Do y’all know of any fics like The Nanny by nellie12? It’s probs my fav tbh and I’d love more like it…
You could try our Nanny!Kurt tab or Nanny!Blaine. Here are two of my favorites: ~Jen
And Nanny Makes Three by kurtswish
 With a newborn at home, single dad, Kurt Hummel must find a nanny to help him out. What he didn't expect was to find someone like Blaine
It's who I'm with by @hundredindecisions
In an attempt to make industry connections (and pay rent), Kurt gets a job as a nanny for the daughter of a Broadway producer. When bringing her to a piano lesson one day in December, he meets Blaine Anderson, personal assistant to a famed pianist. (For Klaine Advent 2021)
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asoftepiloguemylove · 8 months
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Madeline Miller The Song of Achilles // Taylor Swift Delicate // 君には届かない I Cannot Reach You (2023-) cr. Mika // pinterest // Richard Siken Crush // Joan Tierney The Elektra Complex // Hi-Fi Un!corn U&I // 君には届かない I Cannot Reach You (2023-) cr. Mika // Reinaeiry It's You, It's Me, It's Us // Kurt Vonnegut from a letter to Nanny Vonnegut // BTS Hold Me Tight // 君には届かない I Cannot Reach You (2023-) cr. Mika // Richard Siken "Snow and Dirty Rain," Crush // Margaret Atwood Shapechangers In Winter // 君には届かない I Cannot Reach You (2023-) cr. Mika
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teeenofstyle · 9 months
omg molly look at this
FullyFocusedOnNought•2 mo. ago
A few things that raise suspicion that some kind of foul play was at hand (only listing things that have been confirmed by multiple sources, police reports, taped records, etc):
Kurt Cobain did a huge (allegedly very lethal) amount of heroin, then shot himself, which is not only extremely rare - the two acts in combination, I mean - but also pretty hard to do
His heroin paraphernalia was neatly packed away in its box after he injected himself with an absolutely massive dose of heroin
His sleeves were rolled down (I believe)
The gun casing was on the wrong side
Someone had slashed the tyres on Kurt Cobain's car
The suicide note reads much more like a letter of resignation to fans, except for the part in what looks a lot like different handwriting
Their lawyer and family friend, Rosemary Carroll, confirmed on tape that Courtney Love had a bag with a handwriting practice sheet in it
Courtney Love called in the police report to say he was missing but gave Kurt Cobain's mum's name, not her own (the policeman, Terry O'Connor maybe, who she named in the report and was friends with, was later killed in one of the only fatal police shootings in Seattle at that time)
Kurt is confirmed to have spoken to Cali, the nanny and ex-boyfriend of Courtney Love who was living in the house at the time, and his girlfriend, yet this was never mentioned by Courtney Love, who exchanged several phone calls with Cali
Cali's girlfriend, Jessica Hopper, left in a hurry and vomited in the driveway on her way out
Cali left a really suss note on the stairs at this time - worth a read
Cali was immediately sent to LA to go to rehab on Courtney Love's dime
Kurt Cobain's friend, Dylan Carlson, who bought the gun, also received a lot of money from Courtney Love
Courtney Love knew the coroner who did the autopsy (he also fled across the country and died in some weird base jumping accident, though I am guessing this was just a coincidence)
Kurt was planning to quit Nirvana, potentially losing millions of dollars in the process
Kurt had contacted their lawyer about getting a divorce around two weeks before his death: Courtney Love stood to lose millions if they divorced as they had a pre-nup. With his death, she inherited half his estate and was set for life
Courtney Love lied about Rome - she described a suicide note, but then also said that it was about getting a divorce
After leaving rehab, Kurt Cobain actually tried to contact Courtney Love at her hotel, and also spoke to other people - he was not, in any real sense, missing
Punk rocker El Duce claimed that Courtney Love offered him 50,000 dollars to kill Kurt Cobain - El Duce was one crazy dude, but his story was corroborated by the owner of the Rock Shop, where it was alleged to have happened, and El Duce also passed a lie detector test (again, not proof, but an indication of some kind)
El Duce let slip the name 'Allen' to a BBC documentary maker, Nick Broomfield. Then, not long after, in a local interview (available online), he said the name Allen Wrench, one of his good friends
I believe the next day, El Duce was dead, decapitated by a train after allegedly falling asleep on a train track. Confirmed as the last person to see him alive: Allen Wrench
Allen Wrench then got a Lexus, a new recording studio and toured Europe with his low-grade band
Kristen Pfaff, who was rumoured to be in love with Kurt Cobain and who had been threatened by Courtney Love in the past, soon quit Courtney Love band's Hole, where she had been the bassist. She returned home to get clean and rejoin her old band. She then died of a heroin overdose when she went back to Seattle to pick up her stuff. Her diary was found with the pages from the week that Kurt Cobain died ripped out.
Courtney Love recently settled a very similar case with her daughter's ex-husband, Isaiah Silva
Also, I really recommend checking out the artwork of Michael 'Cali' DeWitt, who is confirmed to have been in the house at the time of Kurt Cobain's death.
Things in favour of it being a suicide: Kurt Cobain suffered from depression, had marital problems and was having trouble trying to escape Nirvana, too.
So, you know, both options are possible, but to me one explanation explains away a lot, whereas the other one really doesn't. Kurt Cobain was certainly prone to erratic behaviour and depression, but Courtney Love shaped the narrative of a suicidal person before, during and after this period to such an extent that it made it extremely hard for most people to look at the case objectively - from the very first instant, with Rome, the missing person report filed under a false name and other police incidents, people were led to look at the case in a particular way that may not have been wholly accurate.
At the very least, I believe that people who ask some questions should not be dismissed out of hand.
Dandy, oh my god. That's so interesting like actually. Oh my god wow ok i am totally on your side now she definitely killed him! The DIARY??? THE HANDWRITING???? THERES NO WAY SHE DIDNT KILL HIM
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trashbag-baby666 · 4 months
Lore drop for my favorite twink <3 i love you sm Ken 💕💕 brought to you by me and @mangokittokatsu
MOTA Masterlist!
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•Kenny was born to two philanthropist, entitled, classy, rich people. But he was an accident that neither of them wanted to take care of really. They hired a nanny and she quite literally raised Ken until he was 12. That’s when his parents decided that he was old enough and fired her. This is what really starts out the, “here’s your monthly $10,000, go to school we’re going on our second cruise this year.”
•His grandma tries her best to take care of him from a distance since she lives in DC. She does call him nearly daily and they’re pretty close.
•Although, Ken’s a year younger than the others he joins a theater company when he’s 11 and meets Rosie. The Rosenthals quickly take pity in Ken and they give him rides to and from theater, let him come over and stay with them, feed him dinner. You know, actually loving this child.
•Ken and Rosie are bestie westies they would spend a lot of nights sitting in silence or talking about the boys Ken liked. Or they would make up their own theater performances and play dress up.
•The Rosenthals invite Ken to their family Hanukkah celebration. During Christmas they let him come over and Mrs. Rosenthal made Ken’s favorites and even got him a few presents. They’re really the closest thing Ken has to a family.
•So, when Ken gets his drivers license he’s left with his dad’s garage full of luxury cars. But his motorcycle is what really and always had caught his eye.
•His father tries to use this as an opportunity to love his son. Or you know, using expensive gifts to show their love. His dad teaches him how to drive it but it was really just Ken figuring it out by himself while his dad took business call after call.
•This is shortly before Curt started eye fucking Ken in gym class till he came over and talked to him. They were so down bad for each other, Curt giggled like a fucking school girl the first few times Ken took him for rides on his bike.
“Curt texted me last night telling me that Ken took him on his motorcycle!” John blabbed across the lunch table making a kissy face and sound at Curt.
Curt literally just reaches across the table and smacks him with a sandwich.
•Ken’s super super interested in engineering he picks up occasional shifts at the same garage Curt’s mom works at. Ken really knows his way around a car, he was super into them when he was younger. He’s just the kinda twink who can pop your hood and fix your problem for you.
•Ken tries out for the football just so he can spend more time with Curt. Think Kurt Hummel auditions for the role of kicker. Just look at this post lmao.
•Him and Curt listen to music together on the bus to and from football games. Corded headphones and each has one, they have a collaborative playlist together. Some of their favorites are Deftones, Mac Miller, Childish Gambino, Arctic Monkeys, etc. check out this playlist for more :3!
•Their ideal date night though is a hand selected bottle of wine from Angela Lemmons wine cellar, a cheesy movie or Marvels movie(they’re watching them in order), and a puzzle or a Lego set, sometimes they paint together.
•Usually, they finish the puzzle or lego set but sometimes they’re too wine drunk to finish or Curt’s carrying Ken up to his bedroom ;).
•If it wasn’t obvious yet, Ken is a wine connoisseur. He really likes white wines and anything a little fruity.
•Brady wants to learn his ways.
•Ken is an avid painter as well!! He liked doing it in art class and brought the interest home with him. So of course, his parents bought him the most expensive paints and brushes and canvas’s. Because that’s how they always were. He’s pretty much self taught aside from art classes. He paints this in high school and it now hangs in their house 15 years later.
•The only time Curt and Ken ever really fight it’s about money. Ken has more than plenty and Curt’s literally working every single day and pulls open to closes every weekend. Curt had been running on nearly no rest and three Red Bulls a day. He couldn’t afford to not work. over the course of five months, He watched Curt’s health decline and he was losing weight like crazy. He’d come home from work at 11 and pass out in Ken’s bed after stumbling out of his work clothes. That or he would sleep on the couch at his apartment. His back was hurting and he was so tired and nauseated.
•Flash forward it’s been too many months of this. Curt had called Ken around 8:30 asking him if he could come pick him up. He had kinda given into his body and left Ham and Dickie to man the Taco Bell without him. However, Ken was relieved that Curt maybe was coming to his senses.
•Curt literally stumbled out the door and regained his balance a little bit before getting into his car. Curt opened the passenger door and threw himself in and just said.
“Take me to the er.”
•This is when it really started, Ken had kept offering Curt money. But Curt will not take handouts or money from anyone. He feels like he needs to earn everything himself and he provides for his family at the ripe age of 18.
“Just take it, it’s not like I’m missing any of it.” Ken ripped the check from the checkbook and slid it across the table.
“No, I’m not taking your money. It’s fine I have it under control.”
“Curt, you were in the hospital.”
•Thus leads to Ken putting money into his account without him knowing. It’s never enough at a time for it to be super noticeable or he tucks it into a savings account.
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opera-ghosts · 10 months
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Wotans and Brünnhildes
? as Wotan and ? as Brünnhilde; Nantes, 1903
Baptist Hoffmann as Wotan and Melanie Kurt as Brünnhilde; Berlin, ?
Alfred Jerger as Wotan and Käthe Rantzau as Brünnhilde; Vienna, 1924
Rudolf Bockelmann as Wotan and Nanny Larsén-Todsen as Brünnhilde; Bayreuth, 1927
Ludwig Hofmann as Wotan and Nanny Larsén-Todsen as Brünnhilde; Zoppot (Waldoper), 1934
Wilhelm Rode as Wotan and Henny Trundt as Brünnhilde; Munich, 1933
Rudolf Bockelmann as Wotan and Frida Leider as Brunnhilde; Bayreuth, 1936
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rockitmans · 2 years
Person A burns their tongue on hot chocolate and Person B offers to kiss it better.
We get into a heated debate in class, and I honestly don’t really care that much, but I’m having too much fun watching you get all fired up
I was admiring a bird and wolf-whistled to get its attention but you walked directly in my path and thought I was whistling at you
They're all taken from the doc I sent you a while back with the many, many prompts that sometimes give me inspiration overload lol <3
This was meant to be a drabble but the thought got away from me, I can only apologise. Have a 1.6k word 4+1 style thing based on #1.
Hope you like it Gwen ❤️
Warnings: Mentions of blood, homophobia and bullying consistent with canon.
Kind of Magic
When Blaine is five, he meets Kurt for the first time. He likes Kurt because Kurt is good at playing dress up and and draws really straight chalk lines when they play hopscotch. But mostly it's because he's kind of magic. 
Blaine learns this after a nasty fall leaves him with a split knee and bruised pride. The nice nurse bandages him up and gives him a sucker and tells him to be brave and Blaine tries, he really does. But it still hurts a lot and he feels a bit wobbly when he goes back to Kurt. 
"Did she not give it the magic kiss?" Kurt frowns, seeing the way Blaine is hobbling.
"Magic kiss?"
"Yeah," Kurt says, like this should be obvious. "When I fall down my mom always gives me a magic kiss to make it all better."
"Oh." Blaine thinks about this. It's not something his mom does, nor his nanny, but it seems reasonable. "She gave me a bandage but no kiss. Maybe that's why it still hurts." 
"Useless," Kurt declares with all the confidence of a wronged five year old. "Come here."
They sit on one of the benches and Blaine draws his knee to his chest, rolling up his pants leg to reveal the bandage. Kurt tuts, like the idiocy of adults can only continue to astound him. 
"I'm going to kiss it better," he announces grandly to no one in particular and then plants a swift kiss to Blaine's bandaged knee. He looks at Blaine expectantly. "Good?"
Blaine flexes his leg. He's sure it does feel a bit less sore. And his pride is virtually all the way back in tact. He feels practically buoyant. "Yeah!" he cries brightly. "Thanks, Kurt."
"It's all about the kiss," Kurt says seriously.
When Blaine is twelve, he and Kurt are racing up and down the block on their bikes when he manages to hit the sidewalk at the wrong angle and send himself sprawling. Kurt is by his side in a moment, gentle hands helping him sit and brow creased with concern. 
"Are you okay? The ground actually shook."
"It did not," Blaine protests, rubbing his elbow. "I'm fine. It's just this." He offers his elbow and Kurt hisses. Blaine cranes his neck and sees the smear of blood. He looks away again. 
"We're gonna need to wrap that," Kurt says and helps Blaine to his feet. "Come on."
"Will you kiss it for me?" Blaine teases, remembering countless childhood healing kisses. It's just a joke, one based in nostalgia of simpler times, but Kurt freezes. 
"We can't do that any more," he snaps but he doesn't look angry. He looks terrified. Blaine doesn't understand it at the time, though he grows to. Over years of whispers and locker shoves and dumpster throws. He understands that Kurt, even at twelve, was realising something that Blaine hadn't quite gotten to yet. 
"OK. It was just a joke, Kurt," he says mildly. 
"Those kisses won't help anymore," Kurt says firmly. "Kissing other boys will only hurt." 
"OK," Blaine repeats, bemused but following Kurt's lead. Just like he always does. 
When Blaine is eighteen he finally fights back. It's hopeless of course. But something in him snaps. The years of harassment that he's suffered, and Kurt even worse than him, crystallises into a single misguided punch square against Azimo's jaw. 
It hurts. A lot. He splits the skin on his knuckles and is only lucky that Azimo is too stunned to instantly enact horrible retribution. He runs. And because it's what he always does, he goes to find Kurt. 
Kurt is heading to class but diverts the second he sees how rattled Blaine is. 
"Bathroom, come on," Kurt says, steering him to the quietest one by the art rooms. He gets Blaine to sit on the counter while he carefully dabs at his knuckles with damp toilet tissue. "What happened?"
"Punched Azimo," Blaine admits. 
"And you're still alive?"
"Clocked him right on the jaw. I think it surprised him enough for me to get away. Or he's concussed. It's probably wrong to hope that someone is concussed though."
"If that person is Azimo or one of his stupid gang, I think it's allowed. Pretty sure there's exemptions for wishing pain on homophobes. And punching them."
"Well thank God," Blaine sighs. "That's not going to save me later though."
"No," Kurt agrees quietly. He doesn't ask why Blaine did it. One of them was bound to snap eventually. Instead he looks into Blaine's face and smiles mischievously. "Want me to kiss it better?"
Blaine rolls his eyes. "Ha ha." 
"You think I won't?" Kurt says, eyes sparkling with the challenge.  He's incredibly gentle, twining their fingers to bring Blaine's hand to his mouth and skimming a light kiss over his knuckles. 
Blaine's heart jolts into his throat. He and Kurt have touched a thousand times a thousand ways. But there's something so shockingly intimate about the gesture that it steals his breath from him. 
"I thought we didn't do that anymore?" Blaine says because if he doesn't say something he'll literally combust. 
"They'll hate us anyway," Kurt says. "It doesn't matter what we do. They hate us anyway for what we are. So I'm going to kiss my best friends battle scars. Because it's all I fucking can do." 
"I'm sorry, you know?" Kurt interrupts. "If you weren't so close to me I think you could have flown under the radar. I think you could have been okay."
"That's ridiculous," Blaine says firmly. Because it is. For many reasons. "I never could have hidden who I am. I would have suffocated. And I would never want to go anywhere you can't go. Even under a radar."
Kurt flushes, pink and pleased. "You're ridiculous," he says softly. But his lips find Blaine's knuckles again. 
When Blaine is twenty he breaks up with his first serious boyfriend. Apparently Derek can't handle how much Blaine talks about Kurt. Or how much time he spends with Kurt. Or the fact that he lives with Kurt. Or… the kissing thing. 
"It's just a bit!" Blaine tries to explain. "Like kissing something better. Purely platonic."
"It doesn't feel platonic," Derek says. 
Clearly Derek is an idiot who has never experienced wonder or love or friendship. It doesn't matter how Blaine argues his case, Derek won't be swayed. 
"You should want me to kiss your hurts away," Derek tries later. Which is just ridiculous. Because Derek isn't magic the way that Kurt is.
Blaine knows it's over between them, then. Kurt is as much a part of Blaine as a limb at this point and any boyfriend of his is going to have to understand that. 
Kurt in fact, is the one that is there to pick up the pieces. With cuddles and ice cream and some well chosen insults towards Derek.
"Honestly, Blaine, he wore crocs. I'm so glad I don't have to bite my tongue about it anymore."
"You didn't bite your tongue," Blaine points out. "You insulted him to his face on the one occasion it happened and have basically complained about it non stop ever since."
"But I could have been so much more scathing," Kurt says. Which is probably true. 
Blaine sighs and snuggles into Kurt's chest. He feels hollow. He and Derek had been together over a year. And all that was for nothing now. A year of memories now tainted with the pain of Derek's ungrounded accusations. Tears spring to his eyes and he tenses, biting his lip against a sob. 
"Is there anything I can do?" Kurt asks, soft against the shell of Blaine's ear. 
"Just hold me," Blaine says shakily. "I don't think this is something you can kiss better."
"Maybe not," Kurt concedes. But he tries anyway, tucking Blaine closer against him and dropping comforting kisses into his curls. 
Blaine is twenty two when everything finally starts to make sense. Newly graduated and still living with Kurt and both making ends meet with odd jobs until The Job comes along. But they're happy, and that's all that matters. 
He's on his way home when Kurt calls him with the news of a good audition. 'Good' based on vibes only, he won't know about callbacks for days yet. But Blaine wants to celebrate the victory anyway because that's what roommates and best friends do. 
He picks them up a hot chocolate at the truck just down the block from their apartment. It's simple but they both always agree that it tastes the best and stays hot the longest. 
"Hey, sweetheart," Kurt greets him happily when Blaine steps through the door.  
"Hey, you. I bought us hot chocolate. To celebrate your success."
Kurt laughs, shaking his head slightly. "Amazing," he says, taking one and cradling it in his hands. "You're amazing."
"Oh, you," Blaine jokes, but it makes his stomach flip in a way that's happening a lot lately. He hides his uncertainty by taking way too big a sip of hot chocolate."Fuck!" he yelps as the scalding liquid hits his tongue and makes his eyes water. "Shit shit shit." 
"Are you okay?" Kurt says, clunking his own drink down in alarm.
"Yeah," Blaine sighs. "Just burnt my tongue like an idiot."
"Oh…" Kurt looks at him and the moment seems to stretch as their eyes meet. "Want me to kiss it better?"
Blaine is half a breath from making a joke of it. Rolling his eyes and dismissing it. But Kurt's gaze is steady. He's smiling, but not in a teasing way. In a hopeful way. He's completely radiant, the most insanely gorgeous person Blaine has even seen. 
Blaine is reminded about all the times Kurt has offered to soothe his hurts across nearly two decades. How Blaine has never even considered forging a path that would take him from Kurt's side. How their lives are irretrievably entwined and always will be, no matter what happens now. And he thinks oh. 
Blaine nods slowly and Kurt's hands find his jaw and there's a pause that seems to take less than a second and an entire lifetime all at once. And then Kurt's mouth meets his. And it is kind of magic. 
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what-gs-watching · 10 months
“It’s Christmas time, pretty baby, and the snow is falling on the ground…”
Well, now I’m in the interview prep portion of the bootcamp thing I’m doing and y’all, I don’t loveeee trying to practice talking about my experience. I really am one of those people that just shows up and says whatever tumbles out of my mouth and that has worked, so far, mostly, I guess. But apparently now I need to really try and that is a bummer. 
But it’s November, which means I have carte blanche to throw myself into the Christmas season. Gang, I love Christmas. I really do. I have a big family and it was always a fucking mess at my parents’ house but it makes me feel cozy and warm and so every year the Saturday before Thanksgiving I drag my husband to the tree farm because we have to have a real tree, and by the time we’re eating turkey, my entire house is decked out and it’s time for CHRISTMAS MOVIES.
I started this blog because I had been rambling at my engineering team at the time about my complete and utter obsession with Good Omens and I’d described my “What G’s Watching” game. One of the engineers said he’d absolutely read this trifling mess, and we had talked about Christmas movies, I forget why, and he said he could imagine curling up with a cup of tea and reading my rant on said movies. It was part of what ultimately convinced me to do this stupid thing, obviously.
So Kevin, if you’re out there, this is for you.
Welcome to my ultimate list of basic bitch Christmas movies (OTHER than the typical ones, we don’t need to talk through those do we?) you can stream this season. All previously released, because we’re gonna have to talk about the new ones  as they come. You’re welcome.
The Christmas Chronicles (2 movies, Netflix)
KURT RUSSELL is Santa and he’s caught by a brother and a sister  while delivering presents and they end up going on a crazy adventure to save Christmas after something obviously goes wrong. 
YOU GUYS, IT’S KURT RUSSELL AS SANTA. That should be enough for you. Because he is literally the PERFECT Santa Claus and I will defend that ‘til the end. The beard is perfect! And he plays Santa like a super cool badass! And there’s a fucking musical number!!!!!!! 
The first one is better than the second one, but the second one is still fun and has GOLDIE HAWN as Mrs. Claus and it’s so cute I could literally die. 
I straight up love Christmas Chronicles and I don’t care who knows it. It has the right amount of emotion and it reminds me of being a kid kind of and really, we’ve always needed a COOL santa. I have no idea why I’m so obsessed with Kurt Russell in this situation, but I really, really am. Absolutely no shame here.
A Christmas Prince (3 movies, Netflix)
A prince of a made-up country needs to return home before Christmas Eve so he can assume the throne after his father died, and a wanna-be reporter of a magazine? I think? Is assigned to cover the story.  She pretends to be the new nanny for the family and OBVIOUSLY hijinks ensue. Obviously.
Y’all, there are three movies in this series. They made THREE of them. And they’re all ridiculous. But also kinda charming. Like, something to put on while you wrap presents and then you find yourself, like, halfway through the second one and you’re like “well I’m here now, might as well get through the entire thing, I weirdly need to know how this ends.” 
It’s pure fluff. It’s a perfect Hallmark-esque situation, but better than the Hallmark movies because the heroine doesn’t actually need to give up anything for love like Hallmark always makes them do. Like, girl, why can’t you have a career while your husband does XYZ small-town job? WHY NOT BOTH. 
The point is, ya girl likes a happy ending. All of these have a happy ending. Everything on this list will have a happy ending.
Let It Snow (Netflix)
It snows on Christmas Eve and a group of kids in a small town, including a pop star for some reason, deal with that, and their issues, and it builds to a big ol’ party. 
This one is way better than it sounds. There is an adorable queer relationship, and two friends figuring out they’re in love, and one girl realizing she should go away to college because she can’t just stay and shoulder all the issues her family has, and friends prioritizing their friendship, and Joan Cusack playing the town’s crazy lady. 
I’m clearly still like 17 at heart so I enjoy a good ‘random teens figuring shit out’ movie. It’s just cute as hell. 
Holidate (Netflix)
Emma Roberts hates holidays because her boyfriend broke up with her so while she returns shitty Christmas presents she meets a dude who agrees to be her random ‘date’ for all of the holidays that year. 
Okay, this is not strictly a Christmas movie but it starts and ends at Christmas, and it’s fucking hilarious. This is not for kids, but oh my god, I laughed way more than I expected to. And the dude is Australian which is sooo up my alley, and of course the point is that they randomly end up falling for each other and sometimes I need a good romance that is kind of, sort of realistic (in how awkward it gets at times) even if the premise is ridiculous. 
Like, if you wanna get drunk on some wine with some adults that are not easily offended after the kids are in bed, this is the one. 
Single All The Way (Netflix)
A guy doesn’t want to go home for the holidays because his family is gonna be judgmental about his taste in dudes and the fact that he’s perpetually single, so he drags his roommate along for the ride.
Y’all. This is just a really, really adorable love story. No bullshit tricks, no stupid plot, just two friends falling in love. 
I very clearly love boys falling in love, and this one is sweet as hell. Also, it’s got Jennifer Coolidge as the crazy aunt! And Kathy Najimy! The family is hilarious and the boys are relatable and of course there’s a point where the main character is set up with a super hottie but like, they figure it out eventually. And not in a stupid, cheesy movie way. It just feels really cozy. 
This was hands down my absolute favorite the year it came out. Hard recommend.
Spirited (Apple TV)
 A re-telling (kind of?) of a Christmas Carol, but make it a musical with Will Ferrell and Ryan Reynolds.
Okay I’m gonna admit it: this one is so WEIRD! It absolutely did NOT need to be a musical whatsoever but I could not look away. I will watch anything with Will Ferrell and Ryan Reynolds though, and it was funny. And I did not expect the twist they worked in. 
Do you have two hours to be strangely pulled into this and then feel weird ways about stuff? You should. This year, I’m gonna eat a gummie first. It’ll be worth it.
Zoey's Extraordinary Christmas (Roku Channel with ads, but it’s not horrible)
A woman who’s gained the power to see/learn people’s emotions through witnessing them do elaborate musical numbers, has an unsettling family christmas.
Hear me out on this one. I was absolutely obsessed with Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist (it’s on Peacock; go watch it, like, right now. Immediately). It was such a ridiculous concept for a show but it was really so effing charming. And heartwarming, and also heartbreaking. If you haven’t seen the show, the Christmas movie is  not going to be as emotional for you, but it’s still extremely cute. The pageantry! The musical numbers! The family dynamics! 
I’ll admit this is niche as hell, but Zoey is my bish and I will tell anyone who will listen they should watch. I miss that show terribly.
Somewhat Honorable Mentions
Netflix did two random movies last year that I did watch: Christmas with You, starring Freddie Prinze Jr (!!!!!!) and Falling for Christmas with Lindsay Lohan.
Listen, I support random actors I have loved since I was a kid doing Christmas movies. Especially since they haven’t gotten up to a whole lot else. I want Lindsay Lohan to figure her fucking life out, because I can’t let go of Mean Girls or The Parent Trap. She could have been a whole damn thing and I’m sad about how things went for her and I just want her to be okay, you guys.
Is her Christmas movie mostly terrible? Yes. But it’s good background noise, just like Freddie Prinze Jr’s, and I want them both to keep doing things. So watch them while you’re cleaning the house, because why not?
Because I literally have all of the time in the world on my hands, I’ll probably watch almost all of these, and my favorite old standards too. 
I’ll save Elf and A Muppet’s Christmas Carol  to watch with my little nephews when I head home. We’ll do the George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve as a weirdo family. I’ll put on White Christmas while I get the tree decorated and I’ll be singing ‘when I’m worried and I can’t sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep..’ for days. I’ll put on The Holiday in between Christmas and New Year’s because I am very much Kate Winslet in that movie, always the best friend, never the leading lady.  I might be able to tempt my Christmas-avoidant husband into Home Alone.
The point is, Christmas movies are such a wonderful and ridiculous genre of content. Because let’s be honest, no one’s holiday season is ever like that. No one, in the history of the world, has Christmases like they do in these ridiculous movies. But it’s nice to pretend. It’s nice to get that warm fuzzy feeling, it’s nice to imagine having the perfect decorations, or a crazy adventure, or a surprising romance. Because we all know, winter is bleak. It’s dark at 4:30 in the afternoon and it’s sludgy and wet and gray and unappealing. But it’s never that in Christmas movies - it’s always magical and exciting and twinkly. And we all deserve something magical and exciting and twinkly. At least until we can make it out of the dark. 
So, stream it all, y’all, it’s that time of year.
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nicsnort · 3 months
Gravita Anima (part 44)
Nightcrawler/Fem!OC/Quicksilver Long-form romance and drama fic. All chapters have been posted on Ao3.
Intro (with link to Ao3 story) First Previous
Elle hated this. Now that she was “part of the Brotherhood” and she had work to do for them, Elle had been spending less and less time in her apartment. She barely had time to sleep it seemed. She wondered if she still had not proven herself enough or that because of Lucy she was under suspicion yet again. However, her almost nightly time with Pietro had allowed for the pillow talk that she had been hoping for.
The Brotherhood was indeed planning something big. A raid on the plant that was creating the Sentinels. Destroying it. Somewhere in the Virginian mountains by the sound of it. Of course, Elle had to act the concerned lover, worried for Pietro’s safety. She was worried about him, about most of them. This was dangerous. Oh, how she dreamt of organizing a protest at the moment.
Yet the worst of it was she was unable to see Kurt. It had been over a week since they last spoke. She needed to tell him this information. But it was always at the wrong time. Either she came back exhausted or Pietro was over. Elle had felt his emotional signature every so often on the very edge of the powers. She knew he was watching out for her. And today, while she was training with Frost she felt it again.
Elle was at their designated meeting place. A small cafe near the park. Elle sat outside, she could tell that Kurt was a few buildings over on the roof. She was sure that she had seen his form hiding behind an air conditioning unit.
Frost arrived looking rather magnificent in an all-white day outfit. Elle felt rather underdressed in her blue and yellow summer dress. “Your task for today is to catch hold of a stranger quickly without them noticing. If you wind up under fire you will have but mere seconds to bring someone under your sway. We then will test how many people you can control at once.”
Looking around at the strangers on the street, Elle's eyes found a handsome-looking man. He looked a bit like a very young Errol Flynn...and a bit like Kurt. Wait...It took every ounce of willpower to make sure her face didn’t change at the realization. Impossible. Kurt looked normal? No, it couldn’t be him. Just someone with a similar non-blue face, no tail, normal hands, and a similar emotional signature. That was all. It couldn’t be Kurt.
The man disappeared into the coffee shop and Elle shook her head. Right, her assignment. The woman behind Elle was talking nastily into her cellphone to what sounded like a nanny. Time for her to calm down. “Start,” she said softly.
Reaching out, Elle connected to the woman’s emotions, trying to overwhelm them and take control. She knew that the process usually took half a minute. Elle was able to cut that in half but it took all of her focus.
“Too slow,” Frost told her. “And you were completely unaware of your surroundings.” Elle looked down to see that her coffee had arrived without her noticing. “Try again.”
“Oh, danke .” The German caught her attention. Fuck. Glancing over Elle saw the man who looked like Kurt sitting alone. It really was him, wasn’t it? Elle tried not to give her notice away but Frost raised an eyebrow. "Is something wrong?"
"Not really, just thought I recognized someone." Elle looked away and saw a businessman looking very stressed. "Start."
10 seconds. "Done."
"Try again."
And so they did. Elle influenced person after person until she was able to do it in 5 seconds while being able to talk with Frost. Stealth control. Next was how many she could control at once. 5 was the answer discovered over the next 20 minutes. When she tried a 6th she felt her bond with her Trask spy nearly break.
It was about 45 minutes of training altogether and Elle felt exhausted afterward. "Shall I tell Pietro to pick you up," Frost inquired with a smirk.
"No, I need to go out shopping. He's been taking up a lot of my time. I need some for myself, haha."
"The boy can be needy," Frost said with a laugh. "I will see you later. And remember to keep practicing."
Frost gave a nod and left. Elle waited a minute looking at her phone. Then got up and went over to the table with Kurt. "Hey, mind if I join you?"
“E-er, yes, please, go ahead, fraulein .” Kurt replied nervously, glancing around.
"Sorry," Elle told him with a grin. "I just saw you watching me."
She leaned across the table and took one of his hands, feeling the two large fingers. "I've been feeling you watching me all week...never thought I would have such a cute stalker."
She gave his hand a little squeeze. "You've been nursing that coffee all this time too. I know a very nice private place that has sweeter beverages."
He gave a shaky laugh, feeling a bit sweaty suddenly. “H-have you? Noticed? I mean, I wasn’t...stalking. I was...just...watching.” His accented voice trembled softly. He cleared his throat and smiled. “I-I would enjoy that. S-shall we?” He stood, trying to ignore how his heart fluttered.
Standing she pulled at his hand, leading him out of the cafe and to the street, going the opposite way of Frost. Elle led Kurt to a bubble tea and study bar a good 15 minutes away. She knew he would be amazed by the bobas. When he tried to speak she moved the conversation to small talk. Nothing important out in the open.
At the desk she ordered tea for them both - brown sugar milk tea for Kurt and Passion fruit herbal tea for her. She also paid for a private study room and a tray of cookies.
“I used to go to this place during college,” she told Kurt as they entered the private study room with their drinks and treats. As soon as the door was shut she pulled him into a hug. “I am sorry I haven’t been able to talk.”
“It looks fun,” he commented, glancing around not only for decor but to ensure they were alone. When they were in, he nearly dropped the tray on the table and hugged her tightly back. He gave a soft laugh. “Oh good, you recognized me,” he half-joked, “Elle, are you alright?”
“Of course, I recognized you silly, your emotional palette is unique,” she told him, relaxing in his arms. “Though I have to say the look was really throwing me off...I almost thought I was going crazy after all this time with the Brotherhood.”
Why did Kurt think there was something intimate in the word she just used -- his ‘emotional palette’? Was it because it was apparently his own unique signature and she...felt him? He tried not to get drawn into this too far, which the mention of the Brotherhood brought him out of it promptly. 
He gave her a sympathetic look at her reference to the feeling ill. Yes, he knew that being near people who were so drastically negative for a long period of time, even without being empathetic, was draining. To be the one whose power was emotions itself, well, he could imagine how beat she felt. 
Elle sighed and released him from the hug. “I am alright...for the most part. Spending so much time with them and their negative emotions sometimes makes me feel ill but I learned something. I’ve needed to tell you this for a while. Sometime this upcoming week the Brotherhood is going to attack the factory where the Sentinels are being made. They got Pyro out of prison and are going to blow it up. I don’t know the exact location though, somewhere in Virginia, outside the city. They’ve been looking for the location where they are storing the Sentinels too but haven’t been able to find it.”
After vomiting up the information she sat down in the comfy study chair, her legs suddenly weak. It had been stressful but she didn’t realize how much until now. How many people would the Brotherhood end up killing if their attack succeeded? How many humans?
A look of alarm crossed his face at the news that the Brotherhood was planning something big. “What?!” His hands went to either side of his face, unaware of his image inducer still being on. “That is huge! If there is a place building these machines...it must be rural, hidden.” He looked thoughtful. “I will inform the Professor...later.” One look at her reassured him that he needed to stay...not that he was going to leave anytime soon.
“Here...uh...I have heard chocolate helps with being drained. And milk. Or maybe milk helped with sleep.” He teleported and, within about thirty seconds, returned back with a large cup of hot chocolate. He sat next to her and placed the warm cup in her hands, his tail, which was still hidden, brushing over her shoulders and her hair.
She was about to tell Kurt that it was fine and she didn’t need anything but he had already disappeared. A few moments later he reappeared with hot chocolate and she smiled. “Thank you,” Elle told him softly, holding the cup in his hands. There was a brush against her hair and shoulders and Elle relaxed some more. She didn’t need to see it recognize the movement of his tail.
 “That is all very frightening,” he told her gently, “but you have done amazing to find this out. I am certain that we can locate the place and protect anyone from harm before the deed occurs. You are saving lives, Elle.” He smiled gently at her. 
“I know, thank you...I was worried I wouldn’t be able to tell you at all. I’ve barely had time to myself when I wasn’t working for the past week. I think Lucy has them scared I will back out…” 
“If only we would be so fortunate,” he murmured in reference to her backing out. A time limit was one thing when she had a friend in there, a way for potential communication if something went awry. But a time limit alone offered little comfort. He would be sure to let the X-men know soon, but first, he wanted to make sure Elle was fine, recovered, and well.
Elle took a long sip of her hot chocolate. As she did so her eyes roamed over Kurt’s form. “You look strange like this. How is it possible?”
At her remark, he smiled a little bit. “Oh, it is the image inducer. Here,” he turned it off, took off the innocent-looking watch, and placed it in her hand. “Beast has one as well. He made one for when we need to blend into the crowd without raising suspicion. It is fun to pretend for a while, and it was interesting to see what I might look like if I wasn’t...well, me, but I only use it when I need to blend in.” 
“That is amazing,” Elle awed at the technology in her hand. “It looks so natural! I couldn’t even tell!”
Looking at him she smiled brightly at his natural blue form. “I think I like you without it much more though. I am glad you don’t hide yourself all the time.” A deep blush entered her face. “I mean, you shouldn’t have to hide. No mutant should. But I understand the need to blend in at times. You stand out...but in a good way.”
Kurt blushed, purple on his cheeks. He scratched the back of his head, his tail flickered, and brushed Elle’s hair. “Heh, well, thank you, Elle. You are so...so very kind,” he took the watch back but did not put it on, opting instead to place it in his pocket. “I am glad, too, to hear that it was my...emotional palette? That gave me away. Tell me, what does...that look like? Or feel like?” 
Elle glanced at his tail as it brushed her hair once again. It seemed to have a mind of its own. She did not mind though, in fact, she wondered how much his tail would wander. Seeing it flex around made her think once again about all the wonderful things it might be capable of. Of all the things it could do to her…
Taking a sip of her hot chocolate she cleared her mind of those thoughts. Far too dangerous. Honestly, she had been feeling so put down by the Brotherhood that if Kurt had asked her to leave she probably would have. If he told her he wanted her, she would leave immediately…
His question made her refocus for real this time. She smiled and thought for a moment. “Hmmm, it is hard to put into words...I suppose the best way I could put it is that while there are other emotions on top. The base way your emotions are perceived by me is like...coming in from the freezing cold and drinking, well, drinking a hot cup of cocoa, with sweet marshmallows on top. Comforting, relaxing…” 
Elle tapped her chin. “But then it is also like coming in from a hot day and drinking a nice cold glass of water. Refreshing, energizing...haha, like I said it is hard to describe...it feels like...exactly what I need I suppose...does that make sense? It was nice to feel you watching out for me even if I couldn’t talk to you.”
Kurt felt his heart flutter. He found himself smiling like a fool but didn’t care. “So it...feels like home?” Immediately his face turned a bright purple and he felt like he had overspoken. “I-I mean, comfortable. Place. A nice feeling. To uh...uh…” He wondered if he should teleport away, he was so shy suddenly. 
Home. Yes. He was right. She could not say that though. Elle gave a bit of a nod and smiled at his blush. “Yes, a comfortable place...once this is done I would like to spend all day with you if that is alright.” To come home.
“I can give you a proper tour of the city or we can watch movies or...well, anything...if that’s alright with you.”
His heart rate calmed and his lips softened into a smile instead of an unsure grin. “A whole day...anything you want.” He agreed. “Just as long as we’re together.” He inhaled shakily and ran his hand through his hair. “Well, what can we do today so I can help you recharge?” He figured a trip to a theme park was the worse thing, given the number of people. 
A large smile came across her face. “Well, we can finish our drinks and then...I think some more movies are in order. I spent a lot of energy with Frost today.”
They finished their drinks and eventually Kurt put the inducer back on. Elle checked them out of the study room and they walked to her apartment, stopping only so Elle could buy the few groceries she needed. She had not lied to Frost. Eventually, they settled down on her couch with a big bowl of popcorn between them and the Adventures of Robin Hood with Errol Flynn on the TV.
Partway through the movie, Elle felt Kurt’s tail wrap around her wrist and arm. She glanced down at it but didn’t say anything. The spade fit perfectly in her open hand so she held it gently like it was his hand.
As the movie showed more romantic scenes, his tail unconsciously curled around her. He enjoyed the feeling of something solid, someone warm to wrap it around. He tossed some popcorn in the air and caught it in his mouth as he repeated the lines by heart. He looked over at Elle and felt at peace, at ease. How easily he forgot about the Brotherhood’s plans when he was with her like this. As he turned back to the movie, he leaned towards her, his shoulder to hers. 
Elle felt Kurt lean against her and in turn, she leaned into him. He was so warm. She could fall asleep like this. As the movie continued her fingers absentmindedly stroked the tail in her hand. 
The movie showed a scene of Maid Marianne flirting with the Sheriff of Nottingham to distract him from Robin Hood’s schemes. Elle smiled and glanced at Kurt. Only to find him looking at her once more. From their position leaning against each other, their faces were close. She could feel his breath on her.
Elle’s breath went shallow, her deep green eyes darkening with desire. If she leaned forward she could kiss him. She could ruin all her work with the Brotherhood but she would be so happy...Biting her lower lip Elle’s free hand reached out and cupped Kurt’s cheek. A thick swallow and she gave a regretful smile. “You are dangerous Kurt,” she told him. “If I do what I want to right now I could never go back...all this work...the Brotherhood is planning something big and I need to find out what it is.”
Her hand went to his cheek, startling him from his thoughts. He mirrored her smile and nodded, reluctant. “I would never put you in danger, Elle.” He swore as he reached up, his hand on hers, and gently moved it to kiss the back of it. “Perhaps I should contact the Professor about the plans...and give us both a moment to...breathe.” 
This kiss on the back of her hand almost broke her. But it was his words that kept her from launching herself forward and kissing him. Just like her own words it brought reality to the situation. “Yes,” she told him softly. “That’s probably the best thing.”
It took them both a moment but they slowly moved away from each other. The last thing to come undone was his tail around her wrist. Before it did she squeezed the spade just a bit. As it unraveled from around her, Elle’s arm felt like it was missing something. When they were both no longer touching, Elle got up and went into the bathroom.
She washed her face trying to take away the heat of her attraction and pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail. It gave Kurt the time he needed to cool down as well...hopefully. At least she heard him talking on the phone in the kitchen when she left the bathroom. 
A shiver of want and warmth traveled up Kurt’s spine starting at his tail when she squeezed the spade. He had to internally ask for strength from the heavens above. It was best to do this, to take a break unless they ruined everything. Lives were at risk and it would be selfish, he told himself. 
Kurt went to call the mansion. As he relayed the information to the Professor, he looked over at the door, then at the windows. “You are right,” the Professor said, “to think the building would be placed somewhere hidden and rural. I’ll send Scott to travel and get a bird’s view on the cloaked jet. And Ms. Hughes? Is she doing well?” 
Nightcrawler tried his best not to read too much into that. “Yes, we had some tea and chocolate. I think she’s feeling better after the movie.” Better, then worse in other ways. “I would, uh, feel better if we could handle this soon though, Professor. If you want, I can go and assist after today.” If it meant leaving Elle alone just for a bit while he helped speed up the end of the mission, he was more than willing. 
“I will keep you posted, Kurt,” Xavier reassured, “please relay to her our heartiest thanks.”
“Will do, Professor.” Kurt hung up and walked over to the living room, offering a small smile to Elle. “The Professor says he is grateful for your work. As am I.” His hands were reaching out, pausing, then reaching up to run a hand through his hair. “Very grateful.”
Elle returned his smile. She saw his hands longing to reach out. There was no doubt that he wanted her but she knew, just as he did, that it was better if she stayed with the Brotherhood. Better if they did not act on their desires.
“I am glad I could help... Magneto has to be stopped, plenty of the Brotherhood’s lower-ranking members are just misled.” Her mind went to Pietro and Wanda, Magneto’s children but treated more like soldiers. “But it is innocents who are the target of their hate that I fear the most for.”
Kurt’s heart ached briefly at the thought of others being harmed for no reason other than their existence, be it mutants or humans. “Hatred is poison,” he agreed, “and it is unfortunate that it can be spread so easily. But as can poison, hope can also be spread far and wide. People like you and the X-men, we try to balance it out. You are very strong for staying for the sake of hope.” 
Elle sighed, the good mood was ruined. “Let’s finish the movie...unless you have to go?”
He looked at the movie and where it was paused, wishing they could have slipped into the roles like… as they would have before. He had to remind himself that there were more people involved than just them. There were more lives than theirs, lives than just their pleasure. Kurt sighed and smiled. “The movie, let’s finish the movie. It is a sin to waste a good Flynn film.” And maybe he wanted to selfishly sit close to Elle on the couch a bit longer.
“Perfect,” she told him with a smile, unknowingly having the same thought. They sat together once more on the couch. Slightly further apart than before but still every so often their shoulders or arms brushed. The movie only had a half-hour left and it went by far too quickly. But life had to proceed. Elle did need some alone time to clean and take care of things around the apartment and it was risky in general to have Kurt stay too long. Pietro could drop in at any moment to “surprise” her.
The rest of the movie went by quickly, mostly because Kurt’s mind wasn’t on it. No, it was on the woman next to him. He thought about her safety, her happiness, her sacrifice...he just wanted her to be safe and happy. He would go to the ends of the world to make that happen. He didn’t dare tell her, not yet, or he knew it would make her mission all the harder. By the time the credits rolled, he was surprised.
When it came time for Kurt to leave Elle gave him a worried look. “Please be careful. These Sentinels really are dangerous. I don’t want to find out you got hurt.”
He offered her a gentle smile and reached out with his tail, letting it pat her hand gently. “I will be safe so long as you are safe. We will keep everyone as protected as we can while...taking care of the sentinels. I’m sure Beast will have some ideas on how to fight against them once we see what they’re made of. Don’t let the Brotherhood put you in harm's way, Elle.” He prompted.
“I won’t, I promise...and tell Hank to make sure Lucy doesn’t do anything stupid.” Elle chuckled just a bit. “I’ll see you soon…”
Once he disappeared Elle took out her phone. There were a few messages from Pietro. She answered them quickly. Telling she was fine, Frost just exhausted her, that he didn’t need to come over but she appreciated it, and that she would see him in a couple of days...she also told him to stay out of trouble - as she always did. Elle was concerned for Pietro and Wanda. She felt like she really could call Wanda a friend and if Pietro did not hate humans as he did perhaps she could fall in love with him.
Even though they were higher ranking than the peons that she had met this week, Elle felt that Pietro and Wanda were being used by their father. No reasonable father would send his children into battle. He treated them like soldiers...and soldiers were disposable. If there was one other thing that Elle wanted to accomplish while with the Brotherhood it would be convincing Wanda and Pietro to leave. Though just getting the ball moving would work as well. Pietro cared deeply for Wanda, and Wanda was less extreme in her beliefs, if Elle could make Wanda realize that they weren’t fit for the Brotherhood then perhaps she could save them both.
Fanfic Masterlist
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yeonban · 9 months
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CHRISTMAS GIFTS 2023 : Shalnark & Chrollo, @deathfavor
Tahereh Mafi - Shatter Me | Marie Howe - Magdalene: Poems | ZeroTreze | GayArsonist - Tumblr | Jen Mazza - Peripety series, 2008: Oil on Linen | Kurt Vonnegut - A letter to Nanny Vonnegut
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
ARC Review: An Earl to Remember by Stacy Reid
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4.5/5. Releases 8/22/2023.
For when you're vibing with... the 80s bonkers classic Overboard!, amnesia with a dash of the hero almost drowning, very hilarious confused rich man antics, and some.... really active sex for a man who just had a severe head injury.
Georgianna Heyford has heard tell of the Earl of Stannis's rakish behavior; but she can't afford give up the chance to cater his expensive yacht party. Unfortunately, a run-in with the earl (otherwise known as Daniel) goes horribly awry, and she's quickly fired... only for the earl to end up overboard, washed ashore, and with amnesia shortly afterward. The only person he recognizes is Georgianna; he just doesn't know how he knows her. In order to avoid a scandal (and perhaps get some sweet revenge) Georgianna claims the mysterious man is her husband... But the more time she spends with Daniel, the more she begins to wish it wasn't all a lie.
Stacy Reid knows how to write a fun, kinda bonkers, super sexy book--she throws caution to the wind and writes what she wants. I can feel the joy in the pages.
Quick Takes:
--I love Overboard!, a movie that is somewhat controversial today due to the premise being "Kurt Russell tells rich bitch amnesiac Goldie Hawn that she's actually his wife and makes her act as a servant to him and his horrible redneck children". I hate the Overboard! gender-flipped remake for many reasons, in part because it doesn't go far enough. This book is a nice middle ground. The gender flip is right here, and Reid wrings it out for all the humor it's worth, because it's honestly fun to see a fancy fuckboy look aghast at this woman's hovel and go "there is no.... way... I live.... here". (Daniel, I'm a huge fan of your work.) The power divide is also a lot stronger in this setting, because, while Georgianna is a gentleman's daughter, she's not doing super well financially and is basically a single woman acting as a guardian to these younger girls in the 1800s, a time in which she has little power and little way to make a living. Which in turn makes Daniel's comeuppance more deserving. It all makes sense, even if the premise is objectively wacky.
--I also really liked how this man had to like? Learn how to do basic household chores? Learn how to DAD in a sense? If there's one thing I enjoy in a historical romance, it's a rake who knows how to fuck but doesn't super know how to do much else. Daniel is not a competent hero to begin with (though he's not, like, a total buffoon either). He has to learn competence, and though I'm not typically one to get all hot and bothered by a man doing basic housework, in this book............ it does a number on you.
--I think that Stacy Reid is also right to basically put most of the fault on Daniel in this iteration. In the original Overboard!, both parties are at fault. Goldie doesn't pawn Kurt for some labor. Kurt gaslights her into being an unpaid housekeeper/nanny (as a prank! It's meant to be temporary but then he falls in love! It's fine!). Mistakes were made. Here, I think that Georgianna's options being much more limited make the heartache more... intense? Because like, yeah, this man's family is looking for him and he deserves to know the truth and so on. But really, she does not have a lot of solid choices here. So her guilt feels more impactful because while she's fucking up, she's a good person who doesn't want to hurt him, and you can feel her falling in love with him, and you know he's falling in love with her but he just! Doesn't! Know! And that takes you to a good angst city, despite the book being in many ways super fluffy and hilarious.
--I love an emotional fallout moment, and ooh, the emotional fallout in this one is delicious. There's pain. There's vengeance. There's trickery. There's some "I was half a virgin when I met you" feeling to it, which I love immensely. Like, dude, if you're gonna be all "she's not my wife", you probably need to, I don't know, stop calling her your wife. Except don't, because I'm living for it.
The Sex Stuff:
Stacy Reid writes a hot sex scene, especially when it comes to her heroes going down, because. The enthusiasm with which a Stacy Reid hero goes to town is truly something to behold. There's also really good dirty talk in this one, a nice mixture of tenderness and hardcore fucking, and like, the best sense ever that this dude is absolutely obsessed with her. Also, there's an excellent scene where he details exactly how he's going to fuck her, and proceeds to do just that. Gotta appreciate follow through. That's what happens when a man has to do work for the first time ever in his life.
I loved An Earl to Remember. It's fun, it's like candy, it's hot, it's a little crazy. It's what I want a Stacy Reid novel to be.
Thanks to Entangled: Amara and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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bothsidesofaquestion · 7 months
nine people i'd like to know better
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last song: glass & the ghost children by the smashing pumpkins favorite color: black, red & blue. currently watching: The Nanny, I've been binge watching old series I love because I'm unemployed and healing from an injury, before this I watched Friends and, maybe after this I'll watch Senfield, The Haunting of Hill House or Midnight Mass. spicy, savory, sweet: actually? sour or salty/sour then maybe sweet. I don't mention spicy cause that's a default in my daily diet. relationship status: single and never ready to mingle. I decided to retire from the market and shit since I broke up with Sabrina in 2016. current obsession: besides kurt? besides the x-men? besides the tmnt and all my usual obsessions? Lipsticks, I collect them and as a make up enthusiast I've been enjoying this lip care era cause make up brands have been releasing so many lip products I still have new ones stored that I yet need to use <3
tagged by: @webxfshame tagging: you! feel free to take it and tag me so I can read yours :)
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Hello! I love scrolling through your blog, and finding new stuff to read, and I've tried finding this one, but with no luck. Kurt has a baby. and hires Blaine as a nanny. Rachel is the mother of the baby who died (I think) in childbirth.
I'd browse our Nanny!Blaine tag, and I think you may be thinking of this one, although the mother is Brittany. If not, readers, can you help us out? ~Lynne
And Nanny Makes Three by @kurtswish
With a newborn at home, single dad, Kurt Hummel must find a nanny to help him out. What he didn’t expect was to find someone like Blaine.
ETA: Thank you anons and @cerriddwenluna! This is your story.
Your Fingers Round My Thumb by legallyblained
Due to tragic circumstances, Kurt is left to raise a baby alone. He hires help in form of 24-year-old nanny, Blaine.
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klaine-a03-feed · 9 months
Must Love Cats
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/PaqzUSK by grlnxtdr29 Kurt is named in a will, and his inheritance comes with a penthouse in Manhattan, a cottage in Long Island, and a...Nanny? Words: 8063, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English Fandoms: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Sam Evans, Original Characters Relationships: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson Additional Tags: Journalist Kurt, Nanny Blaine Sort Of, Inheritances, Fancy Cats, Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Meeting
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bitbybitwrites · 1 year
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - Recipe and Song list - Chp 1, 2 and 3
My lovely partner for the Klaine Prompt Reverse Bang 2003, @datshitrandom had asked me recently about recipes I've included in If I Can Make Your Heart My Home.
Which also got me thinking about the music I've been listening to and including in the story. . . with a chef and a musician in the mix there's going to be a lot of both.
So under the gorgeous artwork by @datshitrandom, I'll list what I mentioned in the story/ inspired me so far!
There are spoilers below- so if you want to read the story from the beginning first, click here!
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**As a note before I do anything, I've started a YouTube playlist for the music in this fic. To access it, click here.
I'll add songs to it as the story goes on and are mentioned. But I'll list individual songs/recipies in the chapters below as well.
Well, we should start off with the song that inspired the original prompt for the story.
Chapter 1
Music: Elizabeth Hummel sings Twinkle Twinkle Litle Bat to the traditional tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
Grandma Hummel's butter pound cake - mentioned it's on the tea table. This is from one of my favorite cookbooks - I haven't tried making it yet, but it's on my list!)
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Chocolate Chip cookies - That Kurt gives to his dad, proudly bc he helped bake them. This is one of my go-to recipes. I tend to throw a handful or more of Walnuts and sometimes swap the semi sweet chocolate chips for dark chocolate chips or chunks.
Pink Lemonade - that Elizabeth was going to pour for Kurt, but he insisted instead on drinking tea like the grownups.
Petit Fours - on the tea table. I've failed miserably at making fully iced petit fours. This is the next recipe I plan to try - it seems easier. And it so looks like something Elizabeth would have made.
Cucumber Sandwiches - Kurt is eating them during the tea party. I've made both of the following recipes for tea before.
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"Eat Me" cookies - Alice In Wonderland reference. - from the end of the tea party. This is a great YouTube channel that takes food mentioned in literature and shares recipies for them. I envisioned the cookies Elizabeth had were the pretty ones covered in royal icing.
Bonus recipes!
Not mentioned specifically in the story, but I believe would have been included during Elizabeth's table of treats.
Other Finger sandwiches - I tend to make a number of different sandwiches when I have folks over for afternoon tea. No one ever goes home hungry! Here are a couple of our favorites that I think Elizabeth would have had at her tea table.
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Tuna Fish ( I omit the celery and red onion)
Cream Scones - I tend to love have them with Clotted cream and strawberry jam
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Chapter 2
Not mentioned in the story itself, but we learn Cooper is not only a violin virtuoso but also Concertmaster for the Los Angeles Philharmonic. I can imagine this as one of the pieces he plays.
I also can picture Cooper and Blaine as young kids and being asked by their father to perform this together - with Blaine on the piano.
Chapter 3
Grandma Hummel's Butter Pound cake
(see chp 1 recipes above)
Snickerdoodles - that Maggie and her daughter bring to Kurt the first day he moves in.
The song young Blaine wanted to impress Alice with - tried to talk his nanny into bringing the piano from home to the park
The song Blaine plays as he watches the sad stranger walk away
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hayffiebird · 1 year
Tag Game
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better. I was tagged by @mega-aulover Thanks girl!
Three ships:
Hayffie. Surprised? 😂 I’ve been a diehard fan of Haymitch Abernathy and Effie Trinket (”The Hunger Games”) since december 2012.
I was writing a sci-fi/dystopian novel at the time and was deep-diving through the genre when I happened to see the trailer in a movie theater. And here’s what’s spooky: I face claimed Jennifer Lawrence for my heroine and taped a picture of her in my notebook BEFORE Jen was cast as Katniss. 😱
Before Hayffie there was Huddy - Gregory House and Lisa Cuddy from ”House MD”. I first discovered FFnet because of them, years before I knew there was something called Tumblr.
And before that, way back when I was a teenager, it was Fox Mulder and Dana Scully from “The X Files”. My very first real obsession! Have like 20 TV recorded VHS tapes to prove it.
First ever ship:
It’s a tie between Nellie Oleson and Percival Dalton from “Little House on the Prairie” and C.C. Babcock and Niles the Butler from “The Nanny”. And you know a funny thing about that fandom: It’s pretty much universally agreed upon that Niles’s last name is Brightmore. It’s even more “canon” than the fan name Finn for Finnick and Annie’s son.
I don’t know why my ships are always so straight. First thinking about it I came up with no gay couples I’ve shipped other than Bert and Ernie from “Sesame Street” but then I remembered what a fangirl I was over Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson and Brittany S. Pierce and Santana Lopez from “Glee” and of course Dani Clayton and Jamie from “The Haunting of Bly Manor”!
And as for C.C. a.k.a. Lauren Lane, if she asked me to marry her I would say yes in a heartbeat even if it meant breaking up her and Niles. 😂 She’s a fierce sweetheart and hands down the most beautiful woman on the planet! Sorry Effie.
Last song: “Fever” with Peggy Lee. Rediscovered the song through the magnificent chess TV series “The Queen’s Gambit”.
Last movie: “Super Mario Bros” from 2023. Me and my younger sis was obsessed with the Mario and Donkey Kong games growing up! I always played Luigi by the way.
Currently reading: Just finished “Gwendy’s Button Box” by Stephen King and Richard Chizmar. The audiobook.
Currently watching: Manifest” on Netflix. It’s about time travel. I think. Too early to tell.
Currently consuming: An ice cream Sandwich.
Currently craving: I’m in a fried chicken period at the moment after discovering there’s a KFC ten minutes from my apartment. And that’s after living in Stockholm for over ten years!!
I’ll tag some near and dear Tumblr friends I admire and appreciate and some I admire and appreciate but am too shy to talk to. 😂
@ears-awake-eyes-opened @100years-to-live @freebooter4ever @jroseley @thgfandomsz @caesarflickermans @oakfarmer @mrs-hawthornes-toreadlist @pleasantpandemonium @lemonluvgirl
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opera-ghosts · 9 months
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Some Brünnhildes and Siegfrieds.
A bright new year to All!!!
1.Melanie Kurt as Brünnhilde and Walther Kirchhoff as Siegfried; Berlin, ?
Maria Gembarzewska / Maryla von Falken as Brünnhilde; Dresden, 1910
Josef Schöffel as Siegfried; Karlsruhe, ?
Zdenka Fassbender as Brünnhilde; Munich, ? 5.Louise Grandjean as Brünnhilde; Paris, 1902
Richard Schubert as Siegfried; Hamburg, ?
Ellen Gulbranson as Brünnhilde; Bayreuth, 1914
Nanny Lársen-Todsen as Brünnhilde; Bayeuth, 1927
Heinrich Knote as Siegfried; Munich, 1907
Jeanne Paquot D'Assy as Brünnhilde; Brussels, 1903
Nicolas Reinfeld as Siegfried; Munich, ?
Felicitas Hallama as Brünnhilde; Berlin, ?
Maud Perceval Allen as Brünnhilde; London, ?
Rudolf Ritter as Siegfried; Stuttgart, ?
Fanny Wahrmann-Schöllinger as Brünnhilde; Hannover, 1926(?)
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