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personalwritingblog ¡ 3 years ago
The UpsideDown what? (Steve harringtonxx)
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THIS IS A SERIES - First chapter.
Parts - One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten
This is a re-upload. My other account felt too clustered 
Short Description - The reader thinks Steve is cheating because he keeps bailing on your plans to meet up, one night you follow him and find him at Nancy’s house. Steve and Nancy explains what’s going on and you’re left with the information of the Upside Down.
Pairing - Steve + reader
Warnings - Swearing + Sexual remarks and scenes (Smut - not it this chapter) + Violence + spoilers for season 2
(A/n) - This is my first attempt of writing an imagine series. If you could maybe comment at the end of this or just send me a message to tell me if it is good or not. Taglist is open.
Words - 1342 (Kinda short sorry guys)
I DO REQUESTS!!!!! - Fandoms mainly include: Stranger things + Supernatural + Vampire Diaries + The Originals + game of thrones + Marvel + one Direction + Many more.
I hope you enjoy this!
You watched as Steve drove off, he was clearly upset when he hung up his phone and hastily explained to you why he had to leave, even though he couldn’t tell you who he was going to meet up with. You can’t take this anymore, you have been together for almost five months and you know it’s not that long, but you just can’t help the idea that he is cheating on you.
  Today has been the third time he’s left to go help some person who he doesn’t want to mention, and he says that he cannot explain as to why he is going to this person and what is going on because it could put you in danger. “Fuck it.” you mumbled as you grabbed your car keys and ran out to your car.
You pulled out of the drive way and sped to meet up with Steve’s car, but keeping a good distance. If you were not mistaken the road he was taking was leading up to Nancy’s house. You couldn’t take it, not that, not her. Tears were threatening to spill as Steve’s car pulled into her driveway. You didn’t stop, you didn’t even look at him as he climbed out of the car. Your eyes were focused in front of you as you made your way back to your house.
You woke up the next morning still angry at everything and everyone, how could Steve do this to you? You couldn’t even think straight as you got dressed and moved through the house like a zombie, you grabbed an apple and barely said goodbye to your parents.
 The drive to school went slowly, and the music was also not helping. It is as if every song that came up made you feel even worse about yourself. You sighed at the feeling of your heart getting heavier, it was pulling your spirit down with it. You pulled in to the parking lot, you were not prepared to face Steve. What if he wasn’t even cheating, what if she just really needed help? You forced yourself to hope for the later.
You spotted Steve’s car in his usual spot and the anger returned instantly. He climbed out of his car just as yours stopped. You grabbed your books and got out, “(Y/n)!” Steve called but you ignored him and headed straight for the building. You were not emotionally strong enough to speak to him right now. “(Y/n)!” he called again but you were not going to give in that easily.
 He grabbed your wrist right before you reached your locker. “(Y/n) what the hell?” Steve leaned on your locker and tried making eye contact, but you refused. “(Y/n) speak to me, please.” He half begged. You slammed your locker shut and stared at him, causing a few of the other students to turn and stare at you.
“How was last night?” Steve looked confused. “What?” You shook your head. “Do not try and play dumb with me, asshole.” You hissed and turned around, almost bumping in to someone. Your blood boiled when your eyes landed on Nancy’s face. “Ah, just the shithead I wanted to see! Hope you had fun with my boyfriend last night.” You said, a little bit too loudly, which caused you to feel embarrassed when people started whispering, so you blushed.
“Excuse me?” She asked in her annoying voice, clinging onto her books, eyes darting between you and Steve. “Forget it, you two deserve each other.” You mumbled and stepped away. Suddenly someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you in to a closet, you turned around to see Steve and Nancy both staring at you. “What the hell.” You exclaimed, kidnapping was not on your list for today.
 Steve pulled his fingers through his hair and looked at Nancy. “I can’t lie to her anymore. So, are you going to explain, or should I?” He asked, standing with his hands on his hips. She looked deep in thought. “Listen, I don’t want to know who kissed who first or where they touched each other, I’m out.” You sassed and tried to leave but Steve blocked your way, his hand reached for your face, but you pulled away. You could’ve sworn you saw pain flash in his eyes. “Listen here you dickhead, you are going to sit your ass down and just listen to what we are trying to say to you, or so help me God! I am not cheating!” Steve started to get angry, so you just listened and did what he said. You felt annoyed that he called you a dickhead though.
(Almost an hour and a half later.)
“I’ve already missed two of my classes just to listen to this ‘upside down’ bullshit story?” You questioned standing up, your heart was racing. Secretly you did believe the stuff they were saying, even if it was crazy. “Are you kidding me?” Steve exclaimed and threw his hands up in the air, over exaggerating. “Do you want proof?” Nancy asked you with a straight face. “Obviously.” You replied, moving your head in the way that can only be described as a bobbly head.
“Then let’s go, my brothers friend, Dustin has this lizard thing he found and it’s locked up in his bedroom.” Steve frowned. “How do you know that?” She rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag. “Mike, duh.” She then left the room, leaving you alone with Steve. You picked up your bag and draped it over your shoulder. “Well, I’m not going to miss another class, see you later.”
  You stepped forward to leave the room, but Steve stepped in front of you. “(Y/n).” He said softly, reaching for your face. You allowed him to touch you this time. His hand was warm against your skin, and the heat spread to the rest of your body. “I’m sorry.” You blurted out. Steve just nodded his head, “Yeah, I know. It was kind of funny when you called Nancy a shithead though.” He chuckled softly, now bringing both hands to your face.
He leaned in slowly, “I can’t believe you called me a dickhead, you dickhead.” You mumbled. Saying that to him made him burst out laughing. His beautiful face breaking into that heart melting smile that you loved. “You sure are beautiful.” You mumbled. Steve’s cheeks turned a very light shade of pink. “Stop that bullshit.” He smiled. “We all know who’s the real beauty here.” He said and snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you closer and making you smile. “I don’t know, who?” You asked and looked around the room. He didn’t say anything, he just pressed his lips firmly to yours, taking your breath away.
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mejiasierra1 ¡ 3 years ago
About me.
Being a happy, uncomplicated and free person is among my characteristics. welcome to my blog.
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thefairilynblogs-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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Faye Frances Gallardo 
13 years old 
Born on May 22, 2005 
Daughter of Ailyn and Alvin Gallardo 
A suster to Julius Cesar Gallardo, Grace Anne Gallardo, and Paul Miki Gallardo 
Lives in Purok 3 Brgy. Binanuaan, Talisay, Camarines Norte 
I love cleaning house and watching wrestling matches. I also like playing music and I want to be a baker.  I love basketball.
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MartedĂŹ, 2 Ottobre 2018: Festa dei Nonni
Intervista a Mia Nonna
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Cara Nonna, raccontami di Te:
Mi chiamo Emma e sono nata il 27 settembre 1939.
Dove hai vissuto?
Sono nata a Roma nella zona di Vigne Nuove, ma all’età di 2 anni sono stata confinata insieme alla mia famiglia per motivi politici a Grottaminarda (provincia di Avellino) e qui sono rimasta per 4 anni. Non si può immaginare la sofferenza fisica e psicologica provata  in questi anni. Finita la guerra, nel 1946 siamo tornati a Roma. Tutto ciò che avevamo lasciato fu distrutto ma il fatto di essere vivi ci diede la forza necessaria per ricostruire la nostra vita.
Che scuola frequentavi?
Frequentai  sia le Scuole Elementari  che Commerciali (le attuali Scuole Medie) a Roma.  
Per quanto riguarda le scuole Elementari andai i primi due anni alla Scuola Cattolica in Piazza Monte Gennaro  mentre gli altri tre anni alla Scuola Comunale in Via Monte Fumaiolo.  Sono stati anni di cui conservo dei  ricordi stupendi: la scuola ci insegnava a vivere e questo mi è stato utile in tutta la mia vita. In particolare,  ricordo con amore la Maestra Perucchini la quale mi ‘bacchettava’ spesso perché imparavo tutto a memoria tanto che il più delle volte, con un libro in testa, mi portava per le classi e tutti i compagni dovevano dirmi: “Somara”.  Il colmo era quando toccava alla classe di mia sorella, la quale diventava rossa per la vergogna e appena uscivamo da scuola riferiva tutto ai miei genitori. Nonostante questo, per me era un gioco e ridevo d’incoscienza oltre al fatto che ho continuato ad imparare tutto a memoria e oggi, a 79 anni, ancora mi ricordo tutti i poemi e poesie studiate a scuola.  Finite le elementari ho frequentato  Le Scuole  Commerciali Don Bosco in zona Monte Sacro.  In questi  anni strinsi amicizia con la mia amica Silvana, una studentessa modello o come dite oggi voi giovani una ‘secchiona’.  Un’amicizia durata sino poco tempo fa quando purtroppo è venuta a mancare.
Come erano i rapporti con i tuoi genitori? Andavi d'accordo con tua sorella e tuo fratello?
Sono sempre andata d’accordo con i miei genitori i quali ci ha insegnato dei sani valori a cui tutt’oggi sono grata. Nella nostra famiglia, il dialogo era una costante; ci piaceva comunicare insieme, raccontarci la nostra quotidianità e questo non ci stancava mai.  Non avevamo molto anzi quasi niente, ma proprio per questo eravamo altruisti l’uno con l’altro. L’amore era la forza dominante della nostra vita e difficilmente i nostri volti erano tristi. Siamo sempre state persone positive, ottimiste e speranzose e questo ci ha aiutato e ci aiuta tutt’ora nel sostenerci a vicenda.
Quali erano i tuoi passatempi preferiti?
Sono sempre stata una persona giocosa e lo sono tutt’ora.  Mi piaceva stare all’aperto e con le mie amiche giocavamo a campana (infatti avevamo sempre il gessetto bianco dietro), acchiapparella, nascondino, mosca cieca, con la corda … quando pioveva invece giocavamo con le bambole di pezza che ci cucivano da noi. Non avevamo quello che hanno i bambini oggi ma dal mio punto di vista eravamo molto più creativi, una dote che purtroppo la tecnologia sta distruggendo.
Quali erano i tuoi sogni nel cassetto? Li hai realizzati?
Ho sempre custodito e nascosto i miei sogni per paura che non si realizzassero. Quello che nonna ti può dire è che pensavo di poter volare come Icaro, di diventare una Ginnasta Ritmica … avevo così tante idee che descriverle tutte sarebbe impossibile  … ma il sogno più importante che ho realizzato è stato l’Amore e di questo non ho rimpianti.
Mi racconti di quando hai conosciuto il Nonno?
Quando ho conosciuto l’Amore, tuo nonno, eravamo giovanissimi: io avevo 13 anni e lui 16. Ci conoscemmo mentre stavo imparando il cucito presso una sarta (ai miei tempi era solito per le femmine  imparare questi mestieri) che mi aveva incaricato di piegare i panni stesi e tuo nonno mi aiutò. Questo fu il nostro primo incontro. Siamo diventati amici e spesso mi riaccompagnava nei pressi di casa mia. Ci davamo sempre del Lei ma più ci conoscevamo più eravamo attratti l’uno d’altra. Successe che in un tardo pomeriggio d’agosto,  mentre mi riaccompagnava lungo la strada di casa, mio padre ci venne incontro con la bicicletta e quando ci vide capì subito che non era una semplice amicizia ma qualcosa di più profondo. Tentò invano di dissuaderci ma vista la nostra determinazione gli intimò di presentarsi a casa nostra  quella stessa domenica a pranzo coi suoi genitori … fu una domenica indimenticabile per tutti  in tutti i sensi …
Ai tuoi tempi,  essere fidanzati cosa significava?
Ai miei tempi non esisteva il permissivismo di oggi: le regole stabilite in casa andavano rispettate e su quelle non si transigeva. Per quanto possa sembrare un’ affermazione proibitiva,  quest’educazione  ci tutelava e ci insegnava a rispettare sia noi stessi che il prossimo. Ho sempre rispettato gli orari stabiliti e non ho mai avuto comportamenti discutibili ne in privato ne in pubblico.  Per me era importante la stima  della mia famiglia.
Mi  rendo conto che i tempi sono cambiati ma oggi, non mi sembra esista una via di mezzo adeguata anzi il troppo permissivismo  non fa altro che allontanare le famiglie; non esistono punti d’incontro e questo crea solo confusione.
Quando vi siete sposati con il Nonno?
Appena tuo nonno concluse gli anni di Servizio Militare obbligatorio, ci sposammo colmi di sogni. Eravamo materialmente poveri ma ricchi d’amore e questo ci ha permesso di affrontare le bufere della vita.
Crearvi una vostra famiglia cosa ha significato per entrambi?
Costruirsi una propria famiglia è stata una scuola di vita: abbiamo imparato l’importanza del rispettarsi reciprocamente e collaborare insieme.  I nostri figli poi, hanno responsabilizzato la nostra vita e siamo ‘cresciuti’ insieme a loro. Ovviamente la vita di moglie e mamma è stata impegnativa (e lo è tutt’ora che i miei figli sono adulti e io sono nonna), ma ho sempre vissuto questa responsabilità con saggezza.
Cambieresti qualcosa della tua vita?
Neanche un po’, non voglio rovinare i miei sogni! Ho vissuto appieno la mia vita e non ho alcun rammarico e questo perché anche nei momenti peggiori  ho sempre trovato uno spiraglio di luce che ha tenuto viva la mia gioia di vivere.
Cosa pensi della societĂ  odierna?
A mio avviso, la società è priva di valori, i giovani sono malconsigliati,  l’autorità familiare e scolastica è calpestata e non si è più capaci di affrontare i problemi in modo maturo.  Siamo diventati arroganti , parliamo tanto ma non vogliamo ascoltare. Credo che sia necessario fermarci  e riflettere.
Cosa consiglieresti a noi giovani per sopravvivere in questa societĂ  fatta solo di apparenza ma non di sostanza?
Per me, questa società è ipocrita e falsa: ci illude facendoci credere che è possibile avere tutto senza sacrificio. Ai giovani dico che non serve giustificare o giustificarsi ma affrontare tutto ciò che la vita ci offre. Questo significa diventare grandi.
Grazie Nonna Cara del tempo dedicatomi! Ogni istante passato in tua compagnia non ha uguali e spero davvero un domani di essere per i miei nipotini ciò che tu sei per me da oltre 30 anni.
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La Quercia
C'era nel bosco una quercia vecchiona: sotto la quercia un fungo porcino: e sotto il fungo, all’ombretta buona, c'era una mamma col suo bambino. Casa tranquilla e vita beata di quella povera famigliola! Immensa gioia da tutti ignorata tanto pia vera quanto pia sola! Ecco: alla fame un insetto bastava, uno da pranzo, uno da cena: e per la sete un goccin di rugiada: e per il freddo una ragnatela. Chi ci pensava alle feste del mondo che dànno tante e poi tante pene? A quei due poveri, nel bosco fondo, era assai festa volersi bene.
(Diego Valeri)
Intervista a cura di Viviana C.
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dove-miporta-ilcuore ¡ 6 years ago
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#bed #tumblr #mypersonalblog #cipster #book #waitingMorfeo #nosleep #food #relax #stopbadthoughts (presso Cesano di Roma) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoAAVdKCrDaGEeVoiYFJSlCneXQB9hHlaEh_Uc0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1otpuycgusqsl
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victormirandamx ¡ 5 years ago
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DĂĄndole una actualizada a mi sitio a nivel software que y estaba muy abandonado, ahora a atender sus comentarios y sugerencias para retomar mi sitio y actualizar su contenido. Pero por hoy a descansar #nites . . . #update #upgrade #website #myweb #mywebsite #blog #myblog #mypersonalblog https://www.instagram.com/p/CAhFHwsA2Bi/?igshid=16j30elsbphae
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sacredinkedblood ¡ 6 years ago
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Just because you feel deeper about things in life and rolls over into your own emotions don't let anyone convince that you're just mental. People feel different & process different than others. Plus maybe you have a gift from God where you experience higher sensitivity. So they don't understand it and that's okay. Some gifts even feel like cursings instead of blessings especially this particular one. We all have some of the same gifts and also some of us have different gifts than one another. It doesn't matter how they label you as long as you do your best by it. Not every one will judge another or make another feel less human because of it and God will bless them for it. But those that judge others or label them as weird, crazy or try to make a person feel less of a human ARE THE ONE'S WHO ARE LESS HUMAN. 01/27/2019 #quoteoftheday #SacredInkedBlood #venjencie #authorsofinstagram @relationshipquotes.official @picoftheday_offiicial @google @googlesearchme @words_with_queens @words @anthonyswordsofwisdomforwomen @philosophybits @wisdomfeed @google_server @wisdomfeed @wisdomfeedministry @wisdombits.art @lessonstaughtbylife @sweetzthoughts #addquotes #Arnold #CharlieBrown #cool #Jencie #q #p #w #mypersonalblog #mylife #ParisTn #HenryCountyTn (at Author Ven J. Arnold) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtKqo4NHT32/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5k4e675ffttn
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franperete-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Si no lo crees capaz, no vale la pena intentarlo Pero si lo crees posible, dĂŠjate la piel en ello Esa es la actitud positiva Esa es la actitud de los ganadores
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a21ateamhsv ¡ 10 months ago
You Don’t Have to Wear a Crown To Be A Queen!
I know you see me wearing a gorgeous crown! But did you know you don’t need it to be an actual Queen!? But you are a queen without! I even didn’t get the crown (only because I didn’t have an outfit) but really didn’t need it to know how much a queen I am. Even though we don’t always feel like it. Trust me! I have these days more often than not! Look in the mirror Queen! What do you see? Not…
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divyaaghi-blog ¡ 4 years ago
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mejiasierra1 ¡ 3 years ago
To know a little about me, it is necessary to tell you that I am a 21-year-old girl. My life has always revolved around work, I lived in Spain for several years working and studying. Then when I got here I decided to continue the beautiful finance career.
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thefairilynblogs-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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Krizza Aldea Almonte 
13 years old
Born on September 25, 2005
I live in Barangay Calintaan, Talisay, Camarines
My parents are Nedy Salterio and Alberto Almonte 
My siblings are Coleen Andrea and Alyanna Fate. 
My favorite sports is badminton. My hobbies are watching TV and biking.I love eating adobo, fried chicken, and cake 
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beyondmyfacade ¡ 8 years ago
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sacredinkedblood ¡ 6 years ago
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Just because you feel deeper about things in life and rolls over into your own emotions don't let anyone convince that you're just mental. People feel different & process different than others. Plus maybe you have a gift from God where you experience higher sensitivity. So they don't understand it and that's okay. Some gifts even feel like cursings instead of blessings especially this particular one. We all have some of the same gifts and also some of us have different gifts than one another. It doesn't matter how they label you as long as you do your best by it. Not every one will judge another or make another feel less human because of it and God will bless them for it. But those that judge others or label them as weird, crazy or try to make a person feel less of a human ARE THE ONE'S WHO ARE LESS HUMAN. 01/27/2019 #quoteoftheday #SacredInkedBlood #venjencie #authorsofinstagram @relationshipquotes.official @picoftheday_offiicial @google @googlesearchme @words_with_queens @words @anthonyswordsofwisdomforwomen @philosophybits @wisdomfeed @google_server @wisdomfeed @wisdomfeedministry @wisdombits.art @lessonstaughtbylife @sweetzthoughts #addquotes #Arnold #CharlieBrown #cool #Jencie #q #p #w #mypersonalblog #mylife #ParisTn #HenryCountyTn (at Author Ven J. Arnold) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtKqo4NHT32/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lmqpntznxmck
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debbmarieee-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Why I moved to London, and why you should too! ☘️👉🏻🌍
Some of you may know that I moved to London at a very young age from a small city called Galway in the lovely emerald isle. Some of you may know that I studied here and got a degree in Song-writing. But what some of you may not know is that this city has changed me completely. I moved here when I had just turned 18 from Galway, and let me tell you it was very very tough. Galway to me will always be home but to be honest I could not wait to leave. I came to study so I guess that pushed me and motivated me a bit more to pursue my dream of moving to a big city. Let me start with the first thing that I fell in love with about London, the social scene. I came here knowing absolutely nobody and ended up with friends left, right and centre, and there was always something to do or someone to hang out with. Going for a coffee is a massive London thing that I found slightly strange when I got here, but after being to hundreds of coffee shops all around London, I became a tad obsessed. There was so much hustle and bustle in those little coffee shops, I cant explain unless you have tried it out yourself. I ended up going there all the time, to chill and to do uni work, which is probably the reason I passed this degree to be fair. The second thing I loved is how easy it was for me to get everywhere, there was always a bus/tube/ train or way for me to get where I wanted and 24 hour busses saved my life at times! The third thing I really liked was how there was nobody looking at me in the streets, like finally nobody knew me, I just went off on my day to day life and it was just lovely to be anonymous for once. I am sure some of you reading this can relate to that. I did find it hard to comprehend how people wacked into me on the tube and street and not even apologise, I'm sure I cried a few times down the phone to my mom about that. Last but not least, I learned so many different aspects about different cultures and I thought it was fantastic! I made friends from all over the world, it's amazing. I knew how to work a washing machine, clean like a ninja and cook before I came so that did help. Not to worry though I had a friend who didn't know how to cook pasta, and he's a pro at cooking now! You're all probably thinking I keep blabbing on about all the good stuff, the bad is coming hold your horses!! One of the worsts part of being in London, or I am sure any big city in the world, is renting. RENTING IS AWFUL! Okay I am exaggerating a little but I have moved house at least 8 times and I have had some nasty landlords too. I even have ended up homeless a few times with no official house to call home, which sucked. I have been broke just spending ÂŁ700/800 on rent just so I could have a decent enough room to sleep in. The plus side to all this is I have made friends for life and I am able to tolerate really disgusting bathrooms and kitchens, which is wonderful because rewind four years and I would of cried at some of the places I have stayed and seen. Getting a job is not as hard as you think it will be. Yeah it may not be what you wanted but I am sure in saying you will find something to hold you up for the time being to get you where you want, for me that was bar work and waitressing. Waitressing in London can be super stressful and you will serve a lot of horrible people but on the other hand you will learn a lot about yourself, earn tips ( which are really good) and gain the willpower not to wack them over the head when they are being rude. I have had my fair share of meltdowns over here too and it took me around two years to feel independent and confident enough not to call my mom every time something bad happened to me. I got stranded in the middle of London after I had an argument with a London black cabs driver, standing there crying like an idiot, who did I call? My mom, on a crappy viber line with Starbucks wifi. I tumbled face first down the stairs at the tube station, bruised my bum, and nobody stopped to help me. Who did I call? My mum. I spent my last bit of money on a take away when I was drunk. Who did I call? well you can guess. Its okay to do this, I still do it now, just not as often. It doesn't mean that you're not strong or cut out for London, it actually means you are amazing for doing this and you just need a little helping hand when you are lonely. The worst thing about moving to another country or just moving away from home in general, is not having those few people you can have a cup of tea with and get emotional about forgetting to take your washing out of the machine and don't have clean socks. London can be really lonely, even for me to this day, but I am so glad that I made that decision and became the best version of myself that I could possibly be. I am not saying that everyone needs to do this at all, I am just saying this is what I needed and it has been a crazy experience so far. What I am saying is that if you are thinking about this but are unsure, just DO IT! You wont regret it, you will learn so many new things, and hey! if its not for you? Then at least you gave it a go. And if you need any advice, I am always here to post weird, emotional blogs! All my love, Deb x
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a21ateamhsv ¡ 1 year ago
Mess with a Mission Podcast, New Episode! It’s Not Just a Gift
#messwithamission #podcaster #spotify #podcasts #itsnotjustagift #stephjones451
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