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fcyrah · 20 hours ago
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Sugar Mommy
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"Be not afraid. Little one, you'll experience no scarcity ever again if you spend eternity by my side."
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moniquill · 4 months ago
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Joyous Wet Beast Wednesday to those who observe.
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pusheen · 7 months ago
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hazbin-reimagined · 22 hours ago
Adding onto this,
I think the “Sin of Sloth” as presented by Christianity is incredibly ableist, as Laziness itself is largely a myth, and you can learn about this more by reading Mel Levine’s “The Myth of Laziness” where she explores this in depth. Many disabled and mentally ill people are called “lazy” when they are simply trying to survive under their conditions every day, and if they could complete xyz task, they absolutely would, if thier bodies and minds would let them.
My take on the “sin of Sloth” is two things:
“Sloth” being Biblical shorthand for anyone who does anything to avoid hard work (including coming up with ways to make work easier; the sweat of hard labor being more valued in the old times than innovation or efficiency)
Or my interpretation:
Sloth being making the active choice to do nothing, even though you have all the tools at your disposal to make a difference.
This interpretation, instead of condemning people who don’t “work hard enough” instead brings to light the sin of turning a blind eye to people and situations that need your help.
In this case, Sloth would be an accomplice to the other Sins.
While Greed takes from the less fortunate, or Envy plots their enemies downfall, or Lust or Wrath enact Violence onto others;
Sloth just, watches, and does nothing. Not from a place of fear, or despair, but from a place of not caring, and choosing to do nothing about it.
Sloth, like Envy, is a sin of the heart. To be Slothful is to be content in not caring about others suffering.
Compared to the other deadly sins it seems so minor, until you realize that Sloth is complicit. Sloth is complicit in everything. The “It’s not happening to me, so why should I care”. Witnessing evil while having the tools to intervene and doing nothing to stop it. That is Sloth. There is complexity to it. Many people turn a blind eye to save themselves. But there is selfishness in that. To help your neighbor is a virtue, and to Heaven, refusing virtue is a sin.
This is how I see it, anyways.
Scholarly Biblical analysis/disclaimer below:
Full disclosure, all “Deadly Sins” parodied or mentioned in the Bible are, at their core, parable. Many cultures advise against the risks of over-indulgence of any kind, including over-indulging in aspects of human nature, by writing stories of what the fates that befell xyz character of fable for indulging in that “sin”. The concept of “sin” is largely conjecture. The Christian Bible also sites “eating seafood”, “wearing mixed fabrics” (polyester) and “cutting your hair” as sins. If these “sins” can be disregarded as cause for damnation, then everything sited as sin in the Bible should be under scrutiny. What’s important at the end of the day is to think critically and to keep your mind open to the possibilities.
My name is Chuck, I am a recovering Christian rewriting Hazbin and Dante’s Inferno because I think both Dante and Vivienne Midrano are uninspired Hacks, follow my blog for critical analysis of the Hellaverse as well as updates on my Horror Anthology set in my reimagined Hell. Kudos!
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"I have symptoms of narcolepsy, it might be because of my many meds or my mental health but I need to get tested since it's been there for a long time. Either way, it's when you feel the overwhelming need to sleep and it is OUT OF YOUR CONTROL, it isn't a deliberate choice or plain old laziness (as my parents called it my whole life). Belphegor exhibiting the symptoms of narcolepsy, being unable to stay awake despite trying as we clearly see her try, and this being characteristic of the SIN of SLOTH (implying being drowsy despite your best efforts is not only a choice to exhibit sloth but also sinful) - fuck you Vivz. You're as bad as my parents that traumatised me."
Submitted by anonymous
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horseimagebarn · 2 years ago
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horses relaxing and sleeping on the beach basking in the sun and the sand they are enjoying their time at the beach amongst humans in peaceful harmony with both man and nature
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ema0rsully · 3 months ago
Ok- listen to me on this one.
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I find it surprising how the authorities arresting I.M.P. were from the sloth ring (the candles). Considering the fact that sloth = lazy. I’d expect the authorities to be from the wrath or even envy ring.
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What if- and this is just a theory..
What if, Belphegor is always sleepy because she sleeps for the sinners and inhabitants of the sloth ring.
Belphegor is a sheep. When you can’t sleep, what do you do? You try to count sheep to try and get some sleep. Maybe, what Belphegor does is to help her subjects, she helps sleep for them and in return her subjects aren’t ever sleepy and always energised to do their work. All the energy she gains from sleeping, she gives it to her people so they dont require to sleep. But of course, this takes a toll on her because now she’s always sleepy.
I know, not alot of proof to go around this theory. But look at this guy,
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He looks like some kind of anger therapist for Satan. He’s definitely from the sloth ring (the candle). And look back in S2 E4,
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The guys are also from the sloth ring (the candles). Seems like all medicine/drugs comes from the sloth ring. And for a ring where you’re supposed to be demotivated or lazy, they do ALOT of work. From careers such as a therapist or an officer, these jobs require ALOT of energy. Some even time consuming.
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And Belphegor seems to sleep ALOT compare to her own sinners/inhabitants in sloth. Thats why it got me thinking, how can her own people do all these jobs and yet Belphegor herself cant get through a trial without falling in and out of sleep? It makes you ponder.. why would she do that to herself?
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Maybe because, her ring is at the lowest in the hierarchy. Its isn’t the most deadliest sin like pride or wrath. I also think she fears her ring might fall behind the other rings because her people will be too lazy to get anything done. So to avoid any mockery from the other Deadly Sins, she decides to give them energy by sleeping for them. It doesn’t matter is she’s oversleeping or not present when a meeting is being held, as long as her ring is prosperous, she’s sleeping peacefully.
I feel like the downside to all this is that, the sloth ring is ALWAYS awake. Nobody sleeps which means sinners and inhabitants are always finding something to do. Which is why her ring ends up being the ring with the best medicine/drugs, hospitals and maybe even security service.
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without-ado · 1 year ago
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How to weigh baby animals
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amnhnyc · 1 month ago
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On National Poop Day, we share ancient poop! Can you guess which animal made this well-preserved mess? A giant ground sloth! This specimen was found in Mylodon Cave in Chile. Bones of giant ground sloths have been found near those of early humans, hinting that ground sloths and early humans used the same caves, though not necessarily at the same time.
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artechoceneexplorer · 10 months ago
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Decided to retouch a bit of this old paleoart piece, featuring a pair of Andalgalornis taking advantage of a bushfire to hunt and scavenge for easy pickings, for no particular reason 👀
Anyways hope you like this small bit of content, it's not much but I think this is one of the best pieces I've made :>
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as-warm-as-choco · 2 years ago
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was talking w/ my fav tattoo artist about this omake & they sent it immediately 😭💀
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locust-dust · 1 month ago
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Beastars sketch page :v
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stutterhug · 1 year ago
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The Next Breath Sloth~
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knuppitalism-with-ue · 10 months ago
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Result from the Pleistocene Cuba #paleostream! SO many cool creatures from here, and we JUST missed them, mostly because well, ourselves
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Here the labeled version. This one was rather easy to research because i already ad done most of the research for a island size chart years ago.
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This one. The only overhaul that was really needed was Antigone cubensis, the flightless crane, for which it is really hard to come by the original description.
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Thankfully @albertonykus was able to provide and another friend quickly made this graphic showing some of the proportional differences between it ant its modern relatives.
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pusheen · 2 years ago
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horseimagebarn · 2 years ago
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horse laying down looking at camera nose rather close to the lens its face is one of tranquility though a spark of curiosity and life still remains in its eyes
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