gatabella · 1 year
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Brigitte Bardot during the filming of That Naughty Girl, 1956
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jebbeesketches · 11 months
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Marisa teaching Rinea how to high-five :3
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annaslapek · 2 years
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pierwszy piątek miesiąca ❤️
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thebeautycove · 11 months
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HEELEY PARFUMS - EAU SACRÉE - Extrait de Parfum -
Look inward. In deep connection with your soul. Meditate. Let's serenity flows from within...
La sacralità purificante dell'incenso. In divina connessione.
Qui non parla la fragranza in sé ma la sensazione di intimità e introspezione che sollecita. È un risveglio alla determinazione, a sospendere il procrastinare, a esplorare ogni angolo della mente, sondare senza timore l'ignoto. 
Senti i bei pensieri dominare come dopo un'estenuante scalata e lì, in cima al tuo everest, inalare l'aria incontaminata della pace. 
Ogni parola appare superflua, ogni sensazione è connessa a gesti calmi, silenti, leali, che rimuovono i veli dall'anima, la spogliano della superficialità e nella nudità originale le restituiscono una veste di serenità e pacificazione, nel conforto della purificazione, nel segno distintivo del rispetto e della devozione. 
Fragranza che dice: cerca la tua essenza, abbi cura della tua anima, sollevala dagli abissi della mediocrità, dalla vacuità della vanità. Sia tempio in cui nutrire lo spirito, elogio all'amore universale,  raggio di felicità che tutto sfiora e mai si estingue. 
Sono al sicuro, ben conservati questi sentimenti in Eau Sacrée, fragranza che vanta una folta schiera di seguaci tra le creazioni di James Heeley. 
La sacralità dell'incenso è penetrante ma la sua solennità non appartiene ad alcuna liturgia. I suoi accordi sono immediatamente evocativi, paradigmatici, espressivi di un non-luogo, nessuna navata di cattedrale o sacrestia di campagna ci accoglie, siamo in uno spazio atemporale tra passato e proiezione futuristica, dentro volteggi aromatici catartici, odori subliminali, lenitivi per la mente. 
Questo extrait de parfum sprigiona il suo potente carisma attraverso la nota balsamica resinosa del labdano in perfetto accordo con il carattere erbaceo incisivo dell'olibano e la velatura speziata medicamentosa della mirra. Lo apprezzi ad occhi chiusi quel levarsi sottile sinuoso dell'incenso, è rassicurante il suo slancio meditativo, ritrovi il centro nell'evoluzione calda, soave, in equilibrio tra accenti floreali e legni ambrati, così persuasivo nelle vibrazioni verticali di spezie e muschi. Ed è pienezza il levitare dei sensi, che sfrecciano alti, altissimi.   
Creata da James Heeley.
Extrait de Parfum 100 ml.  Online qui
©thebeautycove  @igbeautycove
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urtopia · 1 year
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madwomansapologist · 8 months
i love everybody because i love you
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Meet Kind!Druid!Tav | More Weirdos | AO3
synopsis: It doesn't matter what their first impressions of you were, they certainly did not expect you to be so important in their lifes. And as the days passes, each one of your companions need to understand a simple fact: they love you. They all love you.
warnings: a sequel to that (you don't need to read if you don't want to). song "strawberry blond". companions (lae'zel, halsin) x druid!tav. background cast (alfira, mirkon, scratch, owlbear, shadowheart, astarion, wyll, mizora, karlach, minthara). lae'zel love language is pressing a dagger against your throat. i accidentaly made her somewhat a stalker?? there is a high chance minthara doesn't sound like her because i killed her like two onversations in. if you discover which animated character is my biggest inspiration for this tav i will give you a reward.
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In a harsh world, people are supossed to shield themselfs from even the possibility of danger. Is the only rational response to the ambiguity of chaos. What those who crave to survive must learn, what those who deserve to survive must do.
You get stronger, so you won't feel pain. Because to feel pain is to remind your soul that one day your body will perish. To get stronger is to forget about the eventual end. Is to get protected from death itself, even if as just a concept.
When not even death can catch you, you're free. When you have nothing to love, nothing to care about, you are free. That's real strength. To be invulnerable. To have nothing to lose, no one close enough to ever hurt you.
Lae'zel lost the count on how many times you bleed. How many times you fell. Burned, drowned, exhausted in pain. Arrows crossed your chest, swords cut your legs, calloused hands stopped you from breathing.
You're somewhat good at hiding it. How much things can hurt you. When someone disrespect one of your companions, when people blame you for their fates, when you did everything you could and it wasn't enough. It hurts you in a different, worst way. She can see it on your face.
Maybe you could've earned a good end, if the world worked in a different way. A peaceful life, one fit for those who don't aspire greatness. But Lae'zel knew it was only a matter of time until the tadpole took control. She felt it on herself. Saw it on you.
No one would save her, no one would save any of you, but perhaps Lae'zel could. It was an merciful act. To end you first. You failed as a leader, but you tried. Then she'll go to the others, knowing she's brave enough to kill herself after.
She thought you had surrendered yourself to her. That you had come to the same conclusion. A wise druid, after all. Then Lae'zel felt. The cold thread against the base of her neck. A dagger she didn't saw coming.
"Step back," you ordered, voice unaffected. Lae'zel never heard you like that before. She had a dagger against your throat, but you spoke as if you rule the entire world.
"Chk, you think that tiny blade of yours will stop me from free..."
"What I think doesn't matter, but what I know does." Your eyes burned her skin. "You're stronger, I'm faster. I propose you a bet. If you kill me, go on with your plan. If I kill you, that's it. I won't kill them. I won't kill myself. Even if I can, even if I must. You would've died for nothing, forever ignorant if it was the right thing to do."
Lae'zel saw you barefoot at the Emerald Grove, applauding Alfira as she sang. Crossing the river by jumping from stone to stone, talking to Mirkon as if he wasn't a kid but a dear friend. How many times did Lae'zel found a bed shaped of you on the grass right next to where Scratch and Owlbear slept?
A sacreed deer, whose even blood is ever so sweet, howled like an wolf.
Would you turn into a mindflayer out of... stubbornness? Would you let the rest of your beloved party turn into something utterly disgusting, putting in danger all those people you swore to protect, just to prove a point?
Maybe you would. Maybe you wouldn't.
No one died that night.
You intrigued Lae'zel. Before you were her supposedly defenseless prey, and now you are the object of her curiosity. Lae'zel didn't understand you. And she craved to.
So she kept a close eye on you.
You bleed. All the fucking time. You bleed, and you wept. But everytime someone crushed you down, you rose up. For every tear that fall from your eyes, you made sure to smile. You survive, and you keep on doing it.
Strength and weakness merged in the warrior's mind. She knew what strength is, she can smell weakness from afar. Lae'zel was taught everything she was supossed to know.
But you were never the one to fit in old impervious notions.
Lae'zel saw you end a hyena's suffering without flinching, and you trying to hold on the wind when you were about to fall. She heard you helping a bird decorate its nest, and the breaking of a skull of someone brave enough to maim Shadowheart when she was near you.
You yelled at Astarion as he tried to stop you from helping gnomes. Helped Wyll with herbs for his pain after Mizora's trick. Helped Gale with dinner, putting a smile to the usually frowed wizard's face. Gave Karlach her first hug in years.
She saw your every movement. Lae'zel heard you laughing, saw you dancing, watched as you helped your new friends. Sometimes it felt as if you made white lines so she could follow you. So Lae'zel could see you being good, nice, decent. Being you in a way that showed her that no, you would've never let your companions turn into mindflayers. You were bluffing, and she fell for it.
At some point, it started to ache. Anytime you laugh at some tiefling's story, something inside Lae'zel burned. At night, she could picture your smile on her eyelids. When you call her name during battle, yelling instructions that somewhat always end in victory. When you look at her.
She can still see that fire. That same flame that stopped her from killing you right then and there. But diluted, controlled. And still, just as able of burning her entire soul. You have a fire contained within your gaze, and Lae'zel doesn't mind getting burned.
Maybe you're not that weak. And maybe she's not that strong.
She's not watching you anymore. Observing your every move so she can understand your mind. Not a prey, not a walking question mark. Lae'zel is purelly admiring.
For some, you came as a tempest. Slowly, without announce your intentions, your way of being embraced them.
A few flinched, scared of what that meant about them. That by admitting you're good despite it all means they could be good too. Some welcomed it, scared of what that meant about the world. If you're good despite everything that happened, then others could be too. Others chose not to.
But you stroke Halsin as a thunderstorm, just as quickly and fiercly. In such a dark time, you were a lighthouse. A shining light that blind at first, but embraces and comforts.
The grove was in danger, his life could end at any given moment, a goblin camp separated him from the world he worked so hard to protect. But your party helped him, and it gave Halsin the right amount of hope.
You asked him to stay behind, and he did so. Halsin wouldn't be able to control himself, and you didn't need all that attention. He was hopeful, not an idiot. But when Halsin heard screams from the room beside... Knowing that Minthara was there, Halsin couldn't help himself.
A wizard focused on the goblins. As he held them in place, a cleric made sure to end them. But at the other side of the room, the only other druid he saw in weeks had a dagger deep on her chest.
Minthara had you on your knees, her nails digging on the skin of your chin. A burning tiefling didn't knew a way to react that wouldn't end within that same blade slicing your throat. She waited for an order, an instruction of any kind, and Minthara realized that you were leading the rebels.
"Is that your leader?" Minthara looked at the tiefling. Her eyes were numb, bored even, but her grin was sharp. She forced to blade deeper. "A weak druid, barely able of helding a sword? Are you that desperate?"
You should've cried. You should've beg for mercy. You should've do anything, instead of laughing. Minthara glared at you, sure that you were reduced to a crazy, desperate animal. But when you bit her hand, blood staining your chin, you were more of a beast.
Minthara stumbled, and you pulled the blade she left on your shoulder. Blood ran down your side, but that didn't stopped you from rising up. Halsin don't think anything would've.
"Maybe you're right," you hissed. With her dagger on your left hand, you took your sword from the ground. "I'm not a fighter. I wasn't educate to control the Weave. I can't heal a thing. When I can't do something, I find someone that can. Without their help, I would be dead by now."
Halsin came here to act. To help, protect, kill. But all he could do, just like everyone else in that room, was to watch you. To look at your beaming smile, to see the blood on your teath, not even trying not to get blind by it.
"Why would anyone follow someone that professes to be so weak?" She looked at the wizard, a dead goblin at his feet, her brain thinking of all the ways she could defeat your party. "What can you do that give you the right to rule them?"
Your smile seemed to grow wider. "I can beat the shit out of you."
And beat the shit out of Minthara you did.
With a first impression like that, ain't no mistery why Halsin couldn't do anything but to stay with your party. But to go on with you, deafeting the Shadowcurse and exploring Baldur's Gate. But to see you shine, feel your warmth, and let it pull a string on his heart.
At the end, it didn't matter how it started. It didn't matter how much they fought the thought back. If they lied to themselfs, made you a villain on their minds, welcomed you with open arms.
You have their hearts. Simply as it can be. You have their hearts.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
BALDUR'S GATE 3 TAGLIST: @citrusbunnies
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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flibbetygibbetsbro · 4 months
I have a Loadstar that's in french and all of Keefe's iconic one-liners and are SO MUCH funner to me
guys I can't even read french but the vibes are so there, even more there than in english
"Ouh la, sacree vauge d'emotions que tu m'envoies!"
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herprivateswe · 5 months
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French motorised transport at Verdun, 1916. The “voie sacree” or sacred path kept the French Army supplied during the battle. I believe something like 2/3 of the French army rotated in and out of the battle and they all used this route.
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kumodesu · 7 months
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PROMO POST !! --- hello , everyone , i'm silas / arachne ( more info can be found in my rentry ) , and i coin MOGAI labels and make rentry graphics . you might recognize me from my previous blogs ( @scholartism , @sacrees ) , but i hope to have a fresh start here !! with that , may i ask for a promo ?
--- @apadore , @darlingtyphoon , @arachnid-wife , @caeliangel , @mod-ais-icons , @adoreine , @phantasverie , @shrineofnarukami , @p1nk-sugar , and anyone else !!
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sillykittyco · 1 year
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵✿ · · ♡ · · ✿‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
Hii!! Can we get a promo? /genq /nf
We take stimboard, pronoun, and name requests! :3 We may open up to other stuff later but this is what we're able to do for now! Requests are open!! (Ask to be removed from the list :3)
@scythidol - @lwuvicidal - @sunshinies - @puriette - @essthereal - @fatalty - @void-darling - @sacrees - @jirai-doll - @autibf - @lovesse - @laylalita - And anyone else who wants to reblog us! :3
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scholartism · 1 year
MOVED TO @sacrees !!!!! FOLLOW NOW
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◜I DONT KNOW WHAT TO PUT HERE ! ◞ ‿‿ silas ; shy / hymn ♥︎
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moved to @sacrees follow there
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angelh0lo · 1 year
I'm in the mood to edit and I wanna do something for everyone so can I get a promo?
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Tags:@stiitchings @luvelihrts @lolo-l0ved @lovesick-level-up @k0hane-azus4wa @korekiyoeditz @kingofheartss @roseysekai @aquariium-ediits @noxun @maostars @starryichikas @starlitcen @obstakin-help @gluttonykinedits @qilobytes @ideallyadored @twisted-lies @digital-sweethearts @sacrees @25melodies @essthereal
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jebbeesketches · 1 year
I've been playing FE8 and something is a little different...
Well this is my boy Jasper, I put my OC into FE8 for fun and Because I wanted to try ROM hacking :3!
Rom hacking is HARD. but with FE builder it was pretty simple, once I understood everything lmao
Also here are his stats (I accidentally gave him base 16 speed whoops...)
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annaslapek · 1 year
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Czerwiec ❤️
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siglai · 1 year
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@sacrees your wish is my command
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theworldofwars · 2 years
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A group of Alberta soldier at Camp Sacree, the only area in Alberta set aside to train soldiers for battle during World War One. 
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