#national peach ice cream day
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murderousink23 · 8 months ago
07/17/2024 is World Emoji Day 🙄🌎, World Day for International Justice ⚖️ 🌎, Korean Constitution Day 🇰🇷, National Peach Ice Cream Day 🇺🇸, National Yellow Pig Day 🇺🇸, Wrong Way Corrigan Day 🇺🇸, National Tattoo Day 🇺🇸
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gpstudios · 8 months ago
Happy National Peach Ice Cream Day! 🍑🍨
Celebrate National Peach Ice Cream Day! 🍑🍨 Enjoy the sweet, creamy delight of peach ice cream, whether homemade or from your favorite shop. Savor this refreshing treat and share summer's simple joys with loved ones!
There’s something undeniably delightful about a scoop of peach ice cream on a hot summer day. As the days grow longer and the temperatures rise, this sweet, creamy treat offers a refreshing respite from the heat. National Peach Ice Cream Day is the perfect occasion to indulge in this seasonal favorite, whether you make it at home or enjoy it from your favorite ice cream shop. Let’s dive into the…
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months ago
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National Vanilla Ice Cream Day
Classic, creamy, and ever so delicious… who doesn’t love vanilla ice cream? You can have it with chocolate cake, apple crumble, sprinkles, strawberry sauce… the list goes on! Of course, it’s just as delightful on its own. A dessert as scrumptious and versatile as this deserves to be celebrated, and Vanilla Ice Cream Day gives you the perfect excuse to do so! Vanilla Ice Cream Day gives you the perfect excuse to indulge in this sweet treat and to experiment with different ways of enjoying it.Like most ice cream flavors, vanilla ice cream was created originally by cooling a mixture of vanilla, sugar, and cream above a container of salt and ice. The sort of vanilla that is used to flavor ice cream varies based on located. In Ireland, more of anise-like flavor is chosen. In North America, a smoky flavor is more desirable. History Of Vanilla Ice CreamSo, who do we have to praise for this tasty and incredible creation? Well, you need to start by understanding the origins of both vanilla and ice cream first! Ice cream can be traced back to the 14th century. There is evidence that ice cream was served during the Yuan period in the Mogul Court.
The idea of using a mix of salt and ice for the refrigerating effect, though, began in Asia. The method then spread when the Moors and Arabs traveled to Spain, between 711 and 1492. The Italians became involved in making ice cream once this method had spread to Europe. By the early 18th century, there were recipes for ice cream in France as well. The French added egg yolks or egg to the recipe to create a richer and smoother food.
Vanilla was first used amongst people from Mexico. By the 1500s, Spanish conquistadors, who were exploring present-day Mexico, had come across Meso-American individuals who were consuming vanilla in their foods and drinks. Because of this, the conquistadors brought vanilla back to Spain.
In Spain, they started using vanilla to flavor a chocolate drink that consisted of honey, water, corn, vanilla, and cacao beans. The drink eventually spread to England and France, and then the rest of Europe by the early 1600s. In 1602, the apothecary of Queen Elizabeth I, Hugh Morgan, suggested that vanilla should be used separately from cocoa.
When this happened, the French really started to use vanilla in drinks and foods without cacao, and they started to flavor ice cream with it. When Thomas Jefferson discovered vanilla ice cream in France, he brought the recipe back to the United States with him, where the natural color of the ice cream was brown.
How To Celebrate Ice Cream Day
Of course, the best way to observe Vanilla Ice Cream Day is to have a go at creating your own vanilla ice cream.
Other Ways To Observe Vanilla Ice Cream Day
Make your own ice cream sundae creation! There are so many different ways you can use vanilla ice cream. Why not grab a mason jar and create your own ice cream sundae creation? The toppings that go with vanilla ice cream are never-ending. You can add in broken up cookie pieces. Or, what about drizzling in toppings, like toffee, dark chocolate, or melted caramel? You can also mix in pieces of your favorite candy bars. Or, if you really want to switch things up, why not try unexpected flavors, like maple syrup and chilli chocolate?
Get your friends and loved ones around to try the vanilla ice cream that you have created. They will definitely be impressed to learn that you have created your own vanilla ice cream from scratch! You can serve it with a homemade dessert or you can get everyone else in on the fun of creating their own sundaes.
Create your own vanilla ice cream cocktail – There are so many amazing cocktail recipes that involve vanilla ice cream. Why not make your own boozy ice cream cocktail in order to mark the occasion? One of our favorites is the Blackberry gin Fizz Float. Combine blackberry puree, vanilla ice cream, gin, ginger ale, fresh mint, and lime juice! This is a refreshing and luxurious cocktail, and you will be wondering why you have never had it before!
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grimmweepers · 3 months ago
another frag post incoming…🤍 feel free to scroll past i get very yappy
i was on the hunt for a scent i could use during my trip and i was going to base my choice on something that would be suitable for southeast asia since i’ll be there for a whopping whole month!
then i gave up because everything i liked was out of my price range 😔 but yesterday i came across this perfume at a small perfume shop. i instantly loved it!!
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i wanted something light and something that would sit well in heat and humidity, and i think this is just that!
the scent is super feminine, very creamy, and you can smell the peach almost immediately. the patchouli takes a few minutes to come through which is good because it balances out that sweetness. OH and as i write this i’m smelling my wrist and i can kind of smell salted caramel now. how fun! somehow it kind of smells vintage too? it smells like a hug?
i saw someone say it smells like frangipani flowers and gasped because what is the national flower of my motherland, the place that i’m headed for in two days? FRANGIPANIS!
the reviews on this seem to be mixed (some are literally repulsed by it… like what!! 😔) but it was love at first smell for me!!! HOWEVER! apparently with some arabic perfumes, they tend to smell even better after they’ve macerated for a few months. perhaps i shall update with my final thoughts when many moons have passed.
when i smell this, i picture myself outside, a little sticky from the heat but getting cooled down by a gentle breeze. i have a frangipani in my hair and i’m scoffing down some ice cream. that’s what smelling this made me think of 🤍
the best part about it was that it was not very expensive and the ladies were so nice! and they even gave me a free body spray. you cannot buy experience and interaction with real people. so that was ofc, the cherry on top!
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choicesjunechallenge · 2 years ago
Choices June Challenge Prompts
Vacation | Staycation
Hike | Walk (or run)
Ski | Skate (ice or roller)
Boating | Fishing
Cycle | Surf
Garden | Forest
Beach | Mountain
Sunshine | Rain
Honeysuckle | Rose (any flower)
Long days | Long nights
Summer | Winter
Berries | Lemon
Watermelon | Tomato
Pineapple | Peach
Cook | Bake
Picnic | Gala
Cupcake | Donut
Ice cream | Chocolate
Salad | Cake
Cocktails | Mocktails
Midsummer night's dream | Fairies
Zodiac signs | Birthstones
Romance | Fantasy
Myths | Superstitions
Stories | Poems
Love | Loathing
Proposals | Weddings
Global Day of Parents | Children's Day
World Environment Day | Solstice (summer or winter)
Father's Day | Juneteenth
International Yoga Day | National OOTD Day
World Music Day | Social Media Day
National Selfie Day | National Kissing Day
Pride Month | Pet Appreciation Week
For national or world days, the fanwork doesn't have to focus on the day itself; the theme of that day or celebration will be enough.
Check out the submission guidelines here.
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months ago
Holidays 7.13
Ann Hutchinson Memorial Day
Atomic Bomb Test Day
Barbershop Music Appreciation Day
Bastille Eve (France)
Be A Geek For A Day
Blame Someone Else Day
Bottled Beer Day
Childhood Memories Day
Embrace Your Geekness Day
Festival of Inner Worlds
Festival of the Three Cows (Border of France & Basque Spain)
Fool's Paradise Day
GIST Awareness Day
Go Wakeboarding Day
Go West Day
Gruntled Workers Day
Guinea Fowl Day (French Republic)
International Day of ADHD Awareness
International Day of Sarcoma
International Day of the Conductor
International Growth Hacking Day
International Puzzle Day
International Rock Day
International Rock ’N’ Roll Day
Job Satisfaction Day
Kashmir Martyrs’ Day (Pakistan)
La Retraite Aux Flambeaux (Night Watch; France)
Martyrs’’ Day (Kashmir)
Montenegrin Peoples Uprising Day (Yugoslavia)
Naadam, Day 3 (Mongolia)
Nathan Bedford Forrest Day (Tennessee)
National Day (French West Indies; Tahiti)
National Delaware Day
National Geekness Day
National Paul Day
National Sam Day
National Security Committee Day (Kazakhstan)
Puzzle Day
Sandra Bland Day (Texas)
713 Day
Swiftie Day
Uniwaine Day (Elderly Men Day; Kiribati)
World Aquatics Day
World Cup Day
World Naked Photography Day
World Rock Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Beans 'n' Franks Day
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Day
National Beef Tallow Day
National French Fries Day (a.k.a. National French Fry Day)
National Nitrogen Ice Cream Day
Independence & Related Days
Alabama (Readmitted to the Union; 1868)
Statehood Day (Montenegro)
Usi (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Wilkland (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
2nd Saturday in July
Bald In / Bald Out Day [2nd Saturday]
Blissfest begins (Michigan) [2nd Saturday]
Bon Odori (Festival of the Lanterns; Japan) [2nd Saturday]
Carver Day (Missouri) [2nd Saturday]
Grange Day [2nd Saturday]
International Brick & Rolling Pin Throwing Contest (Stroud; Australia, Canada, UK, US) [2nd Saturday]
International Skinny Dip Day [2nd Saturday]
Lindenfest begins (Rhineland, Germany) [2nd Saturday]
The Mooning of the Amtrak (Laguna Niguel, California) [2nd Saturday]
Stone House Day (New York) [2nd Saturday]
World Rum Day [2nd Saturday]
World Skydiving Day [2nd Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning July 13 (2nd Week of July)
Bohemian Club Rites (California) [2nd Saturday]
Jūras Svētki Sākas (Sea Festival; Riga, Latvia) [Every 5 Years]
Festivals Beginning July 13, 2024
Aarhus Jazz Festival (Aarhus, Denmark) [thru 7.20]
Arts & Wine Festival (Los Altos, California) [thru 7.14]
Bierbörse Festival (Rapid City, South Dakota)
Blueberry Festival (Media, Pennsylvania)
Blueberry Festival & Market To Go (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) [thru 7.14]
Blues & Brews (Mount Hope Estate & Winery, Pennsylvania)
Breckenridge Summer Beer Festival (Breckenridge, Colorado)
Castle Rock WineFest (Castle Rock, Colorado)
Food Truck Festival (St. Paul, Minnesota) [thru 7.14]
Frankfort Bluegrass Festival (Frankfort, Illinois) [thru 7.14]
Horse & Hound Wine Festival (Bedford, Virginia)
Keep NH Brewing Festival (Concord, New Hampshire)
Keystone Wine & Jazz Festival (Keystone, Colorado) [thru 7.14]
Laramie Brewfest (Laramie, Wyoming)
Maine Potato Blossom Festival (Fort Fairfield, Maine) [thru 7.21]
Mango Festival (Coral Gables, Florida) [thru 7.14]
MangoMania (Bokeelia, Florida)
McDade Watermelon Festival (McDade, Texas)
Middle Eastern Festival (West St. Paul, Minnesota) [thru 7.14]
North Atlantic Blues Festival (Rockland, Maine) [thru 7.14]
Parker County Peach Festival (Weatherford, Texas)
Pendleton Whisky Music Fest (Pendleton, Oregon)
Raspberries & Wine Festival (Chisago City, Minnesota) [thru 7.14]
Ridgeway Cantalope Festival (Ridgeway, North Carolina)
Saint Benedict Festival (St. Benedict, Oregon)
Slice of Chico (Chico, California)
Solo Batik Carnival (Surakarta, Indonesia)
Strawberry Festival (Billings, Montana)
St. Vladimir Ukrainian Festival (Parma, Ohio)
Sweet Corn Extravaganza (Willcox, Arizona) [thru 8.11]
Taste of Buffalo (Buffalo, New York) [thru 7.14]
Tequila & Taco Festival (Ventura, California) [thru 7.14]
Feast Days
Abd-al-Masih (Christian; Saint & Martyr)
Abel of Tacla Haimonot (Coptic Church)
Anacletus (Christian; Martyr)
Asarnha Bucha Day (Theravada Buddhism)
Bhanu Jayanti (Sikkim, India)
Blanche of Castile (Positivist; Saint)
Boun Khao Phansa begins (Buddhist Lent)
Clelia Barbieri (Christian; Saint)
Conrad Weiser (Episcopal Church (USA))
Day of Osiris (Everyday Wicca)
Eugenius of Carthage (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Kalimát (Words; Baha’i)
Francis Solano (Christian; Saint)
Geek Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor (a.k.a. Henry the Emperor; Christian; Saint)
Jane Hamilton (Writerism)
Joel the Prophet (Christian; Saint)
Macarena Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Marcia Brown (Artology)
Maura and Brigid (Christian; Saints)
Millennial Fairy Olympics, Day 8 (Shamanism)
Mordecai Ardon (Artology)
Mildred (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Mildrith of Thanet (Christian; Saint)
Mr. Screech (Muppetism)
Obon (a.k.a. Ulanbana, Festival of the Lanterns; Buddhist, Shinto)
Ronald Bladen (Artology)
Rosa Mystica (Christian; Saint)
Silas (Catholic Church; Saint)
Solstitium IX (Pagan)
Spot the Loony Day (Pastafarian)
Svein Ellingsen (Artology)
Teresa of the Andes (Christian; Saint)
Thomas Rowlandson (Artology)
Turiaf (a.k.a. Turiave or Thivisiau; Christian; Saint)
Wenceslaus Hollar (Artology)
Wole Soyinka (Writerism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 13 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [13 of 24]
Fatal Day (Pagan) [14 of 24]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Breaking Away (Film; 1979)
Bully Beef (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
Californy’er Bust (Disney Cartoon; 1945)
Country Mouse (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
Dedicated To the One I Love, by The Shirelles (Song; 1959)
Don’t Be Cruel/Hound Dog, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1956)
Eight Men Out: The Black Sox and the 1919 World Series, by Eliot Asinof (Sports Book; 1963)
Eighth Grade (Film; 2018)
The Frisco Kid (Film; 1979)
Generation Kill (TV Series; 2008)
Ghost (Film; 1990)
A Hard Day’s Night, by The Beatles (US Album; 1964)
Hollywoodland sign (Dedicated; 1923)
Ice Age: Continental Drift (Animated Film; 2012)
Inception (Film; 2010)
In My Gondola (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1936)
The Last Starfighter (Film; 1984)
Legally Blonde (Film; 2001)
Live Aid (Live Charity Concert, Wembley Stadium, London, UK; 1985)
Microbe Hunters, by Paul de Kruif (Science Book; 1926)
Midaq Alley, by Naguib Mahfouz (Novel; 1947)
The Muppets Take Manhattan (Film; 1984)
My Lady’s Garden (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, by Ambrose Bierce (Short Story; 1890)
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid, by Bob Dylan (Soundtrack Album; 1973)
Pedro and Lorenzo (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1956)
Pilgrim Popeye (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1951)
Queen, by Queen (Album; 1973)
Rock Odyssey (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Film; 1987)
Skyscraper (Film; 2018)
The Spy Who Loved Me (James Bond Film; 1977) [#10]
The Stone Age (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1931)
Tehanu, by Ursula Le Guin (Novel; 1990) [Earthsea #4]
Where the Money Goes (Money Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rocks; 1995)
Yukon Have It (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1959)
Today’s Name Days
Anno, Heinrich, Kunigunde (Austria)
Emanuel, Ferdinand, Henrik (Croatia)
Markéta (Czech Republic)
Margrethe (Denmark)
Greta, Grete, Kreet, Kreeta, Mare, Maret, Mareta, Margareeta, Marge, Margit, Marit, Marita, Meeta, Reeda, Reet (Estonia)
Ilari, Joel, Lari (Finland)
Enzo, Eugène, Henri, Joël (France)
Heinrich, Kunigunde (Germany)
Iliofotos, Sarah (Greece)
Jenő (Hungary)
Enrico (Italy)
Alda, Margarita, Margrieta, Mariska, Pērle (Latvia)
Anakletas, Arvilas, Arvilė, Henrikas (Lithuania)
Melissa, Mia, Mildrid (Norway)
Ernest, Ernestyn, Eugeniusz, Irwin, Jakub, Justyna, Małgorzata, Radomiła (Poland)
Margita (Slovakia)
Enrique, Joel (Spain)
Joel, Judit (Sweden)
Ezra, Joel, Joelle, Mildred, Natalia, Natalie, Natasha, Nathalie, Nathan, Nathanael, Nathania, Nathaniel, Tasha (USA)
Henri, Nathalie, Nathaly (Universal)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 195 of 2024; 171 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of Week 28 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 8 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 7 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 6 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 15 Red; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 30 June 2024
Moon: 50%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 26 Charlemagne (7th Month) [Blanche of Castile]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 24 of 94)
Week: 3rd Week of July
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 23 of 31)
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merrock · 1 year ago
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face claim: Haley Lu Richardson
full name: Peach Jones
nickname(s) / goes by: PJ, Pea
pronouns & gender: she/her & cis woman
sexuality: bisexual
birth date: February 23, 1997
birth place: Mobile, Alabama
arrival to merrock: 20 years ago
housing: Historic Downtown
occupation: Park Ranger
work place: Merrock State Park
family: mother
relationship status: single
Peach blows in on a breeze. If there's a bottom to her well, it hasn't been hit yet. She's quick to sniff out a party, or to strike up a conversation with a stranger. She leads with kindness and a smile and occasionally an ill made brownie. (The first two work well, the third not so much.) She enjoys things a little left of center and doesn't suffer bullies easily. Though no one would consider her organized, she does have a prudent sort of responsibility. At times forgetful, it is more like in the course of a friendship with Peach that she will turn up at the eleventh hour with a bottle of vodka and a solution. Some people might find that frustrating, but Peach has found her niche and decided to ignore the critiques.
WRITTEN BY: Kate (she/her, est.
triggering / sensitive content: death
Peach Jones likes to get lost. That is when the fun begins.
Her first steps and first smiles belonged to Alabama. Her parents were young, even, by admission, a little foolish. One week after walking across a stage for their high school diplomas they were walking into a drug store for a pregnancy test. As her mom likes to say, Peach kept the tongues wagging all summer. As was her custom, she arrived late with no apologies. Her name came down to her in a Jones family tradition. From Grandma Clementine, to mother Cherry, and on to Peach.
Her parents tried to do well by her, but they weren't built to last. Before Peach's third birthday, they were trading off weekends and growing in different directions. In those days, the sunlight spilt over. Peach's memories of Alabama all taste of lemon and dress themselves in yellow. She remembers sunburns and thunderstorms. There were Mardi Gras and block parties and the tilt of a southern accent. They were happy years when a father could arrive in a pick-up truck and whisk her away for ice cream and mini golf. And, just as their roots dug in they were ripped right up.
At six, a great aunt passed and, to the favored niece, went the little townhome in Maine. It was a whim and Cherry was quite good at those. She packed a car, dressed a daughter, and hit the road. The distance would rewrite bits of Peach's story. Space would grow between her and her father, between the new family he'd start properly. She'd miss her grandmother's cooking and stories. But, inevitably, she'd learn to love Merrock. She'd trade thunderstorms for crisp autumn nights filled with stars, and lemonade for lobster.
In Merrock, her mother opened a vintage and thrift clothing store in downtown. She never lost her accent, but Peach's waned as she grew and turned into a whisper. It was little time before she made friends and settled down in the town. She tended toward the adventurous, and was never too far from a skinned knee in those days. At the footsteps of Arcadia National Park, her love for nature learned to breathe. She was a girl scout and a wanderer. She was lost so many times during a troup hike that they assigned her a personal minder. Getting lost never fazed her though, she'd find little creeks and moss covered ferns, and deer. One day a park ranger found her asleep at the foot of an oak and walked her back personally. From that day on, she was sold.
In high school, she met a boy. Matthew was a fisherman's son and an anime enthusiast. They'd spend sunday mornings on a boat and sunday afternoons in his basement with dvds on repeat. Naruto and Death Note tucked in next to her succulent collection. Peach thinks they could have been everything and that is what hurts the most. The autumn he went over the railing of his father's boat, was the same autumn she received early acceptance into an undergrad program. She stumbled that first year in school, but her mother never let her knees touch the ground. The pain is quieter now but she still marks the anniversary and tucks his collections away.
When she graduated, Peach wasted no time in securing her position at Merrock State Park. At the start, she was young and fresh as spring rain, but she's grown since then. Her job is her passion and one of the only things she takes seriously in life. She still lives with her mother and their immortally grumpy cat. She even still helps at the thrift store. But whether it's at the shop, the marina, or the bar it's likely her badge is pinned just below a smile.
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lovelyprincessn64 · 53 minutes ago
March madness request event
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🌸 Welcome to the month of spring better known as March however March is a home for the greatest thing such as the anniversary of women's rights movement alongside of many great things and this year I'm making a special event all packed and one package, alongside of Mario Day cereal Barbie and many more that goes around in the month of March 🌸
Spring beginnings
2. National Women's Day
3. A four-leaf clover for my Daisy
4. Shamrock Shake
5. Cereal day
6. Mario Day
7. Rainbow Road Madness
8. St Patrick's Day
9. National Barbie day
10. Luigi's Mansion
11. Wowie zowie
12. PowerUp collector
13. Within the Odyssey
14. Here Comes Barbie
15. Spring cleaning
16. Jump up high
17. Year of the L
18. Pots of gold
19. Luigi's Day Out
20. Badass Ken
21. March birthdays
22. Welcome to the Mario Party
23. Bowser's Fury
24. If Bowser was a musician
25. See you in the next sequel
26. Super bad Mario
27. Shining with sunshine
28. So long King Bowser
29. Mario and Sonic Olympics
30. Woman up
31. They do not look like Ken at all
32. Possessed by Speed Demon
33. Growing up with Mario
34. Slug Barbie
35. Princess Peach Showtime
36. Gangster Mario
37. Mario creepypastas
38. Get out of my head
39. Yoshi equestrian
40. Peache's Garden
41. Shopping at Coconut Mall
42. Ice bride
43. Golfing in space
44. Sparks of Hope
45. Playing with melee
46. I want a Burger Mario!
47. Present from Mario
48. Beta Luigi
49. Don't call me angel
50. Dangerous woman
51. Woman of the year
52. Girls month
54. Tribute to Akira Toriyama
55. Women's history
56. Fighting for the right to vote
57. Peach's Bakery
58. Galaxy Queen
59. Waluigi's taco stand
60. Penguin playground
61. Takara Barbie / Jenny
62. Sugar mommy Barbie
63. America's sweetheart
64. Dancing with leprechauns
65. Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
66. Lucky Charms
67. Mario world
68. Hungry piranhas
69. All got is bad lack
70. Irish folklore
71. Care for some root beer
72. L is real
73. Magically delicious
74. Cookie tricks
75. Trix are for kids
76. Part of the complete breakfast
77. Flowercore
78. Mother Nature
79. Chocolate Chip Cookie Week
80. Learning about butterflies
81. Popcorn Lover’s Day
82. Wear a Hat Day
83. Girl Scout week
84. Dr. Seuss’s Birthday
85. Green eggs and ham
86. Cat in the Hat
87. Fan arts of Dr Seuss's series of any kind
88. Any type of March prompt / name your own prompt of theme
89. Spring break
90. Fruit Loops with Toucan Sam
91. Cinnamon versus apple
92. Misadventures of Captain Crunch
93. Discontinued cereal (show pictures of what this discontinued of the cereal looks like so I can draw it)
94. Irish American Heritage Month
95. Banana Cream Pie
96. Cheesecake day
97. White chocolate
98. Retro Gaming era
99. Black Forest cakes
100. Caramel like crazy
101. Banshee Blossoms
102. Super Mario RPG
103. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
104. Splashing with colors
105. Barbie and friends at a summer music festiva
106. Barbie's trip to Paris
107. Tennis tournament
108. Pounding cakes
109. Easter day
110. Animal Crossing bunny day
111. Bunny season
112. Egg decorations
113. Painting eggs
114. Good Friday
115. Easter face paint
116. Barbie art style
117. Wedding crasher
118. Speak now or forever hold your peace
119. Still collecting coins
120. Bunny girls / Bunny man
121. Royal club
122. Barbie's glamorous Hollywood red carpet moment
123. Choose your crown girl
124. Marie Day
125. Luigi Day
126. Curse of the music box
127. Tickets for the ice Empire please
128. Luigi as Ghostbuster
129. Farewell Charles Martinet
130. Heroes of Brooklyn
131. Haha you got the cat box
132. Mutation chocolate bunny
133. Easter with Eddsworld
134. Hi I'm Barbie
135. Summer Barbie
136. Mario vs Barbie
137. Shut up Barbie
138. The day that Mr Krabs fries
139. Greg the Goomba series
140. Bowser turns people into mystery box if they don't agree with him
141. Leprechaun horror
142. Goth Barbie
143. Your princess is in another Castle
144. Waluigi for smash
145. Secret history of Super Mario Bros
146. Walpeach
147. But I love Peaches
148. Mario as an artist
149. Yoshi's cookies
150. Dr Mario
151. Yarn Yoshi series
152. Captain Toad
153. Mario Golf
154. Mushroom disease
155. Princess of mushrooms
156. A night at boos Opera
157. Ninja disco
159. Charlie Brown Easter special
160. You will never catch Zipper
161. Hot Springs
162. Wario land series
163. Mario working at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria
164. Creating Android Barbies
165. Too many Barbies to count
166. Doll trial
167. So many Kens to choose from
168. Dr monster leprechaun special
169. Warioware
170. Dr monster eggsecutioner
171. It hatched a cherry monster instead of a check
172. Marshmallow peeps
173. Easter morning
174. Irish luck
175. 28 years of Resident Evil (this a anniversary prompt for the game)
176. Leon's first day
177. Party at the bar (this is a Resident Evil prompt just to let everybody know)
178. Easter with Pokémon
179. Your character of choice as a Barbie doll
180. Killed by Nemesis
181. Is it really you Barry
182. Hang on sweetheart
183. Magical Metaphors
184. Green Dreams
185. Luck o’ the Pen
186. G virus or any Resident Evil virus of your choice
187. Resident Evil girls as cheerleaders
188. Resident Evil boys as football players
189. Magic of the Shamrock
190. Elza walker
191. Easter’s Hope in Modern Times
192. Raccoon City
193. The Symbols of Easter
194. No thanks bro
195. Egg Hunt
196. Chocolate Magic
197. Moushley
198. Bowser Jr annoys Bowser
199. Resident Evil costumes
200. Goodbye Merlin
201. Mario characters wearing Mexican style clothing
202. Surprise happy birthday Mario
203. Don't trust the flower
204. Mushroom that contains Yoshi DNA
205. One last kiss
206. Never eat the purple mushrooms
207. Yoshi Gumball
208. Sexy Ashley
209. Flashgitz Mario
210. Luigi's nightmare
211. Yoshizilla
212. Floweratouille
213. Mario Bros Fight Club
214. Only murders in the Mushroom Kingdom
215. Walock Holmes
216. Chainchomp Man
217. Donkey Kong Joonyer
218. Koopa family group photo
219. Fan arts of Resident Evil 4 remake Japanese commercial
220. Starman Slaughter
221. Devil Mario. Info about the character: https://villainsfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Devil_Mario_(Power_Star)
222. Koopa Dance
223. Being chase by MX
224. Rice Krispie treats
225. Your choice of cereal options / prompts
226. Reese's puffs
227. Mario Licca-Chan. info about the character: https://nintendosoup.com/super-mario-licca-chan-doll-announced-in-japan/
 228. Gruesome discoveries
229. Itchy, tasty
230. Rookie mistake
231. You got 7 minutes
232. I wanna meet the Grim Reaper
233. Mr X gon give it to ya
234. Code Veronica
235. What the Hell Hunk!?
236. William Birkin searching for Sherry
237. Infected Annette Birkin
238. I thought I was going to save a cute mouse
239. Cocoa Pebbles or Fruity Pebbles
240. Doobus Goobus (Some Mario stuff or art style)
241. Cereal addict
242. Psycho chainsaw man
243. Thalassophobia
244. Killer piano
245. Leon can't spell. Base off of this: https://youtu.be/TWTZ2_v8gtc?si=h972W-V5VKQlQrAY
246. Easter on an Alien Planet
247. Concept Rosalina
248. Alcoholic or drunk Leon (your choice of scenario to pick)
249. Angelic Witness
250. Bunny's Wrong Turn
251. The first woman to...
252. Kaede Akamatsu's Birthday
253. Basket full of Easter goodies
254. Far from alive
255. Last night I just dreamed that I walking the dead
256. Got no more STARS in ours sights
257. Easter miracle
258. Sour Patch Kids cereal taste like abomination
259. Redfield bloodline
260. Lady Dimitrescu
261. Attractive daughters
262. Playboy bunny suit
263. Colors of herbs
264. Don't die on me Jill
265. Pastel Palette of Memories
266. The candy comparison
267. Chocolate Egg Haven
268. Bunny Business
269. Barbenheimer meme
270. SMG4 Mario
271. Shadow-Shana Mario or Princess Peach
272. Painting with Yoshi
273. Zombie Barbie outbreak
274. Barbie are you at home?
275. Fire flower for you
276. Possessed by boos
277. King of bombs
278. Robot Chicken Barbie / Robot Chicken Mario
279. Congratulations Chris Pratt
280. Mario food doodles
281. Tyrant Barbie
282. Girls sleepover party
283. I am the strongest woman in the world
284. Japanese schoolgirl Barbie
285. Soda Barbies
286. Build-A-Bear X Mario
287. Baby Mario screens mama
288. Trying to fight evil out of me
289. Astronaut Ken
290. Ashley annoys Leon
291. Which tofu to eat
292. Fighting against a tyrant
293. Castle knight Ashley
294. Ada with lingerie
295. Handsome Dr Leon
296. Ada celebrates Lunar New Year
297. Abandoned Hospital
298. Ooze creature
299. Ghost Princess
300. Prince Haru (he is from the Super Mario movie that never left outside of Japan and for some odd reason he's the boyfriend of Princess Peach but was never mentioned again and cannon as well)
301. Flower bat Rouge
302. Spending Easter with Billy Hatcher
303. Skunky with cereal theme pajamas
304. Part of a complete breakfast
305. Zombie Forest (in the Japanese version of the DualShock director's cut I think you have a chance of encountering forest but as a zombie rather than just a corpse that does nothing)
306. Jill wears a kimono / French outfit
307. Infected with las plagas
308. Las plagas King Leon
309. Giant infected alligator
310. Easter Festival
311. Horror Daisy
312. Coronation Day Peach
313. Grand Dad
314. Tanooki.EXE
315. Ultra M
316. Golden Land
317. Somari
318. Turmoil
319. Sandy Cheeks teach Ashley about karate
320. Welcome to the family
321. Nobody's experiment
322. Left to die
323. Infected
324. Mansion of Horrors
325. Mercenaries
326. Metal bug that controls Jill
327. Cliffhanger
328. Hold your fire I'm a human
329. Chief irons
330. Got out of Raccoon City
331. Babysitting Sherry
332. Zombie dogs are not man's best friend
333. Gambling with Luigi
334. S.T.A.R.S vs The Forces of Resident Evil
335. Zom and Jill
336. You want Stars I'll give you Stars
337. Resident evil vs Kirby
338. Ashley the terrible
339. Jill with chocolates
340. Ashley hates horror games
341. If Ashley was gen z
342. Leon Kennedy is bad at video games
343. Jill's first kiss ruined by Nemesis
344. Leon Kennedy's honeymoon ruined
345. Fighting against Mother Nature
346. Don't mess with nature
347. Enjoying a day out with some tea
348. Working at the Garden
349. Leon as ghost face
350. Blowing some dandelions
351. Farmcore
352. Barbiecore
353. Raccoon Zoo
354. Moon's Donuts
355. Leon's vlog
356. Florist
357. Your Resident Evil OCs
358. Licker
359. Wheelchair zombie (he's a scrapped Resident Evil character)
360. Zombie Wildcat (it was originally going to be a Resident Evil 3 enemy but got scrapped)
361. Your Barbie OCS
362. Two-Face Ada
363. AUs of your choice
364. Hook man (he's a scrapped Resident Evil 4 character that Leon would have to face through hallucinations also don't forget to send me images of what he looks like so I know what he looks like)
365. Plant Zombies
367. Resident Evil characters for smash Brothers
368. Yoshi gets eaten alive (this is a reference to Robot Chicken where Yoshi goes to Raccoon City but ends up being eaten by zombies)
369. Hungry for tofus
370. Characters cross playing Resident Evil characters or cross playing Mario or Barbie
371. Easter specials
372. It hatched a cherry monster rather than a chick
373. Your Mario OCs
374. Spring themed dessert
375. Easter themed dessert
376. Animal Crossing bunny day
377. Zodiac of March
378. B.O.W
379. Greek Leon (this is a scrapped Resident Evil costume that never made it into the games)
380. There's a zombie on your lawn
381. Green Aesthetics
382. Statue of Liberty
383. Nature can be cruel
384. Shirtless Leon
385. Re4Remake gang as Scooby-Doo gang
386. Cleopatra
387. Splatoon 3 Spilngfest Splatfest
388. Cereals as lattes
389. Yoshi commits tax fraud
390. Rosalina with two bangs
391. Mario characters as elephants
392. Denzel Crocker Day
393. Ryota Kajiki's birthday
394. Jim as a Alligator hunter or Crocodile Hunter or both depending on your choice of scenario
395. Jim Crocodile Cook's birthday
396. Villain Rumi Usagiyama
397. Rumi dressed as in bunny girl Playboy outfit
398. Deuce Gorgon's birthday
399. Toughest Deuce
400. Rumi Usagiyama's birthday
401. National Prom Day
402. Nintendo Princess Daisy blowing out her birthday candles
403. The 7 heavenly virtues
404. My hero Academia Midnight's Birthday
405. Queen of Midnight
406. Villain Midnight
407. Chinese prom dress
408. Bless those bright little souls
409. Hinamatsuri
410. Spring Equinox
411. March Equinox 
412. Billy Hatcher
413. Sailor moon under cherry blossom trees
414. Bunny Maloney
415. Spring in Paris
416. Hope lantern corps
417. The Phantom Stranger (he's a DC character from comics and TV)
418. Life lantern corps
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Disclaimer: Unlike normal requests you can only request of the theme of the name along with the prompts however if it doesn't it just you there are other request events or just send a normal request.
Also I'm accepting suggestions for prompts to add on the quest event feel free to request some to have a chance to be added to the event.
One more thing read the rules before requesting:
0 notes
nobertsales · 2 months ago
National Peach Melba Day
French chef Auguste Escoffier invented the elegant dessert back in 1892 or 1893, depending on the source. He created the dessert with peaches, vanilla ice cream, and raspberry sauce while employed at the Savoy Hotel, London. The dessert honored Australian soprano, Nellie Melba. The chef was known for naming his creations after famous people.
🍑 #NationalPeachMelbaDay #FoodOfTheDay @NobertSales #NobertSales #FoodSolutions #FoodService #FoodServiceSolutions #FoodSales #WeKnowFood #FoodConsultant #FoodDude 
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versatileer · 6 months ago
Happy National Peach Pie Day – 2024
Happy Peach Pie Day! Today is National Peach Pie Day for 2024! Peach pies are so delicious–so sweet! Serve up–with or without whipped cream; or, enjoy it with ice cream: vanilla, peach, or your favorite flavor! Just the perfect midnight or anytime snack: Some nice peach pie. . . Happy National Peach Pie Day ! ! !  🍑 🥧 🍑 🥧 🍑 🥧 🍑 🥧 🍑 🥧 🍑 🥧 🍑 🥧 🍑 A Brief History: Origination: Peach pie’s recipe,…
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murderousink23 · 2 years ago
07/17/2023 is World Emoji Day 🌏, World Day for International Justice ⚖🌏, Korean Constitution Day 🇰🇷, National Peach Ice Cream Day 🍦🇺🇲, National Yellow Pig Day 🇺🇲, Wrong Way Corrigan Day 🛩🇺🇲, National Get Out of the Dog House Day 🐶🏠🇺🇲
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enfyswanders · 6 months ago
Ireland, Part 2: July 16-19, 2024
After the initial panic of driving on the narrow roadways and the thrill of getting engaged, the rest of the trip was spent mostly enjoying each other's company and driving to various places in the southwestern part of the country.
On the 16th, we went on a tour of the Dingle Peninsula by bus, partly because I wanted a break from driving, but also because the Dingle Peninsula looked like it might be especially terrifying to drive around (and, based on my experience as a passenger on the bus, I was correct). Our guide and driver was an affable elderly gentleman who grew up on the Dingle Peninsula so long ago he remembered not having a telephone in the house, and when the first person in town got a television. The scenery throughout the tour was epic. We saw where the initial Rey/Luke scenes from The Last Jedi were filmed (the scene with the porgs!). We also saw lots of high cliffs and beautiful views of islands off the coast. And of course, we took lots of happily-engaged-schmoopy selfies.
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During our stop in Dingle, we did a bit of frantic ring shopping (didn't find anything, but we did get my ring size and on the bus ride back I found a ring I liked on Etsy, so Niall was able to order it). We also saw this very confusing establishment that's simultaneously a bar, bike shop, and hardware store.
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Dingle is also noted for being the home of Murphy's Ice Cream, which had a store in Kilarney we visited several times during our stay. Their ice cream was phenomenal, especially the raspberry sorbet, which was easily the best either of us had ever tasted. The website notes the ice cream is "handmade in Dingle" which gave us a lot of giggles about eating "handmade Dingle cream."
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The latest Adventure in Doing Laundry was probably the simplest - we visited Speed Queen, a laundromat built into a gas station. Being a fan of the song of the same name by Thunderpussy, I had to get a selfie with the sign.
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One of our remaining days was spent road tripping to the Limerick metro area, where we visited Bunratty Castle and Folk Park, where they had thatched-roof houses, elaborate faerie gardens, and some pretty fantastic shopping. We also had some delicious scones with clotted cream while chickens and a turkey wandered around our feet, which was whimsical AF. I highly recommend it as a tourist stop, especially if you have kids with you. It's easy to spend hours there.
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On the way home, we visited Grange Stone Circle, which is the largest stone circle in the EU. We had to wait for the landowner to move his cattle before we could get in, and one of the cows was curious about us and kept trying to nuzzle me over the fence, so that was cute.
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We spent our last full day in Ireland hiking around Kilarney National Forest again, and this time we saw at least a dozen deer; running errands; packing; resting; and then celebrating our engagement with an astonishingly delicious dinner at Rozzers Restaurant, which is part of our B&B. I had local mackerel as a first course, some incredibly buttery and tender lamb for my main course, and a trio of sorbets (blackcurrant, whiet peach, and pineapple) for dessert, which was followed by petits fours. There was an absolutely gorgeous sunset that evening, too.
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Our drive back to the airport, while long, was a lot less fraught than our initial drive to the B&B, since I was more experienced with the roadways and the vast majority of the trip was highways.
We managed to fly on the day of the big Crowdstrike/Microsoft incident, though, which made for a long wait in the queue to check in (the self-check-in machines were all down) and some slight delays in our flights. The nice thing was that because we waited in line and spoke to an agent, she was able to put us on an earlier flight to London, which gave us both more time to make our connections from there and a shorter wait in the Dublin airport. During our short stay in the airport, though, I finally tried some Butler's Chocolate - both in hot chocolate form and an individual chocolate candy - and yep, it lives up to the hype.
It was bittersweet to say goodbye, knowing we had such an amazing week together, that I had more adventures ahead, but that we'd be apart for another month before we were reunited. But we're so grateful we had the time together in Ireland and that it was such an unforgettable week.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year ago
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National Fruit Compote Day
With a burst of natural sweetness, this delightful mix of fruits cooked to perfection promises a fruity explosion that tantalizes taste buds.
If you’ve got a sweet tooth, you’re probably a fan of the fruit compote. A delicious mixture of fruits or berries and sugar, the compote brings a punch of flavor to greek yogurt, a fruitful ending to a full course meal, or a sweet addition to your morning cereal. And on March 1st, if you ever needed an excuse to start your day with a mixture of sugar and fruits, then here it is!
History of Fruit Compotes
A fruit compote is a simple treat. It is technically a fruit sauce, made with fresh or frozen fruit chunks and sugar. The sugar is cooked on the stove to make a syrup, and the fruit is added in and warmed until the two mix together to create a syrupy sweet sauce. The sauce has a variety of uses, such as toast spread, in smoothies, on top of cakes or waffles, or into granola.
Food historians credit the dish’s original origin to France. The dish was originally served by itself in 17th century France as a dessert item. Interestingly enough, the dessert was originally created for its supposed health benefits.
The idea was that this dessert, or fruits cooked in any syrup, balanced out the effects of humidity in the body. The dessert was treated as a health remedy originally but eventually was served for pleasure as a dessert.
As the dish entered the medieval era, it was served at the beginning of the final course at a feast, usually with a potage, or a creamy vegetable and grain soup. Compote then became a staple dish in all feasts! In the Renaissance period, the compote was served cold in a dish to signal the end of a feast.
Since the meal was easy to prepare, did not cost much, and could be greatly varied based on the type of fruit, it became a staple throughout Jewish homes in Europe. The item was served at Jewish meals on toast, in yogurts, and creams.
Today, many countries serve compote instead of whole fruits and vegetables. Vegetable compotes are often served as soups, dips, or spreads. Fruit compotes are often used as toppings or desserts. Today, some of the most prolific compote recipes come from Germany, Holland, Belgium, Scandinavia, and France.
History of National Fruit Compote Day
Exactly when National Fruit Compote Day started being observed isn’t clear, but the food item is celebrated has been around for donkey’s years. The word ‘compote’ is from the French language, meaning a mixture.
With no dairy ingredients, fruit compote became a popular staple cuisine in Europe – but you will often find it served with yogurt or whipped cream. Many people who observe a dairy-free diet will also freeze fruit compotes in containers and eat this as a dairy-free ice cream substitute!
Fruit compote also goes well with cakes and biscuits, often serving as the fruity part of homemade cheesecakes. Pouring it over granola and cream also makes it the perfect end to a full course meal.
How to celebrate National Fruit Compote Day
If you’re feeling a bit handy in the kitchen, cooking up some fruit compote of your own isn’t too hard to do at all. Just choose your favorite berries and fruits, and boil them in water with plenty of sugar and spices. To give it some extra flavor you can add vanilla to the syrup, or drop in some orange peel or cinnamon sticks while it’s boiling. Dropping in some grated coconut will give your creation a little something extra.
Consider also trying a compote-based recipe, such as using compote to make frozen fruit popsicles, or mixing compote into ice cream to make a thickened frozen fruit treat! Make a simple compote to put into other treats.
Try topping your toast, cereal, granola, yogurt, or ice creams with this sweet spread, and you may just find your new favorite treat! If you want to eat it hot, try baking a cake or cupcake, and then filling or topping it with warm fruit compote!
If you’re in the mood for something a little boozy, one traditional recipe sees the syrup made with wine, but you could just use dried fruits soaked in alcohol if you wish. Some recipe variations call for wine, rum, or tequila to create a tangy flavor mixed with sweetened sugary fruit. You can either soak the fruit in alcohol for a few days to soak up the flavor, or you can mix the alcohol in at the cooking stage for a sharper flavor!
Looking for a creative way to get your daily serving of fruits? Don’t like eating fruits whole? There’s no better way to get your “five a day” than with a tasty treat like this, so give fruit compote a try today and join many others across the world observing National Fruit Compote Day.
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brookston · 7 months ago
Holidays 8.2
Airborne Forces Day (Russia)
Airmobile Forces Day (Ukraine)
Aviation Day (Slovenia)
Bonalu (Telangana, India)
Bunny Day (Japan)
Congolese Genocide Day (Congo (DRC))
Crabhog Day
Day of Airborne Forces (Russia)
Day of Azerbaijani Cinema (Azerbaijan)
Day of Maiden Katrica (Elder Scrolls)
Day of the Water Nymphs (Macedonia)
Deez Nutz Day
Dinosaurs Day
802 Day
Emancipation Day (Several Caribbean nations)
Escalator Day
Ewe Day (French Republic)
Fallen Paratroopers Remembrance Day (Ukraine)
Fiesta La Patrona (Spain)
Greenwich Mean Time Day
Hydroxychloroquine Day (India)
I Came I Saw I Conquered Day
Ilinden Day (Republic Day; Macedonia)
International Golden Lion Tamarin Day
International Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Day
Jabotinsky Day (Israel)
Lady Godiva Day (Coventry, UK)
Little Mix Appreciation Day
International Jewish Day
International Pony Day
Lady of the Angels Day (Costa Rica)
Lincoln Penny Day
Mark Lee Day (K-Pop)
Mary Prince Day (Bermuda)
Mindfulness Day
National Blockchain Day
National Boob Day
National CAD Day (a.k.a. National Computer-Aided Design Day)
National Children’s Day (Tuvalu)
National Coloring Book Day
National Ex-Girlfriend Day
National Hugh Day
National Jacqueline Day
National Rap Music Day
National Sisters Day
Our Lady of the Angels Day (Costa Rica)
Pantsu Day (Japan)
Paratroopers Day (Russia)
Republic Day (North Macedonia)
Roma Holocaust Memorial Day (EU)
Take a Penny, Leave a Penny Day
World Anglo-Indian Day
World Feed the Poor Day
World Find a Four Leaf Clover Day
Yeezy Day (Adidas)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Make Some Old-Fashioned Lemonade Day
Miracle Treat Day (Dairy Queen)
National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
Independence & Related Days
Butuan City Charter Day (Philippines; 1950)
Declaration of Independence 1st signed (US; 1776)
Kabankalan City Charter Day (Philippines)
Makira Ulawa Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Napoleon Bonaparte made 1st Consul for Life (France; 1802)
1st Friday in August
August Bank Holiday (UK) [1st Friday]
Bandcamp Friday [1st Friday]
Braham Pie Day (Minnesota) [1st Friday]
CafeSmart Day [1st Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
Health Advocate Day [1st Friday]
International Beer Day [1st Friday]
International Mustache Day [1st Friday]
Jeans for Genes Day (Australia) [1st Friday]
Moxee Hop Festival begins (Washington) [1st Friday]
National Water Balloon Day [1st Friday]
Tomboy Tools Day [1st Friday]
Twins Day Festival begins (Twinsburg, Ohio) [1st Full Weekend, begins 1st Friday]
Umuganura Day (Harvest Thanksgiving; Rwanda) [1st Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 2 (1st Week of August)
Gallop International Tribal Indian Powwow (thru 8.11)
Sturgis Motorcycle Rally (Sturgis, South Dakota) [1st Friday for 10 Days] (thru 8.11)
Twins Days (thru 8.4) [1st Full Weekend; Friday thru Sunday]
Festivals Beginning August 2, 2024
Appalachian Arts & Crafts Fair & Festival (Buckley, West Virginia) [thru 8.3]
Beer, Bourbon & BBQ Festival (Cary, North Carolina) [thru 8.3]
Blueberry Arts Festival (Ketchikan, Alaska) [thru 8.4]
Blueberry Festival (Wilton, Maine) [thru 8.3]
Brat Days (Sheboygan, Wisconsin) [thru 8.3]
Brew at the Zoo (Columbia, South Carolina)
Calgary Fringe Festival (Calgary, Canada) [thru 8.10]
Charlestown Seafood Festival (Charlestown, Rhode Island) [thru 8.4]
Clark Potato Days (Clark, South Dakota) [thru 8.4]
Cowtown Days Festival (Ellsworth, Kansas) [thru 8.4]
Creamery Picnic (Stevensville, Montana) [thru 8.3]
Dublin Irish Festival (Dublin, Ohio) [thru 8.4]
Edinburgh Festival Fringe (Edinburgh, Scotland) [thru 8.26]
Edinburgh International Festival (Edinburgh, Scotland) [thru 8.25]
Festa Italiana (Naperville, Illinois) [thru 8.4]
Festival of the Flowers in Medellín (Medellín, Colombia) [thru 8.11]
Fish Sandwich Festival (Bay Port, Michigan) [thru 8.3]
Glad-Peach Festival (Coloma, Michigan) [thru 8.4]
Glengarry Highland Games (Maxville, Canada) [thru 8.3]
Gorolski Święto (Jablunkov, Czech Republic) [thru 8.4]
Grape Country Craft Beverage Festival (Dunkirk, New York) [thru 8.4]
Guča Trumpet Festival (Guča, Serbia) [thru 8.4]
Indiana State Fair (Indianapolis, Indiana) [thru 8.18]
Locomotion Festival (Felton, California) [thru 8.4]
Mossyrock Blueberry Festival (Mossyrock, Washington) [thru 8.4]
New Jersey State Fair/Sussex County Farm and Horse Show (Augusta, New Jersey) [thru 8.10]
Newport Jazz Festival (Newport, Rhode Island) [thru 8.4]
North Branford PoCo Festival (North Branford, Connecticut) [thru 8.4]
Old Time Harvest Festival (Jordan, Minnesota) [thru 8.4]
One Love Reggae Festival (Wiesen, Austria) [thru 8.3]
Otakon (Washington, DC) [thru 8.4]
Pluk de Nacht Film Festival (Utrecht, Netherlands) [thru 8.10]
Possum Festival (Wausau, Florida) [thru 8.3]
Reggae on the River (Piercy, California) [tgru 8.4]
Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo (Edinburgh, United Kingdom) [thru 8.24]
Scranton Jazz Festival (Scranton, Pennsylvania) [thru 8.4]
Sidmouth Folk Festival (Sidmouth, United Kingdom) [thru 8.9]
Spiedie Fest and Balloon Rally (Binghamton, New York) [thru 8.4]
SunSka Festival (Vertheuil, France) [thru 8.4]
Sweet Pea Festival (Bozeman, Montana) [thru 8.4]
Taste of the Coeur d'Alene (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho) [thru 8.4]
Tokyo Idol Festival (Tokyo, Japan) [thru 8.4]
Vintage Ohio Wine Festival (Kirtland, Ohio) [thru 8.3]
Watsonville Strawberry Festival (Watsonville, California) [thru 8.4]
World Cosplay Summit (Nagoya, Japan) [thru 8.4]
Feast Days
Ahudemmeh (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Albert Bloch (Artology)
Alfonso A. Ossorio (Artology)
Arthur Dove (Artology)
Barley Day (Pagan)
Basil Fool for Christ (Russian Orthodox Church)
Bei Dao (Writerism)
Chateaubriand (Positivist; Saint)
Death of King Rufus Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Distribution of Charity Moneys (Strictly Imps Only; Shamanism)
Dryads Day (Greek Wood & Water Gods)
Elias (a.k.a. Ilia or Elijah the Prophet; Christian; Saint)
Etheldritha (a.k.a. Alfrida; Christian; Saint)
Eusebius of Vercelli (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Anahita (Ancient Persia; Everyday Wicca)
Feast of Our Lady of the Angeles of the Portiuncula (Franciscan Order)
Fomorian King Bres’ Agricultural Gifts Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Håkon Stenstadvold (Artology)
Holling C. Holling (Artology)
Ilinden Day (St. Elijah Day; Macedonia)
Isabel Allende (Writerism)
James Baldwin (Writerism)
Jan van Scorel (Artology)
John Radecki (Artology)
John French Sloan (Artology)
Justin Russolillo (Christian; Blessed)
Khao Phansa begins (Buddhist Lent; Thailand)
Lady of the Angels’ Day (Costa Rica)
Martian Time-Slip, by Philip K. Dick (Novel; 1964)
Monster Monster (Muppetism)
Peter Faber (Christian; Saint)
Peter Julian Eymard (Christian; Saint)
Perdono di Assisi (Pardon of Assisi), the plenary indulgence related to St.Francis of Assisi originated in the church of Porziuncola (Catholic Church)
Richard Wilson (Artology)
Robert Holdstock (Writerism)
Robert Goddard Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Samuel David Ferguson (Episcopal Church)
Samuel Dirksz van Hoogstraten (Artology)
Sidwell (Christian; Saint) [Farmers]
Stephen I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Theodots (Christian; Martyr)
Thomas of Dover (Christian; Saint)
Vermicelli Day (Pastafarian)
Virgin of Los Angeles Day (Costa Rica)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
American Graffiti (Film; 1973)
Castle in the Sky (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 1986)
Doc Hollywood (Film; 1991)
Doing Impossible Stunts (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1940)
Don’t Look Back, by Boston (Album; 1978)
Emma (Film; 1996)
Europa Report (Film; 2013)
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (Film; 2019) [F&F]
Follow That Bird (Film; 1985)
In the Heat of the Night (Film; 1967)
It’s a Greek Life (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1936)
Lady, Play Your Mandolin! (WB MM Cartoon; 1931)
The Others (Film; 2001)
The Pebbles on the Beach, by Clarence Ellis (Geology Book; 1954)
Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-Sharp Minor, “The Moonlight Sonata,” by Ludwig Van Beethoven (Piano Sonata; 1802)
The Suburbs, by Arcade Fire (Album; 2010)
Testament of Youth, by Vera Brittain (memoir; 1933)
2 Guns (Film; 2013)
Weird Science (Film; 1985)
Today’s Name Days
Eusebius, Julian, Petrus, Stefan (Austria)
Anđela, Arnir, Euzebije (Croatia)
Gustav (Czech Republic)
Hannibal (Denmark)
Helger, Helgo, Holger, Olger (Estonia)
Kimmo (Finland)
Julien (France)
Adriana, Eusebius, Juliam, Julan (Germany)
Justinianos (Greece)
Lehel (Hungary)
Eusebio (Italy)
Norma, Normunds, Stefans (Latvia)
Alfonsas, Guoda, Gustavas, Tautvaldas (Lithuania)
Karen, Karin (Norway)
Alfons, Alfonsyna, Borzysława, Gustaw, Ilia, Karina, Maria, Stefan (Poland)
Stefan (Romania)
Gustáv (Slovakia)
Ángeles, Eusebio (Spain)
Kajsa, Karin (Sweden)
Alf, Alfie, Alfonsina, Alfonso, Alford, Alfred, Alfreda, Alfredo, Alonso, Alonza, Alonzo, Alphonso, Fonzie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 215 of 2024; 151 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of Week 31 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 28 (Wu-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 27 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 26 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 5 Purple; Fryday [5 of 30]
Julian: 20 July 2024
Moon: 4%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 18 Dante (8th Month) [Chateaubriand]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 44 of 94)
Week: 1st Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 12 of 31)
0 notes
choicesjunechallenge · 2 years ago
Prompts to inspire creativity
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The Choices June Challenge is all about Nature, Food, Folklore and Celebrations. Which prompt will inspire your Choices fanwork today?
Vacation | Staycation
Hike | Walk (or run)
Ski | Skate (ice or roller)
Boating | Fishing
Cycle | Surf
Garden | Forest
Beach | Mountain
Sunshine | Rain
Honeysuckle | Rose (any flower)
Long days | Long nights
Summer | Winter
Berries | Lemon
Watermelon | Tomato
Pineapple | Peach
Cook | Bake
Picnic | Gala
Cupcake | Donut
Ice cream | Chocolate
Salad | Cake
Cocktails | Mocktails
Midsummer night’s dream | Fairies
Zodiac signs | Birthstones
Romance | Fantasy
Myths | Superstitions
Stories | Poems
Love | Loathing
Proposals | Weddings
Global Day of Parents | Children’s Day
World Environment Day | Solstice (summer or winter)
Father’s Day | Juneteenth
International Yoga Day | National OOTD Day
World Music Day | Social Media Day
National Selfie Day | National Kissing Day
Pride Month | Pet Appreciation Week
New fanworks from all Choices/Pixelberry books will be accepted until July 2nd. Full guidelines here.
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months ago
Holidays 8.2
Airborne Forces Day (Russia)
Airmobile Forces Day (Ukraine)
Aviation Day (Slovenia)
Bonalu (Telangana, India)
Bunny Day (Japan)
Congolese Genocide Day (Congo (DRC))
Crabhog Day
Day of Airborne Forces (Russia)
Day of Azerbaijani Cinema (Azerbaijan)
Day of Maiden Katrica (Elder Scrolls)
Day of the Water Nymphs (Macedonia)
Deez Nutz Day
Dinosaurs Day
802 Day
Emancipation Day (Several Caribbean nations)
Escalator Day
Ewe Day (French Republic)
Fallen Paratroopers Remembrance Day (Ukraine)
Fiesta La Patrona (Spain)
Greenwich Mean Time Day
Hydroxychloroquine Day (India)
I Came I Saw I Conquered Day
Ilinden Day (Republic Day; Macedonia)
International Golden Lion Tamarin Day
International Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Day
Jabotinsky Day (Israel)
Lady Godiva Day (Coventry, UK)
Little Mix Appreciation Day
International Jewish Day
International Pony Day
Lady of the Angels Day (Costa Rica)
Lincoln Penny Day
Mark Lee Day (K-Pop)
Mary Prince Day (Bermuda)
Mindfulness Day
National Blockchain Day
National Boob Day
National CAD Day (a.k.a. National Computer-Aided Design Day)
National Children’s Day (Tuvalu)
National Coloring Book Day
National Ex-Girlfriend Day
National Hugh Day
National Jacqueline Day
National Rap Music Day
National Sisters Day
Our Lady of the Angels Day (Costa Rica)
Pantsu Day (Japan)
Paratroopers Day (Russia)
Republic Day (North Macedonia)
Roma Holocaust Memorial Day (EU)
Take a Penny, Leave a Penny Day
World Anglo-Indian Day
World Feed the Poor Day
World Find a Four Leaf Clover Day
Yeezy Day (Adidas)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Make Some Old-Fashioned Lemonade Day
Miracle Treat Day (Dairy Queen)
National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
Independence & Related Days
Butuan City Charter Day (Philippines; 1950)
Declaration of Independence 1st signed (US; 1776)
Kabankalan City Charter Day (Philippines)
Makira Ulawa Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Napoleon Bonaparte made 1st Consul for Life (France; 1802)
1st Friday in August
August Bank Holiday (UK) [1st Friday]
Bandcamp Friday [1st Friday]
Braham Pie Day (Minnesota) [1st Friday]
CafeSmart Day [1st Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
Health Advocate Day [1st Friday]
International Beer Day [1st Friday]
International Mustache Day [1st Friday]
Jeans for Genes Day (Australia) [1st Friday]
Moxee Hop Festival begins (Washington) [1st Friday]
National Water Balloon Day [1st Friday]
Tomboy Tools Day [1st Friday]
Twins Day Festival begins (Twinsburg, Ohio) [1st Full Weekend, begins 1st Friday]
Umuganura Day (Harvest Thanksgiving; Rwanda) [1st Friday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 2 (1st Week of August)
Gallop International Tribal Indian Powwow (thru 8.11)
Sturgis Motorcycle Rally (Sturgis, South Dakota) [1st Friday for 10 Days] (thru 8.11)
Twins Days (thru 8.4) [1st Full Weekend; Friday thru Sunday]
Festivals Beginning August 2, 2024
Appalachian Arts & Crafts Fair & Festival (Buckley, West Virginia) [thru 8.3]
Beer, Bourbon & BBQ Festival (Cary, North Carolina) [thru 8.3]
Blueberry Arts Festival (Ketchikan, Alaska) [thru 8.4]
Blueberry Festival (Wilton, Maine) [thru 8.3]
Brat Days (Sheboygan, Wisconsin) [thru 8.3]
Brew at the Zoo (Columbia, South Carolina)
Calgary Fringe Festival (Calgary, Canada) [thru 8.10]
Charlestown Seafood Festival (Charlestown, Rhode Island) [thru 8.4]
Clark Potato Days (Clark, South Dakota) [thru 8.4]
Cowtown Days Festival (Ellsworth, Kansas) [thru 8.4]
Creamery Picnic (Stevensville, Montana) [thru 8.3]
Dublin Irish Festival (Dublin, Ohio) [thru 8.4]
Edinburgh Festival Fringe (Edinburgh, Scotland) [thru 8.26]
Edinburgh International Festival (Edinburgh, Scotland) [thru 8.25]
Festa Italiana (Naperville, Illinois) [thru 8.4]
Festival of the Flowers in Medellín (Medellín, Colombia) [thru 8.11]
Fish Sandwich Festival (Bay Port, Michigan) [thru 8.3]
Glad-Peach Festival (Coloma, Michigan) [thru 8.4]
Glengarry Highland Games (Maxville, Canada) [thru 8.3]
Gorolski Święto (Jablunkov, Czech Republic) [thru 8.4]
Grape Country Craft Beverage Festival (Dunkirk, New York) [thru 8.4]
Guča Trumpet Festival (Guča, Serbia) [thru 8.4]
Indiana State Fair (Indianapolis, Indiana) [thru 8.18]
Locomotion Festival (Felton, California) [thru 8.4]
Mossyrock Blueberry Festival (Mossyrock, Washington) [thru 8.4]
New Jersey State Fair/Sussex County Farm and Horse Show (Augusta, New Jersey) [thru 8.10]
Newport Jazz Festival (Newport, Rhode Island) [thru 8.4]
North Branford PoCo Festival (North Branford, Connecticut) [thru 8.4]
Old Time Harvest Festival (Jordan, Minnesota) [thru 8.4]
One Love Reggae Festival (Wiesen, Austria) [thru 8.3]
Otakon (Washington, DC) [thru 8.4]
Pluk de Nacht Film Festival (Utrecht, Netherlands) [thru 8.10]
Possum Festival (Wausau, Florida) [thru 8.3]
Reggae on the River (Piercy, California) [tgru 8.4]
Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo (Edinburgh, United Kingdom) [thru 8.24]
Scranton Jazz Festival (Scranton, Pennsylvania) [thru 8.4]
Sidmouth Folk Festival (Sidmouth, United Kingdom) [thru 8.9]
Spiedie Fest and Balloon Rally (Binghamton, New York) [thru 8.4]
SunSka Festival (Vertheuil, France) [thru 8.4]
Sweet Pea Festival (Bozeman, Montana) [thru 8.4]
Taste of the Coeur d'Alene (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho) [thru 8.4]
Tokyo Idol Festival (Tokyo, Japan) [thru 8.4]
Vintage Ohio Wine Festival (Kirtland, Ohio) [thru 8.3]
Watsonville Strawberry Festival (Watsonville, California) [thru 8.4]
World Cosplay Summit (Nagoya, Japan) [thru 8.4]
Feast Days
Ahudemmeh (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Albert Bloch (Artology)
Alfonso A. Ossorio (Artology)
Arthur Dove (Artology)
Barley Day (Pagan)
Basil Fool for Christ (Russian Orthodox Church)
Bei Dao (Writerism)
Chateaubriand (Positivist; Saint)
Death of King Rufus Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Distribution of Charity Moneys (Strictly Imps Only; Shamanism)
Dryads Day (Greek Wood & Water Gods)
Elias (a.k.a. Ilia or Elijah the Prophet; Christian; Saint)
Etheldritha (a.k.a. Alfrida; Christian; Saint)
Eusebius of Vercelli (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Anahita (Ancient Persia; Everyday Wicca)
Feast of Our Lady of the Angeles of the Portiuncula (Franciscan Order)
Fomorian King Bres’ Agricultural Gifts Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Håkon Stenstadvold (Artology)
Holling C. Holling (Artology)
Ilinden Day (St. Elijah Day; Macedonia)
Isabel Allende (Writerism)
James Baldwin (Writerism)
Jan van Scorel (Artology)
John Radecki (Artology)
John French Sloan (Artology)
Justin Russolillo (Christian; Blessed)
Khao Phansa begins (Buddhist Lent; Thailand)
Lady of the Angels’ Day (Costa Rica)
Martian Time-Slip, by Philip K. Dick (Novel; 1964)
Monster Monster (Muppetism)
Peter Faber (Christian; Saint)
Peter Julian Eymard (Christian; Saint)
Perdono di Assisi (Pardon of Assisi), the plenary indulgence related to St.Francis of Assisi originated in the church of Porziuncola (Catholic Church)
Richard Wilson (Artology)
Robert Holdstock (Writerism)
Robert Goddard Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Samuel David Ferguson (Episcopal Church)
Samuel Dirksz van Hoogstraten (Artology)
Sidwell (Christian; Saint) [Farmers]
Stephen I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Theodots (Christian; Martyr)
Thomas of Dover (Christian; Saint)
Vermicelli Day (Pastafarian)
Virgin of Los Angeles Day (Costa Rica)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
American Graffiti (Film; 1973)
Castle in the Sky (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 1986)
Doc Hollywood (Film; 1991)
Doing Impossible Stunts (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1940)
Don’t Look Back, by Boston (Album; 1978)
Emma (Film; 1996)
Europa Report (Film; 2013)
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (Film; 2019) [F&F]
Follow That Bird (Film; 1985)
In the Heat of the Night (Film; 1967)
It’s a Greek Life (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1936)
Lady, Play Your Mandolin! (WB MM Cartoon; 1931)
The Others (Film; 2001)
The Pebbles on the Beach, by Clarence Ellis (Geology Book; 1954)
Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-Sharp Minor, “The Moonlight Sonata,” by Ludwig Van Beethoven (Piano Sonata; 1802)
The Suburbs, by Arcade Fire (Album; 2010)
Testament of Youth, by Vera Brittain (memoir; 1933)
2 Guns (Film; 2013)
Weird Science (Film; 1985)
Today’s Name Days
Eusebius, Julian, Petrus, Stefan (Austria)
Anđela, Arnir, Euzebije (Croatia)
Gustav (Czech Republic)
Hannibal (Denmark)
Helger, Helgo, Holger, Olger (Estonia)
Kimmo (Finland)
Julien (France)
Adriana, Eusebius, Juliam, Julan (Germany)
Justinianos (Greece)
Lehel (Hungary)
Eusebio (Italy)
Norma, Normunds, Stefans (Latvia)
Alfonsas, Guoda, Gustavas, Tautvaldas (Lithuania)
Karen, Karin (Norway)
Alfons, Alfonsyna, Borzysława, Gustaw, Ilia, Karina, Maria, Stefan (Poland)
Stefan (Romania)
Gustáv (Slovakia)
Ángeles, Eusebio (Spain)
Kajsa, Karin (Sweden)
Alf, Alfie, Alfonsina, Alfonso, Alford, Alfred, Alfreda, Alfredo, Alonso, Alonza, Alonzo, Alphonso, Fonzie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 215 of 2024; 151 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of Week 31 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 28 (Wu-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 27 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 26 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 5 Purple; Fryday [5 of 30]
Julian: 20 July 2024
Moon: 4%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 18 Dante (8th Month) [Chateaubriand]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 44 of 94)
Week: 1st Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 12 of 31)
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