#natale in camper
cristianofabris · 2 years
Mercatini di Natale 2022: i più belli da fare in camper
Mercatini di Natale 2022: i più belli da fare in camper
Dalla Val d’Aosta sino alla Sicilia, tutti i Mercatini di Natale da non perdere il prossimo Natale (more…)
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Hi there, I would like to know what are some indicators in a natal chart for where you should live specifically a country, town, or city. As I am getting older, I am thinking of moving out of my family's home and living by myself, and also having a job or career with work and life balance. Yeah, I'm curious where people including myself could live.
Honestly, I think you can't really tell specific city, town with astrology. Maybe more so with astrocartography. But the sign over your 4th house, planets and IC sign actually give a general idea where you would feel comfortable (especially after retirement or in the old age)
in a hot climate
somewhere sunny
with not a lot of rain
sunny weather
somewhere where vegetables, fruits, herbs can grow
probably near a pond, lake, a small body of water that is looking nice
probably near a park, forest or near flowers, botanic garden
honestly probably a small city, that is very "compact" (the stores are near, the market is close, the school, workplace is nearby)
around close friends
near a library, maybe even elementary or high school
just move next door to your family
in your family home where you grew up
near a sea or a place where you can go swimming
near a garden or a barbecue, picnic place
this one is very extreme, either in the city, in the spotlight, where there is cinema, theatre, stores, lots of events or in the countryside, there is no inbetween with this one
near your high school, elementary school friends
near your workplace, the company, near your job
near dentist's, a pharmacy, a gym
near a bakery,
a restaurant, where there are clothing stores
as near as possible to your partner's home
dude, somewhere in the forest, just away from big crowds and too many people
i noticed from experience they end up living sometimes near a hospital or cemetry
in a different region, state than your home
or a foreign country, but still the same continent
you might like to live in a multicultural, diverse area, you might have an age difference with your neighbours or they could be more or less educated than you
probably in the city as well, unless you are very adventurous, then the countryside
near your parents
or even grandparents
near your job, workplace
you may live near a care home for elderly
you may also live near the mountains or the terrain has is very rocky, stone could be prominent
could do well in a colder climate
again, one that does well in a colder climate
probably in the city though, you know where the people and the culture is
because you like busy, lively gatherings
probably another country or even different continent not gonna lie
you probably don't have much luck in your own hometown, because you're just too different or somewhat "exotic" in comparison
near a lake, sea, pool, even on the road, like in a van, camper
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vvarvvon · 23 days
four midnight character ideas with hayden.
son of makaria (o/liver st.ark)
> potentially named christopher.
> pretty much entirely blank. my mind just said "son of makaria" & left me no other details.
> powerset isn't a blank slate. he has "afterlife sense," which means that he can tell which of the three locations in the greek underworld someone will end up in (asphodel, elysium, punishment).
> stays in cabin 13 bc of makaria & hades being close?? jk i lied about that.
daughter of aeolus (y.uyu ki.tamura)
> hisako kiyomi hoshino.
> born & raised on aeolia.
> can teleport using wind. this was taught to her by the four winds.
> fun-loving prankster.
> loves to help solve mysteries around camp.
legacy of zeus (b.rian mi.chael smi.th)
> dustin easton hart.
> the dad of camp.
> he's 41 & helps train younger campers, mostly focusing on healthy moderation / not pushing too hard.
> was raised mortal until too many monsters started coming after his mom (a daughter of zeus) & she needed someplace safe for them. so she moved closer to long island & sent her son to chb as a year-rounder.
> transman.
son of apollo (r.afael l si.lva)
> natale tassilo alba-diaz.
> super good at ranged weapons & sports.
> okay at medicine.
> terrible at the arts.
> a lifeguard living his best life back in ontario, canada (city tbd), which is his hometown.
> has two moms (adopted at birth), hence the two last names.
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v3rsoaltrilidi · 2 years
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Mi mancano le scale a chiocciola per la tua stanza
Mi mancano i pleid con gli animali strani,il poggiapiedi e il camino
Mi manca guardarti sulla tua sedia
Mi mancano i tuoi cani e i gattini
Mi manca la panchina in balcone
Mi manca preparare il caffè
Mi manca cucinare con te ma anche le cene di tua madre
Mi manca il weekend in camper che non abbiamo mai fatto
Mi mancano le immersioni,i viaggi e le escursioni che non abbiamo pianificato
Mi manca la tua macchina,il disordine e l'autoradio con i cavi che non funzionano mai
Mi manca fare la spesa
Mi mancano le nostre conversazioni profonde
Mi mancano i nostri scambi di opinioni che a volte prendevamo troppo seriamente
Mi manca fare l'amore con te
Mi manca fare lo scemo
Mi manca averti tra le mie braccia
Mi manca passarti a prendere e aspettare mezz'ora per poi lamentarmi
Mi mancano le birre in due e un posto dove perderci
Mi mancano le feste,le discoteche,i locali e le nottate fuori
Mi manca farti ridere, era il mio passatempo preferito
Mi manca dirti che devi smetterla di mangiarti le pellicine, anche se poi ti dava fastidio
Mi mancano le tue canzoni stupende
Mi manca cantarle con te
Mi manca ballare con te
Mi manca commentare i tuoi outfit
Mi mancano le foto che mi mandavi tutti i giorni con le tue facce buffe, le tengo strette nel telefono
Mi mancano le nostre videochiamate per colmare la distanza e stare insieme da lontano
Mi manca ricevere le tue chiamate come sveglia
Mi manca fotografarti in tutti i posti, non sai quanto sei bella per me
Mi mancano le foto con te di questi ultimi mesi
Mi manca guardarti e innamorarmi
Mi manca crescere con te
Mi manca fumare con te
Mi mancano gli accendini che mi regalavi
Mi manca andare a mare con te
Mi manca la tua pelle perfetta
Mi manca rubare un po' dei tuoi prodotti
Mi manca il natale vissuto bene con te
Mi manca il suono della tua voce
Mi mancano le tue battute
Mi manca anche il tuo inglese
Mi mancano i tuoi pensieri
Mi mancano i tuoi sogni e le storie assurde
Mi mancano i tuoi messaggi e le tue chiamate
Mi mancano i tuoi abbracci
Mi mancano le notti passate insieme a dormire
Mi mancano le serie tv che non abbiamo mai finito insieme
Mi mancano i tuoi occhi
Mi mancano le tue labbra e i tuoi baci
Mi mancano le nostre mani strette.
Mi manca tutto quello che non abbiamo ancora vissuto.
Mi mancherai per sempre..
Il non sapere più nulla di te mi disorienta.
L'idea di non condividere più nulla con te mi spezza.
L'essere costretto ad andare avanti mi da forza e mi fa stare meglio, a volte non ottenere quello che si vuole è una fortuna incredibile e spesso non ce ne rendiamo conto, continui a mancare non preoccuparti ma l'importante è che tu sia felice, anche se questo significa per me non fare più parte della tua vita.
Alcuni ricordi con te cominciano a svanire.
Come quando cerchi qualcuno tra la folla, ti sembra di vederlo da lontano e ti avvicini, per poi scoprire che forse avevi visto male.
E questo fa quasi più male della tua assenza
Dimenticare le cose
Credere che restino per sempre li
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 4 months
Que fuerte..un MURCIELAGO CHUPASANGRE muerde a TAYLOR MOMSEN de THE PRETTY RECKLESS teloneros de ACDC cuando la vi el 1 de junio en mi ESTADIO TALISMAN u oLIMPIcO de SEVILLA.
Por cierto..me acabo de cruzar con mi patinete PURE [venia de entregar la CAMPER]..en el semáforo de la parada de metro del Estadio METROPOLITANO [antes ESTADIO OLIMPICO] o del ATLETICO DE MADRID [donde 12 y 14 de julio actuara METALLICA=CD HARDWIRED TO SELFDESTRUCT=PROGRAMADO PARA AUTODESTRUIRSE] con un camión que en la luna llevaba una matricula con CHIQUETETE [=primo de Isabel PANtOJA=DINERO Y CRUZ=PUTA Y BRUJA..y se caso en 2das nupcias con la hija de MARIA DOLORES DORADO , es decir, Raquel BOLLO DORADO=COÑO DE ORO..como el de KYLIE MINOGUE autora del cd GOLDEN en NASHVILLE como VIRGINIA MAESTRO el cd DEL SUR y de donde es el grupo NASHVILLE PUSSY=COÑO DE NASHVILLE..a los que vi en el ROCK FESTIVAL'22 de BARCELONA solapandose con MERCYFUL FATE=DESTINO MISERICORDIA o grupo de KING DIAMOND..y la cual tenia 19 años y él tenia 27 años mas=46 años..muriendo por ser un drogata toda su vida..y en su algeciras natal me encontre un cassette blanco de él destrozado en julio 2014]..y en la cabina una BANDERA SUREÑA o REBELDE con una HARLEY DAVIDSON
Por cierto..el equivalente a BOLLO O TARTA en INGLES para referirte al SEXO es CAKE por lo que HUTCHENCE [Que me dio su cerveza mexicana CORONA en sala DIVINO Aqualung] de INXS poso con las piernas abiertas con una matricula con CAKE de un descapotable ROSA y con camiseta de 2 mujeres a las que le comen el COÑO y el CULO 2 hombres maniatados
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ninepentz · 8 months
Phenix Wilkerson missing 4 yo
**UPDATE AS OF 01/14/2024
**Phenix found safe!! Details at the bottom
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So an autistic 4 year old suddenly went missing January 12th, around 12:30 pm. His mother had left the camper they were in to use the restroom elsewhere leaving Phenix with her bf at the time. Idk how he vanished all of a sudden, whether he wandered out alone or someone could of taken him but let's see what astrology can tell us about this case. Unfortunately I don't have his natal chart info which would help so much more to narrow down the chart but for now what we have is last time he was seen and we will go off that.
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In astrology the moon is what we look to for missing child cases, so we start 1st with the moon.
Moon in Aquarius in the 10th house:
That's interesting, so something peculiar must of happened. Like it's possible that a friend of the mother/family could be responsible for this. Bc Aquarius is our friendships. It's possible at the time, Phenix was thinking he wanted to find someone to play with and was feeling very trusting at this time willing to do anything to make sure his "friends" are happy, maybe he saw someone else and wanted to make them his friend. In general Aquarius moons would choose friends over their own families sometimes, bc they feel that their family misunderstands them so that's why they often show more loyalty in friendships bc they have broken family life. Maybe he felt safety around random people he met and was willing to find shelter with them.
The 10th house is here bringing the public/authority figures/jobs/careers/establishments into play. Usually I relate the 10th house to our public image, any government job such as doctors, nurses, social workers, things of that nature where they have an important role in the publics wellbeing, it's a professional type atmosphere that the 10H brings. So this is confusing me a little. But whatever Aquarius being in the 10th house would represent can tell us a lot about what could of happened here.
What this can also show is that if Phenix didn't have any serious life threatening accident, he may just be around people who aren't socially connected/aware/loner types, who don't keep up with what's going on in today's times. They would be very unique, strange, out of the loop people. They could def be malicious but at this point I'm just brainstorming here, if anyone would like to share what they see that would be appreciated.
Moon conjunct MC:
That's very weird bc moon conjunct MC is very similar to moon in the 10th. But with Aquarius as the moon is being very specific as what type of influence the moon is having. This tells me that he will be def found, moon is the missing child and MC is law enforcement the public eye. So conjunct means that they are working very well together, which brings about a positive outcome. This is not to say that he will be found alive tho, but all I know is that when there's positive aspects to the MC in missing persons cases and it usually shows that the person will be found. MC is much like the sun in astrology but different purposes obviously bc they are both visible to the public eye, which means that these people in missing persons cases when connected to these placements positively will not be hidden away, they will be out in the open for everyone to see.
With Aquarius here this will be a very unique case.
Moon conjunct Pluto in the 10th house:
That's interesting Pluto is also on the cusp of late degree Capricorn and early degree of Aquarius.
Pluto in Aquarius would be, destruction/transformation of technology, consciousness, intellect, the way the world works, individuals/individuality, the way we connect to each other. Pluto in Aquarius in general may have an ego problem, may be controlling in some way when it comes to their beliefs, abilities. Planet Pluto in Aquarius may clash with one another, making Aquarius traits more forceful and stubborn.
But also being on the cusp of Capricorn 2 things can happen, we are either nearing the end of a cycle that is almost complete which would be what Pluto in Capricorn has caused in the world already to transform societal structures, expose cooperations, transform the way we use money etc. Or Aquarius (early degrees) which would be something new and still at the stage that we are undeveloped, free, naive.
Moon conjunct Pluto tells me that someone is very controlling, resourceful, intuitive, emotional, manipulative, obsessive. Maybe Phenix is with another person imo, they see him as very unique and are able to control him.. this is just something that popped into my head as I'm researching this. And it may have something to do with money being involved, a job of some sort. Especially during Capricorn season everyone wants to be more successful, rich, stable, and they're also more insecure about their ability to lead their lives and attract money/success. So this will be a big theme for whatever situation took place.
Moon 10th square Jupiter in the 12th:
This to me this seems like he may have wandered far away, possibly where he's somewhat hidden since the 12th house is the unseen realm. Maybe he fell into the water or something like that. But in general what this tells me is that he traveled or was taken quite a distance away, unlike mercury which would be closer by. Jupiter shows us something that's foreign to us, different from us culturally etc. Maybe Phenix was in a weird mood this day being very dramatic, curious, overdoing things, overestimating himself, testing limits. This would basically place us in a position where we lower our standards where sometimes we know better not to do certain things, but during this transit our standards are low. Like for example I find myself overeating/being lazier during moon square or opposite Jupiter and/or Venus transit, even tho I've been consistently trying very hard to be strict with intermittent fasting routine. But it can be a deep physiological thing with the moon here like our hormones or emotional state.
Moon square ASC:
It's possible that if anyone were to see Phenix while he wandered off they would know that he was alone and in a bad place, bc during the time he went missing he wasn't wearing any shoes. So the ascendant is our looks/personality, maybe with the moon here they just saw him as an abandoned/bad child I guess? Bc square is a harsh aspect that basically makes things stand out like a sore thumb, but also it's an energetic transit that's would make a person not react to things in a balanced, fair way, it shows frustration and force.
Unfinished, need to look at many other aspects/placements but feel free to comment on what you see here as I def can use the help interpreting this case ATM stress has really did a number on my brain, so I'm more unclear and confused lately unfortunately which is why I haven't been doing as many forensic readings.
Thankfully this 4 year old sweet boy was found safe 2 days later, from what I know is that he was found in the woods nearby and he didn't have any immediate visible injuries. All the articles I tried to find more information on didn't say much besides that phenix was found safe but if you would like more details, here's a fb group below the next photo that was very involved in this case which could provide more information.
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Phoenix Wilkerson case discussion page👇
What they're currently talking about in this case is that phenix doesn't look like a child who was in 32°, rainy weather for the past 2 days bc he looks surprisingly clean. They are speculating that something else may have happened and therefore the discussion page will stay up until all the facts are cleared. Imo if it was raining hard then yeah he would def be very dirty by now.
They are saying that Phenix will not be going back to his mother at this time and is in custody to rule out where he should be placed. He may be in foster care which imo that would be a better idea than to be at risk for being lost again.. idk a lot about his mother but if even law enforcement doesn't trust giving back the baby to his mother than that says a lot. And I agree with them. Motherhood is very hard I must admit, but there's not a second that I don't worry about my child and where he is. The article also states that it's to early to know whether someone will be charged or not so that's interesting.
This is the 1st case I've done where the child was found safe, so yeah def a unique one for me lol I'm so glad he's back home with his family and hopefully the mother will be more responsible next time and not leave her children alone with others. I understand some of the information I interpreted about this case was way off, but like I said I haven't been able to think clearly bc of whatever I'm going through right now. I tried my best tho and there was some parts I got right, this case will def be another I can learn from and review for my future cases ❤️
✨Nine of Pentacles✨
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ivanreydereyes · 10 months
Hoy día de la ENCULADA PERVERSION patrona de PUTA ESPAÑA en el que hace 15 años dibuje a KYLIE MINOGUE en PUEBLA [MEXICO] al ver una noticia sobre el FIN cercano de su gira X [como hizo en su MELBOURNE NATAL 22_12_08 ] según un fotograma de su video ESPECIALLY FOR YOU q rodó con su entonces novio JASON DONOVAN [que cayó en las drogas tras dejarle x Michael HUTCHENCE DE INXS q me dio su cerveza mexicana CORONA en sala DIVINO AQUALUNG el 14_6_93..q intento meses despues o enero de 1994 reanimar a DONOVAN en el VIPER ROOM durante el 20 cumpleaños de KATE MOSS donde invitaron a GLORIA GAYNOR =I WILL SURVIVE..cantando G.L.O.R.I.A. de George Iván MORRISON alias VAN con Johnny DEPP a la guitarra tras haber muerto a sus puertas en HALLOWEEN'93 RIVER PHOENIX hermano de RAIN q hace los coros en BANG AND BLAME del cd MONATER de REM=FASE del SUEÑO..q le dedicaron a PHOENIX al igual que LET ME IN a COBAIN de nIrVANa..me parece muy significativo que vea aparcadas junto a mi casa una Camper Fiat "LIBERTY" "TORINO" [equipo estrellado contra el MURO de la BASILICA DE SUPERGA] y una AUTOCARAVANA FORD "GENESIS" 43 [4.3 empieza el relato del asesinato de CAIN A ABEL]
...tras fotografiar BOMB_EROS serrando un ARBOL CAIDO como el q mató en Madrid hace poco a una Catalana de 23 años junto a donde aparque la HARLEY para ver a ÑU=directos IMPERIO DE PALETOS y AQUI NO HAY NINGUN LOCO..tras fotografiar de camino a la sala BARCELO a RAY LORIGA padre de los hijos de Cristina ROSENVINGE autora del cd LA JOVEN DOLORES tras verla junto a su entonces novio Nacho VEGAS [q me firmó AL REVES mi cartera de ABBEY ROAD de THE BEATLES q incluye SUN KING].. en el LUNARIO de MEXICO DF [20_9_09 tras ver a BUNBURY 2 días antes presentar cd HELLVILLE DE LUXE x 3era vez en campo de fútbol de TLAXCALA].. presentar cd VERANO FATAL [en cuya portada junta sus cigarrillos con gafas de sol] y cd EL MANIFIESTO DESASTRE [q grabó NACHO VEGAS entre cd LA ZONA SUCIA con single LA GRAN BROMA FINAL y el cd EL TIEMPO DE LAS CEREZAS con BUNBURY=1er grupo apocalipsis..incluyendo WELCOME TO THE CALLEJON SIN SALIDA y PUTA DESAGRADECIDA cuyo video es como LA ULTIMA CENA ..x lo q recuerdo q VIRGINIA MAESTRO tiene una blusa de Cerezas]:
" 3. Y aconteció andando el tiempo, que Caín trajo del fruto de la tierra una ofrenda a Jehová. 4 Y Abel trajo también de los primogénitos de sus ovejas, de lo más gordo de ellas. Y miró Jehová con agrado a Abel y a su ofrenda; 5 pero no miró con agrado a Caín y a la ofrenda suya. Y se ensañó Caín en gran manera, y decayó su semblante. 6 Entonces Jehová dijo a Caín: ¿Por qué te has ensañado, y por qué ha decaído tu semblante? 7 Si bien hicieres, ¿no serás enaltecido? y si no hicieres bien, el pecado está a la puerta; con todo esto, a ti será su deseo, y tú te enseñorearás de él.[a]
8 Y dijo Caín a su hermano Abel: Salgamos al campo. Y aconteció que estando ellos en el campo, Caín se levantó contra su hermano Abel, y lo mató. 9 Y Jehová dijo a Caín: ¿Dónde está Abel tu hermano? Y él respondió: No sé. ¿Soy yo acaso guarda de mi hermano? 10 Y él le dijo: ¿Qué has hecho? La voz de la sangre de tu hermano clama a mí desde la tierra."
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pdj-france · 1 year
LISBONNE, Portugal (AP) – Environ 1,5 million de jeunes ont rempli samedi un champ dans la capitale portugaise, Lisbonne, pour la veillée de la Journée mondiale de la jeunesse du pape François, bravant une chaleur torride pour être sûr une place pour la prière du soir et camper la nuit pour son dernière messe d'adieu le dimanche matin. Cela dit, François n'a fait que de brèves remarques devant eux et a abandonné son discours préparé pour la quatrième fois en deux jours. Au lieu de cela, le pontife de 86 ans a livré une conversation animée de 10 minutes dans son espagnol natal sur le fait de voyager ensemble et de s'entraider. « Pas de peur, merci, ciao ! » a-t-il dit à la fin avant que des aides ne le poussent dans son fauteuil roulant sur le côté de la scène. LIRE LA SUITE: Le pape François exhorte l'UE à régler les conflits et à susciter l'espoir durant son voyage au Portugal Les températures ont grimpé à 38 degrés Celsius (95 degrés Fahrenheit) samedi à Lisbonne et devraient atteindre 40 degrés Celsius (104 degrés Fahrenheit) dimanche. La chaleur a forcé les pèlerins à s'abriter sous des parapluies et des toiles de toile en plastique improvisées attachées entre des poubelles dans le champ autrement exposé au bord du Tage. Les équipages ont soufflé des brumisateurs sur les pèlerins pour essayer dus refroidir alors qu'ils se dirigeaient vers le site au plus fort de la chaleur de la journée, beaucoup arborant leurs drapeaux nationaux. Ils ont formé de longues files d'attente pour remplir des bouteilles d'eau à partir de ce que les organisateurs ont qualifié de plus de 400 robinets autour du terrain. La fumée d'une série d'incendies de forêt qui ont démarré au Portugal lors d'un week-end de pointe de températures a jeté une brume dans le ciel alors qu'ils arrivaient à pied de toute la ville pour l'un des temps forts liturgiques du festival de la jeunesse catholique. Citant des organisateurs locaux, le Vatican a annoncé qu'environ 1,5 million de personnes étaient présentes. Lan Young Modesta Cheong, une pèlerine de Corée du Sud, a annoncé que la chaleur était mauvaise mais que son groupe utilisait les poubelles pour créer de l'ombre. "Au début, nous n'étions pas très à l'aise car c'était sale et ça sentait peut-être mauvais, mais en temps venu, c'est devenu notre tente, c'est un peu un miracle et pour moi, c'est un peu l'esprit des Journées mondiales de la jeunesse", a-t-elle déclaré. "Nous avons commencé à employer une chose sale inutile pour nous soutenir et l'employer pour éviter la chaleur et toutes ces difficultés." François a présidé la veillée du soir après avoir passé la matinée au sanctuaire catholique de Fatima. Là, il a abandonné son discours préparé et une prière pour la paix. On s'attendait à ce que la prière soit un moment fort de la visite de François à Fatima, étant donné l'affiliation centenaire du sanctuaire aux exhortations à la paix et à la conversion en Russie et à le conflit en cours en Ukraine. Le pape François est assis à la chapelle des apparitions du sanctuaire de Notre-Dame de Fatima, durant son voyage apostolique au Portugal, à Fatima, Portugal, le 5 août 2023. Photo partagée par Vatican Media/Handout via REUTERS Au lieu de cela, François a "prié en silence pour la paix, avec douleur", tout en méditant pendant une longue période devant une statue de la Vierge Marie, a annoncé le porte-parole du Vatican, Matteo Bruni. Et le Vatican a ensuite publié la prière sur la plateforme X, anciennement dénommée Twitter. Environ 200 000 personnes se sont rendues à la visite de François à Fatima, emballant l'esplanade centrale bien avant que la lune teintée de rouge ne se couche et que le soleil ne se lève. Les incendies de forêt à proximité ont rendu le ciel noir enfumé et ont envoyé des cendres sur la foule. "Nous sommes ici avec une grande joie", a annoncé Maria Florido, une Espagnole de 24 ans qui a aussi vu Francis à Lisbonne. "Nous nous sommes réveillés très tôt pour venir ici et voir le pape... et nous sommes ici avec beaucoup d'enthousiasme.
" L'histoire de Fatima remonte à 1917, quand, d'après la tradition, les frères et sœurs portugais Francisco et Jacinta Marto et leur cousine Lucia ont affirmé que la Vierge Marie leur était apparue six fois et leur avait confié trois secrets. Les deux premiers décrivaient une image apocalyptique de l'enfer, prédisaient la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale et le début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et présageaient l'ascension et la chute du communisme soviétique. En 2000, le Vatican a révélé le troisième secret tant attendu, le décrivant comme annonçant la tentative d'assassinat du 13 mai 1981 contre Saint-Jean-Paul II sur la place Saint-Pierre, qui est tombée le jour anniversaire de la vision originale. D'après des écrits ultérieurs de Lucia, devenue religieuse et morte en 2005, la Russie se convertirait et la paix régnerait si le pape et tous les évêques du monde consacraient la Russie au « Cœur Immaculé de Marie ». Lucia a affirmé plus tard que Jean-Paul avait accompli cette prophétie lors d'une messe de 1984, même s'il n'a jamais spécifié la Russie dans la prière. Les médias du Vatican avaient déclaré avant le voyage que François prierait pour la paix en Ukraine et à travers le monde pendant son séjour à Fatima. Cela semblait logique, vu que François avait déjà consacré la Russie et l'Ukraine à Marie dans une prière pour la paix après l'invasion de l'Ukraine par la Russie, répondant essentiellement à l'exhortation de Sr. Lucia. LIRE LA SUITE: Le pape François lance un appel de Pâques pour la paix dans le conflit "insensée" en Ukraine Dans la prière publiée sur la plate-forme X par le compte @Pontifex mais non lue à haute voix, François n'a nommé aucun pays mais a consacré l'Église et le monde, "en particulier les états en guerre", à Marie. "Ouvrez des chemins là où il semble qu'il n'y en ait pas", écrit-il. "Dénouez les enchevêtrements de l'égocentrisme et les pièges du pouvoir." Fatima Bishop Jose Ornelas a fait une prière pour l'Ukraine explicite dans ses remarques. "Nous nous associons à la prière pour la paix de Votre Sainteté, à laquelle ce sanctuaire est en profondeur identifié, en pensant en particulier à le conflit en Ukraine et à tant d'autres conflits à travers le monde", a-t-il déclaré. En expliquant les changements, le porte-parole du Vatican Bruni a annoncé que François "s'adresse toujours en premier lieu aux personnes qu'il rencontre, en qualité de berger, et parle en conséquence". François s'écarte souvent de ses remarques préparées, davantage lorsqu'il parle dans son espagnol natal. Bruni a nié que les changements avaient une autre raison sérieuse, y compris avec sa vue. Francis a été hospitalisé deux fois cette année, notamment en juin, lorsqu'il a passé neuf jours à l'hôpital en convalescence après une chirurgie abdominale pour réparer une hernie et enlever le tissu cicatriciel de son intestin. Samedi a peut-être été le jour le plus épuisant de sa visite de cinq jours au Portugal, compte tenu du trajet aller-retour en hélicoptère jusqu'à Fatima et d'une veillée de prière prévue qui n'a démarré qu'à l'heure habituelle de son coucher à Rome.
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lucianabono · 2 years
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#Repost @lasciatemiviaggiare_lazio with @use.repost ・・・ Buonasera chicchi, ultimo scatto del Natale 2k22 ed il primo della Befana 2k23 ahahaah😂 Un grazie a @_luciana_bono_ e family per questa perla decorativa❤️ PH𝕆𝕋𝕆 𝕆𝔽 𝕋H𝔼 𝔻𝔸𝕐: 📷: @_luciana_bono_ 👉: 𝕊𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪: @andrea96ph 🏆 C𝕆N𝔾R𝔸𝕋𝕌𝕃𝔸Z𝕀𝕆N𝕀 🏆 𝕍𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕝𝕒 𝕤𝕦𝕒 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕞𝕒 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕣𝕪! ➡ 👨‍⚖️𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣: @andrea96ph ➡ 👩‍💻𝔸𝕕𝕞𝕚𝕟: @andrea96ph ➡👤P𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕕𝕚 R𝕖𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥: @lasciatemiviaggiare_europa & @lasciatemiviaggiare_lazio ➡ 🖱️C𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕔𝕒 𝕤𝕦 "𝕤𝕖𝕘𝕦𝕚" 𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕫𝕚𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕒 𝕤𝕖𝕘𝕦𝕚𝕣𝕞𝕚 ➡ ➕𝕊𝕖𝕘𝕦𝕚 @lasciatemiviaggiare_lazio ➡ 📱C𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕔𝕒 𝕤𝕦 🔔 𝕖 𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕒 𝕝𝕒 𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕖𝕫𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕕𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝕟𝕠𝕟 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕥𝕚 𝕟𝕦𝕠𝕧𝕚 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕖 𝕟𝕦𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖 😊 ➡ 👤𝕋𝕒𝕘𝕘𝕒 @lasciatemiviaggiare_lazio 𝕟𝕖𝕚 𝕥𝕦𝕠𝕚 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥. ➡ #️⃣ 𝕌𝕤𝕒 𝕘𝕝𝕚 H𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕥𝕒𝕘 #lasciatemiviaggiare_lazio 𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕤𝕚. 🔁☺️ #ariccia #roma #provinciadiroma #camper #camperlife #camperlifestyle #camperlove #campervan #campervans #camperliving #happycamper #notte #nottenotte #notte🌙 #nottebianca #notte❤️ #nottemagica #notteatutti #dolcenotte #natale2022 #natale #befana #befana2023 #frasi #frasitop #frasidelgiorno (presso Ariccia, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnF5jfzMUke/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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turisiancom · 2 years
TURISIAN.com – Sudah menjadi tradisi sebagian masyarakat Indonesia. Liburan bersama keluarga di Natal 2022 dan Tahun Baru 2023 menjadi momen yang ditunggu-tunggu. Selain itu, liburan juga memiliki banyak manfaat. Seperti menciptakan kenangan indah, meningkatkan keakraban dan kebahagiaan anggota keluarga. Serta membantu menghilangkan stres. Ada dua cara memaksimalkan liburan Nataru yang bisa dilakukan. Yakni dengan mengunjungi tempat wisata perbukitan atau pegunungan dan melakukan glamorous camping (glamping). Kedua aktivitas tersebut sangat cocok untuk Anda dan keluarga yang hidup di perkotaan, akan tetapi ingin menikmati liburan secara lebih berkualitas di tengah nuansa alam. BACA JUGA: Jati Pohon Indah, Tempat Wisata Kekinian yang Populer di Grobogan Simak rekomendasi tempat wisata perbukitan yang bisa Anda kunjungi akhir tahun ini bersama orang terkasih, dikutip dari siaran resmi Pegipegi, Rabu. Bandung Raya Kota ini menjadi salah satu destinasi populer untuk menghabiskan waktu liburan Nataru. Selain akses dan transportasi yang mudah, Bandung menyimpan segudang tempat wisata menarik. Termasuk wisata perbukitan atau pegunungan. Anda dan keluarga bisa menuju Bukit Moko, Bukit Bintang. Atau Puncak Ciumbuleuit untuk melihat gemerlap malam Bandung yang dihiasi dengan pesta kembang api. Untuk akomodasi, ada banyak pilihan menarik untuk Anda dan keluarga inapi selama liburan. Seperti Bobocabin Cikole, Pineus Tilu Riverside Camping, Igloo Glamping Ranca Upas, Glamping Legok Kondang Lodge, dan Lakeside Rancabali. BACA JUGA: 6 Rekomendasi Tempat Wisata Dekat Stasiun Kereta yang Menarik Kalian Kunjungi! Puncak Bogor Sesuai namanya, Puncak memiliki deretan tempat wisata perbukitan yang menarik. Sekadar info, dikarenakan terbatasnya penyediaan transportasi umum di kawasan Puncak, kalian  disaraknkan menggunakan kendaraan pribadi. Nah, jika tertarik liburan sambil menguji adrenalin, Anda bisa datang ke Bukit Gantole Puncak. Selain itu, ada Gunung Mas Puncak untuk mencoba berbagai kegiatan outbound, seperti flying fox, ATV, panahan, dan halang rintang lainnya. Selanjutnya, makan malam bersama keluarga di restoran Puncak Pass Resort merupakan hal mengasyikkan. Selain menikmati sajian hidangan lezat, Anda dan keluarga bisa melihat lanskap alam dan kawasan Puncak pada malam hari dari ketinggian. BACA JUGA: Objek Wisata Sekitar Semeru Tutup Sementara Pasca Letusan Awan Panas Ada beberapa rekomendasi tempat glamping di Puncak yang bisa menghadirkan sensasi liburan tak terlupakan, karena dilengkapi banyak aktivitas luar ruangan sembari melihat panorama alam yang asri. Tak hanya itu, beberapa tempat glamping tersebut turut memiliki fasilitas pendukung yang mewah, seperti bathtub with a view, TV layar datar plus layanan streaming film. Rekomendasi glamping yang bisa dipilih, yaitu Teras Bhumi Puncak, Wildwoods Camp, Turi Boba Luxury Glamping, Taneuh Polaris, dan Booba Glamping. Wisata Yogyakarta Yogyakarta tak hanya memiliki wisata kuliner atau budaya yang khas. Tetapi juga lanskap alam menakjubkan yang bisa dinikmati dari ketinggian. Kalian, dan keluarga bisa bepergian ke Bukit Teletubbies yang terletak di Candisari, Sleman. Disini, kalian bisa melihat pemandangan alam sekaligus berkunjung ke Desa Wisata Rumah Teletubbies yang terletak di bawahnya. BACA JUGA: Menikmati Beragam Daya Tarik Desa Wisata Peniron Kebumen Selain itu, ada Bukit Panguk yang berlokasi tak jauh dari Kebun Buah Mangunan; Bukit Paralayang dekat Pantai Parangtritis. Bukit Bintang di Area Kebun Srimulyo Gunungkidul; dan Bukit Pethu yang menghadirkan latar belakang waduk Sermo dan perbukitan Menoreh nan indah. Di sana, Anda dan keluarga bisa memilih glamping di Nira Camper Village, Kampoeng Media, Yabbiekayu Eco-Bungalows, RAJAKLANA Resort Villa and Spa, dan Khayangan Resort. Pulau Dewata Bali Pulau Dewata yang kental dengan adat dan budaya yang memesona, juga menyimpan banyak tempat wisata perbukitan yang menakjubkan.
Di Bukit Molenteng, Anda bisa melihat keindahan lautan dari ketinggian –termasuk dimanjakan dengan keindahan sejumlah atol di sekitarnya–. Menjelang malam hari, Anda dan keluarga bisa turun menuju Pantai Atuh yang letaknya tak jauh dari sana. Selain Bukit Molenteng, wisata perbukitan Instagenic lainnya yang bisa dikunjungi adalah Padang Bunga Kasna, Bukit Guungan, Bukit Asah, dan Bukit Campuhan. Adapun rekomendasi glamping di Bali yang terjangkau dari deretan tempat wisata tersebut di antaranya Sang Giri Mountain Glamping, Damarwidi Glamping, Bali Beach Glamping, Bali Dynasty Resort, dan Manjangan Dynasty Resort. Malang Raya Malang Raya semakin diminati para travelers dikarenakan berbagai pilihan destinasi yang menarik. Mulai dari kuliner, wahana, pantai, hingga perbukitan. Kota ini juga memiliki wisata perbukitan yang menawarkan pemandangan mengagumkan dan menenangkan. Di Bukit Panderman, Anda dan keluarga bisa menyaksikan gemerlap malam Kota Malang yang cantik. Sedangkan di pagi harinya, tempat ini menjadi spot menarik untuk melihat matahari terbit. Di Gunung Banyak atau yang dikenal dengan nama Paralayang, Anda juga bisa melihat panorama Kota Batu dan berfoto di spot Instagenic. Seperti Omah Kayu dan Taman Langit. Di sisi utara Kota Malang juga terdapat Bukit Kuneer. Spot yang terletak di area Kebun Teh Wonosari, Lawang, lereng Gunung Arjuno ini akan memanjakan Anda. Dengan hamparan perkebunan teh yang luas dan hijau. Adapun rekomendasi tempat glamping untuk menginap, yaitu Oak Tree Glamping Resort, Bata Merah Guest House & Camping Ground, dan Lembah Indah Glamping Resort. ***
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emmasartanddesignco · 2 years
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: RV Digital Backgrounds, Camper Van Digital Download, Camping Digital Paper, Vacation Digital Paper Pack, Tent Digital Papers, RV Scrapbook #birthday #christmas #digitalbackground #cardmaking #handmadecards #papercrafting #cardmakersofinstagram #cardmaker #papercraft #christmas #christmastree #christmasdecor #xmas #merrychristmas #love #christmastime #winter #handmade #natale #christmasgifts #santa #christmasiscoming #christmasdecorations #holidays #digitalpaper #digitaldownload #vacationpaper https://etsy.me/3fGyRD3 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cki-ecIo3JQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cristianofabris · 3 years
Dicembre 2021: Diano Marina, Cervo e San Bartolomeo
Dicembre 2021: Diano Marina, Cervo e San Bartolomeo
Il mese di dicembre si prepara ad essere un tripudio di eventi dedicati al Natale e che si svolgono tra Diano Marina, Cervo, San Bartolomeo al Mare. Eventi, sagre, feste e fiere (more…)
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vacabondare · 6 years
Mercatini di Natale 2018
Mercatini di Natale 2018
Ciao VACABONDI, in questo articolo cercherò di fare una piccola guida per organizzare un week-end o una passeggiata tra le bancarelle e luci colorate dei Mercatini di Natale d’Italia.
I mercatini di Natale più belli in Italia, con le date di apertura e chiusura e la lista delle città che ospiteranno bancarelle e fiere a tema natalizio.
I mercatini di Natale più antichi e tradizionali d’Italia si…
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tgon · 2 years
The Nightmare Room #9, Camp Nowhere | Review
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Title: The Nightmare Room #9 – Camp Nowhere
Author: R.L. Stine
Cover Artist: Vince Natale
30th US President Calvin Coolidge would stow pickles and munch on them around the White House. It’s been said that he was the first “President To Just Be Two Kids Stacked On Top Of Each Other” president. Everyone has their quirks. R.L. Stine’s quirk is writing good camp stories. Maybe we can set aside our doubts and let the nostalgia of summers-gone-by whisk us away. Go ahead. Set down your bags.
A summery breeze shoots past, warming the trees, carrying the sweet smell of sap along for the ride. Sounds of nature fill your head. Water laps at a lake’s edge, birds chitter away, a lonely bee bumbles along. A counselor jotted down your name when you arrived, but the ink hasn’t even dried yet. Camp. It’s a place for developing minds, new friendships, one or two “Ernest” films, and sometimes terror.* Hang on to your friendship bracelets, camper. The story is about to begin.
*Actual terror may vary.
Everyone at Camp Hawkwood thinks Russel is a wimp. And they’re right. When he tries to disprove his wimpery it only makes things worse. He attempts to save a counselor’s dog, but (long story) he gets knocked off a cliff by snakes. Ouch, my scariest summercamp memory is when I ate gummy worms until I threw up.
All senior campers get an opportunity to canoe down Forbidden Falls. Adding to the terror, Counselor Ramos reveals that he won’t be able to canoe alongside the kids and will have to watch from the sidelines. It makes no difference to Russel. He already decided to be the bravest camper to traverse the Falls. This includes worrying himself so bad he gets nightmares.
When the big day comes, Forbidden Falls turns out to be a dud, not scary at all. Russel and his friends decide they’ll get revenge on Ramos for playing up the terror. They settle on a classic prank, the old “Make An Adult Think We’re Dead” routine.
The kids all flip their canoes to stage a wreck (hilarity!) and wait to see their counselor’s reaction. Things go haywire when the kids realize they’re lost. The entire area looks unfamiliar, and their footprints from earlier have vanished. Russel uses the footprints as a poetic metaphor for a higher power, but his peers are unreceptive.
Night falls. The kids hunker down as best they can. Russel and his friends Charlotte and Erin spot a light in the distance. Into the night with Charlotte Sometimes the group goes. They discover a place called Camp Evergreen. It’s odd for many reasons. The phones don’t work; the campers watch black and white movies; most disturbing, they don’t know who Michael Jordan is (that sneaker logo guy).
A camper named Drew warns Russel and his friends that they’re in grave danger. Unfortunately, “Drew the Schmoo” has an embarrassing nickname so he’s immediately discredited, especially as a political candidate. Russel begins to heed the warning once he discovers that the other campers have locked Drew in a shed, and making people angry is a universal sign of rightness. They don’t lock irrational people in sheds now do they?
The Hawkwood campers set Drew free and run until they’re caught by Camp Evergreen. The lead counselor explains that his camp is super cursed, and it does not get more sensitive to Native Americans beyond this point. Native spirits destroyed Camp Evergreen years ago for trespassing. These aren’t unreasonable destroyer spirits, though. They grant the campers two days a year to come back as ghosts so long as they’re respectful of the land and keep their existence a secret. The lead counselor tried to get three days a year, but Spirit Court disfavors mortal men.
Drew goes beserk and lights a cabin on fire. If the forrest burns, the ghosts will be destroyed and probably lose their deposit. Cooler heads prevail when Russel puts out the blaze. Promising to keep Camp Evergreen a secret, the living kids are allowed to leave. While sprinting into the woods, they discover the real (and terrifying) Forbidden Falls. I should clarify that “discover” is code for “fall headfirst into.”
Doom seems inevitable for the kids tumbling ungently down the stream until they’re lifted up by unseen hands. Up. Up into the air. A ghostly voice thanks Russel for stopping the fire, and the kids are set down at Camp Deusexmachina. Russel brags to every Hawkwood kid about how easy Forbidden Falls was.
Abrupt ending aside, this book executes its small(ish) concept well. It’s sensitive with the main character. Regrettably less sensitive with the mysticism. Credit where it’s due, Stine resisted his urge to name this book Camp Tipacanoe.
9th US President William Henry Harrison was nicknamed Old Tippecanoe. His presidency had an abrupt ending when he died after a month in office. Four years is a long time. Tasteless segue aside, I’ve been reviewing this series for nearly four years, and I’m only nine books in. I’m going through these numbers slower than Nevada goes through votes, which’d be topical if I wrote this back in November 2020. It’s not so dreary, though. Just keep going and see where it gets you. Harrison considered himself retired prior to his election, so being president for a month was a cherry on top.
“But what if it’s a UFO?” David asked. “What if aliens from another planet are secretly landing in the woods, and they zap anyone who disturbs them?” “But they might have food!” Marty exclaimed. “Yeah. Let’s check it out!” David said.
The camp spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
David shouted. “Remember what the counselors told us? About the snake caves?” [...] “That’s just another camp legend,” Marty said.
Snake caves. Yet another thing made up by greeting card companies. Much like Boss’s Day or Saint Valentine.
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viestemarina · 5 years
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Che ogni sogno possa diventare realtà. Buon Natale 🎄 da tutto lo staff del Camping Village Vieste Marina • • #MerryChristmas #Natale #Auguri #ViesteMarina #CampingViesteMarina #VillaggioViesteMarina #SostaCamperViesteMarina #SostaCamperVieste #Vieste #Gargano #Puglia #holiday #Estate2020 #Christmas2019 #xmas #camper #Camping #Villaggio #Enjoy #ViesteMarinaBeach (presso Camping Village Vieste Marina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6f27hHiWG5/?igshid=p02y0dfgr5cj
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longodorni · 2 years
Con il favore del meteo, confermata la grande festa d'estate all'Alpe Lusentino, sabato 30 luglio
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Una giornata da favola per tutta la famiglia, con falconeria, musica degli alberi, Mago Merlino e Fata dell'Acqua Avete mai sentito la musica di un albero? Sabato 30 luglio al Lusentino speciali sensori trasformeranno gli impulsi elettrici degli alberi in note musicali.Gli alberi sono infatti esseri viventi che interagiscono con l'ambiente circostante, in almeno 15 modi diversi, molto più dei 5 sensi dell'uomo. Questa è solo una delle esperienze per tutti, adulti e bambini,  in programma sabato 30 luglio all'Alpe Lusentino di Domodossola per la Festa d'estate organizzata  dallo staff di Grotta di Babbo Natale, in collaborazione con Domobianca 365.
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Alle 11:30 e alle 15:00 presso il Lago all'Alpe Casalavera, in programma anche esibizioni di Falconeria, con il volo libero dei rapaci, mentre i più piccoli dalle 10:30 e per tutta la giornata presso l'arrivo della seggiovia potranno incontrare Mago Merlino, con la sfida della Spada della Roccia.Per l'occasione il piccolo lago artificiale all'Alpe Casalvera, a 1500 metri di quota, facilmente raggiungibile con 10 minuti di camminata dall'arrivo della seggiovia, si trasformerà nello Specchio della Fata, con la presenza della Fata dell'Acqua che intratterrà i bambini con bolle giganti e selfie incantati sulla piattaforma con vista sul Moncucco e le montagne ossolane.Allo ski bar, in collaborazione con gli Alpini, chi lo desidera potrà assaggiare la polenta di Beura, con salsiccia e formaggio (disponibile anche menù bimbo) mentre chi parteciperà alla giornata senza pranzo riceverà un buono sconto del 20% da utilizzare presso i ristori di Domobianca. Per partecipare alla giornata è possibile prenotare on line sul sito www.grottadibabbonatale.it, con biglietto comprensivo di seggiovie, falconeria ed animazioni ad euro 14,50 per i ragazzi fino a 14 anni ed euro 16.50 per gli adulti oppure, per chi desidera anche il pranzo, euro 23,50 per i ragazzi e 28,50 per gli adulti, oppure acquistare i biglietti direttamente sul posto con apertura delle biglietterie dalle ore 9:30. Le animazioni in quota inizieranno alle ore 10:30 e termineranno alle ore 16:00 con partenza dell'ultima seggiovia alle ore 17:00. Al Lusentino gli adulti troveranno anche aree relax e punti ristoro mentre i bambini potranno giocare con il gonfiabile a tema alpino, la parete di arrampicata, il nuovo tappeto elastico, altalene e aree gioco anche per i  più piccoli. 
Chi desidera potrà anche dormire in tenda, con prenotazione on line, usufruendo del bagno con doccia e dell'area attrezzata con barbecue o raggiungere il Lusentino in camper con un ampio posteggio illuminato a cento metri dalla partenza delle seggiovie. 
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"Quest'estate con Grotta di Babbo Natale" - spiega per l'organizzazione, Antonio Longo Dorni - "siamo andati alla scoperta della montagna per le famiglie, tra Val d'Ossola e Valsesia, dai parchi gioco in quota ai piccoli laghi di montagna. Domobianca è una piacevole novità che sicuramente avrà futuro: con la nostra formula "Mystery, viaggiare con fantasia" popoliamo questi luoghi magnifici e rilassanti per tutti con personaggi amati anche dai bambini. Se a Domobianca sabato 30 luglio si potranno incontrare fate e maghi, il prossimo 20 agosto al Lago delle Rose di Ornavasso toccherà alle sirene e ai personaggi della saga di Harry Potter mentre il 10 e l'11 settembre, a Omegna, sul Lago d'Orta, protagonisti saranno i draghi e gli unicorni" Per prenotazioni ed ulteriori informazioni visitare il sito www.grottadibabbonatale.it - [email protected] - tel. 0323 497349
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