#na Lunar
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sigery · 2 years ago
Who Is Who
Not Alone AU (offshoot)- Atlas (Eclipse back up, Lunar's head mate) Lunar Rogue (Blood Moon) Rascal (Harvest Moon) Citrus (Eclipse back up, twins' head mate)
Remorseful Lord Eclipse AU (offshoot)- Envy (Eclipse, Lord) Gluttony (Lunar, heir) Wrath (Blood Moon) Sloth (Harvest Moon) Lust (Sun) Pride (Moon) Greed (Monty) Gore (alt Blood Moon, gladiator verse) Glory (alt Harvest Moon, gladiator verse) Chaos (Kill Code)
Stolen Data AU (rewrite verse) Periwinkle (Lunar) Rusty (Blood Moon)
Brother Location (alt dimension)- Solar "Glitch" Eclipse Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon "Scarlet" Eclipse Sun Moon
Other unrelated extra buds Alli Gator (Eclipse back up, inprinted on Monty)
'Very Sad Eclipse' (Killed Lunar for the star, immediate regret)
Lil Lunar (Found star disguised as a toy)
Lord TC (half joking half OTP)
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sigery · 2 years ago
Rascal & Rogue: baby! *scooping Luna up*
Citrus: No, not baby. That isn't our Lunar.
Rascal & Rogue: *already heading home with Luna*
Citrus, resigned: *calls Atlas to warn him*
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More gender swap stuff. I imagine the sisters relationship is slightly better just because they're more honest about their opinions but sadly the better relationship means more headache for the other who's just trying to keep the idiot alive.
... With that being said I have no idea what au she went to. Feel free to adopt her for a bit.
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jaehyunsprincesspeach · 1 year ago
hi! hope you’re doing well. This request are from Brazil (sorry for the writing errors. I feel very insecure writing in English). Your writing is so perfect, I should've admit it. Never stop writing 💜
I was wondering if I could request a nct dream reaction to their y/n out of nowhere start to singing (she did it pretty good) please? that’ll be all :)
honestly i was feeling down about my writing and this really made me feel better, thank you so much!! thank you for the req, i hope you are well 🤍
NCT Dream Reaction: S/O Who Can Sing
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the first time mark hears you singing, he is amazed! he would just stand there listening for a moment before he says anything! he would absolutely ask you to sing on his next song that he’s working on because “your voice would be perfect!” he would ask you to sing often after that cause he’s just so in love with you and hearing you sing calms his mind, especially after long days
renjun would listen to you singing, and his face would look fairly neutral, but he would feel so proud. like you could be cleaning i.n your room or doing something random and he would just listen to your voice feeling more calm than ever. he would ask if the two of you can sing a duet together, and your voices would fit together so perfectly!
wherever you are singing, jeno is simply watching you with literal heart shaped eyes. you never fail to amaze him, and when he finds out you can sing, he just stares at you as if there is nothing more beautiful in the world, and he truly believes that. when you’ve finished your song he would walk up and wrap you in a tight hug, praising you for how amazing you sound
haechan would be shocked at first, and then he would join you, singing whatever song you’re singing. it would turn into a whole concert with just the two of you in a room, and no audience. he would (gently) tackle you in the biggest hug and tease you a little for not telling him you have such an amazing voice. asks you to sing him to sleep when he’s overwhelmed or had a rough day
jaemin has nothing but heart eyes when he hears you sing for the first time. its like time stops, and there is nothing in the world except the two of you. he would encourage you to continue if you get embarrassed (would be me) and after he would always slowly enter rooms in case you are singing so that he can hear you sing without disturbing you.
this man is a menace, honestly he would absolutely love hearing you sing, but he would look at you the first time with a smug smirk, as he starts giving you pointers, as if you werent just enjoying your time dancing around the kitchen singing Fireworks by Katy Perry at the top of your lungs… in reality he would love this so much! he would adore hearing you sing, and would adore watching you sing at the top of your lungs even more!
his jaw hits the floor…. he's so stunned and so in awe of you when he finds out you can sing, he's got a swarm of butterflies in his stomach and his cheeks are flushed… tells you you are better at singing than he is and that you should become an idol, he truly believes you have the most beautiful voice he’s ever heard, and he makes sure you know that!
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chermibear · 14 days ago
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It's officially the Year of the Snake! 🐍 Happy Lunar New Year everyone! 🍊🍊 Wishing you a year of health and serendipity. 💕
蛇年吉祥 福寿安康!
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avitha · 21 days ago
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Did a little pic of Jin based on an illustration of Mulan in "Mulan's Lunar New Year" <3
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jumpin-jack-va · 1 year ago
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Some doodles :D
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crystalsenergy · 2 years ago
Como o Eclipse Lunar em Escorpião vai te afetar individualmente? ♏🌕
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Escorpião é um signo intenso, impetuoso, profundo, intuitivo. Se usado de forma negativa, ele se torna extremo, inflexível, dependente, destrutivo. Com o Eclipse Lunar nesse signo, a Lua entra em todo o seu potencial, trazendo à tona o escondido e o que você tem ignorado de aspectos internos. Quais aspectos? Vamos descobrir?!
Veja em seu mapa em qual casa Escorpião está localizado, após, consulte abaixo qual ou quais dos assuntos ou sentimentos podem ser trazidos à tona com mais força:
Escorpião na casa 1 (Ascendente em Escorpião): Assuntos mais tocados - identidade, autoimagem. Sentimentos: raiva, destruição, ímpeto, tendência a intensidade no temperamento, consciência maior de quem você tem sido (sobre a sua imagem transmitida aos outros). Cuidado com autodestruição, autossabotagem. Sombras em relação aos assuntos mencionados antes vindo à tona. Por exemplo, os problemas na sua visão de si mesmo/a vindo mais à tona.
Escorpião na casa 2: Assuntos - finanças, autovalor, estabilidade, autoestima, zona de conforto, prazer. Sentimentos: busca mais intensa por alguns dos assuntos anteriormente mencionados, cuidado com ficar obcecado por algo material. Cuidado com a busca por conexão por meio do materialismo, o que não combina e não traz o que no fundo você deseja.
Escorpião na casa 3: Assuntos - comunicação, aprendizado, mente. Sentimentos: busca intensa por algum conhecimento, por entrar em contato com as pessoas, socializar, aprender. Cuidado com ansiedade. Atente-se à inflexibilidade ou intensidade ao se comunicar.
Escorpião na casa 4 (Fundo do Céu em Escorpião): Assuntos - emoções, sentimentos, pertencimento, família, passado, lar. Sentimentos: sensibilidade mais aguçada às coisas emocionais de seu entorno, um dia mais intenso em casa, seja a sua casa física ou a sua morada interior, ou seja, dentro de você.
Escorpião na casa 5: Assuntos - ego, expressão, criatividade, criança interior. Sentimentos: necessidade maior de admiração, amor, apego mais forte a algo ou a alguém. Cuidado com padrões de dependência emocional sendo trazidos à tona, observe-os e cultive atitudes emocionalmente equilibradas.
Escorpião na casa 6: Assuntos - organização, trabalho, produtividade, serviço, saúde física. Sentimentos: uma busca maior por organizar, resolver, solucionar algo. Cuidado com overthinking (pensar demais) e querer resolver tudo de forma desmedida. Cuidado com foco excessivo em realizar e se desconectar de sua saúde física. Aproveite a energia para limpar, organizar o que está desorganizado. Comece dentro de você. Aproveite para fazer suas tarefas com ainda mais vontade neste dia. Encontre soluções plausíveis, mas que não afetem o seu emocional negativamente.
Escorpião na casa 7 (Descendente em Escorpião): Assuntos - relacionamentos afetivos, negócios, parcerias, trocas, reciprocidade, empatia. Sentimentos: Intuição muito mais forte em relação a outras pessoas - seus sentimentos e o que elas mostram por trás das máscaras. Possessividade em relacionamento afetivo, cuidado com isso! Atente-se também a ciúmes e projeção maior de você em outras pessoas. Pratique ter mais autoconsciência hoje.
Escorpião na casa 8: Assuntos - vida interior profunda, intuição, espiritualidade. Sentimentos: Abertura ainda maior para energias externas, sentimentos profundos aflorados, captação das energias de seu entorno, energia e magnetismo ainda maior, poder pessoal sentindo necessidade de crescer, ambição por alcançar algo profundo.
Escorpião na casa 9: Assuntos - otimismo, fé, crenças, conhecimentos profundos, diversidade. Sentimentos: Busca por conhecimento, a fome de entender algo de maneira profunda. Atente-se a fanatismos ainda maiores nesse período. Cuidado com 'otimismo' em excesso, desmedido, sem equilíbrio, tornando-se algo irresponsável. Atente-se para a busca por significado sem um objetivo prático por trás, apenas para sentir.
Escorpião na casa 10 (Meio do Céu em Escorpião): Assuntos - carreira, objetivos profissionais, missão de vida. Sentimentos: necessidade maior de alcançar objetivos materiais. Cuidado com a comparação, se comparar, e o desequilíbrio entre emocional e profissional. Cuidado com overworking (trabalhar em excesso). Aproveite a energia para correr atrás de algo com toda a sua profundidade e para traçar planos. Atente-se para o seu inconsciente dominando a sua carreira - medos, projeções.
Escorpião na casa 11: Assuntos - amizades, grupos, questões sociais, imparcialidade, impessoalidade, racionalidade. Sentimentos: busca intensa por pertencimento em algum grupo ou busca grande por compreender alguma questão que não envolve apenas você. Questões com amizades vindo à tona, ressurgindo. Cuidado com sentimentos baixos como inveja, cuidado com os sentimentos que você tanto guarda e pouco expressa sobre os outros.
Escorpião na casa 12: Assuntos - vida psíquica, mente, inconsciente, saúde mental, imaginação, captação de energias das coisas e das pessoas. Sentimentos: intuição forte, não conseguir se aterrar, encarar Sombras internas através da projeção externa - olhando muito para você por meio dos outros, sentimentos intensos, emoções reprimidas.
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newstotalcomunicacao · 6 months ago
Moléculas de água são encontradas em amostra lunar coletada por sonda chinesa
À medida que cientistas chineses analisavam as amostras de solo que sua sonda lunar trouxe de volta da Lua, eles perceberam algo revolucionário: havia água junto com minerais no solo. Encontrar água na Lua, por si só, não é novidade. Naves espaciais da Nasa (agência espacial dos Estados Unidos) e da Índia já detectaram o que acreditam ser água na superfície lunar, e cientistas chineses, no ano…
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geekpopnews · 1 year ago
Dark Souls e outros clássicos com 50% de desconto na Steam
Confira as promoções do Ano Novo Lunar que traz Dark Souls e outros clássicos da Bandai Namco com 50% de desconto na Steam, até 22 de fevereiro. #DarkSouls # BandaiNamco #Steam #AnoNovoLunar2024
Promoções do Ano Novo Lunar na Steam trazem descontos de mais de 50% em jogos icônicos, incluindo a renomada série Dark Souls. Além dos títulos da franquia, outros jogos aclamados da desenvolvedora japonesa, Bandai Namco, estão inclusos na programação de ofertas válida até o dia 22 de fevereiro. A promoção visa oferecer aos jogadores a chance de adquirir grandes títulos por preços mais…
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sigery · 2 years ago
Harvest Moon Rascal: Are we really going to let Lunar Radio keep Atlas? Blood Moon Rogue: We kept Citrus.
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sexysilverstrider · 1 year ago
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the way i screamed
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edsonjnovaes · 1 year ago
Hélio 3 e hélio 4
Quem acompanha ficção científica já ouviu falar de Hélio-3. Ele é o combustível usado nos quase-mágicos motores Epstein em The Expanse, que abriram o Sistema Solar para a Humanidade. Já na em For All Mankind, do Apple+, o Hélio-3 é responsável pelo fim do Aquecimento Global, energia barata e limpa e uma melhoria geral na qualidade de vida do planeta. Carlos Cardoso – Meio Bit Em um estudo…
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nedoliveira1 · 1 year ago
China planeja construir base na Lua dentro de caverna
NOTÍCIA: As cavernas lunares podem ser o lar dos futuros exploradores do espaço. Elas são tubos de lava que oferecem proteção contra a radiação, os meteoritos e as temperaturas extremas. Você moraria em uma caverna na Lua?
As cavernas foram um refúgio para os humanos nos tempos pré-históricos. Elas nos protegiam dos elementos, dos predadores e dos rivais, quando nossas únicas tecnologias eram paus, pedras, peles e fogo. Agora, à medida que avançamos para a exploração do espaço, as cavernas podem desempenhar um papel semelhante novamente, mas desta vez na Lua. A Lua é um mundo hostil, cheio de perigos que ameaçam a…
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abyssus-aeterna · 1 year ago
[Classical transliteration]
Kuraki yo no yami ni okite wegakaretaru ware fa, kusari no manaka ni yadoru. Kore-ra no kabe fa mata futatabi tozasi-yuki, ono-ono no mono fa si ni nitari. Ono-dukuri no nani-gasi no ono ga nikumi, ono ga mi wo sagasi-motomuru nani-gasi no ana. Wa ga tuti fa wa ga tama ni site, wa ga fitugi fa wa ga sisi ni site, wa ga kamu-dono fa wa ga karada nari. Kamu-na-duki no asa-fi ni terasaretaru wa ga karada fa, imiziku ti-mamire nari.
[Modern transliteration]
Kuraki yo no yami ni okite egakaretaru ware wa, kusari no manaka ni yadoru. Kore-ra no kabe wa mata futatabi tozashi-yuki, ono-ono no mono wa shi ni nitari. Ono-dzukuri no nani-gashi no ono ga nikumi, ono ga mi wo sagashi-motomuru nani-gashi no ana. Wa ga tsuchi wa wa ga tama ni shite, wa ga hitsugi wa wa ga shishi ni shite, wa ga kan-dono wa wa ga karada nari. Kan-na-dzuki no asa-hi ni terasaretaru wa ga karada wa, imijiku chi-mamire nari.
pictured in the blackness of the dark nights, I dwell within decay:
these walls are closing in again, & every object resembles death,
some self-created self-hatred, some hole in which I seek myself,
my soil is my soul, my casket is my flesh, my church is my body;
bloody, so bloody is my body in the morning light of november.
#🫀#.#poetry#voidic3ntity#translation to classical japanese#translator’s notes below#the recurring root word in the translation is おの ono#己/自 ono or 己れ onore is a reflexive pronoun meaning ‘one’s self’#各々 ono-ono is likely related thereto & it means ‘each & every’ (as in ‘each & every individual self counted together’)#‘church’ in modern japanese is usually 敎會 kyōkai but its literal meaning is ‘(a place of) gathering & (receiving) doctrine’#so i went with 神殿 kan-dono ‘temple; sanctuary’ (literally: ‘house/hall of god(s)’)#塗れ mamire ‘covered/stained all over with/in (some liquid or particles)’#‘november’ in modern japanese is simply 十一月 jū-ichi-gatsu; ie. ‘the 11th month’#in japanese poetry though one would rather use archaic names of the months that followed the traditional lunar calendar#there are also 12 months in total in the japanese lunar calendar but they do not map nicely to the gregorian calendar#長月 naga-tsuki (‘the long month; the month of long nights’) covers the 2nd half of october & the 1st half of november#the month that covers the 2nd half of november & the 1st half of december is called 神無月 kan-na-dzuki#BTW this one has a whole story behind it#it is a compound of 神 kami ‘god; deity’ +‎ な na (genitive particle; a modified form of の no) +‎ 月 tsuki ‘moon; month’#so it just literally means ‘the month of gods’#however な na came to be written with the character 無 (‘naught; none; null’) & the meaning shifted to ‘the month of NO gods’#therefrom arose the folk etymology wherein all of the gods were said to gather at the Grand Shrine of Izumo during this month#(leaving no gods in the rest of the land)#in the Izumo Province itself this month would be sometimes called 神有月/神在月 kami-ari-dzuki ‘the month when the gods are (here)’
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leafofkudzu · 14 days ago
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Happy Lunar New Year, everyone! Though it's not quite a snake per se, the Great Jungle Wurm sends its regards from over in Caledon Forest! It feels like it's been forever since we've been to a sylvari area, so how about we go pay it a visit, and then hang out with the Soundless over on the Weeping Isle? That's right: the first Saturday of a new month fast approaches, which mean it's time for another art party hosted by my guild, [VS] Verdant Shield!
A concept carried over from Final Fantasy XIV, art parties are in-game get-togethers for artists of all kinds to hang out, chat, and create together! For GW2 parties there’s more of an emphasis on hanging out and gathering references during the party itself, and then in the days/weeks following to work on your creations at your own pace and then post to the shared art party tag. We’ve used the same one (#VSArtParty) since the very beginning so you can go allll the way back and explore what people have made! The most important thing to keep in mind though is this: the ‘goal’ of an art party isn’t to be drawn, but to draw others, and share with the community!
Time and /squadjoin information is below the cut, but will also be posted again on the day of the party as squads go up!
Location Information:
The Weeping Isle is a nice and accessible open area, with lots of room for water activities too if anyone wants to bust out a skiff or two! Just head Southwest from Mabon Waypoint and you're there - no funny business needed! It may be in your best interest to turn down your NPC dialogue volume if you stay on land though...
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Time & Squad Details:
As is customary, we’ll be having two parties - the first one on EU servers and the second on NA - with an hour break in between for those who may want to attend both!
The EU server party will begin at 9pm Central European Time (aka 3pm Eastern Standard Time or 4 hours before in-game reset). I’ll be hosting this one on my EU alt account, so please either /whisper or /squadjoin Aemryn of Noon for a taxi invite if you don’t end up on the right map!
The NA server party will begin 1 hour after the EU party’s official end, at 7pm Eastern Standard Time (aka 1am Central European Time or at in-game reset). I’ll be on my main account for this one and may switch ‘host’ characters a few times, but please /whisper or /squadjoin Brasyck for a taxi invite if you don’t see my customary white cat tag hanging around on your map!
Closing Words:
I do feel like I'm always apologizing for being late on these posts, but here I am doing it again: sorry for the delay! Expect me to reblog this a few times before the end of the week just to compensate for my weird posting time since this is also...uhhh.....1am for me as I post this? Whoops. Anyway!
Thank you so much to everyone who came out to the anniversary party last month, it was so much fun! Even with my procrastination I still hope to keep these monthly parties happening for as long as people are interested - after all, you guys are what make them special! Take care of yourselves, and I'll see you all this Saturday! ♥
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vestaignis · 7 months ago
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Вулкан Бромо на о. Ява, расположенный в национальном парке Бромо-Тенгер-Семеру, взмывает на высоту 2392 м и считается самым активным и «ненасытным» на острове. Последние 20 лет он постоянно «дышит», его огромный кратер диаметром 600 м все время наполнен дымом, а все вокруг, включая тропы и дороги вокруг вулкана, усыпаны густым слоем пепла. Однако это абсолютно не мешает Бромо привлекать многочисленных туристов, которые приезжают, чтобы полюбоваться фантастическими «лунными» пейзажами, посмотреть со смотровой площадки на могучий вулкан на рассвете, когда его склоны окрашиваются в розовые и золотые тона, и, наконец, совершить восхождение к кратеру и пройтись по его кромке на высоте птичьего полета.
Название Бромо происходит от яванского имени бога Брахмы, и находится вулкан посреди песчаной равнины, которую местные жители называют Сегара Веди, что значит «Песчаный океан». Здесь же, у северных склонов Бромо стоит индуистский храм Пура Лухур Потен, построенный из темных вулканических камней. Каждый год, начиная с XV в., тенгеры (яванская народность) целый месяц отмечают праздник Ядня Каса��а, во время которого они поднимаются к кратеру и сбрасывают в жерло вулкана жертвоприношения богам – фрукты, овощи, цветы, рис, кур и даже домашний скот, причем живьем. Именно поэтому Бромо и называют «ненасытным».
Лучшее время для посещения вулкана - с апреля по октябрь. Сезон дождей длится с декабря по март. Днем здесь прохладно, температура не превышает +20°C.
Mount Bromo on Java Island, located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, rises to a height of 2,392 m and is considered the most active and “insatiable” on the island. For the last 20 years, it has been constantly “breathing”, its huge crater with a diameter of 600 m is constantly filled with smoke, and everything around, including paths and roads around the volcano, is strewn with a thick layer of ash. However, this does not prevent Bromo from attracting numerous tourists who come to admire the fantastic “lunar” landscapes, look at the mighty volcano from the observation deck at dawn, when its slopes are painted in pink and gold tones, and, finally, climb to the crater and walk along its edge at a bird's eye view.
The name Bromo comes from the Javanese name of the god Brahma, and the volcano is located in the middle of a sandy plain, which the locals call Segara Wedi, which means “Sand Ocean”. Here, on the northern slopes of Bromo, there is a Hindu temple, Pura Luhur Poten, built of dark volcanic stones. Every year, since the 15th century, the Tenggerese (Javanese people) celebrate the Yadnya Kasada festival for a whole month, during which they climb to the crater and throw sacrifices to the gods into the volcano's mouth - fruits, vegetables, flowers, rice, chickens and even livestock. That is why Bromo is called "insatiable".
The best time to visit the volcano is from April to October. The rainy season lasts from December to March. It is cool here during the day, the temperature does not exceed +20°C.
Источник://t.me/krasivye_mesta_turizm,/vsegda-pomnim.com / vulkany/6053-vulkan-bromo-76-foto.html,//photopole.ru/krasivye-kartinki/vulkany-krasivye,/geosocks.com/bromo-volcano/, //thinking.ru/trips/indonesia/vulkan-bromo-na-indoneziyskom-ostrove-yava/,www.pac.ru/guide/indonesia/java/landmarks/mount-bromo/,/www.tripadvisor.ru/Attraction_Review-g297710-d2307699-Reviews-Bromo_Tengger_Semeru_Adventure-Malang_East _Java_ Java.html,//www.tourister.ru/world/asia/indonesia/city/malang/volcano/30191.
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