#national mother goose day
murderousink23 · 5 months
05/01/2024 is Beltane 🇮🇪, Law Day ⚖️🇺🇸, National Chocolate Parfait Day 🇺🇸, National Loyalty Day 🇺🇸, National Mother Goose Day 🇺🇸, National Silver Star Service Banner Day 🇺🇸, National Bike to School Day 🚲🏫🇺🇸
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razzberrydazz · 4 months
Went and found this old circa 2020 sketchpage of Avatar Azula from when I first baked up this idea. More ramblings about said au idea under the cut
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Of course they don't know Azula is the avatar, at first. They still assume the avatar must be a sole surviving elderly airbender, or a waterbender in hiding. But due to the imperial carnage the fire nation empire has left across the nations, the airbender avatar died among the slaughter and genocide of the air nomads. The water and earth born avatars died without having discovered they were avatars in the first place, either living a quiet life in the swamp or dying as teens before their destiny could be revealed.
In this au not every airbender was slaughtered, the nomad groups that weren't at the air temples survived the initial carnage, and upon discovering the deaths of their family and teachers, went into hiding. Rumors of surviving airbenders circulate and eventually reach the fire nation, spurring them to launch searches both to eradicate the remaining survivors and to find the assumedly airbender avatar.
Zuko still was scarred by Ozai and sent on his wild goose chase to find the avatar, unaware that said avatar was right under his nose, living with him, his own sister.
Azula didn't know she was the avatar either, though her mother seemed to know, and so her mother disappeared and ran away to protect that information. Azula, the golden child, a prodigy at firebending capable of producing blue flames and propelling herself into flight. How could she know her flying with flames was also bolstered by airbending? Airbending in reality is practically invisible, unless there's enough dust or other debris to show the air flow. If there's so much fire in the air to mask that it is the air itself being bent, no one would suspect a thing. Heating up humid air to produce steam, that's still firebending, right? Right? And lava bending, that's still fire. The little lies she tells herself to avoid the revelation that she is the avatar.
Meanwhile, Aang does find the little village in the southern water tribe, and meets Katara and Sokka. Originally I was thinking Aang would be an old man, but nah let him be a 12 year old, an actual 12 year old, raised by surviving air nomads and Guru Pathik, and Aang ran away after a fire nation ship (carrying Zuko) attacked the nomads while they were resting on a beach. Aang took Appa and flew away, terrified, and somehow ends up at the southern water tribe village days later. He's a kid, he doesn't want to face the horror that the caravan he grew up in is likely dead, so he tries to distract himself with the thought of riding otter penguins, up until the imposing fire nation vessel stopped at the village's shores.
These fire nation soldiers accuse Aang of being the avatar and demand he be handed over, and the events of episode one happen, and through airbending and hijinks alone he escapes and joins Katara and Sokka on a quest to go to the north pole to find the northern water tribe. This time not for Aang to learn waterbending, but for Katara to find a waterbending master.
Azula comes into play when news gets back that Zuko has supposedly spotted the avatar and nearly caught him... and this news comes a day after Azula makes the horrifying revelation that she can waterbend. She must hide this revelation from her father, and from everyone else for that matter. She approaches her father and asks to go on her own search for the avatar, and drags Ty Lee and Mai along for her mission.
Once it's just the three of them alone, already on a boat to embark, she reveals her secret to them, she is the avatar. And if Ozai finds out he'll kill her to make an example of her. Now her goal is to try and covertly travel the world to learn how to bend the four elements, before her father can find out, so that when he does find out, she'll be able to stand her ground against him.
Azula's terrified of her father, and loves him in the twisted way she does, and so perhaps she rationalizes to herself that revealing she's the avatar after having already mastered all the elements would ingratiate her to him, so that she could prove a useful asset. If that doesn't work, she will fight to take his place. A Fire Lord Avatar.... she likes the sound of that.
Of course, over the course of her travels, she'll learn about all the bullshit the fire nation has caused, and that some air benders survived, and that the fire nation committed genocide by ambush against the air nomads. Does she necessarily care? No. She wants to be feared, she could maintain order and balance through fear, right? Right?
Her band runs into Appa on the water, and through various shenanigans and misunderstandings then finally explaining, she reveals Aang is not the avatar, she is, and she needs him as her teacher if she's to master the elements as quickly as she can without her father finding out.
And so the ruse begins. Team avatar keeps up the lie that Aang is the avatar, while Azula touts that she will be his firebending teacher, and as they travel she has him teach her airbending. Azula donning a cloak and once they deal with Kyoshi island hijinks, choosing to dress and don herself up as a kyoshi warrior to hide her identity for whenever they encounter fire nation peeps. If Zuko weren't so dense he would have realized quickly the kyoshi warrior fighting him was his sister. Iroh realized it was her, but kept his mouth shut, knowingly.
Just ahhhh the antics, the antics, do you understand my vision
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mask131 · 4 months
So you want to know about Oz! (2)
In 1986, an anime was released in Japan: Ozu no Mahoutsukai (which is just "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" in Japanese).
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This animated series was an adaptation not just of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", the first Oz novel by Baum, but of all those that would follow! You had book 2, "The Marvelous Land of Oz", and book 3, "Ozma of Oz"... But then we jump to book 6, "The Emerald City of Oz", which forms the grand conclusion of the series. Book 4 and 5 were not adapted... completely cut out.
Why? Because these two books are, unfortunately, skippable.
Last time I left you on the enormous, ever-growing success of the original Oz trilogy. Now I want to present you... the curse that befell the creator of Oz.
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L. Frank Baum wasn't just "the guy who wrote The Wizard of Oz". He was an author for children first and foremost, and he wrote a LOT of other books outside of his Oz stuff. His other most famous children work to this day, the only one able to rival his Oz creation, was his 1902's The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, which was a work of fictional fundamental in the development of the modern image of Santa Claus:
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But this was truly the only one of his other works that escaped the shadow of the Oz-mammoth... Before and in parallel to his Oz trilogy, Baum had written many other things. "Mother Goose in Prose", "American Fairy Tales", "The Enchanted Island of Yew", "Queen Zixi of Ix", "Sam Steele's Adventures on Land and Sea", "John Dough and the Cherub"... But none of these books became as successful or famous as his Oz novels. Worse: they sold really bad.
Everybody wanted Oz books. More Oz books, more Oz books! And while Baum had quite some fun working on "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" and "The Marvelous Land of Oz"... he had never intended to serialize them. For him they were stand-alone novel, and that was done. But since his audience only asked for more Oz books, and disdained his other works, well, he had to do what paid! And so he continued the Oz novels... but with a certain "bad will" that clearly transpires in his work.
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This already pops up by the third Oz book, "Ozma of Oz".
The first two Oz novels followed a specific rule: the story must happen in the Land of Oz, which is a magical land enclosed and shielded from the rest of the world. The Land of Oz is surrounded by a gigantic desert that one cannot cross unless exceptional events. Beyond this, is the human world... Yes, that's something people tend to forget: in his original vision for the Land of Oz, Baum wanted this magical land to be... somewhere on the American continent. Right in the middle of the 1900s American nations. Hence how a simple tornado can carry a little girl from Kansas to Oz... This is also explicitely told in the second book, where the characters cross the desert by accident, and discover "the world Dorothy came from".
But by Ozma of Oz, the rule was broken. Dorothy gets carried away by a storm in... a new land, the Land of Ev, who as it turns out exists outside of Oz, beyond the desert... Ozian characters cross the desert and join Dorothy in this new land, and most of the story is spent discovering this entire new setting.
While it is very pleasant and delightful to read, and brings some interesting worldbuilding, this already betrays the annoyance Baum was starting to feel towards Oz itself... He had written two novels taking place in Oz, and he was starting to run out of ideas. He had conceived two self-contained novels, two "one-shots" if you wish, and had no idea how to continue within Oz itself. So his solution was to take the characters everybody loved and wanted (he did brought back Dorothy in "Ozma of Oz" BECAUSE his audience kept asking him "Why wasn't Dorothy in the sequel?), but place them in a new "magical land" where he could have a breath of fresh air and work a new plot. This is what makes "Ozma of Oz" so interesting... But it was what would cause the start of the Oz downfall...
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In 1908, Baum published "Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz", the fourth book of the Oz series. And a good part of this novel is... Dorothy, alongside the Wizard of Oz himself (who returns after his last appearance in the original novel), ending up sent into an underground realm, and exploring various magical chthonian lands as they try to make their way back to the surface... The last portion of the story does take place in Oz, mind you, but the bulk of the story is in random lands and realms Baum invented just for this book and never reuses later. Because at this point, Baum, who was stuck into doing Oz books but didn't want to continue Oz-stories, had decided to use a trick: only have the Oz protagonists but not the Oz land. Have Oz appear in the last chapters, but only after two thirds of adventures everywhere but in Oz. This was his way to still give what the audience wanted (more Oz adventures) without actually writing Oz books, but rather other fantasies that happened to connect with Oz...
This formula would be repeated with the fifth book of the series, which I'll talk about later, and unfortunately it creates a sincere drop in quality in those two novels. While very inventive, and entertaining to a certain extent (if you ignore some heavy doses of racism and old-fashioned xenophobia here and there), these novels are not as good or memorable as the original trilogy, and for one precise reason... They have no over-arching plot. They are just... travel stories. You have a set of characters, swept away into magical lands, travelling the lands, then partying in Oz and returning home. Gone is the "Quest to have our wish granted" of the first book, gone is the "national revolution mixed with a quest for a lost heir to the throne" of the second book, gone is the "let's save an imprisoned royal family" of the third book... Now it's just "Oh, looks like we randomly dropped into a fairy-land! Let's promenade a bit and then return home". An "Alice in Wonderland" type of non-plot, basically... but without the Alice in Wonderland charm.
Things are even sadder when you look at the fifth book of the series, "The Road to Oz".
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At least with "Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz", there was a semblance of a mini-plot at the end, when everybody arrived in Oz. You had criminal charges and a trial, and competition-debates as to whether mundane or magical beings are better... But with "The Road to Oz"? You have literaly zero plot. The characters just get dragged from vision to vision, from land to land, and when they arrive in Oz, it is just to have a party, and then they literaly return home once it is over.
But the true desperation of Baum comes from this specific party... Because what Baum did in this novel was maybe the first "crossover event" of the history of American literature. All of the guests at the party are characters that never appeared before in any of the Oz books so far... They are characters straight out of Baum's other, non-Oz, children books! Characters from "The Magical Monarch of Mo", "Queen Zixi of Ix", "John Dough and the Cherub", and many other books you probably never heard about (and that the Oz readers at this point also never heard about!). Yet these characters were described in detail and given quite a space in the final act of the book...
This was because Baum was tired of Oz hogging all of the attention and money. He was so sad at seeing his other children works be forgotten and ignored by mass audience that he literaly decided to bring them into his Oz series in hope that it would interest his Ozian readers and encourage them to check out the other books he did. Yes you heard it right, this novel... as just an big ad for Baum's other books. That's how tired he was of Oz.
And, unfortunately for him, it did not work...
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Cut to 1910. L. Frank Baum releases his sixth Oz book "The Emerald City of Oz"... that he also intends to be his final.
With "The Emerald City of Oz" we have the grand finale! Dorothy decides to leave Kansas and to settle permanently in Oz! She brings with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry who are given a complete tour of the Land of Oz! Meanwhile the greatest and most terrible ennemies Oz ever faced gather for an invasion! And, in the final chapter, Glinda the Good Witch decides that enough is enough, Oz had enough troubles from the outside world: she casts a spell that will make Oz unreachable by anyone from the human world...
And thus, Baum with teary eyes says goodbye to his character, and encourages his audience to say farewell to Oz, as the gates of the Marvelous Land close forever...
Who are you kidding? No, not the end! Cursed, Baum was, CURSED! Despite him writing EVERYTHING needed for the grand, conclusive finale, despite him literaly writing "IT'S OVER GET OUT"... His other books didn't sell. His other series didn't start. And he kept being pressured by all sides to write more and more Oz books.
As such, by 1914... a seventh Oz book was made. Opening with Baum writing basically "Sigh... So you know how I told you no other Oz story could be made, because there's this magical barrier and I will never know what happens behind it anymore? Well... sigh... turns out they have radio, somehow? And so... double-sigh. And so I have broadcast in Oz, which means... you'll get more Oz books."
Next post: How we got a HELL LOT of more Oz books
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treason-and-plot · 5 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
I was tagged by @anamoon63 and @bool-prop, thank you very much! I chose Mia because I miss her dearly and I need to zip over to Isla Paradiso and visit her ASAP!
Subject: Mia Nichols
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Mia’s uncommon fear is another one of her lovers dying. Her common fear is that something happens to her mother, Nanette.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Cookie’s existence.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Her signature vanilla body spray and loose tampons and condoms 
What do they notice first in a person?
Their sex appeal.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? 6
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Mia is a fighter.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Mia is the only child of a single mother.
What animal represents them best?
Bichon frisé- because of her fluffy hair and friendly nature (unless your name is Cookie!)
What is a smell that they dislike?
The smell of overflowing ashtrays. When she was a waitress this smell always used to make Mia dry-retch.
Have they broken any bones?
She broke a couple of ribs while out surfing with her fiancé Luke one day.
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How would a stranger likely describe them?
Blonde, bubbly and chatty with legs for days.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
A night owl. Mia does NOT like getting out of bed early.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
She hates the taste of aniseed and loves the taste of potatoes deep-fried in goose fat.
Do they have any hobbies?
Sex, video games, watching soap operas, going to the movies, socialising, fantasizing about her wedding to Raj.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Mia loves surprises and would be thrilled! She detests routine and monotony. The more surprises life can throw at her, the better!
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Mia’s pride and joy was her engagement ring, which was lost during an altercation with a creep called David. Even though she still mourns its loss, it did enable her to move on from Luke’s death. But no other piece of jewellery has ever been so important to her.  
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Messy. Mia is self-conscious about her handwriting as well as her lack of literacy skills. She will go to any lengths to avoid her handwriting and poor spelling being seen by others.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Excitement and desire.
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Not really, but Mia isn't into housework so any fabric she did prefer would be drip dry and non-iron.
What kind of accent do they have?
Mia was born in bred in Isla Paradiso, but it would be hard for anyone in Sim nation to discern a particular dialect or accent as coming from there.
I would like to tag @papermint-airplane @changingplumbob @windermeresimblr @streetlites and @wannabecatwriter @profoundlyburningsimscollection and @stargazer-sims. No pressure ever, feel free to ignore!
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I had to substitute it for arse, sorry. Exploratory fic I began to explore some character dynamics and what the lifestyle of 4 growing nations and their mother in their last real time together would be like in a slightly Post-Roman Iron Age estate as the Migration period picks up and Germanic peoples cross the North Sea to make a home. I believe of these earlier themes have their origin with @balladofthewhitehorse.
5th Century AD, Cumbria
"Rhys," Alasdair appeared at the fence line, his face gloomy. Rhys had stopped here for his mid-day meal halfway between where the shepherds had herded the sheep in the northernmost glen and their home behind on the hill. It'd been a long two days in the hills. He offered the cider flask to his brother as Alasdair approached, his frown deepening. It wasn't raining, and the day's work wouldn't have been hard. Bad news, then. It was always bad news.
"What is it this time?"
"Rot in the south store."
"Oats, rye or wheat?" Rhys asked. The rye they might go without, but the rain hadn't come so early that anything else should rot.
"Fuck." Rhys sat on the low wall of flagstones and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fuck,"
He glanced up. His brother looked even more dour. "Gods, what else?"
"Seven horses," Alasdair said, sitting beside Rhys, boneless and upset.
Rhys gaped at him. "Seven? That's three more than were sick yesterday!"
"It's spreading." Alasdair shrugged helplessly. "I took the healthy ones into the third stables, and it didn't help."
"Is it distemper?"
"I didn't think so," Alasdair said. "They weren't so feverish, and there wasn't pus, but now I don't know.
"So, no horses to sell this year. At least half the oats are gone."
"Rhys." Alasdair's ingot grey gaze fell heavily, and Rhys glanced at his brother.
"I know," He said, and Alasdair didn't look convinced. He looked at his elder brother with a firm look. "I know."
"If we can't pay the tributes…"
He thought of the mustached helmets of the German kings and exhaled. "We don't know that we can't pay. There's plenty to sell."
"It's not just a lack of goods I'm worried about. It's been a bad year for everyone. There might not be anyone to sell to."
"There must be," Rhys said, pulling his cloak tighter over his shoulders. "There will be. We'll figure it out."
"I suppose all we can do is pray," Alasdair said.
Rhys frowned. Alasdair was the one with a mind for numbers, but he always worried, and they always managed before. So what if the horses would not fetch the total price if they were ill come market day? There was still the wool, the fine worked saddles he and Alasdair had made the year before, and plenty of cattle, sheep, honey and mead to sell. There were options. They had options.
"I'll see to the horses; if none of them die, we'll be fine," Alasdair said. "We have ore too. I might get a good price for my boar spears."
"Maybe," Rhys said. His hope was teetering precariously on the assumption that his brother was overly worried.
There was an unspoken sense of doom between them, both praying their worries were unfounded. Rhys grimaced after they parted ways at the outer gate, Alasdair marching off to the stables and Rhys to the poultry yard and the hives. One of the women in his mother's service alerted him to the fact that another of the hives had gone dark with rot. Honey was expensive, and now there wouldn't be enough to sell and use themselves over the long winter. Rhys waved her off with a pinched-off smile.
He stood in the poultry yard for a long moment, leaning against the half gate that kept the hens, quail, and ducks safe in their enclosure and away from the hounds. He watched Arthur tumble after a goose, laughing as it squawked and ducked him. Their dinner pail of scraps and grain was sitting neglected as he played, but Rhys looked on, letting him play. They'd have to keep more honey than what he'd wanted to sell, if only for Arthur's sake. Honey cakes with stored apples and cheese or on bread were one of those precious things that would cheer him when the worst of the winter gloom gripped him worse than any of them. Arthur rolled to a halt, cackling as the goose bobbed angrily and finally noticed him.
"Rhys!" He grinned, leaping to his feet and making a beeline for him. He exhaled a loud "oomph" as Arthur knocked into him, throwing his arms around him. "You're back!"
"I was only gone a night," He laughed. "How is Mother? And where is your cloak? Have you lost it again?"
"The same," Arthur said. "Maybe a little better. She laughed this morning when I fell right on my arse out of bed. Bridgie pushed me."
"Good! And you probably deserved it. You kick in your sleep." He replied, and his smile was genuine. Mother had at least made an effort to shake her recent gloom then. She'd been thinner, paler, and sadder than he'd ever seen her in the last few years, and it hadn't gotten any better as the days became shorter. "And your cloak?"
"I forgot it!"
"You'll catch your death." Rhys ruffled his hair. "Hurry and feed the birds and come in for dinner."
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coolhandlukes · 2 years
Hii 😊 I would love to know (if you can share!) your favourite IceMav’s AO3 stories?? Like your top ones to def recommend others to read!
just be mindful of the tags and ratings:
@topgunreacts' the auction is one of the very first icemav fics i've discovered on ao3 and it is still as good and as hilarious as the first time i read it
@qin-ling wrote a lot of amazing icemav goods but my personal favorite is their no fear, just faith series <3 tiptoeing around each other icemav is always a good icemav and goose suffering because of their antics will never not be funny to me
@compacflt's easier done than said cleared my skin watered my crops formed friendships and ended world poverty by their version of what happens between icemav during the 30 something years timeskip. i'm rather picky when it comes to iceman but this one the entirety of it i read all his lines and thoughts in val's voice, from the beginning to the end. so, so good.
always re-read kings of the air by @fabula-unica the mother who raised me since my batlantern days who turns out to be one of the og icemav nation in the year of our lord and savior 2010
this is more ice and bradley than icemav but definitely read mr. blue sky by omnidirectional. i don't know what else to tell you other than this changed the trajectory of my life and i can no longer imagine a top gun lore without icemav being godparents to bradley and ice being one of the most influential figures in bradley's formative years
currently i am enjoying @mavspeed's cloaked in the bruises of our failures which is a genius retelling of what if it was the '86 class who flies the uranium mission. spicy and complicated good stuffs that fit perfectly to my liking.
i've got different lists depending on the occasions and moods so this is not a comprehensive list of everything that i like and just a very few on the top of my mind. happy to share more if you're looking for something more specific!
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uhlikzsuzsanna · 1 year
Poetry for Every Day of the Year: National Theatre Talks
Join us for an hour of poetry dedicated to the people of Ukraine, read by actors on stage at the National Theatre. Allie Esiri was joined by Asa Butterfield, Ṣọpẹ́ Dìrísù, Kate Fleetwood, Tom Hiddleston, Dária Plahtíy and Helena Bonham Carter. Chris Riddell live drew the evening.
Signed copies of both A Poet for Every Day of the Year and A Nursery Rhyme for Every Night of the Year are available from the National Theatre Bookshop. Every purchase supports the work of the National Theatre: https://shop.nationaltheatre.org.uk/c...
This event was performed on the Olivier stage, National Theatre, London on Friday 17 March 2023.
As you enjoy watching please consider making a donation in support of the Disaster Emergency Committee’s Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. All donations directly support people in Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Moldova, and Hungary.
Text POETRY to 70150 to donate £10.
Texts cost £10 plus your standard network charge. The whole £10 will go to the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. You must have bill payer’s permission.
Or visit DEC.org.uk/Ukraine to donate online. *
2:13 Lift Every Voice and Sing (James Weldon Johnson)
4:57 Rain (Don Paterson)
6:44 Little Gidding (T S Eliot)
10:02 Words, Wide Night (Carol Ann Duffy)
11:31 Love After Love (Derek Walcott)
13:28 Coupling (Fleur Adcock)
14:17 Variation on a Lennon and McCartney Song (Wendy Cope)
15:15 He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven (W B Yeats)
16:23 On being asked for a War Poem (W B Yeats)
17:22 Atlantis--a Lost Sonnet (Eavan Boland)
19:00 I See You Dancing, Father (Brendan Kennelly)
20:36 Michael Finnegan (Anon)
22:58 Old Mother Goose (Anon)
25:44 Three Wise Men of Gotham (Anon)
26:22 Today I Saw a Little Worm (Spike Milligan)
26:36 The Tickle Rhyme (Ian Serraillier)
26:48 Roses are red (Anon)
27:02 A peanut sat on a railroad track (Anon)
27:16 Soldier, Soldier (Anon)
29:28 Funeral Blues (W H Auden)
31:52 June, 1915 (Charlotte Mew)
33:10 To My Brother (Vera Brittain)
34:44 Requiem for the Croppies (Seamus Heaney)
36:28 At least now, my friend says (Serhiy Zhadan)
38:54 Sun, terrace, lots of green (Serhiy Zhadan)
40:44 The city is no more (Iryna Shuvalova)
43:20 From The Book of Sir Thomas More (William Shakespeare)
46:41 Home (Warsan Shire)
49:11 Refugees (Brian Bilston)
51:55 Small Kindnesses (Danusha Laméris)
55:45 Extract from The Caucasus (Taras Shevchenko)
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day 3 - war is over - Coyote and Rebel
a/n: seeing everyone in my notes re-reading same mistakes makes me think there’s no better time for this... i have been working on this since july and (forgot about it) decided to add this to ficmas since it was halfway done. if you remember Coyote being from anywhere other than Savannah Georgia, no you don’t, and if you see any inconsistencies, no you don’t.
summary: The Christmas Coyote and Rebel spent together
title comes from happy x-mas (war is over) by john lennon 
12 days of ficmas | main masterlist | top gun: maverick masterlist | same mistakes-verse 
warnings: swearing, homesickness, angst, death of a parent, Javy’s mom is certifiably The Best, naming Coyote’s sisters was the hardest thing i’ve ever done, i still don’t know how the Navy works, i hate John Lennon but this song fit so well, disclaimer i’ve never been to Georgia, i mention the government shutdowns in passing, the end’s kind of rushed but i wanted to get this done
word count: 3,951
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You sighed, sinking farther down into the seat on the couch. You’d just gotten off the phone with your Dad, hearing what you’d already suspected, that he wouldn’t be able to make it home for the holidays. You’d already called Ice, only to learn he was going to be in D.C. over the holidays for Navy business. He’d told you you were welcome to join him and Sarah out there, but spending the holidays being chummy with the Navy’s top leaders and the nation’s politicians sounded less than ideal. You could go home, but you’d be going home to an empty house with no family to spend it with. 
The common room door opens and you don’t look up, instead choosing to kick your legs up and move so that you were fully laying down. You grabbed a pillow and shoved it over your face, willing yourself not to scream. 
The holidays got harder every year, you and Dad got farther apart, and with Ice’s illness, it just... never made for a happy holiday. Which sucked, because Christmas was arguably your favorite holiday. 
A familiar laughter rang out as you hear the footsteps stop next to the couch. You hear shuffling and then weight being pressed on the back end of the couch. “All good there Rebel?”
“’m fine.” You mumbled into the pillow and he chuckled again. Hands you didn’t see gently wrestled the pillow away from your face and you blinked, taking in the sight of your best friend. 
“Try again. Couldn’t quite hear that.” You sighed, rolling so your back was facing him.
“I’m fine Coyote.” He sighed.
“Oh yeah, I’m sure you are.” He says and you hear his footsteps move into the little kitchenette. You can hear him make coffee and you glance up at him when his legs appear in front of you. He offers you a cup and you take it, eyeing it. 
“I didn’t need this.” He nods, taking a sip of his own drink. 
“Oh yeah, this is more for me, but my mother raised a gentleman.” He pulls the armchair closer to the coffee table across from you and sets his drink down, gesturing his hands towards you. “Okay, out with it, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” You say, shifting to sit up in a cross-legged position. He raises an eyebrow. 
“You’re a terrible liar.” You shoot him a look but he doesn’t waver and you set the cup down on the coffee table. 
“It’s stupid.”
“I guarantee you it’s not.” You sigh, wondering how to approach it. You shrug, grabbing the pillow from the back of the couch to have something to play with. 
“Just the holidays. I found out from Dad he’s not gonna be able to come home for Christmas and my godfather is going to be in D.C. so I don’t have any family to spend it with. I’ll probably go home anyways, but it’s gonna be tough going back to an empty house, knowing I’ll be spending the holiday alone. Again. I don’t know, stuff like this makes me realize how much the Navy has torn my family apart and I can’t think too far into that or it’ll make me really upset.” 
Wasn’t that the understatement of the century. 
Bradley hadn’t spoken to you in years, Goose was gone, Carole was gone, Mom was God knows where, Ice was busier and busier, Dad getting further away with every admiral he pissed off. 
Coyote sighed. “Sounds real tough of a problem you’ve got there.” You narrow your eyes at him.
“K, last time I tell you anything.” He chuckles. 
“How long’s your leave for?”
“Same as yours. I’ve got to be back on the 4th.” He sighs, eyeing you. “What?”
“Why don’t you come home with me for the holidays?” 
“No.” You confirm as he stares at you.
“Why? Why do you hate me so? Don’t want to spend your favorite holiday with your best friend?”
“And impede on his family’s celebration? No thank you.” You say, shaking your head. 
“You wouldn’t be impeding. Mom loves to host and you’ve never been to Savannah. I can take you, show you around, make us even for the San Diego trip.” You sigh, shifting in your seat, tapping the mug.
“Coyote, I don’t know... You sure your Mom would be okay with it?” He nods. 
“Positive. Mom would love to have you.” 
“Okay, if you’re certain.” He nods again.
“I am.” A smile break out over his face. “Oh, this is gonna be so fun, my sister’s are gonna love you.” 
“Okay, so walk me through it again one more time.” Coyote looks up at you from his phone. You’re sat on your suitcase as you sit at the busy Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport. 
Wasn’t that a mouthful. 
You’re sitting off to the side at the pick-up area, waiting for one Coyote’s sisters to come get you. “Okay, Robin’s my Mom. The kindest woman you will ever meet. Heart of gold. She’ll love you. Viola’s the youngest at 14. She’s very sassy. Scarlet is the middle sister and she’s 23. She just graduated from college with a B.S. in Political Science. And then there’s Willow, whose 26 and 6 months pregnant. Her husband is Alex and they’re having a baby boy. They will ask you for name suggestions.” You nod, appreciating Coyote’s extra tidbits, so you at least had a starting point. “And if Mom happens to make a comment about us dating, ignore it.” Your eyes widen, starting to panic. 
“What? Coyote, I love you but not that much. Don’t tell me you told your Mom we’re dating.” He shook his head.
“No, I was very clear we’re just friends and that you needed somewhere to go for the holidays but she- first time I’m bringing a girl home, friend or not, and she’s getting excited. She thinks that if she just encourages it she’ll get another grandchild out of it.” You snort, playing with a string on your NAVY hoodie. 
“She should meet my Dad.” 
“Anyways, she’ll drop it after the first day or so, but she’s excited.” You stare at your shoes, scuffing them against the wet concrete. “Hey, I’m serious, it’ll be fine. Everyone’s excited to meet you and you’re gonna have a good time. Look, here’s Scarlet now.” He says as a car pulls up. You bite your lip anxiously as a woman gets out from the front, moving to hug Coyote. “Scarlet!″ He exclaims, moving closer and you follow slowly, dragging your suitcase behind you. “It’s so good to see you!” 
Why was having luggage suddenly the most embarrassing thing in the world?
“Javy, did you get taller from the last time I saw you?” She says, bringing him back into another hug after giving him a once over. Your heart twists, thinking about what you should be doing with your Dad right now in San Diego. 
“Maybe.” He says, smirking as he pulls away again. “This is my best friend and wingman.” He says as he introduces you. Her attention turns to you as she takes you in. You smile nervously, rubbing your hands together. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Javy’s told me so much about you.” You say, offering her your hand and she looks at it. 
“Oh none of that, if you’re family to Javy, you’re family to me too. C’mhere.” She says warmly, pulling you into a hug. Her grip is tight, like Coyote’s, and you bring your arms up to wrap her in a hug. You’re hit with an overwhelming amount of homesickness in that moment and try to blink the tears away. “Alright, well, let’s get you both back to the house, yeah? Mom’s excited to see you both.” He nods and takes both of your suitcases while you climb in the back row of the car. The pair chat excitedly, getting each other caught up on their lives as you sit in the back, fiddling with your phone. 
Ice had texted you, asking how the flight had been, and you took the time to let him know you’d landed. You smiled as he asked for pictures from your trip and your fingers slipped quickly over the keyboard to confirm that yes, you’d send him and Sarah plenty of pictures. 
You looked out the window, taking in the city. It was different from your city, the city you called home, but it was Coyote’s so it would do. You bit down the homesickness you’d been feeling since you got to the Green Vipers, one that had only gotten worse since you’d been shot down. Before you know it, the car is pulling up in front of a cute little home, lights twinkling. You take a deep breath as Coyote turns in his seat to give you a thumbs up. You get out of the car as Coyote grabs your suitcases from the back and you pull your arms further back into your sweatshirt, not trying to show how nervous you were. His Mom opens the door and is quick to wrap him in a hug. You have to blink back tears as you get hit with another wave of missing your Dad. She fusses over him for a moment, but eventually lets him go and he moves to reveal you. 
“Mom, this is my best friend.” You extend a hand. 
“Hi ma’am, it’s nice to meet you.” You say and she brushes past your hand as she pulls you into a hug. 
The Machado family must have a gene, you think, for giving hugs that make you feel safe. 
You hug her back, blinking back your tears. You were supposed to be having a good trip and the homesickness would not ruin that. 
She finally lets you go, hands resting on your arms as she takes you in. “It’s very wonderful to meet you dear. I’m glad my boy has someone to look out for him.”
“I’d protect him with my life.” You say, the words ringing ever so true. She sighs, letting you go. 
“Have the two of you eaten? Come on in, let’s get you out of the cold and get some warm food in your stomachs.” Coyote pats you on the shoulder as you move inside the house, Coyote’s sister having taken the suitcases up to his room. His other two sisters are gathered on the living room couch, along with who you think is Willow’s husband, watching a Christmas movie. Alex pauses the movie and stands up, walking over to introduce himself as Willow waves from the couch. 
“I still don’t think she’s not your girlfriend Javy.” Willow calls from her seat on the couch and Coyote rolls his eyes. 
“She’s too pretty to be his girlfriend.” Viola calls and you snicker as he protests. He turns to you, catching your amused look. 
“Stop it.” He reprimands and you shake your head, laughing silently. He groans, turning back to his sisters, who are looking at him with shit-eating grins. 
“It’s gonna be a long two weeks, isn’t it?” 
“May I remind you that this was your idea?”
“Yeah, well, I’m heavily regretting it right about now.” 
Another laugh escapes you, making your shoulders shake as your best friend shoots you a look.
You slip outside into the backyard, admiring Robin’s garden as you answer your Dad’s call. The connection is weird as he cuts out for a few moments, giving you time to sit down on the stray folding chair left outside on the porch. “Dad?”
“Hey kiddo, sorry about that.”
“No worries.” You hum, running your hand through your wet hair, just having gotten out of the shower when you got the text that your Dad was going to call soon. You’d hurried to dress so you could slip outside and talk to him in private for a minute. 
“Happy holidays. How’s Georgia?”
“Good.” You answer, looking around the backyard. It’s small, and yet so uniquely the Machado’s. “Javy’s family is really nice.” 
“That’s good to hear. I’m happy you have someone to spend the holidays with.” 
“Mhmm.” You agree, feeling the lump crawl up your throat. “I really miss you, Dad.”
He sighs from the other end of the line. “I miss you too kiddo. Next Christmas, okay? I promise.” 
He never meant to but somehow those promises always ended up getting broken. 
You nod, even though he can’t see you. “Okay.” There’s shouting from the other end of the line and he sighs again. “Have to go so soon?”
“Yeah. Kiddo, I’m-”
“No worries Dad. Go save the world.” You say softly, standing up from your chair. 
“I love you, kiddo. I’ll call as soon as I can.” 
“I know. I love you too.” The call ends, the line going dead before you can say anything more. “Merry Christmas.” You whisper, looking back over the yard, where the rain is beginning to drizzle once more. Sighing, you slip back inside, drifting towards the kitchen in search of food. You pause just outside of it, catching Coyote’s voice murmuring softly. 
“-don’t think she’s enjoying herself.” 
“Javy, she’s in a new place spending the holidays with people she’s never met.” The voice belongs to Javy’s younger sister, Scarlet.
You hear him sigh. “Scar, I know- I just-”
“You want to make the holiday good for her. I get it Javy.”
“It’s more than that, she just has such a hard time with the people we work with and she needs something good-” 
You nudge the kitchen door open, slipping through it and effectively cutting him off. Scarlet offers you a smile, wrapping her hands tighter around her mug. “Hey, how’d you sleep?” 
You give a half-shrug, pulling the sleeves of your sweatshirt down further around your hands. “Okay. Where’d you disappear off to?” You asked, turning to Coyote. 
He waves a hand at the bag sitting on the counter. “Wanted to get fresh pastries at my favorite bakery in town. Was gonna ask if you wanted to come with, but you were already in the shower.” 
“Yeah, ‘m sorry about that. Needed to shower and then my Dad called.”
“How’s he doing?” You shrug, opening the bag.
“Dunno, we didn’t get that far. Can I?” You ask, looking up at him and he nods. 
“Be my guest.” 
You pick through the box in the bag, pretending you don’t see the look Javy shoots Scarlet. 
You’re propped up against the wall, scrolling through Twitter when Coyote slips through his bedroom door. It shuts with a click behind him as he walks towards the bed. He sighs, nudging your shoulder. “Scooch.”
You sigh and move, allowing him to take your spot as you pull your legs criss-cross underneath you. “You’re supposed to be sleeping on the floor.” You say, shooting him a look. He rolls his eyes, but says nothing more as you snicker. 
Coyote’s house was small, and Robin had insisted you have a bed to sleep in, leaving Coyote to sleep on an air mattress on the floor of his bedroom. It hadn’t actually panned out that way, you and Javy fine with sharing a bed with one another, but what his Mom didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. 
It’s quiet in the room as your eyes continue to flicker over the screen, now reading a thread about the looming possibility of a government shutdown, when Coyote speaks again. 
“You’re not having a good time.” He says quietly and your eyes flick up to look at him, even though he’s pointedly looking at the wall just behind you. 
You sigh, clicking the phone shut. “Coyote, that’s not-”
“You can admit it, it’s okay.” 
“No, no, it’s not that I’m not having a good time, I just-” You sigh again, struggling to find the words to voice just exactly what you were feeling. “You’re family has been wonderful. Your sisters are so funny and your Mom is so kind, it’s just-” You swallow, cheeks feeling hot as tears prick at your eyes. “Holidays are hard for me. They just-” You pause. 
The years when Carole was sick. The year where you were stationed halfway across the world and Dad was declared MIA. The first Christmas after Bradley left. The lonely years with just Ice and Sarah. Being passed around everyone’s Christmas celebrations because they all felt sorry for you. 
“They’re not a good time for me.” You finally say, voice soft in the stillness of the house. 
He sighs. “Why do you do that?”
“Do what?” 
“Say something like- say something that might finally let me into the truth about who you are and then stop yourself.” 
You narrow your eyes. “That’s not true, I don’t do that.” 
“Yes, you do!” He insists. 
“You’re my best friend Javy.” 
Suddenly, you’re at a loss for words, not sure what else to say other than that.
“And yet, I don’t know anything about you at all, not really.” 
You scoff, sliding off the bed and stand up. “If you don’t know me at all, then why invite me here? Better yet, why stick around and be my friend? Why stick your neck out for me?”
“Rebel, don’t go there.” He groans, one of his hands coming to rub his temple. You shake your head, clutching your phone in your hand as you walk around the bed and towards the door. “Rebel, where are you going?” 
“Why does it matter?” You mutter, pulling the door open. “I’ll get out of your way.” You slip down the stairs, pausing in the living room. Robin and Scarlet’s attention turns to you and you give them a small smile. 
“Sorry, I, uh- just came downstairs to get some water. Didn’t realize anyone else would still be awake.” You softly, eyes flickering over to the Christmas tree, it’s soft glow the only thing illuminating the room.
“No worries, honey.” Robin says sweetly as Scarlet stands up from the couch. 
“Well, I’m off to bed.” She says. “Goodnight Mom.” 
“Goodnight Scarlet.” 
You walk quietly towards the couch, taking Scarlet’s place as Robin’s mom continues to knit. “Are you having a good holidays, sweetheart?”
You nod, pulling your sweatshirt further around your fingers as you grab a blanket off the back of the couch. “Yes, I am. Thank you so much for having me; you have no idea how much I appreciate it.” 
She waves a hand. “Oh, it’s no trouble at all. I wasn’t all too surprised when Javy called me and told me that he had a friend he was bringing home with him for the holidays. I’ve lost count of the years his good friend Jake has spent the holidays with us.”
You raise an eyebrow at the mention of someone you had yet to hear of but said nothing more on the matter. “Anyways, I was just surprised you wouldn’t be going home for the holidays.” 
You shrug. “I would’ve liked to, but my Dad’s military. I don’t... I don’t get to see as much of him as I would like.” You say softly, crossing your legs under the blanket. 
She looks up at you. “I take it holidays are a tough time for you?” 
You nod silently, saying nothing more.
She sighs, setting her knitting needles down and moving closer to you. She takes your hands within her own, squeezing them. “The years after Javy’s Dad passed were a touch time for this family. Even before he passed it was hard, because he was never home, always traveling the world.” You look up at her. “Holidays can be a tough time for a lot of people, for so many reasons. But this is why you have people in your life to meet you where you’re at, to support you through the hard days, including the holidays. But you have to lean on them for the support.” 
You offer her a small smile. “You raised Javy well. I can tell where he gets his good heart from.” 
She chuckles, smiling. “He’s a good person, isn’t he?”
“The best I know.” She squeezes your hands again as there’s movement on the stairs, a figure appearing in the doorway. 
“The best you know?” You roll your eyes, slumping against the side of the couch. 
“Oh shut up.” He huffs out a laugh, walking into the room. Robin smiles and clears her throat, giving her son her place on the couch. 
“Well, I’m off to bed. Goodnight you two. Merry Christmas.” 
“Merry Christmas.” You both say softly as Coyote settles on the couch, pulling the pillow off the couch and up in to his arms as he sits next to you. He sighs, fingers running over a loose thread on the seam of the pillow. 
“Rebel, I’m sorry. I didn’t meant to upset you. I just- I want us to figure out how you trust me on the ground and not just in the air, but trust isn’t so easily given and I know that’s asking a lot from you, that that might be hard for you to do but I really want us-”
“This is my first Christmas not at home since my Dad was declared MIA.” His head swings over to face you as you continue. “It was a couple years ago and I’d just gotten re-assignment orders days before Christmas Eve. I’m not even really sure where in the world I was, I think  maybe I was in Germany, I don’t really know. But I got the call that night and I’ve just- I’ve always made a point to be home on Christmas since, even if he isn’t there.” 
“Rebel, I-”
“The holidays are really fucking hard for me, especially not being home, but how are you supposed to know that if I don’t fucking tell you? I’ve spent so many years being passed around because people feel sorry for me and it’s not-” You pause, feeling tears sting at your eyes. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, I just don’t-” You swallow. “I don’t trust myself. I don’t have a good track record with friendships and I can think of quite a few of my ex-friends who’d tell you to run in the other direction as fast as you possibly could. One probably wishes I was dead. I mean, you didn’t even like me at first and-”
“And it was a poor judgement call on my part because you are a kickass friend and my life would suck without you in it.” He interrupts.
You let put a watery laugh, reaching out to nudge his shoulder. “Shut up, you can admit I was kind of annoying-”
“Rebel.” He says, narrowing his eyes. “You’re a fucking amazing person and I’m lucky to call you my friend. I didn't invite you here because I felt sorry for you. I invited you here because you’re one of my closest friends and I wanted you to spend the holidays with people who loved and cared about you, even if it couldn’t be with your Dad. The last thing I wanna do is fight with you.” 
You sniff, pulling your sleeve to wipe away some of the tears. “I should’ve just been honest with you.”
“Yeah, but- holidays aren’t so simple. It’s not easy to explain why they’re hard and I understand it. I’ve lived through it and I know better than to an expect an answer.” 
You sigh as he moves closer, wrapping you in a hug. “Let’s go get some sleep and enjoy the rest of our trip, yeah?” 
You nod into his shoulders, wrapping your arms around him. “Yeah, okay.”
“And whatever you need, I’m here, okay?” 
You nod again, squeezing him. “I know.” 
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 8.28
Bow Tie Day
Crackers Over the Keyboard Day
Criminal Appreciation Day
Crumbs Between the Keys Day
Dream Day Quest and Jubilee
828 Day
Emerati Women’s Day (UAE)
Emmett Till Day
End of the Fairy Tale Day
Giving Black Day (a.k.a. Give 828)
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Green Shirt Guy Day
I Have a Dream Day
International Read Comics in Public Day
Manifest 828 Day
Mariamoba (Republic of Georgia)
National Bow Tie Day
National Grandparents Day (Mexico)
National Over It Day
National Power Rangers Day
National Thoughtful Day
Nativity of Nephthys (Egyptian Goddess of Love)
Race Your Mouse Around the Icons Day
Radio Commercial Day
Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day
Russian Germans Day (Germany)
Scientific American Day
Significant Historical Events Day
Tan Suit Day
Watermelon Day (French Republic)
World Day of Turners Syndrome
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Cheese Sacrifice Day
National Cherry Turnover Day
National Red Wine Day
Stuffed Green Bell Peppers Day
Subway Sandwich Day
4th & Last Monday in August
Araw ng mga Bayani (National Heroes’ Day; Philippines) [Last Monday]
August/Summer Bank Holiday (UK) [Last Monday]
International Day of Cyber Attack Ceasefire [Last Monday]
Liberation Day (Hong Kong) [Last Monday]
Motorist Consideration Monday [Monday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
Notting Hill Carnival (UK) [Last Monday & day before]
Social Justice Day (Antarctica) [4th Monday]
Independence Days
Holy Empire of Reunion (Declared; 1997) [unrecognized]
Luana (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Moldova (from USSR; 1991)
Ohio Empire (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Alexander of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Abkhazia)
Augustine of Hippo (Christian; Saint) [brewers] *
Ayyankali Jayanti (Kerala, India)
Constant Troyon (Artology)
Edmund Arrowsmith (Christian; Saint)
Edward Burne-Jones (Artology)
Feast of the Mother of God (Georgia, Macedonia, Serbia)
Festival for Luna (Ancient Rome)
Festival for Sol (Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Neon Revolution
First Onam (Rice Harvest Festival; Kerala, India)
Frank Gorshin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hermes of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Julian (Christian; Saint)
Junipero Serra (Christian; Saint)
Marimba (Virgin’s Assumption; Georgia)
Mariotte (Positivist; Saint)
Media Aestas III (Pagan)
More Rum Day (Pastafarian)
Moses the Black (Christian; Saint)
Uncle Norton the Elephant (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 40 of 60)
Animal Crackers (Film; 1930)
Cain's Jawbone, by E. Powys Mathers (Novel/Puzzle; 1934)
Come Clean, by Puddle of Mudd (Album; 2001)
The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas (Novel; 1844)
Do the Evolution, by Pearl Jam (Animated Music Video; 1998)
54 (Film; 1998)
Flying Leathernecks (Film; 1951)
Gallipoli (Film; 1981)
Get Rich Quick Porky (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
Honeymoon in Vegas (Film; 1992)
I Have a Dream, by Martin Luther King Jr. (Speech; 1963)
Let’s Get It On, by Marvin Gaye (Album; 1973)
Lohengrin, by Richard Wagner (Opera; 1850)
Mary of Scotland (Film; 1936)
Mickey’s Follies (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (TV Series; 1993)
Narcos (TV Series; 2015)
The New Mutants (Film; 2020)
Perri (Disney Film; 1957)
Personal, 19th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2014)
Phineas and Verb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe (Animated Film; 2020)
Private Lessons (Film; 1981)
Q. Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!, by Devo (Album; 1978)
Rope (Film; 1948)
Smile, by Katy Perry (Album; 2020)
Song of the Thin Man (Film; 1947)
Studio 54 (Film; 1998)
Tease for Two (WB LT Cartoon; 1965)
Travelling Without Moving, by Jamiroquai (Album; 1996)
The Truth About Mother Goose (Disney Cartoon; 1957)
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (Film; 1992)
Victoria (TV Series; 2016)
Walk This Way by Aerosmith (Song; 1975)
Yankee Doodle Bugs (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Today’s Name Days
Adelinde, Aline, Augustin (Austria)
Augustin, Tin (Croatia)
Augustýn (Czech Republic)
Augustinus (Denmark)
August, Gustav, Kustas, Kustav, Kusti, Kusto (Estonia)
Tauno (Finland)
Augustin, Elouan (France)
Adelinde, Aline, Augustin, Vivian (Germany)
Damon (Greece)
Ágoston (Hungary)
Agostino, Ermete (Italy)
Auguste, Guste, Ranna (Latvia)
Augustinas, Patricija, Steigvilė, Tarvilas (Lithuania)
Artur, August (Norway)
Adelina, Aleksander, Aleksy, Augustyn, Patrycja, Sobiesław, Stronisław (Poland)
Augustín (Slovakia)
Agustín (Spain)
Fatima, Leila (Sweden)
Agustin, August, Augusta, Augustina, Austen, Austin, Austina, Austyn, Gus, Gustava, Gustavo (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 240 of 2024; 125 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 35 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 13 (Wu-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 11 Elul 5783
Islamic: 11 Safar 1445
J Cal: 30 Hasa; Nineday [30 of 30]
Julian: 15 August 2023
Moon: 92%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 16 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Mariotte]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 68 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 7 of 32)
Calendar Changes
Rad (Motion) [Half-Month 17 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 9.9)
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murderousink23 · 1 year
05/01/2023 is Beltane 🔥🇮🇪, National Open Farm Day 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🇮🇪, New Zealand Music Month 🎶🇳🇿, Law Day 👩‍⚖👨‍⚖🇺🇲, National Chocolate Parfait Day 🍫🇺🇲, National Loyalty Day (*shudders*) 🇺🇲, National Mother Goose Day 🇺🇲, Silver Star Service Banner Day 🇺🇲, National Golf Month 🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♂️🇺🇲, Haitian Heritage Month 🇭🇹🇺🇲, South Asian Heritage Month 🇺🇲, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month 🇺🇲, National Military Appreciation Month 🇺🇲, National Melanoma Monday 🇺🇲, Jewish American Heritage Month ✡🇺🇲
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Tell A Fairy Tale Day
Gather round the fire, and make yourselves comfortable… National Tell A Fairy Tale Day is all about exploring myths and stories, old and new. From grim(m) tales to urban legends, tap the dark corners of your subconscious and see what you find…
History of National Tell A Fairy Tale Day
The sharing of magical, otherworldly stories is a tale as old as time. While the term ‘fairy tale’ was coined in 1697 by Madame d’Aulnoy (conte de fées in her native French), it’s likely that some fairy tales originated as early as the bronze age over 6,000 years ago. And for most of history, fairy tales have been passed on not in written form but via the oral tradition, with each generation telling and dramatizing stories to the next.
The fairy tale’s ancient roots can be traced all over the world, from Vikram-Betaal in India and Aesop’s Fables in Ancient Greece to Arabian Nights in the Middle East. It was during the late 17th to 19th centuries that fairy tale collectors emerged, most famously Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm. While the Brothers Grimm aimed to preserve folktales in their pure form, documenting them in the way they were told by rural peasants unable to read or write, Perrault and others reworked fairy tales for literary and artistic effect, with some writers such as Hans Christian Andersen dreaming up their own new stories.
As the fairy tale’s history emerges into the modern day, it’s clear that the genre is still as popular as ever – look no further than the success of Disney movies to see how these stories continue to capture our hearts and imaginations. In fact, the famous Disney castle is inspired by Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany, built by none other than the Märchenkönig (fairy-tale king), Ludwig II of Bavaria, himself. Perched on a rocky hill and with horse-drawn carriage rides up to the front door, Neuschwanstein and its elaborate interior abound in myths and legends – the castle is even home to an artificial grotto!
By celebrating National Tell A Fairy Tale Day, you’ll be continuing the magical tradition that has ensured fairy tales are still very much part of our lives to this day.
National Tell A Fairy Tale Day Timeline
3000 BC – 1200 BC Fairy Tales get their beginning
During the Bronze Age, stories are passed down orally through Eastern and Western Indo-European languages. This includes stories such as Jack and the Beanstalk, Beauty and the Beast, as well as many others.
1697 Term “Fairy Tale” is coined
French literary fiction writer, Madame d’Aulnoy publishes her own book of Fairy Tales and is the first to use the term which, in French, is conte de fées. She is one of many female fairy tale writers during this era.
1697 Charles Perrault publishes his first book
This French author publishes a story collection that not only includes Little Red Riding Hood, but the grouping is subtitled as “Tales of Mother Goose”.
Early 19th Century Brothers Grimm popularize Fairy Tales
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are German academics who collect stories from German folklore and retell them. Many of these stories are similar to those of French storyteller, Charles Perrault, from a century prior.
1837 Hans Christian Andersen publishes The Little Mermaid
Included in the first collection of Fairy Tales Told for Children, which is published in Copenhagen, The Little Mermaid is probably one of the most popular of Anderson’s tales.
How fairy tales change over time
Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of fairy tales is how they change over time. Simple plot structures, motifs and archetypal characters recurring across many cultures make these stories rife for adaptation and reinterpretation.
Although nowadays we usually associate fairy tales with children’s literature, you may be surprised to learn that many of today’s beloved stories have rather dark and disturbing origins. Imagine a world in which no woodcutter comes to save Little Red Riding Hood from the wolf’s belly, or in which one of the ugly stepsisters cuts off her own toes so that her foot fits in the slipper! From the 18th century onwards, many fairy tales were toned down and reworked so that they were more suitable for children.
These stories and the genre itself have also been adapted and reinvented for different time periods and cultures. Alongside original modern-day fairy tales, there are also various retellings, for example in urban settings or different countries. One particularly common type of retelling comes from women writers. Authors such as Angela Carter and Margaret Atwood have taken what are often seen as outdated tropes about women and reinvented them – the damsel in distress becomes the plucky heroine, and the trapped bride leaves her ogre husband for her happily ever after.
Why fairy tales are important
As it is often claimed Albert Einstein once said, “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” We might not expect such high praise for fairy tales from a world-famous theoretical physicist, but Einstein recognized the importance of the imagination. Fairy tales are incredibly valuable for both children and adults when it comes to learning about the world in which we live and developing our capacity for creativity. Fairy tales have also been considered fertile ground by psychoanalysts. With their twists and turns, age-old themes and familiar characters, our favorite stories may reveal not only the workings of our personal subconscious but also the fundamental elements of our collective psyche.
How to celebrate National Tell A Fairy Tale Day
It should be clear by now that, when it comes to celebrating National Tell A Fairy Tale Day, you really can let your imagination run wild! And while it’s a day that kids will love, it’s also a great occasion for adults too.
Gather your friends and family and take it in turns to share your favorite stories with one another. Time to brush up on your acting skills, as the more dramatic enactments the better – whether you’re good at impersonating a wicked witch or excel at acting out the characters’ quest through the enchanted forest, you’ll want to really make the tale come to life for your audience. And why not sit around a bonfire toasting marshmallows or string up some fairy lights in your living room to add to the atmosphere?
Alongside sharing the stories we know and love, fairy tales are the perfect genre for getting creative and honing your writing skills. Take a well-known story and tweak it to fit a different time or setting, or have a crack at inventing your own. It may well start with ‘Once upon a time’, but it’s completely up to you whether there’s a ‘Happily ever after’! Many libraries and literary organizations will also share stories and creative resources and even hold events to help mark the occasion.
If writing’s not your thing, then there are plenty of films and programs based on fairy tales for you to enjoy. Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Cinderella and The Little Mermaid are just some examples of the media giant’s adaptations, while movies and TV series such as Into the Woods and Tell Me a Story interweave and retell various classic fairy tales for new audiences.
And if you feel like going all out, why not host a fairy tale themed party? Encourage your guests to come in fancy dress, put on an enchanted feast of yummy snacks such as gingerbread houses and toadstool cupcakes, and throw some legendary party games like hunt the pea and castle building.
However you choose to celebrate National Tell A Fairy Tale Day, it’s sure to be a magical occasion!
National Tell A Fairy Tale Day FAQs
What is a Fairy Tale?
Also called wonder tales, magic tales or fairy stories, Fairy Tales are a genre of fiction originating in European folklore. These tales often feature mythical creatures such as elves, dwarves, giants, fairies, gnomes, mermaids and more.
Who wrote the first Fairy Tales?
The original stories were passed down orally for thousands of years so it’s impossible to tell who started them. However, some of the first Fairy Tales that were written and published were by French Authors Charles Perrault and Madame d’Aulnoy.
What are the most popular Fairy Tales?
A favorite part of many childhoods, some of the most popular stories of all time include Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Jack and the Beanstalk and Sleeping Beauty.
Which Fairy Tales are Grimm?
In the early 19th century, the Grimm Brothers spent time collecting stories from people of all classes in Germany. Some of their Fairy Tales include Cinderella, Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, The Frog King, Rumplestiltskin and Little Red Riding Hood.
When is Tell a Fairy Tale Day?
Each year on February 26, National Tell a Fairy Tale Day is the perfect time to spend time reading and making up stories with children.
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whitepolaris · 16 days
Great Waukesha Phantom Kangaroo Flap
Kangaroos are usually lovable and adorable. But sometimes they can be nasty, especially if you've ever stood in the boxing ring and had one put you in the headlock and proceed to pummel you silly, as had once happened to Milwaukee journalist Jackie Louhauis. But overall, they're not the usual kind of monster that raises goose bumps on the flesh.
Yet kangaroos-or something resembling kangaroos-acquire a powerful aura of mystery when they turn up where they're not supposed to. Add to this intriguing situation humans going about their day-to-day business in ordinary suburbia and weirdness inevitably ensues.
Few realize how strange things were in Waukesha County for a brief period in 1978, when stories of kangaroos on the loose hit the national news media, Starting in mystery and wonder, the whole affair soon degenerated into a wacky farce that went down in legend as one of the Badger State's more bizarre episodes, and that's saying a lot.
The episode began on a perfectly normal day-April 5, 1978, to be exact. Waukesha school-bus driver Patricia Wilcox was the beginning of her morning run on Moreland Boulevard, a busy multilane road, when she reported seeing two kangaroos-one little, one big-hop across the road. "I thought they were deer at first," she related. "People were honking and slamming on their brakes, and finally one guy hit one. But it just got up and hopped off. The skid marks are still there. The guy just got out of the car and stood there, looking."
Seven days later, in the town of Pewaukee, Jill and Peter Haeselich and Peter's mother, Esther, saw a kangaroo in their backyard as they ate dinner. The animal, which was between three and five feet tall, was only fifty feet from their dining-room window. Peter ran outside, but the creature took off very fast toward the south disappearing over a hill. "It was going pretty quick," said Jill. "It was hopping. We knew it had to be a kangaroo."
That same day, William Busch, a social worker, was returning home from the Ethan Allen School for Boys. It was four forty-five p.m., and he was driving on Highway 83, just south of Waukesha. Fifteen feet ahead, a little creature scampered across the road. At first, Busch thought it was a dog. The creature had a slightly odd-shaped head, two short legs in the front, and two long legs in the back. He never called it a kangaroo but reported it in good faith as an example of the crazy local fauna.
On April 16, at three a.m., on County Trunk A about a mile east of Waukesha, Greg and Janet Napeientek spotted a creature in their headlights. "We were pretty close, within about thirty to thirty-five yards," Greg said. "It stood up, and I really couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was four feet tall, colored like a deer. Janet thought at first it was a deer, until it stood up on its hind legs, then jumped over a ditch and fled. She said it was a kangaroo."
In Waukesha, people began joking about the so-called kangaroo sightings. The newspaper ran a photo of two children standing beneath a kangaroo-closing highway sign. Storekeepers put cages out front, advertising $50 rewards for captured kangaroos. Kangaroos T-shirts went on sale. Weird letters to the editor were printed in the newspaper. The kangaroo cocktail-made of vodka, Southern Comfort, cranberry, and grapefruit juice-became the favorite drink around town. As one wag said, "It's guaranteed to keep you hopping." People even started writing bad poetry about kangaroos. One fellow wrote, "Maybe it's like the Bermuda Triangle, man, only it's a kangaroo rectangle." And well-known regional prankster William Woolley, who ran the Woolley Boys Bar, planned a kangaroo hunt on the shores of Pewaukee Lake.
Some fifty hunters gathered on the morning of Saturday, April 22 for the hunt. Many carried long black fishnets, oils of rope, and air horns. Some even wore Aussie bush hats. They were stoked," primed with beer since Friday night." Their theory was that air horns attracted kangaroos, and since kangaroos were afraid of water, the hunters would use the horns to drive the beasts to the lake, where they'd be netted. Clearly, it was a sound methodology.
Bill Woolley, head kangaroo hunter, led the safari in his 1973 white Caddy painted with black zebra stripes. A seventy-five-foot fishnet was strung across the beach. Then a crazy combo of motorcycles, four-wheel-drive vehicles, and human beaters with poles tried flushing the kangaroos from a nearby wood, all the while consuming beer and blasting their air horns. The only kangaroo they encountered was some guy dressed in a costume, who mugged for the cameras and got a ride on the back of a motorcycle. Even his costume was ridiculous, being a hastily transformed dog getup with large ears sewn onto it. The hunt lasted until four p.m., when the fearsome, weary warriors retired to Woolley's to crack a free fresh half-barrel. A good time was had by all!
Unfortunately, the hunters had been beating about the wrong bushes. Had they sober enough to wake early the next morning, Sunday, they would have discovered two kangaroos at the Nero residence. Oddly enough, Lance Nero had laughed his head off the night before as he heard about the ridiculous safari on the local television news. During breakfast, however, he was fiddling a different tune as he watched a pair of three- to-four-foot-tall kangaroos emerge from the woods, hop across County 22, and traverse an open field before disappearing from sight.
Nero stared, amazed, then ran to wake his sleeping wife, Loretta. She got up in time to see one of the kangaroos hopping away. "Now that I've seen one, I'm wondering if I'm all right," she said.
Lance and his son, Brock, chased them, Instamatic camera in hand, but lost them in the woods. This did find several tracks, however. They were narrow, about six inches long, and V-shaped, with firm impressions of the toe in front and a softer impression in the back. Nero and his son made plaster casts of the tracks, and cryptozoologist Mark Hall (cryptozoology is the study of unknown animals) subsequently traveled from Minneapolis to make his own set of casts. The authorities insisted that the tracks had been made by deer, but they were clearly not deer tracks.
It was at this point that the First National Bank began using kangaroos in its advertising. And that wasn't all. Someone brought a twenty-one-inch-tall wallaby to a Brookfield Volunteer Fire Department meeting and to the Waukesha State Bank, where it posed for pictures.
Then a much more mysterious photo surfaced. Two twenty-three-year-old anonymous Menomonee Falls camera buffs sent the papers a color polaroid of a kangaroolike creature in a wooded area. The photo was allegedly taken at five twenty p.m. on Monday, April 24. Supposedly, the camera buffs were photographing ducks when they encountered the kangaroo. Their picture appeared in newspaper across the country-proof that a kangaroo was hopping around Waukesha County.
On Thursday, April 27, the Wisconsin Agriculture Department put out a press release warning citizens to beware of kangaroos and to keep pets away from them, especially horses, because kangaroos could be carriers of equine infectious anemia. To determine whether a kangaroo was diseased or not, the press release explained, you had to examine the insides of its lower lip. If the kangaroo had a tattoo declaring it free of equine infectious anemia, you were safe. However, according to Agriculture Department Secretary Gary Rhode, "The problem is that the absence of such tattoos can mean either that the kangaroo tested negatively or that it was not tested at all."
Tattooed lips on kangaroos? This development had everyone talking for days. Turns out, it was a story created by Edward Jackonamis, Waukesha's Democratic state assembly speaker, who had issued a bogus press release that tricked both the agriculture department and newspaper around the state.
By this point, the mystery was officially a farce. Jokers and pranksters had won out, and most people had lost interest in the kangaroos.
Until, that is, Sunday, May 21, nearly a month later. That's when an Eau Claire woman driving along Highway 12 between Augusta and Fall Creek saw "a figure the size of a man hopping across the highway five to six cars lengths in front of her. It wasn't too visible, but it was not a deer, it wasn't a dog, and it wasn't a man."
Kangaroo sightings persisted, even after the famous Polaroid that so many had believed in proved to be a fake. Turns out it was a stuffed wallaby taken from a Milwaukee museum, placed in a cornfield, and photographed. Then in June 2000, some other pranksters confessed to having used a plywood kangaroo cutout, to which they had attached handles. Brothers Randy and Rick Latta and their neighbors, brothers Dick and Jack Schmidt, took credit for many of the kangaroo sightings. They said they would hide in bushes until a car approached, and then they would go bouncing across Barker Road.
However, there was no reported sightings along Barker Road, and it is doubtful plywood kangaroos were getting hit by cars, then hopping away.
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gildedbearediting · 5 months
National Mother Goose Day
You may already be familiar with Mother Goose, the rhymes and tales that she spun. The little old lady who rode her goose, and has been a staple for many over the years. Much like The Brothers Grimm, Dr Seuss, Robert Munch, and Shel Silverstein. Yet, Mother Goose is something altogether. Mother Goose is that warm, fondly remembered family member. The one that shows up for family reunions,…
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Holidays 5.1
Agriculture Day (Haiti)
Americanism Day (Pennsylvania)
Amtrak Day
Anxiety Disorders Screening Day
Armour Day (India)
Ayrton Senna Day
Batman Day
Chimney Sweeps Day
Couple Appreciation Day
CSS Reboot Day
Dipping Day
Doctor’s Day (Canada)
Empire State Building Day
Executive Coaching Day
501st Legion Day
First Responders Day (Ontario, Canada)
Frequent Flyer Day
Gambrinus’ Teufelstisch (Midnight Feast at the Devil’s Table; Germany)
Garland Dressing (UK)
Global Developmental Delay Awareness Day
Global Love Day
Go Fetch! National Food Drive For Animals
Gujarat/Maharashtra Day (India)
Hobby Horse Parade (a.k.a. ‘Obby ‘Oss; Cornwall, UK)
International Day of the Podenco
International Doodle Dog Day
International Franconi Anemia Day
International Jockstrap Day
International Mesh Awareness Day
International Samoyed Day
International Sunflower Guerrilla Gardening Day
International Victims of Communism Day
International Workers’ Day
Iodized Salt Day
Kallemooi (The Netherlands)
Keep Kids Alive! Drive 25 Awareness Day
Keep Pounding Day
Kevadpuha (Spring Day; Estonia)
Labour Day (Mexico)
Lei Day (Hawaii)
Loyalty Day
Maharashtra Day (Gujarat, Maharashtra; India)
Marvin Gaye Day (Washington, D.C.)
Masonic Awareness Day
Mati-Syra-Zemlya Pregnancy Day (Mati-Syra-Zemlya, Slavic Goddess of the Earth)
May Day (see below)
Mici Day (Romania)
Mother Goose Day
Moving Day (Colonial New York City)
National Black Barber Shop Appreciation Day
National Blessing Day
National Bubba Day
National College Decision Day (a.k.a. College Signing Day)
National Dance Day
National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
National Fitness Day
National Heatstroke Prevention Day
National High Potassium Awareness Day
National Infertility Survival Day
National Love Day (Prague, Czech Republic)
National Mantra Day
National Pole Dance Day (UK)
National Purebred Dog Day
National Show Your Smile Day
National Silver Star Banner Day
National Testing Coordinator’s Day
New Homeowner's Day
’Obby ‘Oss Parade (Padstow, Cornwall, England)
O’Donohugh’s Ghost Day (Ireland)
Pack Rag Day
Patient Empathy Day
Phone in Sick Day
Plant A Flower Day
Play of Saint Evermaar (Belgium)
Repentance Day (Scotland)
Riding of the Bounds (Berwick-upon-Tweed, England)
Rite of Vigyld (Elder Scrolls)
Sainfoin Day (French Republic)
Santacruzan (Philippine Girls' Festival)
Save the Rhino Day
School Principals’ Day
Silver Star Day
Skyscraper Day
Spring Astronomy Day [Saturday at or before 1st Qtr Moon]
Staffordshire Day (UK)
Stepmother’s Day
Take Out the Garbage Day
Tammany’s Day
Teacher’s Day (Jamaica)
Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day
Traditional Fertility Festival
Unity Day (Kazakhstan)
Walpurgis Night (Central & Northern Europe)
White Rabbit Day
World Lyme Day
World Naked Gardening Day
World Push-Up Day
Worthy Wage Day
Zuni Green Corn Dance
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bread Pudding Recipe Exchange Day
Cheerios Day
Chocolate Parfait Day
Exaltation of Ribeiro Wine (Spain)
Louisiana Breakfast Dressing Day
Mild Ale Day
National Kosher Food Day
National Rotate Your Beer Day
National Salad Day
World Sauternes Day
1st Wednesday in May
Book Buddy Day [1st Wednesday]
Great American Grump Out Day [1st Wednesday]
National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day [1st Wednesday]
National Day to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy [1st Wednesday]
National Domestic Violence Remembrance Day (Australia) [1st Wednesday]
National Interpreter Appreciation Day [1st Wednesday]
National (Deaf) Interpreter Day [1st Wednesday]
National Skilled Trades Day [1st Wednesday]
National Travel Advisor Day [1st Wednesday]
Occupational Safety and Health Professionals Day [1st Wednesday]
Project Aces Day (All Children Exercise Simultaneously) [1st Wednesday]
Water Professionals Appreciation Day (Georgia) [1st Wednesday]
World Carnivorous Plant Day [1st Wednesday]
World Maternal Mental Health Day [1st Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 1 (1st Week)
Choose Privacy Week (thru 5.7)
International Mariachi Week [thru 5.5]
National Pet Week (thru 5.7) [1st Week]
National Physical Education and Sports Week (thru 5.6) [1st Week]
National Wildflower Week (thru 5.7) [1st Week]
Independence & Related Days
BlueSkies (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Constitution Day (Marshall Islands)
Convocation of the Constitutional Assembly Day (Latvia)
De Witt (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Fellovia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Gujarat Formation Day (India)
Kingdom of Nána (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Maharashtra Day (India)
Royal reformed States of America (a.k.a. RrSA; Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Scotland (from England, 1328)
Union of Scotland and England (Proclaimed; 1707)
Yeblon (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning May 1, 2024
Armadillo Festival (Hamburg, Arkansas) [thru 5.4]
Cheltenham Jazz Festival (Cheltenham, UK) [thru 5.6]
International Short Film Festival (Oberhausen, Germany) thru 5.6]
Palo de Mayo (Bluefields, Nicaragua) [thru 5.31]
Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival (Aviemore, Scotland) [thru 5.6]
Feast Days
Acheolus (Christian; Saint)
Acius (Christian; Saint)
Adelsteen Normann (Artology)
Amator, Bishop of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Andeolus (Christian; Saint)
Asaph, Bishop of Llanewy, in North Wales (Christian; Saint)
Augustin Schoeffler, Jean-Louis Bonnard (Christian; Part of Vietnamese Martyrs)
Beltane Festival (Celtic Book of Days)
Beltane (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Benedict of Szkalka (Christian; Saint)
Brioc (a.k.a. Briocus of Wales; Christian; Saint)
Calends of May (Ancient Rome)
Catherine the Great Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Efisio (Christian; Saint)
Faint-Hearted Fairies May (or May Not) Ball (Shamanism)
Festa Del Serpari (Procession of the Snake Catchers; Italy)
Festival of the Hare
Floria (Goddess of Flowers; Ancient Rome)
Frederick Sandys (Artology)
George Inness (Artology)
Illuminati Day
Jacqueline Comerre-Paton (Artology)
James the Less (Anglican Communion)
Joseph Heller (Writerism)
Joseph the Worker (Roman Catholic)
Jules Breton (Artology)
Klymentiy Sheptytsky (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Maia Festival (Ancient Rome; Everyday Wicca)
Marcouf (a.k.a. Marcon, Abbot of Nanteu, in Normandy; Christian; Saint)
Maya Monster (Muppetism)
May Day [1st Day of Summer in Many Traditions] (a.k.a. …
Araw ng Manggagawa (Philippines)
Beltane, Day 2 (Celtic, Pagan) [3 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Beltane (Northern Hemisphere)
Calan Mai (Wales)
Dag van de arbeid (Suriname)
Darba Svetki (Latvia)
Den na Trudot (Macedonia)
Día Internacional de los Trabajadores (Cuba)
Dia Mundial do Trabalho (Brazil)
Dita Ndërkombëtare e Punës (International Labor Day; Albania, Estonia)
EuroMayDay (EU)
Fiesta del Trabajo (Spain)
Första maj (Sweden)
James the Apostle (Christian; Saint)
Jum il-Haddiem (Malta)
Kevadpüha (Estonia)
Labour Day (everywhere but U.S., Canada & Bermuda)
Law Day (US)
Majdoor Divas (Nepal)
Morning Dew Day (UK)
Praznik Rada (Croatia, Serbia)
Samhain (Southern Hemisphere)
Staatsfeiertag (Austria)
Swieta Panstwowe (Poland)
Vappu (Finland)
Workers’ Day (Ghana)
Ziua Muncii (România)
No Pants Day (Pastafarian)
Peregrine Laziosi (Christian; Saint)
Philip (Positivist; Saint)
Philip the Apostle (Anglican Communion, Lutheran Church)
Race of the Old Men Day (Ancient Greece)
Richard Pampuri (Christian; Saint)
Rodonitsa (Feast to the Ancestors; Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Romaine Brooks (Artology)
Sigismund of Burgundy (Christian; Saint)
Tamenend (Christian; Saint)
Theodard of Narbonne (Christian; Saint)
Ultan (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [24 of 71]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Ain’t We Got Fun (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Alice’s Wild West Show (Disney Cartoon; 1924)
All the Pretty Horses, by Cormac Mcarthy (Novel; 1992)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (Film; 2015)
Battle for Terra (Animated Film; 2009)
The Bold Eagle (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1969)
Bridge Ahoy (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1936)
Chili Con Corny (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1972)
Citizen Kane (Film; 1941)
Commander Great Guy (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1968)
The Compleat Enchanter, by L. Sprague de Camp (Short Stories; 1940)
Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Novel; 1866)
Crime on My Hands or Hickory Dickory Drop (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 46; 1960)
David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens (Novel; 1849)
Desk Set (Film; 1957)
Donald Gets Drafted (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
Dream Walking (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1950)
The Elephant Mouse (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1951)
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, by Neil Young (Album; 1969)
Eye of the Needle, by Ken Follett (Novel; 1978)
Fall Out, by The Police (Song; 1977)
Featherweight Champ (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1953)
Fever, recorded by Little Willie John (1956)
Fool’s Train Ride (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1959)
The Foolish Duckling (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1952)
Foundation, by Isaac Asimov (Short Story; 1942)
Foxed by a Fox (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1955)
Gaston is Here (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1957)
Gaston Goes Home (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1958)
G.I. Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1968)
The Girl from Ipanema, by Antônio Carlos Jobim (Song; 1964)
Give ‘Em the Works or Rocky Around the Clock (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 45; 1960)
The Great Gatsby (Film; 2013)
The Happy Cobblers (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1952)
The Hard Way, 10th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2006)
Haunted House Cleaning (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1966)
Hot Pursuit, by Stuart Woods (Novel; 2015)
The Inspector General, by Nikolai Gogol (Play; 1836)
The Itch (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1965)
I Walk the Line, by Johnny Cash (Song; 1956)
Johnny Corncob (Animated Hungarian Film; 1973)
The Kitten Sitter (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1949)
Legend, by Bob Marley and the Wailers (Album; 1984)
Les Misérables (Film; 1998)
Little Ol’ Bosko and the Pirates (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1936)
Lonesome Road, recorded by Tommy Dorsey (Song; 1939)
The Lords of Flatbush (Film; 1974)
Love is Blind (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1957)
The Marriage of Figaro, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Opera; 1786)
Mary’s Little Lamb (Ub Iwerks ComiColor Cartoon; 1935)
A Merry Chase (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1950)
The Ministry of Fear, by Graham Greene (Novel; 1943)
Mint Men (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1960)
Murder on the Links, by Agatha Christie (Mystery Novel; 1923) [3]
Musical Madness (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1951)
My Life as a Dog (Film; 1987)
Mystery in the Moonlight (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1948)
No Exit, by Jean-Paul Sartre (Play; 1944)
No Parking Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Nothing But the Tooth (WB MM Cartoon; 1948)
Oceans of Love (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1956)
Off to the Opera (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1953)
Oscar’s Thinking Cap (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1971)
Peck Your Own Home (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1960)
Phony News Flashes (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1955)
The Pine Barrens, by John McPhee (Novel; 1967)
Playful Puss (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1953)
Plumber’s Helpers (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1953)
Reaper Man, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1990) [Discworld #11]
Rebel Trouble, featuring Deputy Dawg (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1962)
The Red Swamp (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1969)
The Remains of the Day, by Kazuo Ishiguro (Novel; 1989)
Riverboat Mission (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1962)
Roadside Picnic, by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky (Novel; 1972)
Rocket Ship Galileo, by Robert A. Heinlein (Novel; 1947)
Rogue Male, by Geoffrey Household (Novel; 1939)
Rolling Stones, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Ruth Is Stranger Than Richard, by Robert Wyatt (Album; 1975)
Quantum Solace, by Ian Fleming (James Bond Short Story; 1959)
Satisfied Customers (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1954)
The Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird (Book; 1974)
Short-Term Sheiff (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1964)
Silly Science (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1960)
Small Gods, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1991) [Discworld #13]
Smoke on the Water, by Deep Purple (Song; 1973)
Snakes & Arrows, by Rush (Album; 2007)
Something in the Air, by Thunderclap Newman (Song; 1969)
Soul Music, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1994) [Discworld #16]
SpongeBob SquarePants (Animated TV Series; 1999)
The Strange Case of Peter the Lett, by Georges Simeon (Mystery Novel; 1931) [1st Maigret]
Survivor, by Destiny’ Child (Album; 2000)
Sweets from a Stranger, by Squeeze (Album; 1982)
The Tall Tale Teller (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1954)
Tea Party (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1963)
Thief of Time, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2001) [Discworld #26]
Traffic Trouble (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1967)
Tricky Business (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
Tusk, Tusk, featuring Sidney (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1960)
Upload (TV Series; 2020)
Weather Magic (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1965)
The Wee Free Men, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2003) [Discworld #30]
The Westing Game, by Ellen Raskin (Novel; 1978)
White Fang, by Jack London (Novel; 1906)
The Wise Quacking Duck (WB LT Cartoon; 1943)
Woodland, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Film; 2009)
Today’s Name Days
Josef, Staatsfeiertag (Austria)
Ermen, Ermena, Maya (Bulgaria)
Jeremija, Josip, Prokul, Sigmund (Croatia)
Svátek Práce (Czech Republic)
Jacob, Philip, Valborg (Denmark)
Valba, Valbe, Valli, Volber (Estonia)
Valpuri, Vappu (Finland)
Brieuc, Florine, Jérémie, Tamara (France)
Arnold, Berta, Josef (Germany)
Filosofos, Isidora, Jeremia, Tamara (Greece)
Fülöp, Jakab (Hungary)
Brunella, Efisio, Giuseppe (Italy)
Ziedīte, Ziedone, Ziedonis (Latvia)
Vydmantė, Zigmantas, Zigmas, Žilvinas (Lithuania)
Filip, Valborg (Norway)
Aniela, Filip, Jakub, Jeremi, Jeremiasz, Józef, Lubomir (Poland)
Ieremia (Romania)
Berta, Florinda, Jeremías, José (Spain)
Valborg (Sweden)
Jeremiah, Jeremy, Tamara (Ukraine)
Mae, May, Patience, Sigmund, Sigmunda (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 122 of 2024; 244 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 18 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 23 (Yi-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 23 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 22 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 2 Magenta; Twosday [2 of 30]
Julian: 18 April 2024
Moon: 50%: 3rd Quarter
Positivist: 10 Caesar (5th Month) [Demosthenes]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 44 of 92)
Week: 1st Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 12 of 31)
Calendar Changes
May (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 5 of 12]
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bestmessage · 5 months
Mother Goose Day Messages, Quotes and Sayings
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National Mother Goose Day Messages, greetings wishes, sayings, quotes to share with family, friends and cousins. Celebrate May 1st as Mother Goose Day with everyone.
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