#my riding is usually a safe seat for my actual party of choice
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#it's crazy that a few months ago i'd have been calling mark carney the new kim campbell or john turner#inheritor of a sinking political ship#and now he might even pull off a win if he gets very lucky#like this election should have been poilievre's for the taking#and the fact that it isn't is only partly due to the conservatives themselves#it's mostly trump and tariffs#and the amount of historical sucking up to trump that poilievre is now trying to walk back#and look the liberals are not my party of choice. not by a long shot and for a number of reasons.#and mark carney wouldn't be my first choice for - well just about anything#but my party of choice is not going to win and i know it#and at this point i'm more concerned with not getting a poilievre conservative government#(where'd danny williams fuck off to anyway? we could do with an abc campaign right about now)#my riding is usually a safe seat for my actual party of choice#so if it looks like staying that way i may not have to vote strategically#but i hope like hell that people in more contested ridings do#i promise not to politiblog all the time y'all#but there are Happenings at the moment#cdnpoli
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enemies to lovers harry!
Yes! So, I got super inspired by this and rushed to pump this little bad boy out. Feedback is highly appreciated! I’m thinking this will be part one of a series! I love collage au Harry it makes me all fuzzy inside. TYSM anon!!
GHB - Harry Styles
warnings: drug and alcohol use, drink spiking, not proofread or edited as it was made in haste.
word count: 4,704
It wasn’t that Y/N and Harry just weren’t friends, they despised each other. Ever since Harry weaselled his way into their friend group things had turned upside down, the dynamic had shifted, and it was a new person that Y/N had to get used to. His confidence and outgoing personality overpowered her shy, introverted personality tenfold. College life was difficult enough. Not only was Y/N learning how to balance academics with maintaining a social life and going out to parties, navigating things new to her like alcohol, drugs, and sex; but now she had to adjust to this shift in their friend group, and get to know this new guy. Her friendship group was her safe place, ‘family’ dinners at each other’s apartments, going out to dinner at bars, even little things like going for walks or taking a new yoga or pilates class. Now, that safe place didn’t feel so safe anymore, having to get used to this new guy being around all the time that everyone gushed over. Harry seemed so warm to practically everyone in the group towards Y/N, though everyone seemed to be clueless towards it except for her.
Harry and Y/N shared one class together, educational psychology. She’d been studying education to become a primary school teacher, and he studied psychology. It felt so fucking ironic that the one class they would ever have overlapping, they’d end up in the same class, to add salt to the wound in the second lesson they had been assigned to do a group project together. Harry hadn’t even shown up to that lesson though, so he’d yet to even acknowledge it. It was the second semester of Harry being around and not only did he barely acknowledge her when their friends weren’t around, but now they were to be working on an assignment together and he hadn’t even managed to show up to the first lesson discussing the topic.
“No, I’m serious Sarah. I don’t want to go. He didn’t even show up to class today, why should I give him my time of day by showing up to his stupid fucking party?” Y/N’s words were followed by a deep sigh, the way she curled her hair as she stared in the mirror contradicted her words. If all her friends were going, she felt like she had no choice but to go to. If not, she’d get major FOMO. “Babe, you’re taking it way too personality. It’s not like either of you knew you’d end up partnered together for the assignment. I really don’t get why you’re always so sour towards him.” Sarah replied with a slight shake of her head. “It’s been what, six months and the two of you still stand on opposite sides of the rest of us in photos? It’s either crazy sexual tension, or the there’s something that’s happened that the rest of us don’t know about.” This time Sarah couldn’t help but laugh, however all of their friend group had been theorising for a while now that Harry and Y/N were just too into each other and both too stubborn to admit their feelings.
Y/N scoffed, turning the curling iron off and placing it down on the counter. “Sexual tension? ‘d rather cut off my left arm than even think of Harry in a sexual way.” Her words had venom to them this time, grabbing a brush to brush out and soften her curls. Although she claimed to not have any attraction towards Harry, she’d put far more effort into her appearance than usual, and was wearing this little satin sage green dress that was exaggerating her curves.
“Whatever, you ready? Uber’s out front.” Sarah pushed herself up from the closed toilet seat she’d been sitting on, Y/N finished work late and Sarah had been far too excited to wait to get ready. Harry lived in a share house in the suburb over, and Sarah had been begging him to throw a party for months now. “One last shot on the way out?” She asked, it wasn’t a question though, she was already on her way to the kitchen to pout them one last shot of tequila before leaving. Y/N nods and follows her out, grabbing her oversized leather blazer and little handbag on the way. Y/N was shy, but around Sarah she was usually a lot more vocal, there was just a great deal of nerves surrounding tonight. Y/N always tried her best to come off as outgoing at parties and around other peoples, but really she hated the crowds, hating having to make conversation with people she knows nothing about. After a few drinks that shyness often faded though, and was usually replaced with either a blabber mouth, or being far more flirtatious than normal.
Both of the girls hastily downed their shots before exiting the apartment, hustling down the stairs and out to their ride that awaited them outside. The ride wasn’t long at all, it was too short if anything, and was spent sneaking sips of tequila from a flask that Sarah had in her purse. “Let’s have some fun tonight, yeah? I know you aren’t best of friends with Harry but there’ll be plenty of other people there, I doubt you’ll even see him much.” Sarah tells Y/N as the car turned into his street, able to tell that her best friend’s attitude was off. “I get that. It’ll be fine, stop worrying about me, yeah? It’ll be fun.” Y/N replied with a slightly forced smile in attempt to shake Sarah off of her tail. The Uber arrived before the conversation could go any further, both of the girls slightly drunk already made their thanks to the Uber driver probably too over the top before they left and made their way up to the house. People were overflowing already, some sitting on the grass outside the large brick house. The door was unlocked so they made their way in, the bass inside so strong that Y/N could feel it on her fingertips on the doorhandles as she opened the door.
Now, it wasn’t that Harry was known as a bad boy around campus or anything of the sorts. Everyone knows he’s approachable and friendly, which was probably what added to his appeal. He had a bright personality and knew how to make people feel special to him, and for that and his looks girls flocked to him. Harry was known to be fun, handsome, and good to be around (to everyone except for Y/N, that is). It was a given that the party would be full of girls, and full of guys ready to clean up any of Harry’s sloppy seconds or rejects.
The first to formally greet Y/N and Sarah was of course Mitch, who had been on the lookout waiting for the two of them since he first arrived to help set up. “M’ladies, ‘bout time the two of you showed up.” The stupid grin on his face and the way he hugged each of them probably a little too hard was enough to give away that he’d been drinking quite a bit already. He already had a drink in his hand waiting for Sarah, planting a kiss to her forehead as he handed it to her. “Two hands so I could only hold two drinks, but there’s heaps in the kitchen. Grab a drink and come meet us outside for a smoke?” Mitch asked down to Y/N, she didn’t take offence to him not getting her a drink, and to be honest she’d rather make her own anyway. “You got it captain.” Y/N replied, giving the tall man a playful salute before she made her way to the kitchen, dodging bodies and conversations so she could get herself a drink.
That drink became much more needed when she entered the kitchen, her mouth going dry when she saw Harry leaning against the counter as he looked down at his phone, ferociously texting. He looked up when Y/N brushed past him to grab a cup, pouring in some tequila. “Not going to say hey?” He asked, raising his eyebrows. He grabbed the Sprite from the fridge, although they didn’t speak he still knew her go-to. “Looked busy.” She responds, her voice blunt. “Thanks.” She adds in regard to the Sprite as he passed it to her, her guilty conscience wouldn’t let her live down being so impolite if she didn’t thank him. “Didn’t know this party would still happen since you didn’t show up to class today. We got partnered up for the presentation assignment.” She adds, it was bugging her far too much to just let it slide. “Yeah, sorry. I was meant to be back in time, had to pick coke up off this guy a few towns over and he kept me waiting outside his place for like an hour. Fill me in on it all when I’m not drunk?” He asks, standing next to her as he mixed his own drink. “I guess, yeah. Don’t expect me to do all the work though, and I actually want to go well in this class so it wouldn’t hurt if you actually put in some effort.” Maybe it was the alcohol, but Y/N was being a lot more demanding than she usually was, and her demeanour a lot more cold and forward than she’d often let on.
“Fuck, alright. I think you need to pour a bit more into your drink and loosen up some more.” Harry laughs, shaking his head before he grabbed the bottle of tequila and added an extra splash to her drink. Y/N took her first proper look at Harry, only to shoot him a narrow eyed glare. It was hard to stay mad though, the tequila from pre-game and the Uber was making it harder to be serious and angry, and his outfit was enough to make her drool. He wore cream wide legged trousers that went to the floor, and a white ribbed tank top tucked in. By far he had the nicest taste out of any guy she’d ever met, that was hard to deny. It was just a house party, but people often took any excuse they could to dress up a little bit. On the other side of things, Harry couldn’t take his eyes off of Y/N. He was used to seeing her in her usually Nike sweats and vintage sweater, which he still thought she looked beautiful in regardless but he’d never admit that to anyone. To him, Y/N was untouchable. Sure people in their friend group dated like Sarah and Mitch, but he didn’t want to ruin things. That, and she seemed too uptight for him anyway, he often mistook her shy attitude as coming off as a snob, and the way she spoke about the stupid group assignment only drilled that view of her into Harry’s head further.
“Get out of it.” Y/N grunts, sliding her drink away from Harry. “Love, can we just pretend to get long for one night? Have a dance, have a drink. Do you want some coke or something? Or, I think there’s people hot boxing the upstairs bathroom if that’s more your speed.” Harry offers, attempting to extend the olive branch to the standoffish girl beside him. “I’m far too sober to take up any of those offers. Anyway, good talk. Let me know when you’re free to talk about the presentation. I’ll see you ‘round, Harry.” Y/N said, giving Harry a far too sarcastic smile before she grabbed her drink and made her way out to the backyard to find Mitch and Sarah.
A group of people sat out by a fire pit in the corner of the backyard, garden chairs and outdoor lounges circling the source of warmth. Mitch and Sarah had saved Y/N a spot, to which she happily plopped down into. “Took you long enough.” Sarah teased, elbowing her side. “Mm, cup shortage going on in there.” She said, taking a sip. She fished the little nicotine vape out of her bag, sucking on that as she looked into the fire. Alright, if you don’t lighten up already everyone’s going to think you’re a party pooper and a trash time to be around. Loosen up. Make friends. Her little pep talk in her head, and the sip of her stronger than usual drink courtesy of Harry was motivating enough to engage in conversation with some other people around the fire pit. Most were smoking actual cigarettes or joints, Y/N preferred the little flavoured vapes. She’d never been addicted, but smoked more as a social thing, and at least this way it didn’t taste bad and she didn’t smell like cigarettes.
Conversation flowed, Naomi and Adam joined them, but Harry was still inside. Everyone just assumed he was probably distracted with some girl, or attending to party host responsibilities. “I’m going to pop to the toilet really quick and grab another drink.” Y/N told Sarah once she’d polished off what was left in her cup. She got up and made her way inside, she didn’t get all too far on her journey to the bathroom before she was stopped by Max.
Y/N and Max had known each other for a while now, they’d hooked up at parties a few times before she came to her senses and started avoiding him while out. He wasn’t taking the rejection all that lightly. “Hey, been looking for you. Drink?” He asks, holding out the little red cup containing God only knows what. The alcohol pumping through her veins was prohibiting her from thinking about it too much. “Uh, thanks. Didn’t know you’d be here tonight, friends with Harry?” She asked as she took the cup, having a sip. Tequila and orange juice, not her favourite mix but it would do. Max shrugged. “Figured you’d be here, thought we could catch up. Come down and dance with me?” He replied, moving his hand to her waist which made her stomach turn. “Maybe later, I’m in a hurry though. I’ll see you later on.” Y/N managed to push herself past him, only to get caught in a group of girls from a sociology class she’d taken last semester.
The girls babbled on, and as they did Y/N managed to finish off her drink. By the time the cup was empty she was desperate for the bathroom, the conversations ended up lasting almost half an hour, ending with promises of ‘we have to catch up soon!’. When she managed to peel herself away from the girls she found the bathroom, ending up staying in there for a little while enjoying the solace of being alone. Things started to not feel right as she sat there on the bathroom floor. The room began to spin, and confusion began to set in about what was going on, or where she even was. Nausea began to set in, but she was too out of it to even begin to panic or use her phone to call or message anyone. The last thing she could remember was managing to lean over to vomit in the toilet before laying down on the floor as she lost consciousness, the cold tiles pressing against her bare legs.
Harry had been standing at the end of the hallway talking to Holly, a gorgeous girl from one of his classes that he’d been hoping to see tonight. Harry was an observant guy though, he always knew what was going on around him. From the corner of his eye he’d noticed Max give Y/N the drink, thinking not much of it as he knew that the two of them had hooked up before. Harry continued talking up and making out with the girl he stood with, making promises of having her over sometime to watch films and order in dinner. Harry would never take advantage of a drunk girl and had no intention of going any further with her than making out. The tall boy went downstairs to make himself and his girl of the night a drink, when he came back upstairs he noticed Y/N go into the bathroom. He continued his conversation with Holly, sipping their drinks as they laughed and flirted with each other. Concerns began to rise when Y/N never left the bathroom though, and it was like he began to sober up when he noticed Max making his way towards the bathroom. He set his drink down on the windowsill. “Give me a second.” He murmurs to Holly before he made his way to stand between Max and the bathroom door.
“This one’s occupied, mate. Try the downstairs bathroom.” He said, his voice stern. “Y/N texted me, said she wanted me to meet her in there.” Max replied, though Harry knew his phone had died at leat an hour ago as he heard him moaning about it to his mates. “Really? Because she just texted me saying she wanted me in there. I think it’s time for you to head off.” Harry stood his ground, matching his lies with his own. Harry was taller than Max, not necessarily more buff, but he was more intimidating when he wanted to be, and it was his house, full of his friends and people who would back him up. “You know what? Have fun. She’s too fucking difficult anyway.” Max was clearly disgruntled as he spoke, turning around and trudging off without another word.
Harry knocked on the bathroom door, pressing his ear against it to see if he could hear anything coming from inside. “Y/N? You alright, love?” He calls, his voice competing with the loud music pumping through the house. After a minute of no responses to his knocks or calls he made his way into the unlocked room, closing the door behind him. “Fuck.” He hissed when he saw the girl on the floor, immediately he took out his phone and ordered an Uber. He leant down and put her bag over his shoulder, making sure it had her phone and things still in it before scooping her up. The way her body was completely limp in his arms made him sick. How could anyone do this to someone? He made sure she was breathing, she was breathing loud enough that she was practically snoring in his arms. “Fuckin’ hell, pet.” He couldn’t help but sigh. Harry had always had a protective nature, and while he’d never admit his attraction towards Y/N he clearly cared about her enough to do this. He carried her outside to wait out in the fresh air for the car, ignoring any questions from people that tried to stop him. The rest of their friend group were still in the backyard, oblivious to anything going on.
He had decided he’d have to take her home, she wasn’t showing any signs of waking up soon. Holly wasn’t even an afterthought for Harry right now, too concerned with ensuring Y/N’s safety. When the Uber eventually did arrive he got in, being careful to do her seatbelt up before he did his as he told the driver where to go. “Big night, huh?” The driver laughs, Harry attempted a laugh in response. He didn’t want to look suspicious, or like he was the one that had drugged her. “Very big night, gotta get this one home to bed.” Harry replied, attempting to joke around with the driver for the rest of the ride. Y/N still showed no signs of regaining consciousness, he contemplated whether or not hospital was the right idea but he was also pretty knowledgable about this sort of stuff. Not that he’d ever date raped someone before, but Harry experimented with drugs himself and he’d researched GHB before and knew the side effects. It was just something that interested him, chemicals and the impact they had on the body. It came in handy too, like in situations like this.
Once the car pulled up to Y/N and Sarah’s apartment building he took her up, managing to hold her over one shoulder as he fished the keys out of his back and pushed inside. The paranoid part of him made sure to lock the door after them, in case Max decided to follow. He took her to her bedroom, laying her on the bed and taking her jacket and heels off before tucking her under the blankets. He didn’t want to change her, not wanting her to feel more violated than she already had been. In place of putting warm pyjamas on her he managed to find an extra blanket to put over her, then putting a glass of water and a box of Advil beside the bed before he went and sat down on the couch to finally breathe for a minute.
He felt guilty, even though it wasn’t his fault he felt like it fell on his shoulders. It was his party. He hadn’t known that Max was like that, hell, he barely knew the guy. He laid down on the couch as he thought about it, staring up at the ceiling. He would never forget the feeling of having her limp body in his arms, or seeing her unconscious on that bathroom floor. He wasn’t sure how much time passed as he laid there contemplating the evening, but eventually he fell asleep there, still fully clothed with his shoes on.
The pounding in Y/N’s head was what woke her up so early, when she reluctantly opened her eyes to check the clock beside her bed it read 6:12am. What the fuck happened, and how did I get here? She barely even remembered the events that led to her in that bathroom, and she definitely had no clue how she got home. She sat up slowly as if to not anger the headache she had, reaching out for the water and Advil that was beside the alarm clock. Although she wanted to just curl up and hide under the blankets, she knew that wouldn’t help, and the makeup still on her face wasn’t helping how she was feeling. After taking the pain killers she made her way to the bathroom to have a hot shower, closing her eyes as she leant against the wall letting the hot water run over her body to comfort her. It was jut her and Sarah that lived in the apartment, and occasionally Mitch would come over, so she just wrapped a towel around her body after towel drying her hair before she went out to the kitchen to make coffee.
On her way was when she noticed the snoring Harry on the couch, her eyes going wide as she tried to think about why on Earth he would be here. She figured they hadn’t done anything, considering he had slept on the couch and still had his fucking shoes on. She went to her bedroom and replaced the towel she was using to cover herself with a fuzzy white robe, then going to the kitchen to make coffee and wait for the Advil to kick in. Never had she ever get so hungover, she was usually blessed to never get bad hangovers, always making sure to drink loads of water and eat before bed after a night out. There was nothing worse than waking up like this.
It was early, so she decided to not wake Harry with a cup of coffee. She made hers and then returned to her room to scroll through her phone. There were dozens of missed calls and texts from her friends. Sarah had left a bunch of messages asking where she was, letting her know she’d be staying at Mitch’s for the night. There was even a few from Max calling her things like a ‘dumb slut’, to which she promptly deleted.
About an hour went by before she heard a rustling in the living room, venturing out to go see Harry, and hopefully find some answers about last night. “Hey, morning.” Her voice was soft as she leant in the doorway that connected the living room to the hallway that led to her and Sarah’s bedroom and the bathroom. Harry turned around to her quickly, his face full of concern. “How you feeling?” He asked, rubbing some sleep from his eyes. “I’ve felt better. Do you uh, know what happened last night?” She asked, holding her empty coffee mug in one hand. She’d refill hers and make Harry one if he decided to stay. “I think you were drugged, by that Max guy. Took you home ‘cause you were passed out in the bathroom. Don’t worry, nothing happened to you.” He said, sitting down on the arm of the sofa. He didn’t feel too bad, he sobered up pretty much completely before he fell asleep. “Oh…” Was all Y/N could respond with. She didn’t know how to handle that news, and she didn’t want to get all emotional in front of Harry. It was a confusing feeling that she wasn’t sure how to deal with.
“Want some coffee?” She asks him, part of her embarrassed about what had happened and the fact that he’d had to leave the party to take care of her. “That’d be lovely. Black, no sugar.” He said, a slight smile on his lips. He didn’t want to push her to talk about what happened, and it seemed like changing the conversation was how she wanted to handle it for now. Y/N nods, going into the kitchen to make some coffee for the two of them. Harry waited in his spot, running his hands through his hair. “You mind if I have a quick shower?” He calls out to her. “Sure! Mitch leaves clothes here, in the top drawer of Sarah’s dresser!” She called back, the volume in her voice was enough to somewhat trigger her headache again. She finished up making their mugs of coffee before she went to the couch to wait for Harry, setting his mug down beside hers. It felt strange, being alone with him.
When Harry came back his hair was still damp from his shower, and he smelt like her vanilla and honey body wash. “Thank you, for last night. I really appreciate it… I know it must’ve sucked leaving the party and if there’s any way I can make it up to you. I’m so embarrassed, and I’m really lucky that you were there to get me home.” Y/N was probably rambling, speaking almost too fast for Harry to comprehend this early in the morning. “Love, it’s fine. There’ll be other parties. Just glad you go home safe. If I see that weasel of a bloke again I’ll be giving him a fuckin’ piece of my mind.” Harry angered just thinking about what had happened, sitting down on the couch beside her. He wore some grey sweats and an old Pink Floyd t-shirt that Mitch had left. “Well, thank you. If you wanna stick around I’ll make some breakfast? Sarah and I usually make waffles and watch The Simpsons every Saturday morning.” She tells him, it was the most hospitality she’d ever shown towards Harry. It took him back slightly, not expecting her to be so warm towards him. He swears she’d even smiled at him as she made the offer, he’d never really seen her smile at him before. “Fuck it. It’ll be a good story to tell the others, doubt they’d believe we sat in the same room as each other and got along for this long.” He chuckles, sinking into the couch as he had a sip from his mug, looking to the tv as the girl beside him put on the silly cartoon. Maybe this was the start of a friendship, or not, but the two of them both felt at ease finally being at peace with each other for once, regardless for how long it was going to last.
#harry styles imagine#harry styles imagines#harry styles fanfic#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles au#harry styles#harry styles one shot#harry styles x reader
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adore you - m. tkachuk
a/n: when i asked for fics to bring back i had a few people ask me for this one - i have the biggest soft spot for this fic because it was the first one that ever got a decent amount of notes on my old blog so I hope you guys love it a second time :)
Matthew Tkachuk was the bane of your existence. He was egotistical, a little dumb and flat out annoying. But, no matter what you did you could never get rid of him. You were forced to spend time with him because your best friend, Hannah, was dating his teammate, Noah. You actually liked Noah, he was kind and extremely good to Hannah. You couldn’t understand how he put up with Matthew and you honestly had a second thought about your friendship when he explained to you that they’d played together on US teams when they were younger too.
Matthew had been a nightmare since the first night you met, when Hannah went on and on about how she thinks you guys should meet because you’d be perfect together. As usual, you told her you weren’t looking for anything right now, because you were just too busy for it. But, you went along anyway and Hannah introduced the two of you. You’d never met a more annoying human being in your life, who was so sure you were going to sleep with him that night that you ended up chewing him out in the middle of the bar. When you’d finally finished ranting, he just went on about how cute you looked when you were mad at him and you felt your blood boil. That was two months ago, and in those two months he’d spent every waking moment of his day trying to bother you about something.
Which would explain why, as you were home catching up on some work, there was a knock on the door of your apartment and you already knew who it was. You’d opened the door and like you’d received once a week for almost a month, there was someone delivering a bouquet of flowers for Mrs. Tkachuk. You’d signed for them, not bothering to explain to yet another random delivery man that you were not in fact married and tossed them immediately in your garbage. Snapping a picture and sending it to Matthew like you’d done every other time.
Glad you signed that contract, because you’re going to go broke sending me flowers.
You’re worth every penny wifey ;)
You rolled your eyes at the nickname, annoyed with how often this went on. You called Hannah who’d been the cause of all of this in the first place, and waited for her to pick up the phone.
“Hey Y/N what’s up?” Hannah asks.
“If Matthew sends me another bouquet of flowers you can tell Noah he’s going to have one less teammate,” You practically growl into the phone, hearing Noah’s laugh in the background.
“Give Chucky a chance Y/N, the kid wants to marry you,” Noah says, taking the phone from his girlfriend’s hand.
“He’s a nightmare Noah,” You say, sighing into the phone.
“He ADORES you,” Noah explains, “He literally never stops asking about you, speaking of, are you coming to Sean’s party with us tonight?”
“Will you keep Matthew away from me?” You ask, deciding that’s the only way you’d want to even go.
“Yes, I will try and keep Chucky away from you,” Noah promises and you reluctantly agree to go to the party, earning a cheer from Hannah through the phone.
When you get to the party, it’s in full swing. The room is filled with people you knew and didn’t and you were honestly shocked Sean knew this many people. You were thankful though, because you knew it would be extremely easy for you to avoid Matthew all night.
You were doing great with your initial plan of avoiding Matthew. You were having a good time, dancing and drinking with your friends. You definitely were drunk but so was everyone else at the party. You’d escaped to go to the bathroom, walking down the hallway to one of the bathrooms in Sean’s large home. You stopped in front of his wedding photos, looking at the pictures from his nuptials that happened the summer before.
“When we get married it’ll be even better than Sean’s,” You hear behind you and instantly knew was standing behind you, “Think about it you can plan one of those pinterest weddings, we’ll get hitched, I’ll take us on a sick honeymoon and we can hang our wedding photos in some big old house together.”
“You’re insufferable,” You say, turning around to face the pest behind you, but when you turned your heel caught the edge of the rug you were standing under and you stumbled, falling directly into Matthew in front of you.
“And you’re drunk,” Matthew says, holding you up so you don’t hit the floor.
“I’m fine,” You say, your words slurring together more than you’d intended, you push yourself away from Matthew to stand up yourself.
“No you’re not, I saw you, you had like 4 shots with Hannah,” Matthew says, knowing just how much you’d had to drink.
“How do you even know that, stalker,” You say back, crossing your arms across your chest.
“I was keeping an eye on you, there’s a lot of people here, and you’re absolutely oblivious,” Matthew says and just as he was saying something genuinely kind, he had to ruin it.
You shook your head at his comment, “You’re honestly the worst.”
“I know, can I get you home now?” Matthew says, holding up his keys.
“I can get home myself,” You say, stumbling over your own feet when you try and move down the hallway.
“Y/N please let me just get you home safe, no funny business I swear,” Matthew promises, wrapping his arm around your waist to keep you still.
You push his arm off of you, “You’ve never done anything funny in your life, and fine.”
Matthew smiles at the insult, “Thank you, c’mon wifey we gotta get you home.”
He grabs your hand and laces his fingers with yours, pulling you out of the house and down the street to where his car was parked. He opens the door of the black Audi, letting you slide in. Hopping into the driver’s seat, he starts the car to head to your apartment.
“You drive a less douchier car than I thought,” You say, taking in the views of Calgary as you drove through the city.
“I think that was almost a compliment,” Matthew says, laughing.
“Your taste in music is terrible though,” You say, pointing to the top 40 story that was playing on the radio.
“There it is,” Matthew says, pulling in front of your building, turning his car off.
“I can get up to my place myself,” You say, opening the door to get out of the car.
Matthew sighs, “Please Y/N.”
“Whatever,” You mutter, not in the mood for an argument. You both ride up the elevator to your floor in silence, walking down the hallway to your apartment.
“Thank you by the way,” You say, opening the door to your apartment.
“Anytime,” Matthew says, heading back down the hallway, “By the way, I meant it, I’m marrying you one day.”
You shake your head and shut the door, heading to get ready for bed.
The next week Matthew and yourself had gone back to your normal bickering. You didn’t think much into the weird conversation you’d had in Sean’s house, unsure of why Matthew was so concerned with getting you home safe. It bothers you for a small amount of time, until you heard him compliment your ass from across Noah’s kitchen and you knew things had gone back to normal. With the All Star break over and Matthew flying back to Calgary you knew your small vacation from his pestering would be over.
But, you were packing to head to Edmonton with Hannah to go see your parents. The two of you were both from Edmonton, moving to Calgary to go to college together. While Hannah's hockey loyalty switched over to the Flames the day Noah asked her to be his girlfriend, you were still a big Oilers fan, only cheering for the Flames because of your friends with Noah and his teammates. But, after the game right before the break, in which Matthew couldn’t stop being a rat and running his mouth in the media, you were almost excited to go to the game. Looking forward to watching him get roughed around a little bit. You pack the Kassian jersey you’d bought recently, knowing you’d be going to the game with Hannah and looking forward to pissing Matthew off beyond belief.
You’d spent the first couple of days in Edmonton, catching up with your family and friends that lived there. You were excited to have had the couple of days home, spending time with your parents and reaping the benefits of having your mom take care of you for a few days.
You were standing in your childhood bedroom, packing up some stuff to bring back with you on your drive back to Calgary the next morning. You finished packing and slipped on your outfit for the game, putting on the Kassian jersey you’d packed. You hear Hannah beep her horn outside of your parents house, and you head out the door to see her.
“You didn’t actually buy that,” Hannah shakes her head in disbelief, thinking you were kidding when you’d told her about the jersey a couple of weeks prior.
“If Matthew gets to spend every waking moment of his life irritating me, I’m going to do the same back,” You shrug, “Plus we’re in Edmonton, it’s fine.”
Hannah sighs, “I wish I understood you guys.”
The rest of the car ride is spent catching up on how you’d both spent the last few days. Arriving at the arena, you both head in, sitting at the seats Noah had gotten for the both of you. You were right against the ice, on the Flames side of course, watching them skate for pregame warm ups. You see Noah spot you, shaking his head at your choice in jersey. You see him skate over to Matthew and point in your direction, the curly haired menace turning his attention over to you. His nostrils flare out, and he skates directly into the boards in front you, knocking your beer on the ledge to the ground.
“I cannot stand you,” You say, annoyed you’d have to go get another drink.
“Look at what you’re fucking wearing,” You hear him say before skating away, spending the rest of warm ups away from you.
“He’s mad Y/N,” You hear Hannah say, pointing to Matthew across the ice.
“Good,” You say, sipping on the beer you had to go get after Matthew knocked the first one over.
The game was off to a hot start, and hits were flying in true Battle of Alberta fashion. The entire crowd was waiting to see if Matthew would finally drop his gloves with Kassian after the media circus that ensued after their last meeting. When he finally does, you feel Hannah grab your arm, taking your attention away from your phone and you look up watching Matthew square up against Kassian. You watch him throw punch after punch, finally knocking him to the ground, Matthew looking over at you as he skates over to the box.
The rest of the game was intense, ending in a 3-4 shootout win for the Flames. You head to the locker rooms, waiting outside for Noah. The team starts to roll out one by one, looking exhausted from the hit heavy game they just played.
“You’re not actually wearing that right now,” You hear Johnny say, laughing as he comes up to you, “You must have put Chucky’s mind in a blender.”
“I’m sure he’ll recover,” You say, spotting Matthew leaving the locker room, making a beeline over to you.
“Sorry I had to give your boy a beating tonight,” He says, still a little mad at you.
“Yeah I just love him, the whole team actually,” You say, trying to rile him up.
He glares at you, before leaning down and whispering in your ear, “Nineteen’s a better number for you don’t you think?”
You ignore the chill that climbs up your spine when he places his hand on the small of your back, “Over my dead body.”
Matthew shakes his head and walks down the hallway to head back to the team’s hotel, not letting you know that seeing you in that Oilers jersey made his skin crawl.
When you arrive back in Calgary, you’d gotten four texts from Matthew, asking you if you’ve gotten back to your apartment yet. When you finally do, there’s a box at the door, a large red bow on top. Your gut says it’s from Matthew, and your suspicions were confirmed when you opened the box and revealed a Flames jersey, the number nineteen glaring at you. You pick up the card and nearly gag at the writing
Looks better than orange and blue babe - Matty
You think about tossing the jersey in the trash like you’d done with every bouquet of flowers he sent you, but you something wouldn’t let you. You leave the box on the island in your kitchen, deciding you’ll do something about it later. You set down the box and look at your phone, checking your texts to see Hannah had texted you to see if you were going to meet her out after Noah’s game tonight. You debate it internally for a moment, but decide to go out.
Later that night, you arrive at the bar and instantly spot the large group of hockey players standing in the corner. You walk over and immediately hear the sound of Matthew’s laugh, giggling at some stupid joke he probably told. You catch up with everyone and head over to the bar to grab a drink. While you’re waiting to get the bartender’s attention, you feel a hand on the small of your back and turn around to see Matthew standing behind you.
“You look incredible tonight,” Matthew whispers in your ear, flagging down the bartender with ease.
“I can’t believe you followed me over here,” You say, turning your back to him.
“I can’t believe you don’t want to be with me,” Matthew says, “We’d make such cute babies.”
Matthew drones on about how if you guys had kids, they’d probably have his hair but he wants them to have your smile. It would be cute if you didn’t know he was doing it to get under your skin. Your eyes scan the bar, seeing a group of girls pointing to Matthew and whispering, probably about the Flames resident pest being out at the bar.
“Don’t you have a fan club to entertain,” You say, nodding your head towards the girls.
“I could talk to you all night and I’d still take one of those girls home,” Matthew smirks back at you and while you’d usually feel your blood boil at the comment, you felt something different. A pang of jealousy washes over you at the thought of Matthew giving his attention to someone who wasn’t you. You’d had it for so long, and something in your gut said you didn’t want anyone else to have his attention the way you did. You look at him for a moment, taking his blue eyes and crooked smile, and relishing in the way his hand on your back feels.
You sigh, “You could just take me home.”
You see Matthew choke on his beer, “I can - I - what?”
You giggle at his reaction, his usually cocky demeanor diminishing as you finally decide he can have what he wants, “You can take me home,” you repeat again, running your fingertips along his arm.
“You’re fucking with me,” Matthew says in disbelief.
“I’m not, but you have to promise me something,” You say and he nods, prompting you to finish your statement, “I can still plan the wedding.”
Matthew laughs at the reminder of what he told you at Sean’s party, “You can have whatever you want babe.”
You grab his hand and lace his fingers with yours, leading him out of the bar and into his car. Matthew knew that once he finally got you, he wasn’t going to let you go.
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-Second And Third Chance- Tony Stark x Female Reader
Kody: favorite dilf- i’m sorry lmao
Movie/Show: after endgame. but no one is dead because i’m still in denial.
Summary: (Backstory included) Being the fiancee of Tony Stark was all you could dream of, but not everyone is perfect and Tony is certainly no saint. Even with Thanos being gone, Tony is still obsessing on how to keep you safe from other worldly beings, but due to his own ignorance ends up losing you all by himself.
Possible Triggers / Warnings: angst with fluff ending, cursing, Tony being Tony, F.R.I.D.A.Y and Wanda being your besties lmao,
you wondered how you were ever came across such a man. Narcissistic, arrogant, just completely full of himself in every way possible. You had met the infamous Tony Stark at a shield ball/party so long ago. He was charming, you’ll admit, but you were fully aware of his playboy status.
you wore a long black off the shoulder dress that started skin tight at the top and flowy at the bottom, also sporting a slit down the side of the dress. Some said hi and gave you compliments on your outfit. You wanted to find Fury so you could talk to him as he was the only person you really knew.
walking along the floor a woman holding a platter of drinks offered you one and you gladly accepted it. You spotted Fury a few tables away, talking amongst Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers. Once you made it over, you slipped yourself into a empty seat.
Fury noticed you first and patted your shoulder “Didn’t think these parties were your scene Agent L/n” he spoke with his usual formality. You hummed into the glass of wine as you took a sip “They are not, but i needed a reason to drink” you admitted, earning a chuckle from Natasha.
you then took the time to look at both of them and smile “Natasha Steve. Still doing the whole saving the world thing?” you say. Steve cracks a smile and nods once “The world can’t seem to give us a break” he says. A chuckle bubbled in your throat “Not that you would take it though, right cap?”
you four spent a good thirty minutes talking about the usual, until Maria Hill showed up then you got to talking about new missions that he Fury only trusted you all with. You were like Fury third in command. Someone Maria had recommended if something would have ever happened to her.
not to long Natasha and Steve had left the party earlier then expected, but they were always in the rush. You, Fury, and Maria were now standing next to the table. Maria’s phone rang and she slipped it from her bag and pressed the green button “Yes?...Give me ten minutes”
she hung it up and put it back in her bag. Fury looked at her with a questioning stare “I’m going to assume Romanoff or Rogers were on the end of that line. Would the rest of us be needed?” he asked. Maria shook her head “No. Just a minor problem. I’ll call if it escalates”
Fury nods once and gestures with his head to the exit, dismissing her. They were so loyal to each other. Maria then sends you a polite smile before exiting the ballroom. You placed your cup on the table were you all resided minutes ago “Should we be concerned?” you ask.
he shakes his head “They’ll be fine. I like to come in at the end anyway, makes me alluring” he says, making you stifle a bit of laughter. “Right” you agreed not really wanting to dwell in that subject. Only seconds later is when an unfamiliar voice spoke “Nick”
both you and Fury turn around and see the nice tailored suit belonging to the less nice man of Tony Stark. Fury cracks a small grin and holds his hand out “Stark, fashionably late” he points out. Tony grabs his hand and shakes it “Well if i wasn’t i’d be stuck looking like you losers.”
did this grown man just call you both losers? Okay then. You folded your arms over your chest, not really paying much attention to there very testosterone filled conversation. Tony eyes removed themselves from Fury and looked at you “and who is this?” he asked.
you removed your eyes from the people walking past you and looked towards the billionaire “ This is Agent L/n. works alongside Agent Hill and myself” Fury explains. You give Tony a polite nod “It’s Y/n L/n” you say. Tony grins and went to say something more when Fury coughed.
“I’m going to use the bathroom. Tony don’t be weird” he spoke before leaving you both by your lonesome. Great. “May i offer you another drink?” he asked and you shook your head “I already had one and i have to be alert at all times. It’s in the job description. Very fine print”
“Sounds like you need a vacation or a xanax” he makes a face, earning a small smile from you “Maybe, but i like my job too much” you reply. Tony steps to the side and gestures with his hand for you to walk. You didn’t see much wrong with that, just a friendly stroll. Why not.
you step in forward and Tony lifts his arm up a bit for you to link yours. ‘What a charmer’ you thought before slipping your arm through his. YOu both began to walk slowly through the ballroom “So what does your significant other think about how much you work?” he asked.
‘very slick’ “I don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend at the moment. Tried dating on the job, but no one really understands how much working here changes you in a way” you explained, Tony nodding along with your answer. Being an Agent had its perks and downfalls.
“Why did you get into this line of work, if you don’t mind me asking?” Tony questions. It was strange seeing him be so genuine with his wording, the complete opposite of what Fury, Steve, Natasha, or Maria had to say about him. It was pleasant.
you gulp, a few choice memories deciding to flood your mind “I worked CIA with my sister for awhile. Our whole family was worked in some form of Government job. Then the 2012 attack happened and we were told to stand down. Me and my sister were stubborn so we didn’t”
you inhale deeply and managed to keep your formal smile upon your face despite the urge to down another glass of wine and call it a night “No one knew about aliens back then, but we wanted to help people in any way we could. In hindsight it was very stupid of us”
your mind began to wander to something else, the smile fading from your face and be replaced with a blank stare. For an expression so neutral it would be hard to tell that you were reliving a terrible memory. Crashing, a blood curdling scream, your pleas, and a then silence.
Tony looked at you once you had stopped talking abruptly and used his free hand to pat your shoulder. You broke out of whatever horrific trance you were in “Sorry, zoned out- anyway my sister ended up passing, i was charged with treason funny enough, but Fury convinced them to drop the charges”
Tony chose to ignore the brief daze you were in for your own sake and you two continued your stroll. The night ended with more talking and much needed laughter. He also offered you a ride home and you gladly took him up on that. It was really nice.
when you got to your house he asked you on a date to a very nice restaurant near your place. You accepted even though your brain was telling you not to. On the day of the date you ended up being called in and canceled. He said he understood and that you could reschedule anytime.
you never did go on that date
just like most things it only happened once and you figured that was that. Spending a couple magical hours talking to Tony Stark would be any girls dream and just like dreams you awoke to reality. You had a job and had many other important things to do beside fantasize about a billionaire.
that was until Hydra took over Shield in 2014, you and Fury faked your deaths. Tony actually went to your funeral, wearing sunglasses and standing away from everybody. It was pretty sad, but you had a job to do. fury actually came back, but you stayed in hiding.
then in 2015 when Ultron was a the main problem and you were itchy to bash some robots skulls in- wait they don’t have skulls. Whatever, Fury wouldn’t get involved. Then Sokovia became a giant plane and Fury caved. After a year of doing grunt work you could finally fight.
all the staff, including you loaded up a helicarrier. You made your way to the command center where Fury and Maria resided “Ah Agent Y/n. Glad that you could join us. Already suited up i see?” Fury points to your all black outfit and mask.
shrugging, you walked towards the front “I’ve been ‘dead’ for a year, cut me some slack for being excited” you say. Fury nods, agreeing with your statement before facing forward. “Set a course to Sokovia and making it fast” Maria announced.
and with that, you were off
Maria hacked into the Avengers coms and connected Fury’s, your’s, and her own. “Where else am i gonna get a view like this?” a woman said through your earpiece. You instantly recognize it as Nat. You missed her so much, god you couldn’t wait to talk to her again.
“Glad you like the view Romanoff. It’s about to get better” Fury spoke, folding his arms behind his back, interlocking his hands. The helicarrier started to raise above Sokovia. Holy shit this is high. As you ascended you were able to see Nat and Steve standing together. Nat cut her hair, it looks pretty.
rest of the staff began to enter the command room and set up “Nice right? Pulled her out of mothballs with a couple old friends. She’s dusty, but she’ll do” he spoke. “Fury you son of a bitch” Steve said right back. Did he just curse? That had to be Ultron.
“Woah, you kiss your mother with that mouth?” Fury said with a fake surprised tone. His comment made you chuckle a bit since he had a foul mouth. Hypocrisy am i right? “Altitude is 18,000 and climbing” Maria spoke, typing away on her keyboard like desk.
another guy spoke up from behind you “Lifeboats secure to deploy, disengage in three...two...take them out ” he clicked one final button and sat back. You felt the helicarrier rumble beneath you, which meant the lifeboats were being sent to the ground.
oh shit. You were supposed to be on one of those. “Shit!” you yell before running out the command room. You raced down the stairs and made your way to the deck. You watched as a lifeboat flew right below. This is such a bad idea. Your doing it anyway.
taking a couple steps back, you mentally prepare yourself before running as fast as you could. As you touch the edge you jump and launch yourself off the helicarrier. The lifeboat came closer to you until your shoulder collided with it. You hissed and slowly pushed yourself up “Damn- that’s gonna sting”
“Did you just jump off the helicarrier?” Fury says through the coms
“Who did?” Steve spoke
“Oh you know, backup-” Fury replies before Maria cut in “Sir we have multiple bogeys on our starboard flank” she spoke and indeed when you looked up you saw a bunch of Iron man suits flying above. Oh shit. “Show them what he got” he replied back.
you reach down and pull both guns out the holsters that were on both of your thighs “It feels good to be back” you said to yourself. You heard something fly above you that wasn’t a Bogey and saw War Machine- Rhodey blasting through a bunch of them. He’s pretty cool.
just as you were about to bask in the moment a Bogey landed on the lifeboat and came charging at you. It swung and you ducked just in time, lifting your foot to kick it in the chest. As it stumbled back you raised your gun and shot it straight in the head.
the literal lights behind its glass ‘eyes’ flickered until it shut off and it fell to the ground. “It better not be that easy to kill the actual Iron Man” you spoke. “And your not gonna find out” a voice spoke. You turn around and see Tony in his suit, with his arm raised, ready to attack you.
you raise your hands “Woah- What the hell Stark!” you shout. Oh shit- you had a mask. “I’m on your side” you add. Tony tilts his head “Really, prove it” he says. You slowly move your hand. as to not startle him and slowly pull the mas down from your face “Hey Tony”
he visibly tensed up. His mask retracting back into his face. Still has handsome as ever. He reaches up with both arms and takes off his helmet, dropping it to the side. “So is faking your death a Shield initiation thing or you just really didn’t want to go out with me?” he asked.
you cracked a smile and dropped your arms to your sides “I told you work gets in the way” you said. He went to say something when four Bogeys landed on the lifeboat. Damn you couldn’t let any on until you landed. Tony groaned dramatically and shot one in the chest, causing it to fall off the ship.
“No. See regular work doesn’t involve faking your death. I went to your funeral you know?” he says. You drop off and push off the seat and onto the Bogey, wrapping your thighs around its head. You push the barrel of the gun against the top of its head and shot “I know. I was there!” you shout.
“Oh that’s just great. You saw me all vulnerable and teary” he says with a scoff. what was happening right now. You drop to the ground and the Bogey grabs your leg, pulling you back. You shot it in the arm and it lets go “I actually didn’t know you cried. That’s kind of cute though”
you shoot the Bogey in the head and stand up on your feet. Just as you are about to take a step, a metal arm wraps around your neck, pulling you back. Oh yeah there was four. You went to reach behind as Tony shot through it’s head. The grip around your neck was released and you pushed it’s corpse off.
“Your welcome” Tony spoke, he still sounded snappy. “Your such a baby Tony. What can i do to make you stop moping?” you ask, putting one of your guns into the holster. You look behind you as the lifeboats pull up next to Sokovia “One date after all this. So i can show you what you missed of course”
you crack a smile, pulling your hood off your head. You raise your hand and hold up one finger “One date. That’s it” you say and he nods along “That works for me” he replies before picking up his helmet. He puts it on his head “But you’ll come back for more” he says as his face is covered by metal once more.
you ended up did going on that date with Tony and he was right, there would be multiple date and girts until he finally asked you to be in a relationship. It was any big grand gesture that you expected from him, it was simple and sweet. It took him three years for him to propose in 2018.
but he was always one to wait.
the second battle with Thanos, but everyone seemed to be somewhat recovering, but Tony wasn’t himself anymore. You already knew he was a workaholic, but it had never been this bad. He’d stay up all night working on new tech. Security, suit adjustments, anything.
when it first started happening you chalked it up to his response to trauma. One night you suggested he’d go to therapist. Just one session and if he thought it would work then he could continue and vise versa. Tony ended up shooting down the idea with a couple harsh words.
it was strange to see him yell at you because he had never done before. It was like you were talking to an entirely different person. It scared you to be honest, but you loved him. A whole year after Thanos had gone by and he was just falling deeper and deeper into his work and less into you.
“Friday, is Tony awake?” you spoke, pouring coffee into a black mug. You place it on the silver tray and grab the light beige cardigan off the counter, slipping it over your white sports bra. “Yes Miss. Would you like me to inform him your coming down to the lab?” Friday asked.
“No that’s alright. I’d rather surprise him. Thank you Friday” you say and grab the tray off the counter, it had a mug of coffee and a plate of pancakes. You knew he wouldn’t have eaten already “Just doing my job Miss” she replies. You smile to yourself. You liked listening to her accent.
you push open the door with the side of your hip since your hands were full “Tony!” you call out, looking around the lab one time. You stop as you see your lovers head pop up behind a machine you were unfamiliar of “Y/n? What’re you doing up? It’s late” he said, putting down a tablet.
you roll your eyes and walk over to the big table in the middle, placing the tray down “It’s nine in the morning, love” you reply. Was he starting to lose track of time now? This place needed more windows clearly. Tony put on a confused face as he scratched the back of his neck “Really?”
nodding, you lift up the mug of coffee from the tray and make your way over to Tony. You dodge a few tools laying on the ground and hand him the cup “Drink” you say. He takes it from you and brings it to his lips “Thanks” he says. While he drank you studied his face. He looked so exhausted.
it broke your heart
“You look terrible by the way” you comment, causing him to crack a small smile. “You said yes to this face, remember that” he retorts. Well he wasn’t wrong about that one. “That is true, seriously i want you out the lab today and into bed. Tomorrow is an important day”
Tony goes silent for a moment and you can tell he was trying really hard to think “Tony” you said, your voice sounding like a mom who was getting ready to lecture there child for forgetting to do homework. “I know i know- important day. Can’t wait for that...day”
you narrowed your eyes “Friday” you called out. “Yes Miss” she replies instantly. “Read me Tony’s schedule that he set for himself for the week” you ask. Tony steps forward, but you take a step back, moving away from him. “There is nothing on Mr. Stark’s schedule this week Miss”
moving away from Tony, you walk over to the table “It’s our anniversary tomorrow you ass” you snap at him. Tony sighs and runs his hand over his face “I’ve been busy-” “You’ve never forgot it before” your tone was unusually calm, which through Tony off.
“Thanos is dead Tony”
“I know-”
“Then what are you doing?!” you shout, shocking yourself at the loudness of your own voice. “I’m trying to keep you safe!” he exclaims. Your fist clench. God you loved this man, but you wanted to punch him in the nose “You know i thought that you would get over this, but i can’t take much more”
your words seem to scare Tony a bit, but you continued to speak “It’s been a year Tony. You don’t sleep next to me, we barely talk unless it’s me making sure you don’t fucking starve to death, we haven’t been intimate in god knows how long. I’m tired of being neglected”
crying for a man was so pathetic, so you reached up and wiped any forming tears away with your thumb. Tony reached his arms out and wrapped them around you. You wanted to push him away, but he hasn't hugged you in so long, so you gave in.
he rubbed the back of your head as you let a few tears fall onto his shirt “I’ll stop okay- look i promise i’ll get some sleep and will have a whole day together okay?” he says. You were mad and you wanted to scream at him, but you also loved him and wanted to give him a second chance.
“Okay, but i swear Tony. You screw this up and-” you were cut off by him placing his lips on yours. Damn Stark. You smiled lightly into the kiss and pull away a couple seconds later “and you’ll throw me out on my ass i know.” he says.
you ended up making Tony go to sleep in your shared room while you cleaned up his lab and such.
the anniversary, night
you were waiting outside a restaurant since Tony wanted to show up in his car to ‘swoon’ you wearing a black jumpsuit, it was his favorite color on you You looked at your phone and noticed he was about ten minutes late, but that didn’t worry you much since he liked to be fashionably late.
he’d come. He wouldn’t risk his last chance.
would he?
after two hours Happy ended up picking you up and taking you back to your home. He apologized for Tony a couple times, but you said it was fine. Once you got home you kicked off your heels at the door. You were kind of running on autopilot just in shock and realization at the same time.
you knew what you had to do, but at the same time you didn’t want to, but it was over. You gave Tony a chance and he blew it. Nine years down the drain in a flash. You just couldn’t believe it. Walking down the hall, you wipe your face from the warm tears.
shutting the door to your shared bedroom, you go over to the closet “Miss you seem to be in distress is there anyway i can help?” Friday spoke. For an AI she was very self aware on feelings. “Is Tony awake Friday?” you ask, going over to your closet. “No Miss, he is asleep in the lab. May i call someone for you?”
you open the closet and pull out a suitcase you had in there and bring it over to the bed “Call Wanda” you say as you unzip the suitcase, opening it up and throw it on the bed. “Of course Miss, contacting Wanda Maximoff” she replies. After a couple seconds you hear her voice.
“Y/n? It’s late, are you alright?” she asked. You had confided in Wanda about your relationship problems with Tony since you were both in a long term relationship. You had also told her about the anniversary thing and Tony’s last chance. she said if it didn’t work out yo could stay at her place.
“Hey Wanda- uh. Yeah i know it’s late but-” you didn’t get to finish speaking when Wanda cut you off “Are you crying? Tony didn’t come did he? Know what? i’m on way. He better like a car through his window” she threatens, you could hear her moving around and the sound of keys. Well damn-
you began to grab your clothes from your dresser and stuff them in your suitcase “He’s sleeping, just pull in the front. I’ll send you the gate code okay?” you say, beginning to take off the jumpsuit you were wearing. “Fine, but no promises if i see him in the street. I’ll see you soon Y/n, goodbye”
Wanda hung up the phone “Friday-” “I sent Wanda the gate code. Before you leave would you like to leave a message for Mr. Stark?” Friday asked. You grab a dark green sweater and jeans from your dresser and throw them on quickly. You didn’t bother to pack the jumpsuit.
you wanted Tony to know why you had left so he could see the consequences of his actions and so that he wouldn’t tear the city apart thinking you were kidnapped. “I will, can you record a holographic message?” you ask. “Yes Miss, also Wanda will be arriving in 15 minutes”
Tony awoke to the sound of his alarm blaring off into his ear “Shit. Friday shut that off!” he groans, lifting his head from the table “Yes Boss” she replies and the alarm shuts off. “Y/n has left a message for you to listen too. It is very important” she adds.
“Play it” he says going to lay his head back down on the table “It is a holographic message, Boss” Friday says. Tony begrudgingly lifts his head and leans it on his arm “Play it” he repeats. A second later you appeared sitting on the chair at the table with a blue hue around you.
“Hey Tony” you spoke a half smile on your face. tony would have found comfort in it if he doesn’t your puffy eyes and saddened expression. His head lifted on his arm “Remember our anniversary, you know your last chance and all that? Yeah.” you began. Tony sighed mumbling curses under his breath.
“I care about you, i have since you talked to me at the Shield dance, but i haven’t been your first priority in a while and i get it, but you promised when i left Shield that you would always make time for me. I know that Thanos shook you and you won’t admit it, but you need realize that something bad isn’t lurking around every corner”
Tony watched as you reached up and rubbed your eyes, the scene tugging on his heartstrings “We need a break from each other Tony, just for a little while. I’m going to stay with some friends. Please try to help yourself, get out the lab, clean yourself up, all of that.”
you pulled something off your ring finger and placed it on the table. Tony looked down and saw the silver ring with three aquamarine stones. He remembered proposing to you with it. You said the color reminded you of his reactor. Weirdly enough your hologram looked up at him and smiled.
“I’ll be waiting” you said and then flickered away “That’s the end of the message, Boss” Friday says. Tony slowly picked up the ring off the table. You had recorded the message in hear, talking to his sleeping body. He wished he had woken up.
three months later
staying with Wanda was fun, but after a month or so you decided to get your own place. As much as you loved your big house you shared with Tony you bought small cabin well away from the city. It was quiet, it was outdoors and you loved it.
when you and Tony got engaged you ended up retiring from Shield so you could be more at home and help Tony with his work, but now even though you didn’t need a job you also didn’t like the idea of sitting on your ass. In that night of packing you put your old suit in there while on autopilot.
It took awhile, but you called up Fury and he was more than happy to let you back in “What does Stark have to say about all this?” he asked and you just sighed quietly “What Tony doesn’t know won’t hurt him” you replied and he didn’t ask any more questions after that.
getting back into your old life was pretty easy. All you needed was to get back into your regular exercise regiment that you had been lacking on and you felt more confident than ever. You didn’t feel neglected or forgotten, the complete opposite, you felt badass.
one day when you were walking out the store after picking up some groceries you felt eyes on you as you walked along the sidewalk. After years of being an Agent you knew when you were being followed. What was strange was that it felt like someone was watching you from above.
having a hunch at who it might be you quickly looked up and see a quick blur of red and blue swing away from your vision. Was this kid following you? but why? You duck into an alley way and walk slowly. You hear him drop behind you and follow your steps.
“Hi” he replies in nervous tone. You turn around, placing your free hand on your hip “Why have you been following me all week Peter?” yopu ask. You haven’t talked to Peter in months. Did he need something? Peter lifts his arm and grabs the top of his mask, pulling it off of his head.
he was lucky you were in a remote part of the city “Mr. Stark told me you weren’t together at the moment” he starts, looking at his feet. “I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright” he says and flashes a toothy grin. Aw- wait. “Did Tony ask you to check on me?”
Peter shook his head “No. He’s been busy with setting up the new senteries and therapy- i mean i don’t know. I just missed you and i can tell Mr. Stark is trying to change, but i hate to see you both so sad. I couldn’t imagine not being with Mj” he says. This kid was too adorable.
not only that he went out of his way to see how you were doing. Wait- what did he say about Tony “What senteries?” you asked, stepping closer to him. Peter started to fidget a bit “Uh- i really have to get going-” “Peter” you said in a demanding tone.
he exhaled deeply, knowing he wasn’t getting out of this “Mr. Stark has a whole line of senteries to sell to the senator so he can finally retire from being Iron Man. Not fully retire just on a long term vacation- that’s what he called it.” he spoke. Holy shit- you hoped he had done this for himself
and you as well- but mostly himself
a smile creeped onto your face. The most stubborn man you had ever met changed. “When does he plan on doing this?” you say to Peter “A dinner party this weekend. I wasn’t supposed to say anything until it was done. He was going to do some grand gesture to show you he’s changed”
you shook your head and placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder “Don’t be. For once i’m doing the grand gesture”
after figuring out and planning on when and where you were going to show up you decided to tap into Friday’s systems and watch most of his speech then find Tony when the time was right, preferably when he was alone. Being with Tony for so long you figured out a way to enter your shared home, undetected.
once you were in the building you hid away in a spare room that was never used “Friday show me the room Tony’s in” you spoke, pulling out your phone “Yes Miss” she spoke and on your screen you saw Tony in the dining room. You lift your phone and flick it so its projected off the screen.
your eyes latched to Tony as soon as it turned on. He looked so different and healthy. It was pleasing to see that he was doing much better. You were also glad he took your advice. A warmth invaded your chest, it’s like you fell in love with him all over again.
gosh how you wanted to run into his arms that very moment.
“So Stark, why retire now?” the senator asked, taking a sip of wine from the glass he held. Tony seemed to tense up the question, but no one noticed other then you and Tony himself “If you asked me three months ago i would have told you to go to hell and that i don’t need to retire”
“and now?”
“Well back then i had my fiancee and thought i was the king of the world. Then i lost her because of my workaholic nature- also i’m not retiring Iron, Man will still be here for whoever needs him, but i think it’s time i put my future wife first if i want to keep her” he shrugs his shoulders casually.
most at the table were stunned into silence before the senator lifted his hand for tony to shake “I guess Tony Stark does have a heart” he spoke and Tony shook his hand. You felt something warm come down your face and reached to wipe the tears away.
god- what a charmer. Always knew just what to say.
“Well this was fun, but my finacee i’ve been talking about is actually here on the moment” he said. Wait what? You looked at the screen as Tony’s head turned towards the camera, sending you a wink. How the hell did he find out?! Tony grabbed a pen from his pocket and signed the paper.
“Happy will show you all out” Tony waved them off before walking out the room “If you step out the room you’ll be able to meet Mr. Stark in the hallway” Friday spoke. Oh so she snitched. Betrayal at it’s finest “Thanks Friday” you spoke before stepping out the room.
as you turned your head you come face to face with your husband to be, except he seemed nervous? “You look great- well you always look great” Tony says, making you form a smile “I’m proud of you” you say back. Tony reaches up, using this thumb to wipe away a stray tear.
“That means a lot coming from you. I can’t believe i let you slip away” his voice got darker, a frown forming. “I’m right here” you open your arms out. tony takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against him. “But seriously Tony i will really leave you next time”
he nods “I know i know. You can have the whole house if i do” he says, making you chuckle. After a moment of staring into each other's eyes, silently making up for lost time. “Oh my god Tony Stark if you don’t kiss me right now-” you didn’t even need to finish before his lips were on yours.
the kiss was desperate and starved for a deeper feeling. Who knew one person could miss another so much? After this, you speculated you’d be stuck to his side like glue for a couple weeks before he say something stupid to piss you off.
Tony’s hands traveled lower and lower until they gripped the back of your thighs, causing a familiar feeling to bloom within you. He pulls away from your mouth and his lips attach to your neck, leaving hot open mouthed kisses. Zero to one hundred real quick.
“Tony” you breathed out. You could feel the smirk against the skin of your neck. Horny bastard “Tony seriously” you say, a laugh bubbling in your throat. He pulls away and looks at you ‘I’m trying to seduce you. Why are you interrupting?”
you shake your head and hook your arms around his neck “I love you, you idiot” you say, trying to catch your breath. A ego filling grin decorated his face as he pecked your lips “I love you too. Now let me get back to work” he says and goes back to kissing your neck and his hands worked off your belt.
yeah- you were in love
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So I have this idea, You know how people want/like things they can’t have, MontyxOC have always had this friendship that bordered on something more but it never got there. She gets a boyfriend, Monty starts avoiding her majorly & their friendship crumbles until one night he shows up at her door & lays his cards out, they have a heated argument but then it turned into into something else quite heated😘 and as bad as it was that she cheated she doesn’t regret it, he’s all she’s ever wanted anyway
Why Didn’t You Say Anything?
A/N: contains SMUT. DNI if under 18. 18+ ONLY. Trigger warning: rough CONSENSUAL sex. I hope you like this. I’m sorry it took WAY too long to get around to finishing but I was having a lot of issues finding inspiration for requests. I’ve found it again though so expect more to come. As always, I love feedback and much love. - Em
Montgomery and I had been friends since… well since forever. As long as I could remember anyway. He was a quiet kid. Kept to himself for the most part when we were younger. I wouldn’t come to find out why exactly that was until much later on in our friendship. We bonded over a love of the same candy. It sounds stupid thinking back on it now, but at the time we were just kids. We didn’t really know how to have interests yet.
Eventually, as we got older and we developed our things, we found that even though our interests didn’t really match the way people thought they should-I was a novice musician, he was on his way to being a star athlete- we bonded over our passion and drive for our respective things. He would come over to my house and watch me teach myself to play guitar, play piano, or sing. I would meet him in the park and play catch when he discovered a love of baseball. Or when we started middle school and he would try to teach me how to throw a football. That… never went very well. But he was pretty good at catching it regardless as it turned out, so it worked out in the end.
Our friendship started to change around middle school too. It wasn’t noticeable at first. He started spending more and more time at my place. By then I had learned what his father was like behind closed doors. That had been an interesting phone call to my mom to come get me. Our conversations became even longer and more personal. We talked about our hopes and dreams. Where we wanted to end up when we were finally adults. The running thing was that no matter what we wanted to be when we grew up that week, we were always staples in each other’s futures. I started to seek him out at lunch more. I felt this desire to be near him that I couldn’t explain. Or maybe I could, and I just didn’t want to, for fear of being rejected and losing my best friend.
In high school, when we made different friends and traveled in different circles, we were still best friends. We had always been basically inseparable. Montgomery and Juliette. Julie and Monty. Where you saw one of us, you usually found the other. I waited for him after football and baseball tryouts and my dad made waffles for dinner when he made the team. There was a seat basically reserved for me at games since freshman year. I only missed two games in three and a half years. Once when I had strep throat in sophomore year and once when my uncle died last year. Monty didn’t want to go to that week’s game. I told him if he didn’t, I would never play piano for him again. For his part, Monty sat through countless hours of me learning songs or listening to tons of voice memos while I was writing my own. He was at every one of my gigs, no matter how big or small. It didn’t matter if there was ten people or a hundred people, he was always there, sitting in the first or second row. Even Bryce Walker couldn’t come between us.
I couldn’t help but feel like there was something more than friendship between us. I was still too afraid of rejection to say anything and he never said anything either. Other people had always made comments about our friendship and how close we were. But we both just laughed it off and attributed it to people not understanding that guys and girls could just be friends. When we were in junior year and it became clear to me that the feelings I had ignored and buried for so long, weren’t reciprocated, I decided it was time to move on. There was no point in pining after someone who didn’t want me back. And as luck would have it, the perfect person to get my mind off of my best friend had just moved to town and was assigned as my chemistry lab partner.
Parker Johnston was an average height, thin but lean, young man from Ohio. He had shaggy blond hair and cobalt blue eyes. He came from a stable, well off family, but he wasn’t a show-off about it. His parents were mortgage brokers who wanted to work in, but not live in the city. Essentially, he was everything Montgomery de la Cruz… wasn’t. He did still like sports though. They have that to bond over. I thought after my first conversation with him after chemistry. I invited him to have lunch with us. The guys on the football team liked him. Even Monty was nice to him. Though, at that point, none of us knew what would become of Parker and I hanging out.
“I don’t know Monty. We are just going for burgers at Rosie’s. It’s not like I’m going to marry the guy.” I was on the phone with Monty while I got ready for my first date with Parker. We had been hanging out as friends for seven months or so. Over the summer, we had connected more and found we had more than just a mutual dislike of our chemistry teacher in common.
“Well, what do you think will happen?”
“On our date? Or are you asking if I’ve thought far enough ahead to actually consider if we are getting married? Because I haven’t thought further ahead than my math test next Friday.”
“On your date.”
“I think I will have my usual cheeseburger with pink lemonade, and we will talk. Maybe split a milkshake for dessert. Green or grey shirt?”
“Is it the green with polka dots?”
“No, the plain army green one.”
“Grey. The green one gives you too much cleavage. A cheeseburger and lemonade? That’s it?”
“He’s seen me in the green one before, and no it doesn’t, but whatever. Yes Monty. That’s it. Why do you care so much, anyway?”
“I don’t. Just want to know what you’re planning. Make sure you’re safe.” I rolled my eyes.
“Well, I appreciate your concern.”
“Anytime. Are you coming to the game on Friday? It’s our second home game. First game of October. You know how you love fall games.”
“Of course, I’m coming. It’s not like I have a choice anymore, you guys are stuck with me.” I joked.
“Haha very funny Julie.”
“I try. Hey, listen. I gotta go. Parker will be here soon. I’ll call you when I get home.”
Our first date was going great. We had been to Rosie’s before together, but it was different now that we were on a date. We were there for hours, just sitting and talking to each other. Monty texted me around eight, just to check in. You still out or do I need to call the cops?
I’m still here. All good. He left me on read. I assumed it was because I was still out. “Everything okay?” Parker asked when he got back from the bathroom.
“Oh, yeah. Just Monty checking in.”
“Fair, fair. I guess that’s my cue to take you home for the night?”
“I suppose so.” Even though we had verbalized the need to leave, neither of us moved to leave.
“One more order of fries?”
“Yes.” After our last order, Parker drove me home and I called Monty to spill all the details as I got ready for bed.
The following Friday, Parker and I went to the game together. It was the first time we were going together just the two of us, and not with a group of friends. As far as high school football games go, this one was pretty standard. We held hands through most of it. Bryce’s parents were out of town again, so he was having a “we lost but I have money so let’s all get wasted” party. “I’ll meet you in the parking lot? Or did you want to just meet at Bryce’s place? I have to go talk to Monty.”
“We can meet at his place if you want.” He looked confused.
“It’s tradition. I always wait for him. I have since freshman year.”
“Oh, okay then. I’ll see you at Bryce’s place Jules.” He kissed me. I smiled into it before pulling away. I watched him turn and walk down the bleacher steps and turn towards the parking lot before running off to find Monty.
I spotted him talking to Luke and Scott. His back was turned to me. They saw me coming but didn’t react. They know me so well now. They know exactly what is coming. I smiled playfully before wrapping my arms around Monty’s waist tightly. He laughed and pried my hands off of him, before turning around and lifting me up in a hug. I didn’t even complain about the sweat. “You know that doesn’t surprise me anymore Julie.”
“I know. But it’s fun.” He was still holding me. “Are you going to like… put me down at some point?”
He turned back around to face Luke and Scott. They were shaking their heads, grinning. “Nah.” He decided.
“Well. I don’t need to see inside the boy’s locker room so you put me down outside.”
“What, you mean you don’t want to see a whole lot of Brycey’s pasty white ass?” Luke teased.
“No. No I do not. Every day I don’t see that is a good day for me. And since you are hell bent on carrying me, can I at least be comfortable? My legs are just dangling here.” Monty stopped walking so I could wrap my legs around his waist like a backwards piggyback ride. His hands went under my thighs to support my weight.
Thankfully, he put me down outside the boy’s locker room. I played around on my phone while I waited for him. “You know, I smell like sweat now.” I said when he came out, freshly showered and changed. He shook his head and smirked.
“I don’t see that as a bad thing.”
“Dude. I smell like your sweat.” He rolled his eyes and stopped to dig around in his bag. He pulled out one of my t-shirts. It was a little wrinkled but still presentable. I took it when he handed it to me. “Thank you. I’ve been looking for this. How long have you had it?”
“A while.” He shrugged. I ran into the girl’s room to change. I handed him my other shirt.
“Since it’s your sweat, you can wash it.”
“You know, you never used to complain about smelling like sweat after a game.”
“Well, I didn’t have a boyfriend who would care then.”
“Juliette, you didn’t have boyfriend period.”
“You say like you’ve had a girlfriend.”
“Oh, shut up.” He pushed me playfully.
“You know. How the hell did we get to our senior year of high school and neither one of us has actually dated anyone? Tyler Down has been on dates.”
“You’ve been on dates before.”
“Yeah. but it was never anything worth getting past the end of date three. And I wouldn’t call what happens in bedrooms or bathrooms at parties, dating. You’ve been on dates too.”
“I mean, sure. But they weren’t serious.” We had made it to the parking lot now. “I’ll see you at Bryce’s?”
“Yeah. I’m meeting Parker there.”
“Awesome.” I hugged him again before sprinting to my car.
The party was in full swing by the time I arrived. I had run to Walplex to grab a bottle of Advil on the way. Monty’s Jeep was parked out front and I spotted Parker’s Ram was parked up the road a little ways. I parked in an open spot and made my way past the people milling in the front. “Julie!” Bryce called, raising his beer in my direction.
“Hey Monty, your girl is here.”
“Not my girl Bryce.” Monty laughed as he handed me a drink.
“How many has he had already?” I whispered.
“Two.” I blinked slowly.
“So, is this Bryce in a good mood?”
“Hey Jules.” Parker snaked his arms around my waist and kissed my head. “Hey Monty.”
“Hey. Parker.”
“Oh, shit you’re right. She’s his girl now.”
“Fuck off Bryce.” I teased. Monty was looking at Parker and I with his brow furrowed. I mouthed later to him.
The three of us moved through the party easily. Monty and Parker talked about the game. I tuned them out. I was too busy watching them. It was nice to see my boyfriend and my best friend getting along so well. Maybe that was why I never dated much before. I was scared they wouldn’t get along. Soon enough, Scott pulled Parker away to chat. “Go ahead. I’m good here with Monty.”
“You sure?” I nodded, placing my hand on his arm.
“Just don’t steal him for too long Reed.” I kissed him on the cheek. Scott nodded. When they were out of earshot, Monty spoke.
“You didn’t tell him you hate being called Jules?”
“It’s cute when he does it.”
“Julie. I saw your face when he said it. Your eye twitched.”
“Muscle spasm.”
“Mhmm. Sure.” I caught Scott’s eye from across the room. He nodded slightly to me. I took that to mean I should hear what they were talking about.
“Oh, would you look at that. My cup is empty. Time for another drink. Refill?” I took his cup anyway and he followed me into the kitchen.
While I was refilling our cups, Monty’s with beer and mine with a Crown and Sprite, I listened in on their conversation. Monty tried to hide it but I knew he was listening too. We whispered nothings to each other to make it seem like we weren’t eavesdropping. “So what exactly is their relationship then?” Parker asked. He’s asking about me and Monty.
“They’ve been best friends for as long as anyone can remember. There isn’t anything more to it.”
“They seem to spend a lot of time together.”
“Like I said, they’re best friends. And I don’t think I’m the person you need to be having this discussion with.”
“You know them best. Do I need to be concerned?”
“What? No, of course not. Look. She’s never really dated anyone before. It’s always just been the two of them. You have been seeing Julie for a week officially. It’s going to take some time for that relationship to change. Just leave it alone for now. And Monty is a good guy. He’s an asshole. But he’s a good guy. If he wanted to make a move, he wouldn’t do it now. Not knowing that she is in a relationship. You really should talk to Julie about this though.”
“I will. I just wanted to get a little bit of insight from someone else first. Thanks man.”
“No problem.”
Parker did that guy handshake thing with Scott and started walking in our direction. My eyes widened. Monty just smirked and mouthed math test to me.
“Anyway, yeah. That math test was totally brutal.”
“I’m sure you did great.”
“I’m literally eighty percent sure I failed. Mind you, so is everyone else.”
“I have it on Monday so thanks for the heads up. Oh, hey Parker.”
“Hey guys. What’s on Monday?”
“Math test that ruined my entire class.”
“Damn.” I put my arm around Parker’s waist and leaned into him.
Monty was scanning the room. To Parker, he was just looking at the crowd. But I was familiar with that look. He was on the hunt. I pulled Parker away discreetly so we could be alone and he could seem available. Monty nodded and smirked at us. Fuck off you little shit. I stuck my tongue out at him and Parker rolled his eyes. We managed to find a quiet corner that was unoccupied. “So, your drink is Crown and Sprite. You hate math. You don’t like chemistry. You like extra lettuce on your cheeseburger. We’ve been friends for months and I never really noticed any of that.”
“You like vodka in your iced tea. But your drink is whisky and Coke. You hate history. You also don’t like chemistry. You get tomatoes on the side of your burgers. I think you knew all of that about me. It just didn’t matter before.”
“That makes sense.” I laid my head on his shoulder and we sat together like that for a while. We were still getting used to the change in our relationship.
I looked up from my lap and caught Monty’s eye across the room. He had a girl in his sights. I nodded to him. He smiled, thinking no one else would see. The smile he reserved for me. Before he went to talk to whatever girl he would have under his spell and realistically, him in less than twenty minutes, he came over to us. “I’m probably going to be busy for the rest of the night, so will you make sure she gets home okay?”
“Yeah. No problem.” Monty turned to me and gave me a pleading look.
“Dude. Again? Seriously?”
“I didn’t have time to stop on the way over.” He shrugged, acting innocent.
“One of these days I won’t be here. Or I’ll leave my wallet at home. Or I won’t be carrying. What are you going to do then?”
“That isn’t a right now problem. Now do you, or don’t you?”
“I do. Calm down.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. Parker was watching our interaction with a puzzled look on his face. I pulled out the square silver packet and handed it to him. Monty accepted it gratefully.
“Thank you. You are a life saver.”
“Don’t do anything you’ll regret in the morning, Montgomery.”
“Never do, Juliette.”
“And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“I make no promises.” I sighed deeply. Of course, you don’t. Monty waved at us again and ran off to go make a move on whatever girl it was this time.
I looked at Parker and he was staring at me with wide eyes. “What?”
“You carry condoms around for him?”
“No. I carry them around for me. And if he needs one, then I give it to him.”
“But why?”
“I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but he’s kind of a whore. He is my best friend, but the man is a whore. I’d rather give him a condom than take him to get tested or become a cool aunt. I’m too young for that.”
“What if you needed it?”
“Will I need it? Because I wasn’t exactly planning on needing it.”
“I don’t know. You never know.”
“Well, if that’s the case, I have a whole box at home anyway. I don’t plan on using any tonight though.”
“I wasn’t either.”
“If it makes you feel better, I can start carrying two. Also, I put a fresh one in my wallet every morning so it’s not like they’re sitting.” He only nodded in understanding. Monty was right. I didn’t see him for the rest of the night. He texted me later that he was crashing at Bryce’s.
A few weeks after that party, things with Monty and I were the same as they always were. Parker never brought up his conversation with Scott. I attributed it to seeing us around each other and Parker being comfortable with the status of our relationship. We were getting home from a coffee date. “My parents are working late if you want to come inside. My mom has a double at the hospital.”
“Sure.” He slipped his hand in my back pocket when I was unlocking the door. I blushed. Inside, I dropped my purse on the kitchen counter. He draped his coat over a chair and sat down. I was digging through the cabinets for a snack when he surprised me with a question.
“What’s going on with you and Monty?”
“Uh.” I paused because he caught me off guard. “What do you mean?”
“It’s just how you guys act with each other. I never noticed it before. Or I did and thought it would stop after we got together.”
“I don’t understand the question?”
“Do I need to be concerned about your relationship with him, Juliette?”
“No. Not at all. Monty is the last person you need to concern yourself with. It’s never been like that with us.”
“So, you just flirt with each other and finish each other’s sentences for no reason?”
“Okay, first of all, we do not flirt with each other. Second of all, we have been best friends since we were in elementary. Which means we know things about each other.” I was walking back to the table with a bowl of M&Ms. Placing it on the table, I sat in his lap gently. He wrapped his arms around me.
“You carry condoms around in your wallet and give him one whenever he wants.”
“I already told you why I carry them Parker.” I rested my head on his shoulder.
“You’re sure there’s never been anything between you guys?” Nothing reciprocated.
“I promise there has never anything between us. He really isn’t a concern that way Parker.” I kissed his neck softly. It was barely a brush of my lips against his skin.
“Do you still have that box?”
“Mhmmm.” He stood me up and grasped my hand.
“Lead the way Jules.”
The next day, I woke up alone. Parker had snuck out after a little bit of cuddling, so my parents didn’t find him here. I stared up at my ceiling for a few minutes. It was different with him. It means something. Maybe that’s what I needed to get Monty out of my system. Maybe it had to mean something. I groaned when my alarm went off again. Reluctantly, I got up and got ready to go to school. My dad had already left for work again. I texted Parker and Monty before I left. Stopping for coffee if you want anything.
Parker answered first. I’m good, thanks though babe.
Monty answered a few minutes later. Since you offered, my usual?
Gotcha. See you at school.
Coffees in hand, I pulled up to school. Parker was waiting for me just outside the parking lot. “Hey you.” He kissed me. We were walking to my locker when he saw the second coffee, he continued, “I said I didn’t want anything.”
“Oh. This isn’t for you. It’s for Monty.”
“Ah, yes.”
“We talked about this last night Park.”
“I know. That’s not all we did last night.” He muttered, leaning in to kiss my neck.
“Yeah. Last night was pretty great.” I smiled.
“What about last night?” Monty asked, scaring me a little.
“Jesus Monty. I need to buy you a bell or something. Why do you have to be the only guy at this school whose shoes don’t squeak?” I turned and stuck out his coffee.
“Parker’s don’t squeak.” I rolled my eyes. As though he could snese that I wanted to talk to Monty alone, he made a quick exit.
“I’ll catch you at lunch Jules.”
“Okay. Save some cheese for me.” Parker kissed me before walking away.
“So, what about last night?” Monty asked again after Parker left. I was quiet and blushed deeply. “Julie, what happened?”
“Shit. Seriously?”
“Yeah. It was good. Nice.”
“That… that’s great.” I didn’t notice the way his smile didn’t reach his eyes or that he stammered.
“I’ll see you at lunch?”
“Uh, yeah. I have a couple of things to do for Coach, but I should be able to make at least a little bit of lunch.”
I fully expected my relationship with Parker to change after that night. But I never expected that night would cause my relationship with Montgomery change too. It seemed like the closer I got to Parker the more distant Monty became. At first, it was little things. He had stuff to do with the guys or for sports stuff at lunches. Or he had things to do after practice. He wouldn’t stop to talk as long in the halls with me. If his dad was on another tear, I would find out about it the next day at school instead of that night. He brushed it off when I asked him about it. “I don’t want to seem like more of a burden. I have other places I can crash too,” he had said. For some reason, I believed him. I didn’t think anything of it. It wasn’t the first time he had taken a break from always coming to my place. I didn’t think it would be the last time.
But then, as the days and weeks passed, our relationship became even more strained. He had stopped waiting for me after games. He had all but stopped talking to me at school. My texts were left on read for hours, whereas before, he would answer me within minutes. What had initially been dubbed a ‘break’ from seeking refuge at my house, had become a full out ending. One Monday, when I got to school his cheek was stitched closed. I stopped dead in my tracks and covered my mouth in shock. Upon closer inspection when I passed, it looked like it was stitched with sewing thread. Why didn’t he come to me? He knows my mom keeps a suture kit in the first aid kit. He all but looked through me when he caught me looking. If he saw me coming now, he walked in the other direction. For the first time, my best friend was literally all out ignoring me. I didn’t know what to do. So, I tried to do the same. If he wants to ignore me, then two can play at that game. We pretended the other person didn’t exist.
“Hey, are you okay?” Parker asked me when we were sitting on the couch watching tv.
“Yeah.” I was scrolling through my phone.
“You haven’t looked up from your phone for an entire episode.”
“Huh? Has it been that long?”
“Yes. What are you looking at?” I was scrolling through my texts with Montgomery. The last time we had texted each other was three weeks ago. Before then, the last time we went longer than two days not texting each other was when I was at summer camp and we weren’t allowed to have our phones for a week. I couldn’t figure out what I had done wrong or what made our relationship change. Parker took my phone from me and closed out of messages when he saw what I was looking at. “If he doesn’t want to talk to you because you have a boyfriend, that’s his problem.”
“That’s not why Parker.”
“How do you know?”
“He wouldn’t do that.” Would he?
“How do you know he wouldn’t, Jules?”
“We promised each other a long time ago that we wouldn’t be those people.”
“Those people?”
“The people who stopped talking when one of us got into a relationship. We promised.”
“Okay, well if you promised then I’m probably wrong.” He sounded skeptical.
“We promised.” I muttered. Parker pulled me closer and held me while I tried to focus on our show.
I was sitting cross legged on the couch playing I Almost Do on my guitar while I listened to the rain hitting the roof. The old Disney World sweatshirt I was wearing helped me to stay warm, even though the heat was on. As I finished the bridge, there was a knock at the door. I’m not expecting anyone. Maybe its Parker swinging by to keep me company. I set my guitar down on the coffee table and went to answer the door when there was another, more impatient knock. “I’m coming, keep your pants on.” I muttered under my breath. Yanking open the door I felt my jaw hit the floor. “Monty.” I breathed. He was soaked. His hair fell on his forehead and I could tell the flannel he wore was soaked through.
“Hey.” Was all he said. I blinked at him slowly. “Can I come in?”
“Uh, yeah. Yeah come in.” I said, moving out of the way while I tried to figure out what he was doing here. “Did you like… walk here or something?”
“Would you believe me if I said no?”
“No. Trust you not to wear a jacket in the pouring rain though.” He didn’t respond. He just looked around the living room. Okay. This isn’t weird and awkward at all. “What are you doing here Montgomery?”
“I thought about what I wanted to say to you the whole way here. And now that I’m here….”
“What are you talking about?”
“I have some stuff I need to say to you Julie.”
“Oh okay. Now you want to talk to me. Right.” I crossed my arms.
“Can you just let me say what I need to say?”
“Why? I mean, you’ve been avoiding me like the fucking plague for weeks Montgomery. Why should I listen to what you have to say?”
“Because it’s important Juliette.”
“Fine. Speak.” This better be good.
“I don’t know how to say this. I literally had this all planned out in my head on the way here.” He began. I remained silent. “I get that you’re mad at me for avoiding you, but I have reasons for it. And I need you to understand that it hasn’t been easy for me. You’re one of my closest friends.” I let out a dry, unamused laugh. Sure. You just avoid all of your friends. Totally normal behaviour for you. Monty sighed before continuing, “I couldn’t sit around and watch you with Parker. I tried. Believe me. I fucking tried. I tried being happy for you and I tried being friends with him. I tried to ignore everything in me that was screaming to just walk away. But I couldn’t do it anymore. I needed to walk away for both of our sakes. It wasn’t fair to you for me to be half out of our friendship and it wasn’t fair to me to have to keep everything in. It wasn’t healthy.”
“So, you couldn’t be friends with me, or say anything about why you were suddenly shutting me out, because I have a boyfriend? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say. And we promised we wouldn’t be those people.”
“Oh, for fucks-. No Juliette. I couldn’t be friends with you because I’ve been in love with you for four years.”
My eyes widened at his revelation and I felt the colour drain from my face. What? I couldn’t think of anything else to do except laugh. “Yeah, sure you are Monty. That’s rich.”
“You think I would joke about that? You know me Julie.”
“No. I think if you did love me, you would have had the balls to fucking say something about it before I got into a relationship. Or at the very least, to not act like a fuckin’ child when I did get into a relationship.”
“When exactly would I have told you? Somewhere between when you were worrying about your friends and when you were pining after Parker?”
“Yes. Parker and I were friends with each other for months before we started dating. At any of those times, you could have put on your big boy pants and fucking said something about how you felt.”
“That’s nice that you think that. Do you think I would walk halfway across town in the pouring rain for someone I wasn’t in love with? Seriously Juliette?”
“Maybe.” I replied. I was still angry with him, but he did have a point. “It doesn’t matter. You waited too long. I’m with Parker now.” He scoffed. I hadn’t realized how close he had gotten to me until now.
“Doesn’t matter? Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t feel it. Tell me you don’t feel the fluttering or the warmth when we are together. And then tell me that what you feel with Parker is anything close to that.”
“I-I-I….” I started, trying to meet his hardened gaze.
“You can’t can you?” My silence spoke volumes. “Tell me you don’t want this.” He whispered, as he caressed my cheek. I couldn’t tell him that. And I couldn’t pull away. I couldn’t do anything to stop him. For the first time, I had allowed myself to consider the feelings I had buried down deep for so long. I opened the box in my heart labeled danger, and damn it felt good. I reached up and tapped his arm quickly, twice. Our silent ‘okay’ signal when we couldn’t speak. He immediately kissed me hungrily and backed me against the nearest wall. My hands immediately went to his belt and began to tug at it, in a heated attempt to undo it. He nipped at my lip sharply and I growled lowly from the back of my throat. Giving up on the fickle strip of leather, I began to fight with his still wet shirt. The flannel stuck to the cotton of his t-shirt more and more with every tug. Abandoning the idea of removing them separately, I grabbed the bottom of his shirts together and pulled up harshly. All the while, his lips never left mine. The only time they did was to give me the space to pull off his tops. His eyes had darkened at least two shades as he stood in front of me. I felt my pupils dilate again as I reached out for him. He was on me in seconds. The feeling of him tugging at my sweater, now sightly damp from his clothes, as though I was a prize he couldn’t wait to tear into, stirred something inside of me. The primal aggressiveness and the slow burning, ever present tension of the situation making any consequences of our actions, seem totally irrelevant. He managed to remove my shirt with far fewer struggles than I did and began attacking my neck, leaving wet kisses and stinging nips down one side and then the other. Once again, I tried my hand at undoing his belt again. This time, I was able to. Quickly undoing it, I pulled it through the loops of his dark jeans and went for the button. He placed his hand on mine to stop me. I looked at him questioningly.
“What?” I asked, breathlessly.
“Maybe we shouldn’t do this in your living room.” He said, panting. I nodded in agreement and suddenly, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
“Monty!” I exclaimed, taken by surprise. He merely tightened his grip on my waist as he walked through the house to my room in the basement.
In my dark room, only illuminated by the dim pink-red glow of the salt lamp on my nightstand, he strode towards my bed and dropped me on my back. I reached out to him as he took a step back from the bed. “Get back here.” I demanded. He chuckled and shook his head.
“No. Nuh uh. I’ve waited far too long for this moment.” He smirked, devilishly. I groaned in displeasure at him. His smirk widened.
Deciding it was time to take matters into my own hands again, I sat up and slid off my bed. Taking my place on my knees in front of him, I reached up and undid the button and zipper on his jeans. He made no move to stop me as I dropped to my knees and pulled the denim harshly. They fell in a pool at his feet and I sat back on my heels as I stared at the bulge in his boxers. I growled lowly in the back of my throat and reached for the waistband of his boxers. Pulling them down, I watched his cock spring free and whined unconsciously. My movements were suddenly timid as I reached for it. It wasn’t my first time by any means. But it felt different this time. This time it was with Monty. And you have a boyfriend who isn’t Monty. Oh, shut up and let me enjoy this. I’ll deal with the consequences later. Grasping his thick, heavy cock in my hand, I stroked it softly. This was so wrong, yet it felt so wonderfully right.
My strokes changed as I gained more confidence and was able to push away any intrusive thoughts about Parker. They were faster and I tightened my grip slightly. Montgomery let out a sharp breath when my ring fingernail caught a bit of skin. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, you’re excited. Just remember we have all night Julie.”
“I know.” His hips started to buck a little bit and my mouth began to water.
“We have plenty of time for that later.” I groaned a little. “Look at me.” I looked up at him through my lashes. “I promise you can after I fuck you into your mattress.” My eyes widened as big as saucers. We went from five to a hundred real quick. Fucking hot though.
Monty took my bicep in his hand to pull me up before pushing me back down on the bed roughly. I gasped in shock. I sat up on my elbows and watched him unbutton and rip open the zipper on my jeans. He pulled them down with a little help from me. He took a very brief second to admire my mint underwear before pulling them off and chucking them across my room. I sat up to undo and remove my pink bralette. A low growl came from deep in his chest when my breasts were out in the open and I was naked. His eyes scanned my body hungrily. My own dark eyes admired his naked body. I grabbed his arm to pull him down towards me.
“There is so much I want to do to you, but it will have to wait until later.” He whispered in my ear, biting at my earlobe. He bit and sucked his way down my neck, easily pulling loud moans out of me. There were sure to be marks all over my neck in the morning. Consequences be damned.
“Later, yes.” I panted. I could feel his hard length against my thigh. I rutted my hips against his. He kissed me passionately. When his hand trailed down my body, I knew his intentions. “No time. Just do it. Need it.” He stilled. The passion and tension were still in the air but there was a slight shift.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Yes. Just be quick about it and it’ll be fine.” I stuck out my pinky. He linked his with mine.
“If you need me to stop and adjust, just say so.”
“I will.” I nodded, trying to edge him along. Just hurry the hell up and do it.
Monty straightened up and pulled my hips closer to the edge of the bed. I shut my eyes as he lined his cock up with my entrance. No matter how ready I was and how much I wanted it, it was still a reflex. I barely felt the tip, but I knew more was coming. He held my hands in his, interlocking our fingers as he pushed further. The stretch stung a little. He was bigger than Parker and without taking the time to prepare me, it burned slightly. I whimpered softly and he stilled immediately. Only about half was inside of me. “No, no keep going. Please.” I begged.
“I don’t want to hurt you Juliette.”
“Montgomery. I need you to do it. It hurts more if you stop. Please just do it. You can give me time to adjust after.” I told him seriously, staring into his eyes.
“Okay. Deep breath.” I sucked in a big breath and let it out as he quickly thrust the rest of his cock into me. I yelped sharply and he stilled again. I felt him go to pull out and growled harshly at him.
“Don’t you dare. Just give me a second.” He nodded and stayed still, allowing me time to adjust to his size.
After a minute or so, I was ready. The pain had dissipated for the most part. I felt like we could keep going. “Okay.” I nodded. His thrusts were slow and shallow at first. The more he did it, the more comfortable it became. When my moans grew louder, his thrusting became faster. He was fucking me hard and fast. Quite literally fucking me into the mattress. I tried to match him thrust for thrust. It was sloppy at first, but soon enough, we had a good rhythm going. He leaned down more, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. His cock was buried deeper in me and I screamed. He was moaning and grunting softly in my ear. I let go of his hands and wrapped my arms around his back. Dragging my nails down, I scratched him from his shoulder blades all the way down to his mid to low back.
“Jesus Christ.” He spat out. I smirked and dug my nails into his back. He nipped my collar bone. I was panting and I could feel my core tightening. “Fuck. You are so fucking tight.” Monty stood straight again and hooked one of my legs over his shoulder. The changed angle felt like magic. My moans had become whimpers again. I bit my bottom lip to keep from screaming once again. He used his right hand to rub my clit harshly while his left steadied the leg on his shoulder. I couldn’t hold a scream in after that. His thrusts were starting to get sloppy just as I had begun to fall over the edge. My orgasm hit me like a freight train. My entire body shook. I groaned when I felt his own orgasm hit. The feeling of his cock pulsing inside of me was exquisite. Thank God for birth control and regular testing. Monty pulled out of me gently and half fell, half laid down onto my bed beside me. He was panting harshly. So was I.
“Fuck me.” I muttered.
“I just did.” He panted. I groaned, unable to find the energy to flip him off or move or make an actual noise in response. After a couple of minutes, he stood and put his boxers back on. I hadn’t moved. He walked to the bathroom across the hall, and I heard the water running. Back in my room, he gently wiped me clean with a warm washcloth. It felt very nice on my sensitive folds. I groaned again. Once I was wiped clean, he climbed on the bed again and pulled me close. I snuggled against his chest.
I woke up in Montgomery’s strong arms the next morning. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I groaned softly. Monty stirred behind me. I leaned into him. He sighed. “Half of me thought last night was a really hot dream.” He mumbled sleepily.
“It wasn’t.” I yawned. We rolled onto our backs and I stared at the ceiling. We were quiet for a time. I was processing what happened last night. I cheated on Parker. With the one person…. The one person what? I told him not to worry about? I mean, yeah. But if that was the reason, I would have regretted it as soon as we were done. Oh shit. What does this mean for our friendship?
“Do you regret it?” I paused before answering. I knew the answer already but what would it say about me if I answered him immediately?
“No. Do you?”
“Not a bit.”
“What does this mean? What are we supposed to do now?”
“I don’t know. I can’t tell you what to do. But if I were you, I would break up with Parker.”
“That would be the kind thing to do.”
“Did… did you mean what you said last night?”
“About you?”
“Isn’t it kind of obvious?” He motioned between the two of us. I laughed.
“I just wanted to confirm.” Monty chuckled and turned to kiss my temple.
“Does this mean,” I paused again, “was this just to get it out of our systems? Or do you want more?”
“I want more if you want more. I’d also be down for another round.” I sat up a little and pulled the sheet around my chest to look at him. He was smirking wider than I had seen him smirk in a long time.
“I think I would like more. And as for another round, I think I need to talk to Parker first before this goes any further.” He considered that for a moment.
“That’s fair. I can respect that.” We were quiet again. He’s all you’ve ever really wanted anyway.
#montgomery de la cruz#monty imagine#montgomery de la cruz imagine#monty de la cruz fanfic#monty x oc#monty x reader#montgomery de la cruz x reader#13 reasons why#montgomery de la cruz x oc#smut#13 rw#thirteen reasons why#fanfiction#fanfic#writeblr#creative writing#feeback#requested
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WIP Sunday!
Got a few ideas here to share for sure! @jackiesarch @starsandskies and @fadedjacket were all kind enough to tag me throughout the week (thank you all! <3) and usually if Fridays aren’t able to work, Sundays definitely do.
Tagging: @cobb-vanthss @amistrio @hunnybadgerv @shallow-gravy @painterofhorizons @ma-sulevin @tommymillers @nightwingshero @princess-underthemountain @chazz-anova @faithchel @consumedkings @vasiktomis @adelaidedrubman @strafethesesinners @aceghosts but no worries or obligation intended at all!
First, a little Trap fic, maybe? And maybe I’ll get this chapter done today too? *crosses fingers hard*
Now she’d messed around with a few things when she was younger. Played some pranks, knew her way around a few locks, and tried making a cherry bomb or two when one of her friends wanted to piss off an asshole that had been tormenting them, but hadn’t fully committed to dabbling in it more than that. Especially since the last thing she needed her mom to find at random on her after coming home was a set of improvised explosives.
But this wasn’t exactly the same situation, and the improvised explosives that Hurk affectionately dubbed ‘party favors’ had a hell of a lot more bang to them than any cherry bomb she’d put her hands on. Enough to throw Hana down to the bed of the truck she was standing in after pitching one towards a nearby billboard, and couldn’t stop cackling the minute she caught what was left of it.
So she might’ve made a mental note to get together with him and Sharky later on to make a few more of these, because at this rate it wasn’t just about getting their people home safe and doing the Resistance a solid.
She could have fun with this. A hell of a lot of fun, she decided as she gave the charred remains of John’s message the finger on the way out.
And two silos, and one ruined roadblock later, they were all feeling pretty good about the hell they were raising. Took turns behind the wheel and with Gina - with Hurk’s enthusiastic blessing, of course - and Hana almost held her breath until the call finally came through. That the other tanker had reached Fall’s End safely, and once they’d shaken the lats few cultists that were tailing them, headed on home.
But that was it.
The only call that she received, even after managing to score a bullseye shot at another one of John’s billboards, tagging him right in the middle of his smarmy face.
And how about some more Hana/Sharky nonsense too? Since this idea’s coming along pretty well, it’s just a matter of getting these two to hush up for a bit so I can have a chance to actually finish it. (not that I’m discouraging them /at all/ here)
“You two really mean a lot to each other, huh? It’s nice.” She took one look at the dwindling cigarette in her hand and held it out to him.
“Yeah, we give each other shit, and I might’ve told him to take a ride to hell on a lubed up slip n’ slide after he said he liked having me around just to have skeeters divebomb me instead of him, but…there’s nothing mean behind it, you know?”
She nodded. “Yeah, I get it.”
“He’s my bro. Don’t got anyone else like him around, though you’re getting pretty close, so…” She saw his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed, and quickly took the cigarette after that. “How about you, H? You got any family outside of here?”
The answer slipped out so easily it left her stunned for a second. In fact, the last time she’d even gotten into family history had been back with Whitehorse, and even then he’d been able to read her discomfort from a mile away.
But here as she looked over at Sharky, it didn’t seem like such a bad thing to consider.
“I…there were a couple of people that counted for a while, but no. No huge family, no white picket fence, all of that jazz. Just me, my mom, and one of the most boring sedans on earth. Cruising from city to city seeing which one would be the one to work for us.”
She cracked a smile as she remembered the chips in its paint. The fabric of the seats, the sound of the radio and her mother flipping through stations until music started filtering through the static. How she’d try singing along to it while holding the map in front of her, unsure whether to keep her legs folded under her, or to stretch them out.
“I loved that old piece of junk with all of my heart, even when it kept on trying to die on us, and the day we finally had to sell it off, I was inconsolable for a week. Cried and fussed and didn’t even want to look at anything else, because that was-I think that was the closest thing to a home that we had, if that makes any sense.”
“Let’s see.” Sharky raised his fingers and started ticking them off. “You got four walls and a set of doors and windows. Keeps you warm when it’s cold, and cold when it’s hot, and you can hide and store shit whenever you want,” he pointed out, grinning at her. “Plus, it’s on wheels, which is pretty badass when you wanna go somewhere and ain’t got much else, and a winnie’s as good a home as any other, so I’d say that all counts.“
He held out the cigarette to her. Hadn’t even used it after taking it, and it took a few seconds for that to sink in as she looked at him.
But she returned the smile. Tilted her head towards him as she took the cigarette back, and raised an eyebrow. “You really think so?”
“I know so, H. Think I spent more Sundays down in my old car than any of the Peggies did with Broseph, and we’d be in it in now if I hadn’t packed it full of C4 and launched it at some Angels.” He sighed. “Might’ve shed more than a tear or two once the smoke cleared and the fire really started, but if I had to pick a way to send it off, that’s a top fucking choice right there.”
“Really? That’s - that’s how it went?”
Sharky whistled as his arm swung down in an arc, only to spread both of his hands out after.
A giggle burst out of her. Had her clapping a hand to her mouth as she visualized it, and almost couldn’t stop.
“…You know what? I really can’t argue with that.”
#wip#this is probably still rough around the edges#but I've been having a lot of fun digging into both of these#especially since it won't take long for thing to go pear shaped for her once things kick off#like the actual statue takedown which I've wanted to tackle for over a year now too#and I want to write so much more with her running around with Sharky and Hurk
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(M) Squirt Pro Quo
Banner : courtesy of @jaebeomsmullet
Pairing : Bambam x Fem!Reader Genre : Smut (Oral, body fluids, penetration, raw language) Words : 2669 Saturday nights are the busiest ones and starting midnight, most party-goers are either drunk or comatose, if not both. Tonight though, as you are taking your last fare, one regular customer enters your taxi with a whole new destination he wishes to penetrate into.
This scenario is part of The Pleasure Chest ~ A Cringe Fest Collaboration
Squirt Pro Quo
You will never understand people who drink until they collapse.
Alcohol is a good way to make a party wilder but what is the point of wasting all this money if you’re going to forget about what actually happened? It’s part of your job, taking care of drunk customers who get left under your care like it’s your duty to make sure they make it home safely.
You have no other choice though. It is part of the job; no driver can drop a dead weight on the street and leave.
But how many times do you have to do this every weekend? It’s tiring and it fills your car with disgusting odours of liquor you wouldn’t even pay to drink. The application is beeping every five minutes with new requests. It’s the end of the night and people are more and more wasted, turning fares into a chore you wish you could live without.
It’s good money though. Weekends are good money.
This is what you tell yourself when you take the last fare. Money is needed. You might even get tipped. You usually check who you’re taking; you never know what type of person could enter your car. Some are regular users, others are new. You often pick the ones you at least took one time, just to make sure.
Drunk people aren’t only hard to deal with, they apparently gauge their level of attractiveness accordingly to the number of shot they drank.
You stop by one of the familiar nightclub, phone laying on the passenger seat and already signalling your customer that you are waiting. You turn the music off, just in case you end up with someone who thinks you’re holding an after party in your car.
You see a few people stumble and laugh at their clumsiness, others are dancing to no music at all and oh is that a man peeing against that tree?
“I’m late I’m late-, oh it’s you!” The voice makes you stop judging the bystanders to look at your rear-view, where one of your regular customers is looking for the seatbelt.
You should have seen it coming; there was not a week when you didn’t take him back home. He always goes out of the same club, looking like a hot mess and being overly flirty.
He also gives huge tips.
“Am I the last customer?” said boy asks, finger pressing the button to lower the back window. He takes a deep breath and you suspect he is feeling nauseous.
You start the engine, nodding and sighing heavily when a guy almost falls right in front of your car, in the middle of the road. “Tough night?” You try.
Bambam shrugs. “The usual routine night, alcohol, dancing, doing weird things.” his comeback is only funny to him and he notices it, because you see him nod toward the back of your head. “How about you?”
“The usual routine night, alcohol, puking, doing weird things.” You joke back, stopping at a red stop and looking at the rear view again. “I can’t wait to go to sleep.”
“Do you ever party?”
You shrug, barely turning around to look at him. “When I see how you people end up puking and having no dignity, I wonder if I ever will.”
Bambam laughs, dodging your remark with ease. “You’re too pretty to collapse on the streets anyways.”
“Always the smooth talker.”
“Yet you refuse to give me your phone number.”
You pull up at another red stop, feet pressing the brake hard just to shake him a little bit.
Bambam jumps, his pitiful whine quickly replaced by another pick-up line. “I love girls who know how to handle big engines.” he smirks afterward, a brow wiggling up in an obvious attempt to be lascivious.
“You whistle, amused.” This is what you say to the girls in that nightclub, right?”
“None of them hold the gear level the way you do.”
To this you laugh. Bambam always does the same thing; he flirts and flirts until you almost give in before leaving a big tip on the backseat and offering numerous winks.
Tonight, he seems different, though. Almost serious.
“How many car metaphors do you have?”
“Probably less than your horsepower.” He says, taking the seat belt off to lean toward the driver’s seat. “You obviously have a lot going on under that hood.”
You chuckle, taking a turn before stopping again. How many more red lights will you have to deal with?
Bambam feels your irritation, for his hands reach your shoulders to massage your tense muscles. “You’ve never been this cranky, what happened?”
“Nothing, I’m just tired.”
He presses harder, his lean finger feeling like heaven. He does have some skills. “So it is probably a bad time to tell you that I forgot my wallet at the nightclub?”
You turn around abruptly, forcing him to stop massaging you and looking bewildered. “You what?”
“I just noticed, it’s not in my pocket anymore.” He doesn’t even look panicked and merely makes an apologetic face.
“How are you going to pay- great, I will never have that money, right?” You should have known. Turning on the feature I take cash on the application was a very stupid move.
“Well…” Bambam starts, not really getting the part where you would need so little money when you can have him in your car. “I could give you the money next time or…”
You stop, nodding toward him to make him continue.
“Or I could make you relax.”
The light turns green and thankfully there’s no one behind you because you’ve been proposed...sex in exchange of a free ride?
Bambam’s hand finds your shoulder again. “Look at that awful pout. Such a beautiful car body yet such a bad temper…”
You see the way he enjoys the teasing and the way his eyes lit up when you frown at him. He likes it when it’s a losing battle, it seems.
But it might not be that much of a losing battle when the probability of hot sex in your own car crosses your mind.
You lack too much sleep. It has to be the reason why your pussy is clenching.
“Love, the light is green, or you probably would like me to-”
You turn around before he can finish, pressing the accelerator so hard it plasters him again your leather seat.
Bambam laughs, your uneasiness more amusing than disturbing.
He finally looks confused when you don’t turn left like you should be doing. You see him cross his legs, eyes boring into you through the rear view.
“I live the other way” he tries, amused.
“Did you think I would go all the trouble of accepting that fare and leave without getting anything in return?” You answer, irritation mixed with a sudden urge to destroy Bambam’s smug face.
And smug he is, with his lip-smacking and quiet nodding. He lets you take him where you want, still slightly surprised that you finally accepted his overtures.
You stop near a tiny park. The road is empty if not for a couple of taxi, already going around town to pick the last partygoers.
No one is walking by this side of the park so early, either.
You turn around when the engine stops, observing a curious Bambam who is checking outside to test the waters.
“Now how about I lubricate the camshaft?” You lift a brow and earn an impressed look from Bambam, who wastes no time reaching for your seat bell to free your body. His clothes create funny sounds against the leather but he is already too caught-up in the act.
Instead he pulls you at the back of the car with much difficulty.
“Babe, I don’t need no GPS do get into your pants.”
And it is true. Bambam pops your jacket’s buttons with one snap of his fingers and pulls on your sleeves to let it fall. His long coat is easily forgotten when you straddle him and sneak your hands under the thick fabric to let it slide off his shoulders.
He grabs your hips, leaning properly against the leather seat and creating more questionable sounds. They all fall to deaf ears though, especially when he raises his pelvis to make you feel how aroused he is.
“Which gear do you think I’m at?” He teases, head dipping to lick the curve of your neck. His thick lips feel like fire and even cause tiny desperate thrusts against his now hard dick.
“I’m not sure...but you might need to slow down before your engine goes overheating.”
He laughs, warm breath tickling your moist and sensitive skin.
Your clothes fall rapidly, piling on the carpeting and each layer reveals an even better view, Bambam thinks. He lets you return the favour, manoeuvring his hips when you start pulling on his expensive Gucci belt to reach for his ripped jeans’ zipper.
Fog paints the back windows –and you wonder when did he even pull if back up- , hiding your shadows and allowing Bambam to open your bra without you being too conscious about anyone seeing you.
You lean back when your breasts meet the chill air, your hands leaving the bulge in his boxers. Bambam stares for the longest time, his eyes obviously drawn to your nipples, now perky and oh-so-inviting.
You roll your hips against him when he grabs one of your breast and wraps his mouth around a nipple. A satisfied sigh leaves your parted lips and your back arches, automatically sticking more of you against him. The boy welcomes you gladly, bringing you even closer while subtly grazing his lips over your skin.
You jump, giving him a particularly hard thrust in the process and he can only groan, before sucking hard in retaliation.
He is not going to get a free fare and tease you.
Bambam releases your nipple with a popping sound when you part from him. He stays seated, looking at you questioningly as you get up from his lap.
“Let’s check that dipstick before it goes into the oil hole.” You wink seductively, your inhibition out the window as you pull on his boxer’s elastic to free his painful hard-on.
Bambam hisses, your cool fingers short-circuiting his already poorly functioning brain. Two pumps are enough to turn him into a mess of thrusts and grunts, your grip a little bit too tight if he wants to last long enough to keep his promise.
But you don’t seem to care for you lean - and hit your knee against the seat - to gobble his dick in one go.
Bambam jerks away, head shaking violently. “Easy,” he breathes, eyes glued to your parted lips, now against that one very swollen vein.
The feeling is too exciting. The situation is nothing but thrilling; anyone could walk by and see you, kneeling in the back of your car and feasting on a man’s cock. It feels wrong, like you shouldn’t mix work and pleasure but at the same time, you’re merely paying yourself for that free ride.
Bambam is breathing heavily, the tip of his cock turning redder with each stroke of your tongue, now flat against him. He lets you have your fun, satisfied with his self-control. He would love to fill your mouth right there and then. You’d look so beautiful, with a string of semen dripping from your chin.
You look up when you feel his finger threading into your hair. It’s too delicate to be one of a horny man but it isn’t unpleasant; you definitely don’t know him enough to allow any sort of choking with his thick dick.
Surprisingly, the thought doesn’t bother you.
“Touch me,” he adds, “pull on me like you pull on that handbrake.” he demands, now at your mercy. Your hand automatically goes to his navel and travels down until it reaches the base of his cock.
“Like this?” You ask candidly, hand devastating as you pull on his dick way too hard.
It almost hurts, but Bambam enjoys every second of it. “Just like this…”
You keep going, alternating between hard sucking and dick pulling and Bambam grabs your chin when he finds himself reaching his peak
“Turn around.” He adjusts himself on the seat and grabs your hips. Your head hits the ceiling in the process and Bambam has to spread his legs even wider if he wants you to keep a good position.
You end up looking ahead, eyes going wide when you notice how clean the windshield is; anyone could see you, bent into your car and ready to impale yourself on a guy.
“Come on, sit on me babe…” You hear Bambam’s needy whispers and you comply, aligning yourself perfectly and feeling him enter you with a switch motion. “...ride me.”
You moan, the position tiring but also offering one of the best angle you’ve ever experienced. You do exactly as he says, your butt bouncing rapidly on his lap and allowing him to nestle his dick into you to the hilt.
And nothing more happens, nothing more but the sound of wet skin and pleasured moans. You end up grabbing the head-rests for balance when your legs start to quiver and Bambam decides to end your misery.
He feels the signs of release, so powerful they are tickling his legs and hips. Everything gets too hot, too satisfying to resist the urge to fill you up.
And that’s what he does, when he can’t take it no more.
You feel it, the warm semen and the jolting legs informing you of what is happening.
Bambam gives one final thrust, his head falling back and body sweating.
It was mind-blowing.
You’re about to protest. How dare he finish before he even-
“We’re not done.”
You find yourself being pulled back on the seat, his cum dripping on your thighs and you’re sure the leather is going to be ruined but you’re also curious.
“Let me take you somewhere nice.”
He has difficulties moving and you totally blame it on how long his legs are but he doesn’t complain, even if he looks ridiculous with his pants down and shiny dick.
He spreads your legs and somehow finds himself between them. His finger graze the wet skin and you cannot help but blush at how satisfied he seems to be when he looks at his own cum staining your beautiful skin.
“So fucking pretty…” he muses, fingers reaching for your engorged pussy to thrust two fingers into you.
You close your eyes, legs shivering when he picks up the pace and starts ramming into you. You hear him grunt, like he is enjoying this as much as you.
And he is. “You know what works best with overheating engines?” He looks up at you and tries to get up. His voice is a tad deeper and sensual, like he is going to completely end you. He grips the seat and ends up towering you, his hand now allowing him to press his thumb against your clit while finger-fucking you.
You shake your head, eyes glued to his predatory smile and shiny eyes.
He accelerates his hand, stimulating you more and more with his stroke. “Coolant.” His hand goes crazy, so fast it’s almost unbearable.
You scream, hips shaking from the hectic thrusts and you don’t expect to cum this hard.
So hard you are now squirting all over Bambam.
He looks down, admiring his masterpiece and stimulates you even more to keep you going until there’s nothing but a trickle of cum, ridiculous and dripping down the seat.
You keep your eyes closed, the realisation of what happened hitting you like a truck - or so to speak.
Bambam sits back, his hands grabbing your exhausted legs to let them rest on his half-clothed lap. “How about I never get my wallet back?” he tries, his cheeky smile tearing a tired snort out of you.
“You’ll have to because my car is a mess now.”
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Poolside Kisses 🍹[M]

Pairing: Jimin x chubby! poc! Reader
Gender of the reader: female
Word Count: 5.6k
Genre: Fluff and Smut
Warnings: mentions of insecurities; Jiminie and his jealousy (but at the end of the fic they're talking about that); Jiminie is horny as fuck; swearing; petnames; filthy language + filthy dirty talk; praising; body-worship; teasing; edging; begging; marking; thigh-riding and thigh-fucking(?); a little bit dom-/sub-themes; a bit of spanking and pussy exhibitionism; semi-public sex (can you count fucking in your friend's house as semi-public sex?); creampie; unprotected sex (stay safe please!); mentions of aftercare
A/N: Finally, I wrote something for chubby! Readers and for poc! Reader as well. The moodboard was ready for weeks but the fic wasn't... And now it got longer than expected!
The texting with my dear @h0esvck inspired me again to write this fic here, after we talked about cute and sexy bikinis for chubby girls and how the boys could react to these swimsuits! (I really love that bikini in the moodboard💕)
Summary: Jimin said, you should pack a swimsuit into your suitcase when you're going to visit him in Korea. You thought, you'll go bathing somewhere privately, maybe just with the boys or so... and not going to a pool party of one of Jimin's Idol friends where you'll not know anybody! Since then you hate yourself that you only brought your new bikini to Korea that reveals more of your bare skin that you're used to...
Note: It's proofread but I'm sorry when there are still some typos
My Imagines for your requests
My official Masterlist
And as always, everyone can read the fic who's interested in it 🤗💖 Enjoy!

「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.

Since ten minutes you've been staring at the bikini that is spread out on the bed in front of you. You try to come to a solution for the problem that has been bothering you since this morning.
When Jimin said a week ago that you should pack swimwear for your visit in Korea, you already had been a little suspicious and unsettled.
But you couldn't imagine anything else than maybe going with him and the other members to a privately rented pool. Or maybe going to a beach with them, where nobody knows them anyway, so that they don't get too much unnecessary attention.
The boys already know and love you, so they don't care much about how you look like, as long as you're happy and make Jimin happy as well.
With these thoughts, you calmed yourself a little bit down and quickly drove your worries into the last corner of your mind.
That was also the reason why you were thinking about to try something new, instead of just wearing this boring black one-piece swimsuit that you've had for the last six years.
Maybe something cute, a nice two-pieced swimsuit, something like a bikini or so, that flatters your curves and just hugs them in all the right ways. Something that makes you feel sexy and attracts Jimin's attention a bit more than usual.
The thought alone how Jimin always strips you down with his eyes when you wear something close-fitting, which emphasizes your large chest, your round butt or your juicy thighs in the right ways...
...oh god, just the thought of it makes your knees weak and your panties getting wet.
But that's not the point, you have a lot of other problems right now.
At breakfast this morning, Jimin told you for what exactly you need your swimwear. And it's nothing like you thought before, a day at the beach or at the pool and only with the other guys, no.
The real reason is, that one of Jimin's Idol Friends has his birthday today and throw a poolparty in his villa.
That's not how you imagined it...
Of course you are happy that Jimin is not shy about introducing you to all his other friends in addition to the members and showing up with you in public places.
Nevertheless, you're aware that being chubby is not one of the "desirable" standards of the beauty ideals in Korea. Plus, you're a part of people that have a colored skin tone and all of you still have to face unfortunately prejudice and racism in all corners of the world.
That doesn't mean Koreans are racists or they are going to bodyshame someone, oh hell no! But... of course there are always such kinds of worries, like that you couldn't fulfill all the expectations of his friends, ARMYs or in general the whole publicity.
But that shouldn't be your goal either. Jimin loves you the way you are and everyone else should accept and respect you as his girlfriend and thus your relationship.
Nevertheless, a dull feeling spreads out in your stomach at the thought of having to wear this two-pieced bathing suit.
You really like it and you immeaditly fell in love with this bikini when you tried it on while the shopping trip with your friends. You think that it emphatize your curvy figure wonderfully, hides your fluffy belly in a great way and still shows more skin than you are used to.
And that's exactly the point.
You would show more skin than you're actually used to, so you'd walk completely out of your well known and loved comfort zone... and now even in front of strangers you don't know at all!
Everything in you is reluctant to wear this bikini to this party. You had also thought about going on a quick shopping tour into the town this morning. Hoping to find a one-piece swimsuit that can hide your belly a little better than this bikini. But you rejected the thought so fast like it had came into your mind.
You know Seoul far too little to know, where to find the plus size clothing stores. You know they exist! After all, you had been in these shops with Jimin on your recent visits, but you have absolutely no clue where to find them. So you quickly throw this idea into your mental trash can.
So you have no choice but to put on this swimsuit here.
You sigh and look at this two-pieced bathing suit in frustration again. Why the heck were you so stupid and didn't pack both swimsuits straight away in your suitcase, then you wouldn't have this problem now! But you have no other option than to wear it, you don't want to explain to Jimin that you don't want to come to the party because of your swimsuit. He was so happy this morning to finally be able to introduce you as his girlfriend to all his other friends.
You are about to put your dress on when Jimin knocks gently on your door, the door of the guest room (which you hardly really "need" because you sleep with him in his bed all nights anyway) and asks you through the door if you're ready.
You answer him with a hasty "Yes, just give me two more minutes!" and quickly stuff your towels, a pair of fresh underwear, sunblocker and other things that maybe could be useful, into your beach bag.
You slip with your bare, dark blue painted toenails into your sandals and before you walk out of the door, you quickly fix your sun hat and sunglasses as you walk past the large full-body mirror.
You are as ready as you can be when you're going to show yourself to strangers in a swimsuit that is more skin-revealing for your usual standards.
When you open the door and give Jimin, who is standing in the hall and is waiting for you, a small smile, a bright smile spreads on his lips.
His eyes wander slowly down at your body, you don't miss how he licks his lips, which leave you even little bit embarrassed.
But he also looks so damn good in this white t-shirt that he wears, under which you already can imagine his well-built abs, together with this black, low hanging shorts and a pair of black sneakers, made of thin fabric. His outfit is so casual, but at the same time it looks so elegant on him!
"Damn, baby... you look absolutely gorgeous! You look so fantastic, to be honest I don't want to show you the others in this amazing outfit... I bet with you, that they start gawking and drooling because you are so damn sexy. I really have to be careful not to get jealous and to behave decently, so that I don’t do all these dirty fantasies that I have with you in my mind in front of other people’s eyes... ", says Jimin in a half serious, half playful tone and with a meaningful look into your eyes.
"Jimin! Don't say such things, I thought we want to go to the party of your friend!", you reply with a slightly embarrassed smile and hit him with gentle force at his right arm. He's whining a little bit, rubbing the hurting spot after your punch.
"Yes, yes! But that doesn't mean you have to hit me right away!", Jimin whines as you walk down the hall of the dorm to the front door. Like the gentleman he is, he opens the door to the passenger seat of the car dir you and let you get in with a charming smile.
On the way to the party you chat around, laughs about God knows everything and sings together to the latest summer hits that comes out of the radio. Jimin with his angelic voice and then you with your voice, that reminds you more of a screaming cat than anything else. Your boyfriend admits that you still have to practice a bit on your singing talent, but he motivates you with every new song again to sing along with him. But your exuberant, lively mood gets an unwanted damper when you turn into a street and you can already see all the countless cars parked on the roadside from the distance.
Some, like you, just seem to have arrived only a few minutes ago. When you see all these other slim, long-legged beauties in their gorgeous summer dresses or already in their bikinis outfits with these fit bodies, you swallow hard and start chewing on your lower lip. Jimin doesn't miss that.
"You think too much, my love. Just look at yourself, you are beautiful! And show that too, show them all how damn attractive you are. They'll love you, I promise! And if anyone giving you a weird look, this person will get a serious problem with me! Okay Darling? I love you and everybody else should know too how much you mean to me... and don't let these silly thoughts in your pretty head up there ruin the evening, okay?"
You take a deep breath and finally nod to Jimin confidently.
He is right, you are probably thinking too negative again. You should also go to this party without the prejudice, that they already dislike you for whatever reason and just think positive and enjoy the day.
"Ready, Baby?"
"Yes, I'm ready."
With a cheeky wink in your direction, Jimin gets out of the car and is fast enough at your door to open it for you again.
You roll your eyes in annoyance, but you can't help but smile.
"Jimin, that's really cute of you, but you don't always have to do that. I'm a confident, independent woman, I'm able to open the door by myself too!", you complain but have to laugh at the end of the sentences.
"Then show them with exactly this body here, how confident you are, my dear lady~", Jimin replies with a husky wisper into your ear, which let a shiver run down your back. You are only able to nod at this moment, try not to be too flustered by Jimin's sex appeal. The same person is fully aware of his influence on you and laughs contentedly as you walk together to the front door.
When the doorbell rings, it is opened by other guests who tell you and use vague hand gestures to indicate where the person, who has birthday today and is the actual party host, could be. You two thanks them and slowly find your way down to the terrace, between all of the chatting, sometimes already dancing and celebrating peoples.
It seems like you'll don't know anyone, really nobody at this party. Sometimes you only recognize some K-Pop Idols here and some other K-Drama actors and actresses there, but you don't know anybody really personally, except of Jimin.
That's why you hold his hand even more tightly, afraid of losing him in the crowd. His thumb draw gentle circles over the back of your hand, he can feel how tense you are, try his best to calm you down.
You're going to be stopped on your actual way to Jimin's Friend by some other idols or international celebrities. You have a small talk with them and you'll be greeted every time with very much enthusiasm when Jimin introduces you as his girlfriend.
You don't really know how to deal with it, least of all with their detailed gaze your body. They don't say anything and their looks are not to be rated directly as negative one, much more in curious and interested way?
But before you can start to worry too much about it, the small talk is already over and Jimin continues to guide you through the crowd to the rightful host, who is in the huge garden behind the villa.
This person greets Jimin with a buddy slap on the shoulder and pulls you into a warm hug, which you had not expected at all. You automatically stiffen up, so that the same person lets you go immediately and apologizes hastily for his inappropriate behavior.
At the same time, you want to make it clear that he didn't do anything wrong and you were just a little surprised. Now you both look at each other in an awkward silence and that makes you twoa little embarrassed, which makes Jimin laugh.
"...and may I introduce to you, that is my girlfriend Y/N."
"H-Hey Y/N! Nice to meet you! Jimin has told me so much about you and every time that happens, I got more curious to finally meet you! And when he said, that you'll be in Seoul in the week when I planned to throw my birthday party, I asked him, to please bring you here, so that I can finally get to know you in person. And when you two just showed up with holding hands, I got carried away a bit. Sorry for my overexited hug. But to Jimin's credit I can already say, that he has an exellent taste for amazing girls, like you are.", he says and gives Jimin and you a playful wink.
At this moment, a waitress with wonderfully decorated cocktails on a tray comes past you and Jimin's friend stops this person with a small gesture to give you two a cocktail of your choice. You all thank the waitress before letting her continue her round through the crowd.
Now the host returns his attention to you again.
"I am really happy that you made it to my party and that you-" at that moment he's looking at you with a big smile "... and that you have also agreed to come here! I assume that unfortunately you don't know that many guests here yet. But I can assure you, nobody will bite you here. But if somebody chat you up or so, please inform me or to the security guards, okay? Some of my guests may starts acting like the last idiots when they're drunk, but I don't let them ruin my party." The way he looks at you completely seriously and at the same time gives you an encouraging smile shows you, that he really tries his best to make you feel comfortable here.
You talk for another ten minutes or so, Jimin's friend already makes you laugh here and there with some jokes, so that you pretty fast don't feel like the "new girlfriend of his buddy" anymore. It's his charm that calms you down and you relax more and more with it. You realize, that everything isn't as terrible as you thought it would be.
To your relief, you also realize that your horror imagination is not coming true. Nobody is gawking at you like you're an exotic animal in the zoo. Nobody behaves weird around you and you haven't noticed until now that anyone starts gossiping about you or your relationship with Jimin.
Only one thing seems to be important to everyone. A great atmosphere and thus an unforgettable evening.
You are so engrossed in the conversation that you wince in surprise when someone taps your shoulder gently. You turn around and there is a girl in front of you, already in a bikini and soaking wet. She seems to have come straight out of the pool to you.
"Hey! You're... Y/N, right? I just want to ask you if you would like to come into the pool and play water volleyball with us? We need one more female player for our team, we want to beat the boys!", she says and point into the direction of the pool, where the other players wave with their hands enthusiastically and want to encourage you to play along with them.
Nevertheless, you look back at Jimin, still a little bit uncertain. Your boyfriend gives you an encouraging kiss on the lips and says teasingly: "Don't look at me so questioningly, come along and show them your talent. You can give me your dress and bag."
Before you can decide against it, you quickly slip out of your sandals and pull your summer dress over your head. You already put the bikini on when you still was in the dorm.
The girl who asked you for the game enthusiastically claps her hands together and immediately grabs your wrist to lead you to the pool.
Only in the corner of your eyes you can see how Jimin's jaw drop at your sight and look at you in disbelief.
However, you don't have time to think about his reaction. You are barely in the water and on your official position when the game already starts.
To be honest, you never thought that this afternoon and evening could turn out to be so good and that you just could play with the other games so boisterously. That everyone just treats you as normal like you are and nobody cares how you look.
But you get the first doubts, that everything is not as good as you think, when you see Jimin on the poolside with a less happy expression on his face. You apologize to the others and tell them, that you have to go to your boyfriend for a minute.
"Jimin? Is everything alright? What happens?", you als him, eyebrows drawn together in alarm.
"Y/N, can you come out of the water, please? I need to talk to you," Jimin replies shortly, looking at you intently.
"O-Okay, of course."
When you're about to step out of the water, he already starts to unfold your bath towel. As soon as you get out of the pool, he has put it over your shoulders and gripped your wrist. Without saying a word, he starts moving and pulls you to the door of the terrace and goes back into the house with you. Everything looks like that Jimin wants to drive home from the party prematurely and hastily.
"Jimin? Now tell me, what happened that you seem to want to go home just... now?!", you finally ask him, finding his behavior really questionable.
Your boyfriend just mumbles something incomprehensible, looks around in the hallway until he sprints up the stairs to the first floor with you.
"Jimin, we just can't-"
But the last words of your sentence get stuck in your throat when Jimin seems to have found what he was looking for all the time. The guest room.
He briefly looks around again to make sure that no one has followed you and noticed something about your unauthorized solo-action. Then he grabs the doorknob and quickly pulls you into the room and closes the door behind you.
You just want to start protesting again and ask him for a plausible answer for his behavior. But then you're already being pushed against the door and Jimin's hungry lips are chasing yours.
The kiss is intense and greedy right at the beginning, Jimin's tongue is demanding, doesn't give you any time to understand what's going on.
"Baby, how dare you! These things I said to you when you came out of the guest room in this beautiful and sexy summer dress, I meant them absolutely seriously. How dare you, despite of my warning, to tease me so fucking much?! Then you don't have to be surprised that I can't hold back anymore. And besides that...", growls Jimin in a husky voice between two kisses in your ear.
"...I hate it how all the boys just looked at you all the time. They're speculating whether you were already in a relationship and how they could flirt with you... don't you understand that every guy down there wants you because you're so damn sexy?"
"Wait what, Jimin? I-I don't understand..." you stammer helplessly, your mind is already clouded by these breathtaking kisses Jimin gave you.
Jimin takes a deep breath, acting like he's trying to calm himself down.
"Your bikini, Babygirl. With this damn bikini you drive me crazy and wrap every guy around your little finger without even noticing. Seeing you in such an outfit is a real sin, Baby...", he whispers in your ear.
Let the tip of his nose slide down your neck, inhale your scent, which has such an aphrodisiac effect on him. His hands find their way from your chubby cheeks down to your plush hips and grabs them firmly.
"Fuck, you're so sexy... I love you and your body so damn much that it hurts... I mean... literally!", he growls and rubs his already rock hard erection on your thick thigh.
"You look so damn sexy in this swimsuit and pretend that you have no idea what effect you have on me... and unfortunately also on these other guys down there... it's a shame! I think, I should show you what kind of indecent thoughts you've put in my head with this body, only covered by this little bit of fabric.", comes it panting from Jimin's lips.
He lets the wet towel drop from your shoulders onto the floor and steps a bit away from you to admire your whole beauty to the fullest. A shiver of desire runs down your spine, causing that something, that is all too familiar to you, starts growing in your abdomen. You start to squirm under his intense gaze.
"I'm really wondering who can be responsible for designing such a cute and at the same time so sexy swimsuit. And fuck. It looks incredibly good on you! How can you always wrapping me around your little finger? Hm Baby? Explain it to me...", purrs Jimin dreamily as he lets his hands wander on your big, perfect round ass and grabs it hard.
A whimper leaves your lips whe you feel his mouth on your neck, spreading kisses and is eager to give you enough hickey that everyone will surely see them. Just knowing that he marking you as his, as his girlfriend, makes your pussy even wetter than it already is.
"Don't tell me you're jealous, Jiminie~", you say teasingly, but at the same time you start moaning with closed eyes and furrowed eyebrows. He positions his right leg between your juicy thighs, flexes his thick thigh muscle just at the right moment and rubs it over your clit. Mastering thigh-fucking in a standing position so fucking well should be prohibited.
"Would you rather explain to me how I couldn't get horny and jealous at such a sight... and Baby? Do you like that? Do you like it how I fuck you with my thigh? How well I can stimulate your clit with it? I already can feel how wet you are... isn't that embarrassing for you, how desperate your pussy has become, just from grinding a little bit on my thigh?", he whispers. He doesn't even try to hide his satisfaction.
His words send an electric shock through your body... just the thought that you really look as good in the bikini as you hoped, so that Jimin can think of nothing more than to do dirty things with you. And then other guys also have noticed you, which has made Jimin so jealous, turns you more on at this moment than you would like to admit. You didn't want to make him jealous at all, but fuck... that's just so freaking hot and you could say your "plan" has more than worked out!
His hand travels to your breasts, pulls with a rough yank the top of your bikini over your breasts, a moan are leaving his lips when he see your big, beautiful breasts. Your nipples are already hard and are just waiting to be caressed.
"F-Fuck... Jimin... G-God... I-I need you!", you whimper as he wraps his lips around your left nipple. You grind in his thigh even more, at the end you start riding him.
"So damn desperate... but only for me. Right?"
"Yes, Jimin, yes! O-Only for you. B-But please, I-"
"Hm? What, Babygirl? What do you want? What are you so desperate for, my Dear? Tell me~"
Jimin loves to tease you. He doesn't give you what you need until you spell the dirty words out by yourself. He loves the way you get shy, always starting to stutter in a damn adorable way until those dirty words come over your own lips. He loves it when his good, decent girl says indecent and sinful things. He loves it when you talk dirty to him.
"I-I want your big hard cock in my wet pussy... I-I... Oh god, Jimin... P-Please just fuck me... Please just fuck me like you already imagined...", you whine and bite your lower lip because of all this desire and need in your body. You need his cock in your pussy now.
"Theoretically, you teased me a lot more with this godlike body, right? But we don't have the time for more teasing, I'll stuff your plump, pretty and sweet pussy with my big cock now and gonna fuck you so damn well~ Just look forward to the moment we're back home again... then you will get your well deserved punishment for making me so horny with this sinful outfit.", Jimin promised to you with a dark, lustful gaze.
With his hands on your delicious ass, he leads you from the door to the bed, which is placed on the opposite wall of the room.
"On your hands and feet, I want to fuck your naughty pussy nice and deep from behind. And you know how I loves it, to see your ass cheeks jiggle when I fuck you doggystyle~"
Oh God, now it can't be ans longer just water, that drips through the bottom of your panties onto the floor. Even if you don't want to admit it, his dirty talk and dominant behavior always makes a mess out of you.
In a matter of seconds, you turned your back to him and crawled onto the bed on all fours. For a very short moment you're sorry to ruin the neatly made bed with your still dripping body and the unrestrained sex, that will follow now.
As soon as you have brought yourself into a comfortable and "stable" position, Jimin pulls your bikini panties down with an impatient tug. You moan in anticipation when you feel the cold air on your bare cunt, even starts to wiggle with your ass a bit more, knowing what kind of effect it has on Jimin.
A deep growl leaves his throat when he sees your plump, fluffy pussy lips are coated all over with your arousal. The way your thick ass cheeks jiggle causes that he gives you a hard slap on the your right butt cheek, what makes you whimper.
"Behave, little Girl.", he says quietly from behind with a warning undertone.
But he doesn't fill your needy pussy immediately, he prefers to pull your ass cheeks apart at first, to have a much better view of your cunt. When he spreads your pussy lips with his index and middle finger open and sees your desperately waiting hole, clenching around nothing. Then he also lost his patience.
With uncoordinated movements of his hands, he pulls his shorts and boxers briefs down to his knees, grabs your hips with a firm grip and push himself into your tight pussy without any warning.
A little cry out of surprise and initial pain comes over your lips, but then you remember that you're having sex in a place where you shouldn't (especially not at this early hour!) and pressing your hands on your mouth quickly.
That’s better anyway. When Jimin fucks you hard, there are always noises coming out of your mouth that you never heard before from yourself.
In short: When Jimin fucks you hard, you're loud. Shamefully loud.
Your boyfriend doesn't give you much time to get used to his cock. But after these days you barely need to get used to it anyway, you have been doing it too often for the past few nights.
His thrusts are perfect, absolutely perfect... hard, fast and incredibly deep. Stretching your pussy just in the right way in all perfect places. And the more you can't hold up yourself on your arms because of the pleasure, the more you sag with your upper body onto the mattress.
This changes the angle even more and Jimin fills you up even deeper than before, finding that sweet spot in your body again. That spot that lets you see stars and the desire almost explodes deep inside your abdomen. But only almost.
This here is the best method for Jimin to torture you. Driving you to the edge of lust, but it's still not enough to let you cum.
Jimin loves this sight.
He loves how your chubby body just shows him how well he fucks you. How the soft, plush flesh of your love handles or your ass cheeks jiggle with every hard thrust that his hips gives your plush body.
How plump your pussy lips are, but how fucking tight your hole is, gripping his hard cock so damn well. He loves to places his palm between your thick thighs on your fluffy vulva, so soft because of that delicous extra flesh and toying your clit to elict even more sweet moans and whimpers from your lips.
"O-Oh my God, Jimin! P-Please don't stop, oh god, please don't stop fucking me and rubbing my clit like that! I-I'm gonna... I'm gonna c-cuu-", you moan, scream at the end, but you just can't stop yourself from being fucking loud.
And to be honest, Jimin doesn't want you to mute your voice. Deep inside of him, his little, dirty devil wants everyone down there to know that he's fucking you onto cloud nine.
When you cum, your walls contract so tightly, Jimin can't help but cum too, your pussy literally milks every drop of his cum out of his cock.
With a deep groan shoot Jimin his load deep into your pussy, mark you in the filthiest way possible as his girl.
You two are breathing heavily and have your eyes closed, Jimin lies himself down on your back. His hands slowly relax from the rigid grip on your hip, then he wraps his arms around your soft belly and lets himself fall to one side together with you, before he becomes too heavy for you.
In the following minutes your breath regulates themself and a certain silence gradually returns to the room. Only the dull bass of the music from outside breaks the silence, accompanied by laughter when someone jumps into the pool, screaming.
Jimin has softened and now slides out of you easily. You can feel the mattress sink under his weight as he gets up and goes into the guest bathroom to get a soft, wet washcloth for you.
He quietly asks you to turn yourself on your back. He gently opens your legs and carefully cleans the mess between your thighs, trying his best to get you rid of his cum. After all, you want to stay a few more hours after this... Quickie? Can you call his here a Quickie?
It takes a moment for you both to straighten your clothes and hair so that no one can immediately see that you had wild sex less than 15 minutes ago.
Jimin is about to unlock the door when you grab his wrist.
"Jimin, let's be honest. No more strange jealousy actions today, okay?"
Jimin turns to you, looks at you thoughtfully until a cute smirk forms on his lips.
"Jealousy? I don't know that word, not anymore after I've marked your beautiful neck and chest all in detail. Now everyone will know that you're my girl!", says Jimin and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek.
You roll with your eyes and look back at him, pretty annoyed.
"Yes, yes, Honey. I know... I know that I have to work on my jealousy problem...", Jimin says in a reassuring voice and looks at you seriously, showing you, that he understood what you mean.
"... but still you can't deny that you like it when I give you hickeys. When I visited you last time, I saw you proudly and satisfied admired my love bites in the mirror!", he reply with a mischievous and playful smirk.
"Oh god Jimin, you're going to shatter my last nerves!", you grumble and shoo him through the door.
You hate it that you can barely be mad at him over a longer time!

#bts x chubby reader#bts x poc reader#bts smut#kpop x chubby reader#jimin x chubby reader#kpop x poc reader#bts jimin smut#jimin jealousy#chubby reader#kpop smut#bts x black reader#dom! jimin x sub! reader#dom! bts#bts fanfic#bts smut fanfic#jimin fluff#kpop black reader#bts x chubby y/n#chubby reader insert#bts scenarios smut#bts imagine#bts imagines smut#bts black reader
811 notes
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It is 6 am. I know that it reads like I’ve never heard of pacing. Trust me, I’m aware. Quite frankly, I am entirely too tired to care. It might not even be as bad as I think it is. It’s possible, I guess, but not likely, I don’t think. I don’t have proofreaders, and it’s probably too edgy or too soon for more edge but you’re along for my ride and I’m sorry. I’ll probably rewrite it at some point, but right now I’m happy I’m even awake right now to post it. My eyes hurt and I'm a little queasy but we are powering through. Having said that, let's torture some fucking teenagers.
Chapter 12
Donatello stares at the small knife intensely.
It is an incredibly boring-looking one. Knowing as little as he does about culinary arts, he does not know the exact use of it, its size and shape giving him very little insight into its use in that environment. He is willing to make an educated guess and assume the blade itself is made of carbon steel, which is not exactly a strange choice for a knife in his opinion. It is not a combat or survival knife. It is hardly sturdy enough to last long in a combat setting. He is tempted to call Mikey to ask him to identify it for a second but thinks better of it.
After all, it fell out of your pocket. Questions would be asked.
He picks it up off the floor, weighing it in his hand. ‘This is a kitchen knife, right?’ He picks your jacket off the floor, folding it neatly and placing it on the back of a chair. ‘Why would she carry around a kitchen knife?’ He rests his head on his arms, holding the offending tool in front of his eyes, continuing to analyze it. ‘To fight? She knows carrying around a knife like this with no combat experience is a bad idea, right? Don’t people usually use pepper spray or something when they want to defend themselves?’
An image flashes into his head. You, standing alone in an alley, pointing this poor excuse of a weapon at a member of The Foot or the Purple Dragon. You, falling back and hitting your head and bleeding out with a knife sticking in your side because you fell on it wrong—‘It’s not even in a sheathe’—and trying to crawl back out into the street, begging to god not to—
He blinks, noticing his knuckles going pale around the handle, mouth weirdly dry.
He swallows. He forces his grip to loosen. ‘That’s dramatic.’ He gets up, slipping the knife back into the pocket of your jacket, hoping he put it in the right one. ‘She’s fine. She’s probably just scared after everything that’s happened. It won’t come to that.’
He sets back down, picking the last gas mask up and turning it over in his hands to give him something to do. He will not have time to properly test whether it works exactly as planned, but he is fairly certain that it and its brothers should allow them to breathe with little difficulty when they need to go into the TCRI building through the elevator shaft. If that is the plan they go with, anyways-- he had elected to stay out of the planning party, seeing as creating explosives strong enough to destroy the portal is enough of a challenge on its own, and he has faith in you and his eldest brother to come up with a good course of action. You guys always did. Bradford was dead after all, a fact that he had been informed made their lives considerably easier. In your words, “Mousers are the fucking worst, and if Bradford had gone off and recruited Stockman, we would have to deal with all of that way sooner.” You had quickly admitted that you did not know how long the peace would last, but you seemed pretty satisfied by the way things were happening overall, despite his accidentally causing the power cell to be stolen—“We’ll have the whole thing under control after this mission, don’t you worry.”
You had also claimed that you had the staking out of Shredder’s lair under control, but that is neither here nor there.
The door to his lab slides open. “Donnie,” you call, “we need to go over the game plan. How’re the explosives coming?”
‘Why is there a knife in your pocket instead of a taser?’ “Theoretically? Well.” He shrugs, getting to his feet. “I can’t really test if they work, but they’re good to go, probably.”
You smile teasingly. “They’re not gonna go off randomly?”
“Probably not.”
“Probably?” Your smile widens.
“No promises.”
“Well,” you grin, “I sure hope they’re good explosives in that case; wouldn’t wanna almost bleed out again.”
His stomach churns. “For sure,” he agrees, crossing the room as you start to “walk” back to the war room/kitchen. “Have you guys decided on anything?”
“Well,” you sigh, “Leo’s bein’ Leo if that’s what you mean. I don’t mind their plan, mind, but it seems a bit silly.” You hold the door open for him. “After you.”
“Dude, totally.” Mikey nods eagerly in agreement to something someone said. “I can get him on board, on prob.”
“Good.” Leonardo taps his finger against the blueprint splayed across the counter. “Now all we need is a big enough box.”
“There should be crates down by the docks.” Raphael looks over at you. “Any stores up top sell ‘em that big?”
“Probably.” You lean against the doorway as Donnie steps past you. “You guys know we don’t know what they’re breathing, right?”
“Yeah. So?” The green-eyed brother gestures to him. “He can figure out letting us breathe.”
“Can and did, but I’m not sure that’s what she’s talking about.” The tall boy crosses his arms across his chest absentmindedly. “If the gases they’re breathing are highly flammable—which, knowing the absurd biology of the Kraang, isn’t out of the question—” You stifle a laugh, covering your mouth, “using explosives in there might blow the roof off the place.”
“That’s good, ain’t it?”
“Not If you don’t want to be pressure cooked, no.”
“Is there some other way to destroy the portal?” Leonardo laced his fingers together, leaning his elbows on the worn island.
“Without knowing the metal they’re using?” He shakes his head. “Even if we did, I’m not sure if I could safely create hydrochloric or nitric acid, especially on such short notice, let alone transport it.”
“Then we’re screwed.” Raph looks off. “Perfect.”
“Unless you feel confident in busting out of that building on a time crunch, we’d need someone to be close enough to the bomb to actually use the detonator. Seeing as we need all hands on deck, we really don’t have anyone that could fit the bill.” Even with his back to you, you notice his tension. “Unless you guys just want to crack a window or something, but that would kinda negate the point of doing the whole stealth thing, setting off an obvious alarm.”
“That’s not true.” Mikey points out the obvious. “Y/N could do it.”
“I’m down,” you shrug, moving your hands to slide in your nonexistent pockets. “You’d need to let me know when to do it so I don’t fry you guys, but I might as well add domestic terrorism to my non-existent rap sheet.” You smile wryly at that.
You think you hear Donnie mutter something before speaking up. “I’m not sure there are any buildings high enough up or close enough to be an effective--”
“Sure there is.” Mikey, again. “There’s that apartment building across that alley. It’s plenty tall.”
“Oh yeah, huh?” Raph smiles sharply. “Even has a fire escape to climb.”
The idea of climbing anything anywhere makes you want to vomit, but the idea of having to deal with whatever goes on with the saving of Leatherhead later is enough to ignore it. ‘Stop being a pussy,’ you reprimand yourself, feeling vertigo already. ‘It’s a fucking ladder. A twenty-story high ladder, yeah, but it's still just a ladder.’
“She can’t use a ladder,” the tallest brother protests. “She can’t use one of her legs.”
“Then she can take the stairs, or we can carry her there before we go.” You take slow, deep, quiet breaths. “It’s no big deal. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind doing it, right?”
You are suddenly incredibly grateful that you are leaning against a doorframe. The idea of being carried over buildings, twenty stories into the air, makes the ground sway underneath you. You subtly dig your fingernails into the walls on impulse, trying to slowly relieve the pressure.
“It’s not about—What are you even talking about?” You barely register his bashful embarrassment, swallowing thickly. “I’m just saying…”
You can barely hear them, shutting your eyes as you feel sticky, warm blood on your fingertips, dripping down in between your digits. You wipe the phantom liquid off on your jeans quickly, thoroughly, opening your eyes to see what you register as the other three ragging on Donnie about something you do not catch. You lock your knees to keep them from shaking as bad as your hands, ignoring the nausea and staring straight ahead. ‘Your folks didn’t raise a wuss. Your hands aren’t wet. Snap out of it.’
You force yourself to focus on counting threads in your sleeves. You get to thirty-five before you feel someone shaking your shoulder.
“Dude, you alright?” Mikey was waving a hand in front of your face, having apparently crossed the room from his seat on the counter. “Hello?”
Your eyes snap up from your wrist to look at him. “Hm? Yeah, totally.” You nod. “Just zoned out is all.”
He put the back of his hand to your forehead as if he knew what he was looking for. “You sure? You look sick.”
You nod again. “Just didn’t sleep well last night. I’m fine.”
“Do you plan on zoning out during the mission?” Raphael smirked. “Don—”
“No,” you cut him off sharply. “I’ll be fine. When are you guys going?”
“A couple of hours.” Donnie is staring holes into you. “The hours listed online say actual people work until then, but the actual building is open for another few hours, so by the time we get far enough down to hopefully not feel the effects of the blast, we won’t have to worry about witnesses or people getting caught up in it.”
“Awesome.” You start out the door, using the walls to limp back to the lab. “Meetcha back here in an hour.”
He runs after you. “Need me to come with you? I can help pick a crate out.” The way his words spill out is not lost on you. “O-or I could drive you there if you want—it’s bad to walk around so much on your leg, especially at night.”
“If you don’t mind vomit in your party-wagon, sure.” You slip through the gap in the door, grabbing your jacket and pulling it on. “Honestly, Donnie, I’m fine.”
“I walk home all the time.” You use the chair to roll over to your walker, snapping it open and getting to your feet. “I’m just going to go to a hardware store, buy a couple of the largest boxes they have, grab some dinner, and come back. Besides, you have to worry about getting in, right? I’ll be fine, really.”
He wants to argue. He does not.
“Text me if you need anything while I’m out.” You maneuver past him with a bit of difficulty. “Want me to pick up some pizza while I’m out?”
“… yeah.” He nods, shaking off the feeling sinking into his gut with a bit of difficulty. “If you want some, you’ll have to eat it on your own, though.”
You smile back at him. “I’ll get something else to eat,” you roll your eyes, voice oozing with honey seemingly unintentionally. “Don’t you worry too hard about me, now; your brothers give you a hard enough time as is.”
“Don’t get yourself killed and I’ll think about it,” he jokes, mostly serious.
You laugh. “I’ll try, Dad.”
He has never noticed how loud you walk until today. Maybe it is just that it is unusually loud in comparison to him and his brothers, or maybe it is the sound of it knocking around the concrete walls of the lair bouncing the sound off the walls, but he cannot help but notice it, how easily he can identify where you are just by listening. How has he never noticed that? ‘You could hear her down the street, walking past. Anyone with ears could tell where she is, no problem.’
He feels himself grip onto the door to keep himself from running after you and insisting he come with you. ‘If someone can hear her walking down the street, someone can hear her scream. They’ll call someone. Who would leave a teenage girl to get attacked?’ He does not answer his question.
He shuts the door. ‘And she has a point. I still need to figure out how to get us into TCRI without the cameras catching us.’ He sits back at his workstation to think. ‘It doesn’t have to be too advanced. A remote-controlled dolly wouldn’t take much time to build, and I have the code already.’
It is not an effective distraction, but it is enough to preoccupy him for a solid half an hour.
You are back at the time you say you are going to be back. The trip did not take you long, although carrying the boxes and food was an unforeseen challenge, and you bought yourself a burrito and soda, so all is well. You and the guys eat in the kitchen, you do not have another episode and, all in all, you almost forget about the fact you will have to be carried up a twenty-story building.
Standing and staring up at the building they had ended up next to is an easy reminder.
You swallow your dinner back, mouth dry. ‘Commit.’ You fold your walker up, hiding it behind a dumpster and hooking your arms around Donnie’s neck before you can chicken out, shutting your eyes tight, the humming of their van—you had walked—doing nothing to ease your nerves. You hear the others say something before the engine roars back to life, the tires squealing against the asphalt as they drive off.
“I’m not going to drop you,” he promises, barely noticing the extra weight as he hooks one of his arms under your thigh to pull your body flush against his. Your legs immediately tighten into a vice-like grip around his middle, pulling him even closer.
“Fucking better not.” He starts to scale the building with a bit of difficulty, with one arm otherwise preoccupied. “I’ll haunt your ass.”
He smiles at that. He jumps up, grabbing onto the railing of a fire escape and earning a squeak of terror and a quiet string of obscenities from you. He takes longer than usual out of necessity but finds a quiet joy in how hard you cling to him, swallowing laughs drawn out by your swears—his personal favorite is, “Oh fuck me Mother Mary!” which is a result of him overshooting the railing, resulting in both of you violently swinging back and forth for a time.
“Are we on solid ground?” Your voice is pleading.
“We’re on the roof, yeah.”
You let go, sliding down to your knees and lacing your fingers together behind your neck, breathing for the first time in the eternity—two minutes—it had taken to get there. You want to cry, your heart pounding out of your chest as you try to catch your breath.
“Are you okay?”
You nod once, shifting back and putting your head between your knees to regain your head.
‘Did I do something wrong?’ He crouched down in front of you, concerned. “You sure?”
You nod again.
“Are you being honest?”
“I will be in a sec,” you snap shakily.
He backs off, staying in that position.
You give yourself a count of fifteen before looking back up at him. “I’m good.” You take a deep breath, pulling yourself into him again. “Let’s do this shit before I’m not.”
The journey over is painfully silent, other than your guys’ breathing. Balance is the only real problem throughout. Holding you and making sure not to crush you makes the normal measures he would normally use to soften his falls impossible, meaning his jumps cannot be as high or far as normal—the last thing you need on top of everything else is a concussion. The trip might have been rendered shorter had it not been for the need for the Kraang to know nothing of their whereabouts, but he does not think it is too long until he moves to let go of you.
You do not let go of him.
“Y/N,” he says again, “we’re here.”
You do not move to let go of you, your heartbeat thundering against his chest.
“I’m going to set you down.” He unhooks your legs, lowering himself and setting you on the floor. “See?” He unlatches your arms, gently pulling you away from him.
Your face is white as a sheet, mind only barely registering the fact you were on solid ground. He would be concerned you were dead had it not been your incredibly fast pulse. You stared straight ahead, eyes unfocused.
You blink, pushing the hair out of your face as you get to your feet. “Sorry,” you mumble. “Zoned out. Tired.”
He hesitantly gives you the detonator. “Alright,” he relents. “You know the plan, right? You remember it still?”
“I’m scared, not dumb.” Your face flushes. “Sorry. That was mean.”
He blinks, confused. “It’s fine,” he shrugs. “Lack of sleep can cause irritability, especially in teenagers.” His voice is soft despite his own anxiety about the whole plan. He hands you your phone. “I’ll come back to pick you up. If I don’t in two hours, text me. If I don’t respond…” he trails off.
Your stomach drops. “You will,” you assure him firmly. “I know you will.”
“If I don’t,” he nods in agreement, if only for your sake, “hell will’ve frozen over anyway.”
You chuckle nervously at that. You reach over, cupping his face in your hands. “Seriously, though,” you make him look at you properly, “kick their asses for me.”
He smiles, his face heating up under your hands. “You got it.” He gets up. “See ya, then.” He smiles tipsily, waves, and runs off.
You watch him bound rooftops, grateful he had seemingly not noticed the violent shaking of your hands as you set the electronics down. You swallow again, dragging yourself and leaning your back against the ledge, crossing your legs in front of you. You lean over, placing the detonator down next to you carefully and picking your phone up. You shakily input the passcode, turn the volume as low as it would go, and press the speaker to your ear, sinking into a song with a slow exhale of breath. While you had refused yourself any illicit substances for the same reason you had gotten rid of your sleeping pills, you saw no issue with relying on music for some stress relief, the familiarity of the slower song letting your heartbeat match its rhythm.
You reach down, pulling your pant leg up and carefully peeling the tape from your good leg, wrapping your fingers around the handle of the paring knife and holding it at your side. Sure, you know, logically, it would do little but hinder you in a fight, but you felt as though you needed something, anything to make you feel less weak. You already feel the embarrassment from clinging onto him so tightly, tears pricking at your eyes. “You’re the literal definition of a damsel in distress,” you mumble, scoffing at yourself. “A young, unmarried woman who is in distress. A crazy damsel in distress at that.” You blink them away. “God, you’re really fucking pathetic, huh?” You chuckle, swallowing again and pressing the phone closer to your ear. “You’re almost a fucking adult and you’re scared of a little height and a little blood. Perspective, Y/N.”
It feels like an hour of sitting, knees now at your chest as you listen to music to take the edge off—‘Like taking ibuprofen for an amputation.’ Regardless of how effective it is, it does something, at least, and that is all you can ask for right now.
You jump out of your skin when your phone buzzes with a text. You fumble with it, pulling it to your face to read Casey asking if you were still free next Tuesday for his stupid fucking game. You text him back that, yes, you are, and hope he stubs his toe for the false alarm.
The text comes at eleven-o-three.
You almost drop the phone, the message “NOW” crossing your screen. You pick the device up carefully, craning your neck back to glance at the building across the street, feeling as though you missed something incredibly important despite knowing the contrary. You swallow one more time and slam your hand down on the button.
The sound of the explosion roars in your ears, your eyes widening at the light now illuminating the roof, images of that night burning in your head and squeezing your throat. You drop the detonator, covering your ears as the ground in front of you is seemingly set alight. It barely registers to you that it is a cold autumn night. Why would you care when all you can hear is screaming? Why bother when your heart is begging to be let out of your chest, when your blood is pooling under you and all your scars are open? All you can see as you shudder, shutting your eyes tightly, is that man’s sides slashed with glass, warm red dripping out of him and onto the dashboard.
You look up, choking on your fear.
You remember what you forgot.
The walls of the top three floors of TCRI?
They are made entirely of the glass now showering down on you.
Table of Contents
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
#tmnt donnie#donnie x reader#2012 donnie#donnie#donatello x reader#tmnt donatello#donatello#tmnt#tmnt fanfiction#tmnt 2012#tmnt 2k12#teenage#teenage mutant ninja turtles 2012#teenage mutant ninja turtles#hamato clan#donatello hamato#y/n#self insert#self insert fanfiction#tmnt x reader#reader insert#angst#we back on that angst shit#I am so fucking sweaty#it is light out#look at these dumbasses go#pacing? what's that?#Can I eat it?#I have been listening to the same playlist for literal fucking months#I am hungry
32 notes
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In which Wei Wuxian needs a break, Jiang Cheng is smitten, and Xiao Xingchen finally makes his way to a safe haven.
Unfortunately for Wei Wuxian, twenty-five-year-old father of two and co-owner of Lotus Pier Bakery, his days always start at four o’clock in the morning.
Right after his alarm rings, he showers (sometimes) brushes his teeth (if he remembers to) and combs his hair (if he can’t get away with wrangling it into a messy braid, which works for three days out of every five) before stumbling down the stairs to the kitchen, where he spends the next two hours mixing pastry dough and preparing enormous rows of stuffed baozi. After the buns and pastries are done—and pastry is always finicky, even for him—he takes out his pans of bread dough and bakes until his hands are numb from kneading and mixing, right before whipping up a sponge batter and making four different flavors of cake with it: plain, chocolate, a green tea sponge that is ridiculously popular despite only smelling like tea (though it’s still a good cake, as proven by his sister’s fondness for it) and strawberry. He also puts on a pot of lotus and pork rib soup, since the bakery serves meals during lunch and provides a free cup of soup with every order.
At seven-thirty, he hears the sleepy sounds of his brother moving about on the second floor, going about his own preparations for the day. Jiang Cheng’s morning responsibilities include getting himself ready, making sure Wei Wuxian’s six-year-old-son (an actual ray of sunshine, brought to life in the shape of a boy called Wen Yuan) is dressed and packed for school, and giving baby Xiao-Yu his first bottle before the breakfast rush begins.
Wei Wuxian’s children are utter delights, though, so he counts that part as one of the many privileges that come with being an uncle to the two most precious baby boys in the world.
“There’s also A-Ling,” Jiang Cheng says grumpily, when he comes down with shaving foam still stuck to his ears and A-Yu wriggling in his arms. “And I don’t have to change his diapers, Wei Wuxian.”
“It’s only once a day,” Wei Wuxian coaxes. He grabs the baby from Jiang Cheng and gives him a smacking kiss on the nose, his heart melting all over again as Xiao-Yu tries to imitate him and ends up licking his face instead. “How’s the most perfect baby in the universe doing today, baobei?”
Xiao-Yu only babbles at him, since he only just passed his tenth-month birthday and can’t really manage speech outside of the occasional “baba,” (directed at Wei Wuxian, of course) or the odd “mama,” which is also directed at Wei Wuxian because he is, as he tells everyone who asks him out and then runs the second he explains, very much a single father. Parenthood’s very bad for the dating scene, but he’ll gladly remain single for the rest of his life to make sure he can give his best to A-Yuan and Xiao-Yu.
Not that any of them but Yanli ever thought about anything like romance or marriage, after the Jiang estate burned to the ground with their parents in it and left them dependent on a family friend’s charity for the next year and a half.
A-Yuan comes bounding into the kitchen five minutes later, dressed in a tidy little button-up and neat grey shorts with a backpack strapped to his shoulders. “A-Die!” he cries, flinging his arms around Wei Wuxian’s waist and nuzzling against his stomach until his father bursts out laughing at how much it tickles. “A-Die, I’m ready. What do I get for lunch today?”
“First things first,” Wei Wuxian tells him, as A-Yu observes them through the mesh walls of his playpen with one chubby finger in his mouth. “Did you and your shushu finish all your breakfast!”
“Mm, we did! Shushu made eggs!”
“Then you can go pick out one of the buns in the cooling rack for you, and one for A-Ling. And two for your peacock uncle, since he always eats too much.”
Once A-Yuan makes his choices—a soft baozi with mushrooms in it for him, and and a green onion pastry with tomatoes for Jin Ling—Wei Wuxian fills up two tiny thermoses with hot soup and then fills up A-Yuan’s Spiderman water bottle, which is completely covered in the rabbit stickers he hoards every time someone takes him to the doctor’s office.
“Lunches packed,” Jiang Cheng drones, starting up the various drinks machines behind the bakery counter as A-Yuan grabs his cousin’s lunchbox and tries to pack it himself. “I am now going to make coffee. And tea. And milk tea, since my elder brother is a cruel, cruel man.”
“The McDonalds down the street would have put us out of business if we hadn’t started serving bubble tea,” Wei Wuxian scolds. “And Wen Qing likes the way you cook the tapioca, so don’t even complain.”
He leaves Jiang Cheng blushing in front of the gargantuan coffee-maker and hustles A-Yuan out through the little door that separates the staff-only area from the dining room just before a large, expensive car pulls up just outside the sign in the window that reads Lotus Pier Bakery.
“It’s Peacock-uncle,” A-Yuan pipes up, still amazed by the sight of Jin Zixuan’s luxury sports car, as if he doesn’t ride to and from school in it every day. “And A-Ling, and Auntie!”
Yanli breezes in half a second later, pouncing on A-Yuan the moment she crosses the threshold and covering his face with kisses. “Good morning, Yuan-bao,” she sings, as A-Yuan turns into putty in her arms and tucks his face against her shoulder. “Are you ready for school?”
“I’m always ready,” he informs her, before proudly displaying the two lunchboxes hanging from his elbow and the brown-paper bag held carefully in one hand. “See, I packed A-Ling’s lunch, all by myself! And Peacock-uncle’s!”
“Peacock-uncle’s going to be hungry again by lunchtime,” Jiang Cheng calls, sticking his head up over the espresso maker. “And he’ll be here at noon with the rest of the Jin crowd, just wait.”
“A-Yuan won’t be here at lunchtime,” Wen Yuan says peacefully. “A-Yuan will be at school.”
After that, Wei Wuxian gets A-Yuan settled in his booster seat, squeezes A-Ling, and waves at his brother-in-law with Jiang Yanli until the car vanishes down the street, leaving Yanli to put up her hair and march back into the kitchen to start cooking for rush hour.
“A-Cheng, you’ve got the drinks and the registers covered, right?” she asks, before grinning from ear to ear as a young woman with a badge clipped to her shirt comes in and stares at Jiang Cheng across the counter until his face looks more like a roasted beet than anything remotely human. “Good morning, Wen Qing!”
“I’ll take my usual coffee order and a spinach roll,” Wen Qing says, sending a short, small smile at Yanli—which is more than anyone else except Jiang Cheng ever gets, because Wen Qing is a medical resident with no sympathy for anyone but her patients, A-Yuan, and inexplicably Wei Wuxian’s bad-tempered brother, who loses most of his senses whenever she walks into Lotus Pier and only gets them back about an hour after she leaves.
“You’ve just missed A-Yuan,” Wei Wuxian complains, stocking the display case next to the cash register. “He kept asking when we could see you yesterday, you know.”
“I’ll try to get up earlier tomorrow,” she yawns, carefully not paying attention when Jiang Cheng overturns a box of sugar packets in an effort to wrap up her spinach roll as neatly as he can. “Or you could video call me at night, when those of us who aren’t bakers are most active. Like normal people do.”
“I go to bed at eight o’clock like an old man, thank you very much,” he sniffs. “My schedule’s murder on my old lifestyle—”
“You mean spending all night gatecrashing sorority parties like you used to back in college?”
“—and I have children to look after,” he finishes sagely. “Do you want soup, too, Wen Qing? I can throw in a free bowl.”
“We won’t make any money that way,” Jiang Cheng scolds him, providing a wonderful show of hypocrisy as he hands Wen Qing a cup of coffee with three protective sleeves on it to make sure she doesn’t burn her hands, a heat-safe straw jammed down the side, and a warm paper bag containing at least one more fresh pastry than Wei Wuxian remembers her ordering. “Here. Good luck today, Miss Wen.”
Wen Qing tosses a mouthful of coffee down her throat and then turns to stare at Jiang Cheng.
“If it weren’t for you and your perfect coffee,” she says, “I would have dropped out years ago.”
And then she strides out the door and climbs back into her car, leaving Jiang Cheng dumbstruck in her wake as Wei Wuxian doubles over and screams with laughter until he cries.
“Stop that,” Jiang Cheng mutters, when Xiao-Yu’s adorable baby giggles ring out alongside his father’s. “Look, now Xiao-Yu’s doing it.”
“He knows denial when he sees it,” Wei Wuxian tells him. “Honestly, A-Cheng. A-Yu’s just trying to help!”
The rest of the day goes on much as days at Lotus Pier Bakery usually do; happily, but so very busily that Wei Wuxian ends up staggering back upstairs for a second shower with Xiao-Yu when the lunch rush ends. The eatery serves coffee and baked goods from opening to closing, and is open for dine-in restaurant meals from eleven to two-thirty; Yanli does most of the cooking, while Wei Wuxian does the prep work, and Jiang Cheng handles the take-out baked goods sales and the drinks and helps wait tables until time comes to wipe down the tables in the dining area after the lunch customers finally finish eating—and the result of it all is that all three of them are so drained that they can hardly keep their eyes open, especially after dealing with parties bigger than about four or five.
“How is it only three-thirty,” Wei Wuxian moans, slumping wearily over the counter with Xiao-Yu tied to his back when Jin Zixuan comes by to drop A-Yuan off and pick Yanli up later that afternoon. “I want to sleep, A-Jie.”
“Have you looked into getting any more part-timers?” his sister asks, pressing a cool, soft hand to his cheek. “I know Xue Yang’s doing well, but he only comes three times a week.”
“A-Yang’s a gremlin,” Wei Wuxian dismisses. “And he barely talks, it scares the customers. I was thinking of having someone move into your old bedroom, but of course it isn’t so easy with Yuan-bao and A-Yu here.”
“What about Wen Ning?” Jin Zixuan suggests, absentmindedly turning A-Yuan upside down and swinging him back and forth while Jin Ling begs for a turn on his other side. “A-Yuan’s his cousin, and he dotes on A-Yu, so it could work out, couldn’t it?”
“Not until he finishes his degree. And he’s got a job lined up after that, so there wouldn’t be any point,” Jiang Cheng shrugs. Wei Wuxian and his siblings all went to college, graduating with degrees in dance performance, mechanical engineering, and economics, in order of age—but then the fire came along and ruined everything about a year before he and Jiang Cheng were set to graduate, and all the three of them wanted to do after that was spend as much time together as they possibly could, so they ended up opening the bakery instead. “And we don’t know anyone else well enough.”
“Well, something will turn up,” Yanli soothes him, tiptoeing up to kiss his forehead and then Wei Wuxian’s before lifting A-Ling into her arms. “Promise me you’ll get some rest, A-Cheng. And A-Xian, you have to promise, too.”
“We promise,” they say dutifully, before watching her leave with her husband and son.
Letting her go doesn’t seem half so bad these days, since they know how loved she is at home, and that she’s always going to come back to them in the morning.
“She’s right, you know,” Jiang Cheng sighs, after a long pause. “We really do need to get some new staff, or we’ll run ourselves into the ground.”
“I’ll start making ads tomorrow night,” Wei Wuxian promises, sending A-Yuan upstairs for his afternoon nap and dearly wishing he could go have a nap, too. “Let’s get through the rest of the day, and then I’ll put in a call to the printers’ so we can put up flyers.”
As it turns out, however, the answer to their quandary comes about two hours later, after Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng put the “closed” signs in all the windows and shutter the blinds behind them. Jiang Cheng is just about to unroll the blinds on the reinforced glass doors when he takes in a sharp breath and shouts for Wei Wuxian, who comes rolling out of the dining room in five seconds flat before trotting over to stand beside him.
“Is it just me,” he says, “or is there someone staring at me outside?”
Wei Wuxian looks. There definitely is someone outside, dressed in shabby, misshapen clothes and holding a dark little bundle to his chest, and that someone looks more than a bit familiar.
Almost, he realizes, like a certain long-absent member of his family, from whom he has not heard anything in the past two years save for three very hurried phone calls.
“No way,” he breathes, unlocking the door and running out into the street just in time for the someone to fall straight into his arms and burst into tears. “Xingchen!”
#wangxian#the untamed#mo dao zu shi#nielan#chengqing#wen qing#wei wuxian#jiang cheng#jiang yanli#jin zixuan#my fic#modern au#wuxian versus world: bakery style
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Christopher probably showing off his dads at his school's bake sale and raising the most money in his class.
we all have a hunger on AO3
When Buck’s phone rang on a Sunday morning, he had barely said ‘hello’ before he was steamrolled by the tiniest little force of nature in Los Angeles.
“Buck, Daddy and I need your help. It’s an emergency.”
“Chris, what’s going on? Are you okay? I’ll get my keys, I can be there in—“
“Wait, Chris, no, give me the phone!”
Buck was half out of bed, half dressed, and frantically looking for his keys when Eddie finally took over the phone, nearly hanging up in his haste. “Buck, no, there’s no emergency. Everything is totally fine, we’re fine.”
Buck froze halfway down the stairs, eyes narrowing suspiciously as he pulled his phone away from his head to finish pulling his shirt on. “See, that sounds like something a hostage would say, you’re really not helping your case here Eddie—“
“We are fine.” Eddie insisted, clearing his throat as Chris loudly voiced his disagreement in the background. “We’re just… baking. Chris has a bake sale tomorrow at his school, it’s one of their annual fundraisers. There’s a bake sale, and I’m making brownies, and we’re doing fine.”
Buck resumed dressing as soon as Eddie mentioned the work ‘bake’—it may not have been a true emergency, but he knew enough to know that anything involving Eddie with an oven was a mess and a half, waiting to happen. He hummed, pocketing his keys as he closed his door behind him, already making his way to the garage. “Well, I love baking. Maddie taught me everything she knows. Mind if I swing by and join you?”
Buck knew that Eddie still struggled with asking for help when he needed it—especially when he was asking someone outside of the Diaz crew—but thankfully, Buck knew how to work around that. He had learned early on that the best way to ease any guilt that Eddie might feel where Chris was involved was to completely reshape the question. In this case, it was easy; Eddie was no longer asking for help with one of Chris’ activities, Buck was asking to join them.
Even then, he heard Eddie hesitate. “Well… I mean, I don’t want to take up your Sunday, but—“
“Eddie, you’re not going to seriously deprive me of spending time with Chris, are you?” Buck said, his voice teasing as he slid into his car, delighted to hear Eddie laughing on the other end of the line.
“No, I wouldn’t dare. We’ll see you soon. Drive safe, okay?”
After a quick pit stop at Foods Co., Buck pushed through Eddie’s front door easily, arms laden with grocery bags. Chris was the first to greet him, his high pitched joy never failing to warm his heart. Dumping his bags on the kitchen counter (and looking away from the burned remains of… something in a pan), he scooped Chris into his arms, dutifully ignoring Chris’ cry of “Buuuuck, stoooop!” until he was basically a giggling mess.
Setting Chris back down, Buck was all smiles as he approached a very defeated looking Eddie in the kitchen, giving him a quick kiss of his own. “Hey, come on, cheer up. It’s basically impossible to bake in a bad mood.” Buck said, pulling Eddie into his arms easily. “Now, how about I break open the family recipe book and show you and Chris how to make the world famous Buckley Cheesecake Brownies?”
Halfway through the Pixar movie of Chris’ choice, Eddie had a third batch of cheesecake brownies cooling in the fridge, and Buck had Eddie tucked under his arm on the couch. He was basically on cloud nine, riding out a pleasant sugar buzz, feeling supremely comfortable in his own skin, though he knew that was more his proximity to Eddie than anything else.
His attention strayed from the… caterpillars? Grasshoppers? He honestly couldn’t follow what was going on, but it didn’t matter as Eddie culled closer up to him, angling his head up to press another kiss to Buck’s lips, voice low as they broke apart.
“Thanks for today, Buck. We… I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Buck smiled, a small, soft look that was strictly reserved for his Diaz boys, arms tightening around Eddie’s middle as he buried his nose in Eddie’s hair, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head as Eddie’s head rest on his chest.
“Yeah, Eddie, you could have. And you would have, you’d do anything for Chris, and I know that. But you don’t have to do it alone.”
Let it be known that Eddie Diaz was a fucking snack.
Buck knew it. The 118 knew it. Hell, even Carla knew it.
And the gaggle of moms milling through Chris’ school gymnasium? Well, they definitely knew it. And if they didn’t? Buck was 100% there to remind them.
He had all but insisted on joining Eddie and Chris to the bake sale on Monday, not even bothering with excuses, just happily loading Chris up into Eddie’s truck before he slid into the passengers seat himself. He wasn’t going to pass up the chance at scoring some new recipes, first of all, and second of all, he absolutely loved seeing Eddie in full dad mode. And there was no better place to see Eddie in dad mode than in the gymnasium of an elementary school.
Eddie in full on dad mode was fucking hot, okay? Sue him.
Once they had set up Chris’ booth—with a full banner Chris had insisted on painting himself, two tiered display tables stacked high with cheesecake brownies, and a place to make donations to the school, like every other booth had. They may not have been able to keep any of the money they raised, but Chris had more than enough incentive—the booth that got the most donations won their entire class a pizza party. Thankfully, Chris was adorable, and Buck had a secret weapon in his arsenal… the insistence that Eddie wear his LAFD tee shirt, turnout pants, and used an overturned fireman helmet as Chris’ donation bowl. He wasn’t a fool, okay? He knew that the competition was real.
So… he may or may not have had slightly less-than-altruistic intentions when he slipped away from the booth, kissing both Eddie and Chris on their foreheads with the excuse of scoping out the competition as he started to make the rounds.
He was having the absolute time of his life, slipping easily in and out of conversation, his worn henley and comfortable jeans better than any disguise as he eavesdropped, making fast friends and faster business as he made his way around the gym.
“I don’t know, I saw her tossing a few treat boxes into the dumpster outside. You think those cookies are store bought?”
”Oh, I’d steer clear. I think Maria might have mixed up salt and sugar. I mean, I donated of course, but save your tongue.”
“I just think it’s so great, the things that he does with his son. A single dad and a firefighter to boot?”
Obviously, as much fun as sabotage was, Buck’s real talent was talking up Eddie and Chris.
“Honestly, I feel so lucky to even know them. Chris is such a great kid, and Eddie really does go above and beyond.”
It was so much fun because he wasn’t even lying. He got to be as exaggerated and over the top as he wanted—whenever he got a little over the top with Chris, he was usually cut off by a pained groan and an adorable, blushing boy. Whenever he tried to get in depth with Eddie, well, Buck could barely get a few words out before Eddie found a much better use for his lips than talking (with his own adorable blush).
“The last fire we were in, Eddie singlehandedly saved a mother and son who were stuck beneath some debris. He’s an all around hero.”
He was talking now, though—and he had an entirely different approach planned out, depending on his audiences. For all the single moms, easily identified as those who couldn’t take their eyes off of Eddie? All he had to do was mention the word “fireman” and he had them eating out of the palm of his hand; and more importantly, racing over to buy a brownie.
For the parents who were more focused on cooing over the kids at the booths, well, Buck had a trick up his sleeve for them, too—it was as easy as pulling out his phone, scrolling through any number of the photos he had taken the night prior. His personal favorite was one of Chris, eyes bright with laughter, a blob of brownie batter at the end of his nose. He didn’t have to say anything—as soon as they saw that, they were shoving money into Eddie’s helmet.
Eddie looked more and more pleasantly confused as the morning carried on, but Chris looked absolutely delighted, and that was all that mattered as far as Buck was concerned.
“Wait, Buck, wait. You’re telling me you actually conned donations out of people by showing them pictures of Chris?”
Eddie had tears, literal tears in his eyes as he tried to inhale, gripping his half full beer bottle like a lifeline as he wheezed. Buck probably should have looked a little bashful, but Eddie’s laughter was too good to ignore, warming him from the inside out.
The parents had been thoroughly thanked and sent home before lunchtime, and Buck had taken no small pleasure in peppering Chris with kisses before Eddie pulled him out of the gym. They had both taken full advantage of their weekday off—namely, by napping and watching terrible daytime television—and Chris had barely made it a half hour after dinner before the day (and the sugar rush) caught up with him, crashing hard as Buck carried him to bed.
“Hey, Chris won the pizza party for his class, and trust me, that is a one way ticket to be the most popular kid in class. And I wasn’t lying, some of those cookies were store bought—everyone else in his grade can suck it.” Was it mature? No. But Buck stood by it. He was team Chris, ride or die.
“Buck, you can’t say ‘suck it’ about a bunch of kids.” Eddie tried to get out, but he was laughing again, leaning heavily against the wall for support as he clinked bottles with Buck. He still couldn’t believe how lucky he was, to get to be in Eddie’s space like this—so easily bumping shoulders and elbows and touching so casually, physical signs of affection that Buck had never allowed himself before. Eddie finally got a hold of himself as Buck pushed some of the curls back from his forehead, leaning into the touch easily, his expression nothing short of heart-eyes.
“Well, thank you for saving me from myself yesterday. And, of course, for cracking open the family recipes to help Chris and his school.” Buck blushed again as he sputtered on his mouthful of beer, struggling to swallow, looking up as Eddie cleared his throat.
“It, uh, I found that recipe on the internet.” He said, chewing on his lip, suddenly feeling a little nervous as Eddie smiled at him—and if Buck didn’t know better, he could swear that there was a pink tint to his cheeks..
“Well… I mean, it could be a family recipe now. After all, we made it together, you me and Chris… right?”
Buck’s eyes blew out wide as Eddie laced their fingers together. He hated the way that Eddie’s voice tilted at the end, like he was unsure of himself, and Buck literally had no choice but to pull Eddie into his arms, erasing any doubt from his mind. He had already known that Eddie would be it for him—that he and Chris were the best thing that he was ever going to get, that he would rather die than give this up, but hearing Eddie call them a family?
Holy fuck, Buck was in love.
#eddie diaz#evan buckley#chris diaz#i would die for christopher diaz#no doubt#soft eddie#soft buck#just so fucking soft omg#buddie#911#flospeaks#floreplies#Anonymous
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Ten Things V
Summary: If there’s one thing you have to know about Harvey Kinkle, it’s that he rarely thinks things through. So when he meets (and falls for) Sabrina Spellman on his first day of Baxter High and finds out that she can’t date anyone until her tempestuous sister does, it seems like the obvious solution is to get someone to date her so he can go out with Sabrina. A not so obvious choice for the challenge is Caliban, but, hey, it’s not like Harvey thought that far.
Masterlist Prev. | Part 5
Word-count: 3.1k+
A/N: sorry for the delay girls and gays (and nonbinary pals) but i finally got accepted into uni so i left the house yesterday for the first time in three months lmao 💕
Harvey had been on cloud nine ever since he dropped Sabrina home after that party. Sure it had only been a few hours ago, but still. He was so incredibly, idiotically happy that nothing could ruin his mood. His dad being pissed at him for coming home late rolled right off his back. Tommy needing the truck and him having to walk to the diner just didn’t matter. All that mattered was that Sabrina kissed him.
Even waiting for Caliban when he was fifteen minutes late didn’t matter. Harvey just replayed last night in his head and the time flew by.
Caliban threw his stuff down in the booth before collapsing in. “Why are you doing that with your face?” The fact that he bumped the table and almost spilled Harvey’s drink didn’t bother him. Neither did the scowl on Caliban's face.
Harvey frowned slightly. “What am I doing with my face?”
“Well, it’s a bit better now,” Caliban said, stealing one of Harvey’s fries and munching it with a fury. “You were smiling.”
“Is smiling bad?”
“When it makes you like an idiot, yes.”
“Oh.” Caliban’s horrible mood didn’t matter. Harvey told himself that Caliban just wasn’t a morning person. Or an afternoon person. Or even really a night time person. But Harvey persisted. “It’s just ‘cause I had a really good night.”
Caliban rolled his eyes ever so slightly as he reached over for Harvey’s milkshake. He took a slurp from the straw before saying, “You and Blondie made up, I take it?”
“She asked for a ride home,” Harvey said before Caliban had even finished his sentence. “And at first I didn’t want to help because I was so mad but you should have seen her, man. I couldn’t not help her. So, I drove her home and then we stopped and I just started telling her about how shitty it was to be used and all this other stuff and then she kissed me.”
Caliban didn’t say anything as he stared at a baby a few tables over who was stuffing their face with mashed apples. When Harvey didn’t say anything for a while, Caliban eventually looked over at him. “Where'd she kiss you?”
“In the car!”
“No, I meant-” Caliban sighed and shook his head. He held up a hand and gave Harvey a tired smile. “Never mind. I’m happy for you Harvey, truly.”
“Thanks, man!” Harvey said cheerily before ordering another milkshake from the waitress and Caliban asked her to make it two. He turned back to Caliban with his almost permanent smile and asked, “So how did your night go?”
Caliban snorted and finished what was left of Harvey’s original milkshake. When Harvey didn’t respond again, he sighed and said, “She hates me because I didn’t want to make out with her in front of her house when she was a drunken mess.”
“What? You can’t know that she hates you,” Harvey said quickly. He scurried to sit up straighter and reached out to Caliban.
Caliban dug his phone out of his pocket and slid it over to Harvey, open on the chat between the two of you, with your last text being sent at 2am and reading: YOU’RE A REPUGNANT ASS AND I DIDN’T WANT TO KISS YOU ANYWAY.
“Oh,” Harvey said softly, locking the phone and sliding it back over to a very dejected-looking Caliban. “I mean, she didn’t say exactly that she hated you.”
“Harvey, I’m pretty sure that her calling me a repugnant ass means that she hates me,” Caliban said, rolling his eyes and reaching for where his cigarettes used to live. He cursed when he realized they weren’t there.
“Well, she called me the dumbest boy scout in the troupe but she punched Billy in the mouth when he said I was stupid,” Harvey said with a shrug after he thanked the waitress for the new milkshakes. “So maybe calling you a repugnant ass means that she really cares about you but doesn’t want to admit it.”
Caliban was quiet, seemingly mulling it over. Then, with no warning, he snatched up his new milkshake and angrily started drinking it.
“But, uh-” Harvey shifted uncomfortably in his seat. It felt the moment for asking had passed but he couldn't help himself. “You’re still gonna ask her to prom, right?” The glare Caliban shot at him blew Harvey straight off cloud nine. “It’s just that I really wanna take Brina to prom, you know, and she can’t go if her sister doesn’t and-”
“If I say that I’ll try, will you stop talking?” Caliban asked. Harvey didn’t want to risk it, so he nodded quickly. “Fine then. I’ll ask.”
“Seriously? Dude, you are the best friend I’ve ever-” Caliban threw a fry at him and Harvey stifled a laugh. “Okay, okay, no more talking. You got it.”
Caliban seemed content and went back to glaring at the very messy baby across from him.
“But, uh, one last thing?” Harvey asked quietly. He held up a napkin that he’d fastened to a straw to show surrender. “A wise man once told me ‘people eat that cute affectionate shit up.’ I think you should keep that in mind?”
“Is that all, oh wise one?” Caliban asked. Harvey nodded and took a sip of his milkshake. “Fine. I’ll take it under consideration.”
Caliban had already made up his mind about fixing things with you, but - now that Nicholas Scratch had found him in the street and started harassing him - he had second thoughts. Not about you (you were a perfect pain in the ass; nothing could change his mind about you) but about the whole situation. He didn’t want to ask you out if it meant Nicholas Scratch could benefit.
“Come on, man, you’ve gotta do this,” Nicholas said for the millionth time. “You’re the only person that can stomach her.”
Caliban wondered how many times he’d have to hit Nicholas’ head before it made a dent in his hair gel. His skull seemed more malleable.
“Better yet: You’re the only one that can make her act like a human being,” Nicholas said. He let out a long breath when Caliban’s only response was to glare at him. “Fine. How much is gonna take?”
“Excuse me?”
“How much money is it gonna take for you to do this?” Nicholas dug his wallet out of his pockets. “You said three hundred a few weeks ago but that was before you knew she's literally Satan incarnate, so I’m guessing you want more?”
“Listen here, I don’t-”
“I’ll give you five hundred dollars right now if you agree to take her to prom.”
Caliban’s resolve faltered. Five hundred dollars was a lot of money. It could really help out with his uncle’s medical bills. Caliban’s jaw tightened as he thought about it. If he was already planning on asking you out, was the added money really that bad?
Nicholas patted Caliban’s arm as he handed him the money. “Don’t feel bad, man. Everybody’s got a price.”
You spent most of the day after the party being in an even worse mood than you usually were, alternating between throwing up and eating anything and everything that Hilda baked, and Sabrina constantly bubbling over with stories about her and Harvey didn’t help your mood. Seeing as you’d thrown up more than you’d like, you locked yourself in your room until you had to leave for school on Monday.
You left while Sabrina was still asleep so you didn’t have to listen to her perfect stories about her perfect life on the decidedly not perfect drive to school. With the music turned all the way up and empty streets keeping you company, it was easy to drown out most of your bitterness. Your more-or-less of a good mood soured when you saw Caliban in the parking lot.
He was just as annoyingly good looking as he was at the costume party, just not in the flowy white shirt anymore. Today he was dressed in a yellow ringer shirt with gray accents, his practically permanent leather jacket, beat-up converse, and a pair of irritating black jeans. To top it all off, he didn’t look like he’d spent the weekend throwing up or like he had a pounding headache. The bastard.
Ordinarily, you would have tried to hit him with your car, but Caliban was already safely inside the school doors by the time your engine had switched back on. After some light profanities, you gathered your things and prepared yourself for yet another mundane day at Baxter High.
Luckily, everyone must have sensed the thundercloud over your head because they stayed out of your way more than usual. Thanks to the added space, things were actually looking up by the time you got to the library for lunch.
And then came the first flower.
He cut through your warning with his winning, boy-next-door smile and set a single red carnation on your table. “Chill. It’s not from me,” Harvey teased. He seemed caught off-guard by your silence. He drummed on the table. “See you around.”
As if that wasn’t suspicious enough, Harvey disappeared just as quickly as he’d arrived, and you barely had time to pick at the carnation’s edges before the next one showed up. The guy bringing this one was smaller, more unsure, but just as cute as Harvey was. And he had better hair.
“It’s Theo, right?” you asked, looking up from the red carnation in his hand.
“You know my name?” Theo asked. Oh man, if messing with Harvey was fun then this adorable kid was going to be something else.
“Only if I’m right.” You reached out to take the carnation from him before he combusted. “Are you going to tell me what all this is about?”
Theo tilted his head to the side as he took a few steps back. He had some nerve. “Are you gonna beat me up if I don’t?”
And he was gone before you had a chance to come up with something witty. Clearly, all the alcohol from the party had rotted your brain cells and made you lose your touch, and it was pissing you off. Just like the string of nerds who kept coming up to your table and leaving you with more and more red carnations.
You’d made up your mind to kick the teeth in of the next person who gave you a flower when a very familiar voice took over the PA system and tv screens.
“For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Caliban and I really, really messed things up with a girl.” He was sitting on his usual bench near the soccer fields, squinting slightly in the sun. He scratched his forehead for a moment. How did he hijack the systems? “She won’t take my calls or answer any of my texts, so I had to get creative. Apologies for those of you who really buzz one off to lunch-time announcements but- oh shit.” Then, to the person behind the camera: “Can you follow me?”
Whoever was behind the camera must have said yes because soon they were both running for the bleachers. Judging by shoes and laughter, the cameraman was Harvey, and - judging by the blurring shots behind them - they were being followed by Hawthorne and the basketball coach. Despite your best attempts not to, you felt yourself smile.
“I’m afraid I have to cut my monologue short and get straight to the embarrassing crap- No, that first bit wasn’t embarrassing, you piece of shit. At least I don’t kiss people on the top of their fucking-”
The video cut off briefly and when it returned, Caliban and Harvey were running again.
“We’re back? Great.” Caliban stopped for a moment and turned, grabbing onto the camera and steadying it for a moment. He had bits of gold in his eyes. Asshole. “I’m sorry. Here goes my attempt at making it up to you, princess.”
Caliban paused briefly, taking a breath, and then launching into a rendition of Frank Sinatra’s I love you. You had to admit, it was pretty impressive how he kept singing despite simultaneously outrunning the authorities chasing him down. But still, you were pissed. A song didn’t change the fact that he-
Oh, no. Harvey went down. Caliban helped him up but it slowed them down too much and now Hawthorne and the others right on top of them. The camera shut off right after Caliban told you to call him (with an annoying, butterfly inducing wink) and Hawthorne told him to shut up.
You were laughing before you could stop yourself, and you were still smiling embarrassingly when Sabrina slid into the seat across from you and placed another red carnation on your table. She smiled sweetly and gave you a moment to settle into your familiar scowl.
“So are you going to forgive him?” Sabrina asked.
You crossed your arms and leaned back in your chair. “Because he gave me some flowers and sang me a song?”
“Because he got you an entire flower shop and got detention for the rest of the semester,” Sabrina said in her ‘you know I’m right so just listen to me’ voice. If she wasn’t your sister, you might have punched her.
Still, you considered it. The punching, not the forgiving.
“He didn’t actually say he was sorry,” you said lamely.
“Sorry for not kissing you after you got drunk out of your mind and threw up on him?”
No, for leading you on. For being there while you were sloppy and vulnerable and then rejecting you. If that wasn't enough, he rejected you after you spilled your guts to him in that god-awful car of his.
“Caliban seems like a pretty good guy underneath that leather jacket,” Sabrina said in a more gentle voice as she reached out for your hand. When you didn’t meet her halfway, she settled for picking up one of the carnations and standing up. She walked around the table to stand in front of you. “And, believe it or not-” she tucked the carnation behind your ear and smiled “-I think you deserve a good guy.”
You tightened your jaw and looked at the table. “You just want to go to prom with Harvey.”
“That too,” Sabrina said with a smaller smile. She patted your shoulder and disappeared into the depths of the library, leaving you alone with your two dozen red carnations and even more staring teens.
After being berated for his lack of respect for authority and blatant abuse of school resources, Caliban was forced through the rest of the school day and locked in a classroom with about fifteen other ‘hoodlums’ and Wardwell. The hoodlums were told to keep to themselves, and Wardwell typed away at her computer.
As boring as it was, the thought of you chewing out each and every kid he had deliver flowers to you was a comfort. He wondered how you took the broadcast, if you even saw the broadcast. You had to have seen it though, right? It was everywhere. And it was pretty hard to ignore. But if you were still mad at him, you definitely would have left after five seconds.
Although Caliban still had an allotted hour and twenty-three minutes to wonder if you’d given his little stint the time of day, he was snapped out of his thoughts by the door creaking open behind him. He turned slightly to see you, very awkwardly, making your way up to Wardwell with a red carnation in your hair.
Caliban smiled.
“Ms. Spellman,” Wardwell said with her usual empty smile. “You’re late.”
“Oh, no. I don’t have detention,” you said. As Wardwell checked something on her computer, you turned to Caliban and nodded your head towards the window.
Caliban frowned slightly, tilting his head. Were you organizing a jailbreak for him? Uncharacteristic but charming.
“Then why are you here?” Wardwell asked, turning her attention back to you.
“I, uh-” You scratched your head and nodded towards the window again. “I had some questions about the English assignment.”
“Which are?”
If it wasn’t so painful watching you blunder through this, Caliban might have actually enjoyed this. Nevertheless, he started sliding out of his seat and heading for the window.
“Uh, I don’t get why everyone thinks Elizabeth is a jerk for rejecting Darcy the first time,” you said. “I mean, he was just a total ass- jerk. He was a jerk to her and then basically called her an idiot for rejecting him.”
Wardwell started turning back to the computer - where she would clearly see that Caliban wasn’t where he was supposed to be when you slammed your hands on the desk. Wardwell looked like a deer caught in headlights and Caliban stifled a laugh.
“But that���s not what I’m here to talk about!” You grabbed Wardwell’s arms and pulled her to her feet. “I’m here because of some really nasty graffiti in the girls’ bathroom. Like really, horrendous stuff. Like, okay, yeah, some of it is quotes about stuff I’ve said to Billy, and I’ll admit that they’re a bit graphic but I didn’t write them on the walls, you know? I just say them-”
Caliban wasn’t sure how long you kept going on after he snuck out the window, but it certainly took you a long time to meet him in the parking lot. And thanks to him being new and reformed, he couldn’t even smoke to pass the time.
When you eventually did meet him, you didn't look quite as pissed off as usual but you were definitely still annoyed. You poked Caliban in the chest as you stormed up to him, the flower wobbling slightly as you did. “You owe me,” you told him. “Wardwell made me show her the graffiti in the bathroom and asked which quotes were mine.”
“It’s not my fault the people find your witticisms endearing,” Caliban said with a smile. You didn’t say anything as you huffed and leaned against the bike rack next to him with a huff. “But thank you for the prison break. It was appreciated.”
“It better be goddamn appreciated,” you mumbled.
Caliban laughed and turned to look at you. “I’ll admit, I wasn’t even sure if I could expect you to call me.”
“I didn’t have a pen,” you said with a shrug, not looking at him.
"You didn't have a pen?" Caliban asked.
"I may have deleted your number after calling you a repugnant ass and you responded with 'so you're still thinking about my ass?'" You looked over at him with another shrug. "Not my fault."
Caliban smiled down at you. "No, definitely not."
You clenched your jaw slightly and pressed yourself off the bike rack. “You wanna get out of here before they figure out you’re gone, Sparky?”
Part 6
Tagged: @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @miss--moose @marrypuffsstuff @harryscarolinaa @igorsbby @foji2000 @hxlalokidottir @artaxerxesthegreat @thxmagic @strawberriesandknives @xealia @hotmessindisguise @acciomaximoff @reheated-coffee @shelby-x @perseny-blog @millie-753 @luneerius @shizzybarnaclee @lettherebelovex @throughparisallthroughrome @ietss @thebookwormlife @mechanicalanimalz @mariamermaid @nqbmf @caliban-is-my-girl @shephard17895 @music-movies @andie-kathleen @clockworks-world-to-fandoms @luquincy @marina468 @olivia-west-allen @drrramaaaqweeen @roxytheimmortal
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Yandere Villain Izuku x Reader part 2.
Part one is something I wrote a few months ago when I first started my blog! I got a request to post part two, but if you weren’t some of the few who read part one Here it is right here! ---> Part 1
“Wow another date?” I was hoping to sneak out without my Aunt seeing me. I forced a smile on my face and turned to see her standing in her bath robe. “What? No, I’m just meeting a friend.” I shrugged and clutched my purse a little tighter. “Oh is that right?” She paced over to me and grinned. She grabbed my zipper on my coat and tugged it down. “Meeting a friend in such a formal outfit?” This was the nicest dress I’ve ever owned. I didn’t buy it or pick it out. Izuku sent it to my specifically for tonight. It was a brighter emerald green, silk, it was tight and went down to right above my knee. It had spaghetti straps, and it showed off the best part of my curves. “You’ve been sneaking out late at night every day for two weeks. Who’s the lucky guy?” She smoothed out some of the material on my dress. “This looks expensive, how did you afford this?” She smiled and gave my outfit more inspection. “Alright fine, you caught me.” I rolled my eyes and smiled back.
“A really lovely, luxurious man came into the flower shop. He’s been taking me all around the city to some really amazing places.” She gasped and covered her mouth. “Did he buy you this? What kind of places?” She grabbed my small purse and looked at the design. “This is also super expensive!” Her excitement faded and she handed the bag back to me. “Usually when men spoil you so much right away they, uhm.” She pursed her lips and bobbed her head back and forth like she was bouncing her choice of words around in her mind. “They expect something from you.” She said carefully. “He’s not like that, he’s been amazing. A perfect gentleman.” My frustration started to grow. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall, the car he sent should be here any second. “Listen I have to go now. He’s hosting an event for his associates tonight.”
“How are you getting there?” She had her arms crossed now. “It’s almost 11pm!”
“He’s sending someone to pick me up. It’s not like I’m walking around like this! Can you just relax please?” I sighed and turned the door knob. “Don’t wait up alright?” My aunt followed me out into the hall and to the elevator. “I want to see this car. I have a really weird feeling about all of this.” I didn’t argue, but this is why I didn’t mention anything. I may be new to this country, but I’m not an idiot. I walked ahead of her ad outside. A long black limousine was parked and running. “Oh my god...” She whispered under her breath. The driver opened the back door for me, to my surprise Izuku was actually sitting in the back seat. He was wearing an all black suit, it was well fitting. His tie was a darker green then mine, and the only color in his outfit. “Hello my darling, you look beautiful as usual.” I took a seat next to him and the driver shut the door. I rolled the window down to wave to my aunt. She walked to the side of the limo and bent down a bit to see inside. “Well now who is this?” Izuku said sweetly.
“Hi, I’m Y/N’s Aunt... I just came outside to see what was going on is all...” She spoke softly, her eyes squinting at Izuku. “Well you kids have fun tonight... Please bring her back safely.” She left with a wave, turning around one more time before going all the way back inside.
“Sorry about that Izuku, she’s a little protective of me.” I rolled the window back up and scooted closer to him. He took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles. I love the details on his arms, light scarring over his wrists adding a bit of character to an otherwise flawless man. “That makes two of us. She seems like a nice lady.”
“I’m a little nervous for tonight, are you sure you want to introduce me to all of your work friends?” I resisted chewing on my lip, not wanting to ruin my lipgloss. “They’re more like employee’s, but of course. I want my entire world to know that I have the most lovely...” He trailed off a bit. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” He looked my in the eyes and held both of my hands tightly. “I want to ask you to be mine.”
I smiled and shook my head yes. “Oh Izuku, of course I’ll be your girlfriend. I love spending time with you.” I giggled and kissed his cheek. He smiled for a moment and then his face had a more serious glare to it. “Y/N, I need complete devotion. Loyalty is the most important thing to me...” He put a hand on my cheek and cradled my face. “From the moment I saw you I knew you were special, but I need to hear from you that you will be loyal to me, 100%.” I blinked a few times, giving him a look of light confusion. “Yes Izuku, I don’t want to be with anyone else. I’ll be loyal, I promise.” He put his other hand on my face as well and pulled me close to him. Giving me a sweet, gentle kiss on my lips. My heart fluttered, our first kiss was spontaneous and in the moment, my favorite kind of gesture.
He pulled away and I laid my head on his shoulder, we enjoyed the ride across town in silence. Smiling and stealing kisses from each other, the only noises I could help but make were soft giggles at his tickling touches.
We pulled up to a very busy hotel. “Take a deep breath and keep that beautiful smile on your face, doll.” I nodded my head that I understood.
People poured out of the lobby level casino, drunk, noisey and in very formal attire. People gasped and stopped their conversation when Izuku got out of the limo. He walked around the vehicle, taking me by the hand and helping me step out onto a red carpet. Camera’s suddenly started flashing, people yelled for his attention but kept their distance. Several large and threatening looking men met us half way to the entrance, surrounding us and pushing people away, giving us space. I held onto his arm tightly, trying to smile but suddenly feeling very overwhelmed. Izuku leaned into my ear and whispered to me. “Keep breathing love, you’re doing great.” He waved to the crowd and smiled.
Why are there so many paparazzi?
Inside the lobby was a bit better, we didn’t stop to talk to anyone that was standing around. We walked through the party goers who stepped quickly out of our way. Security was letting in a line of people to a gorgeous ballroom, Izuku’s body guards lead us directly to the door. The security guards opened a velvet rope and we stepped inside.
People danced under flashing colorful lights. The music was blaring, shaking the entire room. Izuku nodded to his guards who spread out across the room, leaving us alone. “Care for a drink?” He asked directly in my ear so I can hear him. I nodded my head and we walked away from the crowd to a closed off room guarded by even more security. The room was dark and people sat on leather couches and chatted instead of danced. Classical type of music played from a speaker, next to a private bartender. He snapped his fingers and a waiter brought us two glasses of champagne. Izuku sat down in a large arm chair and patted his leg with his free. “Come here love, sit on my lap.” I blushed and took a sip of my champagne. “I-izuku there’s people watching..” I said quietly over the rim of my glass. “Do as your told darling. I want everyone to see my beautiful girl...” He peered at me with hungry eyes. I couldn’t help but smile, every word he say’s feels like honey in my ears. I took a seat on his muscular leg and sat perched with a straight back. He placed a hand on my lower back, his thumb resting at the base of my spine.
“Midoryia!” A man approached the two of us with a large smile. “I’ve been looking for you all evening! Where have you been?” The man held his hands in front of him, clasped in front of his belly. He held onto his own fingers with white knuckles, a bead of sweat gathered at the base of his hair line. “I had to run a few errands... Did you need something?” Izuku looked lightly disinterested, sipping his drink casually. He played with the fabric on my dress, more occupied with looking at my body than listening to the man. It was painfully obvious, I shifted a bit uncomfortable, trying to not make eye contact with the man. “I uhm, heard you wanted to speak with me. I was on one of your projects in Tokyo.” Izuku broke away from looking at me and glared at the man. “Ah, Ito-san. I did want to speak to you.” He sighed and lifted his hand from my back and put it on my neck, playing with my loose hair with a light smile. “Luckily you’ve caught me at a good time.” He gulped down the rest of his wine and someone rushed to take the empty glass from his hand. He looked at the man from his feet to his head. He snapped his fingers and three men wearing dark gray suits with strange blue scales for skin came to his side. “Could you please help my friend here? I’m busy.” He waved his hand and the guards swept the the sweaty man away. He protested, pushing against them. “Wait! I’m still useful, sir! SIR!” Izuku didn’t look his way. He stared dreamily at my face. My eyes glanced towards the commotion, my line of sight breaking away from my date for just a moment. “Ah ah ah, love. Eyes on me.” He gently guided my chin away from the scuffle and held my face looking at him. “Where are they taking that man?” I asked in a whisper. None of the other party goers seemed to notice really, or if they did they surely didn’t care. “Oh my sweet dove, he’s nothing you need to worry about.”
“I’m... I’m a little uncomfortable.” I squirmed a bit in his lap. It felt like a hundred eyes on the back of my head, people stealing quick glances at the two of us. Whispering under their breath.
Izuku looked devastated. His brows furrowed and he pulled me to rest on his chest, holding my head and kissing my forehead. “I’m so sorry love, I should have eased you into my more... extravagant lifestyle. That’s my fault.” I wormed my way out of his strong arms to look at him. “I think I should probably go, I have work in the morning and-”
“No, no don’t be ridiculous.” He spoke sweetly, but something gnawed at the back of my head. “You live all the way across town, and I have a room here.” His fingers curled around my hips digging into my skin. He kissed the nape of my neck and I closed my eyes. His lips sending goosebumps along all of my exposed skin.
The golden elevator doors shut and Izuku swept me into his arms. Slamming his mouth against mine, he pressed me against the back wall of the elevator. He pulled on my hair, making me gasp and grip his shoulders. His mouth trailed along my neck and jaw, showering me in kisses. “My sweet darling, I love you.” He whispered between each connection with my skin. “Y-you do?” I swallowed hard, his strong arms pressing us together tightly, almost squeezing me enough to hinder taking deep breaths. “Yes, I love you with everything in me.”
The elevator door opened to a beautiful penthouse suit. Izuku pulled me into the lavish room, sweeping me off of my feet and pulling me towards the bed. He laid me on my back, the sheets soft and silky. His lips ran over my neck, he almost giggled between kisses he seemed so giddy.
Izuku’s head snapped up suddenly, breaking me from my trance. “Ah, well this is annoying.” He sighed. “Izuku what’s wrong?”
Izuku quickly shoved me to the floor, I rolled off of the bed and hit the ground with a thud. Before I could even yell in protest, the window burst open with an explosion. I crawled under the bed frame and held in a scream. What the hell is happening?
“Well hello Kacchan. Careful about making a mess of things, there’s a civilian in the room.” Izuku’s shining black shoes were directly in front of my eyes. “We finally have you this time, your team of sharks won’t have a way to keep you out of jail. The police are raiding your party down stairs as we speak.” The man spoke with a lot of anger behind his voice. “Where are you hiding your hostage?” He yelled, the other pair of feet stomping closer to Izuku in large black boots. “Hostage? Oh, darling come on out please. I awkwardly shuffled my way out from underneath the bed. Izuku’s strong hands pulled me off the ground and dusted the glass off of my pretty dress. “Kacchan my old friend, this is my darling fiance. Would you like a drink?”
The man standing in the room with us I instantly recognized. Pro hero Ground Zero, a hulking, powerful man stood with furrowed brows. Posters of his face littered the city. “Shut up Deku. You’re under arrest.” Izuku paced over to the hotel bar and started pouring himself a glass of wine. “And for what am I being arrested for this time? Again, are you sure on the drink?”
My heart slammed in my chest, I felt like a rock was stuck in my throat as I just watched the interaction. How is Izuku so calm?
“You’re the gang leader of League of Villains. I’ve traced it all back to you.” He spit on the hotel floor. “I knew you’d never make it as a pro, but to stoop so low-”
Izuku drank the glass of wine with a sly grin. “Are you done ranting? I’m getting bored.”
The blonde man leaped across the room with a growl, slamming Izuku’s head down on the counter. The wine glass he was drinking fell to the floor and shattered. Izuku laughed as Ground Zero placed him in hand cuffs. “Just like old times Kacchan! I’ll never forget all the times you tried to kill me. I’ve miss this-” Ground Zero slammed him against the counter again. “Shut up!”
“Stop! What are you doing?” I was able to break free from my shock and cry out, tears stinging my eyes. “Izuku isn’t a villain!” The hero’s stone cold glare stared me down, keeping me from running to Izuku.
“No worries darling. 3... 2...” Izuku’s eyes flicked over to the penthouse elevator just as the light blinked with the tone, signalling that the doors are about to open. A man with bright red hair stepped into the room with a few uniformed police officers trailing right behind him.
“You have to let him go Bakugo. He’s clean. The whole place is.” The Red Riot, another incredibly famous pro hero. “What do you mean, we had everything completely planned?” Ground Zero screamed at his partner but didn’t let Izuku up. “We swept the entire building. There’s not one thing out of order, and his alibi for the diamond heist completely checks out.”
“If you had simply asked, I would have let you know that I was with my darling over there for the majority of the week. I’m expecting the chief of police will be excited to receive my complaint about brutality.” Ground Zero let Izuku stand up but didn’t remove his cuffs. “Oh shut up Deku. A shove like that didn’t hurt you at all.”
“I’ve been telling you for years Kacchan, I’m the CEO of my own company. I worked hard and honestly to get where I am.” Izuku snapped the handcuffs off of his wrists with little effort. He set the broken metal down on the table and dusted off his suit. “But you’ve always been obsessed with me.”
“That’s it!” The red haired hero jumped between the sparking fist of his explosive partner. “Cool it Katsuki! We’ll get him next time.”
‘No, no you won’t. Because I haven’t done anything wrong.” Izuku was looking over the hero’s shoulder, staring directly at me.
I hadn’t said anything in awhile. Izuku had us driven to a different hotel. I gripped a hot cup of coffee and wore a fuzzy white bathrobe. Izuku sat shirtless next to me on the bed, flipping through T.V. channels before giving up on finding anything interesting. “How was your shower?” He asked sweetly, breaking the silence.
“Are we not going to talk about what just happened?” I said looking down into my cup.
“We can talk about anything you want too. If you have questions I’ll-” I cut him off. “Questions? I just watched you get your head slammed into a counter by the countries top hero. I’m confused and...” My voice cracked a little. “Scared.”
“Oh honey. oh darling come here. I’m so sorry.” He took my coffee and set it down on the nightstand before pulling me into his arms. I rested on his shoulder sort of stiff. “Izuku I want to go home...”
Izuku didn’t say anything, his hand sort of fell off my body. “You want to leave?”
I regretted saying anything almost instantly, the hurt in his voice was very clear. “I think I just need some sleep. I have my shift tomorrow and-”
“Oh!” Izuku cheered up, snuggling in closer to me. “Well I’ll call your boss. I’m sure they’ll be alright with you taking the day to rest after hearing from me. They’re very appreciative of my business.”
“That wasn’t really what I had in mind.”
Izuku pulled the blankets over us and put a hand on my head, holding me close to his body. “No I insist, don’t worry darling. I’ll always take care of you.”
I laid still but I didn’t close my eyes, a heavy unease was sitting in my chest and stomach.
I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into.
#BNHA au#yandere izuku#villain midoriya#villain izuku#yandere villain izuku#my hero yandere#yandere#my hero villain au#midoriya izuku#izuku midoriya#izuku x reader#yandere izuku x reader#bnha villian au
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Losses (Part Three)
Book: Platinum
Ship: M!Raleigh Carrera x MC (Suiko Hono) with hints of M!Avery x MC
Rating: T
A/N: A charity event brings every major player in the game under one roof: Suiko, Raleigh, Avery, and a special guest to add extra drama for the headlines. Suiko struggles with her conflicting feelings as she interacts with Raleigh for the first time since the fight...
Tag List: @lunalixo @furiouscloddonutpeanut @lovedrakewalker @topsyturvy-dream @padfoot0415 @omgjasminesimone @parkerattano @cordoniasmost @poor-bi-choices @msjpuddleduck @mallorycortez @coffeebeandragon @lizeboredom @perriewinklenerdie @greek-elsa
Other Parts: PART ONE - PART TWO
Zadie jerked Suiko’s shoulders. “I said, keep your head straight,” the stylist snapped, speaking around the pins jammed between her lips. How she managed not to cut herself, Suiko would never know.
“Oh, right. Sorry.” She met her own eyes in the mirror. Zadie had really outdone herself for the charity gala tonight. It was an event to bring attention to climate change, and clearly that had been the inspiration for her dress.
It was full length and dark green silk. A sweetheart neckline cut across her collarbone, where a vintage emerald and pearl necklace settled. The sleeves wrapped around her upper arms, ringed with gold. The bodice of the dress pulled in tight on her waist, embroidered with beautiful gold gilded leaves and sewn with pearls. The leaf designs flowed down the full skirt of the gown, creating the illusion of a cascade of foliage and precious gems towards the floor.
It might be the loveliest dress she’d ever worn.
Currently, Zadie was adding finishing touches: pearl earrings to match her necklace, hidden pins to hold back the elegant barrel curls of her hair, an extra dab of blush on each cheek.
Suiko really, really wanted to be excited about the fantastic outfit. But all that hung in the back of her mind was the fact that Raleigh and Avery would be at the gala. In the same room.
It was a terrible thought.
She caught Zadie’s eye in the mirror, and the other woman gave her an impatient answer-my-statement-please look.
“What?” Suiko said stupidly.
“I said, when you’re on the red carpet, hold out the folds of the dress so the cameras get a look at the embroidery,” her stylist answered shortly. “You’re even spacier than usual. Trouble in paradise?”
“Just...” she trailed off.
Zadie sniffed. “Yeah, I know. Raleigh and Avery and all of this angst and shit. At least that means the pictures of you will be posted everywhere for sure.” Catching Suiko’s eye again, her tone softened slightly. “If you need to hide during the event, I’ll help you.”
“Thanks,” Suiko mumbled.
The door to the room swung open. “Your date has arrived,” said a familiar voice.
Avery stood in the doorway, smiling softly. Only a shadow of his black eye remained, but that thought disappeared from her mind when she took him in completely. It was immediately obvious that they had been styled to match. He was wearing a suit of green just one shade darker than her dress, a matching tie with golden embroidery similar to hers, and a pin inlaid with pearls.
They looked like a couple.
Sensing her hesitation, he gave an apologetic nod. “Fiona’s idea.”
Suiko could feel Zadie’s eyes on her. Waiting to see her reaction. “It’s a beautiful set,” was all she said. It was worth it. Zadie actually smiled.
Avery stepped forwards and offered her his arm. “Our ride awaits,” he announced, thickening his accent in a cartoony way.
He was trying to cheer her up. And why shouldn’t she let him?
Suiko stood and looped her arm through his. “Thank you, Zadie,” she said.
“If you stain it, I’ll kill you,” Zadie replied cheerfully.
The ride was Avery’s limo. As they approached the vehicle, the window rolled down to reveal Hank. When he caught sight of them, he let out a loud gasp and removed his sunglasses.
“Is this what it’s like to send your daughter off to prom?” he asked, and dabbed at his eye with his sleeve.
“I don’t think most dads drive the limo to prom,” Suiko answered, clambering into the back. Avery followed her, helping all of the fabric of her skirt make it safely into the limo.
Hank smiled fondly. “Lucky you!”
They began driving. Avery handed her an empty glass. “Care for a drink?”
Suiko considered. When Raleigh’s face popped into her head, she quickly decided on champagne. Maybe if she was a little tipsy when she got there it would be easier to navigate the situation.
Avery filled their glasses. She’d had three by the time they pulled up to the venue. A pleasant warmth had taken up residence in her chest, and her nerves were delightfully fuzzy. The world was softer and brighter. Avery somehow smelled better.
He helped her out of the limo, like the gentleman he was, and then took her arm as they walked onto the red carpet.
Immediately they were swarmed by cameras and recording devices. Avery’s hand tightened on her, something steady to hang onto amidst the craze.
“Suiko! Suiko!” A particularly aggressive reporter shoved to the front of the mob. “Is Avery here as your date tonight?”
“We shared a ride,” said Avery smoothly, and cast a winning smile.
A different reporter jammed a recorder into their faces. “Have you and Raleigh Carrera finally split? What do you have to say about him?”
Suiko blinked. She didn’t even know the answer to that question. How would Fiona want her to answer? “I’m excited for everyone to hear the new single he’s dropping this week,” she said brightly, and grinned. “I love it. Once you hear it you’ll love it too!”
There. They could chew on that. That little, unsatisfying answer.
“No more questions,” Avery cut in, and led her off of the carpet and into the banquet hall where the event was taking place.
It was a beautiful old building with arching ceilings and marble columns and murals and huge windows inlaid with stained glass. Crystal chandeliers cast light across the dinner tables and the dance floor.
Everything was lovely, but all Suiko saw when she stepped through the entrance was Raleigh.
He was leaning against the bar on the far side of the hall. His dark hair was freshly washed and adorably tousled. That crimson suit he wore fit him perfectly...garnet slacks and a matching vest over a fine dark gray shirt embroidered with black roses. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to expose the tattoos gracing his forearms.
Then his head lifted and his eyes met hers.
They were both frozen, staring at each other. Raleigh blinked, and his feet shuffled, like he was about to walk over, and Suiko didn’t know if she’d kiss him or slap him when he got close enough.
And then she saw her.
That blonde girl from the EE! News article and pictures -- Leona Lastrum. She wore a skintight black dress with a snakeskin pattern that clung to each curve. Despite herself, Suiko felt a wave of insecurity wash over her, suddenly felt so childish with her narrow hips and small chest.
Then the anger and hurt hit her so hard her vision went white. Raleigh didn’t bother to call, and then he went ahead and brought Leona Lastrum?
Avery followed her line of sight. “Oh,” he said. “Suiko, I --”
“Can you get some drinks for us?” Suiko said, and didn’t recognize her own voice. It was so cold.
“Um...sure. What do you want?”
What would get her drunk the fastest? “Something strong,” was all she said, because she didn’t actually know.
Avery slipped away and Suiko ripped her gaze away from Leona Lastrum, away from Raleigh, away from the two of them completely.
The headlines from the past week flooded through Suiko’s head again, so quick and fast that she almost heard them.
Suiko Hono -- from sweetheart to homewrecker! How she went from rising star to Raleigh’s other woman.
Raleigh Carrera’s newest two-timing scandal forces silence between him and Suiko Hono.
Every piece of evidence that Raleigh and Suiko are broken up for good!
Avery Wilshere and Suiko Hono reportedly dating in wake of Raleigh Carrera cheating scandal.
It made her shake with anger, with embarrassment and mortification. The way that she’d sort of trusted Raleigh. The way the tabloids made it sound like she was the cheater. That she’d thought any of his affections had been remotely real. What a fool she was, to have thought that their PR relationship had grown to something more.
But no. The whole time, he’d been going back to some girl in his free time, and not even bothered to mention it to her. Some small part of her had hoped that it was untrue, but here he was at the gala, standing there with Leona.
She was physically trembling now. Suiko bunched her hands into her dress, ignoring Zadie’s directions to be careful with the fabric, and tried to take a deep breath.
A hand landed on her back and she jumped. “Just me,” Avery said, and slid a drink into her hand. It was light pink and smelled fruity. And strong.
“Can we sit down?” she asked in a small voice.
He brushed her hair back. “Of course.”
They found an empty table and Avery pulled out her chair for her. Suiko collapsed into the seat and took a long sip of the drink. “I thought it wouldn’t be true,” she said into the top of her glass, fogging it up.
Avery placed a gentle hand on her back, rubbing soothing circles into her skin. “I didn’t expect him to bring her like that,” he said, and his voice was low with anger.
“Suiko, can we talk?”
She turned slowly, so slowly. It was Raleigh. Of course it was him. The whole party was orbiting around him.
Avery tightened his arm over her shoulders. “I don’t think so,” he said coldly.
Raleigh’s hands, at his sides, clenched into fists. “Get your hands off of her,” he said back with equal ferocity. “What I need to say is between me and her, not me and you.”
Around them, the room was falling silent. Everyone was watching. Waiting. Anyone with eyes could see that Raleigh and Avery had unsettled business.
Not this again. She would not let them fight again, and especially not here.
“I’ll be fine,” she told Avery, and stood.
Avery frowned but didn’t object. Raleigh led her out of the main room, into a darkened hallway. Apparently that wasn’t secluded enough, because he spent a long moment picking a lock on a door off of the hall. When it swung open, they went inside, letting the door shut behind them.
It was what looked like a storage room. Shelves ringed three of the walls, each crowded with boxes and crates. The space left for them to stand was small, so small.
Suiko crossed her arms. “What.”
Raleigh’s face fell with surprise, and something else. “Are you really mad at me?”
She stared at the floor next to his shoe. “Well, from what I’ve seen, I have a reason to be.”
He was silent. Then she felt his hands, calloused and familiar, slipping carefully around her waist. “Let me explain everything.”
Suiko finally looked up. His face was so close to hers. Those dark eyes she knew so well were wide and earnest. “Okay,” she said into the tiny space between them.
When he spoke, his breath ghosted across her lips. “After...that night. I was trying to figure out if my PR team had anything to do with it. So I looked back into my past appearances. She had been at some of them, but I never talked to her Suiko, I swear. So I went to my manager.” His hands tensed on her waist. “He said that our relationship was getting ‘stale.’ That we needed a new element. So they’ve been paying her to talk to the press and follow me around.” Fury laced his words.
She closed her eyes. “But Raleigh,” she murmured. “It’s...have you even seen what the media is saying about me? They’re calling me a homewrecker. A whore.” A couple of hot tears stung at her eyes, and spilled out onto her cheeks.
“And if I could kick all of their asses, I would,” vowed Raleigh.
“But you can’t,” Suiko replied hotly. “And for some reason, instead of setting the record straight, you’re letting them tear me apart, and you’re bringing her to events with you --”
“I didn’t bring her!” Raleigh exploded, a little too loud. He seemed to realize and lowered his voice. “I mean...my team told me to. I refused. So they sent her an invite of her own.” His face soured. “But I won’t give them the satisfaction of going along with it.”
“Then tell them,” she said, and hated that she was begging. “Tell them all that she lied, and that I...that I’m not...”
Raleigh lifted a hand to stroke her cheek. “I will,” he promised. “I just need some time. I’m trying to work something out with my team.”
Suiko shifted away from him, making his hands fall away from her. “Thanks for explaining.” She felt cold and shivery all over. “I’m going to go.” Her hands closed around the door handle.
“Wait,” Raleigh said, sounding confused. “That’s it?”
“The last thing I need,” Suiko said, suddenly furious, “is the paparazzi to find us in here together, and say how I’m still driving a block in your picture perfect relationship with your other girlfriend. Avery is waiting for me anyways.”
At the mention of the blonde pop singer, Raleigh stiffened. “What is it between you two?” His voice was deadly.
Suiko’s mind flashed: Avery, throwing a punch at Raleigh; the bouquet of peonies that had been sitting on her doorstep; him holding her hand and accompanying her to events. “I...don’t know.”
Raleigh flinched like she’d slapped him. “You either want him or you don’t,” he said. “Which is it?”
“Why do you even care?” Suiko snarled, angry that she didn’t have an answer. Everything was so confusing. “You and me? We’re not even really dating!”
“Because I do care!” snapped Raleigh, seething. “I fucking care, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? Tell me. That day he was in your apartment. In...in your bedroom. What was he doing there?”
The intensity of his words, of his expression, scared her. “Raleigh...I thought we were just pretending.”
Hurt lanced across his face. “Were you just pretending? All this time?”
Suiko’s breath caught. He was actually waiting for her answer. He cared what she would say.
“Only at first,” she whispered.
There it was. Everything, all laid out on the table. They both stilled -- her hand still poised on the door’s handle, him stiff and alert.
Then, before she could even think of another thing to say, he had pushed her up against a shelf of boxes and was kissing her.
He was everywhere. His lips moved desperately against hers, his hands running over the silky bodice of her dress, his cologne’s smell invading her senses. Suiko could barely breathe.
And then she kissed him back.
Her hands lifted, wrapping around the back of his neck. She slid her fingers up into his curls, having missed their softness, and he let out a soft groan against her mouth. Then he nipped at her lower lip, and her mouth was opening under his.
The door to the room swung wide open.
Avery stared at them, surprise swirling in his blue eyes. “What...” he said, and his voice broke off.
Then a camera flashed behind him, and the sound of footsteps raced towards them.
Suiko froze.
Oh no.
#raleigh carrera#raleigh#raleigh x mc#raleigh carrera x mc#fanfiction#fic#fanfic#losses#ashsilla#playchoices#choices#platinum#pb#pixelberry#pb platinum#platinum choices#avery wilshere
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The Heat of Trinidad (1)
A/N: IT’S M’BAKU SATURDAY!!!!!! This is the official first chapter of my very first M’Baku series. In this chapter, the leaders of Wakanda are sent to various locations to help make the world a better place. M’Baku is sent to a place way different from home but sees a vision for sore eyes. I hope y’all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
WARNING: none..yet
It was a breezy, sunny day in Wakanda and in the Royal Palace, all the council members were in attendance. The Dora Milage stood in a neat, precise along with the Jabari Tribe. King T’Challa was on his throne with his ambassador and Prince of Wakanda, N’Jadaka, to his left and the Great Lord himself, M’Baku, to his right. M’Baku had no choice but to wear clothing supplied to him by the Wakandian seamstresses, to respect the elders. He sat there in a chocolate tone sweater, matching slacks and shoes made by Shuri herself. “Now, as I have said before, we need to help supply our brothers and sisters all over the world which is why the WPS will assign an agent into each and every part of major police departments to teach those dumb idiots how to actually protect and serve...for everyone”, N’Jadaka said as he stood with a hologram in front of him as he wore an all-black attire like M’Baku but his sleeves were rolled up and accents of gold throughout the shirt and loafers.
T’Challa nodded, still seated and said “thank you, Prince N’Jadaka. Very good work.” N’Jadaka nodded and sat as T’Challa stood. “Council, as the King of our country, I will be assigning each official here to each part of the world to talk to each president, royal figure or whoever is in charge. Then in a few months, I will be going to the UN to finalize everything.” T’Challa looked around before looking at M’Baku who seemed bored out his mind. His heavy legs swung back and forth, wide apart and his arms rested on each armrest of his wooden chair. T’Challa stood with his hands behind his back and said “Lord M’Baku, would you like to proceed with plans?” When T’Challa sat, M’Baku watched him. He took a deep breath and sat up slightly, hands folded before standing.

“Alright then, while we are gone the Queen Mother will be in charge until T’Challa is back. My tribe will stay behind to protect while the Dora Milage except for Oya will be with each one of us. Of course, the warriors will be back after flying us out. We have been randomly assigned to a different party in the world. According to Brother T’Challa, we will be there for a few months as we watch our assigned areas. He thinks it will be better if we get to know them as much as we can and report back to him the process of our agent’s work; before and after.” He slouched back into his seat and tilted his head towards the king. “Ah, well then. Princess Shuri has randomly selected through her database of each area and paired with each of us. She had no say so. Is this correct”, T’Challa said and Shuri nodded as she stood.
“Each of our results will be transmitted from my lab to our beads telling us where we are headed off to tomorrow afternoon. Each one of our ships will be disguised as aircraft from each place so we won’t cause any unwanted attention. No need pack because since we have all your measurements, you will have supplied you all with everything you need. We won’t know where we will be until we are on our flights”, she said before sitting. T’Challa’s arms lied beside him when he asked “any questions”. He didn’t even get to finish because M’Baku interrupted. “With all due respect, why on Earth do we all need to go?” T’Challa looked at N’Jadaka and the prince explained “if T’Challa, Shuri and I all went alone it would take almost eight months to go to every part of the world. We need to help our fellow brothas and sistas fast before we become extinct.”
M’Baku said “alright but why can’t we know where we are going now and why do we have to wait until we are onboard to know where we are going? I thought your ‘technology’ is ‘perfect’ and ‘efficient.” Shuri said “well since there is so many of us, the system might take a little longer. But no worries, the system also has matched each of us where it thinks we will fit best.” The meeting went on until M’Baku stood in front of the window; T’Calla and Erik walked to his opposite sides. “Looks like you not up for helping us out, brotha”, N’Jadaka noticed. M’Baku folded his arms and said “the last time we tried to help the world, half of the world was almost dusted. We should have stayed to ourselves.” T’Challa placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder and said “well, you did help in the battle, brother. You provided Queen Mother a helping hand and did what you could.”
M’Baku still stood there in thoughts as his brothers continued to talk. M’Baku hated change, he wasn’t sure why. He just did. That very night, he sat in his dining area alone eating dinner, all alone as usual. Being so, he was comfortable doing so. Once he was done with dinner, he showered and lied in bed in the nude as the cool mountain air kissed his skin, causing him to sleep. The next morning, a knock on his door woke him up. He stood from his bed and wrapped a towel around his waist before making his way. The knocking stopped once he opened the door to see one of the Dora Milaje and a member of the WPS, N’Jabu. N’Jabu was about twenty-four years of age, 6′1 and around 230 lbs. “Morning, Lord M’Baku. The Royal Family has given us your clothing for departure” the young man said handing him a wooden box. “We leave in an hour. We will be on the aircraft waiting.”
With that, they left M’Baku to get dressed. Once he was back by his bed, he opened the box; it made him raise his brow, unamused. Meanwhile, T’Challa was in an all-black suit with a grey tie and black dress shoes outside the rides. Shuri was in orange camouflage pants with a black tank, jean jacket and skater shoes on his left. N’Jadaka wore a navy blue hoodie, jeans and Adidas Superstars with his dreads braided and grill in. M’Baku walked out and Shuri turned to greet him. “Good morning, Great Gorilla Brother.” T’Challa turned along with N’Jadaka who put his shades on. “Goddamn, that shirt is bright as hell, bruh.” Shuri laughed as she raised her beads up recording everything. “Peter and MJ have to see this.” M’Baku was in a bright red wife-beater with a pair of black swim trunks on and sandals.; his face serious and aggravated.
“I do not find this funny. Not. At. All”, he walked towards them and looked down at Shuri, who still recorded. “Where in colonizer hell are we all going? I need to know why I am dressed like this.” N’Jadaka said “well, my results came in last night. I’m going to LA, again” with his hands in pockets. “Yeah, mine came in too. I will be in New York City with Nyla. She’s already there so yeah. And I might even get to hang with Peter and the crew as well”, Shuri said. “And, I and Okoye will be in Washington”, said T’Challa as Okoye stood behind in an all-black suit like the Secret Service. “Well, mine has not come in at all and I am highly disturbed.” Shuri rolled her eyes before signaling before going to her flight. M’Baku looked around at all the officials who bored and saw all the ridiculous clothing.
Soon everyone boarded and buckled in. N’Jabu wore something similar to him and Laya wore a pilot uniform. M’Baku rubbed his temples as he sat still waiting for his results. “Lord M’Baku. Please prepare for take-off”, Laya said over the intercom and they were off. M’Baku sat back in his seat trying to look over at the window but found it difficult since he sat in the middle of the ship. N’Jabu sat in the corner reading in M’Baku’s eyes sight on the right. “What are you reading over there, young man”, he asked and his agent looked up. “Our manual for assisting the officiants, Lord M’Baku. Agent Nyla Miller wants to make sure we do our job correctly, sir.” M’Baku nodded and said “carry on” before he leaned on his right hand.

Once he started to fall in a deep slumber, he heard his beads beep a few times. The lights flashed and generated as the ship changed to a plane aircraft and M’baku stood up, still watching and moving to the window seat available. Finally, the words were readable and his eyes squinted until he looked outside.”Trinidad and Tobago”, he said to himself. He looked to the view below and saw how clear it looked. The water was an ombre of teal, blue and aqua. The trees stood tall and so green he couldn't believe it. The plane landed on a private landing strip of the Piarco International Airport. Once they were safely down, the pilot announced “we have landed in bright and sunny Trinidad and Tobago. Good luck on your months here, Lord M’Baku and N’Jabu”; M’Baku did not want to leave that plane.
When N’Jabu and M’Baku left the plane, a short, older woman with a light complexion stood with a group of men, both secret service and to help with luggage. She wore a navy print skirt suit and her braids up and away from her face. “Hello, gentleman. I am Paula-Mae Weekes, the president of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Welcome to our country, Lord M’Baku, and Agent N’Jabu.” She held out her hand to be shaken and they took it. “Lord M’ Baku, you and the Agent you have brought will be staying at one of the best-gated communities you have to offer. You both will have separate housing to yourselves for your stay.”

“Thank you, President Weekes. It is a pleasure to be sent here instead of the US and having to meet their ‘president’.” She softly smiled and said “yes. I bet it is. Now, let us drop you off so you can get used to the country and all we have to offer.” The men began to pack their things in the car and as the President gave them a tour, M’Baku all the murals around town. “I see you like art. Every mural is done by one of this country’s best artists, Rae, and the youth’s art group. You may see them around from time to time.”
“Rae, I like that. Strong name. Very good. Very good.”
They soon arrived to see a one-story yellow home with white roofing a nice cut green grass. There were shrubs around with a garden of yellow dandelions next to the entrance. M’Baku looked around to see everything so bright and lively; he saw the change and despised it but kept a poker face. “Okay, the front home will be for the Lord and the back home is all yours, N’Jabu.” N’Jabu bowed his head to the president and they thanked her before she left. M’Baku walked into his new for the next few months and saw the dark-toned kitchen that was completely different from the outside. The tile was an onyx marble against the oak hardwood island and countertop. He checked the cupboards to see red and white dishes already washed and stacked.
The drawers below had plenty of silverware for a family of five and tools for baking and cooking all alike. He walked around to find the study, very calming and nature-filled with ferns in every corner of the room. The bathroom had an earthy tone as well with wasabi shade on the walls and accents of brown and gold essentials around. When he went into the bathroom where all his luggage was, he walked into see a cream wall color surrounding him but what caught his eyes was the bed. It was a tall canopy with sheer, cream drapes around it. The bed itself looked like it can hold three of him and he gave a side smirk.
His kimono beads lit golden shade which indicated that N’Jadaka was calling. “Hello, brother N’Jadaka. How is Los Angeles so far”, he asked settling in the plush sheets. “Ah, man. Just like what I remember. So, I see ya made it. Where did they send you?”
“Trinidad and Tobago.”
“Ah, man. That’s way different than the mountains, big man. Ya think you can handle it?” M’Baku stood at the back window looking out to see the big tall trees and a pool in the pavement. “I can manage”, he responded with a smirk. He decided to sleep the entire day and get to know Trinidad better the next. He showered after his call with the Prince and lied in the nude, falling asleep like he usually did.
The next morning, his eyes open to the curtains blowing inwards. The air was humid yet relaxed him. He slowly stood, every muscle at attention and stretched his limbs. Making his way to the bathroom, the Lord looked into his closet to see a buttondown shirt with various colors and beige shorts. He rolled his eyes but decided to just get it over with. After his morning routine, he dressed up and realized that the shirt looked like too much; he unbuttoned it to show off his body. He looked into the mirror to see the outfit and was impressed, didn’t look too bad but who was he kidding. He is M’Baku, he makes everything look good.
He slipped on the shoes Shuri gifted him to match any outfit by simply scanning the garment and matching it; the pair changed to a red tone. He looked over to the vanity and saw a wooden box. The note was in Xhosa but he read it in English. “Can’t have you lookin’ like anyone else. Thank me later. -The Prince of all Princes.” He rolled his eyes as he opened the box and saw a gold, thin chain with an ankh dangling from it. His eyebrow rose and he held it in his hand. He placed the jewelry on saw that it actually made his copper skin shimmer and pop.
He decided to walk into town where President Weekes gave them a tour. He walked amongst the many of people. Whether they were short or tall, plump or skinny, light or dark, the all looked they belonged on the island. He walked over to a mural of Mother Nature with an afro and tending to animals. He had to admit it was an impressive piece of art. Once he looked around the corner, he saw a group of children in baggy clothing, covered in paint walking somewhere. He went back to looking at Mother Nature when he heard the most beautiful voice ever. Her voice was so soft and her accent was so soothing. “Okay, children. I loved all the colors each one of ye has chosen’. What do ya tink we should call it, eh?” All the little hands went up and she looked to see who to chose. She saw a lighter complexion child and chose her. “I tink we should call it, um, ‘Aura’.” The older 5′10 woman looked to the painting and said “Aura? Mandy, that is beautiful.”
“Mine was better, Miss Rae”, a little boy spoke up and she placed her hand on her wide hips. “Is dat right? And what was the name you came up with, hm, Randal?” The liitle boy shrugged and said “colors”; the group laughed and Miss Rae shook her head, smiling. “Silly boy. Maybe next time. I guess that will do for today, everyone. Go ahead to the bus and they will take ye back to the center while I clean up. See ye all tomorrow.” She waved to the class as the driver navigated them on the bus and drove off. She stood alone with her arms folded stepping away from the piece.
Rae wore a pair of jean overalls that had the straps down, a mustard yellow turtleneck muscle tee and her Converse were covered in paint, legs as well. She took a tiny paintbrush from her deep pockets and dipped in the black paint before climbing the on to the ladder. M’Baku walked slowly to her, just watching. Her skin was bronze, golden like the most desired treasure known to man. Her bone structure was so precise with a slight extra chin underneath. The apple of her cheeks was so adorable and raised when she smiled slightly. With her hair pulled pack into a low bun, he can observe her features more. He walked to stand behind her, noticing the slight sag of her heavy breasts. As he stood behind her, he noticed the thickness of her thighs, the fluffiness of her bottom and the slight jiggle in her arms.
When he looked up to see her painting, he met her dark orbs and she looked down at him. The sun above cast a halo around her head. “Can I help ye”, she asked and he stood frozen. She placed her brush behind her ear and stepped down to look at him. “Hello, sir. Are ye lost or someting?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, ma’am. I just saw you were painting and jus thought I watch you work. It is very beautiful.” She nodded and looked him up and down. “Tank you. I’m Raelyn but everyone calls me Rae”. She held out her hand to be shaken and he did so. “My name is-” She held her hand up and said “I know who ye are. Ye are Lord M’Baku of Wakanda.” He looked to her and said “how did you know that?”
“I do watch TV, Sir M’Baku. The president announced it last week.”
“So, how come people are not all over me? I’m used to people doing as such.” She looked around and said “maybe because ye look like one of us. Ye could easily just be another islander. That should be a good thing. Ye don’t unwanted attention.” He looked to her with a slight shrug. “Well, since ye want to watch do ye mind holding the ladda fuh me”, she asked as she climbed back up and he placed his arms to secure it more with his foot. “What are you doing to the painting if you don't mind me asking?”
“I’m usin’ black paint to outline what the kids did to make their colors pop more. It makes it look cleaner and more polished. I do this to every mural they create then it becomes a whole picture.” He watched as she continued and something in his gut asked why is she so beautiful? “So, Miss Rae, you work at the youth center? What is that like?” She looked down as she still painted and said “I love art. I love kids so it’s a dream to do this. Molding their minds to become bright and wise individuals.” And she loves children and art, just the perfect woman. “Your partner must be very proud.”
“If that is ya way of asking if I am attached to someone, I am not.”
“Oh really? Why?”
She looked back to him as she stepped down and said “ye know. For a ‘Lord’, ya ask a lot of questions” with a tilt of her head and squinted eyes. “I am a very curious person. I like to know how things work.”
“Well, curiosity killed the cat.”
“Maybe I care like any other person, Lady Rae.” She turned to clean up and retract her ladder before stepping to him. “Ya know, M’Baku. My mudda has always told me that there is a difference between caring and being nosey.” She started to walk to her black pick up truck, packing everything inside as he watched. “How can I see you, again? I mean when can I see you again?” She turned to him with a straight face and said “don’t worry. Ye will find me, only if it’s meant to be.” She walked over to her driver’s side, honked her horn once and drove off. He looked over to the painting to see she had painted a woman with her hands out to her hands out and eyes to the sky. He wondered how can she be this extraordinary then said to himself “I need to see her again.”
#M'Baku#m'baku x reader#m'baku x oc#m'baku series#The Heat of Trinidad series#bp fandom#bp fanfic#artisticestheticreads
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Broken Hearts
Bang Chan/Chris || Major Angst || 2246 Words || Warning; Cursing, mentions of sex acts {cockwarming}
“Some hearts were just meant to be broken.”
He’s always known that was the case, some people just aren’t meant to be together and that was that.
When he met you though, he only had one rule; don’t fall in love.
What was meant to be a one-night party fling turned into a series of booty calls for stress release until he realised he wasn’t just calling you for sex anymore.
The first night he realised it was nothing out of the ordinary.
Life was going to shit, bad grades were piling up, friends were being dicks, parents still disproved of his career choices; a typical Friday night for him.
He didn’t know why he did it, picking up his phone he dialled your number from his recents and asked you to come over as soon as you could.
You hadn’t been doing much, having the night off you did expect some sort of call from Chris but it felt different went it came.
The weight of his voice when he called felt different, you knew something was probably wrong and he wanted you there to fix whatever went wrong.
You hadn’t bothered to dress up, why would you when the moment you would walk in clothes would come flying off. The regular lounging wear of sweats and a t-shirt was enough.
You parked in his driveway just minutes later, the distance between the two places so small that walking would’ve been enough but at 12am? You didn’t think so.
The extra key he’d given you opening the locks of his door catching the attention of a pouting boy sitting on his couch alone.
Your immediate reaction was to strip your clothes and sit in his lap as you nip as his puffy lower lip that was still jutted out.
Yet you pushed aside your usual thoughts knowing something was a bit different this time.
“Everything okay?” You asked dropping your keys on the coffee table in front of you. Folding your legs under yourself, you take a seat next to the upset boy on the couch, a hand rubbing on his thigh as a natural reaction of yours taken as an act of reassurance by him.
“No”, his voice was barely existent, you’d figured out his struggles alongside spending so much time with him, you’d also figured out how to help him in the only way you could.
“Want me to help you forget?” You spoke already taking a familiar position on his lap with your arms around his neck.
A soft nod came from him, his head not bothering to lift until you placed your hand under his chin to lift it up.
“Are you sure?” You saw the pure exhaustion in his eyes, yet he refused to deny you, firmly placing his hand around your waist to keep you in place.
“Please help me” a bare whisper before your lips were on his, a familiar pattern falling into place as you grind against him.
The temperature of the room rises as does both your body temperatures, it getting harder and harder to keep your hand off of him.
Just as you were about to start removing every item of clothing from him as you could, he pulls away in a breathless gasp.
“Can we do something else?” He asks riding his hand under your shirt.
“Oh. What did you have in mind?” You readjust yourself before lifting yourself off of him but he stopped you before you could.
“Follow my lead? Tell me if you want to stop”
That’s how you both ended up in Chris’s bed, clothes completely were gone, his hard-on sitting snug inside you as he leaves hickeys all over your neck and chest.
“Still want to do this or are you gonna start talking now?” You make him pull away before shifting around into a more comfortable position on his lap causing him to groan.
“Sorry, forgot you were inside me” of course you didn’t forget, you had your needs but you had to put them aside for whatever was bothering him for the time being.
“Everything sucks, I just don’t wanna think about it” Chris says snuggling back into your neck.
You reach the nape of his hair and tugged him back causing another groan to release from him.
“You can’t just bottle things up, you don’t have to tell me, I know we’re not close like that but I’m still here so use me if you need to” you replied making sure he maintained eye contact with you.
And that was the night he told you everything, all the bullshit, all the drama, he told you everything as you held him close to you. You made him feel safe in his arms.
And that was the first time he knew he fucked up.
The second time it happened was at his birthday party. Put together by you and a couple other friends, Chris was genuinely surprised when he found out how much work you had put in to make his birthday so special.
Spending the whole the dancing with you made the time go by without realisation, hours turned to minutes and minutes turned to seconds with you.
The last thing he’d remembered that night with his drunken state of mind was you tucking him into his bed and leaving water and some pills on his bedside table.
Even if Chris was drunk enough to not remember the whole night, he always remembered how he held on to your wrist so tight being afraid you’d leave him behind like so many others had.
A couple moments later you’d asked Chris if he wanted you to stay the night, without another word he’d roughly pulled your body on top of himself and held you well past sunrise.
Another time had been when one of his now ex-friends got a little too friendly with you.
You made multiple attempts to tell this guy to piss off but clearly, he wasn’t getting the hint. Trying to give you multiple drinks when you hadn’t even planned on having one as being the designated driver for the night but that didn’t stop the guy from making multiple attempts.
Although Chris thought he had no business interfering with the guys you spoke to, the moment that guy’s hand slipped higher than comfort was when Chris marched halfway across the room before punching the guy straight across the jaw.
The brawl was so unexpected between the two that no one knew how to stop them.
Once the initial shock left you, you tugged at Chris’s shoulders trying to pull him as far away from the guy as possible, it wasn’t until Chris actually saw your face filled with horror that he softened up and decided to let the guy go.
Just as you were dragging Chris away from all the chaos, the guy beaten halfway to death decided he needed to get one more opinion of you into the conversation.
“Why’re you even tryin’ to fight for them? All they’re good for is sucking dick and a good fuck”
Any amount of control you had on Chris was ripped away as soon as the words left his mouth.
It took multiple friends of his to hold Chris back from nearly killing the guy before you decided that enough was enough and dragged him back to your car so you drive away from that place and get some peace and quiet.
Finally, at your apartment, you sat Chris down at the edge of your bed while you ran around looking for things to clean his wound with. Though the other looked a whole lot worse, Chris hadn’t walked away completely unscathed.
Chris did feel bad, he wished he could’ve done more to stop the guy from talking all the shit about you to everyone at that party.
Finally rounding up all the supplies you need, you began cleaning the cuts that had stopped bleeding.
“Why the fuck would you do this to yourself? Like seriously what the fuck were you actually thinking? No, you were thinking that’s what happened. If you thought for one fucking second, then you wouldn’t have gotten hurt but clearly, you didn’t even try to not get hurt I mean look at the number of bruises on your face? Did you even thin-“
Your rambling had been cut short but Chris pulling you into his lap and hugging you, not without whining though as the guy managed to land a solid punch to the side of his body.
Shocked again by his actions for the second time tonight, you just let it happen, not questioning for a moment why this suddenly affection took place.
“He was getting handsy with you and I could tell you really didn’t like it, I couldn’t let him do that then talk all the crap about you”
You felt defeated in that moment, Chris was right about it though, the guy was getting way too close for your liking but you knew that you couldn’t let him fight your battles.
“You can’t just beat someone up like that, I get why you did it but I’m my own person, I would’ve just as easily knocked the guy out if I needed to”
The last part made Chris chuckle, of course he knew that you could, Chris knew more about you than he thinks you know about yourself.
“But really though, I really do appreciate what you did for me, none of my friends would be willing to do that for me but you did so thank you but you better not do it again, I can’t have this pretty face of yours getting injured all the time, what else am I going to look at when I’m getting drilled into the sheets?”
Laughter escapes Chris for the first time the night, you’d always known how to cheer him up, make him laugh, you knew so much about Chris yet you never even realised it.
Letting you clean up the rest of his wounds, you’d let Chris hold you for the rest of the night; leaving right before the sunrise alone in his bed.
He’d never realised how deep he’d gotten in with you until he saw you on a date with someone else, though Chris hadn’t thought much of it, he didn’t really think that whatever relationship you had together was going to last forever right?
The night followed with Chris calling you back to his apartment with a proposal, a chance at a real relationship and to show you how much you really meant to him.
When you’d arrived, he’d already had dinner prepared though you hadn’t planned on staying long, having your date interrupted by multiple messages from Chris to come over when you’d already planned on meeting him the next day; you were just a bit annoyed.
“I have work tomorrow, I really can’t stay, just tell me what it is you wanted to say and I’ll come over tomorrow for dinner”
The palms of his hands sweat profusely as you stare Chris down, he didn’t think it would be this intermediating confessing to you.
“So, I know we’ve never had a normal relationship but it’s been almost a year of this and I really want to take it more seriously”
“Take what seriously Chris? Our friendship in which we casually had sex?”
He couldn’t maintain eye contact with you anymore, your gaze much too strong for how nervous he was getting but he had to break through it all.
“Well I mean, if you want to then we could take it further? We already know so much about each other so there’s no awkward phase of getting to know each other, we already know each other’s preferences and have inside jokes. Have you never thought about us being more than friends?”
The more he talked, the more Chris questioned everything he thought he knew.
“Honestly Chris, no I haven’t. I never thought about us more than close friends who use each other for sex”
Chris could feel his heart crack with every word you spoke but he didn’t want to give up, he just couldn’t.
“Can’t we just try? It wouldn’t be that hard, we could just go on a couple dates I mean we already act like we’re a couple so why isn’t it possible for you to see us that way?”
He knew it wasn’t right to say all this crap to you, it wasn’t fair to keep dragging you back when there wasn’t any possibility for you to stay.
Even if his words angered you, you calmly. Grabbing your keys from the table you always left them at and walked towards the door about to take your leave.
“Look Chris, some people just aren’t meant to be together. I’m sorry” and with that, you left.
“I know Y/N, some hearts are just meant to be broken”
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