you. You let out the most intoxicating noise when he licked a broad stripe over your entrance, his nose bumping your clit. Your hands, which had been gripping the sheets at your sides, moved to his hair, tangling your fingers in the dark locks. You were the sweetest thing he’d ever tasted. He wanted to drink you in, the taste of you like heaven on his tongue. He wanted to drag it out. To tease you with soft licks, turn you into a begging mess. But that would take patience and John Marston was not a patient man. He buried his face in your pussy. His tongue laving over you as his nose rubbed against your clit. If he were to die right now, he’d die a happy man. His hands dug into your hips as he dragged you closer to his mouth. He was trying to memorize everything that made you moan, made you tug on his hair, or try to grind your hips against his mouth. The moan you let out when he wrapped his lips around your clit was absolutely sinful. “Johnnn,” your breath was labored, making it hard to form full sentences. “P-please,” you begged. “Please what, darlin’? What d’ya need?” His voice was teasing as his gaze met your lust-darkened eyes. “Please finger me, please. I need it, please, please, John.” He would’ve liked to tease you more but he was quickly realizing that he couldn’t resist doing anything you asked of him. “How could I say no when you sound so sweet beggin’ for me.” He brought his mouth back to your clit as one of his fingers traced lightly over your slit. You were so goddamn wet, the mix of your slick and his spit shining in the low light of the room. You shivered when he pushed a finger in, just to the first knuckle. He felt you clench at the invasion, making him let out a soft groan. He pushed his finger fully inside you, crooking it up to press against your walls. You let out a loud whiny moan at the sensation. He continued slowly dragging his digit in and out, brushing against your g-spot each time. He wanted to draw this out, show you how good he could make you feel. His mouth continued the assault on your clit, as he finally gave in and added another finger, much to your delight. Your hips rocked against his hand with each thrust, your back arching when he would slowly brush over that sensitive spot. He could feel you getting wetter, your breaths becoming shorter, the words leaving your lips barely discernible. “J-John, I-I’m gonna cum,” he could barely hear you as you wrapped your thighs around his head, your hand yanking on his hair, pulling him closer to you, trying to reach your peak. He sped up slightly, not enough to disrupt your pleasure, but just enough to have you gasping loudly. John felt you clench around his fingers, once, twice, and then you came. Looking back on it, he wished he could’ve seen your face, but he was so lost in lapping up the rush of slick from you. He could do this for hours, knelt between your legs, eating you out until you were exhausted or until he had his fill, whichever came first. He only pulled off of you when you tugged his hair trying to push him off as your thighs fell back to the mattress. He looked up at you, taking in your disheveled face. Your lips were slightly swollen from your teeth biting into them, your eyes were dark, your chest rising and falling rapidly with your breath. “Sorry darlin’, ya just taste so good. Couldn’t help myself.” He was grinning like an idiot. You returned his smile as you muttered, “you’re damn good at that.” “That mean I make it up to ya?” You nodded, “Doesn’t mean we’re done here though.” John’s cock jumped at that. Eating you out had turned him on more than he’d care to admit, his cock had become hard and heavy, pressed against the mattress. “Thank god for that,” his raspy voice was only slightly teasing. A small smile broke out across your face as you shook your head at him, your hands pulling him up to you. He knew you could taste yourself on his tongue, the thought driving him slightly crazy. He’d propped himself up, his arms on either side of you, keeping mind to not let his whole weight rest on you. You pulled back, the look in your eye intrigued him. You looked like you had a plan. Before he could register what was happening, you’d flipped him over, sitting on top of him, your body on display. You leaned forward slightly, your finger trailing along the buttons of his shirt. “I think you’re wearing far too much clothing.” John could only bring himself to nod, as he took in your form. He was in awe. Your fingers began to work on his buttons, undoing them one by one. As more of his chest was revealed you brought your mouth to gently kiss across his skin. He could feel his mouth hanging open slightly, his heart pounding as you showed him a gentleness he hadn’t felt in a very long time. Your touches were light and adoring. As more of him was revealed to you, compliments and sweet words spilled from your lips. Your lips trailed across the scars that littered his chest, murmuring, “you’re so beautiful, John.” He felt like he was being worshiped. Like you were treating him like something to be treasured. When your fingers undid the last button of his shirt, you helped him slip it off of his shoulders, tossing the fabric to the floor to join the other discarded garments. Your hands traced along his chest, running through the smattering of hair across his pecs. Your hands drifted down further, your fingers dragging lightly through the dark hair of his happy trail. They came to rest on the waistband of his jeans, tucking underneath the fabric slightly, your nails teasing the sensitive skin. Your eyes were dark as you looked up at him, asking for permission. He nodded, maybe a bit too enthusiastically. You made quick work of the button and zipper, your fingers once again hooking over the sides as you pulled his jeans and boxers down in one go. His cock sprang up from the fabric, leaking and red, the head practically dripping precum. John knew his dick wasn’t something to scoff at but he still felt self-conscious. That was until he raised his eyes to your face. “Oh, John,” your words were soft, you seemed transfixed, your hand coming up to wrap around him, your fingers only barely able to touch around his girth. He couldn’t help the hiss that escaped him at the pressure. Your hands were light, tracing along the vein that ran up his length, ghosting over the head, your thumb swept at the slit, catching a drop of precum. He was captivated as you brought your thumb to your lips, your tongue darting out to taste it. He couldn’t take this slow teasing, he couldn’t wait any longer, he needed to be inside of you. His hands gripped your hips, lifting you before flipping the two of you once again. God, you were so beautiful. His naked body pressing against yours. His hand reached up to trace your jaw, fingers coming to a rest on your chin, tilting your head to look at him. “Are you sure you want this?” As much as he dreamt of you, as much as he wanted this, he needed to know you felt the same. That this wasn’t something one-sided. Your hands reached around him, settling on the back of his neck, the smile you gave him was sweet, the lust in your eyes seeming to give way to something softer, something he’d dare call adoring. “John, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’ve been the one pursuing you all night. I know what I want. I know I want you.” He couldn’t formulate a response aside from bringing his lips to yours. The kiss was sweet at first but quickly sank back into something laced with sinful intents. He only pulled back to reach into the drawer of his nightstand, his hands tracing over the contents, searching for a condom. “John,” your voice was smaller than it had been a minute ago. “I-I’m clean. Got tested a bit ago. I, uh, I’m also on the pill.” His gaze was unable to leave your face as he tried to make sense of the words. His brain short-circuiting. When he didn’t respond, you continued, “S-so, I mean if you’re clean, we- I’m okay if we don’t use one.” He nodded, slowly at first, then with barely contained enthusiasm. “God, woman. You’re gonna be the death of me,” he whispered as his lips met yours once again. The kiss was chaste, cut short by both of your eagerness. John moved back, kneeling between your legs, one hand languidly stroking his cock as he looked down at you. He used his other hand to help scoot you forward, tipping your hips up slightly as your legs wrapped around his waist. He ran his tip over your entrance, tapping it against your clit. A shudder ran through your body as you let out a frustrated groan. He did it again, relishing in the way you squirmed as he refused to give you what you so desperately needed. “John,” your voice was clipped, stern. “If you don’t fuck me right now, I’m going to leave and go finished myself off…alone.” He got the message, letting his tip stop at your dripping entrance before pushing in slowly. The heat and the tightness that met him was almost overwhelming. He had to stop himself from pushing in all the way in one go. He tried to go slowly, an inch at a time, but the way you were wrapped around his length was too much. Before he could stop himself, his hips thrust forward, entering you to the hilt, his balls pressed against your ass. He managed to let out a strangled, “sorry,” as he rested inside you, unmoving. You had gasped at the sudden movement, but now with him still, pressing incessantly into your g-spot, you were beginning to gyrate your hips, encouraging him to begin to move. His hands had come to rest beside your head, holding his body over yours as he slowly brought his hips back before thrusting into you. You moaned loudly as his body met yours. The pace he started was slow, purposeful. One of his hands moved to cup your jaw, bringing your lips to meet his in an almost loving kiss. He was holding back, not wanting to speed up for fear of hurting you. You seemed to not care as you pulled your lips back from him. Your gaze met his, it was hard and determined. “I’m not a doll, John. I'm not gonna break.” You brought your lips to his ear, the brush of them sending shivers down his spine as you whispered, “been waiting for this for months. Fuck me like you mean it.” You barely had time to draw back before he began to pound into you, his pace unrelenting. The moans leaving your mouth were heavenly, intoxicating. He wanted more. He moved his lips to your throat, biting and sucking the delicate skin. The whine you let out when he nipped you particularly hard had him grinning against your neck. He brought a hand up to your tits, tweaking your nipples like he did earlier on the couch, teasing you. He felt you grip down on him whenever he pulled or pinched especially hard. He was panting, both from the physical excretion as well as the overwhelming pleasure. He could hear how wet you were with each thrust, the noises your body made driving him to thrust a little harder. “You were fuckin’ made for me, sweetheart,” he growled out between breaths. As heat coiled in his stomach, he kept remembering what you had said. How you wanted him to cum inside of you, how you’d wanted him for months. He needed to see it when it happened. Needed to see what you’d look like stuffed full of his cum. His thrusts slowed as he shifted off your neck, his hand leaving your chest as he sat up. He removed your legs from his waist and instead lifted them until they rested on his shoulders. When he leaned back down again, his hands came to rest on either side of your head, essentially folding you in half. He gave a hard thrust into you. The new angle made him sink deeper, his cock brushing against your g-spot with each stroke. Even though you felt tight before, now every move he made had you squeezing him. He knew he couldn’t possibly last much longer but he had to make you cum before he did. Had to give you a reason to do this again. You were letting out a steady stream of curses each time he pounded into you. Your hands gripping the sheets, bunching them tightly in your fists. Your eyes were black with lust and your mouth hung open, sweat shone on your forehead and chest. You looked like a fucking angel. John couldn’t help the praise that dripped from his lips. “You’re such a good girl for me, ain’tcha. Taking me so fuckin’ well.” He moved one of his hands to your clit, rubbing it in tight circles. “Wanted you since I first saw ya. Wanted to take ya right on the porch.” “John,” you let out a breathy whine. He kept going, “that day you came over in that stupid sundress. Looked so sweet in it. All dolled up. Wanted to bend you over. Wanted to fuck you until you were screaming my name.” He gave a particularly hard thrust, emphasizing his words. “W-wore it for you,” you managed to get out around harsh moans. He could barely think through the fog of pleasure that permeated his brain. “That’s my girl,” he grunted. His hair was sticking to his forehead, his chest flushed red, sweat beading on his skin. He was so fucking close, for the second time that night. You’d made a mess of him. “Fuck,” your body seemed to be almost shaking with pleasure. “J-John, I’m gonna cum. P-please don’t stop, feels so good.” He kept his pace and seconds later you were clamping down on him like a vice. Your body shook with the waves of pleasure that washed over you. The sensation of you squeezing around him sent him right to the brink of his orgasm. His thrusts became sloppy as he chased his high, his balls drawing up, his pants becoming harsher. “C-cum inside me, John. please,” your worn voice all but begged as your eyes met his. Those words were the final push that threw him over the edge. He thrust once, twice, three more times before spilling inside you. His vision was overtaken by white. He rocked into you as the waves overtook him. He could feel the tingling sensation in his fingertips, in his toes. When he seemingly came back into himself, the sight that greeted him was heavenly. You were spread below him, chest still heaving, bottom lip swollen from kisses and bites. Your hands which had been gripping the sheets now ran up and down his sides, helping bring him back down from the mind-blowing orgasm. He lowered your legs from his shoulders, pulling out of you with a soft grunt. He couldn’t help but watch as his seed leaked from your hole. His fingers moved without thought to stuff his spend back inside you. He only stopped when you let out a slightly pained moan, igniting a feeling of worry in his chest. “I’m sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean to hurt ya.” You smiled and chuckled weakly, “s’okay, just sensitive right now.” He wanted to press a gentle kiss to your temple but couldn’t muster up the courage. He stood up from the bed with a small groan. “I’ll be right back sweetheart, gonna clean up.” He stumbled off towards the bathroom, wetting a washcloth and wiping himself down before tossing it into the hamper. He grabbed another cloth, making sure the water wasn’t too hot or too cold before he wrung it out and returned to the bedroom. You were in the same position as you’d been when he left, but now your legs were closed. He knelt before you on the bed. “You okay with me cleanin’ you up?” you nodded sweetly, your eyes closing as he gently swiped the rag over you. When he was done, he tossed the rag to the side, letting it join the pile of clothes already on the floor. He didn’t want your time together to end, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable either and the doubts were beginning to creep in on the edge of his mind. “You, uh, you don’t have to sleep here, with me, if you don’t want,” he started, staring at his hands. “The other room’s still free if you'd like.” When he brought his gaze to yours he was met with something he could only describe as affection. “I’m not going anywhere if that’s alright with you,” your voice was kind as you smiled at him. “Now come to bed, I’m getting cold here all alone.” He couldn’t contain the grin that broke out on his face. He laid down on his back, his arm outstretched, inviting you in. You curled right into his side, your head coming to rest on his chest and he wrapped his arms around you in return, holding you close. Despite just being inside you, the gentle cuddling had him blushing harder than he had all night. He didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, but for tonight, under a sky of dark clouds, and the steady pounding of rain on the roof, you were his and he was yours. And that was good enough.
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I know this was super long for a one-shot smut fic but if you made it all the way through, I hope you enjoyed it! This was my first time writing smut from a man's perspective so I'm sorry if anything was weird. I just love John Marston very much <3 Comments/criticisms are always welcome! Crossposted on AO3 @holyratrimony​ <3333
Taglist: @cowboydisaster​
This fic was inspired by this post by @butchdutch
368 notes · View notes
wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Magpie (Kakuzu x Reader)
Synopsis: Originally sent to assassinate you for hunting down low-level Akatsuki sympathizers, Kakuzu finds that you and him have much more in common than he would have thought.
Word Count: 1.3k
Tags/Warnings: LoanShark!Reader, Canon-Typical Violence, No Reader Pronouns, Laughably Fake Finance Talk
Notes: These two panels are really funny out of context.
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Just because Kakuzu liked money doesn’t mean he liked to be showy about it.
But you…
You sat among your riches, draped in expensive silks. The room almost made Kakuzu scoff, with the surrounding clutter of treasures almost matching the ornaments that littered your body. Intricately embroidered patterns were adorned with precious jewels that swooped from shiny chains. You decorated yourself like a shrine to a famed deity and sat among your wealth like the royalty of old.
It was a waste, Kakuzu thought. The artifacts weren’t even sold for ryō, not to mention you kept everything in one place. He stood on a mountain of gold coins, one booted foot propped up onto the incline. 
“I’ve been sent to kill you,” he said curtly. You frowned, studying him up and down, your cheek resting elegantly against your knuckles. 
“So I’ve been told.” You leaned forward, plucking a large, bound book from next to your ornate chair. Kakuzu watched silently as you flipped through the wide pages of handwritten lines. “Thirteen-thousand, forty-one-thousand, sixty-eight-thousand, ninety-five-thousand, your men owe me over one-hundred-ten-thousand ryō, and your leader sends an assassin rather than payment for my gracious loan?”
You let the heavy book slap closed, the sound sharper than it should have been for a book. 
“You’re pitiful magpie, aren’t you?” Kakuzu stepped up the amassment of treasure, sliding as the precious metals shuffled downward. “If you had allowed time for repayment rather than slaughtering mere ants and thrusting an accumulated debt onto the organization, perhaps I wouldn’t be standing here.” He took another step with a dangerous dip of his head. “The organization hadn’t been pleased that a loan shark has been snatching our boots on the ground. When I’m finished, I will be taking your collection and the price on your head to make up for it.”
Kakuzu lunged at you, launching his thread-like tendrils from his hand. You stood instantly, intercepting and spooling the dark threads around an encrusted scepter. You held it under your arm, one hand on the far end to leverage it. 
“My money, huh?” you spat with a crinkled nose. “A bounty hunter. Of course, they would send a bottom feeder like you.” 
“Says the loan shark.”
“But you know what, bounty hunter?” You released the scepter, allowing the broken tension to send Kakuzu sliding a meter down the mountain of gold, his boot sinking up to his calf into the coins. You were on him faster than he could blink. Kakuzu recoiled as a long slit opened on his cheek right under his eye. Your gaze darkened with raging fury. “You’re not going to touch a single ryō of my money!”
You charged at him with a qiang spear, twirling the weapon's length over your wrist to counter Kakuzu’s attack. And then you struck with a strength disproportionate to your physique. Over and over, you lunged at him with your spear, and Kakuzu suddenly found himself on the offense.
He slipped again on the pile, and you took advantage of his vulnerability. You moved to strike him directly in the chest, but he dropped to his knees to slide to the bottom of the treasure, raking his fingers through your riches as he went.
You scowled down at him, legs bent to steady yourself from where you stood on the high ground. Kakuzu rose, a few coins cascading from his fingers. He huffed with a noticeable rise and lowering of his shoulders.
“What a waste,” he muttered as they clattered to the ground. “You don’t even deserve what you have.” Kakuzu barely had time to speak. You kicked over a nearby mirror, using it to skate down the amalgamation of gold with increasing velocity.
You were engaged again, slashing at him only to be blocked. You maneuvered around each other, exchanging blows and looking for an opening. Kakuzu drew a kunai, tendrils weaving around your spear to land a shallow slash across your stomach. You recoiled, stumbling back to land against the riches behind you.
Kakuzu observed you as you stood, using your spear to bring yourself to your feet. 
“You shouldn’t be so careless when it comes to a resource as precious as money,” he lectured, looking on in disdain as a few drops of blood trickled down onto the gold. “You’re lucky that you haven’t been robbed blind before. But don’t worry—” Kakuzu’s skin broke apart to reveal the raving sea of black threads that wriggled within his limbs. —“I will take very good care of your fortune, pitiful magpie.” 
Kakuzu rushed you, and you quickly assumed the defensive, straining against the force laid on your spear as you fought him off with unceasing fury.
“You think this is all I have? Don’t make me laugh!” Your voice strained as you fought to push forward. “As if the real good stuff wouldn’t be in a 108-Keikaku!” You slashed forward but only met air. Kakuzu had recoiled with a conflicted glint in his eye.
“You have a 108-Keikaku?” His brows knitted together, confused. You shrugged almost sheepishly, spear still in hand, and pointed toward the ceiling.
“I thought I’d be in trouble if I didn’t have one. I can’t say it’s my finest investment, but it’s far more practical than the—”
— “Tsurugi Plan,” you said in unison. Kakuzu nodded, almost adamantly. His limbs had reverted to their normal appearance. You matched his furrowed brow as your head jerked skeptically to the side.  
“You invest?” 
Kakuzu scoffed as if you should’ve known better than to ask. He crossed his arms over his chest.
“Of course I do,” he said as if it were obvious. “I wouldn’t have expected a lowly loan shark to have a 108-Keikaku.” You rolled your eyes, now holding your spear away as you leaned on your back leg. 
“I prefer to invest in small businesses.”
“Small businesses, please.” Kakuzu shifted where he stood in disbelief, and another shake of his head. “Hardly practical for someone in your line of work.” At this point, Kakuzu had sat down, and you had nearly set down your weapon altogether. 
“Side hobby, I guess. To sate the restlessness,” you said with a semblance of a laugh, almost in thought. “We used to have a different culture before the Five Nation Treaty and shinobi work—”
“It’s truly a dying art form, isn’t it?” 
You plopped down on the floor with crossed legs, flinching as the movement irritated your wound. Your spear clattered down in front of you as you hummed to yourself. Kakuzu kicked his boots up on a small chest, intertwined fingers resting on his lap. 
“What’s a bounty hunter doing with a terrorist organization?” 
“The Akatsuki allow for quite the moneymaking opportunities.” 
“Is that so?” You glanced around the room, taking a moment to ponder to yourself before you stood, settling your gaze back on Kakuzu. “Whatever you’re being paid, I’ll double it.” Kakuzu barked out a laugh. His boots kicked over the chest in front of him and his soles settled into the coins on the ground below.
“Oh really?” He leaned forward with eyes narrowed in intrigue. 
“You can go on any collection that you’d like and take a cut. I won’t interfere or collect on any bounties you pursue in your spare time.” You moved forward, meeting his stare as you dared to approach him. Kakuzu cocked his head.
“What cut?”
“Ha!” He barked again, the laugh making his chest jump. “I hope you’re the one taking the twenty percent.” You stopped in front of him with a scowl.
“I hope you’re not expecting fifty-fifty on my collections?” Kakuzu admired the dip of your lip. Yes, you were serious about money. “I’ll pay you double. Outside of collections, you may do as you please. You’ll get twenty-five. It’s more than generous.”
Kakuzu stood with a start and your two palms came together with a firm clap. 
“You have a firm shake,” Kakuzu commented.
“Anything less is an insult to my partners,” you said, and Kakuzu fell in love instantly.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: There's a reason I rebloged the "just according to Keikaku" meme earlier this week. I was thinking to myself, "what's a fake finance plan" and I knew immediately what needed to be done.
For any fans of Mob Wife, while not "canon" haha I'd like to think that this is how Kakuzu and Mob Wife met. I think it's funny to consider how easily recruited so many of the Akatsuki members were haha
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
Snippet - Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO - On Bullies
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Vander taught Vi there's only one way to communicate with a bully.
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
tw: degrading language, hazing, threats of assault, violence
At Vi's entrance, heads swivel.
The room is packed with local players—dressed to the nines in black-and-red finery. Each one is an underboss: Zaun's inverse of bureaucracy.  Shadowy gears of influence who operate almost as a single organism, trading in everything from money laundering to contract killings. 
Vi knows most by reputation only. She's never seen them all in one room, much less hanging out like a casual clique.
There is Bingo, a smuggler with a huge cockeyed grin on only one side of his face, the other paralytically disfigured by cicatrix. ZiZi, a renowned assassin in a formal frock coat and pencil skirt, her hair flaring into a stupendous rooster-tail mohawk of greens and reds and blues. Eduard, a whippety radish-eyed ex-soldier with a seven-function prosthetic leg that could double as a submachine gun. Ylena, a dainty spymaster in a black satin tunic with oversized sleeves and a face hidden behind a mask of hammered gold in the visage of Goddess Hekate. Uzi, a half-Vastayan arms-expert whose entire torso is terraformed with tribal tattoos that hold an eerie bioluminescence.
Their eyes cut Vi up and down: curious, speculative, hostile. Rumor spreads faster than typhus in the Fissures. They all know she's Vander's daughter—and a former Peacekeeper.
Now she's back. In Silco's employ; on his leash.
Sellout, some stares say. Others: Snitch.
Vi doesn't flinch. She knows, in appearance, that she's become what every Trencher despises: a bootlicker. No longer at home, but on loan from her betters. To the underbosses, she only appropriates the costume of a Trencher now: her loyalty is skin-deep.
They'll never know how right they are.
Vi shrugs out of her jacket and tosses it on a nearby chair. After the humid streets, the air holds a choking chill. Instinctually, her eyes scope out the room: entrances and exits, potential chokepoints and weak spots. She's not on-duty, but she remains on hostile territory. No sense getting hemmed in.
Vi's eyes keep circling the gloom. She realizes it's for a glimpse of blue.
Powder isn't here.
Disappointment blooms.  Vi takes a breath, lets it go. It doesn't mean anything, she tells herself. She is early, that's all.
So early she's got time to kill.
The bar is in a shadowy recess of the lounge. A white counter, polished to a gleam, with frosted-glass shelves stocked to the ceiling. The liquor bottles flash like cut gemstones. Vi orders a cherry soda with a splash of whiskey, then parks herself in the far corner, watching the crowd.
In the strobing mood-lights, the dancers sway with a hypnotic articulation of limbs. A curve of breast here, a twist of belly there. Their faces remain a shadowed blur.
In the Lanes, Vi never saw dancing of this caliber. The boys and girls at Babette's were eye-candy, nothing more.
Not so at the Blue Note. The talent, Vi knows, is imported from Ionia, brought to Zaun on the promise of lucrative contracts. Rumor is they're sometimes subleased to the top of Piltover's social ladder. Others are handpicked—cherrypicked—for darker trades than pleasure. Vi isn't privy to the whole story, and Nao had been tightlipped earlier tonight.
She'd told Vi—
Someone collides with her shoulder.
"What the fuck—?"
Soda sloshes over the rim of Vi’s glass. Her head snaps around. It is Uzi. His face is a map of seams: scar tissue and staples. But his teeth are incongruously perfect—dazzlingly white—like they've been soaked in bleach. He gives off a stench of spilled liquor fermenting in too much cologne
"Well, well," he says, louder than proximity warrants. "Seems our little piggie's lost her way."
"Doubt that," Vi says calmly. "Plenty of swine in here."
Uzi's lip curdles. He's one-third big-shot, one-third braggart.  The rest is pure bully. But he doesn't scare Vi—and that pisses him off. Since her recruitment, he's made it his mission to torment her. In that respect, he's no different from the Enforcers. Men like Timothy and Jerome, who lash out at what they can't control.
Two different ends of the social ladder. One common denominator: a deep-rooted entitlement.
Sometimes Vi wonders if it's universal. If people everywhere can only tolerate their own lack of status by denigrating those they deem weaker. Other times, she wonders if it differs top and bottom: one instinct born out of excess, the other out of deprivation.
Either way, it pisses her off.
"Don't think you heard," Uzi says, mock-friendly. "But this is a private party. No bottom bitches allowed."
"Yeah?" Vi gives him a slow once-over. "Then who let you in?"
Uzi's face darkens. He crowds her. But Vi refuses to give ground. Stillwater has taught her to never get backed into a corner.
"Look at that lip." He leans in, all bluster and reeking breath. "The Hound's whelp all grown up, huh? Shame she needs a muzzle. Or maybe a nice fat cock down her throat."
There is a susurrus of chuckles from the room.
Vi doesn't bat an eyelid. If Stillwater taught her to stay on her toes, Vander taught her to remain unprovoked. Men like Uzi have one goal: to goad you into dropping your guard.
Better to change the game entirely.
"Way I heard it," Vi says, all soft saccharine, "you're pretty keen on nice fat cock yourself." Her face smooths in sympathetic artifice. "But hey—you won't catch me repeating that story from Babette’s about you and the soupcan that got stuck where the soup shouldn't go."
There is a ripple of shock. Uzi's face contorts.
"You don't talk to me like that," he growls
"Yeah?" Vi lifts her glass in a mock-toast—and down her drink like a shot. "Pretty sure I just did."
The ripple becomes a wave of whispers. Uzi, enraged, gets right up in Vi's face
"You got balls for a dead girl," he hisses. "Better hide 'em—before I cut 'em off."
Vi shows him the barest smile.
"Uzi," she says, "You couldn't reach my balls if they had a sign that said 'This end up.'"
The whispers crack into laughter. Uzi’s jaw works, evidently in hope that his brain might kickstart and drop a few doggerels out. If he keeps jawing, Vi has already resolved to break the glass over his head. If he takes a swing, she'll make it his balls.
Their eyes lock. The atmosphere throbs with pent-up molecules.
A voice says: "Show's over."
She materializes almost soundlessly.  Like the other guests, she is in mourning colors: a striking ebony pantsuit, fitted over her battle-honed physique, and a burgundy silk shirt with a deep V-neck that exposes the bronze smoothness of breastbone. Her hair is pulled back in a sleek twist. But her features, under a layer of dewy make-up, are set in forbidding lines.
"Uzi," she says flatly. "Take a walk."
Uzi’s fists ball. He gives ground—but with bad grace.
"She’s a turncoat!" he grates, almost plaintive. "She’s got no place at our table!"
"She does tonight."
Casually, Sevika seizes Uzi's ear, and twists. He yowls. A line of blood trickles down his slack jaw.
Sevika's own face is set in steel: unyielding.
"You don't question the guest list," she says. "Or Silco's rules. Remember those?”
The mention of Silco has a talismanic effect.
Uzi whines, a rabid dog chivvied to heel.
“Day of Ash,” he mutters. “No fighting.”
“Good boy.”
Sevika lets go. Uzi staggers, blood speckling his collar. He shoots Vi a loathsome look. But to escalate the matter is to invite fatal retaliation. Sevika is the equivalent of an iron fist. She rules the underworld in Silco's name. Same way he rules Zaun.
In that sense, they are partners.
And how creepy is that, Vi thinks. Partners.
Uzi slinks off to lick his wounds. Heads turn and follow his passage. Silco's underbosses might be loyal, but they're no choir. Their rules are their own. Random acts of violence—surreal, bloody, ludicrous—are practically coded into their DNA. But violations of the network's obscure protocol are seldom tolerated. 
In Zaun, you don't stick your neck out for kicks.
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hoperays-song · 1 year
The Gang’s Crimes
Can we talk about how the gang picked the hardest to execute but least damaging crime they could commit? 
Like bank robbing? Unless you use physical force and threaten people, no one knows you’re there. And we see the alarm start ringing after they break a window, an alarm which alerted the police. Bank’s typically have silent alarms that can be triggered without a robber being alerted if they do the whole ‘charge in the front, threaten people, and demand money’ routine. That clearly wasn’t the case or nearby police units would have been alerted. Meaning the gang did the much harder version of ‘sneak in, steal stuff, and sneak out without triggering extra security systems’. They never threatened people.
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So, their crimes? Essentially victimless. Banks have insurance for money that was stolen, as do jewelers and other companies that would have been shipping that much gold. The banks and gold owner’s are large corporations that absolutely got their money back at least for the most part.
And if your bank is robbed? Congrats, you aren’t really going to be affected. You might have to wait to use the ATM for a few hours/days there while it’s being investigated, but you personally did not lose any money as it is all insured. And the money taken from the bank? It’s not actually your money since banks loan it out. It’s standard practice. You are not going to lose anything.
The gang decided to commit an intensively difficult crime with the least amount of victims possible. They were non-violent and bypassed security systems instead of just holding up said bank. They didn’t hurt innocent people.
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Of course Johnny is an absolute sweetheart. Of course the rest of the gang turned out to also be insanely nice and good people. They picked a crime that doesn’t really hurt people. They’re highly moral about their crimes when you think about it, which piled upon their need for money, is probably what lead them to chose what they did and explains why we never see Johnny protesting about the actual robbery aspect itself.
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kayforpay · 2 years
Prompt 3 for geregis + a dialogue of your choice. Or just anything with Regis I’m having old man feels today
It wasn't like Geralt to rant, but when he decided something wasn't right, he could nearly become a chatterer; at least, Emiel said as much, if only because the joke made Geralt sputter and attempt to defend himself against the horrible crime of talking.
But this time, Geralt was complaining, his voice bouncing off the nearby trees, about something he had remembered, to do with Dandelion. It wasn't terribly pertinent, a rant about some old loan he had never collected on.
(And that Emiel and Geralt himself both knew he wouldn't bother collecting on, anyway. Dandelion had the money, but asking for it back always seemed to make Geralt strangely uncomfortable, turning their friendship into a paid thing. Another interesting part of his psyche.)
The fire's red-gold glow made Geralt's eyes flash, reflective as a wolf's due to the mutations, and Regis realized belatedly that Geralt had actually stopped speaking. He was staring at Regis, his eyes narrowed suspiciously, and Regis had walked from his place nearer the dark of the forest to kneel in front of Geralt, hands on his cheeks. They stayed still and silent for a moment, and then Geralt's chapped lips pulled up in a grin he thought was monstrous.
"What are you doing?"
Regis smiled, stroking his thumbs under Geralt's eyes slowly. He could feel the slow pulse there, and under his pinky fingers resting on the sides of Geralt's neck. "I am trusting you with these hands, darling. I hope my trust isn't misplaced." It wasn't an answer, but Geralt's tell was impossible to miss, and Regis was certain he would overlook it.
"Right. You've been ignoring me for a while, haven't you?" Geralt said, despite what seemed to have been the usual I have been distracted and won't complain eyebrow twitch. "Not that it matters, Oxenfurt's not far out of the way anyway."
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dojimakaichou · 2 years
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SENT FROM @akiiyamashun​​ ―     ( if they had a kid / accepting )
‘ if they had a kid ’ meme but maybe for mainverse where they could adopt one :)
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NAME . Kisuke Dojima ( 希輔 堂島 ) * Kisuke’s name is written as ‘ 希輔 ’ with the characters for hope and help someone.
GENDER . cis male 
GENERAL APPEARANCE . Kisuke has Daigo’s deep brown eyes ( Dojima black, as Akiyama affectionately calls the color ). He normally wears a fitted navy blue suit with a white t - shirt and layered necklaces. His hair is straight and a dark brunette shade ; much like his parents, he keeps it longer and loose. Kisuke is normally clean - shaven. Frequent accessories include black hair ties on his wrist, a lit cigarette between his teeth, and fine chains around his neck that have a solid gold wolf’s head pendant hanging from them. In his twenties, he gets a white wolf baring its teeth tattooed onto the back of his left hand. Notably, Kisuke has a scar on the right side of his neck from a knife that was pulled on him during a fight.
PERSONALITY . reckless. fighter. volatile. passionate. outspoken. stubborn. caring. impulsive. good - natured.
SPECIAL TALENTS . Natural - born brawler with a strong stomach and desire to take on all of Kamurocho. He isn’t afraid of getting his hands dirty and doesn’t mind the taste of blood.
WHO THEY LIKE BETTER . Kisuke gets along better with Akiyama, and he is emotionally closer to him growing up. While he does love Daigo equally, he finds it easier to talk to Akiyama.
WHO THEY TAKE AFTER MORE . Kisuke takes after Daigo more simply because of how close their personalities are ( to a fault, really ). That being said, Kisuke did take several notes from Akiyama concerning his view, understanding, and care of the world. Kisuke feels everything very strongly, true, as strongly as his father, but his bleeding heart is certainly sourced from his dad.
Daigo and Akiyama were together for several years before the topic of a child came up. Akiyama realized over time that Daigo adored children and secretly desired to be a father in spite of his reservations about the topic. The loan shark broached the subject first, and the two talked it over extensively. Due to the conservative climate of Japan in regards to same - sex relationships, however, Daigo was reluctant to adopt  ―  he was deeply afraid that any baby of theirs that didn’t have their blood could potentially be taken away from them or be invalidated as theirs in the future.  On April 22, 2026, the biological son of Daigo Dojima and a contracted surrogate mother was born in the United States. He was quickly named Kisuke by Daigo and Akiyama, who hoped that his direct relation to his father would keep him safe. Upon the little family’s return to Japan, Akiyama was declared Kisuke’s second legal guardian. Though Kisuke wouldn’t formally appear on the Akiyama family tree as he would the Dojima one in the government’s eyes, Akiyama was recognized as his parental figure. Daigo and Akiyama also wed as much as the legal system then permitted to further cement Kisuke’s relationship to Akiyama. Kisuke quickly proved to be a handful. He kept both of his parents on their toes and always seemed to find a way into everything. As Kisuke grew older, Daigo realized ( to his horror ) that their son had inherited his temper. The two regularly butted heads  ―  thankfully, Akiyama’s soothing presence was often able to calm any real tension between them. Kisuke, in an almost stark repeat of Daigo’s teenage years, found himself nearly in trouble with the law twice  The first time, Akiyama happened to be nearby and rescued his son from a nasty confrontation in the street before the cops were called. Kisuke’s dad warned him to be careful. He promised not to tell Daigo ( understanding that Kisuke had intended to stop a pair of thugs from harassing a young lady ) so long as Kisuke learned his lesson. Unfortunately, Kisuke believed, like most hot - headed kids his age, that he was invincible. He picked another poorly - stacked fight just shy of his seventeenth birthday. This time, however, there was no one to bail him out. Kisuke landed in the hospital with a shallow injury to his neck and the threat of being cuffed by the officer outside of his room. Daigo soon swept in like a force of nature and gave Kisuke a verbal thrashing that he would never forget as his husband listened. What struck Kisuke most was the fear buried under Daigo’s anger ; it occurred to him then that his father was afraid to lose him. It was a sobering thought that convinced Kisuke to own up to his mistakes. He wasn’t going to give up his personal brand of vigilante justice any time soon, but he swore that he would be wiser about it. Kisuke, like his parents, loved Kamurocho more than anything. Later, when Akiyama retired, he took over Sky Finance with the intentions of running it exactly as his dad had. Daigo’s corporate world didn’t interest Kisuke, who much preferred the flexible and compassionate atmosphere of his dad’s business. As an adult, Kisuke can be found wandering around Kamurocho with a lit cigarette, hands in his pockets like his dad always did, and his father’s infamous slanted grin. If his dad’s moniker is the Lifeline of Kamurocho, then Kisuke could best be described as its heart.  * theme song : Werewolf by Motionless in White. * sun sign : Taurus. * symbols : Kisuke’s initial nickname ( the Wolf / Kamurocho’s Wolf ) was inspired by his trademark victorious crow after fights. Drunk once, he decided to howl like a wolf. The noise stuck, and it’s something he’s done ever since.
FACE CLAIM . Tomohisa Yamashita.
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estatedekho26 · 9 hours
Apartments for sale in gopanpally hyderabad
Finding Your Dream Apartment in Gopanpally, Hyderabad
Ah, Gopanpally! Nestled in the vibrant city of Hyderabad, this neighborhood has become a hotbed for apartment hunters. Whether you're a first-time buyer or looking to upgrade your current living situation, Gopanpally offers a range of apartments that cater to diverse needs and tastes. Let's dive into what makes this locality special and why your dream home might just be a visit away.
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Why Gopanpally?
First things first Gopanpally is strategically located. It’s close to the IT hubs of Gachibowli and Hitech City, making it a prime choice for tech professionals. Imagine cutting down your daily commute and having more time to binge-watch your favorite series. Plus, it’s near major educational institutions like the University of Hyderabad and Indian School of Business. For families, that means top-notch education without the hassle of long travel times.
Amenities Galore
Gopanpally isn't just about convenience; it's about lifestyle. The area is brimming with shopping centers, parks, and eateries. Whether you're a foodie who lives for weekend brunches or a fitness enthusiast who loves morning jogs in the park, Gopanpally has something for everyone. And let's not forget the essential amenities like hospitals and supermarkets, which are just a stone's throw away.
Types of Apartments Available
1. Luxurious Apartments
If luxury is your middle name, Gopanpally won't disappoint. Think spacious 3,4 BHK apartments with state-of-the-art facilities like swimming pools, gymnasiums, and clubhouse access. Many of these apartments come with modular kitchens, stylish interiors, and balconies that offer stunning views of the cityscape.
2. Budget-Friendly Options
Not everyone has a billionaire's budget, and that's okay. Gopanpally has a plethora of affordable apartments that don’t skimp on quality. You can find cozy 1, 2 BHK units that are perfect for singles or small families. These apartments often come with essential amenities like 24/7 security, parking spaces, and power backup.
3. Ready-to-Move-In Flats
For those who can't wait to start their new life in Gopanpally, ready-to-move-in apartments are a blessing. These flats are fully furnished and equipped with all the necessities. All you need to bring is your suitcase and maybe a couple of houseplants to make it feel like home.
What to Consider When Buying an Apartment in Gopanpally
1. Budget Planning
Let's get real for a moment. Buying an apartment is a significant financial commitment. Start by setting a realistic budget. Consider your current savings, future income, and the availability of home loans. Remember, it's not just about the down payment; factor in registration fees, maintenance costs, and those sneaky hidden charges.
2. Builder Reputation
Not all that glitters is gold, and not every builder is trustworthy. Do your homework on the developers. Check out their previous projects, read reviews, and perhaps even talk to current residents. A reputable builder means quality construction and timely delivery.
3. Legal Due Diligence
Nobody likes legal hassles, especially when it involves your dream home. Ensure that the apartment has all the necessary approvals and clearances from local authorities. Verify the land title and get a legal expert to vet the sale agreement.
A Peek into the Neighborhood
Schools and Colleges
For those with kids, proximity to good schools is often a deal-breaker. Gopanpally boasts several reputed educational institutions, ensuring your child gets a quality education without the long bus rides.
Healthcare Facilities
Health is wealth, and Gopanpally ensures you have access to top-notch healthcare facilities. With numerous hospitals and clinics around, you can rest easy knowing that medical help is always nearby.
Shopping and Entertainment
Who doesn’t love a good shopping spree? Gopanpally has numerous malls and local markets where you can shop to your heart’s content. From high-end brands to local boutiques, there's something for everyone. And for those movie nights, several multiplexes are just around the corner.
Conclusion: Is Gopanpally Your Next Home?
In the grand tapestry of Hyderabad, Gopanpally stands out as a neighborhood that offers a perfect blend of modernity and tradition. With its strategic location, plethora of amenities, and diverse apartment options, it's no wonder more people are calling Gopanpally their home.
So, if you're on the lookout for an apartment for sale in Gopanpally, Hyderabad, take the plunge. Your dream home might just be waiting for you. And who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one giving tips to new home buyers in this charming neighborhood.
Remember, home is not just a place; it's a feeling. And Gopanpally has all the right vibes to make you feel at home.
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about Apartments for Sale in Gopanpally Hyderabad Telangana. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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bmdu01 · 5 months
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gengrassubaru77 · 6 months
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If you have any questions or concerns, our Subaru dealership's sales and financing experts are here to help. Before making a final decision, we will thoroughly assess your unique needs and circumstances. We assure you that we have been of assistance, regardless of what may have transpired. By collaborating with us throughout the entire process, from choosing the necessary features to putting on optional extras and warranty choices, you can customise your loan or lease package to meet your specific requirements. It would mean the world to us if you could even consider helping us out. I would be deeply grateful if you would give me the chance to be of service to you. Depend on our steadfast support when you're in a jam. No matter the hour, you can always reach us because we're here for you. We shall always stand behind the oppressed, no matter the price.
Gengras, keep to the straight and narrow if you want to go where you're going. Plus, if you ever need assistance, a Subaru is always nearby. We encourage you to contact us at any time; we are available to assist you. The kind people of the Torrington area are always willing to lend a hand if you ever need money for car repairs or upkeep. You should not expect this service to be accessible at all times. Contacting us at all times is a good decision. Feel free to contact our service at any time if you require any assistance. To us, the passage of time couldn't care less. Keep in mind that no matter how bad things get, help is close by subaru dealer near me We have people available 24/7 to help you get in touch with expert car parts dealers. Your Subaru can effortlessly manage extended excursions with regular maintenance.
Gengras appreciates the chance to be of service to you and your loved ones at this challenging time. We deeply value the trust you have placed in us. Our sincerest condolences are with you and your family at this time. Furthermore, we are the authorised representatives of no less than eleven separate car manufacturers. The conflict revolves around three states in New England. There is absolutely no resemblance between any of these states. Including all of these states in the US is unfair.
The General Motors Chrysler dealership in East Hartford, Connecticut is a great place for anyone looking to buy a Volvo. Volvos, along with other manufacturers, including some more conventional ones, are sold at this dealership. Gengras Volvo Cars is another possible landmark in the East Hartford area. This is something that needs your careful thought. The Dodge Jeep dealership in North Haven, Connecticut is owned and run by Gengras Volvo Cars Inc., a Massachusetts-based company with headquarters in West Springfield. This Connecticut site allows users to search for and buy cars. Additionally, in northern Connecticut, you might find a car lot. Actually, the Connecticut dealerships do have their own website. In the western region of the state, in the heart of Massachusetts, you'll find this car lot. Somebody will confirm that it is a BMW if you inquire around.
Old urban legend has it that the Upper Valley site is somewhere close to where the White and Vermont rivers converge. More study is required to find a solution to this problem. Additional research is necessary to gain a complete understanding of this. In this usage, the word "car" is synonymous with a Honda.
As the only owner and manager of the Ford dealership's real estate holdings in Plainville, Connecticut, Gengras has every right to brag about his position. The owner goes by the name Gengras. American town of Plainville is located in the state of Connecticut.
Connecticut is home to Gengras's Volkswagen dealership in Plainville as well as their Subaru store in Torrington. Every single one of these car lots is located in Connecticut.
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financemaster1 · 9 months
Discover the Golden Path to Financial Freedom
In times of financial need, gold has always been a valuable asset that can come to our rescue. Pledging your gold ornaments for a Gold Loan is a smart way to unlock the value of your precious jewelry while meeting your urgent financial requirements. At Muthoot FinCorp ONE,w e offer convenient Gold Loan services with a range of attractive features.
Let's explore the benefits of opting for a Gold Loan with Muthoot FinCorp ONE.
Quick and Hassle-Free Process: At Muthoot FinCorp ONE we understand the value of your time. With our Gold Loan From Home service, you can get a Gold Loan within just 30 minutes*. No more waiting in long queues or filling out extensive paperwork. Simply apply for a Gold Loan through our website or app, and a Loan Manager will visit your home for an OTP-verified process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.
Wide Network of Branches: Muthoot FinCorp ONE has over 3600+ branches spread across India, making it convenient for you to access their Gold Loan services. Whether you prefer the comfort of your home or want to visit a nearby branch, Muthoot FinCorp ONE offers you the flexibility to choose the location that suits you best.
Competitive Interest Rates and Zero Processing Fees: When it comes to financial transactions, every penny counts.We offer Gold Loans at incredibly low-interest rates starting from just 0.83%* per month.
Instant Transfer to Bank Account: At Muthoot FinCorp ONE we ensure that you have a seamless experience by providing instant transfer of the loan amount to your bank account. This means you can access the funds immediately and use them for your financial needs.
100% Access to Your Gold: One concern people may have while pledging their gold ornaments is the safety and accessibility of their precious jewelry. With Muthoot FinCorp ONE, you can have peace of mind as they provide 100% access to your gold whenever you need it. Their BIS Standard 9400 compliant storage facilities ensure the utmost safety and security of your gold.
No Credit Record Check: For individuals with a less-than-perfect credit history, obtaining a loan can be challenging. However, with a Gold Loan from Muthoot FinCorp ONE, your credit record is not a determining factor. They do not conduct credit checks, making it easier for you to avail a loan against your gold.
Gold Loan Calculator: Muthoot FinCorp ONE offers a Gold Loan Amount Calculator on our app and website. This tool enables you to quickly assess the value of your gold and determine the loan amount you can avail. By using the Gold Loan Calculator, you can unlock the true potential of your gold and make an informed decision about your financial requirements.
When you find yourself in need of quick funds, pledging your gold ornaments for a Gold Loan is an excellent option. With features like doorstep service, competitive interest rates, zero processing fees, and easy accessibility to your gold, Muthoot FinCorp ONE makes the process convenient and hassle-free. Take advantage of our Gold Loan Amount Calculator to unlock the value of your gold today and address your financial needs with confidence.
About Muthoot FinCorp ONE
Muthoot FinCorp ONE is an all-in-one digital financial platform that makes getting an MSME & a Gold Loan, investing in Digital gold & NCDs, making payments & remittances, buying insurance & exchanging forex, simple and convenient.
As an SBU of Muthoot FinCorp Limited, Muthoot FinCorp ONE is backed by a legacy stretching back over 135 years, and the trust of more than 1 crore customers and is building a holistic financial ecosystem using the latest digital products for lending, investing, protection and payments.
Muthoot FinCorp ONE continues to uphold the values of the parent, the Muthoot Pappachan Group (Muthoot Blue) by providing its customers with easily accessible services, replete with unmistakable quality. The Muthoot Pappachan Group is among India’s most reputed names in the financial services industry, with customers in diverse segments like Automotive industry, Financial Services, Hospitality, Alternate Energy, Real Estate, and Precious Metals.
So what are you waiting for? Head to the Play Store and download the Muthoot FinCorp ONE app. You can also visit the website today to know more.
Alternatively, you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn to stay tuned to our latest offerings.
Chat on Whatsapp | Branch Locator | Email us - [email protected] | Download App
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hindustangold11 · 10 months
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Gold buyers
Gold Buyers | Diamond Buyers | Platinum Buyers
HINDUSTAN GOLD COMPANY is known for serving our valued customers for more than 20 years and is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. it is the pioneer company in india to introduce the concept of buying gold at the current online price.
Hindustan gold company is the trusted Gold Buyers company for selling your gold get the best price for the gold you need to sell. We believe gold is an asset that also has emotions. Our team members are well trained professionals to handle your emotion and provide transparency on the valuation of the gold you desire to sell.
We have an advanced Spectrometer & computerized valuation for checking GOLD purity. Our team members have experience in evaluating your GOLD in-house and at your doorsteps. We provide Instant Valuation & spot cash on your Gold. We can also do a bank transfer as NEFT/IMPS, as per RBI Guidelines.
If you need us to help you release pledged Gold from Banks / Gold loan companies or pawn brokers. Call us on 80885 50033 or visit us at our nearest branches. Click here to view our branch pages and you can visit any of our branches nearby and get spot cash for gold current market price now.
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malikblogggg · 11 months
Bhutani Cyberthum
Introduction The bustling city of Noida has witnessed a paradigm shift in its commercial real estate landscape, and at the heart of this transformation is Bhutani Cyberthum. A masterpiece by the renowned Bhutani Group, Cyberthum is not just a commercial project; it's a vision of the future. With its state-of-the-art design and amenities, it promises to redefine the way businesses operate.
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Location and Accessibility Strategically located at Sector-140A on the Noida Expressway, Bhutani Cyberthum boasts of unparalleled accessibility. Whether you're coming from the heart of Delhi or the outskirts of Noida, the expressway ensures a smooth ride. And with the upcoming Jevar International Airport just 30 minutes away and the IGI Airport 55 km distant, it's poised to be a hub for international businesses.
Features and Amenities Cyberthum isn't just about office spaces; it's about creating an ecosystem. Spread over 26.8 acres, it features two iconic 50-story towers that stand as a testament to modern architecture. But what truly sets it apart is its unique offerings - North India's largest musical fountain and a sky-high mall. Add to that a Leed platinum-certified building, a helipad, and ample parking facilities, and you have a commercial space that's second to none.
Advantages of Buying Directly from the Builder Why go through intermediaries when you can get the best deal directly from the source? With 0% brokerage charges and a guarantee of the cheapest rates, Bhutani ensures that customers get unmatched value for their money. And if that wasn't enough, they even offer a 10 gm gold coin if you find a price lower than theirs!
Specifications of the Property Every aspect of Cyberthum has been meticulously planned. The built-up area, including the basement, is a massive 4,18,376.877 sq mt. The towers, standing at 213.7 meters, are the tallest commercial structures in the NCR region. And with a floor-to-floor height of 4.5M for offices and 6.9M for commercial spaces, businesses have all the room they need to grow.
Vision of Bhutani Cyberthum Bhutani Group envisions Cyberthum as more than just a commercial space. It's a place where technology meets aesthetics, where the future of work is shaped. With its cutting-edge amenities and design, it aims to set the benchmark for commercial spaces not just in Noida, but across the country.
Nearby Establishments The vicinity of Cyberthum is home to several MNCs like KPMG, Infosys, Samsung, Accenture, and TCS. This not only ensures a high footfall but also adds to the prestige of having an office in one of Noida's most sought-after locations.
Banking Partnerships To make the buying process seamless, Bhutani has partnered with leading banks. So whether it's a home loan or any other financial service, assistance is just a call away.
Conclusion Bhutani Cyberthum is not just a commercial project; it's a revolution. With its strategic location, unmatched amenities, and the trust of the Bhutani Group, it promises to be the go-to destination for businesses looking to make a mark.
ANY MORE INFO CLICK ON LINK:-https://bhutanicyberthums.in/
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jenniebeatrixkim · 1 year
Bad Credit Loan Assistance Organizations
People looking for bad credit loan assistance programs and organizations may easily become overwhelmed. You can easily rely on nearby direct lenders but that is not necessarily going to get you the best deals for instant cash loans.
If you are forced to rely on instant cash loans just to get through to the next payday, chances are pretty good that you need to save some money at the same time. Why would you not want to use bad credit loan assistance organizations to get the best deals on instant cash loans?
How many of the people standing in line to get instant payday loans from nearby lenders will be pulling out a gold credit card to pay off those bad credit loans? Probably not many. The problems here are twofold.
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