#myers parents
bandcampfun2021 · 11 months
When it comes to the first Halloween 1978 and its immediate sequel Halloween II 1981, the two films are great on their own right. Halloween II (1981) actually ends in a way where it doesn't need any timeline films to continue the story of Michael Myers.
Seriously, after watching the disaster that was Halloween Ends (2022) and how Michael was basically pushed to the sidelines in favor of Corey, it's made me appreciate Halloween II (1981) much more. Even more so, each timeline starts out with a great first film--Halloween 4, H20, and Halloween 2018. And yet, each timeline torpedoes both the second and third films into something unrecognizable.
When it comes to Halloween II (1981), it manages to pick up perfectly where the first film left off and perfectly highlights what miscommunication can do to people, seeing what happened to Ben Tramer. The fact that it takes place in a hospital with dark shadows and lighting also scores massive points with me. The whole time Michael was in the hospital, I felt goosebumps and even was on the edge of my seat as he entered the NICU with a bunch of newborn infants.
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Now, when it comes to the twist of the film, in all honesty, I find the twist not to be as bad as people think. I find it much more scarier than anything else.
If you think about it, by the morning of October 31st, 1981, Laurie Strode was just a normal everyday teenager, concerned with her babysitting duties and frequently exasperated and amused by the antics of her friends Lynda and Annie. In her mind, everything is perfect--she has a good job as a babysitter, she has two best friends, her life is going normal...
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However, by the time midnight rolls around, Laurie goes through some serious trauma: hearing her friends making concerning noises and finding out what's happened to them and the fact she couldn't protect them...
Then, this mysterious masked man shows up behind her, wielding a knife, and she has to fight for her life. Someone she probably thought would never happen, given how peaceful the neighborhood was.
Now, let's go to Halloween II (1981), just hours after her nightmare began...
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Within hours of her nightmare first beginning, she has to go through being in the hospital by herself, and her parents can't even be there because the news of her attack is still very new. It's likely very possible that both Morgan and Pamela Strode likely didn't get word of the attack until the phone-lines had been repaired.
While at the hospital, she finds out the identity of her attacker and completely panics, her mind going a million miles in each direction.
Finally succumbing to her exhaustion, this is where I think her repressed memories come int9 play.
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The first thing I want to know is, "Who tells this to a child? I'm not your mother?" That's not the way to tell a child, especially one with a family history like Laurie's, that they're adopted. For me, this somewhat implies that the relationship between Laurie and her adoptive mother was strained at the very least before the events of Halloween 1978.
For those who don't know, the Halloween Chaos comics does shed some insight about what happened to the Myers parents after October 31st, 1963, and it is nothing short of heartbreaking: as a result of Michael's trial, Donald Myers starts drinking heavily while Edith Myers sinks into a depression. It doesn't take long for Donald Myers to ban any mention of Michael. Something that's also somewhat overlooked is that Laurie was only two years old when she lost her sister Judith Myers.
Not wanting to listen to her husband, Edith Myers does end up taking little three-year-old Cynthia (this was Laurie's birth name before the Strode family legally changed it) to see Michael at Smith's Grove on a few occasions. This is my interpretation, but I do believe the reason Edith took her to see Michael is because deep down, the poor woman was hoping that seeing his youngest sister would help bring back the little boy Michael once was.
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Not only does bringing her to see Michael not succeed, but one day, little Cynthia babbles about Michael in front of Donald. This man proceeds to beat little Cynthia/Laurie (who's only three at most) until she stops talking. This is when I believe little Laurie started repressing her memories of her biological family due to her father beating her, her mother's depression, and being emotionally neglected at just two/three years old.
With this backstory in mind, this twist becomes more heartbreaking if you think about it. In just a span of few hours, Laurie goes from a normal teenage girl to someone with a dark family history she was completely unprepared for, someone whose name isn't even Laurie, someone whose brother hurt her in more ways than her adoptive family's secrets ever could...
And as if things couldn't get worse, Laurie is given no time to mentally process this reveal and the knowledge that her whole life has been a lie because her life is immediately in danger once more.
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Even more so, when Michael comes after her in the boiler room, when Laurie calls out his name, it's full of confusion and hurt, almost as if she can't understand why. Why is her brother hurting her?
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So, while some may find Halloween II (1981) a bit underwhelming, I think it's a pretty good sequel to the original Halloween 1978 film on its own right and concludes the story in a satisfying way that doesn't even need the other timeline films to be satisfied.
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caitlynscat · 1 year
Wenclair Parents
Wednesday silently reads. Enid bursts in the room holding her baby
Enid: Oh my god, oh my god WEDNESDAY!
Wednesday: Yes I’m right here, cara Mia.
Enid: I can’t find Sabina! I checked everywhere! Did you see her?! Did she go outside?!
Wednesday, putting the book down: I don’t know, dear. Did you check what you’re carrying?
Enid looks down with a sigh of relief realizing Sabina was resting quietly in her arms.
Enid: Oh my god this is the second time. Oh dear I feel like I’m going to pass out.
The werewolf hands the raven Sabina before collapsing to the ground.
Wednesday, rocking Sabina: You’re so cute. You gave your mother a heart attack. Again.
Enid: Wait a minute…. where’s the other one?
Wednesday: Right above you.
Enid looks up to see their other child Sadie (age 7) taped to the ceiling, sleeping.
Enid: Oh my GOD!
Wednesday: She needed to sleep. And that’s the only way she can.
Enid: But why? How does that even- Where did she get that- HOW DID SHE GET UP THERE?!
Wednesday: I helped her, of course.
Wednesday sits back in her chair continuing rocking Sabina: I have my ways, Mi Amor.
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40ep · 8 months
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canucks calling out petey's screen time
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ravishingsstuff · 4 months
"Do i know you?"
"Nope just taking a walk with muffins"
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dudja · 4 months
Lol classic #AustinPowers #Meme #Comedy #MikeMyers
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voorrheess · 2 years
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i'm not a fan of ghostmyers and i think they're weird super complicated friends instead. something more like jed being a shitty uncle that michael likes because he brings him 7/11 at 2am and lets him get away with shit. michael uses jed like a google search engine for concepts and phrases and jed uses michael like scary dog privilege and a journal and neither really like eachother and michael would kill him in a second but if you went at one the other would be like "hey"
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Rachel: Need a hand, Corine? Corine: Not from you, thank you. Don't think I can see past those angelic faces. One more trick from you two, and I promise I'll make your lives miserable. Got it? Kim: Got it, Cruella. Corine: What did you call me? Rachel: Nothing. Nothing. Not a thing, Cruella.
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eurydiceryn · 1 year
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myers sibling au where everything's fine but michael is still a little funky
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rmu-vincent · 7 months
Dear Mr. Edgeworth,
I recall from one of your previous postings that you are particularly fond of cats, and am interested in your opinions on other animals commonly kept for human companionship. What are your thoughts on dogs? Horses? Rodents? Birds and reptiles?
I would assume that last one would have interesting twofold connotations given your status as a law student, due to these creatures' association with the legal profession - the epithet of "legal eagle" on the positive side, and all the jokes about snakes and crocodilians' show of professional courtesy on the negative. As an enthusiast of all things reptile related, I feel it is a reputation undeserved by these misunderstood, scaly creatures... as well as those aspiring to take on careers in law, very important for society...
But I digress. Lastly, I would also take it that, for rather obvious reasons, you don't really like fish, the way they remind you of a certain someone...
Regards, Seraphine. Again, may you excel in your studies, and no slanderous jokes come your way.
Dear Ms Seraphine,
Thank you for the kind words and inspiring thoughts.
Despite, as you noted correctly, being fascinated by cats, I am not that fond of most domestic animals, and my liking for cats is simply an amusing exception. However, there are still some species that I could call charming and interesting in ways different from keeping them as pets.
The first animal that came to mind was a graceful black panther. Ever since I was a kid, I thought of panthers as majestic, powerful guardians, trustworthy leaders, and dangerous vigilantes. They might not represent justice in the traditional sense of court cases and hour-long debates, but if one crosses their road, they should be wary of seeing their eyes shine in the dark when the night falls.
On the other hand, I could never resist swift, elegant antelopes' beauty. As someone who has always strived for success and improvement, their efortless endurance and resilience resonated with me; antelopes are in a constant state of action, awareness, and searching for new paths, opportunities. For me, they are a symbol of motivation and energy.
As my final point, I would like to mention swans. Even though they are often depicted as an embodiment of love, from swan figurines being placed on wedding cakes to towel swans on hotel beds, these birds have always struck me as an exquisite representation of change. On another note, the concept of a swan song has captivated me ever since I learned what the expression meant. It is impossible to deny that I spent hours considering what my swan song could possibly be, and to tell the truth, I still think about it from time to time.
Unfortunately, I do not have a strong stance on reptiles. They are the most beautiful when admired from afar, and their quiet deadliness amazes me; snakes in particular have been painted as villains since the beginning of time, so despite me condemning the demonization of reptiles, I understand why people have those... preconcieved notions about them.
Keeping rodents and other smaller animals as pets does not make much sense to me. For me, it would be impossible to love something that is barely capable of communicating its needs. These fluff balls always seemed closer to decor than to actual companions.
As for fish, I would not say that a certain someone you mentioned has enough influence over me to make me actively dislike fish. Marine species look magnificent in acquariums when the interior is done right, and personally, I do not mind fish... served with a tasteful side dish, that is.
Best regards,
Vincent Edgeworth
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bearfeathers · 2 months
no but the way halloween (2018) restores to michael myers the identity of the shape and the boogeyman is just 🤌
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bella-goths-wife · 2 years
Parent slashers catching teen reader sneaking out
This is just a quick funny one since I’ve not posted about slashers in a while! :)
Michael Myers
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You were trying to sneak out to a party when you looked down the stairs and saw your father standing there looking at you (picture above is exactly how I imagine it)
Michael Myers is not happy
He goes away for weeks in end and you choose the night that he is home to sneak out?
He thought he had a smart kid
He just gives you a stern look and stands in front of the door
This caused you to slowly back up the stairs and back into your room all while facing him because you were afraid to turn your back on your serial killer father when he’s in ‘strict mode’
Michael makes sure to guard your door in case your stupid enough to try again
If you did open your door in the night you’d come chest to face with your father with his arms crossed and a stern look still on his face
Bo Sinclair
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Bo would notice you trying to sneak out and would let you
But you better be prepared for him to sit in the chair with all the lights off and for him to slowly turn one lamp on when you get in the house before saying “and where have you been?”
He’s very passive aggressive about it
I think he’d sit in the dark for hours with no entertainment if it meant he could spook you when your sneaking back in
If you come back drunk then he’ll wait until the morning to question you, but it will also happen that he needs to vacuum your room, make a smoothie, wash clothes in the old noisy washing machine
Basically anything that will cause your hangover to be worse
Vincent Sinclair
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You were just on your way down the stairs when you saw Vincent at the bottom of them
He just looks at you like “wtf are you doing here”
You try and play it off like you needed water and he just looks at you like “you needed to get water in heels and a fur coat?”
He is not happy
He hates when you leave the house in the day, Nevermind for a party at night!!
You are grounded for two weeks and he sleeps in your bed with you that night to make sure you don’t go sneaking off again
He’ll also snitch to Bo so that you get your ass handed to you verbally since he can’t yell at you
Thomas Hewitt
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When he catches you, he doesn’t fully catch on to what your doing
So to get out of trouble, you convinced him that you missed your dad and you wanted to spend some time with him before he went to bed
So you both spend a few hours together and play games and you tell him how your doing in school
He thinks it’s one of the times he felt the proudest of his child
It’s not until the morning, when he tells Hoyt about it that he tells Thomas what was actually going on
He’s very hurt by this
He gives you a very disappointed look and grounds you
He then tells Luda may what you did so you could feel her wrath as a good punishment
You apologise to him and he forgives you, especially when he sees that Luda may put you on cleaning duty for 3 months
Asa Emory
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Asa already has your door booby trapped that goes off if you leave your room at certain times
To both keep you in and keep others out
So when he comes in with a knife in his hand and his other trying to keep his robe on, he didn’t expect to see you covered with the weighted net on you instead of an intruder
He makes you explain yourself while still in the embarrassing situation on being pinned to the ground with this net
He is furious
He screams at you for hours and threatens to take you to the hotel if you try this shit again
He also silent treatments you for a few days
Not to mention all the new secret locks he puts on your door when your at school
Tiffany Valentine
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She caught you trying to climb out of your window when she was coming to bring you your washed clothes
She’s not angry she’s just hurt
She’s hurt you didn’t trust her enough to just ask
If you had simply asked if you could go to a party she would have allowed it, hell she would have helped you pick an outfit and drove you
She’d also make sure you were in a safe environment
She sits you down and explains to you that if you’d have asked her she would have been fine with it and would have been able to make sure you were safe and happy
She grounds you for 2 weeks which quickly turns to 2 days when you give her puppy eyes
She just wants to make sure no one can hurt her sweet face
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Michael would go crazy seeing the effects his baby has on his girl’s body, i would do anything to see the look on his face when she gets that pregnancy glow!! His eyes would practically sparkle. Please just imagine Michael cradling a little baby girl in his huge, lethal hands. He’d do anything to protect his girls ❤️❤️
I can see Michael being such a girl dad like omg
Please just imagine Michael cradling a little baby girl in his huge, lethal hands
Well that's me actually Stone cold dead
I actually cant function enough like????
Big stronk murdery boy just gentle somft touches when holding his little girl... I am MUSH
...mum low-key freaking out about leaving the baby with him but then comes in to find Michael sat cross legged, clutching her safe and soft in his warm strong arms and telling her one of the few stories he remembers when he was a kid I am DECEASED
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gophergal · 2 years
From Little Dark Age by MGMT: "Forgiving who you are, for what you stand to gain. Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away"
Because that lyric reminds me of a certain blorbo
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Don't worry, it reminds me of him too
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ants-personal · 9 months
evans the type of guy to ask vinny or jeff what they are eating/drinking and then ask to taste it and when they hold it out for him he just smoochs them leaving them flustered while evan agrees it tastes pretty good
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Folks I am torn between amusement & exasperation
My mother made me do a personality test to see what kind of job I should have - the intent in her head, to prove a point that I'm in the wrong career.
Well, I did, and it said I should be doing... exactly what I currently work in.
Her response? Predictably: that I must have done it wrong! Also that my result was 'scary'! and that I need to change aspects of myself.
For what, mum?? So I can try and get a lower paid job that suits the me you have in your head and not the real one?
For the record it was literally a Myers Briggs too!
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izzielizzie · 2 years
if you could assign love languages to the oou characters that aren't the main ones what would they be? like something that you think a character does to express their love for people that is kind of unique to them?
ooo i love this question so much! i feel like my answers fall under the 5 love languages but i like the specificity of these ones
bronwyn: writing notes
she never fell out of the habit of writing notes for people that she developed in middle school before she was allowed to have a phone, so when she wants to tell someone something quickly, she writes it on the corner of a paper in her notebook and tears it off to hand to someone. after some time, it becomes something she does for people she loves: slipping love notes into the pockets of nate’s hoodies, writing words of encouragement and affirmation for addy and cooper, and even just writing “i love you” on a napkin she hands to her sister. every single notebook bronwyn owns is filled with torn up pages and scraggly ends but she wouldn’t have it any other way. 
nate: showing up
nate’s not very loud when it comes to loving people — he doesn’t really tell people how much they mean to him. so instead he just makes sure to be in the stands when cooper’s got a game, or in the audience when bronwyn’s playing piano at a concert. he even starts going to knox’s musicals. and when maeve has a bad day, he’s there at the entrance to bayview high with his motorcycle and an extra helmet so that they can get far enough away for Maeve’s problems to disappear. 
cooper: “i’m here if you want to talk” texts
a big thing for cooper is making sure that his loved ones know they’re got someone in their corner no matter what because for a long time cooper didn’t feel like he’d be supported because he didn’t fit the southern jock mould. so now, whenever he thinks someone’s upset he’ll text them and say “hey i noticed you were a little off today, it’s okay if you don’t but i’m here if you want to talk” and to this day he still doesn’t know how much people value those texts. he really is just the sweetheart of the group. 
addy: “this made me think of you” gifts
this girl knows people inside and out. she’ll walk past a stationery store and instantly go inside to find a new notebook for bronwyn, a set of highlighters for knox, and pens for kris. every time she goes to a grocery store she picks up red vines for cooper and chocolate for phoebe. she loves going into jewelry shops to find new earrings for maeve, and she loves gift shops because they always have fun potholders or cooking spoons that she can give luis. 
kris: saying “text me when you get home”
every time, without a fail, when kris and his friends part ways to go home kris will remind them to text him when they’ve safely returned. it doesn’t matter if it’s the middle of the night or midmorning, he has to make sure that his loved ones know that he cares that they’re safe. and he will call after an hour if someone forgets to text, and everyone thinks that his friends would be annoyed by the constant reminder, but they actually love knowing that someone is out there worrying about them and their safety. 
luis: making coffee
never once has anyone payed for coffee when luis makes it. it’s his way of telling people that he cares about them. making food has always been easy to luis, and a show of affection. over time he learns that knox prefers vanilla lattes over caramel ones, but maeve is the opposite. or that phoebe always gets decaf because caffeine gives her a headache. and he knows exactly how much sugar kris takes in his coffee, and how pale addy’s coffee always is. he knows coop prefers light roast and nate takes dark, and that bronwyn hardly ever drinks coffee so instead he’ll give her tea. 
maeve: giving rides
in both books maeve has given many people rides, and it’s just her way of being there for people. like nate, she’s not openly affectionate, but she is more than willing to drive someone somewhere. when addy had a concussion and a broken ankle, it was maeve who drove her to school every day. after emma stopped going to school, maeve was the one who picked up phoebe so she wouldn’t have to walk over a mile. when nate’s arm was in a sling, maeve took him to doctor’s appointments. 
knox: accompanying someone when they’re nervous
knox understands what it’s like to feel anxious about things, and he doesn’t want people to have to go through that too. so if someone has a drs appointment (see: maeve and her blood tests) he’ll go with them and sit in the waiting room, or if someone doesn’t know how to get somewhere he’ll go with them. he’s good with public transportation so he’s always willing to take the bus with a friend.
phoebe: waiting
she's always so willing to sit with someone in the waiting room at a doctor's appointment, or in line to make a purchase, or after an event that's run long so that the person she's with doesn't have to go home in the dark alone. she just makes sure that people know that they've got someone who will stay with them when they otherwise would be left to their own devices.
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