#my mik my star!!
bikananjarrus · 4 months
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stellan gios; the pole star, the fallen star
(the fallen star variant cover by jama jurabauv; meaning of latin root word 'stell-'; the fallen star cover title text // the fallen star by claudia gray // pole star, wikipedia // julius caesar, act iii, scene i by william shakespeare // ursa minor constellation card by sidney hall, royal museums greenwich ; the north star whispers to the blacksmith's son by vachel lindsay; in the wind by lord huron // starry night over the rhone by vincent van gogh, 1888; the fallen star // light of the jedi by charles soule // summer triangle: asterism of 3 stars from 3 constellations, space(dot)com ; the fallen star // navigation by stars 1575 #1 by granger; pole star, wikipedia; evermore by taylor swift // constellations ursa major and ursa minor; the fallen star // north star by thomas lupari // stellan gios from 'a coruscant solstice' by grant griffin in life day treasury; right now by gracie abrams; the fallen star // poem by langston hughes // the fallen star // saturn by sleeping at last // the fallen star)
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neopuppy · 3 months
https://x.com/mewmewikki/status/1808002335739654387?s=46 you
ur so right, idk if you know this but Michelle is my father and Ru is my mother
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Lokius Fic Recs
Less than 10K words, Season One Era
Thought I’d share a few of my favorite Lokius fics. These from the season one era, season two and multi-chapter recs coming soon. (Edit multi-chapter recs here! Season two fic recs here!)
If you’re craving hurt/comfort or angst with a happy ending:
Thin Ice by Lydiagwilt- Ravonna deprives Loki of his Æsir glamour after a routine mission gone wrong. Mobius picks up the pieces.
Let’s Brave This Winter Storm Together by DewdropReader- Loki awakens in his Jotunn form, Mobius is there to help him through the panic.
honey, you're familiar, like my mirror years ago by preach_electric - Mobius takes Loki to visit Frigga.
Incredible by Ailendolin- Loki revisits a childhood memory with Mobius (more Frigga reunions).
For the Hope of it All by DewdropReader- Loki POV during Mobius’ pruning in season one and their Hug In The Void ™.
At The Doors of Valhalla by FistsForHire- Loki gets injured on a mission, briefly visits Valhalla and reconciles with his mother and father.
Close to Perfect by LoveThyEnemy- (Explicit) Loki sleeps with an almost-his-Mobius while searching for His-Mobius. Okay, okay this one is hurt/ no comfort, usually not my choice of reading material, but it’s so (heartbreakingly) beautifully written I had to include it.
If you’re craving sweetness:
Lokius - 30 Days of Domestic Fluff by Mimisempi- Collection of domestic fluff, can’t go wrong with Mimisempi.
Lokius Fluffuary by blackbirdofasgard- More fluff collections! Also can’t go wrong with blackbirdofasgard.
In your arms, I feel infinite by VagaryLove- Loki and Mobius spend a quiet day in bed, safe and tucked away from the outside world.
I'll Keep Your Secrets by LoveThyEnemy- (Mature) Loki and Mobius keep each others secrets, reflections on their love during their first time together.
What is love by Love_Is_Green- Loki reflects on the meaning of love (and how perhaps a dagger wasn’t the best metaphor; another gorgeous reflective piece).
Baby’s First Yuletide by Tears_and_smiles- Loki, Mobius and baby Frida spend their first Yuletide with Loki's family surrounded by love. I’m a sucker for a Lokius baby fic and this one hits all the surrounded by love feels.
stumble into love like a challenge above by RunnyYolk- Loki is distracted by Mobius’ cologne… first kiss and romantic declarations follow. (This fic is gorgeously written; more than my silly one sentence summary can describe)
Post- Season One Reunions
I will never tire of stories where Loki and Mobius find each other across universes or Loki returns Mobius’ memories.
You or Your Memory by Chamel- Loki works to restore Mobius’ memories.
when you love somebody till the end of time by thumbbird- Mobius finds His Loki (with the help of all the other Lokis).
Beneath the Stars by Tears_and_Smiles- Loki finds His Mobius.
Drømde mik en drøm (I dreamed a dream) by Mirilya- Mobius finds Loki also a Thor and Loki reunion fic!
our way, no take backs by dinosuns- Sylvie, Mobius, and Loki in the immediate aftermath of S1 (okay this one is just over 20K words).
I feel like these fics are only a sliver of the excellent fics I read in that time between season one and two. There are simply too many incredible stories to fit into one post! Speaking of, I tried really hard to only pick my favorites but honestly I could recommend the entire works of the authors listed here.
Happy reading!
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callsigns-haze · 2 months
Happy birthday Star
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Eris x Rhysand's Sister!Reader Summary: Y/N's birthday has came upon the household and Eris and his son will do everything to make it perfect A/N: It's my birthday and tbh we all need an Eris
*Serves as a one-shot but can be read as memories fade or the sequel loves haze series
Eris woke up to the soft, golden light of dawn filtering through the curtains. He stretched slowly, careful not to disturb Y/N, who was still peacefully asleep beside him. He glanced at her, a gentle smile spreading across his face as he watched her for a moment. Her dark hair fanned out across the pillow, and her breathing was slow and steady.
Carefully, Eris slipped out of bed, making sure not to make any noise. He moved silently, like a shadow, pulling on a pair of pants and a shirt. He tiptoed out of the bedroom, closing the door quietly behind him.
The house was still and quiet in the early morning light. He made his way to the kitchen, where he was greeted by Ace, who wagged his tail enthusiastically. Eris bent down to scratch behind the dog's ears, whispering, "Good morning, Ace. Ready to help me with something special?"
Ace wagged his tail even more vigorously, and Eris couldn't help but chuckle softly. He opened the door to the kennel, and Ace bounded out, following Eris to Finna's room.
Eris quietly opened the door to Finna's nursery and found his son standing in his crib, clinging to the side with his little hands. Finna's eyes were bright and full of energy, despite the early hour. His pacifier bobbed in his mouth as he bounced up and down, making soft babbling sounds.
"Good morning, little man," Eris whispered, leaning over the crib to scoop Finna into his arms. Finna let out a delighted giggle, his chubby arms wrapping around his father's neck. "Did you sleep well?"
"Dada!" Finna babbled, his eyes wide and curious.
Eris laughed softly. "Yes, Dada's here. We're going to make Mama's birthday very special today. How does that sound?"
Finna responded with more babbling, his little hands patting Eris's cheeks. Eris kissed his son's forehead before carrying him downstairs to the kitchen. Ace trotted along behind them, his nails clicking softly on the hardwood floor.
"Alright, Finna, let's get to work," Eris said, rolling up his sleeves. "We're going to make Mama's favourite breakfast."
Finna babbled incoherently in response, his eyes bright with excitement. They made their way to the kitchen, where Eris began orchestrating a special breakfast for Y/N.
"Can you pass Dada the flour?" Eris asked, pointing to the bag on the counter.
"Fwower!" Finna echoed, his tiny hands struggling to lift the bag. Eris chuckled, helping him and pouring the flour into the bowl.
"Good job, buddy. Now we need some sugar. Can you say 'sugar'?"
"Shuggah!" Finna exclaimed, his eyes wide with concentration as he handed Eris the container.
As they worked together, Eris couldn't help but laugh at Finna's mispronunciations. "Alright, we need to add some milk next. Can you say 'milk'?"
"Mik!" Finna shouted, clapping his hands in delight when Eris poured the milk into the mixing bowl.
Eris set Finna on the counter, his little legs dangling as they continued to mix ingredients. The kitchen was soon filled with the comforting, homey scents of freshly baked pastries and brewing coffee. Finna's giggles echoed through the room, his joy infectious as they prepared the breakfast together.
"Okay, buddy, let's put the cinnamon rolls in the oven," Eris said, lifting Finna down so he could watch from a safe distance. As the rolls baked, they prepared a platter of fresh fruit, Finna enthusiastically pointing out each one.
"Bewwy!" Finna squealed, pointing to the strawberries.
"That's right, berry," Eris corrected gently, placing the strawberries on the platter. "How about this one? Can you say 'melon'?"
"Meh-on!" Finna tried, his face scrunching up in concentration.
"Close enough," Eris said with a chuckle, ruffling Finna's hair.
With everything ready, Eris carefully arranged the breakfast on a tray. He added a small vase with a single, perfect rose he’d picked from the garden the night before, a touch of beauty and love to complete the setting. Satisfied, he lifted the tray and led Finna back to the bedroom.
"Quiet now, Finna. We don't want to wake Mama too early," he whispered, opening the door gently.
They approached the bed, where Y/N still lay peacefully asleep. Eris placed the tray on the bedside table and gently shook her shoulder. "Happy birthday, my love."
Y/N stirred, her eyes fluttering open to the sight of Eris and Finna grinning at her, and the beautifully arranged breakfast beside her. A smile spread across her face, a mixture of surprise and happiness lighting up her eyes.
"Eris, Finna, you did all this?" she murmured, her voice still heavy with sleep.
"We did," Eris replied, lifting Finna onto the bed. "Finna helped a lot, didn't you, buddy?"
"Fwower!" Finna exclaimed proudly, pointing to the cinnamon rolls.
Y/N laughed softly, pulling Finna into a hug. "Thank you both. This is perfect."
They shared the breakfast together, Y/N savouring each bite and sip, Finna babbling happily, and Eris content just to watch them. The early morning light grew brighter, filling the room with a warm glow, a perfect start to a day dedicated to celebrating the woman he loved more than anything in the world.
After breakfast, Y/N relaxed in bed for a while, enjoying the warmth and comfort of the early morning. Finna, full of energy and excitement, wiggled out of her arms and started exploring the room. Eris watched with a fond smile as Y/N stretched, a look of contentment on her face.
"How about a bath, my love?" Eris suggested. "I'll take care of Finna and let you have some time for yourself."
Y/N nodded, her eyes bright with gratitude. "That sounds wonderful."
Eris kissed her gently before scooping up Finna, who was busy trying to climb onto a chair. "Come on, little man. Let's let Mama have some peace."
As Y/N made her way to the bathroom, Eris carried Finna downstairs, Ace trotting alongside them. Eris set Finna down in the living room, giving him some toys to play with while he tidied up the kitchen. Finna's laughter filled the house as he played, his little hands grabbing at blocks and stuffed animals.
Eris moved efficiently, cleaning up the remnants of their breakfast preparations. He couldn't help but smile every time he glanced over at Finna, who was now engrossed in stacking blocks. Ace watched protectively from nearby, his tail wagging gently.
With the kitchen spotless once more, Eris joined Finna on the floor, helping him build a tower of blocks. "You know, Finna, today's a very special day for Mama," he said softly, his eyes warm with love. "We need to make sure she feels extra loved and appreciated."
"Dada, tower!" Finna exclaimed, pointing to the blocks they had stacked together.
"That's right, buddy. A big, strong tower. Just like our love for Mama," Eris replied, kissing the top of Finna's head.
They played together until Y/N reappeared, looking refreshed and radiant. She was wrapped in a plush robe, her hair damp and loose around her shoulders. Eris stood up, holding Finna, and walked over to her.
"You look beautiful," he murmured, kissing her gently. "Feeling better?"
"Much better," Y/N replied, a soft smile on her lips. She reached out to take Finna, who squirmed happily in her arms. "And how's my little man?"
"Dada, tower!" Finna babbled, pointing back at the blocks.
Y/N laughed, her eyes twinkling. "You and Dada built a tower? That's wonderful!"
Eris wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. "Why don't we go for a walk by the lake? It's a beautiful day, and I thought we could have a little picnic later."
Y/N nodded, her smile widening. "That sounds perfect."
They spent the morning leisurely strolling by the lake, the gentle breeze rustling through the trees. Finna toddled along between them, his chubby hands grasping theirs. Ace ran ahead, sniffing and exploring, but always circling back to check on his family.
Eris spread out a blanket on a sunny patch of grass, and they settled down for a picnic. He had packed a basket with Y/N's favourite treats: fresh fruit, artisanal cheeses, and a selection of pastries. Finna sat in Y/N's lap, eagerly reaching for bits of food as she fed him.
They spent the afternoon basking in the warmth of the sun, talking and laughing, enjoying each other's company. Eris watched Y/N and Finna with a contented heart, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the life they had built together.
As the sun began to dip toward the horizon, casting a golden glow over the lake, Eris stood up and extended a hand to Y/N. "May I have this dance?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
Y/N laughed, taking his hand. "Of course, my love."
Eris pulled her close, swaying gently to the music of the wind and the rustling leaves. He spun her around, dipping her playfully, making her laugh. Finna clapped his hands, watching them with wide, delighted eyes.
"You know, I think this might be the best birthday I've ever had," Y/N said softly, her eyes shining with love.
Eris kissed her forehead, his heart full. "And it's not over yet, my love. There's still more to come."
They danced until the last light of day faded, wrapped in the warmth of their love and the promise of many more happy days to come.
Request are open and active!
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Labor of love
I was very interested to see what S told Mark Gillespie on the last episode of the latter's WhiskyCast podcast, @bat-cat-reader immediately shared with us.
It was a most instructive 35 minutes. I listened to all of it, because I wanted to also hear Gillespie's tasting notes forThe Sassenach. And I regret nothing: once you get past the traditional (and a bit obnoxious) 'why The Sassenach?' question, you're in for some interesting news.
You can listen to it here, by the way:
Before anything, who is Mark Gillespie?
One of the most respected professionals in the very small world of alcohol specialized podcasters, with a 37 years work experience in media and broadcasting, spanning household names such as CNN, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Gallup and MSNBC. But also, and this I found very interesting, given the current context, the owner of CaskMedia, a firm specialized not only in media production, but also marketing and PR.
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The podcast was recorded at The Metropolitan Club's library, moments before the Keepers of the Quaich dinner, where S was a keynote speaker. So not 'just there for the Haggis Ceremony ' - a 'guest of honor' is never invited just for the show, people should have known better, eh?
S's 7 minutes interview starts at the 09:32 mark. Comments in brackets are mine.
Gillespie surely doesn't like to beat around the bush and after the customary niceties, asks a million-dollar question:
MG: 'I have to ask: did you have the troubles (problems?) in Germany straightened up?'
SH: ' Ha, ha, ha [not an organic giggle, but hey - gotta do what you gotta do, eh?]. Well, I am not entirely sure I should talk about it [speaks very quickly and through his teeth - visibly annoyed/nervous; not entirely sure I got it all correctly, so feel free to amend in comments], ah... ummm... not as yet... not as yet...ummm...we did fall into an issue with the name Sassenach, which was similar to a big brand in the US... ah!... in Germany, sorry... of a beer brand... I...I personally don't see the similarity [neither do I, S...neither do I], but I am sure once people taste our whisky, they'll know what it is, whatever the name is on it.'
Yes, this interview was probably rehearsed. Yes, Gillespie might have sent the questions to S/his people in advance for reviewing. No, he could not speak about a legally complicated situation before the final settlement with that Schoppingen beer brewer (penalties are probably still to be fixed and paid, but I will check that, so don't take my word for Gospel truth, yet). I will write separately about this whole thing, because I still think that was a very questionable decision of the EUIPO. Not because it royally pisses me off (so fucking unfair!), but because I really fail to see the proper legal reasoning and basis for it. His answer was perfect, under the circumstances. Absolutely perfect.
Anyways, FWIW, it would seem some sort of solution has already been found ('whatever the name is on it') and that most probably would be to rebrand it. And sell it on the German/EU market under a new name.
Lallybroch (https://trademarks.justia.com/981/67/lallybroch-98167525.html), perhaps? Time will tell, but that could explain this recent trademark application I didn't have time to properly look into, yet:
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Further ahead (and fast forward through the cask version release, these things bore me to death), we land on another (as yet) unexploded ordnance:
MG: 'I have to mention your show MIK that you do with Graham McTavish, you visited a bunch of distilleries during that one... any visit in particular stands out?'
Now I am not very sure if that question was the best possible one, since that SAG-AFTRA strike is still an ongoing situation. And his answer was quite clever, changing the focus on their visit to Laphroaig's distillery on Islay and waxing lyrical about the casks, the peat, the landscape, etc. But other than a perfunctory and logical 'we', I heard absolutely nothing about McTavish, and it could have been so damn easy to further change the subject and mention his bourbon, with a few kind words. Therefore, I think things are pretty obviously not exactly on the sunny side, between the two. And I guess we all know why.
To end this long post on a cheerful note, I almost forgot to mention something very important. Answering a listener's question about Sassenach not being available in Rhode Island/part of New Jersey, S said something very interesting: 'obviously you can get it online, (...) we've just signed a deal with Southern Glazer's, so we're rolling it out. It is a limited batch, so you know, every year we do do a release and it is very limited, so it does tend to sell out pretty quick. But yes, it is available (...), but obviously you're not gonna see it in every bar, restaurant or retailer, because we just don't have enough of it. But online you can get it and great delivery service, it's very quick.'
I am taking two things home from this last answer: demand exceeds supply, which is both a blessing (solid yield, room for expansion) and a curse (lackadaisical market presence). On short to mid term, distribution will concentrate on the online market, with the help of Southern Glazer's superb infrastructure.
Remember the older guy he had lunch with in MIA, in May? You should, if you didn't focus on Mordor's inept babble about shirts, ballerinas and the like. That guy was instrumental into arranging the deal with Southern Glazer's. Just the biggest wine and spirits distributor on the US market, mind you.
Don't believe me? Check this out:
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That company was founded in Florida. Its HQ is still in MIA. He didn't go there because he was looking for ballerinas at his birthday dinner. He went there because when these people are available to meet you, well: you leave everything aside and you damn GO.
Now who the hell is writing fanfiction, eh? You really should be ashamed, madam.
I rest my case.
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charactervocal02 · 28 days
ook so herems how it went
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ffirat ten puull. 1 ten oull in
i got ein. i got rin
like lasts time . sjebwalways come s before len liek the last time i puleled i gor rin and then 100 pulls no len (he came on 130
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then i haf like 3 or 4 no four star pulls TEHN ??????? AIRI ??????????? INAHVE LIKE 4 AIRIS I DONMT WNAT THEM I JEEP GETTING AIRIR KMSSS
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then my love came home ^_^💖 yay💖
i cried, torn out somw hair and almost choked my sister apparently when i got him but i’m calm now💖 len💖 yay💖 the hard work paid off
i had him guaranteed anyways but tjis is very goo d because i still have 60k whicj menas the next len is guaranteed !!!1!!!1 💖 yoy need 60k to jave a card guatanyeed if yiu have 10 of the pink ticket thingues
lem💖 kgamoen💖 my eberyytging
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angelsanarchy · 6 months
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Fever Dreams: Mike x Y/N One Shot Series PRT 05
Tagging: @icarus-star @chainsawgvtsfvck @romanroyapoligist @liquidsmoothdomme @madamemaximoff06 @drazenka @blacksoul-27 @444rockstargf @kappasbbgirl @luzclarita57 @tempt-ress
Mike sat down at the dinner table preparing to eat the leftovers he had just took off the stove when Leff came out of his room.
"What the fuck are you doing? We've got to go." Leff looked at him with annoyance.
"I thought we were done for the day..." Mike admitted looking at his food.
"Done for the day? This ain't no fucking 9 to 5 Mike. Get your shit together and meet me outside. You got two minutes or it's your ass." Leff stomped down the steps and Mike looked back down at his food cursing slightly as he knew it would be trash by the time he came back. He tossed it in the trash, grabbed his hat and met Leff in the car.
"Where the hell are we even going? We never do drops this late." Mike said trying to figure out where they were heading by which direction they were heading in.
"We aren't going to a drop. We're going to a business meeting with ER Redly. He owns the strip club on 4th and pushes a majority of his products to his customers." Leff explained.
"Are you looking to start pushing through the club too or-"
"No I've got my hands on some new product, I'm looking to dump off to him. He deals harder shit than what I want to push." Mike looked over at Leff who was holding out a sample baggy. He knew exactly the type of shit that Leff didn't want to push.
"So you just happen to fall into some heroin?" Mike asked sarcastically and Leff looked over at him.
"I'm getting rid of it aren't I? Don't give me that shit. Go in here and keep your fucking mouth shut. You're here to shadow and do as I say, that's it." Leff parked the car and Mike looked up at the sign on the building. He followed him into the club that was dimly lit, smelled of perfume, sweat and cigar smoke and tried to keep his eyes from lingering too long on each other the dancers.
"Get your eyes off the tits." Leff felt Mike walking too closely behind him and he took a beat to give him space. They waited at a velvet rope and once the large man in a business suit saw them, he waved them over. He looked at Leff with disdain but greeted him nonetheless.
"This is my nephew Mike. He may be dropping some things off for me in the future." Leff explained. ER looked him over and chuckled darkly as if he were taking a mental note.
"What brings you back here Leff? I do believe we ended our business arrangement, haven't we?" Mike tried not to stare at ER but he didn't want to seem distracted either. This wasn't like the other jobs Leff had asked him to do. This seemed more intense, more involved than he would like to be, if he was being honest.
"I'm not looking to reignite our business relations, I just wanted to see if you were interested in taking on some new product I happened to get my hands on." He hit Mike's stomach with the back of his hand and Mike reached into his jacket to slide it across the table but Leff stopped him.
"Not across the fucking table." Leff gritted. Mike slide it under the table and ER dipped his pinky into it rubbing it across his gums. That's how his mother would try and get her fix when she had already shot up her entire bag. He was convinced it was plastic particulars she was running over her gums but she couldn't be told otherwise.
"Now where did you get your hands on this? This is pretty decent." ER looked at Leff and he shrugged.
"I've been doing some traveling, exploring some options to expand." Leff gave a halfhearted chuckle.
"You mean Sugar has been doing some traveling." Mike looked at ER feeling Leff's body tense next to him.
"You know we have eyes on the city Leff. Pretty smart getting her to do your international traveling. She looks much less suspicious than your white trash ass." ER laughed and his body guards did the same and Leff clenched his jaw.
"Says the strip club owner who looks like huggy bear." Mike snorted and Leff slowly turned his head to look at him. He thought he had said that in his head but apparently not.
"What did you say boy? Speak up." ER raised his voice.
"I just...I mean-" Leff put his hand up.
"See that's your problem Leff. You got a soft spot for mouthy bitches who like to run their mouth." One of ER's body guards spoke up and Leff looked over at him.
"Wait, Y/n worked here?" Mike asked making the body guard clench his jaw. ER belly laughed.
"Old Sugar was the star until she got a soft spot for helping junkies out." ER looked over at Leff who was clearly losing his temper quickly
"Look I'm not here to talk about Y/n or my business with her. I'm here to see if you want to take this product and push it or not." Leff asked trying to get this meeting back on track.
They two started talking money and before he knew it, Leff was dragging him by the collar out of the booth.
"Tell ol' Sugar I said hi, Jesse James." ER called out with another one of those off-putting belly laughs. Leff practically pushed him out the door and Mike saw how pissed he was.
"What the fuck were you thinking? You trying to get us both killed?" Leff asked smacking him in the back of the head roughly.
"What the fuck? What did I do?" Mike asked confused.
"I told you to keep your fucking mouth shut and you want to throw insults? That man will cut you into pieces and turn your bones into something to cut his heroin with." Leff slammed the car door and Mike got in with him.
"He was talking shit about you! I was trying-"
"Oh grow up Mikey! You think I care if some fat fuck piece of shit calls me white trash? He hasn't seen his dick in ages, I couldn't care less what he thinks of me." Leff pulled away from the club and Mike rolled his eyes.
"You've gotta be smarter with this shit Mike. I can't protect you from everything." Leff lit a cigarette.
"I never asked you to." Mike mumbled but Leff slapped the back of his hand on Mike's chest.
"And stop with the mumbling shit. You're a grown man. Say whatever you wanna say with your whole chest or not at all." Leff sounded like his dad. He knew he wasn't trying to be but it was annoying anyway.
"So Y/n used to work there huh? They seem pissed she works for you now." Mike was looking for answers but Leff just took more pulls of his cigarette.
"Y/n noticed your mom looking to score from ER. She knew that she was my sister and kept an eye on her for me. When they found out, they thought she was double dipping with the competition. She was seeing that big egghead bouncer at the time so things ended pretty ugly." Leff explained.
"So how did she end up working for you?" Mike asked as they sat at a light.
"I had to pay for her release. $300,000 and I had to stop dealing in ER's establishments. Only came back here because I don't deal Heroin." Leff looked over at Mike.
"These are not the people to fuck with. All the ones we deal with, I need you to stay clear of that please and especially ER." Leff pointed his finger at Mike and he nodded.
"Why did you want me to come with you then? I mean tonight." Mike asked curiously.
"I needed him to know that you are my family and that if any harm comes to you, it'll be his head." Leff might have been a tough ass but Mike knew he gave a shit about him. He always had. Always sent money if his mom was flaking on paying rent or didn't have grocery money. It was never the brady bunch but he knew how much his mom meant to Leff and in turn, himself.
Now he just had to figure out how to navigate this world without getting turned into fish bait and laced heroin.
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dudeshusband · 5 months
Title: You Just Smile and Take My Hand
Words: 880
Ship: Mike x Dude
Description: Mike and Dude dance together in a saloon on a random night.
Dude held Mike close to his chest as they danced together in a saloon. Someone had paid the band to play a slow song. He looked at his spouse in adoration. Mike returned a smile. He couldn't help but feel elated when they were near. He squeezed them gently.
He pressed a kiss to their forehead. This was it. This was love. This was what he thought he’d found so many times, only to lose it. Though, nobody ever looked at him quite the way his spouse did. Their smile almost seemed endless and their eyes glowed impossibly bright. He saw what he felt reflected in their blue eyes.
He pulled back to spin them. In a series of hesitant gestures they made the turn. He took their other hand again, and placed it on his waist. They gave his side a squeeze and grinned. He adored their silly little antics. He responded by pulling them close again.
He lifted their chin ever so slightly with his finger and pressed a kiss to their lips. Their lips were thin but soft and they often tasted sweet. Today it was from the amount of sugar they put in their coffee. He pulled away slowly so he could savor the moment. His nose brushed theirs as they parted.
“You’re in a kissing mood,” they commented in a voice that came just barely above the music.
Dude didn't say anything, just kissed their cheek, just beside their nose, as confirmation. He pulled back to spin them, and smiled to himself at the blush creeping up their neck.
“All this time and you’re blushing,” he teased.
“Well, if you could kiss yourself-” Mike began, then cut themselves off abruptly. “I just mean you’re a good kisser.”
Dude chuckled. He pulled their body flush with his. They slid their head into the crook of his neck at an angle so that they could kiss below his ear. His eyes moved around the room, looking for anyone who might be staring at them. It wasn't a particularly lively night. It was just them, the bartender, the band, and a man staring into his empty glass. He wondered who paid the band…
The song ended, and they pulled apart again.
He couldn't seem to keep his hands to himself. He brushed some of their hair behind their ear. They looked beautiful in the light of the saloon. He admired their ashy brown waves that ended just above the shoulders and their deep-set eyes that were looking expectantly up at him. His eyes went past their short but wide nose to their thin lips to their soft jawline. The hand that had adjusted their hair moved to trace their jaw. He studied the freckles that littered their face and neck. If they weren't in public, he’d kiss every one.
“Are we leaving?” Mike asked him, which interrupted his thoughts.
He repeated their question in his head. He liked being a “we”, in a permanent sense. They wouldn't part at the end of this night. They’d go to the same room in the Hotel Alamo and sleep in the same bed.
Mike chuckled, and waved their hand in front of his face. “I asked, are we leaving? Can you hear me? You must be somewhere else with that goofy grin on your face.”
Dude finally felt the smile that his face was making. It didn't stop him from smiling.
“I’m here,” he said. “Lookin’ at you.”
“Well, are we leaving? Or are we standing here looking at each other all night?”
He nodded. “Sure. I’ll look at you somewhere else.”
Eventually they walked out to the wooden platform that would take them back down to the road. Dude leaned over the railing and looked up at the stars.
“What are you doing?” Mike asked him.
“Thanking God for you,” he replied.
They laughed.
He looked over at them. “I mean it. I never thought I’d find someone like you…especially after…well, that doesn't matter anymore.”
“I’m here for the long haul.”
Dude stood to his full height and turned around. He took Mike’s hand in his.
“I know.”
They stepped down the stairs, and started walking towards the hotel.
“I couldn't imagine it,” Mike said.
Dude tilted his head at them. “Couldn't imagine what?”
“You being alone.”
Dude had been alone lots of times. He could imagine it.
“Why’s that?”
Mike smiled sheepishly. “You’re wonderful. You’d find someone to love you, even if it wasn't me.”
He frowned. He didn't want that. He wanted what they had.
Mike looked back up at him. “Don't look at me like that. I know you picked me. I know you’re happy. I just meant if we hadn't met, you wouldn't have died alone. I don't believe that. I can't believe it.”
Dude squeezed their hand. “I feel the same about you.”
Mike smiled, in a way that still betrayed the insecurity underneath. “I know you do.”
“Good,” he said, as the final word of that conversation. “Let’s go sleep? I’m tired.”
Mike gave him a teasing smile. “You just want to be cuddled and kissed all night.”
He couldn't disagree with that. “We’ll sleep…sometime.”
With a fond shake of their head, they leaned over and kissed his cheek. He grinned at them the rest of the way to their bed.
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chipthekeeper · 1 month
good morning chip!! how about a 🌈 for the wip ask game <3
morning mik!! thank you! so the wip is my rhaenicent star wars au and i don't even have the first chapter finished but i am quite excited about it :)
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
Master Kenobi’s message had told whoever remained to steer clear of the Temple, of Coruscant. No one was going to come save them, so they’d had to save themselves. Had to get off the planet to safety. Somehow they’d managed. Rhaenyra, Alicent, one young padawan, and two other younglings. For all she knows, that’s all that remains of her order.
They’re the lucky ones. Maybe the only ones.
Rhaenyra tries to let that fear-filled thought drift from her mind as she lies on her back atop the small, uncomfortable cot in the corner of the safehouse, willing the Force to flow through her and balance her mind again. She closes her eyes, listening, feeling. She hears the birds singing their familiar morning song outside, the soft breeze rustling through the trees. The snores of the sleeping children across the room.
She feels Alicent’s steady breathing against her, the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest where she’s curled into Rhaenyra’s side. Rhaenyra smiles to herself as she feels Alicent’s fist tighten its grip on her shirt as she sleeps soundly.
It’s a rare moment of peace and quiet. She tries to savor it. The Force hums with life throughout every inch of her body, and she doesn’t try to push it away.
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atenea14 · 1 month
In the Wake of Heroes: Prologue
Soulmates AU
Pairing: Katsuki x Eijiro x Shoto x Izuku x OC (not physically described though)
Warnings: Season 7 spoilers, events of the anime not represented accurately, soulmates AU, slow burn, not beta read, nothing else for now.
A/N: Hi! I’m updated with the anime, not with the manga so possible spoilers for season 7. I don’t really know where this fic will go but I wanted to write something with Katsuki x Eijiro x Shoto x Izuku x Reader and couldn’t decide between abo or soulmates AU and between school setting or professional setting, I also couldn’t decide which character should I pick but why not all?. I’ve decided to do a soulmates AU with an original character and start in the school setting. 
The plot starts at season 7, there will be spoilers but I’m making up most of the events to be able to fit my character. 
Word count: 1,6k
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- We will arrive in 30 minutes at the air coffin. Are you sure you want to do this? - She looks at one of the special agents that are accompanying her. 
- What else am I supposed to do? Do I need to remind you of all the pressure you’ve put me in? - Turning back her shoulders she puts on headphones. The rest of the adults look at her with worrying glaces but no one else says anything yet the music seems to calm her. 
I can do this, my singularities have been cause of discordance in all my life but today they will be useful. I can do it, I need to. I’ve been explained how my power can counter attack the disintegration of Shigaraki. I don’t need to be this sca… I’m totally freaking out. HOW THE FUCK I���M I GOING TO DO THIS? I wish I was like Star. I wished she was here to fight with me.
- Minus 20 minutes. - The same agent as before, Mike, puts a hand on her shoulder, taking her out of her thoughts.- I’m… I want to say I’m sorry but I don’t think I have the right to do so. I know you’ve never wanted to be a hero, just anonymously work in intelligence but you have a good base training and your quirk gives you a chance… and we are desperate. - He puts his head between his legs and covers it up with his arms. The girl stares at him and after some long seconds starts to slowly caress his back. 
- Actually… I want to do this, it’s my country too you know?- The agent raises an eyebrow while looking  at her. 
-  I thought you didn’t want to set foot again in Japan- The girl just sighs. 
- There’s a difference between not wanting to come back and wanting it destroyed.- The agent stares at her trying to decipher her but failing. - Anyway the plan is easy, I intercept Shigaraki and give that hero guy the chance to go fight the no face evil man I give my all and pray for my soul. - Some chuckles are heard in the helicopter while the captain approaches her. 
- No Saya, you give your all and if it gets too much you call for extraction.- Saya snorts. 
- And then what? I let that zombie looking guy kill the heroes there?- 
- You are not a hero Saya, nor have you been training to be.- She frowns and suddenly gets up. 
- No, I’ve always wanted to be a detective, old style but that doesn’t make me any less than the rest of the people fighting.- 
- That’s not what I meant…- 
- It is exactly what you meant. Plus how am I going to enter the interpol if I coward in the middle of a fight?-
- It is not any fight Saya, it wouldn’t affect your future.- 
- No, but today’s public exposition surely will.- Some agents sigh in desperation. 
- It won’t be as bad as you think, but you’re too stubborn to believe it.- 
- Enough.- Mike stops it before it gets more heated. - It’s not time for this, we are arriving and we need to have our heads cool.- Easy for you to say, you're not the one who’s entering a place called coffin with a psycho. 
- Opening the jumpgate. Prepare.- The pilot’s voice surprises everybody, Saya takes a deep breath before putting on a determined face. 
- I’ll proceed as planned, try and not to die without me guys. -
- You’re not the one that should be saying it.- Mike pets her and gives her shoulders a reassuring squeeze. Saya smiles at him and nods to the captain, who nods back. Then she just gives a really bright smile to everybody and let's herself fall backwards through the gate. 
- See you!- 
- That kid is going to provoke me a heart attack someday. -
Saya’s POV
Should have not jumped like that. Well… who cares. I see the hole in the barrier, that’s it, I’m entering. Once I take in everything that’s inside this floating enclosure I get breathless. It should have been caused by all the chaos, because of the destruction and all the fallen heroes… but no. I get breathless because of a couple of green eyes that look at me as if they had seen a ghost… Not surprising given the fact that my arrival hasn’t been notified. 
- YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE - How intense, my heart beats a  hundred miles a minute, he has scared me.
- Chill, you’ve scared me!- 
- YOU’VE SCARED ME!- Oh my, I got so anxious at the helicopter that now I’m numb, I should focus more. 
- There’s no time to explain but I’m here to fig - A chain of hands appears out of nowhere and tries to smash me as if I were a fly. Luckily I’m able to dodge it but since the green eyed guy tried to save me we collapse mid air and get destabilized. 
- MORE EXTRAS, I hate you. - Everybody is shouting in here, is this normal in group fights? 
- You have good reflexes. - His voice brings my attention again to him and realise that he’s holding me princess style. He grabbed me when we collided, my heart warms and I cannot understand why. While he is busy dodging Shigaraki’s attacks I use the opportunity to speak. 
- You need to go fight All for One, I’ll stay here and end Shigaraki. - He looks at me in astonishment. 
- That was not the plan!- 
- Things have changed, I’ll make an opening for you to run, use the opportunity.- 
- What? But I have been purposefully brought here I…- Luckily the heroes outside intervene, with communications open again It’ll be easier for everybody to catch up. - Okay, are you sure you’ll be able to fight him?- I mischievously smirk at him. 
- Don’t you know? I have good reflexes. - He chuckles and I jump out of his arms ignoring how his presence affects me. Shigaraki has been throwing a tantrum all the time we’ve been speaking. 
- One for All, what are you doing? It’s my time to kill you.- I activate my quirk and get in between the two of them. Suddenly his attacks get interrupted, the chain of hands stops proliferating. 
- Hello! I’ll be the one playing with you know. - 
- You’ll need to hang on for 5 seconds
- Ah??? Damned extra. ONE FOR ALL. - Shigaraki launches himself at Deku while tries to smash me again, but fails. I use the fact that he isn’t paying attention to me and concentrate my quirk at my punch, I teleport myself in Shigaraki’s face and punch him. Surprising nobody he avoids my attack, yet his attention is now focused on me and I start playing a game of attack and dodge with him. These are the 5 longest seconds of my life, but Deku needs them to be teleported.
I momentarily focus on an unconscious guy in the ground, he looks my age… is he dead? What a great moment for my numbness to subside. Seeing the results of the destruction makes my anxiety turn back tenfold. 
- YOU!… IS YOUR FAULT HE LEFT- Shigaraki’s rage is now completely focused on me makes him focus all his attacks, his speed seems to increase by the second, or I’m getting slower. A leg suddenly kicks him and gives me a little bit of breath, I look at my side and realise it’s Mirko. 
The next few minutes pass by in a blurr, I need to communicate with the rest of the present heroes but I don’t have the chance. At least not until a blasting explosion shakes the whole place up. I’m not going to miss the chance. Pressing my ear intercommunicator I speak. 
- I need to pass a message to the rest of the present heroes. - 
- Proceed. - A female voice replies to me.
- Due to my quirk Shigaraki won’t be able to regenerate if I fight hand-to-hand combat with him. I need your help, I can’t overpower him alone but if you create openings for me we will make it. - The female hero that stands watch outside passes my message to all the presents. 
- OI! You sure of what you’re saying?- It’s the guy from before, the one I thought was dead. I speak to him while the game of dodge restarts. 
- Positive!- He gives me a side glance but doesn’t hesitate. 
- Let 's go then! - 
The coordination and tenacity of the heroes here surprises me. It also surprises me their ability to trust me, a stranger. Without a doubt they all make their biggest efforts to allow me to approach him enough to attack him, and for once it pays off. I don’t know how much time has passed but Shigaraki finally gets weakened. Everything is a chaos and I’ve started merely reacting, the combat is extenuating but I won’t give up. The explosive guy is amazing, he’s the one who’s been making me possible to punch the devil and although it is the first time I’ve seen him we fall into rhythm easily, if it wasn't a fight to the death, I'd even enjoy it. 
Time pass by in a blurr, I don’t know what’s happening outside and I don’t know why Deku is here again completely bruised up. He doesn’t give me a chance to ask anything, upon arriving kicks Shigaraki in the face and due to all the damage we’ve inflicted him it really affects him. 
- Kacchan! Let’s do what we agreed! You! Punch him with everything you’ve got when I give you the signal!- The latter is addressed to me and I won’t be the one messing up. I concentrate my quirk at my maximum and once it is needed I attack him with all I have while Deku and the explosive guy also kick his ass. I don’t know what’s happened but suddenly everything hurts, more than it was already and I seem to be unable to keep my focus. Inevitably, the fall to the ground cuts off my breathing completely and I lose consciousness. 
Final note: Sorry for the inaccuracy of the fight, I haven’t read the manga and don’t know how it really develops further than chapter 12 of season 7. I’ll completely make up the plot in the following chapters :)
Next chapter
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missriyochuchi · 2 months
Tagged by 🧛🏻‍♀️👑 @talesfromthecrypts 🤗 and 😇 @rogerdeakinsdp 😘 to put my on repeat playlist on shuffle and post the 10 songs that play
I don’t use Spotify 💀 but Amazon Music has a My Frequent Plays playlist, so that’s what I’m using 🤷🏻‍♀️
Vode An - Star Wars Lofi by Mik & Samuel Kim
A Praise Chorus by Jimmy Eat World
Bleed It Out by Linkin Park
It Won’t Be Long Now by Melissa Barrera
Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
Light My Candle by Adam Pascal
Ain’t It Fun by Paramore
BODYGUARD by Beyoncé
Prove It All Night by Bruce Springsteen
Crazy On You by Heart
Tagging @henricavyll @tesb @nobie @genre and anyone else who wants to do it 🎶🪩
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bikananjarrus · 3 months
anyway how do you think elzar felt when he turned a year older than stellan? because i think it probably felt a lot like dying.
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scribblue · 3 months
☆Intro/My Links + Tags☆
Figured it was time to make a proper introduction on here, and put my links/tags in one place ✨️
Hello, I'm Mik, he/they, and I'm autistic, transmasc, and queer with a lovely girlfriend of one year! I'm a 26 y/o artist & writer who also dabbles in cosplay, and primarily draws OCs and fanwork of whatever I'm currently into (which would be Ninjago right now if you can't already tell).
My biggest special interests are treasure planet, my own ocs/art as a whole, the lilo and stitch franchise, the land before time franchise, star trek TNG, and owl city. I love animated films and cartoons!! (It's too early to consider ninjago a sp/in but.... trust me it's probably gonna get there AHAHA)
My links:
☆ For OC refs and info, check out my toyhouse!
☆ Learn more about my 'anomaly control' OC lore on an interactive website (complete with a choose-your-own-adventure story at the end) here!
☆ To read my fics/short-form original work, check out my ao3! [*CW: Some 18+ content, mind the tags]
☆ For commission info/to request a commission, check out this form!
☆ All of my socials, discord server, and other important links are on my carrd!
My tags:
(I'm still building my catalogue of hashtags to organize my stuff, I'll edit this post as I make more)
☆ Lego-related content (Ninjago and Lego Batman): #scriblego
☆ OCs: #scribocs
☆ Writing: #scribwords
☆ Cosplay stuff: #scribcosplay
And since I've only posted fanart on here so far, here's some of my fave OC pieces from the last few years !!
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I'll pin this post and update as needed ^-^
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goosesttrpgblog · 12 days
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Osa Stormwind
Note; This post will be reblogged with updates and changes to the character as the campaign progresses. Everything below is strictly start of campaign information.
Pronouns: She/they Sexuality: Omnisexual, sapphic lean Origin: Half Beasthide Shifter (crocodillian)/Half Orc [mechanically, she and her brother are Shifters, their Orc heritage is entirely for flavor] Class: (Modified) Monk Age: 21 Height: 6'3
Current Goal: "I've already achieved my goal; get away from home. Now I'm just makin' sure Mik doesn't get himself killed." Whether she admits it or not, Osa is still trying to figure out who she is outside of home. They've been raised under the purview of their star obsessed mother, and Osa has only ever known themself in relation to how they regularly fail to meet their mother's expectations; or meets them in all the wrong ways. Personality: ✧ External: Resting “try me” face, standoffish, passive, aloof. Osa has a very live and let live attitude toward almost everything unless it directly affects her. She ignores anything she finds irritating until someone confronts her with it. The exception to this is Mik- he’s heard her talk shit, vent, and even get on his case for doing certain things. But she’s also notably gentler with him about it than anyone else. Now, that doesn’t mean she’s gentle. Just that she is gentler with her brother than other people.  Generally, she tries to approach life at a second-worst possible outcome view. Nothing is ever going to be world ending but she does believe it’s always going to suck. This has yet to prove itself to be a particularly optimistic worldview, but it’s certainly better than complete nihilism. 
✧ Internal: Uncertain, lost, hopeful. Osa tries to have this gritty, tough love realism about the world, generally. But she can’t help but want something to prove her wrong in that regard. That she can find something to make her more than just a small town ranch hand. She would never call it purpose, but she wishes she could at least feel like a person and not a body.  Osa’s biggest fear in life is that she won’t ever find a hobby outside of all of her self-destructive tendencies. That she will always be defined by her vices and coping mechanisms. And worst of all; that people will say it was always going to be that way because of fate or the stars or whatever metaphysical bullshit they believe in.  Favorite - Food: Cold desserts, specifically ones that feature fresh/seasonal fruits. Think something like Halo Halo, though also enjoys simpler desserts like seasonal fruits with plain yogurt. Color: Red. Anything from bright, fiery reds to pinky reds to brick reds to deep burgundies. Red is the color of some of her favorite alcohols, the color of good meat, the color of the late summer blooms by one of her favorite fishing spots. Music: Blues/Dark Country. Lots of twangy guitars and sad working class people getting their shit off their chest. Season: Fall. There's a massive rush of work at the end of harvest season, and there's almost always a bit of excess. Good food and a notable lack of boring, aimless days. Time of Day: Sunset. When she finally, officially clocks out after a long day of work and can spend her night socializing at a local bar or a friend's house till late and she can sneak into her house without having to speak to her mother. Least Favorite - Food: Technically not a food, but hot drinks. The absolute warmest a drink can be for Osa to be willing to drink it is room temp, any warmer than that and she's Uncomfortable. She runs hot and lives in a hot and humid environment, hot drinks are off the table. Color: Not a singular color, but that oily, iridescent purple to pink to green sheen that bad meat gets. Bad meat, bad water, bad whatever. Music: Anything super delicate or high pitched sounding. There's not any one genre that's prone to this, but rather just the higher note ranges of instruments like flutes, violins, etc. Season: Winter. Easily the time of year when there's the least amount of work to do. And when there's less work, there's more trouble to be made to distract Osa from the other shit going on in their life. Time of Day: Noon. Hottest hour of the day. They call it a lunch break but Osa often finds themself unable to eat when it's too hot outside, so they use it as an excuse to nap instead. Traits: - They are mildly allergic to both dust and horse dandruff. - She's far fonder of her brother than even he knows. She's not sure why either, as that's a feeling she's only become aware of since they left home together. - Osa, despite her preferences, is in fact trained with weapons. She has a short sword and darts, neither of which have seen much use. Her knuckles, however- - They get easily embarrassed when confronted with puzzles. They can help, but they get extremely nervous about appearing stupid. - When stuck in her head thinking about something, she will often interlace her hands and rub her thumb over her knuckles. So far, Mik is the only person who's been able to pick up on this habit of hers.
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hopetune · 4 months
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#HOPETUNE: an affiliated robin rp blog, harmonizing with mik (20, they/them, gmt +8). singing about hope and fledgling wings. rules and portrayal notes may be found under the cut!
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ON AFFILIATION: this blog is affiliated with gnostic hymns. as such, personal blogs and rp blogs not affiliated with gh will be softblocked or blocked.
ON SHIPPING: i have my personal preferences but i'm generally open to shipping with those i'm familiar with ooc + dynamics with good chemistry. especially with regards to romance, i would prefer to plot everything out just so we're clear on everything. do also note that i headcanon robin as a lesbian, so i won't do anything romantic with male-identifying muses, but anyone is free to feel what they feel about robin regardless of gender, she's just not going to reciprocate everyone's feelings. 
ON HEADCANONS: i have certain headcanons that do indirectly affect muses around robin. specifically, i headcanon her resonance to evoke a certain sensation within those affected. i'll go into further detaili won't force you to accept this if it's something you don't want to write, but i hope it's something that can be considered when it comes up in our writing. though i would like to reiterate that it's ultimately your choice whether or not to include it in your replies/interactions!!!
ON FORMATTING: i use small text with icons in my writing. if you have any issues with readability or would like me to change my format, please let me know! as for my personal preference: i would prefer it if my partners could use small text in their replies so i can read it more easily <3
ON OOC CONTACT: as tumblr's IMs have been acting up recently (for me at least) i prefer discord dms. my username is emblian! i am part of gh's discord server so you may also ping me there. i will let you all know now that, while i have grown more comfortable speaking with others ooc, i am still prone to bouts of anxiety and may pull back at any given moment. please don't take this personally! i may just need some space and time to get myself together.
ON REPLIES: my schedule has gotten considerably less free since i'm starting my semester so expect me to take anywhere from a week to a month to reply. i'll do my best to avoid having my partners wait for too long, of course, but i just want to be clear just in case you think i might be ghosting you or forgetting our thread. though that's not out of the question—i'm also a pretty forgetful person, so feel free to ping me if you feel that may be the case!
ON TRIGGER WARNINGS: i will use general trigger warnings for things such as gore, extreme violence, suicide, and other topics that i deem sensitive enough to warrant it. i will be using "tw // (word)" as a tag. if you have any triggers you'd like me to tag, please feel free to let me know through a dm. i also tag spoilers under "hsr spoilers"
ON HYV GAMES: i am not as familiar with genshin or honkai impact 3rd as i am with honkai star rail. i will defer to my partners for information but please be patient with me if i have lapses in the lore! i would also appreciate it if you could gently correct me on whatever i may get wrong. 
robin is renown throughout the cosmos, so it's perfectly fine to assume any hsr muse knows her/knows of her regardless of whether or not they've interacted with her in canon.
robin will often disguise herself when appearing in public, especially in places where she knows she has many fans, so it depends on the situation whether or not your muse will recognize her. if your muse is a stranger to her, she will likely not blow her own cover.
related to the point above: she will probably not disguise herself when going to places in teyvat or remote planets like jarilo-iv, as no one would probably recognize her there.
as of right now, robin is on a journey for self-discovery. she has no tours, no concerts, no schedules, no nothing. encounters with her won't be within the context of her as a performer, but rather, her as a person. people who don't already know her as a songstress will likely see her as someone very ordinary.
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Sam is very quiet and has changed the dates of the LA event. Do you think it's because of Graham's betrayal? Maybe there are problems between the MIK ? A partner doing competition to the other, does not have good optics :(
Dear McTavish Anon,
I have no idea why the dates of the LA event have been changed, nor why S is very quiet. Unlike people in Mordor, I intensely dislike to speculate about S's motivations or decisions, for the same reasons I will never speak on behalf of another blogger, for example. I am not S's attorney, spokeswoman or publicist. I hope he is taking some well-deserved rest, in good company (yes, that good company) - period. And I do not see the cause-effect relationship between postponing an event for any possible reason and his co-star's "betrayal".
That being said and to vent my probably unpopular opinion, I have never liked Graham McTavish and I've always thought he acted in a very condescending way towards S., who strikes me as borderline credulous, as far as some of the people in his entourage are concerned. Now, I might be wrong and I really hope I am, but these two logos side by side do not tell a very clear story:
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as compared to
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Similar visuals, similar logos, similar implied message. Not very loyal. Not a particularly intelligent strategy, either. Unless conversations and some sort of arrangement happened before the release.
This is a typical wait and see situation, Anon. I might have my antipathies, but I will never jump to conclusions based solely on them.
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