#myra friendly
arseniy-arsenicum33 · 5 months
All Hermits in Hero Forge!
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Season 10 is coming! And I've finished modeling every Hermit (Thus far) in their TCG-cards poses!
Special thanks to Hoffen for their original minecraft models...
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You've already saw these eight models in my Life-series minis showcase, slight tweaks and costume changes... I really need to buy Hero Forge subscription, so i can manipulate fingers individually... Now, for the new guys... Guess what?! I've figured out how to make links! Now you can see my references directly! Technology!
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Ren got his cool casual look...
Docm77 inspired primarily by Belmarzi's design, such as this... It was very funny to suddenly stop in the middle of this project to model him hugging Snoop Dogg...
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JoeHills, unsurprisingly, based on real-life Joe Hills... But I did have this comic by my side while modeling him, for moral support, because modeling someone's likeness is always stressful...
Cleo's pose pose a challenge, It uses a transparent one-legged skeleton inside the main body... Like a real armour-stand magic! I like how it turned out...
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I've started watching Zedaph very recently, so both Noxolotl's and Applestruda's portrayals of him were very helpful in forming mine...
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Blaise's Hermit line up was used for Cub and Hypno, which you will see down the line... Bee's art was helpful, once again, and these Cub-arts by Sylvan...
My main goal with Jevin was to somehow convincingly make a slime look slimy... I was so ready to make him as rotund as this art, but alas, program restrictions...
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This art was used for False at the very beginning, but it drifted so much with the addition of cheekbones, that it doesn't look like it at all anymore...
Hypno had a surprise for me, because before making this model, I've never saw this brown line on his chest as a boob-window... But now, I am convinced... This is the art, that guided me to that conclusion... Ghostea's and Locus's portraits were useful for figuring out his face...
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Iskall lifted from this art... Hero Forge doesn't have any cool one-eyed visors, so I've settled on monocle for him and Doc...
Hero Forge also for some reason doesn't have a hand-held flower, so pretend, that Stress doesn't hold a pen, okay? And has a cardigan... Based mainly on this and this art, which was also used for XB...
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My best guess with Keralis was that he is doing Edvard Munch's "The Scream" ommage... Thanks to Myra and Cole , without them, Keralis would've looked more like a bug with them big ol' eyes...
Oh, boy, XB... A true enigma for me... Pictured here, lightly jogging... Only you could tell me, if I did a good job with him, I sincerely have no idea... Since this is in part a TCG-inspired project, it would've been wise to use references from the actual TCG-cards... To bad, I've came up with this idea near the end of a project...
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I have made so many Xisuma-costumes, and only now I am showing you the main friendly-neighbourhood DoomGuy cosplayer himself... Do I need to credit id Software for this?
WelsKnight is my champion in regards to how many references I needed for him... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7! Despite how many armour options Hero Forge has, making something coherent out of them was difficult... Especially, keeping in mind, that one day I'm going to model HelsKnight as well...
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And finally, TinFoilChef, based heavily on this stunning artwork... And somewhat on this skin by Ink-Ghoul... It all comes around...
And the Creator Himself! Beef! And his wonderful portraits: 1 2 3 4...
I actually going to use him as an example, to address something...
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Here is how my screen looks, then I am working on a model... My method of creation is derivative by nature, it requires the art and creativity of other people... And I have SO MUCH anxiety about this... Not being an artist, but still trying to make something with my limited capabilities... And post it on the internet, oh horror...
With recent talks about plagiarism and AI-art, it has come to my attention, that I myself not so different from AI, just not so efficient... So, this is why I so obsessively document my influences, it is the least I can do... Credit the artists, that I stole from... Please, check out everyone mentioned, subscribe to them, commission new pieces of art...
And if you've liked my dorky "minecraft youtubers made in DND character creator" models... Thank you...
Sometime later there will be a google doc on my blog with links to every model I've ever made, go nuts with them... Try Hero Forge for yourself, it's fun...
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strangesickness · 2 months
AU where richie is a struggling actor doing odd jobs to make ends meet who has started putting up every possible craigslist ad he can think of (lawn mower, house egger, tutor, party performer, etc.) and he desperately adds "private investigator" one night.
myra and eddie are recently married and he's been staying at the office later and later each night, myra is convinced he's cheating and hires richie to investigate. she's paying pretty well so richie agrees despite hardly remembering putting the ad up and having no idea what he's doing.
he goes to follow eddie around after work when he's working overtime he just goes for a jog, gets some coffee and does some extra work done at the coffee shop, then goes home. richie reports back but myra wants him to keep watching for a bit longer.
meanwhile, eddie knew myra hired a private investigator since he handles the credit card bills, so he was just hoping after a few days of richie just seeing him do nothing of note she'd accept it and move on. but she doesn't, and by the end of the first week he is losing his mind over this annoying guy trailing after him everywhere he goes during what is supposed to be the relaxing part of his day, especially since he has to pretend to be getting work done where he'd normally go on a longer run or hang out with friends or catch a movie or something.
after a week he's so sick of it that he just calls richie out and tells him he knows he's there and he will get police involved if he doesn't stop. but richie is just so friendly and has a wicked pout and he's actually kind of funny and now that he's looking at his big awkward smile up close he almost seems familiar?? and eddie feels kind of bad about trying to cut off what is clearly a pretty important source of income for him.
so they start hanging out after eddie's done work, richie can still get his weird little creep shots of eddie doing work, but eddie doesn't have to miss out on the other stuff he actually wanted to be doing.
they end up hitting it off really well and eddie manages to rope richie into jogging a grand total of once, but richie will just get some writing done while he waits for eddie to finish then they'll get coffee or go to the movies or something.
-they start hanging out at richie's apartment too, playing video games and cooking and dancing around the kitchen
-eventually eddie realizes he needs to divorce myra because he has about 8000 times more fun with richie than he ever has with myra
-he gives up the house in the divorce and moves in with richie
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bungiri · 5 months
The most significant fact about my farmer OC, Myra, is that she is WEIRD. Pretty much like she’s a colorful Addams family member.
The villagers all think she’s cute and friendly, but can’t deny that she’s hella weird because she likes weird stuffs (except for her love for roses). All of her farm animals and pets are void animals and they all give out creepy vibe.
weird girls u will always have my heart….
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i always wondered what the villagers would think of the farmer’s void and dino eggs/mayo
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thecrimsonribbon · 2 months
My SVE OC lores and stuffs
Ignore my typo and grammar mistakes 🤧
Let’s talk about my sve comic first. I was going to draw series based on Stardew Valley Expanded but since I don’t have much information about Castle Village, I temporarily cancelled it until 2.0 is released.
The SVE comic took place mostly in Stardew Valley, and will be told through Isaac’s POV. (Ridgeside Village is also mentioned)
Summary: Isaac happened met the Pelican Town’s florist, Myra, who looked exactly like his deceased lover, Elaine. After that fateful encounter, strange things started to happen in both the town and Castle Village, and Isaac find himself in a mission where he has to discover the mystery behind Myra’s pressence.
Character’s backstory (mostly headcanon and has nothing to do with the canon lore in the game/mod):
- Isaac:
Isaac is a skilled monster hunter at Castle Village, he is skilled in combat and swordsmanship, therefore he had earn the position as a monster hunter in Castle Village, this is where he also met his lover, Elaine.
Isaac had longed for a family with Elaine and planned to marry in the future. Isaac proposed to Elaine in Crimson Badlands, seconds after she took her last breath. Isaac still kept some of Elaine’s keepsakes such as the red ribbon she always used to tied up her hair, and her cloak. He has been mourning for her for 6 years, he shows no interest in finding somebody else to love.
- Lance:
This man kept everything about him a mystery. All we know that he was born from a noble family and he knows magic. Lance’s handsome face always has the smug look on it as if he knows something, a secret perhaps? He will never tells you.
- Elaine:
Elaine was born in Pelican Town with her grandparents, while her parent lived and worked at Suzu city. Elaine soon became a member at the Adventure Guild after she finds joy in keeping the valley safe from monsters.
She then moved to to Castle Village at the age of 23, and met the monster hunter Isaac. Elaine and Isaac soon got closer and started dating, they had been dreaming of having their own house in Ginger Island to start a new life as a farmer, but their dream was shattered not long after.
Elaine passed away at the age of 25, after sacrificed herself to kill Apophis completely, leaving Isaac to mourn for her passing for 6 years. Isaac has build her a headstone and scattered her ashes around Ginger Island.
- Myra:
Myrams origin is still a mystery, nobody knows where she came from, who’s her family and where is her old home. She came to Pelican Town on a stormy night and then begin her life there ever since, even doctor Harvey is unsure who is the mysterious man that brought her to his clinic that night.
Myra is seen as a very friendly, kind and generous young lady, it is impossible for her to make any enemies. Although the villagers feel uneasy whenever they visit her farm, as it’s always filled with void animals and creepy things, they always talk highly of Myra.
Lore heavy stuffs:
Apophis can’t die, when Elaine finally put an end to the monster, its soul morphed with Elaine after she passed away. Therefore, Elaine’s soul was trapped in Crimson Badlands. The Minister of Magic noticed, if Elaine soul fell into the hand of those who have ill intentions, Apophis will be reborn again.
Lance at the time happened to did research on resurrection spell, he then started to experiment on Elaine’s corrupted soul and successfully resurrected her with the help of the witches, wizards and the Ridgeside Mountain deity, Raeriyala.
However, Elaine’s memory was completely wiped out and Apophis’ soul still imprinted on her (explain why Elaine / Myra loves void stuffs) so she was given a new name and was brought back to Pelican Town, under Magnus’ watch in case something bad happened. (They kept this a secret from Isaac because Isaac would try to throw hands with them as he believedthey were using Elaine as a lab rat.)
In my sve comic, there’s a cult where people worship Apophis as their god and would do anything to bring back Apophis. If they had their hands on Elaine and her corrupted soul, she could be a vessel for Apophis’ reborn and cause chaos again.
Secrets and other stuffs:
In this sve universe, the color red holds an important part of the story as it’s held a lot of meaning and metaphors.
- red is the color of love and blood.
- it’s Elaine’s/Myra’s favorite color on clothes and flowers (Roses)
- red is the color of the butterfly that often flies around Isaac’s home the first 2 weeks.
- red is the color of the leaves, the Fall season where Elaine and Isaac met (Isaac met Myra during Fall too)
- red is the color of Apophis’ eyes.
Myra’s current appearance is what Elaine wanted herself to look like if she’s not a Monster Hunter.
Elaine is pregnant with Isaac’s son but neither did she or Isaac knows about it.
Elaine’s bloodline has connection with both Pelican Town and Ridgeside Village, which explains why Raeriyala helped Lance with his resurrection experiment.
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pancaksblog · 3 months
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Mobius is both
1. A secret organization that only lets themselves be found
2. A place you can find if you're smart enough
1. An evil dark twisted corporation
2. A good old friendly time with tea parties and stuffed animals
On earth
For the love of all that is holy
Are these characters able to come up with this elaborate scheme WITH ZERO SUSPICION
I say no background checks because
Stefano literally used his murders or at least something equally grotesque and put it on display at an art gallery and everybody booed him
And they just
Let him in???
They knew Ruvik was a serial killer but I guess they were just kike
"Hmmm, that Ruvik situation messed us up, lets never monitor anyone ever again"
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"Motivational speaker" for what? For who? Why? How?
Theodore is literally such a nothing character that can't even commit to his own bit. He's supposed to be like this religious dude but then it's revealed he's not and he just wants to rule the world :/
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"Stefano, I'm aware that you are extremely self absorbed and egotistical but you must find this girl that will grant you unlimited power and bring her to me so that I can give you a little bit of power. Find this tool to give you limitless power to create the art I know you're obsessed with and is your primary motive for being here, give it to me and I will ensure you will have a fraction of it."
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drksanctuary · 11 months
Nicobaster: Soulmates/games
For day two I did a collaboration with @thomas-life and we did a combination of both prompts:
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And a hastily written and edited little excerpt for ya:
Alabaster sifts through the last of what must've been 30 decks of Mythomagic cards.
"Ah! Found him.! Aevin Lackluster: Master Spellcaster. Edition 4. From the Medieyval Myth campaign. He was and perhaps still is my favorite from that series. A lot of the other editions didn't have actual characters...so it was exciting at the time." Alabaster shrugs non-chalantly but his eyes are practically beaming at the card. As if he's holding a literal piece of his childhood self. And Maybe he is.
Nico grins at him from his seat on the floor. He's hunched over his own mess of cards, looking much like a dragon guarding its hoard of treasure. Cards haphazardly spill out from under his legs emphasizing just how many he has... Alabaster briefly wonders where he had he been keeping them all.
"Not a bad card," Nico agrees, "but he's nothing compared to Myra Darkweave, Necromancer Queen, also from Edition 4." Nico holds up one of the cards, and turns it to face Alabaster. She holds a skull in one hand. Her crown is either silver or bone, and around her neck is a familiar green necklace.
Alabaster examines it. Myra’s picture is one that mostly displays Purple,red and black. But the small splash of green stands out.
“Huh, May I?” He reaches out to take the card.
Nico holds it out for Alabaster to take and feigns scandalized gasp, "You don't have her card? how can you call yourself a fan?"
Alabaster plucks the card from Nico's fingers, careful not to bend or rip it.
"She never came up in the packs I had." He says, shaking his head. "I could only get what I could steal"
Nico continues smirking at him.
Al rolls his eyes. "So annoying" he says. /but attractive/ he thinks.
Nico snorts and starts picking through his cards, organizing them by...color? Alabaster raises an eyebrow at the choice, but seeing as in order to play they'd have to shuffle them anyway he supposes its as good a way as any.
Nico speaks without looking at him, that insufferable smug look refusing to leave his face, "I got a lot of my cards in the Lotus hotel." The smirk drops a little but come back full force a moment later, "I won them by beating the older kids" he snickers, "they were so mad getting bean by a 10 year old...its one of my greatest accomplishments." He preens.
"So you've always been this maddening?" Alabaster quips, as he compares their favorite cards side by side. Imagining Nico as a 10 year old sends shivers down his spine...shivers of dread. They'd probably have hated eachother.
Or perhaps they'dve been friendly Rivals. Alabaster remembers himself at 12.../nah probably enemies actually/. He chuckles to himself and diverts his attention back to the cards and Myra’s green necklace. The pattern and design of it is unmistakable. He looks over to Aevin's card to see that he is wearing that same green necklace.
"D'you...." Alabaster considers. He doesn't remember the lore concerning that particular item. Which is maddening considering he usually knows these things offhand. Was it part of some group?
"Look at this" Al continues. "They both have the same necklace... I can't recall what it signifies... do you know what it's for?"
Nico pauses in his organizing to look at the cards, beautiful dark eyes focusing under thick eyelashes. Alabaster bites the inside of his lip to recenter himself, so he doesn't just start staring at Nico Di Angelo like a looney.
"I think I remember that it was some sort of gift?" Nico shrugs, "or a prize?" Or was it a prized-posession? Nico hates being dyslexic, but honestly he was also 10 when he tried to read it so his memory might be faulty.
Alabaster hums. "I see. Well!" He whips out his trusty enchanted glasses that help him read. "Maybe I can look it up."
He pulls out an mythomagic handbook that is so worn that Nico might've mistaken it for an ancient artifact.
He flips through tissue thin pages. "Ah, here we are" Aevin's necklace was made by him, he carved protection runes on the back of the pendant to keep the wearer safe. (Plus 5 defense and plus 2 evasion). So it's a protection necklace...but why is it..." Alabaster’s eyes travel to a small fact box on the side of the page. "When he got married he gifted it to his beloved wife...Myra Darkweave. Who gave him her bracelet in exchange. To solidify them as soulmates through the ages..."
Alabaster looks over to Nico. /what a coincidence/ he thinks. That those two are their favorites...
@them-awesome-rarepairs please accept our late submission 😅 thank you!!!
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magscrane · 19 days
Some info on my supporting characters!!
Besides Iris and Jan, I have other characters that they become besties with! I haven't done any art for these guys yet, but I might soon...
Myra (they/them) - Myra is relatively friendly, and likes to be in the know about what's going on. They used to be a blacksmith before deciding to go on an adventure with Iris and the others. They have a strong personal set of morals. Myra's a quick thinker and fairly intelligent.
Ambrose (he/him) - Ambrose claims to have been a fisherman before the events of the story. He's a huge extrovert and a little naive. He's really chatty, and *extremely* charming. He also seems oddly enthusiastic about travelling around with the others.
Kase (he/him) - Kase is relatively quiet and shy. He and Ambrose are from the same Queendom, so he goes along with whatever Ambrose wants to do, having no better alternative. I think he might be the only one with living family that aren't evil.
Teddy (he/him) - Teddy was made to join the god-hunters by his older brother, who thought it would secure a better life for the both of them. Ultimately deciding to help Iris and the others out instead, he joins the group. He's a little timid, but has a good heart and wants to make things right.
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blackbat05 · 2 years
Fresh Start
Rick Flag x Reader
A/N: I haven’t wrote Rick in a long time! So I hope you enjoy! And to also celebrate 1 year release of TSS. Issa little long though😝
Genre: PG-13
Notes: Idc, Rick is alive in my world😬 Language.
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He was a volunteer at the Children’s Home you were working at. Despite his intimidating aura, the children saw him as a big, cuddly teddy bear.
Your female colleagues didn’t waste a second as they hungrily eyed every inch of his six foot three sculpted figure as he walked in every Friday evening to the delight of the kids.
However, they could only do so much. So like the warm hearted (and slightly annoying) colleagues you had found two years ago, everyone tried their best to get you closer with him.
But you couldn’t. It was simply unethical. Sure, he was a walking Adonis but no way you were going to loose your job because you couldn’t control yourself. Besides, you weren’t even sure if he even had any feelings for you.
“What are you still doing here girl?” Myra, the receptionist, stared at you through the glass panels of the front desk. You try to reason with her that you still had a couple of paperwork to finish before calling it a week. Needless to say, she wasn’t having any of it.
“You ain’t even paid extra! Leave it for another day- ah ah ah!” She waves a slender hand in your face. “I don’t want to hear any of it! Go enjoy yourself! Besides, Rick looks like he’s waiting for you to knock off.” Myra gives a wink before sauntering off to the dormitories.
Guts twisting in your stomach, you walked over as normally as you could, giving a quick wave. “Hey stranger!”
Rick turns, and upon seeing you, he breaks out into a grin. “Hey! Finally! Thought you were working overtime again.” You thought he had emphasized on the last word a little longer than usual, making you feel bad.
“I guess I decided to give myself a break.” You shrugged. “What’s keeping you here so late?”
Rick’s facial expression changed, and you wondered to yourself if you had yet messed up again. He seemed to have sense your discomfort, so he chimes in quickly.
“Oh! Well, work’s been really busy and I don’t think I’ll be able to see the children regularly so… it’s my last day here.”
You weren’t even sure why your heart had dropped inside your chest, but you maintained your poker face.
“Damn… the children will miss you…” You held back on the rest of the words that you truly wanted to tell him.
“How about a farewell dinner? It’s on me.”
Six Months Later,
You exit the counseling room, reminding the children at the playground that dinner was in an hour.
Arriving at your cubicle, you slumped on your chair, done for the day. The paperwork was absolutely driving you nuts and you wished you could be out there playing the children.
In the end, you decided to settle with your phone, scrolling through the various apps and news that you saved for times like these.
You click on a tag, pressing the first video you see. It was the local news, reporting about one of the many atrocities of the government. This time, it was about the infamous Suicide Squad that you only heard in name.
Taking a deep sigh, you see a familiar face beside the newscaster. Rick Flag. Or should you say - Colonel Rick Flag. Commander of Task Force X, missing in action since the battle of Jotumheim.
There were rumors spreading like wildfire around the internet. Some said that the government ordered him to be killed to keep their secrets. Some said that he tried to go rogue. Some said he betrayed his country.
You? You had no idea how to process this influx of information. You only knew him as the friendly and handsome volunteer who spent his time with children every week without fail. What else was he hiding from you?
“So, where are you going?”
“I’m not too sure yet. South America maybe.”
“Keep in touch?”
“Of course.”
A flurry of movement into the office startled you from your thoughts. A trio of older girls ran towards you, voices merging into one.
“Woah, slow down and one at a time!” You instructed them, concerned at the reddish hue on their cheeks.
“Miss! He’s here! He’s at the door and he’s hurt!”
Hurt? Your brows knit in confusion, starting to get more concerned by the minute. Was there an attack nearby and someone came to seek help? You stand up quickly, moving to the cabinets where the first aid kit was kept.
Instructing the girls to move everyone else indoors, you went to check the cameras at the back room.
No way. No fucking way. All that overtime must have made you see things.
Although the camera showed a black and white image of whatever was outside the home, that hunched figure was unmistakable. You could recognize him from a mile away.
Sprinting to the doors, you almost break the handles, flinging them open to see an exhausted Rick Flag standing at the doorstep.
“Hey darlin,” the southern drawl hit your ears like honey. “Still working overtime again?”
You blink your eyes, feet rooted to the ground. Apparently it seemed like eternity as the man in front of you lifts his arms forward.
“So no hug?”
You marched forward, hands flying up to give him a huge smack on the back.
“OW! What the hell?” Rick grimaces. You were surprised that a large man like him could still feel pain. “What was that for?”
He almost regrets it instantly as more whacks start to rain on his large frame. For someone who worked with children, you definitely had a lot of pent up anger.
“You! You left so suddenly! The next thing I know? YOU DIED?! In some… foreign place because you tried to sell out the government and what have you not?” You started to lose energy, so you resort to dragging him in by the arms, attracting stares from stragglers who were going back to the dormitories.
You managed to find the sick bay at the end of the corridor. Locking the door, you ordered him to lie down, whipping out any first aid supplies you could get your hands on.
"Shirt off."
"If you wanted me to strip, there are other ways to do it you know?" Rick quickly puts on a face of what he thinks to be innocence as he's met with your glare.
This wasn't your first rodeo with injuries - you couldn't count the number of times you had to patch up injured children who got bruises from playfights or accidents on the playground. But what was in front of you just wasn't a simple scratch.
"Rick, what the hell?" You gasped softly.
You were greeted by a mixture of bruises, scars, and burns that littered his back. Most were old wounds but you could see some that were still fresh.
The next few minutes passed in silence as you dabbed each wound with cotton buds, mumbling in apology whenever he winced in pain.
“So… permission to talk?”
You remain silent and Rick takes it for a yes. “Look… I’m sorry that I kept all this from you. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t. And I’m not saying this just to appease you darlin…” Rick struggles to find the right words.
“They experimented on children.” He says abruptly. Rick sees the shock on your face. “It’s true. I saw them. The government funded them, allowed these atrocities to continue… but I couldn’t… and I almost died for it. Well, I did die.”
He then proceeds to tell you about the altercation with Peacemaker in the underground facility. Him being shanked with a rusty pipe and being left to bleed out. Rick says that maybe it was for the best that the survivors left him in Corto Maltese.
“Means that Waller won’t longer be on my back. It means I’m finally free.”
You finish cleaning up the last bit of his wounds. Putting the first aid kit aside, you stand in front of him, gently tilting his chin to meet your gaze.
He takes your hand, relishing the warmth that it provided against his cheek. You finally hug him tight, eyes squeezed shut.
This wasn’t a dream.
“Don’t cry, I’m here.”
You use your free hand to feel the wetness on your cheek. “I’m just afraid that I’ll return back to the nightmare of living without you again.” Breaking into full sobs, you slumped onto the side of the bed, Rick’s arms wrapped around yours.
“When I heard the news about you… I regret every day not telling you how I felt… I couldn’t live with myself!”
A wet chuckle could be heard and you see Rick’s watery eyes. “Took you long enough.”
You pause at his statement before the two of you break into laughter. A knock on the door brings you back to the present.
“Is it true?” A young girl with pigtails pokes her head in, flashing a gummy grin. “Mister Flag’s back!”
The sight of Rick was an answer itself. With a shrill cry of joy, the young girl calls a couple of friends in the hallway. Before you knew it, you see Rick smothered in the little bodies that were desperate to welcome back an old friend.
“Miss! Is Rick staying? Can he stay? Pleaseee!!!” The group of children plead to you in unison.
“Well… I was going to ask if you guys had a spare room here.” Rick mutters. “Practically non-existent now and it’ll be great if I have a temporary place to stay while I set everything in order.”
“Now that you mentioned it, I do have a room.” You smiled cheekily, moving forward so that Rick was within earshot.
“It’s just right across my office.”
Three Years later,
“I swear! It’s right here!” Harley drags the rag tag group along with her, before coming to a stop in front of a house surrounded by a white picket fence.
“Harls, you sure you weren’t I dunno- hallucinating?” Robert DuBois grumbles as Cleo struggles to keep up with the duo.
“You betcha! I saw Flag right at the garden with all the little munchkins and hey! He’s got a lady with him too!”
Despite the assassin’s skepticism surrounding Flag’s lookalike, a small part of Robert wished that Harley was telling him the truth. What had happened to Flag… let’s just say no good man deserves his fate.
“Oh my god.” Cleo gasps softly beside him. “Harley was right.”
Robert cannot believe what he is seeing. There he was - his old comrade and former commander of Task Force X.
A scruffy Rick, donned in a long sleeved checkered sweater and jeans as he chases two children across the garden that also served as the dumping ground for their toys. He manages to sweep the little boy into his arms, blowing raspberries on his tummies much to his delight.
“Hahahaha! Papa! Stoppp!!! It tickles!!!”
Robert could see the splitting image of Rick in the little boy who was squirming around in his friend’s arms.
A pang of guilt hits him. No, he will not destroy Rick’s happiness. Not when they left him there to die.
“Come on, let’s go.”
“Wait! Can’t we say hi to Flag?”
Before Robert can rebuke Harley’s request, a tiny figure interrupts the trio.
“Papa! There strangers here! A lady with weird hair!” The girl whom Robert assumes is the twin of the boy yells to get her father’s attention.
“Hey! My hair’s not weird!” Harley frowns.
“DuBois? Harls? Cleo?”
Robert grimaces internally. This was a bad idea. He turns around to see Rick’s guiding a pregnant you steadily across the garden.
“You must be Robert.” You finally reach them, extending a hand for the man to shake. “My husband’s told me so much about you. All of you.”
“Only good things I hope!” Harley quips and suddenly Robert doesn’t want to hear your response.
“Only the best.” You reaffirmed. “How you looked out for him. And I’m very thankful for that.”
Rick approaches Robert, clasping him on the back. “Can’t believe it. I’m glad to see all of you again. Glad y’all made it out alive. Out of Waller’s clutches.”
The latter can’t find the words in him to apologize, so he settles for a “can’t say the same for you”. Like an old friend, Rick catches him immediately.
“Hey, none of that. I didn’t even know I could make it out alive. What matters is that you’re here.”
Breaking the silence, you decided to chime in. “You guys must have come a long way. We would love for all of you to stay. I’m sure the kids would love you.”
The two women squeal, agreeing enthusiastically to your request. While Harley races up the steps to the house, Cleo guides you carefully, beckoning Robert to follow.
“Come on DuBois, she’s right. You’re more than welcome.” Rick pipes up. The two men trudge up the stairs that lead into the picturesque home.
As the three misfits slowly made themselves at home, you waddled towards Rick who had an unreadable expression on his face.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“I know they did… wrong things. But I can’t help but to think that we’re finally free of Waller.” Rick heaves a sigh of relief, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
“Maybe it’s a new beginning. For all of you.” Leaning into him, your heart softens at the sight of your little boy being mesmerized by Cleo’s pet rat, Sebastian.
A new beginning. A fresh start.
Rick could definitely get use to the new normal.
Can be read as continuation: Mismatched Family
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blaacknoir · 4 days
Magnus OC: ?? Myra - A Buried avatar who's old friends with Simon Fairchild. Not close, but friendly enough that they don't avoid each other at avatar reunions, and there's a moment of "Simon!" "[Name!]" when they see each other and they hug. They've worked together in the past, because they both understand that the Vast and the Buried are two sides of the same coin, and you can't have one without the other. She's always a little dirty--you kind of get the impression that she's been working outside in the garden all day.
Earliest exposure to the Buried was a copy of DIG that her mom got her, thinking it was a sight word book. She spent most of her childhood digging holes in the backyard, "trying to get to China" as most kids do.
She's American, and used to wear her hair long, but it kept clumping up on her, so she's cut it short since then. White, but very tan, brown hair and eyes, and works construction. She's gotten told off a couple of times because she had a tendency to sleep on-site and that's not allowed for obvious reasons. Eventually she started out on her own; her company specializes in massive skyscrapers.
I still need to find a name. I'm thinking Myra.
Edit: Her name is Myra now.
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slimegirlwarlock · 1 year
hmm. so in my worldbuilding the god of death is also the god of sleep. bc esp with the euphemism of "the long sleep" for death like. it's a straightforward connection to make. however i'm struggling with the design of the god between "guy who just wants to take a nap and is so so cozy about it" and "the black widow as a symbol of death bc untreated its bite will cause a growing area of your body to just start dying"
i think if i can properly synthesize those ideas i'll have a really solid idea for his/its design but it turns out that its harder than i thought (at least with my current knowledge base. if anyone know of a mythological character that threads (pun intended) that particular line i'd love to hear it
keep in mind that this would be a recurring major character (i mean he's a God after all) so i want his/its design to be humanoid enough to communicate in a humanoid manner (in terms of speech and also just through body language) and be at least moderately relatable to people reading it.
bc sure he's like. manipulative and willing to put others through hell for his own benefit but he's also myra's most powerful ally until [redacted] and he's still like. a friendly enough dude that you also just know you don't want to get on the wrong side of
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"I wish I was that rose..."
Eyyy 👀 More stories! With Farmer Myra (@seharuuchan) and Hestia (@g0atmama). Isaac here too! This was dedicated to the old Vine. Hehe...
The Stardew Valley Floral exhibitionl was perhaps one of Lewis's best ideas for the new holiday, as not only local farmers, but all Valley residents who know how to care for flowers and plants can show off the fruits of their labors in floristry. Not to mention the large flow of tourists, which will definitely raise the image of Pelican Town and the major itself in the eyes of the whole Republic. So the idea appealed to everyone without exception (even Sam, with his allergy to pollen).
The time for the event was chosen immediately - early autumn days, when the flowers of the cold season were just beginning to bloom, but everything was still decorated with summer colors.
And so - the day came. People from big cities and distant lands hurried to get off the bus to be the first to see the exhibition stands, the sweetest aromas of exotic plants (and delicious food, special thanks to Gus) wafted in the air, and the variety and splendor of flowers in pots and vases amazed even the most experienced florists. The valley was rich in the gifts of nature, and many would not miss the opportunity to see it all.
Even though for Isaac attending the flower festival was something akin to a vacation or a day off, the adventurer still couldn't understand why Camilla had sent him here as support and a gesture of goodwill from the Castle Village. He could understand the meaning of his presence at Spirit's Eve, after all Isaac was one of the main monster catchers for the event, but why flowers?
Alas, the thoughts of one of the most talented witches in the entire republic were unfathomable to anyone, so Isaac had no choice but to accept his fate and think about what he might do at the festival today. Not that he didn't like the flowers, but the crowd, the incessant noise, and the intoxicating scent of pollen were weighing heavily on his mind. So Isaac thought of nothing better than to walk slowly toward the smoke from the grills where Gus was preparing his famous barbecue, eager to savor the local roast meats and ales.
There were a lot of stands with floral displays and other various goods for sale, each of the exhibitors had done their best, but the most beautiful and unusual, in Isaac's opinion, were the three stands lined up in a row, with three of the most famous and chaotic farmers in Stardew Valley behind them. Farmers who were also his colleagues in his work as an adventurer, two of whom he was more or less on friendly terms with, but the third farmer.... It was a little more complicated than that.
Julian, if the scarred adventurer's memory served him correctly, was more interested in mountain flowers, so it was not surprising that his booth was overflowing with various displays of lavender, chamomile, heather, geraniums, and others flowers. There were also many vials of essential oils and handmade soaps, which the young man with heterochromia made himself. Isaac remembered this at least because he had delivered those same oils to their local healer in Castle Village when Julian had generously given oils to them out of the goodness of his heart.
Hestia's exhibition stand was probably the most unusual among the others. Her whole exposition could be described in one word - lilacs. Many, many lilacs. There were branches of this fragrant plant sticking out almost everywhere. But all over the violet-haired girl's table were small crystals of various shapes and cuts, and inside them were elegant little flowers of the same lilacs. There were also crystals with camellia, forget-me-nots, violets and gypsophila. Near the stand - a real full house: children are tugging at the sleeve of their parents, asking to buy them beautiful crystal key chains with flowers, and young couples choose a romantic gift for each other, with a rather tender and a little clichéd phrase: "my love for you will end only when this flower fades". Hestia was just glad that with her crystal magic she was able to make a lot of people happy while earning herself money to buy expensive seeds.
Some might call Myra's stand old-fashioned, but the classic floral displays that the girl had created with love and care would make even the most picky person gasp with delight. After all, it was a flower festival, and she had plenty of flowers. As if taken directly from a Renaissance painting, beautiful bouquets of chrysanthemums and gladiolus adorned glass vases, and potted orchids stood nearby. But Myra's favorite was the rose, the queen of all flowers. The girl herself was almost invisible behind the huge bouquets and pots, which contained many kinds of roses, shades of soft pink, yellow, scarlet to burgundy, purple....
Isaac himself didn't notice as he slowed his step as he passed Myra's booth. The girl had her back turned to the man, completely engrossed in picking another bouquet of ruby-red roses. A second - and the adventurer's footsteps stopped altogether...
"Didn't think I'd see you here," Julian's welcoming voice brought Isaac back from his reverie to reality, and made Myra and Hestia turn their attention away from their business and toward their guest. "How are you?"
In his usual fashion, Isaac only snorted quietly and bowed his head slightly in greeting. Julian nodded to the taciturn adventurer in return.
"Hey, Isaac," Hestia finally finished with the last buyer of her crystals and waved a hand to Isaac.
Myra, noticing the familiar adventurer, smiled widely, causing the cloaked man to look away slightly. The long-haired girl stepped out of her booth as lush bouquets of roses blocked her view.
"We're glad you were able to come to our festival. Everyone did such a great job with the floral arrangements," still holding the bouquet of red roses, Myra couldn't help but inhale the fragrant scent of the flowerbud.
"I wish I was that rose..." The realization that Isaac had said those words out loud made him abruptly sober up from all those spicy floral scents and panic beyond belief.
"What?..." Myra asked.
"I said you're all gross!" If there's an 'idiot of the year' nomination in the world, Isaac would definitely be the winner. The astonished looks of three farmers were fixed on Isaac, which made the man blush even more furiously. With a flick of his hand, he pulled the hood of his brown cloak over his head and quickly walked away toward the grill. He didn't care about the meat anymore, Isaac was going to drink ale first, and the stronger the better.
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wrathofbloodeye · 2 years
dennis nilsen letters: part two
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nilsen wrote to another unnamed penpal on september 4th, 2003. while the letter found in this article is seemingly ordinary, i think there are some interesting insights on his personality to consider throughout it.
he begins with his criticisms on the prison system’s procedures on receiving money. he then begins to talk about a documentary on myra hindley, who killed five children in england with her lover, ian brady.
“I watched the Channel Five documentary on Myra Hindley last night. One suspects that any programme with “Monster” in its title is not to be taken seriously as offering any new insight into the subject. TV journalism remains too set in its populist formulas. It revealed no new analysis or enlightening information. It hinged itself on that famous ‘demonic’ photograph of her taken at the police station. That saved millions the bother of ever having to think deeply about her ever again.”
this excerpt gives us insight on his opinions towards true crime material. in another letter circulating around, he writes to another person saying “my singular observation on crimes crackers is that they are mostly crackers.” i admit, i share the same opinion on the title of the documentary. the word monster is a reoccurring word in the titles of many serial killer documentaries and dramas. two examples would be the series invisible monsters: serial killers in america and monster: the jeffrey dahmer story. the use of the word can become overused and repetitive, which simplifies the unique details of an individual and their case.
my favorite part of this letter is towards the end.
“Scientists tell us that an asteroid might strike the earth on 21st April 2014. If I’m still around, I’ll look out for it as the end of the world is something not to be missed. Friendly greetings as always, Des. PS: What do you think of the new Bull Ring development?”
some of nilsen’s personality is revealed through these few lines. he seems quite pretentious even in his letters. not surprising, given his narcissistic personality disorder diagnosis. he is intelligent and provides thorough descriptions for his opinions (whether they make sense or not). and then he just out of nowhere, adds on something completely irrelevant and a little bizarre. seems like he had the attention span of a squirrel here, but it was probably just an attempt to make the recipient laugh. honestly, i found it amusing. it truly feels like you are reading the letter of a pretentious old man that likes to joke around.
i’m not sure if this next excerpt is from this same letter, but the article mentions it nonetheless, as it connects with earlier topics.
"I serve my time as an extreme example of human contradiction in the wide continuum of human nature and its actions. I am not contained, mute and immobile in a glass jar as some kind of eternal official specimen of popular 'evil'. As I am alive I must live as a man. I seek only to reach out to engage with the human dimension which is anathema to rigid officials of the retribution machine who are content with the official view of men like me as eternally and evilly sub-human and monstrous."
i believe he means he is a complex person who should not be simply categorized as evil, just as myra was. he deeply wants people to understand him less as a criminal and more as a person. he feels he is interpreted through a lens that ultimately deems him as evil, and that opinion is therefore passed on to others without further thought like a machine. des honey this is a difficult thing to ask for, since you killed multiple innocent lives.
i have two opinions about this that coexist, even though they are conflicting. this makes a lot of sense, while making no sense at all. his opinions and meanings are there, but it’s overshadowed by fancy syntax that does not always fit. especially that last run on sentence, as it takes him a long time to get to the point. he’s right about being contradictory- he desperately wants to be seen, but toys around with the idea more than outright demands it. his autobiography in its draft form included hours of tapes and 6,000 pages of notes. he forces people to understand him and will drag time out to do it. however, he is too high up on his own hill to level with everyone else.
his intentions may come in bits and pieces, but we may never have a clear understanding of who dennis nilsen truly was.
also, if anyone has a clear photo of the letter, feel free to share!
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iamthepulta · 27 days
For Myra, 1, 31, 32, 41, 45!
For Jamison, 8, 19, 33!
Linking the Jamison ones -> Here
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Myra is the youngest out of three children. An eldest brother, an older (middle) sister, and herself. I think through the first 10 years or so, she wasn't on great terms with her brother, but was still fairly friendly. She was three years younger than her sister though, so they grew up much closer.
I'm still trying to pin down their dynamic, so the age gap might vary a bit, but I know Myra likes her sister much more than her brother instinctively. He's following in her father's footsteps and as a youngest, mostly-ambivalent-to-the-business child, her sister is just nicer to be around. Her sister was also interested in the mines, which Myra admired, because she didn't care about them much.
2. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
Unperceived. Train stations full of steam and smoke. Busy marketplaces where nobody glances under the hood. An aside. An afterthought.
She loves her work being the center of attention. She can't remember how many times she's thought of the ballroom as her stage, and herself as the puppeteer behind the curtain. Her eyes trail aristocrats around the room with a demure smile behind a black shroud.
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
The answer might be 'perceived', but that feels really stupid to say, lol. Maybe 'judged'. I think Myra thinks of her causes and herself as inherently just, and if people put her on the spot and force her to justify things, she's uncomfortable because she absolutely has not thought that deeply about it. She just thinks she's right.
41. How does your character treat people in service jobs?
Good. Which is her defining character trait. After her sister died, she began to linger outside more often, and a new foreman's family took notice. She didn't get to spend much time with them or their only son, but enough to learn how proper families were supposed to work, and how much the parents cared about their son.
The father dies from an illness maybe a year after she met them, and the wife and son return to stay with her family in the valley.
But fundamentally, from working in the mines and learning from 'her employees' rather than her father and brother, Myra actually cares about workers and their lives. She carries that with her as she gets older, and becomes more and more disillusioned with aristocratic society.
42. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Hmmm. Myra definitely learned about death when she was 12 and her sister died, I think... I don't know if she feels her own mortality right then, though. But that definitely plants the grief that becomes her- kind of- defining characteristic/mask.
I think growing up in such a small town helped give her hope though. People were mining Elum in the valley for millennia, and they had oral stories of souls that Myra clung to as a kind of pipe dream. Eventually, when she went down to the valley and met the scientists there, she started believing that Elum was the gateway between life and death, and you could bring back someone's soul before they became earth again if you were only fast enough.
Which is crazy person talk, so she doesn't tell anyone her suspicions, but she'd seen dozens of deaths from Elum at that point, and their children who ended up bound to life and death in powerful ways. [Last bit sounds edgy because I haven't thought up practical names for the actual "Organic, Inorganic" "Light/Dark" themes, lol.]
*thinking out loud*
So I guess she believes all living things have souls. When you die, your soul goes to the <inorganic> where it's 'burned' into an element in the center of the earth. Seeds and plants are essentially 'gateways' to the <inorganic>, that combine elements back into souls. So all living things consume other souls, and then the <inorganic> consumes all at the end. The organic only takes, the inorganic accepts and gives.
I really like this idea tbh, because it's always the inorganic that's painted as the 'bad guy'. I want the organic to be the bad guy for once, lol. xD
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busterkeatonsociety · 10 months
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This Day in Buster…August 25, 1904
Buster's brother Harry Stanley "Jingles" Keaton is born in New York City.  Jingles, so named after the sound his babyhood rattle made, became part of the Keaton family vaudeville act for a time.  He appeared in several small roles later in life, notably in Buster’s last short for Educational Pictures, “Love Nest on Wheels,” alongside his mother, Myra & younger sister, Louise.  He had a son, Jingles Jr, aka Harry Moore Keaton, who has often attended our annual conventions! Jingles Sr was one for a quiet life & had a number of jobs over the years rather than a lengthy career.  However, he was remembered fondly by the folks where he tended bar in San Ysidro in the 1960s - a friendly face that was far less ‘stony’ than his older brother’s had to be.
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gardensystemtv · 7 months
For Myra/Shadowheart/Karlach: domesticity
For Myra/Karlach: dreams/nightmares
THANK YOU! I am not able to get to both prompts right now, so I'm saving the dreams one in my brainpockets. But the domesticity one shot is up now!!! You can find it on AO3 here Thank you again for submitting a prompt! Friendly reminder to anyone seeing this, feel free to send me a prompt for fun story ideas, and I will see if I can get to it!
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dracoserpentis · 10 months
a light drizzle meets thorndil, skies above the city awash with streaks of green and blue. the day has been quieter than most as of late, the excitment of conflict to the east of which her parents had saved the lady myra from imprisonment having finally passed. though worrying talk had still plagued her mind. images of dark armies morphing into a kind of dark plague washing over the land in her dreams. myra's talk of things she had seen had had brought forth hushed tones among court of a time foretold even if many did not give such credence. they had always believed such a threat would come from the unknown reaches to the north not the east. lyliana wished her brother was there, for at least she'd have him to speak with for as rash as he could be at times he always seemed able to quell her fears and chase her nightmares away if only just by providing a comforting embrace. of course she could have spoken to sir ben but.. despite how silly such a thought was she didn't want him to think her weak for having such fears. he'd always been her most loyal friend and it had usually been her thrusting them into danger-- even if said danger was merely mingling secretly with the peoples of the city or venturing into the darhk forest when young. she'd always appeared the princess she was supposed to be, strong and brave. not a silly girl with nightmares of a time that perhaps would never come to pass in the first place.
darkness begins to meet the sky awhile later, the sun lowering as the twin moons appear just past the rings and she wonders what the sky might look like far way as she stands near the window of her chambers. she's heard tales the planets rings look different elsewhere, altering the whole look of the sky. <we could go there one day, i've seen it, i can show you.> the thought is projected into her mind from apo, blue hues washing over the city as she sees the dragon, his morph first dark and then turning golden as he soared above buildings and toward the dragon pits to rest. <maybe one day but not today. i think sir poe is still recovering from my last unexpected excursion. maybe sir ben is too.> she projects back, smiling. the tension in her shoulders eases and she decides to go in search of her youngest brother. one of her guard outside her door acknowledges her and she frowns slightly at the unexpectedness of who it is. wasn't sir ramsey supposed to be her guard for the evening? she had made a point to know of such things, determined that she was kind and friendly to all her guards and not just the one she'd grown up with. lyliana questions such being informed sir ramsey had been ill and required a healer, perhaps having eaten something which had not agreed with him. she has no reason to question it, further stating that she should visit him in the infirmary following finding prince cormac.
her door remains open still when strange sounds begin to emit through the palace. there's a scream that causes her pause, then metal clanking far down the corridor. alarm creases her features as sir edris moves closer to her, seemingly to usher her back inside her room, however he grabs her arm instead all pretense lost and a strange darkness covering his eyes like black glass. she questions what he's doing, shoving at him as he begins to unsheathe his sword. there's a loud crashing sound somewhere outside the palace, shaking the floor for a moment as if something large has attempted to break into the space. it gives her an opening to yank herself away from sir edris, the large vines outside her window directed toward him as she falls to the floor and he after her. he swings his sword at the vines before attempting to stab at her. he nearly succeeds, a large cut to her arm spilling blood on the floor of her chambers before she rolls away. her vines falter for a moment before she redirects them back toward him and when he attempts to stab her again she sends them through his neck though she's not entirely sure such was what she intended. lyliana doesn't have time to allow herself to comprehend what's just happened or what she's just done, her grabbing at his sword before moving out of her chambers. she's in kind of daze, apo sending her flashes gates opening and a dark army moving into the city though she can not quite muster actual words to send to him or understand fully what he's trying to communicate to her other than there was no means for a dragon to enter the castle so a dragon wasn't going to save her from whatever was happening.
another person, a knight for twins sake charges at her, the same look in his features, and she raises the sword against him. she may not be as skilled as jayson or ben when it comes to swordplay but she knows enough. she needs to get to her brother. to her mother and her father. but first her brother. he'd be the least able to defend himself. she manages to shove the knight down the stairs before she's moving again. but what she finds when she gets to cormac's chambers sends a chill through her body. his guards are dead outside the ajar door and she nearly drops the sword then and there despite the sounds of conflict coming from all directions now. her footfalls are slow, too slow, as she pushes the door open and it's then the worst and most blood-curling shrill scream escapes her. she moves into the space, nearly falling onto the queen and prince's bodies on the floor, her mother's lifeless body protectively over her brothers. blood, too much blood littering them. the sword falls as she shakes her mother first and then her brother but.. there was no life left in them. she can't breathe. she can't think. they have to come back. they have to. this wasn't real. it couldn't be.
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her scream, or was it screams? not even she knows have attracted attention, two men who she recognizes as having seemingly been imprisoned with myra before her parents saved her appearing in the doorway. they don't have the same darkness washing over their eyes but they do have hate and malice in them. they move into her brother's chambers and she scrambles for the sword trying to protect her mother and brother unable to accept them truly fallen. but they are larger than her, quicker, and their sight is not clouded by tears. she tries to strike out at them but the sword is knocked from her, one of them, the one without a sword so that his hands were free grabs her as the other with his back toward the door seeks to stab her too. in the distance her dragon screeches violently over the city, sound booming given his size and age as he like the now fallen dragon of her brother's tries to break through a palace wall with fire and sheer force of his body.
"why? why are you doing this? we helped you!" she's struggling violently, seeking answers if it is to be the last moments she has and praying others.. ben, her father, and so many others still lived. but then she realizes with the sick and twisted expression of the man with the sword staring at her as he points it toward her the true depth of betrayal. "it was all a trick. myra never was a prisoner was she? this is what you wanted, wasn't it?!" she doesn't get a response and anger rises within her as she stares back at the man, unwilling to grant him fear in her death. there is no peace as she realizes she's about to die, no, anger is all she has. "the twins will see you pay for this! my brother will hunt you down and you will burn for this!"
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