ryebread-x · 1 month
I'm more inclined to believe/prefer the theory of Sigyn being a war related goddess rather than the theory of her being a valkyrie/former valkyrie
It just makes more sense to me, and I feel as if it gives her individualism as possibly a victory and loyalty goddess rather than having her be connected to the valkyries
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sigynoffidelity · 1 year
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I switched the mood for this piece a lot, but I wanted to Try some new coloring methods.
Here we go, myth loki and Sigyn
Always for @mkingames and @icancorruptyou 😘
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Imagine tagging Neil Gaiman, whom you constantly complain about because he doesn't depict Loki the way you wish, to confirm some half-assed theory (by that salty Tumblr user I know suibaited me at least once on anon).
I know you're referring to this frame:
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Sandman spoilers!!!
It's implied/stated Dream wanted to die, so he MIGHT HAVE orchestrated his own death (and that's what Loki realized, that Dream allowed Loki to escape his punishment because he knew it'd lead to his death). Only to reincarnate in Daniel.
First, Sigyn wouldn't know shit. People don't need reasons or justifications to take abuse. There's no "greater reason." They just do. Maybe she doesn't like the idea of someone suffering like that. People can care about people that fucking hate them.
The way y'all talk about abuse is fucking harmful. With the constant praising of perfect victim narratives, hating women for not being doormats ("Sylvie is abusive"), acting like being loyal to an abusive husband is a sign of sainthood, using cherrypicked comic panels where Marvel!Loki says he loves Marvel!Sigyn to prove that there was actually no abuse, ignoring a lot of other stuff. Acting like there's a greater reason or justification for the abuse.
I feel like having Sigyn calling out Daniel!Dream would be incredibly out of place. And this sounds like beating a dead horse with OP's insistence on holding Marvel's Ikol accountable for what their previous reincarnation did (Geez, leave Ikol alone).
Also, if I had venom constantly dripped for millennia in my eyes I would also be evil and cuss out whoever was near to me for failing to get it all cus that's fucking torture. That's your answer to why Loki's so fucking evil.
Also, OP lacks basic media literacy and has a tendency to fail to cite sources and just make shit up on various occassions (SiGyN iS aSsOcIaTeD wItH fOxEs. Nope. YOU just made that up.).
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ajzan · 1 month
Although I write this only in Polish, I thought I might still share here my illustrated Logyn (Loki/Sigyn) story on Wattpad.
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slowsadsleepy · 1 year
but like why does it have to be Sigyn holding the bowl why does she have to suffer
can't she just prop the bowl on Loki's face or give the snake a bib
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deadhaven · 5 months
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One of my favorite kennings for Loki is "farmr Sigvinjar arma", which translates roughly to "the cargo of Sigyn's arms". Add a little Gustav Klimt to the equation, and you have an idea that's been plaguing me for months.
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bowldrips · 5 months
"How was Loki with Angrboða AND Sigyn?"
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Old art. But I still stand by it...and use the second panel as a react all the time XD.
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giltandgreen · 3 months
Sigyn: Loki is no longer my boyfriend. Freyja: Thank the Norns, girl. Loki is the craziest person I've ever met in my life... Sigyn: Hold up, hold up. I meant he's now my fiance. Loki: What the Hel? Freyja: I'm so sorry... Freyja: That he's your fiance.
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ryebread-x · 1 month
I realized I never really went into too much depth about my au/retelling of Myth! Sigyn. But I feel like talking about her, so here I go infodumping. I ended up making her more terrifying. But not in a "badass valkyrie" type of way. More in a "bloodthirsty, slightly murdery goddess" sort of way. She likes to wager sides of battle with either Odin,Freyja, Tyr, or even some valkyries. Whenever she wins, she revels in her victory. She's not the kindest goddess, either at least to most of the other gods. Odin isn't too fond of her.
When it comes to her relationship with Loki, they met when Loki witnessed Sigyn win a wager against Odin. Loki was impressed by Sigyn's cunning and ability to flaunt her victory in front of someone like the All-Father. When the two got to talking, Sigyn liked the fact that she felt Loki was on the same playing field as her. In their own individual ways, they are both kinda assholes. Though Loki's sheingains, while often getting the Aesir in trouble, are mostly harmless and sometimes helpful. The same can't really be said for Sigyn she often gets in a lot of trouble herself(though she always finds a way out of her sheingains). But they like that about eachother, neither of them are perfect.
However, she is still loyal to a fault, at least to those she can trust. She isn't stupid either she will take revenge out on those who she feels have wronged her or her loved ones. She cares, but sometimes that can be dangerous.
Anyways, thank you for listening to my ramblings.
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inajeexe · 1 year
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I completely forgot about this little doodle that I made some time ago!!! But anyway-
Here it is!
“Loki and Sigyn shopping in Midgard”
They decided to visit Midgard as if it was the most casual thing for everyone around
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What Norse myth books have you read already? I need new recs x
I don't think any of these are particularly new. Trying to make a list of all I've read. And granted, my attention span has gotten worse over the years.
The first book featuring the norse pantheon in any form I read was Neil Gaiman's "American Gods".
There's Diana Wynne Jones' "Eight Days of Luke" which served as inspiration for "American Gods", according to Neil Gaiman. Children's book.
There's also "Odd and the Frost Giants" by Neil Gaiman and his "Norse Mythology" retelling. Children's book.
I LOVED Louie Stowell's Loki: A Bad God's Guide to Being Good, if you have children or trouble getting through books, get this! It's hilarious and smart. I enjoyed it as an adult. Diary of a Wimpy Kid meets Norse mythology.
I enjoyed the first two books by Joanne Harris as a teen, "Runemarks" and "Runelight." The first two (esp. the first) are fun and I love the Bart Simpson-esque portrayal of Loki. Unfortunately, the quality of later books focusing on Loki is terrible.
I unfortunately read Joanne Harris' "The Testament of Loki", first chapter is interesting, but he's unwillingly sharing a body with an annoying teen girl, and the way Harris deals with eating disorders is really bad. It's awful. Don't recommend.
I think Lyra Wolf's The Nine Worlds rising series are an easy read. I think she has a great comedic voice and the books are worth reading just for that, and I like the toxic Odin/Loki relationship. I do have complaints about them, such as the anachronistic language (e.g. Loki knowing what a Chihuahua is), and that Sigyn doesn't have flaws other than caring too much for her no-good brother. She also has the women are either saints or evil witches dichotomy going on in terms of portrayals of goddesses. I think the stakes are good in these books so that you keep reading them.
I enjoyed Cat Rector's "The Goddess of Nothing at All" A LOT. While it doesn't have my ideal morally gray portrayal of Sigyn yet, it did make Sigyn more complex than others have. I also like this book mainly because I am a sadist and I love whump and there's a lot of suffering on it. It's so sad you won't be laughing at the myth!Loki memes. I would avoid this book if you don't like whump. I do have criticisms about it, such as her Loki was a bit too nice for my taste and could have been worse (making him justified for cutting Sif's hair feels forced; he can still be a loveable and tragic asshole, you know?). But my tragedy-loving self loves this!
I was looking forward to Genevieve Gornichec's "The Witch's Heart", it has a cute start of Loki giving Angrboda her burnt heart, but she criminally made Angrboda and Loki boring as fuck. Angrboda conveniently doesn't remember anything and just fumbles her way inside a cave for a large portion of the book. And she is the POV we're following. WE ARE STUCK IN A CAVE SHE WON'T LEAVE. Loki's portrayal in this is one of the most cisheteronormative I've seen yet, and it's surprising the author managed this in a story where Loki's myth hijinks ensue and wears a dress (he impatiently yanks off because he felt emasculated). The author thinks having a lean build and no beard=queer. Loki only shows interest in women and feels emasculated while wearing a dress. I also happen to hate Skadi and her weird castration fetish in this book. Bitch wouldn't shut up about it. The good thing about this book is that there's no anachronisms, and I liked Hel's portrayal.
So confession, I had Kindle Unlimited trial briefly, and I read a bunch of Loki books, such as Lyra Wolf's.
I think(?) I read A.B. Frost's "Father of Monsters". It was quite short, but has nice illustrations, and Loki's endearing, even if a little shit. That both takes one for the team and also endangers the team.
I read (partially) some book about Loki escaping his punishment early and rejoining the Aesir, but it was criminally boring (it never described how Loki got out of situations and the prose was incredibly VAGUE) and seemed geared towards Norse pagans(Which I AM NOT). Had a spiritual conflict-avoiding vibe. It was called "Loki" but forgot the author's name and I accessed for free by Kindle Unlimited. I also didn't like that it referred to cops as "Tyr's warriors". FUCK COPS.
I have not finished reading Mike Vasich's "Loki". I think the man thinks MCU Loki is accurate to Norse mythology, because that's the only Loki I could picture (and he was adopted by Odin). And man spent way too long describing sensing "power levels" that I ended up getting bored and stopped reading. I've also seen some amusing excerpt from another of his books I have not read. But, if you're an author, don't spend a lot of time describing power levels, FFS! You'll bore the fuck out of your readers.
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randomtheidiot · 3 months
Something that deeply upsets me.
I hate how Hades and Persephone have become the archetypal “healthy goth mythology couple who love each other” when
-Hades kidnapped Persephone (his niece) when she was a young girl and tricked her into eating pomegranate seeds to trap her with him forever, which was a very bad thing to do. (Also, anyone who says that there’s a secret feminist version of the myth is talking out their ass, there is no such thing in any of the recorded versions of the myth.)
-Loki and Sigyn were rIGHT FUCKING THERE-
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And for the record, I blame OSP for this.
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slowsadsleepy · 1 year
A Loki x Sigyn short comic I made about a year ago, when I just finished reading the Eddas.
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annachum · 5 months
Soooo in the Norse Myths, Sigyn isn't mentioned as much as Loki that we know of ( shame )
What I think she was doing ( usually ) in the Norse Myths :
. Being a valkyrie before getting married with Loki
. Often assisting him in his schemes
. Navigating through Aesir court politics with her wit and charms and such
. Forming some unlikely friendships that start off as political alliances yet became friendships
. Fierce mama bear to her kids
. Becoming a strategist and an epitome of Silk Hiding Steel ( her being a Victory Goddess also helps )
. Fucking RAGES in the name of what her husband been through in Ragnarok ( and curses those who harmed her kids and her husband in Ragnarok with drastically lowering chances of victories, mind you )
. Being a scribe/historian like figure for the events of the Nine Realms, so much of her recordings and writings of Loki is to try depict him that he is not entirely evil as how SOME PEOPLE depict or see him
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bowldrips · 3 days
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Just sitting here thinking about how I made this comic in 2017 lol 😶‍🌫️
Original caption:
Sometimes a gift is more about the time someone took to know you or the fact that they wanted to spend time and effort to make you something.
With all the kids Loki and Sigyn have had and lost, I’m sure they’re the patron-somethings of burnt breakfasts in bed, macaroni necklaces, wobbily ceramics, refrigerator art, lumpy first knitting attempts, embarrassing evidence of school plays and recitals etc. I also think it should be a thing that macaroni necklaces or other childish crafts are left at their shrines.
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scaryscarecrows · 2 months
He hasn’t mentioned his journey to anyone–it’s nobody’s business but his own–but word travels as fast as the dead and no less than nine people have tried to talk him out of going, three have told him it’s a waste of time, and everybody’s been watching him out of the corner of their eye.
Sigyn is a sweet girl. She’s very quiet, but she has a sense of humor just the same; he often sees her hiding smiles behind her fingers when things get…well…a little out of hand. And she was…kind, after the Dwarves. She helped him when nobody else would offer a hand up. More importantly, at this moment, she comes bearing food.
“You’re really going?”
“Yes.” She is absolutely not going. It could be dangerous. “They’re only children. Someone needs to investigate.”
“Yes.” She half-bites her lip before visibly stopping herself, a habit she’s only picked up recently. “I brought you this,” she says firmly, thrusting a basket at him. “Spicy fish skewers for the cold, and pumpkin bread just because. The basket will keep everything warm.”
He can tell; he can feel the enchantments on it if he twists his fingers just so.
“Did you make them?”
“I-I had help.”
He settles the basket among his other possessions, takes her hand and lifts it to his lips.
“I’m sure it’s wonderful.” It’s certainly nicer than everyone else’s send-off. For one, it’s a send-off, not an eye-roll. “Thank you, Sigyn.”
“You’ll be careful?”
“What’s the fun in that?” He grins and unteathers the mare. “You have no reason to worry about me. I always come back in one piece.”
“What, this?” He gestures to his mouth. “That was still in one piece! Everything remained on my person.”
“Must you joke about everything?” she gasps, voice scandalized but eyes startlingly amused. “That was horrible!”
“But I was in one piece, and thus I will stay.” He shifts her to one side, and tosses the reins over the mare’s head. “It’s up to you to entertain everyone while I’m gone, I’m afraid. Can’t let them get too comfortable, now.”
Before she can say she won’t, he swings himself up onto the horse, clucks his tongue, and makes his way outside.
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