#nausicaas headcannons
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nausicaaandhermouth · 3 months ago
Viktor Headcannons
accumulated over some time, and i wanted to fit these into my fic but alas not all of them can 😔 this is a mix of some that didn't make it and me just being unable to think about literally anything else
As far as he was concerned growing up, very few plants had tolerable smells, much less nice smells - so moving to topside and smelling lots of nice plants was a pleasant surprise. because of this, when he’d spend time outside or eat out, he’d sit by a bush with flowers, and also keeps mint on his desk.
He keeps replacing the mint because the lab doesn’t have enough sunlight for it, so it’s constantly overwatered and gets root rot, and he’d rather keep buying it over and over again than do without it, since he spends most of his time in the lab
After moving to topside, he started loving thunderstorms, specifically watching the lightning strike. one time it sent him down a rabbit hole of studying how and why it occurs.
He has a collection of well-worn books on various sciences, with handwritten notes filling the margins like commentary and having a conversation with the text. From in depth notes that expand on the text to just “???” or “what”
He has two kinds of handwriting: the 'assistant’ handwriting, where it’s more organised, legible, made specifically for others to read, made up when he started working for heimerdinger. the 2nd handwriting is more personal, careless, more scratches than ‘writing’, where he abbreviates commonly used words into symbols, so it has a tendency to look vaguely mathematical but also deranged
He dog-ears the academic papers and textbooks that he doesn’t like. If it’s particularly offending, he cuts them up and turns them into bookmarks to use for the textbooks and papers he does like.
When he finds his hand randomly doodling, more often than not it’s vaguely the shape of his mother’s face.
He has a favourite mug that he always uses for his coffee, believing it somehow makes the coffee taste better. If not that mug, then he’s willing to drink out of a paper cup, believing they have an “impartiality” to them.
He has a secret fondness for classical music, often listening to it while working to help him focus. Specifically the angry sounding ones, the full orchestral madness that denotes rage and chaos.
He doesn’t mind children, but just doesn't like when people ask a lot of questions and have little sense of boundaries, which he finds are often children. He likes the inquisitive ones, the silently-mulling-things-over-mentally kind of kids, and likes to think that if he had any then that would be the kind he’d raise.
He has a collection of vintage fountain pens he splurged that he swears he’ll use one day, but in truth he likes them too much to use them. He now knows an odd amount of information about fountain pens, kinds of ink, and how to make fountain pens.
He finds peace in the repetitive motion of polishing his inventions, often losing track of time while doing so. His arms have gotten slightly more muscly over the years because of this
His gaze lingers lovingly at the moles on his neck and arms, knowing he'd gotten some of them from his mother and that for as long as he lives, she will always be with him.
He enjoys the texture of different fabrics and often runs his fingers over various materials while deep in thought, so has a soft spot for quilted things and has bought a bunch of quilted blankets.
He has a habit of talking to his inventions as he works on them, as if encouraging them to function properly.
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moonlitenvyillust · 2 months ago
Epic Telemachus HC's because i am bored and i cant post any drawings of him (yet) because i havent finished his design
|• He draws alot to pass his time. Before the suitors came, he used to draw designs for Penelope to weave. Which resulted into his scarf, the last thing she weaved for him before she had to make the shroud bluff
|• Telemachus, every year, makes a hyper realistic drawing of him, his mother, and his father while waiting. Why? Because one, he needs something to pass the time. Two, he wants to get better. But on the other hand, its never finished. Because he doesnt know how his father looks.
|• he's actually a master of sarcasm™ and Vicious mockery™ but locked in during little wolf because he knows he cant bitch tongue his way out of this one
|• he has long hair and ties it up. Fight me.
|• growing up with drunk suitors around, he does not know romantic love. But he is oh so very aware of lust. To him, because of lack of understanding and lack of anyone teaching him about it, he sees lust and love as two very similar things. And listening into his parents in WYFILWMA he is contemplimenting wether or not he should barge in and stop anything from happening
|• self esteem issues from the suitor's. Oh come on i cant be the only one that sees this???
|• you've seen Trans!Telemachus headcannons. Now i propose, genderfluid!Telemachus. Gender is a social construct. Fuck you
|• remember the scarf i mentioned in the first point? Telemachus wears that thing EVERYWHERE. and he refuses to take it off. A reminder of who he is and who he thrives to keep safe
|• he has His mother's eye shape but with Odysseus's sharpness. Does that make sense? No? Yeah ill post a drawing of their eyes later idk
|• he needs friends everyone. His only friend all his life is a fucking dog (no hate to Argos he's amazing)
|• inherted some of Penelope's naiad-like features. Really good swimmer. Fight me. (How many Times had i said fight me in this post?)
|• his Naivete is his weapon. He uses how he seems like an innocent boy as an advantage for a long time. But it kinda shattered during little wolf.
|• Peisisarus was his gay awakening. And Nausicaa was his Bi awakening. Guess what he decided on? Date both. And both decided hell to the yeah
|• when training with Athena, she realized how much and how little he resembled his father.
|• Athena suggested he used a spear, because he seems to be better at is (she meant a sword is too heavy for him!)
|• remember his Athena cosplay during Odysseus? Yeah. Thats a magical girl transformation and his "diplomatic mission" was him meeting Peisisarus and Nausicaa and also his magical girl training arc/hj
|• Telemachus never needed "the talk". Listening to whatever drunken blabbers the suitors had gave him understanding. From that he hated sex and shit. But he got the talk anyways
|• During his time with the suitors, he was almost taken advantage of. But he was lucky enough to escape.
|• also in that time period, watching those men get drunk gives him a hatred to any type of alcohol. He refuses to take more than half a cup of wine.
|• Telemachus tries, he really does. But nightmares always comes and he just feels the need to guard his mother's Doors again. And when he Heard noises from inside, he goes batshit and feels anxiety, sadness, and dissapointment in himself. Until Odysseus walks out hearing him and gives him hugs
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katerinaaqu · 10 months ago
Hello and welcome to this corner of contradictions! I am a proud Greek archeologist and singer who loves mythology and worldbuilding! This page will be dealing with various themes but mostly the collaboration with the amazing @yararts and our collaboration for fanart related to the TV series, comic and manga called W.I.T.C.H as well as about millions of AUs related to that! (for instance check this AMAZING sketch with a Greek Mythology High Fantasy AU!)
Some of my work includes creating music such as:
Ballard's Sad Flute
or singing:
Dilla's Songchord (Avatar AU)
Some of the fanfictions that I do write on this fandom do include the below works, mostly one-shots and analysis on the worldbuilding
Hidden Truth Prequel: The Peak of Madness -complete-
(Diego -OC- slowly loses his mind and agony while waiting for his brother Caleb to show signs of life. Believing he truly is abandoned by everything and everyone, Diego uses his magic to do the unforgivable; take Caleb's form and hold his brother prisoner!)
Uneasy Lies The Head -complete- (Diego is tormented by his guilt for what he did. And so he dreams and his dreams are nightmarish; mix of memory and dream)
Aditionally this page is also on occasion dealing with Greek mythos and poetry, particularly the homeric epics (Iliad and Odyssey) and the characters involved at them (with some special emphasis on Odysseus and the people who got related with him)
Some of the stories:
(Odysseus is being guilt-stroke and horrified by the success of his plan to take Troy and by the Greek rage upon it and sinks to a series of thoughts and flashbacks) -complete-
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Survivor's Guilt and Survivor's Duty:
(Odysseus loses his last ship and last comrades at the sea, roams about for 9 days helpless and beaches at Ogygia where even more trauma awaits him) -complete-
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Gone with the Wind:
(Odysseus remains awake for 9 days guarding the sack given to them by Aeolus in order to reach his home faster. However soon he finds out that sleepless nights take a toll on him and the consequences are severe...) -complete-
Part 1
Part 2
The Death of Odysseus:
(The final moments of the king of Ithaca, based on the prophecy of Tiresias in the Odyssey. Odysseus has lived a long life and meets his end while finally meeting with an old friend...and his journey to the Underworld begins...) -complete-
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
(Extra): The Funeral
Ismarus! Ismarus!:
(Odysseus and his men leave from Troy but are devided from the rest of the fleets by a storm. They find themselves in Thrace to the city of Ismarus where Odysseus decides they should raid the land of Cicones) -complete-
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Short Stories
If I never knew you
Odysseus Leaving Ithaca (random Pocahontas inspo)
Odysseus and Helen
Argos (analysis and tiny scene A Tribute to Argos)
Screams and Shadows in the Night (Odysseus and Nausicaa one-shot)
Philoctetes Inspiration (Odysseus and Diomedes one-shot)
Philoctetes Inspiration 2 (Odysseus, Diomedes Philoctetes and Neoptolemus one-shot)
Ruthless Justice (Odysseus and Telemachus one-shot)
The Will to Die The Need to Survive (Odysseus and Calypso one-shot)
Escape from Cyclops Island: Hubris
I Take that Back (Odysseus Menelaus and Diomedes one-shot)
The Why never asked and the Because that never mattered (Helen and Menelaus one-shot)
The Lament for a Life (Achilles and Antilochus short songfic)
It's you; always has been you! (Neoptolemous songfic)
What makes the Heart Beat (Achilles and Antilochus one-shot)
Pomegranate Spell (Patrochilles and Achillochus story)
Guard Dog (a Patroclus and his dogs one-shot)
Kynaeon Asma (Achilles and Antilochus one-shot)
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hollowstarsaga · 1 year ago
More ADAHS headcannons
I imagine Lethe's personality as an orange cat (once he warms up to people) he has a lot of stupid idea's collected over the years, he gets bursts of energy, also will bring Cel shiny things he finds.
Vehan will go for runs with no direction and just zone out, then he'll be entirely lost when he zones back in.
Arlo is a booktok girly, she's a romance reader, mostly reading cute stuff but she's definitely found herself reading things that are less than family friendly.
Nausicaa is a language nerd and out of pure boredom over the years she has learnt a bunch of languages.
Aurelian is also a booktok girly but doesn't read as much contemporary romance, he read more fantasy and sci-fi.
Aurelian also definitely forced Vehan to sit down with him and watch good omens and dr. who.
Celadon is unbeaten at board games; the group will do board game nights and Cel always comes first at this point it's a war for second place.
Lethe has like a million-step skin and hair care routine; he researches all the products he uses and guards his hair like a prison.
Nausicaa hasn't read a book in a hundred years, but she has watched a majority of what Netflix has to offer.
Arlo did Ballet when she was young and wishes she kept doing it.
Cel can ice skate really well entirely unironically.
Vehan is super flexible and never utilizes it unless drunk or something.
Aurelian is scarily photogenic, like someone will snap a random picture of everyone and they'll all be pulling an odd face and he'll just be looking perfect.
Theo, Vehan and Cel all growing up in royal positions all can ride horses and play polo and will just do random intense competitions but get the others to join when they cannot ride horses.
Lethe is a plant dad and has like a greenhouse with a bunch of named plants that he will steal for to keep alive.
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tideinthemilkyway · 10 months ago
I don’t have many headcannons for anything really but I DO truly believe that Castle in the Sky in a sequel to Nausicaa, and for more reasons than just the fox-squirrels. I’d write out a list but I’m too lazy
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haliotropium · 5 years ago
I don't headcannon much but what I do believe is that if Lastelle had survived the airship crash that she and Nausicaa would have been girlfriends send tweet
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katerinaaqu · 8 months ago
In a way yes. I would imagine she would indeed be both eager and desperate to find someone who is listening to her or who can understand how she feels. And somehow I think she would turn to Odysseus for that kind of support especially after what befell between them at the night Odysseus arrived dressed as a beggar when he was a spy in Troy. So imagine if she put so much hope in his support (even if I have no doubt she would know he would be furious by many things like the massacre but also the cruel trick she played on them outside the horse) and gets coldness and a note of contempt. She would retaliate I am sure.
Hahahaha yeah they started becoming emotional and cried hahaha 😆 and Helen had to drug their wine to make sure they wouldn't get TOO carried away by emotion (which gave me the random headcannon that Menelaus suffered from a heart condition so Helen tries to protect him from strong changes in his mood) hahahaha for real what a guy! Telemachus seems to have both good sides of his parents! He doesn't seem to have the same talent for deception but as many who met Telemachus said he has not only his father's appearance but his wits as well so in a way Telemachus truly is a kinder and unfiltered version of his parents. He is a baby sweetheart for most part isn't he? Hahahaha not sure if narration insults him per se but Homer wishes to show that he has potential but he needs guidance to explore it and discover it. In a way Telemachus is one of the representations of coming of age in the Odyssey (like Nausicaa). He is a young man who now with the help of Athena he gets out of his childhood room, takes matters in his own hands and tries to fill in the shoes of his father. He also must discover himself
Since he never met Odysseus Telemachus has even doubts that he is his father or better he seeks more to know if that Odysseus he hears all his life for is truly his father. In his trip he learnt his father's good side by his friends. People who lived with him. He also got a glimpse of his brain and his cunning. When Odysseus actually arrived he saw them first hand. He fought with him. Somehow that concludes his transformation from a broody teen to a responsible adult and in a way Homer prepares us given that Odysseus is to go on yet another trip to appease Poseidon. However now we know Telemachus will take over. He is ready.
I am glad you think so! In a way we can view the gods both literally and symbolically at the same time while reading the homeric poems. For instance Odysseus insulting Poseidon leads poseidon against him or mankind not respecting nature and putting themselves above it just because they tame it can have massive consequences. I kinda like the perspective that one can interpret them both literally and allegorically simultaneously while reading the homeric poems. I agree. Iliad and Odyssey are above all stories of humans. They are supposed to be about humanity and her passions or her difficulties. Homer didn't synthesize stories of gods and conquest or symbolism of Greeks spreading all across the mediterannean like his descendants did or at least he doesn't seem to stop to that. He speaks on stories of people and human emotions behind them imo.
Which makes me even more honored that you decided to give it a shot with mine! It means much more than what you will know! If that helps, I try to read a bit on the side with the mythological context before writing my fics. I do not usually write fanfiction about mythology or ancient literature without knowing at least a basic spine of that specific event that I wish to write on. Which is why on the side I also post those analysis that I create mainly on the homeric poems and research around them.
Aww you are so kind! Thank you so much for making my day again! 💗 I am glad you liked the style and the pacing of my writing as well as the thematic of my analysis that I post sometimes! Thank you so much! You flatter me way too much!
This is for you because your small story was amazing so I want to create one in return! And since you want Helen to speak up more here is a little interaction pre-departure from Troy between Helen and Odysseus because why not!
The city hadn't yet stopped smoking from the night of massacre. Helen feared it never would. The smell of burning wood and asbestos was sticking on her clothes and hair; bitter reminder of the events of the night before. Helen didn't want even to think of the lingering smell of blood; metal and water that she had touched. It was as if everything was red now; hands and heart and bloodshot eyes. She hadn't slept that night or the night after it. She feared she never would again.
She could still feel that this was partially her fault; both the beginning and the end of it. She knew the Horse was a farse; a well-staged plan. She chose not to alert the alarm. She had chosen her side once more. And now women and children and men at Troy were laying down dead or worse. She remembered seeing Andromache being dragged out of the city in chains along with other women. They were to be sold as slaves or given as prices to the kings of the Acheans. The once proud queen was now crying woefully; mourning her husband who was killed. She had been dragged out of her husband's tomb where she went to seek sanctuary. That was the ultimate hubris along with her father-in-law Priam who she heard from a conversation had been slain upon the altar he hoped would grand him his life. She heard it was Neoptolemus, the young man who carried the blood of Achilles in his veins and apparently his rage and temper. Who would have known that a child like that could be so cruel and blasphemous? So full of rage? Helen could not see her infant son in her arms as she was taken away. She didn't even dare to ask. For a brief second Andromache raised her head and her honey eyes stuck within her blue ones. The look was almost accusatory as the tears had given her face reddish lines. Or perhaps it was the self inflicted scratches that she had made in her woe. That second lasted longer than it should be before the queen was dragged away.
"That could have been me..." she thought
However her position was not much different. As she was standing at the peer, she was always guarded by a soldier; obviously her husband wanted both to protect her but also obviously he didn't trust her. Helen couldn't say she blamed him but it still hurt. She was seeing Menelaus talking to Odysseus, sorting out the details. Helen watched her husband and her former fiance in wonder. Indeed how strange fate was! How different the two men were! She could tell Menelaus's auburn hair from kilometers away as they were held together by a band around his head. He was well built and strong, seemed dressed in sunlight. Odysseus next to him seemed the opposite. He wasn't tall. He was barely average, a few decent inches shorter than her husband and a good head shorter than her brother-in-law however he seemed wider in shoulder and his chest resembled a wall dressed in a coat of dark curly hair. His head was adorned with black hair that seemed golden under the setting sun: bushy and curly like a ram held together by various little bands that held his curls tamed under his leather headband. His beard was equally bushy and shaggy even if he had obviously tried to make himself more presentable from the night before. His onyx eyes were bottomless holes. The man seemed tired; prematurely aged that day. Helen knew that he had a similar burden to bare with her. How strange indeed, she thought. The man seemed like coming from the night. And yet he seemed darker now; his shoulders seemed heavier than before.
"Take her home safely"
Odysseus's voice drew her out of her daydream. His voice was hoarse and tired. He seemed aged before his years. Helen remembered again the flamboyant young man that was supposed to court her. Sure his eyes filled with premature wisdom and intelligence gave him an aura of age but she could remember his laughter and smile seemed those of a teenager as if trying to persuade people of his actual age. Now that teen was gone. He was a man now; long past that first youth; a Sacker of Cities.
"Otherwise all this would have been for nothing!"
The timbre in his voice; the seer accusation, hurt her much more than anything besides her husband's distrust. No, at least Odysseus...the wise and prudent Odysseus should understand. Menelaus nodded to his loyal friend and shot her with yet another look. Helen couldn't decide if it was angry or closer to sad. As he walked away she turned again to look at Odysseus. The man barely saw her with the corner of his eye but spoke nothing. Helen couldn't bare the silence any longer.
"Odysseus..." she finally spoke, "Why? How can you be so cruel?"
"Cruel?" His voice was full of disbelief, of anger that made his chest rise like the tide
He turned to her walking like a lion ready to pounce. Helen stood her ground though. She stuck her ocean blue eyes deeply within his black ones.
"Cruel?" He repeated, "I've lost my son's first 10 years because of this war!"
"This war wasn't my choice!" Helen felt the need to defend herself against him.
"It commensed because of you!" The accusation was finally spoken outloud, "Menelaus started this because of you!"
"I didn't know he-..."
"YES YOU DID!" Odysseus finally bellowed making her take a step back, "yes you did...you just didn't think!"
He turned her back at her. He was about to leave but he didn't seem done yet.
"The blood of many brave Acheans is on your hands..."
That was way too much. Odysseus should know better than hurt her this way! This was unfair even if spoken through pain and anger. Bravely Helen held back the tears that burnt her eyes. He wouldn't see her weep!
"If I told you..." she began with the best voice she could master, "...that gods play games with us all the time...that they cloud our judgment... Would you believe me?"
Odysseus looked over his shoulder but spoke nothing.
"You of all people should understand" Helen whispered
"What does it matter what I'd believe?"
"It matters to me!" Helen replied firmly. "Please, Odysseus...at least you...at least you should believe me..."
Odysseus seemed ready to reply but the last minute he stopped himself. He chose silence; cruel and cold silence. He began walking away. Two angry tears ran down her white, rosy cheeks. No she couldn't leave it this way!
"ODYSSEUS!" She yelled after him, "you're a hypocrite!"
That stopped him to his tracks as he turned around.
"What?" He asked almost scandalized
Helen was shivering from top to bottom and her knuckles turned white from clenching them too hard.
"Do you think you're any better, Sacker of cities?!" The last one was spat like an insult like a curse, "do you think your hands are clean? You say that the war commensed because of me! That so many Greeks died because of me! Then what about you, Odysseus? What about all the Trojans killed in the city in that bloodbath?! What about all these women and children that are now piled up to be burnt or eaten by dogs and vultures? Who is to answer for THOSE Odysseus?"
Odysseus of Ithaca was frozen in place, shaking in anger but so was she. And she wouldn't be stopped now. She was Helen of Sparta, Helen of Troy, Helen the daughter of Zeus!
"It was your plan, your scheme that got the Greeks inside the holy city of Troy! It was your idea that gave them the way to sack it!"
Odysseus, the eloquent man seemed now unable to respond. He seemed stripped out of his furious anger although some of it was burning inside. Instead he managed to utter
"This massacre wasn't my choice..."
A sound between humorless and mocking laughter and cry came out of her mouth.
"Oh so you tell me you didn't know? You didn't know that the Greeks who were away from their homes, wives and children wouldn't unleash all their piled hatred? Didn't you know they would burn the city that kept them away from them to the ground so it wouldn't rise again?"
He didn't respond. Helen knew he couldn't.
"You say the blood of the Greeks is on my hands. Then the blood of Trojans is on yours!"
Odysseus seemed to have trouble breathing. She had hurt him and she knew it. Perhaps she had simply voiced everything he had in his mind all those days. She could remember how tenderly he spoke of his wife and son. Her husband used to say he identified himself as father of Telemachus not son of Laërtes. Women and children...his son and wife... He seemed ready to either lash at her or leave. However as always The Man of Many Ways sighed and did the unexpected; he spoke again.
"It doesn't matter whether I believe you or not, you know. What it matters is if he does"
Helen took a glance towards Menelaus from a distance. He was preparing the ship. She sighed and returned her gaze towards the man they called "equal to gods".
"But do you?"
"Yes" he finally admitted, "yes I believe you"
Helen sighed in relief. It was her thanking to him
"There is fate between us, Helen..." Odysseus said hoarsely.
Helen didn't need to see his face behind his wide back to read his expression.
"Yes" she replied, "you could have been my husband"
"I am glad that I'm not"
That husky whisper made her look up in wonder. She didn't expect that answer.
"You don't deserve me" the son of Laërtes said, "and I don't deserve you"
He barely looked at her again over his large shoulder.
"I see now why my cousin loved you" whispered she
"And I see why he loved you." Replied Odysseus, "why he started a war for you. Not for his pride; for you. You were indeed worth it..."
He looked at her again for the first time for a while.
"You and I have both blood on our hands" he said grimly, "you, the starter of war, hold the blood of many brave Acheans upon you...while I, the one who ended it, the Sacker of Cities, will have to live for the rest of my life carrying the deaths of Trojans upon me... Women and children..."
He covered his face with his large hand and turned around. He was sobbing.
"Women and children..." he whispered again, "Penelope...my sweet Telemachus...children... infants no older than he was..."
Helen was afraid to ask. She didn't want to know. She had met enough horror for a lifetime. She wanted to move on. She wanted to forget.
"Get home safely, Odysseus" she wished to him, "Husband to Penelope...father to Telemachus. I hope you will get what you wished for..."
"You too, Helen, kissed by the sun like golden Aphrodite...daughter of Zeus. Farewell Queen of Sparta..."
He walked away. Helen heard his voice yelling orders to his men like the expert sailor he was. Helen sighed and smiled so slightly. The title he used...was addressed to her. Odysseus had recognized her admitted her but also signaled her, her fate. She knew now she had a second chance to rectify everything; first for herself and next for everyone else.
The journey had come to an end. A new one was about to begin.
Okay guys I am so sorry I have no idea why or how but yeah...this... I hope you liked it.
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nausicaaandhermouth · 3 years ago
fics masterpost | my art | arcane notes | own writing | yapping | fic recs
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