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mulchwave · 3 years ago
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exhumedbyscryingeyes-blog · 8 years ago
Spring & Some Regularity
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Spring has sprung despite the power of a nice macro lens.
I have to apologize to all of you and also none of you since I haven’t written in some time, nor have any of you read anything I wrote previously.  In your defense, there’s very little content for you to peruse, but I don’t blame you for that.
Now that, that mess is over with, onto new business.
There is no new business (that is, if you define “new business” as new “business”).  Which occasionally I do.
I haven’t been able to work since I finished editing my last project in June 2016; it’s also why I haven’t written since then.  An unfortunate catastrophic series of events has befallen me.
June 2016  -  Came down with bronchitis, went to the Dr. was given a medication I ended up being allergic to and ended up in the hospital with bronchial pneumonia.  I was then given more antibiotics and a narcotic, but as I lived alone and needed to work (living paycheck to paycheck) I couldn’t take that medicine because I couldn’t drive on it.  I had no family locally, so my mom said to come up to North Carolina from South Florida for a couple of weeks just to regain my health, I agreed.
A few days later, I went out to the patio to get some fresh air.  The medication made me dizzy and drowsy, and I had a coughing spasm which led me to fall down the stairs.  I tried to catch myself and my chest hit the post at the bottom.  I spent the next week in tremendous pain, but neglected seeing a Dr because I have no health insurance.  Eventually, I was forced to as the pain increased. Turned out that I tore cartilage on two ribs (would have been better had I broke them).  This meant that I couldn’t fly back to Florida as soon as I planned.
July 2016  -  A month into this recovery I started getting sick (stomach pain) abnormally bad and I suffer with ulcerative colitis, this was different however. You guessed it, had to go to the Dr.  I was diagnosed as having a parasite (from tap water).  They gave me another antibiotic for that.
August 2016 -  Started feeling better from the parasite and my ribs were finally starting to heal, I had to get back to Florida.  I hardly had any money in savings, but I was using it to pay the rent in an apartment I hadn’t lived in for almost 2 months.
That’s when things really took a turn for the worse.  As stated above, I have ulcerative colitis, but had been in remission for 14 years thanks to homeopathy. Now, however I started to get sick, and this time it was a colitis flare.  (I’ll write a separate entry on the subject).  I’ve had a few flare ups while in remission and I’ve always been able to right the ship with a couple months of herbs (slippery elm, boswellia, licorice root, marshmallow root etc...).  Not this time.  It was the worst flare up since I was first diagnosed with uc back in August of 1992.  I had to find a gastroenterologist.
September 2016  -  The day of my appointment, I walk up to the front door, an elderly woman was approaching so I held the door open for her, but I was so weak from blood loss I fell down a slope about 8 feet and into a bush.  The nurses helped me up and into a wheelchair.  The Dr wouldn’t even see me instead sending me directly to the hospital.  I was in the hospital for 6 days.  Colonoscopy showed a severe flare, but no colon cancer which of course is great news.  They let me go home once my bathroom visits went from about 12-13 times a day to 4-5 so I was given Prednisone and Lialda and sent home.
Speaking of home... I was now broke.  I couldn’t afford my apartment in Florida, haven’t been able to work and exhausted any savings I managed to hold onto.  Lialda is $1400/mo and Prednisone is a very dangerous medication that is only meant for short term use (generally 6 weeks or less and often at a 20mg dose).  
November 2016  - I was taking 40mg, and when I had to ween off of it (which is a necessity) I just got worse, so the Dr put me back on it at full dose, but it was too late.  I had to be hospitalized once more.  This time I also had C-diff which increased my stay to 8 days this time.  
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Once again, the Dr. put me back up to 40mg of Prednisone and more Lialda.
He wants me to start Remicade, (chemo for colitis / crohn’s disease) but without insurance, it’s $14,000/mo, another option, Humira is $11,000/mo, but he feels that Remicade is the best option for me.  Either way, it’s impossible.  Plus now I was taking Vancomycin to treat the c-diff.
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December 2016  -  I lost my apartment in Florida and the majority of my belongings, bed, furniture, tv etc... all gone the way of a (Storage Wars type fate).  Sigh... :(
I had a friend taking care of my car (which has $218k miles on it - we do a lot of driving in the film industry) but now my registration had expired and he couldn’t keep it at his apartment.  It was either lose my only vehicle or borrow money to get it shipped to NC.  As it was, I was already getting financial assistance from my mother who was recovering from a major stroke and living off of Social Security... imagine how this makes me feel.  I borrowed money to get my car shipped.
The same treatment of the colitis rendered the same results....
January 2017  -  Hospitilized... again with c-diff and this time for 2 weeks!  It was apparent that Dr’s just couldn’t help me; my condition kept worsening, they had no idea what to do.  At one point they had me on 250mg of Prednisone / day, and here’s what I mean when I say “they”.
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My gastroenterologist works with half a dozen other Dr’s and they all do rounds at the same hospital that I was in repeatedly.  I need to manage my stress, yet every time a Dr came into see me, they all said something different, managed my meds differently, it was very confusing and traumatic to my mind and body. One Dr even insulted me.  A week into my stay, he walks in, leans over me (gets right in my face) and says:  “There’s a rumor going around that you don’t want to leave.  What do you think about that?”  He wasn’t smiling when he said it.  I don’t know if he was joking or what, but had I the strength, I would have punched him in the face.  That really hurt; does he really think that I want to go to the bathroom 20x/day?  Be in excruciating pain, not get any sleep, have needles stabbing me everywhere, my hands, my arms, my stomach... is this a good time for me???
I was actually insulted a 2nd time.  Two weeks into my stay, I was still going to the bathroom 12x / day.  When one of the gastroenterologists came in, she said she was going to send me home.  I asked her:  “As sick as I am?”  She then said the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard a Dr say.  She asked me how many times I went to the bathroom that day, I told her, she then asked if I can prove it.  Are you fucking kidding me?  The nurses are very busy there (not to mention understaffed)  I’m on a floor full of patients suffering just like me and you want me to to not flush the toilet after I go?  Then stand there without wiping so a nurse can look at the toilet?   Or do you want me (with c-diff especially) to throw it the waste basket?  And often I have to go again minutes later, but you want me to call a nurse in every time to look?  Any of my nurses would have called her an idiot just for saying that.
She then released me to my nurses surprise (such as the case when you have no health insurance).
My original gastroenterologist had a specific plan regarding my weeing off of Prednisone.  To do it very slowly, go down by 5mg every 2 weeks until I was off. By now I was suffering with very serious side-effects of being on this medication for so long (Particularly, excruciating joint pains) but the level of idiocy and lack of care by my Dr’s knows no bounds as I was released with only 1 week of Prednisone.  I then called my Dr. and believe it or not, he refused to write me a prescription for Prednisone (eventhough he knew I couldn’t just stop it).  He had officially given up on me.
I was then forced to go see a Primary care Dr. who filled the script.  And also recommended I take a better probiotic.  Vsl #3  A specific probiotic for ulcerative colitis.  (Of course I need to take 4/day and it’s $56/bottle, I can and do get it $10 cheaper through blinkhealth.com I suggest you check them out for your prescriptions.  Using this link will also save me a few dollars for referring you.  additionally on your first use... search for blink health coupon on google, you’ll thank me.  :)
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May 2017  -  To bring you guys up to speed, I’m not on Lialda (can’t afford it). I’ve been reducing the Prednisone by 5mg every two weeks, but started getting worse when I hit 20mg, by the time I was down to 10mg, I knew I needed to be hospitalized again, but I refuse to go in, not wanting to be treated like a piece of garbage or to continue this ridiculous cycle.
As part of the money I borrowed I’ve been getting over the counter herbs to try and do something positive... I take over 50 pills/day, I don’t know how much worse off I’d be without taking them; it’s kept me out of the hospital, but it’s still not enough.
I went back to my primary care who refilled my prescription of Prednisone, I so desperately need to get off of this shit, but I also need to be on a higher dose to hopefully stave off another hospitalization.  
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I can’t see my homeopathist because she’s back in Florida.  She’s also a Dr, so technically she can’t treat me without having physically seen me within 3 years, legally).  I know (I have all the confidence in the world) that she can help me, but I can’t afford to travel. Pay for the flight, a rental car, hotel (because in my condition I need my own dedicated bathroom) plus money to see her and pay for treatment.  Sure, it’s a far cry less than what a single treatment of Remicade would be, but we’re still talking a couple thousand dollars (more if you include the required follow up visits).
All I want to do is get back to work... is that too much to ask?  And it’s not that easy to get back to Florida, where my networking and connections are as I have no place to live, a broken aged car and no savings.  This photo is my mom and I at the premiere of a film that I was the 1st Assistant Director on in late 2015.  
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So yeah, I apologize for not writing more often (my video editing laptop also broke btw... unfixable motherboard type stuff) so I can’t even take remote gigs.  A replacement if I go pc laptop over my macbook is still about $1700.  Every aspect of my life has just fallen apart over the past year, I’ve lost everything, liquidated my life, it’s been extremely depressing to say the least.
I’ve been turned down for medicaid, turned down for obamacare, turned down for disability... I know I need to keep at, it’s just hard, I’m bed-ridden most of the day (which causes my back... oh yeah, did I forget to mention the multiple back injuries I have?  L4, L5 - L5, S1 & T1 herniated discs, C7 compressed disc, spinal stenosis and damage to my C1 & Atlas vertebrae) which causes me daily pain and is exacerbated by not being able to stretch, exercise and having to stay in bed).  I have no transportation, my car is here, but not registered, plus sitting all that time, she now requires work that I can’t afford.
Sadly, ulcerative colitis (even as severe as I have it) is entirely survivable, but not like this....
Spring has sprung, though I still feel like winter.  Stay healthy everyone... (especially now).
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dancingqueendc · 3 years ago
@UCkbavabtDbe8nNQ6-9hJF3w NAC was also pulled off all shelves including online stores so I can only get it at MOMs organic Market with additives but I do a lot of detox herbs and medicinal teas with my antioxidants multivitamins Supplements....you also should take multi-vitamins with Cu in it for the Zn also depletes your Cu which are also detoxifying/detoxing minerals with seaweed mushrooms adaptogenic herbs holy basil Triphala citrus bergamot et al etc. I also take ALA 600mg R-&S- alpha-lipoic-acid as well as alpha-linoleic-acid which breaks down the virus found in sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, rapeseed, walnuts etc – 20 Walnuts a day keeps the virus away....vit-D3 is safe to treat 10K - 60K-iu/day maximum toxicity level of vit-D3 antioxidant is approx 60K&below depending on body weight, D3+K2/MK7(NATTO) most recent natto studies shows it's efficacy also, vit-E tocophérols are antioxidant, polyphenols ECGC green-tea extract/coffee-bean extract not caffeine works, bioflavonoids also help with the process, so you must take a balanced diet/foods that are clean/GMO-FREE=no ecoli-bacteria-laced-roundup-neurotoxins and take clean pure vitmains minerals herbal supplements without additives toxins carcinogens carcinogenic compounds benzoic preservatives nitrites/nitrates etc. Read up/study nutrition facts get a naturapathic family herb guidebook/dictionary for all the herbs you can take, that break down virus/antiviral/antimicrobial thymoquinone from black cumin seeds extract 85mg/kg-body weight not iverm. I mean to say earlier. The I dosage is one small pill mg not high dosage costs 2cents/dosage for 30years ....anyway take your vitamins minerals supplements and adaptogenic herbs. They all work Entourage effect hemp seeds contain all 20-amino acids your body needs as well as ALA Alpha-linoleic-acid that breaks down virus/prevent viral load. NAC is N-acetyl-Cystein whixh is anti-histamine/anti-inflammatory. Do your homework. Take what you need for yourself because every patient/person is different. I believe in individualized treatment for each person, and what works for you might not work for me, so everyone should learn and be aware of themselves/their own bodies, heart, mind and spirit. Laughter is the best medicine, cannabis targets and balances the disharmony in our endocannabinoid system linked to our nervous and lymphatic systems. Endorphins worked well when you can reduce your cortisol stress hormones. Find what reduces your stress and increases your laughter. Be PEACE, be Love, be happy. Increase your magnetic resonance energy/frequency - we are all frequency/energy, we are ALL ONE with EXISTENCE/Creator-Creation/Itself=Ourself. When we heal Earth, we heal self, and when we Heal self/ALL then we heal Earth/Existence because we are all ONE with Everything/each other and all of your environment both inside heart, Mind and Spirit as well as outside/body-environment/physical realm. We must learn to treat the complete-being and that is where we have developed Integrative medicine blend of Eastern and Western medicine practices to heal heal the complete-being not just symptoms/body yet the heart, mind Spirit Being that we all are. Learn before you criticize as we are not here to judge anyone not even ourself. I am you, so you are me, this we are ALL ONE Being. When you hurt me, you hurt yourself. So let's not hurt OURSELF and start loving ourself/each other. Love is the Only True TRUTH, all else is false/lies.
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pathtohealth-blog · 7 years ago
Naturopathy is a method of health care that includes herbal medicine and clinical nutrition (diet and supplementation) and is used to prevent, manage, and treat conditions of the human mind and body. Book an appointment online today with us or visit the website online to know more about us.
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monikamehtas-blog · 6 years ago
Jumble of naturopathy and spirituality.
Hi everyone
I am naturapath and I can give you some original recipes for healthcare from Indian Ayuerveda. Here you can get suggestions for life questions based on Indian methods of spirituality and old Indian scriptures.
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dancingqueendc · 3 years ago
Lovely description of alchemy naturapath
~ The healing power activated in people with 6th house planets is through a direct somatic connection to ancestral and medicinal wisdom from the past, an archetypal recital of the Witch Nurses mixing potions in modern day vials, and psychopomps who hold your hand and guide you through the dark night
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KNOW THE CAUSES OF CANCER And prevent them. Watch the whole video about Cancer Cases Cured Naturally on our YouTube channel (link in bio) https://youtu.be/242NUIP5rUs Dr N.K Sharma is the first physician in the Naturapathic world who has conducted several Successful camps in different cities of India. Call now for more details on 9560543434 / 9911179047 Email - [email protected] Website - www.reikihealingfoundation.net #cancer #disease #nature #naturalenergy #reiki #healing #cause #prevent #youtube #video #cancerdisease #india #city #succes #cure #naturopathy #world #naturopathic #reikihealing (at Delhi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzFoJgonp0t/?igshid=xrue4h4hmqok
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journiland · 4 years ago
A lot of the blood results are back, and the only thing so far is I have low ferritin? My RBCs are fine, hemoglobin is fine, iron is fine. Apparently ferritin is an indicator of how well you store iron, but everything else is fine, so I don't see how that matters. Google says it does, though. I haven't donated blood this year yet, and only twice last year (Oct and Dec) so don't know if that's the cause or I don't absorb well. (My old boss/naturapathic physician told me I don't make enough stomach acid. Shrug.)
Went to doctor. Went better than I expected. Drew a bunch of blood, and I'm scheduled to go back in two weeks to go over them. I can log into LabCorp before that and see the results as they're done.
A new (to me) thing she mentioned was physical therapy for chronic fatigue, though she didn't know if anyone down here actually did it. I'm so intolerant to exercise, but maybe it would do something.
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Naturopath Tanunda | Herbs of Gold Hawthorn 4500
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Herbs of Gold Hawthorn 4500 is a one-a-day formula, containing Hawthorn leaf, flower and berry (fruit), a combination of plant parts supported by both scientific evidence and traditional use to help maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular system Naturapath Tanunda...
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rstuck2003 · 7 years ago
6 Things Anyone with an Autoimmune Disease Wants You to Know
6 Things Anyone with an Autoimmune Disease Wants You to Know
March is National Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month and with my having it and it being an Autoimmune Disease I will be posting blog posts this month centering around MS and Autoimmune Diseases. 6 Things Anyone with an Autoimmune Disease Wants You to Know By Dr. Chad Larson, NMD, DC, CCN, CSCS, Advisor and Consultant on Clinical Consulting Team for Cyrex Laboratories   With over 100 autoimmune…
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dancingqueendc · 4 years ago
Bing: Pinterest
Hay!'s not just for horses! Follow me @dancingqueenDC on @Pinterest for #natural #herbs #healing ideas! I repost/ #retweet other members useful info on how to #DIY what works for them, so you can try it yourself! Thanks for #following @dancingqueen on Twitter.com/dancingqueen and linkedin.com/in/dancingqueen for #vets #MMJ advocacy #Vets4MMJ #medical #cannabis #medicalcannabis (I was a biomed engineering pre-med student at Vanderbilt GSW & was accepted at ChapelHill GW and other good medical schools, yet due to my disabilities/military training injuries/Honorable medical discharge I haven't finished school/degree however a lifelong student and always studying naturapathic healing techniques, #EFT @EFT.org #EnergyMedicine after multiple #NDE #OBE realized #extraordinary #remoteviewing abilities that anyone can learn with practice proves #scientific #methodology that we all possess in our #DNA/ #mind if we have #clear #focus well enough #hydrated 2-3gallons of pure & alkaline water daily to #cleanse &#nourish our #body #mind enough to be #clean and #free of #toxins #physically #mentally & #spiritually to heal ourself). I know we can do it, I have done it 2008 was vegan liquid diet in my best health can see #spiritual realm/beings who visited me so I am living proof it's all possible! Nothing is impossible! All is possible! #heal #healing #medicine #hemp #cbd #fullspectrum #plant #meds #painfree #diet
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foxflightly · 6 years ago
Someone believes this post isn't properly researched, or has adequate warnings about honey.
I am not changing it because there is adequate warning on the original post (and then some).
It is not my responsibility to make readers read beyond the first three lines of a post, or to defend something they just want to pick at.
And since they have decided to be less than pleasant on anon, as I was afraid of, my anon is being turned off again.
I do not need to defend my studies or my research in this manner against a faceless entity that is not interested in either a respectful conversation or the actual legal dangers herbalists and naturapaths face everyday just by practicing herbalism and sharing this knowledge.
Easy DIY Tummy Tea!
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Soothing Tummy Tea! 
A natural and easy tea that can soothe painful gas, tummy upsets and sometimes hiccups! Kid and Baby* friendly!  Keeps up to 4 weeks in the fridge, (freezes ok for 3-6 months?)
(You can substitute maple syrup or other sweetener instead of honey for infants under one year. *Honey is not recommended for infants under one year)
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3 Cups of water 2 Tablespoons (or a “knuckle) of fresh ginger *  2 Tablespoons of Fennel Seed 1 Tablespoon of Dill 1 Tablespoon of Dried Chamomile ¼ cup of Honey or other Sweetener (Add while still warm, just before straining)
Add everything, but the honey, to a pot and bring it to a soft boil (Almost boiling/not rolling. Med-High for about a minute can do it depending on your stove) Bring down the heat to Low or Med-Low to simmer for 15 minutes. The flowers and dill will eventually sink into the water. Take off heat and let stand for a minute.  Then add the honey and stir it in. 
(ginger spice can work too, though I’d make that half to one whole tablespoon for powdered root. The root in the first photo is not the amount I used, I’d use a 1/3 of that root)
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Strain! This makes a little more than 2 cups of tea. 
I double strained it with only two layers of Muslin, 4 layers would have been redundant. I could have layered the muslin in before straining it the first time to save myself some mess and time. The metal strainer let the fine dill pass through. 
Store in fridge for up to 4 weeks. Or freeze!
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Waaaaaaay cheaper than store bought “Gripe Water” ;)
Chamomile is sometimes an allergen. Check with your pediatrician before giving to an infant. 
Dose: 12+: 1 Tablespoon 2-12: 2 teaspoons (10mL) Infant: 1 - 5mL* 
(*Consult a pediatrician for the month of infant and dose, you can skip the chamomile as well if your introducing it later in case of allergen risk. The beauty of knowing exactly what your making! For babies I recommend getting a small syringe. I’ve kept and cleaned the syringes that come with the store bought gripe water. It goes up to 5mL. )
I am not a doctor, I am currently training to be an herbalist, but I am not a medical professional in any capacity. 
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balancedbody2016-blog · 8 years ago
My Journey with Plexus
Welcome to Balanced Body 2016, Independent Ambassador for Plexus Worldwide
My name is Denise, and I am an ambassador for better health. I am a team leader that works together with a wonderful group of people that strive to help others gain better health and offer the opportunity to achieve financial freedom for themselves.  MY STORY I have always considered myself healthy, other then being accident prone.  I was always slim, had energy, and I took it for granted. I cannot say that I lived an unhealthy lifestyle, but I didn't take my health seriously either. I was an active person ( mother of 2, outdoors type of person, extraverted personality that was always looking for the next adventure), I tried to stay aware of the foods I was eating and make better choices.   I have not dealt with any serious health issues until I reach my 30's. The decline in my overall health started after I had a accident in 2010, I had been out with friends quadding, when my machine hit a root and rolled my quad (told you I was accident prone). I ended up with some torn ligaments, sprained wrist, whiplash, and a concussion from flying through the air 10 feet before landing ever so softly(*insert sarcasm*) in a pile of dirt.  The concussion is what slowly began to erode at my body, the damage caused, effected my mental health. I began my battle with depression and anxiety at this point in my life, stress's that I used to be able to deal with now became triggers. I wasn't the same happy, go lucky, positive ray of sunshine that everyone knew. I was hiding a secret!  And so began the vicious cycle, mood and stress began to cause health and digestive issue's, then  health and digestive issue's caused more mental stress. I became Lactose intolerant,  sensitive to many foods, I started to gain weight, had IBS type issues and fought worsening anxiety and depression. I started looking for better health options, I took natural supplements, vitamins, pro biotics, I watched what I was putting into my body. I educated myself and researched healthy alternatives.  I was managing my health at this point, and felt satisfied that I was doing everything I could for my body.  In 2012 though, my health took a very quick turn for the worst. After a fall, walking on ice (accident prone) my body went into a full blown attack on itself. That simple fall, triggered an extreme immediate, auto immune response.  I, not only was gimping along on very swollen and bruised knee, but now my body was over 90% covered in massive hives and angiodema, my food intolerances were now even worse, and nothing was giving me any relief.  I had to turn to the doctors for help, but here is tip for you.  While Doctors are necessary and can help, they don't know everything.  I spent more time in doctors offices and trying numerous different drugs and treatments then I did with my own family. The worst, was that I was only mildly successful at covering up the symptoms, but never treating them. The adverse effects of the drugs and treatments caused me a lot of other issue's, such as worsening IBS symptoms, massive weight gain (80 lbs overweight, on my little 5'4" frame), kidney and liver damage, and severe anxiety and depression.  I was now unable to work, scared about my health, and not fully functioning as a parent or wife, I was a train wreck!!  Up until this point no doctor, naturapath, drug, treatment or supplement was effective on helping my poor body.  Now at this point, I have studied and researched everything I could find that might apply to my auto immune condition. I was amazed when I found studies that showed exactly how connected you brain was to your gut, I began to take my studies in a whole new direction.  Full body health vs just my symptoms. This was the turning point for the good in my health journey, I know had information that could help me to not only survive, but possibly flourish.   My darling husband, has now watched me struggle, waited patiently while I spent money on treatments and supplements, researched everything I could get my hands on, and tried to help me in anyway he knew how. Honestly he wasn't much help and at times could make things worse, BUT he was the one that finally convinced me to talk to a friend that had found a supplement that could possibly help me. Now please understand that I was still skeptical at first because there were many companies out there that offer supplements and I had tried many of them ( I was spending over $80/month on just a pro biotic) however he finally won out and I went for coffee. That was the best $6 I ever spent on a Latte......  I walked away from the meeting feeling like I had a hope and I was going to give it an honest try. April 2016 is when I started my Plexus Journey....and I have never looked back!!!!!
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chexawe · 6 years ago
Reposted from @iamsurvivingvegan - Naturapathic medicine is practiced by most of the world today as it has been for centuries. • Switching to a holistic lifestyle can increase ability to improve wellness without putting chemicals/poison in the body, with a higher success rate‼️ Herbal remedies are the goat 🐐 • What do you need a remedy for⁉️ let me know in the comments ⬇️ 🤔 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzibYTwHI6EZ8pfZjqNAhO4yGYxVAKnqNJJvxY0/?igshid=31gu18zvn78x
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thirddaysoapsgarden · 7 years ago
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Pain relieved naturally with 13 antinflamatory herbs that gently improve muscle spasms, sore joints and muscles. Excellent for arthritis pain and chronic back and knee pain or stiffness! *Reccomended pain treatment by naturapathic doctors in the U.S. Order a jar today...feel the relief. WWW.ETSY.COM/SHOP/THIRDDAYSOAPSGARDEN #etsyshoppersofinstagram #etsy #jointpainreliefnaturally #jointpain #musclepain #instagram #arthritispainrelief #chronicpainrelief
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thebraindriver · 8 years ago
Great Tips About #Acupuncture That Anyone Can Use. #Naturapath @TheBrainDriver #tDCS #PainMgt http://flip.it/qRcYzs
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