#navajo lake
rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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Navajo Lake, UT (No. 1)
Navajo Lake is a small reservoir in northwestern Kane County in southern Utah, United States. It is shallow, reaching depths of only 25 feet (7.6 m). Recreation includes fishing, boating, swimming, and lodging facilities. Species of trout in Navajo Lake are brook trout, splake trout (hybrid), and rainbow trout. Trout survival for winter is very poor with only the splake and brook trout overwintering. There is also a dense population of Utah chub. The lake was formed by a lava flow across the eastern end of the valley. The lake drains into both the Great Basin and the Colorado River drainage systems through sinkholes in the lake floor.
Source: Wikipedia
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sirgiant-blog-blog · 1 year
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This is a landscape done with Rembrandt soft pastels on black, 92 lb., 11 inches x 14 inches Canson paper. The subject is Navajo Lake, Utah.
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weazellysnapshots · 2 years
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the sun will rise and set regardless…
📷: Canon Rebel T6 / iPhone 12 Pro
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eclipsetheabyss · 10 months
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alvarinho2049 · 1 year
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Crazy me I see an opportunity at dusk to snap Lechee Rock (lee chee ae). Middle of a busy highway but I wasn't the only one chasing this dragon's tail.
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thorsenmark · 9 months
Petroglyphs on Navajo Sandstone in Capitol Reef National Park by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While at the Capitol Reef Petroglyph area and a view looking to the north at some chiseled rock art present along this sandstone cliff wall.
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autotrails · 2 years
American Auto Trail-Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway (Thoreau to Tsaya Canyon NM)
American Auto Trail-Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway (Thoreau to Tsaya Canyon NM) https://youtu.be/ePDaeTVAg44 This American auto trail follows New Mexico’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway (New Mexico Highway 371) from Thoreau north to Tsaya Canyon.
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natures-moments · 1 month
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Navajo Lake, New Mexico, USA
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batboyblog · 4 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #21
May 31-June 7 2024
As part of President Biden's goal to bring the number of traffic deaths to zero, the Department of Transportation has sent $480 million in safety grants to all 50 states, DC, and all the US territories. The grants will focus on trucks, buses and other large vehicles. Thanks to DoT safety actions deaths involving heavy vehicles dropped by 8% from 2022 to 2023 and the department wants to keep pushing till the number is 0.
The Departments of Interior and Agriculture announced $2.8 billion plan to protect public land and support local government Conservation Efforts. $1.9 billion will be used to repair and restore national parks and public land, restoring historic sites, as well as Bureau of Indian Education-funded schools. $900 million will go to conservation funding, allowing the government to buy land to protect it. Half the funds will go to the federal government half to state and local governments and for the first time ever a tribal Conservation Land Acquisition program has been set up to allow tribal governments to buy land to protect nature.
The Department of Transportation announced that it had managed to get customers nearly $1 Billion dollars worth of flight reimbursements. The DoT reached an agreement with 3 airlines, Lufthansa, KLM, and South African Airways to pay between them $900 million to passengers effected by Covid related cancellations and delays. This adds to the $4 billion dollars of refunds and reimbursements to airline passengers under the Biden Administration.
The Department of Interior announced $725 million to clean up legacy coal pollution. This is the 3rd pay out from the $11.3 billion dollars President Biden signed into law in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to clean up coal pollution and invest in communities that used to rely on the coal industry. The money will be spent across 22 states and the Navajo Nation. Closing dangerous mine shafts, reclaim unstable slopes, improve water quality by treating acid mine drainage, and restore water supplies damaged by mining.
HUD launches the first of its kind investment program in manufactured homes. Manufactured homes represent a major market for affordable housing and the Biden Administration is the first to offer support to people trying to buy. HUD hopes the program will help 5,000 families and individuals buy their own home over the next 5 years.
The Department of the Interior announced $700 million for long-term water conservation projects across the Lower Colorado River Basin. The Colorado River Basin provides water for more than 40 million people, electric power to 7 US States and is a critical crucial resource for 30 Tribal nations and two Mexican states. The project hopes to save more than 700,000 acre-feet of water in Lake Mead. In the face of climate change causing a historic 23-year drought, there is record low water levels at Lake Powell and Lake Mead. The Biden Administration has moved aggressively to try to protect the Colorado River and make sure there's enough water in the West.
HUD makes $123 million for fighting Youth Homelessness available. This represents the 8th round of investment in Youth Homelessness since 2021 for a total of $440 million so far. The Biden Administration is focusing on innovative answers, like host homes, and kinship care models, with emphasis on creating equitable strategies to assist youth who are most vulnerable, including BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and youth with disabilities. This is part of the Biden Administration goal of cutting homelessness by 25% by the end of 2025
The Department of Agriculture announced a series of actions to strength Tribal food sovereignty. The USDA will grant tribes in Maine, Alaska, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oregon and Washington $42 million through the Indigenous Animals Harvesting and Meat Processing Grants to support native animal harvesting. $18 million for projects under the Tribal Forest Protection Act. As well as $2.3 million to support the service of Indigenous foods in school meal programs. The USDA also plans its first ever class of interns specifically focused on Tribal agriculture and food sovereignty. The USDA also plans to host a first ever international trade mission focused on Tribal Nation and Native Hawaiian Community businesses.
Bonus: President Biden, First Lady Jill Biden, and Secretaries of Defense Lloyd Austin and State Antony Blinken traveled to Normandy France to mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. They were joined by a handful of surviving veterans of the landings many over 100 years old.
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sugarbombs-n-stuff · 19 days
Companion's Comfort Foods
(I didn't include Ada and Codsworth cause they don't eat)
Cait: Cait's comfort food is cottage pie (which is shepards pie with beef instead of lamb). It was on the food rotation at the combat zone before the raiders took over and it brings back good memories of her first few years of freedom. Cottage pie and a beer is a good supper for her.
Curie: A bowl of sugarbombs. It was the first meal she had after she got turned into a synth so she's grown really fond of it. She likes cereal in general so if you sit her down with some and a puzzle, she'll be so happy, though she does like eating while talking to a friend.
Danse: When he was in the BOS it probably would have been coffee seeing as the food really wasn't great. It was pretty much flavorless chicken and mashed tatoes and the thought of it made his stomach churn. A cup of coffee however was guaranteed, and it was good every time. After BB no questions asked his comfort food is beef(brahmin) stew. Sturges makes some flavorful, mouthwatering, downright sinful tasting food and you'll always see Danse first in line whenever it's the stew in particular that's being made. He also likes to dip some cornbread in it, and it isn't uncommon that you'll see him patting his stomach after eating like some midwestern dad.
Deacon: Roasted mutton on fry bread with hot peppers. Deacon was raised on Lake Mead by his mom and grandparents. His grandma was Navajo, so they always had something with fry bread and meat, normally bighorner meat. The mutton became his favorite though. It's a wave of nostalgia every time he takes a bite. He doesn't really have it anymore, partly because of he can't really get it in the commonwealth and partly because even if he makes it, it's never as good as his family makes. A big stupid smile is on his face whenever he visits his mom, and she makes it for him. Though he hasn't been out there in a while, too busy helping the Railroad.
Dogmeat: Dogmeat will eat anything, and he doesn't really have a comfort food. His favorite food though his dried brahmin ears,
Strong: Pre War Strong and Super mutant Strong actually agree in this area, his comfort food is still ribs. Pre-war, he liked dry rub ribs that make your mouth water and stomach grumble when you look at them, he was damn good at making them to cause he learned from his grandad so anytime he made them he thought about him. Now he likes raw brahmin ribs. He isn't picky anymore and doesn't care as long as he eats but if he really concentrates, he can still hear a deep laugh like rolling thunder and smell a hint of spice when he takes a bite.
Preston: Rabbit Stew. Growing up with his auntie on far harbor he ate pretty much everything, mans was a human garbage disposal. However, he had broken his leg when he was 10 and his auntie made him rabbit stew. They sat in the bed and laughed and joked for hours as she told him stories. His big brother even joined them and joked around too. Now every time he makes it, that memory is at the front of his mind, it causes a smile to sit on his face for the rest of the day afterwords.
Piper: Her dad used to make cabbage rolls with corn and rad stag. She still makes it for Nat but when she starts cooking it, she swears she can hear her dad talking her through how to make it for the first time. She doesn't let herself get sad at the memory when she's cooking, she embraces it. She keeps promising to teach nat how to make it but she's kind of swamped with work at the moment, but they have it every week they can afford it.
MacCready: Like danse he also likes stew however his comfort food his mushroom stew. He remembers eating it in Little Lamplight and when he takes a bite suddenly, he's Mayor MacCready sitting with his pals and getting irritated at Princess again. He also thinks of him chatting with lucy, both as kids and adults and gets a comforting sadness for a little afterword but comforting none the less.
Hancock: Him and his brother used to make fruit jam growing up and would sell it in Diamond City market. He still makes the jams now with the help of Daisy and sells them in her store. His mind wanders and he wonders that if things were different between McDonough and him, if they would still make them together. His brother's favorite was the dandy boy apple one so that's his comfort food. Dandy Boy Apple Jam.
Nick Valentine: Coffee. Nick doesn't eat much and human nick really only ate out of necessity. Ellie makes him a cup every morning and they talk before they get to work. Good memories are enjoyed over coffee and that's good enough for Nick.
X6-88: When he was in the institute he liked the coconut nutrition pouches but he wouldn't classify it as a comfort food because he was a machine that didn't need comfort in his or the institutes eyes. Now that he runs around with sole survivor though, his comfort food is braised deathclaw with rice. It's extremely filling, and he thinks of that first night he was assigned to Sole and they made them this. It was one of the first times he seriously considered being something close to human.
Longfellow: Roasted Fog Crawler with black beans and a side of scotch. He cooks well and he actually really enjoys it. Whenever he cooks, he gets peace and peace is comfort. Not to mention the whiskey settles his soul for a bit.
Gage: Spicy Curry. He learned to make this dish originally from his mom and for a while after becoming a raider he didn't touch it again cause of the memories. Eventually though, one night when he wasn't thinking about it, he started taking out the ingredients to make it. Muscle memory is a bitch but he's not going to waste food and when he took that first bite, he heard his mom singing in his brain and telling him to wash up after. It's rare when he does eat it but when he does you might be able to hear him humming as he makes it.
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bignaz8 · 2 months
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1. Arizona has 3,928 mountain peaks and summits, more mountains than any one of the other Mountain States (Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming).
2. All New England, plus the state of Pennsylvania would fit inside Arizona.
3. Arizona became the 48th state and last of the contiguous states on February 14, 1912, Valentine’s Day.
4. Arizona's disparate climate can yield both the highest temperature across the nation and the lowest temperature across the nation in the same day.
5. There are more wilderness areas in Arizona than in the entire Midwest. Arizona alone has 90 wilderness areas, while the Midwest has 50.
6. Arizona has 26 peaks that are more than 10,000 feet in elevation.
7. Arizona has the largest contiguous stand of Ponderosa pines in the world stretching from near Flagstaff along the Mogollon Rim to the White Mountains region.
8. Yuma, Arizona is the country's highest producer of winter vegetables, especially lettuce.
9. Arizona is the 6th largest state in the nation, covering 113,909 square miles.
10. Out of all the states in the U.S., Arizona has the largest percentage of its land designated as Indian lands.
11. The Five C's of Arizona's economy are: Cattle, Copper, Citrus, Cotton, and Climate.
12. More copper is mined in Arizona than all the other states combined The Morenci Mine is the largest copper producer in all of North America.
13. Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, two of the most prominent movie stars of Hollywood's Golden Age, were married on March 18, 1939, in Kingman, Arizona.
14. Covering 18,608 sq. miles, Coconino County is the second largest county by land area in the 48 contiguous United States.(San Bernardino County in California is the largest).
15. The world's largest solar telescope is located at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Sells, Arizona.
16. Bisbee, Arizona is known as the Queen of the Copper Mines because during its mining heyday it produced nearly 25 percent of the world's copper. It was the largest city in the Southwest between Saint Louis and San Francisco.
17. Billy the Kid killed his first man, Windy Cahill, in Bonita, Arizona.
18. Arizona grows enough cotton each year to make more than one pair of jeans for every person in the United States.
19. Famous labor leader and activist Cesar Chavez was born in Yuma.
20. In 1912, President William Howard Taft was ready to make Arizona a state on February 12, but it was Lincoln's birthday.
The next day, the 13th, was considered bad luck so they waited until the following day. That's how Arizona became known as the Valentine State.
21. When England's famous London Bridge was replaced in the 1960s, the original was purchased, dismantled, shipped stone by stone and reconstructed in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, where it still stands today.
22. Mount Lemmon, Tucson, in the Santa Catalina Mountains, is the southernmost ski resort in the United States.
23. Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch in Picacho, Arizona is the largest privately-owned ostrich ranch in the world outside South Africa.
24. If you cut down a protected species of cactus in Arizona, you could spend more than a year in prison.
25. The world's largest to-scale collection of miniature airplane models is housed at the library at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona.
26. The only place in the country where mail is delivered by mule is the village of Supai, located at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
27. Located on Arizona's western border, Parker Dam is the deepest dam in the world at 320 feet.
28. South Mountain Park/Preserve in Phoenix is the largest municipal park in the country.
29. Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, located about 55 miles west of Phoenix, generates more electricity than any other U.S. power plant.
30. Oraibi, a Hopi village located in Navajo County, Arizona, dates back to before A.D. 1200 and is reputed to be the oldest continuously inhabited community in America.
31. Built by Del Webb in 1960, Sun City, Arizona was the first 55-plus active adult retirement community in the country.
32. Petrified wood is the official state fossil. The Petrified Forest in northeastern Arizona contains America's largest deposits of petrified wood.
33. Many of the founders of San Francisco in 1776 were Spanish colonists from Tubac, Arizona.
34. Phoenix originated in 1866 as a hay camp to supply military post Camp McDowell.
35. Rainfall averages for Arizona range from less than three inches in the deserts to more than 30 inches per year in the mountains.
36. Rising to a height of 12,643 feet, Humphreys Peak north of Flagstaff is the state's highest mountain.
37. Roadrunners are not just in cartoons! In Arizona, you'll see them running up to 17-mph away from their enemies.
38. The Saguaro cactus is the largest cactus found in the U.S. It can grow as high as a five-story building and is native to the Sonoran Desert, which stretches across southern Arizona.
39. Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, grew up on a large family ranch near Duncan, Arizona.
40. The best-preserved meteor crater in the world is located near Winslow, Arizona.
41. The average state elevation is 4,000 feet.
42. The Navajo Nation spans 27,000 square miles across the states of Utah, Arizona and New Mexico, but its capital is seated in Window Rock, Arizona.
43. The amount of copper utilized to make the copper dome atop Arizona's Capitol building is equivalent to the amount used in 4.8 million pennies.
44. Near Yuma, the Colorado River's elevation dips to 70 feet above sea level, making it the lowest point in the state.
45. The geographic center of Arizona is 55 miles southeast of Prescott near the community of Mayer.
46. You could pile four 1,300-foot skyscrapers on top of each other and they still would not reach the rim of the Grand Canyon.
47. The hottest temperature recorded in Arizona was 128 degrees at Lake Havasu City on June 29, 1994.
48. The coldest temperature recorded in Arizona was 40 degrees below zero at Hawley Lake on January 7, 1971.
49. A saguaro cactus can store up to nine tons of water.
50. The state of Massachusetts could fit inside Maricopa County (9,922 sq. miles).
51. The westernmost battle of the Civil War was fought at Picacho Pass on April 15, 1862 near Picacho Peak in Pinal County.
52. There are 11.2 million acres of National Forest in Arizona, and one-fourth of the state forested.
53. Wyatt Earp was neither the town marshal nor the sheriff in Tombstone at the time of the shoot-out at the O..K. Corral. His brother Virgil was the town marshal.
54. On June 6, 1936, the first barrel of tequila produced in the United States rolled off the production line in Nogales, Arizona.
55. The Sonoran Desert is the most biologically diverse desert in North America.
56. Bisbee is the Nation's Southernmost mile-high city.
57. The two largest man-made lakes in the U.S. are Lake Mead and Lake Powell, both located in Arizona.
58. The longest remaining intact section of Route 66 can be found in Arizona and runs from Seligman to Topock, a total of 157 unbroken miles.
59. The 13 stripes on the Arizona flag represent the 13 original colonies of the United States.
60. The negotiations for Geronimo's final surrender took place in Skeleton Canyon, near present day Douglas, Arizona, in 1886.
61. Prescott, Arizona is home to the world's oldest rodeo, and Payson, Arizona is home to the world's oldest continuous rodeo, both of which date back to the 1880's.
62. Kartchner Caverns, near Benson, Arizona, is a massive limestone cave with 13,000 feet of passages, two rooms as long as football fields, and one of the world's longest soda straw stalactites: measuring 21 feet 3 inches.
63. You can carry a loaded firearm on your person, no permit required.
64. Arizona has one of the lowest crime rates in the U.S.A.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Clouds (No. 1061)
Glendale, UT (four pics)
Kane County, UT (six pics)
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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The art deco home of Woody Woodpecker creator Walter Lantz is located at 4217 Navajo in Toluca Lake.
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phoenixyfriend · 9 months
Love it when the current events on the news are complicated on a moral level and you know the Correct Answer According To The Echo Chamber, but you also are the kind of person who has to break things down to the smallest level. [Sarcasm]
Please be civil, I'm not trying to convince people of anything, I'm trying to break down my own feelings on this and figure out what, if any, resolution it could have.
So the thing is
Some people would like to have their ashes buried on the moon.
There are reasons to dispute this, but ngl if we're gonna do space exploration, then subsidizing it through the vanity project that is having your ashes sent to the big rock in the sky seems like a relatively efficient way to fundraise.
However. The Navajo nation is asking that human remains not be placed on the moon because it is sacred to them and other indigenous peoples.
Which is fair, I understand them being upset, but...
Unlike specific mountains or lakes or even the entire continent of the Americas
The moon is. Everyone's.
The moon does not and should not belong to any one community.
The question becomes, does one community's claim over a celestial object hold more weight than another's?
It's not that other communities have a sacred history OF burying ashes, so the request isn't hurting anyone, but what about precedent? If a moon colony is set up, will deaths on the moon be expected to result in shipping bodies back to earth for burial? If the colony exists, how many bodies might that eventually be?
And just the general question of, like, what about other cultures that involve the moon in their religion? What if "joining the moon" is something a person views as achieving a oneness with THEIR moon god? If someone from China wants to do this in honor of Chang'e, or a Greek person for Artemis, or a Zulu person for iNyanga, or a Japanese person for Tsukuyomi, etc etc
Then where does that balance lie?
This isn't land that was stolen, it's the MOON.
I don't imagine it would be a COMMON choice (see: cost), but it's not unimaginable that someone would ask to do this out of a GENUINE religious or spiritual devotion to the moon or associated deity.
But there's a history of disrespect to indigenous culture's sacred places, especially in the Americas, and it's PROBABLY not like the rich individuals paying a private company to get their ashes up on the moon are doing it out of devotion to a moon god.
So in this case it would be putting the individual wants of a wealthy person above the cultural practices of many people.
But in the long run... What do we expect to come of it? What are the consequences of precedent? The rights of individuals need to be protected even when the individual is shit, but the rights of marginalized communities can't get dropped by the wayside on the way.
I don't know how to feel about it, it's complicated. I'm trying to relate it back to something personal that I DO have similar feelings about, but everything comparable (e.g. the Hagia Sofia situation) is very grounded in "it was ours first" so like. Yeah. That approach isn't working.
Nobody in the news I'm following has really explored it, just dropped a mention of it and moved on.
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dvrknessabides · 8 months
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Navajo lake, 2016
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alvarinho2049 · 1 year
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The end of Canyon X the canyon widens and the barrage of light flows through the canyon
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