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residentoddity · 29 days ago
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this will always be funny to me
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izzabela · 7 months ago
I don’t know if anyone has asked this before, but the Lin Kuei trio with a reader who works as a military special forces operator? I don’t know but I’d like to think that on tactical terms the Lin Kuei and a military soldier can work pretty well together so I would definitely want to see how this will play out
When Worlds Collide - Lin Kuei x GN!spec-ops!reader (headcanons?)
in which past meets modern warfare
a/n: bro the fact you requested this and i'm getting into COD is INSANE THE TIMING IS AWESOME
ship[s]: none
warning(s): cod x mortal kombat?? ghost reference? soap ref? gaz & price reference??
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You are a spec-ops soldier, working with the most elite soldiers in the world under the guidance of the American military. With the Outworld Investigations Agency opened, they're gonna need some manpower....
Introducing you and TF141, so perhaps this is a mk x cod fic??
- all three of the brothers would be very impressed with your records and awards. you are a decorated member, and the fact you are decently younger compared to your coworkers impresses them further
- Tomas asks you questions. lots of them. where you've been, what you've seen, the kills you have (it surprises you he knows the difference in the terms), he even asks others about you
- Bi Han wants to inspect every piece of modern equipment you have. he asks incredibly well-informed questions about the weapons, he even sketches ones that pique his interest the most so he can show his clan back at home
- Kuai Liang is the lucky brother who gets to hold and try the equipment. you and your team watch over him in the gun range as he shoots down practice targets with ease (ninja precision is crazy)
- Tomas and Soap might get along the best. he'd definitely be thrown off by how vulgar the team gets, but he and Soap are very friendly with one another
- Bi Han, Ghost, and Price. those two would be having a blast together talking about manly adult leadership stuff
- Kuai Liang might get along best with Gaz. Something about these level-headed men having a normal conversation in front of neanderthals is refreshing to you, snd you really appreciate that
- teamwork wise, not including the 141, they'd work pretty good with you. you're a great all around: sniper, foot-soldier, hand-to-hand, you know the drills for the shit they go through on the daily
- specifically, you and Kuai Liang would work together with a knowing silence. something like Price and Ghost since those two knew each other for so long. something about you and Kuai covering each other's asses without saying a word means you guys are in perfect sync. i can imagine it (can't you?)
- working with Bi Han is like Price and Soap, or Ghost and Soap. You definitely would try and liven up the mood as you off enemies left and right. Bi Han might actually scold you mid battle, too, expecially talking about distractions
- Tomas is Gaz, and working with him is like nothing but butter sliding smoothly on bread. Tomas is everything in a package: smart, skilled, quick-witted, and level-headed. Tomas knows when it's the right time to do things
- i think you and Bi Han would get into the worst spats and fights when discussing how to further push into battle. i'd say it gets physical, with you ordering him to stand down as the "professionals handle this"
- Kuai Liang and you could also get into some hefty drama and fights too. i think Kuai would actually apologize too, considering that maybe you might have seen more than him
- outside of the missions, everyone gets along well (maybe). when the three lin kuei bros are out drinking with you and your team, that shit is fire. Tomas probably gets drunk first, but that's after maybe five cups of hard ass liquor
- Kuai is next drunk, then Bi Han
- back to mission stuff, when you and the Lin Kuei trio aren't fighting, you guys agree on strategy rather easily. in fact, they like how you pull your strats. Bi Han takes mental notes to implement to the clan
- yeah, that's it
guys i want to write a COD fic soon, but idk who to start with. after my reqs though
also, school started for me, so writing may be coming slower
see yall in the next fic!
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sirenedeslily · 13 days ago
Just don’t know why you wanna bother everyone by staying in a account that was created for a specific fandom like now your dragging your mutuals to read gay shit when most of us are straight
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baba-fazrabbit · 4 months ago
portal 2 swap au (my magnum opus)
Chell -> GLaDOS GLaDOS -> Wheatley Wheatley -> Chell
okay basically: Chell switches with GLaDOS because.. duh. But I think it would be really interesting.. GLaDOS as a character is known for her dialogue and comments but Chell is known for a lack of dialogue at all. Giving her the role of GLaDOS would make a more intimidating robot.. maybe speaking through text on screens or sumn.. (They could still have the appearance of a human.. maybe a coorpse.. scaaary :ghost:) GLaDOS switching with Wheatley seems kind of stupid but think about it.. They're literally polar opposites (intelligence-wise) So I think in this AU GLaDOS would be more of a comedic character, akin to Wheatley (duh..) But maybe instead of escaping the facility she'd want to like explore it and take control just because she thinks everything is so pretty and beautiful and wants to know what its like?? dunno how to phrase it Wheatley and Chell is kind of obvious. Instead of the player's role being Chell, the quiet one.. They're Wheatley, the loud one who aggrivates the Chell of this AU because he talks so much, he would also intentionally disobey commands given by GLaDOS or Chell.. GLaDOS and Wheatley would still be robots, with Wheatley having a body similar to P-Body (no clue what the names would be pls help)
As for old aperture... uumm. I think Rattman and Cave could switch and Caroline would just be "Michelle" as a shortening of Chell and when Chell realizes that she goes through the whole thing.
Cave could've gotten Rattman's place because maybe Cave did something stupid (too stupid) and everyone kicked him out and replaced him with the next hardest working employee, being Rattman!
I think storywise Chapter 1 would be GLaDOS looking for androids (Wheatley) that are still living?? and GLaDOS sees it as an opprotunity so she sends Wheatley into the facility with the idea that he won't get detected by Chell because he is an AI.
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please oh please comment ideas and repost or something idunno
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latelyloxiv · 2 years ago
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can't believe i forgot about this rodeo AU Biz art from last year?? in this AU she never left Oklahoma but still got wrapped up in organized crime run behind the scenes at local rodeo circuit (also she goes by her actual name; Holly, in this AU)
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captain-amadeus · 2 years ago
I love how one of the STF characters canonically has a knife be a part of his design
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starsifter · 6 months ago
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Stupid ass reply to this post but hey sure I'll bite. No. I don't. Because I have neither of those things and I'm manly as fuck. Nananabooboo and all that.
Like I said, all terfs are fucking stupid.
Anyways hello to all my manly men with breasts and no facial hair and no penises. Hello to my feminine trans men and trans guys with high pitched voices. Hello to all trans men, love you guys, I am one of you and we're manly as fuck. Pre-op, post-op, or no-op. HRT or no HRT. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
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henneseyhoe · 11 months ago
Drake: h-
rappers that hate him: yo mama and yo son white nananabooboo 🫵🏽😛
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lyn-yeah-that-one · 3 months ago
Why are you a horse
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soobjvn · 2 years ago
TULIPS 🌷⁎︎° ✳︎ CHAPTER 18 : “ #sillpimpin ,,
↳︎ cw: none!
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TAGLIST 🌷@bangchansbae @raehyun-byeoll @yyawnjun @junhuicosmo @n034sy @wintertxt (bold couldn’t be tagged)
A/N 🌷 this is my formal petition to bring back “nananabooboo” bc it’s actually the best comeback ever tell me im wrong
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johnnyvalance · 2 months ago
rip sodapop curtis you would’ve loved ME. YOU WOULD’VE LOVED ME. and nobody can tell me otherwise because he isnt real hahaha nananabooboo 🫵🙉
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Ongoing saga of me and coffee, much to the irritation of all the witches here who are loving and cursing me
Quit drinking and smoking cannabis and immediately started overcompensating by heavily increasing sugar intake and caffeine. This is a common deviation for people in recovery
Was aware and let it keep happening because working on one thing at a time (drugs and alcohol) was the game plan. You don't wanna give up everything at once and cause a backslide right?
Escalated to drinking a cup of coffee every single time I thought about what to do, or got stressed, or wanted to avoid work, or self soothe
Heart condition started acting up. Irregular beats /arrhythmia. Attacks started at a few minutes and gor longer
Got sick with a cold, cold medication triggered heart issues to get more annoying
Posted about it on Tumblr.com
Immediately my coffee machine breaks
Accuses witches of witchery. Sound of giggles from the crowd and no one takes responsibility. I see you, I'm not convinced
Days later, detoxed off coffee because can't leave house (sick) and machine broken. Gets less sick
Drives to coffee shop. Orders coffee. Feeling very self righteous about it, nananabooboo
They over sugar it. Can't even get through it. Have to dump it. Sound of giggles from tumblr again. Damn you all
Days go by again
Coffee machine fixed by partner. Can have coffee once more. Have been forced to sit with the knowledge that coffee was providing me with no additional wakefulness and may have been triggering anxiety or oddly, making me more tired. Now I have to live with this knowledge.
Makes a coffee
Sits down with coffee
Has a sip
Wonders what next curse will befall me
Makes this post
Might not finish the coffee
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born2b-beheaded · 4 months ago
Its not thanksgiving yet you Dumb fuck
Its thanksgiving when i say it is. you're just.jealous. and stinky. nananabooboo
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dizzymoods · 6 months ago
"nananabooboo did i trigger you, you little snowflake" asses making a Is It Woke list. oh how quickly the trigger employs trigger warnings. Did zelda echoes of wisdom current focking day you? Did you see focking pronouns in pokemon gold/silver? Does GTA VI have californian shyte? aww poor baby
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croisstime-gf · 8 months ago
doing this for my silly kinsona Ginger Candy Cookie. she’s like if coffee candy was a silly cat.
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ask game under read more (I know you’re supposed to like let people ask you things in your inbox but snuh uh)
🏳️‍🌈: Lesbian, like me, and also Girl+. Like. I’m a girl. But also more things above girl. Like 100% girl + more percents. this will be on the test.
🐣: idk I think the whole being stuck in a time rift for so long she began changing would be pretty unique
🧜‍♀️: see above. She also has minor chronokinesis. Nothing near Timekeeper’s abilities in the slightest, but she’s able to make little time rifts sometimes. She’s working on making cookie-sized ones.
🤷: Ginger’s most mundane hobby is probably something nice like sewing. She likes to sew and make little plushies.
‼️: Her most extreme hobby? Honestly just so much. She likes pushing herself to the limit. Also she really likes rollercoasters so I guess rollercoaster riding.
🏃‍➡️: She’s definitely a risk taker. Kit’s had multiple moments where kit has done some stupid shit like put 30 marshmallows in her mouth at once and eat. The floor. She has canonically eaten the walls of the TBD. I am serious.
👑: She’s mischievous towards her friends. I am so. Silly. With friends. sometimes during vcs I randomly begin growling and going feral. for like no reason. I might be going insane.
💞: Saying Coffee Candy would be cheating, so I’ll say Timekeeper. In fact, Ginger Candy Cookie is in the process of becoming a time god like Timekeeper.
🌻: Baguette. She still admires Baguette, even if this isn’t her timeline.
⭐️: If she feels awkward, her ears will go airplane and her eyes will go all big (and get swirly like normal Coffee Candy). She also has a tendency to scamper away like an actual fuckin kitty.
❤️: Purring! So much purring! She will also curl up on peoples’ stuff. She most commonly does it with Croissant and Timekeeper but sometimes she will curl up on String Gummy’s gun while he’s not using it and prevent him from taking it haha loser dumb fuck nananabooboo.
❓: A random fact about Ginger Candy that was somewhat said before, but she likes to eat “non-edible” things. This is in quotes, because everything is technically edible in the Cookie Run world. Since the cookies both use and eat food items (like chocolate being used for the walls but also several characters being seen eating chocolate bars), it’s possible to eat the walls and floors. She has done this. Multiple times. She started doing this after seeing a timeline with humans and thinking that they could do it before realizing she could as well.
Also, her and actual Coffee Candy are really awkward towards one another because like wtf that’s just the same person twice. This has never ever happened in the TBD ever before and is entirely new and different and has never happened before, and the Director definitely isn’t an alternate timeline version of one of the Tech Development Division employees no siree. Nuh uh.
Self-Insert Ask Game:
🏳️‍🌈: What is your self-insert’s gender identity? What’s their sexuality? Are they the same as yours irl?
🐣: What are some unique experiences that your self-insert has had that you have not?
🧜: Are there any important parts of your self-insert’s life that can’t be recreated irl? What’s the most interesting one?
🤷: What is your self-insert’s most mundane hobby?
‼️: What is your self-insert’s most extreme hobby?
🏃‍➡️: Is your self-insert cautious, or are they a risk-taker? Does this match how you are irl?
👑: What’s something about your self-insert that completely matches up with you irl?
💞: What canon character has the most in common with your self-insert?
🌻: Who would your self-insert say that their biggest role model is?
⭐️: What does your self-insert do when they feel awkward?
❤️: What does your self-insert do when they feel happy?
❓: What’s a random fact about your self-insert that you want to share?
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aud-imeatingurwalls · 2 years ago
me (threateningly): nananabooboo
the kids at the playground i js lit on fire: AHHHHHH
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