rxttenslutcemeterysys · 11 months
Anyone else with cluster b pds get so upset and guilty when they notice something they're doing that is a literal symptom of said disorder???
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ha1leysblog · 3 months
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yourhottiegf · 10 months
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mvvocaloidgifs · 4 months
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[Kagamine Rin & Len] Narcissistic Unison [Original MV by WONDERFUL★OPPORTUNITY!]
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"7 Traits of Narcissists" by Psych2Go: This video provides a quick overview of the seven main traits of narcissism. It's a great resource for identifying potential narcissists in your life.
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yummygender · 11 months
Narcissistic Loki HC
(Got this idea off of a Cinema Therapy video on Loki, will talk about NPD and mental health as a whole as well as self harm, abuse, and murder. Just straight up murder. This man killed people.)
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NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder): A disorder in which a person has an inflated sense of self-importance. The cause is unknown but likely involves a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
Ok, obviously he got it from being taken away from Jotenhiem at such a young age only to learn about it like a millennial or so later.
This poor boy genuinely craves to have emotions like Thor.
He’s so scared of asking questions because of the fear of being told something he doesn’t want to hear and then have to hold back any reactions that could be seen as negative.
Is know for getting into extremely toxic relationships with people and ends up being with them for too long or ending the relationship by ruining everything they had, which constantly angers him.
His mental health? Yeah, this ain’t it chief…and sadly Asgard has no therapists or anything similar to that.
Has actually burnt himself on purpose with candles while reading just to feel something.
Once he did learn about it while strolling through Midgard while trying to get away from Odin, he went into a depression episode which lead to a panic attack in his bed at 3 in the morning.
Is too scared to tell anyone because mental health and mental illnesses aren’t a thing in Asgard and by learning about it in Midgard, he also learned that it was constantly demonized like him by mortals so he just said ‘fuck it’ and never told anyone about it except for a few therapists he talked to while on Midgard that were found dead in their offices due to ‘heart attacks’. (Yeah, he killed them.)
When he falls in love, he doesn’t recognize it at all and will deny it before the person he’s in love with points it out.
In fact, he doesn’t recognize any emotions at all because Odin never taught him.
Frigga had a feeling he had some sort of personality disorder since he was a kid, but never really had any proof.
Due to the amount of abuse he suffered from Odin, whenever someone yells at him or says something he doesn’t like, he will frantically build up walls of excuses and deflects anything.
Sensitive to any feedback but genuinely wants to be told if he’s doing something wrong. (Yeah…Mobius has a lot on his hands rn)
If you raise your hand while talking to him, he will either block or attack first and act like it never happened only to later fully realize what happened and run back to apologize in tears.
He’s so scared of getting hit or hurting people that he will oftentimes purposefully withdraw himself from the world as a whole and lock himself up in his room.
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yourcoffeeguru · 1 year
Emotional manipulators exploit a relationship to benefit themselves through tactics, including twisting the facts lies and bullying. Emotional manipulators often use mind games to seize power in a relationship. Sometimes, people seek to exploit these elements of a relationship in order to benefit themselves in some way. They claim ownership of that space, which leaves you at a disadvantage. Emotional manipulators are masters at altering reality with lies, fibs, or misstatements in order to confuse you. Some manipulators presume to be the expert, and they impose their “knowledge” on you.  They engage in intellectual bullying “I know these are a lot of numbers for you, so I’ll go through this again slowly.”
They may exaggerate events to make themselves seem more vulnerable. They may also understate their role in a conflict in order to gain your sympathy.
For example:
“I asked a question about the project and she came at me, yelling about how I never did anything to help, but you know I do, right?”
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evil-genius77 · 1 year
Often unseen, but always noticed
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miitrayimm · 11 months
Ben seçilmem, seçerim.
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battling-my-demons · 1 year
Y'all, I think I'm gonna die before the age of 35. Stress, embarrassment, anxiety, depression, abuse, narcissism, ect , ect. Parents. Parents. My dad parked in a handicap spot and got a fine of over 400 bucks. We just took care of that. We have one car and instead of taking us home and calling all the customer services he needed, he did it with my mom and I in the car. For the passed couple of hours, we've witnessed, in close proximity, him threaten, yell, demean , ect. He literally raised his arm to my mom. Then, when someone walks by, be as calm and sweet as he can be. I'm literally shaking. I feel like I was in a war. Battling the enemy. My chest hurts, my head hurts, I'm sweating. I'm literally 30 and this man can have me panicking like I was 5.
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moonshadow1 · 6 months
Your thoughts
This has been going on since me and my brother were 5 years old, (our mom and dad live in different homes in the same town but didn't get married) but when we would be with him on thw weekends he started leaving us alone in a shed house thing, TWO 5 YEAR OLDS ALONE FOR HOURS ALONE WITH LOTA OF ANIMALS THAT WOULD HURT THEM, lots of cats and two big dogs that would just walk around, even though we never went out when the dogs were near, just seeing them from a far, they were at least like a head taller than us and would absolutely shred us, then he (dad) would come back around 11 - 12, give us some food like Chicken Express, stay a few minutes, leave, come back like 4 hours later, only when we were 6 1/2 did we start going to a babysitter, then a few weeks after we turned 7 we were back to home alone, then at like 9 or 10 we moved to a different house in town, still left home alone for a while, he still comes into OUR room, sit on our bed with us for a hour or 2, go to his room and tell us to "relax" in his room, even though we was with us in OUR bed, (in the previous house we all shared a bed but it's still the same), and in things like trips and trying to get out attention, he would use his.. palm? Side of his hand instead of the.. back? Side of his hand, grabbing then shaking one of our thighs (the left because we are in a pickup truck like 99.99% of the time), he verbally abuses us (both.. physically?- looking at us, and on text/call), sexually (i only have done research abt it so correct me if im ever wrong, but he does things like be in our room in Our (my brother and I's) bed for a long time, doesn't stop when told, he may say he does but then like 5 mins later he does it again -_-) but we also know this isn't new at all because he's done this since we were five and he's also done it with our mother when she was with him (minus thw sexual abuse but verbal abuse was like twice as worse)- oh yeah, i almost forgot, as a FIVE YEAR OLD STILL, i would have to yell and argue with this "man" just for some food! And it's almost never home made and usually a fast food like Chicken Express- yeah it can be nice to have, but to have it for basically a whole weekend to week- no THANKS, (present time), we barely get any sleep too, so much we get hallucinations, usually hearing footsteps coming to our room from his side (our rooms are on opposite sides of rhw house) or a figure like him, or any strange figure, peaking around the corner of our door and looking at us and when we look at "it", it disappears, and we know it's tricks due to stress, lack of sleep and so on, but it still doesn't help at all, one time it was so bad for me that i stayed up for 6 days with 4 hours of sleep, some chocolates to help me stay up if i felt tired, and a phone to keep me occupied and whatnot, and we are absolutely destroyed when we get back to our mom's, just wanting sleep, a break from everything, love (like cuddles and hugs that AREN'T WEIRD) and food and everything we are missing, our mom, grandma, grandpa, older sister, and sometimes our aunts/uncles seeing us look like we're dead with our drained faces, slow movements, hungry, and tired, all of them only able to help and look at us with pity, and by the time we start feeling more better, time to visit him again, and usual both of us are like "Thursday is hell day, wish us luck. We are with him this Friday, time to die." Ect. Even though we know he's gonna do something, qe can't record it because he's close to the both of us so it's too risky to record and we aren't too sure when he would actually do it, and so on, my brother does self harm and has been caught several times while i think suicidal and destroy myself from.. the inside out, yelling at myself (if im not alone i just do it in my head) about many things like im pathetic and whatnot, even though i KNOW im not actually, i just can't help it, and after 4 nights of crying (fourth night my mother was with me) and for like 2 weeks i didn't think of anything bad
Of course this isn't all my life and whatnot, but it should give a jist of how my life is and wondering what people think abt things like this, and maybe if the questions aren't too personal (like age, place we live, ect.) then i could answer to help give some more context to things, but the longer we are stuck like this, the worse it gets for us, and sooner or later, me or my sibling risks death (not like thats always been the case 🙄) and we've tried to get my sibling to make a choice of to cut all ties with dad or keep things the same, but he doesn't say anything other than "i don't want to get him (dad) mad." And things along those lines, yeah im scared but I've faught (well argue) with this man since FIVE, and yes everyone has different reactions to things but they've haved MONTHS of thinking- no reply, he knows of the dangers and the terrible things our dad does, but he's honestly submissive to things like this so far, no matter how hard any of us try, he won't say anything
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yourhottiegf · 11 months
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mvvocaloidgifs · 4 months
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[Kagamine Rin & Len] Narcissistic Unison [Original MV by WONDERFUL★OPPORTUNITY!]
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umbrellagoaway · 7 months
my dni list🤑🤑
obviously the basics bigots of all forms/pedos/incest supporters
Anything from here on out doesn't apply to my mutuals
Homestuck fans I hate them so much and for no reason I bet it's good I just don't like it
Amphibia fans I just don't like you guys
People who are bad at geography
Space station level 7 haters
My favorite artist since they liked my headcannons a couple of times but they haven't drawn it yet cuz I don't know they hate me😔😔
Please interact if you're going to argue with me or write an exposé on why I'm wrong
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brownitutkusu · 1 year
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narsistik kişilik bozukluğuna dair.
yer yer Freud, Jung, Sartre'den alıntılar yapılmış. narsisizmle ilgili enine boyuna çok detaylı bir anlatımı var. merak eden için linki aşağıya bırakıyorum.
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