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cocreadorauniversal · 5 years ago
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Visualización de Nassim Haramein: considere que su propio cuerpo está hecho principalmente de espacio. Cierra los ojos y experimenta el espacio del que estás hecho y el espacio que te rodea vibrando como un cristal. Luego imagine que la tasa de vibración de su estructura de biocristales en la estructura del vacío es equivalente a la información que ingresa y sale de usted, de la misma manera que un equipo de radio de cristal sintonizado a una frecuencia determinada le permite escuchar una radio específica estación. En el cuerpo, si el cerebro son las antenas del aparato de radio, el dial de sintonización es el corazón, que define la frecuencia de la información recibida a través del ritmo dinámico de fluidos de su cuerpo, y que puede ser alterada por su estado emocional.
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absolutegravityman · 6 years ago
Reposted from @fractalindigo (@get_regrann) - 🌌 ・・・ #NassimHaramein #fibonacci #phi #goldenratio #fractal #fractals #fractalart #dna #asabovesobelow #indigochild #indigochildren #starseed #starseeds #sacredgeometry #merkaba #quantumphysics #cymatics #blackhole #atom #torus #universe #pinealgland #ascension #astralprojection #spiral #spiritualawakening #synchronicity #kundalini #dmtart #abaloneshell ・・・ repost @fibonaccifibonacci ・・・ (en Urb Los Ficus - Santa Anita) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1An9__DNVA/?igshid=1mr5m17mm55fs
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verrucktegrafie · 6 years ago
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The Worm Hole in the Elevator // INFINITE // BLUE [like] DREAM // #fractalplanet #trippyartwork #photography #fractalist #vortex #d #fdcommunity #mushroom #artwork #patterns #artist #instaart #fibonacci #architecture #metatronscube #mathart #modernart #colors #spirituality #nassimharamein #light #cosmicart #mandelbrot #design #geometricart #psy #crystals #symmetry #trip #god // @rawmtl @mtl_artist @mtlblog @urbex__mtl (à 520, Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest) https://www.instagram.com/p/Buv_j03lysO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qz0oqi50rdxb
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mindful-thing · 4 years ago
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🙏🏻 Posted @withregram • @dreamerhq Type 'yes' if you can relate. Follow 👉 @dreamerhq 💯🙌 - #universe #universelove #everythingaligns #4thdimension #generalrelativity #premonition #holographicuniverse #5dawakening #starchildren #stars🌟 #austronaut #universelover #exoplanets #nassimharamein #infinte #roscosmosofficial #spothubble #spacetraveler #spaceiscool #saynotowar #gramuniverse #swaysuniverse #veganuniverse #missuniverse2014 #marvelcomicsuniverse #exouniverse #stevenquartzuniverse #martialuniverse #stevenuniversesapphire #stevenuniverseruby https://www.instagram.com/p/CPayjUnBOPr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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conversations-with-svend · 4 years ago
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The field, the unified field. “There is one thing, a field which is spinning” the Teutonic plates of the paradigm is shifting #resonancesciencefoundation #nassimharamein #arkcrystal #thrivemovie #thrivemovement #theconnecteduniverse #paradigmshift #zeropoint #unifiedfield #unifiedphysics #unifiedmathematics #robertedwardgrant https://www.instagram.com/p/CNrk41qj6GC/?igshid=mvr62ct5fk6z
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lightelfearthling · 7 years ago
Black Hole - Black Whole, Nassim Haramein
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mearone · 7 years ago
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Hanging with one of this world's most advanced thinkers, the physicist #NassimHaramein with @resonancescience This man has revolutionized my thinking and inspired me to dive deeper into the nature of being and the fabric of our universe. This past weekend has been a truly enlightening experience @consciouslifeexpo sharing my latest creation. Thank you for your conversations, gifts & love shared @starfirewater @disclosurefest @syrenrock @christargalactia @4biddenknowledge @trevmillar @vlfoster @macklinchristopher & everyone else!
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fnord-university · 7 years ago
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#NassimHaramein #heartmath
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carlosvprintz · 5 years ago
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___ 💗 ___ 🙏🏼~ ➡️ Repost from @resonancescience • “Imagine how the world will change when humanity realizes its interconnectedness with all life and works together to restore the health and well being of the whole.” — Nassim Haramein Art by Autumn Skye Morrison #connected #unified #unifiedfield #health #wellbeing #collaboration #interconnected #connecteduniverse #healing #humanity #positivechange #evolution #consciousness #noosphere #earth #whole #AutumnSkye #NassimHaramein #resonance #resonancescience https://www.instagram.com/p/B94jfayJyQD/?igshid=49cgu0aksmhy
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initieblr-blog · 5 years ago
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Collection fleur de vie. #Fibonacci #fibonacci #fibonaci #fibonachi #nombredor #fleurdevie #geometriesacree #geometrie #geometries #temple #temple🙏 #esotheric #esotherik #nasimharamein #nassimharamein #portailenergetique #divine #sacree #sacredhearttattoo #divinemasculine #sacredgeometry #sacred #sacredfeminine #leonardodavinci #leonardodevinci #vitruve #vitruveman #carrésator #carresator #161803398875 (à Anger) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8_b6PDAbu4/?igshid=11c39gpojp5cm
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otheunstoppable · 5 years ago
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...reposted from @geometricmodels God is an infinite circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. ~Nicolaus of Cusa (circa 1460) . Toruses available at www.geometricmodels.com . #vortex #spiral #goldenmean #torus #goldenspiral #goldenratio #toroidal #electricuniverse #platonicsolids #nassimharamein #fractals #geometry #implosion #phi #sacredgeometryart #alchemy #sacredgeometry #walterrussell #geometria #esoteric #schumannresonance #resonance #mathematics #fractal #instaart #mysticism #heartchakra -- #AllPower2ThePeople #ThePractice https://www.instagram.com/p/B8679-mFc48/?igshid=pua15ollg2tv
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absolutegravityman · 6 years ago
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Reposted from @fractalindigo (@get_regrann) - 🌌 ・・・ #NassimHaramein #fibonacci #phi #goldenratio #fractal #fractals #dna #asabovesobelow #indigochild #indigochildren #starseed #starseeds #sacredgeometry #floweroflife #merkaba #metatronscube #quantumphysics #cymatics #blackhole #atom #torus #universe #pinealgland #ascension #astralprojection #spiral #spiritualawakening #synchronicity #sourcefield #DavidWilcock ・・・ repost @lightisconsciousness ・・・ (en Urb Los Ficus - Santa Anita) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1AwYIIjWdk/?igshid=t99y6zpe4l7g
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reikireflect · 5 years ago
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What frequency are you on? 🌱 visit my website! 📲 Link in bio 💟 quantum energy can affect all of us ☯️ @reikireflect . . . . . #higherself #highervibrations #connected #thirdeyechakra #quantum #healing #intuition #rhondabyrne #lawofattraction #quotes #Quantum #Synchronicity #love #nassimharamein #manifest #energy #abundance #thesecret #affirmations #goodenergy #synchronicity #frequencies #higherconsciousness #spirituality #heal #کتونی #personalgrowth #Frequencies #meditation #thirdeye (at Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7k9rrMgZfz/?igshid=x4kn7fjdae0j
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mindful-thing · 4 years ago
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🥲❤️ Posted @withregram • @dreamerhq Type 'yes' if you can relate. Follow 👉 @dreamerhq - #universe #universelove #everythingaligns #4thdimension #generalrelativity #premonition #holographicuniverse #5dawakening #starchildren #stars🌟 #austronaut #universelover #exoplanets #nassimharamein #infinte #roscosmosofficial #spothubble #spacetraveler #spaceiscool #saynotowar #gramuniverse #swaysuniverse #veganuniverse #missuniverse2014 #marvelcomicsuniverse #exouniverse #stevenquartzuniverse #martialuniverse #stevenuniversesapphire #stevenuniverseruby https://www.instagram.com/p/CPaSo1BhNVw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wearwolfapparel · 5 years ago
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They didn't mention the fatigue and other flu like symptoms you may encounter. You're gonna get plenty of sleep but maybe little rest. You may attend "school" in the dream realm. When you aren't sore, you'll feel great, though.😂🤣 Despite the names in the hashtags, you probably won't see any "aliens", though.😉 ------------------------------------------------------ Reposted from @lightbearcollective (@get_regrann) - Merry Mystic Monday Morning! #theplantosavetheworld #synchronicities #smile #alchemy #transmutation #onelove #shaman #shamanism #indigochild #indigochildren #starseeed #rainbowtribe #coreygoode #davidwilcock #nassimharamein #resonanceacademy #resonancefoundation #native #nativepride #nativeart #plantmedicine #bestoftheday #instagood #consciousness #nature #travel #5D #adventuretime #jediknight #pinealgland (at Urban Shaman Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7BNYjbhjHy/?igshid=10diwxn2grpvt
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julieahvoice · 7 years ago
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#energy #fields #unity #information #connects #grateful #nassimharamein #sacredgeometry #floweroflife #everythingisenergy
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