#my tag to keep track of my contenders for this lmao
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billdenbrough · 2 years ago
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ok this is the closest i can manage LMAO it would be easier with screen recording availability but
matthieu jalibert & damian penaud, celebrating the penaud try enabled by the jalibert pass | france rwc 2023, fra v nzl, pool a, match one
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fencesandfrogs · 4 years ago
cloudtail’s daughter: jayfeather
alright, strap in, it's time for jayfeather. i've been holding it in on him for what feels like forever now; he's ya boy's favorite character
also, aside from dove and ivy, he's the character with the highest volume of changes to canon. even above cloudtail and brightheart, because they continue their lives, it's not a big deal. and lion and cinder go to the tribe, but like, that's it. (i'm figuring out if jay goes with them over the course of this essay. i think i said he did in holly? but he literally hasn't been mentioned once in that arc because there's a lot going on.) anyway lion and cinder don't get up to anything. but jay's priorities shift and we see that in his books. i'm really excited to write him but i need to finish arc 1 lmao.
but first, same deal as always. this is part of my cloudtail's daughter au, where dovekit and ivykit are born to cloudtail and brightheart. i don't know how well this will read preemptively, but i suspect it will be rather dependent on the others. cloudtail's daughter: dovewing and/or the long post that explains it are both good places to start, see the cloudtail's daughter tag on my blog.
[2.5k words, 14 minute read, one of the last warriors essays on this blog. i'm going to finish out with my character essays and then everything will be on new sideblog. so check out @mallowstep for more.]
section one: the leafpool business
at the beginning of this series, leafpool and jayfeather are on bad terms. they will stay on bad terms for basically the entirity of the book series. while one of my main complaints with po3/oots is the lack of acknowledgement of adoption, jayfeather has been lied to by his mother and his mentor, something neither hollyleaf or lionblaze have to contend with, and then his sister kills herself over it. obviously she doesn't, but from his perspective. so he blames leafpool because he was really close to hollyleaf and now she's gone, and it's his first real loss, and there's so much going on.
and so he's a grouch and he's unhappy and he's just trying to function when his whole support system has been dismantled over the course of what, like, a quarter moon? yeah so dovekit and ivykit are like "wow what a grouch he sucks" the same way they don't realize prey is dying of thirst & etc.
for the most part he's j chilling and then hollyleaf comes back and man is it some family drama. unfortunately it's postponed til book 4 because hollyleaf and jayfeather have journeys but anyway i'm getting ahead of myself, because this section should end and unlike the hollyleaf essay i want to actually have decent organization.
section two: hollyleaf is away (but jayfeather doesn't get to play)
holly, cinder, and dove go to deal with beavers. we only get jayfeather through lionblaze in the books, but jayfeather is...conflicted. he got his sister back and lost her again and oh i should say. i think jayfeather and hollyleaf are the closer pair of the siblings. not that they don't love lionblaze the same, but you know how cats pair bond? like, it's usually a trauma thing, but even in feral cats, you see very close friendships. anyway yeah so for other au's i've been sorting siblings n denmates into pairs for this purpose (mostly jaywing au because there's a lot re. dovepaw and jaypaw and remember they are reincarnated siblings they've got a close bond going.) and it's kind of...i don't know my point is jayfeather misses his sister because she's like, his best friend too. or she was. and then she died and now she's back and she left again, and lionblaze is more concerned about cinderheart, so jayfeather just comes off as grouchy all the time. but really he's lonely and sad.
so yeah, jayfeather is kind of moping around camp and then the tree falls and whoops now briarpaw/light is parapalegic.
and uhh this goes more or less as in canon but we don't get pov which is fine bc u can sub in canon. but jayfeather? he's still a sad boy but now he's a sad boy with purpose and that makes all the difference
yeah he's close with her. they're sweet. it's sweet. he's pressured by brambleclaw to take an apprentice. he's bristly and angry and "you're not my real father" you know?
beaver crew gets back. jayfeather, who had missed holly, is back to being angry for...angst and plot purpose, really.
but you know, when you love & miss someone and they leave and they come back and somehow that's worse because now they can leave you again? and you can't tell them you want them to stay because you're angry and hurt but you want them to stay? god i'm excited to write these chapters i love emotional turmoil.
he's protective of briarlight, he's trying to keep dovepaw from being a medicine cat, hollyleaf is apologizing but he's not ready to hear it and lionblaze and hollyleaf are beginning to reconnect and it feels like betrayal. so when cinderheart and lionblaze go to the tribe, he tags along. everyone, uh, strongly encourages he go. he is the big grouch.
section three: time travelling times
okay so the timeline for these books is...messy. if you track the chronology of my writing, it's messy. which is to say, i was thinking i could put forgotten warrior and distant whispers over the same time span, but that actually doesn't work, as i review my notes for FW because a big part of it is ivy and holly's relationship. so. fake news. whoops. that sucks.
or maybe it doesn't? idk i don't usually tell linear stories. i like messing with emotional impact of events. so writing 600k of very linear story telling is very not easy for me. but i'm trying.
right so basically the official order of events until i change my mind again is as follows (names abbreviated as DIHLJC because they're all unique): DCH returns from beavers, DILCJ go to tribe with some other random warrior undecided, J + rando return, JH start awkwardness (beginning of TFW, middle of DW), DILC return (end of DW), time travel stuff (middle to end of TFW). hopefully that was intelligble, but it is admittedly 85% for my own benefit.
alright so we've covered during beavers, now jayfeather and hmmmm let's say, uhhhh, let's say they go with, literally any interesting background character, uh, bumblestripe! he doesn't do anything in this au bumblestripe goes with them. also since his name starts w b i can still write DIHLJCB and have things be unambigious. and it means there are fewer bs in thunderclan and trust me you don't know how frustrating the existence of like 6 b characters is.
alright so we really have 3 sets of two pairs of cats here. maybe i won't go w bumblestripe, bc he doesn't have an existing relationship w jayfeather. i dunno. i'm a big fan of jay & briar, whether as a ship or just besties, but that's just out, and hollyleaf can't come a) because i said so and b) honestly maybe she can? actually wait hold on that solves my problems. hot damn so 6/6 of the pov cats go to the tribe and this will be one of the only times all six characters are plot relevant at the same time. but i'm going george r r martin on it and seperating the books not by time but into DICL + JH because they're two completely separate character arcs that happen to take place at the same time. (don't worry i'm going to resolve the fallen leaves thing. in this essay ig bc i've already covered hollyleaf.)
okay so yeah hollyleaf is sent bc jayfeather isn't planning on staying w tribe for long time. just short time. and he's all "firestar why"
"well jayfeather," firestar says, "you don't talk to your family."
"i talk to dovewing," jayfeather says
"you're not related to her," firestar says
"there's a whole prophecy about how i'm related to her," jayfeather says
"you know about that?" firestar says
and that's how the cat gets out of the bag.
so anyway. jayfeather and hollyleaf are sent because...hold on, spinning the wheel of reasons for a character to go on a field trip...because...because...because...because...jayfeather had one of those dreams. i don't know. rock or something. now he's going.
they get there, and this is where the books get a lil time wonky, bc jayfeather and hollyleaf stay for like a moon, during which jayfeather goes back in time. i think.
i haven't worked out the details and probably won't until i do an updated au synopsis because it's hard to keep track and i'm more concerned about character through lines. like, jayfeather does this and he feels sad, and hollyleaf is sad about her ghost boyfriend, and they're travelling back together, and hollyleaf is his sister and she doesn't make him feel like he needs protection and lionblaze is bad at that, and they start to talk again.
and yeah, they bond. again. it's kind of, on top of their old bond? like they don't repair anything, they bond like strangers. but it's not nothing, and that matters.
so jayfeather gets back, and we're moving into book five, and i don't remember when the last time i made a section break was or what number we're on, so...sorry.
section ???: old man yells at cloud
alright it's finally jayfeather's moment. you know, he's one of my favorite characters, and he only gets a book and a half. "but mateo," i hear you saying, "doesn't every character get a book and a half? and more importantly, 6x1.5 is 9, so how does every character get a book and a half?" well, yes, every character does, but dovewing and ivypool are relevant in books 1-3 and 6, cinderheart in 1-3 and 5, lionblaze in 1-3, and hollyleaf in 2-5 (and has a critical role in 1 and 6, just no character development), while jayfeather is just really essential to books 4-5, and has a background role in 3. that means he's about equal to lionblaze. he's equal to lionblaze. as far as the numbers go, i cannot tell you. it's a mystery.
right so the reason for this is because (a) jayfeather doesn't do that much in oots. i love him, but he's not, like, super important, and (b) he's going to work better in these books if he's concentrated. because his big theme is his relationship with hollyleaf and the past. they're both kind of stuck in it but in different ways. and that prevents them from ever properly healing. so jay never has a full arc in this. i mean he has a full arc, it's just not a satisfying one. and that means he's sort of got to be put in the containment units.
so anyway, he gets his real big moments in the fifth book, when he's reuniting starclan. i think this is one of the riskier decisions on my part: we'll see whether or not i can deliver on him the way i plan to. but i think i can pull it off so that his arc is more meaningful condensed as such.
right. so. jayfeather is decided. he is going to fix starclan. because dead cats need to get thier shit together and he dgaf.
he spends a decent amount of time arguing with yellowfang and bluestar, because basically no important cats have died. at least we're in omen of the stars so it still makes sense? i have no idea why yellow/blue are still so important. please kill more important cats. it makes us feel things.
but feathertail is also probably going to be involved, i don't know. i haven't read these books (specifically, books 4 and 5 of oots) in forever so i don't really remember what happens. but he's kind of, super done with everything. i think he'll probably try to get the support of mothwing and kestrelflight (which is canon i believe?) and try to work as a team. i feel like there's weirdness w shadowclan too i should sort out.
so yeah, there's some medicine cat bonding, everything is OK, sol is happening? but cinderheart is dealing with that. jayfeather is naturally very upset about disconnects with sol but like he's also dealing with stuff i...i really need to reread outcast and sign of the moon. well, they're on my list after "all of these fucking riverclan novels like why they don't show up in the main series but i still have to read a bunch to be able to write them that's not fair."
alright, well, with that very vague description of what happens, moving on, the prophecy gets revealed to the clans at a whole in like...the ending eighth of this book. trying to maximise the amount of exposure to other clans without messing with the pacing.
so jayfeather and undecided warrior B (definitively not hollyleaf) go to windclan. jayfeather is...very unhappy about this. he does not want to leave. thunderclan is his home, and he's blind, and it's really hard to adapt to a new space and he thinks everyone is going to treeat him badly.
and well, if you've read my culture posts, windclan is....very pro-medicine cats and pro-prophecy cats. funerals. mourning. prayer. is probably the best place to start, but to get to the meat of it, start with general clan culture. to summarize, windclan: religious. but kind of like catholics, they don't believe in an individual connection with starclan. only leaders, and medicine cats, and very rarely members of prophecies have a connection. so. jayfeather. he's twice over. that's very cool to windclan.
so cats are kind of falling over themselves to help him, and like. i mean jayfeather is a grouch and he hates that he needs someone to help him through the territory, but at least they don't treat it like a chore, or like he's pitiable. this is a desirable task. apprentices want to know about his powers. and kestrelflight is a respected part of the clan, arguably more important than onestar, and jayfeather has never really gotten over being shoved in the healer hole as a child like it was lesser or easier to be a medicine cat, and so it's a big change.
and yeah. so i mean. an unobservant reader might say jayfeather has sufficient ego. he does not need stroking. they, of course, would be wrong.
jayfeather has a complex, but it's not an ego issue. he's...he's been denied everything he's wanted, and he's jaded, and weary, and he's never really believed that his clan views him as able and equal. in canon, at present, he's lost almost every cat he's every cared about. alderheart is his strongest remaining tie, and his fear at losing him, but willingness to let him leave, is very telling.
so yeah, jayfeather enjoys being accepted. anyone would. he doesn't really have confidence issues, but....argh. i know why this is good i swear it'll come out in the writing.
anyway, that's...that's pretty much it. jayfeather? done.
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sircnss · 5 years ago
So, you want fill out a bracket
[insert captain america gif here]
@nctphx @acetrainermj @violagoth @chocolatspring @noonachronicles @uwunnie @little-writing-worm @aerislulu
I have made what I hope is a cohesive tutorial on how to fill out your brackets and whatnot. If you do have any further questions, please feel free to message me and I can always help out.
 Everything will be under the cut to save your dash
But FIRST, why am I doing this again?
We lost all our concerts for the year (ty stray kids and eric nam for being the only in person concerts I got this year), I lost the opportunity to do poorly in the actual college basketball March Madness and we all need a tiny bit of fun in some form this year! All without having to actually leave and it is SUPER low stakes.
 In fact, I do all of the work and you guys just campaign your little hearts out for your favorite album because the more votes (voting will take place on a google form, which will be covered later) the better and it makes the races more fun for me to watch.
The idea of a fandom March Madness started from a livejournal community waaaay back in the day and I never did well in that either lmao so the idea is 1,000% not mine originally.
tl;dr I participated in this back on LJ in the 2010s, it was fun and low stakes, I added the prize element in the middle of the March Edition.
For purposes of this tutorial, I’ll be using a shortened version of the March Madness bracket.
Step one.
I will send you a link to the main bracket which is being done through Google Sheets, what I need you to do is to make a copy and title it [YOUR NAME]’s Bracket and then fill out the entire thing and then share it with me with editing access. I will most likely be making a copy for myself but I will only be editing yours to strike-through the loser of the round and bolding the winner so you don’t have to! Once you make the copy and shared it with me, all you have to really do from there is sit back, relax and vote/promote. 
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The first bracket, I believe it says Round of 64 on the bottom tab is the one we will be using!  
Step two.
Below is what the contenders list looks like! In the case of song showdown, it’s done in groups and then ARTIST - ALBUM TITLE. This gets generated into the brackets!
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Step three.
Click on the little check box for the choice you want, it will automatically move that choice to the next round.
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Here it is again with the entire second round picked out, notice that nobody has been selected yet for the following rounds
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Step four.
Repeat what you did in step three for the remainder of the rounds. Pick your favorite for each round and then repeat until it’s all filled out and you get a champion, your champion. The pick you know is that bitch and everyone else is wrong.
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Step five.
Vote! How? You say? I will be obnoxious for approximately 3 days with reblogging a link to a google form where you can cast your votes.I’ll be tagging you in the initial post so you don’t get surprised when you see it the fifth time and your name suddenly has appeared. Share that post, bribe your friends, family, dogs. Campaign if you want! If you do campaign I will reblog it and come up with a tag to follow so you can see the cool campaigns. If I was graphically inclined I would do it for you but...I’m not. Anywho
The points!
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If you look at this spreadsheet, you’ll see how many points each round is worth and how I let the spreadsheet do the math from there. 
I believe that covers everything! Again, if there’s any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me.
My goal is to have the first round officially start on Tuesday, September 8th. So please expect a message this weekend with the link to the main bracket! Please remember make a copy, fill it out through the end and then share it with me again so I can make my own copy to keep track of the points and make the appropriate notations (bold and strike-through) with each round.
FAQ (these questions aren’t frequently asked but they could be)
1. March Madness made sense, why are we doing albums when it’s called September Song Showdown?
I was going to do this in April as a song showdown and now I realize it could have been April Album A-Something, but albums are easier to pick than songs and it’s September now. Maybe next September it’ll be a song Showdown.
2. You mentioned prizes???
Yes! I had a couple of friends who aren’t into kpop participate and I bribed them with a prize if they won and stuck to it when @chocolatspring won! Even though Gaby didn’t get her prize until like 2 weeks ago but it’s fine, I’ll be more on top of it this time just in time for the December holidays!
3. How do you know who goes in what spot?
Random.org/lists! I shuffle them 5-10 times and then go through and put them on the main spreadsheet, shown above in the actual tutorial.
4. How do you figure the points?
Spreadsheets, baby! Each round is worth a certain number of points, each album you pick that goes on to fight the next round will earn so many points, those points are then added up and triple checked before I put them on a separate spreadsheet. The spreadsheet does the math from there. 
5. I won, so now what?
Congrats! You have the best intuition and convinced enough people to vote for your fave! On top of being announced as a winner on the final post, I’ll message you and you let me know what your choice of prize is (an album of your choice, a gift card or something else).
5.2 Wait, is this free?
20 bucks, venmo me. Kidding. The only person this will end up costing money for is me. Which is why when I say an album of your choice within reason, I mean I’m not going to say you're limited to a price range, but like...I can’t do a crazy expensive album.
6. What happens if I end up tanking just after the first round?
There’s no coming back after a bad round so welcome to...a second chance bracket! I don’t know how to do that yet, but you can continue to vote, promote, whatever your heart desires, but there will be a small thing I haven’t figured out yet for the person with the least amount of points.
7. Are you participating?
Yes! I don’t gain or lose anything from this so my points don’t really count. So if I do end up winning, the next highest amount is the actual winner.
8. Just to be clear, can people not filling out the brackets vote in the polls?
Yes! Share it on your twitter, reblog the post on your tumblrs! The more votes the merrier! Heck, I got my mom to play in March and showed her pictures and she chose based on that alone for her voting. 
9. How long is each voting round going to remain open?
5 days. Rounds will be open Monday-Friday, I will make the initial post Monday and share it again throughout the day, a reminder on Wednesday and then finally on Friday with plenty of time before the form closes. Results will be shared Saturday afternoons and I will spend Sunday getting the new round ready. 
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grapesodatozier · 5 years ago
tagged by actual angel @constantreaderfool thank you sm!! 🥰
Who are you named after? no one, og lol
Last time you cried? oh boy, the other day my boyfriend, whose mom is a doctor treating covid patients, wasn’t feeling well, and I couldn’t find my cat anywhere for hours, so suffice to say I was not doing well that day lol. they’re both doing okay now tho!! 💕
Do you like your handwriting? I love my handwriting tbh lol I like that it’s v distinct bc my friends can always tell when I wrote something and that makes me really happy for some reason
Favorite meal? ravioli!!
Longest relationship? 3 years and counting 🥰
Do you still have tonsils? this sounds so threatening lmao yes?? for now????
Would you bunjee jump? fuck no lmao
Favorite breakfast? I loveee french toast, but I also love a good broccoli and cheddar omelette. or a spinach omelette. ooh wait cheese danish is a strong contender too I think that wins
Do you untie your shoelaces when taking your shoes off? for boots yes, for sneakers no
What’s the first thing you notice about a person? I think voice
Football or softball? they’re both so goddamn boring lmaooo sorry to offend but how on earth can anyone watch anything so stop and go?? nothing happens for 80% of the time both of these games are played!! I am a soccer bitch!! I have no attention span!! I need to track foot movements and a fast moving ball that flies across the field constantly!! keep me entertained!! okay after typing this out I realized football might mean soccer so if that’s the case then that’s my choice lol
What color pants are you wearing? black jeans
Last thing you ate? salted caramel ice cream
What are you listening to? stream kyoto by phoebe bridgers right now all of her lyrics in every song she’s ever written rip my soul right out of my body I ascend every word she writes changes my life I’m IN love with her!! god if you asked me what my favorite line from that song is I would just recite the entire thing word for word ugH it’s so amazing
If you were a crayon what color would you be? do they make iridescent crayons? bc my goal in life is to embody iridescent rose gold. if not then just pink I guess lol. the only specific names I remember are macaroni and purple mountains majesty
my shy ass is tagging anyone reading this, you know the drill lmao 💕
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tangerinesunbeam · 5 years ago
so kasia @statementsue tagged me......Two Whole Weeks Ago to list my top 5 albums of 2019 and i am a procrastinator to the extreme so y’all are getting them today!!!!
this is in order of release and not in order of which i like most becos i cannot make decisions to save my life and ALSO behind a cut becos I Do Not know how to shut up so here goes:
dodie - human
i had never listened to dodie before i listened to this album, and i still haven’t really gone through her back catalogue which i Must, but. this little album is pretty solid, and i like every song on it which is always great.
personal highlights: she!!!!!! i was listening to this album just as i was having Thoughts and Feelings about my own sexuality and after reading about how the artist herself was having the same thoughts when she was writing it, the lyrics really hit home and mean a great deal to me. also monster is an absolute bop! from the bridge to the end? incredible
lizzo - cuz i love you
i cannot put into words how much lizzo means to me. just by existing and being herself she makes me feel more confident and in love w myself than ever before, and i feel like the album is just a massive extension of that?? absolute bops top to bottom and also she’s soooo hot it makes me wanna scream.
personal highlights: like a girl and soulmate for the lyrics, like yes i AM my own soulmate!!! i DO know how to love me!!! and cuz i love you and jerome for the sheer power of her voice. heart eyes, motherfucker.
lana del rey - norman fucking rockwell!
i never begrudge artists growing and evolving and changing their sound, but unforch i haven’t really been into lana’s albums from the past few years - ultraviolence was her last album i was really into. AND THEN nfr!!!!!! soooo good, right up my alley sound-wise and one of the most cohesive top to bottom albums i’ve ever listened to??? such a return to form imo.
personal highlights: not entirely sure what it is about mariners apartment complex but god does it make me Feel Things. also honourable mention to doin’ time for the fact that she’s singing abt a girl!!!! we love a singer who keeps original pronouns and is happy to make it gay.
joseph - good luck, kid
now i’m bending the rules a little bit because i actually only first listened to this album this year But it came out last year and i was first introduced to them just before midnight on new year’s eve when they were on jools holland so it COUNTS okay!!!! Anyway they’re a group of three sisters and the harmonies on this album are juuuust incredible. the album’s full of personally v relatable lyrics within absolute bangers - it’s a no-skip album for me easily. no info on the internet on whether any of them are gay but there are gender neutral pronouns throughout the album which is niiiice.
personal highlights: i’ll have to really live w this album for a bit longer in order for Clear Favourites to emerge but early contenders are the title track good luck, kid and in my head for their Hashtag Relatable lyrics, and shivers is just absolutely beauuuutiful.
harry styles - fine line
let’s ignore the fact that i’ve basically overplayed this after not even having it for three weeks lmao, if you thought it wasn’t gonna be here then you’re just playing yourself. henry’s only gone and done it, and i am so thankful to have this album in my life. sophomore slump who??? the pink album will always have a v special place in my heart but my god if fine line doesn’t expand and build and improve on it in basically every way possible. looking forward to listening to this in five, ten, twenty years’ time and still marvelling at how good it is.
personal highlights: fine line!!!!!!!! my first listen was in bed in the dark, earphones in, eyes closed, under the covers, and my god did i sob. fine line the song is everything i ever wanted from a song from henry, emotional and relatable and orchestral and christ, that falsetto. the way the song builds and then that last minute and a half really blows me away every single time. look out for me on tour in birmingham and london where i will be Sobbing throughout this entire song. i could probably Also write a paragraph about every song on the album but i will Withhold for the sake of anybody who is still actually reading this lmao.
honourable mentions to: hozier - wasteland, baby! (faves go to be and NFWMB even tho it wasn’t on the album, i play by my own rules) and i’m copying kasia here but nicholas britell really did go the fuck off with the succession ost (faves go to andante in C minor, strings con fuoco, and andante in C minor - solo piano version -- the drama! the panache!!!)
Anyway i did not mean for this to get as long as it is!!!!! maybe my new year’s resolution should be brevity in writing lmao. i have literally no idea if any of you have already done this because it went round Weeks ago but if not and you fancy it i’ll tag @olreid @aheartofgold @girluptighty @womantm @dykes4louis @lesbianlouis @woolsocklesbian @glasscushion @harrysyellowflares obv no pressure!!!
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scatteringmyashes · 7 years ago
Tagged by @bookdancerfics so thank you <3 It’s basically a bunch of questions about the fanfic I wrote this year so yeah. Read on. 
total stories written this year (completed/WIPS) - apparently nine finished and one WIP on AO3. My google drive has way more WIPs.
total word count - thanks to obsessively keeping track, I can tell you I wrote in total 74,766 words.
fandoms written in - Dragon Age, Critical Role, and Overwatch. 
looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? - tbh I thought I’d write more but it makes sense that I wrote less because school was so hectic. 
what’s your own favorite story of the year? - the glory of City Slicker will never be forgotten. 
did you take any writing risks this year? - I did a gift exchange for DA which was new. Also I tried to finish an appreciation week (Fenris woo) which I’ve never done before. OH I also wrote an Overwatch fic for two characters I didn’t know very well before I even started playing the game and I nailed their personalities so like. Go me. 
do you have any fanfic or profit goals for the new year? - tbh I’m probably moving away from fanfic as I start doing my own original stuff, but I still have a few fanfics I really want to finish and put up on AO3 before I go away from fanfic semi-permenantely. 
best story of the year? - debatable. In terms of like, pure actual writing I’d say Nothing More is a strong contender. I’m bad at writing short things but I think I did a good job there. 
most popular story of the year? - on AO3 it’s Child’s Play with almost 1k hits.
story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion - City Slicker ahahaha can you tell I like this story a lot.
most fun story to write - still City Slicker there’s not much that can beat writing a meet-cute wherein the two meet through Farmer’s Only. 
story with the single sexiest moment - I’m too ace for this question.
sweetest story - Pretty sure L778 is pure fluff. 
”holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you!” story - nah nothing really surprising in my fics lmao
story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters most & most unintentionally telling story - hmmm maybe Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One and Junkrat. It’s really easy to think of him as just some loose canon but I think there’s a deeper character there. I probably should finish the story lmao.
hardest story to write - definitely Ask Me No Questions I’ll Tell You No Lies. I’m not comfortable writing another person’s OC because it gives me anxiety lmao.
biggest disappointment - I didn’t write a single goddamn thing for Fenris Appreciation Month and I’m still mad at myself for it.
biggest surprise - that I was able to write any fanfic? I mean this year was just really hard for me in terms of writing because I’ve been so busy so like, having any completed fanfic is kind of a big deal.
This was a lot of fun! I won’t tag anyone but if you want to do it just say I tagged you :)
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