#national resistance brigades
kropotkindersurprise · 8 months
A music video celebrating the unity of the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza. From a 2015 interview with Gaza representatives of the Abu Ali Mustafah Brigades (PFLP), National Resistance Brigades (DFLP), Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (Fatah), Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades (Popular Resistance Committees), and the Mujahideen Brigades.
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workersolidarity · 6 months
🇵🇸⚔️🇮🇱 🚀🚀🚀💥 🚨
📹 Scenes from the firing of deadly rockets towards concentrations of invading Israeli soldiers operating south of Gaza City, in the northern Gaza Strip.
The rocket attacks are conducted by the forces of the Al-Aqsa Brigades, part of the National Resistance Brigades belonging to the Martyr Omar Al-Qasim resistance forces of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Maoist and Marxist-Leninist liberation organization.
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cavalierzee · 10 months
Once Thieves, Always Thieves!
Just like the Nazi’s who stole personal belongings from their victims – even gold teeth – these Zionist Parasites stole Palestinian land and personal belongings from civilians they murdered, then brag to their families that they’ll give them stolen presents.
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pasparal · 9 months
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Abu Friday — ابو جمعة Source: National Juche Party (Twitter)
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determinate-negation · 11 months
what are your thoughts about hamas / or do you have marxist oriented or just good not western media biased resources for understanding them?
theyre an islamist anti colonial organization, theyre also a political party with a military wing (al qassam brigades) which is what people usually are referring to when they talk about ~hamas~. they won in elections and have a degree of popular support and, because they are the ruling political party, theyre in charge of civil institutions in gaza, like schools and hospitals etc. when reporters describe things like the gaza health ministry as “hamas run” when they would never say this about another political party, they are purposefully trying to delegitimize it and obscuring the fact that they are the government that won in elections, not a rogue terrorist cell. al qassam brigades was not the only part of the resistance that took part in the attack on october 7, there are a bunch of other factions like the islamist PIJ, marxist PFLP and DFLP, and some others. im not the most knowledgable on like politics within gaza and exactly how people feel about hamas but theyre absolutely not a terrorist group, i think theyre much closer to other anti colonial militant organizations like the viet cong and algerian national liberation front. theyre also fighting an asymmetrical war using guerrilla strategies like the viet cong and nlf, and western media misrepresents this with all the shit about “hiding weapons by civilians” or whatever. i would recommend looking into the history of guerilla warfare and anti colonial struggle to understand why im criticizing media representations of it. they also make a lot of their rockets from scraps of israeli bombs! i think people should make a better distinction that hamas is a political party with a military wing (al qassam brigades) because then its more obvious that bombing civilian infrastructure thats allegedly “hamas run” is a war crime. also i heard in their statements that most of their militants are orphans whos parents were killed by israel and i think that should be noted. i think its also incorrect to say they have an issue with jews in general and are rabidly antisemitic as if their main aim is to kill jews, the way most media portrays them. they very specifically exist because of the continued occupation of palestine and without that i do not think they would give a shit about jews. they attack settler because theyre settlers, not because theyre jews. idk this article was pretty good and has a link to their 2017 charter where they specifically say their struggle is against zionism not jews
heres their charter thats linked in the article but ngl i just recommend reading their statements and material in general. not saying take every single thing at face value but theyre a political party with issues like any other, not evil sadistic terrorists. and why let mainstream media set the terms of your understanding of them
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sayruq · 11 months
Today was a big for the resistance. It seems people were right, they were waiting for Biden to leave so they can respond to the Ah Ahli Hospital massacre (the tweets below are arranged from the earliest reports I saw to the latest in order to show the coordination between different groups in different countries and the escalation)
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Like I said, a big day for the resistance
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And I see no signs of things slowing down
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The Palestinian resistance has a list of objectives for this operation including damaging Israel's economy, forcing Israel citizens to flee the country, and slowing down immigration to Israel in the long term (because that leads to new settlements)
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In other news, Biden's bloodlust was enough to disgust an arms dealer.
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Several of his staff have also expressed discomfort with the administration's choices the past few weeks
Nonetheless, American troops have been told to prepare for deployment
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The past few days I've been pointing out how Russia has gone from pro Israel to carefully neutral to increasingly critical of Israel and now we have this.
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I'm so glad that Israel has continued to shoot itself on its foot by isolating itself from Russia and China
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Russia is actively intervening to ensure that America and its allies can't use the Black Sea to counter the resistance in West Asia which is a big deal
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So far, all signs are pointing to a regional conflict
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This has to be a huge blow to Israel seeing so many countries, even a NATO nation, coming together to ensure that it can't annihilate Palestine.
More importantly, it shows that Palestine does not stand alone.
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guerillas-of-history · 9 months
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Fighters from the Democratic Front For The Liberation Of Palestine - National Resistance Brigades exit a tunnel in the southern Gaza Strip, Palestine, on May 19, 2023. (AFP)
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Both Biden and Netanyahu know what they dare not say in public: On a military level, things are not going well. Israel, a nuclear-armed nation state with modern weapons systems and intelligence capabilities and fully backed by the most powerful nation on Earth, is desperately struggling to achieve a meaningful tactical victory over the armed Palestinian guerrilla forces in Gaza. Despite the vast resources Israel has dedicated to its propaganda effort, it is also flailing in its effort to defeat Hamas on that front. On a daily, sometimes hourly, basis, the Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s military wing, and their allies in arms release videos showing successful attacks on Israeli armored vehicles and troop positions. The short films offer a glimpse into another side of this war, the one that Israel and the U.S. do not want the public to see. And the picture that emerges stands in stark contrast to the official Israeli narrative. Fighters from Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are engaged in urban combat and close-quarters firefights with Israeli forces, and they are inflicting heavy losses on them. They have also published a close-up video of Israeli soldiers in a makeshift tent camp inside Gaza that Hamas fighters filmed by discreetly popping up from tunnel hatches.
There is no doubt that both Washington and Tel Aviv underestimated the military capacity of the Hamas-led armed resistance. It is one thing to snatch Palestinians off the streets of the West Bank and disappear them into a military court system, a practice Israel has perfected over the decades. It is quite another to defeat a well-armed insurgency that has spent decades building vast underground infrastructure beneath its own territory and training for this very moment.
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ifindus · 4 months
since you seem to know a lot of history, I was wondering if you could tell us a little more about norway and his role during ww2, I feel like not a lot of people talk about his importance as an ally.
Let's pretend this wasn't sent back in November! Of course I can!!And "a little" turned into a decent amount 😳
Norway declared itself neutral when the war started in 1939, but became occupied by Germany in April 1940. Throughout the war Norway played an important role helping the allies win. Note that there is also a lot to be said about Norwegian collaboration with the occupiers during these years as well, but that is not the topic of this post.
During the war Norway had both a military and a civil resistance movement. The civil movement was directed towards NS (Nasjonal Samling, the Norwegian nazi party and the only party allowed during these years) attempts at converting people to nazism, while the military resistance were building an underground army who were prepared to step in for the liberation and who also organized sabotages during the last year.
Norway’s government went into exile in London, and was in large responsible for Norway’s war effort and resistance. They took control of the Norwegian merchant ships and put it at the allies disposal, probably Norway’s most important asset and contribution to the war effort. The Norwegian marine and air-force also partook in operations along the Allies, and a Norwegian brigade was organized in Scotland, who were to partake in the final liberation of Norway.
The exiled government had an extensive running contact with the growing resistance back home in Norway, and could gradually provide the resistance with supplies and other support. Soldiers from the Scottish base were sent on missions to aid the resistance in Norway and conduct sabotages.
There as also a base for Norwegian resistance established in Stockholm, who were eventually allowed by the Swedish government to form a military force of 14 500 people under disguise of being police. About 50 000 Norwegians fled to Sweden during the war, and many Norwegians in the border areas aided them as guides over the mountains through difficult and secret passages – they also smuggled goods and supplies through the same routes.
The civil resistance was not exclusively organized, but included everyone who was not a nazi and could be as simple as civil disobedience. Teachers, parents, and priests opposed the effort to convert the youth to nazism by the NS through forced nazi curriculums in schools and obligatory youth service. Other examples of civil resistance were Norwegian workers sabotaging or not even doing the bare minimum at the jobs in factories for the Germans, and the publishing of illegal news-papers which were spread by people handing them to the next person. The most famous illegal news-paper was London-Nytt (London News), and were just Norwegian translations of BBC broadcasts transcribed directly from illegal radios.
The military resistance was known as MILORG, and this secret group had its peak in the last year of the war. This was when they began receiving guns, military equipment and professionals. During the last year they carried out assassinations and sabotages to a much more effective and extensive degree. MILORG was taking orders from the Norwegian military in London and coordinating with them, passing vital information back and forth.
When the Second World War began, Norway was the world’s fourth largest shipping nation, after Great Britain, USA, and Japan, with the Norwegian fleet being the most modern. When Norway was occupied and the Germans demanded Norwegian ships return to Norwegian ports, all of the around 1 000 ships set sail for Allied ports. The Norwegian government in exile commanded all Norwegian ships sail for securing supplies for Norway and the Allies. The ships supplied Great Britain with invaluable wares such as food and oil, and kept up the transatlantic trade during the war. The Norwegian sailors were also present at evacuations and invasions of occupied France and fascist Italy, North-Africa, and Normandy in 1944. The Norwegian ships were under constant attack from the German fleet and many sailors lost their lives transporting for the Allies, most of them working continuously for the five years Norway was at war. Almost half of Norway’s fallen during the war were sailors killed at sea.
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taviamoth · 7 months
🟢 Senior Hamas leader Osama Hamdan at Hamas’ press conference today, March 5th 2024:
We are at the doors of the blessed month of Ramadan, and with this Nazi aggression against our people continuing for the 151st day, despite the scale of killing, massacres, and genocide, and the pain of displacement, hunger, and thirst, this Nazi enemy has not achieved any of its aggressive goals.
The image of the erosion of the defeated entity and its war pillars internally is increasingly deteriorating and growing, while the image of our people's steadfastness, patience, strength, and the bravery of our resistance is firm, rooted, and determined to be victorious.
We send our greetings, pride, and honor to our people in the Gaza Strip, who continue their legendary epic of patience and sacrifice. We also send peace and greetings to the victorious Al-Qassam Brigades, the fighting Saraya Al-Quds, and the men of the Palestinian resistance on the land of Gaza of glory, who continue with all strength, capability, will, and determination to forge a legacy of glory for our people and our nation.
The movement has worked seriously and persistently to reach an agreement to stop the aggression, intensify the entry of aid and relief, and return our people to the areas they were displaced from, especially in the north, and for the complete withdrawal of the occupation from the Gaza Strip.
Over the past two days, the movement's vision and stance on the proposal presented to us by our Egyptian and Qatari mediator brothers at the end of last week have been submitted. We affirmed our conditions for a ceasefire, complete withdrawal from the Strip, return of the displaced to their areas, especially to the north, and provision of adequate aid, relief, and reconstruction.
We dealt with the proposals of our brothers in Egypt and Qatar with a high spirit of positivity and flexibility at all stages of the negotiations. However, Netanyahu continues to evade and shirk his responsibilities before his public, for personal political calculations, revealing his fear and terror of his political future and the post-war stage.
We reaffirm that we will not allow the negotiation process to be open-ended with the continuation of the aggression and the war of starvation against our people, nor to serve as a cover for the continuation of more crimes against unarmed civilians, or to buy time to proceed with the genocide against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.
Any prisoner exchange will not take place before securing all the conditions of the resistance, and negotiations will not continue without a prospect.
Any flexibility shown by the movement in the negotiation process to stop the zionist aggression, out of concern for our people's blood and their great sacrifices, is matched by a readiness and determination to continue all forms of struggle and resistance, in defense of our people, our land, our constants, and our sanctities, at the heart of which are Al-Quds and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.
On the 151st day, the zionist war machine, supported by the U.S. administration, has not stopped committing genocide, ethnic cleansing, displacement, starvation, dehydration, and horrific massacres against unarmed civilians and innocents in the Gaza Strip.
All the slogans of humanity, freedom, and justice, which the U.S. administration, who is a partner with this occupation in its crimes and aggression against our people, sings about, have fallen. It has exposed all the hesitant and negligent positions on breaking the unjust siege on the Gaza Strip, relieving its people, healing their wounds, supporting their steadfastness, and putting an end to this continuous zionist crime and aggression.
The tragic situation experienced by the citizens and displaced people in all governorates of the Gaza Strip remains catastrophic and cannot be described or summarized in words.
Disease, hunger, and thirst are now claiming the lives of thousands of our people in the Gaza Strip daily, especially among children, women, and the elderly, as all hospitals are out of service, and sufficient relief and medical supplies fail to reach them.
We confirm to the zionists and the United States that what they failed to impose on the battlefield will not be taken through political machinations, no matter the forms of trickery and pressure they employ. This resistance will remain faithful to the sacrifices, keen on accumulating its outcomes and building upon them until the occupation is defeated.
The war of starvation waged by the occupation for more than five months, especially against civilians in the Gaza and Northern governorates, has forced citizens seeking sustenance for their children to risk their lives and fall into the killing traps set by the fascist occupation.
The complete cutoff of water in the Gaza and Northern governorates increases the suffering of citizens from thirst, due to the unavailability of drinking water and the lack of even non-potable water, due to the occupation's continuous bombing of wells and water stations, and the absence of fuel needed for water extraction.
The continuation of the occupation's war of starvation against our people, targeting aid convoys, and committing massacres against the citizens gathered around them, is a clear insistence by this criminal entity to proceed with the war of genocide and ethnic cleansing, a blatant challenge and disregard for all international laws and humanitarian norms, and for the resolutions of the International Court of Justice.
The occupation at the Al-Nablusi roundabout, which claimed 118 martyrs and hundreds of wounded, who gathered at dawn in anticipation of securing sustenance for hungry children, only to be shot down by the bullets and shells of the Nazi occupation army's vehicles, in a savage crime that is shamefully horrific, followed by a brazen zionist narrative of what happened, disclaiming the crime with utmost arrogance and disdain.
The statement issued by the United Nations Security Council, which was subjected to American pressures and amendments, to finally express "concern" about Al-Nablusi massacre, does not rise up to the level of the crime, and proves once again the impotence that has struck the most important tool of international security in the face of the genocide against our people in the Gaza Strip.
The aid that has been airdropped from several countries is appreciated, but it only meets a tiny fraction of the needs of the people amid the catastrophe in Gaza.
We call on all countries and governments that support the rights of our people and their just cause to find more effective ways to deliver aid, emphasizing the need to open the crossings for its entry by land, to ensure its safe and orderly arrival to its beneficiaries, and to maintain the dignity of Palestinian citizens, with a focus on delivering it to the north where famine is worsening.
The U.S. administration and President Biden personally remain a full partner with the zionist occupation in the genocide our people in the Gaza Strip are subjected to, bearing political, legal, moral, and humanitarian responsibility for the outcomes and repercussions of this aggression. Dropping some relief aid will not cleanse their image stained with the blood of our people.
We say to Biden and the U.S. administration: The most important thing is to stop supplying the Nazi zionist army with weapons, shells, and missiles that rain down on our unarmed people..and that you stop raising your hands to use your veto in the face of the entire world...to give the occupation cover to continue the genocidal crimes against our people.
We call on our Arab and Islamic countries to take practical and serious action to stop the genocide our people are subjected to, and to work seriously on the immediate implementation of the decision of the Arab Islamic summit on November 11 of last year, which emphasized breaking the zionist siege.
We call on the peoples of our Arab and Islamic nation to continue all forms of solidarity, support, and backing for the Palestinian people and our people in the Gaza Strip, and to continue to go out in wide public activities and demonstrations condemning the crimes of the occupation and its aggression, and pressuring governments to take effective and strong positions against the entity.
We renew the call to the peoples of our nation through which the food convoys to the zionist entity pass, to immediately act to prevent their passage, as the minimal form of solidarity with Gaza is to make the criminal realize the dire consequences of his siege on our people.
We call on the international community to effectively press for the full opening of the crossings, end the siege, and allow the entry of aid convoys in sufficient quantities to all areas of the Gaza Strip, especially to Gaza and North Gaza governorates, ensuring these aids reach our besieged people and end their humanitarian suffering.
We demand the activation of the role of international relief institutions, especially UNRWA, to facilitate and organize the entry and distribution of aid, in a way that preserves the dignity of our people.
We call on all governments and institutions in our Arab Islamic nation to use the blessed month of Ramadan as an opportunity to seriously work and press by all means to establish land, sea, and air bridges, and introduce relief aid and field hospitals to all areas of the Gaza Strip, to prevent the continuation of the war of starvation and genocide against more than two million Palestinians.
During the month of Ramadan, we call for intensifying all forms of financial, moral, humanitarian, and charitable support to heal the wounds of our people in the Gaza Strip, support families, the sick, and the wounded, and adopt charitable projects that support their steadfastness in the face of zionist aggression.
We call on all Arab Islamic governments and institutions during the month of Ramadan to work towards partnering in supporting the resistance in Gaza, just as the resistance and fighters in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq are doing.
[via RNN]
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opencommunion · 10 months
"Everywhere around the world, the broad masses of the people, from the heart of the Global South to the center of the imperial core, are expressing a clear and thorough rejection of the ongoing genocide that has quickly accelerated to a firm revulsion to the Zionist ideology and Zionist project as a whole and to solidarity with and inspiration by the Palestinian people and their heroic resistance in all forms, particularly the armed resistance. The 'red triangle' over targets featured in the resistance videos of Al-Qassam Brigades, Saraya al-Quds and other resistance forces has become an online shorthand for the triumph of the people, their determination, their love for their land and their community over the automated, technologized forces of death and destruction represented by the Merkava tanks and military bases of the US/Israeli war machine.
The 'Dahiyeh doctrine' of mass destruction of civilian lives and infrastructure failed in Lebanon in 2006 because the people were a popular cradle, a source of nourishment, growth and sustenance, of the resistance, because the resistance was of, by and for the masses; today, it is failing once again in its full genocidal furor in Gaza for the same reason. This Resistance emerges from the very camps of refugees, denied their right to return home for the past 75 years, that the Zionists seek to destroy and drive into a new displacement today. Globalizing the intifada today means developing the international popular cradle of the resistance – the growing recognition that the Resistance of the Palestinian people, joined by their comrades, brothers and sisters in Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and beyond, today represent the hope of humanity on our collective front lines.
Like the great popular Intifada of 1987, today’s Palestinian, Arab and international globalized intifada is an anti-imperialist cause. It is a movement against colonialism, imperialism, racism and oppression everywhere. The Palestinian flag is not only a symbol of Palestinian national liberation, but of a commitment to anti-colonial principles, to Indigenous sovereignty, to the fight against exploitation, to the fight to end the extraction of wealth, labour and resources by the United States and its imperialist cohort in Europe.
The anti-imperialist nature of the Palestinian cause has perhaps never been more clear than in the present day, where every imperialist power has clearly aligned itself with the Zionist regime with unparalleled fervor, sending billions of dollars in weaponry for genocidal aerial bombing of the Palestinian people in Gaza; banning demonstrations and Palestinian and Palestine solidarity organizations, including Samidoun in Germany; arresting and prosecuting demonstrators and organizers in France, the United States, Canada and elsewhere; setting up new parliamentary and congressional bodies meant to silence and suppress the growing movement and releasing a torrent of deceptive propaganda; and unleashing a wave of social terror in the academy. It is clear that the imperialist powers are doing this because they see the events of October 7 and the rising regional and global resistance as a threat to their continued domination and extraction of wealth from the region and view the Zionist regime as their mechanism to hold on to such power through genocidal violence.
The imperialist powers, led by the United States, have always viewed Zionism as a mechanism to extract wealth from the people of the region while denying the Arab nation sovereignty over its land, wealth and resources. From the Zionist colonization of Palestine, directed by Britain, through the Nakba, the 1967 occupation, the Intifada to the Zionist genocide today, the imperialist powers have always been the central enemy of the Palestinian people, and every rock, every bullet and every strike that confronts 'Israel' also confronts imperialism.
Today’s international popular cradle of the resistance, this globalized intifada, stretches from Gaza, Sanaa, Beirut, Baghdad and Damascus to the streets of Havana, Caracas, Sao Paulo and Johannesburg to the heart of the imperial core, raising a collective voice and developing an international struggle against imperialism and its murderous wars, sanctions and siege, with Palestine at the center.
Also like the great Intifada of 1987, we are in a clear era of unity of the Palestinian cause despite the lingering near-afterlife of the collaborationist Palestinian Authority in Ramallah. The Palestinian people throughout occupied Palestine and everywhere in exile and diaspora are united to bring an end to the genocide, unified behind the Resistance, forming a global resistance front that also embraces popular mobilization, arts, culture, political engagement and grassroots organizing as central to the liberation struggle. On this 36th anniversary, we recall that the siege of the camps in Lebanon was finally broken by the eruption of the Intifada inside occupied Palestine in 1987. Today, we look forward to breaking the siege on Gaza, not only through the strength and resilience of the Palestinian people in Gaza, but through the uprising elsewhere and everywhere.
... From members of U.S. Congress, to university officials, to German security services, to British police, to the French interior ministry, imperialist forces are attempting to criminalize, suppress and silence clear speech for Palestine. They seek to turn reality inside out, whereby 'intifada' – the term reflecting resistance to genocide and oppression – is redefined as itself 'genocidal.' These propaganda campaigns aim to empty the term 'genocide' of meaning and legal weight and to attempt to reclaim control over the discussion of the Palestinian cause, a control that has been swept away by decades of struggle, and has been rendered unrecoverable after October 7. They also seek to target the growing role and organization of Palestinians in exile and diaspora, reclaiming their role in their national liberation movement stripped from them through the years of the Oslo liquidation process.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. Long live the Intifada. Victory to the Palestinian Resistance. Stand with the Palestinian armed struggle. Zionism is racism. Imperialism will be defeated. These slogans are ringing out everywhere around the world, and now is the time to declare them, more loudly and clearly than ever. There are no slogans or statements that will satisfy Zionism and imperialism – on the contrary, they wish to strip our movement of our most effective advocacy and our most unifying vision, the vision and promise that enables people to continue to fight, to resist, and to move toward victory in the most extreme conditions of genocide and deprivation."
Samidoun Network, Globalize the Intifada: Regional resistance, international struggle and Palestinian liberation on the 36th anniversary of the great Intifada
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When Palestine had only unguided rockets “wiser heads” babbled about how these would only lead to targeted retribution; when it had only targeted kornets the same; the “concern” for the consequences of the national resistance operations is actually a request to don a straitjacket. The buildup of armed guerrilla and increasingly regular resistance capacity is non-linear and riddled with errors and comes with tremendous and inhumane cost for the colonized society; martyrs and flattened buildings and commando defense operations that are doomed to death. Lessons are learned, technology and strategic insights aggregate, willpower grows, morale and sophistication swell; and suddenly you have thousands of crack troops who are likely some of the toughest fighters in the world because they grew up in hell. This achievement can only be evaporated through an unfathomable and likely unachievable violence that would incite a regional explosion. The violence needed to rout the brigades from Gaza would pull in Hezbollah and Iran. We simply will not, I believe, see it; and if we will then all bets are off for everyone. Until then Israel is fighting the willpower of people who have nothing. This is not a war a bourgeois society can win
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sylvia-on-the-run · 2 days
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With great pride and honor, the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, mourns the martyrdom of the leader in the Islamic Resistance, Hezbollah, Hajj Ibrahim Muhammad Aqil “Hajj Abdul Qader.”
Who was targeted by treacherous zionist missiles, along with his comrades and a group of Lebanese civilians in a treacherous bombing of the southern suburb [Dahiyeh] of Beirut by the treacherous zionist warplanes after he performed his duty of struggle towards our Lebanese and Palestinian peoples and the Arab nation in defending Lebanon and Palestine and achieving victory for the oppressed in the face of the ongoing zionist aggression against our nation.
This treacherous targeting of the martyr leader Hajj Ibrahim, his comrades, our people in Lebanon, those who preceded him, and those who will follow will only increase our determination and steadfastness to continue on the path of the martyrs in struggle and fighting until the liberation of our entire Palestinian national territory and the restoration of all our stolen rights by our people and the restoration of the occupied Arab lands in Lebanon and Syria.
In these historic and decisive moments, we affirm that the strikes do not kill us, but rather increase our strength and resilience. The enemy is delusional if he believes that our barricades have collapsed, for our barricades remain with the determination and steadfastness of our people and our resistance.
In conclusion, we in the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades address the Lebanese people in general and our comrades and brothers in blood, struggle, and unity of fate, Hezbollah, represented by its Secretary-General, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and all its commanders and fighters, with salutations to the souls of those who illuminated with their blood the path of freedom and independence on the path of honor, the path of Al-Quds, and salutations to the arms that are still pressing the trigger until freedom is achieved and the occupation is defeated.
Our pledge is eternal revenge that will never fade. Glory to the martyrs, freedom to the prisoners, and recovery to the wounded. Tomorrow the fog will recede from the hills… and we will certainly be victorious.
Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades The military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine September 21, 2024
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
🔅Mon morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
🔻ALERTS.. (none since last night)
Senior Egyptian official: The delegations will return to Cairo in two days to conclude the terms of the final deal.  A Hamas delegation has arrived in Cairo and met with the Egyptian intelligence chief. 
(Amit Segal comments..) If the report is true, dramatic days are ahead of us - Rafah now or a deal now.
(The Arab Desk comments..) The IDF forces left the strip, only one brigade remained there, basically there is no fighting, no forces. Quite suitable for the demands of Hamas, Eid al-Fitr will start tomorrow or Wednesday depending on where you live, a race against the clock has begun to reach an agreement under constant American pressure to drive the move that seems to be the last chance.
(United States State Dept told N12) "We understand that more framework lines for the deal are being formed from the talks, including the number of Palestinian prisoners who will be released in exchange for the abductees - but there is nothing that can be declared at this stage."
(Egyptian Intelligence) "Hamas emphasized its adherence to its natural national demands and its desire to reach an agreement that would achieve a complete cessation of hostilities, the withdrawal of IDF forces from the Gaza Strip, and the free return of the displaced to their regions and places of residence.
Hamas demands "assistance, the beginning of the rehabilitation of the Strip and the 'completion of a mutual prisoner exchange deal' - of the release of Palestinian prisoners, in exchange for the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas and the 'resistance' in Gaza."
(OUR commentary) The “return of the displaced” is about Hamas fighters being able to re-distribute across Gaza and re-control the population.  And second, “rehabilitate”, they are literally demanding Gaza be rebuilt for them (before returning all the hostages) - meaning NO COST FOR THEM FOR THE WAR.
(Senior Israeli Officials) “We still don’t see a deal on the horizon,” an official tells Ynet. “The distance [between the sides] is still great and there has been nothing dramatic so far.”
▪️MILITARY EXERCISE IN THE NORTH.. a military exercise will take place in the northern coastal strip and in the western Galilee area, in which a lively movement of vessels, aircraft and security forces will be felt in the area.  IT’S A DRILL.
▪️JENIN - SAMARIA.. heavy gunfire towards the Dotan checkpoint and Salem crossing west of Jenin.
▪️SHIA MILITIAS OF IRAQ.. claim to have attacked the Golan via suicide drone.
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satellitebroadcast · 2 days
National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces) spokesman Abu Khaled:
In the context of the comprehensive confrontation against the barbaric fascist invasion and occupation of the Gaza Strip, and its criminal acts in the West Bank; And standing alongside the brotherly Lebanese people and their brave resistance, led by Hezbollah. And in honor of the blood of the heroic martyrs and the innocents, in the occupied Palestinian lands and throughout the Lebanese soil; One of our fighting groups set an ambush on a road used by enemy vehicles, around the Al-Awda roundabout in the city of Rafah and planted several high impact explosive devices on the road. When one of the enemy’s armored personnel carriers, of the "Namer" type, approached, our fighters detonated the explosive devices, then rained down anti-tank missiles on the vehicle, resulting in its disabling and immobilization. Commander Abu Khaled added: As the "israeli" crew left the damaged tanker, our heroes rained grenades and machine guns on them from zero distance, resulting in casualties in their ranks, both killed and wounded, and our groups returned to their bases safely. Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces – The Military Wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine Military Media 21/09/202
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jloisse · 7 months
Women's units of the DFLP's National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar al-Qasim Forces) carry out a military training exercise in the Gaza Strip on the 54th anniversary of the launch of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
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