#my uterus my choice
lenbryant · 1 year
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Making it illegal to use the roads to travel to a free state is so authoritarian dictator.
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gamblersdoll · 8 days
stop telling these men “oh what if your mom/sister/daughter/wife/gf got raped and pregnant and need an abortion?”
just put it plain : “what if you cheated on your gf/wife and the affair partner got pregnant?”
because their answers will definitely change when it involves their reputation or money.
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Can someone explain to me why I was born with
1.) a pathological fear of all things regarding reproduction and human offspring AND ALSO
2.) a ridiculously detrimental reproductive organ to bleed from every single month of my adult life to remind me what a spiritual and biological fucking failure I am for not centering my life around reproduction and human offspring
bc I’m just wondering why I needed to be born with BOTH of these traits ?
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roguekhajiit · 10 days
Thought dump.
It's always men and pick-me chick's who are so confidently wrong on women's rights.
Especially the pick-me chick's who think that siding with the pro-life movement will make them one of the guys.
Like why, sis? You are voting against your own best interests. I hope you never have an ectopic pregnancy or incomplete miscarriage in a state like Texas.
Also, it's always women's bodies that these laws focus on. We can easily reduce the number of abortions in this country if all men were required to get a vasectomy at puberty and had to pass a test to prove they are ready for fatherhood.
But no, we can't do that. We'd be stripping them of their constitutional rights. Instead, let's imprison women for getting an abortion, investigate their miscarriage, and set terms on when they are allowed to get a tubal ligation.
It's never been about the fetus. Let's call that what it is, virtue signaling and smoke screens. Cause what this really is about is controlling women.
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beautifulbitch-2 · 7 months
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krowkeeper · 5 months
If you love your daughters, mothers, aunts, sisters, cousins; anyone with a uterus.
You will vote to protect safe abortions.
Rape can happen to anyone.
Ectopic pregnancy can happen to anyone
At the 20 week ultra sound (where most abortions are illegal BUT where you find out how developed your baby is or is NOT) and find out your baby isn’t viable for life, can happen to anyone.
Abortion is healthcare.
Women do not just go through most of a pregnancy and think “oh welp, I’m done being pregnant now! Better go get an abortion!”
That does not happen. And IF it does. It’s very, very few and far between.
Keep abortion safe and legal.
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angry-snail · 6 days
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It's been a year since my hysterectomy yahoo
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Reality doesn't care what you think. Reality just is. It doesn't matter if you believe a small clump of cells has a spirit. What matters is that said small clump will ROT if it is nonviable and not removed. What matters is the physical and emotional suffering caused by lack of access to abortion care. I am Pro Choice, BECAUSE I care about life. BECAUSE I want children to be born to parents that want them, and can care for them, and aren’t scarred by the traumas of miscarriage at a dangerous stage.
Whether you THINK you do or not, YOU are PRO DEATH. THAT is the reality of the situation. Because lack of access to abortion care CAN, DOES, AND HAS killed women.
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spoonerise · 1 year
my boyfriend decided to tell his mom that i’m looking to get sterilized/possible a hysterectomy (he point blank said “do you know any doctors willing to preform a hysterectomy on a 21 y/o”) and now she cannot stop mentioning it whenever she sees me please i just don’t wanna have ovarian cysts and painful periods
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crackers4jenn · 1 year
I midlife crisised bangs
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vanilla-voyeur · 1 year
Incredibly hypocritical that many of the people who think it's not murder to kill someone trespassing on your house do think it's murder to kill someone trespassing on your uterus. If you're pro life then you should be ok with anyone coming to your house and squatting there for 9 months.
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uas-art · 1 year
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Take away my choice, I'm taking away the options.
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Abortions and Birth Control
Where to start with this?
Firstly, men who say "Women who were irresponsible enough to be pregnant need to take responsibility." are idiots. A man helps to create a baby too. By that logic, a man should take responsibility for a baby too. If a woman is forced to raise a child that she doesn't want, then a man shouldn't be allowed to leave her while she's pregnant. And the quote "Women who were irresponsible enough to be pregnant need to take responsibility." doesn't even begin to touch on the topic of women who were raped, women who's partners slipped the condom out halfway through, women who's birth control failed. What if a woman's life is at risk with the pregnancy? Women have a heartbeat too. And people who say that women can just get their tubes tied are big fat uneducated morons.
Women have had experiences when they went to have their tube tied where their healthcare provider would ask things like "Oh, but what about your husband?" "Are you married?" "What if your husband wants kids?" "What if you regret it?" and are told things like "You're too young." "You'll regret it.". There are so many obstacles standing in the way of women trying to get their tubes tied compared to men getting a vasectomy. When women get their tubes tied, there are also hormonal side effects. When men get a vasectomy, there's NO hormonal side effects. But the hormones side of things is just basic biology, there's no arguing that. But, for whatever reason, birth control is pushed onto women. It only takes 24 hours to recover from a vasectomy whereas it takes 1 - 3 weeks to recover from getting your tubes tied. And yet, men will refuse vasectomies but pressure women to get their tubes tied or get a hysterectomy. And if a woman is pregnant, people only care while the baby is in her womb.
People don't care about the baby once a woman gives birth. A prime example of this is how pro lifers push for abortions to be banned because "A fetus is a human." And "Abortions are murder.". Like, bitch, a fetus is a ball of cells. They don't even have pain receptors until the fourth month of pregnancy. And how are abortions murder? And you only care about the baby while it's in the womb. Once it's out, you don't give a shit. If all lives matter, what about the black lives? What about the thousands of kids in foster care who are being raped and abused daily? No one bats an eye. If you really think all lives matter, then you should also help kids in foster care and homeless people. What about the people who can't afford a hospital or treatment for something such as cancer? What about them?
My opinion is: Abortions should be made widely accessible to women. It should be a woman's choice if she gets an abortion or not. She should not be denied basic healthcare.
What's your take on this? Do you think that they're murder? Do you think women should be allowed abortions? I want to know what you think. Tell me in the comments.
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julesnichols · 1 year
Playing the game of "hungry, but also have zero appetite so I get full too fast and then get hungry again two hours later"
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lacymoonchild · 2 years
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