#nausicaas recs
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itsjustnausicaa · 2 months ago
if it wasnt evident with one of my most recent posts, my metal gear autism is back.
I spoke into his eyes, I thought you died alone, a long long time ago
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kaxtwenty · 3 months ago
Luckily I've already seen Nausicaä! I never noticed the obvious connection between the giant warriors and the Evas before, but I definitely see it now!
Hooooohhh I'm in too deep to back down now huh?...
Hey guys would it be insane if I only watch Evangelion after watching the rest of UC Gundam, Ultraman, Ultraseven, Space Runaway Ideon, Space Battleship Yamato, Aura Battler Dunbine, Devilman and Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water?
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“You have to do what?” Nausicaa and I sat on the fire escape outside my bedroom, our feet dangling over 104th Street. Over the past few weeks, as summer wound down, the fire escape had become our happy place. And despite everything that had happened today, I was happy. It’s hard to be sad when I’m with Nausi.
I filled her in on my first day at AHS: the classes, the headaches, the unplanned field trip to the bottom of the sea. Nausicaa swung her legs—a nervous habit, like she wanted to kick away mosquitoes or pesky wind spirits.
“That’s ridiculous,” she said. “Maybe I can get my mom to write you a rec.”
Her mom was Athena, goddess of wisdom, so a college rec from her probably would have gone a long way. Unfortunately, the few times we’d met, Athena had sized me up with her piercing gray eyes like I was a deepfake.
“Your mom doesn’t like me,” I said. “Besides, my mom was pretty clear. I have to do new quests for three gods. And the requests have to come from them.”
“That’s what I said.”
Nausi fixed her gaze on the horizon, like she was looking for a solution way out in Yonkers. Do solutions come from Yonkers?
“We’ll figure it out,” she promised. “We’ve been through worse.”
I loved her confidence. And she was right. . . . We’d been through so much together already, it was hard to imagine anything we couldn’t face.
Occasionally, somebody would ask me if I’d ever dated anybody besides Nausicaa, or if I’d ever thought about dating someone else.
Honestly? The answer was no. When you’ve helped each other through Tartarus, the deepest and most horrifying place in the universe, and you’ve come out alive and stronger than you were to begin with . . . well, that isn’t a relationship you could ever replace, or should ever want to. Yeah, okay, so I wasn’t even eighteen yet. Still . . . no one knew me better, or put up with me more, or held me together as much as her, and I knew she could say the same about me—because if I were slacking as a boyfriend, she would let me know real quick.
“Maybe they’ll be small quests,” I said hopefully. “Like picking up garbage on the highway on Saturday or something. But this is an I thing and not a we thing. I don’t want to drag you into it.”
“Hey.” She rested her hand on mine. “You’re not dragging me into anything. I’m going to help you get through high school and into college with me, whatever it takes.”
“So you’ll write my essays?”
“Nice try.”
We sat in silence for a minute, our shoulders touching. We were both ADHD, but I could’ve stayed like that for hours, perfectly content, appreciating the way the afternoon sunlight glinted in Nausicaa’s hair, or the way her pulse aligned with mine when we held hands.
Her blue T-shirt was emblazoned with the gold letters SODNYC. That sounded like an insult, but it was just the name of her new high school: School of Design, New York City.
I’d asked her about her first day already. After starting to tell me about her architecture teacher and first big homework assignment, she’d abruptly cut herself off with “It was fine. What about you?” I guess she knew I would have more to tell, more problems to solve.
That didn’t seem fair to me—not because she was wrong, but because I didn’t want to put her second. The thing about great problem-solvers is that they often don’t let others help them with their own stuff.
I was getting up my nerve to ask again, to make sure no gods or monsters had visited her during her day and given her quests, when my dad called from inside. “Hey, you two. Want to help with dinner?”
“Sure, Tiresias!” Nausicaa pulled her legs up and climbed through the window. If there was anyone she liked helping more than me, it was my dad.
When we got to the kitchen, dad was chopping garlic for the stir-fry. He wore an apron one of the souls had given him for an end-of-year present.
I didn’t know who that was. Probably a literary person, since Tiresias liked literature in a way. I liked the quote, though, because I liked good meals.
Nausicaa grabbed a knife. “Dibs on the broccoli.”
Tiresias grinned at her. His black hair had gotten a little longer and curlier over the summer, and he’d taken to shaving only every couple of days, so he looked, as my mom put it, “pleasantly roguish.”
“I cede the chopping board to the daughter of Athena,” he said with a little bow.
“Thank you, kind sir,” Nausicaa said, equally formal.
My mother then appeared, making me jump, but he laughed. “You two are adorable.”
Dad winked at Mom, then turned to heat up the wok. Ever since last spring, when Tiresias had tutored Nausicaa in some impossible English project, the two of them had bonded over Shakespeare, of all things, so half the time when they talked to each other, they sounded like they were acting out scenes from Macbeth.
“Alex,” my mom said, “would you set the table?”
He didn’t really need to ask, since that was my usual job. Five mismatched pastel-colored plates. I got the blue one, always. Paper napkins. Forks. Glasses and a pitcher of tap water. Nothing fancy.
I appreciated having a simple ritual like thissomething that did not involve monster-fighting, divine prophecies, or near-death experiences in the depths of the Underworld. Setting a table for dinner might sound boring to you, but when you have no downtime in your life ever . . . boring starts to sound pretty great.
My mom checked the rice cooker, then took a bowl of marinated tofu from the fridge. He hummed as she worked—some Nirvana song, I think. “Come as You Are”? From the glow on his face and the sparkle in his eyes, I could tell he was in a good place. He moved like he was floating, or about to burst into some dance moves. It made me smile just seeing him like that.
Now he and Tiresias had a good life together. And if I felt a little sad about having one foot out the door just when things were getting better, hey, that wasn’t my mom’s or Tir’s fault. They did everything they could to include me. Besides, I wanted to go to college. If I had to choose between being with Nausicaa and . . . well, anything, that was no choice at all.
Tiresias dropped a clove of garlic into the wok, which sizzled and steamed like a sneezing dragon. (And yes, I’ve seen dragons sneeze.) “I think we are ready, milady.”
“Incoming.” Nausicaa dumped the stir-fry mixture into the oil just as our doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it,” I said, and ran to let in our fifth for dinner.
As soon as I opened the door, Roselio shoved a basket of fruit into my hands. “I brought strawberries.” He blinked. “Is that tofu stir-fry?”
Osiris had followed behind him.
“Hello to you, too,” I said.
“I love tofu stir-fry!” Roselio trotted around me and made a beeline for the kitchen, because Roselio knows what’s good.
My best friend had allowed his appearance to go a little wild, which is saying something…
He wore his standard orange Camp Half-Blood shirt, and still used specially fitted tennis shoes for some reason, noisy and hard for the Mist to cover up. I guess the explanation “athleisurewear plus tap-dancing shoes” didn’t work so well.
My mom hugged Roselio and gushed over the basket of strawberries as I put them on the kitchen counter.
“They smell wonderful!” He said. “Perfect dessert!”
“Last crop of the summer,” Roselio said wistfully.
He gave me a sad smile, like he was ruminating about how this had been my last summer at camp as well. Once we graduate high school, if we live that long, most of us transition out into the regular world. The thinking is that by then, we are strong enough to fend for ourselves, and monsters tend to leave us alone because we’re no longer such easy targets. That’s the theory, anyway. . . .
“Now we have to get ready for gourd season,” Roselio continued with a sigh. “Don’t get me wrong. I love decorative gourds, but they’re not as tasty.”
My mom patted his shoulder. “We’ll make sure these berries don’t go to waste.”
The rice cooker chimed just as Tiresias turned off the burner on the stovetop and gave the steaming wok one last stir. “Who’s hungry?”
Everything tastes better when you’re eating with people you love. I remember each meal my friends and I shared in the galley on board the Argo II—even if we were mostly just chowing down on junk food between life-and-death battles. These days, at home, I tried to savor every dinner with my mom and Tir.
I spent most of my childhood moving from boarding school to boarding school, so I never had the whole family-dinner thing growing up. The few times I was home supper together had never been appealing. The only thing worse
My mom did her best. Everything she did was to protect me, every rough past just made me appreciate these times even more.
We talked about my mom’s writing. After years of dreaming and struggling, his first novel was going to be published in the spring. He hadn’t made much money on the deal, but hey, a publisher had actually paid him for his writing! He was presently wavering between elation and extreme anxiety about what would happen when his book came out.
Finally, I filled in Roselio and Osiris about my first day at school, and the three recommendation letters I was supposed to get from the gods.
A look of panic flashed across Osiris’ face, but he suppressed it quickly. He sat up straighter. “Well then, we’ll do these quests together!”
Roselio scooted back in his chair, “I’m.. good. I just wanna cook.”
“Fine. But we’re telling you everything.” Osiris grinned.
I tried not to show how relieved I was deep down. “Os, you don’t have to—”
“Are you kidding?” He grinned at Nausicaa. “A chance to do quests, just the three of us?”
“The Powerpuff Girls,” Nausicaa suggested.
“Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey,” I said.
“Wait a minute,” Osiris said.
“I’m fine with this,” Nausicaa said.
Tiresias raised his glass. “The monsters will never know what hit them. Just be careful, you three.”
“Oh, it’ll be fine,” Roselio said, though his left eye twitched. “Besides, it always takes a while for word to get around among the gods. They’ve probably got weeks before the first request comes in!”
*screams* I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭
@mini-assassin-osiris @just-a-mer @roselio-and-the-thorn @thrpr0phetuseek @fated-runaway
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unsoundedcomic · 10 months ago
I would assume you have read Berserk! What's you general opinion of the manga? Do you have any recommendations close to Berserk ,id love to check them out!
Berserk's pretty great! Maybe a little style over substance? But what style.
I'm not super knowledgeable in regards to action manga. Usually I recommend either Blade of the Immortal or Nausicaa. They manage to have enough character development and narrative meat to keep me engaged. I'll bet people in the comments could rec a bunch of good stuff.
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years ago
hiiiiiii!! i don't have the brain to do or watch anything atm but i would LOVE some movie recs please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
YAY ok assuming this is coming from the 80s movie post so. here r some of my favorite 80s movies:
ridiculous campy fun:
earth girls are easy (1988) - fucking LOVE this movie!!! such a fun time. horny aliens crash their spaceship on earth + get taken in by a human woman. also it's a musical comedy + the aliens are played by jeff goldblum jim carrey and damon wayans
hell comes to frogtown (1988) - also. obsessed w this one. post-apocalyptic world where society is a matriarchy + humans need 2 repopulate. protagonist is a Manly Man who has been discovered to have a Mega-High Sperm Count, making him a government asset so a sexy military doctor locks him up in a chastity cage 2 conserve his precious sperm. also there are mutated frog people + they kidnapped a bunch of ~fertile~ human women to keep as sex slaves so Manly Man needs 2 accompany sexy military doctor + sexy soldier to go rescue the ladies from Frogtown so he can fuck them <3 also his name is Sam Hell. hence. 'hell comes to frogtown'
clue (1985) - based on the board game!! murder mystery comedy w wacky characters + an ending that is oh-so-fun
weird dark fantasy:
the company of wolves (1984) - the movie that inspired my 80s movie post 2nite <3 creepy fairytale retelling of red riding hood w a bunch of stories-within-a-story so that it ends up feeling like some sort of fever dream matryoshka doll
labyrinth (1986) - one of my FAVORITE movies of all time!!!!! david bowie is a goblin king who kidnaps the protagonist's baby brother as a favor 2 her + then when she's like actually i want him back he's like ok solve my maze then <3
return to oz (1985) - sequel to 'the wizard of oz' that is like. 10 times darker + weirder + creepier + definitely scarred me + my twin when we watched it as children lol. dorothy won't stop talking abt oz so she's taken 2 a mental institution for electroshock therapy. queue dramatic storm + sudden return to oz except the city is in ruins + dorothy needs 2 save the day
aliens (1986) - sequel to alien (1979) which just missed the cutoff for making this list + i also recommend--but u don't NEED 2 watch it 2 watch this movie. outer space creature feature meets slasher survival horror. xenomorph i love u <3
the thing (1982) - another sci-fi alien horror but this time it follows a group of researchers in the arctic who encounter an alien that can change shape 2 look like any of them. queue paranoia. there's also a more modern remake of this movie if i'm not mistaken
day of the dead (1985) - probably romero's least well-known zombie movie lol but a fun one nonetheless! good if u like 80s movies + zombie movies which. i do <3
the shining (1980) - oooh artsy spooky hotel horror.....a classic to be honest....
the last unicorn (1982) - ANOTHER favorite movie of all time for me!!!! unicorn who lives in isolation in a forest overhears two humans talking about how there are no more unicorns in the world + is like what i can't be the only one left...so she sets out on an adventure 2 try and find out what happened 2 all the unicorns <3 another movie that scarred me as a child bc of how creepy + dark it was
nausicaa of the valley of the wind (1984) - studio ghibli <3 this is one of my fave ghibli films. post-apocalyptic wasteland where giant bugs roam the earth....amazing
castle in the sky (1986) - more ghibli! girl w mysterious magic necklace meets boy who is searching for castle in the sky. also they are being chased by pirates + creepy government agents. FUN
kiki's delivery service (1989) - aaaaand more ghibli. teenage witch sets out 2 make her way in the world + encounters existential dread <3
heathers (1988) - veronica decides that she's sick of her mean-girl popular friendgroup + at the same time meets Mysterious New Boy. when she complains 2 him abt her friends he starts killing them <3
the princess bride (1987) - based on the book (which i also recommend!!); i feel like everyone knows this movie but. basically fairytale-esque romance abt a girl named buttercup who falls in love w a farmboy named wesley but then wesley gets murdered by pirates...or so it seems....
ferris bueller's day off (1986) - teenagers decide 2 skip school + run amok in chicago. wahoo!!
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Hi, welcome to my blog!!!
reblogged posts are tagged with “reblogs”, and my own posts should be tagged with “my posts”
I read a lot of books and watch a lot of movies, so this blog is mostly dedicated to media I’ve consumed recently, or anything that peaks my interest
Get to know me a little bit:
Currently reading: Stormlight Archive Wind and Truth
Currently watching: Outer Banks
Favorite book genre: fantasy or sci fi (recs welcome!!)
Comfort book: the lunar chronicles
Favorite show: Leverage, Full metal alchemist brotherhood
Last movie watched: Gladiator 2
Top 5 favorite movies: Interstellar, the Mummy, the Count of Monte Cristo, Knives Out, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
Favorite Ghibli movie: Nausicaa of the valley of the wind
Favorite artist: David Kushner
Top 5 favorite songs: Buried at Sea (David kushner), Work Song (Hozier), Dead Man (David Kushner), Better in the Morning (Birdtalker), Tears of Gold (Faouzia)
Favorite musical: Hadestown
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queer-rat-king · 7 months ago
Someone please give me movie recs, my favorite movies are ginger snaps, nausicaa and the valley of the wind, perfect blue, coraline, the craft, and many others (im bored and wanna watch a movie)
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ladyaldhelm · 8 months ago
Movie recs!!!
OK *cracks knuckles* Let's do this!
The Lord of the Rings (trilogy)
The Matrix (1999)
The Dark Crystal (1982)
Dragonheart (1996)
Princess Mononoke (1997)
(actually any studio Ghibli/Miyazaki movie. They are all stellar, including Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Howl's Moving Castle, and Spirited Away)
Dark City (1998)
Flyboys (2006)
Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)
Good Will Hunting (1997)
Gran Tornino (2008)
Wall-e (2008)
How to Train Your Dragon (trilogy)
Iron Will (1994)
Balto (1995)
The Lion King (1994)
The Land Before Time (1988)
IP Man 1 & 2
Jurassic Park (1993)
Minority Report (2002)
17 Again (2009)
Labyrinth (1986)
I am sure I am probably forgetting some good ones on here, but these are all on my DVD shelf (plus many more lol)
Thank you for the ask!!
☆ sleepover saturday ☆
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facetsofthecloset · 1 year ago
9 people you would like to know better
tagged by @vonlipvig, thanks!
1. 3 ships: Glenda/Mr.Nutt from Unseen Academicals, Adora/Moist from Going Postal etc., uhhh shoot do I even have a non-Discworld ship I actively care about ummmm
OH let’s go for the classic Gay Attorneys Phoenix/Edgeworth lol
2. first ever ship: hmmm. Probably Ranma/Akane from the middle school days. Tbh nowadays I feel like Akane is a lesbian actually but it could work out if they grow up and Ranma becomes more comfortable identifying as gender-fluid or gender neutral
3. last song: I’ve been binging podcasts for the past week or so but I’ve also been playing Stardew Valley while listening, so probably whatever track I last heard there lol
Oh wait I had a midnight crisis last night and listened to The Horror and the Wild by The Amazing Devil a lot so there we go
4. last movie: i genuinely don’t remember, but I think I recently rewatched Nausicaa?
5. currently reading: nothing technically bc I just finished the new Murderbot audiobook but that said GO READ (or listen to, even though the narrator of the audiobook is TERRIBLE at pronouncing names) MURDERBOT DIARIES I PROMISE IT’S WORTH IT
I mean if you’re not a fan of the sarcastic first person narrative format maybe you won’t like it but it’s very well done. It’s my kind of sci-fi, in that it focuses less on tech and worldbuilding (although there’s plenty of that) and more on character and how the worldbuilding actually affects the people in it
6. currently watching: my favorite hbomberguy and Folding Ideas video essays on loop. Although it’s usually as background while I play video games soooo watching might not be the right word lol
7. currently consuming: food-wise nothing; I’m at the doctor’s office waiting room for physical therapy. Media-wise, have been listening to a lotttt of Behind the Bastards, started with the Kissinger stuff. Really makes me think emotional intelligence/healthy coping mechanisms should be taught officially or something. Sure, some people will still be awful but I think at least some people would wind up NOT committing atrocities y’know
8. currently craving: Kailua pig. Or like, one really, really good avocado. The ones back home are probably in season now and yet I am trapped in the temperate zone where no one knows when an avocado is ripe and just toss in some hard green cubes
9. tagging @mariegoos (thanks again for the Murderbot rec!) @bittersweet-poppy @petrabasil @darkprincecait if any of you want to!
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cabbojage · 2 years ago
Hi there. :) Your WIP ‘CLOCKED OUT’ sounds so cool. I was just wondering: what first inspired/introduced you to steampunk?
ahh i'm so glad you think so! :D honestly, i'm not too well-versed in the genre as i'd like to be; at least, i haven't seen it too much in books at least to my knowledge (i'd love some recs if anyone has any!!)
but i think my awakenings to steampunk in general was fullmetal alchemist & ghibli films like howl's moving castle, castle in the sky, & nausicaa. i just love the unnecessary intricacy of it and how steampunk embraces tradition unlike a more "modern" take on the futuristic, where everything would be sleek, white, and textureless. some other influences (specifically for clocked out) include the cities of arcane, the world of tlok, and (embarrasingly) some of the technology in honkai star rail LMAO
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milolovesbmc · 8 days ago
i actually have a couple movie recommendations! just some nice calm ones, (if you want more serious movies i could recommend those too! ) i really like nausicaa of the valley of the wind, secret of kells, and fantastic mr fox! all very artistic and pleasant to watch! and easy to have in the background while doing other things too (how i watch most movies tbh)
AHHH Anon these all sound awesome!! That EXACTLY how I watch movies!!! Giggling
I would LOVEEE the rest of your recs too, adding them all to my list, I'll watch them soon TRUST :))
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itsjustnausicaa · 4 months ago
its easy to hate on weezer. but this song rips
(pull this thread, as i walk awayyy)
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low-db · 6 months ago
Top movies?
Top TV shows?
This is so difficult because I consume too much media ✨content✨ so I’ve decided to just list some films and series that give you a general vibe of what I like instead of necessarily my top picks. Though most of these would likely be contenders. It’s just hard to choose!
Movies: Ex Machina, Scream, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Arrival, Godzilla Minus One, Nausicaa
Shows: Severance (give me S2!!), Cowboy Bebop, X-Files, Adventure Time, Hannibal, Parks & Rec
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13eyond13 · 1 year ago
in order of date released (and with the number of volumes listed on Wikipedia in brackets... I will keep this list updated with my progress through the volumes):
1967 Cat-Eyed Boy (3) / [progress: 3/3 read] {★★★½}
1968 Ashita no Joe (20) / [progress: 1/20 read]
1970 Lone Wolf and Cub (45)
1972 The Rose of Versailles (14)
1972 Devilman (5) / [progress: 5/5 read] {★★★½}
1974 The Heart of Thomas (3) / [dnf]
1974 Dear Brother (3) / [dnf]
1976 Glass Mask (49)
1981 Touch (26)
1982 Akira (6)
1982 Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (7)
1982 Legend of the Galactic Heroes (10)
1984 Dragon Ball Z (42)
1985 Banana Fish (19)
1987 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (132) / [dnf]
1989 Berserk (42) / [progress: 42/42 read] {★★★★★}
1990 Tokyo Babylon (7)
1990 Slam Dunk (31)
1990 Crows (26)
1991 Sailor Moon (18) / [progress: 1/18 read]
1992 X (18)
1992 Boys Over Flowers (37)
1994 Monster (18) / [progress: 9/18 read]
1994 Neon Genesis Evangelion (14) / [progress: 14/14 read] {★★★★}
1996 Card Captor Sakura (12)
1996 Yu-Gi-Oh! (38) / [dnf]
1996 Inuyasha (56)
1996 Revolutionary Girl Utena (7) / [dnf]
1997 Haru wo Daiteita (14) / [dnf]
1997 Hellsing (8)
1997 One Piece (107)
1997 Trigun (14)
1998 Hunter x Hunter (37) / [progress: 3/37 read]
1998 Fruits Basket (23) / [dnf]
1998 Uzumaki (3)
1998 Forest of Piano (26)
1999 Naruto (72) / [progress: 6/72 read]
1999 20th Century Boys (22)
2000 Dorohedoro (23)
2000 Nana (21) / [progress: 21/21 read] {★★★★½}
2000 Chobits (8) / [progress: 2/8 read]
2001 Worst (33)
2001 Fullmetal Alchemist (27)
2001 Claymore (27)
2002 Skip Beat! (49)
2002 Ouran High School Host Club (18) / [dnf]
2003 Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle (28)
2003 Death Note (12) / [progress: 12/12 read] {★★★★★}
2003 Gintama (77)
2003 xxxHolic (23) / [progress: 1/23 read]
2003 Wolf's Rain (2)
2004 Vampire Knight (19)
2004 Soul Eater (25)
2006 Black Butler (33)
2006 Pandora Hearts (24)
2006 Code Geass (8)
2007 Totally Captivated (6)
2007 The Breaker* (10)
2007 Noblesse* (25)
2007 Goodnight Punpun (13) / [progress: 2/13 read]
2008 Bokura no Kiseki (29)
2009 Attack on Titan (34) / [progress: 4/34 read]
2009 Durarara! (18)
2009 One Punch Man (28) / [progress: 1/28 read]
2010 Cheese in the Trap* (webtoon)
2010 Tower of God* (13)
2011 Puella Magi Madoka Magica (3)
2011 Tiger & Bunny (9)
2011 Orange Marmalade* (webtoon)
2011 Tokyo Ghoul (14) / [dnf]
2011 Girls of the Wild's* (webtoon)
2011 Hero Union BBS (1)
2012 Made in Abyss (12)
2012 Houseki no Kuni (12)
2012 Erased (12)
2012 Mob Psycho 100 (16)
2012 Assassination Classroom (21) / [dnf]
2013 The Gamer* (6)
2013 A Silent Voice (7)
2014 Golden Kamuy (31)
2014 Dungeon Meshi / [progress: 5/12 read]
2015 My Next Life as a Villainess (9)
2016 The Promised Neverland (20)
2016 Demon Slayer (23)
2016 Moriarty the Patriot (19) / [dnf]
2016 Beastars (22) / [progress: 22/22 read] {★★★★}
2017 Blue Period (14) / [progress: 1/14 read]
2017 No Longer Human (3) / [progress: 3/3 read] {★★★½}
2018 Chainsaw Man (15) / [progress: 12/15 read]
2019 Cheating Men Must Die** (18)
2019 Vampeerz (9) / [dnf]
2020 A Stepmother's Marchen* (webtoon)
2020 Death is the Only Ending for the Villainess* (webtoon)
2022 Gokurakugai (2) / [progress: 1/2 read]
2023 The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All (1)
*manhwa // **manhua
Check out my sorting hashtag #13readsmanga to see my liveblogging of the series I'm currently reading (but beware of potential spoilers in there!)
Check out the notes of THIS POST [X] for my spoiler-free reviews of the series I newly finish
And check out THIS POST [X] if you want a short explanation of why I dnf'd one of the series on the list
last updated 2024/Sept/22
So for my book reading goal next year I think I'm going to attempt to read a lot of iconic/classic/influential manga series everybody should know, and I'd love to get your recommendations if you have them! Pls comment them here, even the really obvious ones, chances are I probs have not read it yet
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nausicaaandhermouth · 3 years ago
fics masterpost | my art | arcane notes | own writing | yapping | fic recs
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cataclysmic-catastrophe · 3 years ago
Arlo “I don’t even know if I like girls” Jarsdel: I probably just admire nausicaä
Arlo: and the curve of her throat and muscular thighs and the ethereal otherworldly glint in her steel eyes
Arlo: anyways. I’m gonna go binge watch She-ra and the princesses of power
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