#my warmups
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formosusiniquis · 2 years ago
*whispers* Some kind of Terry Pratchett AU
This got wildly out of control in the sense that I spent way too much time thinking about this today and now I'm scrapping all my current reads so I can reread Discworld. It has footnotes! Anyway I interpreted some kind of Terry Pratchett as vague Discworld and this happened.
Currently taking warm up prompts - they will end up being Stranger Things
“Get out of the window kid. Have you been invited in there?”
Hearing Hopper’s voice makes Eddie miss Brenner for one fitful second.^1 Brenner never instilled nosy night watchmen who ruined his day. He’d even risked getting singed to make it to this exact spot before shift change. “Really up and at ‘em tonight, chief!” Eddie cheers, he doesn’t move from the window.
“There were reports of a disturbance.” Hopper grouches.
“Weird, I didn’t notice any disturbance climbing up here. Good luck hunting it down!”
“Munson, get your bloodsucking ass down from the window. You are the disturbance.”
“Pretty sure talk like that is hate speech, Chief, thought you Nightwatch types were supposed to be accepting?” He does float down though, if that vein bulging in Hop’s neck bursts like it’s threatening to it would make a nice snack.^2
“I’ve been very accepting, or I would have hauled you in for breaking and entering already.”
“I didn’t break anything, and I’d barely even entered. Are these the kind of flimsy cases that Owen’s Hawkins is basing its justice system around? That’s bordering on wrongful imprisonment. I’ll have my day in court!” Hopper shuts him up with a growl and a hand fisted in his collar.^3
“What were you doing breaking into the Harrington place, Munson. Cut the bullshit, I’ve got a dark wizard uprising that actually needs my attention instead of playing personal police to this side of town.”
“I wasn’t breaking in. I was invited.”
“By the owner of the house.”
“No influence involved?”
“How little you think of me! I am a wanted and treasured guest.”
“Then why are you coming in through the window?”
“Wow, Hop, the romance dead between you and Joyce already? I try to keep things fresh so my lovely little lord stays interested, thus I climb my fair prince's tower."
That vein looks extremely close to bursting, it's making his mouth water a little. "Remember how I feel about the local childminder^4 and try that sentence again, Munson.”
“I pissed Stevie off and I’m pretty sure he had Dustin set up a flashbulb on the door. I figured if he saw me in person he couldn’t stay mad.” And he doesn’t want to get swept up by the maid again. Last time he almost got tossed with the actual dust, and he’s pretty sure she was gonna do it on purpose.
“Pretty sure he can, kid.” Hopper says, clapping him on the back and heading off toward his uprising or whatever. “Next time, why don’t you sing him a song. Or try not pissing him off in the first place.”
Some advice that was, Stevie loved playing a little fairytale pretend. He just needed to decide if he was the dashing prince or the beast that trapped him.
^1: This would mark the only time anyone, shy of his mother† would actually miss Brenner.
† His mother, of course, unaware of the many crimes against children, humanity, and inhumanity that he had committed.
^2: Eddie had actually gone full Black Ribbon, but he was a big believer in waste not, want not
^3: For a man of so many growls, Hopper was not the lone werewolf officer on the Nightwatch. A win for Don’t Judge a Book By its Cover activists everywhere.
^4: Harrington's Home for Horrible Half Pints, though poorly named, took advantage of the young Lord Steve Harrington’s supernaturally magnetic draw for troublemakers, rascals, and rapscallions. He was regularly trailed by six mischief makers who wouldn’t listen to anyone but him.
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alienlowlife · 8 months ago
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My Little Alpaca: Herding is Magic
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monstermonger · 6 months ago
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Study of a cat I once saw in Sopot, Poland.
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punkitt-is-here · 8 months ago
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rainbow dash thinks hard
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linktoo-doodles · 3 months ago
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when grian lowkey saved scar from dying
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kiiingsnake · 4 months ago
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& this stupid and gay fish
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wishfulsketching · 3 months ago
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Ambessa would make Vander more protective over the Lanes and she would also not shut about crushing Piltover with her help, how could Silco resist that?? Giant, muscular people arguing about revolution/kicking Pilties in the face? Oof, Silco, you are done for.
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catmask · 5 months ago
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cubert.... warmup for today, 30 minutes
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jaradraws · 5 months ago
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you wanna watch transformers one. you do
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persicipen-archive · 5 months ago
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formosusiniquis · 2 years ago
Warm-up prompt:
Steve and Robin, cornfields, winter
Thank you for playing! It's too much fun writing my favorite dynamic duo
I'm taking warm up prompts for anyone who wants to send them in
WC: 687 | Rating: G | Platonic Stobin and somehow aliens
“I’m telling you, this is where we were destined to be. The shared work experience, it was all for this!”
Her feet crunch in the frost covered fields as Robin spins with her arms out wide, and at this exact moment Steve is really more worried about them getting shot at for trespassing. “The only thing that led us here was springing for cable.”
“You, the beautiful and frequently wrong skeptic -- you’re no Gillian Anderson but like,” she gestures to all of him and if he weren’t freezing his dick off in the middle of an Indiana cornfield in December he might have the energy to be offended about it, “there’s clearly some generic appeal if your dating history is to be believed. I’m obviously the handsome, intelligent, correct voice of reason.”
“You’ve never been reasonable in the entire time I’ve known you.” Case in point, he’s let her drag him out here for crop circles. “And it’s not skeptical to say if there were aliens they wouldn’t come to Indiana.”
“We should have brought a ladder. Steve, why didn’t you bring a ladder?”
“Why do we need a ladder? Where would I have put a ladder?”
She’s jumping now and he knows -- the way he knows he’s going to have to call in tomorrow or the way he knows there’s a hole in his glove somewhere because Robin is a part of his mind, body, and spirit -- that he needs to brace his feet as much as he can in the semi-wet ground because she’s going to start climbing him next.
“So we can get higher, obviously! You can’t appreciate the patterns from the ground, you can’t see them all.”
“People from Indiana don’t even want to be in Indiana most of the time. Why wouldn’t aliens go somewhere cool like Australia or Antarctica.”
Wet shoes make wet jeans as Robin does start climbing up his back and shoulders. “Why do the cool places you can think of both start with A? No one lives in Antarctica and half of Australia is uninhabitable.”
“Wouldn’t that make it perfect for aliens then?”
“Stop being a skeptic and move, dingus, I want to stand in the center and see if I can feel anything.” He’s protected, at least, by his coat from the wet of her heels as she digs them into his side like he’s a poorly behaved birthday party pony.
Steve manages to move them both a couple yards, before his foot finds a stalk or a rock or something that sends his ankle and then the rest of his body in a direction he wasn’t planning on going. He was saved from another concussion, at least, by the soft cushion of Robin’s stomach.
They lay there, Steve in the vee of Robin’s legs, letting the frosted ground melt and soak into their clothes in a way that’s already uncomfortable but will be bordering on unbearable on the ten minute drive back to their apartment. He looks up at the winter sky, blue grey with clouds, he’d almost call it silver. Robin catches her breath, a wheeze that he can feel stabilize with each rise and fall beneath his head. When it’s quiet and even and he can almost pretend that this is what they’d meant to do the whole time they were out there, he says, “I’m pretty sure this is where the haunted corn maze was.”
His Mulder groans, the vibration of it buzzing pleasantly through his head, “I’m never listening to Dustin again, what a waste of our day off.”
They help each other up, Robin helping to support the weight his complaining ankle has no interest in. The good news: rolled, and not sprained or broken, it won’t stop him from driving them home. Heat cranked up high enough it makes the vents whine, he waits until they pull away to say the thing he’s been thinking all afternoon, “David Duchovny kinda looks like my dad, right?”
“That’s a stupid reason not to believe in aliens. He does though, like if Richard Harrington wore a bad suit and suddenly got super cool.”
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saturnvs · 7 months ago
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socvincjpeg · 5 months ago
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Earth's worst power couple challenge world champions 2012
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mangozic · 10 months ago
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michael shelley I would die for you
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time-woods · 5 months ago
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i literally have such a massive backlog of art anddoodles bc of these 3
myfucked up kittycars . .
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punkitt-is-here · 2 years ago
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the girls watch breaking bad
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