#my knees popped really hart while I was writing this
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Some say it takes an amount of bravery, or self assurance to proudly fight on the front lines of world wars, others say it takes a strong selfless individual.
But the truth is it takes being an immortal being.
Arlo has lived through every single war since the beginning of time, and has fought in most of them. Wherever, whenever it was, Arlo was somewhere there. Changed name, changed hair, changed anything. Still Arlo was there. He had lost count of the wars he’d fought in, the armor he’s worn, the names he’s had to change. The funerals he’s planned. It’s always the same beginning to be pointless in there petty fights, mortals always started them, and he had a free year or 2 to have a detour from usual activities. The battle Fields where always gory this one in particular, World War III. Theres shooting everywhere, blood everywhere. Bombs going off every 5 to 6 hundred yards. The gas mask he needed to wear was useless, unneeded ,it was just really itchy to him. He could’ve been in any other war ground and it would’ve been the same, smoke, blood, bodies. The screaming and Gunshots were there too, just not visually.
„Arlo!“ He heard a muffled yelp of his name about 3 feet behind him.
Pale-ish, tan-ish man stood before him a few moments later, a ‚boy‘ named Ben beside him. Every few decades, give or take, He would find a mortal who he stuck by until he had to kick the fake bucket. Ben Happens to be that said character for the past 2 years so far. Arlo didn’t have issues with him and he was rather, nice and had great ideas. Except going into the battlefield with Arlo.
„Yeah? Ben?“ Arlo yelled in a sort of raspy yell, „Aren’t you supposed to be more northwest than here?“
Arlo needed to be alone when in came to situations like this. The whole, can’t die thing ‚freaked‘ mortals out a bit.
„I wanted to make sure you where safe though!“ Ben made a soft smile even with his roguish look.
„You’re always like thi-.“ Arlo went to make a sarcastic comment to his friend but realizing a bullet nearing Ben‘s head.
Ben drops to the ground. A tiny tear drops from Arlo‘s face before he continues on.
It ended a lot the same either Arlo faking his death, or his friends dying near him like Ben. Although being an immortal being he often wondered if it was a curse set apon him. Some cruel joke. Arlo army crawls near a spot he needs to before jumping out and shooting a group of 4. He continues walking farther from enemy cam closer to a cavern blood smeared on the walls in a large stain on the right side of the cavern.
A bomb goes off near. More screaming.
He continues walking wiping the blonde from the group of threes blood from his camo. He makes it to a much more secluded area. He sees a few enemy camps about roughly 300 ft ahead of him and none of „his“ side anywhere to be found. He’s safe to walk there without coverage. He was anyways but less people the better. He hates being stared at. He walks a bit closer to the camps, about 150 feet left. The grass crunching beneath his boots.
A gun fires at Arlo‘ head, leaving nothing not even a red mark where he had gotten shot from behind. He wipes the back of his head. When a voice comes from a bit farther from the shooter.
„WHAT THE HELL?“ screamed the the commander before he dropped to the floor.
He wasn’t as alone as he thought apparently.
you are soldier who served in every war known to man you are immortal one day in the middle of WW III you were shot in the head thinking nobody saw you continue firing until your commander yells “what the hell”
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underwaterdogballs · 3 years ago
The Birth House - Ami McKay
[ im only a new reader, so im still working on the reading daily thing ]
time it took me - 2-3 days (i was really into it lol)
published - 2006
pages - 368
TW for book: physical abuse, sexual abuse, sex scenes, sexism, violence, teen pregnancy + birth
chapters - 47 + epilogue, and there are notes from the Willow Book at the end (i actually typed the whole thing up lmao ( x ) )
genre - historical / realistic fiction
5/5 stars (but my standards are really fucking low, so don’t trust me)
honest opinion - I loved it. It was a great book for me. I loved the MC (stands for Main Character), and it was just a great book all around. I can't put my opinion into words, but I'd highly recommend it, but if you've faced sexual abuse and/or teen pregnancy I might pass it up, as it may be triggering.
basic summary (no major spoilers) (im writing this 3-4 months after reading the book, so sorry if a bit inaccurate) - 
Takes place in 1910s-1920s (WWI), Nova Scotia. Basically Dora Rare (first daughter in 5 generations of Rares), is drawn to Miss Babineau, a midwife and eventually after a few years becomes a midwife herself. But soon Dr. Gilbert Thomas, comes by and brings promises of quick, painless birth, and now many people start to question Babineau’s methods. Miss B disappears, and now Dora has to fight for her traditions. 
in depth ‘summary’ (spoilers. and a whole lot of them) !!CW!! physical abuse, sexual abuse(?), few sex scenes - 
Alrightie, buckle up.
“On the evening of a full moon in June, Silent went out in his canoe to catch the shad that were spawning around the tip of Cape Split. As the night wore on, Annie began to worry that some ill had befallen her love. . . . She walked to the cove where they had first met and began to call to him, promising her heart, her fidelity and a thousand loves to his name. The moon, seeing Annie’s sadness, began to sing, forcing the waves inland, strong and fast, bringing Silent safely back to his lover. Since that time, every child born from the Rare name has been male, and even now, when the moon is full, you can hear her voice, the voice of the moon, singing sailors home.” < why all Rare children have been men (for past 5 gen) >
Dora Rare is the only daughter in 5 generations of Rares. When Dora is first mentioned, she is 17 years old, and has 6 older brothers. Marie Babineau drags Dora to Mrs. Experience Ketch’s 13th kid, which would be a very prominent memory. Anyway if she didn’t give birth to this child today, she’d die. So she did, but she did not want her child. She pushed him away. So he died. Mr. Ketch is not deserving to be called a father, but here we are. Being the 1910s, he was a sexist wanker. “’I don’t trust nothin’ that can’t piss standin’ up.”’ like bitch who the fuck do you think you are?? 
Mrs. Ketch is a victim of serious domestic abuse, if the amount of children didn’t tell you otherwise (women can choose to have this many children, but... holy fuck.)
Archer, someone who Dora is sorta fond of (its been a while, dont remember her feelings), didn’t wish to fight in the war, but Grace and Precious really didn’t fucking like that. “’If I could, I’d march through Europe myself, killing Huns right and left, gutting them with a bayonet and crushing their skulls with the heel of my boot. But I can’t, and neither can any other woman who might wish for victory over evil... and neither can these boys who are too young to serve their king.’ She glared at Archer. ’But you can’” Mate. Take notes from Mulan. Masquerade as a man and beat them all. Fucking coward.
After Archer drags Dora to an empty room, Dora starts to become a horny fuck, and he begins undressing her, she mentions that that was her first kiss, and this Archer hoe backs off, and leaves.
Dr. Thomas comes bearing promises of quick and painless births. He makes Miss B and Dora seem like they’re using wooden tools and sawing a woman in half to get her baby out and taping her back together. Like stfu.
Well, a chapter or 2 later, Dora learns that she is marrying Archer, and she can’t refuse it. 
A couple pages later, on the start of chapter 18, B orders Dora to get her 2 long-handled spoons and to grease them up with tallow, to get a teacup cover out from Grace Hutner’s sweet spot, cause she’s a horndog.
On the day before their wedding night, Archer wants Dora to give him a bj. A motherfucking blowjob. As a thanks for the permission to marry him. 
“Come on, Dorrie. Just get on your knees. It won’t take long, no one needs to know. Now open up that mouth and take me in.” im not even going to say anything.
Anyway, the day before Dora has to marry Archer Bigelow, Miss B dies. :(
Archer wants Dora to give up the midwifery stuff (i think its sorta cool tbh, but k mate). This horny fuck wants sex every damn night. The book mentions the ‘supposed to hurt the first time’ and ‘breaking a woman in’ and just to let you know, the book talks like this bc it’s set in the 1910s-1920s, but irl, it doesn’t have to hurt the first time, i don’t think (but i havent fucked yet, and i dont plan to so idk), and breaking a woman in makes it sound like an object of some sort. 
On page 174, Archer attempts to punch her, but he misses and makes a hole in the wall. 
Dora gives in to sex when she doesn’t want to, and bc of her ‘obligations as a wife’  he treats her more like a sex toy than a human being. (not every guy is a piece of shit in this book, just most of them)
She heads to Dr. Thomas through a friend or her familys advice, and is diagnosed with hysteria, which is probably just ignored horniness, or a high libido or smth, the Doc basically uses a vibrator thing on her and the book states it’s better than what she’s felt in the arms of her husband.
(im wrapping this up cause my fingers are cold)
Influenza starts to pop up, and after Dora is outcasted for her practices, she goes to one of her older brothers.
Brady Ketch, husband of Experience Ketch, dumps his beat up and bruised pregnant 13-year old daughter on Dora’s doorstep, she dies, but delivers a perfectly healthy baby that Dora adopts as her own, and names Winnie/Wennie or whatever the fuck her name was.
After she comes back, she turns back to midwifery, and bars Dr. Thomas with a pitchfork after he attempts to interrupt a delivery (not Ketch’s daughter, as she died in childbirth) (obvi)
Archer dies out in sea, after Dora didn’t give him a thing known for protecting sailors from drowning and to bring them home safe and sound. But Archer has a brother, Hart, and claimed that he always had feelings for her, and he was disgusted at how he treated her. Dora doesn’t marry him, but stays as his lover. Also, the epilogue is about electricity coming to Scots Bay.
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redfoxwritesstuff · 6 years ago
Thirsty Tweets
Hello! Happy Monday! I had a job that it turns out I can’t take because the hours are piss poor and unreasonable. But I hit 190 followers so sweet! I’m also a tad feverish so forgive the rambles. Below you’ll find the first of six requests I’ve taken off of the lovely @loki-the-fox. It says reader but so sorry- I typically write for OC’s and when it comes to RPF I refuse to write reader inserts- it’s my line. Sorry! 
Request by Anon on 11/15/18 Hello! I had this sorta funny idea that I wanted to request? But basically Tom and the reader are both on the set for “reading thirst tweets” and while they both read them out loud they get shocked, flustered and possessive over each other as each one goes. The reader even agrees with some of them. I was either thinking that they could do a joint interview, like Kevin Hart and his wife, or they could watch each other read em out loud behind the camera ??? idk, I just thought how funny it would be to see Tom react to all the thirsty tweets he gets. If you can’t incorporate everything though, that’s completely okay!!
Thirsty Tweets
“Monica,Tom! Set in ten!” A crew member yelled after popping her head into the room I was currently pacing. Interviews and such were always hard for me. I had never really thought I would get to a place where I’d be doing interviews on live telly. I’d never thought I’d get this far at all to be honest, yet here I am.
“Your hands are shaking.”
Tom came out of nowhere or so it seemed. His footsteps always seemed soft and it never made any sense to me. The way he moved and walked showed his confidence. His steps would echo on solid floors but in here, the carpet silenced his movements letting him sneak up on me. I hated it. I hated how he would catch me off guard.
“I’m fine.”
I hated him. Or at least, I wanted to. He was tall and lean and beautiful. His kindness was remarkable. I could swear his voice, accent and all could melt butter fresh out of the fridge. And I had to spend the last year working with him. It wasn’t fair.
Before I would have sworn men like him were imaginary. Nope, turns out that’s not the case. They just are never interested in girls like me. That’s why I got the role of ‘Mary’. I was plain compared to the actresses he was used to working with but could clean up pretty. That was just what they needed.
Now I know the sad truth, men like him exist. I want one and can’t have one. Well, that’s not true, I had one. Well almost. I got to make friends with one while he pretended not to be one.
I know it’s a part of the job but after some of the scenes we’ve filmed together it’s hard not to get flustered around the man. He’s just so perfect and then knowing first hand what it feels like to have him almost naked and rutting against me- it’s just too much. I know what the man’s ass feels like for god’s sake. You grab that ass while hearing him moan in your ear and not feel anything. I’m an actress yes but I’m not immune to him.
I didn’t think it would be a problem. Don’t catch feelings for your coworkers. It seems like an easy enough rule and he played a bit of an asshole in his part. It should have been easy.
If it was so easy why was having him even in the same room as me making me turn into a freaking mess. It was honestly annoying. It wasn’t like me to be a flustered mess because of a man.
Filming is one thing. It’s my thing. It’s what I do. I always felt in my element. Getting on that stage where I’m just me was different. And being just me next to Him? Oh no, that’s a whole different ballgame and I suck at ball.
“You two are up.” The same woman popped her head in again and waved us on. Yay!
“It will be okay.” The sound of his voice drew my eyes to him and I hated it how the sound of it relaxed me. “I’ll take care of you.” He promised me and my mind went right to the gutter.
Rather than say the not so professional thought that ran through my head I just nodded mutely and went to follow him out. Tom however wouldn’t have that and instead he took my hand and tucked it around his arm. This man, I can’t even begin to deal with him. If only he wasn’t so nice. That would make it easier.
“Welcome! I’m so glad to have you both!” Neil stood from behind his desk on the bright stage as they stepped on. “I’ve got Tom Hiddleston and Monica Martin from the new film ‘Before Dawn’ here with me today. Gosh, it’s so good to have you both here.”
Neil shook Tom’s hand and pulled him into a quick hug, clapping him on the back before turning his attention to me with a whistle. I always hated how I felt like a piece of meat on these type of shows.
“You look amazing, Monica. Doesn’t she look great, Tom?”
“Thank you.” I hated how my face felt warm as Tom took a moment to eye me as if he hadn’t seen me pacing around the room for the last 20 minutes or so. He was such a good actor that he could almost convince me that he was impressed with the little blue dress I wore when he agreed.
After being pulled into a hug I took my place on the couch next to Tom. Heat radiated off of him and I tried to ignore it. I really did. It was just as hard to try and ignore how good he smelled. But I had to try. I had to somehow survive this interview and the rest of the press tour.
“Now, Monica- You’ve made a bit of a splash with your role as Mary. This is your first major break, isn’t that right?”
I nodded but Tom answered before I could find my voice. “She’s amazing in it.”
“Thank you.” Don’t blush. Don’t blush. I’m blushing.
“Now you’ve both been working very close during filming. What’s it like working with someone as well known as Tom?” There was no way to avoid answering that question myself. When the weight of Tom’s hand settled on my knee I took a deep breath to try and steady my voice. He gave what I’m sure he thought was a reassuring squeeze. All it did was send butterflies into a frenzy inside my stomach.
“Tom’s been amazing to work with.” I freaking gush and it’s hard not to cringe at how fan girl I sound. “He’s been so kind and patient with me.”
“Such glowing praise.” Neil opened two envelops of and pulled out stacks of cards as Tom laughed and fidgeted in his seat. Even when he is fidgeting he looks good and I hate him for it. Or at least, I want to.
“We’re going to play a game.” Neil announces to us and frankly I hate games.
“A game?” I parrot back dumbly and instantly wish I could just keep my mouth closed. Games on shows like this were never a good thing.
“I’m going to give you a stack of cards with tweets on them about Tom.” Neil reached out with a stack of cards over his desk and reluctantly I take them.
“Oh gosh.” As I take the cards I can’t help but laugh. I don’t want to play this game.
“After he’s going to read some about you.” Tom snags his envelop with his stack of cards still inside.
“This will be fun.” He says as he laughs and it’s not fair that his laugh sounds that good.
“Go on, let’s get started!” Neil sits back in his office chair behind his desk to enjoy the show.
“They could make a movie of Tom Hiddleston just drinking tea and I’d fucking watch it.” I couldn’t help but laugh after I finished reading the tweet. “You wouldn’t be alone.” I admit.
“Would you watch it?” Tom nudged my shoulder with his as he laughed.
“I’ve seen you drink plenty of tea already, thank you.” He pouted and I laughed harder at him because what else can you do? “Okay next one. ‘Tom Hiddleston could run me over on his run and I’d suck his dick.’ Well that escalated.” I laugh and look to Tom. “Please never run me over during your morning runs?”
“I promise not to!” We both seemed to be working hard to ignore the fact that I just had to say ‘I’d suck his dick’. I mean- that’s what the tweet said but still. There was a blush on his face and I’m sure I looked no better.
“Oh god.” I laugh before reading the next one. “Tom could not shower for six months and I’d still let him fuck me.”
“What?” He couldn’t stop laughing. “I’m worried about this person. Value yourself. Know your worth. Insist on regular showering.”
“I’d not let you near me if you haven’t showered in even a few days. I know how you sweat after your runs.”
“They are just getting worse and worse.” Tom was fidgeting more and more. He took his glasses off and cleaned them at least three times since we have started and in general he was simply not sitting still.
“Tom could-” my laughter cut off the words. “Tom could bend me over and.. I can’t read this. I- Nope.” I tapped out as Tom snagged the last paper from me.
“Oh dear.” He said sternly. “I think I’d like to try this.”
I could have died when he winked at me and slipped the paper into his pocket. What the hell did that even mean!? Who did he want to try that with? Why did I care? Oh right, because he’s fucking beautiful and sweet and sexy and the idea of him doing what was written on that paper was so out of left field.
I mean really, Handcuffs? Bent over a counter? Mirrors? That’s not exactly light weight naughty in my book and while it totally would fit the character he played in ‘Before Dawn’ I didn’t expect that out of him. And why for the love of god and all that is holy did he wink at me?! Why the hell did I feel like I was on fire? Am I on fire?
“You still with us Monica?” Neil’s voice cut through my thoughts and oh fuck, I zoned out thinking about Tom and handcuffs. It’s a good thing I’m not a man because there would be some damning evidence on cable TV of where my thoughts went.
“Yeah sorry!” This could be easily brushed off, right?
“Where did you go?” Tom asked and I wanted to kill him, I really did.
“Oh, just you know.” Great. Classy. Good job Monica. Way to go. Could I make it any more obvious? Someone stop me.
“Well you’re done for now. I’ll let you off the hook. See, that wasn’t such a bad game!” Neil laughs as he motions to Tom. “Tom’s turn to start reading.”
“Oh god.” The groan comes out before I could stop it as he pulls out the cards.
“Monica’s got that girl next door you’d like to bone thing going on.” Tom reads before laughing. “None of the girls next door looked half as good as she does. Where did this fellow grow up? I should have lived there.”
I try not to blush. It’s just an act and it’s what’s expected of him. Still, it’s hard not to have butterflies when someone like him agrees with something like that.
“Whatever.” The word is mumbled and I did mean to say it.
“Whatever?” There is a hint of challenge in Tom’s voice. “I’m serious.”
I try and deflect with fidgeting and laughing. It works for him, it could work for me, right? Yeah, no. I’m pretty sure I’m not selling the fidget look like he does. He had to plan his fidgeting. That’s the only way it could come off so well for him. That made sense, right?
“Next up! We’ll do a few more then switch again. They get better and better.” Neil urged and I was worried.
“Okay, okay.” Tom relented and I could feel the seat of the couch shift as he moved to try and get comfortable. “’I’d like to put Monica up on that counter and eat her like a sweet potato pie.’ Wow.” It was weird seeing Tom as a loss for words. His cheeks burned and the blush looked good on him.
“That’s… I’m never going to eat sweet potato pie again.” I force out as I tried to act like I was okay with strangers saying that to me. As if they hadn’t been screaming those things at me since I was 13.
“I’ve never had sweet potato pie and now I…” Shaking his head, Tom fidgeted more, loosening his tie as Neil laughed. It was entertaining for him and for the masses. Our ‘fans’ would eat up our discomfort and we’d play it off as if it was nothing because we are ‘actors’ and we’re ‘public commodities’.
“Next, next.” Neil urged.
“Monica could take a strap on and wreck my ass and I’d thank her.” Tom cleared his throat. “Well now. Perhaps these thoughts are better kept to oneself.”
I tried to laugh and something managed to come out of me. The look Tom gave me made me think he didn’t believe I found it funny at all. He’d be right about that. I wanted nothing more than for this interview to be over.
“Moving on.” I was thankful he didn’t want to dwell on that one. I wouldn’t be able to look him in the eye after him reading these things about me. “Monica is so hot I’d like to...”
“What?” Tom’s voice trailed off and his whole body seemed to stiffen next to me. It was confusing and I couldn’t understand what was going on.
“I’m not reading this filth.” Tom ripped the stack of papers in half before stacking them and ripping them again.
“Hey now, don’t be like that. It’s just a game.” Neil was clearly caught off guard by Tom’s reaction. I was as well, to be honest.
“Actually, no. I will be like this. I laughed and played along while you made her read inappropriate things said about me but I’ll not subject her to hearing such filth about her. Further, the things I am being asked to read about her are significantly worse than what you asked her to read of me.” Waving the stack of ripped papers at the desk. “This game is bloody disgusting. No one should be spoken about by strangers in such a way as they are speaking of her. No one.”
“Now, we didn’t mean any offense. It was just a fun little game.” Neil back peddled as Tom stood. His back was straight and his shoulders back. It was an impressive sight that made my breath catch in my lungs.
This wasn’t in the plan. We knew what sort of games Neil liked to play on his show. The only surprising thing was Tom’s reaction. It made no sense to me. Why was he acting like a noble and why the hell am I picturing him on a white horse sweeping in to save me.
My internal rambling is cut short when he reached back and plucked my hand up. With a firm tug he pulls me to my feet and I go willingly enough. What the hell is going on?
His grip was warm and firm and good god was his hand large. I wanted him to always hold my hand like this. Looking back, Neil was protesting and trying to salvage the situation but it was clear our interview was over. Tom pulled the microphone off and snagged mine off as well before tossing them both onto the couch behind us.
“Don’t worry, the fallout will land mostly on me.” Tom’s blue eyes turned back on me as he marched forward, pulling me along behind him even still by the hand.
“Tom?” Finally I was able to get control over my feet and plant them on the linoleum in the hall. He’d managed to make it a good ways dragging me behind him. “Why did you do that? What the hell?”
“I...” His voice tapered off and I was stuck watching as he fidgeted more. It really wasn’t fair how good he looked as he raked his fingers through his disheveled curls.
“You what?” I didn’t mean to snap at him, honest.
“I won’t act like I’m okay with people saying those things about you.” That made no sense. It comes with the job. Hell, it comes with being a damn woman.
“Why?” A sigh rips itself through my chest. “It’s not like you have a reason to care.”
“I beg your pardon?” The look in his eyes gave me pause. It was fierce and strong and sharp. He still had my hand in his iron tight grip. “I have every bloody reason to care.”
“I don’t understand?” Look at me, I’m clearly following what is going on here. Actually no, no I’m not. Because what it seems like is going on here is that I’ve lost my damn mind. Either that or Tom-
Never did he let go of my hand. That sticks out in my mind. Don’t judge me, it all happened so fast. One moment he was looking at me with that fierce look and the next his other hand was resting on my neck and pulling me toward him. I came willingly enough. How could I not? My whole brain seemed to stop working as he leaned down.
“Maybe you’ll understand this.” What does that even mean? Oh- Oh that’s what he means.
His lips were warm and soft. I could feel the scratch of his stubble against my face as his warm breath fanned out over me. He stepped forward and I blindly allowed him to lead me. How could I not? Part of me was scared that if I dared to open my eyes this would have been some crazy dream.
My back met the wall and that snapped me back to reality. When the hell did I put my hand on his chest? Why the hell am I running it up and wrapping it around his neck? What the fuck is going on? He pulled back, giving us some space between us and I gasped for air.
“Forgive me, that was very forward. I just-”
“Do it again.” I demanded even as I pulled him to me. “Do it again if you meant it.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. As his lips molded themselves against mine again I took a quick moment to mentally thank god and Neil for the Thirsty Tweets game.
Tag list for Tom: @dangertoozmanykids101, @alexakeyloveloki, @theoneanna, @0-0-0-0-0-0-0-7, @j-u-s-t-4, @winterisakiller, @wegingerangelica
Want in on future tags? Drop me a line and let me know what type of stories you’d like to be tagged in and I’ll add you to the list. I write for Tom and marvel. 
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emblem-333 · 6 years ago
Let’s Save The Hitman
In my eyes wrestling is corny, formulaic, and whenever someone tries something creative for the sake of change it is immediately the worst. There’s a fine line between PG and PG-13 the WWE walks today. In some ways for the better. The women, while often forgotten, aren’t treated primarily as sex objects. Wrestlers of various ethnicities are treated better, at least in their on-screen portrayal. The Attitude Era content fans yearn to return never will. No matter the platform WWE finds itself on they want to appeal to children to obtain mainstream credibility they enjoyed for a very brief time in the Hulk Hogan-era, and in 2000. You can gauge how in-vogue wrestling is with the casual audience with if one of them hosts Saturday Night Live.
As of today, the WWE doesn’t know what it wants to be. Every year they beg celebrities to show their faces for WrestleMania for that mainstream appeal. They are also grooming Shane McMahon to be the edgy, son of a billionaire heel to fill his father’s shoes from The Attitude Era. Women are challenging man’s masculinity on live television on Raw, then on Smackdown the champion is hugging little children on the way to the ring. C.M Punk is right when he describes wrestling as the most “bipolar” industry.
In 1997 the WWE appealed solely to the crowd who wanted the edgier product. The rejection of the clean-cut Babyface Bret Hart and his stereotypical tendencies, despite his superior in-ring and fine promo skills, the days of the black and white were long over. In ‘97 World Championship Wrestling simply was kicking WWF’s ass. The New World Order was setting the landscape on fire. Heel Hogan rejuvenated his career. It didn’t even matter the wrestling matches featuring the nWo were subpar. The characters were just that great. Meanwhile, the WWF in late in the year knew what had to be done, only they lacked the funds to do it. It wasn’t enough to give the red hot “Stone Cold” Steve Austin the title. Vince McMahon needed more juice in the building for the occasion. He set his eyes for heavyweight champion Mike Tyson. His expensive price tag was paid after McMahon ran Bret out of the WWF into the arms of WCW. WHAT A COINCIDENCE!
The first hurdle McMahon had to conquer wasn’t simply getting the belt off Bret. It was the squeeze a pay day out of the illustrious Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart rivalry before The Hitman walked out the door. The two have worked in singles matches only twice prior. The first time at Survivor Series, 1992, and the famous Iron-Man Match at WrestleMania XII. Each match a four-in-a-half star affair. The two were penciled to have a rubber-match for WrestleMania XIII. Except the champion Michaels “Lost his smile”.
Translation: “I’m the champion. I don’t have to do jobs for anybody. Also, my knee hurts.”
As you can imagine, this caused a rift between The Heartbreak Kid and The Hitman. Prior to Survivor Series, in 1997, all Hart asked McMahon was he’d end his WWF career with his dignity. McMahon insisting he drop the championship to Michaels. Hart won the title from The Undertaker at Summerslam earlier in the year.
The infamous Montreal Screwjob ruined the life of one of the greatest performers the business had ever seen. While simultaneously catapulting the cutthroat McMahon above his competitors to the point he currently holds a monopoly on the wrestling industry. (We’ll see how All Elite Wrestling does)
So what-if a compromise was reached? Or if the whole scene was avoided all together? Obviously the Monday Night War continues into the 21st century. Even as WCW decayed under the inmates running the asylum (*coughs Hulk Hogan*) if the company never felt the need to try anything different after losing their lead in the ratings maybe the company is still around today? With no “Mr. McMahon” character to act as a foil for the anti-Hero Austin how much of what made Stone Cold so great is missed?
How do we arrive at such an occurrence? Simple. Have The Undertaker go over Bret Hart at Summerslam. Referee Michaels catches Bret using a chair on Undertaker and disqualifies him. The stipulation for this match was if Hart were to lose he would no longer compete on American soil. This is earth shattering to the WWF world in 1997 if Hart had to adhere to this stipulation. Hard to imagine this not being an appropriate end for Hart’s WWF career if his heel run comes to a screeching halt at the hands of his arch nemesis. The Madison Square Garden crowd goes bonkers obviously buying the now anti-American Hart.
With no Monday Night Raw scheduled for Canada we probably never see Hart wrestle for the WWF again. Fun fact: his contract was expired by the time Survivor Series rolled around. He didn’t have to work the show. Being the champion at the time he felt obliged. If we do arrive at Survivor Series in Montreal with Hart and Michaels main eventing HBK is the one with the belt. You need this match to have the belt at stake. Is the sting of Montreal still momentous if Hart is screwed out of the title he did not have? I have no clue. It’s awfully hard to believe Hart refusing to do the job if Michaels was already champion at Survivor Series. The circumstances would be different. Michaels could retain via D.Q. McMahon wouldn’t be so hellbent on destroying Hart’s reputation Canada. Perhaps a more dignified exit means no racist angle involving the D-Generation X vs The Hart Foundation vs The Nation of Domination? People forget how clumsy and nonsensical the early stages of The Attitude Era was. HBK and Triple H frequently would crack unfunny, immature jokes. They would blabber on and on and find themselves miles away from the initial subject matter.
Hopefully, in this universe, Undertaker retaining washes all of that away. As for Undertaker, Michaels probably gets the belt at either of the In Your House PPVs prior to Survivor Series. ‘Taker’s younger brother Kane was scheduled to debut at Badd Blood. So his appearance can cause ‘Taker to lose the belt to Michaels and transition both participants to the next story.
Scenario Number 2: The Patriot Defeats Bret at IYH: Ground Zero
Hey! Remember The Patriot? Of course you don’t! Nobody does. But for a brief time (oh, so brief) Del Wilkes was red hot debuting in the WWF after stints in Japan and WCW, popping in just as Bret got one over on Michaels and won the belt from ‘Taker at Summerslam. The Patriot didn’t take too kindly to Hart’s defaming America and challenged him to match on July 14th edition of Raw is War. With a little help from The Showstoppa' Patriot scores a monumental upset win over Hart. Sgt. Slaughter acting as commissioner later ordered The Hitman to defend his recently won title against the Patriot at Ground Zero: In Your House.
Funny side-note: this is the feud that turned Vader face. While Vader and Hart were slugging it out for the title on Raw the Hart Foundation attacked Vader, The Patriot ran out to make the save. The next week The Patriot found himself triple-teamed by Bret, Owen and the British Bulldog where Vader repaid the favor by saving Patriots’ bacon.
Del Wilkes was an average wrestler. He spoke in a slow southern accent, lacked charisma and his backstory never was a mystery despite wearing a mask. His gimmick didn’t make much. Why was he wearing a mask if he was a Lucha Libra? The video package prior to the match tells us who The Patriot is. Informing us he played offensive tackle for the South Carolina Gamecocks with Heisman Trophy winner running back George Rogers.
Watching the match I’m convinced Bret could make me look like a thousand dollars because he made The Patriot look like a million. While the crowd chanted “Austin! Austin! Austin!”, I found myself engrossed. Even though I was well aware of the outcome, with each near-fall I wondered if the upset was possible.
I’m sure Wilkes was a hard worker, but he was not championship material. That all being said, if there was ever a night to crown a Cinderella it was right then and there. Even if it was for ONE NIGHT no matter the aftermath the WWE today could have benefited from an out of nowhere challenger turn champion back when their belts meant something.
In his promos after conquering Michaels, and ‘Taker, Hart still is nagging about how the American fans don’t appreciate him. It’s so bizarre. He is on top of the world and can’t transition from complaining to gloating self-righteousness. I don’t fault Hart for this. Creative just saw him as a whiny heel. But then why give him the belt if you were only going to write him a certain way?
You can have Hart win the title back on Raw (even on the night after Ground Zero), or turn Vader heel and take advantage of a weakened, naive Patriot. Be nice to see what Vader could have done with the WWF World Championship around his waist.
To close out this scenario, I searched for Wilkes on Twitter. He is unverified. Also, he’s a MAGA chud. What is it with wrestlers having terrible political beliefs???
Scenario 3: Owen Hart defeated Shawn Michaels to face Bret at WrestleMania XII
We never really did get that Bret vs Owen rubber-match. The two put on absolute clinics to open WrestleMania X in 1994, and a couple months later at Summerslam. Owen winning the first in an upset over his brother. Bret won the steel cage rematch for the world title. It was Owen’s only world title match. The little brother would never rise outside of the mid-card for the rest of his career. It’s unfair for a great many reasons. Owen was the most technically sound wrestler - even more than Bret. Arguably, Owen was superior on promos because there’s more depth in his heel persona than Bret’s portrayal as a face. After his victory at ‘Mania Owen delivered a stuttering, delusional promo. Owen simply didn’t know how to handle the success overcoming his big brother, feeling he’s finally escaped The Hitman’s shadow — only for Bret to win the world title hours later over Yokozuna.
In 1996 in the run-up to WrestleMania XII the red hot Shawn Michaels recently turned face and was gearing up to take the torch from Bret, having won his second straight Royal Rumble; in his first win, he did it coming in at number one. But Owen earned the right to challenge Michaels’ #1 contender status at In Your House: Rage In The Cage. The two put on an absolute show ending in HBK solidifying his status as the one to challenge Bret at ‘Mania. HBK would go on to win the strap, Bret would go on to dip his toes in acting.
But what-If Owen beat HBK? What-if his manager Jim Cornette waffled Michaels with his tennis racket while the referee was distracted and Owen got the cheap pin?
Well, for starters: it will be the first year where the Royal Rumble winner wouldn’t have gone on to challenge for the title at ‘Mania. A scheme McMahon didn’t concoct until the Rumble Rey Mysterio won in the prelude of WrestleMania XXII a decade later.
Owen relinquishes his brother of the strap, as Bret would not have any qualms doing the honors for his brother like he did in their first matchup since he was already leaving. This wipes away Michaels losing his smile, and Owen nearly killing Austin at Summerslam ‘97.
Owen and Bret meet for WrestleMania XIII, so no iconic submission match for Austin (we’re just cutting off Stone Cold’s legs right now). Austin probably finds himself challenging the white-meat Babyface Rocky Maivia for the I.C title. He probably does the job for Rocky. No feud with Bret means no heat for Austin.
If either of these scenarios became reality we’re watching WCW right now. There’s no way without sacrificing Hart the WWF could have overcome the Atlanta base promotion. At the end of the day, the bad guy did win. It’s a damn shame. But that’s the real world.
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romancenerd · 6 years ago
Kisses Not Intened
*Dont know what to use for a gif so blank for now*
A/N - *I wanted to make at least one more fanfic before the year was over. Very very very extremely long time ago I was asked to write this when i posted a prompt list 9 decades ago and I’ve been lacking in the fanfic department. This was supposed to be a Christmas present but consider this a new year present. So this fanfic is for @nitia95​ thank you so much for requesting this i serioisuly enjoyed writing this the fluff and just everything. Like i love Azusa so very much when i got stuck i didn’t want to force it out of me so this is all for you girl happy new year and thank you for being an amazing tumblr friend and big supporter of my blog!*
Also I don’t feel like proof reading or editing in the moment so please ignore grammar and punctuation until i fix it tomorrow also I’m going to change the title I just don’t know what to call it comment below some good titles please and thank you. So I’m going to shut up and let you all read now.
Liz was rapidly running through the streets of new york. Pausing to catch her breath at a crosswalk she checked her watch to see she only had 5 minutes to get to school before she was marked tardy.
She mentally cursed. The power in her building had went off last night and thank God she woke up when she did or she would have missed first period.
Even if it did only leave her 25 minutes to brush her teeth, hair, get dressed, and shove a granola bar and apple in her bag.
She continued running and glanced down to check her watch and collided head on something.
“Why don’t you watch where you're going.” A deep voice called to her.
She shook her head and glanced up at the dark haired stranger meeting his piercing sapphire gaze.
Rolling her eyes she pursed her lips and try to keep her anger in check, and sarcastically replied.
“Oh I'm so sorry! I'll try to watch where I'm going!” Using air quotes. She began to walk away. And at the same time they both made quite comments which they thought would fall upon deaf ears but would not be the case.
Both of them faced each other with nasty looks.
“Do you have a problem with me or something?” Liz said
“No but I'm not the one crashing into people am I?”
“Yeah let's keep acting like it was my fault, I'm not the one walking in the middle of the street with my face glued to a map, so who wasn't really paying attention here.”
“ Well your -.”
“Listen I don't have time to argue with you, some of us have places to be.” Liz interrupted
And with that last statement Liz stormed off in the opposite direction  slinging her bag over her shoulder with the stranger staring at the back of her head.
Liz let out a long sign all while rubbing her eyes. She pushed the hair out of her face and grabbed the stack of textbooks near her and proceeded to her next class.
Professor Goldstein had given her extra work due to her tardiness to class this morning.
It was all that jerks fault this morning. What's his problem, she thought. I mean he was really cute but still he didn’t need to be a jerk about it.
As she walked through the halls of the university she was greeted with smiles and friendly waves. Second period was always her favorite class. Zoology. She loved animals more than anything.
That's why she decided to go to college and pursue a career in veterinary medicine. To help care and heal animals.
Finally third period had arrived and she made her way to her usual spot in the classroom and waited for class to start she was a little earlier than usual than normal and people had yet to arrive.
Once the class started filling up and the bell rang, Professor Schular made an announcement. Not paying any mind, Liz leaned down and began collection and pulling her books out of her bag. When she popped back up she couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing.
“We have a new transfer student joining us today, I would all like you to welcome Azusa Kuze.” Proffesor Schuler spoke
Whispers and gasps suddenly filled the classroom.
“He’s so hot!”
“I think I'm going faint.”
“That jawline!”
Liz however was stunned and went his gaze meet hers her heart skipped a beat.
“Now.” The professor spoke. “ Where to put you ….”
Please not by me please not by me. Liz spoke over and over again in here head.
“ You can have a seat next to Ms. Hart .”
Liz felt her eyes go wide and her blood boil. She clenched her fist under the desk so hard she was positive they were turning white.
How ever he walked all the way to her table in the back of the room with a smile on his face and sat down.
“Well, well, well we meet again.
There staring at her with a sarcastic smile was none other than the blockhead she ran into earlier.
“It would appear so.” Liz said unamused.
She faced forward and began taking notes trying to completely forgetting his existence.
Once class was over she got up and immediately collected her belongings.
“Hold on a minute.”
“I was wondering if you knew where room B213 would be.”
Liz paused momentarily and swallowed the lump in her throat to speak. He handed her the paper and she saw that she had ever single class with him but her first 2.
Great. She thought
“Well according to this schedule apparently starting now we have every single class together.”
Liz tried as hard as she could to keep from sounding irritated.
He smiled sarcastically. She knew that he was getting a kick out of this.
“So I could just follow you for the day correct?”
She stared at him for the longest time and finally spoke.
“Fine, lets go before were late.”
Today was a day off from school. Liz found herself in cute and cozy coffee shop 2 blocks from her apartment.
She sat with her legs crossed on a bean bag re-reading her favorite novel for the hundredth time.
Yesterday had been Friday and showing that jerk around while he smirked and teased her at every little thing she did.
She was glad it was the weekend now. Setting her book down and taking a quick sip of tea. She slowly inhaled in and out to calm her nerves.
Getting comfortable again, she grabbed her book and picked up where she left off.
The door to the coffee shop opened letting the crisp slightly chilly air into the room. Trying to ignore any and all distractions as best as she could until.
“Loving you was breathing but that breath disappearing before it filled my lungs.”
Liz suddenly looked up to find Azusa towering above her with a calm expression on his face.
“You know the sun and her flowers.”
Azusa suddenly smirked down at her.
“If were being honest here its it's a favorite of mine.” Azusa said chucking.
“Mine too.”
“Really really.” Liz smiled slightly than smirked.
“So even jerks have good literature taste.”
“Life is full of surprises.” Azusa said sitting down in the bean bag next to her putting his arms behind his head
“Tell me about it.” Liz said with her lips pursed. “So do you have anything better to do than stalk me all day and night.”
“You honestly think I give a damn about what your doing every single moment.”
“Clearly you seem to.” Azusa rolled his eyes at her comment and chuckled.
“Maybe I don't maybe I do, who's to say.” He teased
“You are a serious pain in my ass I swear.” Liz then stood up slamming her book shut and grabbed her coffee and purse.
“Where are you going.”
“To enjoy the rest of my day in peace thank you.”
Liz then left the shop leaving Azusa by himself. He simply stared at the door she walked out of with mixed thoughts. He let out a soft sigh and feel back into the bean bag wondering what in the world he was going to do.
“No no no.” Liz rested her head on the steering wheel as the engine started smoking. She was on her way home from the coffee shop when her car starting acting up and died on her.
Getting out and popping the hood she began to cough from all the smoke.
“This is just perfect what else can go wrong?! “ She screamed when the sky rumbled and a heavy downpour was upon her.
“Great what luck. Closing the hood she sat down and brought he knees to her chest. She was still a good 40 minutes away from home.
After several moments the rain upon her finally stopped even though the sound could still be heard. Lifting her head she was met by black jean’s and a white t shirt. Furthering her gaze upwards she was met with sapphire eyes.
“Get in my car and I'll drive you home.”
“You don -”
“Shut up get in the car and don't argue with me.” Azusa sternly said.
Liz knew he was trying to be nice. Maybe trying to make up for being such an asshole these past couple of weeks. Sliding off the hood she stood underneath the umbrella with him. He pulled her close wrapping his arm around her shoulder and guided her to the passenger side.
She never really looked at him before but up close she could see what the other girls were talking about. Liz wasn't going to like he was handsome. Like some guy from a fairytale or a dream.
After Azusa helped her into the passenger side and closed the door all Liz could think was if this was a fairytale. Azusa coming to her aid like a knight in shining armor. Or perhaps she was at home in bed sleeping through the rain. This is probably a dream she reassured herself.
But if it was then why was Azusa in it? She thought to herself as Azusa got in and began to drive.
“Where do you live?”
“In the Reitz apartments.”
“Really?” He laughed
“Yeah what's so funny.”
“I live 2 buildings over.”
“Seriously?” She grumbled
“Seriously, it's a small world you and I live in.”
“A little too small if you ask me.” Suddenly Azusa bursted into laughter. The way he smiled made her heart flutter.
What's the matter with me she thought. Liz sat in silence for the rest of the ride trying to figure out the strange dream out.
Liz wondered how far her dream would go. How long it would last.
“Were here.”He suddenly announced pulling her out of her thoughts.
“Oh.” She said a little disappointed. “Well thank you for the ride I'll be sure to give you money for gas next time I run into you. It's a small world so you shouldn't have to wait long.”
Azusa snorted and suddenly locked the doors when Liz tried to get out. She curiously looked at him, he dream kept getting stranger by the second.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure I guess.” Liz said settling back into her seat.
They sat in silence for a moment before Azusa blurted out. “Do you hate me?”
Taken by surprise Liz looked up at him to find him staring out the window. It took her a moment to answer but when she did.
“No I don't hate you.” Azusa suddenly turned his head towards hers.
“You don't.”
“No not at all. I think your a sarcastic asshole but who isn’t.” She said smiling.
Liz wondered why her subconscious would create such a dream unless. . .
Liz was pulled out her thoughts when Azusa's face got closer to hers. She suddenly forgot how to think. His face got closer until she could feel his breath on her lips.
Azusa then leaned forward a little as their lips brushed together in a soft and delicate kiss. Her heart seizes up and fluttered from the contact. He slightly pulled away and whispered.
“I'm sorry I didn't intend on kissing you.”
She slowly looked up into his eyes. Realizing this was reality. This was the real Azusa in front of her and that was a real, and that what her heart was telling her was real too.
Looking down and gently brushing her fingers across his cheek and returning to his gaze she whispered.
“I’m sorry I didn't intend on falling in love with you.”
Azusa suddenly smiled. “ Well I did intend on falling in love with you.”
Liz smiled back at him and he leaned forward and kissed her again. Its was slightly more passionate than the first.
The only sounds that could be heard were the drops of rain against the car and the sound of their lips meeting in heated breathless kisses.
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xfandomwritingsx · 6 years ago
Unseen Glances - S3.E1.
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gif source unknown 
Description: Little snapshots throughout the seasons of yours and Becker’s relationship spanning from the first meeting to the last episode.
Warnings/Labels: Fluff, Lazy Writing, Slow Burn, Annoyingly Not Blurting Out Feelings, Becker Being Becker, Adorableness
Approx. Word Count: 3,000
A/N: So I’ve had this idea for a reader character that fits into the main story line and episodes with Becker as a love interest. I don’t have the time, motivation, or dedication anymore to write it out in full like it probably deserves. HOWEVER! I really wanted to get some of this stuff to you and the easiest way to do it is in little snapshots. Some taking place during episodes, some taking place in between. There will be a little more telling than showing than I like but it is what it is. I hope you enjoy it because there will be more to come!
P.S. Gifs of Becker are scarce, so don’t expect great ones. And I might skip them sometimes if I really can’t find one.
Your name: submit What is this?
The first time you see him he’s walking with Lester through the arc, getting the grand tour. You’re in the main room, reading a couple of papers and catching up on some research when they walk in. You notice them and watch as he looks around the room, calculate but curious.
You had heard people talk about updated security and new protocols, but you hadn’t seen anything to back it up until now. By the looks of him, Lester had apparently hired more military men for backup. Lovely.
“You’ll be dealing with a highly strung and temperamental team of rank amateurs who just happen to be brilliant at what they do,” Lester tells him. You perk your head up and tilt your lips into a small smile when you hear him.
“Well that’s not very nice now, is it?” you pipe up, putting the papers down. “You know you love us.” The sight eye roll Lester does gives you a small bit of satisfaction.
“That’s Y/N, part of the reckless band of fools I just mentioned,” he barely acknowledges you before continuing on with his conversation. “Your job is to stop them from getting themselves killed.” The soldier looks at you and you flash him a smile that was meant to be charming, but combined with Lester’s words probably looked a little more troublemaker-like. “No matter what they say no matter what excuses they use, you and your men stick to them like glue.” You’re about to make another sarcastic comment when he continues. “We can’t afford another Stephen Hart, is that clear?” Lester’s voice lowers just a hair and whatever smartass thing you were going to say dies in your throat and you look back down at your papers. Stephen had been the first real loss on the team, and it still stung everyone a little.
“Crystal clear, sir,” the soldier responds evenly. Lester takes just a moment to recompose himself, less than a second really.
“Good Luck,” he says fleetingly. He walks past the soldier going to leave, but turns around after a moment of thought. “Oh, by the way, Professor Cutter won’t like you and he will go out of his way to make your job as difficult as possible.” You have to smile a little at that as the soldier raises his eyebrows slightly surprised. At least he was nice enough to warn the poor guy. “Try not to take it personally.”
You watch the new addition to the team as he scans the room, taking it all in. You wonder if he knows what he’s gotten himself into and how long he’ll last. A lot of people tend to come and go in this field. They think it’s all fun and dinosaurs until they face one and then suddenly they can’t take it.
“He’s not lying,” you say to him, getting his attention. “Cutter doesn’t take too kindly to the hired help unless he hires them.” His stance never wavers from his military attention stand and a part of you really just wants to push him off balance. He looks way too formal.
“Well my job isn’t to be well liked,” he answers easily. There’s a hint of dry humor hidden behind his serious tone. You like it.
“Then you should fit right in.” You hop off your seat, taking your papers with you. You walk by him, his eyes following you. You smack your papers playfully against his chest as you go. He glances down briefly surprised by your gesture. “Welcome to the team,” you call back at him before exiting the room.
You hadn’t expected much interaction with him. Most of the security just faded into the background, but all throughout the museum and the chase through the city, he surprises you. He takes initiative past just standing around with a gun. He actively asks questions about the creature. He takes charge, but doesn’t get in the way. It’s refreshing. And beyond all that, he actually has a personality.
You had seen him watch Connor break the Sun Cage and listen to Sarah’s story about the curse with an amused look hidden under the laid back and cocky stance. He’d even popped in and added a, “Bad luck” for good measure which made you chuckle. His eyes find you, and smirks along with you when Connor knocks the vase down.
Shortly after that, you find yourself in his passenger seat on the way to meet up with Cutter and Abby. They had wanted you to stay in the museum to start with, but now that you knew what it was and that it was out in the general population, you want to be out there.
He drives quickly, but not irrationally. You suppose with a job description of “keep people alive” it wouldn’t make much sense to get into a wreck. You pick your kit up from the floor where you had stuffed it when you climbed in. Putting it on your lap, you flip open the white lid and do a quick inventory of your supplies, moving to reorganize it to make the items you’re most likely to need easily accessible.
“What is that?” he questions, taking his gaze from the road briefly to watch you.
“It’s my travel kit,” you tell him, still moving your things around. “I’m the resident field medic. Or the closest thing we have to one at least.” You pick up a packet of gauze for him to see. “You wouldn’t want me performing surgery, but I can patch you up pretty good.” He tilts his head, seemingly satisfied with the answer and turns his attention back to the road. “You got thrown right into the fire, didn’t you?” you joke, trying to make some light conversation with him. “Creature incursion on your first day, lucky you.”
“They promised an eventful job. I’d be disappointed if I didn’t get a taste of it from day one.” His voice is even and slightly dry, but the humor is unmistakable.
“Why do I have a feeling I’m going to be patching you up a lot?” You smile lightly at him while closing up your kit. His eyes don’t waver from the road as he smoothly weaves between two cars in your way.
“Why do I have a feeling you’re going to be one I have to pull out of danger’s path a lot?” he counters, a playfulness replacing the irritation the words might have implied.
“Sometimes first impressions are wrong,” you muse, biting your lip to stop the smile. You want to at least pretend he was wrong.
“And sometimes they’re spot on,” he admits, looking over at you once more. You can’t bite back the smile this time and let out a small laugh.
“Yeah, sometimes,” you agree. “How far away are we?”
“Almost there.”
“I’m not bowing,” he says sternly, as if the idea is completely absurd. You suppose it might sound that way to the new folks, but if you were being honest, this wasn’t the weirdest thing you’d done in this line of work. You all start to lower yourself down and you notice that Becker is still standing tall besides you, gun pointed at the limping Pristichampsus.
“Like hell you’re not,” you whisper a little harsher than you intend. Reaching up, you hook your fingers into the waistband of his pants and give him a firm yank. Not expecting it, he gives a small umph noise and while his knees don’t buckle, his torso loses a bit of its steadiness. “Get your ass down here.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The sarcasm in his voice coats over either a displeasure or a surprise. You don’t really care which at the moment because it’s getting him to bend his legs and crouch down next to you, gun still held ready to fire if need be. You notice his feet inch forward just enough so that he puts himself out in front of the line. Your hand is no longer in his waistband, but is still resting just above his hip, partly because you’re too afraid to move and startle the animal and partly to help you keep your balance as you crouch on your toes.
The crocodile-like creature creeps forward and watches you all carefully. You can feel everyone in line tense up and lean back just slightly, as if that one extra inch would have saved them should it attack. Everyone except Becker that is. You can feel him tense under your hand, but he is unwavering, finger ready to pull the trigger.
Thankfully he doesn’t have to as the animal slinks back through the anomaly. Everyone lets out a collective sigh of relief before Connor yells out and falls from the boxes onto his back. You have to let out a breathy laugh, one of those laughs that comes when your body isn’t entirely sure of the right reaction, and pat Becker on the back.
As everyone stands, he turns to you and raises his eyebrows with a plain, straight face. You’re not entirely sure if he’s expecting an apology or an explanation for your actions.
“What?” you shrug. “It worked, didn’t it?” The smallest smile tints his lips before he directs his attention elsewhere.
“Let’s get this site secure!”
As you pass the coed locker room on your way home for the day, you notice Becker sitting on the bench with his back towards you, still donning his full uniform and just starting to untie his boots.
“You seem to know what you’re doing,” you say casually as you pop your head in. He looks back at you over his shoulder, eyebrows raised. If you’ve learned anything today, it’s that the soldier seems to communicate most in the subtlest of facial expressions.
“Well that is my job,” he answers, his voice smooth. He swivels himself around to straddle the bench so he can see you. You cross your arms and lean on the doorframe of the room. His shoulders relax a bit. “I’m not here to cause you trouble.” It was no secret that no one on the team had an issue with him personally, but were overall weary of someone who’s job was to follow their every move. It posed the potential for a lot of problems and red tape none of you wanted. “I’m just here to make sure you’re safe.”
You study him for a moment and he allows you to. He sits there, spine straight and face neutral, but intrigued. He’s military to a tee. He’s all straight lines and clean shaven, well-groomed hair you just want to run your hands through if for no other reason than to mess it up and see what he’d do about it. His build, his muscle, the way he keeps his gun nearby; everything says serious and straightforward. Yet there’s something soft about him somehow. His voice is kind and warming, practically charming. There’s honesty blatantly carved into his eyes. You nod your head slowly.
“I believe you,” you tell him truthfully. His head bows just slightly in appreciation. “Doesn’t mean I’m going to listen to you.” His lips cock up in a small smirk and he blinks away from you. “I trust Cutter with my life. I trust him to do the right thing and make sure the world doesn’t go to hell. So it doesn’t matter that I think your intentions are good or that you’re honorable or attractive.” You ignore the way he raises a single eyebrow at you when you say that. It wasn’t the point of the conversation. “If Cutter tells me to do something, I’m going to do it. Whether you like it or not.”
“I got that impression,” he says, obviously referring back to the bowing incident. “And I honestly wouldn’t expect anything different,” he admits, giving you a look of slight admiration. You’re a little relieved he’s not angry at you for it. “You all have a true loyalty to him. It’s something a lot of people don’t have nowadays.” He pauses for just a moment before adding, “I’m still going to do my job too.” You smile lightly.
“I wouldn’t expect anything else, Captain.” You push yourself off the door frame and stretch yourself out a little. “See you tomorrow, Becker.”
“Yes, ma’am.” You turn to leave, not noticing the way he watches you and doorway after you’re gone.
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ardentmuse · 7 years ago
Keep Yourself Safe - Epilogue (Harry Hart x Reader)
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Kingsman - Harry Hart x fem!Reader
PART 1   PART 2   PART 3   PART 4   Epilogue
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: fluff, angst, implied NSFW
(I’ve loved writing this, so I hope you’ve loved reading it! Note: gif via Google. Credit to creator.)
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You exited the bedroom, unaware of how late it actually was until you saw the clock on the small table in the hall. 2am. You were wearing a lovely blush-colored silk nightgown, which would have covered just to your mid-thighs if not for the intricate lace that flowed down to your knees. You had topped yourself with a delicate floral blue robe, as you were immediately assaulted by the cold when you had pulled yourself from the comforts of your blankets to search for your husband.
The sleepwear had been gifted to you last week upon Harry’s return from a mission in Paris. Ever since “the incident”, as you had started referring to it, Harry had made a point of showering you in what you would consider unnecessary presents. But when you’d mention that he was over-doing it, he’d simply kiss your forehead and tell you there was no such thing. You knew he was trying to make up for the stress and trauma you had been put through, and while it made you feel a little better, you knew it made him feel even more so. He needed to show you how important you were to him, to confirm that you were always on his mind even when he was away. But you wished he’d just save all of that energy and spend more time with you.
With the loss of Arthur and many of Kingsman’s communication channels being compromised as a result, the team of agents had been working almost non-stop to tear down and rebuild what Arthur had ruined. Kingsman had no idea to what extend Arthur had been involved with criminal organizations and so even precaution was necessary to secure no more such incidents in the future. You knew it was important, but dammit you just wanted your husband back. Knowing what it was like to lose him made the need to have him beside you so strong it was almost suffocating.
The light was on in the hall. Harry was working, again. You sighed and paced outside the door.  You were worried. Almost every night this week, Harry would exit bed in the middle of the night to continue to work. He thought you didn’t notice, but you felt every time the bed shifted and he fled for his study. You felt the loss of his warmth and his embrace so acutely that you’d wake as though from a nightmare, frantically feeling the bed beside you. Usually the door would be open a crack and you’d see the lamp in the hall. At least Harry was safe. But tonight made it one too many nights when your husband left you alone. You needed him still. You played like you were back to normal after everything, but still those three weeks of believing Harry was gone for good were still too recent to allow you to rest.
And so you did the one thing you never had done before; you knocked.
You stood outside the door, folded slightly in on yourself, fingers coming to your lips to ease the anxiety.
After a few moments, you saw the wood shift and Harry’s head pop out the crack. He looked dazed and tired in his pajamas, but not irritated the way you suspected he would be.
Groggily, he spoke. “Y/N, darling, I thought you were in bed.” His voice seemed as sheepish and hesitant as you knew yours was about to be.
“I was,” you said, looking down at your hands, “But I felt you leave and…” You had no idea how to finish that sentence.
Harry sighed, clearly looking ashamed. He mumbled, almost so you couldn’t hear, “I was trying so hard not to disturb you.” He finally met your eye and opened the door to allow you to come in.
You entered the room you had only seen from the doorway a few times. You were curious to its contents, but instead of investigating, you turned to Harry.
“Tell me, love. Why have you been working so late these past several nights?”
Harry questioned, “You noticed?”
“Of course. The bed feels so empty without you,” you said with a little more vulnerability than you liked.
Harry took a few deep breaths before moving forward and holding you, taking your elbows in his hands. “You still aren’t safe,” he said, low and quiet.
“Harry,” you said firmly, reaching up to stroke his jaw, his hands falling seamlessly to your waist, “I will never be safe. There is no going back for me. Remember when you first told me about all of this?” You gestured around the room expecting to reference all the articles and maps on the wall, case files on the shelves, and tech on the desk, but quickly stopped. Everything was nearly empty and bare. There was a stack of boxes in the corner and nothing but a laptop and a few still-to-be-packed file folders on the desk.
“Harry?” you asked, still processing your surroundings.
His grip on your waist tightened. “The best way to keep you safe is to get my work out of our home. When I’m home, I’m Harry. When I’m home, I’m with you and I need to be present for that. I spend enough time at headquarters. If they need me, I have my glasses. Why should I have everything here too when it could just draw danger closer to the woman I love?” He said the last words so close to your face that his lips were ghosting across yours. Ever since you were reunited, your relationship had grown even more sexually charged than it ever had been, as though you both needed to feel each other to confirm you weren’t dreaming. Quickly, he pecked your lips ever so lightly. You instinctively leaned your head forward for more but Harry had already pulled away.
As you blinked open, brought back to reality, you found his gaze studying your face, a faint smile on his lips.
“I was thinking this room could be much better served for a different purpose, don’t you think?” Harry said.
“Such as?”
“A study we both share maybe so you have a place to do the books for the business at home. A library. A guest bedroom for when your family visits. A nursery, that is if that is still a thing you might want with me.” he finished his list with the last few words being barely above a whisper, as though unsure he were saying the right thing.
You didn’t really process all the possibilities. The point was clear though. In this home, you would come first. Without answering him, you lifted both hands to his cheeks and gently pulled his face towards yours, a long slow kiss that brought life back to your limbs and warmed you to the core. Your tongue brushed his bottom lip and he pulled you closer to him, hands tightening on your hip bones, lips moving and sucking in a way that made you feel not just wanted but completely and utterly needed
“Thank you, Harry,” you said as you pulled away to breath.
Harry chuckled. Running his hands up and down the soft silk from your hips and your sides, his fingertips just ghosting the underside of your breasts.
“What?” you asked, confused by his amusement.
“Darling, you have no idea what you do to me, do you? Still my beautiful woman with no mercy. You’ll be the death of me.”
“Probably,” you said with mischief in your voice.
That earned you a full laugh from your husband, as he took your hand to pull you with him back into the warmth and comfort of your bed.
All tags: @fangirlandnerd​, @aerdnandreaa​
Harry Hart tags: @un-education​
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heyimash06 · 3 years ago
The Pocky Game
Summary: Ashton asks his boyfriend to play a silly game, and they end up talking about their relationship.
Pairing: Ashton J. Skeis x Aspen Hart [OCs]
Word Count: 2,484 words
[small warning for vague mentions of self-harm]
A/N: a rewrite of an old fic from a good while back, before these two were properly developed & in their current states. this had me giggling and kicking my legs bc it was so damn cute and fun to write and i hope it evokes the same emotions in other people /hj
Unlocking and opening the door to his apartment, Ashton took a deep breath, as if he were preparing himself for something. He was, in a way. He was going to ask his… boyfriend if he’d like to play a game with them. Not necessarily a game they usually played like Wii Party or Snipperclips, but cie supposed that if cie panicked and couldn’t finish cies question, cie could always fall back and ask to play one of those or Wii Sports instead. No, the game ey really wanted to play was a stupid, silly little game they randomly remembered while out getting their comfort foods. The game in question was The Pocky Game, something Ashton had come across years ago while reading fanfics and apparently hitched a ride in the back of his mind for about 8 years, only to pop out at the most random and unexpected point possible. 
“Um- I- I’m home!” he called, closing the door again and looking into the open-ish area of their living room and kitchen. He stepped in further to find his boyfriend laying face-up on the carpet in front of their couch, allowing the kittens to lay on his chest, purring happily.
Aspen looked over at em, smiling once he saw em. “Hey, Pichu! I’m uh… I laid down for a second and then Mitzi kind of climbed on top of me, and I didn’t want to bother her, so uh…” He gestured to the small ragdoll-like cat and little tuxedo-looking cat curled up on top of him.
Laughing a little, Ashton moved into the living room and sat down next to Aspen, setting his bag on the floor next to him. “Fair enough.” He reached out to pet the small black-and-white cat, causing it to stir slightly and let out a sleepy little noise. “I- I was gonna ask you to play a game, but you’re very clearly occupied, so it can wait,” ey joked, continuing to pet the cat. 
Eir boyfriend pushed himself up slightly, disturbing the kittens a bit. “Nono, I- I can play a game, I don’t mind. I was only really staying here because, like, I had literally nothing else to do. But now you’re home, so I do!.. Not- not in that sense, just like, I- I have someone to talk to and do stuff with, yknow?” Aspen rambled, fully sitting up and causing Mitzi and Loki to wake up and scurry off of his chest before they fell. 
Ashton turned a little pink, both understanding and not understanding. “Aye, aye, still, you looked kinda comfy, and the kittens seemed to enjoy it, ehehe… a-anyways, I… had a stupid idea while I was out getting snacks,” cie explained, messing with cies finger joints as a way to fidget. 
“Ooh, I love stupid ideas,” he said, sitting criss cross applesauce right in front of min.
Nodding and feeling their face and hands heat up just a little bit more, Ashton stuttered, “I- I remembered… an old fanfic trope, I- I guess, and it sounded a little silly and fun to try, so I… reckoned we could… try it? Or something?”
Aspen tired his head, smiling at min. “Are we delving back into your Ao3 and Tumblr days-? Back to reading FNaF and Percy Jackson fanfiction?” he joked.
“Oh, god no,” ey reassured, shivering slightly. “I- I would rather never get back into that phase, though I guess I’m still in my Tumblr phase, but either way… I- I dunno, I just reckoned it could be a silly little thing to try…”
Resting his elbows on his knees, Asp bounced his legs up and down. “Well, what is it? You still haven’t told me the game.”
Feeling his face and hands heat up again, Ashton reached up to start pinching at his neck. “Uh- s-sorry, I forgot-“ They felt kind of embarrassed that they were rambling so much and still hadn’t said anything about what the game actually was. Maybe he was still trying to convince himself to back out or something…
“I-it’s uh… it’s the Pocky Game, I- I just thought it could be kind of silly and fun and stuff, but if you don’t want to that’s like completely fine, I just… yeah.” 
Aspen looked a little surprised for a second, his face and ears turning a little red. It was a bit of a bold proposition, seeing as they hadn’t kissed since becoming ‘official,’ and that was about a month and a half ago. “I- I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to playing,” he offered, starting to fidget with his fingers, popping all of the joints. 
“And you’re not just, like, saying that because you feel like you have to, right?“ Ashton asked. “Like, I- I don’t wanna force you to do anything you don’t want to, y-y’know?”
He sat up a little straighter and waved his hands around like he was trying to clear the air of the misunderstanding. “No, no of course not, I- I’d be happy to play, i-it's just a little surprising that you asked, is all,” Aspen reassured.
“Oh- O-okay, good… I- I may have forgotten your favorite flavor so… I bought a few just in case,” cie admitted, shrinking slightly. He felt a little stupid for forgetting such an important detail about his boyfriend when Aspen seemed to remember everything about him, but there wasn’t much he could do. 
As Ashton reached into the bag to show the different options, Aspen reached over and pushed a bit of hair out of eir face, causing their brain to short-circuit for a second. “We can use strawberry Pocky, I don’t really have a preference.” Oh. Ey felt a little silly for worrying about the small details so much, especially when Aspen was usually so easygoing with details and rules between the two of them. It was nice of him to suggest Ashton’s favorite flavor, but cie wasn’t sure if Aspen liked it as well, so they were a little unsure. 
Moving the bag closer to Aspen, ey said, “uh, a-alright then…” God, why had they decided this was a good idea? Why did they think asking their boyfriend to play a kissing game would be totally chill and something his brain would let him do?? Despite the anxiety bubbling about in eir head, Ashton dug through the shopping bag and pulled out the familiar pink box, ripping open the packaging. He always liked the sound the boxes made when you opened them, it just made his brain go brr. They struggled with the packaging for a moment before smiling apologetically and offering it to Aspen. 
He chuckled softly and took it, opening it with somewhat ease. Rather than hand the package back to Ashton, he pulled out one of the sticks and offered the good end to Ashton. It took a second for em to realize what he was doing. Ey laughed nervously and offered an apologetic smile before leaning forward to take the snack between eir teeth. He took the other end, and they both started taking small bites of the pocky, slowly getting closer. That lasted for a few seconds before the stick snapped, leaving Aspen with a majority of what was left. 
“Fuck,” Ashton mumbled, taking the small piece he had out of his mouth. “Sorry…”
Aspen finished off the pocky and shrugged. “You don’t have to apologize, Pichu, it’s not like the game is super easy.” He was right, but Ashton still felt bad. They tried again, getting a little closer than the first, but still snapping the pocky in half near the end. 
And so, the pair tried again, managing to break it for the third time. Both of them started laughing, finding the situation a little silly. “I- I guess I probably should’ve chosen an easier excuse to kiss, but a-at least this is fun?” Ashton joked, offering a nervous smile. 
“Oh, is that what this is? And I thought you just wanted to play a silly game,” Aspen responded sarcastically. They were both rather good at using and picking up on sarcasm despite their issues with tone, partially due to exposure to each other and partially because they spent the first 19 years of their lives living with sarcastic people. 
“I- I mean- maybe, but does it matter?” Ey felt eir hands heat up slightly, shrugging and giggling a little bit.
He shrugged back, pulling another stick out of the box. “I mean… no, not really, but still… another round or two?” Ashton had a feeling they were both internally yelling that they just wanted to kiss already, but neither of them were really going to say it. 
Ashton nodded, fidgeting with his fingers, messing with all of the little joints. The next couple attempts were still failures, but at least they were having fun, laughing too much to immediately pick back up after every time. Eventually, they managed to get very close before Ashton purposefully snapped the stick, turning his face away from Aspen for the moment.
A little confused, Aspen tilted his head and asked, “is something wrong?” in an amused sort of tone.
“S-sorry… I- I just realized it might be a little weird to like, kiss someone with food in your mouth or- or something…” They smiled apologetically, feeling a little guilty that they’d been the one to ask to play and were now backing out because of something so silly.
They sat there in silence for a minute, as if they were both thinking. Ashton was internally panicking that he’d fucked up somehow, but had no fucking clue what Asp could be doing. Then, Aspen set the box down on the rug and reached forward, tilting eir face back in his direction before smiling and leaning forward, closing the gap between them. 
They instinctively placed a hand on Aspen’s shoulder, leaning in slightly. His free hand found itself holding Aspen’s, a bit like a more romantic handshake. All of the worries that were swirling around in Ashton’s head not even a minute ago had disappeared, replaced by warm, fuzzy bursts of joy and happy memories. The soft feeling of their boyfriend’s lips and the feeling of him smiling into the kiss (maybe because of it) acted as nice reminders that Aspen was truly just as in love with them as they were with him. Giving his hand one last squeeze, Ashton broke the kiss, unable to stop himself from giggling a little bit like a teenage girl in your average slice-of-life anime. Moving their hand from his shoulder to their face for a moment, they mumbled, “thanks,” smiling and blushing like an idiot.
Aspen reached up again to push a little bit of hair off of their face. He seemed to buffer on what to say for a second before blurting out, “no- no problem… anytime… all you ever have to do is ask…” After a few beats, they both started laughing again, both at how silly it sounded to say that about a kiss and just at their general awkwardness.
“Good- good to know,” Ashton joked, lightly brushing his finger across Aspen’s wrist for lack of a better thing to do with his hands. “You… don’t ever have to ask, really… I- I just enjoy being around you, so uh… pretty much anything is cool with me… w-within reason, of course, but like… yeah,” he explained, starting to pinch at his neck.
Their boyfriend nodded, squeezing their hand lightly. “I’m okay with most stuff, I just prefer it isn’t, like, directly skin-to-skin, if that makes sense? Not- not in the, like, the NSFW way, just, like- uh-” Aspen struggled to find the right words for a second before saying, “I prefer layers. Not for like, holding hands, but for like hugs and stuff… throw blankets would be nice to have, in that case.”
Ashton nodded back enthusiastically. “Yeah, yeah that makes sense. We can definitely go looking for some next time we go out!” Ey smiled brightly at him, very happy to be having a nice conversation about their relationship. Like a real conversation. Back and forth, setting boundaries and explaining preferences rather than their usual ‘one of us sits and nods along while the other explains their special interest for the 4th time’ conversations. “I’m… very clingy, I guess, though you probably already realized that, so thank you for telling me! I’ll do my best to remember, and if I don’t you’re legally allowed to bop me on the head.”
Aspen laughed again. “Aye, I will, don’t worry. Do you have any, like, things like that?”
Min thought for a minute. “Umm… I don’t really know. I don’t think so, but I’m also really bad at remembering stuff, so- Uh- I- I guess this is more, like, emotional stuff, but I’d prefer if you didn’t like… Treat me like I’m dangerous? If that makes sense? I- I know I’ve done some stuff, but- but it doesn’t mean I’ll do them again, y’know? I- I don’t know, you- you know everything. You were there, and I’m really thankful, so… I- I’m just worried about… people holding that stuff against me, I guess…” Cie trailed off as cie spoke, looking down at their hands. The hand that was gently being held by Aspen’s had done terrible things, and ey’d be lying if ey said ey weren’t scared of it happening again.
Silence fell between them for a second before Aspen leaned his head forward, setting his forehead against Ashton’s. “You’re not dangerous, Honeypie,” he reassured, smiling softly at them. “You’re not damaged or broken, you’re just different. And I love that about you.” Another, very welcomed, reminder. 
Ashton nodded and let out a small, nervous laugh. “S-sorry, I- I didn’t mean to bring the mood down, eheh…” He felt a bit bad for going from such a lighthearted topic to one so serious. It’s not like Aspen needed any reminders of how scarred and scuffed Ashton was, though even he didn’t know the full extent of the scars. The only ones Ashton had really disclosed were the ones on his arms, with his legs staying a relative secret. They’d never liked shorts much anyways, so it wasn’t a loss to only wear pants.
Ruffling Ashton’s hair, Aspen said, “don’t apologize, Pichu, you’re fine. I promise. I’m glad you trust me with the topic. It… being your best friend for so many years has made me realize how special you are and how lucky I was to meet you.” He sounded so genuine, which made Ashton feel very special. Those weren’t words he would say to just anyone, with what they knew about him (which was a lot).
Leaning forward, Ashton rested his forehead on Aspen’s shoulder, setting their free hand on top of their linked ones. “Thank you,” they mumbled, closing their eyes.
“It’s no problem. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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cauldronoflove · 6 years ago
a/n: this is a prompt fill for tht writing meme i posted but it got. a little longer than it was supposed to so heres a seperate post for it! the chars belong to my darling friend annie @dantesaristotles but she lets me throw them around sometimes and im hella grateful for each opportunity!!!
28. "Marry me."
It had started off as a joke, really. Way back when Kyle was trying to renew his FAFSA for sophomore year and realized the difference.
"If I asked you to marry me," he said to Hugo one night, mid financial talk. They were back in Hugo's bedroom at his parents house, pne of the rare weekends they could both afford to come home and spend time together. He was curled around him, had an arm around his waist and his cold nose in the back of his neck. His voice was joking. "Would you say yes?"
"Probably," Hugo replied. Kyle could tell his eyes were shut and his nostrils had flared in that way they did when he thought something was funny, but was too tired to laugh.
"Might need you to if my grant doesn't come through."
"It will," he murmured, already on the fringes of sleep.
The next time it had happened - or rather, the next time of substance - was a few months later. He was all set up in his new dorm room - housing indeed paid for by that very grant that had sparked the whole running joke - and it was Hugo's turn to make the trip from his college to Kyle's, instead of the other way around.
"Hey, babe," he said, spinning away from his desk to look over at Hugo, who was sprawled across his XL Twin bed with his phone held above his face to dutifully stay silent while Kyle wrote the conclusion to his essay.
"You done?"
"Nah, not yet."
"What's up?"
"If I asked you to marry me, would you say yes?"
"Why this time?"
Kyle took the rebuff in stride, having already had a genuine answer. "You know that movie with Melissa Joan Hart and Joey Lawrence? The one they always played on ABC Family?"
"Hold on-" Hugo said as he sat up quickly, his curls bouncing around his head. "This is a My Fake Fiancé scenario?"
"Listen," Kyle started back in, his hands coming up in front of him. "It could work. Also, I saw this immersion blender the other day and like-"
With an amused, terribly fond scrunch to his nose, Hugo proclaimed, "You're such a fucking dork."
The third of great substance, because there'd been so many little ones that anyone would lose count, was far less happy than any of the rest.
Existential crises, Kyle had said over text, are one hell of a drug.
Hugo had promptly replied with ??? and it went on from there.
kyle: i just. i dont know this asshole thts probably named fucking thad or something equally as dumb said some dumb shit to me after class today? and i cant get it out of my head
hugo: hey whatever he said, its not true- do you want me to call you?
kyle: i dont know if i can rlly keep it together rn babe
hugo: are you crying?
kyle: like. 10% its no biggie
hugo: honey :(
kyle: if i asked you to marry me would you say yes
hugo: in a heartbeat
It was the closest thing Kyle had ever gotten to yes.
It wasn't the last time, not by far, but it was the end of an era, the beginning of a new one.
They were graduated, post college by six months a piece, living together in a shitty apartment that they loved in the way cat people loved their cats, as in: "this is our apartment, her name is Asshole, she's a holy terror but we love her and you can't tell us shit about her."
Kyle was still in bed because it was Sunday and he didn't have a shift and fuck getting out of bed before noon, y'know?
But Hugo was standing at the dresser in nothing but long plaid PJ pants that obviously belonged to Kyle. He was rifling through his sock drawer, muttering to himself.
Kyle traced the freckles on his back, a lazy smile on his face, leisirely pace to his movements. Hugo was bathed in buttery sunlight, and Kyle loved him.
"Hey," he called, voice still thick and marred with sleep. "Hey, Hugs."
Hugo scoffed the same way he had since they were eighteen at the nickname. "What is it?"
"If I asked you to marry me," he said patiently. "Would you say yes?"
It took Hugo a long minute to turn around, and when he did, his face was one of exasperated anguish. "You had to ask that right now? You couldn't have waited two minutes?"
Kyle's face scrunched up, having never gotten a response like that, he was sufficiently taken aback.
"What? Why?"
"Because," Hugo bemoaned, dropping his knees onto the mattress and shimmying over. "It makes it sound so much less original when I do my thing."
Kyle quirked a brow, until Hugo raised his clenched hand up to reveal a plain little black velvet box.
"If I asked you to marry me," he said, holding the box out between them. "Would you say yes?"
Smartly, Kyle replied, "I'm sorry, what?"
"Marry me," he repeated, popping the lid on the ring box to show a simple silver band that if you inspected closely, had an inscription on the inside.
"Oh. I, yeah, oh." His brain wasn't firing all cylinders, the cogs were gumming up, he'd planned everything so perfectly, and yet Hugo had still beat him to it-
Quickly, Kyle fumbled at his pillow, shoving his hand into the pillowcase, and unzipping the zipper on the actual pillow - allergen shield, baby. He rooted around againt the actual pillow before finally extracting his own box.
"Are you seriously trying to steal my proposal right now?"
"Are you complaining?"
There were tears brimming in Hugo's eyes as he said, "No, you dumbass- how long has that been in there?"
"Forever. I knew I could leave it there 'cause you never make the bed," Kyle said with a wet laugh, hand coming up to smudge his own tears.
"Jesus, Kyle."
"I think someone has to say yes or we're just gonna be in stalemate forever."
"I proposed first, you have to say it first. Technically, you didn't even propose, so really-"
"Yeah, of course I'll marry you."
"I'll marry you too."
Kyle had to resist the urge to tug nervously at his cufflinks as he recited his vows.
"I used to ask you, all the time, if I were to ask you to marry me, would you say yes. And it started out as a joke, but I think I realized, even when I was that dumb eighteen year old, I think I realized even then that I meant it. I love you, Hugo, and even if I didn't realize it way back in the beginning, my heart did - it's loved you from the start. So, I stand here before you, in front of our whole family, not just blood, but the one we found along the way too - whether it be Kiera, or Pheebs, Asher - for some reason - or our literal high school English teacher, the man whose class started it all for us - I stand before all of them, and I ask you one last time, in more words than ever before, if you'd like to spend the rest of your life with me, and before you give me you answer, I'll give you mine: I do."
Hugo was pushing tears away with the back of his hand, muttering something about how he'd had to get Kiera to help him with his vows, and yet he'd still blown him out of the water. But he nodded. And he recited his own vows. And on a sunny day, in the crispness of fall, Kyle Bellamy and Hugo Hansen became the Bellamy-Hansens, and they finally gave the simplest answer to the age old question, no hesitation in either of their declarations.
If I asked you to marry me would you say yes?
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
Why Werewolves Within Isn’t Your Typical Werewolf Movie
The small town of Beaverfield is much like many others across the nation in 2021. There is political polarization, longtime residents suspicious of newcomers, a stark wealth gap, infidelity, gossip, and at least one guy who is either a scary loner or just wants to be left the hell alone. But in the new film Werewolves Within what really sets Beaverfield apart is their lycanthrope problem.
Based loosely on the multiplayer Ubisoft VR game of the same name, the film — which is now playing in theaters and hits Digital Rental & VOD on July 2 — is a horror-comedy whodunit where a handful of locals are locked down during a winter storm while a monster hides amongst them.
Directed by Josh Ruben (Scare Me) with a script by novelist Mishna Wolff (I’m Down), Werewolves Within shares cinematic DNA with Clue and Knives Out on the mystery side, as well as The Thing and An American Werewolf in London on the horror end, with a little Fargo thrown in for good measure.
The audience enters the world of Beaverfield through the POV of plucky pushover Finn (Sam Richardson from Veep), the new forest ranger in town before introducing Cecily (Milana Vayntrub, Die Hart), a welcoming postal worker hungry for a new person to meet. Through her, a cast of quirky townsfolk come into focus as the storm approaches, and everyone bickers over the proposed oil pipeline that will bring in big money but is environmentally devastating. And that’s before the corpse is discovered.
What makes the mystery of Werewolves Within especially fun is Beaverfield’s residents are played by a roster of character actors who bounce off one another in the way the cast of Clue did: Harvey Guillén (What We Do In The Shadows), George Basil (Crashing), Sarah Burns (Barry), Michael Chernus (Tommy), Catherine Curtin (Orange is the New Black), Wayne Duvall (The Hunt), Rebecca Henderson (Russian Doll), Cheyenne Jackson (30 Rock), Michaela Watkins (Brittany Runs A Marathon), Glenn Fleshler (True Detective).
Ruben and Wolff joined Den of Geek for a Paranormal Pop Culture Hour to discuss their collaboration on the video game adaptation. In the following interview, they likewise talk of a shared love of werewolf flicks, as well as why murder mysteries and creature features go hand-in-paw.
Note: Quotes edited lightly for clarity and length
What were the werewolves you loved growing up? Mishna, since your last name is Wolff, I think that entitles you to go first.
Mishna Wolff: There’s so many. Joe Dante’s The Howling, for sure. Definitely Wolfen, starring Albert Finney. That’s a great werewolf story. He’s actually wasted in that movie, as well. I would say Silver Bullet has a fun kids’ story in it. 
Obviously, An American Werewolf in London, but I was always like, “More decaying humans! Can we get more decaying humans on the screen?” I feel like he uses them so sparingly. I could’ve done twice as many decaying humans.
Josh, what scratched your lycanthropic itch?
Josh Ruben: Clawed, even. I mean, the first one that really hit me was the guy in Monster Squad. He was a blue collar, everyday fellow who you really seem to feel his excruciating pain and torment, and that really hit me. There was something about the kids that kind of went after all the entities in that movie, but the werewolf in that one was particularly terrifying, and so much of it came through his performance. I think between him and the one in Silver Bullet, ridiculous as it ultimately ended up looking, that is a dreadful — as in a good dreadful — terrifying film. It really felt like what would really happen if you and your drunk uncle had to take on a lycan. 
Later in life, my most recent favorite is Late Phases. I think that movie is so good. It’s so brilliant, and it’s also a Hudson Valley production. I was shocked by how much I loved that one. That’s a new fave.
Video game adaptations are so often not very good movies. So what was your approach? Was it to just sort of toss away the entire game? What elements do you think were important to preserve from the VR game?
Mishna Wolff: The feel. I mean, I feel like that was always the thing. All screenwriters who you talk to about adaptations, and they talk about, “What do you owe the source material?” I think you owe it the feel, and I feel like certainly, in the midpoint of the movie, when everyone’s huddled in the inn and they’re trying to ferret out who the werewolf is, it does feel like that video game, even though it’s a different era.
How did you set out to play with archetypes and the role women often play in these films?
Mishna Wolff: The movie started out with a lot of thinking about archetypes. I happen to love movies with pretty clearly-drawn archetypes. I like archetypes. I feel like it’s reassuring when you walk into a movie and you feel like “Oh, I know who that guy is.” 
I like upsetting archetypes and having little things be different about the archetype than you expect, but feminism certainly plays a role in those archetypes and women in film haven’t always been given life and death stakes, so that was a huge thing that I was thinking of.
Josh, in Scare Me, there is a werewolf sequence. Was that in a strange way, a being a bit of an audition of sorts for Werewolves Within as your second feature?
Josh Ruben: I think it ended up being the case in Scare Me because it is the creature that freaks me out the most and that story, silly as it is, the first one out in Scare Me, is an idea I’ve had in the back of my head forever that just kind of collects cobwebs. It’s all crazy coincidence, and I’m happy to find my brand in recessed shadows, creatures in the dark and quirky, emasculated human beings. I think I’d be fine to tell those stories again and again.
Why do werewolves and murder mysteries pair well?
Josh Ruben: Going back to Silver Bullet, you have that priest character who, once it was revealed he was the big bad, it became that digging your fingernails into your knees, like “Oh my God, they have no idea they’re in the presence of this awful thing.” That’s terrifying, more so than a vampire or pretty much anything else. It’s the true movie monster, where they can walk amongst us during the day and be our brother, best friend, mother, father, whatever, but turn out to be the most violent thing, and terrifying thing imaginable.
And we can all have a monster within?
Josh Ruben: It makes sense, in the allegory of it all. In a film like this, everyone can be implicated. The allegory and theme of it all is, we all have violent, dreadful thoughts every once in a while when pushed to our limits. Even Sam’s character, as wonderful a protagonist as he is, he’s pushed to his limit, as well. Every character could have reason to be a werewolf, hence the wonderful mystery of it all, but it played lockstep for me. It’s a testament to Mishna’s incredible work. I just opened it and was just like, this feels like Arachnophobia and Fargo.
Sam Richardson’s Finn is the new ranger in town and he’s a nice guy. But there’s the notion that either nice guys finish last, or nice guys are too good to be true. So why are we so against nice guys?
Mishna Wolff: Well, yeah, a person can be too good to be true. There’s a couple of nice guys in this movie that are suspicious, and the reason Finn is such a nice guy is because the movie that we fashioned is his worst nightmare. He’s afraid of conflict, he’s a nice guy and he’s about to enter the epicenter of meanness. This movie’s designed to torture him and break him, and it almost does.
Josh Ruben: Nice guys have werewolves within them, mean guys have werewolves within them. Oh, it’s just fascinating to play with the archetype because I think Bundy was a nice guy, at least in his circle, and Gacy, so it’s fun to play with those kind of expectations. There’s a wonderful moment, without giving anything away, where even this wonderful protagonist reaches a breaking point where he has to match everyone else and it should raise the question “Well, shit, could it be the nicest character of all?”
Was there any version of this movie where there may not have been an actual werewolf?
Mishna Wolff: No. I thought about going there and just having it be more cerebral and meta, but I always start everything with the end in mind. Josh was super collaborative, and he had some tweaks on the ending. The werewolf is the werewolf, and that didn’t change, but he made some really nice changes to the ending and I thought it worked really quite well.
Josh, what did you discover about the challenges of tackling a werewolf movie where you’re ultimately going to have to show the monster?
Josh Ruben: When it came down to the werewolf, it’s like, “Well, we don’t need to see skin breaking, we know what this is going to be, we can evoke that visceral transformation and the terror of it all, but let’s just get to it.” At that point, when it came to the werewolf itself, it was nothing too extravagant. It was just like, “Oh shit, this is going to happen.” 
Also, within the mythology of this character and this thing, and how fast it killed, it was fun to think about it having control over its changing as part of its, again, mythology and how it went about its business.
Mishna Wolff: That was such a conversation in the room, too, about, “Can it control? It can’t control? How come it can control? What kind of … ” It’s like “Doesn’t matter. Trust me.”
Josh Ruben: No one will be writing mean letters if they’re along for the ride, if they feel taken care of, whether the claws retract or extend, whether they change quickly or not, it’s just got to be a fun ride.
Mishna Wolff: I think the creature features that Josh and I grew up loving were always done a little bit on the cheap with the exception of maybe The Thing and Alien, which were really crazy expensive, but I think that’s part of the fun of the creature feature, to me at least
Josh, with Scare Me, you used the word “incel,” which you filmed before it was part of our lexicon. Now, this is neighbor against neighbor, people are either hiding the truth or rejecting it, and there is the idea that being grouped together can lead to your own death. You could not have predicted the relevancy of this, so how is it landing for you now?
Josh Ruben: It’s pretty phenomenal when people like Michaela Watkins improvise a line like “Antifa.” You think “Oh, that’s going to be the shelf-life joke that will end up on the cutting room floor.” And no, it remains to be one of the more relevant pieces of the film and of this character. 
I mean, she’s a Karen. She was a Karen before the Karen thing. With incel, it’s funny, too, because Aya Cash was the first one. She improvised that line, “What are you, an incel?” I didn’t know what the word meant and Fred quite was.
It’s unfortunate how relevant it is, but I’m thrilled that it is because I’d like to think that the film is a ride so, hopefully, regardless of what people take away from it, regardless of the relevance of it all, I’d like to think that it’s coming out at a time where, after the trauma of it all, from the insurrect-y through the pandem-y, that people can at least forget the trauma of the past 16 and a half months and sort of go for the ride. We’re offering less bleak fare; we’re offering more fun fare coming out of this dark chapter, but it’s both wonderful and terrifying that it’s so relevant and will remain to be. There will always be people who are narrow-minded in small corners of the world and narrow-minded in the most liberal corners of the world, as well. The newcomers are no better than the townies, in some cases, in many cases in the film. Mishna Wolff: I think we were banking that people would be ready to laugh at everything that’s gone on, at this point, that people would be ready … Can we make fun of it now? Is it too soon? No?
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Werewolves Within is in theaters now, and will be available on Digital Rental & VOD July 2, 2021
The post Why Werewolves Within Isn’t Your Typical Werewolf Movie appeared first on Den of Geek.
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hannahazzard · 7 years ago
Guide Me (Harry Hart x Reader)
As always, not my first language, yadda yadda. Also, I’m tired, so maybe there are more mistakes than usual. 
Prompt: Maybe reader is a techie, like Merlin, and usually only communicates with Harry over the glasses, until he comes to ask her out.
Guide me
A small bag landed at your elbow, startling you out of you musings. followed by Merlin’s mildly annoyed voice.
“You do know that I am not a carrier pigeon.”
You looked at the brown paper bag and grinned widely. A small Eifel Tower was scribbled on it and as you opened it, completely ignoring Merlin’s eye roll, you found, again, an Eifel- Tower in the form of a small model that screamed ‘Tourist’ and another bag, filled with candy.
You pulled out the tower and examined it carefully, than put it to the other collected trinkets you had already received from Agent Galahad. There was the Empire State Building from New York and the White House from Washington, the CN Tower of Toronto and a model of the Brandenburger Tor from Berlin, among others. You especially loved the small letter opener with a picture of Nessie and the text ‘The important thing is that I believe in myself’.
“You two are really annoying, Nimue,” Merlin commented and went back to his own computer.
“I don’t know what you are talking about, Merlin,” you smiled and pulled out the bag of candy. ‘Jacques Genin Caramels’ you read and immediately opened it, popping one into your mouth. You groaned in pleasure as the taste hit your tongue. “Merlin, they taste divine. You need to try them.”
Merlin just turned his chair away from you, but you took it with a shrug. You knew he also used the letter opener once in a while and you also knew that he would later steal a piece of the caramel. Well, if there would be any left. Eating another you turned back to your work.
I always warmed your heart that Galahad thought about you, even if it were missions on which you weren’t his handler, like this time.
You and Galahad had a unique friendship. It started out as professionals, you helping him out as a handler. Mostly, you were his guide. On the main part of missions, where he needed a lot of technical know-how and quick thinking that only came with experience, Merlin would help Harry while you watched and learned. Guiding was something you could do on your own however, even if you were a rookie.
Then, one day you startled him with your disbelieve, when he had another two hours in Venice before the scheduled pick-up and he wanted to spent the time over a cup of coffee and a book. You told him how you were ready to lose a limb if it meant you could see as many beautiful sights of the world as him. And good god, eat as many different delicious stuff all over the world. His excuse was that his head was always filled with work afterwards. Often he needed to calm down after an adrenaline filled case, or he would start with writing down his report to avoid admonishment from Merlin.
Also, he had been around enough, he had seen most of the sights. Now that, that had been a challenge, if you ever heard one.  
You took it upon yourself to lead him to not-so-known places for beautiful views, stunning (and sometimes ridiculous) art and to the best places to try different kind of food. Whenever you knew Galahad would have some time at hand after a mission, you would look up worthy places. And he, in turn, was always kind enough to leave his glasses activated through the whole touristic tour, even swinging the sight in specific directions if you asked nicely. It wasn’t the same as seeing it for yourself, feeling it, but it was something.
The gifts started from day one - little trinkets and food that would survive the trip back home.
That pretty much summed up your relationship to Galahad, however. You have never met him in person as you worked mostly in the tech room and you weren't required at the debriefing yet, since Merlin still did the main parts. Still, you couldn't help but feel a pull to this certain knight. He was a bit stiff sometimes and came over as cold, but he had a good sense of humor, was smart and witty and he never failed to make you laugh when he insulted some idiot without them even realizing it. He was good at his job, deadly if he wished, but also the perfect gentleman. Also, if his file could be trusted, quite the handsome guy.
Well, the good ones are always out of reach.
A week later, he pinged you at your desktop again. You frowned. Galahad’s mission was supposed to be over, as far as you knew. He had been in Venice again, just like on your first touristic tour together about two month ago. You hadn't helped him today, but Merlin had said as much before he left for today. You had just been about to grab your things to head home yourself - coat already pulled on and door opened - but you quickly dropped your bag again. This was no job with regular off-hours. If a knight needed you, you would respond.
“Galahad?” You asked as soon as your mic was turned on, voice mixed with confusion and a little concern.
“Nimue, there is my favorite guide. I was hoping to catch you before you left.” His smooth voice washed over you, and you couldn’t help but smile. At least you were his favorite.
“I was about to head out, you are lucky. What can I do for you?”
You wondered why he didn’t activate the glasses fully, so you could see where he was and to access the situation, but he did that some times, especially when he collected souvenirs for you, so you weren’t overly concerned.
“Well, I would ask you to guide me again, as you never lead me astray.”
You could hear him walking as he talked, and your curiosity rose. You squinted at the desktop in front of you, willing it to show something, when suddenly a voice sounded behind you, startling you so violently you squeaked and almost fell out of your chair.
“But the way down here I can manage on my own.”
Stunned and still quite shocked, you turned your chair around to the doorway, seeing handsome Harry Hartthrob standing there with an almost guilty smile, in his hand a small Venetian Mask. Another gift. This time in person, and god, didn't he look even better than in his file. The perfectly tailored suit fitting him like a second skin. You were lucky you were already sitting, not sure if your knees would hold you.
“My apologies,” he still smiled, “it was not my intention to bring you to fall.”
His voice sounded even more perfect live.
“Yes, no, I mean. I’m good.” You were so stupid. You told yourself to get a grip and cleared you throat.
“I’m glad,” he said. “Now, I was thinking, instead of bringing you the usual food, perhaps you would like to join me at dinner tonight? Italian would seem fitting.”  
Your eyes widened and for a second you were unsure if you heard him right, if this wasn’t just a dream after all. Maybe you did fall from the chair and hit your head.
“Well?” He came over and carefully placed the small mask on your desk. His smile widened when he saw your collection and you could feel a blush rising. Then he straightened and held out his arm to you; a perfect gentleman. “What do you say?”
With a wildly beating heart, you decided it was now or never , so you grabbed you bag again, stood up and slid your arm around his’, nodding your agreement. You still couldn't get a word out.
His voice so close to your ear send Goosebumps down your arms and you were glad you were already wearing you coat.
“So,” he started as you walked down the hall together and you were still mentally shouting at yourself to relax, “do you know the way to a good restaurant, Y/N?”
An embarrassing snort escaped you and as he chuckled along with you, you felt tension drain from you.  
“Galahad, you would be hopeless without me guiding you through life,” you laughed jokingly.
“That I would.”
He lifted your hand resting on his arm slightly, to press a kiss to your knuckles. And there goes your blush again.
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deanmiles13 · 6 years ago
This was to be some weekend…. 
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It started with a road trip up to Seattle to see The Hellacopters/Quadra Jets at the Showbox. That was a barn burner, recorded and later released on the live Sub Pop album. 
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I had seen them in Portland, and I don’t think they had a great time at E.J.’s. This time they opted to just do Seattle. 
Road Trip….
Great show with surprise guest Scott Morgan joining the Copters for two Sonic’s Rendezvous songs. 
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Afterwards I was whisked away to SeaTac Airport by good friend, Lisa Z and was on the next flight that morning to Las Vegas. Getting into Las Vegas, hungover and dead from the night before, the sun SEEMED like a refreshing thing… NOT!!!
I remember I could see my hotel, from the airport, but it was advised that I would probably die if I had tried to walk to it.
So, I got a cab, and this is before cell phones and got to the hotel. We had made plans to meet at the pool. 
It was sweltering hot and I had to get in. 
But first, had to meet my people, and then get the key to go up to the room, to change, to come back down to the pool. Las Vegas is huge….
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We were at Mandalay Bay which was awesome. A fake beach and lazy river to relax in with drinks. Pretty awesome. Getting day drunk in the heat was kinda nasty, but what the heck, I was ALL IN this weekend. The show that night was X with The Supersuckers opening up. We had an inside contact with the suckers and had passes waiting etc. I had a camera and was shooting a lot of bands at the time, so was permitted a photo pass. NICE….
We pretty much got to the show and the boys were on stage. I started shooting out in front of the stage and was immediately shut down and told I could only shoot from the stage. 
Alrighty then. NO problem. 
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Up to side stage I went and started to shoot. “Act like you’ve been there before” is my motto and I slid with it. 
Suckers are doing their Devil Rock and Roll thing and we see them off the stage and X is up next.  I still had to be on the side of the stage to shoot. NO problem.
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Especially since Jane Wiedlin was there as well, watching her old pals in X. 
The only thing was, I had NO IDEA it was her. She had on a Cleopatra wig. 
So, I kicked her drink over. 
Hey, it was sitting on the floor. I mean I apologized right away, and offered her another drink. But, she was more than cool about it. We were going Cool Places. 
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As I’m standing there taking pictures of X, a band that I was introduced to from Decline of the Western Civilization, and had been a huge fan of, and here I am standing ON STAGE basically with them. WTF indeed. 
I owe this all to Ron apparently who had given us the passes. I’m standing by Billy Zoom and he had just returned to the band making this an early version of their “Reunion”. 
The band finishes their set and we make our way back to the Suckers dressing room. I got my camera with me, but we are on a smoke brake at the moment and talking about their album that just got shelved. They were gonna write a whole batch of new stuff and Eddie mentioned they were going to write about Tucson. 
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Jan. 87 Tucson AZ article on the house I lived in. OZ House. Eddie is quoted in the article. Here is a picture of their singer Eric, who went on to be in the Black Supersucker. Then immortalized in the song Marie.
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See…. I had come to Portland from Tucson and they traded the desert for the rain around the same time. 1988. I believe we may have been “running from” the same sorta of situation in Tucson. Kids lived beyond their years down there and you found yourself knee deep in adult  situations real quick. 
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Anyway, as I’m listening to Gone Gamblin the song, it totally brings me back to the story at hand…
We were backstage and they are gonna rewrite the album etc. and Eddie says “Hey that was pretty cool that Jane Wiedlin was there tonite!” I said WHAT?!?! WHERE?!?! 
He said “Standing right by you the whole nite!!!” It suddenly hit me, it was my favorite fucking band growing up-THE GO GO’S- guitarist that I had kicked her drink. OH THE HORROR. 
My mother had driven us as kids to see them with Flock of Seagulls at Purdue University on the Vacation Tour. I LOVED THE GO GO’S.
Then all the sudden someone comes in and says “Their ready for you!” 
Eddie grabs me and says “You’re our photographer.” 
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We go down the hall a little and Billy Zoom is standing there with John Doe. Ron makes small talk with Billy and there is a bench along the wall. I jump up on the bench and Billy Zoom just looked right at the camera and did that million dollar smile. I snapped the pic, and jumped down and kept moving. Thanking Billy, we make our way into the room proper. 
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It is full of various people, but Exene is starting to stand up from this really cool chair with flames around it. Out of nowhere I ask her “Exene?!?! Would you mind sitting back down so I can get a picture of you in that cool chair?” 
She totally complied and I got up on a coffee table and shot the picture like I was from fucking Rolling Stone or something. So I’m out of my mind and again, playing it like I’ve been there before. 
We then make our way to the bathroom they had there in the dressing room. And it’s popping off!!! I saw NO DRUGS. That is 100% honest. Straight up…
But man, it was just alive. Ron kinda seemed in the center and the action and they were all in the shower goofing off with the shower head. Acting like it was a mic and singing into it. All of the sudden the disposable camera’s came out. Told you, this was pre cell phones. 
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Danny Bland was their manager and he started to hand them to me in an orderly fashion. As the Supersuckers posed with Exene and Jane, I snapped away. INCREDIBLE. Luckily I have the photo’s to prove it:)
So…. From there we make our way to the MGM Grand, which was where they all seemed to be staying. We get there and it’s packed. At 2:30am!!! 
We get in line and make small talk about what we wanna do etc. and then all of the sudden the automatic doors come open and it’s Jane with some guy who is pulling himself on the ground all the way through the lobby. I mean, like he fell out of a wheelchair and had to make his way inside somehow! 
Well, everyone is wondering WTF is going on, and is this guy ok? Jane is kinda cheering him on.. “Come on, you can do it!” Then all of the sudden, he pops up to his feet and acts as if nothing has happened. 
WTF indeed. Mommy look at me?!?!
Anyway, we make out way up to their rooms while I take a fair amount of ribbing from that hard case of the band MR. DAN BOLTON AGE ?
Trying to represent the Turbonegro, decked out in denim, Dan comes at me with “Look at this guy trying to look like Corey Hart!” 
Which was a pretty good line. I laughed.. But then again, I can laugh at myself. 
Ron, being a little cooler, was making small talk with me and I told him I just flew in from seeing the Hellacopters last nite. He gushed about how much he liked them, so I hooked him up with some extra stickers I scored. He was very gracious. 
We smoked some more weed and then proceeded to pile into a rickshaw thing that carried a load of people. I felt bad for the dude… 
But we made our way down to Binions Horseshoe to play craps. I was familiar but unfamiliar so Eddie was very patient and kind of explained the basics and I have to tell ya, I was hooked on dice for a bit.
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Anyways, we said our goodbyes by the time we got to the penny slots. 
They probably got in their van, on the dusty old road to give you two friendly beeps on that horn.
Meanwhile we were looking for that van behind CIRCUS CIRCUS that had sold us some blow earlier that night! 
Into the wayward wind I keep on traveling
I’ve gone gamblin.
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