#mystreet fanfiction
goose-duck · 2 months
My Little Brother
Remember how Dante and Laurence were left at My Street when everyone was at Starlight? The Shadow Knights were also not at Starlight, so, this is how I imagine Gene reacted to Dante losing his mind a bit
"Dante hasn't called me in a while...that's strange for him, he usually calls at least once a week to tell me something.” Gene worriedly states to Sasha. Sasha just shrugs, “He's probably busy or something. Didn't he and the others go to that paradise island or something?” She sounds so sure of it that Gene almost calms down, he shakes it head though, “No…he'd call. No matter how busy he is that guy always has something to tell me about. Something’s wrong.” Sasha just groans in response, not wanting to deal with Gene’s stressed mood right now. “Whatever.” She quickly responds, making it clear she doesn't overly care. Gene gives her an annoyed look and lets out a huff, “I get that you don't think it's a big deal, but he's my little brother, I'm worried! Can't you understand that?” Gene sounds almost desperate to have her understand, he'd already talked to Zenix and he just didn't really get it, despite his best efforts. “Gene, listen. I haven't even had breakfast yet. If you're so worried why don't you go talk to Laurence? He's got siblings, maybe he'll understand.” Sasha just wants Gene out of her hair and that's very clear in her tone. “Laurence? Really?” Gene deadpans. “Who else are you gonna talk to? Everyone else left.” Sasha responds. “ugh! Fine.” Gene groans out and leaves the house, slamming the door.
Gene doesn't hate Laurence, not anymore at least, but that doesn't mean he likes the guy either. Gene begrudgingly walks over to Laurence’s house and rings the doorbell. He can hear someone walking to the door slowly, Laurence must have just woken up…maybe he'd woken him up? Whatever. Laurence opens the door, still in his pajamas, his hair a mess and some drool on his chin. “Gene? What are you doing here? And why so early in the morning? What do you want?” Laurence sounds annoyed, confused and tired. The way Laurence talks makes Gene a bit nervous, he doesn't want to bother Laurence, not when he's so obviously just woken up, but he needs advice. “Hey, buddy…” Gene nervously gets out, scratching the back of his head, a nervous habit. Gene quickly continues when Laurence gives him a confused look, “so um…I haven't heard from Dante in a while…you wouldn't happen to know how he's doing?” The expression on Laurence’s face tells Gene immediately something's wrong, Laurence looks irritated but also understanding. Laurence sighs, “come in, I made tea.”
Laurence moves out of the way of the door and Gene awkwardly steps into his house, feeling like he's not supposed to be there despite being invited in. Gene takes a few more steps in, taking off his shoes as he notices Laurence isn't wearing any and he doesn't want to be rude. Laurence closes the door, keeping the warm air out of his air conditioned house. It's cool, but not so cold you'd need a sweater, it's comfortable. Laurence walks over to the pot of tea and grabs two cups, “want the red or the green?” he politely asks his unexpected guest. “oh..uh, red?” Gene answers quietly. Laurence giggles under his breath, “how'd I know?” Gene snickers a little too, “guess I really am predictable.” “Yes, Edgy Mc Edge Lord.” Laurence jokes. Gene rolls his eyes but smiles, happy that the slight awkward tension has now simmered down at their friendly banter.
Gene sees a blue teacup, very fancy and traditional looking, he figures it belongs to Garroth but decides to make light conversation by asking anyway. “Hey, Laurence?” Gene asks. Laurence hums in response, “yeah?” “who's tea cup is that? It's so…fancy.” Gene asks, trying to be nice about the eccentric cup. “I'll give you two guesses.” Laurence jokes. “Garroth?” Gene asks the obvious. “yup” Laurence responds, looking at the strange blue cup with a soft smile before letting out a sigh, “I miss him…” Laurence has a sad but loving look on his face. “you really care about him, don't you?” Gene asks, giving Laurence a soft smile. Laurence smiles a bit, closing his eyes like he's imagining Garroth’s face, his dorky, crooked smile, “yeah, I do…” he softly whispers out, opening his eyes, still softly looking at that blue tea cup. Laurence shakes his head with a soft giggle, “that man…that strange tea cup…he bought it when we first started living together. He refuses to use it for anything other than tea.” “sounds like Garroth” Gene responds, deciding to lean into Laurence’s clear love and admiration for Garroth. “it really does.” Laurence sighs again before getting more serious, “so, back to why you're here?” Gene nods, “yeah.”
Laurence sets the cups down, the red one in front of Gene and the Green one in front of himself, sitting down at the dining room table. “you can sit you know…you might actually want to for this.” Laurnce gives Gene a worried yet kind look. Gene sits down across from Laurence, “that doesn't sound great…so, what's going on with Dante? How's my little brother doing?” Gene gives Laurence a worried, desperate look. Laurence sighs, “he didn't go to the island with the others…he was supposed to…but…” Laurence trails off. “they forgot him..?” Gene finishes Lauence’s sentence for him. Laurence nods quietly, “yeah. He's still here.” “so why haven't I heard from him?” Gene asks, now having more questions than answers. “Well…he feels abandoned…he kinda went a little crazy…he's got pillows with everyone's faces on them and he won't talk to me…like he doesn't know I exist…he thinks he's completely alone.” Laurence tells Gene the truth, knowing even though it's not good, Gene would prefer the truth than a lie that might make him feel better for a few hours. “I- he- is he- of course he's not okay…what do I do?” Gene holds his cup tightly, extremely worried for his little brother now. Laurence shakes his head sadly, “I'm not sure…” Gene just sighs, finishing up his tea and leaving Laurnces house after thanking him.
Gene decides to go to Dante’s house and see just how bad this is…and maybe talk some sense into him…maybe his brother will know he's real..? He goes to the door, ringing the bell. No answer. He rings it a few more times without answer. He gets annoyed and knocks on the door. The door just opens after the first knock, no one's there though meaning the door was just left open. Gene walks in nervously looking around, he starts looking for Dante, first checking the obvious rooms, the living room, kitchen and Dante’s room. He doesn't find Dante though. Gene then decides to check outside, he sees a few pillows with faces but no Dante. Gene then hears a noise fr Travis’ room. He quickly rushes to Travis’ room, swinging the door open aggressively before stoping and staring at his brother, holding a Travis pillow and crying. “Dante..?” Gene softly whispers out, reaching a hand out for his brother. Dante jumps at the sound of his name and looks at Gene like a scared puppy, “G-Gene..?” Dante mumbles out. “Hey…hey…it's me…it's Gene…it's your big brother…” Gene gently rests a hand on Dante’s head slowly moving it down to cup his little brother’s cheek, “hey, buddy…what's…um…what's going on here..?” Gene looks to the pillow then back at his brother’s sad, tired, tear filled eyes. “h-huh..?” Dante mumbles out, “th-this…is…it's Travis…yeah…this is Travis…it's Travis…Travis…” Dante continues to mumble about Travis to himself. Gene gets more worried seeing this, “Dante, buddy…that's a pillow…” Gene whispers to his brother. “No!! It's Travis! He's still here! He didn't leave me!!” Dante gets defensive, holding the pillow tightly to his chest and pulling away from Gene.
Gene sighs, begrudgingly agrees with Dante, not wanting to have his brother pull away from him like that again, “okay…okay…it's Travis…um…so…how have you been doing, Dante?” Gene sounds horribly nervous, he is, he's never seen his brother like this before. Dante calms down a bit having his delusions reinforced by another person, “oh! Me and my friends just had a big pool party! It's was so fun!” Dante starts to ramble about the “pool party” he had with his “friends”. Gene’s awkard smile slowly melts into a distressed frown as his brother continues to tell him about his recent “adventures” with his friends. Gene cuts Dante off, trying to act normal, “okay buddy, how about you call me and tell me about that later? It's been a while since you've called…” “oh? Has it been? Sorry! Been so busy! I'll call you on the weekend!” Dante says sounding disappointed in himself for not calling his brother for a while. Gene decides to make it a bit easier for Dante, “how about you call me every Sunday at 12? Does that sound good? Even if all you have to say is “hello” I still want you to call” “okay!” Dante responds with a smile.
“hey, bud?” Gene asks softly, “can I have a hug?” Dante nods quickly and wraps his arms around Gene. Gene hugs back, holding his brother like he may never see him again, “take care of yourself, okay? I get it might be hard right now, but please…just…stay alive…I want to be able to see you again.” Dante giggles, not understanding the severity of the situation right now, “obviously! I have to stay in shape for the ladies” Gene lets out a soft genuine laugh at his brother’s antics, “yeah, yeah, whatever you say little brother.” Gene smiles at Dante, just happy to see that even if he's not okay, he's still here. He'll have to find some way to help his brother, but for now just being there, being a real physical person Dante isn't ignoring is probably good enough for today. “I love you, little brother” Gene mumbles into Dante’s blue hair. “I love you too, Gene!” Dante hugs Gene a little tighter, happy to see his brother, even if he isn't consciously aware of the reason why.
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fuckyeahzanvis · 3 months
zanvis nation, i have been enlightened.
Laurance and Gene get competitive and flirtatious and have crazy tension. That's the whole fic. Enjoy :3
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the-kein-blog · 2 months
welcome to THE kein blog!!!! ╔══════════════════════╗
this blog is run by 5 people!
Lemon, ✩🍋✩ (they/them)
Banana, ☄️🍌☄️ (he/they)
Orange, orange ◇ (they/them)
Kiwi, ▴🥝▾ (any)
The Law (The Law)
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
this blog will feature our kein fan art, head canons, general aphmau related reblogs, AND our kein
we'll also respond to any ask sent our way (within reason). generally we'll respond based on whoever feels like responding to one, unless you specifically ask for one of us, of course.
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this is a pretty niche ship, but if you're a kein enjoyer, then you've found you're people.
dare i say.... your home.
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i-hate-garte-romeave · 5 months
Red Carnation.
A PDH!Gene/Aphmau fanfiction, teaser post.
Disclaimer: Gene is aged down, set to be the same age as Garroth instead. And the fic focuses on giving him a recovery arc, but, it's slow-burn.
"The Shadow Knights?" She asked. "Its real stupid, thats what they call their group. They're just mischief makers, really, but -" Laurance cut himself off, taking a deep breath instead of finishing his sentence. Aphmau looked at him, confused, which he noticed. He chuckled, slightly. Setting his elbow against the bench arm, resting his head on his palm, fingers gently tracing against one of the scars around his blueish-white eyes. "But, they can be much worse than that, if you really know them." Aphmau nodded, humming a reply, connecting the dots in her head. "So, you were with them?" She asked, then regretted asking almost instantly. "Yeah. When I was a freshman, I thought they were cool. I thought," Laurance hesitated, "he was cool. They're nothing but trouble, Genes not as bad around Dante, though." Aphmau nodded along, listening to him. "Hes definitely responsible for Dantes recent outgoing spurt, though." The word 'outgoing' was emphasized, sarcastically, though an undertone of genuine concern was obvious. "I see." Aph responded, deciding she was certainly not going to go near that group. "I highly recommend not talking to them." Laurance clicked his tongue. Aphmau nodded, quickly agreeing with him. "Got it!" She noted. She made a mental note to avoid that side of the park, and to watch out for them at school. She definitely wasnt going to talk to them again, and especially not hang out with them. Ever. ​​​​​​
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gameerica · 9 months
Two MyStreet fics I made and never shared here lol
I realized to get my fics seen by more people, maybe it would help to share them lol. So if you're into angst, may I introduce you to:
Last Words of a Shooting Star (AO3)
Summary: After losing miserably in Uno against Aphmau and Aaron, Zane goes on a walk to clear his head. Laying down on the cold ice, he wishes he had gone straight home.
Warnings (You can also see these on AO3): Major character death, gunshot wound(s), blood and injury.
This fic is completed because it's a oneshot and just over 3k words.
Then there's the sequel:
When I Was Done Dying (AO3)
Summary: After learning about Zane's death, Garroth and Aphmau have to suddenly live in a world without him. They rely on each other, but Garroth is still bothered by one thing: Who killed him?
Warnings (You can also see these on AO3): Major character death, lots of grieving and crying.
This fic is also a oneshot, thus it's completed. It's a little under 11k words.
Zane is a character very dear to me, so maybe I'll write some other fic with/about him sometime hehe. If you decide to read one or both of these, make sure to leave a comment! :)
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Chapter 2 is out! I also changed chapter one and fixed some typos. The biggest change is that there is no more chapter zero. 🐈‍⬛️😺😻🐱
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iridiss · 3 months
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4/end scene (you are here)
bro you have got to stop projecting and taking it out on random teenagers
he finds Garroth afterwards <3
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crispys-records · 3 months
travis is the whipped one in any ship hes in but i like to imagine hes especially whipped in zanvis.
like here he is pining for this hot emo freak with the most gorgeous eyes and beautiful laugh and he looks good in everything but especially all black and his voice makes u swoon and (ayesha erotica anyone)
travis gains more confidence once he graduates highschool. and when he realizes that zane lives on the same street as him, hes brought back to his immature highschool days staring longingly at any hot person who doesn't want anything to do with him who passes him in the halls.
hes 14 again, leaning against the lockers and talking to his confidence coach when he gets distracted. not by a hot girl, but by the prettiest boy hes ever seen, sulking to class with a glare that would make anyone faint. he clearly doesn't want a single person to go near him. and travis, ever the unconfident one, wants a piece of that. dante thinks its for a girl. like that hot katelyn chick travis used to stare at? its gotta be her. but sometimes travis will disapear after school, and dante will find him staring at something or someone behind the bleachers and he starts to piece together that travis's type in men is INSANE.
travis never ends up mustering up the courage, but now hes an adult. hes hotter, more charismatic, better. so he waltzes right up to zane's house, knocks on his door, and totally makes a fool of himself. zane sees right through it. he'd find it endearing if he cared, but theres better things to care about than some idiot trying to cozy up with him. So travis is mostly ignored.
zane's days are filled with monotony. he wakes up, gets dressed, works for several hours, and leaves the house for one reason or another. but at some point, travis starts appearing in his point of view, forcing himself into the routine. its not wake up, work, go out, sleep anymore. its wake up, work, talk to travis, sleep. they (reluctantly) exchange numbers. now its wake up, text travis, work, talk to travis, sleep. zane starts to miss when travis isnt there, starts to relish in those moments when they talk. his pride is too much, though, so he'll insist its because travis and aphmau are friends. hes adamant that aphmau's influencing him, that he and travis get along through no fault of his own. hes a tough, emo guy who hates the sun. he couldn’t possibly like a guy as bright as one. no matter how endearing he is. no matter how much he knows they like each other.
as their friendship grows, and they start to hang out with each other exclusively, zane realizes something. travis is popular. a lot of girls, and even some guys, fall for his stupid faux confidence shtick. in a way, it makes zane feel triumphant. he knows that its all an act. he knows the real travis. but it also pisses him off, how travis doesn't even brush them off when theyre together. theyre not in any kind of relationship, not like that. but zane knows travis likes him, so why isnt he saying anything? zane thinks about it more, and realizes that oh. he likes travis too. maybe even more than he realized.
its not long before zane's infamous glare reaches the others. people learn to steer clear of travis when zane's next to him. and as travis starts to second guess himself, zane grows more confident of his and travis's future relationship that hasnt even happened yet meanwhile, travis's confidence starts to slip again. why arent people coming up to him as much? is he unattractive? how can he impress zane without fans now? he starts to postpone his confession, worrying that he isnt worthy enough of zanes love and affection.nevermind the fact that zane's been more physically affectionate. zane leans on travis's shoulder now, grabs him by the wrist and pulls him along, plays with his hair when hes bored. travis is too wrapped up in his head to even realize that he has a chance.
meanwhile, zane, realizing travis wont be making a move anytime soon, wonders if travis even likes him anymore. why wasnt he paying attention to the affection hes been giving him? why wont he say anything? a quick conversation with aphmau later, and he figures out that if he doesnt make the first move, no one will, and theyll be stuck in this limbo forever. so zane does. he says fuck it one day and asks travis if he likes him. travis panicks, thinks that zane is disgusted, starts apologizing profusely, saying he was sorry that it was so obvious and how could he bother zane like that. hes rambling, he wont shut up. zane shuts him up with a kiss. and thats his answer.
zane is cool as shit btw hes so hot. travis is this pathetic loser and probably like taller than zane and is probably the top in the relationship but zane is COOL. he kabedons travis and says cool shit and takes the lead in the relationship. HES the handsome cool boyfriend and travis is the pathetic one. zane takes TRAVIS on dates. zane is the one who the pays the check at restaurants. god i love emo boys
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raisunomii · 2 months
today, garroth ro'meave.
[a drabble preceding garroth faking his death, as i see it.]
The castle is silent. The castle has been silent since Garte left. Garroth didn't ask where he was going. He didn't care, as long as the shouting stopped.
The silence screeches like a wyvern.
It's cold, Garroth thinks the moment his eyes snap open. He's always been an early riser. His feet against the cool stone-brick that comprises his bedroom floor is familiar, but is never welcome. He makes his way across the room regardless, stumbling to the bathroom. He strikes a match, his oil lamp lighting seconds later.
Stubble is the enemy.
He drops his blade on the sink when he's finished.
Sometimes Garroth wakes before the servants. Today, however, is not one of those days. The halls are as lively as ever- that is to say, stray whispers echo through the walls, but one can never be sure if they come from the wind or some creature.
And his mother has never been one to talk to herself.
"Mother," Garroth says, maintaining his distance. "Did you sleep well?"
Zianna does not face him. She hasn't seen him, these past few weeks, not for lack of physical closeness. Garroth is sure the cityscape is a more favorable view than him. The sunrise is always beautiful.
He takes a few steps forward and guides his mother away from the window.
"Back to bed," he whispers, but he's sure she hasn't slept. He ignores the purple mottling her left cheekbone. Dad's gone now.
Breakfast is hearty.
Slash, parry, pass. Slash, parry, pass. Again. Slash, parry, and if he's lucky, he won't think of Nicole.
Garroth can't remember the last time Irene favored him with 'luck'. His brother's always had that honor.
And he shall appear.
Garroth sheaths his blade. Zane is in full attire, Garroth notes. Wonder who he killed today. Must've been clean- his robes are still white.
"Well? Speak if you will," Garroth instructs, jutting up his chin for a mere second. Zane's gaze is full of disgust. Another day.
"A letter from Scaleswind found its way to my hands," Zane pauses to take in Garroth's expression, carefully taking in the slightest twitch of his brother's brow. "Nicole is set to come in a week."
Garroth nods. "I look forward to it."
He turns back to his craft, hoping Zane will leave, or at the least, be mindful enough not to stab him in the back. Slash-
"Mother slept the night," Zane says, "or at least some of it."
"I sent her to bed this morning." Parry. He can feel Zane's spirits drop. Pass.
Zane's boots crackle against the dirt as he leaves.
Gnawing hunger is quickly welcomed once one realizes it keeps the mind off of unwanted betrothal. This is why Garroth has delayed dinner to stew in his own sorrow. Quite literally- the bath is much too hot today. What were the servants thinking?
His skin is red. Lady Irene.
The doorknob to the bath jiggles and Garroth has to fight back a groan.
"Bathing!" He shouts, though it doesn't make a difference, because the door swings open anyways. "Must you harass me while I'm in the tub?"
"I find you're less prone to fits of silence like this," Vylad says smoothly, dragging up a chair to the side of the tub. "Odd. Should I be cornered in a bath tub, I may refuse to speak at all."
Vylad is met with an eye roll. This does not deter him. He prattles on for about twenty minutes until Garroth demands he leave, at which point he wanders to the dining room to wait for Garroth to get dressed for a shared dinner.
Vylad often forgets to eat.
Slowly and quickly does he in patterns scurry, as a mouse avoiding a scythe during harvest. His boots make soft noises on the brick which thunder in the silence of the O'Khasis morning. Moreso, in the temporary silence of the Ro'Meave Residence.
His bag is heavy and his sword clatters with movement. Every noise is detriment.
He whips around.
"Mother," Garroth says, standing what may be miles from Zianna, but he's sure is only a few meters. Their eyes do not meet, but he sees confusion all the same.
"What are you doing? It's late, too late for you to..." Mother trails off, making way for more screaming, intolerable silence.
It is the first time they've spoke in weeks.
"Training. Early morning training."
He can see his mother force back a scoff, because for all her despair, she's never been daft. Garroth knows that she doesn't have the energy to deal with his antics at the moment. She knows this as well, and sighs, turning away.
"Be safe," she calls.
"I will!"
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bonniescribblezz · 2 months
╰┈➤ Jealousy * ˚ ✦
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Pairings: Zane x Reader and Garroth x Reader
Summeray: Oblivous reader doesn't notice that they're getting hit on, naturally the boys do! Pre relationship.
Cw: N/A
A/N: not requested. Well technically it was requested by me and my obsession with the Ro'meave brothers, but not like offically requested.
: ̗̀➛ Masterlist
Zane watched as this— nobody's — hand slid up the back of your arm.
Zane observed your facial expression. Oblivious. Why was he even surprised? Zane huffed loudly, uncaring of who heard. 
Zane stood from the couch, passively excusing himself from the conversation he was having with Aphmau and others. Right now all he cared about was getting you away from that absolute mouth breather.
The guy in question wasn't someone Zane knew. It was some friend of Aphmau's friend from work he thought. He'd taken a liking to you right away, naturally. Zane wasn't exactly in position to cause a scene right away, despite how much he may have wanted to, the charade had persisted long enough however.
He walked over to you, the other guy smiled almost triumphantly. Zane seethed behind his mask.
"Hey Zane" You greeted casually, waving with your free hand. That harlot had moved even closer to your side, hand coming dangerously close to the small of your back.
Zane's expression hardened at the sight, glaring daggers into the other guy's soul. "What's going on over here?" Zane's voice was strained with rage, even you could pick up on it, and by the looks of things the other guy had as well.
"Oh nothing, Mark here was just showing me some pool moves, he has a pool table," you explain.
Mark, Zane guesses, scoots away ever so slightly. Sensing the rising tension in the situation. "Oh? Is that so?"
You nod "he even said I could come over and play, right Mark?"
Zane looked back over to Mark, fists balling up instinctively "oh. Is that so?" He says through gritted teeth.
Mark backs away at that, arm removed. Zane's muscles relax "well it was just a thought."
"Yes a thought indeed—" Zane says in a low tone, he turns his attention back to you "—want to come to the kitchen? Nana made cupcakes."
You nod excitedly, saying a brief bye to Mark, cut even briefer by Zane taking your arm and gently leading you to the kitchen.
"Irene, you were talking to that creep all night," Zane said, crossing his arms, leaning on the counter. A sigh of relief escapes him now that you were free from that jerk.
You give Zane a disbelieving look, reaching for the cupcakes. The thought hits your head so hard you're almost sent reeling. Gears of misunderstanding cast doubt onto the assumption and yet still you muster up the courage to ask: "...Zane were you jealous...?"
You half expect him to widely accuse you of assuming the worst, some outlandish reaction but none ever come. Instead, Zane simply peeks at you past his thick eyelashes, scoffing as he rolls his eyes "so what if I was?"
You're not really at liberty to debate that kind of logic, so you just go back to the task of picking a cupcake. Unable to hold Zane's icy gaze for more than a few seconds at a time, but you can feel him watching you as you move. So you grab a cupcake and push it forward towards him, if only to get his attention off you for even a moment.
He hums a little, taking the bait as he pulls down his mask and taking a big bite out of the cupcake. Zane is content for now, and you guess it's not exactly the end of the world if someone’s looking out for you, even if it’s him.
You stand in line Garroth at your side, some guy standing in front of the two of you turned around attention all on you.
Garroth huffs at every lame line this guy is pulling on you. Vindicated every time he deflates because you are just that oblivious. He didn't want to watch you get hit on while waiting in line for a falafel, not that in any setting it'd be welcomed but this is a new low.
"Did you come here alone?" You asked, clearly making small talk.
The other guy mistakes this as flirting, perking up slightly "I did. Looking for love and all that, you know how it is I hope," the guy says.
Garroth grumbles under his breath, Irene this guy was desperate. He was almost as bad as Garroth.
"Oh... that's a shame. I'm sure you'll find it," you smile politely.
The guy in front of him finally gets his order, and in an instant, Garroth grabs your arm and looks at the guy "you're up," he says gruffly.
The guy huffs, but turns around to order all the same.
You peek up at him curiously, as if to ask "what the hell was the deal with that." Garroth intentionally doesn't face you, staring forward.
After you both order and are out of earshot from that jabroni. Garroth has since released you, but not really let go of the annoyance over that guy trying so hard to win you over.
"What was that about?"
"The falafel's? They're half priced, what do you mean?" Garroth says stupidly.
"Not that," you roll your eyes, sometimes it's hard if he was being intentionally dense or if he was really just like that "you being nasty to that guy. You're not usually like that."
"Oh come on. He was so hitting on you, he was being relentless."
You stare forward, mulling over the interaction in your head. It seems almost obvious now, and distantly you wonder if Garroth must be thinking the same about you and your denseness. (Truthfully, he isn't). You look back towards him "I'm my own person, Garroth."
Garroth scoffs "fine. Sure. But you're not going out with him."
"Why?" You cross your arms.
"Because! He was a huge weirdo? Like we're in line for falafels! Leave us alone!" Garroth laments, his voice almost always came out as an almost whine, but especially so in this context.
You chuckle a little tension lifting from your shoulder "hm. Okay, I can't really argue with that."
Garroth smiles a little to himself, thankfully it seemed he had a least some horse in this race. Or at least you had half enough mind that in line for falafels was the absolute worst place to meet your true love.
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whitemilkandbacon · 3 months
Phoenix Drop High Rewrite Chapter 1
Hey guys, we got bored and became re-obsessed with Aphmau again so we decided to start re-writing some series starting with phoenix drop. We're currently waiting for the request for our joint ao3 account to go through but we thought we should upload it here since we're planning to update the tumbler with the fic a little bit before we update the ao3 in the future anyway! Make sure if you enjoy to follow us for more chapters and general Aphmau content!
WhiteMilkandBacon :p
Aphmau desperately scanned the crowd of highschoolers, looking for anyone who was alone. Unfortunately for her, everyone was already grouped-off, pleasantly chatting about their summer break and exchanging wistful comments about their shared memories at previous schools. She sighed defeatedly as the fact began dawning on her that she was completely alone.
“Double fuck…” she let out a shaky breath, willing her legs to move forward and enter the grounds. Aphmau attempts to sneak past the groups of teens completely unnoticed, catching snippets of conversation causing her nerves to spike more than they already were. 
“...that delinquent group who keeps tagging the school…”
“...werewolves are actually at the school…”
“...the principal is actually insane…”
Her thoughts raced a million miles an hour with different ‘what if’ scenarios. Her overthinking was abruptly cut short by colliding with another student. She stumbled backwards quickly trying to regain her balance. She snapped her gaze upwards, locking onto the abrasive figure. 
“Um? Rude much?” 
He scowled and rolled his eyes purposely bumping her shoulder as he walked past continuing to look at his phone. 
She huffed making her way to the door, just wanting to find her lessons and get the day over with. 
“Just get in and get to class…things can only get better, Aphmau… you've got this…” she hyped herself up and grabbed onto the door’s handle. 
It didn’t budge. 
“You have to be fucking kidding me…”
She tried again however it remained firmly closed. She heard some giggles from behind her not helping with her current irritation. She snapped around to find the source of the giggling, finding a sophomore stood watching her struggle. 
“You know that's a push door right?” 
She felt heat rise to her cheeks, flushing her face a rosy-red. Irene, that was so embarrassing. 
“Don’t worry too much about it,” the sophomore soothed, a kind smile on her lips, “I did the same thing on my first day too.”
Aphmau fumbled with the hem off her sleeve, unsure how to resume. She wanted someone friendly to talk to so badly, however actually getting past the awkwardness seemed far more difficult than she could have ever imagined. It was different when she was online, there was no blank staring and uneasy silence, just letters typed out on a page with various emoticons to convey whatever she or her teammate was feeling.
“I’m Teony, by the way,” the other spoke, coaxing the freshman out of her anxious spiralling, “I’m a teacher’s aid, so if you need anything I’m quite happy to help. I can help you find your friends, if you need.”
The offer was well-meaning and genuine but Aphmau couldn’t help but wince. It wasn’t Teony’s fault that she was unaware of her friendless-status, but the reminder still stung all the same.
The silence stretched on between them, only interrupted by the din of constant chattering of other excited freshmen and the upperclassmen arriving and weaving past them to meet with their own circles of friends or to enter the school building. Aphmau watched as Teony’s expression remained perfectly patient and inviting, her cedar locks of hair framing her face perfectly.
“I.. um.. Sorry,” Aphmau laughed sheepishly, just to break the uncomfortable atmosphere that her lack of response had created. Peering up, she noted that Teony was still entirely unbothered at how difficult she was making this interaction seem, “I don’t have any friends here.”
To this, the older girl’s eyebrows shot up in genuine surprise, however her expression held no judgement. 
“None at all?” she commented curiously, and slapped a hand over her mouth in horror as if realising how blunt and rude that sounded, “Oh my Irene- I didn’t mean to offend you or anything, it’s just that people normally come to highschool with a previously-made friend group from middle-school… Not that not having an already-made friend group is anything to be worried about!”  
To both girls’ surprise, Aphmau just began to giggle. All of the nerves and frustrations of the morning finally overwhelming her, combined with the relief of seeing how Teony had stumbled and struggled with her wording, released a significant amount of weight on her shoulders that she wasn’t even aware she was carrying.
Teony blanched, momentarily looking extremely startled, before she too began to laugh. Nervous and unsure at first, more so joining in to try and understand what was so funny, but as the two continued to laugh it was as if something slotted into place and the strange tension dissolved for the air.
“I’m… I was homeschooled up until now,” Aphmau gasped out between bouts of laughter, a soft pink dusting her cheeks, “That’s why I don’t know anyone.”
Teony’s expression settled on something akin to genuine surprise and sympathy, her eyebrows subtly knitting together as the laughter faded and she prepared herself to speak once more.
“That makes sense,” she replied cheerfully, shrugging her shoulders back as if to shake the remnants of the prior awkwardness, “Well, you know me now! So you officially can’t say you know no-one!”
Aphmau smiled.
“Well since you didn’t get a map from your middle school, i guess i should show you around!” Teony made a move forward only for a teacher to call for her. 
“Teony!....homeroom…chaotic kids…my markers…help…” he panted out causing the sophomore to sigh. 
“I'm so sorry I have to go help. If you head inside, past the lockers you can probably find someone to help you there! Have a great first day!” she smiled running off to help the teacher.
“...just fucking perfect…” Aphmau sighed. “Alone once again…” she sulked making her way inside following Teony’s instructions. She tried to look on the bright side smiling as she realised maybe not everyone at the school was so bad. 
Aphmau fell to the floor clutching her nose, hot pain shooting through her face.
“Fuck! What the shit?!” she glared up at the moss coloured locker door that suddenly appeared in front of her. “Does no one look where theyre fucking going?! Who the fuck opens a locker in someones face like that?!” Aphmau continued to angrily swear at the locker before a strikingly-blonde boy slowly peered out from around the side of the jade metal door. 
“Uhm… I’m sorry?” he murmured shakily.
She felt the sudden pang of despair as her face blanched, judging by the expression of deep guilt and sorrow, she’d just yelled at someone who had made a genuine mistake.  Of course, trust her luck.
To say that his eyes were blue would be the understatement of the century, they were so bright that she honestly felt a little uncomfortable. Beneath them, his tan cheeks were lightly dusted with golden freckles and an embarrassed blush was very quickly causing them to flush a rosy pink.
Aphmau paused, mouth slightly-agape. He was familiar in a way that she couldn’t name, something about the way his curly cowlick swooped down to obscure the tip of his right brow, how his eyes shone with the promise of an apology, how she suddenly found herself unable to speak.
“Oh…” she took the boy’s outstretched hand, unsure when it had been lended to her and tried to recover from whatever that was, “Don’t worry about it too much, I guess. But for future reference, maybe be more careful when you’re opening your locker.”
Laughing somewhat tensely, the other half-closed the offending door, revealing more of himself in the process. He was tall, with a filled-out frame that she wouldn’t have expected from someone of his age, and his uniform looked worn in a way that suggested this wasn’t his first year at Phoenix Drop.
His face morphed into a strained smile, obviously still guilty about whacking her straight in the nose. With a well-meaning sigh, he agreed, “Honestly, you’re right. I wasn’t thinking, sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
She shrugged, glad that the throbbing of her nose had basically disappeared entirely, “Eh. I’m tough, so it doesn’t hurt anymore, really,” as she continued to discreetly scan his appearance, she still couldn’t shake the thought that he was awfully familiar, “Well, I’d like to at least know the name of my assailant.”
The wince Aphmau got in response to her joke told her that maybe it wasn’t as funny as she’d intended, still, a jab at one’s ego didn’t hurt as much as a locker door to the face, she would know. 
“My name’s Garroth, Garroth Ro’Maeve. I’m still sorry about the locker by the way, really sorry,” he pulled the last textbook out of his locker and stuffed it inside of his bag, “I’m a Sophomore, so if you need any help with anything, it’s the least I can do,” there was a brief silence, in which his brows furrowed and he seemed to come to a conclusion unbeknownst to Aphmau, “...especially for such a stunning girl.”
Once again, she was speechless.
“Ga-roth!” A voice trilled from somewhere behind Aphmau, the strange pronunciation of Garroth’s name not going unnoticed from either of them. She watched in quiet curiosity as his body seemed to initially relax and then immediately tense.
Upon turning, she was met with the sight of three girls, two sharing a vague resemblance in their faces and the other disinterested, completely engrossed in whatever was on her phone. The one who’d called Garroth’s name - however weirdly she’d said it - had the aura akin to a bird-of-prey, with the confidence of a lion. Her teeth-baring grin and vibrant magenta hair did nothing to dispel this image.
The other, who shared some indiscernible resemblance to her, stood with her arms firmly folded across her chest, scowling. The phone-intrigued girl still made no effort to raise her head, even as the other two came even closer to Aphmau and Garroth.
“Ga-roth, did you not hear me, love?” she practically whined, encircling her arm around the sleeve of his blazer. Aphmau internally pulled a face, finding her display of affection uncomfortable for both her and other unfortunate onlookers and Garroth, who also seemed a bit out of his depth, attempting to subtly and kindly un-intertwine their his arm from hers.
Not taking the hint, she merely held on a little tighter, judging from the sudden increase in proximity. She reached to fix Garroth’s blazer lapel, casting her eye over to Aphmau and raking her piercing gaze up her. Never before had Aphmau felt like a scientific specimen, but she supposed there was a first for everything.
“Uh, what was that, Ivy?” Garroth finally stuttered out, looking a little bewildered and unsure.
“Nothingggg!” she sang, beaming, before she returned that frosty glare to Aphmau. “Who’s she?” She spat, glacial eyes narrowing in disdain.
Garroth followed Ivy’s eyeline to Aphmau, making direct eye-contact with her. 
“The freshmans? Oh! That’s…” he trailed off, realising rather quickly that he didn’t yet know her name. She continued to hold his gaze while he searched for an answer and merely raised her brow humorously, as if to say ‘Really? You hit me in the face with a locker and you don’t even know my name?’
“Aphmau,” she finished for him, just glad to put him out of his misery as even she was starting to feel sorry for the guy, “And you must be Ivy!”
Surprisingly, Ivy’s cold gaze filled with warmth and delight. She flicked her eyes from Aphmau to Garroth and then back to Aphmau.
“He spoke about me?” she asked, unable to stop her face from spreading into a wide and sickeningly lovestruck grin.
“No,” Aphmau corrected, watching with self-serving glee as all of Ivy’s hopes and dreams were crushed before her very eyes, “He said your name just now when you spoke so…”
“Oh, I’m surprised he didn’t mention me,” she seethed, “Seeing as we have such an extensive relationship.”
Garroth visibly winced, which Aphmau had to feign a cough at to hide her outburst of laughter. Luckily, Ivy didn’t see through her deception, instead she remained stationary, arms firmly crossed beneath her breast and teal eyes boring holes into Aphmau’s own. She then watched as the amusement briefly drained from the girl’s face, her gaze focussing on the gap between Aphmau’s nose and cupid’s bow. At the same time, the girl in question felt something hot drip from her right nostril.
“Looks like someone’s got a nosebleed!” One of the other girls, who had a vague resemblance to Ivy, exclaimed snarkily, pointing at where Aphmau could feel hot syrupy-liquid gathering beneath her nose. Tentatively, she brushed her white sleeve against her nose, not at-all surprised when it came back stained a deep crimson.
“Oh my Irene!” Garroth gasped, mouth remaining agape in a mixture of guilt and alarm. He took a few steps forwards, entirely disentangling himself from Ivy’s toxic grip, “I’ll take you to the nurse. I’m so so sorry!”
“No need, Ga-roth,” Ivy chirped, eyes narrowed and sinister, “Me and the girls were heading that way to class, anyway. We’ll drop her off.”
Aphmau watched as Garroth glanced from her to Ivy, his expression strained and torn. She could practically watch the debate going on in his brain plain as day on his face.
“Would that be okay, Aphmau?” the blonde asked, fiddling with the lapel of his blazer awkwardly, “Ivy’s a good friend of mine, you can trust her. It’s just my class is on the complete opposite end of the school to the Nurse’s Office and I really don’t want to be late on my first day back…”
Admittedly, Aphmau could think of nothing worse than Ivy and her pack of equally petty friends but she could tell that Garroth was already antsy to get to his lesson and by asking him to take her instead, she’d be putting him in a more stressful situation than he already was. Not to mention, she was too nervous to actually voice her dislike for Ivy and her gang just yet, so there wasn’t any hope of avoiding it anyway.
“Yeah!” She breathed, hoping that her false optimism was at least somewhat believable. “That’s great, actually. So great.”
Garroth was either dense enough that he couldn’t see through her obvious lies, or for his own sake he was choosing to ignore it. With a wane smile he looked gratefully to Aphmau and then Ivy, who beamed sickeningly-sweetly at him, before he lugged his backpack onto his shoulder and slammed his locker shut, twisting the key until a satisfying click sounded. He then started off past Aphmau and towards some grand-looking stairs, at his departure, Aphmau felt her breath hitch in her throat.
“So…” Aphmau finally said after an uncomfortably long silence, “Where abouts is the Nurse’s Office.”
Neither party moved, instead the three girls in front of her exchanged glances, silently communicating something that she couldn’t decipher. If she didn’t feel alienated before, she certainly did now.
“Oh… it’s like… this way…” the girl with long ebony locks drawled, icy-blue eyes shifting lazily to the direction from whence they’d came.
“Lily, we have to actually take her, you know?” Ivy hissed, nudging Lily harshly enough to consider it a shove. The other girl, Lily, didn’t seem phased at all, instead using the push to step into action. 
Much to Aphmau’s irritation, the girls lead her through the school, giggling and whispering the entire time. Although it was obvious already by the other’s distaste for the freshman, the giggling had confirmed the fact that they were planning something but in Aphmau’s eyes she didn't care, just wanting to go to the nurse to deal with her bloodied nose. 
So it was safe to say she was confused when the three older girls stopped at the front of school. Lily roughly grabbed Aphmau, pushing her forward and causing her to stumble. She struggled to maintain her balance, snapping her head to glare at the three who stood giggling at her. Anger and embarrassment flashed through her as other students stopped to stare at the scene. 
Don't they have anything better to do?! She thought sourly.
“If I were you freshman I'd go home and transfer.” Ivy giggled bitterly. 
Aphmau became aware of how loud she was being. Everyone was staring at them. Each set of eyes she could see watching her, either smirking, giggling, or cringing on her behalf. It filled her with an overwhelming feeling of dread. Still, she couldn't help but want to sock the two of them. She would love nothing more than to punch those stupid smirks off their faces, give them a broken nose to match her. She balled her fists at her side, clenching her jaw.
“Everyone knows what a pathetic and embarrassing freak you are.” she laughed, turning to walk away. 
“Irene knows she doesn't belong here.” Alex spat, giggling with Ivy as they walked to class.
Aphmau’s face felt hot. What the fuck. She felt her hand trembling, tears welling in her eyes as she struggled to contain her anger. Everyone was watching. All those eyes looking on with pity or amusement. 
She could never show her face here again. She could never show her face in this town again. But if she went home now her Mum would be so disappointed. She promised she'd try today. She’d- 
Someone tapped her shoulder lightly “Uhm… are you oka-”
“Fuck! Can you just mind your own fucking business?! Does every-fucking-body in public school have to be involved in absolutely everything?! Can’t I even get to the stupid fucking Nurse’s office without some total dipshit bothering me or fucking assaulting me, either verbally or physically?! So what in Irene’s name could you possibly want?!” Aphmau practically screamed at this total stranger, causing the final stragglers heading to class to down-right glare. Aphmau shot a withering look right back in their direction and the gaggle of students finally decided to mind their own business. 
The poor boy she’d just ripped into stood there struggling for words. 
“I’m... sorry?” he spluttered, rubbing his glassy eyes. 
Aphmau sighed, guilt eating at her. It wasn't his fault that Ivy had a vile personality or that her day was fucking shit. 
“Sorry… none of that was your fault…” she grumbled out, ready to just go and look for the Nurse herself, but not before the golden-brown haired boy spoke up once more. 
“Uhm wait! Do you need me to take you to the nurse?” He offered, somewhat sheepishly.
She turned around, narrowing her eyes at him. 
“Why do you care?” she spat. 
His heterochromatic eyes shone with surprise, blatantly bewildered by Aphmau's response. 
“Well your nose is still bleeding pretty bad and it's obvious Ivy wasn’t showing you…” he blinked, not quite registering her harsh tone. 
Aphmau stared at the older student for a moment, a small laugh of disbelief escaping from her. She shook her head with a sigh.
 “Just…show me the nurses office..” she spoke slowly, completely defeated. 
The other took the lead, walking just a few paces ahead of her. It was a little awkward, but at least it gave her time to properly look at the first person who wasn’t being a complete nuisance to her that day.
His eyes were peculiar, they were primarily a pale sage with a jutting portion of cerulean blue striking through his left iris. If she wasn’t mistaken, it almost looked like he’d had eyeliner on, the remnants sticking to his waterline from the previous day. The older boy’s hair parted into well-styled curtains and had a shine to it that suggested he took his hair care very seriously.
The welcome silence was soon broken as the tanned boy suddenly began a spiel about soccer and the sports teams available at Phoenix Drop. Unwilling to contribute due to sheer social exhaustion, she merely nodded along as the one-sided conversation steered from techniques of kicking a soccer ball, to the fashion associated it, to then men’s fashion in general.
A brief walk and a lengthy explanation on ‘why having good taste in fashion doesn’t mean you’re attracted to men’ later, Aphmau was finally sat in the Nurse's office with a tissue to her nose, waiting for the bleeding to stop. After the nurse had checked she wasn't concussed and there were no further injuries, other than her wounded pride, she was left now with a rather-chatty sophomore  smiling at her. 
“My name is Laurance, by the way! I'm sorry Ivy didn't give you the warmest of welcomes to the school but I promise we're not all like that!” 
Aphmau rolled her eyes in response, completely doubting the statement.
 “I'm sure you're not…” she mumbled sarcastically. 
There was a moment of awkward silence before Laurance spoke up again. “Soooo freshman, what school did you go to? Do you know anyone here or share classes with any of your middle school friends?” 
“Irene, you just want to know everything, huh?” she narrowed her eyes. He attempted to hide the wince that crossed his face and Aphmau sighed, reminding herself that her foul mood wasn't his fault…yet… 
“No. I was homeschooled.” she replied bluntly. 
“Oh!” he raised his eyebrows in surprise, and something else that she couldn’t quite decipher. “That's so cool- uhm… What's your name? I feel a bit weird calling you Freshman when I'm trying to have a conversation with you.” he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. 
A small smile crept onto Aphmau's face. Although a bit awkward, Laurence seemed friendly enough. “Aphmau. It's nice to meet you, Laurance.” 
“Aphmau huh? A pretty name for a pretty girl.” 
Nevermind. She instantly took back anything and everything nice she’d thought about Laurance. Despite her irritation, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed. She opened her mouth to rip this sophomore a new one but unfortunately not before the nurse came back.
“The bleeding should've stopped now. Head to homeroom now and come back to see me if your nose starts bleeding again or you start feeling lightheaded or dizzy.” She smiled while shooing the two out of the room.
“Shit. I don't even have my schedule yet.” Aphmau swore, causing Laurance to chuckle a little. 
“Come on. I'll show you to the office to grab your schedule and then I'll take you to your homeroom.” he offered with a genuine beam.
After enduring Laurance’s incessant chattering about topics she frankly didn’t care for and occasional flirts for the better part of ten minutes, she had finally gotten her schedule and her social battery was completely drained. Despite herself, she thanked Laurance for his help and quickly walked into her assigned homeroom classroom, sitting down in the only available seat. Thankfully, her teacher was still fumbling about with his laptop, struggling to set it up to the projector so it wouldn't be a problem about how late she was. 
She let out a sigh of relief sinking into her chair. Finally , a moment to breathe…
“Ahem…” a shy voice cleared their throat. 
…are you fucking serious…
“Hi! Im uh- I’m Travis! What's your name?” The emerald-eyed boy asked shakily. 
Aphmau slowly looked up, her right eye twitching in irritation. The boy sat next to her visibly tensed, obviously nervous and regretting his decision to initiate a conversation. 
“I'm sorry! Just ignore me!” Travis squawked out , slipping off his chair, almost falling before turning back to look down at his desk. Aphmau couldn't help the small amused smile crossing her face at the boy’s behaviour, washing away her previous irritation. 
“No need to apologise Travis. I’m Aphmau!” she smiled politely. “I'm sorry I’ve had a bit of a stressful morning…” she giggled awkwardly. The boy's face lit up as she spoke to him. 
“Oh no no it's fine! Sorry! I'm just so glad you're talking to me!” he spoke excitedly. “I don't really know anyone and I don't want to be alone…” he confessed.
Her smile widened in excitement. “Oh my irene, me too!” 
Travis chuckled, matching her sudden burst of energy. “Oh thank Irene! What do you say we be like not..alone buddies?” he spoke, sounding unsure about the name cringing slightly. 
Aphmau giggled. “You know what? That sounds perfect, not alone buddy.” 
Aphmau and Travis began to talk about hobbies and interests, getting hyper off of each other's excitement. It didn't take long to find their mutual love for video games. 
“Video games are always such a great way to find people with similar interests!” the white haired boy smiled brightly. 
“Yeah, I mean I have this friend called FC who I've been messaging for years and we met playing together online!” she spoke happily in response. 
“And that brings me to the first point of discussion for today's homeroom session.” The teacher stood right behind them listening to their conversation. The two freshmen jumped in their own skin. 
“Welcome to your first year of phoenix drop high school. Today we’ll be discussing internet safety and stranger danger.” his voice remained monotone as he locked eyes with the two teens.
Are you fucking serious…
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aph-centric-fixs · 3 months
Calling all Aphmau fans!
Hello!! I'm Pubba, and I've been a recurring fan of Aphmau for a long time. I watched her content as a kid almost every day, and I never really forgot about her.
Due to her recent announcement of S7 of Mystreet (YAY!!), I've recently been binging her entire series', starting with Phoenix Drop High- obviously. Anyways, I've been scrounging around for fics, and while the ones being written right now are absolutely amazing!! I need more, and if you want something done do it yourself right?
Just a fair warning + rules/boundaries below:
By no means do I consider myself to be a good writer, do keep that in mind! As well as the fact I am almost never consistent with posting, I could take a whole year before I were to post a fic! This is also a side account, so I do sometimes forget about it haha...
Rules/Boundaries (no specific order)
I will only be writing x Readers, as that is what I focus on
Smut requests are welcome, but no promises I will follow through with them: as not only am I not that good at it, but some of y'all are just too freaky for me
Absolutely NO pedophilia, incest, or anything of the sorts is welcome here
My requests will always be open, but again no promises I will do them
I will absolutely NOT be writing for Aaron, possibly platonic, but I do sort of hate his character
You can request for any series, but be warned I have never watched Minecraft Diaries and it'll be awhile until I do.
AU's are welcome
When requesting, I do prefer if you give me a specific plot to follow by- it gets a little annoying when your entire inbox is just "*blank* headcanons???"
I'm not good at angst, but I can write it
Hurt/comfort is my favorite...
LGBT+/Poly/etc. is absolutely welcome!
I am a Garroth x Laurance shipper btw 🫶
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old-schoolgenz · 4 months
I have so much fanfiction written about Aarmau it's unreal. To the point where I have a backlog of the stuff on multiple websites (and unpublished stuff on my phone *cough* smut *cough*)
I can't read other people's fanfiction about them anymore. Especially if it contains infidelity. It just gets me SCREAMING about how people have mischaracterized the characters even though I know damn well I didn't create them and pretty much every rewritten version of a character is better than canon.
To me neither Aaron nor Aphmau would EVER cheat (on purpose) they just respect each other too much for that. Not even love, just respect. It DRIVES ME UP A FUCKING WALL. And I get it, cheating is angst and I'm all for that shit, but... I don't like it when people go there, personally.
This ain't a dig either, just personal preference.
Now if it's "Aaron got fucked up by love potion/Ultima weirdness and didn't have control. Or even better, Ein fucking with Aphmau's mind. YES, GIMME THAT SHIT. Cause they're not consciously making the decision "let's fuck up everything we've built."
ALSO, after thinking on the age gap a little more, I think I'm getting the problem, Aaron being a senior alluds to him being way more emotionally mature, and a college student making moves on someone in high-school is a little bit of a yikes. But! (And this isn't me defending actual groomers, ew no.) We've SEEN Aaron's childhood, my Boi is FUCKED emotionally, so he's not really all that more emotionally mature than Aphmau.
That being said. I DO now think that Jess should have made Aaron the same age as Garroth, which was I think a year above Aphmau at the time.
Then have him get shipped off to private school or back to military school if you still want that "Oh no my love interest has to go away." Punch.
As for college, I think that whole season should be rewritten anyway, because the three/four way love-triangle for Aaron bullshit gets real grating real quick. And I think the whole thing should have been focused on Aph gaining a reputation as a slut and her struggle through that. (And how it may effect her decisions after college. Hey more angst.) And Aaron's struggle to get out from under the thumb of his father (possibility slightly more violently than in cannon.) Jenny and the rest of the anime trope girls (except maybe Betty and Diane, but that's because Diane reminds me too much of myself) could cease to exist and I would be a-okay with that.
Also let Aaron have female freinds. Please. Or even let Aaron and Aph have that best freind banter before and after they get together. LET THEM ANNOY THE SHIT OUT OF EACH OTHER FOR GODS SAKE.
this became a rant about potential again I'm sorry.
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alternatepaths · 6 months
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I wanted to apologize for the lack of updates on the stories!
I want to try to make chapter 5 by next weekend since i'll be able to actually work on it without anything else happening!
Remember to read alternate paths available in the description below on wattpad and ao3!
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lexissrosea · 4 months
hello aphmau fandom & quotev community!
although quotev is doing exactly what it's meant to be doing which is getting rid of the social aspect because they intended their site to be solely for fanfiction & quizzes; the social aspect is what helped a lot of us writers promote our work and network! it's especially hard to push out your work when the notification doesn't show up as the author updating their story. so many amazing stories were written through quotev - stories that you wouldn't be able to find on other fanfic platforms.
because of the recent changes, rumors, and overall disliking the new updates, i will be migrating my work. whether that be to wattpad, ao3, or some other third party! it's just unfortunate that a lot of writers have to do this. i have been writing on quotev for a little over 10 years now, so it's hard to say goodbye.
i write laurance zvahl x oc fics (which are so original that they can't even be considered fanfics anymore lol), anime fics, and was known on quotev for my mystic messenger yoosung x reader story that i will be rewriting next year! hope to connect with more quotev users and aphmau fans as i migrate my work :)
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chloeillustrates16 · 2 years
Zanechan Fanfic
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I've been getting back into the Aphmau fandom; watching her old minigames and roleplays So, I thought why not to write a fanfic about one of my original OTPs
Summary: Zane is babysitting Alina, then a sudden realization hits him.
Warnings: Pregnancy, talk of future, fever dreams, kind of long,
Pairing: Zane X Kawaii~Chan/Nana
It's been years since Starlight; Aaron and Aphmau were happily married with a little girl named Alina. Zane was over at the house, babysitting, while the two were out on a date. Zane sat on the couch as the toddler played with her toys; Zane looked down at the black-haired toddler and started to think. What if Nana and him were able to have children of their own? He flushed at the thought of a black-haired or pink-haired meif'wa toddler running around their shared house. 
After Aaron and Aphmau returned; Alina was fast asleep in her room; Zane was waiting for them on the couch. He stood and said his goodbyes before walking home. Zane and Nana started living together only just a year ago; he was glad to get away from Laurence and Garroth. As much as Zane loved his older brother, he can barely stand living with him anymore. Laurence was well...Laurence. 
Zane stepped into the house, shrugging off his hoodie and hung it on the coat rack before heading upstairs. He was tired from taking care of Alina, he trudged slowly up the stairs and into the bedroom. "Zane?" Nana called out looking up at him from her book. She was sitting in her spot on the bed; Zane greeted her with a smile. “How was Alina?” 
“Full of energy, as always,” he walked over to the bed, pulling off his shirt as hands moved against his chest. He didn’t realize that Nana had gotten off the bed and moved in front of him. 
“You look exhausted,” she noted. Zane nodded in agreement; Nana placed her hand against his cheek. Zane stopped wearing his mask not too long after they started officially dating; she could be prouder of him. 
“What are you still doing up?” 
“I was waiting for you,” she answered. Her fingertips felt cold against his chest, 
“You didn’t have to.” He yawned, as Nana leaned down pressing a kiss to his lips. He wrapped his arms around her waist; they broke apart. 
“Get some rest,” she whispered. He nodded as he stood to change into pajamas; when he returned, Nana was already laying down and ready to turn off the lamp. Zane crawled to his spot on the bed, even though the both of them know that the spots get ignored within the night as they snuggle up against each other. 
Nana turned off the light as she turned to lay her head on Zane’s chest, he played with her pink hair and once and a while scratched against her ear, causing her to purr. “Nana,” she hummed. 
“Have you ever thought of…having kids?” 
“I have,” she answered. “I love babies, having my own would be fun.” She added, “Why do you ask?” 
“I was thinking while babysitting Alina,” he explained. 
“No, we can’t kidnap her,” Zane burst into laughter. 
“Yeah, sure, like that’s not what you do the moment Aphmau and Aaron step into the house with her,” he pointed out. She laughed before it died away and seriousness took its place. 
“Seriously, though, Zane, do you want kids?” He let out a sigh, 
“Yes, believe it or not I actually like children.” 
“I thought you thought they were gross,” Nana argued, playfully. 
“That was before Alina,” Nana hummed. 
“Well, better get me a ring then,” she mumbled. Zane froze as Nana’s breaths became even and heavy. She was asleep. Zane stared at the darkness before him, the words repeating in his head. Better get me a ring then. It wasn’t long before Zane too fell asleep; however, he had a surreal dream. 
Zane awoke to screaming, at first, he thought that it was Garroth yelling about something. He was about to shout back for them to shut up, but the door burst open. 
“DADDY! MAMA! Uncle Garroth and Uncle Vylad are here!” Zane groaned sitting up as the girl was standing in their doorway. She had black and pink hair with bright orange eyes. He took notice the black ears and tail; he felt himself smile and say, 
“We’ll be up in a minute, Hon.” 
“Okay!” She closed the door behind her as Zane turned towards Nana; who’s hair was cut in a shorter length that was a little under her chin. She looked older, but just as beautiful, 
“Love, Garroth and Vylad are here,” Nana mumbled something incoherent under her breath. “Love?” Nana sat up, her stomach was large like a balloon; she struggled to get out of the bed. Zane was about to help her, but she reached her feet. 
Zane woke up that morning with wide eyes; was that an actual dream? He glanced down; Nana was asleep against his chest. Zane thought about it more, him and Nana as parents. Married, even? What would his parents think? Zianna would be over the moon about one of her sons finally getting married. Garte wouldn’t believe it at first, like he had when he found out that he and Nana were dating. Garroth would probably scream his head off and Vylad, would be excited.
Zane continued to stare down at Nana’s features; he loved the way the early morning sun shone on her face. He wished that sometimes, those soft moments would last forever. She mumbled something under her breath as she slowly stirred awake. She blinked, looking up at Zane, who was lost in his thoughts. Nana giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. 
“Marry me,” he whispered. 
“What?” she asked, a bit shocked. Not the exact way you’d ask your girlfriend to marry you, but he didn’t care. 
“Marry me.” 
“Where’s my ring?” she joked. Zane chuckled, 
“I’ll do it fancy and officially later,” he whispered, kissing her again. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too,” she giggled as Zane turned them over so he was on top of her. He wanted to stay like this, forever, wrapped in the arms of the woman he loved. And soon, there will be another girl he’ll give his heart to. That girl will call Nana, “Mama”.
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