#my name is pronounced SIN-A btw
overlyimmersed · 1 year
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Another good day to be Maranwe!
Edit: in case anyone wanted to know, today he commented about not liking Diane. Come on, man, she's not that bad.
The correct option is to ask if he's jealous. But since I don't need points with him anymore, I asked him why he can't try to get along with her. His response was simply "impossible".
He is so jelly... I feel you, love.
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stargirlie25 · 7 months
ACOTAR 6- Dont get me started on this. Just waiting for elucien and gwynriel.
I dont think this is real i just wanted to put a picture btw.
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Lauren is my roman empire and i own all her books CEPT THIS ONE GURL GIVE EM TO ME
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I have been waiting for Lexington's story forever and my babies are finally coming! Then i will be dying to read Sierra x xavier book
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I have been waiting for Ava Nash and Eli King ever since Ruthless empire dropped. Eli is for sure going to give Jonathan king vibes and i simply can not wait for Cole to go nuts about his new son in law. ALSO I NEED REMI x ARIELA MOMENTS PLEASE! The man on the cover that is Eli better be finest out of them all.
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AHHAHAHAJAJHAHSH*UYEGUIWID GIBSIE AND CLAIRE FINALLY! SUNSHINE x SUNSHINE TROPE. BUT its one of those tropes where the boy hides his pain with a smile :( .
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LIZZIE YOUNG MY FAV TOMMEN GIRL EVER!!!! The release date is not confirmed and i don´t think she will be selling the people covers anymore so this is not the confirmed cover. IK she ends up with hughie unless a miracle happens but i just want her to be happy+katie. Still praying every day for Lizzyfeely tho.
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Sloane is probably going to be my favorite king of sin girlie because i said so. Im so excited to read about her and xaviers dynamic. I think his name is pronounced haveeair?
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Im so excited for this. 1. Its about Asher who i have been waiting for since Twisted hate. 2. Its Ana huang 3. its about soccer. Soccer boys are my favorite sports boys and are the best. I feel like I've never seen soccer romance so im excited.
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So i might have said i did not want to read haunting adeline no matter what but then some force on earth made me read it and i love its ok? PLEASE DONT KILL ME!!! Anyways i heard it came out yesterday but still put it here.
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I'm literally so hyped for this yall dont even know. I love melanie´s writing sm. Like she just dominates me whole.
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How does she release a book like this and proceeds to make us wait for the next one. LIKE MISS MAAM
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If you have not everybody go read all these series right now. Except acotar series. Its better to read it after the next book is out.
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numba1germhater · 4 months
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oughh hi my name is sin i run this funny little rp/ask blog hip hip hooray
im lithromantic and genderfluid and i go by he/she pronounce yes yes
lampert goes by he slash him as said in that poorly made bio i made in like 4.5 seconds
feel free to talk to me im not a big bully i prommy 💔💔💔i might be a bit awkward though cause im scared of people lowk
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tbf, I don't have much
just ummm know that i won't participate in shipping stuff and that im not the biggest fan of like the lampert being wallter nd marks son hc
do NOT spam my little mailbox please brah
other than that, do whatever just don't ask me suuuper personal or weird things (towards me at least) or be super duper annoying or ill find you and lock you up and study you like a little specimen 🙏🙏
just like
have your fun brah idk as long as you're having a joyous time then im having a joyous time
Also, please dni if you're pro/comship or fit into like the basic dni criteria pleaspleeapdlepalapepes thanks.
If you're not in my dni you can interact!! Ocs and other rp blogs can interact as well!!
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i may be a bit ooc with this fella sorry gang im not lampert irl so some things won't be like 100% canon 😕😕also some hcs maay be put into this?? i don't know
In my funny little ramblings I may make some sex jokes so just be warned cause I do say some suggestive stuff 😓😓
Feel free to make some drawing reqs btw!! Slightly suggestive stuff is fine, no nsfw or shipping stuff please — also I might not do all of them for the sake of my poor poor fingers and mental health so some drawings maaayy take a bit who knows
anyway ummm there'll be a few tags that i use oughh wowza wowza so cool
//ooc is just for when im not playing the funny little role of lampert
also i maaayyy update this a bit or a lot who knoowwwssss... and i might remake this one day
Reblogs would be veery much appreciated so this funny little blog can stay alive for as long as I live /hj
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‐ #7deadlyYAPS – me yapping cause I'm actually so awesome
- #LampRambles – lampert yapping cause he is STUPID!!!
- #asks4FREAK – asks for mee for little ol mee blinks cutely and bats eyelashes little ol me
- #LampAsks – asks for lampert hooray!! Cheer!! Wooo!! Wow!! Yes!! Claps!! Yes!!
- #OutOfIkeaCouches – usually tagged with my funny little yap tag yesyes just for ooc stuff
- #RebloxStuff – THIS TAG SUCKS!!! IGNORE IT!! (it's just stuff i reblog)
other than those i maaaayyy use a few other tags as well
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dinosaursindisarray · 7 years
Okay, month was trying to write a post about some crazy shit that happened today but fuck that.
Part of the reason some previously dormant little shit suddenly popped out again like a fucking daisy was because of the care team not doing their goddamn jobs. dude was supposed to show up today, didn’t. again. this isn’t a one time thing, this is a pattern and in the meeting we had they made it seem like it was months fault cause she’d canceled a few times but like suzy said, you can only cancel something if there’s something to cancel, not if it’s just them being like ‘yo im on my way’ and month says ‘it’s not a good time’ or something. if they just randomly call with no schedule to say theyre coming and she has to say no thats not her fucking fault.
but they made it seem like her fault anyway like the shit she was bringing up wasnt important or was just the talk of a crazy person. fuck that and fuck those guys.
that’s not even the problem right now the problem is that every tuesday we’re supposed to have someone come by and spend less than 30 minutes of their life checking on us. that’s the one thing they were supposed to be able to guarentee, the one thing that was actually weekly, you know, nevermind the promise of being seen 3 times a week. honestly i’m so godamn mad, fuck this place. 
guy didn’t show up today OR call or even send a message that said ‘hey i cant make it sorry for wasting your time making you wait from 8am to 1pm’ like how hard is it to send a fucking text message so month is typing up shit that happened today about the dumbass kid coming out and texts the guy who didn’t show up and says weren’t they supposed to meet today? and he says oh there was an emergency. she says, why didnt you let me know you couldnt make it? yknow, like was fucking promised and agreed upon. guy says ‘i was completely consumed in the emergency’ which fine, ok, you cant take 1 minute to type ‘sorry, cant make it, emergency’ and hit send, sure, maybe that happens in the middle of a crisis. i get it, i really do. but he had 12 hours to do that. lemme just do some fucking math here and uh, 12 hours * 60 minutes =720 minutes. so the time it would take to send that message, lemme say 1 and a half minutes because maybe he types slow, idfk, he doesnt even have to wait for a fucking response. that’s 0,2 percent of his day that he needed to spend to let us know that he wasnt gonna come. again.
cause not like this is the first time this has happened!!! no it’s a running theme! it happens more often than he fucking shows up!!
so i’m creeping out to the front by this point and we ask ‘is the emergency still going on?’ and he replies ‘No.’ we say ‘would it be alright if in the future you let me know what happened after the emergency was over?’ he says sure, and then ‘i need to get accustomed to this schedule that was put in place for you’
im sorry bitch, are you trying to say that this is our fault? because we need a schedule because we dont want your incompetent asses dropping by randomly because that’s fucking stupid? it was put in place for us because you are there to help US, to accomedate US. and it’s been the one thing that’s having supposed to have been a thing from the very start, how many months ago??? 4? 5?? it was a thing from the fucking start.
and then, what got me to front. as we’re typing up a time later this week he can reschedule to, since he’s still supposed to fucking meet with us because that’s your fucking job you sack of shit he says ‘have a wonderful night’
with the utmost sincerety, go fuck yourself. you wanna be a passive agressive asshole and try and weasel out of the conversation without even actually rescheduling because what, we extremely politely asked you to acknowledge that you left us ignored and abandoned again? and want to be let known when you’re going to no-show? you have to do that for any other job or you get fired. what, just because you work with mentally ill people, that doesnt matter anymore? fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
anyway today’s been fucking weird and i’m gonna go draw a big ol fuckin bug in month’s new coloring book and then maybe take a walk or something. fuck trump, have a good night everyone
-sinni and maybe maxx at one point idfk
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cyn-00 · 4 years
hi !! I love ur fics so much !! I was just wondering, what does ur username mean? everytime I see it, I’m stumped as to what it could mean
Hey! First of all, thank u very much 💓💓 secondly LOL ok at first my username was cyn-thia which is just my name translated in english (Cinzia = Cynthia), then I got a bit panicky about irl acquaintances/friends recognizing me so I shortened it to cyn (a "nickname" if u will). The -00 is simply bc apparently cyn on itself was already taken and I was born in 2000 so 🤷🏼‍♀️
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cinnamogai · 3 years
(pronoun validation anon !!)
you should def ask for pronoun validations! your neos are rlly fun to use and although i don't do validations on my mogai acc i bet a lot of creators would be glad to use them <33 (/g)
also the fact that no one uses your ke/kew pronouns is a crime (/nl), they're sooo cool! btw cinna is a cute name too :]] (/g)
is it pronounced like see-nah? (/g)
(just in case: nl = not literal // g = genuine)
thank you sm :( idk i feel like people just forget to use neos cause aux pronouns are so accessible yk? i am also guilty of that, sadly. but i’m trying to use neos more lately! actively going out of ur way to use them means a lot to people so i’m trying to be that type of gal yk lol.
and i know?? it is a crime!! i’ve had them for so so long and i love them a lot but idk guess they just aren’t as fun as the other ones lol. they are actually based on the word ‘kewpie’ yk from like.. the mayonnaise NEJD it’s just such a fun word that i wanted neos that sounded like it lol. cinna is actually pronounced like it is in cinnamon, like ‘sin-ah’ !! just the normal way i guess lol.
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teyuuka · 3 years
So June is the meaning behind your username like how sassy japanese dudes start their sentences with ていうか or is it completely something else? 🤔
You’re correct lmao I am not creative with names (as sin bin folks would know) and I didn’t expect my blog to get uhh somewhat known so I just kinda picked something easy to pronounce. ていうか is similar to “btw”/“anyway” plus it is a phrase that can be used anywhere + I happen to say both a lot so it’s appropriate.
In all honesty I didn’t put too much thought into it I just kinda picked an easily-pronounceable phrase that I heard within my earshot and stuck with it. I’m unfortunately the type who names my game pets “Ballsack” or “Nyoomer” 😔
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jewalsgem · 4 years
Six of Crows Review
So this is one of my favorite duologies for many reasons, diversity, badass characters, well-developed and complex characters, amazing writing, comedy, and thieving with magic involved. Of course spoilers (though I do leave out a huge one for the end of the second book).
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Six of Crows - So this book has 5 POV characters (main ones at least, I don’t count the possible other guy cause he only has maybe 2 chapters) being Kaz (dirtyhands and my all time favorite, well one of them), Inej (I can’t pronounce her name but another badass), Jesper (trick shooter who sucks at gambling), Nina (badass healer, yes there’s more but that’s enough for me to like people), and Matthias (he broke out of jail, way out of context and the reason he’s in jail to begin with is pretty funny and sad). Also, just going to point this out because I love it “A convict with a thirst for revenge (Matthias). A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager (Jesper). A runaway with a privileged past (Wylan). A spy known as the Wraith (Inej). A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums (Nina). A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes (Kaz). The plot begins with Kaz wanting more money (his sin is greed after all) and taking on a deadly job and then making this crew of badass dorks. Most of the book is either A. Kaz kills or threatens someone B. People not knowing what Kaz is thinking about (it’s Inej 99% of the time) or C. Everyone being dorks and making fun of each other. Add in a prison heist and some slight fraud and there’s to book. 10/10
Crooked Kingdom - So this starts with Kaz getting scammed by his employer from the last book AND Inej getting captured by him (btw, it’s Wylan’s dad). This one has 6 POV (being the same 5 from before plus Wylan finally), Inej and Kaz slowly falling in love (listen, it’s hard to make out when skin-to-skin triggers panic attacks so they don’t DO anything other than hold hands, which is hard for Kaz as it is) Wylan and Jesper dating (with Jesper no longer allowed to gamble) and Nina and Matthias having a plan that is set in motion (cryptic, but I don’t really remember too much about it). Also, Kaz 100% kicking ass and taking no shit with Inej protective of him (she didn’t have to do anything but planned to if someone hurt him). Also Wylan’s dad learns he should not have fucked with them the hard way. 10/10
Series as a whole 10/10 (I still love the “Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist.” on the cover and then just dorks)
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So, today’s post is kinda special because yesterday it was announced that Blas Cantó will be representing Spain in Eurovision 2020, and I want to do a post about him! I personally don’t listen to his music (I only know about 2 songs from him) but I like him as a person and to be honest, his music, although not what I usually listen to (mainstream radio pop) I really don’t mind, in fact, I could say I even like the song I’m gonna talk about. And he has a long history with Eurovision that I’ll talk about later so, overall, I’m pretty excited with this year representant!!! 
Before starting, here is last week’s post!
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So, Blas Cantó! First of all, he is from Murcia, relevant information because I love that region so much I had to say it! So, as I said before, his history with Eurovision has been long, as he tried to go to Eurovision Junior in 2004, although he didn’t got selected (that year our representant was the queen María Isabel, who won!!!) and later to Eurovision proper in 2011 with his boy band (I’ll talk about them later), being runner ups in the pre-selection. About his boy band, Auryn (2009-2016), it was basically our One Direction (in fact I think they were contemporaries???) and Blas was Harry. They were huge, the biggest Spanish boy band ever, and although I didn’t personally listen to their music, for what I saw on interviews and stuff, they were really nice guys and I’ve always respected them for that. Now that they’ve gone solo, I’m getting to know them better individually and my assumptions of them were true! Their names were Álvaro Gango, Blas Cantó, Carlos Marco, Dani Fernández, and David Lafuente. Here is how they looked, along with one of their most popular songs, “Make my Day” (yeah, they sung in English btw):
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This song, “Él No Soy Yo” (”He Is Not Me”), as I said, is Blas greatest hit (just look at the Youtube views) and yeah, it got a lot of radioplay, and I enjoy it tbh. Here are the lyrics:
Una y otra vez
Over and over again
Tu cabeza vuelve a pensar en él
Your mind goes back to think about him No le dejes irse, no
Don’t let him go, no
Oyes voces sin control
You hear voices without any control Voces que dicen que
Voices that said that Él lo superó y te tocó perder
He got over it and you lost. Te torturas sin razón
You torture yourself without any reason Ya no las oigas por favor
Don’t hear them more please
Solo escucha mi voz
Just hear my voice Porque aquí estoy yo
Because here I am Pronuncia mi nombre
Pronounce my name El tren pasa una vez
The train comes once Y prometo que, que
And I promise you that, that
Te llevaré conmigo aquí
I’ll take you here with me A sitios donde
To places where Él no quiso ir
He didn’t want to go No temas al amor
Don’t be afraid of love Entiéndelo
Understand it Él no soy yo
He’s not me
Dibujaré sin dudar la paz
I’ll draw without a doubt peace En tu mirada
In your sight, Frágil como el cristal
Fragile like crystal Él solo fue dolor
He was only pain Entiéndelo
Understand it Él no soy yo
He is not me Él no soy yo
He is not me
Noche tras noche ves
Night by night you see Como su fantasma vuelve otra vez
How his ghost comes again Te olvidas que me tienes tú
You forget that you have me Él solo es un deja vu
He is only a deja vu Te pido, escucha mi voz
I beg, listen to my voice Porque aquí estoy yo
Because here I am Pronuncia mi nombre
Pronounce my name El tren pasa una vez
The train comes once Y prometo que, que
And I promise you that, that
Te llevaré conmigo aquí
I’ll take you here with me A sitios donde
To places where Él no quiso ir
He didn’t want to go No temas al amor
Don’t be afraid of love Entiéndelo
Understand it Él no soy yo
He is not me.
Dibujaré sin dudar la paz
I’ll draw without doubt peace En tu mirada
In your sight Frágil como el cristal
Fragile like crystal Él solo fue dolor
He only was pain Entiéndelo
Understand it Él no soy yo
He is not me Él no soy yo
He is not me
Él no soy yo
He is not me
I didn’t think much of the lyrics before, but now I’m impressed, I like the song even more! 
Anyways, let’s hope Spain doesn’t get robbed this year and that Blas has an amazing song, so I can attend Madrid 2021 :)
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swishandflickwit · 5 years
Deckerstar — stay right where you are 1/1
Summary: In which Lucifer asks a question and Chloe has an interesting way of sharing her answer.
Ratings: Mature
Words: 666
Warnings: Post-reveal. Established relationship. Smut ahead!
AN: Title from the song of the same name by Ingrid Michaelson from the movie The Space Between Us which, btw, really lovely story. *heart eyes emoji*
Also, I made them bang! Kinda! Hahaha. It's been some time since I wrote smut so I'm more than a little rusty, excuse the dust!
Also on ff.net | AO3
Other writing
The Devil’s Lucky Number series: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | [ XI ]
“Where would you go?”
She lifts her head from the pillow of his shoulder to raise a quizzical brow at him.
“If you could go anywhere in the world,” Lucifer elaborates. “Where would you want to go?”
It’s a curious query, to be sure. But maybe that’s the thing about nights like these—the balcony doors thrown open to freely appreciate the coolness of the eventide, the moon a full, round disk of light in the blanket of darkness, their skins sticky with the sweat of their amorous activities and matching grins unparalleled in its incandescence, all tasks of immediate attention accomplished and no place of import to be in the morning, the air around them heavy with possibility—anything and everything goes.
“Right now?” Chloe nuzzles his neck, voice muffled by his fervent flesh. “Nowhere.”
“I’m serious,” he insists even through his laughter. He pushes lightly at her shoulder so their gazes meet. “I wanna know.”
He nods.
She gives him a considering look and he wonders how he looks to her—all wide, imploring eyes and moist, inviting lips.
“Well,” she swoops down and he meets her halfway, unable to resist the temptation of her mouth despite his curiosity.
But she doesn’t kiss him.
“I’ve never been to the Grand Canyons before,” she comments flippantly before licking a stripe along the swell of his bottom lip.
He moans, propping himself on his elbows to better conquer her lips, but she evades him with an arch smirk.
“But why limit myself here?”
Her hair is a rivulet of blonde waves as she ripples down his body and noses at the flushed hollow of his throat.
“I might go to the Banjar Hot springs.”
He groans then, but he isn’t too sure if it’s in response to her obvious jest of Bali’s known “holy” waters, or to her wicked tongue swirling languorous circles about his nipple.
“Or maybe do Christmas in Mount Fuji?” she inquires sweetly, before sucking roughly at the hardened peak. A whimper falls loosely from his throat. She chuckles. “I’ve always wanted to learn how to ski.”
“Chloe,” he pants, her name both a beratement and a benediction.
“Oh! But those beaches in the Philippines,” she hums, nibbling at the clenched line of his oblique. He jerks, mindful of his aching length brushing her chest but delirious to the sensation of her fevered flesh and soft breasts. “The white sand hot against my skin while I work on my tan. That would be nice, right?”
He doesn’t know how but his hand is tangled in her tresses now, as she ventures lower, lower, till—rather without warning—her wonderfully sinful mouth engulfs him.
“Yes,” he murmurs, eyes rolling to the back of his head just as his tip brushes the back of her throat. “Yes.”
But she doesn’t linger, releasing him with a playful ‘pop’ before bestowing a couple more, gentle caresses of his sex that has him nearly spilling himself onto her hand like an inexperienced teenager.
And then she’s clambering onto his lap, her figure a stark portrait of power and eroticism as she towers over him like a deity bequeathing judgement while he—a worthless mortal—falls to his knees in worship.
Divinity bathes this room, but it is not emanating from him.
As if to prove his point, she continues in breathy intonations, “But it wouldn’t matter, not to me,” she sighs. “Not without you.”
He sinks into her sweet quim, sitting up to meet her. Though the new position offers them delicious tactility, his lust-clouded eyes clear at the sincerity in her pronouncement.
“Anywhere in the world is okay, so long as we were together. You could stay right where you are—”
She cups his face, her own beautiful visage a map of emotions he would happily get lost in.
“—and it would be my favorite place to be.”
“Well, then,” he kisses her. “By your side is where I shall endeavor to always remain.”
Questionable love scene writing skills aside, I really enjoyed this one, it might be my favorite yet. If you liked it, let me know! And if you have any requests, hit me up!
See you in the next one! Love from the Philippines, which is where I'm from hehe.
The Devil’s Lucky Number series: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | [ XI ]
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I suppose I should make an intro huh? This is mostly to introduce yall to the MCYT subsystem overall but ill give my pronouns n shit too lol
You can call me VVilbur, or VVil. It’s pronounced like “Vilbur,” btw. /npa
I use he/him and bomb/bombs pronouns.
I type/text using regular periods, which might seem aggressive or angry to some, but that’s not the intention. I’m simply a more serious person and don’t like the vibrant nature of other punctuation. All this to say if we talk and I use heavy punctuation, I’m likely not angry or upset.
That said, I am a primary-protector and anger-holder, though its mainly directed at a specific type of person (which I feel no need to announce to the world). I will say however that dsmp!dream introjects should stay very far away from me and our Tommys, or risk getting their arses handed to them. I won’t tolerate you if you cross that boundary. You can interact with the rest of the system I guess if they’re fine with it, but stay away from the Tommys or else. /threat
Cc!Dreams are fine, but are on thin ice until I know we can trust you. /not a threat
I’m a part of the MCYT subsystem for obvious reasons. Here is a list of my subsystem’s members:
VVilbur (Me)
This one is our largest subsystems, as we often hyperfixate on minecraft. Not all of these members relate to/like being compared to their source, please ask them (or check if they’ve made an intro expressing their boundaries) before bringing up their source.
I personally enjoy talking about my source, and am fine being compared to him as long as you don’t try to make a clearly struggling mentally ill man out to be a black and white evil character. Despite my name I’m actually sourced from Revivebur more so than Vilbur, though that part of my life is also in my source memories. I’m alright talking about Limbo, but it was very boring, so I don’t have much to say on it :/
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nezumasa · 7 years
Catholic school was literally one of the worst experiences of my life. I went for 14-15 years of my life and that went as well as you'd expect tbh. Middle school, I got yelled at for almost every day for like what 2nd grade to 6th? by the after school care watcher for dumb shit like not understanding a problem (which she was supposed to help with as part of her job) or not filling her water cup exactly as she wanted before she arrived at ~3:20pm and she'd yell more if I cried to the point where I learned to bite my tongue and inner cheek to avoid even showing tears (didn't always work tbh). I wasn't the only one either. She yelled at other kids (including a 4-5 year old who also cried. Even said she could "have become an actor." with how often the tears seemed to come. She thought it was crocodile tears.) Gave me a stutter from fear which didn't go away for years after she was fired as well as a fear of speaking and sharing my thoughts. Made passive aggressive comments about my intelligence (wow I didn't look up one fucking word from the HP series. It's a fern species btw. I didn't even ask her. Some other kid did and she called me up to ask as if she couldn't have looked it up herself. Btw, how fun is it to have someone say "wow this girl from 2 grades down is just smart as you!" (Ad-libbed from memory since its been years) and played you against her in passive aggressive ways. Make an 89 on one assignment? Not good enough. 95? Why isn't it a 100? (She yelled at me for getting one problem wrong bc my 5th grade teacher wanted a different answer instead of the one the 6th-8th science teacher helped the class with. ~3/4s of my then class got it wrong as well) She wanted her ice exactly at where the line was in the inside of her cup and packed down and the water to be at a certain point. Also you know how cringy middle school art is (esp. considering this time was the flux of the mid to late 2000s)? She held up my sketchbook and made fun of it. Called it "a hot mess" word for word. Liked to say shit like "wring your neck" or "hit you with my cane" (never did the action though). Made fun of me for asking for a coloring book (w/e subject i didnt care at the time) for that one year when she asked everyone what they wanted for their bday. Like im not gonna ask for smtg super expensive. She asked me once what I thought of her haircut and when i said i preferred her old one, she fucking kept passive aggressively referring to that incident for weeks. Same when i said i preferred more subdued looks and less "bling bling" (which actually went for years). Said Asia/ns usually liked shiny jewelr/y. Made some kids (poor school so the aftercare room often served as a changing room for the girls' sports teams) write her apology for taking lollipops which she didnt even buy usually (usually it was the kids in aftercare which is a different matter). When she got an aide (who became someone v close to me but she sadly died of lung cancer 2-3 years ago on 12-25), she yelled at the woman for every mistake and had irrational expectations. There's so much more but im tired of her memory. When it came to hs, the whole pervasive "anti-lg/bt+" stereotype came in (not always super obvious but it was there) combined with raci/st (maybe rich depending on who it was) whit/e kid thing youd think of from a private school. Like gdi, remember my name (its not even a vietname/se name. It was a common name, easily pronounced and no weird spellings) and stop asking if I came over/is english my first language (latter more prevalent) . This was with teachers for the first and only some on the latter. Stop mixing my name up with the other asi/an kids (there were only like 10 of them in my grade anyway its not hard.) How would you enjoy Junior Retreat if they read from a pamphlet of "sins" and it included shit like "being not straight", "thinking other religio/ns are equal", etc. and then being told to poke holes in the pamphlet for all the sins that matched and then burning the pamphlet (i didnt do it)? The s/ex ed was a joke (as a side note, "Put a picture of the pop/e in your shower to avoid masterbat/ion!" was a legitimate thing i heard; its funny now but like wtf) and was more abstinen/ce and anti-ab/ortion videos than anything useful. "I hate the sin not the sinner!" Was common (religio/. Teacher said it in reference to her cousin). Hearing your friend say "I let go/d judge. I don't judge." "It's a lifestyle choice!" Etc. Having people justify the really oppressive (for me anyway) atmosphere with "well it's a catholic school". I wanted to die (had a date. 5 days after graduation to let everyone celebrate a little first). Shitty counselor. Horrible required se/nior year project for rel/igion class. Required (catho/lic) religi/ion class (where the textbook lists "being ga/y" next to in/cest and ra/pe in a passage). No decent men/tal hea/lth resources. Some bitch kid going "squinty eyes!" about asi/ans in class loudly among other things. Also charging shit tons more of money bc i wasnt catholi/c (thats a fee btw. You pay less if your reli/gion matched), leaving me out of certain acknowledgements at graduation, etc. Transph/obic teachers who may or may not double on homophobi/a . Enjoy having a class join in with transpho/bic "jo/kes" with the teacher who does nothing and gives her opinion on it as well. Teachers who thought your sui/cidal depress/ion filled exhaustion and sleeping in class was "video gam/e fueled" instead of maybe thinking "hey maybe smtg's not right with all this sleeping" ( I ranked 13/14 in class with no cheating as well. I say that bc only top 10 counted and a number of my top 10 were cheaters). Being told that this is "the best school and be glad your parents sent you here." I hate it.
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auideas · 8 years
Ask the Admins 10.0
@genosha-meiuqer: This is to Admin M -- Out of curiosity, do you drive anything like a War Boy?
M: Yes. That is actually a problem I have irl. I drive far too fast. Haven’t gotten pulled over yet though! (knock on wood)
Anon asked: Describe yourself in one adjective.
Chamomile: Talkative
M: Witty
Syren: Enthusiastic
Jynn: Resilient
Vox: Amiable
Anon asked: Do you have other sister blogs or affiliate blogs about writing? Or maybe you can rec us other writing blogs? Not that auideas is not awesome, loving this blog! Just, you know, want to follow other blog. Thanks! Loving your aus btw!
Chamomile: We have @nsfw-auideas​, which has been inactive for a while since I became uncomfortable running it and the other admins sort of dropped of….but for blogs that inspire me, I always love @writing-prompt-s​ because they give me ideas for prompts with their prompts (if that makes sense, lmao) and also from fanfiction/fanart. I get //so// much inspiration from fanfiction/fanart.
M: Yeah we have our NSFW blog, but that’s pretty much it, and I don’t really have a lot of time at the moment to look at other blogs, so this is definitely one for the other admins to answer.
Syren: I second what Chamomile mentioned, and I also get a lot of inspiration from @inell​ who is a writing machine in the Sterek fandom. It's insane how many stories she churns out, and they often help me mindlessly brainstorm, if that makes any sense??
Jynn: I get a lot of inspiration from @otpprompts​!
Vox: @otpprompts​ and @writing-prompt-s​ are two other really great prompt blogs! ( ≧▽≦)
Anon asked: curious about the new assistant admins. mind doing information pages for them like you did for the admins?
Chamomile: Here’s all of our pages: Chamomile // M // Syren // Jynn // Vox
Anon asked: When I'm grown, a martyr I will never be. I won't cry for you. I won't suffer for the things you do. I won't cry for you, see. Even though I understand you, Kankri.
Chamomile: this is a sin
M: get outta here
Syren: *Castiel voice* I don't understand that reference.
Jynn: I had to actually go back and find this song again for Chamomile so I just have to say how dare you make me relive that.
Vox: This ask has 6een marked as triggera6le and will 6e taken d9wn by Kankri Vantas. (ง •̀_•́)ง
Anon asked: So I know that this blog is SFW, but do you mind if I use your prompts in a NSFW story?
Chamomile: That’s totally fine! Whatever you do with our prompts is totally up to you.
M: ^^^^^
Anon asked: Have you decided what theme you'll be using? I remember a while back one of the admins asked what the followers think about the current theme.
Chamomile: Oh yeah, we got this solved a long while back. If anybody has a theme that they think is really nice and that we should try out, then send it to us!
Anon asked: What is your opinion on "Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life"?
Chamomile: get out
M: leeeeeeeave
Syren: I am daily surrounded by meme trash and could probably recite it perfectly if I tried. I am only slightly ashamed.
Jynn: I'll never forget it. That being said, I never want it in my presence ever again.
Vox: You scream, I scream, we all scream for Dank Memes™
Anon asked: I finally talked to my future college roommate. Accidentally ignore her email for a week tho... Not really off to a great start?
Chamomile: I can’t tell if this is a prompt or you telling us about your day but my advice would be to get her a card that’s like “I’m sorry I ignored your email for a week” and then some candy or whatever else she likes.
M: Lol man that did not happen with my current roommate - we actually sent each other our first introductory emails at the exact same moment even though I was across the country. Thankfully, we’ve clicked very well, but I would recommend not getting on their bad side right away, or that’ll make your year not so much fun.
Syren: Dude, I am the worst person at communicating possibly ever. I have lost friends because I forget to reply to them for months, no joke. I've found the best way to make it up is to be as sincere with your apology as possible. I've learned not to make excuses. Don't sweat it!
Jynn: I'm glad you reached out to your roommate, good job! I'd go with Chamomiles card and candy idea.
Vox: -looks at the messages I have in Line that are months old- -l a u g h s- Oh honey.
Anon asked: Do you (admins and assistants) know how to make gifs? Also, how do you pronounce "gifs"? "Jifs" or "gifs".
Chamomile: I have no clue on how to make a gif, and I pronounce it like “gift” without a “t”.
M: Gifs. Hard G. I will fight you on this.
Syren: I have no clue how to make a gif, though I've been thinking about learning (barely any gifs out there for When We Rise). Hard g.
Jynn: There are tons of gif makers online, I also have an app for that. I pronounce it “Gif” with a hard G
Vox: I LOVE making gifs!! They’re super fun. Also I use both alternatively.
Anon asked: how do the admins like the new assistants? And how do the assistants like the admins?
Chamomile: I think they’re pretty great! Everybody has been really good with getting their prompts in the drafts so admin m and I can approve them. No real problems.
M: Two thumbs up from me! I can now feel more stress about my school and social life than about this darn blog...
Syren: They're all generally fabulous people and make me feel welcomed. I'm the youngest of the bunch, but that doesn't change anything. Also, I have a habit for apologizing for everything, and they always assure me that it's all good and that they've all been there.
Jynn: Chamomile, Em, and I have actually all been friends for upwards of a couple years now, and I've contributed to the blog here and there before so it hasn't been super different for me tbh.
Vox: If I could put emojis into replies, this right here would just be a string of sparkles and hearts. Everyone’s been really nice!!
Anon asked: I haven't been on this site since forever and I just got back. Nice to see more prompts that I can add to my growing list of things I want to try writing :) (Also, "Runaway" and "So Sad, So Sad" are some of my favorite songs! :D )
Chamomile: Eeeeee! Thanks for loving the blog! Also I know right, I have some pretty good music taste if I do say so myself ;)
Anon asked: Knowing that someone else uses Japanese emoticons makes me really happy. \\\ (۶ÒワÒ)۶//// Where do you get yours from, Vox? An app, website, or other?
Vox: Yaaaaa, kaomoji are super funnnnn!! ☆⌒(*^-°)v I have a Japanese keyboard on my phone so I automatically have a bunch of them readily available.
Anon asked: Choose five of the blog's followers that you've talked to a fair amount and say what story genre you think they would be a character in, and if they would be a protag or antag.
Chamomile: Instead of choosing just five, I went with all of them. Here’s the link
M: I willllllll do this over break - expect a post on my admin blog!
Anon asked: If life was a standardized test, you would be "Answer B" because I always turn to you when I don't know what to do.
Chamomile:....that’s actually really sweet?
M: Omfg.
Syren: This would be really cute if the thought of standardized tests didn't throw me into a panic over upcoming midterms, SATs, and ACTs
Jynn: Awwwwww!
Vox: I’m in various stages of oh god and that’s so sweet and lol my name is actually Bee so this is kind of great, are you flirting with me anon, winkwink. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Anon asked: What do you call a flirty Greek? A Socratease
Chamomile: The King of flirty Greeks is Mithridatetease (Mithridates)
M: Get out.
Syren: As long as they don't have an Oedipus complex, they can tease all they want
Jynn: More like MithriDATEs
Vox: Has war flashbacks to Greek myth lectures. Sweats nervously.
@all-made-of-stardust​ asked: So I love your blog, and I especially love all your Never Book quotes. I was wondering - what's your policy on using those quotes? Can I directly use the whole quote? Should I change it a bit? Should I not use it at all? There's several quotes I have been thinking about using, and I just wanted to make sure I was doing it right.
Chamomile: hey there! This is a pretty popular question, but our policy is that you can change it however you want (adding in words, changing pronouns, etc.) but don’t repost it anywhere without crediting us. Cutting our parts is also totally fine. If you write something inspired by TNB, or has a TNB quote in it, make sure to shoot us a message and we’ll make sure to add it to the follower’s works page!
@ihaveatheoryabouttimetravel​ asked: What exactly is the never book?
Chamomile: Hey! I’m the creator of The Never Book (TNB) and here’s the long version of how/why I created it (link), but the short version is that TNB is supposed to be a collection of writing prompts to help inspire you to write. Some of them are very dramatic, while other ones are humorous, and other ones are meant to be cliffhangers that make you want to write what happens next. The name “The Never Book” is supposed to imply that all of these quotes come from a story that has never been written, meaning that they’re free game for prompts as well as to make stories out of.
Note: I’ve entertained the idea of trying to write a piece of fiction with a ton of TNB quotes crammed into it. Might try to get around to that if anybody is interested.
Anon asked: Is it okay to Writer's Block shame a friend who has an almost complete first chapter for 57 different fanfiction pieces???
Chamomile: #me
M: Shame us all
Syren: I'm too fragile to be bombarded like this
Jynn: I'm being called out.
Vox: First of all how dare, it’s only 56. (ง •̀_•́)ง
anon asked: tbh between chamomile and m i really thought that chamomile was younger. i have been surprised but not unpleasantly so             
Chamomile: I’m definitely shorter and rounder than admin m, but I’m older by like, a year and a half? Something like that?
M: I am the alpha.
anon asked: assistant admins, what’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Syren: Blue Moon (it's an upper Midwest thing I guess)
Jynn: Chocolate
Vox: Mint chocolate chip
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hungribunni · 7 years
09042017 Sermon Notes- Ps Joseph Prince
Because u are saved, u can come to The table to eat. But the Father expects table manners. No fighting btw brothers. 1 Kg 19:12-14 Even if someone has done something bad, u know of it, it is NOT your place to recite their sins to Him. V16-18 V16- Elisha replaced Elijah. Elijah said he is the only one left. God said He has 7000. We aren't the only grace church. Many around the world. When it comes to ministry when u don't see it as a privilege anymore and think of how important your ministry is, he will show he doesn't want u anymore. There are others. A father's chastisement. Num 20:10-12 We should not condemn people and name them names. God shows mercy and grace. He doesn't appreciate it when u don't show them grace. When we show people grace, they learn grace. The father's chastisement doesn't bring destruction. Even though they are murmuring, if u speak to the rock, and water comes out, we are hallowing God. When we speak judgment to them, we don't hallow God. This is the second time rock was hit and water came out. The first time, Moses was told to hit a rock. The second time, it was a high cliff. Not like the first rock. Told to speak to the rock. Jesus is like the second rock. We can speak to Him. Moses made God appear angry when he hit the rock a second time. 2 Kings 1:7-17 Elisha has now been anointed to succeed Elijah. Elijah learned that we are all not indispensable in the cave. A man of God. He was in the wrong. Humbled himself and went and annointed Elisha. The lesson is humility. Job 42:5-6 Make sure u have a personal revelation of Him even as u hear pastor preach. In the presence of God, man is nothing. When we are praised by men, go home and kneel and remember we are all still dust and flesh. Without God we cannot. Job felt God should bless him for what he did. God showed him that God doesn't have to bless him actually. There is NO ONE that is self righteous and merits rewards from God. This diverts from justification by faith. We are justified by His blood. No blood, no save. Elijah is a cool man. Anointed Elisha to take his place and stayed cool and calm. Ahab came. Jezebel and Ahab has a kid who is now a King of Samaria. He fell and was injured. Asked his men to go enquire of Baal's men about his recovery. Elijah intercepted them. Asked them why did they do that? Is there no God in Israel? He said because of his decision, he will not recover. 2 Kings 1:7-17 They had the power and authority and numbers of the world- but God was with Elijah. They were 'fired' from their job. V11- this is what happened when uour heart is hardened like Pharoah's. U make stupid decisions. The next lot got fired on the spot also. Don't forget these are the days of the LORD. Elijah represents judicial part of God. Fights for God's righteousness. Eli-Sha. Elohim with Sha. God saves. His ministry is more grace. Elisha represents John the Baptist. All of Elisha's ministry were miracles of grace. His first miracle of grace- Elijah's first public act was to call fire from heaven Elisha sent to Jericho. Jericho was under a curse. Note the water was bitter and poisoned. Elisha healed the stream of the water. There shall be no more death in these waters. That stream is still healed today. Fruitful Jericho. God reversed the curse under Elisha's ministry. Grace ministry. The third captain already saw what happened to the last two. Pleaded with Elijah for his life to be spared. Elisha went to talk to Ahab's son with the captain and fifty men right into the stronghold of the enemy, into his very throne room. The very city he fled from because of the threat of a woman, now he marches in fearless. Stood fearless before the woman he fled from. Know u are privileged to serve. If u don't serve, he will raise someone else up to do so. When u are humble, u won't be hurt. Pastor realised he kept getting Kayu Driver's in front of him. Annoyed. Realised his being irritated is because of pride lol. Entitlement to the road. Lol. God doesn't teach with diseases and destruction. God teaching him humility by sending him kayu drivers before him to understand that he shouldn't feel this sense of entitlement. Grace before eating, "God if not for u, I won't have all these to eat." The more accomplished we are, the more we should be careful to not let ourselves become prideful and to have a spirit of entitlement. Two occasions of fire falling down in Elisha's ministry. Fire came down from Carmel on the victim (sacrifice) instead of the people. They were shielded from judgment. Not one person was touched by the fire. Foreshadowing of Jesus' death on the cross for our sins. The fire meant for u and me fell on Him. The judgment fell on to Him. He took it all. But what happened on Carmel was soon forgotten. The king of Israel went back to Baal. Most likely at Jezebel's recommendation. For centuries the Good News was preached all over the world. The gospel of the Good News. How has man responded? Christ hating and Christ rejecting world has made fun of it, spurned, rejected and mocked it. Our decision affects our future. Isn't that if we reject Jesus, we become sinners. We are already sinners. We are all doomed. God could have sent us all to hell and He is righteous and justified if he does. U can complain it is not politically correct but it is useless. If the world will not learn judgment and how holy I am by the fire that fell on my son, so that grace and mercy can be preached to them instead, they will learn personally by the all consuming fire falling on them. 2 Kings 2:1 Many years after this event, the greater than Elijah walked this earth. Luke 9:51-56 "Time came to be received up"- like Elijah Samaria- same place as where Ahab, Jezebel happened. V53- Samaria rejected Jesus again. Disciples wanted to call down fire but were rebuked. This is not the age of fire falling. The time waiting for his return- the gospel of grace is being preached- is the most wonderful time. Disciples couldn't understand grace is being dispensed from heaven. The fire fell at the Cross. We are in the wonderful age of grace now. Where we don't get what we deserve. We get ALL the good things He deserved. 2 Thess 1:6-10 V8- the flaming fire will come to those busy making themselves righteous instead of giving praise to God. The disciples aren't wrong. Fire will one day fall BUT we are NOW in the age of grace. There are consequences yes but God is joy judging. Don't transpose the age of grace into the time of future fire fall. Pastor isn't saying there won't be judgment fire but that this isn't the age of it. God is raising ministries with a still small voice. The gentle tongues that break the bones. Not the sort that preach fire and brimstone. Is He coming back? Yes. Very close. But the rapture will happen first. The youths made fun of Elisha after Elijah went up. Is like people making fun of the rapture. Elisha turned around and pronounced judgment and two wolves came out from the forest and lacerated them. Anything that rejects grace, and the rapture is a provision of grace, will be judged. All of u are saved. Not on the other side. He is now your Father and lavished His love on you. But how terrible for those out there who are mocking the gospel of grace now. The breath with which we live by is of Him - how we should live our lives with gratitude.
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wolf-1-xex · 4 years
I really put three random letters together (none of which are vowels) and said “This is a name” huh
Xnd is pronounced Zinned btw. (Like Sinned with a Z idk how to do the pronounciation for this)
I wonder how much i can get away with this
ylm pronounced Yilem (Yill-em)
rth pronounced Rith (rhi-th)
atj pronounced Attaje (att-age) (like outage but attage idk how to do it for this one either) 
krl pronounced Kerl (ker-l)
The possibilities are endless babey (well not literally but you get my drift)
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