#naruto and sasuke in particular is a weird one
wingodex · 2 years
time always gets really weird in long running mangas, and it gets hard to notice how little time has actually passed in the story. you get so caught up in the time it takes you irl to read it, or you follow if for years when it was serialized, that you kind of just start projecting longer time frames than is actually happening. and the mangakas do that too which doesnt help! once you get ahold of the passage of time again, character relationships can start to feel weird, like not unbelievably weird, but weird enough to make you doubt them a bit. a lot of naruto fans view the original team 7 as being very close in part 1 but when you step back and look at it, between team 7 forming and sasuke leaving the village is like 6 months, and 3 of those months barely count because they weren't even working together. sasuke spends more than a year with taka in the manga and youre telling me the bonds he has with naruto and sakura are more meaningful to him than them? at least in bleach, ichigo knew chad and orihime before the events of the manga, but ichigo and rukia only knew each other for a couple months before she was taken back to the soul society, and even though they barely know her, orihime, chad and uryu all want to go with him to save her? uryu literally starts hanging out with them after ichigo meets rukia. the entirety of part 1 from ichigo becoming a shinigami to defeating aizen takes place over 6 months. oda has this problem where he hates having time pass without drawing it, so the first part of one piece takes place over 3-6 months, if i'm being generous. and it's been 2 months max since the straw hats entered the new world which is bonkers! i love their friendships and the way they've all bonded, but at the same time i'm like how do you have so much faith and trust in people you've spent more time away from in the past 3 years than with? luffy barely knew sabo for a year when he thought he died? i know a lot of these stories are action/adventure and the characters are often in danger together so i get why that might force them to bond more quickly, but i'm left wondering how much more natural some of these relationships would feel if they'd been allowed to have implied development outside of the story. and i do get why they often don't because that wastes panel space, but i still want it. it's super interesting when you compare these stories to shows that have mostly self-contained episodes with season arcs because the passage of time and the relationships feel so much more natural. my favourite example is leverage because all of the characters do things together outside of the what we actually see in the episodes, like they'll reference jobs that we don't see them do, or conversations that happen offscreen. and obviously i know why there is such a stark difference between them for stylistic, genre and contextual reasons, overall structure of the narrative, industry standards and restrictions, editorial oversight, like i get it, i understand. but it would be nice, you know? i always love thinking about the empty spaces an author leaves in their own story
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Kishi shows us that everyone in the Narutoverse somehow understands the feelings between Naruto and Sasuke, that the two of them are somehow connected, and that the two have some influence on each other and If something happens to one of them, the other will react in an extreme way. Kishi used his other characters to point this out and make us pay more attention to Naruto & Sasuke.
A scene where Sakura and the others are doubting of Naruto and Sasuke's feelings for each other is something Kishi can't do directly. Otherwise, it would cause a lot of trouble, and it would confirm that there really is something going on between the two. readers are already confused and complaining about it without even those scene. But at least some readers finally see the gay and understand the narrative.
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Sasuke exposed his weakness (Naruto) in front of a enemy. Observing every move to avoid serious injury and forced to awaken his Sharingan to protect Naruto, of course Haku was watching him and absolutely found his weakness and used it against him. Haku knows if Naruto is used the fight will be over because Sasuke would jump in front of Naruto to save him.
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• Orochimaru recognizes the impact Naruto has on Sasuke's says a lot! He wanted to separate them immediately....if Sasuke ran away from his goal of becoming strong and risked his life for 'Naruto'....it would have hindered his plan.
• Also, when Orochimaru deliberately emphasized, “MySasuke-kun”… With this comment, Naruto's anger finally reached its peak and got insane to the point of sprouting 4 tails.
Some Native speakers reactions to Naruto's “ Don't say Sasuke's name in front of me like he's yours”
1. “You snap(get angry) there? Well, How should I say it?...Isn't that a little off? ”
2. “It was around the Sai arc that people started calling Naruto homosexual”
3. “ I think it would be much better without this -> "In front of me" ”
4. “He had been angry for a long time, but I got the impression that he lost his temper over this comment ”
5. “This line from Naruto is incomprehensible and scary, but I don't think it would be so strange if Itachi (or even Fugaku) said something similar and got angry at Orochimaru”
6. “Regardless of whether Naruto's anger and how he expressed it were justified or not, if you consider that Naruto is gay and in love with Sasuke, then it's an understandable emotion”
7.“ Even if the subject is a love interest, I'm still saying it's a strange line.”
@reply: “I don't agree with it, but I think there are ex-boyfriends who are so possessive in real life too.”
8. “That's weird for a shounen manga protagonist”
9. “Does that mean Kishimoto-sama knowingly making Naruto sick? Or was it that he wanted to emphasize, both inside and outside the work, that Sasuke is special to Naruto and that it is difficult for others to understand or interfere in their relationship?”
The word used by the said person was 病ませていた。 Its dictionary form is 「病む (やむ)」 which means "to suffer from some disease/ illness/sickness". 「病ま」 is the imperfect form and 「せる」 is a causative auxiliary verb. So 「病ませる」 means "to make someone sick". 「病ませた」 is its past form. 「病ませてい た」 is its past progressive form.
10. “The Nine Tails' tail is gross, the lines are terrible, he has too many tantrums, he says Sasuke too much, etc.”
11. “If he was gay, would that explain it...? Doesn't that mean he has romantic feelings for Sasuke after all?”
12. “Even though you took the trouble to change the lines between the magazine and the book, you didn't delete "in front of me," Kishimoto-sama, You're particular about that”
[when publishing a book, changes may be made to the version published in the magazine (Weekly Shōnen Jump).]
@reply: “The fact that he sometimes fix things and sometimes doesn't it shows that Kishimoto-sama is aware of his abnormality is quietly frightening”
13.“At first glance, he's a bright, friendly Jump protagonist, but as soon as Sasuke gets involved, things get weird. That's what makes him unique and interesting.”
• Sensing Naruto's chakra, Sasuke quickly ordered to lead the way. As usual Orochimaru does not failed to notice the sudden mood changes in Sasuke.
• Sasuke was watching Naruto when Obito taunting and provoking him and he was crying when Obito sucked everyones's chakra. And of course Orochimaru noticed that Sasuke seems to be in a bad mood.
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Pakkun emphasizes Sasuke's attempt to protect Naruto despite in his bad condition.
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It's conon Sasuke is Naruto's Driving force and he's the one making Naruto stronger and stronger...
This panel shows that even other people, like Kakashi, can see that Naruto is really working so hard for Sasuke. Because Naruto, personally, believes in Sasuke and wants to save him.
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When Itachi visited the village to kidnap Naruto after Hiruzen's death...Sasuke came between them. And Itachi noticed the way Naruto was so furious to draw Kyuubi chakra to protect Sasuke. Maybe that's why he came to this conclusion and asked Naruto “can you choose between Sasuke and Konoha? ”
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• Sai questioning “Why does that naruto still care/concerned about sasuke or why does he feel strongly about Sasuke despite he betrayed and hurted him?”
• Sasuke stated in their first fight that Naruto would never be able to understand him because he never had anyone in the first place no family no siblings, he was always alone. Now, Pain fixed that problem by nuked the village and pretty much murdered everyone. After the fight, Naruto recollects what Sasuke said in Vote 1 and what pain told him. Naruto realizes that he was wrong to think he knew what Sasuke was going through without having experienced something similar to what Sasuke did. After the death of jiraiya he understand a bit about wanting to avenge your important ones' death and how much it devour you. He now realized that it wasn't realistic that he thought he could get through to Sasuke without understanding his feelings and pain. That's why he says he understands Sasuke in this arc.
• this not considered friendship in the Shinobi world
(he's begging on his knees to spare sasuke's life but he's threatening cloud its so funny)
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In the Land of Waves arc, when they were only 12 years old, they could team up together without any direct communication. We know that the last time they fought together was 4 years ago, even then they could team up together without any direct communication.
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• Sasuke couldn't even handle Naruto losing his arms despite he himself had lost one. How would he react when he sees Naruto dead in front of his eyes???? Those expression and his lines before proves that Sasuke may have had his mind set on killing Naruto. But the reality is that if that happens, his heart could not handle it. Kishi used Kurama to foreshadow this.
• Naruto gives kurama an extreme Glare when kurama lectures him about how he's never been able to do anything for Sasuke. And later in the war arc Naruto flashbacked about Sasuke and showed everyone that he regrets not reaching out to Sasuke back then when they were kids, even though he wanted to reach out to him.
• It's such an unnecessary scene, but Kishi brings up the kiss again lol. As usual, Naruto reacted very dramatically.
He had the same reaction when he accidentally kissed Sasuke in chapter 3, after which he quickly went to Sakura to verify his feelings and it didn't take him long to realize that he loves Sasuke. Kishi's deliberate thoughts and plans in that chapter screams “Naruto might be a Gay boy who wants to deny it really hard ”
Otherwise, Kishimoto literally didn't have to do any of this!!
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It's from the Pain arc, where Ebisu Sensei remembers Naruto's growth. From everyone calling him a 狐のガキ = kitsune no gaki = fox brat Or a "Kyuubi kid" to actually calling him by his real name “Naruto”.
[ガキ: in a rough way to say, which has negative nuance. This word comes from Buddhism monsters "餓鬼(がき)= gaki" born in the hell, which devour foods. There are people who call their children "gaki," but I don't think they mean it in a bad way. However, as a listener, it leaves a bad impression. The word "gaki" can also be used in a negative sense to describe a childish or immature person. ]
The memories begin with the people of Konoha hating him, and later the people of Konoha praise Naruto for stopping Gaara from attacking Konoha, and for bringing Tsunade in as the 5th Hokage.
When Jiraiya died the villagers says, “Is Naruto okay? He will not lose his heart, he will keep looking forward". Before that this panel appears when it comes to Sasuke. Even the people of Konoha felt that Naruto would be depressed if Sasuke wasn't in Konoha with Naruto.
The word used here is 落ちこんで which means to be depressed; to feel down; to feel sad; to be in low spirits.
落ちこんで is the conjunctive form of 落ち込む and the particle で is added to express the state in which the action of ``depression'' is in progress.
e. g:
- 彼は失恋して、しばらく落ちこんでい た。
- kare wa shitsuren shite , shibaraku ochikondeita .
-He was heartbroken and depressed for a while.
- 仕事のストレスで、彼は毎日落ちこんで過ごしている。 - shigoto no sutoresu de , kare wa mainichi ochikonde sugoshiteiru.
-He feels depressed every day due to the stress of work.
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narutouzumakiarchive · 4 months
what are your thoughts on the “kishi based off naruto and sasuke off him and his brother so it’s weird and morally wrong to ship sasunaru.” IMO I’m like…you know what else is weird? kishi making the two characters that are supposedly based of him and his brother kiss accidentally and not only did they accidentally kiss but that scene is replayed multiple times in the manga and anime. So yeah…
Well I many thoughts.
For starters, the interview in question (and I'm still not sure of the source) states that the bond between Kishimoto and Seishi, his brother, was based on the aspect of feeling mutual pain.
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Now let's look at another interview, from Kishimoto the lying liar. In it he states that his wife might secretly realize that Hinata isn't the real model for his wife because his wife is quite strong, which the interviewer noted was kind of like Sakura. Isn't that interesting.
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In this interview he also implicitly acknowledges the implicit similarity between Sakura and his wife based on the particular aspect of strength. And yet, sasusaku's wouldn't use this interview as an indication that Sakura was in a romantic relationship with Naruto. Nor would they claim that Kishimoto (who frequently acknowledged that Naruto was a reflection of him) was writing a manga in which his wife (Sakura) was romantically in love with the analogue of his brother (Sasuke) Why?
Because while fiction is a reflection of life, it is in no way an exact representation of life. People in real life are complex multi dimensional beings and have complex and multi dimensional relationships; in other words, people and relationships have dimensions and depth that extend beyond one singular aspect, especially characteristics that are as common and generic as strength, and shared feelings of pain. Thus, Naruto and Sasuke, who also have additional depth in their bond beyond feelings of shared pain (let me know when brothers have feelings of uncertainty regarding the nature of their relationship btw) aren't a perfect analogue of Seishi and Kishimoto.
But I also want to note that they never extend this logic to the reverse. For example, Naruto and Sasuke are explicitly likened to Izanagi and Izanami, who in the Japanese mythos Kishimoto drew inspiration from, on the basis of perfect complementarity, were married. Surely, according to their logic, since basing the fictional dynamic between Naruto and Sasuke of of one aspect of the dynamic between two Gods who were married means that Naruto and Sasuke had romantic feelings for eachother, right? And yet something tells me those hypocrites who are triggered by Naruto and Sasuke would disagree. Because even they can intuit that fictional depictions don't necessarily have a perfect 1 to 1 relationship with the things they derive inspiration from.
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But, additionally I need to add that Kishimoto could say that Naruto and Sasuke are the most brotherly of brothers and that it would be a crime to ship them — he could even have them end the series affirming they were like brothers — and it still wouldn't matter for two reasons.
One, intent does not equal impact. It would not matter if Kishimoto intended for Naruto and Sasuke to have a brotherly dynamic if what we were shown in the text is NOT a brotherly dynamic. People put a lot of stock in information from interviews, but while that paratext can help enhance our understanding of the text, ultimately, it is seperate from the text and the text is king — in other words, the purpose of a system (in this case, the Naruto text) is what it does.
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But let me talk about a funny example first before I discuss Naruto and Sasuke. In 2009, Folgers Coffee released an infamous commercial that made the relationship between a brother and sister take center stage.
Now I suggest you watch the video for yourself, but for people who want the TLDR: It received a ton attention and backlash as a result of the very obvious incestuous undertones.
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Now the video was obviously meant to depict the dynamic between a normal brother and sister. I mean, taboo themes in a commercial for a brand that has consistently utilized rhetorical appeals to wholesome conservative family values makes for bad business. And yet, despite the commercial making it obvious that the main characters in the ad were brother and sister by having them explicitly indicate as much, that line didn't do much the quell the underlying tension that viewers picked up on when watching the coy flirtation and intense gazes.
Which brings me back to Naruto and Sasuke. Most people that interact with media do so casually. Many are looking for simple minded entertainment. They aren't going to comb through the internet to look for cherry picked interviews to discern the nature of Naruto and Sasuke's relationship. They'll simply look at what's presented in the narrative to do so, and what the narrative presents is that of an overwhelmingly romantic dynamic between Naruto and Sasuke.
Romance is a "social structure that's biologically potentiated." This will receive more elaboration in another post, but at its core much of what we consider to be romantic has been shaped by shared socioculturally produced conventions (that can be specific to particular cultures/societies or more globalized). And when it comes to determining what is romantic in a narrative, the shared conventions and expectations are further mediated by the values that the text promotes.
People who interact casually with Naruto won't see Kishimoto's interviews, but they will see things like...
The classic romantic kiss/almost kiss intimate moment in the rain
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Sakura stating that all she wants from Sasuke is acknowledgement in an explicitly romantic context (which is an example of a convention/ideal being promoted in the text as romantic), Naruto internally identifying with Sakura in this regard, and Sasuke giving Naruto the acknowledgement that he wants but not Sakura
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Naruto getting tingles in his lower parts when thinking of said acknowledgement from Sasuke
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Sasuke thinking about his kiss with Naruto and Naruto's dream during what he believed to be his final moments, and indicating it was one of the many reasons why his body decided to move on its own to save Naruto, a moment that was explicitly paralleled with Haku's sacrifice for Zabuza's dream a mere few chapters later, the same Haku that was implied to have subtextually romantic feelings for Zabuza [and a quick interjection, acknowledgement of what is presented in the text does not equal promotion. Moral critiques are important and just as valid as more stylistic analyses BUT they are distinct things. "Haku was never implied to have feelings for Zabuza because that's gross" is not a meaningful analysis]
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Naruto making a proposal that significantly resembles the structure of shinju (double suicide), (a concept that has great significance in Japanese and Western popular culture, hello shared cultural conventions, hello Chikamatsu Monzaemon, hello Romeo and Juliet) a concept that was invoked by Omoi at the beginning of the volume that Naruto's proposal was in. This concept is promoted as a romantic value in the text via Omoi, and of course, is accords with popular sociocultural understandings of what we know to be Romantic.
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And make no mistake, Kishimoto was intimately aware of the history of the romantic convention he drew from.
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Naruto being Sasuke's tether to humanity in the same way that Rin was Obito's tether to humanity as well as Naruto being visually framed in Sasuke's memory in the exact same way that Rin was framed in Obito's memories in back-to-back chapters.
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And there's more, but there's no need to continue because even just these moments highlight how far beyond the het dynamics Naruto and Sasuke are in terms of mutual, romantic implications. Naruto and Sasuke's dynamic is shown as romantic which it why it wouldn't even matter if Naruto and Sasuke weren't intended to be romantic.
Now, the second reason why it wouldn't matter if Naruto and Sasuke were intended to be non romantic brothers is that.... they aren't brothers. Like the most surefire way to make a bond be brotherly is to make the characters related. [And not have their first pivotal interaction be a classic "accidental kiss" ship bait moment that was iconic enough to be recycled by their kids who are now love interests.] And further, the trope of two people (gay people in particular) who aren't siblings but have a unique, powerful and intimate bond that's metaphorized and/or euphemized as sibling-like doesn't inherently negate romance.
But let me provide an example. There's a show called Breaking Bad, centered on a man who ostensibly turns to a life of crime in order to protect his family, but he's not important here. In the show, we're provided with the backstory of the primary antagonist in Season 4, Gus Fring. And the viewer gets to see that the reason Gus decided to devote his life to getting revenge on the cartel was because the loss of someone that was particularly close and precious to him, a man named Hector.
Within Gus' backstory, there's really only one scene of note that implies the two are gay. When a previous antagonist named Hector crudely pees into the pool, in the presence of Gus and Max, and is chastised by a fellow associate, Hector remarks that the two men won't say anything because they like what they see and makes suggestive kissing noises at them.
But there's something interesting about the way Max describes the relationship between himself and Gus. He explicitly states that he knows Gustavo like a brother. Hell, the name of the business that he planned to start alongside Gus was called Los Pollos Hermanos (translated in the show as The Chicken Brother's) and even the episode in which their story is expounded upon is named "Hermanos." And yet, many viewers picked up on the romantic subtext between Max and Gus, subtext that the showrunner confirmed was intentional. In the viewers minds, the subtext wasn't wholly negated because they knew eachother like brothers.
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And that's because, the metaphor of the sibling, is often merely utilized to invoke desirable traits of idealized siblinghood (like friendship and trust) while setting aside the biological limitations of actual sibling bonds. Hence, in Japanese and Western media, this invocation of the sibling-like bond often occurred (and still does) in tandem with romantic subtext, and this is especially common in gay narratives when characters are trying to understand the nature of their feelings.
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But this is a nuance that is lost by people that only chronically consume battle shonen. If you showed them the scene of Max talking about his dynamic with Gus they'd decry the people who dared to call it gay and make some fake deep statement about how people want to undermine pure brotherly bonds by making everything romantic. Because only in the Naruto fandom will people complain about you bringing up the fact that maybe it's gay to think about a kiss when you're about to die or to feel special butterflies when you're acknowledged by your rival. They'd combust if you tried to explain that idealized characteristics present in particular relational categories (like friendship and brotherhood) can overlap.
And if you go back to the interview, in which feelings of intensely shared pain are regarded as brotherly, you'll see that Kishimoto notes just that. He states that feelings of brotherly love and friendship are the same exact thing. Which means that in the period when Sasuke considered Sakura a nakama, something that obviously ended after he left the village, according to the very same interview that narusasu antis foolishly claim debunks our ship, it would mean that Sasuke also had fraternal feelings for Sakura as he did for the rest of Team 7 and thus was morally wrong. But you can't expect logic from het shippers.
Which brings me to my final set of points. I've already reached the 30 image limit so I can't post more images on this post (and will probably save it for another ask) but my post this far has only adressed the demographic that genuinely believes in the narusasu are like brothers argument. But, you need to understand that a significant portion of the people that push that argument don't even believe in it themselves, and I'm not joking. Search any narusakusasu account or popular "poly Team 7" art post and I can guarantee that at least 7 out 10 times, if you click on the profile of a someone with a cherry blossom and tomato emoji pair and search "incest" or "brother" on their account, you'll find a post of them speaking negatively about narusasu. It's almost funny how consistently it turns out to be true, but again, I'll address that in another post (along with the behavior of naruhina's because they tend to use different argument against sns). The point is that their issue with narusasu has never been about "moral wrongness" but about the fact that Sakura (and Hinata in the case of SasuHinaNaru's) isn't involved in their dynamic.
In fact, many Sakura stans are multiSaku's that have no problem shipping her with every man that ever breathed in her vicinity (Madara, Sasori, Itachi, Kakashi, etc.) and even the ones that didn't (Shisui).. I mean they're even publishing reworked fanfiction, [see this ItaSaku novel]. And yet they only bat an eye at Naruto and Sasuke. That's why ultimately, you shouldn't take them seriously, because they aren't looking to engage with you in good faith. They just want to undermine narusasu while stealing our tropes for their ship.
But since the word of Kishimoto is law to them, just bring up any one of the interviews in which Kishimoto's mocked Hinata, Sakura NH and SS, like him calling Sakura detestable, or his reaction to someone liking Hinata being "so you like girls with big boobs," or him initially agreeing that SS and NH were unrequited, or him stating he didn't know if Sasuke and Sakura would last, or him stating that Hinata isn't a regular heroine that stands at the main character's side but the type that watches him from the shadows (when her entire goal during the manga was to stand by Naruto's side), him laughing at an interviewer that stated Sasuke dealt with Sakura by leaving, or Kishimoto stating that he didnt have any devotion to the love story between Naruto and Hinata and he didnt plan to write it until Studio Pierrot suggested it, or Kishimoto stating that he avoided writing the reason for Sakura's love because it would sound too contrived, or — well, you get the point.
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thottyimagines · 1 year
Top 5 fucked up things that happend in Naruto?
This lived in my drafts for quite a while as I went back and forth with just a top five. I don't think this is in any particular order, because good god these people have suffered. Also, please note that I haven't read or watched Boruto and know nothing about it, so whatever atrocities occur there are mysteries to me.
That time Rin committed suicide by jumping into Kakashi's Chidori, then everyone started calling him Friend Killer Kakashi and even he believes he murdered his teammate in cold blood for the good of the village.
When Minato decided to make his minutes-old son the Kyuubi container and then swiftly leave him as an orphan, and Hiruzen thought the best thing to do would be to let the village terrorize him and leave him without the protection of his powerful, beloved parents' legacies.
Nagato going off the deep end after Yahiko got murdered and deciding to use his dead bestie's body as one of his paths, forcing Konan (who may or may not have been romantically linked with Yahiko, but at the very least was another childhood best friend) to interact with his corpse for years to come as Nagato's real body rotted in the basement.
Orochimaru's whole child experimentation/abduction/murder/body snatching extravaganza is just...horrific. He truly is a plague upon the elemental nations, and I believe if Tobirama were Hokage when Orochimaru started to get weird, he would have been put down like a mad dog. Maybe Minato would have tried to do it had he lived long enough, too.
You can't have a list of fucked up Naruto things without mentioning the obvious Uchiha massacre. Village-sanctioned genocide perpetuated by a 13-year-old family member and his insane cousin masquerading as their equally-insane ancestor is some dark shit, and that's not even getting to the other related factors (re: eyeball snatching, the Sasuke of it all, Divine Intervention via moon goddess planting the seeds of it happening at all).
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sasukesun · 10 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
i was going to give you my top 12 until i found out that sanguinedawns deleted their profile so now one of my favourite narusasu fics ever is gone 🥺 it was called naked hearts. i guess i can’t give you exactly what you asked for, sometimes i suck at picking favourites. so i will give you my top 11 (😭) because i can’t take any of these out, and with no ranking, i’m unable to do that. i guess i’ve already recommended all of these fics here and they are all either narusasu or satosugu since i need to have a certain brainrot to look for fanfic.
the earth doesn’t move by mostlyharmless
(narusasu) i find this fic in character, really enjoy the dialogues and love seeing my boys being domestic and just weird guys. i love it.
a hostage situation by kinomiakai
(narusasu) i love how sasuke reads poetry here and how he “kidnaps” naruto. sasuke has two lines about naruto realising his feelings for him that changed my brain chemistry forever, i can’t explain the softness and patience and genuine love that contain in these two lines and i find them so real to sasuke’s character.
that’s what best friends are for by heimai
(narusasu) yes, the sasuke’s vibrator one, one of the greatest heritages of the naruto fandom. this is just the most fun and hilarious fic. i love how in character it is in a modern au context, obviously naruto and sasuke in canonverse would be a bit different than naruto and sasuke in a modern au, they are lighter but still in character.
last ones out by hereforwords
(narusasu) what changed my brain chemistry forever in this fic is their love confession, one of sasuke’s lines in particular, also so real to his character and their relationship.
safe in your arms. by ambiguousreality
(narusasu) if you ever feel sad remember that genin narusasu napping together fanfic exists :)
a thousand summers more by bluelikeskies
(narusasu) this one is so poetic and beautiful. naruto is summer and sasuke is winter, literally.
your name and what that really means by kintou
(narusasu) i think kintou writes narusasu very in character and i love how full of passion some gestures are in this fic, plus i love sasuke’s introspection.
king, until i am by iamsomebody
(satosugu) because it’s so in character and i love their dynamics here. the introduction of this fic is so… getou suguru was burdened with power, too.
summer’s first breath by hiraethia
(satosugu) like i said, this is the most satosugu fic ever. great metaphors, exceptional portrayals of grief, perfect introspection. i can’t explain the emotions i felt while reading so many scenes of this fic. chef’s kiss.
carry me home by valleykey
(satosugu) i love following getou’s mind and train of thought here, the author was great at characterising him. there are great dialogues as well, one in particular of teen getou with adult gojou still lives in my mind rent free.
be good to me by championstunic
(satosugu) something something small actions that contain so much intimacy something. i have a real brainrot for it.
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kishimotomasashi · 9 months
Alright, Uchiha Clan oppression longpost
This is the unavoidable, and often central, topic people tend to surround their Naruto politics takes on, and is as a result a big, ugly discourse-generator. It's also a subject I'm definitely always thinking about when it comes to Naruto as a noted Sasuke stan, and my thoughts on it have changed gradually over the years. I'm making this post to share what my current interpretation on "how and why the Uchiha Clan were oppressed" is.
Before I do that though, notice on what this post is not:
I'm not writing a "discourse ender", a take meant to be spread around with the claim of being the only correct interpretation of events. This is a post I wrote to share the exact way I rotate an aspect of the manga in my mind, and to convince people that looking at it from this angle is interesting. Basically: it's not that serious, I think about this because it's fun.
This isn't a "character-bashing" post or whatever either, so like if you agree with what you read here, I suppose I can't stop you from using those infamous "anti-[X]" tags, it's just that making a post that warrants them has never been my intention.
Along with that, I do want to address the by now very well established fact that Naruto the series is Not Very Good, and has glaring inconsistencies in its writing. The Uchiha Clan drama is definitely not exempt from this, and in its case the failures in Kishimoto's writing usually show in inconsistent power-scaling, in which we're made to accept weird leaps in logic (how does a 13 year old get rid of what we're told is one of the most powerful and feared clans internationally?) That being said, those particular inconsistencies are kind of irrelevant to this particular post, and don't much change the fact that the Uchiha Clan Massacre did happen. I'll be taking it as a given that if you're reading this, you're accepting to suspend your disbelief of those events on a technical level, and are more interested in how I make sense of it all more on the diegetic social/political level.
With that settled, we can get to the important part now:
The most popular take (as far as I've personally seen) on the events that led to the Uchiha Clan's downfall is the one that takes Madara at his word: the Senju have been oppressing the Uchiha since Konoha's conception, and Tobirama becoming the 2nd Hokage gave him the opportunity to put the Uchiha in a more socially disadvantaged position (police force), gradually earning them the villagers' ire, which was the catalyst for their eventual genocide.
This interpretation works if the end goal of your analysis is to say "Tobirama really fucking sucks". I don't think this conclusion is an unreasonable one, since Tobirama's hostility towards the Uchiha is great enough that he can callously tell a 16 year old genocide survivor that if his clan "self-destructed for the sake of the village, so be it". However, to me, the circumstances surrounding the Uchiha Clan are much wider-encompassing and more fascinating than narrowing their fate to a single man in fan meta written to convince you to hate him, so it goes without saying that I don't think "this is all Tobirama's fault" is a very interesting lens to look at this from.
I also don't buy the argument that making the Uchiha cops was (originally) to their detriment. We'll get back to that in a bit. I suppose this depends on how you look at Tobirama's character, but I think that when he said he made the police force as a sign of trust and to give the clan something useful to do in Konoha, he was being genuine. Arguing the opposite requires you to either believe that a law enforcement order could ever be in an oppressed position by default, or that Tobirama created a fundamentally useless new institution because he just hated the Uchiha that much. I think the former is a weird thing to argue if you're trying to be Leftist about all this, and the latter is a very ungenerous interpretation of Tobirama's character in which his own "racism"/pettiness overshadows his more utilitarian instincts to ensure that the village his brother built was safe and functioning. Obviously you could interpret that, but that leads us back to the "everything is Tobirama's fault" take, that I already mentioned I find lame as hell.
So then, how do I think the Uchiha Clan was oppressed? Because I think they indisputably were, or I wouldn't be making this post. Well, I think it was less "The Senju/Tobirama have always wanted to lord over them and wanted them dead", and more: they became gradually more socially disadvantaged during the era of Hidden Villages, with the consecutive world wars creating a souring global opinion on kekkei genkai clans.
(I'm gonna base my arguments primarily on what we see happen in the manga, and I'll add in some information from the fanbooks/databooks that weren't contradicted by what we see happen in Kishimoto's canon)
Let's start with what we know, definitely, that canon tells us:
Kekkei genkai clans are discriminated against to a very high extent, leading to things such as their mass slaughter (eg, the Uchiha Clan obviously, but also kekkei genkai clans like Haku's clan in the Land of Mist), and a vulnerability which puts them in positions where they're likelier to be targeted and kidnapped (eg, Hinata, but also Orochimaru having a whole criminal entreprise built on kidnapping and experimenting on people possessing kekkei genkai).
The trend for their discrimination is in being scapegoated. When Haku talks about the genocides in the Land of Mist (I refuse to call it the Land of Water sorry it sounds so stupid), this is how he describes them:
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(chapter 59)
basically, it's not shinobi as a whole who are badly seen even though all sorts of them were likely participating in those wars: it's kekkei genkai clans in particular. Compare this to the Uchiha Clan being blamed for the Nine Tails attack (I mean one of them certainly was responsible, but was entirely unaffiliated with the rest of the clan) and being roped off to the edge of the village as a result.
Kekkei genkai clans are also frequently described by characters as being a bit "wilder" and more violent than usual shinobi. Tobirama calling the Uchiha "cursed", Kushina describing the Uzumaki as being "a bit savage", and Kakashi introducing us to the concept of kekkei genkai initially with these fun visuals:
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(chapter 25)
The thing that's interesting about all this is the context in which it exists: the shinobi villages aren't technically "nations", but I think it would be accurate to liken their possessiveness of their secrets and paranoia regarding outside intrusion + conception of themselves as unified cultural entities + incredibly harsh treatment of dissidents (becoming a rogue is essentially a death sentence) to nationalism. There's an intentse "in-group vs out-group" feeling here.
Not to mention that canonically that shinobi have always been tools of imperialism for greater powers. While Hashirama's initial dream was to put an end to that, it eventually became corrupted; there was already discontent regarding land and resource allocations during his tenure as Hokage, and while we have no idea why the 1st War started, we know that by the time we're on the 2nd one, Konoha had become a tool for the Land of Fire's imperialist expansion (and was apparently was expanding its influence as a military village, too).
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(chapter 436)
Basically, the "in-group vs out-group" conception that had once solely been clan-centric widened, and became this new concept of shinobi villages.
This is important because nationalistic sentiment inevitably rises during war; as a result, there's be a sharper eye for who'd turn traitor, who wasn't supporting the military effort, who would endanger their nation/village, etc. With this, there would be greater suspicion directed towards kekkei genkai clans, because they're more "genetically predisposed" to being unpredictable, because they would appear more loyal to their own than to the whole of the village, because they were the likeliest to turn traitor, and so on.
This would be a gradual process going on since the 1st War, but I believe that the 2nd War was where this kickstarted into becoming so much worse, because that one saw the destruction of Uzushio. It was a village composed entirely of a single clan, didn't bend to any of the big 5, and the Uzumaki were "savage" and had abilities that were greatly feared. It would be interesting to consider the idea that their associations with Konoha would have done them more harm than good here, too, given that Konoha was the Big Bad in the 2nd War and an alliance with them would not have been viewed positively.
It's thinking about all this in context, where nationalism was at its peak, where there's an idea that genetic chakra abilities impair swathes of people from being regular functioning shinobi like everyone else, is how we can imagine the Uchiha were discriminated against. They had another disadvantage to them as well, given that one of the first deadly attacks committed on Konoha was done by one of them. If we want to go back to the police force argument, it would be interesting to consider the idea that while it had been a good position for them at first, the utility and influence of the institution gradually eroded over time, and by the time the era where the massacre happened came along it became nearly meaningless since most of its original functions had been assigned elsewhere; as the kekkei genkai clan discrimination rose, the Uchiha also fell victim to it and their influence within the village significantly reduced out of fear of them.
The surveillance and the sequestering of the Uchiha Clan came after two important events; the first being the 3rd Great Shinobi War, and the second being the Nine Tails' attack on Konoha which happened barely a year post-armistice. Konoha was barely recovering from global armed conflict when half of it was destroyed in that attack; tensions are high, the Hokage is dead, and so the village saw an incredibly convenient scapegoat in the Uchiha clan.
So... yeah, that's how I see it! I find this a more fun interpretation than just pointing fingers at individual characters, because it allows me to consider the wider worldbuilding of the Naruto world, and also doesn't assume the Uchiha's position was especially unique and the end-be-all of all the problems with Naruto's politics. It's certainly important, but it's part of a greater network of problems too!
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panharmonium · 10 months
What do you think about this: "Kakashi was never interested in Sasuke as an individual, he only projected himself into him and saw a smaller version of himself on Sasuke, Sasuke was never Sasuke to him, just a little Kakashi". I wanted to know your opinion because I miss your meta posts and I feel like lately people are hating Kakashi for things that aren't real :/, also you are really good at explaining and I feel that both characters need love
Hello! Thanks for the question!
The answer to "what do i think about this" is, honestly, that I don't think about it X) I watched the whole show without engaging with the fandom at all (for fear of spoilers, initially), so I was able to experience it without being exposed to anyone else's thoughts, and now that I'm done I generally still avoid poking around, because devoting mental energy to opinions that I find bizarre/not supported by the text doesn't enhance my fandom experience.
Kakashi and Sasuke's relationship is one of the most compelling things about the series to me. I was very surprised when I finished the show/manga and first exposed myself to the fandom only to find so few people invested in them, but at this point I've (mostly) stopped asking myself "what show was everyone else watching" and just settled into enjoying the show that I watched, because that's more fun for me. I can't convince people not to dislike Kakashi if that's what they want to do. I do find it a little weird, because I don't think that's what the story is asking from us, but as long as people mind their business and aren't bugging me on my own blog, they're free to do what they want.
I know it can be frustrating when there are people hating various characters for "things that aren't real," but the fact that these criticisms aren't "real" is precisely why I generally avoid engaging with them. For Kakashi, specifically, there are certain things people can say that will immediately make me stop taking them seriously - "projecting" is one. "Bootlicking" is another, but again, these terms are so wildly inaccurate that I'm not interested in talking about them. The manga and the show are easily accessible; if people want to rewatch/re-read them, they can.
In general, I just prefer to avoid engaging with most of the fandom negativity I see. I think overall most of the rancor I've stumbled across boils down to people engaging with the story in very ungenerous ways, if that makes sense, and that's not how I prefer to read/watch things. Like - back when I was still in the middle of watching the show, I remember someone sent me a message saying that they loved seeing me talk about the story with earnestness/joy, and it was such a lovely message to receive, but it also made me pause and wonder for a second if this was really an uncommon enough thing to be remarked upon. Wouldn't that be the default? Aren't we all here because we love the story and the characters so much? But the truth is that sometimes it does feel like large chunks of fandom spaces (not just Naruto, I mean; I've certainly experienced this elsewhere) are very focused on being negative about "things that aren't real," as you said. Like - people calling Sakura "abusive" for bopping Naruto on the head when he says something rude, when this is not something the text is even remotely trying to say about her. People writing off Jiraiya's entire storyline because of the non-consensual spying on women - which, yes, of course, is disgusting and wrong. Obviously. I am very aware of that. However, I can simultaneously recognize that the story isn't really interested in that or intending me to read it like that; the voyeurism is written as a joke (yes, I understand how gross that is) and there are a hundred potential personal and/or patriarchal and/or genre-related and/or cultural factors that may have gone into Kishimoto writing this particular fail. If I want to understand and appreciate what the story was ACTUALLY trying to communicate with Jiraiya (that he's an idealist who gave up on the world when everything went wrong, who turned to shallow pleasures of the flesh to distract him from the pain of his disillusionment, and who was finally restored to his former faith after meeting Naruto), then I have to mindfully set the voyeurism aside and go, "This writer wrote a gross thing, and I recognize that, but I'm also not going to fixate on it, because I can simultaneously appreciate/find meaning in what he was really trying to say."
I think some of the Kakashi complaints out there very much fall under this umbrella. If I have to see one more person frothing at the mouth about Kakashi briefly tying Sasuke (a qualified ninja who has already demonstrated his ability to escape rope restraints and whom Kakashi has been individually mentoring, sparring against, and connecting with for a month) to a tree for approximately sixty seconds - honestly. I don't know how to tell people they're missing the point, so I don't bother.
Ultimately, the fact of the matter is that people are entitled to dislike any character that they want, even for contrived reasons. As long as they're doing their own thing in their own space and letting me do my thing in mine, we're good.
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mixelation · 1 year
What is deidara’s relationship with kushina? Actually what is the entire team’s relationship with kushina
cut for length
deidara has a problem with authority in general so at first he is both dismissive of her as a shinobi and is like "why should i listen to this lady, hmm? marrying the hokage doesn't mean you're SHIT" but kushina's approach to problems is "i will just hit it really hard" and her approach to life is "you should have as much fun as possible make the most of every situation!!" and is, in fact, the authority figure most likely to support deidara being artistic on main. so he softens up to her :P
tori is not used to having a mentor who won't secretly steal her organs and kushina's personality is sort of pushy for her tastes. so she starts subconsciously pretty distrustful, but kushina is sympathetic to a lot of her problems in ways tori forgot people could be. kushina's teaching style of "just throw the genin at something until she figures it out" isn't the best match for tori but it's not the WORST match and so tori experiences a lot of on and off frustration DURING her genin days but years later will look back at being slammed into the ground repeatedly because she couldn't "just figure out" a specific move like "ah yes.... nostalgia"
more than she does deidara and itachi, kushina views tori as her precious student minato obviously picked out for her specifically-- tori is a foreigner training to be a konoha ninja and she's obviously angling for a fuinjutsu specialty. so kushina is a little bit hurt when they don't click immediately, but she gets over it quickly because that just happens sometimes. meanwhile she does end up "clicking" better with deidara but there's actually not a lot deidara needs to be taught? his jutsu is already fully developed and he has his own goals and priorities, although kushina sees his.... personality.... as being an immature 12 year old who does need some guidance on important Life Things. imagine you're deidara and kushina tells you about the birds and the bees. RIP
i think she and itachi must already have an established relationship bc it IS canon that she and mikoto are friends, and i do think the dialogue between them in the manga low-key implies that friendship probably would have turned into naruto-sasuke playdates if everything hadn't gone to shit. so i think itachi already knew her in the context of her being sasuke's friend's mom who once got drunk in their kitchen with mikoto and snorts when she laughs over any other contextualization, INCLUDING "hokage's wife," so i think he would struggle with 1) deferring to anyone but the hokage himself (since he's being taken out of being a genius ANBU captain just because he's TECHNICALLY a genin), and then 2) deferring to this particular person because even if he's seen her stats on paper.... that's just naruto's mom??? it's confusing. she threatens to rinse his mouth out with soap after he says something mean and his brain shuts down. is she is commanding officer or his babysitter. he doesn't know and he's afraid
kushina's view of itachi is that, like Deidara, she understands he doesn't really need her guidance except for maybe Life Stuff. she's actually kind of annoyed at Minato for giving her this team, instead of one where she actively got to teach more. she does respect itachi's skills as a shinobi and understand their relationship through his mother makes the whole thing Weird, but it is infinitely funnier to pinch his cheeks and watch the panic in his eyes.
kushina's view on the team as a whole is that they should not be able to work together but they can and they do, but ONLY under very serious circumstances. so obviously she should be throwing them at increasingly dangerous situations to make them work together, duh. trust her minato she's a fucking teaching genius
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abby-the-druid · 3 months
Love Language 3
In which Naruto defends innocence.
“So, wait, have you, like, not done it before?” Sasuke’s voice was low, his hand was still kind of resting on her cheek from plucking a soft pink eyelash from her skin, the other was resting at the waistband of her jeans, fingers not so innocently pressing her skin underneath.
Sakura inhaled, glanced away from him, words on the tip of her tongue, when the front door slammed open.
“Honey! I’m home!” Naruto’s voice resonated through the kitchen, and at the sound Sakura felt her cheeks flush with warmth almost frantically pulling her legs off of Sasuke’s lap. “Oh! Sakura-chan’s shoes are here. Bastard you better not be tainting our lovely Sakura-chan!” the blond head of their best friend poked around the door, and in Sakura’s rush to meet his gaze with as much innocence as possible she mostly missed the dusting of pink on Sasuke’s cheeks and the removal of his hand from her hip.
Naruto’s blue eyes narrowed, darting from Sasuke’s hand still poised in the air near Sakura’s face, to the woman’s crimson cheeks, and finally noting the way their knees were touching on the orange couch.
“Bastard,” his eyes slipped to his friend, a single blond brow high on his forehead. “Why are you so close to Sakura-chan?”
Sakura’s green gaze flowed to Sasuke, and she was surprised to see that he had already fought the dusting of pink away, his face had fallen into a mask of neutrality as he lifted his hand in the air.
“She had an eyelash that was bothering her, so I removed it.” He shrugged and before Naruto could demand proof, Sasuke dropped his hand and wiped the lash onto his jeans.
“Ah,” Naruto’s face screwed up a little. “You never sit that close to me to examine my eyes when I have something in them.”
“Yea because you’re a loser.” Sasuke replied smoothly, shifting to stand, and shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “I'm gonna do some studying, I’ll catch you guys later.” he said evenly, moving to leave the room.
“Uh, Sasuke!” Sakura peeped, the black-haired man stopped and looked at her from the periphery of his glasses. She both wanted Naruto to fuck right off so they could continue their conversation, so she could nuzzle back into his lap and his warmth, but she was also kind of terrified that once that particular conversation happened that maybe things wouldn’t be so easy between them.
Easy besides hiding their maybe kind of sort of definitely probably relationship from all of their friends and families.
“Thanks for getting that damn thing out of my eye.” She said lamely. He nodded and stepped out of the room.
Naruto’s blue eyes glazed over her, but whatever signs he was looking for Sakura wasn’t certain. He shifted so that his hands were knotted behind his head. “Don’t mind the bastard,” he said easily, smiling. “He’s always kind of weird like that. He takes after his dad.”
“I remember Fugaku,” Sakura said quietly, mind bringing forth images of an severely intense man.
“Oh yea, I forgot we were all in school together for fourth grade before you guys moved.” He chuckled. “Fugaku never changed.” Naruto seemed to contemplate something for a brief moment, before shaking his head and nodding towards the door. “Are we still on to go to the movies? Lazy Ass texted and said he and Temari were coming along too.”
She supposed Lazy Ass was another one of their odd friend names and shrugged. “Yea, I’m still down to go.” She tucked a few pieces of bubblegum pink hair behind her ear. “Did Sasuke not want to go too?”
“No idea,” Naruto said, shuffling into the kitchen. “He never comes along to these things anyways, so I kind of stopped asking him about it years ago.” He kept talking from the other room, and Sakura heard him rummaging through cupboards and the iconic pop of a top of instant ramen and the faucet running shortly thereafter. He stepped back into the room and leaned against the wall as the microwave hummed. “I suppose we could ask him though, if you want.” His blue eyes rested on her too clearly and then he grinned. “Though from what I remember he never did like romcoms anyway.”
“Is that what we’re going to see?”
“Yea, I think Hinata and Ino decided which one this time. There was talk of it maybe being a scifi flick, but I have no idea. I just like seeing her smile.” His face grew tender, a calm smile and almost wistful eyes, and Sakura’s heart squeezed a little at her friends' happiness. They were quiet until the microwave beeped, and before he walked away to get his food, he nodded towards the short hallway.
“Sasuke’s door is on the left, if you want to invite him. I’m gonna eat really quick, we’ve got maybe 30 minutes to get there.”
She nodded, and stood, stretching a little as she stepped towards the hallway. This was the first time she had been past the common areas of the apartment and her heart fluttered a little nervously in her chest.
She knocked delicately on the door, for some reason feeling quite anxious about maybe intruding on his personal space. Barely a heartbeat passed when she heard him mutter “come in” and she opened the door and hesitantly took a step inside.
The room wasn’t really what she expected it to be. The soft glow of the bedside lamp illuminated the walls which were covered in a collage of posters, band advertisements, comic book characters, shitty drawings that were drawn by his friends, and photography depicting said friends and nature. Sasuke was sitting at his desk, laptop and notes open, and his glasses were pushed on the top of his head while he rubbed at his eyes.
“What’s up?” he ended up yawning before wiping a final time at his face and situating his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose.
Sakura, who was still taking in the room, noting there were a few thriving pothos sitting on the ledge of the window his desk faced and another on a bookshelf that was near collapse from the sheer number of books, comics, and notebooks stuffed on its suffering shelves. She inhaled, a mix of salt water and pine filled her lungs, before she pasted on a smile. “We’re going to the movies; I didn't know if you wanted to come along or not.”
The young man swiveled in his chair to face his computer while waving a hand towards his bed before his fingers clacked on the keyboard. “What movie are you guys going to see?”
She gingerly sat down on the blood red duvet on his bed and eyed the pile of plush pillows stacked invitingly against the wall. “I’m not actually sure, I guess Hinata and Ino are picking, and Naruto said it’s some kind of romcom that might be a scifi crossover?”
“Is it that Astral Ocean movie?”
“I have no idea, but I guess we only have like 30 minutes to decide.”
He went ahead and googled the movie title, and seemingly satisfied with the synopsis to some capacity, simply shrugged. “Sure, I guess. I just have to change.”
Sakura shifted on the bed and Sasuke shook his head. “You’re fine.” She settled back into her original position and attempted not to stare dumbly at him when he stripped his black t-shirt off over his head and stepped over to a pile of clothes on his floor.
He stretched over, skin pulled taught along the edges of his shoulder blades, lifting a few different pieces of fabric to his nose, wrinkling it and tossing them into a different pile before finding one that passed his requirement and slipped the fabric on and hiding his soft, pale skin from her vision. Sakura swallowed and looked down at her fingers, picking at the skin in her nail beds.
The bed shifted beside her as Sasuke sat down. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him yet, the brief view of his skin had sent her heart throbbing in a way she didn’t quite know was possible. He reached out to her with tender hands and tilted her chin until she was looking at him. His touch was warm, breath fanning along her pinkening cheeks, as his eyes darted around her face. Looking into her eyes, her mouth, and her eyes again. He dipped closer, mouth slanting against hers, black fringe tickling along her nose and cheekbones. Her tongue had only just gained entrance to his mouth when:
“There’s absolutely no way you’re still plucking an eyelash off of her skin.”
Sasuke and Sakura jumped apart, hearts racing and flushing, necks snapping around to look at Naruto, who was leaning innocently enough against the open frame of Sasuke’s door. He had a playful smile on his mouth, a blond brow raised at them in a challenge.
“Loser,” Sasuke turned away from his roommate, lips pursed in an almost pout. “What d’you want?”
The blond laughed and bounded into the room, throwing himself in the sliver of space between Sasuke and Sakura. Before either of them could stop him, he reached out with both arms to tug them each into a one-armed hug.
“You’re not even going to deny it! You’re not even going to deny it!” Naruto sang, placing a kiss onto Sasuke’s temple and then another onto Sakura’s between laughs.
“I never denied it,” Sasuke shot back, trying but failing to hide his own smile.
Sakura squirmed a little in Naruto’s strong grasp and grumbled quietly at him “You didn’t even ask my opinion on what was happening earlier.”
“Oh, oh,” Naruto turned his megawatt smile on her. “What’s your opinion on what was happening earlier??” he let go of their necks and half-heartedly tickled her sides.
“Naruto!” She giggled and Sasuke sat up and pushed his hair back into some semblance of order. “We were totally making out dirty style.” She tried to employ some type of seriousness in her voice, but she was laughing too hard.
“Ew,” Naruto playfully pulled away from her. “How could you ever taint the innocence of our little bastard?” he turned to look at Sasuke, reaching out to him. “What has she done to you my sweet angel?”
“As if Sasuke is the innocent one here.” Sakura joked as Sasuke pushed Naruto’s hands away.
“Ahh you’re right I already ruined him when I gifted him my uncle’s Icha Icha series.”
“Wait you gifted him the series?” Sakura’s jaw dropped and eyes widened. “Wait, Jiraya is your uncle!? Can I meet-”
“No!” Sasuke and Naruto said simultaneously.
Sakura scowled and Naruto wrinkled his nose and made a face at Sakura that made her smile.
“Yea he’s totally a perv,” Naruto added, scratching at a whiskered cheek as he stretched out his legs. “Never in my life would I introduce you to him, he’ll get all handsy, and just blech.”
Sasuke stood, scooped a large grey striped hoodie from his floor, and stepped over to his computer, tapping on the mousepad before shifting around to look at Naruto. “Didn’t you say we only had like 30 minutes until the movie starts?”
“Shit, what time is it?” Naruto pulled out a battered cell phone, blue eyes growing wide. “Shit, yea, I’ll drive us!” The blond skittered out of the room to grab his wallet, keys, and shoes. A second later a thud sounded as he skidded into a wall. “Fuck, ouch.”
Sakura smiled shaking her head as Sasuke offered her his hand. “Is it okay that Naruto knows?” she asked tentatively, taking his digits and smoothing out her oversized sweater.
Sasuke brushed her hair out of her face, letting his fingers gently untangle some of the soft pink strands, eyes tracing along her skin. He shrugged. “He knows what Fugaku is like.” Both of his hands came up to cup her jaw, thumbs brushing over her earlobes. “He’ll keep quiet.”
She nodded at him, and he met her mouth again briefly.
“Jesus, guys, stop making out! We have to go!” Naruto called from the kitchen. The pair shared a smile with each other before separating and jogging after their friend.
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c00kietin · 3 months
warning for blood and losing a limb.
I was stuck in this grand, old school place with a bunch of other teens my age (one character I remember in particular is Nene from TBHK) and I was looking for a way out of course. I was pretty much looking for a way out of the dream.
One of the days I noticed someone texting their dad to get them out of there and I thought that we could all leave together with them. Unfortunately we couldn't and I grew anxious, then that evening I noticed my special needs assistant had left me a bag of goodies at my dorm room- I can't remember all the things but I do remember incense sticks and a black box. For some strange reason I made pink cupcake cases with Naruto and Sasuke printed onto them (a show I've never watched in my life lmao)
Another evening I went out with Nene and a few others and we went driving around (very VERY fast) and afterwards we laid down in some grass together, everyone piling on top of me.
Then, FINALLY, I had a finally managed a way to escape with this person dressed up in a dark cloak, real witchy looking ya know. They said they needed a list of things- one of those being an offering, which I then gave them my Naruto cupcake cases, and another being five litres of blood. Very drastic, I know. They retrieved the blood by cutting my arm off and I remember looking at the stub for a good while lol.
The last piece may be in a bit of a jumbled order since the cutscenes of my dreams are pretty random. But yeah. If you'd like to hear more of my weird dreams let me know, I remember plenty of them from my childhood! :D
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p8567899754nhu · 1 year
sakura making fun of naruto for being an orphan is B.S.
sakura never made fun of naruto for being an orphan . yeah thats it . no matter how much naruto dude-bro's may lament over it she never did it. i mean their sakura hate is so comical they keep inventing weird shit to back it up , but here are the panels from the manga for reference:
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she is not "making fun" of naruto in either of these panels though she says a bunch of stuff-
"naruto was badly brought up"
-im sorry ? do you object to this? do you think naruto was not badly bought up? idk what to even say here, when usually naruto wankers' lament over how sad were the conditions in which naruto was bought up and how hiruzen is a trashy caretaker , also notice how sasuke doesnt care when she says that and continues to walk past
"how he always comes between us"
um.. considering the shit naruto was just doing(beating sasuke , tying him up, and then fcking trying to kiss sakura disguised as sasuke!! ) and before that (sitting on desk and glaring at sasuke because sakura likes him and he is popular) i dont think sakura's complaint is very misplaced , and it could be that he might have done similar shit prior to this
"dont you envy him for being alone, not having parents to nag at you all time"
This is somewhat insensitive and not to naruto , who isn't even present at the moment but to sasuke because she is ASKING sasuke if he envies naruto because his parents dead .sakura saying to sasuke (indirectly) that lack of family is something one should feel good about and is lucky for .(although compared to the shit naruto and kakashi and even lee give sasuke on his clan in particular this is something that is indirect and somewhat subtle and is not intended to berate sasuke in anyway )
P.S.: she is not a psycho who wants her parents dead or anything she wants to be alone and to not have her parents nag at her or ground her
but I never saw this as delinquent or unsual behaviour from sakura's POV, because sakura is a normal 13 year old !!
it would make perfect sense for a teen to want to be alone , to be rebellious, and to not want your parents tell you how to do everything!
especially since kishimoto wanted sakura to be a charechter that is relatable to young girls
however post time skip sakura's views have on family seemed to have changed a bit when she asks sasori "what is family to you?!"
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i really really cant understand how psychos of naruto fandom would give a pass to-no askchually WORSHIP charechters like Itachi (who is a fucking remorseless genocidaire!) and hate this girl , i made a post before but it seems its a lot of misogyny acting up, aint it - for she not only rejects naruto(which is a big sin in itself) , she HATES him , and doesnt coddle him (most of the time-although there are moments when she does), she doesnt give two hoots about him a lot of the time and is fangirling on sasuke -oh the misery!! - arent these reasons enough to take petty things about her and constrew them as though they were on a whole different league of evil .
"he doesnt have to answer to anyone, its made him selfish, if i did something similar, id be grounded for life"
well.. sakura's speculation on why naruto is selfish is sort of misplaced but somewhat makes sense comparing to the shit naruto has done up to now i dont think she is wrong in calling him selfish -he does what he wants without giving a damn about anyone else ,that is selfish -isnt that what he did just now, he beat sasuke, tied him up and went to kiss sakura without giving 2 hoots bout either one of them, and got no consequences for it ! if sakura wouldve attempted something similar then she would've been punished severely by her parents, who would perhaps also make sure that something like this never happened again. - is there something wrong in what she said here ? i dont quite understand...
To sum up everything , all she says is :
1. Naruto is badly brought up
2. He does fucked up shit because he's badly bought up
3. He has no one to watch over so he does selfish things
4. Sakura wishes she could do a lot if the things naruto does and is envious at how far he can go without getting reprimanded
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doomwhore · 8 months
Oak trees and drinks
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Sasuke Uchiha x tsunade senju
Tags: lemon, conflicted feelings, age gap, dominant woman, drinking, anti-sasusaku, past orotsu more tags to be added
Sasuke, despite how he tried just couldn't develop feelings for the cherry blossom of the leaf. She was too delicate, to subservient for Sasuke. Sasuke wants power, he wants someone to stand on equal ground with. The large oak tree to shade his death cap mushrooms.
"Waiter! Another round! Heh!" Tsunade barked out across the restaurant, much to sasukes dismay. Of course, he wasn't going to say anything. Lady tsunade is already quite scary, even to Sasuke. Even more so when drunk.
Sakura left who knows how long ago at this point, saying something about "herbs to be harvested" or whatever. Sasuke knew the real reason was her little meeting with him got interrupted by tsunade. He didnt feel much about this particular development, despite his date running away.
"Yknow, Uchiha, I fucked orochimaru once" Tsunade slurred out drunkenly, before she cackled at sasukes bewildered expression. "That snake actually isn't half bad, wonder if that's how he keeps his men around. Hah!" Sasuke could only blink in suprise at her words as tsunade giggled drunkenly. That definitely wasn't an image he wanted in his head.
"Atleast your out of that damned snakes clutches, as much as I care for naruto I don't think I could take another three years of him constantly obsessing over you." Sasuke chuckled under his breath, the drinks loosening him up. "That idiot can never shut up" Sasuke says fondly. Tsunade grins and nods her head in agreement "he's always been a little brat to me...but that makes him kinda endearing" Tsunade says in a nostalgic tone.
Sasuke contemplates for a moment, then decides to speak. "What...what was he like in those times I was gone?" Sasuke felt uncomfortable mentioning his curiosity about his closest friend, but he hoped tsunade would just forget his words amongst the drinks.
Tsunade giggles a little "heh. The brat was mostly off training with jiraiya, but before he left he'd always bicker about missions being to easy and get into all sorts of things. Sakura at the same time was, well, Sakura. She was spending most of her time training under me along with yamanaka"
"Sakura, huh...?" Sasuke says to himself. "You know she's absolutely head over heels for you, kid" Tsunade says matter of factly. "She's grown into a beautiful woman, I'm suprised your not jumping on the chance"
Sasuke frowned and avoided tsunades gaze. "Honestly! She's all "sasuke-kun! Sasuke is so hot" it was Honestly so annoying to hear her fawn over you while I was training her." Sasuke couldn't help but be amused at the image of tsunade being annoyed at Sakuras attitude about him.
"It's not like your bad looking, but it's just...kinda weird" Sasuke smirked. Tsunade had always has mixed about Sasuke, part of her believed in naruto to save him. She always had narutos back when it came to Sasuke. Not to mention the link between their clans. Tsunade, however, hates people with a haughty, better-than-you attitude. And Sasuke always seemed to have that air around him. What's even worse is that as Sasuke entered his early twenties, tsunade started to understand why Sakura would fawn over him. He was handsome. And she hated it.
"You piss me off, Uchiha" "...what?" "You heard me, you piss me off." Sasuke stayed silent for a moment. "Waiter, lady tsunades next drink is on me" the waiter nods at Sasuke and tsunade grins deviously "heheh...maybe your not that bad" Sasuke smirked "I figured it would be wise to earn your favor" "that it is"
Tsunade took in sasukes face, and the hair covering his rinnegan. "Hey. Lift up your hair" "why?" "Let me see your rinnegan. I've never seen one in person" something about Tsunades demanding slightly drunk tone made sasukes stomach twist. He leaned forward and brushed his hair to the side. Tsunade cupped his face in an almost too intimate gesture. She looked at his rinnegan with a doctoral gaze.
"Does it affect your vision any?" Sasuke felt like he was at a doctors office. "No" "how about when your using it" "no" "any pain? Tenderness around the area?" "No" Sasuke blushed as she leaned closer. "I wonder why the rinnegan is such a color..." Tsunade muttered to herself. Her gaze finally moves to take in both of sasukes eyes. One eye a pool of black ink, the other a lilac field. Tsunade takes in his beauty, she knows it would be an asshole move, but she wants to lean in. Shes drunk, horny, and has a pretty young man right next to her. But he's 40 years your junior, tsunade. You'd be stealing your students man, tsunade.
"Fuck it..." tsunade leans in and kisses Sasuke, her kiss is sloppy and she reeks of alcohol. Sasuke kisses back, to his own and tsunades suprised. "L-lady tsunade...you really shouldn't do this" "I know I shouldn't. But I want to claim you, just for one night, Uchiha" sasuke gulps as he takes in tsunades body. She's a beautiful woman for sure..and experienced. "...I've never done *that* before"
Tsunades grin turns devious "a cherry boy, huh? Even better" tsunade grabs Sasuke by the wrist and drags him to the motel next door. Sasuke, despite his better judgment, doesn't resist as tsunade drunkenly demands a key to a room for free. The man at the desk yelps as she snatches the key from his hand.
It doesn't take long for the pair to be in the motel room with the door locked. Tsunade quickly pounds down a glass of water like it's a shot of vodka and pushes Sasuke on the bed. His face heats up even so slightly as her boobs press up against his chest.
"You better be prepared, sasuke. I won't go easy on you just because your a virgin" before sasuke can respond tsunade presses her lips to his. She let's out a soft groan as her tounge finds his. Tsunade's hands snake up his shirt and her thumbs begin to play with his nipples.
"Ah!" Sasuke let's out a sudden (embarrassing) gasp at her touch, causing tsunades grin to widen. "You can touch, sasuke" Tsunade grabs sasukes hand as places it on her tits. His hand slowly massages the boob he's holding, feeling her nipples harden as his dick does the same.
"Looks like the oh-so-stoic Sasuke is finally showing some emotion" Tsunade teases as her hand moves to his buldge. "Mn.." Sasuke moans under his breath as the warmth of her hand seeps through his pants.
"Fuck, I'm so wet...I can't wait anymore" Tsunade quickly strips herself down, not even taking the time to remove her shoes. Sasukes cock throbs as he takes in her naked form.
"It's not fair if I'm the only one naked" Tsunade says with a cheeky grin as she strips Sasuke down, revealing his toned, porcelain body and his hard cock. "Mmn...not bad, kid" Tsunade says with a grin as she grinds her wet folds over his cock. "Hah...mm" sasuke moans quietly.
"Here goes nothing!" Tsunade says as she lowers herself on his cock. "O-oh fuck..." she whines out as she's filled to the brim. Sasukes body squirms as he experiences the warmth of a tight pussu for the first time "ngh..! L-lady Tsunade" "quiet, you. Just enjoy this experience with me" and with that, she slowly starts to ride him, coating his dick in clear wetness.
"Mn..mn..mn..fuck, sasuke, is this why all the girls like you?" Tsunade says with a playful chuckle as she watches Sasuke moan and gasp softly under her. "You like the hokages pussy, huh?" "Y-yeah...ah"
The next morning, tsunade wakes up with her limbs entwined with sasukes. She quickly sits up as she realizes who's in her bed, waking up sasuke. "What the fuck!?" She exclaims "what the fuck did I do!?"
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hellbubu · 23 days
I’m handsome, tall, and rich
Chapter 21
If you don’t like what I post, filter tags and block me. I’m not gonna argue with anyone.
Before he knew it, Sasuke was in the bumper car, Kakashi followed him around, bumping into him.
“There are other people here!”
“You’re the only one that matters,” Kakashi screamed back at him and his heart certainly didn’t flutter.
The moment they got out of the bumper cars, Kakashi grabbed Sasuke’s hand and started walking over to the carousel.
“Let’s ride the carousel.”
“What? No. That’s for kids,” Sasuke protested halfheartedly.
They sat on the horses right next to each other. They quietly chatted until Sasuke spotted a little girl waving at them. He started waving.
“Who are you waving at?” Kakashi asked, trying to spot Hinata or Genma amongst the crowd.
“Just wave.”
Kakashi did as told and awkwardly waved at no one in particular. Sasuke tried to hold back his smile.
Kakashi dragged Sasuke to a small store selling headbands.” Let’s try some.”
“Wait! Stop, please,” Hinata panted. She almost threw herself down to the ground.” Let’s take a break.”
Naruto took off his backpack and sat next to her.
“My legs hurt,” Hinata complained.
“Do you really find it that hard?” Naruto handed Hinata a thermos.
“Yeah,” she exhaled as he grabbed the thermos. She gulped down the water.” I guess you were right. I need to exercise more.” She turned to look at Naruto who hadn’t even broken a sweat.” How can you not be tired.”
“Maybe now we can do this together whenever you’re free.” Naruto leaned back.” I try to come here often, it clears my mind. It’s also my favorite hiking trail.”
“It is a very relaxing place.” Hinata looked around.” Do you hike along or are you part of some sort of group?”
“A group is too much. President Hatake sometimes tags along, though.”
Hinata’s smile almost dropped. Did he do everything with fucking President Hatake?
“Oh? You go hiking with your boss?” Hinata started.” That’s interesting.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, don’t you find it weird that he’s always with you or calling you outside of work hours? He’s overworking you.” Hinata looked at him with a seriousness in her eyes.” It’s extremely selfish of him. He treats both you and Sasuke so badly.”
“What do you mean?”
“He told Sas to pay him back for something. Again.” She stopped for a second.” Not sure what for, though.” She squinted, as if it’d help her figure it out but the decided to give up and continue.” He’s been looking so pale recently. And the bags under his eyes have bags!”
“He’s not like that.” Naruto jumped into Kakashi’s defense.” I don’t think you know enough about this to be talking like this.”
“What do you mean?” Hinata looked at him almost incredulously.” I know how mean the man is to Sasuke. He is literally making him overwork himself to the grave.”
“What I’m saying–”
“If he found out that Sasuke Sarutobi was actually Sasuke Uchiha, he should’ve said something, ask him to explain himself. You know, like a grown up.” Hinata started ranting.” He didn’t do that. He decided to be petty and make Sasuke super anxious and overworked him! He’s a jerk.”
“He had every right to be angry. Sasuke literally lied to him.” Naruto tried to sound as calm as possible.” Plus, you shouldn’t talk about this since the whole situation was your fault.”
“Excuse me?”
“If you hand’t sent Sasuke to replace you on that date, this whole thing wouldn’t had happened.”
“Are you serious?” Hinata scoffed.” You’re my boyfriend. Shouldn’t you be grateful I decided not to go on a blind date with your boss?” She stood up.” It’s such nonsense that you’d be mad at me for not going on a date with someone else.”
“Hinata, let’s be logical–”
“You’re supposed to be my boyfriend. You’re supposed to be supportive and compliment me.” Naruto had stood up to try and calm down Hinata.” When I cook, you complain. When we’re watching a movie, you’re still taking work calls. I’m never your priority and you’re never on my side.” She exasperatedly threw her hands in the air.” You’re always prioritising Hatake.”
“I’m sorry. I really, really didn’t mean to come off like that. I promise.” Naruto grabbed Hinata’s hand.” Let’s just climb up and finish our hike, okay?”
“How about this?” Hinata pulled her hand out of Naruto’s grip.” Why don’t you finish your hike holding hands and singing with your precious Predident Hatake?”
Hinata turned around and started walking back down the mountain.
“Hey!” Naruto called after her.” Hinata, wait!”
Kakashi took off the pink headband with a bow as he made his way to the table Sasuke was sitting at.
“I got you some lemonade.” Kakashi set it down in front of Sasuke.
“Thanks.” Sasuke smiled at him.” I’m a bit hungry, should I get us something to eat? It’s my treat so don’t worry about it.”
“It’s fine, I’ll pay.” Kakashi took a sip of his lemonade.” Instead of spending your money on me, you’ll spend your time.”
Sasuke stood up anyway. He was here to repay Kakashi for the kiss, not to have fun.
“I’m here to repay you. So what do you want to eat?”
“Hm,” Kakashi hummed, pursing his lips.” Maybe…”
“Let’s go.” Kakashi stood up and guided Sasuke to the other side of the carnival.
“Just corndogs?” Sasuke asked, looking down at the corndog he had just bought.
Sasuke furrowed his brows and looked around.” Let me guess, you took me to this almost deserted part of the carnival because it has the best corndogs in all of Seoul but it’s gatekept?”
“You sure have an imagination.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes and took a bite of the corndog.
“This is actually pretty good.”
“Is it?”
“No. It’s average at best.” He turned to look at Kakashi.” Did someone tell you that eating corndogs at the carnival was a must-do?”
“I’ve been to a carnival before.”
“And I’m married to Bezos.”
“No, seriously. Back when I was seven I came with my mom and ate this.” Kakashi looked down at his half-eaten corndog.” It tasted better back then.”
“You know, if you eat something that made you very happy, you can recall that same feeling. It’s called food nostalgia.”
Kakashi opened his mouth to say something, but Sasuke’s phone started buzzing.
“Yeah?” Sasuke spoke softly into the phone.”What?”
“Maybe he should date him instead since he likes him so much,” Hinata muttered as she went down what she thought was the right path.” Why date me when Kakashi Hatake is right there?”
She kept on walking, not realizing she had strayed from the path.
Fuck, she thought the second she realized she could no longer hear other hikers. Where am I?
She looked around. Should she head back in the direction she came from? Was there some way to get back on the right path?
“Hinata!” She heard Naruto call out. She turned toward the voice and there he was, making his way down toward her.
“Why would you storm off like that when you don’t even know where you’re going?” He asked once he got close to her.
“Do you know where we are?”
“Nope.” Naruto sighed.” We should’ve gone left at the crossroads but we didn’t ‘cause you turned right.”
Hinata, who was still angry from their previous argument, almost snapped her neck with the speed she turned to look at him. It took all of her self-control not to let out her inner Sasuke.
“Let’s split up to look for a way back to the right trail,” she said through gritted teeth before walking away once more.
Everything was her fault. Nothing she did was good enough. Why was she even dating him? Why was he even dating her when she clearly didn’t meet his standards?
“Hina, wait.”
Hinata ignored him and immediately slipped on a branch twisting her ankle. The universe sure had funny ways of making her miserable.
“You okay?” Naruto rushed to her side.
“I’m fine,” Hinata hissed.
“Let me see,” Naruto didn’t wait for Hinata to give the okay before, gently, grabbing her foot.
“Does it hurt a lot?”
“Yeah,” Hinata breathed out with her eyes closed.
Naruto sighed before setting Hinata’s foot on the ground as gently as he could. He put on his backpack in front and kneeled in front of Hinata.” Get on.”
“There’s no way you’re climbing all the way up with me on your back.” Hinata protested.” It’s too dangerous.”
“Just get on,” Naruto ordered.” I’m not in the mood to argue with you.”
“I’m a bit heavy, though.” Hinata muttered and she got on.
“My groceries weigh more than you.”
Hinata held on tight as Naruto stood up.
Once at the base of the mountain, Naruto sat Hinata on a tree trunk. He kneeled in front of her.
“How’s your ankle?” Naruto looked up at her and his blue eyes shone beautifully in the sunlight and she might’ve fallen for him once again.” Why aren’t you saying anything? Are you still angry?” He sounded sad and it made Hinata feel like a total jerk, but before she could speak up, Naruto continued.” I’m sorry. I’ll do my best to make sure not to upset you like that again, okay?”
“You look so hot right now,” Hinata said without thinking.
“Are you serious?”
“Sorry.” Hinata closed her eyes.” But I did stop being mad like before we were even halfway down.”
Naruto let out a laugh.
“It was extremely sweet of you to carry me all the way here given how I was acting.”
“I guess I’m pretty tough, huh?” Naruto smiled at her.
“I think you just stole my heart again,” Hinata whispered.
“What we need to do,” Hinata said, pulling Naruto closer,” is get home.”
She pecked Naruto’s lips.
“Let’s go to the hospital first.”
“What? No, I’m fine. I just need some ice and painkillers.”
He kneeled with his back to Hinata.
“Let’s go to the hospital before…”
“Before what?” Hinata asked smugly.” What are we doing after the hospital?”
Hinata pecked Naruto's cheek and he let out a small laugh.
Sasuke rushed into the hospital. He almost slammed into the front desk.
“I’m here to see patient Uchiha Fugaku.”
“One moment, please.” The woman typed something into her computer.
He muttered an okay and looked to the side to find his mom sitting on one of the uncomfortable waiting room chairs.
“Mom! You okay?” Sasuke said once he noticed the bandage on her arm.
“I’m fine. It’s just a minor burn. The doctor said I didn’t even need to worry about it.” She let Sasuke take a look.” The problem is your dad.” She walked over to a curtain and pulled it to reveal Sasuke’s dad lying on a hospital bed fast asleep.
“What happened? When Itachi called he said you were the one that got hurt.”
“Appendicitis. He just got out of surgery.” She sat down on the edge of the bed.
“Why isn’t he in a room?”
“Apparently, there’s no space in shared rooms.” Mikoto sighed and brushed off Fugaku’s hair from his forehead.” They’ll tell us when a bed frees up.”
Fugaku groaned as he woke up.
“Byeolnim,” Fugaku turned to look at Mikoto.” Are you alright?”
“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”
“Excuse me,” a nurse interrupted.” Patient Uchiha Fugaku?”
“Your room’s ready now.”
“There’s a vacant spot now?”
“No. We were told to move the patient to a VIP room.”
“VIP room?” Mikoto stood up.
“Who said that?”
“Uhm.” The woman looked back.” That gentleman over there.”
There stood Kakashi, who the moment he noticed them looking his way, started walking over to them.
Meanwhile, Sasuke cursed every single god he could think of. He cursed Kakashi’s company, his charm, his stupid looks, and everything except his dad because Sasuke really liked Sakumo.
“Hello, how are you, ma’am?” Kakashi greeted Mikoto.
“And who might you be?”
“He’s my coworker!” Sasuke spoke up before Kakashi could introduce himself as Sasuke’s boss or boyfriend. Sasuke wasn’t quite sure which one would look worse to this family and he sure as fuck didn’t want to find out.” We’re together in the team for the research. He’s my supervisor.”
“I thought Uzumaki-nim was,” Fugaku mumbled.” Oh, you must be Hoozuki-nim.”
“That’s right!” Sasuke said.” Hoozuki-nim, these are my parents.”
“Nice to meet you, Hoozuki-nim,” Mikoto said.
“It’s my pleasure.” Kakashi still looked a tad bit confused, but he decided to roll with it.” I’m Hoozuki Suigetsu.”
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seiya-starsniper · 8 months
Shipper Tag Game
Tagged by the wonderful @4typercent 💖💖💖
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
Sasuke x Naruto lol. I absolutely LOVED this ship, wrote fic about, got into shipping wars, I was the absolutely worst kind of teenage obsessed with them ahahaha. I even met one of my longterm best friends though a Yahoo Groups ship forum for them aosidjaiod.
Now? I could care less lmaooooo. But I still hold fondness for the ship regardless.
Which ship would you consider your first one?
My first ship was definitely Mamoru x Usagi in Sailor Moon! I still love them to this day 💖
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
Yami x Yugi was the first ship I wrote for. I think. It may have also been Lena x Cloud from Zoids New Century, I am UNCLEAR on the details and my ff.net account is lost to time lmao.
The first one I ready was something Sailor Moon related I believe.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
Usagi x Mamoru from Sailor Moon, definitely.
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
SO. DAMN. MUCH. AOSiasjdasidaiodasoidasdjiasdjs. I've almost never gone looking for it, it just found me. The last bout I ended up in I actually ended up actually went okay though! Way better of an experience than any other ship discourse I've gotten into by far.
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
I have plenty of NOTPs, none in my current fandom though! I just...there are some ships whose fandoms have ruined the ship for me, so I try very hard to avoid and/or block. Liberally.
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
Dreamling! My beloved pet ship that I've written over 100k words (200k+ across all my Sandman ships) for and counting! 💖
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I mean...not really? I've always been a multi-shipper at heart, you are going to be hard pressed to find me a ship where that particular combination is the only one I'll accept. I love the idea of an OTP, I just don't have one lmao.
Is there any couple that, to this day, that you are extremely mad about not getting into?
Not really, no. There's some fandoms I WISH I could get into, but either I didn't like the source material (sorry good omens fans, I tried twice D:) or I didn't really like the quality of fic in the fandom just due to characterization differences. But nothing I'm like upset I didn't get into before lol.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they're kind of interesting?
Hmmmmm, can't think of one no.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Oh lord, yeah probably. Cannot think of any off the top of my head, but there were some weird ships back in the day.
What is your favourite crack ship?
Ooooooo! Great question. I'm currently trying to think of the most outlandish thing and all I can think of now is that Tony the Tiger x The Grinch fanfic! 🤣
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Probably Dreamling right now! That's mostly due to sheer volume compared to other Sandman ships though.
What do most of your ships have in common?
Feral 4 Feral, and/or Soft Idiots in Love. Sometimes both!
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
In a ship dynamic? When miscommunication is treated as something romantic, instead of something that needs to be worked on. Also when crossing clearly set boundaries is considered romantic.
In a ship fandom? There's too much to list, but I think the big one is when a ship fandom considers their ship "better" than the other ships in the fandom. Even the canon ship lmao. It just takes away the fun of shipping!
tagging: @softest-punk @bazzybelle @rriavian @aisalynn @five-and-dimes @kydrogendragon @athymelyreply @tj-dragonblade
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cartoonrival · 3 months
i have (had?) a lot of concern over whether making naruto and or sasuke trans was muddying themes wrt it just not really working with the way they're treated and how their story plays out but i do think ive changed my mind... i think that obviously things wouldn't play out EXACTLY the same but a lot of people's reactions to and relationships with them could easily stay the same
for sasuke it would easily contribute to why his dad doesn't think as highly of him as he does itachi and why sasuke is such a tryhard feeling like he has to prove himself even before the massacre. he doesn't get along with his classmates even before he's given reason to because he has a generally prickly personality and is anticipating ridicule like he gets from his dad. i also genuinely think it is in line with orochimaru's values and morals to give him t if he wanted it. he's mostly stealth after that with people who didn't already know him
and for naruto he's obviously already an outcast and no one sees him for what he is only for what defined him at his birth. people tend to think he's weird and annoying and doesn't know what's what. his teammates were the first people who he actually felt saw him as the person he was. he started testosterone with jiraiya who didn't get it at first but the understanding sort of snuck up on him. like naruto is already an outcast and everyone who meets him thinks hes a strange guy so i actually don't frankly think him having boyboobs would significantly alter how he's treated in these particular circumstances where people have significantly more important things on their mind.
what im saying i guess is i don't think that queerphobia is a defining part of the cultural moment in naruto but simultaneously i dont think it isn't there because there are comments that indicate it exists and in a story as political as naruto i don't exactly like being a cherrypicker about what bad thing does and doesn't exist. its not something that im particularly interested in exploring, i think it's mostly a situation of a lot of ignorant people rather than a lot of actively hostile people. or at least canon gives me the wiggle room to make that call as a fan comic artist.
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eyes-of-mischief · 6 months
weekly fic recs | 49
prompt: naruto crossover
fandoms: bnha, dc, hp, jjk, mcu, naruto
Somewhere Far from Victory by ewfte
A fact about Todoroki Shouto: that is not his name.
Road to Nowhere by Aerugonian
Hitoshi knows there's something wrong with himself before he's even old enough to have a sense of self. He looks at his reflection and knows that the infant looking back at him isn't what he should be seeing.
His dreams are a maelstrom of grief and fear, his mind overwhelmed with a lifetime of emotions his brain isn't developed enough to comprehend. There's an ingrained instinct blaring that everything is wrong wrong wrong.
In which Hatake Kakashi is reincarnated as Shinsou Hitoshi, and he wants nothing to do with this world's so-called "heroes."
Kuraikage by Aerugonian
Kakashi's pretty sure he's supposed to be dead.
He is sure he shouldn't be here, wherever here actually is. He wakes up in a sea of confusing memories and emotions that don't belong to him and realizes he no longer has a physical body - instead, he seems to be made up of some sort of immaterial shadowy matter.
Oh, and he's trapped inside a four-year-old avian child who's terrified of him.
heroes come back by DairyFarmer 
(graphic depictions of violence)
Sasuke Uchiha is reborn as Timothy Drake.
You die when your spirit dies. (--Otherwise, you live.) by llamallamaduck
It all started, Jason will later consider, when someone finally went and killed the Joker. Everything else sort of snowballed from there.
Or, maybe, it all started when a commie artist decided to up and open a homeless shelter slash commune in Gotham.
Or, maybe, it all started when Jason went and laid his fool eyes on those forearms and that jawline and didn’t immediately run for the fucking hills. Yeah. Yeah, that seems about right.
Sewers of Your Mind by esama
(graphic depictions of violence)
Orochimaru doesn't keep his promise and as Sasuke sinks deeper into his own mind, he unwittingly calls upon something even worse.
must in death your daylight finish? (-my sun sets to rise again.) by llamallamaduck
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence)
In which Uchiha Itachi is born, lives and loves as Sirius Black, son of Orion and Walburga Black, brother to one Regulus Black.
It goes about as well as can be expected.
Accessories by WinchesterNimrod
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence, major character death)
“Here,” Masaki grips the roses tucked under earth and shoves them in Inoichi’s pockets. “Wrackspurts are flying towards you. It’s annoying.”
Inoichi loves his son and all his oddities and will protect him until his last breath.
Lets hope it doesn't come to that.
Nature's Revenge by blackkat
Obito turns himself into the Whomping Willow. It goes great, right up until people start making a nuisance of themselves under his roots.
Of White Hair and Simple Smiles by RoseShower
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence, major character death)
A 24-year-old Gojo Satoru doesn't quite understand why there's an unhealthy level of his own curse energy flowing in one particular area that he's never been in. He also doesn't understand why when he manifests there, he finds a miniature version of himself with a single mole.
Or, Hatake Kakashi dies and is reincarnated as Gojo Satoru's son.
The Only Butterflies Left Are the Ones in Your Chest by Anjelle
Satoru Gojo and Kento Nanami get a call about some soon-to-be-born curses in need of exorcising. No big deal, right? Just a few special grades. They'll be done by dinner. Probably.
But there's something weird about a pair of special grade curses popping up in two remote locations across Japan on the same night.
Kakashi and Obito are curse spirits, Satoru and Yuuji are sorcerers, no one knows what's going on and everyone is just trying to deal.
A Loaded God Complex by slex (slexenskee)
Satoru isn’t often reincarnated against his will into a bloodthirsty world full of magical ninja assassins, but when he is, he sure as hell leaves his mark on it.
comes 'round in another form by blackkat
As it turns out, souls can reincarnate across dimensions. Orochimaru decides this is no obstacle at all in his quest.
No man is an island, (--Entire of itself) by llamallamaduck
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence)
It was technically, a recruitment mission. A recruitment mission. All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy, Tony’s heard it said. Who knew their one bad day would come as a result of a single faux-recruitment mission?
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