#my parents were stressed out and angry the whole time
m0nnypie · 2 days
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Warnings: just Deku being fool for reader, 'n Katsuki being a jealous brother.
synopsis: You're dating this cute green-haired boy, but you're related to that stressed-out blonde bitch 💔
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- Well, it's obvious that you've known each other since you were kids. And according to both parents, you've shown that you liked each other since you were young (Katsuki says that's stupid)
- Because you were a year younger, you didn't go to U.A. with them. But that doesn't mean you didn't spend time with Deku.
- To be honest, Katsuki did everything he could to keep you away from Deku. Saying things like "he's a loser, and we're amazing" and "you're my sister, you shouldn't hang out with a nerd like him". But it's not like you listened to the blonde. Since you didn't want the blonde bothering you, you continued hanging out with him, even in public.
- But that stopped after Katsuki simply called his friends to beat up the green-haired one. You literally stopped talking to the blonde for a whole month, and that worried your parents, because besides affecting Katsuki, they could hear you crying every night, saying how stupid Katsuki was. In the end, you guys resolved it after he promised he wouldn't bother Deku anymore. Not that he kept his promise.
- After what happened, you started sneaking out with Deku. Whether it was going to his house, or going to play somewhere, when you knew Katsuki was going to train. And it's obvious that he never told you about Katsuki. That's why, the day he arrived all hurt, you almost had a fit.
Sometimes he forgot that you were capable of screaming as loud as Katsuki.
"I-it was nothing!"
He simply held your hand and smiled.
"It's okay! No need to worry! I already told you."
The simple contact made you blush. It was funny how children dealt with affection.
- Over time, you started to drift away. It wasn't that you hated him, but most of your time was spent training with Katsuki. So in the last year, before the two of them went to U.A, you barely saw Deku.
- You were on good terms with Katsuki. That is, until you found out that he never really left Deku alone. The moment you walked into the classroom in a rage, he thought it was strange. But as soon as the blonde felt you attack him with all your force, he was in shock.
you pulled Deku with you, leaving behind an extremely angry blond, yelling that he didn't care about you.
That afternoon, Deku comforted you while telling you that everything was going to be okay. But you didn't believe it.
- Obviously things got weird between Katsuki and you. Especially because you would stay in the same house for months before he went to U.A. And even though your parents tried everything to make things work out for you, nothing worked. He was too proud to do anything, and you had too much anger built up to be on good terms with him.
- You continued to be close to Deku. Staying with him all day now, and threatening anyone who dared to look at him the wrong way. And even if he said he didn't need all that, you just told him to shut up. You two became really close after that.
- At the time, when he would just disappear sometimes, you were really worried. Even though you didn't have much time, as you were busy with your own training.
- Of course, when you found out he got into U.A. you wanted to celebrate. When you brought up the subject of the quirk, he got all weird, so you let it go.
- At the same time, you and Katsuki still haven't made up. Neither of you wanted to apologize, you were too proud for that. And now, it would be even harder with him at U.A.
- At first it was really strange, when you didn't see Deku as often anymore. Even though he always called you every night, and sent you messages all day long.
- He was saying how wonderful U.A was. That he had met All Might (he said he told you about it, and you almost had a heart attack). You were so excited for him! (and for Katsuki even though you wouldn't admit it). But of course things changed when he was kidnapped.
- As soon as you found out about the kidnapping, your first instinct was to call Deku. You were desperate, and he tried to calm you down by saying he would fix everything. That's when you had your first fight.
"You need to calm down... I told you! I'll find a way! You need to trust me!"
the silence that fell was deafening.
"I'm going to hang up."
"(Name) Wait-"
You hung up on him, you knew what you said to him was wrong. But your concern for your brother's life was greater than any guilt. You ignored all his other calls for the rest of the day.
- As soon as Katsuki came back. You punched him in the face. Well, brotherly love, right? But you didn't let go of him for a whole week.
As soon as you met the blond again, with the weight of your fight and the worry you felt, all you could do was punch him.
Everyone was shocked, your parents, All Might who you didn't even realize was there. Even Deku wasn't expecting it. Of course, Katsuki didn't take it personally, certainly not. But before he could yell something stupid, he felt you hug him.
"You're an idiot, you know that?"
He simply gave you an ironic laugh and hugged you back. He didn't like hugs, but he knew he couldn't deny you that.
Well, now everyone was really in shock.
- Well, they gave you a week to stay with Katsuki (With All Might asking for it, it became easier for it to happen). No one had ever seen this hot-headed blonde treat someone well, so when they saw how he treated you (despite still having the insults), everyone wanted to meet the grumpy blonde's dear sister. And he hated the idea, although he wasn't the only one. A certain green-haired boy, perhaps, was quite sullen.
- Of course when you saw Deku, the first thing you did was apologize. It was funny that even though you were as proud as your brother, when it came to Deku, things were simpler and easier. He obviously accepted your apology, you spent an entire day together, with Katsuki obviously hating every second of it.
- Well, the rest of the year was tense too. With all the fights and stuff. The only times Deku could relax were when he was with you.
- It didn't take long for him to realize that he was in love with you. Because of course, with his friends making jokes about it, it was hard to hide it. He had no intention of confessing, he didn't want to ruin his friendship with you. But of course Uraraka, Mina and Denki thought otherwise.
- After coming up with a plan to make you two finally confess, everything went wrong. Katsuki was suspicious, so he simply wouldn't let go of you the whole time. Until, of course, the guys decided to bring All Might into the plan (bros are determined). Somehow, they convinced All Might to distract Katsuki. So when you were finally alone, he got nervous, not knowing what to do. And before everyone could intervene to help him, they saw you kissing Deku.
- Obviously you started dating. Everyone was happy for you, your parents thought Deku was adorable. But of course one person didn't like it. A certain blond guy was totally against your relationship. But not that he would do anything other than threaten Deku, saying that if he touched a single hair on your head, he would end up underground (he takes threats seriously). Anyway, he would always be in the corner complaining, not that you care.
- The best thing that could have happened was when you started at U.A. Many nights, he would sneak into your dorm. You would have lunch together, walk hand in hand through the hallways. He would train with you (you loved it when training turned into a kissing session, which embarrassed him). Anyone who looked at Deku would realize how much he loved you, even Katsuki knew that.
- Most of the make-out sessions were initiated by you. Sometimes in the bedroom, during training, or during breaks. One time, you almost got caught. He almost died because he thought he would get caught, while you could only laugh.
- Every time you went home, you always took Deku with you. Katsuki hated that. You also went to his house a lot, his mother adores you! She loves showing you pictures of him, which makes him embarrassed.
- You two love to sleep cuddling. One time you were cuddling on the couch kissing, and Katsuki decided to get between you. You were sulking, and Deku didn't know where to hide his face. Poor Deku if Katsuki knew more.
- Even if Katsuki doesn't admit it, he trusts Deku. And he'd much rather you date the green-haired boy than any other guy.
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watchthekittycatcher · 2 months
im always so validated whenever anyone talks about how abhorrent their trip to disneyworld was. like Yes bro discuss at length how Bad of a time you had. i also had a Horrific time
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gguk-n · 1 month
Chapter 3- The Reveal
Unravelling Max's Mystery (Max Verstappen x Online Friend!Reader)
Series Masterlist
Summary- Y/N gets rejected for the sixth time. Max win's the Monaco grand prix 2023. Y/N decides she needs time for herself.
No hate to anyone, it's for the story
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{Reader's POV}
I fell asleep crying, a faint buzzing from my phone was heard from the other room. I woke up after a few hours at 3 am when I found my phone which was burning up. The messages hadn't stop coming. They had gotten quite frantic as I scrolled through my notifications. I decided to reply to Max's messages.
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He was still the guy I liked, I couldn't not reply. But I was hurt and in no shape to be talking to him. I don't know what Max said after my message because my phone shut down. I pushed myself to clean myself up and my surrounding. I was a stress cleaner and I'm so grateful to having 2 jobs right now. It meant my mind would be preoccupied. I cleaned my whole house before leaving for school in the morning. My eyes were red and puffy; I was on coffee. I had yet to switch my phone on. I wasn't ready to face Max yet.
Today was the worst day, not only because of last night's revelation but I had the least amount of classes today. None of the kids needed help after class either. That meant I was left to my own devices. When I switched the phone on, I could see missed calls and texts from Max and a couple voice messages; from the night before and today morning I guess. I opened up Google to check his schedule; he was in Monaco, which was also his home currently. I found out a lot about him, you think you know someone but then Google tells you otherwise. His dad was as shitty as he described. His records and feats were astonishing and if I wasn't this angry at him for hiding it from me, I would've been so proud and told him so. His Instagram feed was pretty and polished and he posted so much racing content. I found his streaming account with a team, he was exactly like the Max that called me everyday with occasional appearances from the cats on stream. People spoke so rudely about Max, it angered me to no end. He was a kind man, a liar but a sweet man.
The real kicker was Max's girlfriend's account where I found so many pictures of them together with her daughter, from what I found out. He looked happy, he had a family like he always said he wanted. I couldn't help but smile bitterly, a part of me wished that it was me who was the woman beside him with our kid. Life is cruel in some ways, mine is satire at best. Here, I can't date a man because I'm hung up on a guy I've never met before while said man has a family. I felt tears streaming down my face which I quickly wiped them off. I had enough of pity and sympathy stares since the morning to last a lifetime, I can't deal with any more of them.
I knew I wanted to talk to Max, the only guy who has ever understood me, however, I also knew that if we spoke I wouldn't be listening to him. I was scared I would lose the one true friend I have. Would Max understand where I was coming from? Why did he hide this from me? Did he not trust me enough? I get it, but you are a public figure. I don't know how to feel about all of this. It was the weekend tomorrow. I would be left with my thoughts and I probably shouldn't confront Max before his race on Sunday, right?
I spent the next two days planning how I would talk to Max. How I would ask him why he hid everything from me? I didn't want to fight him; my parents always said I was rude and difficult to work with, that my anger consumed me, that my words were harsh. I wasn't supposed to show such negative emotions they said. I didn't want to lose him; but was I allowed to hold on to him when he never let me have him?
Max called and texted me every day but I was very scared, scared of becoming the monster my parents said I was, sacred of hurting the one I love. There I said it, said Max and love in the same sentence. I had threaded that line so carefully but after all of this, I realised that I've loved him for years and watching him be happy with some else hurt as much as knowing that I never truly knew Max. It was Sunday night, I checked the news and saw that Max won. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to rejoice watching the man I love win at what he was best at or be hurt watching him live a life I knew nothing about.
I texted him at night on Sunday, maybe he would be busy celebrating his win, I didn't know. I didn't know a lot of things. As I waited for the text back, I logged on to my emails that I had forgotten about to find a reply from the publication I had sent my work to; to be met with dismay. Another rejection, I'm not sure how many more rejections I could take. My hands shook, making the laptop fall from my lap onto the bed. I got up and got myself a glass of water.
I laid on my bed for god knows how long before the familiar ring of my phone pulled me out of my trance. I had taken the day off tomorrow. I knew I didn't have the mental or emotional capacity to deal with anything. I answered the call to a worried Max.
Max- Schat, how have you been? Haven't heard a word from you in days. Y/N- I've been busy, school year ending and stuff. Why didn't you sleep yet? Max- You know my sleep schedule is non existent. Y/N- Yeah, I guess I do. Max looked at me confused. Y/N- You know how I do freelance editing Max- You've told me about it Y/N- The latest author I'm working with is a sports author. I was hoping you could help me since you are a walking encycylopedia. Max- sure schat, but what's up with you? You know I'm always there for you Y/N- Yeah it nothing, just stressed. Max- Take off, you deserve it Y/N- The summer break is here soon, I'll be fine. So about that author... Max-Yeah, what sport does she write for? Y/N- Formula One. I don't really like reading lengthy articles and I'm sure one article wouldn't do a sport any justice. I could see the colour leave Max's face. He licked his lips before speaking. Max- You did not go through google yet, right? Y/N- Oh no, what do you take me for? I got excited to learn about something new. Do you know who the reigning champion is? Max was quite, a sort of uncomfortable silence had enveloped us, for the first time in 10 years. Y/N- Some dude named Max Verstappen. You guys share the same first name. He has 2 cats too; named Jimmy and Sassy, who look exactly like your bengals. I mean he even looks like you, with horrible sleep schedule just like you. He even sounds like you. I felt my voice begin to crack while I spoke, the lump in my throat unbearably big, my breathing was uneven. Max- Schatje, I can explain. Y/N- You don't have to Max. I never asked you what you did. You don't have to explain anything. (I smiled with only my lips) Max- I wanted to tell you, it just never came up in conversation. Y/N- I get it, it's difficult to tell your friend who has amounted to nothing that you are the World Driver's Champion, best of the best in Formula One. Max- Y/N, it's nothing like that. You're great, you're kind, you're funny. I laughed bitterly. Y/N- Those are character traits I possess, they don't describe my career goals or achievements. I know I work 2 jobs to stay afloat while you make millions, I know I wish I was an author and not their editor, I know you probably thought I was too stupid to understand your rich and fancy world. Max- No, no, you're so talented. I've read your work and I'm sure the right publication will pick your work up. Y/N- I got rejected for the sixth time today. All of this is fine except that you lied to me about being single while having a girlfriend for years and having the happy family you dreamt off. You didn't have to introduce me to her; not like my boyfriends met you. But it would've been nice if I knew. Max- It just never came up. Y/N- I...we joked about setting you up with someone all the time. Please don't. I get it, we didn't tell each other about work goals or what we did as a job but personal life; I literally told you about every guy I've ever been with. I felt bad telling you thinking you were single. I feel stupid right now. I had tears streaming down my face at this point. Max- I'm sorry,Y/N. I promise I won't hide anything anymore. Please, don't cry. Y/N- My name is Y/N Y/L/N. I majored in literature in Uni and now work as a primary school teacher and freelance editor. I'm trying to get my book published soon. I broke up with my boyfriend 2 months ago. Max- Please don't do this. Y/N- I believe at least one of us should be honest. Max- Let me fix this. Y/N- Don't worry. There's nothing to fix. (I wiped away my tears) Max- Please don't say that. You mean a lot me. Y/N- Me too. That's why, I need time. I'll talk to you when I'm ready. Max- Please, I can't lose you. Y/N- You won't. I'll always be there for you. I just need time. Take care Max I saw tears streaming down Max's face. Max- Bye, take care Y/N. I'll always be here. And then the screen went black.
[Max spent the whole week worrying about Y/N. He couldn't think straight. This was weird, she was never this busy before. It was stressing him out, he couldn't eat or sleep. He never even thought about the fact that maybe his lie had been exposed. When Y/N texted him, he was at a club in Monaco with the other drivers to celebrate his win. He only saw it after he got back home and immediately called her. She looked different, there was this sadness in her eyes. The smile didn't reach her eyes. And then she started talking, his heart was beating very fast. The moment she said Formula One, his whole world came crashing down. The more she spoke the more he felt like he was falling deeper, in a pit of his own making. He wanted to tell her, he wanted to explain himself but no words left his mouth. Then she started talking about his girlfriend. He felt like this was the last time he would get to talk to her, the last time he would hear her voice. This felt like the last time he would have her]
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kiss-me-muchoo · 10 months
𝐖𝐞’𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲… || 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠!𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐬𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲_ As a punishment for helping Coriolanus to cheat on the games, you’re sent to serve as a nurse in District 12 for the summer. He had to choose between Lucy Gray and you. He just needed a reason to pick you, luckily the songbird gave him one in time before you were gone. 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬_ evil nurse!reader x peacekeeper!Coryo, very slight canon divergence, jealousy, sexism, stalking, nudity, reader is a little crazy and evil, you can’t trust her feelings, angst, beef with Lucy Gray (I <3 her irl), blowjob lol, buzzcut!Coryo fucks reader in the lake so MDNI 18+, this is so fucked up tbh. 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞_ reader is mentally unreliable. Song of course is liability, I know it won’t work, Will you cry? And buzzcut season lol. All in my playlist, It’s the worst and will disappoint you.
♪ ♫ The worst playlist 4 Coriolanus Snow ✰ Index (+ fics here)
You’ve made big mistakes.
You accept it looking at the lake, ripping the delicate petals of a wildflower. Having to say goodbye to your summer vacations after graduation was fair. Your parents convinced Dr.Gaul to have some mercy on you. You wanted to die when they convinced her that you did it because you were a girl in love. You helped Coriolanus to find the aisle where the snake's tank was going to be picked up.
You were so in love that you only wanted to help your lover. Coriolanus was far from being your lover. You heard him countless times making fun of you. And you still helped him because your good heart wanted to see him winning the prize.
And what did you get? Serving as a nurse in the worst district for the whole summer.
It’s been two weeks. And the only good thing is the evening, where you like to kill time alone, in the silent woods. The moment to breathe and realize how naïve you had been. You deal with the damage Coriolanus had done to you. And the worst part is that he couldn’t care less. He only had eyes for his songbird after all.
And that’s what boiled your blood. That it was her and not you.
There’s already a little pile of dry flowers around you, from all the previous days you were at the same position as now. The days passed and you weren’t ready to let go. You needed to find a way to forget about him. “Damn it…” you whisper, cringing at all the memories, rage invading you, violently throwing the flower in your hands and wiping away the tears.
When you return to the medical aisle, you need to pass by the military camp. You were obviously a Capitol girl. Anyone with a golden watch and lip tint was. Since day one, many peacekeepers have asked you out. They wanted to spend the night with you. But you weren’t in the mood to lose your virginity yet. You were stressed, angry, embarrassed, but you tried to put your best face.
“Y/N! IS THAT YOU?” You turn confused. Only to find Sejanus Plinth. It genuinely made you smile seeing him.
“Sejanus? What are you doing here?” You ask for a hug. His hair had to be gone, he had the peacekeeper uniform. You were extremely confused.
“The real question is what are you doing here?” You roll your eyes.
“Coriolanus. He cheated on the games.” He sighs, nodding.
“I know. He’s here too.” Your eyes widen. He notices you are uncomfortable.
“Well, I helped him, and Dr. Gaul punished me to serve here for the summer” Sejanus seems surprised to hear it. He sees your nurse uniform, noticing the silver plaque attached in your chest. He knew women of the military with that plaque were on a higher range. In your case, probably because your father paid for you to have some commodities.
“At least you’re here” you add.
Sejanus knew you weren’t on good terms with Coryo. The boy asked for you on the train. But Sejanus hadn’t heard from you. Which apparently left Coriolanus slightly disappointed.
“Yeah. I’m here… we’ll have a good time. Promise” honestly, you were relieved to see him. But just by remembering that Coriolanus was also near you, it made you wish you were still alone.
“Any plans for tonight?” He asks, smiling.
You only had three friends. All girls from District 1 and 2. They were serving just because they were kind and wanted higher chances to get into University. They comforted you and Fridays were for two things. Going to the most famous bar, where Lucy Gray performed. Or going to a secret and elegant club for people with enough status.
“On downtown’s Main Street. A block to the left, the second alley. Tell the guy at the entrance you know me. Use my full name” your friend giggles, slowly moving away.
“You’re unbelievable” as you go back to your private room with your new friends. You can only think of how to avoid encountering Coriolanus for the rest of the summer.
It was enough for him. You wouldn’t even breathe near him. It was you, always offering subtle love. And he gave nothing back.
Lucy Gray was such a warm and sweet girl. Her dress with flowers and detailed boots added something to her performance.
Her voice was hypnotizing, her smile so pure and her hair so soft. It was the third night Coriolanus watched her perform. He smiled, drinking something. It was a humble bar, but the most famous one. He looked around looking for Sejanus. Last night he never appeared either. Coriolanus was growing worried, noticing his friend was starting to contemplate rebellious acts to help the people. Always trying to be the hero. As Lucy Gray finished her song, Sejanus appeared. A big smile on his face.
“Where have you been?” The blonde asked.
“You have to promise me you won’t freak out” Coriolanus rolled his eyes.
“Y/n was punished for helping you to cheat. Gaul sent her here to serve as a nurse for the summer.” His eyes almost popped out.
He had completely forgotten about you. He cringed, already expecting to have you all over him.
“Does she know I’m here?” Sejanus nodded.
“Yeah. She wasn’t happy when I mentioned you.” Coriolanus suddenly remembered that the last time he talked to you, you cursed him. You got mad after he didn't even offer a thank you for your help. Coriolanus realized at that moment that you hoped he would choose you over Lucy Gray. Which didn’t happen.
“She has access to the club reserved for high status military personnel. I won’t say this is bad but there is better…” he looks at his songbird. Everyone cheered for her, but…
Suddenly, Coriolanus doesn't like that Sejanus had spent last night partying with you.
“Take me there.” He says, looking at his friend.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. She stated very clearly that-“
“Sejanus… I need to see her. I won’t cause any disturbance.” After a minute of debating, Sejanus stands up and tilts his head, telling Coriolanus to get out of the bar.
It’s a fair distance. Coriolanus has no idea where he is going. Until the end of an alley seems to have some hallway that irradiates red lights.
“Here it is.” Sejanus points out.
There’s a man with a different peacekeeper uniform. He asks Sejanus who invited him.
Coriolanus hears your full name for the first time. He learns you have two names and two last names. At the Academy you only used one of each.
“How do you know her full name?” He asks Sejanus when the man lets them inside the place.
The red lights start changing, mixing with crystal chandeliers and velvet walls.
“Our parents have made some deals in the past.” Coriolanus wants to know more. He needs more details about how you ended up in the same place as him. He doesn’t think you also paid to change districts like him.
“Hey. Whatever you plan to say to her, apologize to her. She’s a girl a million would pay to have. She just wanted to help you, Coryo” he doesn’t know how to take Sejanus. He sure sounded like always, the friend trying to give advice. But he also sounded… like he was one of the millions who would pay to have you. Coriolanus didn’t feel pleased.
Finally, the place is crowded. And the people inside look different than the ones at the bar. These people looked very clean and elegant to be in District 12.
The music is live jazz, the smell of pure tobacco and laughs everywhere. Coriolanus feels like he fits there. And he promises to talk with Lucy Gray the next day. After he left the bar she would ask where he did go.
But for now, his eyes start searching for you. A man in a suit that looked very Capitol started talking. Daring all the beautiful women there to dance, promising to crown one as the star of the night.
He hears a group of females laughing. And when he spots the group, you are being pushed to the dance floor.
Since Sejanus is nowhere to be found, Coriolanus makes his way closer to you.
He sees your natural hair down and wavy. Cranberry lips and gentle purple eyeliner around your eyes. A simple mauve dress, and he almost chokes about it.
Tigris made that dress. You asked her one day at the Academy. If she could make a dress from elegant fabric. Tigris said that she didn’t have enough to make a full gown. You didn’t care, you just hoped she could do something.
Coriolanus remembered Tigris making the dress late one night. And he tolerated you even less for making his cousin work harder. That was long forgotten when you paid her and referenced her to work with a friend of your mother.
You looked totally different. Not the same annoying material girl he knew at the Capitol. This humble version of you was totally attractive to Coriolanus.
He couldn’t tell if you were dancing tap, swing or something else, but you were good at it. A couple of times, he heard you talking with Clemensia and Arachne, about your winter concert or rehearsals. Now, it was evident you were good at dancing.
You laugh and people cheer for you. Mostly men, which for some reason makes Coriolanus tense his jaw.
The mauve fabric shined disguised under the chandeliers, and maybe it was just the sight of seeing you happy, or the way the dress hugged your body. But it made him smile. For the first time, Coriolanus feels a positive feeling about seeing you. He wants to talk to you. But he isn’t sure what he’ll say. So he opts to just see you for the night. He can see a slight layer of sweat on your forehead after two songs have passed. The crowd seemed to want you to win. And it only makes you more eager to do so.
In your head, this was a big distraction. It was the only moment of the week where you felt happy and free. It makes you forget about your pending University admission and all the drama. About your silly actions and disappointments.
The way your friends cheer and joke about making a bet to see who’d win between you and the other girl left. You really are having fun.
Until the remaining girl surrenders. It feels great. Being crowned as the star of the night, leaving the dance floor with so much admiration and looking over you.
Coriolanus sees how you cheer with your friends. You laugh and he swore he had never seen you smile and laugh so much. Maybe you are a little tipsy. He can’t tell, but after some minutes, one of your friends leaves with a man. The other two stay drinking, and you say your goodbyes.
Your dark coat covers everything once you’re ready to leave. And Coriolanus knows he shouldn’t, but he does it anyway. He starts following you.
Internally, he claims he did it because he thought it wasn’t safe for you to go back to the medical aisle in the middle of the night.
It’s not a long way. And Coriolanus notices how close his bed is to yours, literally.
He feels like an animal, following his prey. Only that he doesn’t intend to hurt you. Not more than he already had.
His legs act by themselves it seems. He keeps venturing into the decent building. It’s lonely and dark. Coriolanus notices that probably many nurses were already sleeping. He sees you enter a room, and he memorizes the number. Seconds later, when he’s about to leave, you come out again. A towel in your hand…
It’s his cue to leave. He knows it’s enough. He never should have followed you. Not when he was supposed to be listening to Lucy Gray and The Covey. Not when he paid to serve in District 12 for Lucy Gray.
But it’s too late because he’s already poking his head, and when his eyes meet your body, your coat and dress are on the floor. In a bench near lays a simple but naughty red pair of panties. Coriolanus feels himself getting red at the sight of the underwear, just red, no details, just red. Red like his cheeks, you are naked, under the spray of the shower.
As you’re supposed to be a person he barely tolerates, Coriolanus hates himself for admitting how beautiful you were.
The water coats your body in a gorgeous way. He sees your hair become slightly darker and falls longer across your back.
The shower smells like some summer fruit and it’s all because of your silly shampoo. Coriolanus had seen it before at the Capitol, it was expensive.
Something changes as you massage your scalp, giving Coriolanus a view of your soft and pretty stomach. Your breasts and some moles that are visible are the death of the man. He shouldn’t want to hold your waist and help you clean your body. He shouldn’t want to kiss every birthmark and mole covering you.
It’s the first time he sees a woman naked.
That night, you happily go to bed, soothing the heat wave. Some weight falls from your shoulders. And for the first time, you feel like everything was meant to happen, and it’s okay.
For Coriolanus, he has to touch himself to forget about your naked silhouette haunting his dirty mind. And when he ends, he takes a cold shower and falls into the tiny uncomfortable lower bunk. Sejanus was snoring already, some bunks without a host, probably still at the bars or sleeping with a lover.
Coriolanus is ready to sleep and pretend nothing happens. He would go back to his soft songbird by the morning.
But it doesn’t work. He knows he’s so messed up. Because you are still there, and not only your naked body. Your natural hair, sweet lips and the way you smiled, danced and laughed are there too.
When the sun rose, it was imminent that it was going to be a hotter day. The summer in district 12 was bright. Full of light, and green from nature in the surrounding woods. That’s not necessarily the case in the medical aisle. You woke up at 5:00 am to start your shift. Your soft hands had been classifying medicines through shelves.
“Y/n” calls one of your friends from the entrance of the storage room. She giggles after seeing you on top of the stairs, holding onto your dear life.
“Need help?” You smile, shaking your head.
“I’m okay, thanks. What happened?”
“There’s a telegram for you at the mailbox” was unusual. Only your mother called once to see how you were doing. She was still very mad at you.
“Oh, okay. I’ll go now…” with that, you hop off the stairs and leave the little box with remaining bottles on a desk.
After a minute of going downstairs in the building, you get to the mailbox. You give your name to the elder woman in the office and she hands you a cream envelope.
Making a pause in the hallway full of lockers for peacekeepers waiting for mail you open your own.
[The head of the hospital has shared with us you’re doing an outstanding job. This is what we expect from you after your return to the Capitol. Keep going and we might pull some strings to get you back earlier.
Take care, dad.]
You smile. It was enough for you. The anger was undeniably lowering. And going back to the Capitol would make you very happy. Already contemplating the perfect lie. That you went to serve as a nurse for charity, for your kind heart. Everyone would believe you, and the girls would be jealous of your bravery. Nobody would know it was a punishment.
A punishment caused by the man you had just bumped into.
He picks you the open envelope and once he hands it, he sees you.
“Y/n…” you take the envelope from his hand, avoiding the touch.
“Coriolanus” with less makeup than two nights ago, you look even more beautiful he believes. The white nurse cap was so silly, but it was part of your uniform. But he can’t help but blush after remembering how the water fell across your body. And how he touched himself that night.
“I-…Sejanus told me you were here.” Your eyebrows rise, nodding with disinterest.
“Yeah, I’m here because of you.” He sighs, realizing that his friend was right, you were really disappointed to see him.
“This isn’t what I wanted for you.” You roll your eyes. Already sick of wasting your time for him. You had been so scared to encounter him one day. But that you had him facing you, you couldn’t care less.
“Of course. Because you couldn’t care less about me…” he wants to say he actually cares. But the truth is, that before the night he saw you at the bar, he didn’t even remember you. But now, it was like you had put on a spell on him, making him want to know everything about you.
“Just stay away from sight of view and everything is going to be okay” he was shocked to hear you talk to him with much indifference. He was used to your sweet voice, asking him every morning how he was doing at the entrance of the classroom.
You were always at his feet. Helping him and doing everything so he would look down at you. And now, he actually was looking up, seeing how you went upstairs again. And he would do exactly the opposite of what you asked.
He would be everywhere if it meant seeing you again.
The bittersweet feeling of seeing Coriolanus stayed the whole afternoon until you finished your shift at 6:00pm. The heat was barely tolerable when the sun was almost gone. You went to the market, as you had promised to cook dinner for the girls that night.
The vegetables were fresh and there was a lot to pick. You carried a little basket filled with carrots, some potatoes and a piece of raw meat carefully folded. You were looking at some pair of earrings. They were handmade. With blue feathers and some tiny pieces of quartz. You smiled looking at them. When you were about to tell the little girl who was selling them, you felt very deep looks. And when you turn to the left, there is Lucy Gray and some of her friends from the band. She was sixteen, you were almost nineteen, you couldn’t pick a fight with her. She could hate you for being Capitol, for being such a bad mentor at the games. But maybe she didn’t knew that thanks to you she was alive. And the most important, she couldn’t hate you because of a man.
Before you can even feel awkward, you had already left the earrings and walked towards the girl.
“Is there anything I did to upset you, Lucy Gray? Because as far as I know we don’t know each other” that was the truth. You had your own motives to dislike her. But you hadn’t even turned to look at her. Unlike the songbird, who didn’t have a problem showing her disapproval of you with her face.
“Did you follow him here too?” You smiled. You didn’t know what Coriolanus had told her, or what she suggested on her own. Based on what happened, probably Lucy Gray believed you were the crazy stalker who couldn’t let go of Coriolanus Snow and his unrequited feelings for you.
“No. I was already here weeks before he arrived.” You simply answer her by looking at the notebooks in the table beside you. Lucy Gray couldn’t be jealous, but she had a bad omen about you.
“I was blinded by him once, just like you now. I helped him so you could win. Hoped he could choose me. And it wasn’t enough. He’s not the boy you think he is, Lucy Gray. You don’t know him like I do. But you can rest knowing I won’t lift a finger to make him notice me anymore” she seems surprised by your answer. But there’s no time for her to throw a rebuttal because you’re gone. Her friends gossip without her, saying how mean you were.
And Coriolanus had seen everything from a hidden corner. He was looking for Lucy Gray, already growing confused. Your words had gotten deep into his mind. While Lucy Gray was the sweetest girl he ever met, she also confused him. She had a rebellious side that he didn’t like. And you, he knew he would never be able to control you now, but he knew you would easily do the same things he did to win.
He stayed far, letting Lucy Gray to pass by with her friends. And when she was gone, out of the market, he came out.
He grabbed the same earrings you were looking at before.
It’s another night at the private bar. This time you know Coriolanus is there. He had the audacity to bring Lucy Gray. And you wonder if it was a good idea to tell Sejanus about the bar. Her green dress didn’t match the bar style. However, you ignore them as soon as your friends tell you they befriended a high standard peacekeeper. He had some handsome friends and they made you completely forget about Coriolanus and her songbird. You grew invested in the conversation with the men and your friends, even when one of girls makes fun of Lucy Gray and her visit to the secret bar.
Coriolanus keeps painfully turning to look at your way. He wants to go and get you out of the bar. But he already had a girl beside him. A much younger and innocent one. His anger escalates when a man takes you out to dance. You giggle as he says something in your ear. You had a pretty ruffled pink dress. Red lipstick and matching shoes.
“She looks happy…” Lucy Gray says, also looking at you.
“She isn’t happy. And that’s just an idiot” he spits pointing at the handsome peacekeeper dancing with you. He shouldn’t have said that, especially in front of Lucy Gray. But the way the man twisted you like a piece of the softest fabric, and the way he singed for you, it was taking over him.
It’s his hands that should be holding your hips. It’s his voice that should be making you dance. But Lucy Gray grabs his chin and offers him a sweet smile that makes him get lost on her brown eyes. She’s too good for him.
As he kisses her, he still feels the anger. Cause’ it should be you.
The roles had switched up. Coriolanus was infatuated by you. And now, you ignored him as if you never ever thought he was the love of your life.
Maybe is his hair, now short. Or maybe it is that deep sight he always has on you. The sweet boy that didn’t look on your way was gone.
As the days passed, you could feel the air changing. Telling you that your punishment would soon be over.
You flip through the pages, tons of files in the racks perfectly accommodated in the room. You read about all the frauds and corruption of the hospital and the military aisle. Enough to make you a dangerous target. So as soon as the headmistress nurse knows you have a long secret file in your memory, he gives you easy jobs.
And the dirty ones too.
Coriolanus follows you. Thought the archives rooms to the cold storage. He sees how there’s a tray ready to go. Some needles ready to pinch someone. And then you are changing the yellow liquid inside the injections, your face mask covering the small grin on your face. It makes him slightly shocked. He didn’t think you would be capable of doing such a thing. Some rumors flew across the militar camp. About a deal, between the heads of the hospital and the camp. Where they would secretly get rid of sick people from the district to stop wasting expensive medicines and other products.
But you hand the tray with an innocent smile.
And he grows worried. He can’t believe it, but he fears you could end up dead because of your little tricks. You leave early. So, he gains some confidence to follow you. He needs answers. He’s tired of following you to beg for your attention. It’s his lucky day that you chose to take the little trail that crossed the resting cabins of the peacekeepers. You walk past his cabin and his brain makes him walk faster, grab your forearm and push you inside it.
“What the hell?” You ask, startled. Looking at Coriolanus in shock.
The bunks are empty. Everyone is out.
“What were you doing? Switching the shots? You could get hanged or something else!” Suddenly you’re confused, questioning why he was caring now.
“There’s a lot more going on in the hospital than you could ever know, Coriolanus.” He understands it. And he isn’t surprised after all. Injustice happened everywhere.
But he wouldn’t easily let go.
“You could still get in trouble. Who’s making you do this?” You sigh frustrated, shrugging.
“Why do you care so much? Why can’t you leave me alone for once?” As you raise your voice, he grows impatient.
“I DO CARE ABOUT YOU!” Your silence makes him step closer.
“Seeing you dancing with that man, how he grabbed you, it boiled my blood.” Suddenly you feel nervous about his proximity.
And the cheeky asshole decided to step even closer.
“That shouldn’t be a problem for you” you do your best to keep the visual contact. But the way he’s looking at you is making it difficult. Especially after his lips are literally brushing your cheekbone.
“You are the one I desire.” He smashes his lips with yours. Honestly, you believe him. But it isn’t enough to make your heartbeats for him.
“Did you let that man touch you after you left?” You giggle, letting him wander under your nurse apron.
“My virginity is part of my pride and dignity” you answer, kissing his neck, letting his sneaky hands touch you everywhere. His right hand gropes your breast and the other is trying to hold the fat of your hip and ass like a starved man.
Your brain can’t work for some minutes. But you kiss him back. You decide he wouldn’t puppet you. Never again.
As he devours your lips, confirming you gave the softest kisses, yet passionate. You push him gently towards a random bed. And slowly, you get on your knees, dropping your nurse cap and navy blue cape to the floor.
Coriolanus is officially in shock as you drop his belt to the floor.
When he least expects it, you are already licking the tip of his cock. You make a wet mess of him. His head drops back, letting you do whatever you want.
He’s in heaven. Of course, you weren’t the most experienced but to be a virgin, you were quite an addictive lover.
In your head, you just can think about giving him pleasure. Your twisted plan would be effective as soon as he exploded. You put much effort in sucking and licking every vein of him. His length did not disappoint, and you mentally cursed as you realized he could’ve been your first time.
Coriolanus knows damn well it is over for him when his eyes meet yours. His tip met the back of your throat, and he ended up spilling his hot seed inside your mouth. You show him your tongue, covered in white, only to swallow everything. He gulps, feeling the remaining spasms of his orgasm.
“You’ll be the death of me…” he admits, taking a long breath.
As for you, you know it’s just a matter of time. If Coriolanus was so invested in making you look at him now, you would give him more reasons until he broke and admitted he couldn’t live without you.
So you clean your messy lipstick. Your nurse cap and navy cape perfectly in place and you look gorgeous in a mirror near the door.
“If anyone asks where I was, you say I went to drop some letters.” After that you don’t nothing else. He tucks himself inside his pants and stands quickly.
“Wait-” but you had already left.
In the night, Coriolanus starts looking out for Sejanus. He was going to ask if he wanted to go to the bar to see Lucy Gray. But he couldn’t find him. He feels his forehead sweating even in the middle of the night.
Near a little training center, he hears two recognizable voices. And when he turns into a little hallway, he sees you arguing with Sejanus.
“No, I’m not defending the Capitol, but these people are not worth risking your life, Sejanus” it’s the first thing he hears from you.
“They deserve better luck, y/n. Something we were born with.” Coriolanus sees you huffing, arms crossed as the slight wind makes your uniform cape lift.
“What’s going on?…” the blonde asks. You turn and sigh, expecting Sejanus to explain. You like to think Coriolanus would make Sejanus to think clearly. Like he did before.
There’s only silence.
“You won't tell him? I will…” you turn to Coriolanus. He can feel you are angry; you disapprove whatever it was happening with Sejanus.
“He’s helping some rebels.” Sejanus only looks down.
“They’re not rebels.”
“Well, they’re definitely not on the right track. And helping them will only lead to trouble.”
“Why are you doing this?” Coriolanus joins. He sounds tired, immediately remembering how he had to literally fight in the Hunger Games to save him.
“They are suffering. They don’t have anyone.” Sejanus replies.
“If you weren’t helping them, they would put a bullet in your head before you could even blink. They are not worth risking your life, Sejanus. I don’t want to see you hanged.”
“I appreciate your worries, y/n. I really do. But this is the least I can do after all the things my parents have aligned for me.” Your eyes water. Even after all the horrible you have done at the Capitol, as a nurse, you cared for Sejanus and Coriolanus. You might have been playing a game of manipulation with Coriolanus, but if he ended up in a mess that threatened his life, you would fear. The same for Sejanus.
“Sejanus…” Coriolanus felt slightly bad after seeing you at the verge of tears. He knew behind that new mask of indifference you were very soft.
“If something happens to you, I’m gonna live mad at you for the rest of my life. Life made us end up here for him…” you say pointing at Coriolanus.
And it’s true, you were sent to the 12 for punishment. Sejanus literally followed him just because.
“That’s enough penitence.” Feeling the tears flow, you start walking away.
Sejanus also feels wrong. But he’s confident. Both men stare at you, and different thoughts run through their heads.
“If anything happens, Coryo… Take good care of her.” Coriolanus looks at his friend.
He thinks you deserve more. He finally accepts there’s more to win by your side rather than following the songbird. Yet, he couldn’t push away Lucy Gray yet.
“I’ll take care of her, Sejanus.”
You don’t see the boys for the next two days. Until the night. When for emergency protocol you had to work. A fight in the bar caused some injuries to many men. So, there you are at 1:00 am sending gazes and bottles of alcohol. And when you are about to clean your own space, after a knock on your door, you see Coriolanus and Lucy Gray.
“What happened?” You ask as soon as you see him properly. The tray on your hands falls to the ground, making a loud sound. There’s blood on his face, a dark splotch on the right side of his nose. Beside him is Lucy Gray. Wearing one her bohemian dresses with her rural touch of always. You go to inspect his face.
“Got into a fight.” Coriolanus explains. You frown, thinking that is very ignorant and low. Completely disappointed of him for joining the cause.
“You got into the fight? Why?” He sighs, and Lucy Gray only huffs, helping him to sit on a bench. You ignore her, proceeding to take some cotton and equipment to stitch the little wound on his cheekbone. Your fingers are cold, and make him squirm as soon as they touch him.
“Some guy. He got violent after harassing her” of course it had to be for Lucy Gray all the commotion. Everything makes sense, the fight at the bar you listened to less than an hour ago. The songbird must’ve performed, and someone made a mess.
You can’t feel bad for her. While half of the district loved her, there was a considerable amount of people who disliked her, rumors saying she carried problems wherever she went.
“Hmm.” you have a lot to say, but you won’t spit everything at once. Coriolanus sighed, pretending it was because the alcohol was touching his skin, but it was because you weren’t pleased.
Even in his exile, he was between two women again. And while he couldn’t push away Lucy Gray, he couldn’t let you go too.
“Can you give us a moment, Lucy Gray?” he asks calmly. And maybe her reaction wasn’t meant to, but she showed that it made her uncomfortable.
“Sure. I’ll wait outside…” awkwardly she made a smile to the man seated in front of you and left.
Silence took over. You continued to clean the wound, and his deep blue eyes were locked on your face.
Finally, he was able to see your real beauty. Bare amounts of makeup. Hair down and short nails. No crazy looks, ridiculous hairstyles and cat nails. This was the real you.
“I didn’t start the fight…” he started.
“But of course, it had to be for her.” you finish for him. Again, he sighs, trying to avoid any possible irritation.
“It wasn’t her fault what happened.”
“Oh my god. Just listen to yourself! … Everything is her fault!” You burst after finishing with the needle.
“Why do you hate her so much?” He asks irritatedly, shrugging and expecting you to answer soon.
“I don’t hate her. I couldn’t care less for that poor girl. But she’s the reason why you got so obsessed with winning the damn prize. She’s the reason why you cheated and she’s the reason why you’re exiled, and I’m punished” he knows it’s true. In a matter of weeks, Coriolanus repeatedly questioned why Lucy Gray. And until two weeks ago, when he started questioning why not you.
Coriolanus smirks. Finding a way to evade a deeper conversation. He wasn't ready for the time to come where he had to decide. Lucy Gray or you.
“You sound like you’re jealous” he actually thought you would deny it.
“Of course it makes me jealous, Coriolanus!”
His smile fades away. You curse under your breath, moving aside to pick up the nursing equipment. There was no way back, and you wouldn’t lie.
“Ever since I met you, I wanted you to like me. And all I received were mean looks and judgmental jokes. About my hair, my lipstick, my dress, everything” you admit, sounding a little hurt.
“And this girl comes, and in less than two months she has you doing the impossible for her” you mumble. Coriolanus was never the romantic type. He was a man of few words and very analytical. He wasn’t a fan of the districts, so you wondered what could possibly be the reason for him to get obsessed with the songbird.
“Do you love her?” For you, it was a simple question. You always faced your feelings. But for Coriolanus, he tended to avoid his feelings.
He looked at the ground, at your boots before looking up at you.
“Why are you making this so complicated?” He asks, in hopes to avoid the real question.
“You won’t have both girls, Coriolanus.” When you come back at him, he stares directly at his view, at your waist. He focuses on the details of the grey and white fabric decorating you. There’s a tiny spot of blood near your breast, and some dirt near where he thought it was your belly button.
For sure, he knows he won’t have both girls.
“And as much as she tries to make you fit in. You don’t belong here. You and I were educated to live in The Capitol.” He’s well aware that with Lucy Gray, he would be pursuing a humble peaceful life. With you, he would be pursuing a luxurious and firm life.
The harder you are pushing his buttons, the harder you’re manipulating him. You trace his chin and neck, fingers grasping his silver chain. And you know he’s getting soft, vulnerable for your touch.
Maybe he changed his perspective of you after seeing you dance. After seeing you naked in the showers. After realising the type of woman you were.
“I would love to see when realization hits you. You’ll see that she only used you. You’ll notice that I was on your side and could’ve been for the rest of my life” his jaw tenses. He looks you in the eye again. You smile, thumb on his lower lip.
“And pretend as much as you can, selling me that face of I don’t care about you. But I know you do; you’re just blinded by the songbird. Count the days till she uses her singing against you. It’ll be too late.”
He hates losing, missing things. And you know it.
“She makes me want to be someone better.” His best attempt to soothe you makes you laugh.
“The summer will be over, and I’ll leave. She won’t inspire you to grow. She will make you lay still. I’ll be at the top of the Capitol again. And you couldn’t make your house rise…” that hit him in his pride. The fact that your words were true. He thought about Tigris and his grandmother. They deserved better.
“I want you to be someone better. And yet, you’re here. Without the prize, without being home. Just picture it… Where would you be if you had chosen me?” He really wanted to choose you. He just needed a fucking reason. But once again, you have disappeared.
He cared. But he cared more for himself.
That doesn't make him feel better though. He had doomed Sejanus Plinth by recording his words.
He couldn’t sleep, knowing that anything could happen the following morning. He has a tiny brown bag in his hand, clutched as if it was made of pure gold. He can’t wait, and he can’t sleep. So, he sneaks out of the camp and goes to your room. He needed to see you, he needed to choose you. That would mean leaving. Concentrating on you and his family. Pursuing the Capitol’s type of future, away from the country life.
Your friends were about to leave to go to the secret bar. And they tell him you were gone to the lake. It makes him realize how much you had to be overthinking. Just by seeing you, anyone could tell you weren’t from the districts. Spending the night in the lake wasn’t pleasant at all. With animals, mosquitoes, and the humid heat of the woods.
But he walks in the darkness. Hearing some crickets and frogs that guide him to the little visible light at the end of the trial. The more he walks towards it, the more he can distinguish you.
There you are sitting over a blanket. Reading a book, wearing a long pastel nightgown. The sight makes him smile.
He steps over a branch and makes you turn worried. But as soon as you spot him, you sigh, closing the book.
“What are you doing here?” You ask.
“I could ask the same question. It’s nearly midnight.” He sits beside you on the blanket, you only shrug, facing away from him, looking at the barely noticeable reflect of the lake under the moon.
“I couldn’t sleep.”
“Me neither” there’s a lot of things he wants to say, you want to scream it too.
“I wanted to give you this…” he hands you the brown bag. Frowning, you take it, your fingers brushing his, but you opt to ignore it.
When you dig your hands inside, you feel something soft. And when you see what’s inside, you can’t help but cheekily smile.
It’s the feather earrings you wanted at the market. He probably collected the least he could to pay for them. Or maybe he traded something. It’s uncertain, but you can’t deny it warmed your heart a little.
“You saw me?” He nods, watching how you cautiously caressed the pair.
“Then you must’ve heard me too…” Coriolanus heard it. But he would pretend the opposite. Just to avoid the question.
“I didn’t. I was passing by when you were looking at them. What happened?” You tilt your head, putting the earrings on.
“Your songbird is jealous of me… Does she know about the good time we had the other day?” He blushes, closing his eyes out of embarrassment.
“How do I look?” When he opens his eyes, he sees you have the earrings on. The blue feathers looked very outstanding in the middle of the dark. The light you brought did not make any justice to the beauty of your face. Barely highlighting your eyes and lips.
“You look beautiful…” there’s something on your mind. You want to ask so badly. And while you could pry about his thoughts of your new appearance, you don’t. Your voice slightly trembling as you start speaking.
“Did you and Sejanus have anything to do with the death of the daughter of the mayor and the boyfriend?” He closes his eyes.
“Coriolanus Snow… Do not lie to me.” his arms come to rest on his bent knees. And you know the truth through his breathing.
“Sejanus went too far. I wanted to keep him alive” you sigh, feeling already stressed. Panic invades you, fearing for both boys.
“What if this is just what you two needed to end up in real trouble?” He looks at you, and he wants to kiss you so badly. He wanted a hug from you. He wanted you to love him like he knew you did during the Academy days. Just to feel some sense of normality. That this isn’t what his life turned out to…
“What if he gets killed. What if you get killed?”
“It won’t happen. It’ll be okay” your nails were going to suffer from anxiety. But he places a hand on your bare shoulder, calming you.
“Why can’t you give me a rest, Coriolanus?” He knows what you mean, and it makes his heart grow soft.
“Honestly. Before the games I barely tolerated you. But after seeing you here and everything that happened, you’re right. I can’t have both girls.” It makes you weak.
“What made you look at me? Why now?” He sighs.
Firstly, it was pure lust, your body. But at this point, he knew he could potentially end up alone. And he refused to let go of the person he had won since the beginning.
“Because I wasn't able to appreciate that I had you. And… I don’t want to be alone.” You nod, analyzing his words.
“But you have her. Since when is she not enough?” Coriolanus had to accept how analytical you were. He can be honest and be in peace with you or lie and keep fighting for you.
“I don’t think she’s ever been enough. We don’t have much in common. Just that we are orphans… if she never came along… I swear I know I would have ended up by your side.” You think you understand him. He just realized what he lost. And now he was trapped to decide. However, you were not going to give your heart again. Only time or a life-or-death situation would make you admit you still loved him.
“I said it before, I’ll repeat it again. I won’t be here forever…” he leaned closer. His hand caressing your chin, appreciating how soft your skin was. He wanted to crown your head with flowers and promise he was yours. Just not yet.
“I know…” his nose brushes yours, the tension grows and this time, you are the one closing distance to kiss him. You are so close to winning, to have him begging for you.
That night, he keeps kissing you, you read him your book for a bit and before realising it, both of you end up sleeping on the blanket.
In the morning, he finds you undressing to take a quick splash in the lake.
When you realize he’s awake, you smile at him.
“Morning…” like a slow striptease, you let the nightgown fall and he just stares at your body with the first rays of sun illuminating you.
“I don’t think this is a dream. Right?” You chuckle before your body disappears under the water.
It’s the perfect invitation. He joins you, and the first minutes of his morning are spent kissing you. Only to end up in the same blanket both of you slept on. With him on top of you.
“Tell me to stop now.” He says in your mouth. Your leg slowly slides through his ankle, sending shivers through his spine.
“I think it’s too late for that.”
He returns you the favor. His head between your legs is the most erotic thing he’s ever heard or seen in his life. It’s so dirty, eating you out in the middle of the wild. You taste better than expected, and it feels simple, even natural to please you. He can see how your back arches when his nose gently touches your clit. He feels so proud, and he can already see how well you two could handle being lovers. He remembers how you sucked his cock and how good you did it.
To you, you felt some insecurity, because he hadn’t decided on you. But you already feel the lead being on your side. Soon that thought fades away, because the pleasure is becoming too much. And you’re ready to receive the upcoming orgasm.
You forget about Lucy Gray, Sejanus, the deaths, your return to the Capitol.
Everything is gone as soon as you feel him. Even the pride and dignity you talked about on losing your virginity.
It just feels like it was meant to be.
“You’re so perfect…” he says, eyes on your stretch marks, fingers tracing them before moving towards north and pinching your nipples.
The way you clench around him, his lips leaving red marks on your breasts that would soon turn purple. Your moans, and your dirty mouth cursing.
“Fuck- oh, Coryo!” He couldn’t believe you just cursed. But he then realized he was fucking you. Maybe he had already chosen.
“More, please-“ you manage to say between moans. And he’s in heaven again. He fucks you harder, faster, already feeling he was close too. The silver chain dangling just in front of your face. You swear he had split you in half, but the pain was nothing compared to pleasure.
“Wait for me. We’ll do it together” you nod, noticing how intimate and passionate your first time was being. He wanted you to wait for him. And it made your heart clench. You need to hold him. So, your arms hug him, and he understands, leaning to end up with your foreheads together.
In a matter of seconds, you both reach climax.
“Promise me you’ll be careful” he nods, kissing you one last time.
“It’s gonna be fine.”
But it isn’t. You run as soon as your friends say Sejanus Plinth was going to be hanged for treason. You run and your feet burn.
When you make it, you have to hear him screaming for Coriolanus. You start reaching the front faster. But you meet his blue eyes, and you are able to see him saying no to you. Your heart beats fast, sweat on your forehead and eyes watering faster than ever.
When you look at Sejanus again, his neck broke and he was already hanging.
Coriolanus sees the shock and terror on your face. The birds flying and repeating the last words of Sejanus make it worse. He holds the rifle firmly, but his eyes water too.
He follows you as soon as he’s able to leave. Too many things happening at the same time. And he really regrets not noticing you before. None of his life would’ve been ruined.
He finds you alone in your room. Your friends were working. But you were crying on the floor, covering your face and sobbing loudly. His heart broke, and he let some tears fall too. So he couldn’t resist it anymore. He went to hug you tightly.
As soon as you felt him, you hugged him back.
“He deserved better…” you mumble between sobs. You say he was a good man. But soon your sobs stop, and Coriolanus can almost hear you plotting.
“Where is the gun you used, Coriolanus?” His heart stops, and that’s his epiphany.
“I don’t know. Lucy Gray must know…” the girl could easily be fast to learn where it was. You remain silent.
After some minutes of crying, he’s still holding your hands.
“Lucy Gray wants me to go with her outside of the districts…” you don’t have the strength to laugh, but you really wanted to.
“One last time. Do you love her, Coriolanus?” He knows it’s time and there’s no going back. So he sighs, feelings the dry tears on his face.
Your soul can finally rest.
“In two days, I’m leaving. I got accepted by Gaul into University. I just learned this morning after receiving mail.” He looks deep at your eyes. Trying to understand what you just said.
“Then you are going with Lucy Gray. You find the gun and if needed… Also get rid of her” you knew Lucy Gray was there when the incident happened. You had also made up your mind. And you would give Coriolanus one last chance.
“I’ll wait for you for two days. If you come back, you know I’ll be yours. But if you decide to stay with her, I’ll understand. And your secret will die with me.” He feels you kiss his cheek and after that, you quietly leave. Giving him no choice but to pack to meet Lucy Gray at the Hanging Tree.
You wait impatiently for your train. Coriolanus was gone. He didn’t return. So, you wait with your heart full of fissures. Your violet dress makes you a target among the station. You look very Capitol again. But something from District 12 changed you.
And then you hear him. Calling your name.
When you turn, you see Coriolanus almost running towards you. You can feel some tears forming. Your messed up mind was ignoring all the hell he made you feel and see. Like he never killed anyone, like he didn’t take so long to choose you. Like you didn’t know he consciously chose to be a bad person.
He looks agitated, with his peacekeeper uniform intact. His blue eyes look thrilled. Like a lot of emotions were invading him at the same time.
And the first thing he does when he’s in front of you, is to smash his lips with yours.
It takes you by surprise. The way his free hand immediately goes to your chin. In the middle of the train station. Feels like you were meeting your lover who survived war. It feels wrong to be savoring the moment you realize Coriolanus Snow finally chose you.
At that very moment you tangle your arms around his neck, stepping on your tiptoes to deepen the kiss. He feels you smiling, and that’s all he needed.
He needed to kiss you to forget about the cabin, the birds, the gun and Lucy Gray Baird.
And he does, your lips assuring him it was okay.
He isn’t evil, he can’t be when a sweet woman like you was kissing him back.
It was delicate for sure.
“Is it over?” You ask between tears. He nods, smiling, holding you close to him.
“Everything is over now.” You won’t ask what happened. You will just savor the victory.
“I can go to the Capitol. Gaul wants to see me” your eyes shine, relief flowing across you. Knowing you will be able to go back home with him.
“Where does this leave us?” He chuckles.
“We’re marrying as soon as we make it to District 2, dear” he kisses you to soothe your shock.
Almost at the end of the ride on the train, you chuckle looking at the window. He looks with curiosity, still drooling over you wearing the earrings he gave you. They would be his reminder that you had been there since the beginning, when he had nothing to offer. And yet, you stayed.
“What?” He finally asks.
“We’re a liability, you know?” A smile forms on his face. He shouldn’t be smiling, but he does anyways.
“I would repeat everything if it meant ending up here with you” and it was true. Because he would receive the money from the Plinth family, he would be able to study from Gaul, with you. He would get rid of Highbottom, and anyone on his way. But what seemed to be the most urgent matter, was to make you his wife.
But for now, he just takes your hand, kissing it.
Soft!Coriolanus fic is next. Hint? It’s gonna be based on Supercut from Lorde. Thanks to my crush with Tom Blyth, I realized Reputation and Melodrama are my favorite albums on earth. If you want to be tagged on the next fic, comment!!!!!!!! <3.
Taglist: @peachyharht @toogardenheart @slytherinholland @futurecorps3 @asapkyndall @speedycashflowerbasketball
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deeversuswords · 6 months
‧˚₊ Shotgun in his car
pairing: bakugou katsuki/f!reader summary: random thoughts about Katsuki and driving word count: ~800 words contains: slight nsfw, mostly fluff, aged-up • ao3 link a/n: I blame this song for putting the thought in my already "crying over bakugou katsuki on a daily basis" brain. before I kick myself out, as a bonus "thought": rolled-up sleeves. enjoy 🧡
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Bakugou Katsuki, your boyfriend who pulls up in front of U.A after getting his driver’s license, where you’re supposed to meet up with him, and whistles at you, the sharp tune a shared secret. His proud grin widens when your head jerks up and all you manage is half a curse in his direction as you startle. He knows the words died on your tongue at the sight of him in the driver seat of a car you don’t recognize. Of course not, it was his parents’ gift for his eighteenth birthday, one he hid from you for this very moment. He melts inside when you climb in, throw your arms around his neck, and smother his face with kisses as you squeal out your congratulations. Putting up with all the dumb instructions from his driving instructor was worth it if this was his reward.
Bakugou Katsuki whose strides hold more arrogance when he returns to the dorms and waves his driver's license to everyone. He was the first to turn eighteen, and now, he’s the first with a driver's license. His chuckles resonate just right when your friends groan exasperated and complain how they have to wait, but congratulate him nonetheless and wiggle their eyebrows because Katsuki with a license means a free drive. Wrong.
Bakugou Katsuki plays taxi driver for no one except you. You—the reason why those free drives he vehemently denies become a thing. When you ask him, pretty eyes peering into his, Katsuki thinks “Hell no”, but his mouth says, “Whatever. Fine.” And there are rules. No eating or drinking. Wear a seatbelt. Don’t be obnoxiously noisy. And the strictest of them all: no one, not even his parents, is allowed to sit in the passenger seat. Hell breaks loose on anyone who tries. “That’s my girl’s seat. Get in the back”—not a statement, but an order. It’s that same seat that becomes the first thing he modifies in his car with his first paycheck. Every last yen goes into the best material, best cushion, best everything because your comfort is his. And it’s so fucking worth it when you cuddle up in your new seat with a big smile on your face and love is all he feels when you say, “God, Kat. You’re spoiling me too much” and pull him by his collar into a mind-numbing kiss.
Bakugou Katsuki and driving with one hand, a habit born out of a passing comment you made about how hot he looked when he did that. His brain rewired on your words, spoken in a nearly whiny tone. But with the rewiring came a whole lot of other things. Like his free hand resting on your thigh. Sometimes his fingers trace random patterns and innocently knead and pinch. Other times, they glide higher and tease, twitch with need when your legs instinctively spread for more of what only he can give you. It is for that reason that Katsuki memorized where in the city the secluded places were. Once his name passes your lips on a breathy moan, he knows no driving, only how to pull over and make you come all over his fingers.
Bakugou Katsuki who finds an outlet in driving late at night when stress gets to him and sleep is being a bitch. Becomes his routine, and slowly yours too. “You’re more important than my sleep, Kat. I’m right there with you,” you told him one night when he got angry at himself for daring to disturb your sleep for the third time that week. He kissed you right after, hungrier than ever, insatiable for your love and everything you meant to his world. Katsuki didn’t care that you wore only a T-shirt—one of his old ones—as he dragged you out of your shared apartment and into his car after allowing you a minute to put shoes on. That drive was a learning experience so now, among the many things crowding his calendar, are the nights promising a clear sky. Because he needs a repeat of his car parked on some random grassy field on the outskirts of the city. To watch you beam at the starry sky above and drown in your joy as you tug on the sleeve of his T-shirt, pointing at the constellations and naming what he already knows because Katsuki always listens when it’s you. Eventually, he silences you with a kiss, his love burning too bright and too hot; it overwhelms him. His head spins and spins. It’s a blur that temporarily clears when you finally ease down on him in the backseat of his car, your gaze locked with his lovesick one, hands grabbing everywhere they can. It’s the only time when Katsuki goes against your wishes of fucking you hard. Not a romantic in the literal sense of the word, but the way everything gravitates together in the moment changes his usual pace into something softer. He makes love to you. Heart wide open, soul bare.
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❝baby mine, don't you cry❞ — Richard “Dick” Grayson
jason's version
The arrival of your first child and the chaotic energy he brings into your life (which is saying a lot, why chaos is a part of you). So imagine the gray hair you obtained thanks to your First Joy.
People forget that as Dick was a troublesome little sh*t and he still is. We love him but he is the chaotic son and @igotmessymind agrees with me!!!
This story is part or the BATMOM SCARLET WITCH UNIVERSE that i have create. I hope you enjoy!!!
WARNINGS: Dick's parents die; a boy who is very angry with the world; a very stressed new mother (you); Bruce is there, but that's not what this story is about, but he is a good father in this world.
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Technically, the first time you met Dick was directly after his parents died, but he wouldn't remember that until he was an adult. And you never counted that as your first interaction with your boy because of the tragedy of the whole scenario.
You and Bruce had gone to the circus that day in the subtlest way a Wayne could go anywhere. It was a date night, one that both of you had recently defined as mandatory every week. First so that Bruce could have a break, and second because that way you guys started spending time together somewhere other than the batcave. Something that, according to Alfred, you both desperately needed as a couple.
You two were in the front row when Mary and John Grayson plummeted to their deaths in the middle of their circus act, leaving a horrified ten-year-old Dick. The boy's scream was something that, even years later, if you closed your eyes, you could still hear with terrifying clarity. Once the tent was evacuated and the crime scene isolated by the GCPD, the newly promoted Captain Jim Gordon arrived and, before you left, he very subtly approached you and your husband. He asked you if you could do something for the child. The forensics team will arrive at any moment now, and they will have to uncover the bodies. Nobody couldn't get Dick to move or to react in any way, and Jim wanted to spare the boy seeing his parents like this more than he already had.
Jim had been aware of your and your husband's identities for a while, so the request didn't surprise you. To the contrary, you quickly agreed. He took you back to the tent. Dick had been lowered from the platform, but he remained curled up in a ball on the floor, next to where the bodies of his parents were covered in white sheets, which were turning redder from day to day. Little with each passing moment. You approached him, with the most delicate step possible, and placed a hand on his hundred, entering his mind gently and gently guiding his consciousness out of the shock of the situation. It was superficial magic that didn't get you into the boy's mind very much, just enough to help him and not force him. In a few seconds the boy's head snapped up, and you let Jim quickly take control of the situation, allowing one of his detectives to guide you back out of the closed area, then back to your husband. 
You had to help your husband out of his own shock that same night, forcing him to stay home and not go out as Batman, without accepting any complaints. Alfred helped, agreeing with the idea immediately. The death of the Grayson's in front of his own son was something that came very close to Bruce's heart, too many buried memories that arose uncontrollably.
The first official meeting that both of you remember is almost two weeks later. After you and Bruce had decided to take care of little Dick into your own hands. All because you find out how the boy kept sneaking out of the houses where the state put him at least once a day since that fateful night.
“Dick, this is my beautiful wife, y/n Wayne” Bruce introduced them both that day when the boy arrived with his suitcase and his eyes wide open, surprised by all the luxury that Wayne Manor represents. Smile at yourself and look briefly at your husband in reproach for his choice of words. He just shrugged, not at all sorry for his words. It's the truth. You ARE beautiful, and you are MY wife, he thought in his defence, knowing you would listen. You rolled your eyes and returned your attention to the child between the two of you.
“It's a pleasure, Mr. Wayne” The boy said suspiciously, but politely, not believing how good the situation looked for him and not trusting you or your husband at all.
“It's nice to meet you too, Dick” you told him, smiling sweetly “No need to be so formal, just call me y/n, it's fine”
Dick's mind couldn't stop thinking about how pretty you were. The way you were sweet in that first meeting was bittersweet for him, because he reminded him of his own mother, of that affection that she used to give him and that he would never receive from her anymore.
“Lunch is almost done” you tell him as you lean a little more towards Bruce for support, “Are you hungry?. Alfred prepared a buffet just to welcome you” you explained trying to push those thoughts away for now, you desperately wanted him to feel good and comfortable there.
“Alfred?” the boy asked, confused.
“Our butler” Bruce explained 
“He's more like family than anything” you clarified, “Like a grumpy grandpa who won't let you touch the stove without breathing over your shoulder” you teased a bit.
“Did he say my name, Mistress y/n?” said the aforementioned, coming from the kitchen and looking at you accusingly.
“No, not at all” you denied it and Dick couldn't help but smile a little at the mischief, to which you winked at him and offered your hand.
“Come on, let me show you the dining room” you invited him and the boy left your hand dangling for a moment, thinking about his next move. But, since you didn't stop smiling or offering him your hand, Dick decided to take it last, mainly because he was hungry.
Dick let you guide him, serve him food. He talked to you a bit during the meal until Bruce had to go to Wayne Enterprises for a meeting, then you showed him the mansion and his room. You promised him that you would go shopping this week to decorate it to his liking so that he would feel more comfortable.
During that week was the honeymoon phase.
The social worker you and Bruce had meetings with before Dick arrived explained about the phase. It's when everything seems perfect and the child shares his best manners. Either out of fear of how you would react. Or hoping to see how long your stay in the house would last, if it's worth getting used to or not. But the act would end sooner or later.
And it was exactly one week later (a Tuesday to be exact), the day after Dick started attending his new school, that the boy act ended and the adjustment phase officially began.
“This stage is the most difficult, so I need you to be prepared for it, especially in a case like Richard's” the social worker explained to both of you with seriousness. You had taken every word she gave you with like it was the bible, but at the end you still weren't ready when it started and everything that happened hit you like a truck.
You were in your studio in downtown Gotham, having a meeting with the designers who work with you and discussing that winter's new clothing collection for the brand. When Nina, your personal assistant, enters the office after timidly knocking on the door with a worried face.
“Mrs. Wayne” she called out to you, to which you look at her, smiling kindly upon seeing her “I know that you asked me not to bother you unless it was an emergency” she said, remembering what you had told her, you frowned immediately worried, because Nina was extremely effective and if she was there it was because it was genuinely an emergency “Gotham Academy is on call, it's about your son” she told you, and you immediately called off the meeting before leaving on the phone.
It turned out that not only had the school called, but GCPD had called Bruce around the same time.  Dick, your only ten-year-old boy, had run away from school and ended up being found in Crime Alley by an officer who recognised him from the news.  The officer in turn informed Jim Gordon, knowing the proximity to the Wayne's, and he gave the order to bring the boy to his office in the centre of the city, to then call your husband.  You never knew what god to thank for Dick that would have been found by one of the few good cops in Gotham, but you did anyway.
“What is he thinking?” you asked worriedly while talking on the phone with Bruce, already on your way to the police station, with Alfred driving, “Anything could have happened to him.  If he didn't want to go to school he could have said, he insisted on starting this week, I don't understand!-” you stopped, passing your hand over your eyes and sighing heavily.
“That was probably the point, love” Bruce said softly. “He wanted you to leave him at school and not think about the matter anymore.  It is likely that his plan would have always been to escape, surely he would have done the same yesterday if he had not been assigned a partner for his first day” he explained to you, his voice accompanied by the movement of papers on the desk in his own office.
The day before, which had been Dick's first day of school since the death of his parents, the school had assigned one of its older students to guide him on that day, so he had been watched all day. But that day had been different, and your son had gotten up in the bathroom in the middle of the first class, and had not returned to the classroom. So the school had called you when they realised the boy was missing.  And Jim had called Bruce shortly after when the patrolman found him. And Dick had taken a cab to Crime Alley, of all the places.
“He's safe, you need to calm down, love” Bruce continued, getting up from his desk, to walk up to the large windows in his office and look out over the city, as if he could see you from the top of Wayne Tower “We'll talk to him when he gets home, before dinner, but upsetting you like that won't help” he advised you, even though he was just as worried about what had happened.
“Alright, alright” you whispered while taking a deep breath.
At the door of the police station you were met by a uniform who was waiting for Jim's orders, who took you to the captain's office where, sitting with his head down and his arms crossed tightly across his chest, you found Dick. 
“Richard Grayson” you started in a stern tone, walking towards him and crouching down in front of him, to check that he wasn't hurt. “¿What were you thinking?¿Why do you think of getting in Crime Alley alone?” you asked calmly but firmly, looking at me as the boy avoided returning the gesture “Dick, look at me” you insisted, looking for his gaze, but the boy continued to refuse, almost tempted to close his eyes to make his denial clear. 
“Mrs. Wayne” Captain Gordon called to you from his desk, where he had been watching the interaction, and you quickly stood up to greet him.
“Jim, you don't know how much I appreciate you for this. I almost had a heart attack when the school called me to say that Dick was missing” you told him as you shook his hand. 
“Don't worry, your boy was just taking a walk, a bit of a dangerous adventure, but he came out without a scratch” he reassured you while looking at the crestfallen boy sitting next to you, and he did not miss the way your hand trembled slightly “Gomez” the officer who had brought you to the door looked at his boss ready to receive his order “Why don't you take little Dick to get something to eat from the vending machine down the hall?” and his question didn't need an answer. Dick left with Officer Gomez without saying a word, as you watched his back walk away through the glass in the office door.
“Y/n, please, sit down” Jim asked as he approached one of the chairs on the guest side of his desk, sitting down across from you immediately after you did.
“I'm sorry, I just-” You tried to apologise for how upset you were, but the man stopped you with an understanding smile.
“Don't worry, y/n. I was close to an aneurysm the first time my Barbs ran away from school” he told you trying to calm you down, to which you giggled at the thought of the adorable red-haired little girl who was the only daughter of the Gordon family.
“They start younger and younger” you plead, with a mixture of amusement and concern looking at the older man.
“Well this is Gotham, our kids have to grow up faster than others” he explained to you, while he served a glass of water from the jug that he had on his desk “Your butler had the same reaction when I found your husband walking in the same place years ago, shortly after the death of Thomas and Martha” he remembered, offering you the glass, which you accepted with anguish.
“God, he already acts like Bruce, and he hasn't even been with us for two weeks” you lamented, to which Jim couldn't help but chuckle a bit at your concern.
“Welcome to parenthood, your heart gets used to it sooner or later” he comforted you, running his hand down your back reassuringly.
Things got worse before they got better. Dick started running away not only from school, but from home, and he started yelling at you at unexpected times. There was no way for you to figure out what was making him mad because it was different what you did or didn't do every time he started his tantrum.
That was the case for more than two months after the first incident. Alfred told you that Bruce had been the same for a full year after his parents died. Bruce told you it wasn't your fault, despite what the kid was yelling at YOU all the time. But you could do more than feel guilty. You didn't want to fix things with your magic. When you retired you decided that your life could not be what you did with your power, it was more than just your power, and it was time to start accepting it, enjoying it. But you don't know how to help him without that power, either, at least not in a very deep way. So you did the only thing you could think of, you kept offering your hand to little Dickie, even though half the time he seemed to want to bite his hand.
It all came to a head one afternoon after you brought a very angry Dick to Wayne Manor from school. Gotham Academy had called you to talk after he tried to escape again. They informed you that maybe it was time for you and Bruce to look for another school for the boy, since his behaviour was not appropriate for the establishment.
“Dick, we need to talk” you called out to the boy, seeing him run towards the stairs as soon as you closed the front door. Alfred was shopping for dinner and Bruce was at League HQ, so you were the only one to argue with the kid that day “Dick Grayson, come back here, we're going to have a talk about this sooner or later” you said, going after the boy with a calm step, but Dick heard you coming and ran to his room at the moment he made the second floor of the house, slamming the door shut before you managed to finish climbing the stairs.
You sighed heavily as you stopped at the sound of the door slamming. You wanted desperately to go into the room and demand that the boy tell you what was bothering him so much, you wanted desperately to fix whatever was bothering him so much. But you knew you couldn't really fix the source of his problems, even if you had the magical potential to do so. You learned long ago that death is something even you must let take its course, for the sake of the very existence of the whole. You also didn't want to enter the boy's mind with magic, it wouldn't be fair to him to do that, so your options were limited at the end of the day. So you stood there, helpless.
You were having a hard time, not because you didn't want the task of taking care of Dick, but because it was a mixture of situations that seemed unfair to you. First the poor boy lost his parents together in front of his eyes, and he did so after the death of the Scarlet Witch, after you decided it was better to start a life without the chaos magic that characterised you. If the boy had crossed your path a couple of years earlier, neither Mary nor John had fallen to their deaths that day, you would have stopped it right there in that tent of the circus without much thought. But it hadn't been.
Although, you didn't need to read his mind to know one thing: Dick hated you. Totally and intensely. He had made it clear to you on more than one occasion.
And yes, he did. Dick hated everything about you. He hated the way you made his room look like the ideal in his mind of what he wanted. How you personally prepared his lunches for school. How you wore it and personally attracted you everywhere. How you smile with affection, how you patiently accept every insult and scream. I also hated how you tried so hard that he wouldn't notice that Bruce wasn't there much. Or how you always found him when he got lost in the halls. Also, when you brought him cookies and hot chocolate when he couldn't sleep, even though sugar didn't really help him sleep at all. He only made him happy for a while.
Why couldn't you be like the wicked stepmothers of the stories? 
It would be easier for him.
He hated the way you loved him, because it made him want his mom back, and it made him remember that she was gone, it made him want to accept you and Bruce as his family too. But he didn't need a new family. He necessitated his family, his parents, and his circus friends. He wanted his life back.
He hated you. He hated you. He hated you.
Dick curled up on the bed, with the blankets you personally picked out with him, which were Superman, and hid his head on the pillow. There he remained. At eleven years old, Dick had never been the type to be capricious or suspicious. His parents had always taken pride in saying that his son was very well-behaved and fit in wherever they went with the show. But now he just wanted to hate and never stop doing it, he didn't want anything else because the world was cruel, and it didn't deserve more than his hate. You didn't deserve more than that for being so good that it made him want to feel like before, and it pulled his mind to a better place every time you caressed his hair lovingly and made him feel at home.
That night, after eating the sandwich that Alfred had kindly given him when he refused to come down for dinner, he went to sleep without expecting you to come and say good night, as you had done since he arrived at the mansion. Usually, he didn't go to sleep easily, but his desire to avoid you overcame the fear of his nightmares, so he quickly fell asleep.
You arrived after he began to snore softly, already sunk in sleep. You entered, opening the door as quietly as possible, to see him spread out on his bed, with his pyjamas on, and the sheets almost falling off the bed due to his movements. Likewise, you couldn't help but feel the tenderness warm your heart, thinking to yourself that this should be a good step on the right path, because the boy hadn't slept well since he arrived at the mansion and since before, according to the reports of the social worker. So that he was sleeping at that time was good. You took victory silently and closed the door to the room, using the surface of your powers to close the curtains that let the moonlight into the room before walking away. 
You went down to the cave after that, where Bruce was getting ready to go out for the night.
“How is he?” he asked while putting on his gloves, as soon as he heard you walking out of the elevator.
“He's asleep” you told him with a big smile, happy for the small victory.
“Really?” Bruce asked, pleasantly surprised.
“Yes” you answer, reaching her side, unable to contain the smile of happiness, for that reason “I know it's not much considering what happened today-” you started, but your husband stopped you by placing his hands on your cheeks affectionately.
“It's a good thing” he assured you, smiling at you, and you kissed his lips lightly “We still need to talk to him tomorrow though” Bruce said, gently breaking your bubble, to which you sighed.
“If it makes you feel any better, Mistress y/n” Alfred began from the chair in front of the batcomputer “I could make you a list of the number of private schools Master Bruce was expelled from before he finally calmed down” he offered to what Bruce rolled his eyes in amusement “It's including Gotham Academy, of course” he clarified with amusement.
The night passed as normally as it could. But around one in the morning you went upstairs to check on Dick, as you always did at night when you stayed in the cave. It was the third time you'd checked, and he'd been fine the first two times, having started snoring louder on each visit.
So you expected to hear the boy snoring when you reached the hallway of his room, instead, you were met with crying. You stopped in place for a moment, because it was the first time you had heard Dick cry since he had arrived at the mansion.
“Mama” the boy cried, half awake and half asleep, “Mama” kept calling between sobs that shook her little body violently.
The most instinctive part of you walked quickly towards the door with a soft step, but the same logic made you stop at the door before even touching the handle, apart from that he told you that the boy was calling for his mom, for Mary. Not for you, he didn't want you. And for a moment you decided that you would not go in, and we let him cry all he needed, and tomorrow you would try to get him to talk about it. It might be a good time to suggest therapy. Yes, that was the best option and the best way to handle the situation.
“Mom, mom” you heard. Now fully awake, Dick continued to sob with his broken heart, and he broke yours with the sound of his cracking voice. So the institute won.
You walked into the room ready to be yelled at almost immediately. But you did it anyway, sure-footed and ready to do whatever it took to make your precious boy stop suffering once and for all. You knew that that would never leave him, but you would still try.
“Dickie, baby” you said as you approached the bed, to sit on the edge of the mattress next to him, running a hand over his back as he continued to cry and sobbed loudly “My joy, it's okay, you're-” and then the force of the child colliding with your chest stopped you.
In the time Dick had been there, he had never allowed you or Bruce or Alfred to get any closer than to hold his hand or stroke his hair. So when the boy threw himself at you crying and hugging your waist as if his life depended on it, he surprised you. He was hugging you as if he was afraid that you would disappear from one second to the next (theoretically you could do that, it was part of your powers, but that wasn't what the boy was afraid of). He sobbed into your chest as his knuckles turned white from clinging to you.
“It's okay, my joy” you comforted him, hugging him back and kissing his hair “Everything will be alright” you promised him, not quite sure what else to say to make him feel better and hugging him tighter to match his strength, so he would understand that you won't be leaving soon
“I want my mum” the boy sobbed, not with an internal intention to hurt you, but as if asking you to do something. You were an adult, you could fix anything, that's what adults do, and the ten-year-old was practically begging you desperately for a solution as he felt.
“Oh, I know, Dickie. I know” you said hugging him tighter “I'm so sorry, baby” you apologised, feeling bad for having no more than words to handle the situation, knowing that nothing will bring that child back to his parents, no matter how much you want to make it happen for him.
You would do anything for that boy. You would destroy yourself, and you would build yourself up again. Not only that, but you would empty out entire universes and kill God himself if necessary. But for now, you just held him while he cried, while he called out to a mother who lay twenty feet under. You knew, at that moment, that there would never be anything you wouldn't do for that boy. And Dick decided that night that maybe you weren't so bad.
Dick Grayson couldn't believe he was standing in the Batcave. He also couldn't believe his adoptive father was Batman. Now he understood why he was always missing for so long, it wasn't that Bruce was ignoring him, it was that he was down there, being a hero for Gotham City. His mind was racing as he walked around the place asking your husband questions and inspecting every nook, artefact, and blemish he found in the place. You and Bruce watched him from a distance, grinning like fools at the uncontrollable excitement of the boy who had long felt like he was your own.
“This is AMAZING” Dick would say whenever something particularly struck him, which means he said it every few seconds.
“See, he told you he would be excited” you told your husband while you took his hand, he smiled at you and brought your clasped hands to his lips to kiss your knuckles affectionately. A silent way of telling you: You were right, love.
“WOW” exclaimed the boy, he was now standing on the platform where the different suits that your husband had used as Batman are displayed “With all due respect, Bruce, but it's good that you left behind the combination of purple and yellow, it was too much” the boy scoffed, pointing at the first suit on display behind him.
“It was the eighties” your husband defended himself with a grimace, rolling his eyes at how similar the comment was to the one you had made the first time you set foot in the cave several years ago. You just laughed as you looked at him, happily remembering that moment.
“Purple looks amazing on you, my love” you assured him, caressing his cheek with your free hand. “Very intimidating” you said, to which both you and Dick chuckled, while Bruce continued to regret his fashion decisions.
“I tried to talk him out of it, Master Dick” Alfred commented, joining the bandwagon of teasing Bruce about his old fashion decisions. “But he insisted,” he shrugged gracefully.
“Okay, I'm going to throw him out of my cave if you don't leave my purple suit alone” Bruce complained, to which you and Dick shared an amused look before the boy returned his attention to the suits on display. Alfred smiled as he watched you kiss your husband in compensation, earning me a goofy smile from him, the one the butler had seen a lot since you two got married.
“HOLY SHIT” Dick suddenly exclaimed, to which you and Bruce turned to look at him wearing it, your husband ready to spring into action at your son's exclamation “You've got the Scarlet Witch suit here!!” the boy exclaimed excitedly, looking at your husband in disbelief before running to stand in front of the glass where your old suit is on display. Well, the word suit was an understatement, because it was a red bodysuit, with a belt, the cape, and high boots. An outfit that was not the best choice for fighting, but you never question it too much, because you were always comfortable in yourself and in that outfit, too.
Bruce and you shared a look. It was time to drop the second bomb on the boy. Now you were the one worried about her reaction.
“How did you get it?” Dick asked excitedly, his nose glued to the glass, pawing it with his breath “I thought the Justice League couldn't get her body back from the Dimension of the Damned after she closed the portal to save us” he said, thinking aloud, while analysing the garment.
Up close, he could see the details of the fabric, the way the cloak had a texture and wasn't smooth as it seemed watching it from the television. It was as if magic was embedded in the fabric, and it moved even when she was still on the mannequin. The boy was fascinated, definitely marking this as the best day of his life.
“Well that's true. The League was unable to recover her body after she closed the portal” explained Bruce, as he hugged your waist, pressing his fingers against you at the memory of those events that still haunt him “But the suit is here for its protection, nothing more, it still belongs to its owner” Bruce finished, letting the boy think a little about his words.
“Wait,” Dick said, frowning and turning away from the video, to walk to the railing of the platform. And how do you have it, if she never left the Dimension of the Damned?” the boy frowned, thinking hard that how could it be that this was the original costume.
“It's more like early retirement than death” Dick jumped in place when you appeared next to him, speaking sweetly to him “But yes, the Scarlet Witch never made it out of the Dimension of the Damned” you explained to him, while you crouch in front of him, the boy turned to face you still confused by what he was saying “Dick, do you remember that we told you that we had to tell you a couple of things?” you asked him and the boy quickly nodded “Well first we wanted to tell you that Bruce is Batman, as you already deduced” you pointed to your husband on the lowest platform “And the other one is that I'm-” Before you could say more, Dick squealed with excitement again.
“YOU ARE THE SCARLET WITCH, HOLY FUCK!!” the boy yelled with his eyes as wide as his eyelids would allow.
“Language, Master Dick” Alfred scolded absently from below.
“OH-MY-GOD” The boy yelled again, looking at me as if you were hanging the stars from the sky, throwing himself on you, hugging you with his arms around your neck “I knew you weren't dead, I argued every day with my friends about this, it didn't make sense for YOU to die just like that, no amount of spawn could kill the Scarlet Witch, it's absurd-” The boy began to ramble as you picked him up in your arms, he hug your hips with his legs intuitively, and you walked down with him in your arms. Smiling softly at the boy's excitement, it was Bruce's turn to give you the Told you so look “This is the BEST day of my life” Dick finished his ramblings as you pulled up next to Bruce, with him still sitting on your hip, and proceeded to grab your husband's neck and hug you both tight. The pull made your husband laugh at the boy's sudden outburst. “My parents are the coolest people on the planet next to Superman, this is the best” the boy declared proudly, ignoring the surprised looks you and Bruce shared immediately after that.
It was the first time his parents had called you, and Dick didn't even think about it much longer, it came out of him so naturally that you two didn't say anything else either. You were mom after that and Bruce was dad, as if the boy had forgotten how to say his name from one moment to the next. And he did it with the greatest happiness in the world.
That night, after Bruce went out on patrol, and you dragged a still very excited Dick to bed, as you tucked him into bed, tucking the covers over him, your son's face suddenly scrunched up at a particular thought.
“What's up, Dikie?” you asked, as you ran your hand over her forehead, concerned at the sudden change in expression.
“Weren't Batman and the Scarlet Witch supposed to hate each other?” he asked you confused, looking down with his head tilted from his pillow.
You laughed, relieved and amused by the question.
“That, my boy, is a story for another day”
And that was it.
TAGLIST: If someone wants to be added or removed from this list, they can request it, is OPEN.
@some-lovely-day @simonsbluee @yuki-chan23 @miyakana @myst3batz @otchae @d3m0n8ch1ld @marsenbie @mynameisnotlaura @andieperrie18 @randomboostsofmotivation @totallynotme420 @igotmessymind @amarawayne @calsjack
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If this has been asked before, feel free to ignore it! Just wondering, what would you in particular like to see in Black characters being written? Like what tropes, genres, types of stories, etc. would you like to see Black characters in? Or like, what types of Black characters would you like to see more of in general? (This is a question the mods on Writing With Color put in their bios, that’s what made me think of the question, and I just figured it be fun to answer!)
remember that y'all asked me!
Things I'd like to see:
Revenge against authority narratives. Yes, I have issues lol. I'd just like to see a young Black girl or woman come back to those who were supposed to love her or do right by her, and show them why they had her fucked up. And let her get away with it too. Like The Glory, but for Black women.
"Crazy" Black women characters. Not in the "she's angry and y'all have decided to girl-power it" but like legit unhinged, "everyone in the narrative is two steps behind them what shall she do next" unpredictable characters. It's why I liked Swarm fr. Dominique played a really interesting character, bc at the end of the day, her character was wild ASF and very wrong lmao. Light Yagami level off the shits but Black would go so insane!
Black girls that are safe, loved, and doted on, unconditionally. Without hearing "omg she's a love interest?! Anti-feminism!" I'm real passionate about this one, esp with my own OC. If she's got resilience, let it be from the strength of her heart and her community. So much of Black girlhood is realizing that the world expects you to give of yourself, will treat you terribly in kind, and you're supposed to "find strength" in that. Struggle love, from the whole world. Fuck that. I want characters, from parents to friends to lovers, to surround Black girls with love in whatever stressful narrative they're in. The Strong Black Woman™ is so played out for me. There's no honor in letting everyone use you for your strength but you can't depend on them to be in your corner when you're weak or fuck up.
A revenge fantasy against racists. Yeah that would never make it to screens bc we live in a racist society that would vomit with hatred and fear, but omg. I've always dreamt of having superpowers and showing white supremacists what for. I'd love to see it on screen.
If it's going to be an interracial relationship, it'd be nice for the girl to be Black more often. It'd be nice to see people from different backgrounds find reason outside of familiarity to fall in love with us, that they love our beauty, that we're worth the time and effort to get to know and care for. I'm never gonna watch Bridgerton outside of Queen Charlotte, but that's what drew me into Queen Charlotte. She was allowed to be herself, and he loved every bit of her. It was nice to see.
This isn't a character or a genre, but COSTUMING AND WIGS THAT ACTUALLY FIT BLACK BODIES. Look. I'm a sucker for period pieces and fantasy. Queen Charlotte reminds me of that, bc while it was still regency white western costuming, the way they actually make Charlotte's hair look... Like her hair. That it doesn't look like you took a Black woman and shoved her into a bad dress and a sew in or a bad wig to mimic white hair texture that she logically wouldn't have with no effort. House of the Dragon has all that budget but that first season hair was abhorrent, which was annoying and clearly racist bc the white actors' wigs always look LAID. We have different hair- PUT THE EFFORT IN!
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blueicequeen19 · 1 year
Charter Ch. 4
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Warnings: mentions of drug use, jealousy, violence, jj being a tease, protected sex
I didn’t know who this woman was just by looking at her but the moment she opened her mouth and JJ went rigid, I knew she was his ex. I could tell just by looking at her that there was a reason JJ was a single parent and most likely had full custody. She looked rough. Her clothes were dirty and barely fit her, her hair was matted and unwashed, her eyes red and glassy. The red marks on her arms told me all I needed to know and my heart broke for him. And Summer.
“I’m not doing this with you, Chelsea. Leave.” JJ barked, the tension radiating off him. I’d never seen him so angry. Chelsea smirked, her red eyes shooting to me and formed to a scowl.
“You the slut riding his cock this week?” My own chest flared with anger but JJ waved her off.
“Stop it. She’s my employee. And I’ve got nothing else to say to you.” JJ moved to open his truck door but she blocked his path.
“I want to see my daughter.” She bit out. JJ leaned in, his lips pulling back in a snarl.
“She’s mine. So until you get a fucking lawyer, stay away from us. Stay away from my shop and stay away from my employees.” I couldn’t move or breathe as I watched their stand off.
“You took her away from her mother! What kind of father does that?!”
“One that loves her enough to protect her no matter who it fucking is. You almost killed her. Then you left her in the NICU and didn’t look back. I took care of her, I raised her, I paid off the medical bills, not you. Having sex doesn’t make you a fucking parent so get out of my face.” JJ yanked his truck door open, shooting me an apologetic look as she stumbled to the side with a scoff.
I turned away, having heard enough, and jumped into my own car. His ex continued to yell and scream profanities even after we drove away.
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JJ had barely said two words the whole next shift. I could tell that a storm was brewing and that he was stressed. He was no shittier than normal yet I knew it wasn't directed at me. The guy had a lot on his plate and an ex he clearly wanted nothing to do with so I left him to his thoughts while we worked. I felt the need to apologize for pushing and complicating matters further but he'd disappeared to the back with empty boxes.
"Hey Y/N, long time no see." My heart sank as I looked up from my catalog to see Jared, the Kook I'd been hooking up with before JJ. The one I ghosted.
"Hey, how are ya?" I forced a smile, hoping JJ stayed in the back awhile longer.
"I'm good. How are you? I've called and texted a few times but you never answered me.
"Yea, I, uh--."
"Are you seeing someone?"
"Well, not really but--."
"Y/N." We both looked to JJ who now stood with his arms crossed at the register. His eyes didn't hide their distaste for the guy in front of me. Jared only smirked, his gaze letting JJ know that he felt the same way. "Y/N, it's closing time. Lock up." JJ said, dismissing Jared with another shitty look before taking the cash drawer and disappearing in the back.
"Guess I'm not buying anything." Jared chuckled, leaning across the counter on his elbows.
"Yea." I chuckled humorlessly as I rounded the counter and moved to the door. Jared followed, his eyes no doubt checking me out. I moved to let him exit when his hand splayed across my lower back, pulling me towards him.
"Jared." I pushed at his chest, taking a step back with a sigh. His hands fell but he didn't step away, his eyes dark.
"We had fun didn't we? Why did you ghost me?"
"Jared, please go. I'm at work. This is not the place." I waved my hand at the door but he didn't budge.
"When is the place? You never answer me when I call or text. You deleted me off social media. How else am I supposed to talk to you?" Jared stepped towards me again, his glare predatory as he sized me up.
"I'm not--." I pushed against his chest but he took it as an invitation, pulling me closer by my hips and making me feel how hard he was. My stomach twisted in a knot, my lips pulling back in a snarl.
"Do you still have your nipples pierced? I always liked looking at them when you rode me." Jared murmured in a low, sultry voice that sent alarm bells off in my head.
"Remove yourself from my shop before I do it for you." I jumped back at the sound of JJ's voice, Jared barely lowering his hands and stepping back to look at JJ.
"Your shop? Like a fucking Pogue like you could actually own anything." Ugh. I suddenly remembered why I hated Jared outside the bedroom.
"My name is on the fucking sign, dipshit."
"Yea I've heard about you. The druggies son who's also a liar and a thief." Jared turned to me, "Be careful with this one, he'll steal your shit if it's not bolted to the floor."
"Jared, fucking leave."
"Is it him you're fucking? Had to resort to Pogue dick?" JJ stepped forward and Jared smiled, puffing out his chest as he grinned sadistically at JJ.
"I won't tell you again. Get out." JJ warned, his blue eyes blazing. Jared leaned in, his eyes finding mine.
"She still got that tattoo on her spine? I always did like running my tongue up it or covering it in cum." JJ moved fast, his hand wrapping around Jared's throat, his other fisting his shirt as he all but hauled him from the shop. I moved to race after him but he shoved him down on the dock with a snarl.
"Don't come back." JJ warned, turning on his heel as Jared coughed and laughed on the ground, his face beat red. I stepped back inside as JJ appeared in the door, locking it behind him and leveling me with a dangerous glare. I didn't know what to say as we looked at each other, his body shaking with rage.
"He doesn't come back in this shop. Ever." JJ finally bit out, his nostrils flared. I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat.
"If I see him so much as look at you again I'll--." JJ trailed off, clamping his mouth shut like he's said too much. He takes a deep breath before speaking again, "So you fuck Kooks, huh?" The anger zaps through me again and I scoff, taking a step back from him.
"Oh, shut up. You're technically Kook now." I spat and he lunges, making me squeal as he throws me over his shoulder and walks to the back.
"I'm not a fucking Kook." JJ growls, slapping my ass hard as he rounds the corner and sits me on the workbench. I shove my hair from my face, panting as I glare up at him.
"What's your problem? I didn't do anything. I didn't bring him here." I move to slide off the workbench but he's suddenly there, shoving my legs apart and positioning himself there, caging me in.
"No, you never do, do you? You only get inside my fucking head and my fucking bed and tear me up inside but sure, you didn't do anything. Then you let that motherfucker put his hands on you and look at you like he's been inside you and--." I shove at his chest.
"You have a child. You don't get to act jealous. We aren't exclusive. You made that very fucking clear from the beginning. I can't help if guys want to come crawling back for more."
"Who can blame them? This pussy is so fucking good I'm surprised you don't have wedding proposals waiting."
"Maybe I do." My chest heaved with every word while my body burned and ached for him. The way he looked at me like he wanted to eat me alive had me buzzing with need. And wet. So fucking wet.
"I thought fucking you would get you out of my system." JJ bites out, leaning in so close I think he's going to kiss me. My heart skips a beat, my stomach filling with butterflies as his hands rest on top of my thighs at the edge of my shorts. He’s so close to touching me where I need..
“But it only made it worse.” JJ whispers, licking his lips and I nearly moan, needing his mouth on me.
“I want you. Not just here. I want you in a fucking bed. I want to lay down and eat your pussy until you cry. Until you’re ripping my hair out. Then I want to flip you over onto your stomach and fuck you until you cum so hard you forget the name of every guy that’s ever been inside you before me.” I lean in to kiss him but he pulls back an inch, a cocky smirk on his lips.
“I want you in my truck. On the beach. In the shower. At the fucking movies. On the side of the road. On the floor.” I couldn’t breathe. My core was pulsing in sync with my heartbeat. My panties were soaked. I was so empty and begging to be filled by him. There was a roaring in my ears.
“What’s wrong? You turned on? You want more?” JJ taunts.
“Stop teasing me.”
“Maybe now you feel a fraction of what I feel when I’m around you.” His lips finally meet mine and everything in me comes alive.
It’s not until he’s taken me on every surface in the back do we finally break apart, flushed and panting. I finally got him completely naked and it’s a beautiful sight as he stands there catching his breath, blonde hair stuck to his forehead and his lips wet with.. me.
“Stop looking at me like that or I’ll get hard again.” JJ smirks, letting his eyes trail over me in the same suggestive way. I chuckle, slowly pulling on my clothes even as my body protests with every ache and sore muscle I feel.
“I guess we both have crazy exs we’d rather forget.” I say, pulling my shirt on over my head as he starts to get dressed. JJ only nods, scooping up the condom wrapper off the floor and tossing it in the trash as he gets dressed.
“You know I have an IUD, right? You don’t have to wear those if you don’t want to.” My cheeks heat just thinking about his cum inside me.
“Yea a girl telling me she was on birth control is how I got into this mess.” JJ huffs sarcastically, buttoning his shorts. I can’t help the shot in the gut I feel as I wince at his words. I shake it off, narrowing my eyes at him.
“Not every girl you sleep with is going to turn out like your ex but I’m sure if you reach up in there far enough you can feel it and check for yourself.” I try to shove past him but JJ catches my arm, pinning my back against the wall. He’s smirking and I hate him.
“I’ve been in your guts plenty of times and I’ve never felt anything but I’ll take your word for it.” He breathes, letting his gaze fall to my lips. God, I hate him.
“Whatever.” I mumble, yanking my hand free of his grasp and pushing him away. JJ smirks, caging me in again and bringing his lips to my ear. If he doesn’t stop, I’m going to be ready for round two.
“Trust me, there’s nothing I want more than to feel you bare.” JJ whispers, his lips brushing the spot below my ear. “But I have a bit of a breeding kink so for now, I have to wear condoms. Maybe if you’re good, I’ll let you have it raw.” I grit my teeth, my pussy pulsing in response. He was fucking baiting me again. JJ pulled back with a smirk, pecking me on the lips and sauntering to the alarm panel to finish closing.
Suddenly I wanted nothing more than I feel him raw and that terrified me.
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totaly-obsessed · 9 months
can you do a millie bright x reader where it’s their wedding day and the whole team are there and it’s just really fluffy and cute:). love your writing so much
Tears of Joy
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Millie Bright x reader request
-> Marrying the Love of your Life
-> sorry for the delay - I hope you like it!
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
After waiting and planning for months on end – maybe even your entire childhood, the day was finally here. You were getting married!
Sure many dreams from your childhood wedding plans came true, but you didn’t quite find a prince charming, more of a princess charming – your very own knight in shining armor, the one and only Millie Bright.
As soon as you hat met Millie all those years ago in a Social Media meeting for Chelsea, you knew that she was the one. But the gentle giant had been quite scared to come up and talk to you – so you had to take the first step.
While the blonde looked intimidating it only took speaking to her once to see that she really wasn’t – maybe more so on the pitch, but luckily you didn’t have to face her there.
Millie had blushed a deep red when you caught her arms as she frantically tried to leave the meeting room, something you had not expected.
“Hi Millie, would you like to go on a date with me?”
Of course, she knew who you were, the new head of media for the women’s branch of Chelsea and she had spent the last four meetings just staring at you.
While you had felt confident walking up to her, seeing her face contort into a frown and lines appear on her forehead changed your mind quickly and you removed your hand.
“Or not – sorry that was a stupid idea.”
She couldn’t pull you in a hug fast enough. Dear god. If she hugged you like this, you never want to hug another person.
“I wanted to act cool and act like I wasn’t sure… But I would love to!”
To this day Millie and you could laugh about how much more stressful it had been than it needed if she had just said yes immediately.
While you had taken the first step to dating, Millie had been the one to ask the big question. She had just come home, even though she had been at home the entire time, from winning the Euros – and emotions were at an all-time high. Your girlfriend was now officially the champion of Europe.
You had been the first person she had seen out of the stands, her parents pushing you forward when you wanted to let them go first, after all, she was their daughter. “Don’t be silly love!” Had been what her mother said once she saw the blonde making her way towards the barriers.
“I did it, Baby! I fucking did it!” She was in tears, face still hot from running on the pitch for such a long time as she pulled you into a passionate kiss, not caring the slightest about all the cameras.
“You did so well my love! I am so proud of you!”
She would never forget the look on your face – she had never seen you look so proud of anybody, and now you looked at her like this. Her heart? Melted into a puddle.
Your girlfriend didn’t wait for long, lifting you over the barrier and pulling you as close to her as she could.
“My god Mills, leave some for me!” It was Rachel who finally pulled her sweaty best friend off you, just to replace her, giving you a bone-crushing hug.
“Off Rach! That’s my girl! Get ya own!”
The ‘DalyBrightness’ duo had always playful banter between them, and you were no stranger to it either, often getting roped into it somehow by Rachel, determined to get Millie angry – but the taller one of the two could only laugh about it every time.
The whole evening and night was spent partying, first in the dressing rooms, then in a chosen location with friends and family. Trafalgar Square was the next destination, where the girls would meet the nation they had made so incredibly proud, just the evening before.
After all the meetings and interviews had finally calmed down, you got your girlfriend back. Millie had finally arrived at home, in your shared south London house and the first thing she saw was your dogs Hera and Zeus. But upon lifting her head, the defender saw that they flanked both of your sides, while you held a beautiful ‘Welcome Home’ cake in your hands.
She couldn’t kiss you fast enough after seeing your nice gesture and cute smile.
“I love you much my love, and I don’t think I tell you enough. But I really do.”
The first thing you did after not seeing each other for such a long time, was napping. In the big bed, ready to sleep the day away. What you didn’t know, was that Millie woke up way before you and found herself staring at a beautiful ring in a little box.
Today was the day.
After making dinner she had asked you. She didn’t go down on her knees, so she pulled out a box, opened it, and just sat there for a second until you finally turned and noticed the ring.
“Marry me?”
Choked up on tears you couldn’t do anything but nod. “Yeah, baby. I’ll marry you.” The kiss that followed tasted like tears, tears of utter joy as Zeus and Hers ran through the room yapping as if they knew what had just happened.
The day was finally here. Yours and Millie's wedding day. In retrospect you could not have chosen a better day, even if you obviously had not known how the weather would be – it was perfect.
Getting ready was a long process, not even physically, but rather mentally. But there was not a single doubt in your mind, that you would marry the love of your life.
You were ready when a knock sounded at the door and your sister who at the same time was your maid of honor opened it. The door was only open a smidge so you couldn’t really see who was behind it, while you talked to your bridesmaids.
“It’s go-time people!”
Your heart fluttered. But you were not nervous or anxious, no. You were excited and nearly ran out of the room with the bridesmaids to get to the altar, but your sister stopped you in your tracks, insisting that you had to wait somewhere else until the rest of the wedding party walked down the aisle.
Now stood in a room you waited for your sign. Fuck. Now the nerves were coming up. In your head, you went through the plan again, when you heard someone clear their throat.
It was Millie. There she was, dressed in a gorgeous white jumpsuit – looking at you like you hung the moon. “Baby! “You cannot see me in my dress before the wedding!”
Tears brimmed in both your eyes as you stared at your fiancé who couldn’t keep standing there any longer, so with brisk steps the blonde rushed forward and engulfed you in one of your favorite hugs. Your hearts find each other and beat in unison.
“How are ya feelin?” She rested her forehead on yours while staring at you as long as she could. “Nervous. Excited. Incredibly happy.“
The music inside was slowly getting quieter and you knew that you didn’t have that much time left. “I thought we could change the plan a little.”
Turns out Millie's idea was brilliant. Instead of just you walking in, both of you walked in together, no one would give anyone away. This would be a union of love between you and her, but that didn’t mean that either of you had to say goodbye to your family.
You could hear the gasps as you walked down the aisle, arms hooked together, each of you a flower bouquet in hand, the biggest smiles anyone had ever seen on your faces. You looked magical.
In the end, you don’t even know how you got through the vows, all you remember were a lot of tears, and an incredibly passionate kiss that was met with screams of joy from the audience.
After all of your families had congratulated the both of you, your Club mates made their way towards you each of them with big smiles on their faces.
Niamh was the first at your side and was the first to pull you into a warm hug. “You look like a princess. But one of those badass ones, that doesn’t need a white knight to save them.”
“I will need a cheaper ring for daily use, this one belongs in a bank in a safe deposit box.” Millie's joke was met with a lot of laughter as Sam came over and after hugging you as well, took a closer look at your ring. “Maybe! That is a fucking rock Mills!”
„You’re one to talk.“ Hempo received a  slight nudge from her captain while everyone else laughed along.
One after the other Chelsea and Lioness teammates alike made their way through the masses, hugging you with congratulatory tones and singing praises. Most of them even brought presents which they gave your sister for safekeeping.
“I can finally call you my wife.” Millie had stolen you away from the open space for a second and pulled you close for a deep kiss.
“My wife, huh? That has a nice ring to it.”
Not only were you her wife now, but she was also yours. Married. Oh dear god, you were finally married to the girl of your dreams. “Best day of my life.”
“Then I am excited to give you better ones.”
“God. you disgust me.” Neither of you had seen Rachel invade the nice little space Millie and you had created for the two of you
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margotw10bis · 10 months
Crashing On Crush. JJK 3 [m]
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crush!Jungkook x reader
Genre: smut; series; romance; angst
Words: 4.4k
Synopsis: What happens when your first encounter with your crush is Jungkook seeing your ass?
Warnings: sexual tension; alcohol consumption; make out in public; oral sex (f. receiving); handjob
previous ← 3 → next
God must have heard your silenced prayers because a cup of coffee is floating in front of your face. You look up and meet Namjoon's soft brown eyes. You take the life-saving beverage and appreciate the delicious taste.
"Oh God, you don't know how much I needed it! Thank you Namjoon"
"No offense but you did look like you needed it" he jokes
You sigh, knowing that he's probably right. It's been eight days since you and Jungkook kissed. Eight fucking days and you haven't heard from him. No text, no call. Nothing. If work - which is so interesting and gratifying - keeps your mind busy at day, alone in your apartment at night you have no distraction. You just think over and over again, replaying the night in your head to spot what you've missed and could explain why he hasn't contacted you. So, yeah, you haven't slept very well the past week.
"Uhm, Y/N" Namjoon seems embarrassed, he clears his throat to pull himself together. "I was thinking, uhm, if you are free tonight, we could have dinner"
His red cheeks are so cute, your heart melts. Namjoon has been nothing but kind and sweet towards you. And it's not the first time you think 'I wish he were my crush, so I wouldn't be stressed about radio-silence Jungkook'. But you know damn well that your mind and your heart are full of a man with lip piercing and tattooed arm... However, you can't wait forever for Jungkook to pay attention to you - or can you?
This dinner will be a great opportunity to think about something else and to get to know Namjoon better.
The blond man sighs in relief, his heart pounding in his chest.
"Great, uhm, let's meet after your shift at the entrance door"
You nod and watch him leave, not without almost hitting a large plant pot which makes you laugh. Cute.
At seven pm, you exit the gallery to wait for Namjoon in front of the building. However, you certainly didn't think you would meet this person. You halt your movement by astonishment. Jungkook is here. Right in front of you. And you have mixed feelings about that. Obviously, you are very happy to see him because, in fact, you missed him. But you are also angry with him for being quiet during a whole week... You have no idea what he is doing here. Well, you know he is probably here to talk to you but to say what? That he doesn't want to see you again? That he wants to kiss you again? So you stay silent, waiting for him to speak. And he does:
"Hi, Y/N"
You wait but he doesn't say anything.
"What are you doing here?" You ask after few seconds of unbearable stillness that is the exact opposite of your harsh heartbeats.
"I wanted to invite you to dinner"
What the fuck? You can't help a disdained laugh. You have been waiting eight fucking days and he just shows up at your work like nothing happened! You are so mad right now but why does you heart soften at the thought he wants to spend some time with you?
"I already have something set up for tonight" Your voice is harsher than you want and you kind of feel bad when you see the disappointment in Jungkook's eyes.
He bits his bottom lip and this simple act reminds you of how good his lips feels... You shake your head to not think about it.
"I wanted to call you but I didn't have time" Jungkook says lowly
"Yeah, sure" You reply, annoyed
"Actually, I spent the week at my parents for my grandpa's funeral" His voice is not filled with reproach but with a will of explanation.
You gaps and immediately feel horrible to have treated him so coldly. Your eyes soften and you put a hand on his shoulder to confort him.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Jungkook, I didn't know. Are you okay?"
"He has been sick for a while so we were prepared, but it was hard for my mum. I'm sorry, I should have at least sent you a text"
You can see in his doe eyes and hear in his voice the guilt. You shake your head.
"No, you don't have to apologize, I totally understand. You needed to focus on your family. Please don't feel bad"
You want to hug him so bad when you see the sadness on his face. You don't really know what to say or what to do to erase his pain but when Jungkook looks into your eyes, he knows how you wish to console him and his heavy heart feels lighter. So many words are running through his mind, so many things he would like to say to you. Like the fact that he has been thinking about you the past few days, that he has wished you were there with him to hug him, that he has been fucking missing you each fucking minute.
You open your mouth to say something but you are cut off by Namjoon joining you.
"Are you ready to go?" He asks you cheerfully
You are aware of the sudden tension between the two men. Jungkook's jaw clenches and his eyes narrow. 'Him again', he thinks. He wonders if the guy is now your boyfriend, if he has kissed you while he was gone, which makes him regret even more to not have contacted you. Now he is pissed off because at first, he thought that you having plans was a lie to not see him but it's way worse that you actually have plans. With another man. A man you have seen all week.
"I-Namjoon and I are going to eat" you start, embarrassed, blushing hard before turning towards your colleague "if it's okay with you, Jungkook could join us?" You try
Well, that was not what Namjoon had in mind. But what could he say now? No? He cannot refuse so he swallows the sword in his throat and he answers a not-so-conceiving 'sure'. And the three of you head to the Korean barbecue restaurant.
Saying that there is tension in the air is an understatement. The meat grilling is quite the only sound coming from your table. Seeing the two men side by side, you realize they couldn't be more different. Namjoon, wearing a white shirt and light grey slacks, is a very sweet boy, and very cute with his dimples. His glasses makes him look smarter - even though he is the smartest person you've ever met - and professional. Definitely the type every parents would love to have as son-in-law. On the other hand, Jungkook is the opposite, the perfect example of what a 'bad boy look' is. He is not a bad boy in fact because you can see the kindness in his so pretty eyes but he is surely intimidating. He always wears dark and baggy cloths. His piercing and his tattoos enhance his B boy vibes, but they also make him so fucking hot.
Jungkook and Namjoon haven't talked and you feel ill at ease, waddling on your seat. You clear your throat to save the night:
"Let's cheer"
You smile and pull up your glass in the most cheerful way possible, hoping that it will give rise to a better mood. But it doesn't. The two men click their glass but they still don't speak. You sigh in disappointment...
"So, Jungkook, right?" Finally says Namjoon "What do you do for living?"
You send a grateful gaze at your colleague.
"I'm a graphic designer" Jungkook answers politely but a little bit coldly, not sharing any more details. "What about you? What do you do exactly?"
"I'm the owner's assistant. I help him to supervise everything: the exhibitions, the contacts with the artists, the communication, the staff. I'm also in charge of training new recruits, that's why I've spent a lot of time with Y/N these days"
Jungkook grins, he knows damn well that this Namjoon guy wanted to snap at him. He sips on his beer, fantasying how satisfying it would be to kiss you again, like the last time, in front of Namjoon. He really has to behave to not put his hand on your thigh. It's even harder when you are so pretty in your pink a-line dress with small puff sleeves.
"Hey, Y/N, we could have a last drink at Danbam, what do you think?" Jungkook asks suddenly
You choke on your spit, blushing hard. Last time you were in this bar was for your make-out session with Jungkook. And the little sparkle of cockiness in his eyes proves you he meant to tease.
"I, uhm, I don't think I want to drink more than this tonight" you say cautiously
Namjoon grabs his chopsticks to gather some beef and puts it on your plate. The kind gesture makes you smile. At the same time, it makes Jungkook even more irritated. Yet, luck is on his side because a couple of minutes later, Namjoon receives a call: his boss requires him immediately. He wanted to spend time with you, get to know you because since your first day, he has found you so sweet and beautiful and smart and passionate. Since your first day, he has had a crush on you that only kept growing day by day. With a huge regret, he tells you goodbye and leaves you with Jungkook.
"So, do you go out with him a lot?"
Jungkook couldn't help but asking you. He feels so jealous, he doesn't even recognize himself. What are you doing to him?
"No, actually it was the first time"
You turn your head to Jungkook with an abrupt movement. Your mouth is opened by surprise, questioning him silently about the meaning.
"I want to kiss you again" Jungkook says simply
His words provoke a whole ardent fire in your body. You want it too. So fucking much. You miss his lips, his hands on you. You miss feeling him on your skin - kissing him one time isn't enough. You want to do it again. You want more.
"Do it" you manage to whisper
It's enough for Jungkook to blend your lips together. The kiss is stronger, rawer than the last one. He is hungry and maybe a little angry. When the little moans he loves so much return to life, he smirks. He wants to kiss you like Namjoon nor any other men can. And he does. There is no word to describe how much you love his mouth. You wish the moment could last forever, you never want to be lips apart. But humans are not perfect and they do need to breath so you distance your face just enough to catch your breathe.
"Do you want me to take you home?" Jungkook asks
You know it's not just a ride home. It's an implicit question: do you want more? Fuck yeah.
You nod and Jungkook smiles. He looks happy and relieved. He leaves a soft kiss on your inflamed lips and grabs your hand.
You mostly stay silent in the car. It's not a weird or uncomfortable silence but just a calm silence, full of promise for what will happen next. You can't deny that your heart beats loudly and your hands are a little shaky. Jungkook remarks and intertwines yours fingers, saying with no words that everything is fine and you don't have to be stressed. But how can you not when you will spend the night with your crush? Your - two now - kisses proved you that you have feelings for him. Strong feelings.
After you opened your door and took off your shoes, Jungkook and you stay, once again, in silence. You are looking everywhere except at him, feeling so nervous. It has been more than one year since you last had sex, and all the times you had before were with your boyfriends. However, Jungkook is not your boyfriend, your relationship is... undetermined. You also wonder if he finds you attractive enough, and if you will be good enough in bed. All these thoughts make your hands sweaty.
But Jungkook gets closer and cups your red cheeks with his big and warm hands, making you look into his black doe eyes. They are so soft, so shiny - just like the billions of stars in the sky at night. They are so beautiful. Everything in Jungkook is beautiful.
"Hey, we don't have to do anything" he says gently "We can have sex, or not. We can do other things than having sex. Or we can just talk. Don't pressure yourself"
Your heart melts at his consideration. He is so nice, so sweet that you are falling in lo... No! No, it's too soon, you don't know much about him even after hours spent on his Instagram. It's just your arousal speaking, it messes up with your brain.
You take the time to look at Jungkook and you can't help but imagining what's underneath his black bomber jacket. You remember this one pic from Instagram of him at the beach, shirtless. His 'I know I make your panties wet' look has never been more accurate. Even right now, you are feeling horny.
He leans down and kisses you. At first, gently but the kiss is getting rougher. You instantly feel your pussy clench and moan at its emptiness. Your hands running through Jungkook's hair pull him closer and invite him to kiss you deeper if it's even possible. His own hands move all over your body: your hair, your neck, your back, your waist and your ass. He squeezes the latter and a small groan from you tells him you love it. Actually, you love every single of his touch on your body.
Your hands are struggling to take off his jacket but manage to do it. You want to feel closer, better. Without this barrier, you can appreciate his hard muscles. Gosh, it feels so good under your fingertips.
Jungkook leads you to your couch and puts you on his lap without breaking the kiss for a second. You are completely high on his touch, you can't think straight - not that you really care. Between your legs, you can feel his hard cock pressing on your covered and wet pussy. A moan of pure delight escapes your mouth and you press down to enhance the touch. You slowly begin to move your hips back and forth to release some of the urge of friction. Jungkook grabs your ass to control your move and you love it. You love how he uses your body to please himself.
But it's not enough. You need to feel his skin. You don't know if you said it or if Jungkook can read in your mind but he halts the kiss for just a couple of seconds in order to take off your dress. His intense eyes discover your matching white bra and panties, so pure, so innocent. It makes him crazy because the horniness visible on your face is far from innocent. He leans down and places his head between your boobs, kissing your skin. Your body is on fire. Your head rolls back - which makes your moans huskier - and you pull on his black hair by pleasure and he smirks.
You are so hot, so beautiful, he doesn't want any other men to touch you. He wants to mark you to make you his but he also knows that a huge hickey on your neck will not be great for your career. So he decides to put his mark somewhere only him can see. You feel his mouth sucking on the skin of your left breast, close to your heart. It hurts a little but it's a delightful hurt. Jungkook takes the time to admire his art piece - he has never created something so beautiful. The red, purplish mark is shiny because of his saliva and it looks so good on your soft skin.
"You're so fucking hot" he says with a raspy and so sexy voice
He suddenly changes position to lie you down underneath him and kisses you again. You take the hem of his black and large t-shirt to indicate you want it to disappear. One second later your wish is fulfilled. What a beautiful view. His chest is buff, his abs are well drawn, his arms are strong and his shoulders are large. Your hands brush his warm skin and you feel his muscles flexing under your touch. His body is so perfect. You'll never be bored of looking at it.
However, your eyes spontaneously shut when Jungkook's hand reaches your groin. His fingers find your clit in a second and start circle it through your panties.
"Oh my god!" You moan in his neck
It's so good. So fucking good. It's like you've never have been touched before. Your moans are louder as his fingers get faster. At this point, your panties are soaked by your juices - it could be kind of an unpleasant sensation if you could think.
"You're so wet" Jungkook teases you while he kisses your neck
You are feeling your orgasm slowly building up in you but the emptiness in your pussy is torture. You need something to fix that.
It's the only thing you manage to say with a choked voice.
"Please what?" Jungkook smirks
He knows damn well that you can't concentrate enough to speak properly and he is filled with pride that the reason is himself. Seeing how you are going crazy under his touch is so fucking satisfying. The most important, the only mission in his life right now is to make you cum. He leaves your neck to kiss your body all the way down until he reaches your wet pussy.
"I think we should take this off" he says while trapping the fabric of your panties with his forefinger
He looks up at you to have your approval.
"Yes, please" you moan, looking away with embarrassment of Jungkook being so close to your intimacy.
What you don't know is that your shaky 'please' turned him on so fucking bad. He loves having control during sex, even being a little dominant. Fulfilling his desires without even knowing it makes him want to please you even more. So he slides your soaked panties down your legs and opens your thighs. The sight is breathtaking: your cunt is glistening with your arousal. He wants to taste you, you make him hungry. He gently rubs two fingers from your clit to your entrance before diving onto your pussy with his mouth.
He gives a single kiss on your clit at first and the feeling is so fucking good that you immediately grab his hair in a desperate need of holding on to something to not sink into this unbearable pleasure. Your fingers in his black strands give him the green light to go further. His tongue is now completely attached to your pussy. He is literally making out with it. He is so good with his mouth. Your clit is taken care of like it deserves. His tongue rolls around your bud, then takes a quick strip from your entrance to your clit and rolls again. It's a perfect pattern and it makes you go crazy. The wetness created by his saliva and your own arousal is full of sins and pleasures.
"Oh my god, Jungkook!"
You feel your orgasm coming and your fist clenches as much as your pussy. Jungkook notices it and enters your pussy with his finger. This friction in your body is exactly what you needed. He pulls in and out at a pleasant pace with his digit. Your brain is foggy, you don't even know where you are, you don't even hear your own moans. All you can feel is him.
"More, more!" Is all you can say
He adds another finger, sightly speeding up the back-and-forth's pace, his tongue still playing with your clit.
"You taste so fucking good, I could eat you all day"
His words reasoning on your pussy is too much to bare and you cum on his face and on his two fingers in you, screaming his name. The best fucking orgasm of your life. Your legs quiver when you reach your climax. But what did you expect from Jungkook? He was your best kiss, it's only natural for him to make you cum like nobody had done it before.
It takes you a few seconds to catch your breathe and to settle down back on Earth. Your cheeks, even red before, are blushing harder when you realize that you just let your crush eating you out. It takes you a lot of courage to look down to meet Jungkook's face between your legs. You see his mouth and chin glistening with your juice. The view is sinful. But he defies even more the limits of hotness allowed when he puts his fingers into his mouth to taste more of your cum. You gasp at the indecent teasing.
Jungkook goes up to your face and kisses you. You taste yourself on his mouth and you have to say that it's hot.
"Are you okay?" He asks you gently
His consideration is a dangerous weapon for your heart. Fortunately, you're still too much in the frog of pleasure to overthink it.
"Yes. It-It was really good" you whisper, blushing.
Jungkook's pride is beyond clouds when he saw how strong was your orgasm because of him. He wants to be the one that makes you cum the most, the only one that makes you cum. Because you are so pretty, so hot when you reach your high, he wants to be the only one who witnesses it. He wants to fuck you so hard that you won't ever be attracted to another man. His possessiveness is killing him. You are messing with his brain and you don't even know it. You are crushing down all his boundaries.
"I, uhm, I want to please you too" you say shyly
Jungkook is amused by your shyness when he just made you cum. But he is also touched that you care about his pleasure. He can't deny that his cock is really hard and that he would love to release the tension in his body. But he doesn't want you to feel obligated to return the favor. He didn't touch you to have something in return, he did it because he wanted to see your cute face torn in pleasure, a pleasure provided by him.
"You don't have to, Y/N" he says with a small peck on your lips
He helps you sit correctly on your couch, and the leaking between your legs make you wince. But not as much as his answer. Doesn't he want you to touch him? Does he think you won't please him? You feel a dragger in your heart, and maybe in your pride also. Jungkook frowns when he notices your expression darkens.
"It's not that I don't want to" he feels the need to tell you "Because, believe me, I want to. You make me fucking hard. But you don't have to, you don't have to feel obligated"
He cups your cheeks and you see the sincerity in his eyes. Rather than pushing you off, it makes you want to please him stronger.
"I want to" you simply say
The determination in your voice startles him a little bit because a new wave of arousal rushes through him.
"Okay" is the only thing he finds to say
You put your delicate hand on his stretched crotch, feeling him hard and big through the fabric of his pants. You can't deny that it makes you horny. Jungkook's body tenses, watching carefully your movements to detect any sign of displeasure and stop you in this case. But he only sees the way you blush and bit your bottom lip. So fucking cute, he thinks. He waits for you to express by your actions your want to get rid of his pants. He doesn't want to rush you and let you be in control of the pace, even if it's like a torture for him: he has been hard for a long time now.
When you grab the hem of this pants, he gets the message and rises his hips to slide down his piece of clothing. The bulge of his black underwear shocks you a little bit: he is fucking big. Your reaction makes him cocky, he knows he's big - a lot of women already told him that - but now he wants you to think that. He wants you to think about how his cock would fill your tight pussy. The thought of it makes his hard member twitch.
You push down the hem of his underwear to free his length. Your mouth waters at the sight of the perfect, velvety skin. He is hard, and thick. You wonder how would feel the stretch if he were in your pussy. You gently caresse his tip with your thumb and a drop of pre-cum escapes. You spread it on the tip, which makes it shiny and appetizing. You start jerking him off and a sigh of delight comes from Jungkook's mouth.
"You're doing great, babe"
The pet name makes your pussy clench and your heart beat faster. You also feel proud and more confident so you increase the speed, putting the right pressure. Jungkook's breathing gets more and more rugged, you can tell that he likes it. He grabs firmly - but not too harshly to not hurt you - your hair and pull you closer. He kisses you ruthlessly, his tongue meets yours. You moan at his sudden ardent desire. And this is what he wanted: hearing your sweet whimpers while you jerking him off. Your hand on his cock and your mouth on his lips are a dangerous combination for his sanity.
"You're perfect, so fucking perfect" he says against your pretty mouth "Keep going, you gonna make me cum, babe"
Once again, it fills you with indescribable sensations - physical sensations and other sensations that you push away to not overthink. You keep sliding up and down your hand on Jungkook's fat cock, your arm is beginning to hurt but you don't stop. Making him feel good is so fucking satisfying. You being the reason of the orgasm of such an attractive, hot, handsome man messes up your bain - and your wet pussy.
"I'm cumming" Jungkook says in a gasp
After a few more strokes, you feel a hot and thick liquid on your hand. Jungkook relaxes his grip in your hair and kisses your temple, with a shortness of breath. Then, he rests his forehead against yours for a moment, to recover a regular breathing.
"It was perfect" he says with a soft smile. 
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redrose10 · 1 month
#22 #25 and #26 with Seokjin ♡ , angst but with a happy ending !!
Ps : I hope you'll have a great day ahead 🩷
I hope this is okay!
#22 I don’t owe you an explanation
#25 I want an answer, goddammit!
#26 It was you the whole time
Warnings: Angst, mention of cheating, stalking, threats
You stood outside your front door longer than you normally would because you knew once you walked inside an argument would ensue. You knew that your husband Jin was worked up. The text message you received earlier proved that. You knew he was angry and hurt, probably confused about all of the sneaking around you had been doing. You knew it looked bad, but you were trying to protect him. He already had so much on his shoulders and you didn’t want to add more. That’s why you never told him about the threatening messages you had been receiving.
It started three months ago. At first they were just rude messages directed at your appearance or relationship, nothing you hadn’t already heard before. Then you started getting phone calls. They’d call and not say anything just to hang up after a couple moments, but you still chose to brush it off as probably just an overly delusional fan trying to scare you away. Then the threats of violence started. You thought about mentioning it to Jin, but he was already so stressed and you didn’t want to add more so you tried blocking them instead.
It wasn’t until you started receiving candid photos of yourself that you started to really worry. They clearly weren’t paparazzi photos. They were photos of you at your job, going to the grocery store, visiting your parents. There was even one of you leaving your doctors office with a note saying they knew of your “little secret” and that they would destroy your growing family. That was the message that broke you because it wasn’t just about you or even you and Jin any more.
So you contacted his company to make them aware, but you begged them not to let Jin know. They agreed that it would be best to not let word get out so for the last several weeks they’ve been working behind the scenes to try and catch this person which included you going there and having small meetings for updates and questions leaving you to have to do lots of sneaking around.
And earlier today you got the call that they had tracked them down and arrested the person who had been making the threats. You were asked to come in for a meeting which is why you had to cancel your lunch date with Jin at the last minute, that being the last straw for him.
Taking a deep breath you finally pushed open the door and entered your apartment feeling uneasy with the silence. Normally there was music and singing and pots and pans clanking in the kitchen, but now there was nothing. Jin was calmly sitting on the couch waiting for you.
You decided to make the first move, “Look I’m sorry I had to cancel our date. Something came up that was really important.”
“What’s his name?”, Jin spat.
Jin took a deep breath, “What. Is. His. Name?”
“Look I know it looks bad but if you just let me expla_“
“Is he the father of our unborn daughter?”
Your mouth dropped open. You knew things looked bad, but you never thought Jin would’ve went straight to accusing you of getting pregnant by some other guy.
You continued to stare at him in shock.
He slammed his fist down on the table, “I want an answer, goddammit!”
His outburst startled you. In all the years you’d been together you had never seen him raise his voice, especially not at you.
Feeling tears begin to fall you ran off to the bedroom slamming and locking the door behind you.
It didn’t take long for Jin to come knocking, “Y/N, I’m sorry that I lost my temper. You know I’d never hurt you. Please come out so we can talk about this.”
“No! I don’t owe you an explanation.”, you pouted. You knew that you really did actually kind of owe him one but at the moment you just wanted to be petty and not speak to him.
“Y/N I’m sorry I accused you of cheating. I know you’d never do that. I just panicked because all the signs pointed towards it and I was terrified. I don’t want to loose you. I really am sorry. Please tell me what’s really going on.”
When you cracked open the door you saw him sitting in the hallway with his back against the wall. His voice had been surprisingly calm given the tears falling down his cheeks. Quickly you crawled over to him allowing him to gently pull you onto his lap.
“It was you the whole time. It will always be you no matter what. I could never be with anyone else.”, you mumbled into his neck still feeling bad that you lead him to believe you were cheating.
“I know. You’re all I’ll ever need too. I’m sorry again.”
You shook your head, “I should’ve told you from the start. It’s my fault for leading us to this.”
After you explained everything that was happening Jin was pretty upset that you’d kept him in the dark, but he understood why you did it. You both agreed not to hide things from each other moving forward and to work on your communication.
Then after some playful pouting on your part and fake whining on his, Jin agreed to cook your favorite for dinner all while you kept your arms tightly wrapped around him.
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gatitties · 2 years
May you please write a Strawhat, Heart pirates and Kid pirates with an autistic and/or ADHD young reader ? Who have zero respect for adults and hates them unless they were cool/kind to them
─ Strawhats, Heart Pirates & Kid Pirates x reader
─ Summary: It's just you having your little autism/ADHD moment with this crews
─ Warnings: none
Part two
I don't know if I related the autism or ADHD aspects well, sorry about that :s and I don't know why whenever I write something about Kid pirates, reader tends to bite people jhadjhs omg it's a headcannon that I can't get out of my head sorry 😭🤚
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─ You and Chopper are the spoiled and protected of the ship for being young.
─ Although they are more careful with you because well, you'll simply end up lost in some random place due to your attention deficit at the least convenient times.
─ It was hard for you to trust them at first but your weak point was Brook and Franky, they were the most outstanding and cool, of course Robin's kindness also captured your sensitive part.
─ They find it adorable how sometimes you just ramble out loud about everything you see in the place or think about something that catches your attention.
─ I can see how Zoro, Brook and Luffy think that you are just a little stupid and distracted (like their captain) and that the ones who really know about your ADHD are the rest, maybe Usopp thinks that you are also something wrong with directions just like Zoro.
─ Robin tries not to overload you with the tasks you have to do, she always gives you a hand if she sees that you are starting to dissociate more than normal.
─ Luffy will be the one to end your most hyperactive side, he will make you tired when playing with him, although he have to change games every so often because you'll simply get bored.
─ Franky or Usopp will make small de-stressing or sensitive objects to help you if you need them or make you feel better.
─ You don't know how you do it, but you always end up in all the villains' speeches, you try to listen to their story but you just get bored and end up ignoring them until the fight breaks out, you have the nerve to even sleep while someone tells how miserable their life was, but you know, you don't care for and dislike most adults.
─ But don't worry, you have a whole crew that covers your back while you sleep on these occasions.
"My parents were killed by pirates, my daughter, my wife… everything was destroyed by vile beings like you all, that's why I swore revenge for-"
The words of the angry person next to you went to the back of your mind, you let out a yawn even though your head continued to watch the surroundings as you fiddled with your hands, somewhat impatient for all the chatter to end.
You tried to stay focused on at least one thing, which was usually Usopp's nose, why? No idea, you just liked it because it was unusual, even though you don't think the crew you're with is normal.
You didn't even notice how a knife was thrown at you for simply not paying attention to your surroundings, Zoro's sword quickly deflected it as Nami pulled you closer to her, you looked at her silently asking if she needed anything, at this point you had forgotten that you were in the middle of starting a fight.
"Just stay by my side, okay?"
"Why- Oh, careful!"
Pulling out your own weapon you fended off an attack coming towards you, your mind coming to its senses as to the current situation, taking another approach, your hyperactive side taking over the rest of the battle where luckily you could focus on an enemy, although you had many weak points, Sanji took care to cover them so that you could concentrate on your fight without distractions that could injure you.
"Nice, you're giving them a beating!"
And in the middle of the battle Luffy took it upon himself to break all your concentration with his praise, which you loved to receive like a puppy hungry for acceptance, you turned around ignoring your opponent's attack, smiling at Luffy as you gave him some thumbs up.
"Luffy, this is not the time!"
Jinbe deflected the attack coming at you for paying attention to your captain instead of the fight you were fighting, again preventing you from getting hurt, though before you knew it the battle was already over and now everyone was just scolding Luffy while that Chopper checked if you had hurt without realizing it.
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─ He took you as a patient to analyze for your unusual behavior.
─ Then he simply appreciated your skills without giving importance to your ADHD or signs of autism, at least it was something that made you look at him with different eyes, he didn't treat you as someone different just because of your small condition.
─ The relationship with them at the beginning was a complete tug of war of insults, absurd fights and a lot of disrespect towards them for the simple fact of being older than you, maybe the only one who was saved from all your crap was Bepo because an animal that speaks? It was the coolest thing you've seen so far in your short life.
─ After a while you started to get along better with everyone, Shachi's and Penguin's jokes started to make you laugh, Law easily earned your respect, Ikkaku was very nice to you as was Jean Bart when you joined permanently.
─ Although from time to time you mess with them as a joke, only small harmless fights.
─ Law takes care of your problem with attention deficit, giving you activities that keep your mind active efficiently, however Shachi and Penguin end up messing up your concentration somehow.
─ You usually help Ikkaku in the kitchen, although sometimes she's the one who has to help you because you try to do so many things at once (and end up not completing any) that you need her to organize the things you have to do.
─ Normally they have you in the rear when they fight, they are not risking your little habits hurting you, although Law is not one to confront someone directly, he is more cunning than that.
─ Of course, on many occasions you have broken that moment of secrecy that they need but they have never thrown it in your face, they know the consequences of your distractions but they will not leave you behind.
You were on an undercover mission with Jean Bart, both of you acting like family having a drink in a bar while what you really want is to listen to the conversation of a few pirates that Law wanted to steal a map from.
The others were also around controlling the rest of the crew and their movements, and you were really doing well, behaving like a minimally normal teenager without anything distracting you for more than a few seconds, you had been training your concentration but there are moments when those intrusive thoughts win.
Today and now seemed to be the right time for your impatience and impulsiveness to drive you enough to break the role you were playing, listening to the conversation of an adult who seemed to be an idiot, although everyone seemed so to your eyes, it was a breaking point.
"You're so damn annoying! Just tell me where you got that damn map you stole!"
You jumped out of your seat pointing your weapon at the man who nearly fell over in shock at your aggressiveness and spontaneity, and immediately everyone jumped into the fight aware that you had exposed your stealth strategy.
"You've lasted longer concentrated than last time, keep it up!"
"I don't need your stupid flattery!"
Ignoring the guy you were threatening Shachi distracted you, which led to Jean Bart stopping a small blade you didn't see directed at your abdomen, Law switched your location to his and did the job of the threat quickly with the help of his power.
"You have to control yourself more, we will not always be there to cover you."
You crossed your arms a little annoyed that they didn't let you finish the job they had given you, also blaming yourself internally for messing it up again, but Bepo took care to make you think of other things when he asked for your help to organize the new loot obtained, although it took the rest of the day because you just stood around taking a good look at all the cool stuff.
No one would blame you for your little outbursts or for your curious habits, that's how you were, that's how they accepted you and that's how they love you, after all, you were unique in your own way.
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─ You probably looked like a wild animal to them the first time they saw you because you attacked them for trespassing on your property, more like the forest you lived in.
─ You were practically a wild and completely impulsive, simple-minded person who was raised by, in fact, animals.
─ Adults normally came to destroy the nature of your home, and you developed a certain hatred towards them. Kid noticed this when he found you again biting a villager who tried to hunt a rabbit that was originally your prey.
─ It was so hilarious that he thought you would be a good addition to the team, you were just as rude as them although he also noticed that you had concentration problems, he thought it wouldn't be a big problem.
─ Ah yes, the reliable old one, he just dragged you onto his ship and at first it was like you were an abused cat getting used to a new life where they didn't abuse it, lots of scratching, biting and hissing if any of them dared to get too close.
─ Once you gain confidence or at least, accept their presence without hating them, they will find your impulsiveness amusing when it comes to battles, they just sit and watch how you fight against five men much stronger than you, keeping them at bay because your lack of focusing on a single target makes you somehow attack everyone at once.
─ Although Killer always has an eye on you, you are too young to end up dead because of your impulsiveness.
─ They don't care about your strange nature, they simply interpret your autism as if it were the fault of your contempt for adults for being away from society for so long.
─ I can see that these idiots only increase your attention deficit instead of helping you, as if they had competitions to see who can distract you the most.
You were calmly observing some fish, everything was strangely calm, you frowned, touching the tips of your fingers to your thumb in succession as you turned around only to be greeted by a necklace that was swinging slowly between Wire's fingers, your attention being immediately stolen by some floating bolts because of Kid.
You shook your head back to your thoughts, you knew they were trying to have one of their silly competitions over who could get your attention the easiest and you were simply too proud to fall for their tricks again.
"Oh look, a sea king!"
You cursed yourself internally when you fell into the trap of one of the boys, getting your attention back to the immense sea in search of that creature, you returned the gaze with some insults that only made everyone laugh, they continued trying to steal your attention but you just focused on other things like the seagulls or the clouds.
Inevitably your brain shut down and got carried away when you saw a big blaze of fire as well as the slightly warmer environment, no matter how many times Heat did that trick, he would always gain your attention by spitting fire, making you forget everything and focus just in the fire.
"Looks like I won again."
"You're just cheating! If I had more metal I could do a lot better than your stupid little flame."
And then started a discussion between Kid and Heat about which of the two would be better, Wire sneaked up to you, you looked at him while you moved your arms impatiently as if you were waiting for something to happen, he knew that when you started to move so much something was irritating you and if he didn't you want to start a fight where you'll probably end up biting someone's ankles he decided to take you to the kitchen with Killer.
"Have they started fighting again?"
It didn't take a word from Wire for the blond to know why you were there, he just nodded and left you both, Killer always knew how to make your hyperactivity not hurt you too much as well as your impulses, he gave you self-control methods, although they didn't always turn out well.
"Killer, I think I want to stick a fork into someone."
"And why this time?"
"It's just… an impulse, can I do it?"
"No..." you opened your mouth to complain but he continued "not someone from the ship, we'll talk about it when we disembark on the next island."
"Yes, sir…"
Killer smiled vaguely as he saw how in a couple of seconds your attention simply went to the kitchen stools, you had been in the habit of placing them in a specific way because if it didn't bother you, at least he thought this helped you to forget your desire to stick a fork into someone.
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chaoticbardlady99 · 11 months
Could you please do some comforting fic? Like, Tav is crying because of stress (or maybe a painful memory) and Astarion has to console her being an absolute emotional support vampire?
Dying Star (Astarion x GN! Reader)
Your wish is my command!
Synopsis: While exploring the Shadowlands, you run into Arabella and she asks you to find her parents. Unfortunately, you don’t have good news to deliver and Astarion tries to navigate your feelings with tips from Karlach.
Character Class- Cleric of Lliira
 (I’m really obsessed with this concept because I’m a Social Worker and I refer to myself as the “positivity police” so this is a character type I have grown fond of)
TW: Grief, Trauma, Parental loss, PTSD, Panic Attacks, mentions of violence and gore.
*I really like the nickname Little Love (I know it’s for Ascended only but…..) so I will be using it as a pet name that Astarion uses for the reader.
Companion song: Dying Star by Ashnikko (feat. Ethel Cain)
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     It was supposed to be easy. You had an extra skip to your step as you headed in the direction Arabella told you her parents went. 
 Finally, you had thought, I can do something good for someone. I can reunite a family. No morally gray bullshit to navigate.
 You were grinning the whole way there despite your argument with Astarion before sending him with Arabella.
 “We don’t have time to go parent hunting.”
“There is always time to go parent hunting.”
  He had expressed his disdain about finding Arabella’s parents. He told you it’s a waste of time- they were probably dead anyway. Arabella had whimpered and teared up. That was enough for you to lose your patience and you ripped into him for saying "something so awful and in front of a CHILD, nonetheless!"
You sent him back with Arabella and Wyll, telling him that if he had no desire to search and rescue, he didn’t have to. He had looked hurt and insisted he go, that he needed to be there, but you were fed up and a little girl was crying.
Dejected, Astarion had gone back to camp. The guilt sat heavily at the bottom of your stomach, but you had a personal mission to complete and nothing was going to stop you.
  You were orphaned as a young child. The nightmares had gone away (for the most part), but you still remember your father dragging you away from your mother’s cold body as Loth Drows ambushed Silverymoon. They had had a whole army and their druids had control over giant creatures from the Underdark. You remember losing your father in the haze, an arrow to your back, running and slipping into a river. Then nothing. Until a nearby Cleric of Lliira (Leer-uh) had saved you, taking you to Selgaunt (SELL-GAUNT) on the coast of the Sea of Stars. Lliira had healed your heart and saved you- you hoped to pay that debt forward and help Arabella have a better outcome than you did. 
  No one in your party knew your past and you hadn’t brought it up to Astarion. It feels so long ago and it was a topic you preferred to bring up in a more hospitable place than the Shadowlands and after you help Astarion kill Cazador. You wanted to prioritize his joy and help him finally be free, so why would you burden him with your past while he is suffering far more from his?
 It didn’t take you and your party long to locate Arabella’s parents. You found them in the House of Healing- dead.  Along with your hope and joy. 
  You had erupted in a tearful rage and you stabbed the Sister who killed them over and over. 
  You didn’t care what the Joybringer would do if she saw how senselessly you mutilated the sisters and Malus. You had made them suffer as you saw fit. Mutilating them, using more painful methods of killing (stabbing in painful, but not lethal spots), and your crying came out as painful, angry screams. 
   Gale, Karlach, and Shadowheart eyed you with concern as you walked back to the camp. Usually you were singing or whistling a tune, cracking jokes to relieve the tension. 
Instead, you were focusing on how you would break the news to Arabella that her parents are dead and she is all alone. 
   Astarion paces around his tent, trying to distract himself from the pit of fear in his stomach. You had never snapped at him that way- usually you just roll your eyes at him and give him a chaste kiss with a soft, “I understand if you don’t want to go, but I would appreciate it if you would come along.” 
He wasn’t sure why Arabella and her parents had been a sensitive subject or why you had insisted on looking for them when they were likely already dead. No one survives the Shadow Cursed Lands without a light source and mediocre tactical skills.
That didn’t stop him from rooting for you though- he hopes he is wrong and that you come back victorious. He wants you to be happy. Astarion enjoys seeing you succeed because that’s when you flash that brilliant grin that he has (silently) adored since the moment he met you. The reason he protested in the first place is because he knows how destroyed you would be if Arabella’s parents are dead. He doesn’t want you to hurt- for your heart to lose it’s optimism. 
 He hears you, Karlach, Shadowheart, and Gale come into camp. He steps out of the tent- hoping that you were able to achieve the outcome you wanted, that you would come parading into camp victorious.
He sees you talking to Arabella in a quiet whisper and he watches as your face contorts to hold back your own feelings as Arabella screams at you. He watches you take it- as she punches you in the stomach over and over. You just let her before she runs off. Withers says something to you quietly before you walk into your tent, closing yourself off from everyone.
 Astarion feels stuck in the entryway of his tent. He doesn’t know what to do.
 “Hey fangs,” Karlach says, offering a sad smile as she walks up to him, “you should probably know- they went over the rails after seeing Arabella’s parents.”
A look of confusion spreads across his face. What does that even mean? You were barely capable of hurting a fly!
 “Like they became upset?”
  Karlach nods with weary eyes,“They became upset and… well very, very, very violent.”
    The tadpole behind his eyes begins to squirm as he allows Karlach to show him the scene.
He didn’t think you were capable of that much destruction.  He saw angry tears slide down your face as you destroyed everything in your path. His gentle, joyful Cleric had broken in the House of Healing.
How ironic, he thinks bitterly.
He feels his own tears begin to prick his eyes as he watches you suffer through the battle- screaming and crying. He should have been there for you. He should have gone and let you be mad at him for disobeying. He hangs his head and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“She really needs you Fangs,” Karlach says to him, interrupting his train of thought.
Of course Karlach would say that as if it was the easiest thing in the world- like he hadn't been tortured and unloved for the past two centuries.
“I don’t know how to be what she needs right now,” he says in a soft voice.
It was true. He had only just expressed his feelings for you and he barely felt confident doing that to begin with. He spent two centuries seducing and manipulating whoever he could to survive. How could he be what you need right now? When he is just as much of a monster as the individuals that killed Arabella’s parents?
  Karlach contemplates this, searching Astarion’s face as if the answer to all his problems would be there. 
  “You don’t need to do anything other than being there- tell them you are sorry. Tell them you were rooting for them because I saw it in your head. Tell them that they aren't alone,” Karlach pauses before saying, “And remind them that they are a good person- that Lliira wouldn’t abandon her in her suffering.”
Despite his fear and reluctance, he thanks Karlach for the advice and walks towards your tent. 
    Your body is shaking violently as your chest tightens and painful, silent sobs come out of your mouth. You are trying (and failing) to use your hand as a sound barrier.
It’s not about you, it’s about Arabella, you remind yourself, stop being so selfish. 
Except the images are back, you are small again, helpless again, alone, and afraid. Despite your effort, Arabella has been given the same fate and in the same breath, you turned away from your Goddess. You lost yourself in the fight, you were aware of this while it was happening. You just didn’t have it in you to care anymore. 
You hear footsteps approach your tent- you do the best to rub away the tears and snot.
 It’s not about you. 
You hear Astarion’s voice on the other side of the tent flap. 
 “Little love,” he says softly, “can I please come in?”
You laugh, your voice hoarse, “Come to tell me ‘I told you so?’ To gloat and laugh? If that is your intention, then no. You will need to wait one to five business days before you can do that.”
   You don’t hear him laugh at your humorous response as he usually does. He enters the tent and you feel him sit down behind you, his legs on either side of yours. He’s tense as he puts his arms around you from behind, pulling you in between his legs. He slowly relaxes against your body, putting his face in the crook of your neck. 
 “I’m sorry Little Love. I wanted to be wrong. I just knew how much it would… hurt you if the outcome wasn’t… well.”
 You sniff, choking back a sob as he begins drawing shapes on the back of your shaking hands. 
“It’s okay my love. You can let it out. I’m here for you. You aren’t alone.”
 Despite how clumsy and awkward it was said, that sentence alone broke whatever composure you still had. You cry and scream into your hand as Astarion holds onto you as if you are about to fly away and he is your anchor. Your breath is shallow and it’s hard to breathe as you suffocate on your grief and panic. You feel him ask for access to your mind, wanting to know how to help. So, you show him and you let all your grief pour into your cries. You feel his own tear mix with yours as he cries into your neck as he endures how you feel with you- as he watches your whole life fall apart because of one ambush over and over again.  
  He continues to trace patterns on your hands, asking you to focus on him and what he is doing, reminding you to breathe as you do for him when he is distressed.
  You begin to calm as you focus on his voice, focus on his delicate fingers tracing your skin, and for once, you don’t feel so alone. You scoot forward, gently removing his arms , and turn around to face him, your tearful eyes meeting his.
He grabs your face gently and kisses your forehead as silent tears roll down both of your faces. You look down at your hands before speaking.
“I thought… I thought I could help Arabella be reunited with her family,” you say in a gravely whisper, “I had hoped she wouldn’t be alone like I was, but now…”
  You suck in a harsh breath and look at your hands, “Gods, I am naive and stupid.”
 “No- you do not get to talk about my favorite person that way,” Astarion says sharply.
 You look up in surprise at the intensity of his words. He matches your eyes with a look of adoration, guilt, and a ferocity you have never seen before.
 “Little Love, you are not naive and you are not stupid,” He pauses, to kiss one of your hands and intertwines your fingers together, “you are so good without trying because that is who you are. You experienced hardship and you didn’t let it destroy you. You didn’t become a monster.”
 He looks at your face to gauge your reaction. You sit quietly, letting him continue to speak if he chooses so he does.
 “You… you are amazing and a bright light in the darkness. You are my moon, my compass, and you have shown me parts of myself I didn’t know existed,” he clears his throat before continuing.
 “ I hate to see you hurt, but I promise I will be here to help you through your suffering,” He stares into your eyes intensely, “for as long as you will have me.” 
  You pause, taking in everything he has just said to you. You felt like a star dying, exploding in the cosmos. You feel evil and wrong for the violence you inflicted on the Sisters and Malus in your need for revenge. Your actions were not of Lliira's will.
 “I don’t know if that’s who I am anymore, Star. I engaged in senseless violence… I don’t think Lliira will forgive me- and if she does, it won’t be easy to obtain her forgiveness,” you say glumly. 
 He grabs your other hand in his and offers a soft smile. 
“Then we will work together to get you back into favor with your Goddess and I will remind you everyday who you are until you believe in yourself again,” he says before leaving a chaste kiss on your lips.
You smile despite yourself, your chest glowing with warmth as you stare into his eyes. You know Astarion detests the Gods, but the fact that he was willing to help you made your eyes tear up again. You are horribly desperately in love with him and as much as you want to tell him that, you practice restraint. There is a time and place- that time is not now, not when the relationship just began.
 “And what if I need it everyday for the rest of your Immortal life?” You say half-joking and half-afraid of his answer.
 A wide, genuine grin spreads across Astarion’s face as your words register in his mind. 
They want me to stay. They want me to be by their side-even when this is all done.
    Astarion pulls you into his lap, your legs straddling his hips as he pulls you into him and presses a soft kiss against your neck before laying his head on your shoulder. 
“Then I will stay by your side. Forever.”
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ladylaviniya · 8 months
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The Dog Days Are Over
MasterList || Chapter 2
Chapter Summary: You were destined to be another Alpha in your family...so why does the test say you're an Omega?
Chapter Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Omegaverse, A/B/O, age-gap, vaginal medical examination, inspired by the tragedy and abuse of the Trouble Teen Industries in America.
Pairing: Alpha!Henry Cavill X Omega!Reader
Word Count: 7k
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Inspiring Song: The Dog Days By Florence & The Machine
Author Notes:
★Please if you have been affected by the trouble teen industry scroll down and click one of the links at the bottom of the fic. I cannot promise they will help but I can promise it's always an option to try. 💙 You may have seen this fic posted before.
★I have had to repost this story because my old account had been shadow banned.
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April 15th 2023, 13:00pm, Trinity, California, America.
“Holy shit, holy shit, no, no, no!” You sobbed.
To the light of your bathroom you held a plastic stick test, it’s tip was soaked in your urine. Five other tests were on the floor around your feet, all positive; all Omega.
You couldn’t believe this, your whole life you had heard on repeat over and over “Alpha, Alpha, you are an Alpha.”
Her parents were both Alphas which meant you were supposed to be an Alpha!
The possibility of being an Omega for you had to be less than six percent. The last Omega in your family was your great-great-grandmother on your mother’s side or some distant shit like that. Your aunts and uncles were all Alphas.
Your family have always told you that “to be an Omega is to be a waste of time. A curse. A weak link of society.”
Omegas were submissive, obedient, they were at home looking after pups or in the hospital at the nursery or at daycares looking after loud, slobbering toddlers.
Your family were strongly built, they were made of soldiers, police officers, construction developers, political leaders and company CEO’s. Not pathetic, whiney housewives. Omegas were “too emotional” for those bigger fields.
Currently you were seeing your whole world and way of life swirling down the toilet bowl as you flushed it. You wanted to stay in college and study to be a high paid vet! Now you were risking being sent to a correctional centre or foreign country with extra distant family and forced to knit and paint until finally sold off to a partner or a birthing centre for science.
You sobbed harder before finally vomiting over the toilet bowl induced by the overwhelming stress.
Laying your cheek on the seat you glanced at your phones time and cringed. Your mother would be home any minute! Picking up each test, you considered snapping them in half and clogging the toilet up with them, but what was the point? When scent was in the picture evolution was the final bitch...
Looking at the many smiley faces in your hands you felt like they were mocking you, laughing at your further misery. Normally you would have gotten angry, but now…instead you were consumed by hopelessness and sadness.
You cried and cradled the pee tests to your chest. Stumbling out of the bathroom you floated to your side table and laid the tests down. You slumped and crawled into your bed, beneath your covers, you hugged the duvets and sniffled.
“W-worst day ever,” you whimpered and whined over and over, muffled by the softness of your pillows.
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April 15th 2023, 16:30pm, Trinity, California, America.
“Y/N! Come down here young lady!” Your mother called from the kitchen.
Your eyes flashed open, You were wrapped in a tumble of your sheets and blankets. Your mother must’ve just come just gotten home, she was always so busy with her corporate work. You hadn’t seen your dad in two weeks since his overtime in the city bank.
Who were you to complain? It paid for everything you had ever known...You just wished some money could’ve bought times you missed or never experienced with your family...
You could hear her call again, firmer this time around.
You groaned and dragged yourself up from your bed and down the stairs. Your stomach growled, you were starved...hungry. You looked at your phone again and squinted at the time...four hour long nap.
You wondered what your mother was planning to cook or if she was just going to order another pizza, her cooking sucked if you were being honest...
Stepping into the kitchen your mother was kicking off her leather shoes and ripping her suit blazer over the counter. She looked angry, god why was she so pissed now? What had you done this time?
“What did I say about boys?” She snapped over her shoulder. She slammed the medical cabinet shut and frantically popped a suppressant and painkiller. She swallowed them dry and grunted, clenching a fist and held up an accusing finger at you.
Sure she had every right to be grumpy. It was your job to complete chores while you studied at home. Laundry hadn’t been folded and dishes hadn’t been put away from the dish washer.
But to be mad about boys? Now that, you didn’t understand the sudden burst of tone.
You felt your body loosen and turn icy, your skin covered in goosebumps.
Your mother was furiously popping a second pill before her when you shivered, “D-don’t bring boys over.”
She sneered, her canines flashing; her eyes identical to yours, glared you down.
Stepping around you to the pantry cupboards, she whipped out an air freshener and dosed the room in a scent of lavender…only to be clouded by hormonal pheromones again...the lavender was defenceless against the smell.
You felt the air grow painfully heavy as your mother hissed and sprayed the can out, before furiously slamming onto the counter and slamming the cupboards shut.
“Then why the fuck do I smell an omega?!” her sharp nail pointed to the ceiling and she began yelling as though there was someone upstairs she was calling to, “You tell that bloody boy to get out before I haul his goddamn omega ass out onto the fucking sidewalk!”
Omega…She thinks I brought an omega over…She smells…me…omega…I’m an omega…no…no…
“M-mum…I don’t have a b-boy over,” You stepped from side to side nervously and wrung your hands.
Your mother pinched the bridge her of nose and sighed, “Well Y/N…I didn’t know you were into girls,” gently reaching out, she pulled back your silk cap, releasing your protected hair, “…but she needs to leave.”
 Your mother’s fingers touched your cheek, she flinched at the heat in your face, you were boiling. It was then that colour started to fade from her face.
“Mom, please-” Before you could explain that you were the cause of the flooding scent, she marched her way up stairs and slammed open your bedroom door where a giant wave of humid Omega scent flew out.
No…no! Mom! Stop! No!
Your voice was silent, your lips shut in a worried grimace.
As you ran up the stairs after her, you could hear your mother’s high pitched scream.
April 15th 2023, 17:45pm, Trinity, California, America.
The hospital was…cold…the air-conditioning peltsd down on your neck, it made you want to snuggle deeper into your sweater, it might’ve been spring and warming up but you felt so hot and cold and you knew the soft material is what you needed.
Your mother was trembling just as hard as you were. Her knee was bouncing hard and she.keot wiping her mouth and checking her phone. Your father wasnt responding to any of her texts or calls.... you couldn’t tell if your mother was experiencing fear, rage even …disappointment. She hadn’t let you touch her ever since she found all the positive Omega tests. When you tried to hold her hand, she growled at you from the back of her throat.
It hurt your feelings badly.
You craved touch, you needed support, you needed your mum, you needed affection.
The waiting room was almost empty, the only other people was an Omega man with his pup in a sling while his Alpha wife continued to protectively touch their baby’s forehead. You stared at the baby though… pups…where are my pups?...
“Y/N Y/L/N?” an English accent cut through the train of thought on the baby. In the doorway to the hall, a tall doctor was looking between you and the couple. When you stood up, with your mother hot on your tail, he smiled and led your both to his office.
Awkwardly you sat down onto a waiting chair next to the doctors desk. Taking a deep breath you could smell the scent of Alpha and hand sanitiser. The overwhelming senses made you feel slightly nauseas.
Your mother sat beside you with an annoyed sigh, she lifted her hand out to the doctor to shake it, “Y/M/N, Mrs Y/L/n, Y/N's mother.”
The doctor gave a side glance at her reaction and then looked at you with a soft smile.
He strained in his professional British tone, “Hello Mrs Y/L/N, I’m Doctor Cavill.”
After the two Alphas acquainted themselves he finally sat in his wheeley chair and regarded you.
“What can I help you with today Miss Y/L/N?” he smiled.
You noticed how he looked so clean, and was built like a brickhouse, he smelt like an Alpha. The rooms light glinted on his medical wrist band proclaiming him as his blood type and confirming his own scent.
Behind his spectacles, his eyes were kind, made of two colours, blue and his left eye had a tip of brown…it was merely something you saw...his smile was warm like a freshly baked cookie. Oh god…you was aroused.
You didn’t realise your weren’t answering his question when he stared at you. Your mother finally answered.
“She smells like an Omega.”
Such a dirty word...Omega...you cringed.
....goddess...please don’t let me be a homely sulk.
The Doctor then turned his attention away and pursed his lips and lifted a single brow at your mother, “Is something wrong with that?”
The older woman scoffed and rose her voice to a humiliating state. Your heart was beating fast, your cheeks were heating up and you tried sinking further into the seat. Your nose dug into the woollen shoulder of your sweater. What you would give to be allowed to hide away from this situation.
“Her father and I are both pure blooded Alphas! How can this happen!? The last omega we had was my great-grandmother and that’s it!”
Doctor Cavill sighed calmly as he took off his glasses and placed them on his desk. He folded his arms and stood from his desk, “I see, well then Mrs Y/L/N, please step outside to the waiting room. I will need to conduct a blood and vaginal test.”
Your mother obviously huffed and grumbled about ‘how unprofessional’ and ‘surely I can stay’.
Even now you wanted her to leave with her hostile attitude. Luckily there was no way a female Alpha would argue with a male Alpha. When the door shut though it felt strange. All the heavy tension in the room lifted off of your chest. You felt instantly calmer and made it easier to breathe.
The doctor sat back into his desk chair and crossed a leg over another casually.
“So…” he smiled, “How do you feel Miss Y/L/N?”
You gulped slightly and shakily answered, “Everything is smelling sweeter than normal,” you hated the scent of hand sanitiser but now it was something you wanted to shove up your nose.
If it blocked out every other scent from the dust on the walls to the chocolate in the vending machine outside to the scent of the alpha right in front of you…You would drink it all down.
“No,” he chuckled, pushing back from his desk and started rummaging through his desk for medical items, “I mean, are you okay? Are you stressed or scared, or are you alright? I can always get a cup of water for you. But we need to take your blood first.”
You shook your head and tucked your neck deeper down into your sweater. Your fingers felt the scratchiness of the wool. You nodded and slipped the material off over your head and folded it neatly onto the chair your mother sat.
“I’m terrified,” you confessed, your voice choked up, “I don’t want to be an Omega, I hope this is just a stupid puberty flux…maybe it’s a flip!”
It wasn’t uncommon for this situation to happen. Hormones can sometimes Flip and shows signs for the two other blood types, sometimes blood has become contaminated due to high iron levels or too much sugar intake. Diabetes were always Flipping the board. There were a million things that could cause a Flip in the hormonal pool.
“There’s nothing wrong with being an Omega you know,” the doctor commented sternly, holding up a needle, changing the needle point while you choked.
You felt unusually insulted, “Everything is wrong with being an Omega, I won’t get the job I want and I won’t be allowed to come to parties with my friends, I’ll be stuck home with a…a…a fucking baby. Or sent to a breeding farm! I heard about the science experiments conducted on pregnant Omegas in the camps.”
The doctor turn abruptly at yoj and narrowed his eyes at you, he appeared offended. What does he need to be offended about, he’s an Alpha!
But his frown became a smirk, “You’re aware they are safetly committed with the Omegas consent?”
 He patted the medical chair in the centre of the room, “But whatever case, what do you want to do Career wise?” he asked while you crawled up atop of the tall chair and let him pull up your sleeve and wipe the alcohol on your arm.
“I want to be a vet,” you winced as the needle broke through your skin. You looked away from the bubbling blood being sucked up through the tube.
As he pulled away and capped the needle tip he asked, “Ever thought about midwifery?”
“I don’t like babies,” you snorted ignoring how desperately you were yearning to have one of your own ten minutes ago, “They’re so uncomfortable to be around. And I don’t want to listen to a screaming woman in labour.”
You noticed the movement in his shoulders as they slumped, he nodded and you felt like you were failing an unspoken test. You felt a rising anxiety, you growled to yourself, it’s just a hormonal Flip.
“Fair enough,” Doctor Cavill said off handily, he sealed up your blood tube in a plastic bag and started to write your details. The pen cap lazily hung from his lips. He looked like he smoked…he didn’t smell like it though, maybe it was the way he stood. His scent was so easy to smell and feel…you yearned to know if he could smell you. And to your tragic uncontrol, your underwear were rubbing rough against your sensitive areas, the fumes dragged out this needing slick that was sickening.
Being omega is disgusting, this is what they do all the time? Gross! GET ME SOME ALPHA HORMONES NOW.
You knew this had to be wrong, all the time you had been surrounded by alphas and you had been strong and confident like an alpha, maybe a little strategic like a beta. You were sure though you were alpha rather than beta and there was no possible way for you to present as a dormant omega for this long!
Normally Omegas presented at fucking fourteen to sixteen not your age!!
“How old are you Miss Y/L/N?”
“I’m eighteen,” You informed him of your birthday and he nodded, writing it down in the corner of the bag.
You were officially pissed off, crossing your arms you felt your eyes watering. “I want to be an Alpha or even a Beta,” You whimpered, “I can’t be an Omega, no way.”
The whimper…Shit! Stop whimpering you baby! Stop proving this point! Could you be anymore Omega!?
The doctor placed the test bag on his desk before gifting yoh a soft tissue “Have you taken a home determine test?” his hands settled onto his knees as he crouched down before you.
You broke out into a light sob and nodded, “ugh huh, I took six different ones…all positive for Omega.”
The doctor smiled sadly and handed you the box of tissues he had on his desk. A nurse came knocking barely after you had started. It made you feel puny when you couldn’t stop yourself from crying. You felt helpless, why couldn’t they just get you some alpha hormones already?
“Please take this to the test room,” he asked the nurse, handling a plastic bag with your needle inside.
Doctor Cavill let you cry as long as you wanted and reminded you that it wasn’t a hundred percent if you were an Omega yet.
The doctor rubbed your back and cleared his throat. From a draw below your feet he pulled out a green plastic cape, “Miss Y/L/N would you like to step into the bathroom there and remove your bottoms? Put the gown on?”
Time to get the vaginal confirmation that you were tighter than a needle hole. You pushed his hand away. God he sounded patronising, even if he was being merely polite about the events unfolding you took it as a personal attack, an underlying “You’re a weak omega, deal with it!”
No! I’m not an Omega!
Things were escalating to quickly; you barely realised the conclusions you were leaping to and how dramatic you were pushing with these emotions. You sniffed hard and snapped at him, “Can’t I just take my pants off now?”
Doctor Cavill shifted back uncomfortably, he grit his teeth and scrunched up his eyes, “I merely am offering a more comfortable option,” he clapped his hands, “But you may if you wish, have you ever attended a gynaecologist for a papsmear?” he asked as he got his tools ready from another draw.
You leaped off the chair and slammed yout foot down.
“Duh!” You yelled, kicking your shoes off, and shoving your pants down, You were furious. Moodswings was a popular symptom of Flips.
“I just want to get this over with. Mum is so pissed off. Can’t wait for some fucking A-pills,” you grumbled, leaning back into the chair and spread your legs apart…normally yoh did this with a female doctor but right now you were too impatient to request a woman and you needed to know how fucked up your Flip was and how long would you be experiencing it and how powerful would the drugs be.
You couldn’t even stand the look your mother gave you when she held up the positive determine tests with horror.
The doctor cleared his throat again, snapping white gloves onto his hand and over his wrist band. He squirted a tube of lube over his hands and over the speculum, lining it up to your vagina and pushed it inside slowly, “Miss Y/L/N, please relax for me.”
You huffed to yourself. I am fucking relaxed! -No you’re not, you’re a bad omega, obey him!
The metal was cold inside of you but you were looking forward to the results: Alpha, Alpha, Alpha, I am Alpha.
He took a flashlight and shone the light down your passage, looking down at your inner muscles, “How often do you practise sexual intercourse Miss Y/L/N?” looking up at you from your fuzzy pussy.
Shit, the scent was strong, it was so sweet like maple syrup and honey but sweeter…lick me. Oh fuck please alpha please please.
You shook your head and blushed, “N-never, I’ve only masturbated. So…last papsmear I only came in to make sure I didnt have a yeast infection.”
You swallowed hard, your head felt hot and you swore yoj could feel cold sweat dripping down, “Am I an Alpha or Beta?”
The doctor dipped two rubber fingers inside of you, patting down and around inside You. And suddenly his eyes widened, he gently slipped out his fingers and the cold speculum out. On his fingers was blood…oh shit…
“You may sit up and dress Miss Y/L/N, “The doctor set his tools and gloves into a silver tray. You trembled…what were you? A or B?
He was washing his hands in the sink right beside your head as you bit your lips and tugged up your undies and jeans back up. The room was so quiet, the only noise was the sinks running water and the air conditioner. You shivered and sniffled.
Doctor Cavill’s shoulders were low, he turned his head and faced you. Twisting his fingers together he shook his head, “Miss Y/L/N,” he started with a long exhaled breath, “You’re days away from your first Estrus.”
The earth dropped and the moon broke and the stars were dimmed…“What do you mean Estrus!?” yoj questioned. Tears spurted from your eyes again. Gagged by nature.
No fucking way. Yes way.
“‘Heat’, an Omega will go into Estrus or commonly known as Heat while an Alpha will go into Oestrus commonly known as a ‘Rut’,” Doctor Cavill tried explain only for the blood to boil out of you and make you scream at him.
“I know what it is! I must be going into Oestrus, n-not an estrus, I can’t be an Omega, doctor! Ch-Check again!”
Sweat trailed from your face down your neck, your heart was punching your insides, seeking an escape through your ribcage.
When you tried undoing your pants again, The doctor tore your hands away and took your wrists up, he was breathing harshly through his nose, “Miss Y/L/N I’m going to have to ask you to sit down and take a deep breath. Listen to me.”
You shook your head over and over, you couldn’t believe it! You were beginning to sob hard, choking on tears.
You wailed, “No, no, no, please doctor, please!”
Out of the depth of the doctor’s chest came a stern growl, “Sit. Down. Now. Or I will have to restrain and sedate you.”
Your body was out of control, you didn’t want to sit but your arse met the chair cushion anyway.
Good omega.
The doctor huffed, shaking his head with disappointment, your head flinched down, cowering and humiliated. You felt apologetic, but this wasn’t the real you!!
“Good girl,” he praised, he handed you a paper cup filled with water from the sink, “Now drink.”
The water was gulped down in a heartbeat, yoh needed the refreshment even if you didn’t want it, your doctor nodded, “That’s it.”
As you sipped on some more water the nurse from earlier stepped inside and handed the doctor a sheet of paper. The blood results… You shook on the spot, your red face panicking.
“Pl-please,” you choked on the water slightly, clearing your sore throat, you sniffled, “What does it say?”
There was still a chance, maybe he was wrong; maybe this was just a intense Oestrus that was causing you to bleed. Maybe it was so strong your vaginal walls were stabbing themselves, seeking out an omega cock to claim.
Cavill looked from you to the parchment a few times, he shook his head. He held out the medical sheet to you and pointed to a positive cross.
The world went silent even as he was talking to you…it was a distant noise. Static.
“Miss Y/L/N, you are as I had diagnosed, Omega positive,” he scratched his neck gland gently, “You are days away from your first Estrus. I will give you a choice to either battle through it with medical aids or medical suppressants.”
You dropped the paper and the cup, the shock was as cold as ice. You felt weak, your arms numb, your eyes rolled back and your mouth lulled open. Your life was completely over.
You were Omega...and you fainted.
April 16th 2023, 1:25am, Trinity, California, America.
When you woke up, you were delirious. The world wouldn’t stop twisting and turning. Above you was a bright light, you cringed away and whimpered. There was a mean bite at your wrist.
You felt cold, washed out. Your body was laid out and angled up a slight. Your cheek rubbed into the soft hospital pillow. You smelt blood, so much metallic salt in the air. And your stomach was viciously growling. You peered down and noticed what was pinching your wrist. Handcuffs. You were handcuffed to the railing of the hospital bed!
Clearing your eyes, you noted how you were surrounded by three blue curtains. One was quick to open, making you jump.
The nurse from earlier smiled at you eagerly, her Beta tag was super shiny in the light, forcing you to blink rapidly, “Oh look, you’re awake. Can you please tell me your full name sweetheart?”
When you sat up you moaned out your entire name.
Before you could ask about the handcuffs being removed, the nurse smiled and held up a torch.
“Wonderful, now I am gonna need to shine a little light in your eye, can you please look into the corner of the ceiling dear?”
Doing as you were told, it was quick and over as soon as it had begun. The nurse was pleased, “Fabulous, right, I’ll be right back, Doctor Cavill needs to have a chat with you.”
“B-but my hand…”
Ignoring you, the nurse left.
Something was clearly off. Why did they handcuff you!? You started to tug at the chain, feeling anxiety seep deep and activate a sense of fight or flight. The curtains reopened. And in stepped the doctor.
He grinned and nodded his head to you, “Hello there Y/N, how are we?”
You weren’t amused in the slightest, quick with retort, “Chained to a bed rail.”
He smiled and whipped out a key, uncuffing you from the bed. You cradled your wrist rubbing the ring indent in your skin, murmuring ‘thankyou’.
Your stomach loudly purred, extinguishing the level of discomfort you wanted to send the doctor. “…and hungry.”
“I’ll tell the nurse to get you some jello,” he chuckled, rubbing his hands. Just as he was to leave, you launched yourself forward and caught his medical coat, “Wh-where’s my mom?”
He softly assured you, “She is just sitting in my room, we were discussing options after I showed her and your father your blood results.” Oh…dad…oh jesus…he finally was here.
You suspected your father to have been incredibly furious. How much furniture did he break?
“You…” you paused, “options…” You gulped and smiled at the doctor, “….I want suppressants...as soon as possible.” They would surely fix everything! You could have some and go have a coffee with your friends tomorrow.
“Not those kind of options…” He sighed and perched himself near your feet at the foot of the bed.
That was a weird answer…what does he mean? Could they change my DNA? Could they turn me into an Alpha.
You had heard of some new sciences like that coming in. The ability to change your DNA genome...
“What other types are there?” you laughed hesitantly.
When he didn’t answer you, It was like the air grew icy and heavy…there’s a reason they kept you chained like a bitch.
There was only one other option....a correctional institution. You felt sick, your hungry belly was replaced with nausea. Your nose sniffled.
“I want to see my mom,” you gulped and moved to slip out of the bed. The medical gown was scratchy against your skin, you started to feel worse, your fingers scrunched up and unravelled. Your body felt dizzy when you stood up to quickly. The doctor attempted to block your way when you peeled back the curtain to many empty beds and a single door with a sign above it...
 “Farewell room.”
No, no, fuck, no! Where’s mom and dad!
You ran at the door and shook at the handle, but it was locked. You couldn’t breathe, you were locked in with the doctor. You couldn’t escape. The floor cleaner and bright lights were clouding your senses, blinding you and burning your nostrils.
You ripped a heavy breath, not thinking it would be so painful after holding it in too long.
I won’t cry, no, no crying!
“Y/N I’m going to need you to calm down,” the doctor informed you setting his hands over your shoulders, you were fast to slap them away. You lowly growled at him and bared your teeth ferally.
Don’t you fucking touch me!
When it clicked at the severe reaction you had made especially to an alpha, you felt instant regret and guilt, you choked on more tear and buried your head into the doctors chest. His heart was beating fast too, but not like your rabbit pounding blood.
“N-no,” she cried, “I want my mommy!”
You felt the doctor soothingly rub his hand over your head and down your back. He hushed you until you were just a whimpering woman.
The door unlocked, and finally…“Y/N…” your mother spoke out to you.
You snapped back around and saw her and your father beside the door. Your father barely came inside, his lips curled in, disappointed, disgusted and silent.
A desperate and hopeful smile came to your face, your hands reached out, “Mom!”
But the older woman just stood back from you...she was keeping distance purposely. The closer you reached and sought her, the more she distanced herself and stood closer to the door.
“M-mom? H-hug me…” you begged, “pl-please mom?”
She sighed and looked away from you, refusing to look you in the eye. Shame.
“Doctor Cavill, your father and I believe it is best if you…go away for sometime,” she clutched her own arms, “…where people can help you.”
You did not see it that way at all, and you just knew she was lying out of her arse. She was getting rid of you...betraying you...disowning you....
“I don’t need to be helped,” you sniffled and smiled, “I just-just need some suppressants.”
“Y/N,” she seethed through her gritted teeth, “Go with the nice nurses.”
“M-mommy, please,” you begged pathetically and got to your knees on the cold tiled floor, “Please don’t do this!”
“STOP!” your mother screamed, “You are making a scene!” she rolled her eyes and turned around to leave, “You will go to ‘Saint Selene’s School For Adolescent Omega.’ We may see you during the summer.” And slammed the door closed.
You flinched at the cracking bang that echoed your ears.
You ran to the door and found it locked, you pounded the window with your fists and screamed out, “D-don’t leave me, please don’t leave me Dad!…M-Mummy!” your parents did not look back as they walked away, abandoning their only child.
Their backs and bodies continued to get smaller and smaller the further they walked. The sight broke your heart and soul. The concept of betrayal could not be clearer. Your breath clouded the glass, your tears slid down and tapped onto the floor, onto your naked feet.
Doctor Cavill’s hand reached out and wrapped around your bicep, trying to tug you back from the door.
“Come on,” he said.
 You shouted, “Let go of me!”
When he did not, you snarled and noticed a lonely pen on the end of a bed frame with a clip board. You grabbed it and jabbed his forearm. The blue ink spattered across his skin while he yelled in pain.
“Get the fuck off of me!” you squealed again and held up the pen with both hands, take a few steps back from the now pissed off Doctor. The sound of the door opening again had your heart rushing.
To your massive disappointment, it was the nurse who was shocked by the scene unfolded. Now you were totally surrounded.
“Put the weapon down!” the beta demanded, holding up her own hands in defence, “Now.”
“Calm,” was the word you heard the doctor say beside your ear, before pressing your back into him, grasping your jaw and finally feeling an incredibly long sting in your neck followed by the unusual flow of liquidised drugs into your body, “calm.”
You were scared, unsure of what was going into your body, your chest thundered with your beating heart until it was like you blinked and everything relaxed. Your body felt instant exhaustion and peace...you snapped back and fell back against his chest.
“Calm...” he whispered, “Calm...”
The last thing you heard...
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entername322 · 9 months
Happy ending(?)
Yuri (Izone) x Male Reader x Minju (Izone)
Length: 15876
Previous part
TW: Violence, A bit of gore, blood
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“So, let's talk”, You start fidgeting with your hand nervously as you read the anger that's painted all over your sister's face. “Did something happen?” Minju hugged me and extended her hand to pat Yuri's head. “Last night, her parents came to me and started berating me for no reason at all, so you better explain what happened”, Yuri just rested her head on your shoulder. “Alright, yesterday me and Yuri went to eat at her grandma's place……” You take the responsibility of retelling the story. “Fuck, now I'm caught up in it”, Eunbi is reconsidering about the vague blessing she has given you. “Yuri, I'm sorry but I'm sure things will work out one way or another”, Minju can immediately realise why Yuri is feeling down.
“Thanks Min”, Minju and you are trying to make a plan on how to cheer Yuri up. “What are you three planning to do now?” You do have a plan formulating. “Minju, why don't you take Yuri out on a date”, Which happens to be what Minju is planning. “Today? I want to stay with you”, Yuri frowned, “You should go out and take your minds off this whole thing for now”, Also you need to talk with her parents. “Fine then, when and where are we going Min?” Good, now just formulate a good speech that will win her parents heart. “I know a place, besides I know one thing that we have been putting off. I'm sure you'll like it”, Yuri took awhile to realise what Minju meant, “I see, let's finish that up today”, She needs some stress relief.
“Alright, let's get ready then, you can use my clothes”, The two get their farewell kiss from you before leaving. “So, things are going a bit rough”, You went and told Eunbi your date with Minju as well. “So, let me get this straight, your other girlfriend is one of the richest girls in Korea?” Your calm attitude only made her even more angry. “Do you have any idea how big of a deal that is”, Frankly no, “I mean her mom kinda gave me her blessings, although I'm not sure if it's a test I should talk to her”, How long would the queue for an appointment with her, 2 years? “You…. I can't, I can't deal with you”, Eunbi decided to just stand up and leave you alone. “So are you taking us to a double-ish dinner with your boyfriend or not?” At least, at the very least you hope that you can get your family approval.
“Your death, didn't they hate it when you start talking to other girls?” Wait, hold on, “What?” She laughed. “I lied bro, I don't have a boyfriend, I have a girlfriend”, Huh, wait a minute. “Didn't you offer me a condom once?” She shrugged before leaving, “Does she have a dick?” You didn't get any answer. Alright, planning time…… the plan is, Hail Mary this shit.
“You? Where's Yuri?” Yuri's mom answered the door, “She's out with Minju, can we talk?” She looked down at you with visible anger and disdain, but she stepped aside and let you in. “Honey, come down here”, She sat you down at the dinner table, there are only 2 instances where they pulled you here to have a serious talk. One when your parents died, one when you and Yuri get caught drinking some alcohol while being underage. Yuri's father came down, he had the silent disappointment on his face, he sat next to his wife. “So? What is there to talk about?”
While you were busy dealing with the in-laws, your girlfriends are having a relaxing shower, together of course. “Yuri, come on talk to me, I know what you're thinking and I don't want you to get drowned in anxiety and insecurity. Me and oppa won't abandon you”, The shower may hide her tears but Minju can still see that Yuri is crying. “I just don't know, okay? The one thing I had against you is that I have my parents' support. Now you have yours and I'm kicked out of the house”, Minju pulled Yuri to her embrace. “Listen, we're not competing anymore okay? Stop that, just leave it in the past. Oppa is right, we have a good thing going and I don't want to lose it. Frankly, I've been liking you a lot more recently. Not just as a friend, or a…… what do you call it? Sister wife? I like you too, okay Yuri, so I promise I will never talk oppa to leaving you. Oppa will never leave you and god forbid but if he wanted to I'll beat some sense into him”, The two looked at each other for a moment.
The heat from the shower seems to be covered with the sudden rise of sexual tension between them. Minju leaned in, seeing this, Yuri just closed her eyes bracing for impact. The two pairs of lips met each other, sending warm sensations that bloomed in between them. 
She's so warm, and tender. Is this how oppa felt when he kissed her? Is it the same when he kisses me?
She's so meek and scared, you poor thing. I can still taste oppa's white nectar on her, and even his smell. 
Slowly Minju’s tongue slipped into Yuri's mouth, the latter waited patiently for the former's move. Minju wrapped her tongue around Yuri's, unlike when she's with you, Minju can't get Yuri to match her aggressiveness. She likes taking control but it feels like Yuri is just being a helpless victim in her hand, which isn't bad, but it's such a different feeling with your animalistic behaviour when you're with Minju. One of Minju's hands travelled up to Yuri's boobs and pinched it. “Ahhhh, Min”, You were right, Yuri is too cute. “Sssshhh, let me show you how to pleasure a woman”, Minju's lips travelled down to Yuri's neck. “Ooohhhh, Min”, Her whimper is just a good fuel to Minju's hunger. 
“You know I'm kinda jealous with these”, Minju grabbed both of Yuri's tits making the latter moan. “Yours is nice too”, Minju smiled and wrapped her arm around to grab both of Yuri's asses. “Guess on this one we are matched”, Yuri nodded, her face all flushed now. “I haven't done this in a while now”, Minju buries her face between Yuri's tits and motorboat it a little bit. Then she bites the cleavage of the left one. “Oooohhhh, Min, not too rough”, Minju smiled before kissing her way to Yuri's nipple. Without a warning she bites on it, making Yuri gasp from the sudden pain and pleasure she's feeling. “Min, that's so….” There's no need to finish it. Minju smiled proudly and started sucking on Yuri's nipple and played around with it using her tongue.
The pleasure made Yuri lose control of her own body. She started swaying left and right, and sometimes tried to step back away from Minju. Minju's hands are firm so every time Yuri tries to move away her grips tighten on her ass and force her to stay in place and pull her back. “Min, it feels good”, Minju decided to have enough breast play and pushed Yuri to the wall, away from the overhead shower. Normally Yuri will feel the sudden chill and coldness of the wall but her body is too worked up right now.
Minju's hand travels down to Yuri's pussy, it's dripping, and the stickiness of the fluid days that it's not from the shower water. “Aaaahhhhhh, Min”, One finger went in, then two, then three, and then it started pumping in and out. “Do you like it, Yuri?” The meek girl nods, then her eyes travel down to Minju’s pussy and slowly, so does her hand. “Oh? Be gentle Yuri, follow my lead”, Yuri have masturbated before, it was only once or twice before you all started dating. However once you go out, during her sleepless nights without you she always gets so horny. Fingering her own pussy and another girl’s pussy feels different. She never noticed the squirms and constricting feelings when she finger herself, but when she tried to finger Minju every little movement it did enthralled her.
“Ooohhhh, you're pretty good at this aren't you?” The two smiled at each other before they delved into a passionate kiss. Yuri is still submissive, but she responded to Minju's advances which pleased Minju. “Fuck, I'm cumming”, Minju was too distracted with Yuri's hand that she didn't realise what the latter said. “Yuri”, “Minju”, The two had a simultaneous orgasm, Despite Yuri leaning to the wall her legs still become all wobbly so Minju had to hold her with her free hand. “Fuck, that was nice”, It was, unfortunately you weren't there, “Babe gonna be so mad when we tell him about this”, The two silently agreed they will make it up to you. “So, we're buying some lingerie after?” 
“I just don't understand how you think this will be a healthy relationship”, Whew, it's nice to know your girlfriends are having fun while you're trying to have a peace talk over here. “We are healthy, we compliment each other, help each other. And before you say anything about Minju and Yuri's relationship I should remind you that Minju was the one who proposed to have a date together”, Somehow, you don't feel those weird jealous feelings anymore.
“Yeah? And what if they leave you? You really think they're happy having to share you because of your indecisiveness? One day they'll wake up and find out there's so much more options out there for them to take”, She's right, there's a chance for that. “And they will leave, but I don't think you two understand Yuri, much less Minju. I'm not gonna be here so brazen and ask you to give us a chance if I didn't think this relationship will work. We have plans already to keep it on the down low for now. However after meeting Minju's mom we felt confident. We agreed that whatever we have is serious, and we will commit to it. You don't have to understand it, just accept it for now. Let us go through with this arrangement and we'll show you that we are not messing around. We'll show you that what we have, is something promising and beautiful”
Well, it was a decent speech, unfortunately it's not enough to convince them. “We really don't like it, not to mention that Minju girl is a chaebols that could ruin our life. Sorry kid but we are not approving this”, You tried, “Then I'm afraid, you have no other choice”, They'll come around, one day. “She's our daughter and we get-”, You just slam the door behind you not bothering to give them any courtesy. Now what?
“Fuck, this such a shit idea”, Nevertheless you just try it, who knows, maybe it works. You returned back to your house and went to take a shower. Going to Yuri's parents house reeking of sex was a conscious decision to show them that you and Yuri don't care about what they say. However now you should definitely make sure you present your best self. Looking at your suit from two days ago you realise you still haven't sent this to the dry cleaner. “Fuck, dad gotta have some suit”, Reluctantly you walk to their bedroom door, your heartbeat going crazy as flashes of that night came back to you. “Fuck, hope you have a good taste dad”, You swallow those memories down and walk into it.
Surprisingly, your dad does indeed have a good taste. It's a little big for you, but not that noticeable. His shirt is too formal, you don't want to look too desperate. Thankfully the girls have bought you some decent clothes, so you used your own shirt and a sweater over it, of course with the suit. A nice slim fit khaki pants and your dad's leather shoes, you think it's decent. “Looking good kid”, Minho also thinks it's decent, “So your dad will also be there?” He shook his head, “Dad will come for dinner, where your girlfriends will come. For now you go talk to mom first”, Well that's reassuring.
“So, are you gonna meet her too?” He shakes his head again, “I have lunch with my girlfriend, so good luck kid I'll be cheering for you”, Just like Minju, her mom has a very expensive taste when it comes to food. “You're here, take a seat kid”, You and her are in a private room of the restaurant, not even a waitress is here. “Good afternoon ma'am”, You bow before sitting in front of her. “I must say I'm surprised when Minho said you want to talk to me. Did you had a fight with Minju already?” It'll be very disappointing if you and her already break up before her mom gets to see a spectacle.
“No, first can I ask, did you mean it? The idea you gave me back then?” Oh, it seems you are going to put on a show for her. “Hmmmm, do I? Maybe, are you seriously considering it?” You nod, “Good, go ahead and do it. Minju deserves to get everything she wants, and if your girlfriend is as beautiful as she said then having her as an extra partner would make her very happy”, Minju talked to her about Yuri? “She told you about Yuri?” She nodded while smiling. “Well, then I have something to tell you”, Her mind immediately raced quickly while her eyes were picking up on every single little motion you made and any changes in emotions on your face.
“Oh my, you three are already dating, and you told me about Yuri the first time we met because you want to plant the idea that there's a love triangle happening here”, You're not really surprised she quickly grasped it, the woman deals with lots of rich people on a daily basis. Reading and deducting people's words are probably her specialty. “Now this is interesting, so why tell me now not then”, Of course she knows why, she just wants to hear you put it into words. “You'll find out eventually, I'm not a good liar, Minju is your daughter so she can't really keep secrets from you. Obviously telling it to you on the first day because it will set a bad first impression. We planned, well I did, to tell you about it back then and have you acknowledge her existence. The idea was to let our relationship ride for a few months and after that we go out and tell you everything. That way you know we've been going strong for a while and we have a higher confidence in defending our relationship”, Satisfying answer, she's happy with your reasoning and your eloquence.
“So why are you telling me now? Something happened right?” 
“Yes, Yuri's parents and I are very close, they practically take care of me ever since my parents death”
“I'm sorry about that”
“Thank you, I'm sure you already ran a background check on me”, She smiled and shrugged.
“Anyway, after how��… open you are to the idea Yuri wanted us to tell her parents. You have to understand, one other reason on why we haven't tell you yet was because there's still some insecurities between us”
“Of course, the three of you are scared to be left by the other two”
“Correct, Yuri is especially scared of Minju. Minju is richer and much more powerful than she can ever hope to be. The one thing she can brag about is how her parents has practically accept me as their son”
“I see, they didn't take the relationship well?”
“No, yesterday we had a talk with them and things turned sour. Today I asked Minju to take Yuri out on a date so I can talk to her parents alone”
“Did they want to meet us?”
“No, they doubles down and want to break our relationship”
“Hmmm, now this is interesting, you want some advice from me?”
“No, I thought you would be smarter than this?” *Smiles sarcastically*
“Oh? Go on, piss me off”, She really wants you to push the boundaries more. She finds this type of insubordination to be amusing, she got bored of all the people licking down her feets.
“Hehehe, I'll jab you again when you make an opening. Back to the topic, I want to tell you this so I can bring Yuri to our dinner and have your help in telling Minju's dad. I'm desperate to have an approvals at least from one of my parents-in-law”
“Oh, now that's surprising. I'm an open person and I don't mind giving you three chances if it looks promising. However my husband is different, and telling him so soon might not be a good idea”
“Then I won't come to the dinner with Minju. I know I have to come because the whole family wants to check me out. Minho would be neutral, taking the side that would lead to a much more hilarious outcome. So I need at least your blessing to make sure they didn't just flat out hunt my family down and send them to the bottom of the ocean”
“Ahhhhh, very perceptive. Now let's bargain then”
“What do you want me to do?”
“If things go well, I want you to marry Minju”, Not what you expect, but also, not what you want to do.
“I can't do that, I can't just marry her and leave out Yuri”
“We'll pay for the marriage and everything else. We'll make you rich”
“On the cost of Yuri's heart”
“Well have her marry Minju then”
“I don't think same sex marriage is allowed here yet”
“I can deal with it”
“Oh, right, rich people stuff”, How is that fair?
“Hehehe, you want us to pull some strings and allow polygamy”
“No, same sex marriage is a widely accepted, what's the correct word? Practice? Whatever, it already passed in a lot of countries, and many Koreans, a decent amount of them also already wanted it to be legalised here. Polygamy is heavily frowned upon in most places. On top of that the people that do want it to be legalised are not vocal at all, nowhere near the LGBTQ community. Passing that law out of nowhere will cause major spotlights. I'm sure there's not many people who are eager to get married to multiple wives. So there's a chance the three off us will be the first one to do it which will definitely get the media attention”
“Impressive, you're smarter than what I expected”
“Well, you don't really know me-, you checked my grades didn't you?”
“Such an underachiever”
“Anyway, can you cover for me tonight?”
“Well, that depends, why don't you tell me more about how you three came to be”, Quite a warm afternoon you have. Minju’s mom is thoroughly pleased hearing your story. It's been awhile since she found some intriguing love story, and yours being a real life experience made it a plus.
“You look good Yuri”, Yuri knows it, “I should keep my hair short from now on”, She's thrilled to surprise you later. “You don't want to get a new haircut?” Minju shakes her head, “I like it when oppa ran his hand through my head”, For a second they felt the fire of competition rise again. “Come on, let's move”, For now though, they have other matters to deal with first. 
The two were driven to a secluded warehouse out of the city. A place, perfect to release their stress and finish the job. There were 2 guys waiting by the door, and they led the girls inside, to find 5 guys tied up. “Oh, nice to see you guys”, The four of them felt their heartbeat rising seeing the two people that just walked in. Anger, frustration, and fear, it's overwhelming them. The last few weeks have been a downward spiral for their life. First they got kicked out of school, then their parents lost their jobs, and their house suddenly got an eviction notice. The police knocked on their door informing them of an investigation of assault and battery, alongside a civil lawsuit for beating a helpless kid. To top it all off, the police took them in and held them in the holding cell for a week. Now, they suddenly woke up yesterday in this foul dark room while being tied up.
The moment they see who walks in, they just snap. Their muffled scream and eyes full of anger seems to raise the sadistic side of the two girls. “Hey guys, it's so nice to see you here. Remember me?” Their screams only got louder, “Min, is this really okay?” Yuri wants nothing more than to break this guy's but he's still anxious about the two bodyguards around them. “Oh relax Yuri, they won't say anything. No one will know, not even babe”, Yuri made a mental note later to ask if Minju has done this before. “Now, let's get down to business okay? You four have committed a grave sin of hurting our boyfriend. So, obviously we are here to punish you. Your sentence is death. How do you plead?” They screamed again, “Understood, Yuri, would you like the first turn?”
Skip ahead if you dont want to read some torture
Yuri glanced at the all sorts of equipment they have on the table near them. “I'll be happy too”, A hammer, of course, what else would a brute like her use. “I remember that you punched oppa's cheek right? Oh how much I wish I could rip your cheek apart right now”, Yuri gently ran her hammer through the guy's cheek. “This one looks like it can do that”, Minju pulls out a thin looking knife. She saw this type of knife before, one that her chefs use to cut some thin slices of Jamon Iberico, maybe it can be used to make some thin slices of human skin as well.  “For now, let's do this first”, Yuri pulled up her hammer and swung it hard to the poor guy's face. A muffled *crack* could be heard followed by a pained scream.
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“Tckkk, this isn't fun when you get gagged”, Yuri stood up and took a small surgical knife from the table. “Now don't move, or I might accidentally cut you”, The guy is so preoccupied with the pain he had on his cheek that he didn't register the knife that's piercing through his other cheek. “FUCKKKK”, The sweet melody of suffering is invigorating for the girls. The guy tried to lunge at Yuri but the knife she’s holding just slipped upward. It penetrated his eyes making him scream even louder. As he instinctively pulled back, the knife got stuck on his eyes. Time moves slowly for Yuri, she can see how the guy's eye is being stretched like a rubber before the tension causes it to rip. Fascinating, Yuri keeps a close watch as the guy was squirming on the ground. “Your hand, they ruined my oppa's fragile body”, She picked up her hammer again, her legs stomped on his hand and held it to the ground. “Please, I'm sorry”, *crack*, “Aaaahhhhhh”, He can only watch as Yuri completely turned the bone in his hands to dust.
“This is kinda fun”, Yuri starts laughing as she stands up, “You're insane”, Oh yes, the last ditch effort to spat on her. “Should I end it fast? No, let's get your leg”, He tried to scurry away but Yuri kicked him on the head causing him to get dazed. “Now for this, I need a bigger hammer”, She took the two handed hammer that's almost as heavy as her body and returned to him. “Now, don't move”, The thrill of this torture is getting to her. She aligned her hammer on his knees before he swung up and stomped it to the ground. Unfortunately the guy moved his leg making her hit the concrete ground. “Haaaaa, you're such a rebel, just sit still and let me have fun”, Yuri used her leg to stomp on his thighs before stepping on it and used her other leg to stomp on his ankle. “Now, this feels awkward, but this should work”, Aligning her hammer to his knee again, he swung forwards before down to hit the knees between her legs.
Another *crack* can be heard, the impact of the hammer caused his leg to bend inward. His fibula broke and pierced through his skin sticking out of his leg. “Aaaaahhhh, please, just let me go”, He cries, every single cell in his body is screaming of pain, he wants to run, but deep down, he knows there's only one way this will end. “Alright, let me finish this”, Yuri walked up, having the guy's torso lay between his legs. Raising her hammer up, she's ready to destroy the guy's chest. In normal condition he would try to kick her and escape, however, the impending death is just too sickening for him. The hammer swung down, leaving a loud cracking noise, it left a crater on his chest and sent blood flying. The warm blood that splashed to Yuri's hand didn't even register for her, so she raised her hammer again and swung it down.
Over and over again she keeps swinging the hammer. Blood, bones, innards, they all fly all over the place. Every time Yuri raised her hammer over her head, blood and chunks of flesh or organ fell on to her. The realisation sinked in for the other victims, they are dead. The two bodyguards just stare at the show with no remorse nor disgust. Minju is getting horny, why does the sight of blood arouse her so much? “Aaaahhhhh, sorry Min, I got carried away, go on, your turn”, Minju smiled and helped clean some fleshy remains that caught up on Yuri's hair before she took a plier from the table.
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“One of you go hold his hand for me”, One of the bodyguards forcefully grabbed the next victim's hands. “I remembered you, it seems my oppa has caused some damage to you right?” Despite your pathetic attempt at fighting them, you did manage to claw some of them and leave scars. This one in particular got his lips scratched by your desperate attacks. “Haaaa, you ruin oppa's nails, and even dirty it”, Minju opened up her plier and grabbed his nails. “Naughty boy”, In one pull she ripped his nails out of his finger. “Hmmm, are you crying? Come on I just started”, Minju smiled and grabbed his other nails, the guy let out a muffled moan, “Please”, Minju pulled another nail out.
After taking all the nails out of his fingers, Minju grabbed a drill like equipment. “I've seen this in a movie before, let's see if it works the way I think it is”, The bodyguard turned him to the side, Minju put the drill on to his ears. “Well, I guess drill is just a drill anyway”, Slowly she turned the handle, “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH”, He could only scream as the drill slowly pierced through his ears, it was a slow and very painful experience. “Can I just pull this?” Minju pulled the drill back out, ripping its way through the man's ears. “Hmmmm, let's try this one”, Minju is experimenting through all the tools available. Skinning, cutting, penetrating, ripping his skin, all sorts of stuff. Unlike Yuri's victim, Minju’s just slowly die from all the pain and blood loss he gets. His body looks horrifying, Yuri's murder victim has his chest turned into a fleshy, bloody mess, Minju’s victim is very much intact, with hundreds of different injuries all over him. “Haaaa, your turn Yuri”
Their screams of horror and suffering echoes through the empty warehouse. It was a sight to behold, honestly you probably shouldn't. “Now, last one, let's team up, Yuri”, They left Jin for last. Out of everyone there, Jin betrayed you, hurt you emotionally. So for him, they took their sweet, sweet time. Slow and precise, inflict as much pain as they can without having him lose consciousness or die from blood loss. Once the sweet release of death was given to him, they still aren't satisfied. They continue to desecrate his body till it gets broken down to thousands of tiny pieces.
Violent part end
“Fuck, that felt good”, For a moment Yuri has forgotten about the problem with her parents. “Good to know, feeling better already?” Of course, Minju has to remind her. “Yes, thank you Minju”, The two exchanged a hug while bathed by the blood of their victims. “If things ever went wrong with your parents, we can always take care of it”, Yuri felt conflicted, only for a second. Something inside her has snapped and she has found her resolution, “If mom and dad gonna be a hindrance to our relationship. Then they're no better than these guys”, Minju cheered inside her mind.
That's right Yuri, nobody can get in our way. Let's hope they get their shits together before things get too far.
Sorry mom, sorry dad, but I can't let you stand in my way. I only have them from now on, hope you guys can come around soon.
Of course they can't get back in the car while dripping with blood. Thankfully there is a shower here for them to freshen up. “Minju, I'm not doing this again until I tell oppa”, Yuri moaned as Minju grabbed her tits. “I know, it's just…. I'm so horny after that. Fuck we should go home soon”, Yuri understand it, she is also itching to get filled by you. “You think we should put on those things to surprise him?” Minju would love to do that, “Haaaaa, oppa is tired after last night and two nights ago. Maybe tomorrow, but fuck, maybe he can finger and lick me tonight”, Yuri frowned hearing that, the itch was too much. “FUCK, fine, we should prepare something special to make it up to him for what we do today”, Let's hope your tank is already refuelled tomorrow.
“Miss Minju, your mother is expecting you at the family manor”, The driver's words cause Minju some anxiousness. “Why?” He shakes his head, “I do not know miss, I simply got contacted to bring you back home alongside with Miss Yuri”, Now that sounds super fishy. “Did you tell them about Yuri?” The driver is a loyal employee to Minju, however he's still her parents' subordinate. “I'm afraid not Miss, they asked if you're with anyone and I said no. However they told me to stop lying and bring the two of you to the family estate”, Yuri and Minju exchanged a glance for a moment. “Should we tell oppa?” They are contemplating the pros and cons from doing that.
“No, oppa would get worried, we should go there and go home quickly. Then we can tell him everything went well until mom asked me to meet her”, That way if you find them to be a little off they can blame it on Minju’s mom. “Very well, let's go then”, The two anxiously held each other's hands during the ride. “Your house is kinda big Min”, Yuri giggled nervously, Minju decided to not tell her that this is one of the smaller ones. “Ahhhh, Miss Minju, and Miss Yuri I presume. Please follow me, madam has been waiting for you”, The two followed the maid to Minju's mom’s office.
The moment they walked in their heart dropped seeing you sitting on the couch facing Minju’s mom. “Ahhhh, welcome, please have a seat”, The two just glanced at you, who's smiling innocently. They made their way to you, making sure you sit in the middle like usual. “Hahahah, you must be Yuri right? Your boyfriend has talked a lot about you”, The two start tapping their legs anxiously. Minju because she's scared what her mom will do if Yuri wasn't up to her standart, Yuri because she thinks Minju’s mom is gonna start acting like her own parents and break the relationship.
“Please don't be nervous, you saw me and her had a talk earlier today. Well actually today has been pretty long……..” You tell them about what you've been up to today. Yuri felt her heart being squeezed when she heard how you came to her parents yourself to get their approval. Minju felt really bad because while she and Yuri were busy having fun in her bathroom, you were having a fight with your in-laws. Then you told them that you and Minju's mom had lunch together where you told her everything in hope of tonight's dinner. “Oppa, you don't have to do that”, Maybe you don't, maybe you reacted to this whole thing too dramatically.
“So, I gathered you two here now to have a little chat. Minju, as you've already heard, everyone is coming to the dinner tonight. To make sure no war broke out on the table we should prepare the three of you for some questioning”
Minju's mom immediately dropped the friendly and warm attitude and turned back to her cold persona. Yuri felt suffocated by her aura alone, thankfully you were there to calm her nerves. “So, you think you can just play with my daughter's heart and get away with it?” She looks at you. “Well, I'm not playing anything. This whole thing is a group decision”, Too short. “Why are you not saying you love them?” Ooofffff, this is gonna be a hard interview.
“Out of character here for a moment, I love them, however I think it would be unwise if I just say we're in love”
“Why?” Good answer, Minju’s mom has decently high expectations from you after lunch earlier.
“Because I think everyone will condemn us as being teenagers getting high on our own hormones and not thinking logically. Again, before you say anything about what I said to you back in the party, it's a different situation. Two teenagers in love isn't that weird or unexpected, breaking it so early would hurt Minju so as long as I don't show any excessive red flags then I will be fine. Having a poly relationship is already questionable, even for adults, if the three of us use ‘love’ as our only foundation it would make it sounds like we are not completely sure about what we do”
“Hnmmm, impressive, next question then, you're trying to say that the two of them are willingly compromising with each other and get half of you simply because they wanted to?”
“Because they are scared that I might choose the other one. Honestly, the circumstances of how this started was shaky. We've been treading carefully between each other. As times goes on, we got more comfortable with this relationship and now we're going stronger and stronger everyday”
“You're playing them, out of character a bit as well, let's skip the part of you explaining about how this started. I think from our lunch earlier today you seem to be self aware and can handle yourself. Back to the question, you're playing them, they have to love you fully and you only love them with half of what you can. Are you open with the idea of them dating other guys then?”
“No, because they would be cheating”
“Hypocrite, and a swine”
“Who used swine for an insult? Also they would be cheating because the maths equation you have is wrong. I love them half each, and they love me also half each. They love each other too for the other half”
“What?” The two girls stayed quiet for some time, like 5 seconds, making you and Minju's mom feel a little irritated.
“That's right, today they went out on a date. As you've known, Minju is gay, although it turns out she's bi. So she also has some attraction with Yuri, while Yuri here is still confused about her feelings. They've been reacting to these feelings between them. Today the two of them just went out to a date together, without me”
“Is this true?”
“Yes, yes it's true. Yuri and I have some connections the same way we have with oppa. I noticed it wasn't just a physical attraction since earlier today when I felt hurt for her after hearing what happened with her”
“What happened yesterday?”
“Me and oppa had a talk with my parents. They've been taking care of oppa and his sister for awhile ever since their parents death. So we thought we needed to come clean sooner than later. It didn't work out”
“So you think it would work out today?”
“I hope so, out of character this is the part where I would tell them about what you told me back in the party”
“Very well, let's skip over that part. To be honest I'm not quite sure what's gonna happen after. On top of that Minho is too unpredictable so let's just end it here”
You feel like you did a decent job, “Well done you”, She also thinks so. “However for you two, I am disappointed, especially you Minju”, She turned to the two girls. “What? You're the one who keeps asking him not us”, Although that is true, Yuri still hasn't grasped the nature of the test. “And you didn't do anything when your boyfriend was being pressured. Remember this, my husband will not blame Minju by any means and seeing you he will realise you're too meek to corrupt Minju. Which leaves your boyfriend, he will be the one getting pressured relentlessly. So you two can either shut up and speak once you're spoken to or you can help him”
The two look at you with a guilty expression, “Come on now don't be sad, it's just an exercise. We got this”, The two exchanged glances for a second. Rock-paper-scissors, Yuri wins, she melts in your arms as you two kiss. Minju left a bite mark near your lips after her kiss which probably isn't a good idea. “I don't care, dad needs to find out that we are inseparable, whether he likes it or not”, Her mom nodded stoically. “How long till dinner?” One hour left, Minju's mom left the room for the three of you to catch up first.
“Baby, you don't need to do this okay?” Yuri feels so guilty she might just cry. “No baby, I know I might be overreacting to this whole thing. I just don't want you to brood at home when me and Minju go out for dinner, okay?” Yuri leaped into your embrace, her mind filled with guilt, anxiety, and most importantly, anger. 
Fuck, if mom and dad wasn't so fucking stubborn oppa wouldn't need to do this. I hate them, that's it I don't fucking care anymore.
Yuri shifted her gaze to Minju for a second, the latter immediately understood what Yuri wanted. Since you went so far for them they will have to do the same for you. One chance, that's what Yuri's parents are getting, either they take it or they'll be removed from Yuri's and your life forever.
The three of you simply cuddle up for an hour to gather your energy for the dinner. Although, there's something you didn't know yet, Minju’s mom is very slick. “So, this is Yuri?” You definitely didn't expect Minju's dad to suddenly come into the office with his wife holding his hand. “Dad?” Minju felt confused, and she eyed her dad for a moment, he doesn't seem mad, for now. “I've heard everything”, The two were confused by his words, but you immediately understand, that her mom has recorded the talk from before.
Hmmm, he noticed it? My, my, Minju, you've found yourself a diamond huh?
“I've recorded the conversation from earlier, and filled in about what we talked about this lunch”, She dragged him to sit in front of you. This sight of her smiling all cheerfully is very off putting. Silence lingered in the room for a while, “Dad, we are having a good thing going on here, and I don't want you to start looking at us like we're stupid kids who don't know what we're doing”, Minju opened. “You are stupid kid who doesn't know what they're doing”, Very good argument.
“Just give us a chance, please”, Yuri can't fuck this up, she has to make this work. “At least, tell us what we need to do to get a chance to prove ourselves”, He looked at you with calculating eyes. “What do you hope to gain from this?” Whew, another round of questioning. “What other people expect to gain from a relationship, a loving partner” He shakes his head, “You, in particular, what does it mean to date two girls”, Well he's right somewhat, you can't just treat them both as one. You stayed quiet for some time, which worries the two girls. Minju's father is somewhat pleased you didn't just answer immediately, although it is a bad thing if you still haven't asked yourself that question.
“I just want to make everyone happy”, That's the best you can come up with? Really? “Happy? Are you three truly happy?” Obviously yes, seeing the three of you nod in sync made Minju's mom smile happily. “Then what if a fight happens? Every relationship will have some disagreement and fights”, While the two are very confident that it will never happen, you try to be realistic. “There's three of us, so when an argument breaks between two the third one will be neutral, despite their alignment. If two of us keep fighting over and over then we need an intervention and talk things out”, Unfortunately for you, the middleman is always you.
“But we won't get into any fights”, Minju thinks she's helping, “We can always find a peaceful way before any fights happens”, Yuri thinks she's putting the closing statement. Minju's father is thoroughly unimpressed with the childish display of your two girlfriends. A nervous smile grew on your face, “You're right honey, he is not as dumb as the grades show him to be”, Oooffff, he also knows about that. “You would've known that when you heard your head of security report about the incident”, Of course, someone was listening to the conversation you had with that nameless idiot. “I will give you a chance”, Yuri and Minju are excited and a happy smile grows on their face, you on the other hand felt like you just narrowly dodged a bullet.
“I have my eyes on you”, Well, another bullet may be on the way, “Thank you sir, we won't waste this chance”, For now, you have passed the test with flying colours, he will keep a close eye on you. “Well now that's settled, let's break the news to the rest. Come on we have a dinner to attend to”
Third round, thankfully with the approval of the parents surely Minju’s siblings will accept this openly right? “Dad you can't be seriously considering this”, Not really, “Seojin-ah, mom and dad already questioned us and they think this relationship is worth a chance”, Thankfully Minju actually stepped up and shielded the three of you. “Minju, you can't seriously think this is healthy”, Seojin is the eldest of the siblings, he is huge, bigger than Minho, which makes his anger seem much more scary. “It is healthy, the three of us are still going strong despite all the problems that arose”, Well openly admitting problems have come your way isn't very smart.
“So you do know this thing attracts problems. Minju you have a lot of eyes on you, if words come around do you have any idea how much more problematic things will go”, God family drama has been feeding you too much. “So what?” Hey at least the food is insanely good, they said their private chef cooked this up, perhaps you should start learning how to cook. “Minju do-”, You can't take it anymore, “Seojin-hyung please, I've spent the whole day today having this kind of talk since morning. Whatever you want to ask us, I've already heard it a thousand times, and I've answered it a thousand times with different tweaks to the sentence each time. Minju's parents already gave us their blessing, at least a chance for us to let this ride for now. Please, can we have a light-hearted conversation for dinner? I promise I can answer all your questions next time”, Oohhh, very dominant of you.
“I'm not your Hyung”, He glared at you, “Very well Hyung”, Minho started laughing like a hyena or something. “Seojin, the boy is right, let them have a peaceful dinner will you? Let's talk about this later”, Minju’s mom covered for you. Seojin glared at you for a moment before drowning himself in his food. 
“So, Brutus, why do you come clean with mom? Something happened little guy?” Minho changed the topic, well somewhat changed the topic. The dinner went quite peacefully after that, Minju’s mom spent most of the time asking questions to the three of you to know more about this conversation and also to know more about you and Yuri. “So why Brutus though?” Well that topic is bound to come up sooner or later. “Well, in my last year in middle school, there was a school play. My class appointed me as one of the actors. They put me as Brutus, and I had like 5 lines. Then practice came around and I was pretty good so they adjusted to give a bit more line and character for me. Well I was performing really well in practice, since I was a loner people didn't really expect me to be able to actually perform. Of course the actual performance came and I nailed my part. However since I was a bit of an outcast at the time people didn't really know me well. So they just start referring to me as Brutus. It's really recent, on my first day in highschool I made some new friends and he called me Brutus so I was like, why not. Time to have some rebranding. I don't know, it felt like the new name was pretty silly but it does give me some extra confidence, especially to talk with Minju. Things just took off from there”
Minho was nodding, of course he investigated where you got that name from and got the recording of the performance. “I think it's cute”, Minju pinched your cheek, “I think it's pretty disrespectful of everyone at our school to not bother learning your name. Haaaaa, but since you like it I guess it's fine? I never used that name anyway”, Yuri ruffled your hair. “Both can be true, so you're a good actor then, Brutus?” Definitely not, “Hell yes, I got the recording mom, he was impeccable”, Again, you are questioning Minju's statement that her family is not the mafia. “Really? We should watch it after then”, Minju frowned, she really wants to go home and just spend the night away with you two. Yuri also frowned, because she remembered a very despicable scene from that drama.
“I really think we should do it later mom, we have a long day already and we have school tomorrow”, However her mom just shook her head, “You should just skip tomorrow, beside you three can spend the night here. You three are exhausted so the thin wall wouldn't really reveal anything”, You felt relieved, knowing these girls they will definitely try to get a few more rounds in after what you did for them today. “Mom we can't just skip school, also Yuri and oppa don't have any clothes here”, For now at least. “Just lend Yura your clothes and Brutus can use mine, come on eat faster we have a show to catch”, Minho really wants to see the girls reaction to your intimate scene with your in-drama-wife.
“Yeah, I guess we can spend the night here”, Oh no, the girls are pissed, they really, really, and by that they really do not want to spend any second longer with anyone else but you. “That settles it, come on chop, chop, we have a show to catch”, Despite that the girls decided to just follow what you want, they are loyal like that. The idea that you will be killed once that kissing scene came up never crossed your mind. Until the scene actually came up, and you feel both of your hands being crushed. “Oh my, very feisty”, Minju’s mom's commentary doesn't help you. She saw how Yuri and Minju were very angry and jealous. She wants to fan the fire even more. “Is that your ex Brutus? She's kinda beautiful you know, you plan to, you know”, Minho also likes to see you suffer, “No, and he will never talk to her again”, Yuri said while glaring at Minho. “I need to use the restroom”, Thankfully the two let you go, unfortunately Minju's sister was waiting for you once you got out of the bathroom.
“Oh, hello Noona”, She steps in your way, “Uhmmm, everything is fine?” From the looks on her face, it seems like no. “If you hurt Minju-” Jesus you're fed up with this, “Yes I get it, I've heard that a thousand time like I said earlier”, She is not entertained by your defiance, “Just because mom and dad-”, You are not in the mood for this, “Doesn't mean you give us your, I get it”, She's pissed off. For a moment she felt like you are an absolute threat to her, why is her ego so fragile? “I swear if you cut me-”, Challenge accepted, “Or what?” Thankfully as her anger rose her defence mechanism kicked in. She stares at you with cold calculating eyes, she deduces you're trying to piss her off on purpose. Of course you were just really tired and not giving a fuck.
“What's your name?” You feel offended, “You know my name already and you probably know about my whole history”, She for one actually didn't do a background check on you out of respect to Minju. After this exchange she will, you tried to walk but she moved in front of you. Stubborn as you are you just keep walking until your head bumped to her, “I need to go back to my girlfriends…. Please”, Your smile looks more like a shitty grin if anything. It's like a clash of the titans, your stubbornness is trying to push back against her calm anger. Being this close she picks up upon every little detail about you. Your awkwardly brushed hair as you still haven't figured out how to deal with this new haircut. Your worn out outer piece that doesn't mix very well with your new and pristine shirt and sweater. Your somewhat sweaty smell as you've been wearing this outfit the whole day. Your eyes, that screams aggravation and exhaustion. She noticed that you aren't a rebellious piece of shit, just tired from having this whole situation and wasn't really in the right mind. She took a deep breath and moved aside, the looks she gave you had changed but of course you didn't notice it. Without saying a word you move past her and get back to the girls.
He smells nice.
“Took you long enough”, Minju grumbled as she hugged you, “I feel tired”, Your exhausted voice turns the girls into panic mode. “Are you okay oppa”, Yuri grabbed your forehead afraid that you might catch a cold, “Yeah, I just want to sleep”, Minju turns to her mom, “Mom oppa is tired we're going to sleep for the night”, The performance was about to hit the climax, but they don't care. “That's a shame, go rest up then sweeties, good night”, It's still 7 PM.
Minju's bedroom was comically large, “Min, this room is bigger than my house”, She just smiled nervously. “Let's take a shower oppa, wait Min we need some clothes for him”, Minju ran off leaving you with Yuri. “Babe, don't act like that”, Yuri embraced you as she let out her frustration. “I'm really sorry oppa, I was useless. When I was out with Minju, having fun and winding down. You're out here trying to-”, Yuri hates this feeling for being so helpless. “It's okay babe, you know I hate it when you're feeling insecure like this. So drop it off, you'll do it for me”, At least she's not crying. “I know, I have to make it up to you”, Right now the only thing Yuri can do for you is offer you her body, which is a pretty sad way of viewing herself.
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“Here you go babe, come on let's get you cleaned”, Minju dropped the clothes on the bed before pulling me up. “You know, me and Yuri were having fun in the shower earlier today”, That sounds hot, “Shit, I should've come to take a shower with you guys”, The two are scrubbing your whole body while you just stand under the shower quietly. “Oppa you did take a shower before you talk to my parents right?” You just laughed and shook your head. “That's so ballsy babe, good”, Let's be honest here, you were also too lazy to take a shower. “Well, gotta show them that me and you two are a thing, whether they like it or not”, You glance to see Yuri is staring at Minju’s wound, the bite mark you left her.
“I want one”, She pulled out her cute pout, “Well, I don't think it's as hot as you think it is”, Needless to say you're still eager to give her one. You pushed her to the wall, one leg went in between hers. “I'll do it, if you promise me you won't call yourself useless again”, She nodded, you smiled before setting her hair aside. “I haven't got to say you look good with short hair babe”, Despite the shower running you can tell she's getting wet already. “Baby, don't tease me unless you want to fuck me”, You laughed before kissing her shoulder, making her shake gently. “Move aside babe”, Minju whispered in your ears. You see in a….. throuple? It's a buy one get one free, so Yuri wants your bite mark, she got Minju’s as well. 
“Fuckkkk”, Yuri whimpered, your hand slowly explored her body and squeezed her tits. “Oh yeah like that”, Your hand travelled down to her crotch to find Minju's hand is also travelling there as well. She pulled down yours to Yuri's pussy before her hand travelled through yours and hop off to continue pinching and massaging Yuri's tits. Your finger starts penetrating her making her moan even louder, the metallic taste of her blood touched your tongue so you let go of her shoulder. “Fucking hell”, It's so unfair for Yuri, seeing blood trickling down lips was too hot. “I'm cumming”, Your hand got even wilder as she started squirting all over the bathroom floor. “Holy shit, oh my god that was great”, Yuri forgot all about the depressing thought she had from earlier.
“Great that you like it babe, but now it's my turn”, Minju pulled Yuri's face to her shoulder. “This is so weirdly hot”, You laughed before you kissed Minju. This time Yuri got the job of fingering so your hand just cooperates with your mouth to pleasure Minju’s tits. Unlike Yuri, Minju can't last long, she's been very horny after the stress relief activities with Yuri earlier today. “I'm cumming babe”, Her hand latched onto you as she felt her body spasm out of control.
“Hehehehe, is it oppa's turn then?” Yuri looks up to you while cleaning her mouth. It was off putting, especially her crazy eyes but you don't really mind. “I really have no gas in my tanks now girls, and I might catch a cold. Let's finish up and you can do it later while we're in bed”, The two want to protest but their legs are very tired as well. “Well it's better to do it when we're laying down”, The shower finish up quickly and the three of you get on bed. Unlike on Yuri and Minju, your mark is on your neck. “Ahhhh fuck girls, do you really have to….. shit aggghhhh”, Your cries of pains is like music to their ears. Obviously they don't want to hurt you, but only threading lightly between the line of pain and pleasure. “You taste so good oppa”, Yeah, that's not creepy at all, “Yeah, I want to just eat you right up babe”, Very normal behaviour. 
“Girls, let's get some sleep, I'm tired as fuck today”, How thoughtful of them to drink up all your blood before giving you a good night kiss. “Should we clean this unnie?” Minju laughed and nodded, “You should call me unnie from now on, and let's get the band aids”, As the night continues peacefully you are unaware of the paranoia your friend Doyoung is going through. 
“What the fuck you mean they went missing”, He knows Minju gonna do some legal works to fuck up his friends life but he never expected this. “They went missing, when Jin's mom went to the police and asked to see her son, the police went and showed him that he's not there. They never arrested Jin and the others in the first place. She even told them the badge of the guys that took them but the badge wasn't even registered. Dude I'm telling you, that bitch is a mob”, Dear god, Minju would've loved to be here just to see Doyoung's face turned into horror and fear. “Fuck….. fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCKKKK. I don't know what to do, fuck this I'm not talking to them ever again. You all should fucking leave them alone as well if you know what's good for you”, They already did that, it's just Doyoung who is hellbent on having fun with teasing you. The news spreads like fire, everyone in your school finds a new fear to unlock. Ever since then, no one ever goes as far as stare in your general direction.
“Did something happen?” Seeing Doyoung fully committed to avoiding you weirded you out. “We just send some ultimatum to make sure everyone leaves us alone”, Minju sees the scared look everyone gave you which made her happy. From now on your high school life will be peaceful. “Oppa, I think we should skip art class today, I have a plan”, Yesterday you three skipped class and just spent the day cuddling on Minju's bed. Despite it being a very fun time for you, the girls feel like they are being edged by you. They are hungry. “Haaaaaa, fine”, You're also kinda horny after spending a full day being embraced by the two girls.
“Hehehe, let's go then, I know where you wanted to go Yuri”, Minju and Yuri have planned for some risky session in school, now they're gonna pull out one of them. The risky place is the gym equipment room. “This place feels…. Dangerous”, It's your hentai experience that's talking. “It's okay babe, go to the corner, me and Yuri have a surprise for you”, Minju shakes the bag she's bringing. Anticipation plastered your face before you turned around and just faced the wall. You heard the ruffling of clothes while waiting, every second seems to make you even more aroused. “We're ready”, You could start a tornado with how fast you turned.
The two are wearing some super slutty school outfits. A shirt that's being tied together that exposes their midriff, a red skirt that's short enough to expose their ass, and knee high white socks. You've seen these outfits in a lot of porn, but let's be real, things are different when you see them in real life. Especially when they are worn by your girlfriends, the two most beautiful women in the world.
“Do you like it oppa”, Yuri squeezed her hands together making her boobs almost pop out of her thought shirt. “We're kind of scared that this would be too basic”, Minju turned to the side and ran her hands up her thighs and pulled up her skirt exposing her pale round ass. “But seeing your reaction, I guess it's good enough”, You let out a little laugh as you walk towards them. Despite their effort to stun you with the outfit and their sex appeal, they ended up getting stunned instead. Your smirk and the whole aura you gave off as you walked towards them made them squirm in their place. “It's perfect”, You grabbed Minju by the waist using one hand and pulled her on to you. “Oppaaaa”, Yuri whined as you kissed Minju but it was short lived as your other hand grabbed her breast and squeezed it. “So wet already?” Your hand on Minju travelled down and went to her pussy. 
“Babe, ahhhh, right there”, You smiled and turned to Yuri who's biting her lip seductively. “Come here”, With one rough pull you ripped her shirt letting those melons fall out. You grab her by the waist as your head travels down to take her breast into your mouth. “Oooohhhh, oppa harder”, Your teeth dug deeper into her breast making her squeal. “Oh fuck Oppa, I'm gonna cum before you get to fuck me”, Minju moaned as your hand never stop fingering her. “Fucking hell, you first Min”, You pushed Minju to sit on, whatever that sturdy thing was, you're too distracted to analyse it. She spreads her leg showing off her eager pussy, you smile and take off your pants. 
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Aligning your cock with her pussy, you decided there's no time for teasing, with one quick thrust you buried your cock deep into her. “Fuck, baby you're still too big for me”, Thankfully your cock hasn't magically shrunk, yet. “Fucking hell Min, you're always so slutty”, Her walls clamped your cock, almost suffocating it with it's tightness. “Oppa, play with me too”, Yuri pulled your hand craving for your attention. You wrapped your hand around her and grabbed her ass as your mouth travelled to her tits. Biting on to it before sealing your lips around her nipples. You keep sucking on them so hard that it might start lactating soon, your hand was grabbing her ass so roughly it might get bruised.
“Babe, me to-”, Deciding not to deal with two needy women at the same time your other hand slapped her cheem. “Shut up”, The pain sends a thrill around Minju’s body, coupled with your stern eyes she feels her orgasm is drawing near. “Look at you Yuri, you might just cum from my hands, are you close baby?” You whispered in her ears, “Yeah oppa, fuck I'm so close”, Your hand let go of her. “We can't let that happen can we?” You laughed as she let out an angry whine. “Fuck baby I'm so close. Fill me up, fill me to the brim, breed me”, You smiled as your hand grabbed Minju’s waist. “Well, wait until I'm done then”, You picked up your pace and start fucking her rougher and faster. Every thrust made her body shake and jiggle roughly. Minju can feel your nails sinking on to her waist, the impact of your waist clashing on to hers, and most importantly, your cock that's splitting her apart. The pain…. It excites her.
“Oppa please, let me cum”, Hearing Minju's desperate plea you just smiled, “Be a good girl and shut up”, You know you're getting closer as well, but you want to see her break. You keep holding in your ejaculations while Minju is desperately trying to hold hers as well. She's falling hard, every thrust is a knock on her orgasm that keeps yelling to be let out. She can't just cum, she really wants to hold it in but she can't. Her tears run down her face as her mind is losing its sanity. “Oppa”, Seeing her so frail in your hand you can't hold it back anymore, “I'm cumming”, Your declaration was not needed as Minju is so sensitive she can feel the throbbing cock inside her. “Fuck babeeeee”, she screams as your cum paints her inside, oh yeah without those pills she will be pregnant by now. 
“Oppa”, Without giving you any time for recuperation Yuri starts whining. You look down to see her grinding on your leg desperately. “Get up”, She smiled and jumped up, then she turned her back on you as she picked up something from the bag. “Are you sure?” You said as she handed you a bottle of lube, “Yes, ruin me oppa”, She leaned down and rested her hand on whatever Minju was sitting on. “Ooohhh, Yuri is already so eager”, Minju was scooping out some of the cum on her vagina using her fingers before she started sucking on them. “Aaaahhhh”, Yuri said, the two then had fun trying to get your sperm out of Minju's pussy to share and drink.
You squirted some lube to your fingers and on Yuri's hole. Slowly your finger circles around the entrance before it pushes in. “Ahhhh”, Yuri moaned but it didn't stop her from using her tongue to explore Minju's pussy. One finger, then two, then three, well Yuri seems to be eager. “I'm going in babe”, Yuri immediately stopped eating Minju out and went back to the leaning position. “Well, at least I have some snacks”, Minju smiled as she continued her previous activities. “Slowly oppa”, Yuri whimpered, you raised your hand and slapped her ass, “I'll do what I want babe”, This only makes her asshole even more eager. You did start slow, first you pushed your tip in, and her asshole almost chopped it off with its tightness.
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“Oh fuck, you're so tight Yuri”, You let out a groan, unbeknownst to you, Yuri was sending a victory smile towards Minju. Albeit, the pain she's having made it look more like a winced than a smile. “Before you say anything you should try to take oppa's full lengths first”, Minju loves anal, and she knows if she's struggling to take you in her ass after all her toys, then Yuri is gonna be suffering. You slowly pushed deeper, making Yuri start flailing and shaking wildly. Never once that stopping you came across her mind, she will handle your size, even if it means splitting her ass apart. “Holy fuck this is too much”, You're still somewhat sensitive from Minju and now your cock is overly stimulated by Yuri, you might just cum any second now.
“Oh my god you love this don't you?” Minju grabbed both of Yuri's tits and pinched her nipples. “Ahhhhh, oppa, I'm coming”, Yuri moaned, “Fucking hell, you thrust into her, you can't keep it up anymore. “Ooohhhh, oppa”, Yuri moaned as you grabbed her waist and raised her up. With her leg dangling from the ground Yuri went through an orgasm in a helpless state, being held up by your cock and hands. “Fuck, oppa I can't stand anymore”, You gently put her down while holding her until she can try to hold herself up. Minju got off her seat and kneel underneath Yuri, “My treat”, Fuck it this is porn don't think about the hygiene.
“Min, If you really want some, you can take it from the tap”, You grabbed Minju's face before shoving your cock into her mouth. Minju loves it when you become so dominant like this, she relaxed her throat as your cock slowly pushed deeper. “Oppa, kiss me”, Yuri stand behind Minju while holding the latter’s head. “You're so fucking needy you know that?” You grabbed her chin and pulled her for a kiss. Your waist continues moving to fuck Minju while Yuri held her head to make sure she can't move anywhere. Minju was handling it pretty well….. for the first few minutes.
“Fuck, you okay Min?” You pulled out seeing Minju is struggling to breath. Minju felt relieved, but also a bit defeated as she felt she can't handle you. “I'm sorry”, You just laughed and patted her head, “It's okay babe”, Yuri then sat down next to Minju. “My turn”, Minju and you look at her with questioning eyes, “What? You two are so mean”, She frown. “Listen Yuri, why don't you use this assets of yours to pleasure babe. Let me help you”, Minju get the lube bottle back and smear it all over Yuri's tits. “Oh yeah”, You laughed seeing what's about to come, other than you that is.
“Come here babe”, You moved in front of Yuri. Minju kneeled behind Yuri and grabbed Yuri's tits from behind. As you put your cock in between her tits, Minju starts enveloping it with Yuri's soft melons. The squishy and warm feeling that your cock is feeling made you feel like in heaven. Top it off with the two girls looking at you with submissive and horny eyes, you might not last long. “Do you like it when my tits are wrapping you oppa?” You just smiled and groaned. “Babe definitely loves it, look at him, bathed in ecstasy, fighting against his orgasm that's building up”, Minju is right, the soft and warm feelings enveloping your cock are so different from what you're used to. Of course, it is just as good, the fight is still going and you're losing. “Fuck I'm coming”, This made Minju move even faster, “Cum for me oppa, cum all over my tits please”, Yuri helped by using her sweet voice and irresistible face. “Fuck, I'm cumming”, Despite already cumming twice your sperm is still flying all over the place coatings Yuri's tits and both of their face.
As your ejaculation passed, the two hungry jumped on each other's face trying to lick every drop. After that Minju got down and started sucking your sperm on Yuri's tits, the pleasure from Minju's mouth and tongues distracted Yuri from taking some for herself. Thankfully Minju is kind, “Open up, Yuri”, Yuri opened her mouth eagerly while Minju slowly dripped the mixture of your sperm and her saliva down to Yuri's mouth. As the last drop fell she leaned down and the two exchanged a passionate kiss. The mixture keeps exchanging places inside their mouth, coating every inch of their mouth. Their hands can't be kept to themselves so they start exploring each other’s body. You pick up a mattress from the corner of the room, checking it, smelling it, touching it, well it's clean enough. You drop it to the ground and just sit and watch the girls.
After 10 minutes of gripping and make out session the girls, ‘evenly’ split the cum before gulping it down. Then they turned to you, hungry for more, “Didn't we say we are only gonna skip art class?” You laughed as you lay down on the mattress, “We can skip it all”, You start reconsidering Minju's offer to do homeschooling. That can be talked about later, for now, it's round two.
“Why do you look so exhausted? What did you do back in school?” Eunbi somewhat guessed the answer already, “My girlfriends”, You are kind enough to confirm it. “You absolute idiot, just drop out already if you don't want to go to school. Where did you go in the last three days anyway?” Right, you haven't met her since Sunday morning. “Alright, that's….. you know what you do you, I really can't wrap my head around you, your girlfriends and those crazy families”, Eunbi would be lying if she said she's not concerned, but of course it's not like she can do anything to change your mind or keep you safe. “Thank you, the dinner tonight is cancelled or what?” She shakes her head, “My girlfriend is coming here at 7”, You never asked her actually. “Why didn't you tell me you have a girlfriend?” She rolled her eyes, “Because I want to prank you, and because you're a pervert”, You feel offended, of course you are a pervert but it still hurts you.
“Why am I a pervert?” She just frowned, “Your whole porn stash is just lesbian porn”, That's true but, “How do you know about that?” Do you even want to ask though? “When your laptop broke and I had to take it to the shop they told me there's too much porn in the storage that the memory has hard time finding space to keep temporary files”, Ah, that's why, “Did they think that was your laptop?” Her glare says yes. “Well, I should take a shower and call up the girls then”, Excusing yourself before she explodes has become a skill you developed this last year.
“She should be here any minute now”, Both of your girlfriends are anxiously waiting next to you. They don't like you meeting new girls, even if it's your sister's girlfriend. Not long, a knock on the door can be heard. Eunbi went to open it to reveal her girlfriend. Short hair, somewhat tall, well your sister is pretty short so it's not a fair comparison. She wore a black baggy t-shirt, red flannel and cargo pants, to top off the tomboy vibe she also wore a black hat and had a band aid on her cheek. “Good evening welcome to our humble abode”, She raised her eyebrow while following Eunbi to sit in front of you. “Thanks kid but I've been here a lot”, How the fuck would you not notice it? Oh right you were a shut in who blast music at full volume and stayed in your room 16 hours a day.
“The foods are still hot, so let's just eat”, Eunbi seems somewhat nervous, you're not sure if she's embarrassed of you or her girlfriend. “Name is Ryujin kid, I heard a lot about you. Although Eunbi said that we're having a double date dinner”, She eyed Minju and Yuri who just stared at her blankly. “We are”, Since when have you become so sassy? The girls immediately understood and took turns to kiss your cheek before scooping some of the rice for themselves. “Huh, that's unexpected”, There was a clear disapproval on her voice but she refrained for now.
“Eunbi never told you about this?” You just smile as you also fill your plate. “Nope, although I see why”, The cynical tone made the girls a little pissed. “Correct this is pretty complicated”, You find this amusing, “No, this is embarrassing”, Well, at least the girl doesn't have to be scared of you getting taken away by some college chick. Now they just have to worry on how to teach this girl a lesson. “Embarrassing because I can have two girlfriends while she and you only have one?” Maybe you should just copy Minho's physique and not his personality. “You're brave kid”, Eunbi slammed the table to silence us, “Stop antagonising him and you also stop acting like a bitch”, You just shrugged and started eating.
“So how do you two meet?” Oh Ryujin is definitely losing her respect to you by the seconds, “We're in the same major, she's my upperclassmen who help tutor me during my internship. Now stop this stupid display of yours”, Eunbi kicked you from below the table. “You're no fun, haaaaa where should we start girls?” Ryujin slowly went from disdain to confusion as you told her the story of how the three of you came together. “And yes, the two of them are fine with it, I'm getting tired of hearing that question and so are they”, You continued eating as Ryujin was digesting the food and information. “How about you let them speak first?” The girls just shrugged. “Oppa already said what needs to be said, and he can put it better than us”, Not convincing enough, “What else is there to be said, babe already put it nicely for us”, Definitely not convincing.
“Listen ma'am”, Eunbi stares at you telling you not to call her girlfriend that, “We had this conversation way too many times already during the course of this weekend. Can't blame us for being too tired to try and convince you. What's important is that my sister is convinced and you are aware about this”, Ryujin turned to Eunbi. “I was sceptical at first too, but after a while you will see they have a pretty strong bond. On top of that there's just no way to stop this so for now I'll just let them ride. Don't make any sex jokes”, Good call, you don't have any creative ones anyway.
Ryujin stares at you coldly for a while, which doesn't sit right with the girls. “Is there anything you want to say?” Yuri said angrily. “Babe, don't be rude”, You patted her head making her sigh, Minju pulled your hand as well, if Yuri gets one then she needs to have one as well. “Sorry about them, they get cranky when I'm around other girls”, You've come to terms with that already? “I expected a lot from you, Eunbi told me a lot about you. Even Yuna has some praises about you, but I never expected this”, On the topic of other girls, how does she know about Yuna?
“Who's Yuna?” Eunbi beat you to it, “My sister, and his ex”, Head pat faster bro, otherwise the girls might just snap. “What? You have an ex?” Even faster, “It was just a fling, right babe?” Is this gaslighting or threatening? “It was a while ago”, Should you pull your hands and piss the girls off or should you just leave it there with the risk of losing them. “She didn't talk like it was just a one time thing”, Ryujin picked up on the girls’ anger. “Really? What did Yuna say about our boyfriend?” Minju leaned in, “Well, he was romantic, kind and also very funny”, The two turned to you. “Come on girls you know I don't really know much about what Yuna thinks of me”, Immediately Ryujin’s view flipped. You're not a fuckboy who roped two innocent girls into this relationship, you were the one who got roped in, with chains and leash.
“It was a while ago, probably not long after she graduated”, Ryujin is pretty kind huh, “Yeah, I guess she does view it a little more fondly than me”, The crisis has been averted for now. The pity that Ryujin had for you and the gratitude you have for her smooth out the rest of the dinner. The three of you excused yourself, leaving the house for her and your sister. “Baby were you serious back then?” You tried to do some history lesson to remember what Minju is referring to. “What?” You failed, “Being homeschooled”, Right, you did mention it after school. “I don't know, I was a little scared that both of your families would find out and cause some trouble. Of course with your parents blessing and Yuri's out of the way maybe it wasn't a bad idea”, The two nod happily. “Good, we're leaving from tomorrow”, Not tomorrow but Yuri doesn't want to spend any more time in the school you're about to leave anyway. “Yeah, a new chapter”
The next day you told Eunbi the news which of course, doesn't faze her anymore. “Do what you want”, She can only pray that good things happen to you from now on. Yuri's parents don't budge for a second, “Yuri you're our only child, would you really do this to your own parents?” Her mom cried, “I really can't deal with this, just….. call me when you have a change of heart”, The three of you left them bawling their eyes out. Minju's parents don't mind, her mom happily let the three of you live in the house you had dinner with last Sunday. You have a sneaking suspicion that her dad is okay since it means he can monitor you more closely. Hopefully he doesn't mind hearing reports of all the sex you three gonna go through. “That is wise yes, you, you will learn under me”, Why is her sister so adamant on taking you under her wings. Your spidey senses are tingling and so do the girls. After hours of back and forth between them and Yoojin, the latter finally gives up, for now. “You will work under me, I need to keep an eye on you”, Her parting words left you with some sense of dread. “It's okay oppa, don't mind her”, Yuri kissed your cheek, “Yeah, now let's go shopping”, Minju the sugar mom of the relationship took you out on an outing.
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You were dreading this trip because you know your leg will be drying and your arms will fall off. However the fear seems to be prescient as an unexpected encounter happens when the girls went to the bathroom. “Beeeee?” A voice from the past causes chills to run down your spine. You turned to the source of the voice to see a face you wish to never see again. “It is you”, Yuna jumped to hug you, the memories all flashed in front of you, the smell of her shampoo, the tender hands she used to caress your head, the thin figure that you used to embrace.
“Hey Yun, didn't expect to see you hear”, If she notices your shivering dry voice, she doesn't show it. “Oh my god I missed you so much. Doyoung refused to say anything about you so I thought you got kidnapped too”, Too? What does she mean by too? “Oh? What happened?” She tilted their head in confusion while her face was filled with worry. “Right, you never care about anything. Some of our friends got kidnapped and went missing, Jin was one of them”, The chill in your spine turned into a sick twisted crunch as if Bane just snapped it in half with his knee. “Oh right, I heard, Jin went missing. Although I never heard the updates on them being kidnapped”
Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.
Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.
“Yeah, you be careful out there okay? Also I heard you got a girlfriend?” Right, talking about girlfriends, “Yuna? What are you doing here?” Yuri wrapped her arm around yours while staring at Yuna coldly. “Haaaaa, I knew it, you two will always end up together”, Thankfully Yuna is a bit of an airhead so she can be sweet to soften the anger Yuri is having. “So you're Yuna?” Minju wrapped your other arm, “Yes, and you are?” Yuna tilted her head to Minju, “I'm Minju, nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you”, Minju hid her animosity better. “Wait, what's happening here Beeeeee?” The name was just short for Brutus but the way she says it makes it sound way too cute.
“It's complicated, Yuna, this is Yuri you already know her, this is Minju, she transferred to our high school. They're my girlfriends”, Yuna raised her eyebrow before laughing. “Oh my god, little bee has grown up now? Catching girls' hearts left and right?” She ruffled your hair, with a hand that she will lose soon enough. “It's complicated, you should ask your sister, did you know she's dating mine?” She nodded, “Unnie said you were annoying, shit I should've asked her about your girlfriend. Well anyway nice to meet you two, it's good to see you step out of your cocoon Bee. I need to go, text me sometime okay?” 
Now that she's gone, let's try not to make it permanent. Like dead, not like you will see her again. “Girls, should we go home”, Ahhhhh the old clashing aura that you did not miss at all. “Yes, let's go home”, The two wrapped your arms like an anaconda, but with venoms ready to be injected into you. The ride was so quiet you could feel your heartbeat deafening you. You can also swear you hear them talking telepathically on ways to….. make Yuna disappear. Just the thought of it made you sick. You have to think this through.
“You're cheating on us? We left for five minutes and you let her slobber all over you”, First step is to calm them down, “Girls we just saw each other coincidentally, you know we're in the biggest mall downtown, it's not that weird or a coincidence”, Maybe your arguments are too specific. “She fucking stalks you didn't she oppa? That fucking bitch”, Okay what now? Hugssss, they always work. “Girls please, you know that's not what happened. Can you two please just leave this behind?” Definitely not. “We don't like her and we want you to cut her off”, Sacrifices need to be made. “How about this, I promise, I will never talk to her or any other girls when you two are not around. You can even delete her contact from my phone. Just leave her alone alright”, The term ‘leave her alone’ made Yuri and Minju realise that you had some suspicions towards them.
“Wait here”, The two left the bedroom making your anxiety raise sharply. The two waited outside the door as they converse about what they need to do. “He knows”, Minju nods, “She probably told him”, Yuri frowned. “If he's not mad, then he's okay with it?” Yuri shakes her head, “Oppa is scared, we make him scared”, The two feel guilty at least there's that. “Fuck, but what now?” The two stay quiet for a moment, “I think killing Yuna will make him even more scared. But fuck I hate her”, For you, they will compromise though. “He said he's willing to cut her off. Let's make a deal then, he will never talk to other girls as well as cutting Yuna out of his life. But if he does as much as make eye contact with her she is gone”, Yuri proposed quite a good deal. “From now on, he can't leave the house without our supervision”, Minju decided to add another clause to the deal. “Yes, we need to seal the deal first. I smell some of her shampoo on his shoulder earlier”, Yuna definitely didn't hug you long enough to leave a trace but the girls’ delusion speaks otherwise. “Yes, let's get him drained for the night”
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When the two came back, you were spoiled by the sight of two beauties wearing a sexy lingerie. Yuri wore a black one, Minju wore a white one, their body and perfect curves only get complimented by the lingeries. However you can't be horny right now, all you feel is worry and anxiousness. “Oppa, we decided to let you off, just this once”, Yuri walked to you and sat on one of your legs. “But only this once, you can never talk to her and we're deleting her contact after this”, Minju sat on the other one. “On top of that, you can never talk to other girls okay?” Yuri unbuttoned your shirt, “Or leave this house without us, okay babe?” You nod, somewhat relieved that you managed to save someone's life.
“Good, then for now, since you have cheated on us, you will have to make it up to us”, Minju unzipped your pants, “We want you to prove yourself to us, fuck us untill we can't walk tomorrow. That's okay right oppa?” Yuri kissed your cheek. “I love you two, now and forever”, The girls exchanged glances, the joy they felt was mutual, however the talk about marriage can be talked about later. “Lay down on the bed oppa”, You comply, the two immediately pull down your pants revealing your cock. “So hard already, I know you won't cheat on us on purpose”, Your horniness knows no bounds. “Fuck this feels so warm”, Minju pressed her head against it, her breath sends tickling sensation through your body. “Mwah, are you gonna start doing your job unnie?” Yuri kissed your tip making it shivered for a second. “Ooohhhhh, appetisers”, Yuri hungrily lick your leaking precum, “Fuck, I want some”, Yuri moved down to start kissing and suckling on your balls as Minju took her turns to drink your juice.
“Girls I'm still so fucking sensitive from last night”, Since the last day of school you three had sex 4 times out of the last 6 days. “You should hold it in then oppa”, Yuri laughed before she started sucking your balls since she found out that it's your weak spot. “Itadakimasu”, Minju gave another kiss to the tip before she swallowed your cock whole. The feeling of her tight little throat is too stimulating. Yuri's endless attack on your balls doesn't help either. “I swear I can feel your babies swimming around in here oppa”, Her dirty talk doesn't help either. “Haaaaa, haaaaa, haaaaa, Yuri your turn”, Minju travelled down to your balls as Yuri was taking your cock into her mouth. “You can cum when you want oppa, but we are not stopping until we are satisfied”, Minju smiled before she started worshipping your balls. 
You try to hold it in, the feelings of warmth enveloping your cock while kisses and licks keep attacking your balls trying to push your sperm out of its resting place. “Fuck unnie, I can't”, Thank fuck you have such a big cock that Yuri can't handle it. “Hehehehehe, then let's collaborate”, Minji started kissing the side of your tip while Yuri kissed the other side. Slowly they used your tongue to lick it like a popsicle, then their lips sandwiched it as they moved up and down in sync. The sandwich blowjob proves to be a bad matchup for you as you can't even hold it much longer. “Fuck I'm cumming”, Hearing your groan the two moves even faster and their tongue licks even more furiously, tracing their way through the veins all over your dick.
Like a fountain your sperm shoots up before falling down to the girls’ face. The two didn't stop, they got even more aggressive until your cock stopped throbbing. “So thick and warm, I want a taste”, The two take turns licking each other's face, cleaning every drop of cum from their faces. Once their face turned crystal clear, Minji climbed to be eye level with you. “You can sit back and relax, oppa, we'll take it from here”, She bit your ears as Yuri pulled her panties to the side before sitting on your cock. “Fuck, do you feel how wet I am for you oppa, do you like it?” If Yuri keeps grinding on it with her drenched pussy you might just cum right now.
“Are you gonna fuck him or should I take the first turn”, Yuri just frowned before she lifts up a little. She aligned her cock with her pussy before abruptly dropping down. “Fuck, oppa hold me”, Your hand raises up to help support her weight. “Baby, I'm here too”, Minju pulled you into a kiss. Her hand trails down to your newly formed abs sending some ticklish sensation. Your tongue had some wrestling action against hers as Yuri kept riding you. “Oppa, look at me, do you like my tits”, You broke off the kiss to see Yuri has pulled down her bra making her tits bounce alongside her. A mesmerising view before your attention was grabbed by the searing pain on your neck. “Fuck, I'm coming babe”, Yuri bite her lips and nodded, “I'm cumming too oppa. Ahhhhh your cock is pushing inside me, I can feel it squirm oppa. Fill me, fill me up inside with your love”, She dropped down on you as her thighs shook out of exhaustion and ecstasy. Her inner walls help milk your sperm out of your cock, somehow this batch is much thicker and higher volume than before. “Fuckkkk, I can feel it oppa, I can feel you right here”, Yuri rubbed her stomach as her orgasm passed away.
“You taste so good babe, every inch of your body and every drop of your bodily fluid is just nectar to me”, Minju had her fill of blood. “We should clean that latter”, Remember, do not think about the hygiene. “Fuck, my legs need some times oppa”, Yuri jumped to lay next to you while Minju took her spot. Minju faced away from you showing off her flawless back. “I can't wait anymore babe, hope you're ready”, Fuck her pussy just start milking you from the first penetration. “Oppa, kiss me as well”, Yuri jumped on you, sitting in your stomach making sure to get in Minju's way. Then she bent down and started making out with you. Your hand went around her and grabbed Minju's waist, grabbing her ass and thighs from time to time. Yuri grabbed your head using both of her hands as she aggressively made out with you. 
When she had enough of your saliva she travelled down to your neck, reinstating the fading wounds she left before. Knowing you probably can't hold any longer, your hand reaches out to let your finger trace down Minju’s spine, her weak spot. “Fuck, that's not fair oppa, I'm cumming”, Minju squealed. That means you can safely deliver your load inside her, just as much and just as thick as the one swimming inside Yuri right now. “Fuckkkkk, I can feel you oppa, I can feel them moving around me”, Minju pressed her stomach, the pressure her finger gave can be felt by you through her flesh. “Perfect, but we're not done yet oppa, we want more”
You are dead, congratulations, you've been freed from the mortal body. “That's amazing oppa”, Oh wait you're not, tough luck buddy. “It is great babe, sorry that we went all out. We're just pissed by that fucking bitch”, Minju and Yuri is comfortably nestling in your arms. “I know….. I just need a few days to cool down okay?” Detestable, but they expected nothing less. “Good, then we can delete that bitch contact tomorrow”, The two are just as exhausted as you are, after all you still have your fingers to pleasure them. Not your tongue though, you do not want to taste your own sperm on their vagina. “Yeah also don't forget about what you said earlier, now and forever. You weren't lying right oppa?” Of course you can't say yes to that, “No, I love you two, now and forever”, You hugged them tighter. “Good, then we can talk about marriage later as well”, Tomorrow problem, for tomorrow me, as the saying goes.
“I love you oppa”
“I love you babe”
“I love you two as well”
Maybe this isn't so bad. You have two heavenly beauties with irresistible sex appeal and jaw dropping looks that will always love you till the end of days. Maybe they love you a little too much, but that's okay. Right?
Yo, sorry for the wait, last part of the series. I will add some polls soon for the next series, hope you like it. Also please feel free to send any comments or critisism, this is the first time I start publishing my stories and I want to improve my skills. Hope you like it :)
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kimsmuse · 1 year
yandere hongjoong + baby trapping ♡ !!
i do not condone anything here, it’s all just fictional. do not consume if you don’t like yandere or dark themes.
fem!reader (no pronouns, just because there's mention of pregnancy) 1.2k words. warnings include manipulation, mentions/implications of sex and messing with birth control and condoms, and yandere behavior, and also kinda stockholm syndrome?
i have a planned part two, so let me know if anybody is interested <3
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Your relationship with hongjoong is normal. Very normal, in fact. He has the kind of aura that would automatically appeal to everyone around you as your perfect partner. He had a caring nature and it wasn’t just limited to you, he brought out gifts and things your parents briefly mentioned that they liked for them and helped them out in tasks that even you being their kid, didn’t want to. And when it came to your friends, they were rightly impressed by him from the very first time that they met him over lunch and he insisted on paying the bill. But even without the economic front, all of them were secretly swooning over how when you said you didn’t like the food you ordered and rather liked his dish, he was immediate in swapping them even though it was evident that even he didn’t like it.
Your parents had already dreamt of him as the perfect son-in-law, the one that they would be bragging about to neighbours, relatives, you name it and they’d be bragging and your friends were already planning to invite him and you, ofcourse to this new italian place that opened for lunch..
So it comes as a shock to them when you let them know that your relationship has sunk to a saturation point, meaning it was just dying. it wasn’t even anybody's fault - not yours and neither hongjoong's but it felt like a pretty, beautiful flower wilting, slowly withering away. it was good while it lasted though.
your father's first comment was to ask, "does that mean i have to watch all my baseball matches alone from now?"
you knew what it meant though. have you two broken up? not yet, but you were going to talk to him today.
lately, all he replied to you was with “hmm's” and a nod or maybe if you were lucky enough, he would look your way. he said it was because he was stressed about his work, and that he really needed some time and space to focus for it, which you weren't quite against but the way things had steadily been the same for about more than 6 months, you felt like you had to be the bad person and pull the trigger.
he sits down on the sofa and sighs, but responds to you, his voice tired.
“yes, baby? ” he asks.
you're in the kitchen, removing your apron and slowly making your way to the living room, you wonder what his reaction will be when you finally break the news to him. accepting? angry? upset?
“ hongjoong, we need to talk, ”
now, hongjoong wasn’t born yesterday, he knows what that stands for wnd he's been aware of the crumbling of the relationship as well but when push comes to shove…
he decides that he'll let you speak, he'll let you pour out whatever you feel like saying, what are the problems you think are bothering your relationship.
“I get it, baby,” he emphasises on the nickname sourly, “do it.”
he looks nonchalant about the whole situation while you just want out now, you didn’t like where this whole thing seemed to be heading now, his eyes were getting almost angry, something you’ve seen him do with others, but you? you’d never have imagined him looking your way like that.
there’s something scary about it, “oh, joong, i don’t want to break it off, i’m just wondering if we can work on it, give it a better chance.”
relief fills you when you see that his expressions have softened. “i’m sorry, i thought you wanted to leave, shit. sorry, i can’t believe i would…”
hongjoong had messed up, big time. it wasn’t excusable this time, he felt guilty that he was angry at you when you didn’t even want to leave him. you’d never want to leave him, right?
hongjoong waits, with bated breath. he's been waiting for about, 3 weeks, yes, as the calendar tells him. and it finally begins, the wave of nausea starts hitting you and its not his alarm that wakes him up but the sound of you retching out your guts. he doesn’t mind it, not right now, when it was his plan all along.
and he can tell you're confused, you had the pills! you took them! and he watches you try to sheepishly dispose of the pregnancy tests, and he even follows you to the gynec’s clinic, careful to keep a distance so you can’t see him.
but you see, if there’s one rule hongjoong would always tell his future kid to follow is to never trust anybody, in your case you didn't have a choice really so he doesn't blame you for giving in to him. but for his kid, he needs to instill this one thing in him thoroughly. the world was a big, bad place, where people like his father lived.
after you confronted him, it was like hongjoong woke up from his sleep, like if he didn’t do anything, didn’t put in efforts, then you could actually leave, and he’d be damned if he ever let you do that. so he decided to level up his games, first it was his change in behaviour, he came home early, he brought in all sorts of trinkets and snacks that he thought you would like and he returned to his normal self, but he could, deep down, sense that it wasn’t the way it was before and he was scared that you pack up and leave still.
it was why he had replaced the birth control pills and even went as far as to poke holes in his condom.
he wasn't a bad man really, but he was getting sick of your protests to leave soon and that you've had enough of him or that you both aren't working anymore. he notices that those complaints have considerably started going down as your focus shifts to your health.
and now he doesn't think the crumbling state of his relationship would matter much, he would hit the reset button and he would become the man that you and his kid needed.
he becomes so, so soft throughout the entire period, it would make you forget about any of the cruelties he ever inflicted on you. and you think to yourself, maybe he really can change, maybe he really did change for the better?
and hongjoong thinks that as well, he's just so happy for the both of you. you're having a baby! it's so exciting!
when you tell him he pretends to not know, to be surprised, “we’re having a baby!” as if he wasn’t the one who conspired and made the whole thing happen.
the best thing is that you seem happy about it too, hongjoong has changed, and there’s nobody else you’d rather have a kid with, especially since you’ve seen how caring he is with other kids and just other people generally, so when it would come to his own kid, he would definitely come into the perfect father category.
when you looked at him, holding his hand, he feels like the man you fell in love with in the beginning and you’re sure, that you’ll love the father of your kid forever. let’s just hope you never find out how he bent seas and mountains to make that happen.
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