#nathaniel lore
kari-go · 4 months
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This was so much fun :D
They will change ofc. Mostly just Marinette and Chris get buffer xd
btw, the body birthmarks' placement was random.
Ramblings under cut
Marinette has a typical teen girl body type. I don't think that her legs and arms would be weak tho. She helps around in the bakery and has to keep up with Kim. Sometimes she even runs with him in the morning (he takes a slower pace ofc).
She does have neat handwriting when she isn't in a rush, which doesn't happen that often honestly. Sometimes her notes are readable sometimes not, it's a gamble. She tries to make them look nice tho, she has a few highlighters she uses constantly.
Chris has a sort of hourglass shape. I always drew him as slender and like. Why did I do that. It's a crime that I haven't drawn him chubby like of course he will be. Mf sits around all day and goes on a walk sometimes like bruh. Other than that he has really veiny hands, another thing he got from Arthur along with his baby face lol (although, Arthur’s veins are even more prominent, so much they're kinda concerning). I like how I drew them :]. The baby face is not gonna change soon unless he stops transforming which he definitely won't do. Btw, despite being the weakest of the trio as a civilian, he's actually the strongest while transformed (with the lion ofc)
As for his handwriting, it's not bad. Sometimes he squishes the words together to not waste space and it ends up not being readable.
He's already pretty athletic, he used to do competitive gymnastics and ice skating in his free time. Used to, he sprained his wrist (mostly out of stress and to occupy his mind to keep him from thinking about Viktor,,,, it's just.. a thing he does). Then they moved to Paris anyway, so he just stopped completely. He gained a little weight so he started running in the morning, to also get to know the city better. He also starts going to the gym with Kim after a while. His freckles are mostly on his face and neck
Surprise, his name is Štěpán lol. Would Štefan/Stefan be more fitting? Yes, but I like Štěpán more. Anyway, his handwriting is really neat, he's left-handed btw (idk just vibes). His notes are also nicely organized so he's the one to go to out of the yellow group if you need them.
Alya, my girl, I love her. She doesn't do much physical activity, she usually just sits around doing something on her phone or laptop. But after The Butterfly appears she starts running around more, to get the footage for Ladyblog. Her stamina gets so good omg
Her handwriting is not that bad. It honestly depends on the day and mood, sometimes she can't even read it herself xd
Chloe is another athlete, she did gymnastics, track running, ice skating and sometimes ballet and fencing. Her legs are so powerful you have no idea. I know that's a lot of sports and her grades reflect that which is why she needs a tutor. She stopped ice skating, fencing, and ballet when she was younger and now she just does them for fun, when she gets the time ( ,,, she honestly doesn't lol). But now she also quit the other ones as she went into lycee because her grades were too bad and Andre put his foot down (he mostly just told her that Audrey would be disappointed oof). Btw, Aurore’s mom was her ballet teacher :) definitely no rivalry there 
She writes in cursive? She does, to make herself stand out and appear fancy. It does look fancy but she focuses on that too much so sometimes she doesn't write everything down :/
My girl is BUFF. Her main focus is on fencing, which is how she met Chloe :D. She has a private gym wherever she lives, so she trains there. She also has an interest in archery and sometimes ice skating so she does that but also just regular sparring. But again, her main focus is fencing, she's already one of the best but she can be better. Her freckles are mostly on her face (her nose to be specific) and are more sparse on her body
Her handwriting, like everything else about her, is bold.
What do I say about her? She cares about her appearance a lot and she knows she's pretty. She exercises at home but also goes to the gym sometimes (she has to watch out for her asthma tho). Her self-control fails when it comes to sweets but it goes to her thighs mostly which she doesn't mind as much. Her tummy and fingers annoy her tho
Pretty handwriting. She tries to make her notes pretty but gets so occupied with that, that she doesn't even pay attention to the lesson and just the appearance (wow really subtle lol)
He's the least athletic out of the three besties, he doesn't even try to catch up anymore xd. He can barely run a lap (same tbh). 
His handwriting takes up space and is sometimes unreadable. That's not really an issue because he remembers stuff more by listening so he doesn't take notes. He just looks at Marinette’s (or Stephan’s after they meet) if he needs to.
Another athletic fella. He does track running and swimming. He did track sooner than swimming but he likes swimming more and wants to focus on it (it's also how he and Ondine met). And like I mentioned before, he runs in the mornings and then starts going to the gym with Steph. So yeah, another strong legs lol
His handwriting takes up SO much space. He goes through so many notebooks, it's also not that readable xd and it's not like he can focus on the study sessions with Nino and Marinette, they usually just end up playing UMS3. (he always loses if you're asking)
Jules! She's pretty thin. She walks around a lot and forgets to eat sometimes. Especially when she's studying. Her collarbone is really prominent, she also has bony hands.
Her handwriting is small, sometimes unreadable
He has a belly button piercing!!!! (very important information imo) That's it. bony hands also
His handwriting is shit. You will not understand half of the stuff (unless you're Juleka).
Just an average teen girl's body, she exercises at home at least once a day.
The best person to go to for notes. So nice, so readable, so neat
Her legs are strong, she just flies around all day. She skates to school every day (which is like 45 mins on foot). Then she goes to a skate park or a roller skating rink.
Her handwriting is somehow worse than Luka's, like it's completely unreadable, just cat scratches.
She loves walking around, just taking in the atmosphere and nature
She has really small handwriting, the words look lonely on the page
He sits around a lot but he makes sure to exercise to make sure his body is healthy. He also watches his diet.
His handwriting is the best out of the class but his notes look less nice than Sabrina’s. He always writes down his full name
She has a hard time gaining and maintaining weight (even if we ignore her allergies) so she eats a lot and doesn't exercise much. Her chronic cough also doesn't help
Her notes are always decorated, there are so many cute drawings and stickers. It's so adorable
He's a lot like Chris, except he gets forced to do stuff by Alix
He doesn't have the prettiest handwriting. He usually just ends up drawing all over the page
His little sister is a back killer, she wants to be on his shoulders all the time.
His handwriting is on the smaller side
She did ballet since she knew how to walk. She slowed down a little, wanting to focus on her grades and the weather competition she loses.
Pretty notes, she doesn't use highlighter and decorations that much, just headers
Swimmer, she's like a fish. She has pretty wide shoulders. She has freckles everywhere.
Her handwriting is so round and spacey. She has a lot of pretty highlighters. Also her last name is Rosseau :D!
They don't exercise much, or at all. They like to take a walk when their inspiration is low
Their handwriting is nice, but it can get messy when they're really inspired and just write with no breaks.
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citrusbugz · 11 months
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Guys what if I just drew my extinct kwami swap AU out of nowhere, wouldn't that be fun.
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N Sewell's Big Secret - A Theory
So, I've been replaying N's route lately and an epiphany came to me last night when I was playing the end of Book 3.
It's in Book 2 I believe that you can ask Nate if he's ever killed someone while talking to him about how old he is. He frowns for a minute and says, "Not with my own hands, no."
Weird, right? After what we see in the mirror at the carnival, when he says he got turned at sea, it's clear that the image in the mirror was of that time right after he got turned. He's covered in blood, surrounded by bodies while wearing a British Royal Navy uniform.
Originally, since Falk declared N Not Guilty, I assumed that perhaps N had come to terms with the reaction they had to being a newly turned vampire. I thought maybe they'd lost control and slaughtered the men of the ship, or perhaps they'd been attacked and defended themself. A sort of Jekyll + Hyde situation where N doesn't consider their frenzied state to be truly Them.
And then we get into Book 3, and it's really clear that N has not been to therapy enough to not blame themself if they'd killed that many people. They're overprotective and selfless to the point of self sacrifice for the slightest inconvenience and they blame themself for any little inconvenience that befalls MC. Clearly, they are not well-adjusted enough to separate something that happened in desperation and fear from who they truly are.
This put me on the back foot, trying to figure out what that could mean. If you are dating N, they tell you about their brother, M*lton, who was killed by vampires. They tell you about joining the Navy to seek revenge or to at least find out what happened to their brother. Makes sense.
The moment that made my theory CLICK in my head happens at the end of the book, if you ignore Rebecca's idea and go alone to the auction.
So, you get captured and the auctioneer person tries to sell you off for your blood. Just like the other 3 routes, N will come to rescue you at the auction, and they have a brief spat with someone in the audience who tries to outbid them.
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[ID included on screenshot.]
This moment I originally thought was a pheromone thing. It doesn't seem like just a threat, as Nate seems visibly shaken and weakened by whatever it is he did. Also, the strange way the supernatural responds seems to suggest some kind of influence.
And then it hit me --- "Not with my own hands, no."
N's power is some kind of mind control / suggestion ability.
They never killed anyone with their own hands because they told the pirates / vampires to kill each other or kill themselves.
The theme of control comes up several times in N's route. N prides themself on being very in control of their body and their emotions, keeps their wants hidden and their true feelings locked firmly away beyond anything that is pleasant or kind. It makes me wonder if, aside from being able to influence people on command, if they can accidentally influence people when they get too emotional.
I also think it might require touch to really make the power work. They constantly keep their hands in their pockets and, while this is a normal enough idle motion, the fact that they touched the supernatural here and often put their hands in their pockets / withdraw touch when having a disagreement with someone suggests it might have something to do with it.
The amount of trust that UB must have in N when they have a power like that is enormous. It also sheds new light on the arguments that N and A often get into, as it seems that if N really wanted to, they could get their way every time via this weird power.
It also sheds new light on Rebecca's concern for N and MC. The assumption that MC is immune to this ability is there, but there's always the chance that they aren't, and Rebecca being worried about N forcing MC into doing things via suggestion seems to be very real.
It also makes me wonder if N has ever tested out whether their suggestion works on MC, or if they've thought about it with something small. Makes me wonder if we are entirely immune or if there's going to be some caveat like with M and their pheromones causing MC pain.
EITHER WAY, I feel like I figured it out. I'm losing my mind with the implications of it all.
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sciderman · 5 months
today i learned that nathan summers is actually named after a kid who bullied cyclops in childhood
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his mom really did say "fuck you scott. im going to name your child after your childhood bully. fuck you."
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illusivesoul · 1 year
Why Rendon Howe is evil
This is a little theory thats been going around in my head for several days.
Rendon Howe. Evil personified. Probably one of the most despicable and hated characters in the Dragon Age series. One of the characters thats most easily defined as being just plain bad and evil, with good reason. Even in the game itself no one likes him (with 1 exception that I'll mention later in this post)
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In the game, we really aren't given many reasons as to why he is the way he is and why he does the thing he does beyond saying he's evil, power hungry, and like he himself says as he dies, "I deserved more!" But recently I started to become curious about him to try to find out what had made him become like this, cause I prefer villains to have some complexity that goes beyond just "He's evil just because".
Rest of the analysis under the cut.
My main theory of why I think Rendon became "evil" is cause he may have suffered brain damage due to his injuries while fighting against Orlais with Maric and his rebels. My first thought for this came cause historically, Henry the 8th of England suffered several brain injuries during sporting events, and its believed that his injuries led to him having a severe personality change, which led to him become more radical, tyrannical and murderous.
After the death of his father and the Howe family joining the rebellion, Rendon joined Maric's forces and became close friends with Bryce Cousland, future Teyrn of Highever, and Leonas Bryland, future Arl of South Reach. The 3 of them fought together in the Battle of White River, which was the worse defeat the rebels suffered in the war against Orlais, and only 50 of the initial thousand soldier strong fereldan army survived.
Rendon was very badly injured during the battle, and Bryce and Leonas had to dragged him away to safety as the rebel army was crushed by the orlesians. Bryce was injured in the arm while trying to save Rendon from a chevalier. They got Rendon to Redcliffe and stayed with him for a month while he recovered before leaving to rejoin Maric and the rest of the rebel forces. While Rendon recovered in Redcliffe, he was tended to by Leonas's sister, Eliane, until he eventually recovered months later. He eventually proposed to her and they got married.
And here is the first bit of evidence we get of Rendon's attitude and behaviour completely changing after that battle and his wounds. From the wiki: "Leonas had become concerned by the changes in his friend's behavior since the battle and attempted to prevent the marriage." And some other quotes from Leonas that we get to her in dao: "Rendon Howe was no friend of mine. The boy I knew... died at the Battle of White River" and "That he didn't die years ago is the only thing worth mourning here." Leonas cut all contact with Rendon after he told him that he was only marrying his sister for her dowry and connections.
This goes back to what I mentioned earlier about the one person that seemed to care for Rendon. That person is Bryce Cousland.
Bryce and Eleanor were the only people that attended Rendon and Eliane's wedding, and even though Rendon was treated as a pariah by almost everyone in fereldan nobility, Bryce still maintained a friendly relation with Rendon, and seemed to have an almost protective attitude towards him, which contrasts greatly with how Leonas feels about Rendon. And this is where I came up with another theory about why this is. I believe that Bryce feels personally responsible for the injuries and near death that Rendon suffered during the Battle of White River and feels that he is somehow obligated to look after him. I can only hc why these could be, but maybe Rendon got injured while protecting Bryce, or maybe Bryce's actions during the battle led to Rendon's injuries. Maybe that's why Bryce seems to have keep pushing for the friendship that he once had with him, even though he clearly no longer was the same person. Cause Bryce felt responsible for the way Rendon had turned out.
Its possible that Rendon was just always like this, and those months he spent recovering just made him become super resentful against everything and everyone, but I do believe that the near death injuries he suffered during that battle, including possible head injuries and brain trauma, led to his personality changing and to him becoming the sheer villain we see ingame.
And to finish, a bit of background as to why Rendon would have hated Bryce even despite of this, here's a bit of info about them and about the relation between Highever and Amaranthine.
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Rendon's father, Tarleton, supported Orlais during their occupation of Ferelden, and was eventually hanged by the Couslands before the Howes officially joined the rebellion. Adding the fact that Highever was once part of Amaranthine before they rebelled to gain their independence and annexed a good part of southern Amaranthine after winning their independence war, it adds some context to how Rendon could have seen this part of his greater vengeance against the Couslands and Highever for killing his father and taking away land from Amaranthine.
TL,DR: Rendon Howe suffered grieveous injuries during the war against Orlais, including possible brain injuries which may have led to a complete personality shift and to him becoming the person that we see him being in the game.
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chinomiko · 8 months
(Was going to send this as an anon to not be tagged as a Nevra-obsessed girl but the option was gone😭lol). So yeah, another question about Nevra. You mentioned that Nevra gives away different versions of why he lost his eye, so, is the story about Shaïtan real or what is the true version? Was he insecure about it? Don't mind ANE, I'd love to hear you canon :). Also, one more thing now for MCL if it's possible... Nath was ambiguous about having a gf before meeting Candy, was he lying?
Ahah no problem, with the amount of time I take to answer no one will know (well, now they do. ) 1> Yes, Shaïtan is the real reason Nevra lost his eye. But losing his eye in trying to tame a familiar (even if a wild and dangerous one ) always nipped a bit at his ego, that it was not on some epic battle against evil ennemies.
So yeah he went with saying something random to everyone who asked him and legends and rumors build up on top of that. Which he was amused to keep going on and to mess with people. 2> You mean Nath HSL ? He did have a few girlfriends but it never lasted long (few days to two weeks maximum ). They never really picked his interest after seeing each other over some dates, so he would just break up with them. So nothing really specific to share about this, its just some "teenage experiences" I would say. (now if the question is if he did have any sexual experience before candy, yes, one or twice from those dates.) For CL, well obviously he was seeing girls, they would not pick his interest much more at this time neither but the difference with HSL is that at this time he enjoyed having them around as ONS. ( yeah sorry he did have his heartless fuckboi time ;;; )
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weirdozjunkary · 8 months
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“You are my dad! (Boogie woogie!)”
Nathaniel- @moderator-monnie / @welcome-to-roomba-fazbender / @nathaniel-the-support-worker
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playerkingsley · 11 months
currently thinking about the moment, after the denouement of the circle of needle & thread as it had been, nathaniel returns home. he goes to a well-adorned box retrieved from the abandoned offices once haunted by draven kingsley, removes his officer’s revolver from its holster, and as his shoulders loosen and his jaw unclenches, he breathes
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sleepi-toasti · 2 days
content warning- mention of family member death (idk if that counts as a warning :/)
i had this video idea in school today bc it was grandparents day today and this thought made me go "hmmm let's do it even tho it's kinda f##ked up"
and yeah if you didn't get why matthew was so excited it was because since grandparents day is held every year, he has sat alone during the lunch for abt 4 years while everyone else would eat with their grandpas and grandmas
(october 9)
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redtippedfox · 7 months
Does Capricorn feel restless and remorse for his actions or does our white cat friend beat him into line I mean he is the alpha and you have to obey the alpha
keep these facts coming I enjoy them as it gives lore on the order and ladybug
Capricorn got his revenge, he helped kill Monarch and freed his kwami. But that's all he wanted, he didn't want to corrupt Marinette, and he didn't want to rule over Paris as a tyrant. He wanted his revenge, yes, but he didn't want it to go this far. He hates being corrupted, he feels empty and is always constantly trying to fill that void with wine or alcohol anything to stop the feeling of despair. Though Chat Blanc is the Alpha, even if he doesn't want to, he has to listen to him.
I'm glad you like the facts!
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mildlybizarrecorvid · 2 months
Remember how I said I'd talk about the guy who looted the UFO in my Dialtone lore post?
Let's talk about Nathaniel Robot.
Born in the early 19th century to middle classed immigrants, Nathaniel initially led a fairly standard life. Then at the age of 8, they left him behind on a family trip and were so caught up in frontier shit they failed to notice and get him back for two years.
A born entrepreneur, Nathaniel made his first break into business running a way station and general store. He quickly changed his surname to Robot, a set of random letters he got by asking strangers for their favorite letter, from his birth name of Murderface, fearing the effects it may have on business.
Nathaniel made his initial fortune, however, with a different business. He made his journey west, as was fashionable at the time, and he noticed a few things rather obvious nowadays.
1: People are happy to work for you if you treat them well, especially if other places won't.
2: There were a lot of women and minorities who wanted to get into various fields, but were unable to because this was the 19th century.
With this knowledge, he set about founding a variety of businesses with the fundamental principle of hiring and treating people solely off of the quality of their work. As you can guess, he was also staunchly pro-union. Because this is my fun lil oc world and I'm god, this worked great for him.
After some years of success and significantly moving the cultural norms leftward, he moved to Alaska in hopes of high yield snow farming. While there, he discovered an alien space ship which had crashed some years prior. Like any right thinking American, he investigated alone without telling anyone. Some time later, he ran into the nearest town raving of devices 'beyond comprehension' and scheduled a demonstration. Once the day came, he showed off a computer he's fixed up, powered by a solar panel he'd pried off the ship.
After he threw money at someone smart to reverse engineer the technology, he'd essentially thrown technology ahead over a century, furthering his business. Despite this, he made many of the patents public with the logic that if someone added a brilliant extra, he could hire them, or give a grant. He was less a brilliant businessman than lucky, and the type who's willing to throw money at anything vaguely interesting.
While technology was able to extend Robot's life significantly, he eventually passed away in the mid 20th century. However, he went out with a bang, mere weeks after announcements of his company creating the first autonomous computer, dubbed a robot in his honor.
Robot's was also a life-long supporter of civil rights movements, known for bragging about his 'anonymous' donations to whichever groups looked most likely to make an effective difference. These actions by someone with an enormous influence (just look at Edison [fuck Edison], or Carnegie for people who could approximate his status) resulted in much of that world achieving the closest to full equality and equity you're going to get in the late 20th century. A known bisexual, Robot's suspected relationship with gay activist Steven Mandater would likely have resulted in scandal if not for the public perception of him being batshit insane anyway.
Examples of what caused that view were his claim that seagulls only don't talk for fear of paying taxes, his claim to have invented calculus before Newton, and the fact that before anyone told him of motion picture technology he withdrew into his rooms for a week before returning with a full script for what would to a person from our world be recognizable as the original Star Wars trilogy.
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reverieaudios · 8 months
so when are Axel's and Nathaniel's birthdays and how old are they?
Axel's birthday is May 16th and he's 22
And Nathaniel's birthday is November 2nd and he's my youngest voiced character at 19!
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awritingcaitlin · 4 months
Semi-abbreviated History of Tyrysius
Most everyone believes that the high gods created the planet, brought about different peoples in various images, and then left. There are a few competing ideas, however.
Those particular entrenched in the faith of the cat lords recognize that they are not native to this planet, but they can still conquer it. The cats are actually closer to being right.
There was a Creator who made the planet and gave it someone to look after it. She was the first high goddess. She had other gods and goddesses in her pantheon.
This went on for centuries, if not millennia. However, when the planet started failing, she opened her gates to allow others to come and breathe new life into the world.
These are those "high gods" who "created" people. Except really they were just shepherds basically. Of both people and lower gods. None of them have the power to create from nothing.
After the Schism War and the end of the Age of Intervention, it wasn't so much that the high gods left, it was that gods were literally attacking one another and absorbing each other's power.
It gets way more complicated than that and most people alive today have no idea what all happened. They're just stuck on the very simplistic idea of creators who left.
But let's get more into the weeds. How long have people existed on Tyrysius? Did they just appear at some point? How did they appear? Who, if any, were first? What does this have to do with the gods?
Riela’s formal education had been cut prematurely short for a plethora of reasons and she hadn’t ever gone back. However, she’d become a voracious reader since. She knew that the gods had placed each race of people onto Tyrysius and had encouraged them to thrive.
Prevalent beliefs include people were created by the gods, or arrived on a fertile planet with the gods' help. Everyone would have gotten there around the same time, and if anything, the elves were first.
However, ruins outside Timernis revealed bodies dating back before any previously recorded history (that they know of). That's now a subject of significant debate in academic circles.
Nathaniel's doctoral thesis is about this topic. And, like many doctorate students, you get him talking about it, and he won't shut up. He wants to explain his findings.
“It’s about how the sitah might have been the original inhabitants of Tyrysius,” Adler said. He got several raised eyebrows and he repeated what he’d told Riela the other night, which felt like such a long time ago now. He mentioned the sitah bones dating back before the Age of Intervention and what that may suggest since there were multiple sets of sitah bones and a suspicious lack of anything else. He got a lot of intrigued looks.
It's making archaeologists question their dating practices. Are they wrong? Or are they right? Everyone is up in arms about who may have been the original people.
“See,” Adler explained. “The generally accepted doctrine is that everyone came to the planet at the same time. The larger sitah were there as protectors of the smaller races. Elves were the bridge across generations. Gnomes were known for their technology and dwarves their architecture. Halflings were the connection to nature. Humans were a balance between them all. No one asked for the orcs, but they showed up too. And then the cat-species had their own separate deals under their own pantheon.”
What they haven't quite pegged out the specifics of yet, is that civilizations have rose and fell many times on Tyrysius. The world also looked a lot different before the Cataclysm.
“The belief that we all got here at relatively the same time is the most prevalent one, but the finding of these bones in an archeological dig in Eastern Schmiedland several hundred miles north of Berthingtonn with no other sets of bones comparable implies that maybe the belief is wrong. What if the sitah have been around longer than anyone else? What if, perhaps, the sitah were here first, and the others came later?”
Religious doctrine allows (and honestly encourages) the argument between different theories because it distracts from the truth the Temples aren't even sure of anymore.
“The first belief,” Rinnie continued. “Is that the High Gods all got together and created us for a certain purpose, or that each of the High Gods designed a type of person in their image. The exceptions being the dwarves, who maintain they originated from the Stone. These first Stone-born were the original Ancestors who birthed the dwarven race.”
History became very fractured (intentionally) after the Age of Intervention. It became even more fractured after the Cataclysm (unintentionally.)
“The other exception is the varying cat races, who believe that their separate pantheon of Cat Lords created the tigrins, tirins, and pumins each to their own purpose. This theory does not, however, explain where the orcs came from, unless a particularly powerful demon or less than well-intentioned god made them and is not owning up to it. As we haven’t seen any orcs since the Cataclysm really, we can’t exactly ask any current opinions.”
This begs the question: what if no one originated on the planet at all? And does not answer: how did people come to Tyrysius? Where is the proof for any of this?
“The second basic belief is that all of the races were traveling without a home anymore and came upon Tyrysius which was empty of sentient life but otherwise habitable. This one explains where the orcs came from better, but there are no life-ships to back this up—though I know that at one point we colonized the moon. This one also doesn’t really explain our relationship to dragons, but that’s splitting hairs.”
So, why argue about it at all? Well, some of it has to do with ownership and who might have more rights to the planet. It's easiest to think that the older, more steadfast, peoples were around first.
“Ownership,” Adler said, answering the same way he’d answered to Riela when she’d asked. “The elves and dwarves both want to believe they’re the first even within generally accepted doctrine. The humans know they can’t claim that they were here first, so they’re certainly not going to complain when something suggests they were placed on the planet around the same time as others.”
Many people think it's terrifying that the sitah, a bigger race, might own it. Especially because the larger people could feasibly take over if they wanted to.
“What would happen if the sitah suddenly got ideas about being the first on the planet?” Killian suggested in the hypothetical. “Not that there are really any full-sitah left. But Timernis exists with a very large partial-sitah population. We’re bigger, stronger, and tougher to kill. What if they decided they owned the place and tried to conquer it? Of course, this doesn’t take into account that they’re outnumbered and the bigger you are, the more you are at risk if the world goes famine again.”
What if religious doctrine is only trying to keep the planet's population from fighting amongst themselves? (More than they already are.) What if it's something else entirely?
“No one really wants the sitah to start acting like they own the planet,” Kanjo said, leaning back in his seat. “They also don’t want other people fighting against the Timernans in a knee-jerk plan to preemptively eliminate the supposed sitah problem.”  
Yet, regardless of religious fears, scientists and historians plunge forward for the sake of knowledge. There are sitah bones dating back 17,000 years while the oldest elf bones only date back 12,000.
“Well,” he said. “Why sitah and no one else? But also because the aura dating of those skeletons found in Lorbush have undoubtable anatomically unique features that place them as sitah. And the aura dating goes back twelve-thousand years. And the ones found in Macrait are close to seventeen-thousand.”
Seventeen thousand years goes back before the Age of Intervention is believed to have started. Current theories put that at about 8000 years ago. This is also how old the oldest elf bones date back to.
“Yeah but that’s back before the Age of Intervention even started, right?” Mica asked. “Theoretically,” Adler said. “We estimate that the Age of Intervention lasted about five thousand years and like Rinnie said, there are little-to-no records before then.”
The oldest dwarf bones date back 7300 years. But, older architecture is larger, as if built for bigger people by bigger people. So what is anyone to think?
“Regardless of how long the Age of Intervention lasted, the oldest elf bones we have dates back to roughly eight-thousand years and the oldest dwarf seven-thousand-three-hundred. Both well within the range of when the Age of Intervention spanned. That doesn’t even get into the fact that there is architecture in the older cities like the lower levels of Berthingtonn and other places in Schmiedland that were obviously built by for larger-framed people.”
While there were once extensive historical records, the Thadan-Yurel War and the subsequent Cataclysm destroyed or destroyed access to a large percentage of them. Now there are holes.
Records from 1000+ years ago are hard to come by and what's available is fractured. Additionally, getting records from more than 3000 years ago is nearly impossible.
Academics try to patch those holes, but it's not easy. And, as is the case with any historical writings, they're written by the winners. Someone is always trying to hide something.
Anyone can find the existing historical records in libraries, museums, temples, etc. However, they'll run into the problem that the records only go back so far.
This era is the common era. Before that was the Age of Intervention which lasted about 5000 years. Before the AOI, there's conflicting thoughts as to what it was.
Common questions include: Did the world even exist? Did people? What kind of people? Who were the first people? Was magic different? There's not much literature one way or another.
It's clear if you look closely that someone is trying to hide major parts of Tyrysian history. The question is, who? No one has answered this question yet.
Everyone is taught history in school, though it varies by area. Different countries place emphasis on different things and bias is highly prevalent.
For example, Berthingtonn considers the war won 300 years ago a fight for their independence. Schmiedland considers the same war a mixed bag because they gained land, but not all of Berthingtonn.
There are museums and exhibits in all of the big cities and some smaller ones. Several gods have temples that are museums because they are gods of history and knowledge.
Some museums are free to attend, others require a small fee. The biggest cost is usually getting to one unless you are already in a bigger city.
For Berthingtonn in specific, the Inner City has way more museums than say, South Town. South Town has a couple of exhibits but nothing large.
And while people who live in South Town can go to the Inner City, and many schools do fieldtrips as part of the regular education. There's commonly deals between museums and schools.
There's lots of ancient ruins, some are still being discovered! Ancient Esternia is pretty much just archeological digs. Though there is an important library there that will become relevant.
Berthingtonn has tunnels that go well below sea level and people can only reasonably get so deep in that mountain before it becomes impossible to traverse.
The oldest city still standing is in fact, Berthingtonn, which had its Wall and Shield completed in the Age of Intervention several thousand years ago.
Berthingtonn's shield was meant to stop all major natural disasters as well as oncoming invasions. However, it was not prepared for some extra-terrestrial object to come plummeting down.
Said extra-terrestrial object damaged Berthingtonn's shield, took out part of their legendary wall, and created the Crater Sea all in one go. (Also it killed a dragon and caused a worldwide ice age.)
This is what's now known as The Cataclysm. Tyrysius still hasn't recovered from it. Since that point, magic has been less prevalent, weather less predictable, and lifespans shorter.
Berthingtonn has existed seemingly as long as time itself. (That isn't quite true but the only people who remember otherwise are not your average mortals and most are deities of some form.)
Current society dates back about a thousand years. Most current traditions and beliefs came about post-Cataclysm, which was about 1200 years ago.
Note: Tyrysius is always at war.
The Grainbelt War in the early 3000s was massive and horrific, the worst years being 05-06. That was only 9 years ago.
Essentially, Schmiedland and Perinathia are always going at it over the Grainbelt.
There was the Berthan-Eswaili Conflict in the 2950s. South Efrium Civil War in the 2930s. That resulted in South Efrium ceasing to exist and becoming Eswaisil.
Since then, Eswaisil wants to conquer Berthingtonn but has thus far been unable to.
The Yurel-Edansa War in the early 2700s, which is largely still relevant because Edan elves live that long. They're frequently going at it over ideology.
The big Berthington-Schmiedland War also happened around that time.
Schmiedland and Perinathia are constantly fighting over the Grain Belt, the border constantly shifting. They recently signed a new peace treaty. We'll see how long that lasts.
Edansa and the Yurels fight frequently. An old blood war over ideology. Currently, however, the Yurels are experiencing a Civil War. So there's no warring between them and Edansa presently.
Over the years, the Great Efrium Empire (with Berthingtonn as it's center) split into North and South Efrium. South Efrium eventually became Eswaisil - whose border with Perinathia is stagnant.
North Efrium then lost a lot of ground to Schmiedland and now Berthingtonn is a large city-state with an Inner Town and surrounding towns outside the Wall.
Eswaisil tried really hard to go after Berthingtonn a few decades ago, but it's been a cold war since. That tension is only going to get thicker as the years go on.
For reference, Heist is set 5 years before TBW. So the end of the Grainbelt war is fresher, and Eswaisil isn't about ready to declare war on Berthingtonn... Yet.
Holidays include:
Berthingtonn has Independence Week which is largely for Berthans but really anyone can celebrate.
Similarly, Schmiedland has Schmiedland Day.
The Yurels do a lot of ancestral worship so those are more private and reserved events.
Religiously speaking, most deities will allow for non-worshippers to join in celebrations because it nets them worship. However, only known followers and clergy can participate in the more sacred parts.
When you have gods that walk around on the planet, the line between history, legend, and myth, gets really fuzzy. Sometimes, the more people try to define it, the fuzzier it gets.
The language of Bûrdæn started declining at the end of the Age of Intervention. In part because other languages were more widespread, in part because of the stigma against it.
It's impossible to learn it now because any books written in it are long forgotten or already destroyed. However, there are more and more people around who seem to know it lately.
The term "frozen wastes" is an expletive interjection at the beginning of a sentence, usually said in surprise. It stems from the fact that much of the world is in fact a frozen waste as a result of the Cataclysm.
Historical fiction exists as a genre on Tyrysius. Nathaniel and Riela both love reading it. Killian too, but he's more critical of creative liberties.
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0crooked-arcade0 · 2 months
{{Like, all of five people are going to know, let alone take intrest in what I'm gonna say but hear me out.
Does anybody here remember or still actively play, Secret World Legends? The Fandom on here is kinda small, but I've been thinking about the tie in game 'The Park' that got played by a bunch of people on YouTube and shit. It was supposed to be a precursor to the update patch for the game that made tweaks to the Atlantic Island park questline but it kinda just, fizzled out.
The player base had pretty meh opinions about it because the majority assumed it was a one off indie horror and therefore didn't have the incredibly dense lore of the parks origin to refrence back to-
Like....like guys-
Guys it's not JUST, a commentary about post partum depression, it's not a cheap ass, "It was all a dream", type story.
The antagonist isn't a hallucination, that's the bogeyman. In SWL he's a real person. He's not a metaphor, this is a "The trope is alive and trying to kill you " situation and it's done SO WELL.
That bastard is a menace and arguably one of the most influential horrors in the cryptid power bracket. His boss fight is a literal nightmare and we don't even know if he's gone for good.
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chinomiko · 10 months
Hello, Chino! Thks for answer me about Nath's personality!
I would like to say that I love Ambre's growths too, she is really a queen. ❤️
In the episode 40, Adelaide looks worried about Nath and I start wonder if his dad at some point regrets his actions.
Hi !
Thank you, I do love Amber too :D
Nath’s parents are both terrible. I would say Adelaide is less « worse » ( her husband certainly didn’t help her to be a better person neither. Still not an excuse though.)
But i mean I think sometimes she feels guilt and sadness. She still loves her child in her twisted way too. So mayyybe in the future she would be able to reach to them and try to fix things and make amend.
I think at some point, she would end up divorcing too.
Their father is still an asshole and I think he would only realize all his mistakes on his death bed.
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the-cosmos-withinus · 10 months
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Shadow Puppets AU - The Golden Guard
By the time Hunter was created, Belos had used about half of Caleb's bones, however because Grimwalkers are so difficult to make, only fifteen grew to maturity including Hunter himself.
I decided not to use any of the Grimwalkers shown in canon. A lot of them are still in development but here's a brief summary of them.
Adam- was active 2 years, Philip initially tried to use the Grimwalker spell to resurrect Caleb, but Adam's birth proved that wasn't how it worked, and Philip never quite stopped resenting him for that. Adam was roughly 19 when he was born and died protecting Belos in the early years of the Crusades. He never had the title of Golden Guard in life, but Belos bestowed it after his death and gave it to the subsequent Grimwalkers.
Nathaniel - Active three years, appearing to be in his early 20s accidentally killed by Belos during the Crusades when he was experimenting with artificial magic.
Levi- was the youngest Grimwalker until Hunter, he was born at the age of twelve and lived five years, he was assassinated during the Crusades when he was seventeen. After his death, Belos started telling everyone that Levi was his son.
Isaiah- Was active four years, appeared to be roughly eighteen when he was born, he was Golden Guard when Belos became emperor, and served for a year before he was killed by Belos after getting caught with a Wild Witch. He was proficient with plant magic, and in particular loved roses. His lover was a male witch who got away, Belos never saw him again.
Ezekiel - Active for five years, born at twenty and was a dedicated Golden Guard until he was murdered by an ambitious scout that wanted his position.
Jasper -Appeared to be about seventeen when he was born, and was active two years, hunted down and executed by Belos after meeting Flapjack and betraying him. The blue markings on his face are tattoos, not scars.
Noah- Born at sixteen and active four years, he was drowned by Belos during paranoid episode
Eden - Active for 6 years, the only female Grimwalker that grew to maturity she was roughly 25 when she was born. Eden had a proficiency for Bard magic and could sing a special song to put Belos to sleep when his curse was acting up- that song being a lullaby that Caleb used to sing to him. She confused her devotion to Belos as romantic love and committed suicide by jumping off the balcony when he rejected her.
Brutus - He was born at age 21 and was active for four years. He genuinely believed in the Emperor's philosophies, but also that Belos was being too kind to the Wild Witches. He was executed after he attempted to usurp power.
Milo - Was sixteen when he was born, and lived three years before he was publicly petrified by Belos after showing sympathy for, and releasing captured Wild Witches. Milo was especially good at brewing potions and the burn on his face is actually from a potion that exploded on him
Matthew and Alexander - The "twinwalkers" Matthew served as Golden Guard while Alexander was the head of the Emperor's Coven. They were born at twenty-three and lived five years before Alexander fell in love with a while Witch and abandoned the Coven. He and his lover were hunted down and killed by Matthew, but he let their child live. Upon returning to the palace, he was killed by Belos who claimed it was a mercy since he knows the pain carried from killing a brother.
William - was the most loyal of the Grimwalkers he lived around Eleven years and unexpectedly died on a mission. Will knew he was a Grimwalker and that whomever he was made from was important to Belos but never knew their actual relationship. He also thought he was the only Grimwalker Belos ever made.
"Golden Guard" - Because Will was still active when he was born, Belos didn't bother naming this Grimwalker and mixed him in with the general scouts where he later grew to be Darius's mentor. He was promoted to Golden Guard following Will's death but Belos was devastated after losing will he refused to learn this Grimwalker's name and only ever called him "Golden Guard". Because he had relationships outside of Belos, this Grimwalker was more defiant than some of the others and was ultimately killed after standing up to him one too many times.
Hunter - Currently active. Hunter became the youngest Grimwalker when he was born at eight years old. Belos raised him as his nephew, and originally called him "prince" with no intention of him ever taking the position of Golden Guard, Hunter only took it up after the death of his predecessor and it was meant to only be temporary until the next Grimwalker was ready. When Hunter asks Belos about his father, he tells him stories of Caleb and Will
The Bone pit- The rest of the Grimwalkers all either never made it out of the ground or were defective Grimwalkers he mercy killed. Regardless of their status, Belos buried them all in a mass grave with a Golden Guard mask etched with a name on the back to mark them. The ones that reached maturity were buried in the same grave alongside their "siblings"
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