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sleepyamerican · 2 years ago
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#nncon2022 #ncon22
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sirase · 6 years ago
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#narcolepsy #narcolepsyawareness #narcolepsyproblems https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo7z8Ognn-bSbcQusYcR9WQzmzZOE2ziXCjc6s0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ofv1zmjkkdos
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sleepyavon-blog-blog · 3 years ago
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Hi I have #narcolepsy with #Cataplexy it’s more common than you think. As a rising voice is a Narcolepsy Advocate I’m feeling obligation to continue raising awareness about a disorder that affects every aspect of my life every single day. Getting things done …It’s all about Julie Flygare’s Quote “I can do anything they can’t do everything.” Pacing is key. Self forgiveness and understanding my body could end up a grumpy fleshy boneless-like mess at any emotional or fighting sleepiness at any moment is tough. And I yearn for a more educated and empathetic world for all. @project_sleep World Narcolepsy Day is September 22nd which shares itself with two special people in my support system, my Dad David Nesmith and my Mother in Love Janie Harrison. So September 22nd is so meaningful to me. Would you celebrate with us? And wish my dad and Mom in law a most happy Birthday? 🎊 I want to make the music on iTunes more diverse re my challenges with being a person with severe Narcolepsy with Cataplexy. My Debut album Disinvincible as an independent artist is coming soon! When the #twintowers came down, my life came crashing all around. #september11th2001 #september11th #narcolepsy #sleepparalysis #weremember911 #narcolepsy #worldnarcolepsyday2021 #suddenlysleepysaturday2021 #knownarcolepsy #sleepin2021 #wheniwakeup Narcolepsy: Not Alone Grab my hand - #narcolepsy is a lot more common most people don’t know they have it. And when you do you’re doc won’t be your therapist. All the hurt, loss, we must seek #narcolepsyfriends #narcolepsyawareness #narcolepsy #narcolepsynotalone #raredisease #rarediseaseweek #rarediseaseday #rarelivesmatter #rarediseaseday2021 #cataplexy #hypocretin #idiopathichypersomnia #kleinlevinsyndrome #straightouttahypocretin #wackassdreams #goodatnaps #knownarcolepsy (at Winn Ridge, Aubrey, TX) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTwGDzKLGkC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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awesomeangela13 · 4 years ago
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Going to finally attempt a Ru-demption of my first portrait of Jinkx Monsoon. They are a fellow narcoleptic and won their season of Drag Race! I was planning on giving them a portrait at dragcon. I even brought it all the way to LA. They weren't there though so I came home with it. I was initially devastated but then realized it was a blessing considering the more I looked at the portrait, the more I hated it. So I'm glad I never gave them that one. Here's to my second try! I'd love to gift them one of my portraits since they and I deal with so much of the same struggles. Narcolepsy is different for everyone and it's nice to see someone succeed in life and pursue their passion. (I'm using they/them because Jinkx is non-binary) Also this is my first time using an iPad to do a portrait. Oh my sweet gherkin! So much better than using my phone screen!!!! #sleepyunicornpixelart #fusebeads #portrait #rudemtion #jinkxmonsoon @thejinkx #dragrace #rupualsdragrace #narcolepticdragqueen #narcolepsyawareness #narcolepsy #dragracefanart #fanart #perlerbeads #artkalbeads #meltybeads #hamabeads #8bit #pixel #pixelart #handmade #fandom #wip https://www.instagram.com/p/CLQD8wOHyZY/?igshid=171h2d9pnbd42
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jetpackmugs-blog · 5 years ago
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Stay home. Take naps. . . . . . #jetpackmugs #jetpackmugsandmore #takenaps #stayhome #stayhomechallenge #stayhomeclub #takecareofyourself #nap #naptime #naptime😴 #naptimeisthebesttime #sleep #covid_19 #quarantine #quarantined #quarantinelife #quarantine2020 #narcolepsy #narcolepsyawareness #sleepallday #mug #mugs #muglife #mugsofinstagram #coffeemug #coffeemugs #coffeemugsofinstagram #coffeeaddict #coffeemugaddict #giftsforher (at Columbia, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B97bMRkH4D7/?igshid=ollk20pbyhw4
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hello-sleepy-kitty · 5 years ago
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Original art. My OC in celebration of Project Sleep's #sleepin2020 as well as sleep awareness week and world sleep day. #DreaminginstarlightX #projectsleep #narcolepsy #narcolepsyawareness (at Norman, Oklahoma) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8vC81An2JZ/?igshid=13atvcprct3fo
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the100000dollarclub-blog · 6 years ago
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It's been a rough week being a mom this week. But I pushed through.❣#narcolepsy #narcolepsyawareness #chronicfatigue #proudmom #ipushedthrough #kickedbutt👊 #momboss #tiredmom #sickandtiredofbeingsickandtired (at Milwaukee, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuNTN-KH8rz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xnozjs26uv9o
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jewels415-blog · 6 years ago
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#narcolepsyawareness All the non prescription things I take (in addition to my prescribed) to help treat my #narcolepsy #narcolepsyproblems #narcolepsylife #excessivedaytimesleepiness (at Blackbird Music LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuMza8Vg38n/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3z2o5kndp2dn
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alwaystatianamaria · 6 years ago
Kida wasn’t super excited about the car wash today 😂 On an awesome note, her knee was good at the vet this morning and she is now cleared for full physical activity again! The vet seems to think that Kida favoring that back leg is from the awkwardness of the growth stage that she is in right now. But honestly... whew. #servicedog #servicedoggear #servicedogsofinstagram #servicedoglife #servicedogintraining #sdit #spoonielife #medicalalertdog #medicalalert #dog #disabled #disability #disabilityawareness #intraining #germanshepherd #germanshepherdsofig #puppy #doggo #narcolepsynotalone #narcolepsyawareness #narcolepsy #narcoleptic #cataplexy https://www.instagram.com/p/BrTFsheF0Pb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nqalo9ari6ua
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sleepyamerican · 5 years ago
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My Journey is my Inspiration. we fight the great fight each day we get up and take meds, carefully lot out counting the limited spoons we have.
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sirase · 6 years ago
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#narcolepsyawareness #narcolepsyproblems #neednornmalsleep sheeeeeeeeesh https://www.instagram.com/p/BtQDvSPnhpLkxtd9g-LhpZhG7XfWSmF2NW45Yg0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h50xi7z85tq0
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howcomeyoudontwantmeow · 6 years ago
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Cataplexy has me in tears right now. My symptoms have gotten so much worse in the past year. I don’t know how I’m supposed to go through life like this. I can’t take medications because of how I react and I already struggle with daily tasks. I can’t imagine having to work a full-time job on top of this soon. I hate this and I’m so scared. #narcolepsy #cataplexy #narcolepsyawareness #tellemeitsalljustareallybaddream https://www.instagram.com/p/BnT3zohBvnMNsub3NOWJ3Tq1tezYw535lu44Y80/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14fc0mbce2pry
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jetpackmugs-blog · 5 years ago
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Lazy Saturday, but at some point I must actually get out of the bed 💤 . . . . . #jetpackmugs #jetpackmugsandmore #saturdayvibes #saturdaysaturday #saturdaymorning #saturdaymood #saturdaysarefortheboys #saturdaymotivation #meetthemaker #marchmeetthemaker #coffee #coffeelover #coffeetime #coffeeaddict #coffeemug #coffeemugsofinstagram #coffeemugs #imnotgettingup #gettingup #getup #getupandmove #getupandgrind #getupandgo #needsleep #sleepy #sleepysaturday #narcolepsy #narcolepsyawareness #notlazy #wakeup (at Columbia, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9cEmVinsrV/?igshid=x4k8ntay1rah
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teatrnavesu · 7 years ago
. . @prilaga #narcopath #narcosseason2 #narcoestado #narco #narcogobierno #narcos #narcoticosanonimos #narcoregimen #narcocorridos #narcoguerramx #narcoleptic #narcos3 #narcoticsanonymous #narcotics #narcostyle #närcon #narcolepsyawareness #narcotic #narcolepsy #narcosseason3 #prilaga #narcon #narcotrafico #narcolife #narcopathawareness #narcodictadura
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shorttii81-blog · 8 years ago
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Definitely taking a couple of hours to tidy these up 🙈😂 @gazrastaman don't fall asleep yet lol #narcolepticrasta #rasta #rastafari #narcolepsy #narcolepsyawareness
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the100000dollarclub-blog · 6 years ago
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Besides my lack of sleep lately... I'm developing this new pain in my shoulder joints. Like its getting so bad. My knees are acting up again. Today was a rough day for my body and the inside of my bones. I hurt all over. • • • #invisibleillness #mastocytosisawareness #mastocytosis #narcolepsy #narcolepsyawareness #rhumatoidarthritis #chronicpain #lackofsleep #ineedsleep #sleepdeprived #milwaukeemom #autoimmunedisease (at Milwaukee, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt4_pRUH5iq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o72byv9u8brs
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