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thesorrowoflizards · 2 years ago
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@pscentral​ event 15: favorite ship(s)
↳ gert's top three ships of 2023 (in no particular order)
malec, tedependent, mysteriousfisherman
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years ago
Nicholas calls his brother with a slightly odd request. Or: Nathaniel is a drama queen, Constance is a budding supervillain, Milligan is a calming presence, and where the FUCK did Number Two get that axe.
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mysteriouseggsbenedict · 3 years ago
names Nicholas and Milligan call each other, starting normal and then getting more unhinged:
their names but starting with different letters, like “picholas” and “shmilligan” 
milligan once accidentally ate the orange that nicholas was keeping for himself in the kitchen and for the rest of the time nicholas calls him “orange thief” when he’s in silly moods or pretending to be mad
nicholas calls milligan “flower” sometimes because of milligan liking to be outside and garden
milligan calls nicholas “curlicue” especially while he’s stroking his hair or scratching his scalp
nicholas would think of some absurdly long and formal name that involves like every single honorific possible like “sir lord duke mr. milligan wetherall the third junior”
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years ago
I Started Shipping It Ironically But Now It's Unironic And I Can't Stop: a happy(?) accident
I Didn’t Think I Shipped It But The Fic Writers for This Ship Really Brought Their A Game: a memoir.
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years ago
for @mvshortcut, based off this
"Hm," said Rhonda again.
She had hmmd in Milligan's general direction about six times now. Number Two had given up after three, and was now sipping her tea, looking rather perturbed.
Milligan calmly folded another shirt. He was doing laundry. He did not ask her what she was hmming about.
"Hmmmm," said Rhonda, drawing it out.
Milligan calmly folded another shirt.
"HM," shouted Number Two.
Milligan set the folded shirt down. "Would you like me to retrieve you some cough drops?" he asked gravely. "Or perhaps. some tea."
"...I have tea, thank you," Number Two said, voice a little hoarse.
"Ah," Milligan said. He calmly folded a pair of pants, placing them carefully and gently in the basket. "Water, then? For either of you?"
"We're fine," Rhonda said, innocently. "Why do you ask?"
Milligan slowly lifted his head to look at her. She smiled angelically.
He blinked, slow, like a lazy cat lounging in the sun. "No reason," he said, and went back to his laundry.
"This clearly isn't working," Rhonda said to Number Two, at normal volume, as if Milligan wasn't right there.
"Yes, I can see that," Number Two all but hissed.
"Do you need something?" Milligan asked, still calm. His lips were twitching a little, not that they had noticed. His question went unanswered.
"Should we just give up on the subtle approach?" Rhonda asked.
"Subtle?" Milligan asked the vest in his hands. "Huh."
"I think so," Number Two said. "Hey, Milligan?"
"Yes?" Milligan said, as if he hadn't been here the whole time.
"So," Number Two said. "You know how you're in love with Mr. Benedict?"
Milligan blinked at her. "Yes?" he said.
"Well, you a--what."
Milligan tilted his head as if he were confused. Number Two and Rhonda both stared at him.
At this exact moment, Mr. Benedict walked in, carrying a small plate of snacks. "Oh, I got s--whaaaaat is happening?"
Milligan turned to address him. "Number Two and Rhonda were just informing me that I'm in love with you," he said blandly.
Mr. Benedict's eyes went huge. "Uh," he said, sounding a little small. "What?"
"You know," Rhonda said. "I really thought we had timed this better."
"Good news!" Number Two said, turning to Mr. Benedict. "We were right! Bad news! We're really confused!"
"Hm," said Milligan, in a tone that immediately clocked to Number Two and Rhonda as downright dangerous. Not dangerous in the scary way, mind you--dangerous in the you have been fucking HAD way.
Then, almost conversationally--folding another goddamn shirt--he said, "Did you know that sound carries in the vents?"
"...hm?" Rhonda said.
"This is an old house," Milligan said. "You can hear all sorts of things. Thin walls. Echoing vents. Acoustics."
"...ah," said Mr. Benedict, getting it before the rest of them did. "If you'll all excuse me, I believe there is a small vial of non-lethal poison upstairs with my name on it."
"No tranquilizing yourself to get out of awkward conversations," Number Two said almost automatically, as if this happened often enough that she had memorized the reprimand.
"Got any good jokes?" Mr. Benedict asked Rhonda.
"I'm leaving," Rhonda announced. Having now effectively caused the chaos, she was happy to let it simmer. Far away from her.
"Yeah, that tracks," Mr. Benedict said.
They all stared for a moment longer. Rhonda abruptly turned on her heel and left.
"Shit," Number Two said. "I mean--heck--hecking. darn. Fuck. Okay, I'm going. Have fun."
And Milligan and Mr. Benedict were left alone.
"Hm," said Milligan.
"I," Mr. Benedict said, "Have been hmmd at. far too often this week."
"I can imagine," Milligan agreed.
Mr. Benedict stared down at the tray in his hands, which he was still, inexplicably, holding.
"...lemon bar?" he asked, holding it out.
Milligan gingerly took a lemon bar and took a delicate bite. "Hm," he said, looking down at the clean laundry below. "Crumbs."
"...ah," Mr. Benedict said.
Milligan took another bite. "Very sweet," he commented. "Thank you."
"Aaaaaanytime," Mr. Benedict said, rather awkwardly. "Er."
"You.... are. also. sweet," Milligan said, slightly stilted.
Mr. Benedict blinked. "Ah? Um. Thank you?"
"...anytime," Milligan said, looking like he wanted to strangle himself even as he said it.
"..............well," said Mr. Benedict. "That poison won't drink itself."
"I'm ki--wait, did you just call m--"
Mr. Benedict collapsed face first into the laundry, asleep.
"...hm," said Milligan, looking down at him. Then he quickly moved to help him into a more comfortable position.
"Wow," said Rhonda, two rooms away. "You really can hear sound through the vents."
"This is hopeless," Number Two said. "They're hopeless. I hate this."
"They'll figure it out eventually, eh?" Rhonda said, patting her shoulder sympathetically.
"You'd think so," said Number Two, who had been here longer. "You'd think fucking so."
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years ago
Mr. Benedict's head snapped to look at her. His gaze had been lingering on Milligan--who had just left--but now the soft, almost awed look in his eyes had sharpened to blatant suspicion.
"What?" he said defensively, almost sharp and far too quick.
"Oh, nothing," Rhonda said, exchanging a look with Number Two.
"You hmmd at me," Mr. Benedict said, waving a finger, "And that--stop exchanging looks, I can literally see you."
Number Two and Rhonda exchanged a look.
"I can see that."
"It's nothing," Number Two said. "Really."
"Hm," said Rhonda.
Mr. Benedict pointed at her. "You hmmd again!" he exclaimed. "What are you hmming at?"
"You seem paranoid," Number Two said.
"Oh, do not," Mr. Benedict said.
"Harsh," agreed Rhonda. "We were, in fact, hmming at him."
"Thank you!" Mr. Benedict exclaimed, then registered her last words. "Wait--"
"Really, it's nothing important," said Rhonda.
"Oh, we should just tell him," Number Two said. "I don't think he's going to notice on his own."
"I feel like I should be offended right now," Mr. Benedict said, and was soundly ignored.
"We don't know that," Rhonda said. "Maybe it's best to let things take their natural course, eh? Even if that's a slow course."
"I'm still here," Mr. Benedict said, unheard.
"Perhaps," Number Two said. "But look at him. You saw. Come on."
A beat. Mr. Benedict sighed and all but collapsed onto the couch, putting his head in his hands, apparently having given up.
"...fair," Rhonda said finally. Then she turned to address Mr. Benedict.
"Oh, am I part of the conversation now?" Mr. Benedict said, understandably a little snippily.
"Yes," said Number Two, without a trace of irony.
"So," Rhonda said, spreading her hands with the air of someone presenting the main show. "You're in love with Milligan."
Mr. Benedict, head raised from his hands, blinked at her.
There was a beat of silence as she waited for some sort of reaction. She was not given one.
"I think maybe you broke him?" Number Two said in a stage whisper. It was unclear if she realized Mr. Benedict could hear her or not.
"I... am not?" Mr. Benedict said, so baffled it almost sounded like a question.
"Oh, no, you are," Rhonda assured him. "Good news, we're pretty sure he's also into you?"
"Not completely sure, though," Number Two said, almost briskly. "He's harder to read. You're kind of an open book, though." Seeing the look on his face, she added, "Sorry."
Mr. Benedict's face--which was, indeed, expressive enough to essentially be an open book--said something along the lines of oh, come on, I kept a secret for ten years, I'm not that bad.
"Stop pouting, not telling us about Loser Dipshit Curtain was under mitigating circumstances," Number Two said.
Like every time she replaced the letters of his brother's current legal name with insulting words, a brief moment of intensely confused sorrow, guilt, and utterly hilarity spasmed across his expression, like he was trying not to laugh while also being sad at the general reminder of his brother's existence and current status.
He did find genuine amusement in her calling him names, she knew, but he also felt bad about it. It was her goal to make him not feel bad about it, because the man could stand to be called a dipshit more often.
"I--I. regardless. Why, exactly, do you think I'm." he struggled for words, or perhaps to say the next obvious words, and finally settled on "...for Milligan."
"That you're for Milligan?" Number Two repeated incredulously. "You do hear the words you speak, don't you?"
"You know what I mean."
"It's not that obvious," Rhonda said comfortingly.
"To people who don't know you," Number Two added, and Rhonda swatted at her shoulder without breaking her comforting look at Mr. Benedict.
"I--I am not in--in love with Milligan!" Mr. Benedict sputtered. "I--he's--he's my friend! So! I think he's! neat! That doesn't m--it's not like I lay awake at night thinking of him, okay?"
[ᴍᴀɴʏ ʜᴏᴜʀs ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ]
It's late. The room was dark. Mr. Benedict looked up at the ceiling, eyes wide and shadows under them deep.
"Shit," he said, with much feeling.
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years ago
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nicholas & milligan + describing each other to other people
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years ago
it wouldn't have happened without you!!!!
not to take credit for gert spreading mysteriousfisherman throughout the mbs fandom but every time i see a random post abt them i know didn't come from the original tiny circle of mutuals im like hehe... butterfly effects of my enablement and contributions to the cause...
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years ago
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years ago
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↳ NICHOLAS BENEDICT & MILLIGAN WETHERALL. ("Milligan may be the strongest man I've ever met, but he was also the gentlest." / "But I hear talk of a man... a brilliant, compassionate man, who seems to know about all manner of things. A man who will listen.")
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years ago
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they r gay <3
shitty sequel: they kiss
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opinionatedartopus · 3 years ago
This isn’t exactly the same but this reminded me of the drawing I did a while back...
Nicholas is still (understandably) distressed about finding out his brother is the Sender.
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34 nicholas / milligan? Platonic or romantic, up to you :-)
34. good enough
The tent was... well, needless to say, Nicholas had severely misjudged its size. Putting it together had taken all of five minutes, and now it stood tall- or rather, very short- in front of them. Nicholas hummed and pressed a hand against his mouth in thought. It was much too late to go back down to the cabin and see about a different tent. They were stuck with this one.
"Are you sure..." Milligan said, "that we grabbed the right tent?"
'not even remotely,' he thought, then said, "Rhonda said to grab the yellow one, so, I must have." Now it was Milligan's turn to hum. The sun was going down now. The sky was smudged with hues of orange and yellow clashing together as the sun dipped below the horizon and the water became that transitional color between clear blue and murky black. There was no turning around now.
"Well," Milligan said, "It's good enough for now. I'm sure we won't be up here long enough to warrant something more... spacious." That was true enough. They were only there to scout, so comfort was the least of their concerns. But, it was going to be a tight fit.
And it was. They found, with some awkward shuffling, that they had to lay back to back. Nicholas couldn't find it in himself to actually mind. Maybe that was selfish, but even the press of Milligan's back against his had his heart aching. Part of him wanted to turn over and lay cradled against him. But he shook those thoughts away as quickly as they came. He wasn't going to risk disturbing Milligan, whose sleeping breath he could hear, faintly. He was fine where he was. It was good enough.
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years ago
actually extremely funny (if sad/horrifying on a deeper level) if while nicholas is brainwashed and just vibing at the compound him and curtain just have like. fuckin. vibe sessions. sleepovers. talking about boys like they're 12. gossiping. please you know these two were so gossipy baby nicholas felt bad about it but also lived for the drama while nathaniel was shameless about it. now it's just like them taking turns spilling tea about people the others never even heard of but the other is still hanging off their every word. nicholas does the appropriate gasps and everything while curtain mostly just does strategic eyebrow raising and little gestures (i saw you rolling your shoulders back like that nathaniel) and he made jackson and jillson bring them cocktails. mr benedict took a sip, immediately wrinkled his nose and visibly tried not to spit it out, and curtain rolled his eyes--somewhat affectionately, though--and got him a mocktail of the same type. god nicholas tries to convince him to let him paint his nails. curtain gives in and paints his (he has much steadier hands and nicholas is just like. oh. this is. this is the closest i've been with him since the orphanage...) but cites nicholas's shaky-ass hands and his need for a professional appearance as to why nicholas shouldn't paint his (which kind of feels like a rejection but he tries to ignore that). also please not to bring my nicholas/milligan agenda but extremely funny if they somehow get to the topic of romance and nicholas is just like 😳 and when curtain gets it out of him hes like REALLY????? HIM??????? WOW and nicholas is like nathaniel i love you but i will fight you. god also just telling him about milligan and curtain is just. hearing this like. his brother falling in love... (nicholas trying not to think about how he misses milligan and rhonda and the kids, and it's not hard because when he thinks too hard about the fact they're not here, or about how they wouldn't want to be, it slides from his head, slippery, the happiness creeping back in like sunlight through a window) but like they trade stories or tease each other about old crushes or supposed crushes and other old stories, old gossip, old inside jokes... just. fucking. gossip nights and stupid silly all-but-proper-sleepovers and it's not often, with how busy curtain is, but when it happens it only makes nicholas all the more attached, all the more Happy, all the less likely to want to resist, want to leave, want to lose him again
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years ago
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years ago
LISTEN not to be that guy but if milligan can carry curtain's unconscious ass this easy
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bi-demon-ium · 3 years ago
there are two wolves inside of me... one strongly believes platonic love is just as important as romantic love if not more and that we need more platonic relationships in fanfiction and gen fics and that shipping culture and the emphasis shipping is given in fandom is a mistake and that we also should have more queerplatonic relationships and strong friendships and not have a need to put romance in everything and found family is enough without adding romance and that’s okay....................... and the other one is like but the sad dilfs are gay for each other
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