#missing persons case
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ninepentz · 4 months ago
Sebastian rogers still missing
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Sebastian who's birthday is tomorrow december 7th, apparently a high functioning autistic 15 year old who's been missing since, February 26, 2024. He's been gone for 9 months with no leads. Luckily dog the bounty hunter has recently entered the search and hopefully we can find him soon. They are offering a reward $225,155 to anyone who can help bring him home, this is a high stake case..and as the days go on people are getting more and more desperate to find him.
Link to the sebastian rogers case info and most recent updates 👇
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What happened to him?
His mother said she last seen him February 25th, the night before he was officially discovered missing. She was in her room and heard a thud coming from Sebastians room around 10pm assuming nothing of it, she says she told Sebastian to keep it down and get ready for bed. Soon after that she would fall asleep, and wake up at 6am to get Sebastian ready for school only to find him gone. Apparently he had no shoes, no phone or his medication. Authorities say there is no signs of foul play at the moment.
There's a lot of possibilities and stories that people are coming up with about what happened but no one really knows. I'm here to see if the charts can tell me anything about sebastian and what he was going through around 10pm since that's the last solid time we have of him alive or heard from.
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Thankfully we do have a birthday for Sebastian, no birth time. But this is great, his case will be much easier to read and pinpoint exactly what could of happened that night. I want to start by looking at what transits he was having and see what houses were being activated.
Charts above; Sebastians natal December 7th 2008 (he's an sagittarius sun, aries moon) and last seen date February 25th, 2024 at 10pm.
Sebastians sun, mercury and mars all transitting the 2nd house:
This is interesting, 2nd house in criminal charts have been associated for me based on cases I've done, as throwing someone out in the trash/discarding and suffocation.
The good thing about this is that all these planets are conjunct the sun which would make whatever happened this night be out in the open, there will be more evidence and clues to be found. The sun illuminates everything it touches, anything where the sun is, you can bet that there will be videos, physical evidence, witnesses, giving you a more in depth picture of what happened.
Moon transit conjunct sebastians saturn:
I feel like something about sebastians deeply ingrained habits, family dynamics, childhood, ancestry, was being tested or subdued by saturn around this time. Moon-saturn transits in general can show up as loneliness, isolation, lack of affection in the home by parental figures, emotional detachment, maybe that day was somewhat a negative, serious, somber day for sebastian. It could also be that maybe sebastian was becoming insecure about his own awareness of his disability, personality..like he can clearly see all the things about him that isolate/ostracize him from relating to the people around him. Kind of like a social outcast, not really fitting in with the crowd. Saturn is bringing to his attention all his deepest insecurities, these insecurities are literally his entire being. Starting from his whole childhood experiences, leading up to the young adult he has become. I wonder if he was feeling bullied or remembering times when he was bullied. With saturn on the moon, he was feeling in some way trapped in his circumstances.
I'm currently having moon conjunct my saturn transit right now as we speak, I def have felt kinda somber, quiet, and sluggish today. And esp at the moment the feeling of awareness of my loneliness/isolation is kicking in. For me moon-saturn transits always happen over the weekend when everyone is gone from the house and it's just me alone. Isn't that so fitting with saturn-moon.
Sebastian natal jupiter transitting into the 3rd house:
I wonder if sebastian was just itching for freedom, maybe tired of being demanded around, or his intelligence/maturity being undermined.. I wouldn't be surprised if he went off on his own journey to travel somewhere, and learn/experience things on his own. With the 3rd house, he would be nearby. What leads me to believe this is bc jupiter is kind of sparking his need for freedom, curiosity, expansion, indulgence, adventure, and in the 3rd house it's like his mind was everywhere like a child with adhd. Chaotic, happy, active mind, seeking answers, finding ways to express itself in all kinds of ways. It could also describe having anxiety, the 3rd house is associated with anxiety and anxious behaviors. I wonder if he was learning about anything prior to disappearing that triggered some kind of idea in his head of where to go. Jupiter would be foreign places, somewhere with no connection to his personal life, ethnicity, or interest.
Sebastian natal uranus transitting into the 5th house:
It seems to me, with out knowing anything about the most recent updates to his case this gives me the impression that Sebastian was exploring himself as a person. For this moment in time, he was feeling rebellious, free, wanting to express himself to the fullest. I mean at the end of the day he is a budding teenager with developing hormones, and if you know what I mean, you would know that those hormones are super strong. We are likely to be more impulsive, rebellious, highly energized, just wanting more out of life but not really having a direction. You want to have fun, be free, all these hormones can make it so that we arent able to control ourselves. Basically we are at whim of our moods and impulses.
When I was 15 I def was that rebellious teenager my parents hated, getting into stuff, wanting to do my own thing, avoiding responsibilities. I find that during uranus transits I want to be alone, unburdened by other people who damper my life pretty much.
This is how uranus transits will play out in our lives, a period where we don't want to follow the status quo, we don't want to continue the usual routine, you may want to avoid anything and anyone that doesnt allow you to be independent/yourself. The 5th house here suggests wanting to express his personality, style, confidence, creativity. He was determined to get out there and find out who he is and have fun.
Saturn is conjunct his natal uranus telling me that maybe he felt he was being blocked from expressing/freeing himself, there was many obstacles when it comes to him reaching whatever goal he had in mind. This could of been what caused his need to be free so bad, saturn whoever/whatever the dampening presence was, made sebastian feel even more of urge to free himself.
Sebastian natal neptune in the 4th house:
This is interesting I have my natal neptune in the 4th house, and my house is my sacred space. Here I can let go, be free, have no routine, be messy, unbound.. it can also be my downfall as well.
The thing about neptune in the 4th is that, there will be no boundaries here, no limitations, so maybe he can feel so free at home but to his detriment. When you are at home too much, or just not around anything that keeps you grounded, you can become delusional, vulnerable, too sensitive/soft. So this means maybe by staying home or even being sheltered he didnt develop instincts to survive by himself, he doesnt have the social experience to know people and their intentions, or to understand what he will get himself into. All he knows is what he's surrounded by at home, who the people are around him but not the outside world. So maybe this means he was somewhat coping in unhealthy ways at home, something was feeding into his delusions, this also shows me that he doesn't have much self awareness at the time. Maybe some disassociating behavior, maybe his literal disability, he was just completely unaware of himself, knowing whether he is a target for criminals or knowing himself deep enough to have a strong identity, just overall a very vulnerable place to be in.
So for some reason he was being delusional at home, or just not really grounded. To give you an idea of what neptune represents in the 4th house, it's like overindulging in your imagination, maybe being too confined in a small space causing the delusions, doing drugs/any unhealthy thing, watching too much tv, eating, etc bc neptune represents addictions. So maybe since it was night time and he knew his mom would be sleeping, he took that as an opportunity to have fun and push past boundaries, do whatever it is he wanted to do that he found comfort and interest in.
MC transit trine sebastians natal mercury:
Law enforcement and the public should find information about this case by neighbors/neighborhood, some kind of word of mouth. This a good sign to see, it shows me that eventually some information will come forward and their success in finding sebastian will be by something they hear, learn, see. Mercury is the messenger of the zodiac, the talk show, researcher, some intelligent person, a truth teller, blog. Something to do with literal communication.
Mc represents the public, authority figures like law enforcement. This is important in criminal cases bc it shows you the most visible aspects of this case, so all mc transits will show you what the public feels about the situation and how law enforcement is relating to the case/victim.
MC transit trine sebastians sun:
Super good to see, he will definitely be found. It's just a matter of when. Everything will eventually be revealed.
MC and the sun are the most visible planets in astrology.
MC transit opposite sebastians neptune:
This tells me for a while in this case they feel like have a grasp on it one minute but then completely lose track the next. Things can seem very confusing, mysterious, lack of information/clues, like smoke and mirrors, there's just not much evidence or leads. Everyone's confused and things are unstable. Maybe following wrong leads and things of that nature.
Moon transit square sebastians mercury:
This tells me he may have been somewhat frustrated and confused. His heart and mind were not communicating together fluidly so he may have been confused, resorting to his comfort habits and wanting to self sooth, maybe little annoyances here and there. This also tells me maybe he was uncomfortable, like sensory issues or something. Maybe someone in the home that he didnt want to be around. Also he easy having trouble communicating.
Neptune transit square sebastian mercury:
Not good at all, he was very confused, disillusioned, he wasn't able to think clearly, not even able to have clear intuition or emotional intelligence. Maybe drugged, something that affected his intellect and his ability to communicate. Nothing too serious tho bc a square shows that both mercury and neptune were clashing against eachother, so both have some control, there's frustration if anything. The opposition is where we would see real helplessness and delusion. The square tells me there was just something around him, affecting his mental self, his ability to think for himself, travel, speak.
I do wonder if he did drugs or something, mercury is never just in one place, it's very versatile, curious, mentally active, creative, restless, wanting to know and try a little bit of everything and that being with boundariless neptune is basically getting into things, maybe getting sick from not being careful, mixing harmful things together, no structure at all. Neptune and mercury def are the 2 planets that don't have structure or routine.
Saturn transit square sebastian sun:
This tells me some authority figure or event was causing sebastian to feel hopeless and imprisoned in some way. He wasnt able to express himself on a deep identity level. The sun is our most visible self, our core, heart, entire being.. something about that was being depressed by saturn. Saturn is in pisces so maybe someone felt that sebastian was being unruly, disrespectful, wild, just completely uncivilized is how I see this bc saturn in pisces is like a person who has high spiritual morality, maybe even religious to a delusional extent, and so when they see someone like sebastian who is free of any spirituality, and doesnt even fit societal expectations as someone who's neurodivergent, he can seem very disorganized and untamed to someone who's delusionally spiritual, dogmatic about their beliefs. Basically like a conservative christian in a sense, they have a strong "moral compass" but it's very flawed. Pisces is prone to falling for schemes, being misguided, being illogical. Especially when it comes to the square, so all these things I'm describing is about harshly aspected pisces saturn. It could def have been his parents being the delusional authoritians, or it's possible just sebastians circumstances at home. It could be anything that's causing this blockage, not just people. Overall he feels very restricted at this time, maybe even being hidden away.
Sebastian natal saturn in the 11th house:
Very odd. I say that bc I'm not aware of sebastian having friends or even an online community, so his saturn transitting the 11th house could be maybe he is very isolated from society and community. He's unable to make friends, this is a major point of struggle. Maybe he's also working towards it tho, he wants friends badly, he wants a community but it's not coming easily. This would be something that would be constantly challenged throughout this transit. So it could be that he's looking for a community, community/networking has been on his mind a lot, but with no success. There's something in the way, stopping him from making it happen. It can be very frustrating for him, having the desire there but always finding obstacles and problems back to back. Saturn restricts everything it touches, it's possible he is isolated from society and technology.
In criminal astrology, the ascendant of the date missing represents the victim, and we always wanna look at the ascendant ruler for clues.
Asc in Scorpio, ruler is pluto:
Pluto is in aquarius at 1°04 degrees, this means that pluto has a significant influence on sebastian and his life. Pluto Aquarius themes are what we should be looking out for, manipulation with false information, false leaders, evil leadership, ego driven/malicious communities, mass mind control.
I heard someone on a fb group dedicated to finding sebastian, that it's possible he was taken by some latter-de saint missionaries, you know those random religious people you see scoping your neighborhoods looking for people to convert into their religion.
Today I literally came across two young men who walked up to a woman sitting near me introducing themselves and asking her if she would like to hear a word from god, reading her a passage from the bible and then before the conversation ended they asked if they could have her number so that they can talk about this more. I knew about these missionaries, I've seen them before trying to pray to people, talk about god and invite them to their churches. I always found it strange and it wasn't until today before even looking into sebastian rogers case that I did research on what latter de saint missonaries are and what they actually do. I also realized it's always 2 young men doing the scouting and approaching random people.
Here's a video explaining what they do, and what they're all about:
To me my 1st thought is that these people are in a little religious cult, that's why you see that the men who are going around hunting for people to convert are always young men. Ofc the most impressionable/moldable people, which makes sense why they would choose them to do this type of thing. It's basically indoctrination (mind controlling) people from a young age 1st, when they are the most inspired and excited to get out in the world. And what better way to help attract people to your church when you have young men who seem kind, intelligent/educated, passionate.. it's making me feel like they use those men to lure people in. But yeah it's so weird that I literally came across them today and then I see that post from someone in the fb group. It very much aligns with pluto in aquarius, these type of missionary christians are not exactly mainstream. They def are a weird group of people to me and I'm sure to many others, it just seems way too religious. To the point where it takes up your entire identity. I feel like maybe that's why it's not a mainstream practice and they're kinda, a private community if that's the right word
Pluto transit in the 3rd house:
This would be relevant to add what house pluto is in. This can mean a few things, maybe hes nearby his home, something to do with a malicious neighbor, dog the bounty hunter could be right. There's a possibility of a man hole where they are keeping sebastian or where he's hiding. Bc pluto would be concealing something, trying to remain hidden, and the 3rd house would be our travel, our communication, our intentions, so it's possible there's something to do with a sneaky neighbor/hidden place within the neighborhood. I'm imagining someone being really really quiet, making sure to not make too much noise or leave any trace behind, controlling their face expressions, movement, body position, maybe anxiously and obsessively trying to cover their tracks, trying to be two steps ahead at all times.
If this has to do with another person being involved what I mentioned above this could be possible. If not it is describing where sebastian could be, so somewhere deep in the neighborhood hidden.
Where ever you see pluto you see metamorphosis happening, so something is going through intense changes to the point where it's leading to a place that becomes unrecognizable, changing what they were into something we didn't expect or plan for. Pluto kinda forces change. So there could be constantly change of location, constant change of travel modes, constant change of how communication is happening.
Also it could even be family, siblings. Or possibly people in general who have seen him around and are familiar with sebastian.
Find the fb group discussion for sebastian rogers here👇
So what do you think happened? I'm going to continue researching and adding information when I find out more. I need to finish looking at what's aspecting pluto to get a deeper picture of everything.
Hope this helps, usually my readings are on the right track even if i get a few things wrong so all this information I've found out here must have a little bit of truth in them. I'll leave it to you to do what you will with this information and form your own opinion. Thanks for reading <3
✨️Nine of pentacles✨️
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youthchronical · 13 days ago
Indian-origin student disappears: 24-year old named 'person of interest' after Sudiksha Konanki seen 'clinging to Joshua Ribe' - The Times of India
Missing Indian student Sudiksha Konanki (Image Credit: X) Authorities in Virginia have named a 24-year-old Iowa man as a “person of interest” in the mysterious disappearance of Indian-origin, University of Pittsburgh student Sudiksha Konanki during her spring break trip to the Dominican Republic.The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office, based in Konanki’s hometown of Chantilly, revealed that Joshua…
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lifewithaview · 14 days ago
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Naila Schuberth, Sammy Schrein, and Kim Riedle in Dear Child (2023) Hannah
After a woman is hit by a car and hospitalized, authorities try to make sense of puzzling information from the young girl who was with her.
*The license plate on Matthias Beck's car reads "NE LK-137". NE indicates that the car is registered in the German city of Neuss, and the LK is an obvious reference to the original title of the mini series, Liebes Kind.
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coldcasevault · 26 days ago
Majestees Aaron
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Majestees Aaron, born on March 4, 1976, was last seen on May 24, 2011, in Hayward, California. At the time of his disappearance, he was 35 years old, stood 5'6" tall, and weighed 180 pounds. He is an African-American male with black hair and brown eyes. Few details are available regarding the circumstances of Aaron's disappearance.
If you have any information about his whereabouts, please contact the Hayward Police Department at 510-293-7195.
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liones-s · 10 months ago
a big lesson for me was learning that most things are not as fragile as I’d believed. missing a class, or turning in a bad assignment, won’t instantly destroy your professor’s opinion of you. accidentally saying something harsh won’t make your friend want to end the friendship. it takes work to repair these things - it takes effort and research and sometimes a sincere apology - but you can do that because they’re not irreparably broken. what you’ve worked to build, in academia and in relationships and in life, is stronger and more enduring that your mind may teach you to believe. don’t let imagined fragility lead you to giving up
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thatfurrylightelemental · 2 years ago
707 area code gang 👈😎👈
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Why should you call missing person Brisbane experts?
Families who suddenly face this issue where the near ones go missing are indeed disturbing. It puts them in A kind of mental trauma. To find a way out, they knock on the doors of professionals who can execute missing person cases with full expertise. Therefore, let’s find out how the expert missing persons Brisbane can guide you through the journey.
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Gaining Specialised expertise and training on the case
Missing person investigators get unique training to solve missing person cases. Even they have equipment that helps them polish their skills to solve complex cases. Their expertise and skill encompasses different aspects, including advanced investigative techniques, forensics and law enforcement protocols.
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Solving cases after Analysing them in detail and comprehensively
Missing person Brisbane Investigators do religiously analyse each missing person case in detail. Also, gather information and scrutinise the same from different angles. This involves Analysing the circumstances that elaborately describe the reason for the disappearance. Also, examine all the available proofs and interview all associated with the missing person.
Using the top-notch technology to trace the missing person
In this digital era, the disappeared person Brisbane experts use the latest technology to track the missing person. They take the surveillance footage, access the database and collaborate with different agencies to cross-check all the information. Well, various advanced surveillance technological assistance is taken to analyse the validity of the data.
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Negotiating with the law enforcement departments for more
 Missing person investigators work hand in hand with the experts of the law enforcement departments. They use the sources to get some detailed information at national, Regional and local levels. This negotiation helps them get responsibility for unveiling the reasons behind the disappearance.
Final Say
The missing person Brisbane experts do help families to find solace and feel relaxed. Thus, you can call the missing person investigation experts and find the answers to the mystery.
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months ago
DCXDP fanfic idea: Cold Case
Bruce Wayne has worked on many cold cases over the years of being Batman. The ones shelved away after all efforts to find justice have run out. He's seen many of them be challenging to solve for the detectives assigned to them years ago. Others were obviously not investigated as thoroughly as they should have.
A rare few were purposely ignored for one reason or another. Bruce tried his best to stop current crimes, but as someone whose own parents' murder was not solved until he brought the man to justice, he knows how much closure could mean.
He worked on them whenever possible, trying to find the missing pieces to explain what happened. Usually, his kids also picked a few up here and there, but no one put in as many hours to solve closed cases as Bruce. (Tim came a close second)
That's why he clicked through an old file with his morning coffee one Saturday instead of enjoying a sleep-in. His eyes rapidly fall over the words of the police report, then the following investigation reports, witness statements and a few pictures. This file is surprisingly thick, but having no valid leads made Bruce suspicious that foul play was a t work/
It's about a young teenage boy who vanished from a small town in Illinois before his body was discovered stuffed into a rotted locker in Gotham three years later.
Daniel Fenton was last seen dining with his friends at the local burger restaurant, Nasty Burger, after school. He was seen parting with his friends two hours later. Samantha Manson's parents arrived to pick up Samantha and Tucker Foley for an art show.
Daniel had not gotten permission to go; he had been grounded due to his grades, but although Mr. Manson offered to drive him home, and the man even called the boy's sister to pick him up, Daniel insisted on walking.
The town had been relatively safe enough that most teens walked around, so the four had driven off to beat the traffic. Daniel had turned towards his house, vanishing from the restaurant's CCTV camera's sight soon after.
The walk should have taken him no more than thirty minutes, but he was an hour late. Daniel's mother frantically called all his friends after failing to contact her son within those thirty minutes. The boy's friends send messages and calls, but the boy does not respond.
Another hour later, Mr. and Mrs Fenton phoned in a missing person report. They drove around looking for Daniel as the police slowly walked through the town, and word spread quickly that the youngest Fenotn had gone missing. By the seven-hour mark, a search party of Daniel's schoolmates and a few neighbors had been formed.
Police and one hundred and three civilians were on the hunt for Daniel.
Neither Samatha's nor Tucker's messages were marked as read, although a chilling fact was that Mrs. Fenton, Mr.Fenton, and Jasmine Fenton's text messages were opened. That pinged within a block of the Fenton's residence.
Two witnesses claimed to have seen Daniel at the corner shop one block from his house, where he stopped to buy a drink. A man in a trench coat approached the boy to ask for his opinion on the chip flavors.
Daniel could be seen chatting with him for a few minutes while standing in line to pay for their purchases, as the witnesses were the cashier and one other customer. After being rung up, Daniel left the man at the counter. The police could track this man down after the boy had gone missing for twelve hours.
However, it was concluded that he had nothing to do with the disappearance, seeing as the man had ordered a cab straight to the airport and gotten on a flight right. He had even waited inside the small corner shop, sitting idly at a table until his cab arrived.
The cab camera, airport security, and plane ticket confirmed his alibi. By the seventy-two-hour mark, a new clue appeared. Daniel's backpack was half dug in a hole five miles outside the city limits when a hiker spotted the slight gleam of the strap's decorative pin.
This was seven miles from where he had disappeared. Inside his backpack were his broken phone, school supplies, the clothes he was last seen in, and a framed photo of Daniel sleeping in his room.
Sadly, the investigators could not find any clues from the sight due to the heavy rain the previous two days. Even the items within the bag were half destroyed from the rain and mud ( Bruce thought that was a ridiculous claim. He would need to break into the evidence archives, steal the backpack, and run some tests. He would ask Barry for help if he had to.)
Two towns over, another witness claimed to have seen Daniel walking by the side of road, being led by a woman in a grey dress. His picture had been shared by frantic schoolmates at a football game where the new witness recognized him.
This was one week after Daniel's disappearance. The witness had claimed to have captured the pair on her dash cam after she had saved the clip because the two had appeared from the shadows "like ghosts," and she had screamed when her headlights shone on them.
The witness was driving through the back roads to her aunt's house, and the lack of street lights, alongside the dense trees lining the roads, made it hard for anyone to see at night. The clip was no more than seven seconds.
It is just as the car turns onto the dirt road that Daniel can be seen turning towards the car, his right wrist trapped in a woman's hold. He stares into the camera while it passes by, not showing any signs of distress.
The woman is turned away from the vehicle, seemingly peering into the trees as if she thought something had caught her attention. The pair's outfits are peculiar- they seem to be dressed from the early eighteen hundreds, which was why the witness had gotten such a fright.
After searching the area where this sighting was held, the police could not find any evidence that Daniel had passed through there. The case went cold for six months before a concerned man called his local authorities about a young boy standing on the edge of a bridge. He had accidentally spotted the boy while filming a wide landscape video of his hotel room.
By the time the man had raced down to the lobby and gotten to the bridge, the emergency operator in his ear, Daniel, had vanished. When the police collected the video, they could identify the same woman wearing the same dress standing by a white van in the background. Thankfully, its license plates were in full view.
The van was later found to have been reported stolen two years before Daniel's disappearance. However, a common link existed between five other missing people investigations that spanned those two years. Sadly, the van was never seen again, and police assumed it was scrapped.
Daniel's case went cold for three years until his body was discovered during a renovation effort funded by Bruce himself. All work on the old buildings was halted as Daniel's death was confirmed, the investigation was underway, and Wayne Enterprise working entirely with the police to find out what happened to the young boy. His body was sent back to his family after the autopsy had been completed.
Daniel Fenton's cause of death was ruled to be suffocation. Physical indications on his body indicated he had attempted to fight off whoever had left those marks around his neck, but in the end, Daniel had not won. Despite the many tests they conducted on the locker and the area, no other clues could be found of how, when, and by whom Daniel had wound up there.
Bruce didn't appreciate the entire lack of clues. He had searched and done his own testing as Batman the same night Daniel's body had been found. Nothing had appeared on his tests until he had attempted to use one of Constantine's runes.
This one had flared up for a mighty ghost. Bruce had gotten the idea to check for the paranormal after rumors spread of a ghost fitting Daniel's description through the nearby neighborhood children. Constantine claimed that it was not the murder victim, Daniel Fenton, but rather something far older and far more dangerous.
Something prone to luring humans away. Bruce believes the woman seen near Daniel in the last few years of his life was not a human.
Bruce sighs, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his eyes. He's gone over the file five times, yet nothing seems to jump out at him. His coffee had gone from pipping hot to lukewarm, and his children were slowly tickling into the room.
He raises his mug at them in greeting, hiding a smile behind his cup as Cass leans over to side hug him. His daughter is always more physical in her greetings, which makes him so happy that he ignores how her eyes have launched onto his screen with intense concentration.
"A cold case?" Tim asks from around a yawn. Bruce's head barely finishes the nodding motion before the boy leans closer to the table, eyes sharp. "What's it about?"
"The body was found in the restoration affordable housing project that was canceled," Bruce replies. He begins summarizing the case to his children as the rest finally settle around the table, looking at the usual amount of exhaustion Bruce has long ago been able to push through.
He can spot the moment they all start theorizing or analyzing the presented information while he scrolls up to see Daniel's smiling face. Bruce is just about to flip the tablet around so the rest of the children can see when his daughter leans closer to the tablet.
Cass's hand spams as she hisses. "Not Dead."
It takes a moment for Bruce to process her sharp words, blinking up at her. "What was that sweetheart?"
"Not. Dead," She repeats, pointing an accusing finger at Daniel's photo. "Not Human. Lures victims to death. Almost got me."
Well, that complicates this already confusing case a bit.
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krishmanvith · 2 years ago
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lala-blahblah · 1 month ago
I get why people headcanon that Trucy would call Edgeworth "Uncle Miles" because it represents how close he is to Nick and Trucy and how he's basically part of the family etc. HOWEVER I cannot help but imagine the shock and horror of passersby who hear Trucy call one man "uncle" and one "daddy" as they watch Nick and Miles interact lovingly in public and come to the conclusion that Nick is openly cheating on his spouse with his spouse's brother.
#they're like “oh my god and he has a daughter... this affair must be tearing the family apart has he no shame”#I do in general like the idea of kids calling your friends uncle or aunt. Very it takes a village to raise a child#it's often a cultural thing to call everyone aunt and uncle too which i do in my family!#I just don't love it when the dad and friend-uncle are ambiguous lovers!!! But this is a lighthearted complaint. I jest#i don't think people would think they were brothers thank god but that would be equally unfortunate if not more so#I personally enjoy a Mr. Miles/ Miss Trucy dynamic where Miles is formal with her but kind of as a joke#and FOR HIM that is intimate and close bc usually he uses people's last names (he calls maya miss fey)#I don't think Edgeworth could ever be anything but Miles to Trucy idk#Not in a bad way! I just think like.... he's not her dad in the same way... he would be very stiff and awkward but care for her deeply#like i don't think he would ever be a very cuddly huggy kind of paternal figure for her.#he would do that dad thing where he's like oh you mentioned you like this candy I will by you a huge case of it#he would be like i heard you like magic so i watched a documentary on it so we can discuss it intellectually#He would stay up late to help her with her math homework#ace attorney#trucy wright#phoenix wright#miles edgeworth#dadnix#dadworth#narumitsu#i am a queerplatonic narumitsu truther but I am willing to let them be romantically in love when it's funny
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ninepentz · 1 year ago
Missing toddler still hasn't been found-SOLVED
Updates!! 9/13/24 bottom
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For some reason Tumblr has deleted my original blog post and all I'm left with is an audio file that might be confusing for some :( hopefully we can make it work tho. Everytime I try to add links to case discussions or articles, my blog deletes itself so I'll let you know key words instead.
Elijah Vue is still missing as of Feb 29th, 2024.
Fb support group/searchers for Elijah:
Look up "Find Elijah Vue Discussion", you can find most information and updates there.
Last seen chart 8AM
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**Correction, Sun in the 12th semisquare moon in the 4th**
911 call 11AM:
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Chart mapping of possible locations using 911 call important points:
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Location on Google maps is 3900 mischicot Rd, two rivers Wisconsin.
The most recent update on this case is that the mother and caretaker for Elijah will have a preliminary hearing march 7th, so all we can do now is keep searching and wait until then.
I posted part 2 forensic reading for Elijah which you can find on my page. This is all I can do for now
***Also not in the audio but I noticed some similarities between Elijah's 911 chart and Prince Mcrees 911 chart
They both had moon in the 2nd house aspecting Neptune. For prince mcree moon-neptune were conjunct. And for Elijah moon-neptune were trining transit wise + his natal moon opposing transit neptune in the transit synastry reading. What I'm thinking since both moons were in the 2nd aspecting Neptune is maybe Elijah was discarded somewhere in a very nasty, filthy, hidden dump site where things are unseen, trashed, not taken care of. Basically something similar to what happened with Prince..bc I'm realizing that Neptune can have many meanings. It can be garbage, drugs, gases, bodies of water.. and 2nd house which is related to Taurus, is what we take, posses, own, buy, get paid, our values, most importantly imo is the taking/giving aspect, it's transactional. Like in Prince Mcrees chart for example, he was found in a dumpster near some businesses.. that shows me the 2nd house can be related to things like the dynamics of trash companies, NOT the trash specifically. More so the act of taking something.. So we pay taxes to have our trash cans picked up every week right? so that could be somewhat related to the 2nd house. The transactional part. Bc I remember I mentioned in Elijahs synastry read, that he could have been sold to someone but it could actually be either or. Neptune is in the 11th house tho so that is more tied to community, unlike princes Neptune which was in the 2nd. So that changes things a bit.. and since Elijahs 911 call moon was in cancer that also makes it different.
Idk I'm just trying to throw things out there bc honestly this case is very complicated/complex. Maybe it could mean that he was thrown in a bio hazard area, maybe the person responsible was freaking out about where to discard Elijah and put him in the 1st place that comes to mind when they think about children.. near a hospital or related to child birth, child care, nearby a home or something with obvious attachment to Elijah. It's like the person couldn't think clearly so they kinda made a bad decision to place Elijah in place where those who really knew him would easily find him.
OR if a stranger took him, we would have to think like a guilty stranger who has no kids whatsoever, what's the 1st thought you would have at hiding a body? Could be anywhere where children are or anything associated with children, bc their mind couldn't come up with something better.. it's like their fucked up conscious got the best of them. Hope that makes sense.
Most recent updates!
The remains of a child has been found located near a girl scout camp, they may or may not be elijahs remains. We will have to wait until testing is done. Wow. Just insane if that is poor little elijah.. ill be updating more here with any new details
New update as of 9/13/24:
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Unfortunately, the remains have been confirmed to be elijah vues... may you rest in peace our sweet boy <3
Newest and final update as of 10/22/24:
Katrina baur charged with child neglect leading to death and jesse vang charged with repeated abuse causing death and hiding a body... how vile and evil!!! And to know that jesse vang had a tiktok trying so hard to portray himself as a funny, light hearted person, he even wrote a book about his life and struggles as if it's something he learned and overcame. He was a wolf in sheeps clothing. May they get the karma they deserve
To see the rest of my forensic astrology readings follow hashtag #forensicastrology <- no spaces
✨️Nine of Pentacles✨️
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twinstxrs · 1 year ago
idk if this is accurate but i’ve felt like in previous seasons riz & gorgug have been one of the inter-bad kids dynamics we’ve seen the least of & this season has been so great in that aspect. gorgug having helped make some of riz’s magic gear. riz helping gorgug with his studies. the shared birthday party. gorgug’s gift to riz being something he himself made to protect riz. riz’s gift to gorgug being something he illegally grabbed to protect gorgug. gorgug who utilizes rage to put his body on the line for his friends & riz who will take deep levels of mental stress for his friends. even though it was within the context of a joke, riz calling gorgug an “absolute sweetie.” like yea they might not be in a band together or both part of a presidential campaign team or owlbears teammates, but they’d go to war for each other, because they’re best friends.
#riz gukgak#gorgug thistlespring#fantasy high#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#these kids are all so self-sacrificing but i do think riz gorgug are the most clear (& juxtaposed) self-sacrificers#riz will mentally tear himself to pieces and get lost in cases and take on ungodly levels of stress for those he loves#gorgug will use himself as a human shield. he will take hit after hit if it means his friends are okay.#and they’d both do the other thing too. riz would let himself get hit for gorgug. gorgug would pull all nighters & take stress for riz.#even if mechanically they can’t or it wouldn’t make sense. they would if they could.#also#the starstruck barry mechanic of being a guard is so gorgug. it’s soooo gorgug like that’s literally him#anyways love this tall green guy & this short green guy so much#especially because gorgug is tall & considered intimidating but protective in a deeply kind way#while riz is short & underestimated but protective in a deeply vicious way (affectionate)#i hope this makes sense but i think riz is primarily ‘i would kill for you’ & gorgug is primarily ‘i would die for you’ maybe#this does not mean gorgug would not kill for riz or riz would not die for gorgug. they both would.#but those are the primary ways their love manifests due to the nature of their strengths/personalities. To Me#idk this is all just me saying stuff when i should be sleeping 😭#sorry if i missed a riz gorgug moment in the main post btw i’m tired
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cloud-ya · 4 months ago
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not only am I not done with my weird hedgehogs bullshit but I'm also bringing you another monster hedgehog
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anistarrose · 21 days ago
"sex and love are what make us human" well luckily for your pathetically limited worldview, i don't actually mind roleplaying as an elf. fetch me my ancient and gnarled magical staff, boy
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aurorasgate · 7 months ago
my grandmother passed away last night. im feeling a little lost & incredibly heart broken but i think more than anything, she’d want me to be happy about all of the time we got together
so i think i just wanted to share one of my favorite memories of her, no need to read it but i thought it might be nice to type out & try to smile as i do
like me, my grandma was such a night owl (i think most of my family is thanks to her haha) you could call at 1 in the morning & she’d pick up, watching mash or some kind of british show. & in the house i grew up in we had this deep green land line phone in the basement & when my parents moved my bedroom down there i would call my grandma like nearly every night after everyone went to bed
she never scolded me for it & she’d talk to me about anything & everything until it would get super late & she’d tell me i better go before i get in trouble with my parents for being up late on the phone on a school night & would tell me ‘goodnight angel’
i wish i could call her one more time on that phone & hear her laugh when she’d say my name & ask what i was doing up so late like i didn’t call her all the time
the last time i got to see her prior to last night she hugged me so tight & for so long & told me she loved me so much & that i was her sweetest grandchild & was her favorite to drive with (i always drove slow & easy with her in the car - she’s precious cargo). it really made me smile & ill never forget how warm she was 🩷
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wafflesrisa · 3 months ago
The wholesomeness rating of an F1 driver teammate pairing has an inverse correlation to Nico Rosberg’s ability to traumasplain it. In this essay I will -
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