noawareness-noworld · 4 years
Cold War, The War For Power
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Cold wars have happened many times in our history, and the majority of times they occurred as a societal necessity, yet that does not mean that we have a positive impact on any society. Human beings are well known for having a constant desire for any improvement, especially when it is destined for power's obtainment. Thus, the government and its president are the ones that take those conflicts beyond their limits, by trying everything they could to obtain a unique purpose: power. Moreover, at the end of WWII, humanity evidenced the longest conflict ever between the two most powerful countries (US-Soviet Union). Their rivalry is the result of their ambition for territory, power, and ideological differences amid communism and capitalism. We remember their confrontations by events as the Marshall plan, the Berlin Wall, the creation of new missiles and dangerous nuclear weapons, the Iron Curtain, among others that cause huge differences in Europe, but also, in the whole world. Although this is not the only Cold War that humanity has had, actually we are evidencing one of them nowadays. The dispute happening in the last few years is more a trade war, yet the threat is present and relations among economic giant is daily news. So, we consider that cold wars are necessary to keep a balance among the world; however, no nation should be allowed an extreme power beyond its limits, and peace must be a driving force.    
Cold wars are necessary to generate a different organization and societal protection, but those should be adjusted by making relevant changes or certain agreements between countries, to make them more peaceful. There are different reasons for them being necessary; one could be the societal protection for the majority of the population. Firstly, cold wars and trade wars were useful to protect society in terms of economy. This is evidenced in the 21st-century cold war, which was first used to promote the national or local economy. This happened since the prices of the foreign products were increased by applying tariffs which may cause that the inhabitants choose to buy cheaper local products, and as the work increases, there would be an increase in jobs (Amadeo, 2020a). On the other hand, in the 20-century war, this also happened since this war occurred to determine who had the better economy and ideological power, so the inhabitants in those countries were getting protected by the government as they were searching the best for their country, yet, they have other interests. Moreover, Cold War permits a societal and economical organization around the world even though the country with the most power is the one that wins. As the world is organized, the economy and the different international processes are going to be done according to the power and capacity of each country, generating equity around the world.  
Besides, there would be a leading country, causing that many other governments want the power of that country which could be generating more conflicts; however, this is possible to avoid if different agreements are made. Despite all of the differences nations could have, cold wars could be adjusted with certain accords or more peaceful ways to compete for power. Countries should start searching for new alternatives to solve their discrepancies in a way that only economy is involved without including the creation of weapons and war machines, thus preventing any risk for the inhabitants of being affected by the races. Besides, the resent contrarieties among U.S.A. and China have gone too far and there is a risk of more troubles shortly, then an agreement should take place as it occurred with the Treaty of Paris, Treaty of Versailles, which were used to distribute territory and power between the countries that were fighting at the moment. If these treaties demand a peaceful rivalry, then a more organized, efficient, and effective engagement would happen, generating equity around the world.
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Human is an ambitious being, even, the rulers of the different countries are just persons with the gigantic desire of power, taking the different wars beyond their limits. This is evidenced in the different implementations done in the several Cold Wars, as it occurred in the 21st-century when the former president of the U.S.A., Trump kept applying tariffs to China, even though inflation and massive unemployment were happening as consequence and it was affecting all the United States inhabitants. Also, according to Amadeo (2020b), foreign tariffs on U.S. exports made their products more expensive, hence the exporters had to reduce costs and desist from workers to remain competitively priced. If they fail and it goes further, they could go out of business. So, a simple desire may cause the loss of businesses of millions of innocent people. Furthermore, cold wars if taken to the limits could cause even more emanations in each society, especially if new conflicts are caused by the misuse of power. In the 21st-century some kind of Cold War is already happening between China and the US, taking into account their real desires and what they have been implementing in technology, economy, to reach them.  Likewise, it happened in the XX-century cold war since there was a massive creation of weapons of all kinds, nuclear, firearms, etc. (Norwich University Online, 2017). Also, if these conflicts are driven beyond their limits, the countries that are part of it will never be in peace. This is proved when the United States and the Soviet Union were under threat to each other, so they created many dangerous weapons and the biggest nuclear weapon in the story (the hydrogen bomb), and even though the cold war already ended, they still hate each other (Kirillova, 2020). As well, another evidence is when the Iron Curtain and The Berlin Wall were created, because Europe was divided between Communism and Capitalism due to the Iron Curtain, so, many people were emigrating illegally from the Communism place to the Capitalism place risking their lives. Hence, many families and friends were separated and people were under threat. All of this proves that any cold war taken too far could affect all the society in economical, societal, and military terms.
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Contrarily, some believe Cold Wars are not necessary, even though they could bring benefit to the community, it is still better not to start them, as there are other ways to compete fairly. Besides, the tension created by challenges among nations has a high possibility of generating a new World War, and no one would like something like that, because the human loss is inevitable. These effects were evident in every war and especially in WWII with 50 million people dead; or WWI when even though the war had ended, a new one surged as a result of the last war.
Those are the most visible consequences, yet not unique, some effects could last years to repair; for example, Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombs took so many lives, and the post effects with terrible diseases were visible in the few following generations. Nonetheless, Cold War conflicts are just threatening among the countries and not real wars, and none of the wars mentioned above were a consequence of the Cold War conflict, they were the products of other misunderstandings.  
These types of races between countries are beneficial, as long as they satisfy the needs of the majority instead of feeding individual ambitions. Besides, they are necessary if they create a new organization and distribution in the societies by protecting national products and employment. For example, at the end of WWII, a great part of Europe was destroyed, yet thanks to competitions among the east and west blocks, the economies of those involved were improved. Moreover, cold wars may be useful to generate societal protection, but also its evolution related to different topics; economy, politics, as each side is trying to show their best. So, in this point of view, cold wars are necessary, nevertheless, the desire of greedy leaders should be controlled better to avoid threats, like nuclear weapons, that might create pain and endless conflicts to society.
Amadeo, K., (November 2, 2020). Trade Wars and their Effect on the Economy and You. Obtained from: https://www.thebalance.com/trade-wars-definition-how-it-affects-you-4159973   Norwich University Online (July 3, 2017). 5 Key Cold War Event. Obtained from: https://online.norwich.edu/academic-programs/resources/5-key-cold-war-events   Visual Academy (April 8, 2018). The Cold War In 7 minutes. Obtained from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbl0ILaANnc  
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