#my precious sassy little son
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neuroticbookworm · 3 months ago
i know it aired a while back but i cannot move on: tien from la pluie
Friend, I absolutely relate to not moving on from this show and this character.
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(linking the The Great La Pluie Meta Roundup, because we deserve to read and reread those posts forever and ever, till the end of time)
How I feel about this character
He is my sassy little son and I love him so much!
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He has opinions and he is not afraid to let people know about them.
He read his brother for filth right from the beginning, took absolutely no shit from Lomfon when he was being a sulky, annoying pest,and was the #1 hype man for Patts and Tai’s relationship. I don’t think he really needs any protection from me, I know that he can comfortably eviscerate his enemies without breaking a sweat, but I will be there for him at the end of the day, on the couch, with fluffy blankets and snacks and soda, so he can unwind and tell me all about how most people in his life are stupid, are making their stupidity his problem.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Listen. As much as I hated Lomfon and his stupid ass for the mess he made, I really believe that the Lomfon we saw in the finale is a good match for Saengtien. And I believe Tien is the right match for Lomfon because when that boy throws another tantrum, a whack from Tien is what will set him straight (heh) once again. So I only ship him with Lomfon and vice versa. Also, take a moment and send a prayer into the universe for a La Pluie sequel, please and thank you.
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My non-romantic OTP for this character
I wish we had gotten to see more banter between Saengtien and his dad. They are both extremely perceptive and witty. I would love to be a fly on the wall when they have a gab session.
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My unpopular opinion about this character
Saengtien is a very strong, level-headed, and complex character, and I feel like his maturity and ability to handle bullshit by himself was underplayed by the audience as the show went on. Him being quirky and high-energy and jumping up in excitement whenever he feels like it without a care in the world does not mean that he is immature. He does not need to be rescued, and he definitely does not need to be coddled. He’s been taking care of his self-absorbed elder brother for years while he refused to work through his soulmate bond issues, and he made sure Tai still kept in touch with his parents even while nursing a misplaced anger on their mother. Taking care of himself? Pfft. My son is fine. All he needs is considerate love and companionship, not pampering.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
We only ever saw him have a really strong outburst of emotions when Tai was stuck on the mountain. The hurt on his face when he finally faced Lomfon after their fight in the rain was heartbreaking, yet measured. And when he returned home, he didn’t lash out at Tai. Instead he sat down with his brother and calmly talked it through. I like these original character choices for him, and I understand the character and thematic cohesion reasons behind it. But I still wish we’d seen him scream out in anger just once in the show. Has he ever gotten to express his frustration in his whole life without having to consider how it would affect the people in his life, and ultimately holding back? Based on what we saw on the show, I would safely bet no. And that hurts my soul.
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The bestest boy to ever best boy.
Give me a character ask game
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superkooku · 4 months ago
Favorite character from Greek mythology + favorite myth from Greek mythology?
Favorite characters
I'll turn this into a tag game : @margaretkart @dootznbootz @sarafangirlart @aliciavance4228 @katerinaaqu @hermesmoly @go-rocksquadsfan @sanska @vint-knight .
And @anon (you can give your answer in another ask 😉).
So, I have a loooooooot of faves. This list is long.
Here are mine :
Nobody. Yeah, in reality, I hate mythology and just pretend I like it. Or I just love making puns about my favorite lying war criminal. Who didn't cheat btw.
Penelope. These two are soulmates, no ifs or buts. I always found her underrated and @dootznbootz 's ramblings on her confirm that. Cunning and sassy half-naiad queen.
"The delian twins", as I like to call them. Idk I really love their multifaceted natures of protectors and deadly huntress/inflictor of illnesses (with an affinity towards plague). And their familial bond is precious. And I like them both equally, even though I talk about Apollo a bit more ig.
Leto. She's precious. They're always ready to defend each other. Like when Apollo and Artemis killed Niobe's kids because she was disrespectful to Leto. Or when Leto came in to save her son from being thrown in Tartarus by Zeus. Or when baby Artemis helped her mother deliver her brother. She fought for her children and now they fight for her.
Hestia. Too bad there isn't more about her because I relate a lot to the concept of chilling at home and staying away from drama.
Ariadne. Because of her family's tragic history, her healing from it with Dionysus (in most versions) and overall, she's great. Also, it's funny how Theseus wanted to marry a child of Zeus but his ex girlfriend actually succeeded 😂. Speaking of her family tragedy...
Asterius. I bet most adaptation authors don't know who I am referring to 🤣. He's a man-eating monster, yes, but he grew up isolated, trapped and unloved. I feel so bad for him.
Perseus. The GOAT. Partly thanks to @sarafangirlart. I already liked him since I always knew he wanted to save his mother, but he genuinely grew on me since I read her posts. That and when I learned of his war against Dionysus. Extremely underrated story.
Athena. Idk I don't think I need to elaborate on why she's cool.
Hades. In retellings, I often hate him because he's either woobified or made into "Greek Satan" (at least in Disney he's fun), but he's genuinely cool in mythology. Morally gray Hades save me.
Hermes. From birth, he was always a little trickster. I love how many functions he has (messenger of the gods, god of merchants, thieves, communication, also a psychopomp btw). A very energetic and helpful god.
Asclepius. I think I should make a post explaining why he's great because, yeah, I don't talk much about him even though there are things to say (yeah it's because I did a lot of research on him).
And... finally... Dionysus 🤣. Of course he made it in this list. I dedicated a whole essay series about this god, come on !
Honorable mentions : Hector, Andromache, Menelaus, Demeter, Telemachus, Hephaestus, Hippolytus, Danae, Ares and many others.
Favorite myths/plays/poems
I already answered that but can't find the post. So I'll do it again, with some new answers in mind. Basically "the myths with the characters on the list".
It's either because they're that compelling or just hilarious.
The homeric cycle. Ok, an easy one.
The Bacchae by Euripides (mandatory reading if you want to understand Dionysus imo. No excuses).
The frogs by Aristophanes. Because it's funny.
Asclepius' story. Seriously I'll elaborate on it one day.
Hermes' birth story. Him stealing Apollo's cows and Apollo getting mad at his scallywag of a brother 🤣🤣. And then just him winning Apollo over with the lyre.
Pirithous and Theseus getting their asses stuck on a chair (yes this is my title for this story). I love to mock these two, especially Pirithous because... give this man a Darwin award please. No thoughts and no survival instincts in his brain 😂.
Orpheus and Eurydice. Simple but powerful.
The Argonautica. Aka a huge crossover. Seeing more interactions between all these heroes would be awesome (especially if we take every version into account 👀. So many faces...). It's funny how I love the Argonautica but never talk about Jason himself 🤣🤣. The embodiment of the protagonist who's less interesting than the other characters.
Perseus' war against Dionysus. A potential retelling about this myth would go so hard !! Especially since we could get a scary Dionysus. Hopefully it doesn't get ruined :(
Edit : some English mistakes I had to correct.
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and-i-will-kiss · 13 days ago
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Precious gift in hand, and following the steps of the Tachov blacksmith, I'm finally greeting the groom and his family at the wedding. Finally, I sigh under my breath, while feeling maybe a bit sad and way too out of place in this fancy frock I'm wearing.
The fortress door locks behind me and I'm told to join the guests and celebrate while the spirits are high, which seems more like a challenge seeing how lively things are in the courtyard some steps away from me. Cheery music swirls around and ladies hitch their skirts to sway away freely. Booze spills to the ground and the dishes sure look appetizing, so I take mental note to stop at every table for a surely delectable morsel. But I rather avoid that, as I'm afraid my well known trait of enjoying food too much might make me stick out like the third wheeler I'm currently playing, so I get on with greeting the groom first, like good manners dictate. In my way there I'm greeted by Svatya and the son from the huntsman, both of them are eyeing a scene in front of them - a slightly inebriated man pestering a sassy girl who is having none of it, so as like the lads we are, we make a bet and I'm the soldier sent to the front. In a blink, and since I'm smarter than the other man, I manage to sweep the lady away, which in exchange is relieved someone took her somewhere else but there. She's the daughter of the cook and sure has a temper that has been boiling for a bit, so she invites me to dance to vent that unwanted suitor away. I'm not sure what to do with myself, back in Skalitz I barely danced with my sweetheart, as much as she wanted that, she used to pester me the whole night until she gave up. Poor Bianca, I wish I could have danced with you more, and I'll take this chance for you, my love. My partner is a delight and I can't help but smile wide and feel my heart pound fast underneath the ornate and conspicuous coat I'm wearing.
After we finish, she gently bows with a smirk on her face now that she's free from the crutches of the drunk man on the bench, and like the little free bird she is, she goes off to twirl around the bards under the large oak tree in the middle of the courtyard.
As for myself, I'm free to try anything at the wedding. Dice? Duels? Stuff that I can do outside, something more special has to be around the corner. A lady asks me to dance with her daughter, who sits alone by the fire. I oblige and take her out. Worst idea ever, this woman has war hammers for feet and has the grace of a cow dying. She's smitten but I disappear into the bailey as soon as I'm done with her. The Moravian side of the family has taken firm positions here and sure the mood is all about getting pissed and starting a brawl, but Lord Semine is making sure someone is keeping both eyes on them. They are swearing in their mother's names they'll behave, but I think you should not swear in vain. And then... then.
Then the blacksmith comes to me, in a pale rush. He grabs me and huffs that the sword has vanished. Well, shit, I think, that was my invitation to this wedding and it's gone, so both of us are screwed. We start inquiring around and someone says a man in yellow was seen waving it around. So I trail, each and every guest clad in said colour and I barely got anything worth noting, with the exception of a guest that admitted some things went missing... And he'll put them back, he swears. Straight away.
So I keep tracking the man in yellow and I think the only place I haven't been is the barn. Once I get in, I distinguish another guest, this time, fully dressed in gold. Up to his hair. My heart sinks, it's Hans! His face, carving stone; he's keeping his distance, is he aware I'm also here? I move forward and inquire. It's Hans alright, but he seems crossed for some reason. I'm interrupting something? Hans' new date steps aside seeing my intrusion and he can only reply with a glare and a reminder to stick to the mission. The sword, he says he handled it and appreciated the fine work, but it's not in his possession, but he knows someone tossed the sword over the fortress' walls. It should have landed in the pond, so I go in knee deep into the water and fish it out.
I'm tired of playing games and Von Bergrow still hasn't arrived, so I inquire the Lord of this manor. He's also nervous, the person he was promised isn't here, and the Trosky Chamberlain won't stop stalling, and after seeing the nervous groom fidget under his headdress, the Lord has decreed it'll have to start before the guests drink the last keg and burn down the palace.
I have to be honest here, I got misty-eyed seeing both of them, happy and young, starting their new chapter in life together. I just feel alone and empty, out of place in this stupid fancy costume. Von Bergrow isn't here, Hans seems to be doing well on his own and I'm just lost. A wave of regret pools in my stomach, I should have kept my mouth shut, I should have played along. I have failed the only task I was given, Hans doesn't need me. I need him now, but which one of us will be the first to take the plunge? I turn around slowly to face the guests with my best foot forward. The water must run under the bridge, Henry.
(I finished the game yesterday! Oh god I cried too much! And finished my prompt list as well! It's pretty long! I'm mad! I also can't remember fuck all of what I did when I crashed the wedding, I got involved in too many things and I'm trying to keep things short, because I don't have much time to type every single detail. I also remember how smug Hans was with Henry, the bastard. Fuckin' bird, yo)
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thequeenofthedisneyverse · 5 months ago
Eurlares au - Chapter teaser (short)
Shit...Eurylochus has been able to not meet this woman's gaze for [redacted] years now. He supposed she was still bitter with him the last time they met. She didn't get to kill him and get Ares like she wanted...lovely.
How did she find him? Well, Ares was off to fight in another war and for the time being, it was just Eury and little [redacted] for right now.
At the moment, he and [redacted] were at the beach. Fortunately for Eury, no one was there. That made the introvert in him happy. Everything was fine at first.
[Redacted] was making a sandcastle with his papa until...she...showed up. The woman that Eury knew was stalking him. How long had she been standing there?!
At the sight of her Eurylochus stood and pulled [redacted] behind him protectively. The young boy didn't know who the pink lady in front of papa was, but by papa's actions and facial expressions, she was a threat.
"Why do I hate you so much, you ever wonder that?" She asked politely she didn't want a reply.
"Oh gee, I wonder" Eurylochus thought to himself. Eury knew Aphrodite couldn't hurt him. It was Hera's law after all but still, he didn't want his son anywhere near her.
"I'm brilliant, I'm not bragging it's an objective fact. I am the most ethereal collection of beauty and love that's ever existed, and I HATE you"
She looked down at the young boy behind Eurylochus. His eyes glowed red just like his father's when he felt intense emotions. That child was supposed to be HER AND Ares' son. HER precious baby boy. Not his.
Aphrodite simply couldn't understand why Ares could leave someone as divine as her...for some mortal. An ant compared to her.
Eury chuckled and smirked defiantly, "Well if that was true, why is there a ring on MY finger...instead of yours?"
Oh yes, he did!
Aphrodite's eyes widened at that but before she could say anything-
"Who's the pink lady, papa?" The young boy asked as he looked up at his father.
Eurylochus looked down and softly smiled with a pat to the young boy's head. "No one important son, nobody...important"
Funfact: Eurylochus can be a really sassy/sarcastic a$$hole when he wants to be.
I would like for everyone to know that I started the ship so if you make art with them can you at least credit me?
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mytragedyperson · 1 year ago
Thoughts I had while reading TCF chapter 13
Cale: gets chills because Ron drinks the lemon tea without complaining
Also Cale: ignores that he does the same thing.
Looking at the two butlers around Cale is entertaining because you have Hans who is just constantly confused about what’s going on, and then you have Ron who is just amused by everything and notices the things Cale doesn’t. also Choi Han being polite because Cale’s there is amusing because chances are Cale wouldn’t care if he wasn’t.
Choi Han has this subtle sassiness to him, especially early on that I don’t think was fully intended because when he says ‘I will not fight against someone who is trying to cut someone else with a cooking knife,’ I don’t think he means to be sassy or anything (I don’t think I mean sassy but can’t figure out what i mean, maybe shady in the way of throwing shade, idk), like, that’s genuinely what’s happening but I hear it in such like a shady tone in my head. Again, I don’t think this was intended, I think Choi Han is a very genuine, earnest person, who means what he says in the way he says it, but my brain chooses to hear it as shady.
Ok yes Choi Han choosing to be someone who protects people, purely because Cale said he could do it is really cute and precious. And the “even” before I makes it just the slightest bit sad, but also Cale manages to cause confusion even when he’s not present, and I think that the impact Cale has on these characters, even when he’s not there to say or do anything, is a wonderful way to show how important he is to them.
Also, yes, I do find Choi Han saying this and having this revelation and Beacrox being like wth? What rubbish are you spewing? I just wanna fight funny. Because my humour is broken and I find a lot of things funny when they aren’t.
I feel like Ron just thinks everything his son and Cale does is cute and precious, and he’s right.
Ok but I love the idea of Ron, glaring at Choi Han accidentally while lost in thought, meanwhile Cale is just sat there with a small smile, but the tiny Cale living in his head is secretly clapping very quietly and letting out a cute little yay.
Yes, Cale, you’re right, the novel shouldn’t dictate your life, which is a good thing because you’ve already changed so much, even if you don’t realise it yet.
Once again, Cale proves he’s kinder than he allows himself to believe, because his second priority, after survival, is that everyone in their territory lives peacefully, and actually, considering how often he puts his life on the line, I’m pretty sure that’s actually his first priority.
I’m sorry but Cale saying sweet teas are the best after purposefully giving Ron the lemon tea, thus rubbing his face in it while also subtly guilting him, is such little shit behaviour.
Billos: lowkey disappointed he won’t see Cale until the capital
Cale: no, I’m going to be here everyday until I leave, and meet you at the capital
Billos: significantly happier than before
Cale: and I’m going to give you money and opportunities for profit
Billos: super shocked and super happy
Ron, stood to the side watching,  suspiciously sharpening a knife: I thought he said they weren’t close
Billos gets a message at 3 in the morning that someone is in the tea shop and goes to investigate, only to see Cale helping himself to some tea. His only explanation is a shrug and “you said it was open any time.” Billos ends up giving him a key to get in so he stops tripping whatever alarm or security he has. Cut to bonding sessions when Billos gets there in the morning before it officially opens. It’s rarely just Cale, usually it’s the kids, sometimes one of the others joins, one time he arrives to the entire Cale fam just casually sat, drinking tea. It ends up becoming their hangout spot on the rare occasions they get a month or two of not saving someone or somewhere. Just cute, fluffy moments in the tea shop
Oh Ron I thought being in denial was Cale’s thing. It’s ok, you can admit you care about your puppy young master, we won’t judge you.
Choi Han misunderstanding what Ron is talking about and being like I don’t want to like you. Oh Choi Han, you’re too good for this world.
I find it really funny that Cale couldn’t even get rid of the person who was planning to leave of his own accord. Like Ron was planning to leave, he did leave briefly, and Cale still couldn’t completely get rid of him. A dragon was dying, of old age, and Cale was like I think the fuck not, someone needs to raise my child when I can’t and not only found a way to keep him alive but also possibly made him age down so he was younger, he uno reversed death by old age. Cale, this is not how you reduce the number of people around you. Like, he thought he was done, and then Cale agreed to take care of his son while he was gone, cured what was killing him, and just didn’t care that he’d been an assassin.
Ron pretending not to care about Cale while Cale pretends not to care about Ron is actually clown behaviour.
Ron and Cale’s relationship is so precious to me, like you don’t understand.
Him thinking about the good things about Cale only to immediately go but he’s still trash is the same energy as KRS Cale asking about Ron’s injury and going but I don’t care it’s just annoying to look at. This is why KRS Cale and Ron have such a cute relationship. They’re actually more similar than either of them realise, and if they did realise it, they’d be horrified.
Cale: asking Choi Han who he’s going to protect
Choi Han’s thoughts: don’t tell him it’s him yet, you can’t
Choi Han: I’ll tell you when I’m stronger
Cale: nearly has a heart attack at the thought of him getting stronger
The only person Cale needs protection against at the minute is Choi Han, and himself of course.
Hans is such a breath of fresh air in this book. Every time he’s in a scene it makes me smile.
Ok so I’m not wrong for thinking some of the admiration in this scene is aimed at Cale right? Because they say the expression isn’t related to the kittens’ cuteness so that’s how I always took its, that the admiration is aimed at Cale, and possibly wants praise. Oh my God, he kind of reminds me of Ranpo from Bungou Stray Dogs, wants praise but when you do praise him just goes of course I’m (insert praise here).
Also, I’m pretty sure the reason Cale kind of stumbles over his answer is because he finds them cute but can’t admit that and also feels embarrassed for thinking it.
Still love Hans respecting the kittens more than Cale, I would too. Honestly I feel like the reason I love Hans so much is because I relate to him so much. I too am constantly confused, never truly know what’s going on and respect cats more than people.
Cale is so mean, ignoring the cats like that, not one pat. They should file an official complaint.
Ron thinking Cale isn’t aware the cats are beast people only for him to not only know that, but also know how he wants to use them.
Btw in case you hadn’t noticed this is also a highlights of the chapter thing only everything is a highlight because this story is a delight.
So, Ron planned to teach the Cat Tribe children, he also planned to leave, I’m pretty sure that takes more than a few days. Ron in denial again?
Ron planning to train the cat tribe children as a present is like you buying something for yourself only for your friend to mess around with it and then give it back to you, claiming it’s a present. Also he doesn’t question why these cat tribe siblings cam looking for Cale, just accepts that they did and moves on, doesn’t even think for a second that just maybe they’re already assassins. Who would be trying to assassinate Cale and why? Idk but the fact Ron didn’t even question it, suspicious possibly paranoid assassin Ron, is the strangest thing about this situation.
On and Hong are my favourite little sassy children, and On is usually the sole holder of the group’s collective brain cell.
Good job On and Hong, you refuse to become assassins
Them looking at Cale was actually a cry for help but you didn’t hear that from me
And the cry for help worked, kind of, maybe.
The kittens being cute instead of answering the question. After all, the answer should be obvious.
The difference between what they want to eat though. On wantin meat, protein, which provides more energy and is more filling while Hong wants cake which is sweeter and still gives energy but is less filling. It could be an age thing or preference, but it could also subtly show their personalities/dynamic with On being the more practical one of the two.
Cale continues to be one of the first people to believe in them by being one of the first to believe they can be useful/helpful.
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annabellelupin · 2 years ago
thoughts I've had while re reading poa as a marauders fan, part one (chapters 1 - 4)
(id just like to point out this is my first time reading the books since middle school and first time I've read the books since I became a marauders fan in 2020)
chapter 1
- ok so ye the Weasleys are really poor, but if they're "extremely poor" you'd figure they'd use their money for something other than a vacation
-I forgot sweet little hedwig existed djdjdjdkdjd
-someone please eat the rat
-let the future cat have him pleaseeeee
-why did I start to dislike hermione so much again??? maybe it's just movie hermione I hate and I can't remember the differences between the two
chapter 2
-why are most of the antagonistic characters portrayed as fat and why is the fact that dudley is obese brought up so many fucking times like that seems pretty fat phobic of you Rowling
- when actually reading and thinking about the Harry potter books and movies I imagine the actor that played sirius and not the fanart marauders sirius I'm more used to, and apparently his hair is depicted as elbow length in the books not shoulder length WE WERE ROBBED. could have had long haired sirius with a bun in ootp
- also I swear marauders Era Sirius and golden trio era Sirius (so canon and fanon sirius) are two completely different people in my mind
- also forgot "muggle" news talked about sirius
-just finished the chapter and seriously he is so sassy (guess that's what you get when you're Sirius and marlenes godson, and James and Lily's actual son)
- also I really fucking hate how much mental abuse is glazed over here like????
- it happens every summer and he's forced to return to his abusers like wtf
- this is why I don't like Dumbledore very much
chapter 3
-forgot padfoot wasn't like an actual dog sized dog
-lowkey forgot about padfoot in general ngl
-bro harry are your really throwing precious and innocent Neville under the bus rn come on dude seriously
-ok like when they mention Sirius I can't help to think of the dramatic, gay, Remus obsessed Sirius from all of the wolfstar text posts I've read
-also the fact they have to clarify what a gun is in the wizard news is wow
-same with Ron not knowing how to use a phone
-no wonder these people keep having Wizarding wars and unstable teachers at their schools
- love how this 13 year old kid is panicking over the possibility of going to wizard prison for breaking one rule
-also side note the more I read the more I feel like Daniel Radcliffe portrayed him super well
- hedwig supremacy
- "ur the literal wizard president" "yea but I'm not ur guardian dumbass I can't sign ur permission slip what in hell is this"
- why is reading stans parts so fucking hard
chapter 4
- ah Florean Fortescue the one genuinely nice adult in these books (isn't he like Alice's dad or something?) I just remembered her last name is actually more or less a headcanon uhhh that's fun
- the Irish quidditch team are actually mentioned along with the quidditch world cup even Harry's checkin out the firebolt
- coincidence that Dean and Seamus are mentioned at the same time? I think not
- seriously jkr why do you keep giving kids abusive gaurdians and acting like it's nothing (talking about Neville and his grandmother)
- "...Ron looking incredibly freckly, Hermione very brown..." (pg 55 in my book). when first reading this part years ago I registered it as Hermione was black/poc and not that she was just tan from the sun lmao
- I swear crookshanks was James' old cat and that's why he hated peter
- also Percy wow this why you don't befriend stray rats man
- the things this rat has seen go on in Percy's and Oliver's dorm room....
- still probably not as bad sharing a dorm with Remus and Sirius tho
- I love the twins sense of humor
- but guys stop messing with my precious baby Percy he's just- an autistic overachiever doing his best guys
- ..."he lost everything..." Yes Sirius did in fact lose almost everything Arthur but not bc what you think happened dude
- "he's safe with Dumbledore-" yea fucking right /sar
- "stationniong soul sucking demons around a school is such a good idea hehehehe" /sar
- literally there's no fucking way McGonagall thought Sirius did it- literally fucking refuse to believe that she did
going to start another post for chapter 5 bc oh boy it's going to be long
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neonscandal · 1 year ago
Hello, how are you? I love your blog, thanks so much for sharing you post, Neon (sorry, can I call you that?)
I found your blog cause your BakuDeku and SatoSugu posts, and I was surprised when found out, you also a fan of Banana Fish, Fushigi Yuugi, AoT and Sk8.
Last week was my birthday, and one of the best present for me is founding your blog.
Can I ask your fav characters and moments each from Banana Fish and AoT? Sorry if maybe you've already posted this before.
Happy belated birthday! 🎉✨
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I hope you enjoyed yourself 💛 IDK how old you turned but here's to another year around the sun. I don't really do new years' resolutions, but, on my birthday each year, I think about how I want to spend the next year of my life. I hope your next year is extra special.
I haven't quite answered this so please see below!
⚠️ Spoiler warning for Banana Fish anime and Attack on Titan through series end.
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Aslan Jade Callenreese - Because of COURSE he is. Plenty of places to read about why that is but just know, he is precious and I know he deserved better.
Shorter Wong - Just a funny lil guy. But to know the walls that would have divided Ash and Shorter which they would have broken down to have such trust and peace between them makes everything that happened that much more devastating.
Eiji Okumura - To paint Eiji as some harmless little cinnamon roll does his character such an injustice. He was gentle but he was fearless and could be fierce and had such a teasing sense of humor. I adore him for who he was to Ash but also because he could be sassy and obstinate.
Jessica Randy - Bad bitch with a gun. Adore her for being just as mean as Ash and not treating him like glass but also being sympathetic in those moments where they really connect.
Admittedly, I wound up having to stop watching Banana Fish part way through because it was so devastating and I was triggered. ✨ Took a month long break before I finished it and I have not watched it since. It just haunts me. I thought I'd read the manga but haven't brought myself to though I did buy Vol. 19 so I could get some closure.
Ash and Eiji's immediate gravitation toward one another from him just giving Eiji his gun?? and from the way he watched with awe how Eiji pole vaulted over fence and effectively saving them. Such a funny way to set up such an unlikely but perfect pair.
Ash shooting from atop the truck and everyone retreating into the Manhattan? river.. THE WAY SHORTER INSTINCTIVELY GRABBED EIJI?
Ash showing Eiji how to shoot in Connecticut, the way he softened up like they were just kids playing but then immediately had to retreat back to being Ash Lynx when he noticed other people watching.
How, even in his betrayal, Shorter did what he could to protect Eiji while in the mansion.
When they busted Ash out of the mansion, that moment of clarity when he realized Eiji was there for him.
Every single father son moment Ash had with Max.
The moment Max burned Ash's photos. I could actually bawl right now thinking about it?
Yut Lung's revenge on his brothers.
Ash's triumph over Rick Fox.
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CHARACTERS (have a funny way of not making it to the end of the series, huh?)
Levi Ackerman - I think I just like people who are burdened and damned.
Hange Zoe - Their personality did not fit the confines of life behind the walls and yet.. there they were. Brilliant, quirky, compassionate and curious. But eventually carried the weight of the whole world which blotted out their smile.
Sasha Braus, Connie Springer, Jean Kirstein - My favorite trio. From Jean's artistry, to Connie's horrible comedic timing and Sasha's insatiable hunger. Just a recipe for hilarity.
Mikasa Ackerman - Admittedly, she lost her edge and appeal later in the series which is such a shame. I mean, they brought it back for the ending but just feel like her being this OP bad ass could have had a personality consistently to match.
Attack on Titan had such exquisite exposition. This is definitely a series I always wish I could watch and read for the first time again. From the world building to the fact that, just when you get settled into understanding everything, your perspective on that world is completely rearranged. Now as a veteran watcher, crazy to find all the easter eggs that were hidden in plain sight.
The reveal at Utgard tower + their success in the box - As their first line of defense is fighting against dwindling stamina and dulling blades. Offset by the impossible odds of the newbie squads' success. Devastating.
Flegel Reeves' takes on the MP's - THE REVEAL. Also, what a way to emphasize their corruption in front of those shitty run down buildings. It was such a heart swelling moment.
Levi vs. Kenny in the city - their backstory and the animation of him flitting around and dodging bullets.
Battle at Shinganshina - From Erwin's incredible speech, Connie's awful joke and the difficult decision Levi had to make. SO MUCH. Such a phenomenal succession of chaos, honestly.
THE MARLEYAN REVEAL. Bro, are you kidding me??? With a whole new understanding of oppression and classism within the world.
The scouts experiencing life outside of the walls - Especially the clowns, the cars and the ice cream.
Massacre in Marley - The chaos of the attack on Willy Tybur's play to recapture Eren but also showcase the growth of the Scouts in Paradis and the fact that their freedom still came at the cost of other people who also weren't free.
Sasha Braus' Murderer's reveal - Gabi and Falco finding their way to the Braus' was one thing. But to be turned upon by someone who wanted to help them get back home and the only Maryleyan they met because of Sasha while being spared by her father? What a turning point.
Ymir's origin story and how that devolved into the world her descendants suffer in now.
FINDING OUT EREN WAS BEHIND EVERYTHING!? Even the death of his own mother and the slaughter of the royal family perpetrated by his father. All to engineer a future where he, too, knowingly would be killed. Knowing this and rewatching it just... it was there all along.
ALSO Levi Ackerman's back story from the OVA - man has been suffering since birth.
Recalling all of this makes me want to rewatch AOT again, TBH.
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year ago
14 | Hate Me
Series: No Prince Charming
Paring: Harry Hook x Original female character Princess!
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: none
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"How do I look?" Bella asks Evie the walking into her work room.
"Beautiful as always, why?" Evie asks.
"Harry wants me to meet his dad and sisters today and I'm nervous." Bella paces around.
"I was gonna say wear something I made you in the past to fit in over there but that's not who you are. You're for here not there." Evie watches her. "Hey, we know Hook likes you because he let Harry give you his ring." She adds.
"Yeah, but the way Uma has described his sisters..."
"B, you will be fine. You're super likable." Pope vie tries to calm her down.
"Bella, Harry is here!" Jay shouts to her.
Bella makes her way outside to see Harry on his bike her father bought for him, "Look at you, precious." He kisses her cheek as she walks up to him.
"Let's just get going." She hops on the bike putting on her helmet.
When they get the Isle and Harry parks his bike, Bella doesn't move. "You're nervous?" Harry looks at her.
"Duh, I'm scared of your sisters. The way Uma described them to me."
Harry grabs her face so she'll calm down, "If they even try to be rude to my princess, they'll be sorry because our dad doesn't put up with us fighting." He kisses her forehead. "Now, come on. My father is waiting to meet you face to face." He smiles taking her hand.
As they walk inside, Harry calls out to his family so his father comes around, "Princess Isabella." Hook smiles.
"Please just Bella. It's nice to meet you." Bella puts out her hands.
"No, it's nice to meet you. I'm still surprised you fell for my son." Hook laughs taking her hand, "Never thought he'd end up with the Princess of Auradon."
"I thought he'd end up alone." One of his sisters walk over.
"Very funny. Izzy, this is my old sister, Harriet. She's very sassy." Harry introduces them.
"Hello." Bella gives her a smile.
"So what did you see in my little brother?" Harriet eyes Harry.
Bella looks at Harry, "Honestly, I don't know. There's was just something that hooked me." She laughs.
"Now that's very funny, not." His other sister shows up.
"CJ." Hook glares at his youngest daughter, "Sorry for her. She's the rudest one out of the three." Hook tells Bella.
CJ just rolls her eyes, "They won't last long hate to say it." She walks off making Bella want to leave so badly feeling embarrassed.
"I don't believe that one bit. Come, on." Harriet takes Bella's hand so they can get to know each other while Harry goes after CJ.
"What is ya problem with Isabella?" He finds her in her room.
"She's a stupid princess."
"She's not stupid." Harry gets mad with her.
"Oh, please." CJ laughs.
"She is my girlfriend, CJ. And you will be nice to her." Harry raises his voice at her which he has never done.
"You're really standing up for a princess? One that doesn't love you?" She stands up.
"I'm not doing this with you." He leave annoyed with her but was glad to see Harriet laughing with Bella.
"Harry, you never told me Bella stole money from you without you knowing and she took your hook from you too?" Harriet laughs at her brother.
"Like I would say a princess did that to me? She a sneaky thief." Harry joins them.
"Thanks to Aladdin's son. He taught me. I even surprised Jay when they first came over." Bella adds as CJ walks out eyeing her.
"You steal our dad's ring as well?" She crosses her arms, "Don't you have all the money to get whatever and you steal that?"
"She didn't steal it, CJ." Hook joins them now, "You know I gave it to Harry and he gave it to her. With my permission." He adds looking at her.
"But you said it's part of our family. It's like loyalty. And you let him give it to her?"
"Yes, because he was serious about her and I knew she was serious about him deep down." He adds.
"You just have to come ruin our family with your perfect princess self. Ugh." She marches off.
Bella takes in a deep breath, "I think I'm just gonna leave since you guys have some stuff to take care of." She gets up.
"No, don't leave." Hook tells her.
"No, I should. It was nice meeting you guys." She leaves with Harry rushing after her.
"I'm so sorry about CJ." Harry apologizes.
"It's fine. I'll just walk home."
"No, get on my bike." He pulls her back so he drives her home. Dropping her off he gives her a kiss then stops her seeing she looked like crying, "Hey, don't worry about CJ, okay." He tells her so she just nods her head before leaving and goes to her room upset about the whole visit.
"So how was it?" Evie shows up.
"His little sister, CJ, hates me."
"I'm sure she doesn't hate you." Evie sits next to her.
"No, she does. To her, I ruined their family, I don't love Harry, and we won't last long." Bella looks at her upset.
"I'm sure she just needs some time. Did Harriet and you get along?" Evie rubs her back.
"Yeah, but still I wanted both of his sisters to like me." Bella throws herself back to lay down.
Meanwhile when Harry got back home he ignored CJ talking to him till he snapped, "You're just so selfish and cruel, you know that. You really hurt Isabella's feelings today. And don't say you don't care. You should because I'm your brother and she's my girlfriend."
CJ just looks at him, "So what I'm getting is you would choose her over family?"
"I didn't say that. And on the topic of family, we support each other and you're not doing that with me." He points out to her, "So you know what, little CJ. I would choose her over you because she supports me and helps me for future opportunities." Harry goes to his room.
CJ sees her father and sister looking at her, "We are supposed to care about each other." Harriet adds.
"Your brother is happy with her. The happiest we've ever seen him." Hook lets his youngest know.
The next day, Bella was at the Enchanted Lake reading and writing in her book when CJ randomly popped up, "Did you really come all the way over here to say how much you dislike me?" Bella looks at her for a second.
"No, I came to apologize. Eww." CJ takes a seat, "I was just trying to look after my brother. I don't exactly like princess because most seem snobby."
"My brother's ex." Bella laughs, "I get that, CJ. But I really care about your brother. I hated the thought of dating before I saw him. I never saw myself getting into a relationship because I hated every guy here in that way. When Mal and Ben wanted to close the barrier forever I hated the thought of never getting to see Harry again. That's why I gave him my necklace to remember me, but luckily they choose not to stick to that."
"And I can admit I was wrong... You make him happy, you wear the family ring he gave you..." CJ sighs.
"Well, thank you for admitting you were wrong." Bella giggles.
"CJ, leave her alone!" Harry shows up to spend time with Bella.
"It's okay, Harry. She apologized to me." Bella lets him know.
"You did?"
"Yes, now I'll leave you two kids alone." CJ gets up patting Harry's back passing him.
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plumbogs · 1 year ago
since i have captured each of them in a picture... i shall finally dump my Head Canons (of this particular playthrough because every individual sims game is an AU to me)
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beau broke: - literally so nice and kind. look at him he's precious he's a pumpkin roll - has never skipped class and will never skip class - tries his best all the time despite the odds. calls his brother every day after dinner :) - will cry if you make a mean or self-deprecating joke around him :( - brings gifts to school for people on their birthdays :)
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lucy burb - pretentious to the most insufferable degree. hates wattpad y/n fanfiction with her entire heart and soul - skips class to stand around in the girls' restroom every day - kinda wants to be a soft grunge aesthetic blogger girl but is too much of a fandom enjoyer to pull it off - picks fights on forums and will hit you with a "*you're" as an own - dating hal capp because he asked her first
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ariel capp - also very sweet and nice - doesn't skip class ever but could probably be talked into it - has a mutual crush on melody tinker but they're both shy about it - not very capp-like at all. that doesn't really matter because there's enough of them that she doesn't have to be. - Middle Child Of All Time
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desdemona capp - still wants to be like miranda so bad (horrible idea really) - obsessively reads y/n wattpad fanfiction and nothing else - thinks she WILL go to a concert with that look and win the lead singer - dating a townie that she kinda doesn't like but she wants the cred of being in a relationship - she's actually really into science and nerdy stuff but do NOT tell anyone that. she wants to skip class to stand in the restroom but is busy actually working (she claims that she's just afraid of Goneril finding out). she stays up late to sneak out and use the telescope most nights
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hal capp - the most capp capp to ever exist. this is goneril's whole son. albany did not come through at ALL - understands the stock market and WILL not shut up about that even though nobody cares - Teen Libertarian (tm) - will get so mad at you if you imply he's a nepo baby (he is) - dating lucy burb because he likes how "spirited" she is (somebody please free her)
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alexander goth - spends 20 minutes every morning doing his eyeliner just to spend another 20 minutes doing his hair so it covers an eye constantly - also skips class by standing around in the women's restroom - the mean queen of all time but nobody really calls him out on it because he's just a sassy gay and "doesn't mean it" (he does) - calls literally everyone his best friend and says they all mean so much to him and he'd never talk about them behind their backs (a lie) - is trying to find literally anyone else to convince lucy to date because hal WILL not leave him alone about using his share of the family fortune to enter some kind of business partnership in the future
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beatrice monty - aspiring artist and asexual icon - also kinda pretentious but she earns that right - actually calls alex out but they're still fine with each other for the most part. she's like the only other student aside from Beau that he's always respectful towards (after she kicked his ass that one time) - bathroom selfie expert. part of the skipping class gang. she can work a cheap digital camera like a pro. works a little too hard but wants her art to be in galleries and knows that's not happening without a lot of work
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benedick monty - coolest guy at this school honestly. he's just an all-around dude. multiple girls have chemistry with him but he's a family sim so there's almost no chance unless someone puts work into it - sporty but not aggressive about it - dating bottom and has been forever - knows how to cook. the restaurant is in safe hands in the future
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bottom summerdream - orphan x2 but unbothered by that - Gender - jack of all trades and generally gets along with everyone else - big fan of going out in nature - literally a fairy creature but whatever - throws the craziest parties... she's not even that wild on her own she just knows how to set it up for success (puck taught her well)
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melody tinker - new girl in school. became friends with alex first and made more friends after he kept inviting her to hangouts - actually succeeds at running an aesthetic blog - mutual crushing on ariel capp - stays up late to look at space (desdemona has the weirdest like/hate deal with her about that... she IS sorta jealous of ariel but WHATEVER) - absolutely not taking over that toy business sorry tinker parents
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casspurrjoybell-19 · 2 years ago
FERAL - Chapter 2 - Part 1
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*Warning: Adult Content*   
Even though his hands were covered by the sleeves of his olive green sweater, the sides of the teacup still burned hot against Echo Cahill’s palms as he blew steam from the rim. 
A delicious mixture of chamomile and mint teased his nostrils as he did so and a shiver of delight eased its way down his spine as little twirling spirals of steam ascended into the air, dissolving into the balmy breeze. 
This tea shop was hands down his favorite of all time. 
Their product was always fresh, their tea leaves were locally sourced and their decor resembled a celestial greenhouse, what with its walls full of climbing wisteria vines, fairy lights and diverse, blooming flora forming a tapestry of life across the vaulted ceiling. 
And, as if to make things even better, the shop's tables were graced by wide, airy window panes that pulled back just enough to let the outside world in. 
The windows were framed only by creamy, billowing curtains that whispered calm into every corner of the serene oasis of an establishment.
Well, that is, it would be a lot more of an oasis if it weren't for his Dad, who was currently on a mission to bankrupt himself as he shoved a handful of dollar bills into the tip jar, all the while praising the teenage barista to heaven and back.
And what was all the fuss about? 
Oh, just his precious triple-sweetened coffee, stuff he proudly called ‘Jaxson Cahill's Elixir of Life’ a drink guaranteed to rot your teeth faster than you could say ‘bad idea’.
Seriously, you could practically hear Echo’s Dad's tooth enamel begging for mercy every time he sipped the nightmarish concoction.
But fortunately, the young man’s pint-sized Dad's exuberance was short-lived thanks to the intervention of his Alpha husband. 
With all of the learned grace of a lion tamer, Alpha Corey Cahill gently placed a hand on his Mate's lower back, expertly maneuvering his husband towards the table where Echo sat, keeping the poor barista safe from the likelihood of an impending invitation to be adopted into their family.
Oh, the poor teenage worker. 
He didn't even know how close he'd been to a lifetime of madness with their terrifyingly eccentric family.
"Hey, let go of me you damn constipated cactus. I still had five more dollars to give them." 
Jaxson protested when Corey effectively managed to wrestle him back to the table and nestled his smaller body down into his lap. 
The Alpha, of course, was firmly unfazed by his husband's antics as he thrashed about. 
Echo giggled at his father’s antics, hiding his smile behind his teacup.
"Dad, we can't afford to let you empty the Pack's bank accounts every time a barista makes your tooth-rot elixir recipe," Echo mused, a few more blowing cooling ripples across the top of his teacup before taking a tentative sip.
Jaxson was definitely in full-blown pout mode but he attempted to cover it up with a huff and a sassy roll of his eyes, obviously not agreeing with his son’s financially conscious statement. 
"Listen here. We all know that there's only a tiny handful of people on this Goddess-forsaken rock who can make my Elixir of Life with such precision and finesse." 
He defended before taking an audacious gulp of said drink, only to moan aloud when the liquid sugar finally hit his taste buds. 
"Like, fuck, man. I swear, this shit might even taste better than your Papa's..."
"Jaxson," Corey swiftly interjected before Echo’s Dad could finish his thought,  a thought that his son knew well enough would definitely have veered directly into inappropriate territory if it wasn't intercepted quickly enough. 
His Papa's giant hands tightened around his Dad's waist then, a silent warning in his grasp.
"Whoops, you're right," Jaxson blinked, turning to face his son with an expression that immediately melted into one that oozed love from that wonderfully unhinged yet unconditionally caring heart of his. 
"Today is all about making you shine, my little star." 
His gleaming emerald eyes shone with excitement, mirroring the shimmer of the ever-present ring on his finger as he finally shimmied his way out of Papa's grasp and into a seat of his own.
Without missing a beat, Jaxon stretched his arms across the table to ensnare both of his son’s hands in his own, freckled ones which bore a striking resemblance to Echo’s own. 
"So, spill the metaphorical tea and give us the scoop on whatever you are comfortable sharing today. Little or big, your thoughts deserve time in the spotlight, sweetie."
Echo’s Papa nodded in agreement, scooting his chair closer to his husband and enveloping him with a protective arm around his waist. 
It seemed like the Alpha couldn't go more than a few minutes without craving physical connection with his mate, the pair always within arm's reach of one another if they could help it.
Sure, their shameless displays of affection could be disgustingly gross at times but in moments like this, Echo couldn't deny that his parents' relationship had its own quirky charm. 
It was a unique kind of adorable that made him roll his eyes and secretly smile at the same time.
Tearing his mind away from his parent's love life, Echo tried to focus on his Dad's request as he thought about what to share.
These monthly Daddy Dates, as Dad liked to dub them, have been a constant in the young man’s life since before he could even remember. 
On rotating weeks, his parents would take he and his siblings out individually to do an activity of their choosing before taking them for a meal or in Echo’s case, out for tea.
But what really made these dates special was the end-of-date ritual, when his Dad and Papa would tap into their inner parenting detectives, probing their minds for feedback on how they could level up their parenting game. 
Love language quizzes, deep conversations and catching up on the chaos of everyday life were all part of the agenda, creating a safe space for us to connect on a deeper level without the distraction of other siblings or Pack responsibilities.
And honestly, I often found myself quite enjoying the outcome of the exchanges, seeing as to how they provided us all with a chance to understand each other so much better. 
After all, not everyone was lucky enough to have parents who not only listened but actively sought ways to make our family stronger and more joyful.
Still, I sipped my tea in an effort to buy myself time, trying to come up with something worthy of discussion. 
If there was anyone in this entire world that he could trust, it was his parents of that, he was more than sure. 
But over the years, he'd learned that there was a fine balance between sharing his genuine thoughts and avoiding anything that might incriminate his siblings or himself in the process.
However, as his quiet moment stretched out into eternity, his Papa, the stalwart guardian of their family, took it upon himself to rupture the silence. 
Leaning forward, his voice carried the weight of his genuine concern, resonating with an undertone of paternal warmth.
"How about we start with this," Alpha Corey suggested, leaning forward even though his deep, rumbly voice was sure to carry far regardless. "Is there anything that we can do to make you feel more loved and cared for on a daily basis?"
Echo shrugs, biting at his bottom lip as his fingertips dig into the porcelain of his teacup, gaze fixated on the swirling pattern of tea leaves as they settled at the bottom.
"Umm... Well there is one thing," he mumbles, still unsure. "It's about my curfew. I know it might sound trivial but... I'd really appreciate it if you could extend it by at least an hour. With the winter months approaching, I've been working on setting up my greenhouse tents and I desperately need that extra time to get it done properly before the first frost," he requested, despite knowing that his Papa would definitely not be the biggest fan of that idea. 
Out of all of Echo’s siblings, even the ones that summoned demons and lit fires for fun, he was inevitably the one that the Alpha fussed over most.
Part of the young man resented it, being treated differently than everyone despite being the second oldest. 
But then, right when that twinge of bitterness would settle in his gut, threatening to take over, the memories would flood back, gripping him with the icy chill of reality.
The metallic scent of blood. 
Searing pain. 
The screams of anguish that tore from his lips. 
The scars, etched deep into his flesh, served as permanent reminder of the peril that nearly snuffed out his life before it even had a chance to fully unfold.
But these scars, these harsh imprints left behind, went beyond mere physical marks. 
They were a haunting testament to the fragility of his mortality, an indelible reminder that life is a delicate thread, easily frayed and severed. 
And in those quiet moments when he traced the raised ridges with trembling fingers, he felt the weight of his own mortality pressing upon him.
His voice quivered as he continued, vulnerability laid bare. 
Because... maybe his Papa was right to keep him cooped up safe the way he did.
"I know you worry about me, I really do. But... I'm nineteen now. I need to start learning to navigate the world a little bit more on my own. I promise to be responsible and I won't take any unnecessary risks."
The room held its breath, the silence echoing the weight of Echo’s words.
 And as his parents exchanged knowing glances, the young man could see the battle as it raged between and within them, torn between their instincts to protect their son and granting him the freedom to blossom on his own.
Finally, Jaxson Cahill spoke, his fingers tightening around the one hand that he still held, offering a lifeline of reassurance. 
"We hear you, sweetheart," he said, voice filled with a delicate blend of understanding and empathy. "You're not a child anymore and we trust in your ability to navigate the challenges that come with growing up. We only ever worry because..." he trailed off, voice quivering with raw emotion, unable to articulate the depths of his true emotions.
But even still, the unspoken words still echoed just as loud as ever. 
The scars that lay beneath Echo’s carefully concealed long-sleeve shirts throbbed, a constant, silent reminder of the pain that forever remained within our collective memory, pain that bound us, a battle they fought every day as they were forced to always remember.
His Papa nods, one of his giant hands joining Echo’s Dad's on the table, their fingers interlacing to make a pile of their palms in the center of the table. 
Their gentle touch spoke volumes, conveying the unspoken promises of protection that transcended any words they could possibly say.
"Let's start with an extra thirty minutes," Alpha Corey finally pipes up in compromise and excitement lanced through Echo at his father’s willingness to find middle ground. "Assuming all goes well, we can revisit the idea of extending it further, alright?"
"Yes," the young man exclaims enthusiastically, practically vibrating in his seat at the notion of having even more precious time to devote to his beloved garden. "Thank you, Papa."
His Papa only chuckled, warm and resonant, filling the air around them as he brought both his son and Mate’s hands to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the backs of both of them. 
His lips left a lingering warmth. 
"You deserve it, pumpkin. Your passion for gardening is beautiful to witness and both your Dad and I are so proud of everything you have accomplished," he finished.
Jaxson nods in agreement, resting his temple on his husband's broad shoulder as he gazed at his son with a bittersweet smile full of nostalgia and awe, as if witnessing the passage of time in a single second and marveling at the young man he'd become before his very eyes.
It was moments like these, when the weight of their love bore down on Echo, that he couldn't help but swell with a mutual level of adoration for his parents. 
Over the years, they had masterfully woven their tapestry of life, creating a family where affection flowed freely and bonds grew stronger with each passing day.
There was no other word to describe it other than beautiful.
"Thanks Dad. Thanks Papa," he smiled into his teacup, trying to hide his blush behind the tendrils of his reddish brown hair that ran down the sides of his face, having escaped from the sloppy bun he'd assembled at the top of his head earlier that day. 
"I really appreciate you guys saying that."
"Of course, my love," Dad buzzed, his freckled cheeks turning into little circles as his smile widened even further. 
It seemed almost impossible for his grin to contain itself within the boundaries of his face. 
"So now that we've handled that, tell me. Any new troublemakers itching for my lessons in knuckle etiquette?"
Echo’s Dad's threat was playful but he knew all too well that it carried with it a dangerous warning. 
With the combination of the young man’s scars and the curves that had emerged from the adorable pudginess of his youth, he attracted both admirers and bullies in equal measure. 
And as soon as they appeared, Echo’s Dad had proven time and time again that he wasn't afraid to confront anyone who crossed the line, whether they were relentless bullies or persistent wolves who failed to take a hint.
Jaxson's protective motherly nature was both a source of comfort and occasional embarrassment but deep down, the young man knew his actions always came from a desire to make his son as safe and comfortable as he possibly could be.
"No need for threats, Dad," Echo teased, giggling to himself at the memory of all of the creative ways his father found to terrorize people into submission whenever he mentioned them giving him a hard time. "Everyone has been surprisingly well-behaved lately, actually."
His Dad pouted dramatically, feigning frustration. 
"Aww, damn. And here I was looking forward to a good, old-fashioned limb-removal session. But if you insist..." he trailed off, adding in a wink at the end for good measure.
"Sorry to disappoint," Echo joked as they all chuckled, shaking his head with amusement. 
But as the laughter subsided, a soft, introspective silence settled itself over the table.
Echo Cahill paused, letting a brief moment of silence hang in the air as he gathered his thoughts. 
The topic he was about to attempt to broach was delicate and he'd waited several months to bring it up. 
However, with unwavering trust in his parents' wisdom, he knew they were the perfect confidants for this particular concern. 
So, taking a deep breath, the young man reminded himself that their love and support would guide him through any uncertainty as he prepared to open the door to a whole new realm of conversation.
"But... I have been wondering just a little bit lately..." he began tentatively, gaze fixed on the swirling patterns in his teacup as embarrassment threatened to swallow him whole. "About... well... finding my fated mate someday." 
The words rushed out of him, almost tumbling over each other and his face instantly betrayed him as it flared with a bright, crimson blush.
Ah, the glorious perks of being a fiery-headed ginger emotions painted across his face like a neon sign at a carnival, a giant mood ring for the world to gawk at.
Summoning the courage, he dared to lift his gaze and meet their reactions. 
His Papa somehow maintained his composed expression, while his Dad's look was one of complete and utter surprise, his eyebrows shooting up in astonishment. 
As the silence lingered, it was his Dad who broke the stillness first, his voice a mixture of curiosity and amusement.
"Finding your fated mate, Echo, is a true blessing," Jaxson said, voice gentle and resolute. "It doesn't always happen the way we might expect,but when you least anticipate it, love will always have a way of finding you," he reassured and the young man’s Papa was quick to chime in, supporting his sentiment.
"Your Dad is right," he agreed, voice tinged with reminiscence. "When your Dad and I first crossed paths..." he trailed off, turning to gaze at his Mate with a look so full of adoration that Echo was nearly shaken by the intensity of it. "It was unexpected. Chaotic, even. And yet, it turned out to be the greatest blessing of our lives," he paused, "Well, aside from the blessing of having you and your siblings, of course."
"They're called shit-heads," Echo’s Dad scolded, correcting his Papa's choice of words. 
But, ignoring him and finding myself intrigued by their previous remarks, the young man leaned forward, curiosity aflame.
"But... how did you know, Papa? How did you both realize that you'd found your fated mate?
Papa's gaze softened then, his eyes fixated on Dad's smiling face in a way I'd never witnessed before. "It's difficult to put into words, pumpkin. But the very moment that I met your Dad... my entire world changed. The connection was just there, a deep sense of familiarity, an inexplicable oneness. It felt like coming home for the very first time. He helped me... find my smile."
Jaxson Cahill's eyes watered at that and as he gazed up at Alpha Corey, his bright green eyes reflected the decades of love they'd shared and cultivated together.
"For me, it didn't happen right away. I had... personal hurdles to work through before I could fully accept your Papa into my heart," Jaxson explained and his son’s brow furrowed, unable to imagine a world where Papa and Dad weren't joined at the hip. "But over time, being with your Papa completed me in ways that I never even imagined were possible," he finished, the love they shared evident in every glance, touch and word.
It was a love that had weathered storms and stood the test of time.
The kind of love that Echo wanted for himself one day.
"You've flourished into such an amazing young man, Echo. And believe me, if I managed to find someone strong enough to put up with me, you will undoubtedly find your perfect match as well" Jaxson reassured, a playful glint in his eyes. "But what's most important is that you don't rush the journey. Allow yourself to grow, explore and discover the extraordinary man that you are first. Love will find you when the universe decides that it's ready to witness the magnificence that is you."
At that, Echo’s Papa let out a low growl, unable to contain his overprotective Alpha instincts when the topic of his only full-blooded Omega child finding a mate finally took root inside of him. 
"And if whoever you are mated to does not treat you right, I will personally take care of them," he warns, a mixture of fierce, murderous determination and affection coloring his tone.
"Papa..." Echo couldn't help but giggle, the sound bubbling up from deep within him. 
It was a reflexive response to his fiercely protective nature but beneath the laughter, the young man felt a profound sense of security washing over him. 
At that moment, his Papa's words became a soothing balm to his inner Omega, easing the perpetual worries that lingered within.
Alpha Corey's threat brought a mischievous sparkle to his Mate's eye as he added... 
"Well, sweetie, we can't just hand over the prestigious position of being your fated mate to just anyone. That role requires a special blend of wit, strength and a killer sense of style. I mean come on, we can't have someone with questionable taste fucking up our fabulous family photos."
Echo raises a brow through another giggle. 
"Dad, you literally wear sweatpants ninety percent of the time."
“Okay and?" Jaxson sassily retorted, "Just because I embrace the comfort of loungewear doesn't mean I can't appreciate a fierce fashion statement when I see one. Besides, your Papa still tries to squeeze himself into these sweatpants every single night..."
"Jaxon," Echo’s Papa interjected for the second time, the sound laced with a mixture of warning and amusement.
"Boo, you're no fun." 
Jaxson sticks his tongue out at his husband before quickly shifting his tone to one that resonated with warmth as he added... 
"But seriously, sweetheart, we are here for you. If there's anything we can ever do to brighten your day or talk you through any of your concerns, just give us a shout. We will always, always, have your back."
"Thanks Dad. I really appreciate that," Echo says with a smile, the warmth of his father’s love enveloping him in a soothing cocoon, soft and cushy like the many cozy blankets that he hoarded in his bed. "I love you both so much."
"We love you too, sweetheart," his Dad smiles tenderly, scooting his chair close enough that he could reach up and cup his son’s cheek in a soft palm. "Always and forever."
As they sipped the last remnants of their drinks, Echo’s Dad and Papa dove into a treasure trove of stories from their wilder and younger days, regaling their son with tales that left him laughing until his sides hurt. 
His Dad even recounted the mind-blowing tale of how he discovered he was pregnant with Echo during their honeymoon and quite honestly, the young man couldn't decide whether to be amazed or horrified at the sheer absurdity of it all.
His Papa hummed with happiness as they told the story, eyes shimmering with affection and he wrapped an arm tighter around his Mate's waist, pulling him closer. 
They sat there together throughout the rest of their Daddy Date, bodies and souls perfectly aligned, radiating an unspoken bond. 
It was a testament to their enduring love, a love that had shaped their family and provided a solid foundation for each of them to flourish.
Their family, with all of it’s unique quirks and flaws, stood as a testament to the incredible power of love, resilience and unwavering support. 
And as Echo Cahill sat there, soaking in his parent’s presence, a deep-rooted certainty blossomed within him, bright and beautiful just like the colorful wisteria vines that crawled up the beautiful walls around him.
Because no matter what lay ahead, he knew deep in his heart that they would always be by his side.
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years ago
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 121
All Dogs Go to Heaven/The End of Time Part 2
“All Dogs Go to Heaven”
Plot Description: Sent to investigate an apparent werewolf attack, Dean and Sam follow the clues to a mother and son with an unusual dog
(FINALLY someone listed Dean first. It is his birth right as the elder sibling)
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: probably not. Guy didn’t stand a chance, and he didn’t make any horrifically stupid mistakes
Crowley is fucking ruthless
I love the boys being absolutely RUDE, downright INSULTING to the cops while posing as feds
Damn, Sam. You said DEAN was the shoot first ask questions later guy. But now you don’t even wanna INVESTIGATE this guy before definitely declaring him a werewolf??
I’m sorry…what?? I mean, sure it was the dog. You could glean that from the description but…this is…it’s disturbing
Oh god, is the DOG THIS LADY’S EX(/a werewolf)???
SAM!!! That is circumstantial evidence at BEST. (And we know it’s not her)
Sam really would sell anyone to Satan for a corn chip these days. Damn.
Oh no. It’s not a werewolf, but I’m pretty sure it’s wildly disrespectful to indigenous people if *I* say what it actually is
SAM. *SAM*!!!! It shouldn’t be funny. But Sam addressing this dude like a literal dog (because that’s the form he’s taken the whole time) and then answering the guy’s “go to hell” with “already been. Didn’t agree with me” he’s so sassy
There’s THIRTY of them?? Oh…it’s…as Dean said, a sleeper cell. He was supposed to turn the family he’s been staying with once he gets the word
Sam noooo not the whistle and trying to get him to play fetch. Stoppppp
The entire episode is just me yelling “Sam!! No!!” He wanted Dean to take the shot on the pack leader even with innocent people in the way
Oh…so you can just shoot them normally, I guess?? It’s super anticlimactic when you can just shoot them normally, though Bobby usually has whatever the boys need to kill a monster, so it’s not like that’s typically a problem
Sam telling Dean the things he’s done since losing his soul, and then saying that even though things were harder when he had one, he wants to go back to being that guy. I won’t lie, if he’s not lying, I’m proud of him.
“Been On My Mind…”: Nope. 3.
“The End of Time Part 2”
Plot Description: The Doctor faces the end of his life as the Master’s plans hurtle out of control
I DON’T WANT HIM TO GOOOOO. I literally waited til the last minute I thought I could possibly get through this before midnight arrived. My decompression time after work needed to be a lot longer than normal
God…I kinda wish I knew more about Old Who. I know precious little about the Time Lords outside the Doctor and the Master (though obviously less about him).
Is it bad that Donna’s making me wanna dye my hair again? I’ve been really good at not because I might wanna go back to my natural color…but who knows??
HE CALLED HER HIS BEST FRIENDDDDDD 😭😭😭 like I know it but…to hear him say it
These moments between the Doctor and the Master…can you imagine having one person and one person only in the entire universe who could possibly understand everything you’ve gone through? And they do, and they HATE you, and you COULD love them if they’d only back down a LITTLE (aaaaaaaaand I’ve just described Touya and Shoto again. godDAMMIT)
THIS BODY WAS BORN OUT OF DEATH, ALL IT CAN DO IS DIE?!?!?!?!?!?! When will these writers from 2009/2010 stop hurting my feelings about 2022/2023 manga things????
Yeah, this rescue could be better
Wilf is so excited (if a little scared) to be in space. Bless him
I can’t tell if the camera just moved or if the ship actually fell a little…but it’s in SPACE WITH NO GRAVITY. It shouldn’t do that
Hilarious that “night has fallen” so all 6 billion or something people/Masters HAVE to start just listening as though there aren’t ones who are potentially still asleep from….like, does he have no idea about time zones? Bit of an oversight for a TIME lord, if you ask me
OKAY. Time out. There’s allowing whatever to happen in your sci-fi and then there’s allowing JUST ANYTHING to happen. The Time Lords threw a diamond from inside the time lock into a projected image of Earth from the end of time and it showed up on real Earth in 2009?? Come on…
Oh, sweetie, your condition just keeps getting worse
I still don’t trust this woman who talked to Wilf on the TV and has now found him on the alien ship
…the Master changed not just alive humans but corpses too? Skeletons?? What the absolute fuck
“We must look like insects to you” “I think you look like giants” 💔 The Doctor and Wilf have such a special and sweet relationship. It’s gonna rip my heart out when he’s the one who will knock four times
Oh wow. There’s a lot I forgot. Hearing Wilf tell the Doctor to not put the Master ahead of making sure that every human returns to being themselves
The terror on David’s face when he hears what the diamond is
(Ok I’ve got another Touya parallel to the Master, but I might have to wait and do an edit later because we are running out of time)
Of course the Doctor can just fix the ship, all parts of it…just like that in a couple minutes
I was gonna say “this is some Star Wars shit (neutral)” but that would actually be very appropriate for today.
Yeah, bestie, that’s what happens when you jump out of a space ship, through glass, onto a marble floor with no parachute
I sympathize with this seemingly impossible decision…but the decision to destroy the gate is so great
(I might not end in time for midnight…this is a longer episode than I thought, I’m pretty sure now)
The melodrama of the Doctor’s agony in the box with the radiation vs it just ending and he just…gets up
Oh…he’s doing his farewell tour, saving his companions and/or their family members
Man, now we’re even in a Star Wars-esque cantina…I swear I didn’t do this on purpose
Oh, the granddaughter of the woman from The family of blood
Well, midnight came and we’re at Donna’s wedding
Wilf blowing a very tiny kiss to the Doctor as he turns and leaves 😭😭😭😭😭😭
“The universe will sing you to your sleep” can you IMAGINE???
My heart hurrrrrts watching this. I don’t wanna say good bye to Daviddddddd
Oh hi Matt! You strange giraffe of a man
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dukeoftheblackstar · 2 years ago
Cue long review because this fic is a must read ♥ Thank you @yellowocaballero ♥♥♥
“Just don’t get 3321 decommissioned,” 3390 said. “I’d tell them to decommission you.” “Yeah,” 3385 said. “You’d be the one who flunked.” “Sooran ni’jagyc,” Boba said.  “Suck your own dick,” 3385 said.
Boba being a sassy lil bitch with his sassy bitchy vods. Like, yes. That is the Fett way my sons. Be little shits to each other because this is camaraderie ♥
“Are you dying?” “N - no, sir -” “Then you should be in class.
(Context is Boba had pretended to be a clone and comes across a very grouchy Dad who has to train cadets and wait for an update on whether Boba has been found and has no time for absolute foolishness).
Sometimes, when Dad had been gone on a mission for a really long time, Boba stood in front of the mirror and stared at himself. All three little unique things about Boba. Scar, tooth, callous. And he would mouth the name ‘Jango Fett’ really quietly, just to himself. As if all the little things that made him Boba could be magically transformed into ‘Jango Fett’, and he could be perfect. He could earn Jango Fett, if he just tried hard enough. One day, when he looked in the mirror, he’d see Jango Fett staring back at him.
This is the sweetest that I have read. Boba and the author addressing him as dad and occasionally throwing his name like it didn't matter. And it doesn't in this context. Dad is just Dad. Not Jango the greatest bounty hunter, not Jango who trained cadets to perfection, not the PRIME, not the TEMPLATE, not the OG CLONE, not BIG DADDY J, just 'Dad'.
It's so pure I could feel the sin and wanton desire for all my fictional daddies get cleansed. I might have cried a little out of sheer excitement because the implication of how fluffy this gd fic is is too much.
This has instantly sky-rocketed to my top ten favorite fics in the whole damn galaxy.
Star Wars ficlet: Boba Has Baby’s First Identity Crisis & Jango Plays Hungry Hungry Hypocrite
Sometimes, when Dad had been gone on a mission for a really long time, Boba stood in front of the mirror and stared at himself. All three little unique things about Boba. Scar, tooth, callous. And he would mouth the name ‘Jango Fett’ really quietly, just to himself. As if all the little things that made him Boba could be magically transformed into ‘Jango Fett’, and he could be perfect. He could earn Jango Fett, if he just tried hard enough. One day, when he looked in the mirror, he’d see Jango Fett staring back at him.
It was like he could see Dad’s spirit in himself. It was in his body, and it was what made him great. The others had bad bodies and that’s why they couldn’t be great.
But sometimes Boba just felt like a body. And sometimes that made him feel good. And sometimes that made him feel bad. He couldn’t decide.  
Boba Fett plays a prank on his dad, which does not backfire whatsoever. A legion of identical small children play a prank on their educational system, which they definitely don’t blame on Boba. A loyal and dedicated unintelligent army spend another routine day learning to serve Jedi. And Boba Fett, Jedi-killer in training, really does learn that he’s very special and important after all.
In which Jango is the father with a thousand faces. 
Short 7k thing beat out in threehours under the cut. Blaming this one on resident Boba Fett fanatic @bobafett, although you can blame the fact that it’s about children acting like idiots and contemplating the nature of self on me.  
Keep reading
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impyssadobsessions · 1 year ago
Some more of the scenario when I was telling my boyfriend over discord about it LOL the oldest really having tough time with this, because he doesn't trust any of them and wants to protect his siblings. Just wishing they let him care for them.
Which Draco often points out whenever he does that he in fact cannot because Draco is not above being sassy with an eleven yr old. In fact it probably what helps the kid ironically not run away. LOL
Imagine kid also having a melt down, slapping the biscuits little sister gave him down (at breakfast) because he doesn't trust the food. Only for the little sister to call him out and run away crying because she made them for him.
Draco has the toddler on his hip, calling kid out. Kid still breaking down, until Draco does hit him with hard truths. Sassy as he can be.
Kid goes up stairs to apologize to his sister because he realized his sister did make the biscuits for him because she knew he wouldn't trust Draco or Molly cooking.
Only for them to come down to find out Draco threw the biscuits away because they did touch the ground- and immediately like oh… they were still wanting to eat them.
Molly stepping in saying that they can make more, especially now the oldest is up, together. Draco like >>' sorry I was raised not to eat food that touched the ground… grumbling as he feels guilty for making the girl cry on accident. =w='
The 11 yr old all like "So you were taught to waste food?"
"Not waste >:T Just not toss them into the floor! Oh Merlin, why do I feel like I need to justify normal mannerisms." Molly's his savior and he says Ron needs to do better for her LOL next time he runs into Ron =w= Tells Ron he needs to do way more for his mum because she is an angel. Ron obviously doesn't want to hear this from Malfoy =w= of all ppl
imagine Hermione like well it wouldn't kill you to drop by more often. pfft just imagine like the oldest kid having to help teach Draco about caring for the toddler.. since the oldest has been doing it for a while. And then Molly teaching them both too.
just hilarious little scenarios and then both of them going huh? When Molly interjects.
Draco had these kids for only a few days but if anything happen to them-(insert meme)
While Harry having to go through hoops and talk with so many ppl, looking up laws with Hermione, speed running court systems. Actually using his fame for once to help speed up processes. =w= Having to talk with McGonagall
Also imagine Harry after his manic run of terrorizing the ministry to get what he wants, walks in with adoption papers to see Draco already having the three of them cling to him. So precious but also the kids already like him better. LOL So their parenting style becomes slightly competitive in like the most ridiculous ways. Kids find it so surreal and funny LOL These kids are going to be spoiled rotten and everyone in the family is going to reap the rewards of it. (like when Draco and Harry somehow end up in a cupcake battle and now have to figure out what to do with all the cupcakes. ) I also imagine their new grandparents spoiling them too. I can see Narcissa loving them because their her son's regardless of blood. Especially after seeing how Draco cares for them. (Still takes her a moment to warm up and ignore previous prejudice. But Draco loves these kids and she wants to keep Draco close.) Lucius is appalled.. until he properly speaks with the middle child, and then she becomes his precious granddaughter that can do no wrong. (Imagine way she praises magic and talks about how neat it is and how Lucius has pretty hair.. the bastard cant help but adopt this one) Lucius is a type to pick a favorite =w=, also helps i imagine the girl to have dirty blonde hair, at least while she's young. So can see Lucius trying to say she looks just like a Malfoy! She doesn't but they won't argue. Molly of course spoils them with food and affection. Draco takes them over often because he is so grateful for her help when they first took them in. Also to rub into Ron's face he's a better son, teasingly.. but still. Draco loves to pick on.
Harry takes in stray kids
I've been on a harry potter kick... as y'all may have seen >>' HPMA has lit that fire again.. plus stress of work making writing hard so I've felt guilty looking at dpxdc content right now. ANYWHOO I has a funny idea. It is drarry. Harry and Draco have an established relationship already. (Non epilogue compliant.) Draco at home enjoying his book, already upset as time has come for Harry to disappear for months on in as he is now the DADA professor. Its still summer but Harry is doing some work before school to give muggleborn kids their letters and explain the magical world. So imagine Draco's utter shock when Harry comes home with a kid. "First day on the job and you kidnapped a child?!" "I did not kidnap a child." two more pop out from behind the oldest one. "Three of them?! THREE OF THEM? POTTER!" (Harry becomes potter whenever Draco stressing out/mad)
So Harry ended up walking in on an abusive household and may have let his temper flare. Inflated the parent and took the kids with him. To protect them... only to realize immediately how much he fucked up. Draco stressing out because of what could happen. Harry lost what to do but doesn't want to let the kids go back to that kind of home. Draco ends up shoving Harry into the fireplace and forcing him to floo over to Hermione to hurry up and fix this with the ministry before it spreads into a bigger problem. Then Draco takes himself and the children to Molly to help keep the authorities away until Harry can get things settled, and to help learn how to take care of three children.. Stressing out because he never had to care for someone other then himself and lately harry. Imagine one is a toddler, the middle child is a girl who thinks all these witches and wizards are going to save them. (Which they are trying but its a lot harder then waving a wand) And then the eldest who has serious trust issues and trying to get their siblings and leave before they're forced into worse situation. The oldest claiming constantly that they can take care of his siblings. They don't need adult help, which Draco makes perfect come backs for. Anyway I think it'd be a cute and kind of funny situation though stressful. Because I imagine Draco is worried. If they were all magical then there wouldn't be a problem. But they only know one is. And so muggle authorities have to be involved too. Draco also doesn't want to get attach to the kids despite already carrying the toddler on his hip and baking biscuits with the girl before he even known them for 24 hrs. He knows that only Harry has a chance to gain custody. (and is 100% certain that is his goal, damn his savior complex) He's not even sure he would be allowed to be near them again after all said in done, just because of the stupid mark on his arm. Oh he prays Potter hurry up and mirror him. He hates not knowing. And the kids desperately needed some light in their life. Thank goodness for the Molly or Draco feels like he be drowning. Also imagine Draco hitting Harry with a wash cloth repeatedly, when he talking about the absurd situation Harry got them in. (like just a funny gag.. using it to shoo him into action)
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