#national lifestyle villages news
leafyisgreennotblue · 4 months
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With Legends Z-A, I gave him the unavoidable design. I had written so much background and trying to get it on Insta was a hassle, but luckily I’ll be able to fully put it here with no issues,,:
It was hard to steer from the typical older Emmet look but I tried my hardest to make it seem like it would’ve been. I tried looking up France fashion from 1600-1900 but it was either some ridiculous outfits or suits, and since it mentioned the redevelopment of Lumiose City, it was either working up from something like Jubilife village or was upgrading from what it already is. I’ve heard a lot of theories that Legends Z-A will be taking place in the future or bounce back from future to past, but since it’s hard to incorporate futuristic outfits without knowing “how futuristic” it’ll be, I stuck to something from a layer time period in France. I drew him more of a square shape in his eyes instead of triangular, both to signify age and his lost connection with Ingo. Maybe not a permanent design but I think it adds a lot to his demeanor. He kept Basic stuff like he still has his coat, hat, etc. because Ingo got to keep all his old stuff too, but since the trailer looked more modern and Pokémon were with people, I don’t think it would be all destroyed like Ingos just cause it seems like a more civilized nation alongside pokemon and if it really did get destroyed in some way, I have a feeling he would be able to get it repaired without it getting ruined again. Also in terms of the suit I think the darker color is a good parallel to Ingos pearl clan outfits lighter colors. A lot of the design choices were meant to parallel him anyways. Since Ingo had lost his gloves in his Hisui design, giving Emmet new ones felt appropriate for some reason. In terms of the cane I gave him, not only is he an old man, I think it’s kinda needed. Ingo had that little wristband to signify he was a warden, while I think the cane could be useful for a mega stone wink wink nudge nudge. Cute little accessories for them I’m so nice 💀 he could definitely have a slower lifestyle in comparison to Ingo, and I definitely could see him working at Lumiose Station (if it exists in this game) and even though he would most likely have his memory wiped too, Ingo still said the same train themed quotes even with his memory gone, and even then he still had SOME memory, it was just very faint. Emmet definitely could feel some “connection” to the station and say stuff like “Some late nights I think I see a man who looks like me, but upon second glance it’s just my imagination. Even if I can’t seem to shake it from my mind, it seems I still wish to see him again…” anywho for the drawing, I made a few references. The main one just being a reference of design, but the one in the top right corner was a small reference to Alabaster Icelands. I’ve seen a lot of people use the snow to give Ingo flashbacks to Emmet, and while I think my station one is more closely related to Ingos darker color scheme, I think having him in the snow was a good nod to that. The bottom right corner was a reference to a drawing (that probably most people already know what I’m referencing) that had Pokémon that I thought resembled them, and one of the ones I had included for Ingo was Klefki. So just a little salt to the wound (it wasn’t even that bad.) Anywho, I know the design isn’t very refreshing, but I tried to keep it as canonical as possible.
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dandelion-wings · 1 month
I was thinking about a fic I'll never write at the barn this morning, and a line of dialogue required the name of horse breed, which led me very quickly to contemplating horse breeds of Teyvat. Which I have before! But today I got a little more in depth.
Bear with me on spelling issues, I'm on mobile and my phone can't cope with having Tumblr and Firefox open at the same time.
We are starting in Liyue, home of the Karst Pony, which is almost certainly the predecessor breed of all the others listed here and very certainly the oldest extant breed. "Breed" in fact is a loose term, as a number still live wild in the mountains of Jueyun Karst, and domestic and semi-domestic herds kept by small mountain villages (including Qingce Village) tend to have a range of characteristics as the smaller populations start to diverge--but the mountain stock never goes too far from true, as new wild stock is occasionally added either through capture to supplement others or through wild stallions wandering through. The Karst Pony is small, shaggy, sturdy, agile, and smart to a sometimes frustrating extent; they can be ridden, but not by very heavy, or armored, people, and are more often used as beasts of burden. They tend to be dun in the wild, but blacks and grays occasionally pop up, and in domestication are often bred for.
Karst Ponies are the direct ancestors of the Guili Plains Horse, bred to be larger and more refined and used for agriculture and transport on the plains back when Liyue civilization was centered there. The Archon War devastated their population and the changes in Liyuean lifestyle as they moved off the plains and prioritized trade and mining over the sort of agriculture where you need larger horses. However, they are considered a valuable part of Liyue's cultural heritage, and the last two hundred-ish remaining were seized some centuries ago by the Liyue Qixing and used as the base for a government program to revitalize the breed. Today they are primarily used by Millelith officers and couriers, but private individuals have again begun to be allowed to purchase and breed them for their own use. They are known for being steady and intelligent; the breed standard includes a notable Roman nose, and they are primarily dun, buckskin, bay, or black.
The Chenyu Draught is a bit smaller than the Guili Plains Horse, but much heavier, and was likewise bred directly from the Karst Pony; while the Guili Plains breeders wanted a more multi-purpose horse, the Chenyu breeders were aiming exclusively for a workhorse, and Chenyu Draughts are not customarily trained for riding. They are slow, steady animals known for catching a nap whenever they stop long enough, even in harness; they are primarily dun, grey, or black.
Moving on to other nations: the Fontaine Water Horse is in fact a pony by all reasonable standards, but Focalors forbid you call it that to a Fontainian's face. It may arguably be its own branch off some further-distant horse ancestor rather than a descendant of the Karst Pony, though it may also be just a very ancient offshoot, and is the only other wild breed currently extant in Teyvat. It lives wild along the shores of the many islands in southern Fontaine, and is an extremely adept swimmer, with a unique fifth gait that helps it traverse sandy shores swiftly and easily. It is very light-boned, shy and quick to startle, but, in domestic populations acclimated to humans, known to be very mischievous. All Water Horses are white, by which I mean gray (as most 'white' horses without some specific genetic stuff going on are born gray and have their coats pale over time; Water Horses pale out very quickly, within the first two years of life). Their population is a shadow of what it once was, as vast swathes were wiped out by Elynas, and it was largely preserved by a breeding program mandated by the Iudex and conducted in its later stages by Melusines, who released their end result back into the wild.
(Some say say Water Horses were different before the Melusines got involved, but no one can say how. They match the old records in every characteristic. It's just... a vibe.)
While some Water Horses have been domesticated, their size and light frames mean they can only be ridden by small children and Melusines--they are in fact the only horses who will tolerate Melusine handling--the humans of Fontaine used them as base stock to breed a larger horse called the Fontainian Pacer, so called because the Water Horse's unique fifth gait was bred for ardently and exaggerated into a much showier gait that we will call the danse. As with our gaited horses, some breeders have taken this to ridiculous heights, and thus there are two breed 'types'. the Court Pacer has an extremely exaggerated danse and is further bred for looks, being taller, thinner-boned, with a much higher-set head and tail, and often a blue-eyed cremello (one of those whites-with-genetic-stuff), though pale gray and perlino (cremello-adjacent) are both acceptable colors in show; the Classic Pacer is a bit shorter, heavier (relatively speaking, it's still very light), with a less exaggerated gait, exclusively that quickly-paled-out-grey, and overall much closer to the original Water Horse. Both types are not very bright and very flighty.
Which necessitated another, more practical breed for functional use: the Oractrice Charger was originally bred from Chenyu Draughts crossed with the Fontainian Pacer and the Mondstadt Hunter, with some Water Horse in there to get a more water-comfortable animal, though it doesn't have the unique gait and is mostly used in northern Fontaine, where horses are more useful, and as a police horse. It was in fact bred for Maison use, hence the name, though the combination of Fontaine's mekanization and the growing influx of Melusines in the government mean it's slowly been phased out. It's kept alive by rich nobles and its general popularity for outcrosses. It is a reasonably large and heavy animal, though not draft-sized, noted for its good temperament and stolid calm, though it tends to be quite stubborn. They are typically grey, black, bay, or chestnut.
Mondstadt's ancient pony breed is now extinct, but the Stormcrest Pony was definitely an offshoot of the Karst Pony, larger and with much thicker, shaggier coats to survive the pre-Barbatos wilderness. That adaptation meant they were doomed when Barbatos changed the landscape and climate, but they were the base breed, with some added Guili Plains Horse blood (and, given their coloring, probably some Desheret Red), for the Mondstadt Hunter, a medium-weight animal with a good temperament and a lot of energy. They were generally bay, brown, or chestnut, with the 'prototypical' Hunter being liver chestnut, and were bred primarily for hunting, though they were considered good all-purpose riding horses. Unfortunately, they were originally bred and primarily used by the Lawrences, and a combination of that association and a cultural shift to hunting on foot (mostly because hunting on horseback was associated with the aristocracy) led largely to their demise. The main remaining population is actually in Fontaine, where a few nobles liked the imports used to breed the Oratrice Charger enough to maintain their own small breeding programs.
Ragvindr, who I will always headcanon as the reason the Knights have a cavalry company, tried to maintain the breed, but for both political and practical reasons the Ragnvinds had to shift tacks early on. They eventually imported Oratrice Chargers and crossed them with Hunter mares, producing Mondstadt's current all-around horse, the Dawntrotter, a medium-sized animal with a steady temperament that is sturdy enough to serve both as a workhorse on the nation's wineries and a cavalry mount for armored knights. There are three breed 'types,' one nearly a draft and primarily used for winery work, one much lighter and considered an ideal riding mount, and in the middle a dedicated cavalry mount bred exclusively by three stables in Mondstadt, one of them the Dawn Winery. They are primarily bay or chestnut, occasionally brown or black.
Modern Sumeru relies upon the Sumpter Beast, which is comfortable in both jungle and desert, carries many times more than a horse does, and is a much, much easier keeper. However, the historical record makes clear that the desert civilizations once bred what's now known as the Desheret Red, a light, fast, smart, highly independent horse highly endurant in heat and desert conditions. It was exclusively chestnut and presumably contributed its blood to the Mondstadt Hunter simply because those red genes had to come from somewhere. Unfortunately, when the great desert civilizations collapsed, it dwindled into extinction. If any local wild ponies preceded them, they're not on the record, but even those would go back to imported Karst Ponies in the end.
(Rumors of blood-red 'rift horses' seen around the Tunigi Hollow are just that. No one has ever verified that they exist.)
Inazuma has imported horses over the centuries, but they've never been popular there--they don't have the terrain or, more importantly, the pasture space. Largely they've served as status symbols, and fallen out of favor amid the conservative influence Ei's policies exert. In any case, no one has made a dedicated effort to create an Inazuman breed.
Depending on their locations, I like the idea of Snezhnaya and Natlan having descendant breeds of the Stormcrest Pony and Desheret Red respectively, but we'll see! XD
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lookalikeds · 2 months
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      estrella   soto   is   a   twenty   five  year-old   figure   skater   in   new   york,   u.s.a.   they   were   brought   under   richard’s   care   when   they   were   only   five   years   old.   they   are   known   as   the   lookalike   because   they   are   lithesome   but   also   disillusioned.
𓂅 *  ⋆  BASICS   .
FULL   NAME.     estrella   luciana   soto. MEANING.     spanish  ,   “  star.  ” NICKNAMES.     ella  ,   ellie  ,   este  ,   ells  ,   she   accepts   any   and   all   variations. AGE.     twenty   five. BIRTHDATE.     seventh   of   march   in   the   year   nineteen   eighty. PLACE   OF   BIRTH.     tuscon  ,   arizona.  WESTERN   ZODIAC.     pisces. GENDER   IDENTITY.     cis   woman  ,   she   &   her. ORIENTATION.     demisexual   ,   biromantic. NATIONALITY.     american. SPOKEN   LANGUAGES.     english   and   spanish. OCCUPATION.     professional   figure   skater. CURRENT   RESIDENCE.     an   apartment   in   greenwich   village  ,   nyc   that   she   shares   with   her   occasional   skate   partner   turned   roommate   turned   situationship  ,   brando(n).
𓂅 *  ⋆  PHYSICAL   .
HEIGHT.     five   foot  ,   one   inch. BUILD.     petite  ,   fit  ,   lithe   -   particularly   on   an   ice   rink. FACE   CLAIM.     jenna   ortega. HAIR.     dark   brown  ,    an   almost   black   that   reaches   below   her   shoulders   with   curtain   bangs   to   frame   her   face.   generally   worn   in   loose   curls  and   half   up  ,   half   down   styles   that   can   be   easily   pinned   up   for   skating. EYES.     big  ,   round   and   warm   brown…   in   a   word  ,   doe-like. NOTABLE   FEATURES.     aforementioned   doe-eyes  ,   various   scrapes   and   bruises   from   missteps   on   the   ice  ,   long   lashes   and   a   dark   scattering   of   freckles   across   her   nose   and   cheeks. SCENT.     wild   strawberry  ,   pink   jasmine  ,   patchouli   and   amber  ,   reminiscent   of   miss   dior   cherie. TATTOOS.     a   little   butterfly   on   her   left   shoulder   blade. PIERCINGS.     two   lobe   piercings   on   each   ear   in   addition   to   an   orbital   on   her   right. DOMINANT   HAND.     ambidextrous   but   favours   her   right.
𓂅 *  ⋆  PSYCHE   .
MYERS   -   BRIGGS.     enfj-t  ,   the   protagonist. MORAL   ALIGNMENT.     neutral   good. TRAITS.   balletic  ,   disillusioned  ,   driven  ,   guarded  ,   haunted  ,   independent  ,   keen  ,   resilient  ,   rueful  ,   tender. QUIRKS.     remarkably   flexible  ,   she   bites   her   lip   in   thought  ,   toys   with   jewellery   when   uncomfortable  ,   never   fails   to   keep   a   neat   manicure   and   rests   in   stances   one   might   recognise   to   be   ballet   positions. VICES.     a   true   workaholic  ,   she   maintains   a   very   healthy   lifestyle   but   does   occasionally   drink   and   smoke   socially.
𓂅 *  ⋆  INTERESTS   &   HOBBIES   .
INTERESTS.     choreography   and   dance  ,   theatre   of   every   variety   -   lincoln   centre   is   a   favourite   of   hers   for   their   opera   &   ballet   seasons  ,   classical   music   and   most   recently  ,   the   cold   case   of   winifred   woodrow. HOBBIES.      fitness  ,   theatregoing  ,   cabaret   club   nights   and   uploading   free   dance   skating   routines   onto   (   a   newly   launched   )   youtube   -   brando   choreographs   and   then   they   perform   them together for funsies.  SPECIAL   SKILLS. an  accomplished   dancer   who   still   practises   ballet   to   this   day  ,   remarkably   high   endurance  and  muscle  memory  due   to   her   training   and   profession  ,   uncanny   ability   to   internalise   her   feelings.
𓂅 *  ⋆  BECOMING   A   WARD   .
tw   :   teenage  pregnancy,   child   abandonment   and   implied   endangerment.
it  became  a  regional  news  story.   statewide,   people  seemingly  fascinated  by  how  any  parent  could  dream  of  abandoning  their  child,   let  alone  in  such  a  callous  fashion. 
estrella  had  only  recently  turned  five  when  her  not-much-older-than-teenage  parents  dropped  her  off  at  kindergarten  one  morning  only  to  fail  in  picking  her  up  again  later  that  day.   try  as  teachers  and  later,   police  sergeants  might,   there  was  no  getting  ahold  of  them.   with  little  known  and  much  speculated,   many  would  soon  arrive  at  the  conclusion  that  the  young  couple  had  fled  the  country  to  start  anew,   leaving  behind  the  small  daughter  they’d  come to  look  upon  as  an  unwanted  burden.
one  such  person,   who  took  immense  pity  on  the  girl,   was  a  connection  richard  held  at  the  newly-launched  CNN.   an  attentive  news  reporter  by  the  name  of  julian  esparza  was  keenly  aware  of  the  philanthropist’s  efforts  to  offer  up  his  home  to  young  individuals  in  need  of  safety  and  stability  and  recommended  richard  meet  with  little  estrella  as  soon  as  he  could.   whatever  it  was  that  richard  saw  in  the  five  year  old  girl  that  day  (  likely  the  spirit  and  semblance  of  his  long  lost  daughter  )  caused  the  man’s  heart  to  bleed  and  within  a  week  the  paperwork  had  been  signed  and  estrella  was  on  the  way  to  her  new  home.
𓂅 *  ⋆  LIFE   AS   A   WARD   .
being  not  only  one  of  the  earliest  wards  to  arrive  but  also  the  very  youngest  of  them  all,   estrella’s  status  as  baby  sister  of  the  house  never  really  strayed  from  the  stereotypes.   spoiled  and  resilient,   she  was  a  paradox  amongst  the  wards  in  how  she  seemed  to  possess  the  least  agency  but  carry  the  highest  status.
it’s  a  unique  sense  of  imposter  syndrome,   she  summises   —   bearing  the  unfathomable  weight  of  another’s  lost  girlhood.   cursed  princess  with  her  whole  life  ahead  of  her,   she  was  a  little  girl  walking  so  unknowingly  into  the  tall  shadow  of  the  daughter  who’d  come  before.   from  the  very  beginning,   richard  had  never  been  particularly  shy  in  how  he  doted  on  young  estrella.   freely  showering  her  in  the  paternal  affection  the  past  had  robbed  them  both  of  and  to  a  little  girl  who’d  been  abandoned  by  her  own  parents,  being  made  to  feel  so  wanted  was  all  she  could  have  dreamt  of. he  was  her  father  in  all  but  name.
outwardly,   she  was  a precocious  and  spirited  young  girl,   all  pink  cheeks  and  toothy  grins,   perpetually  in  awe  of  those  she  shared  a  home  with,   their  varied  and  abundant  talents  drawing  her  wide-eyed  wonder.   until  she  took to  the  ice  for  the  first  time,   you’d   see  her  following  fellow  wards  around,   hoping  to  catch  a  glimpse  of  whatever  it  was  they  were  up  to  before  being  told  she  was  too  young  or  too  small  and  relegated  to  sitting  on  the  sidelines.   it  was  a  pattern  of  behaviour  that,   although  adapted,   would  follow  her  until  she  left  woodrow.
for  try  as  she  might,   amidst  the  attention  from  richard  she  so  enjoyed,   the  wards  did  not  warm  to  estrella  the  way  she  hoped  they  would.   their  caretaker’s  favouritism  for  the  surrogate  daughter  he’d  found  in  estrella  had  planted  the  seed  of  resentment  and  in  turn,   stifled  and  isolated  her  entirely.   it  was  in  this  eventual  seclusion  that  she  learnt  the  value  of  independence  and  began  throwing  herself  into  skating  completely,   suddenly  glad  for  the  chance  to  thrive  all  on  her  own  the  way  she’d  watched  the  other  wards  do.
she  grew  reticent,   internalising  all  she  felt  for  the  sake  of  whatever  semblance  of  a  family  she  still  wanted  to  cling  to.   the  same  would  eventually  be  said  of  the  response  estrella  had  to  an  equally  crushing  realisation…   that  she’d  never  quite  compare  to  a  dead  girl.
the  rosy  retrospection  of  childhood  had  begun  to  fade.   estrella  can’t  ever  pinpoint  a  specific  moment  in  which  things  changed  for  them  but  gradually,   over  time,   when  she  would  come  to  meet  richard’s  eye…   her  heart  sank.  in  the  midst  of  reminiscing,   she  could  feel  he  wasn’t  looking  back  at  her  at  all  but  rather  at  winifred…   or  whatever  semblance  of  his  daughter  he’d  long  been  projecting  onto  estrella.   it  was  an  all  too  painful  revelation,   one  that  haunted  her  from  that  point  on.
more  than  anything,  estrella  wanted  to  escape  her  own  skin.   flee  from  any  part  of  herself  tied  to  the  woodrow  daughter  who  had  so  mysteriously  disappeared  that  bleak  midwinter  night.   this  striking  resemblance  that  had  changed  her  life  and  been  the  cause  of  all  her  woe.   had  anyone  accepted  her  for  who  she  truly  was?
despite  the  fierce  independence  she’d  adopted,   estrella  still  found  herself  clinging  to  the  father  she’d  once  known  him  to  be.   looking  on  in  rumination,   she’d  wonder  (  at  length  )   if  his  love  for  her  was  at  all  genuine…    never  once  risking  the  inevitable  confrontation  out  of  fear  for  the  loss  that  would  follow.   instead,   keeping  it  bottled  up  once  again.   distancing  herself  little  by  little  until  she  was  out  and  away  in  the  world  —  determined  to  be  known  as  more  than  ‘the  substitute  daughter’,  ‘the  favourite’  or  ‘the  lookalike.’   her  own  person,   at  last.
although  she  was  never  too  far  away…   and  when  richard  called,   she  could  do  nothing  else  but  gladly  answer.
𓂅 *  ⋆  AESTHETIC   .
distinctly  feminine,   very  gabriella  from  high  school  musical  core  with  her  wrap  cardigans  and  ballet  flats.   though  as  an  athlete,   she’s  an  athleisure  girly  through  and  through.   leotards,   leggings,   matching  sets.   day-to-day,   she  really  favours  layers  that  she  can  easily  take  off  and  put  back  on  during  training.   the  odd  tracksuit  here  and  there.   even  if  it’s  warm  outside,   you’d  usually  see  her  with  a  puffer  jacket  on  hand  because  the  rink  is  so  cold. on  more  formal  occasions,   she  opts  for  mini  dresses  and  heels  to  help  give  the  illusion  she’s  taller  (  weeps  in  5’1”  )  and  accessorizes  with  a  sweet  bow  or  two  in  her  hair. 
you’ll  always  see  her  wearing  her  charm  bracelet  however.   it  was  a  present  from  richard  when  estrella  first  joined  her  skate  club  and  each  time  she’d  compete,   he’d  add  a  charm.   they’re  all  stars,   in  honour  of  her  name.
𓂅 *  ⋆  EDUCATION   .
estrella  was  homeschooled  throughout  all  her  time  at  woodrow.   as  figure  skating  became  more  and  more  of  a  serious  pursuit,   it  seemed  easier  to  contain  her  schooling  to  the  house.   less  distractions  that  way.   her  coach  was  certainly  in  favour  of  it.   perhaps  it  was  the  people  pleaser  in  her,   the  ‘perfect  daughter’  of  it  all  but  she  also  maintained  straight  a’s  too.   it  came  as  no  surprise  when  she  applied  to  richard’s  alma  mater  of  kingsbury  college  and  got  in  on  a  skating  scholarship.   the  real  twist  being  that  she  soon  deferred  in  order  to  commit  to  her  sport  full  time  and  has  yet  to  return  to  kingsbury  to  finish  said  degree.
figure  skating,   also  known  as  her  entire  world.   estrella  had  been  a  baby  ballerina  prior  to  being  taken  into  richard’s  care  and  he  quickly  accommodated  for  that  love  of  hers  with  a  continuation  in  lessons.   however  by  the  second  winter  she  spent  at  woodrow  house,   he  was  soon  introducing  her  to  the  frozen  pond  on  the  grounds  and  she  took  to  skating  it  like  a  duck  to  water.   
other pursuits include literature,   musical  theatre  and  classical  music.   their  occasional  outings  as  a  ‘family’  to  see  operas  and  ballets  very  much  inspired  her.
𓂅 *  ⋆  THEIR   LIFE   NOW   .
estrella  only  left  woodrow  house  three  years  ago  and  even  then,   living  in-state  meant  she  was  still  a  fairly  regular  visitor.   she’d  moved  into  the  city  in  order  to  be  closer  to  her  skating  club,   other  rinks  she  frequented  and  transport  for  national  and  international  competitions.   being  only  a  three  hour  drive  away  however,   meant  most  national  holidays  were  spent  there  at  richard’s  side,  the  odd  special  occasion  and  long  weekend  too.
in  nyc,   she  shares  a  modest  apartment  with  brandon,   better  known  as  brando.   they  used  to  skate  together  at  the  same  club  before  he  recently  retired  to  pursue  choreography  at  a  nearby  dance  studio.   there’s  always  been  lingering  romantic  tension  there  but  most  of  all,   he’s  her  biggest  cheerleader  and  a  helpful  objective  party  regarding  all  things  woodrow.
all  the  while,   estrella’s  been  forging  her  own  destiny.   she’s  been  competing  internationally  at  the  top  of  her  discipline  for  years  at  this  point.   (  a  writing  guide  on  figure  skaters  advised  not  to  go  into  specifics  about  competitions  bc  it’s  a  lot  so,   i  won’t  but  let’s  just  say  she’s  a  pretty  decorated  athlete  and   represented  team  usa  at  the  2002  winter  olympics  in  salt  lake  city  and  was  in  the  midst  of  training  for  the  2006  games  before  richard’s  death.  )   what  she  loves  most  of  all  though  is  getting  to  step  out  as  herself.   on  the  ice,   the  only  narrative  being  spun  is  the  one  she  creates.   it’s  a  level  of  control  she  enjoys  (  and  dreads  giving  up  upon  her  return  to  woodrow  house.  )   whilst  she  came  to  woodrow  house  seeking  a  family,   she  left  seeking  visibility  and  acceptance  and  in  skating,   estrella  truly  found  that.
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catohphm · 2 years
Hogwarts Mystery MC Profile - Cato Reese (Updated)
Hi everyone! A lot of things prompted me to update my Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery MC’s character sheet. 
Some creators have left the fandom or changed/scrapped their OCs since I published his profile last year. I’ve changed some things around for my MC too. Naturally, his character sheet deserves an update. I’ve improved the formatting of the paragraphs so they’re easier to read. Information on Cato’s interactions with Rakepick has been added too!
Enjoy, and feel free to like, reblog, and even leave a reply! You can also send me asks or DMs if you have question about Cato or would like to plot interactions/friendships! Both new and existing interactions are welcome! Just let me know and I’ll put your OC’s name on his friend list!
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Name: Cato Edwin Reese
Nicknames: Wingbear (in Quidditch, thanks to @judediangelo75 for helping come up with it) Sunshine (by close friends and Penny)
Birthdate: April 13th, 1973
Zodiac sign: Pisces
MBTI type: ISFJ (the Defender)
Blood status: Half-Blood
Nationality: British/American with some Italian, German and Austrian from his father’s side. Irish, Scottish and Native American from his mother. 
Physical Appearance
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(wonderful art by @hphm-jeniferltheman)
Hair: Somewhat short, but thick and a bit curly.
Eyes: Dark brown
Height: 1.82 meters or 6 feet.
Weight: Healthy weight for his age and height.
Body type: slim, yet athletic and somewhat muscular from Quidditch.
Skin tone: Fair
Distinguishing marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.):
from childhood:
Obscure scar on leg from getting a cut while trying to stop a stone statue from smashing on the road.
acquired in teenage years/adulthood:
scars from injuries sustained while playing Quidditch
Mount Ridgetop, Grasmere, South Lakeland, Cumbria, England (birth-18)
London, England (18-)
Mother - Reilly Reese (neé Catori)
Reilly was a pure-blood American witch who became an herbologist after graduating from Ilvermorny. She studied the application of magical herbs and fungi to the medical field. In 1967-68, she and Cato’s dad had a son named Alexander after marrying. 
Seeking a more quiet and peaceful lifestyle to raise their children, the Reese family purchased a big house from an elderly couple in the South Lakeland district of Cumbria. They moved in during the year 1970. She gave birth to Cato on April 13, 1973. Alex was around five years old at the time. 
She homeschooled her kids instead of sending them to a muggle primary school. Reilly didn’t believe it had any particular benefit for them. She was also worried about what would happen if her sons’ classmates found out that they had magical powers. 
The boy’s mother retired from Herbology and opened a cafe-restaurant in the village of Grasmere. Her sons helped out at the restaurant to learn responsibility and life skills.
When Alex disappeared after his expulsion, Reilly required a lot of calming draught to cope with the bad news, and Cato remembers this really well, though he would only talk about within his circle of friends at Hogwarts.
Once he got back, she allowed him to turn Alex’s room into a guest room for friends to stay as the memories of him running away were too strong for her to bear and she wasn’t ready to be reminded of them.
Father - Wilfred “Freddie” Reese
He met Reilly Catori in the United States while he was still an auror. Freddie was on an assignment to assist MACUSA with curbing riots over the abolition of Wizard-Muggle segregation under Rappaport's Law in 1965.
He enjoyed his job but he longed to be able to settle down and spend more time raising his family. This became more imperative after the birth of his son Alexander. After recovering from a dangerous injury, he spent some time in the Improper Use of Magic Office.
In 1970, Freddie was offered a position as a legislator on the Wizengamot. He was highly recommended because of his sense of justice and work ethic. He accepted the position. In his first 10 years on the bench, he would aid in the prosecution of many Death Eaters, including Merula’s parents.
Freddie‘s parents lived in a seaside town in the southern region of England. Their house was close to the beach, and he played a lot together with his two sons whenever the family visited. Freddie played the piano as a hobby, and sometimes performed at his wife’s restaurant. He also taught Cato this skill.
Whenever it came to disagreements, he knew that unnecessary hitting or yelling never helped the situation. Freddie still stuck to his auror training even after he joined the Wizengamot. He would first try to listen and negotiate, and then step out for the night if the situation didn’t get better to let things calm down. 
However when Alex was expelled from school and ended up disappearing, it was different. Reilly was in no mood to talk. She was desperate for calming draught. Freddie left the house to get ingredients to make more of the potion as his wife had used up the rest of the supply, but he never got back home that night. 
It is unknown what he did while he was away, but he showed up again about a week later, though he was filthy and riddled with injuries. Young Cato was scared and worried that his daddy would end up getting hurt and that he would never see him again. 
When he saw Freddie come back, Cato hugged him as tight as a little boy could. He was in tears and demanded to know where he went. The father couldn’t explain where he went or what he was doing, other than that according to him, his head was “really messed up.” 
Reilly was about to yell at him for leaving her and Cato behind. She couldn’t be angry when saw him dirty and hurt. The remaining family joined together in a group hug. 
They were ecstatic when Freddie came back from the market and showed Cato a sealed envelope from Hogwarts, which turned out to be his acceptance letter. He was called in from the patio behind the house to be informed of this news.
Before he left on the train to begin his first year, Freddie and Reilly promised to an anxious Cato they would take care of the home and business while he was gone.
Brother: Alexander “Alex” Reese
The bond between the Reese boys changed over time. Prior to Alex’s first year at Hogwarts, he was as close to Cato as a big brother could be. When free, they played on their parent’s somewhat spacious property. Sometimes they went exploring in the Lake District nearby. 
Because of his fondness of beautiful sunsets, Cato can remember the evenings when he and Alex just laid down in the grass watching the sun dip below the horizon and wait for the stars. Their mum set up a curfew for them to return back to the farm before dark after catching them out one night. 
As they got older, Alex grew strangely distant to Cato. They still visited the wilderness, but less often. They also spent less time out. Alex slowly drifted away and seemed distant to Cato.
Cato didn’t understand why his behavior was so weird. His parents were concerned too, as most days during the summer, Alex locked himself in his room to study or left to who knows where.
Alex, was the more impulsive and hotheaded boy. He developed an obsession with the Cursed Vaults at Hogwarts. The combined pressure from classes and the work that went into curse-breaking put a huge toll on his mental health. 
Early into his sixth year, Alex was expelled from Hogwarts.
After Cato finished his seventh year of education, he and Alex’s late best friend Duncan Ashe encouraged him to start rebuilding his life.
House: Ravenclaw
Clubs: Dueling, Music
Best class: Herbology
Worst class: History of Magic (because of the lousy and lazy borefest Mr. Binns.)
Favorite professor: McGonagall
Least favorite professor: Snape
Boggart: His big brother Alex, jealous of his adventures and mad at him for ruining the family’s name.
Riddikulus: Alex wearing quidditch face paint in Ravenclaw colors and cheering Cato on using his nickname “Wingbear” while flapping his hands like 
Patronus: American Black Bear
Patronus memory: The group hug after seeing his father again following Alex’s disappearance
Mirror of Erised: His family reunited and happy, surrounded by all his friends
Amortentia (what he smells like): fresh spring water, vanilla flowers, and warm sweet tea
Amortentia (what he smells): dittany, coconut and caramel
Ages 11-18: Hogwarts student
Ages 18-35: Auror
Ages 35-retirement: Healer
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: his Hogwarts education and exams, his friends, investigating his missing brother (in no particular order)
Strengths: empathy, compassion, intelligence, diligence, loyalty
Weaknesses: shyness, anxiety, overthinking
Stressed: in large crowds, pressure to succeed his exams while dealing with interference from the Cursed Vaults.
Calm/Comforting: Volunteering in the hospital wing, in the company of his close friends during classes, baking, watching sunsets, hearing the sound of rain beating against the window while studying (minus the thunder and lightning.)
Being sorted into Ravenclaw, Cato is intelligent and excels in most, if not all the core subjects at Hogwarts. He enjoys Transfiguration and Herbology the most. A hard-working and diligent boy, he dedicates himself to his studies a lot. Though he is prone to distractions if something else is on his mind and finds it hard to stay focused. 
Out in the socializing department, he is rather quiet and introverted. Cato usually doesn’t approach people he doesn’t know well. If you come up to him, he’s friendly and happy to chat as long as the questions do not get too personal. 
But beware, only approach him in a good mood though, cause if he’s overwhelmed, stressed out or trying to really concentrate for something like a test, Cato gets irritated and he doesn’t want to be forced to do something he ends up regretting, no?
He has a strong empathetic side. Forged by both how he was raised and having a distant relationship with his older brother that gradually deteriorated as the years passed, Cato is really close to relatives and friends he trusts. 
If he notices something out of the ordinary, he’ll leave what he’s doing and try to investigate, though sometimes to his friends he’ll admit as a younger boy he used to do so more out of curiosity. 
This is because while Cato tries his best to offer help if he sees someone in need, he used to struggle with it quite a bit, most of the time moving on while doubting if he could’ve actually ended up being helpful to them. 
Especially through his first to third year of studies at Hogwarts, Cato is a rather shy boy, hence why he had trouble figuring out how to respond when he noticed a person that appeared to be in need of assistance. 
He was also reluctant to take part in clubs or groups instead of running solo. In large crowds, it is easy for poor Cato to get overwhelmed, him feeling awkward and uneasy. He may be so tense that his face turns red and has a little bit of difficulty breathing. To feel better, he leaves and seeks solitude in order to calm down and let go of the tension. 
Out in Quidditch though, Cato isn’t as bothered as much as he is in a big open field and flying on a broom, plus his friends and mates are out there to support him and cheer him on. The sport slowly helps him build his patience and tolerance of large crowds though he still has some reservations.
In front of his close friends and family, Cato enjoys physical affection. He loves giving and receiving hugs. He usually gives one when he feels soft, like when he is thanked by a friend or told something that makes him really happy. While touch-starved, he prefers to receive hugs from his close friends.
It took Cato some time to appreciate them because of his shyness and the pressure he faced from bullies in the early years. He was compared to his brother a lot. People either were afraid of him being a danger to the school or assumed he was “weird” like his brother to pick on him.
Training for quidditch and learning dueling helped him become stronger and gain confidence as he got older. Cato still kept his sweet and friendly, but shy demeanor. But he isn’t someone to be tousled with as he becomes strong, serious and brave when he or his friends feel threatened. 
His tolerance for nonsense slowly faded away as he got older and by his seventh year he was weary of fighting R and cracking the Cursed Vaults. Cato was a bit paranoid as well as a result of R’s desperation and expecting the unexpected, though he didn’t express this much in public and kept it within his circle of friends.
Cato has a fondness for nature and he enjoys pointing out the wonderful things he sees if he is in a good mood. He also loves talking about his hobbies and his days as a kid before entering Hogwarts. 
He finds family in his friends and appreciates them very much as he didn’t have many friends before his first year. Not just his older brother drifting away from him. Cato’s parents also kept him busy with homeschooling and helping in the restaurant to teach him responsibilities. 
Cato may seem shy and not the type to be engaged for long periods of time. But with patience and dedication, he can end up one of the most loyal and trusted friends one can have.
Color: blue
Food: bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich
Drink: iced coffee with cream and sugar
Weather: clear with blue skies, no too hot or cold, preferably no humidity
Hobbies: photography, reading, history, 
Fashion: Simple, but Cato tends to wear clothes that match due to his mum. He prefers colors like mint green that are light, but not too bland or boring. Sometimes he wears a jean jacket that Penny got him as a birthday gift on cooler days. However Cato also developed a soft spot for the color purple. In the summer, he mostly wears shorts, being one for balancing practicality with style.
Penny Haywood (wife)
Cato first met Penny in his first year after he won against Merula in a duel, albeit an unsanctioned one. Running late on their way to their next class, Rowan dared Cato to race them to Charms, the one making it to the door first before the bell rang being the winner. He was catching up to Rowan when he tripped and fell in the corridor. 
They stopped when they heard him fall and asked if they were okay, but was forced to leave and enter the classroom when the bell rang so as to not be late. 
A pretty Hufflepuff girl had seen everything and approached Cato after his fall. She helped him up and returned his books to him. Although Cato was usually a shy boy, his recent victory instilled a little bit of confidence in him. The corridor was also empty except for him and the girl. 
She introduced herself as Penny and told him how he was becoming famous for standing up to Merula’s tyranny. Used to living a quiet humble life and not having many friends, Cato was really doubtful. He stuttered as he tried to explain that he was just trying to help Ben. 
Penny told him that she was impressed with his bravery and compassion too, even offering to introduce him to her friends in Hufflepuff. Cato reluctantly accepted, knowing inside that he was fed up with getting picked on. He appreciated that someone validated that he did the right thing after getting in trouble with Snape, losing house points as a consequence of the duel. 
As young Cato was intimidated by the tall Potions Master who watched his apothecary like a crow, he was glad to have a friend that was skilled in potions. He and Penny became great friends. She helped him study potions and even feel less intimidated by Snape.
This friendship eventually developed into romantic feelings in their third year, when Penny helped Cato escape an overcrowded Three Broomsticks. She didn’t confess her feelings to him until after the summer. 
They had their first kiss during the Celestial Ball in their fourth year. Tensions arose between them in their fifth year when Penny’s younger sister Beatrice was trapped in a portrait early in the term. 
She, driven by stress and anxiety, desperately tried to find a way to communicate and free her sister, even brewing a calming draught when that didn’t work. Cato was disappointed in Penny. She knew as a potions expert that experimenting with NEWT-level potions recipes without instructions or supervision was very dangerous.
He understood that Bea in danger impaired Penny’s normal thought process. She became desperate to help her. Eventually Bea was freed after the Portrait Vault was defeated, but the trap had consequences affecting her into her second year.
Although Penny in her sixth year had to deal with a strained bond with Bea as a result of the trap’s effects on her mind and how it affected her relationship with friends and family, she shared her feelings with Cato that they were growing weary of having their lives gripped by drama and dated in secret. 
They found comfort in finding secluded places around the castle and grounds where they could spend time in private and vent out grievances they had about the matters happening around the school without anyone listening in on them. 
Cato and Penny agreed together their kids should not have to go through the hardships they had to face as children and later teens.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Cato and Penny moved into a flat in London. She trained as a potioneer while he took courses to become an Auror. The two soon were engaged and got married in 1995. 
A year later, they joined the Order of the Phoenix to help their friends in the war against Voldemort and the Death Eater Menace, fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998. Following the war, Cato and Penny had two sons. 
He eventually retired from Auror work in 2002 and became a healer at St. Mungo’s Hospital For Magical Maladies and Injuries. This was to provide a more stable life for his family. Penny as a potioneer also joined him and Chiara to work together with him at the hospital.
Emma Galloway @mjs-oc-corner​
Verna Malinda @gaygryffindorgal​
Ryan O'Donnell @unfortunate-arrow​
Thalia Dyer @autisticarachnid
Abia Khouri @abianeverdecides​​
more TBA
Willa Corbyn @mjs-oc-corner
Bridget Corbyn @mjs-oc-corner
David Willows @that-scouse-wizard
Amelia Booth @that-scouse-wizard
Perry Santiago @cursebreakerfarrier
Sara O'Donnell @unfortunate-arrow
Jeniferl Thelman @hphm-jeniferltheman
Gwen Dunmoore @ag907
Sarahi Silvers @dat-silvers-girl
​Salem Jordan @autisticarachnid​
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Lyss Fletcher @lyss-fletcher
Matthew Luther @hphmmatthewluther
Hori and Hollis Griffith @nicos-oc-hell
Georgie Faraday @cursebreakerfarrier
Margot Dawes @cursebreakerfarrier
Conor O' Donnell @unfortunate-arrow
Ruth Lyman @unfortunate-arrow
Helena Durazzo @helenadurazzo
Adel Young @adellovesrowan​
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Rhia McCarthy @mjs-oc-corner
Colette Belrose @gcldensnitch
Jules Farrier @cursebreakerfarrier​
Cara O'Donnell @unfortunate-arrow​
Samara Graham @autisticarachnid​
more TBA
(Again, my DMs and asks are open if you have a HPHM MC and want to interact with Cato! Just hmu! No pressure of course!)
Merula Snyde
One of the bullies that targeted Cato in his first year, not just for his brother being expelled but how being a “shy Ravenclaw wimp who just can’t suck up the blame” made her think he was a pushover. 
A rivalry boiled between him and Merula after he defeated her in an unsanctioned duel. She swore to never be defeated again, and trained harder, even reaching out to Diego to tutor her. Still, Cato continued to beat her in display of his prowess. 
He practiced together with his friends while Merula, wanting to be the “most powerful witch at Hogwarts” did so mostly alone and sparred together with others less often. She tried to frame him for the theft of potion ingredients from Professor Snape’s office but underestimated his intelligence and ended up getting caught herself. 
Eventually the rivalry died down after year three as Merula grew tired of always getting the same result no matter how hard she tried. For a change, she focused more on her studies and trying to make up with those she bullied, realizing that her attachment to her parents imprisoned in Azkaban was doing no good for her life. 
As they matured, Merula and Cato ended up becoming good friends, both done with having their school lives being consumed by drama and letting go of their tolerance for nonsense shenanigans. 
She even helped him study for his NEWTs in his seventh year since Cato was prone to becoming tired and falling asleep under the pressure to excel in his exams. He also ignored the senseless gossip and rumors that consumed the everyday conversations of most students.
Patricia Rakepick
Cato was first acquainted with Madam Rakepick in his fourth year. She was hired by Dumbledore to aid in the investigation of the Cursed Vaults. Under Ministry pressure, he sought her as a professional because of concerns of leaving it up to students to protect Hogwarts. The headmaster knew Cato and his friends were the only hope to keep the school safe from the curses. Although he could not risk losing his positions at Hogwarts, the Ministry, nor the International Confederation of Wizards.
He admired Rakepick’s talent and prestige as a world-class curse breaker. She also had a niffler named Sickleworth that Cato loved to play with. They bonded while her caretaker let him borrow him for a little while. They were both sad to say goodbye when Rakepick wanted Sickleworth back. Inside, he had a gut feeling that something was off about Rakepick. Snape shared this and gave him a Garroting Gas to use in case she validated his suspicions.
In his fifth year, the curse-breaker accepted a job offer as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. She was the best teacher that Cato ever had in the subject. He respected and looked up to her as one. Without the school or his friends’ knowledge, he was drafted by her as one of her apprentices to break into the Portrait Vault.
Cato’s opinion on Rakepick changed one day. He came across the Marauder’s Map and showed it to her out in the training grounds. They noticed a marker that was zipping suspiciously fast across the map. Cato was suspicious that she wanted to take the map from him. He swiped the map off the table and put it in his robe before the professor could grab it. He then drew his wand and confronted Rakepick, telling her he knew he was up to now good. 
Instead of a duel, she responded his challege by asking him to meet her in her classroom after the lesson the next day. Rakepick intentionally destroyed Cato’s first wand as a threat to not further mess with her. 
Inside the portrait vault, Cato was shocked when Rakepick abruptly cased the Cruciatus Curse on Merula. He knew she was suspicious but had no idea she could be this nasty.
Cato was the most infuriated he had been in his entire life. He shouted “You, destructive, selfish, two-timing monster!” He prepared to throw the Garroting Gas. “Rakepick, you’ll suffer eternal damnation for your disregard for human life!” He tossed the vial at Rakepick. 
The explosion released Merula from the curse and incapacitated the rogue. She uttered to the group “Bloody hell! How could you snot-nosed brats do this to me? The rogue curse-breaker then confessed to manipulating and kidnapping Cato’s brother after he got kicked out of school. She told him that Alex was her slave in hunting for the vaults. Rakepick had used Cato’s brother to draw blame away from herself, hence why he got expelled. She turned to Cato and made him her apprentice in the hopes of recruiting him for R. 
One of the reasons why Rakepick was forthcoming was that she was not entirely loyal to R. She, not content with her fame as a curse-breaker, joined them for her own motives of power and fortune. She didn’t say it, but she was also impressed at the abilities of Cato and his friends. 
Later, he would suspect she also opened up in an attempt to discourage anyone from trying pursue her, knowing what she was capable of. The curse-breaker was good at impressions and boasting about her accomplishments. She then proclaimed “This is not over! R will succeed and you all will pay for this costly mistake!” before apparating out of the room.
Rakepick had escaped, but she was now known as a wanted person. Cato’s sixth year would be spent trying to keep up with his studies while trying to keep Hogwarts and his friends safe from her. 
Eventually, she would be corned in the Sunken Vault. After a hard-fought, wicked duel, she was laying on the cold floor, exhausted and out of fight. Cato chose to leave her for Moody and his aurors to pick up. She deserved to face justice for her crimes.
Cato loves to bake. He learned it when he helped out at his mother’s restaurant in their village. While at Hogwarts he sometimes honed his skills and made cookies for him and his friends to enjoy. He sometimes asked them to give him feedback on them so that the next batch would be better. During a food poison scare in his fifth year, Cato volunteered in the kitchens for a while and occasionally did so in his final two years to help escape stress and drama for a bit.
His favorite things to take pictures of are amazing sights in nature, mostly the sunset. One of Cato’s most prized possessions is a color photo of the sun setting over the castle that he got from Chiara as a gift for helping her clear up her anxieties about her being the monster attacking a student and going through her transformation phase when she gave all of her Wolfsbane to Lupin. Cato still had the photo after graduation and had it framed to preserve it.
To try to help with his socializing and overcome his anxieties, Cato frequently volunteered in the hospital wing. His time spent there also aided in building his empathy and compassion as a teen. The skills and experience gained also helped Cato when he was hired as a Healer at St. Mungo following his retirement in curse-breaking.
In Quidditch, Cato was a chaser for the Ravenclaw team. He went by the nickname “Wingbear” during games and while at practice.
He has some knowledge of the German language from his grandparents from his father’s side. They live in a small seaside town in Southern England. In the summers before he went to Hogwarts, Cato’s parents sometimes took him there to visit the beach for a few days. They stayed at the grandparent’s house, and that is how Cato learned some of the language. Sometimes he’d study it a little at Hogwarts when he was free too.
The Reese family lived in a spacious English Tudor style house atop a hill. It was named Mount Ridgetop by the previous owner. The family kept it when they moved in there out of gratitude. The house was built by Muggles for an elderly wizarding couple who lived successful lives in the United States. They sold it to the Reese family to pay for their upcoming funerals, later moving in with relatives where they would enjoy their final days.
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thattunisiandude · 2 years
Introduction into Tunisian Cinema
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As I Open My Eyes (2015)
Tunis, summer 2010, a few months before the Revolution: Farah, 18 years-old, has just graduated and her family already sees her as a future doctor. But she doesn’t think the same way. She sings in a political rock band. She has a passion for life, gets drunk, discovers love and her city by night against the will of her mother Hayet, who knows Tunisia and its dangers too well.
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Millefeuille (2012)
This is the story of a whole country told by Nouri Bouzid through the fate of two girls, Zaineb and Aisha, symbols of the Revolution and the future of Tunisia. Both are fighting for their independence, to win their freedom. Both fight against the religious and cultural shackles established by an archaic society. A society that, while the country is in turmoil, still hesitates between modernity and traditionalism.
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Hedi, a wind of Freedom (2016)
Hedi is a wise and reserved young man. Passionate about drawing, he works without enthusiasm like commercial. Although his country is changing, he remains subject to social conventions and lets his family make the decisions for him. While his mother is actively preparing for his wedding, his boss sends him to Mahdia looking for new clients.
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A Summer in La Goulette (1996)
During the summer of 1966, on the eve of the Six Day War, Youssef the Muslim, controller on the TGM, Jojo the Jew, king of brik with the egg, and Giuseppe the Catholic, Sicilian fisherman, live with their family in the same building that is the property of the Beji Hajj. The three men are inseparable outside of work, their families live in good neighborhood and share a nonchalant happiness in the small port village of La Goulette in the suburbs of Tunis. Until the day each of their daughters, Meriem the Muslim, Gigi the Jewish and Tina the Catholic, inseparable as their fathers, decide to lose their virginity before August 15 with a boy of another religion than theirs. The first attempt, the wedding day of Jojo's eldest daughter, comes to a halt as a result of the intervention of the alert fathers. When the film ends, the Six Day War begins and breaks this harmony between the communities.
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Dachra (2019)
Yasmine, a journalism student, and her two friends, Walid and Bilel, are trying to unravel the mystery of an old crime committed more than 25 years ago. In the middle of nowhere, a woman had been found mutilated and almost dead. Once their investigation is over, they will find themselves in a forest where they will discover a small isolated village called "Dachra". Stuck in this unknown territory, the trio will try to escape the horror. Will they have managed to escape?
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Júnún (2006)
Jùnùn deals with the schizophrenic condition prevailing in Arab societies. The film takes deep into a punishing excursion, showing us the underworld of the poor and the discarded, and how easily they can be made to embrace extremist and fundamentalist thoughts. The film forces us to confront a bipolar reality, once dark, once light, a reality too often repressed. Jùnùn explores the human beings by their feelings of love and hatred while challenging the viewers by its approach to violence, exclusion, the thirst for freedom and the patriarchal, religious and institutional power on the individual.
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Redeyef 54 (1997)
In 1954, two young intellectuals, the ethnologist François and Ibrahim the lawyer, return to Tunisia after their studies in Paris. Brahim is engaged in the national independence movement. He is charged by the party to find his brother Beda, the resistants' leader, and to convince him to lay down his arms, a prerequisite for peaceful negotiations.
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Wrangling (2010)
While Zeineb is very religious and wears the hijab, her sister Lilia likes to party and enjoy life to the fullest. Despite their contradictory lifestyles, the two sisters have a real complicity and Zeineb takes a tender and protective look at Lilia's love affair with their neighbor Skander. When the young couple's families meet to decide to marry, the two sisters suddenly find themselves on the same ground: defending their freedom as women in the face of conservative hypocrisy. The film explores with humor and finesse the tug-of-war that women experience in today's Tunisian society.
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The Art of Mezoued (2010)
"The Art of Mezoued" tells the story of the life and work of the leading figures of the Tunisian Mezoued (popular song based on the bagpipes). It portrays its pioneers and its living actors, between consecrated stars, fallen stars and rising celebrities: Salah Farzit, Mostapha Gattel Essid, Hédi Donia, Abdelkarim Benzarti and Achraf.The film relates through interviews, testimonies and live concerts in wedding parties and in various places (cafes, cabarets, party room ... ), the dense, eventful and controversial history of the Tunisian popular music Mezoued, its rise and its crises, its musical components and its themes, its territories of deprivation and popular plebiscite, its official exclusion (until 1990) and its phenomenal success carried by popular musicians, with the appearance of "bad boys" and singular talent and by cult songs, sometimes deviant, sometimes protesting or simply funny, saucy and festive.
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Eclipses (2015)
Between the passion of Hind, a young journalist, for Lassâad the police commissioner, the murder of an entrepreneur by his daughter-in-law, and the discovery of a network of jihadist smugglers that will have to be dismantled, Eclipses retorts the strings of an infernal spiral in thriller mode.
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thxnews · 8 months
Chicago's Fascinating History of Change
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  Chicago is one of America's largest cities, having grown from a small village of Native Americans to the bustling metropolis it is today. Its fascinating history takeout can be traced through both its cultural roots and developing infrastructure over the last 2 centuries.  
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Chicago's History of Change. Photo by Victor Lozano. Unsplash.  
Chicago's History in Rich Explorers
The City of Chicago, with its extensive and rich history, has witnessed significant transformations. As one of the largest cities in the United States, it has evolved from its founding by French explorers to becoming an industrial powerhouse. Chicago has navigated through numerous eras, leaving an indelible mark on America. Established in 1779 as Fort Dearborn by Jean Baptiste Point du Sable, a fur trader of Haitian and African descent and considered Chicago's first permanent resident, the city's historical tapestry is woven with diverse threads.  
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Chicago's History of Change. Photo by Victor Lozano. Unsplash.  
Early Settlements: Native American Tribes
The history of the United States is intrinsically linked to that of Native American tribes, who first settled in North America thousands of years ago. Tribes like the Apache, Cherokee, and Sioux were among the earliest people to inhabit the continent long before Europeans began exploring. These tribes lived a nomadic lifestyle for much of this time, forming small settlements as they followed migrating animal herds or sought out lands with more fertile soils. As these settlements evolved, becoming more extensive and intricate, they developed distinct cultural identities. Notable examples include the Iroquois Confederacy, an alliance of five Native American nations, and the Mississippian Mound Builders, who constructed expansive earthworks in present-day Louisiana and Mississippi.  
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19th Century Boomtown. Photo byBernd Dittrich. Unsplash.  
19th Century Boomtown: Immigration and Development
The 19th century brought an influx of immigrants to the United States, particularly in cities like Chicago. Many immigrants were drawn to this bustling city by its promise of opportunity and potential for personal growth. This time marked a significant boomtown as new businesses, industries, and infrastructure began to develop remarkably.  As these immigrants settled into their new city, they quickly made their mark by introducing fresh ideas and innovations that led to further economic growth. By the end of the 19th century, Chicago had become a major industrial center with an international economy rivaling other large cities worldwide.  
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20th Centuries. Photo by Geoffrey Hubbs. Flickr.  
Manufacturing and Migration: 19th and 20th Centuries
The 19th and 20th centuries marked a period of massive industrialization, and increased demand for manufacturing labor came with it. By 1900, in Chicago's metropolitan area factories. Many of these employees had come from Germany, Ireland, Italy, and other parts of Europe to work in the factories due to limited job prospects back home. This need drove many people to migrate from rural areas to large cities such as Chicago in search of employment opportunities. Chicago was once known for its large stockyards that processed livestock meat, but the city also grew into one of the most important centers for manufacturing in the United States. Immigrants were critical in fueling Chicago's remarkable growth during this time. They brought new skills and ideas that helped propel the city into a major center for innovation and industry.  
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Chicago Fire of 1871. Photo by Meridith112. Flickr.  
The Great Chicago Fire of 1871
The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 remains one of the most catastrophic disasters in U.S. history. Sparking on October 8th, a small fire broke out on the Southwest Side of Chicago, swiftly engulfing the city. The inferno raged for two days, consuming over three square miles of land and devastating an estimated 17,500 buildings. The cause of the fire is unknown to this day, though many theories exist as to what may have sparked it. Some believe that a cow belonging to Mrs. O'Leary kicked over a kerosene lamp in her barn, while others suspect that faulty wiring or arson was responsible for starting the blaze. Whatever its cause, conditions were ripe for disaster due to an arid summer that left much of Chicago covered in sawdust and dried lumber - perfect fuel for any spark that might be ignited.  
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Post-Fire Rebuilds. Photo by Randy von Liski. Flickr.  
Growth Despite Adversity: Post-Fire Rebuilds
The City of Chicago is no stranger to adversity, and the aftermath of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 is a prominent example. Despite this catastrophic event, the city was able to rebuild and grow in the wake of destruction.  With determination and resilience written into its history, it is no surprise that Chicago has been able to once again find success after facing another setback: the wildfires of 2020. In June and July last year, more than 11,000 acres were burned by wildfires in northern Illinois due to extreme weather patterns across the Midwest. Fortunately for the citizens of Chicago, despite these conditions leading to some property damage, the city maintained its strong sense of community throughout its recovery efforts. After a summer full of dedicated work from local officials and volunteers alike, many areas have experienced positive change as they rebuild their city.  
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Changing Landscape. Photo by Jim. Flickr.  
Changing Landscape
The 21st century has changed the face of cities, and Chicago is no exception. For centuries, people have flocked to this storied city on Lake Michigan's western shore for the opportunity and a chance to make a home for themselves. But in the last 20 years, the city has seen changes entirely transforming its landscape.  The City of Chicago boasts a long and rich history. As one of the largest cities in the United States, it has undergone substantial transformations over the years. From its founding by French explorers to its evolution into an industrial powerhouse, Chicago has navigated through numerous eras, leaving an indelible mark on America. Established in 1779 as Fort Dearborn by Jean Baptiste Point du Sable, a fur trader of Haitian and African descent and considered Chicago's first permanent resident, the city's historical tapestry is woven with diverse threads.  
Chicago boasts a long and illustrious history marked by adaptability. Originating as a humble river settlement, it has transformed into a major metropolis. Over the years, the city has experienced numerous changes, including population booms, economic and technological advances, and architectural wonders. Chicago's story of progress is both exciting and ever-changing. Chicago has a rich history and numerous attractions, such as The Magnificent Mile, Navy Pier, and the Art Institute of Chicago. There are also world-class shopping districts, lively entertainment venues, and plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy during all seasons of the year. Moreover, its diverse communities offer an inviting atmosphere and there are many different cuisines with many different cuisines to sample from around the world. With so much to see and do in Chicago, it's no wonder it continues to be a popular spot for visitors from far and near.   Sources: THX News & Wikipedia. Read the full article
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Emily Carr was born in Victoria, British Columbia in 1871. Her inclination to art was duly encouraged by her father, Richard Carr, a wholesale merchant. After the death of both her parents in 1890, she started to pursue art seriously, and studied at the San Francisco Art Institute for two years. At the age of 26, Carr visited a small village near Ucluelet located on the western coast of the Vancouver Island. There she sketched the lives of the Nootka people, indigenous to the land. Her interest in the lifestyle of Indian people was promoted by her trip to Alaska, where she spent days sketching the daily activities of the villagers.
In 1899, Carr went to the UK to study at the Westminster School of Art in London. In England she befriended and worked with Julius Olsson and Algernon Talmage, artists of the St. Ives School. By the time she returned to Canada, Carr established herself as a professional artist. She worked as a teacher at the Ladies Art Club in Vancouver, where she was highly unpopular among the students due to her smoking habits and cursing, that eventually led her to resign from her job.
After her tryst with many Indian villages in the Queen Charlotte Islands and the Upper Skeena River, Carr once again went to Europe in 1910, to study at the Académie Colarossi in Paris. She also took private lessons from Harry Phelan Gibb who influenced her palette adding there more vibrant colors. She was also influenced by French Post-Impressionism and Fauvism, and, after returning back to Canada in 1912, she exhibited 70 oils and watercolors of her “french period”, showing those influences. However, her bold new style was not appreciated by Canadians.
During the next 15 years, Carr did not paint much. She run a boarding house, took a short-story writing course, and spent some time in San Francisco doing different jobs, like painting decorations for the St. Francis Hotel and drawing cartoons for Western Woman’s Weekly. In 1927 Carr attended an exhibition of West Coast Aboriginal art in National Gallery of Canada. There she met Lawren Harris and other members of the Group of Seven, the most recognized modern painters in Canada at that time. Their distinctively Canadian art impressed her greatly, and triggered the most prolific period of her creative career. Throughout the decade, she mastered the scenes from the daily lives, traditions and culture of the indigenous Americans. With Lawren Harris as her mentor, Carr began to paint bold, almost hallucinatory canvases with which many people identify her - paintings of Aboriginal totem poles set in deep forest locations or the sites of abandoned Indigenous villages.
After a year or two Carr left Aboriginal subjects to devote herself to nature themes. From 1928 on, critical recognition and exposure in exhibitions of more than regional significance, like the National Gallery of Canada and the American Federation of Artists in Washington, D.C., began to come her way. There was even the occasional sale, though never enough to improve her financial situation. In full mastery of her talents and with deepening vision, she continued to produce a great body of paintings freely expressive of the large rhythms of Western forests, driftwood-tossed beaches and expansive skies, like Indian Church (1929), Loggers’ Culls (1935), and Heart of the Forest (1935).
In 1937, Carr suffered her first heart attack, which marked the beginning of a decline in her health and a lessening of the energy required for painting. Artworks from her last decade, like Odds and Ends (1939), reveal her growing anxiety about the environmental impact of industry on British Columbia's landscape and on the lives of Indigenous people. Carr died in 1945 of a heart attack. More than half a century after her death, she has become a Canadian icon. Her long preoccupation with the Indigenous culture of the Canadian west coast coincided with the beginnings of a rising tide of awareness and confident self-identification on the part of Aboriginal people who had for some time been considered part of a moribund culture. In the same way, her passionate involvement with nature and its portrayal coincided with a growing popular awareness of environmental issues and an accompanying sense of loss associated with the disappearance of "nature" in our own day. And the fact that she was a woman fighting the overwhelming obstacles that faced women of her day to become an artist of stunning originality and strength has made her a favorite of the women's movement.
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avrahamglattman · 1 year
NYCs Top Sports and Fitness Activities
NYC’s Top Sports and Fitness Activities http://avrahamglattman.org/nycs-top-sports-and-fitness-activities/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=nycs-top-sports-and-fitness-activities New York City, the vibrant metropolis that never sleeps, is a global hub for culture, food, and entertainment and a playground for sports and fitness enthusiasts. From iconic sports arenas to breathtaking outdoor spaces, the city offers many activities to get your heart pumping and adrenaline rushing. Let’s delve into the top sports and fitness activities that make NYC an athlete’s paradise. Running in Central Park  Central Park, the iconic oasis in the heart of Manhattan, is a haven for runners of all skill levels. With its sprawling pathways covering 843 acres, runners can embark on scenic jogs through meadows, alongside tranquil lakes, and under the shade of towering trees. The park hosts various organized runs, including the annual New York City Marathon. Lace-up your running shoes, breathe in the fresh air, and join the vibrant community of runners who gather here to stay fit and challenge their limits. Biking across the Brooklyn Bridge  For a thrilling and picturesque adventure, hop on a bike and pedal across the iconic Brooklyn Bridge. Marvel at the stunning Manhattan skyline as you traverse the East River, capturing breathtaking views of the city’s architectural wonders and the serene water below. Cycling enthusiasts can explore the vibrant neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Manhattan using dedicated bike lanes and paths that crisscross the city. Whether you’re a casual rider or a seasoned cyclist, this exhilarating journey will provide an unforgettable fitness experience. Pick-up Basketball at West 4th Street Courts Nestled in the heart of Greenwich Village, the West 4th Street Courts are legendary among basketball enthusiasts. This iconic outdoor court has witnessed the skills and energy of some of the city’s most talented ballers. Join a pick-up game or soak up the electrifying atmosphere as you watch others compete. The courts attract both amateurs and aspiring professionals, allowing you to hone your skills, showcase your talent, and experience the essence of New York City street basketball. Indoor Climbing at Brooklyn Boulders Escape the bustling streets and discover the thrill of indoor rock climbing at Brooklyn Boulders. Located in the industrial neighborhood of Gowanus, this state-of-the-art facility offers climbers of all levels a chance to scale walls, conquer challenging routes, and test their strength and agility. With expert instructors, diverse climbing terrain, and a vibrant community, Brooklyn Boulders provides a safe and exciting environment for climbers to push their limits and build physical and mental resilience. Tennis at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center  Home to the renowned US Open Tennis Championship, the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park is a mecca for tennis enthusiasts. With its numerous indoor and outdoor courts, the center offers ample opportunities for players to engage in friendly matches, take lessons, or watch professionals in action. The vibrant atmosphere and top-notch facilities make it an ideal destination for recreational and competitive players, allowing them to embrace the spirit of the game and nurture their passion for tennis. New York City’s dynamic landscape provides various sports and fitness activities for locals and visitors alike. NYC offers something for everyone seeking an active and exhilarating lifestyle. So, lace up your sneakers, grab your gear, and dive into the vibrant sports and fitness scene that defines this iconic city. The post NYC’s Top Sports and Fitness Activities first appeared on Avraham Glattman | Fun in NYC.
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sutrala · 2 years
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Reposted from @anggunfacts During the breakthrough in US, a legendary American rock magazine Rolling Stone devoted a short article to Anggun (Rolling Stones). As did the respected New York weekly Village Voice, which reviewed the "Malaysian Madonna's" performance at the Lilith Fair Festival (only making one small error about her nationality!) 😅❤🙏🏼 . . #anggun #angguncsasmi #laneigeausahara #snowonthesahara #sots #dals #dwts #chanteuse #rollingstone #lilithfair#entertainment #news #lifestyle ©Copyright ÄRÇ ÄÑGΣL ÇRØWΣ® | Sutra LA® | Planet Chrisley® | All Rights Reserved. https://www.instagram.com/p/CigwBMILOvj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bbumtravel · 10 days
The place with the best pork in the world
Hampshire is a historic county located on the southern coast of England, known for its rich heritage, picturesque landscapes, and vibrant communities. Here's a detailed introduction to Hampshire:
Geography and Location: Hampshire is situated in the South East of England, bordered by Dorset to the west, Wiltshire to the north-west, Berkshire to the north, Surrey to the north-east, and West Sussex to the east. To the south lies the English Channel, providing Hampshire with a coastline that includes popular seaside destinations such as Portsmouth and Southampton.
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History and Heritage: Hampshire has a deep historical legacy dating back to Roman times and beyond. It was once part of the ancient kingdom of Wessex and played a significant role in England's medieval and maritime history. The county's cities and towns feature architectural gems, medieval castles, and historic sites that reflect its rich past. Winchester, the county town, was once the capital of England and is home to Winchester Cathedral, one of the largest cathedrals in Europe.
Cities and Towns: Hampshire boasts a diverse range of cities, towns, and villages, each offering its own unique charm and attractions. Southampton, a major port city, has a maritime heritage stretching back centuries and is a bustling hub of commerce and culture. Portsmouth, another prominent city, is renowned for its historic dockyard, which houses HMS Victory, Nelson's flagship from the Battle of Trafalgar.
Natural Beauty and Landscapes: The county is blessed with diverse landscapes, from the rolling hills of the South Downs National Park in the east to the New Forest National Park in the west. The New Forest is a designated area of outstanding natural beauty, renowned for its ancient woodlands, heathlands, and roaming ponies.
Culture and Lifestyle: Hampshire offers a vibrant cultural scene with theaters, galleries, museums, and festivals celebrating everything from literature to maritime history. The county hosts numerous events throughout the year, attracting visitors from near and far.
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Economy and Industry: Hampshire has a strong economy driven by sectors such as maritime industries, aerospace, defense, and technology. It is home to major companies and research institutions, contributing to its status as a center for innovation and industry in the UK.
Outdoor Activities and Recreation: Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy a plethora of activities in Hampshire, including hiking, cycling, sailing, and wildlife spotting. The county's coastline provides opportunities for water sports and leisure activities, while its countryside and parks offer tranquil settings for relaxation and exploration.
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In summary, Hampshire combines a rich historical heritage with stunning natural landscapes, vibrant cities, and a thriving economy, making it a captivating destination for residents and visitors alike.
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amaraluuna · 26 days
Your Comfort Place: Homes for Sale in Millbrook, AL
Nestled in the heart of Alabama, Millbrook is a charming city that combines the tranquillity of small-town living with the convenience of being near bustling urban areas. If you’re looking for a place that offers comfort, community, and a welcoming atmosphere, Homes For Sale In Millbrook AL is the perfect destination. In this blog, we'll explore why Millbrook, AL, is an ideal place to find your new home and what makes the homes for sale here truly exceptional.
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A Glimpse into Millbrook
Millbrook, located just a few miles north of Montgomery, is part of the Montgomery Metropolitan Statistical Area. This prime location offers residents easy access to the amenities and opportunities of Alabama’s capital city while retaining the peace and charm of a smaller community. Known for its friendly residents, excellent schools, and abundance of recreational activities, Millbrook is a city where families can thrive and individuals can enjoy a high quality of life.
The Appeal of Millbrook Real Estate
Variety of Homes
One of the most appealing aspects of Millbrook’s real estate market is the variety of homes available. Whether you’re looking for a cosy starter home, a spacious family house, or a luxurious estate, you’ll find a diverse selection of properties to suit your needs and budget. From charming bungalows and mid-century modern houses to contemporary designs and sprawling estates, Millbrook’s housing market caters to a wide range of tastes and preferences.
Affordable Living
Compared to many other parts of the country, Homes For Sale Wetumpka AL offers affordable living without compromising on quality. The cost of living in Millbrook is lower than the national average, making it an attractive option for those looking to get the most value for their money. This affordability extends to the real estate market, where you can find beautiful homes at prices that are often more reasonable than in larger cities.
Quality Construction
Homes in Millbrook are known for their quality construction and attention to detail. Many properties feature modern amenities, energy-efficient designs, and stylish finishes. Whether you’re interested in a newly built home or a well-maintained older property, you can expect high standards of craftsmanship and comfort.
Community and Lifestyle
Family-Friendly Atmosphere
Millbrook is renowned for its family-friendly atmosphere. The city boasts excellent schools, numerous parks, and a wide range of activities for children and families. The Elmore County Public School System, which serves Millbrook, is known for its commitment to educational excellence, providing a solid foundation for children’s futures.
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Outdoor Recreation
For those who love the outdoors, Millbrook offers an abundance of recreational opportunities. The city is home to several parks, including the beautiful Village Green Park and Millbrook Civic Center, where residents can enjoy walking trails, sports facilities, and playgrounds. Nearby, the Alabama River and various lakes provide excellent spots for fishing, boating, and picnicking.
Community Events
Millbrook’s strong sense of community is evident in its numerous events and activities. The city hosts a variety of festivals, farmers markets, and cultural events throughout the year, fostering a sense of togetherness and civic pride. From the Millbrook Revelers Mardi Gras Parade to the Coosada Cornfield Maze, there’s always something happening to bring residents together and celebrate the unique spirit of Millbrook.
Accessibility and Convenience
Proximity to Montgomery
One of Millbrook’s key advantages is its proximity to Montgomery. A short drive south brings you to Alabama’s capital city, where you can take advantage of a broader array of amenities, including shopping centres, restaurants, museums, and entertainment venues. This convenient access allows Millbrook residents to enjoy the best of both worlds: the quiet charm of small-town living and the vibrant energy of a larger city.
Easy Commutes
For those who commute to work, Millbrook’s strategic location provides easy access to major highways, including Interstate 65. This makes commuting to Montgomery or other nearby cities straightforward and convenient. Whether you work in the town or in one of the surrounding areas, Millbrook offers a comfortable and accessible place to call home.
Finding Your Dream Home in Millbrook
If you’re considering making Millbrook your home, there are several steps you can take to find the perfect property.
Work with a Local Real Estate Agent
Partnering with a local real estate agent who knows the Millbrook market can be invaluable. An experienced agent can help you navigate the housing market, identify properties that meet your criteria, and negotiate the best deals. Their local knowledge and expertise will be crucial in finding a home that fits your needs and budget.
Define Your Priorities
Before you start your search, it’s essential to define your priorities. Consider what features are most important to you in a home. Do you need a certain number of bedrooms or bathrooms? Are you looking for a large yard, a modern kitchen, or specific architectural styles? By clarifying your must-haves, you can streamline your search and focus on properties that meet your needs.
Explore Different Neighborhoods
Millbrook offers a variety of neighbourhoods, each with its unique character and amenities. Take the time to explore different areas to find the one that best suits your lifestyle. Whether you prefer a quiet, tree-lined street or a neighbourhood with a bustling community centre, Millbrook has something to offer everyone.
Attend Open Houses
Attending open houses can give you a feel for the homes available in Millbrook and help you envision yourself living in different properties. Open houses provide an excellent opportunity to see the quality of construction, layout, and overall ambience of potential homes.
Homes For Sale Lake Martin AL, is a hidden gem that offers the perfect blend of comfort, community, and convenience. With its affordable and diverse housing market, excellent schools, abundant recreational opportunities, and proximity to Montgomery, Millbrook is an ideal place to find your next home. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer, looking to upgrade, or seeking a peaceful place to retire, Millbrook has a home that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
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Discover the charm and warmth of Millbrook for yourself, and you’ll soon see why so many people are proud to call this city their home. Start your journey today by exploring the homes for sale in Millbrook, AL, and finding your perfect comfort place in this wonderful community.
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javasunrisecoffe · 26 days
Discover the Wonders of Komodo with a Share Cost Tour Package
Traveling to Komodo National Park is a dream for many, but concerns about costs can sometimes dampen the excitement. Fortunately, a Komodo share cost tour package offers an affordable solution, allowing you to explore this incredible destination without compromising on experience. This type of package is perfect for budget-conscious travellers who want to enjoy the beauty and adventure of Komodo National Park while sharing the journey with fellow adventurers.
What is a Komodo Share Cost Tour Package?
A Komodo share cost tour package is designed for travellers who wish to share the expenses of the trip. This package pools resources among participants, making it a cost-effective way to experience the park's highlights. These tours typically include transportation, accommodation, meals, and guided activities, ensuring a comprehensive and worry-free adventure.
Advantages of a Komodo Share Cost Tour Package
Choosing a share cost tour package offers several benefits:
1. Cost Savings: By splitting the costs with other travellers, you can significantly reduce your expenses. This makes it possible to experience Komodo National Park on a tighter budget.
2. Social Interaction: Share cost tours provide an opportunity to meet new people and form connections with like-minded travellers. The shared experiences often lead to lasting friendships.
3. Guided Expertise: These tours include experienced guides who can enhance your understanding and appreciation of the park’s natural wonders. Their knowledge ensures a richer, more educational experience.
4. Convenience: Everything from logistics to activities is pre-arranged, allowing you to focus on enjoying your trip without worrying about the details.
Highlights of a Komodo Share Cost Tour Package
A Komodo share cost tour package offers an exciting itinerary that includes:
- Komodo Dragon Sightings: See the magnificent Komodo dragons in their natural habitat on Komodo and Rinca Islands. Guided tours ensure safe and informative encounters with these fascinating creatures.
- Pink Beach: Visit the stunning Pink Beach, known for its unique pink-hued sand. It’s a perfect spot for snorkeling and relaxation.
- Marine Exploration: Dive or snorkel in the crystal-clear waters around Komodo National Park, home to vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life including manta rays and turtles.
-  Padar Island: Hike to the top of Padar Island for one of the most iconic views in Indonesia. The panoramic vistas of the surrounding islands and turquoise waters are simply breath-taking.
- Local Culture: Experience the local culture and lifestyle by visiting nearby villages and interacting with the residents. This adds a cultural dimension to your adventure.
A Komodo share cost tour package offers an incredible way to explore the natural beauty and wonders of Komodo National Park without breaking the bank. It combines affordability, adventure, and social interaction, making it an ideal choice for travellers looking to experience one of Indonesia's most remarkable destinations. By sharing costs and experiences with fellow travellers, you can enjoy a rich and fulfilling journey through this unique and pristine environment. Start planning your adventure today and get ready to discover the magic of Komodo.
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battytaft0033 · 1 month
Living in Ashburn, Virginia: Pros and Cons.
Ashburn, Virginia, located in Loudoun County, is a rapidly growing suburb in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Known for its affluent neighborhoods, excellent schools, and burgeoning tech industry, Ashburn offers a high quality of life. However, like any location, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Here's a detailed look at the pros and cons of living in Ashburn, Virginia.
1. Strong Economy and Job Opportunities Ashburn is often referred to as "Data Center Alley" due to its high concentration of data centers. Major tech companies like Amazon Web Services and Verizon have significant operations here. This tech boom provides a wealth of job opportunities, particularly in IT and engineering. Additionally, the proximity to Washington, D.C. means a manageable commute for those working in government or related sectors.
2. Excellent Schools Loudoun County Public Schools are among the best in the state and the country. With high graduation rates, advanced placement courses, and a variety of extracurricular activities, schools in Ashburn prepare students well for college and beyond. There are also several well-regarded private schools in the area.
3. High Quality of Life Ashburn offers a suburban lifestyle with numerous amenities. The community boasts extensive parks, trails, and recreational facilities. The W&OD Trail is popular for biking and walking, while Brambleton Regional Park provides opportunities for sports and outdoor activities. Shopping and dining options are plentiful, with One Loudoun and the Village at Leesburg being popular destinations.
4. Safe and Family-Friendly Environment Ashburn consistently ranks as one of the safest places to live in Virginia. The low crime rate, combined with numerous family-oriented activities and facilities, makes it an ideal place to raise children. Community events, farmers markets, and seasonal festivals foster a strong sense of community.
5. Modern Infrastructure The rapid development in Ashburn has led to modern infrastructure. New housing developments offer contemporary homes with the latest amenities. The area's public facilities, such as libraries and community centers, are state-of-the-art. The Silver Line extension of the Metro provides enhanced connectivity to the broader D.C. area.
1. High Cost of Living One of the main drawbacks of living in Ashburn is the high cost of living. Housing prices are significantly higher than the national average, making it difficult for some families to afford. While the area offers many amenities, they come at a premium, contributing to the overall cost.
2. Traffic and Commute Times Despite the availability of the Metro, traffic congestion remains a significant issue, particularly during peak hours. Routes 7 and 28, major arteries in the area, often experience heavy traffic, making daily commutes challenging. While the infrastructure is modern, it struggles to keep pace with the rapid population growth.
3. Limited Public Transportation Public transportation options are somewhat limited compared to urban areas. While the Silver Line Metro provides access to Washington, D.C., and other parts of Northern Virginia, the local bus system is less comprehensive. This makes owning a car almost a necessity for getting around locally.
4. Rapid Development and Urbanization The fast-paced development in Ashburn can be a double-edged sword. While it brings modern amenities and infrastructure, it also leads to construction-related inconveniences and a loss of the rural charm that once characterized the area. Some long-time residents feel that the rapid urbanization has diminished the community's character.
5. Weather Extremes The weather in Ashburn can be quite variable. Summers are hot and humid, with temperatures often reaching the upper 80s and 90s. Winters can be cold, with occasional snowstorms disrupting daily life. These weather extremes can be challenging for those not accustomed to them.
Ashburn, Virginia, offers a vibrant community with strong job opportunities, excellent schools, and a high quality of life. However, these benefits come with a high cost of living, traffic congestion, and the challenges of rapid urbanization. For those working in the tech industry or seeking a suburban lifestyle close to Washington, D.C., Ashburn remains an attractive option, albeit with considerations to weigh.
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itsabhishek6727 · 1 month
Discover the Beauty of Abu Dhabi: City Tour from Dubai
Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates, is a stunning blend of tradition and modernity. These days, more and more people are discovering the charm of Abu Dhabi and are choosing to visit this magnificent city with their families. It’s becoming a new trend to explore the rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landmarks that Abu Dhabi offers.
The Scenic Wonders of Abu Dhabi
When you embark on an abu dhabi city tour from dubai, you're in for an unforgettable experience filled with beautiful scenery and iconic landmarks. Here are some of the highlights you can look forward to:
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque
One of the most beautiful and grand mosques in the world, the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is a must-visit. The mosque's stunning architecture, featuring white marble domes and intricate Islamic art, is a sight to behold. Inside, you’ll be amazed by the world’s largest hand-knotted carpet and the grand crystal chandeliers.
Emirates Palace & Presidential Palace (Photo Stop)
Your tour will include a photo stop at the Emirates Palace and the Presidential Palace. The Emirates Palace is a luxury hotel that epitomizes Arabian opulence with its grand structure and lush gardens. The nearby Presidential Palace, Qasr Al Watan, is equally impressive, showcasing the nation's rich heritage and craftsmanship.
Heritage Village
Step back in time with a visit to the Heritage Village. This reconstructed traditional oasis village offers a glimpse into the past, illustrating the emirate’s Bedouin lifestyle. You can explore traditional houses, workshops, and even see artisans at work crafting pottery and weaving fabric.
Dates Market
For a taste of local flavor, a visit to the Dates Market is essential. Abu Dhabi’s dates are famous for their quality and taste. At the market, you can sample a variety of dates and even purchase some to take home as a sweet reminder of your trip.
Ferrari World (Photo Stop)
Even if you're not a thrill-seeker, a photo stop at Ferrari World is a treat. This iconic theme park, known for housing the world’s fastest roller coaster, makes for a fantastic backdrop for your photos. Its striking red roof, designed to resemble a Ferrari car, is instantly recognizable.
Marina Mall
For those who love shopping, the Marina Mall is a paradise. This expansive mall offers a mix of high-end and high-street brands, dining options, and entertainment facilities. It’s a great place to relax and indulge in some retail therapy during your tour.
Corniche Beach
End your tour with a visit to Corniche Beach. This beautiful, pristine beach stretches along the city’s coastline, offering stunning views of the Arabian Gulf. The Corniche is perfect for a relaxing stroll, a swim, or simply to enjoy the serene surroundings and watch the sunset.
Don’t Miss Out on This Amazing Experience!
Imagine sharing these incredible experiences with your loved ones. Don’t let the fear of missing out (FOMO) keep you from creating unforgettable memories with your family. An abu dhabi city tour from dubai is the perfect way to bond, explore, and enjoy the beauty of Abu Dhabi together. From the architectural marvels to the cultural insights and leisure spots, there’s something for everyone in this vibrant city.
So, why wait? Plan your trip to Abu Dhabi and let the adventure begin. Whether it's the grandeur of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, the historical charm of Heritage Village, or the modern allure of Marina Mall, Abu Dhabi promises a spectacular experience for the entire family.
For more information and to book your tour, visit Betterviewtourism. Make the most of your time in the UAE and create lasting memories with your family on this amazing city tour.
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downincmi · 2 months
Bath Bombs Market Explosion: Unveiling the Ultimate in Relaxation
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Bath bombs are fizzy and colorful bathing products made using essential oils, carrier oils, and fragrance that effervesce when placed in warm water. The products gently exfoliate and nourish the skin while releasing soothing fragrances. They provide benefits like relieving stress, anxiety, and pain.
The global bath bomb market is estimated to be valued at US$ 138.36 billion in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.0% over the forecast period from 2023 to 2030.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the bath bombs market are Lush Ltd., Body Shop International Limited, The Village Company LLC, Pearl Bath Bombs, Hugo Naturals, Level Naturals, Swanky Sweet Pea, Heavenly Bubbles Ltd, The Natural Soap Company, and Oliver Rocket LLC. These companies offer a wide variety of bath bomb products with innovative designs and natural ingredients.
The demand for bath bombs has been increasing significantly owing to the growing inclination towards self-care products and beauty regimes. The busier lifestyles have led to increased stress levels driving the demand for relaxation products like bath bombs. Moreover, the trend of gift-giving bath and body care products is also propelling the market growth.
The bath bomb market is expanding globally due to rising incomes, growing e-commerce channels, and increasing promotion through social media platforms. Major companies are focusing on emerging economies in Asia Pacific and Latin America for business expansion opportunities. Partnerships with spas, beauty stores, and hotels are boosting international sales.
Market Key Trends
One of the key trends witnessed in the bath bomb market is the launch of organic and vegan bath bomb products. Many brands are introducing natural ingredients-based bath bombs made using plant-based oils, essential oils, and no chemical dyes or parabens. Features like cruelty-free, allergen-free and sustainable packaging are increasingly attracting health-conscious consumers. The organic bath bombs segment is expected to grow at a high CAGR during the forecast period.
Porter's Analysis
Threat of new entrants: New companies can enter the bath bombs market easily as requirements for manufacturing bath bombs are relatively low. However, established brands have stronger brand recognition and distribution networks. Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have moderate bargaining power in this market as there are numerous manufacturers and retailers providing bath bombs. However, certain brands have built strong customer loyalty based on quality and unique offerings.
Bargaining power of suppliers: The bargaining power of suppliers is low due to the readily availability of raw materials used in bath bombs like citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, essential oils, and fragrances from multiple suppliers. Threat of new substitutes: New substitutes like shower melts, bath teas, and salts offer alternatives but don't offer the visual appeal and fizzing properties of bath bombs. Therefore, the threat of substitutes is low. Competitive rivalry: The market has several small and large players competing on the basis of product innovation, ingredients, and marketing. This leads to high competitive rivalry.
Geographical Regions
North America currently holds the highest value share in the bath bombs market owing to high consumer spending and popularity of bath and body products. Europe is another major region driven by innovation and focus on wellness trends in countries like the UK and Germany.
Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing regional market between 2023-2030 because of rising living standards, increasing disposable incomes, and growing popularity of aromatherapy and wellness products in countries like China, India and Southeast Asian nations.
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innoveelabs · 2 months
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Italy, with its rich tapestry of history and culture, has captivated the hearts and minds of travelers for centuries. From the majestic ruins of ancient Rome to the Renaissance masterpieces of Florence and the charming villages of the Amalfi Coast, Italy offers a wealth of treasures waiting to be discovered. Join us as we embark on a journey through Italy's storied past and vibrant culture, unraveling the threads that have shaped this extraordinary nation.
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