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hirzaeth0kxm · 3 months ago
Why is this lowkey so KakaRin coded
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wollymight · 6 months ago
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Cucumber & Mr. Hatts episode 1 is available on my YouTube & Newgrounds
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datenarche · 11 months ago
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eric-sadahire · 1 year ago
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I had a dream where I was going through a messy divorce, and I was stressed out. So, I started chasing this guy and he just stopped running and asked me why I was chasing him.
I asked him if he knows he’s in a dream, and he hugged me, and I woke up to a sleep paralysis episode.
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darspeaksout · 2 years ago
Sleep Paralysis: Nightmare On The Plane
July 19, 2023. 3:41 AM.
I had this nightmare on the flight bound for Toronto from Taiwan.
I dreamed that I was in an open office space with people I understood to belong to the same student organization as myself. In front of me were rows of tables and touchscreen monitors, then a kitchenette with black and white cupboards. The office was in the middle of a large room, the rest of which I couldn’t see as it was shrouded in darkness.
The leader noticed a technical issue with one of the computers and asked my colleague to check it out. My colleague tried pressing a button but to no avail. Another colleague tried and no luck either. Suddenly a voice came from the speakers surrounding the office. The speech was incoherent, like how a witness’ voice is distorted in a crime documentary so their identity is concealed. And then the person, whoever it was, began to laugh. It was maniacal.
Panic ensued as we learned that someone from outside the organization was trying to hijack our office. Everything was high-tech so the lights, furniture, and even the kitchen cupboards, were controlled by Bluetooth. Whoever was behind this was making the furniture shake and the lights go on and off. The voice grew louder as fear and dread paralyzed me. I couldn’t move.
For some reason, I understood the identity of this person to be someone who used to be part of the organization but who had a falling out with its members. They were terrorizing us as a way to get revenge for whatever wrong was done to them when they were part of it. They started shaking the ground and I felt like I was in the middle of an earthquake. I called out to them and said, "It's one thing to not like a group of people and to leave them alone. But the fact that you're doing this shows that this is what you’ve devoted your life to. You are miserable. Whoever you are, you're a miserable person!"
I let out a whimper loud enough to wake myself. The guy beside me told me he heard me too. As I was leaving the dream world and entering reality, there was a period of in-betweenness that felt like I was neither awake nor asleep - I was just stuck. Stuck in nothingness. Like a patient in a vegetative state. The numbness I was feeling in my dream manifested into a numbness in my physical body. I tried to move but couldn’t. I remained calm and willed my mind to move my leg, like how Uma Thurman’s character did after waking up from a coma in Kill Bill. It took me two to three minutes of trying before I finally regained control. I would later learn that this experience was my first, and hopefully my last, with sleep paralysis, a state in which your mind is awake but your body remains asleep. In other words, you have mental awareness but are incapable of moving. I would also learn that people with jet lag have a higher chance of experiencing this.
I was able to ground myself back to reality. I could hear the wind breezing past the aircraft and see the silhouettes of passengers, most of whom were asleep. Even though I was now awake, the terror had not left me. In my dream, it felt like whoever the person was (if I can even call it that) had complete control over my mind and body and I was totally powerless to their will. They had hijacked our office and hijacked me. Like a demon taking over my soul, I was under their possession. I never want to experience that again.
I told all this to my seatmate, a Japanese guy I met at the beginning of the flight. He said it was probably because I was sleeping in a bad position which caused me to have the nightmare. The lights slowly turned on and my eyes adjusted to their brightness. Pretty flight attendants going about, serving food and drinks. Interactions in Mandarin and English. People eating, conversing, existing. Normal people on a normal plane. I wonder how many of them heard me shout.
I don't know if my dream was a premonition that someone from the past will mess with my present or if it's random and has no direct link to real life. Alternatively, it could reveal that I think someone in my waking life is becoming invasive and crossing my boundaries. I’m not sure who that would be. And why a dream like this? It’s been years since I was a student. And I’ve dreamed of falling off cliffs, of running away from something but being too slow, of people dying. I’ve had nightmares before but this by far was the most demonic. Apparently during sleep paralysis, it’s common to hallucinate and to even see a demon sitting on top of you. I experienced neither. If there was any demon, I only interacted with it in my dream. I only heard its voice. But hearing it was terrifying enough.
Still seated, I gave myself a hug. I was a kid again. I was seven years old and hiding behind a pillow as a horror movie played on television. Breathe in, breathe out. It’s just a dream. It’s not real. You’ll be home soon, I told myself. It’s over.
I went to the washroom, pleased to see my haggard face in the mirror and not a demon standing beside me. The lights remained on, the cupboard above the faucet stood still. The only shaking I felt was that of the plane as it continued homebound. 
I splashed my face with cold water and felt relieved, knowing that demons only exist in the mind.
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ascendedunicorn · 2 years ago
Share your story‼ What has your experience been with Sleep Paralysis? Not everyone knows what this is but the saying goes, if you sleep on your back..you get stuck and won't be able to move. How scary is that? 😱
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jamieroxxartist · 2 months ago
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🎨 An Online #ArtShow Everyday! 🎨
👉 See TODAYs #Celeb #BDays #PopCulture History, Events, Upcoming 🎧#PopRoxxRadio 🎙️Show & more 🎨#JamieRoxx #Paintings:
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🎨 An Available #Painting:
’ It was just a dream … wasn’t it? ’
2024, acrylic and oil blend on canvas, 18"x24" by www.JamieRoxx.us eBay Link: www.ebay.com/itm/116437975121
● We ship Internationally ● comes with an official, Signed Documented Provenance ● Professionally back finished and ready to hang on your wall
#Horror #SleepParalysis #OldHagSyndrome #SleepDemon #NightHag #Paranormal #Ghost . .
#Blog #Art #FullTime #WorkingArtist #LifeattheBeach #ArtistsLife #BestFriends #SharPei #Dog
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elfuegointerior · 7 months ago
Español: "Experimenté la parálisis del sueño nuevamente; esta vez, duró mucho tiempo. Sentí como si hubiera quedado en coma y podía escuchar lo que sucedía afuera mientras seguía atrapado en el sueño. En un momento, me resigné y flui con lo que ocurría en el sueño. Esto lo escribo dos días después y no recuerdo mucho. Pasé por varios lugares o sueños. En uno de ellos, veía a mis sobrinos, pero eran como copias imperfectas de ellos. Al darme cuenta de que estaba soñando, intenté rediseñarlos con la mente para que se parecieran más a los reales, pero solo lo logré a medias. De repente, desperté. La sensación de estar consciente en el sueño no estoy seguro de que sea real, sino más bien una mera sensación provocada por el mismo sueño."
English: "I experienced sleep paralysis again; this time, it lasted a long time. I felt as if I had gone into a coma and could hear what was happening outside while still trapped in the dream. At one point, I resigned myself and flowed with what was happening in the dream. I am writing this two days later and don't remember much. I went through various places or dreams. In one of them, I saw my nephews, but they were like poor copies of themselves. Realizing I was dreaming, I tried to redesign them in my mind to make them look more like the real ones, but I only succeeded partially. Suddenly, I woke up. I am not sure if the feeling of being conscious in the dream is real or just a sensation caused by the dream itself."
Posible interpretación: Este sueño refleja una lucha con el control y la realidad en tu subconsciente. La parálisis del sueño puede ser una manifestación de sentirse atrapado o incapacitado en alguna área de tu vida. El intento de rediseñar a tus sobrinos sugiere un deseo de moldear o controlar cómo percibes tu entorno o las personas en tu vida. Esto podría estar vinculado a la ansiedad o la incapacidad para aceptar las cosas como son. La consciencia dentro del sueño, aunque te hace cuestionar su realidad, indica un nivel de autoconsciencia sobre estos procesos internos.
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stellawembley · 1 year ago
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A Sleep Demon Attacked me in my sleep! Do you have sleep demons? Let me known the comments!
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monkeyandelf · 2 years ago
Sleep paralysis: a painful state of the brain or a real loophole to another dimension
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The border of sleep and reality, a frightening state in which a person is already aware of himself, but cannot move a single muscle. Fortunately, few people experience such horror. To be precise, only 7% experience this condition once or twice in a lifetime. But why do completely different people see almost the same visions in sleep paralysis?  If we take as a basis the medical term - awakening cataplexy, then everything should be purely individual. But the reality is quite different. Night time can be a frightening experience for some people. It is at night that supposedly paranormal experiences such as ghosts or aliens are often reported. Previous research has found a significant association between a small number of sleep variables and supposedly paranormal experiences and beliefs.
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Official medicine claims that in such a state a person cannot physically open his eyes, but survivors of this horror say the opposite. They not only peered into the darkness with wide eyes, but also saw very strange and frightening things. Most often it is a kind of shadow, a silhouette of a tall man with a blurred face. This frightening figure appears to be woven from the shadows and usually stands right next to the bed of a paralyzed victim. In different cultures, this entity is called "black man", "shadow man", "old witch" and so on. However, official science considers folklore, supported by popular cinema, to be the reason for the appearance of all these names, and does not seriously recognize it. It is believed that sleep paralysis occurs most often in adolescents and in people with various mental illnesses. At least a third of those surveyed in this category claim to have experienced sleep paralysis at least once.
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Most doctors are sure that visions in the state of sleep paralysis are nothing more than hallucinations caused by a state of drowsiness. “But why do so many different people from different countries and different cultures see such similar “hallucinations”? Why, in general, on the border of sleep and wakefulness, do they suddenly see a human figure near their bed or on the bed? It seems that our ancestors were much wiser than us. In ancient times, this state was considered a bridge leading the human soul to the world of spirits. The ancestors were convinced that the soul can travel separately from the body, for some time directly interact with the spirits of departed relatives or even with the gods. In such a state, a person could receive a prophecy about the future or other revelation. Judging by the latest data, there is quite a rational grain in this approach. Some researchers admit that visions with sleep paralysis are completely real. There is an opinion that it is at this moment that the door to a different, more subtle plane opens before us. But it seems that the inhabitants of a different reality do not particularly welcome outsiders into their possessions. This is quite natural, few people will like uninvited guests from another world. Maybe that's why we are so scared in this state? Maybe they are just trying to scare us away in this way? It would be great if this hypothesis turned out to be true. Indeed, in this case, nothing threatens people, and such conditions should not be feared at all. A completely different alignment comes out if the inhabitants of the subtle world are in no way the embodiment of horror in themselves. No one can guarantee that they are not capable of harming a person temporarily in their power. Indeed, in a subtle way, we are like blind kittens, completely unadapted to those conditions.
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Many people with sleep paralysis do not see a black person, but they see some unimaginable monsters, strange animals, huge insects. Others do not see anything, but hear someone's eerie laughter or even smell unusual smells. Some experienced a growing hum in the ears combined with a gray-black amorphous approaching figure who basically forces the body to strain in order to get out of paralysis.  These observations lead to the conclusion that there is no question of any identical work of the brain, of any hallucinations. Most likely, in this state, a person actually looks beyond the edge of our world and reveals another reality. Quite another question, but do we need to go there? Judging by what people who have experienced sleep paralysis say, we don’t need to go to that world at all. Read the full article
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wollymight · 7 months ago
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Cucumber & Mr. Hatts episode 1 is available on my YouTube & Newgrounds
my youtube | newgrounds | tiktok | patreon | instagram | twitter
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datenarche · 1 year ago
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dovesbeloved · 2 years ago
Christian & spiritual warfare: sleep paralysis HOW TO BREAK FREE FROM IT (with testimony)
the term "sleep paralysis" can be defined as the temporary inability to move or speak whilst one is either waking up or falling asleep.
You wake up, you cant move, you can't talk, you're paralyzed. It's completely spiritual and it's the result of a demonic attack from spiritual beings such as demons, evil spirits, witches and wizards. As a result, the victim can witness seeing or feeling an evil, heavy presence near them and hearing strange voices & noises, even up to feel something touching them. For Christians (those who follow Jesus Christ as their LORD & SAVIOUR (John 14:6 "I AM the Way, the Truth, The Life, no one comes to the Father except by Me.) this is one of the many spiritual weapons Satan uses to instill fear & sow bad seeds - they can also do that through demonic nightmares as it's written in Matthew 16:24:48: "One night, when everyone was asleep, an enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. When the plants grew and the ears of corn began to form, then the weeds showed up." Remember, the spiritual realm it the root of the physical. Everything starts from there.
This spiritual attack can also be a doorway for them to let you enter into a state of evil astral projection or lucid dreaming to let you be in a vulnerable state, because the soul it's now under their aim. This is especially frequent for those who have just started their walk with God and just have come out from very serious sins: such as witchcraft and any form of the occult (I'm a testimony), new age.. etc. or for those who have been resisting Him & got far from Him and now they repented of it. But I've seen that is also frequent in unbelievers, too. We're in the End Times and the enemy is working hard to let you be far from God as possible. It's the devil (Satan) that is trying to attack you, because they found an open door/portal/access, remember that your body is a Temple "the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy".
THERE IS ONLY A WAY OUT AND THE WAY IS JESUS: These attacks won't completely stop, unless you repent and give your life to Jesus & receive Him into your Heart as your LORD and Savior. Or if you did, you must submit & surrender your life to Him, by crucifying your flesh, fleeing from sin & your worldly desires. NOTE: This is a serious commitment, you have to be serious about giving your life to Him! There is only one God, only one Savior, one Deliverer, the Alpha and the Omega, The Beginning and the End. And He's coming soon to separate the people one from another as the Shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep (those who follow Him) on His right and the goats (those who are left on their own understanding, who are stubborn & those put on a veil on their head to not see the truth and reject to follow & believe Him on His left). HE'S COMING SOON. Receive this as a message of invitation to salvation to receive Eternal Life & follow the Truth, because : "The Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my Word stays forever". He remains forever.
Testimony: I struggled with it for over 1 year. I resisted Him for a lot of time by getting involved into the Occult because I didn't yet knew Him, I had NO knowledge of the Word of God and you see it's written "My people perish for a lack of knowledge". You might be into the hands of the devil and you don't even know it. You might just have opened doors to the Devil to enter & secretly destroy your life and you DON'T KNOW IT. Be wise & ask God to open your spiritual eyes to the Truth. Personally, I saw the LORD delivering me from sleep paralysis and all my iniquity & taught me, also through His discernment and things i had in between my hands how to fight spiritual attacks.
Now, I'm completely free of it. These are some tips that helped me get out of it.
-Receive Christ as your Lord and Savior in your life & your Heart & Have Faith in Him. Remember, there is NO religion. you need to have a :Relationship: with the Lord. NOTE AGAIN: This is a very serious commitment, you're giving (everything), your life, your whole being to Him. He doesn't promise it will be easy, actually there will be trials, tribulations.. But trust me, it will be worth it & at the end you will receive a crown whom He has promised to give to those who love Him. PRAYER: "Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus Name AMEN." If you received Christ before but now you got far from Him and want to get in touch with Him again, just repent and ask Him & His presence to come into your life again & spend time with Him.
if your received Him sincerely and with Faith congratulations! you are now written in the Lamb Book of Life, the Holy Spirit (your helper- he convicts you of sin) now dwells in you, you're sealed with Him until the Day of Redemption - You're forgiven of past, present and future sins, you are a Son/Daughter of God! You are a new creation in Christ. You're now part of God's Heavenly Kingdom. You're loved and liked by God. JOHN 3:16 "God so loved the World, that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting Life", you're fearfully and wonderfully made (even before ;) ), He now sees Jesus Christ's righteousness through His sacrifice on that cross in you. Remember we're only saved by Jesus and faith in His Work. You have just got power over ALLLL the Power of the Enemy (Luke 10:19) Nothing by any means shall hurt you!!! You sit in the Heavenly places with Christ, you're an overcomer through Him who loved you, you have heritages left by Christ for you. You're covered in the Glory of God and His presence that scares away demons. The Heaven now rejoices!!! TO GOD THE GLORY.
^This is what personally helped me to fight Sleep Paralysis^: MY TIPS;
-flee from sin: you're now a believer. Hell is breaking loose & the Devil is furious at your salvation! You now repented of your sins and closed all doors. you now have to be sure that you won't fall on your old mistakes again. Ask the Holy Spirit for help. The enemy will try to give you temptations to let you fall into your old ways, resist him with the spoken Word of God. Don't let Him win. You're a conqueror. practice obedience. Submit and Surrender to Him. NOTE: If it's hard for you to flee from sins, you may need to get :DELIVERANCE. You can also practice deliverance over yourself.
-always pray before sleeping : protection; to be detailed pray psalms 91 (declare it over your life, family, yourself..), pray psalms 35, 59, 64. Ask the Lord to send His warrior angels to protect you in real life & in dreams. Plead the blood of Jesus over your mind, body, soul and spirit, dreams and visions and cover them with the blood of Jesus. Cover and barricade your life and house with the Blood of Jesus. -anoint yourself with anointing oil (olive oil, NOT holy water) that is already prayed over (your forehead, ears and eyelids) by repeating those prayers i just wrote and by declaring that you are a vessel/temple of the Holy Spirit, Isaiah 54:17 "no weapon formed against you shall prosper" (you can watch some videos online). Anoint your house (windows, doors, mirrors - they're portals and accesses) and cover them with the blood of Jesus, the oil has no power itself but it's all about the power of the blood and the Holy Spirit. "I cover ___ with the blood of Jesus". ALSO BEFORE DOING THIS cast evil spirits out of your home with your authority. Luke 10:19 "Behold, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, nothing shall my any means hurt you. Though, do not rejoice because the spirits are subject to you, But rejoice because your names are written in Heaven". LEARN TO USE YOUR AUTHORITY: Demons tremble at the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, AT THE SPOKEN WORD OF GOD. You can rebuke demons, bind them, cast them out, you can say things like "the Blood of Jesus is against you", tell them "you have no legal right, you have no power, no authority. GO. IN JESUS NAME".
-feed your spirit by reading the Word of God before sleeping, so that your soul can be vigilant during your dreams. The Lord may wake you up at night because He wants you to pray against the enemy. Do it. -remove and cancel any idle word from your tongue (you have the power of life and death over your tongue), idle words, especially when they're lies from the enemy are an open door) - bind every thought and bring them into captivity and subject to obedience to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5:6). Renew your mind into a Christ-Like Mind. Because the mind is a battlefield for spiritual warfare to take over. the enemy can influence your thoughts. PROVERBS 4:23:27 "Be very careful about what you think, your thoughts run your life". You can use authority over your thoughts. Remove those lies, substitute them with the Word of God, instead.
Take care about your relationship with God, set your eyes on God only " But search first for the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you". Matthew 6:33.
Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 1 Peter 4:12 ; 1 Peter 5: 8-9 I'm leaving here some other verses so you can look for them in the Bible. May God bless anyone who has seen this and may Deliver those who are currently struggling with this and want to get delivered. In Jesus's name. Amen
I shared my tips here, I hope this helped someone. ^^
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graveshorror · 2 years ago
The Unsettling Truth About Sleep Paralysis
Sleep paralysis – that terrifying state between wakefulness and slumber, where your body refuses to obey your commands. Did you know that throughout history, cultures across the globe have attributed this phenomenon to supernatural entities? From the Old Hag in Newfoundland to the Kanashibari in Japan, these nightmarish beings are said to sit upon the chest of the paralyzed sleeper, suffocating them with their weight. Perhaps our ancestors were onto something – maybe those who suffer from sleep paralysis aren't just experiencing a mere trick of the mind, but rather a sinister visitation from the other side.
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If you like horror stories, please consider following me and leaving a comment. Also, check out my book - Nightmares: A Collection of Terrifying Tales II: 30 Terrifying Stories of the Unknown - Kindle edition by Graves, G.W. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
Yours in horror,
G.W Graves
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wolkenfee111 · 2 years ago
Sleep paralysis
I had a sleepparalisys last night and it was so scary. It was not the first one i had but this time i felt beeing afraud to death. I thought some demon comes into my door even it was locked and hes gonna hurtfully kill me. I heard scratches on the door from him and it scared me to death. I couldnt move and i couldnt escape. All i could do is beeing afraid and try to move. It was horrible. Did anyone of you also had an sleepparalysis one time ir more?
× and good night to everyone
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itshowelz · 5 months ago
Shazel / Shattered Hazel ( Shattered Dream Sans x Horror Sans )
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Fell Lori belongs to @cristal-silly
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